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telnet and repl debug window placement based on terminal width

Julian Noble 6 months ago
  1. 69
  2. 36
  3. 35
  4. 36
  5. 34
  6. 22
  7. 69


@ -507,39 +507,8 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
set cursor_saved_attributes $c_saved_attributes
#background line is narrower than data in line
set overflow_handled 0
if {!$opt_overflow && !$autowrap_mode} {
#not allowed to overflow column or wrap therefore we get overflow data to truncate
if {[dict get $opts -ellipsis]} {
set show_ellipsis 1
if {!$opt_ellipsiswhitespace} {
#we don't want ellipsis if only whitespace was lost
set lostdata ""
if {$overflow_right ne ""} {
append lostdata $overflow_right
if {$unapplied ne ""} {
append lostdata $unapplied
if {[string trim $lostdata] eq ""} {
set show_ellipsis 0
#set lostdata [string range $overtext end-[expr {$overflowlength-1}] end]
if {[string trim [ansistrip $lostdata]] eq ""} {
set show_ellipsis 0
if {$show_ellipsis} {
set rendered [overtype::right $rendered $opt_ellipsistext]
set overflow_handled 1
} else {
#no wrap - no ellipsis - silently truncate
set overflow_handled 1
@ -1022,6 +991,40 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
if {!$opt_overflow && !$autowrap_mode} {
#not allowed to overflow column or wrap therefore we get overflow data to truncate
if {[dict get $opts -ellipsis]} {
set show_ellipsis 1
if {!$opt_ellipsiswhitespace} {
#we don't want ellipsis if only whitespace was lost
set lostdata ""
if {$overflow_right ne ""} {
append lostdata $overflow_right
if {$unapplied ne ""} {
append lostdata $unapplied
if {[string trim $lostdata] eq ""} {
set show_ellipsis 0
#set lostdata [string range $overtext end-[expr {$overflowlength-1}] end]
if {[string trim [ansistrip $lostdata]] eq ""} {
set show_ellipsis 0
if {$show_ellipsis} {
set rendered [overtype::right $rendered $opt_ellipsistext]
set overflow_handled 1
} else {
#no wrap - no ellipsis - silently truncate
set overflow_handled 1
if {$renderedrow <= [llength $outputlines]} {
lset outputlines [expr {$renderedrow-1}] $rendered
} else {
@ -3076,8 +3079,10 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
#puts stderr "remainder:$overflow_right"
#pdict $understacks
if {[punk::ansi::ta::detect_sgr $outstring]} {
append outstring [punk::ansi::a]
append outstring [punk::ansi::a] ;#without this - we would get for example, trailing backgrounds after rightmost column
#close off any open gx?
#probably should - and overflow_right reopen?


@ -1025,10 +1025,32 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
proc get_cursor_pos_list {} {
return [split [get_cursor_pos] ";"]
proc get_cursor_pos_list {{inoutchannels {stdin stdout}}} {
return [split [get_cursor_pos $inoutchannels] ";"]
proc get_size {} {
#todo - determine cursor on/off state before the call to restore properly. May only be possible
proc get_size {{inoutchannels {stdin stdout}}} {
lassign $inoutchannels in out
if {[catch {
#some terminals (conemu on windows) scroll the viewport when we make a big move down like this - a move to 1 1 immediately after cursor_save doesn't seem to fix that.
#This issue also occurs when switching back from the alternate screen buffer - so perhaps that needs to be addressed elsewhere.
lassign [get_cursor_pos_list $inoutchannels] start_row start_col
puts -nonewline $out [punk::ansi::cursor_off][punk::ansi::move 2000 2000]
lassign [get_cursor_pos_list $inoutchannels] lines cols
puts -nonewline $out [punk::ansi::move $start_row $start_col][punk::console::cursor_on];flush stdout
set result [list columns $cols rows $lines]
} errM]} {
puts -nonewline $out [punk::ansi::move $start_row $start_col]
puts -nonewline $out [punk::ansi::cursor_on]
error "$errM"
} else {
return $result
#faster - but uses cursor_save - which we may want to avoid if calling during another operation which uses cursor save/restore
proc get_size_cursorrestore {} {
if {[catch {
#some terminals (conemu on windows) scroll the viewport when we make a big move down like this - a move to 1 1 immediately after cursor_save doesn't seem to fix that.
#This issue also occurs when switching back from the alternate screen buffer - so perhaps that needs to be addressed elsewhere.
@ -1044,8 +1066,8 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
return $result
proc get_dimensions {} {
lassign [get_size] _c cols _l lines
proc get_dimensions {{inoutchannels {stdin stdout}}} {
lassign [get_size $inoutchannels] _c cols _l lines
return "${cols}x${lines}"
#the (xterm?) CSI 18t query is supported by *some* terminals
@ -1120,7 +1142,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
return [expr {$col2 - $col1}]
#todo! - improve
#todo! - improve ideally we want to use VT sequences to determine - and make a separate utility for testing via systemcalls/os api
proc test_can_ansi {} {
#don't set ansi_avaliable here - we want to be able to change things, retest etc.
if {"windows" eq "$::tcl_platform(platform)"} {
@ -1392,7 +1414,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
puts -nonewline stdout $commands
return ""
#we can be faster and more efficient if we use the consoles cursor_save_dec command - but each savecursor overrides any previous one.
#we can be (slightly?) faster and more efficient if we use the consoles cursor_save_dec command - but each savecursor overrides any previous one.
#leave cursor_off/cursor_on to caller who can wrap more efficiently..
proc cursorsave_move_emit_return {row col data args} {
set commands ""


@ -101,7 +101,11 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
namespace export *
variable closed
#todo - use these as defaults - provide a way to configure/listen to local events and notify server
variable consolewidth ;#entire console width - checked only at each telnet start for performance reasons (as we don't yet have sigwinch for unix, and on windows we don't yet have an equivalent)
#consolewidth should be about 80 cols wider than the window_cols setting if debug on same screen is to be used. (debug pane on RHS of screen)
#todo - launch a separate telnet server (or something) and allow debugging to a totally separate window that can be monitored with another telnet client - review
#todo - use these as defaults - provide a way to configure/listen to local events and notify server (sigwinch unix, unknown windows)
set window_cols 80
set window_rows 25
@ -199,7 +203,7 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
dict set optioncodes 43 [list name "Telnet Remote Serial Port (RSP)" short "RSP"]
dict set optioncodes 44 [list name "Com Port Control Option"]
dict set optioncodes 45 [list name "Telnet Supress Local Echo" short "no-local-echo"]
dict set optioncodes 46 [list name "Telnet Start TLS" short "starttls"]
dict set optioncodes 46 [list name "Telnet Start TLS" short "start_tls"]
dict set optioncodes 47 [list name "KERMIT"]
dict set optioncodes 48 [list name "SEND-URL"]
dict set optioncodes 49 [list name "FORWARD_X"]
@ -378,6 +382,7 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
proc debug_frame {info inputchannel outputchannel} {
variable consolewidth
variable encoding_guess
variable terminal_type
variable writing_debug_frame
@ -401,10 +406,10 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
#set existing_handler [fileevent stdin readable]
set RST "\x1b\[m"
set w 80
set infoframe [textblock::frame -width $w -ansiborder [a+ green bold] -title "[a cyan]Telnet Debug $terminal_type (encoding guess:$encoding_guess)$RST" $info]
set debug_width 80
set infoframe [textblock::frame -width $debug_width -ansiborder [a+ green bold] -title "[a cyan]Telnet Debug $terminal_type (encoding guess:$encoding_guess)$RST" $info]
#set w [textblock::width $infoframe]
set spacepatch "$RST[textblock::block $w 4 { }]"
set spacepatch "$RST[textblock::block $debug_width 4 { }]"
#puts -nonewline [punk::ansi::cursor_off]
#use non cursorsave version - slower - but less likely to interfere with cursor operations in data
@ -417,10 +422,11 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
if {[catch {
#punk::console::move_emitblock_return 6 90 $spacepatch\n$infoframe
punk::console::move_emitblock_return 6 90 $spacepatch
set debug_offset [expr {$consolewidth - $debug_width}]
punk::console::move_emitblock_return 6 $debug_offset $spacepatch
flush stdout
punk::console::move_emitblock_return 10 90 $infoframe
punk::console::move_emitblock_return 10 $debug_offset $infoframe
flush stdout
#puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::cursor_on] ;#Enabling cursor should take account of whether it was enabled before - we don't have that info currently! review
} errM]} {
@ -452,6 +458,19 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
proc telnet {{server localhost} {port telnet}} {
variable debug
variable consolewidth ;#note - this is not terminal width for the telnet output - which needs to be about 80cols narrower if debug is to be displayed on same screen
set consolewidth [dict get [punk::console::get_size] columns]
if {$debug && $consolewidth-$::punk::basictelnet::window_cols < 80} {
puts stderr "Terminal width not wide enough for debug_window width: 80 + telnet window_cols:$::punk::basictelnet::window_cols"
puts stderr "Turn off debug, or make terminal window wider"
} elseif {$consolewidth < $::punk::basictelnet::window_cols} {
puts stderr "Terminal width is less than telnet window_cols:$::punk::basictelnet::window_cols"
puts stderr "Ensure terminal is greater than or equal to punk::basictelnet::window_cols"
#todo - allow telnet with channels other than stdin/stdout - and multiple sessions - per session option_states
set sock [socket $server $port]


@ -1025,10 +1025,32 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
proc get_cursor_pos_list {} {
return [split [get_cursor_pos] ";"]
proc get_cursor_pos_list {{inoutchannels {stdin stdout}}} {
return [split [get_cursor_pos $inoutchannels] ";"]
proc get_size {} {
#todo - determine cursor on/off state before the call to restore properly. May only be possible
proc get_size {{inoutchannels {stdin stdout}}} {
lassign $inoutchannels in out
if {[catch {
#some terminals (conemu on windows) scroll the viewport when we make a big move down like this - a move to 1 1 immediately after cursor_save doesn't seem to fix that.
#This issue also occurs when switching back from the alternate screen buffer - so perhaps that needs to be addressed elsewhere.
lassign [get_cursor_pos_list $inoutchannels] start_row start_col
puts -nonewline $out [punk::ansi::cursor_off][punk::ansi::move 2000 2000]
lassign [get_cursor_pos_list $inoutchannels] lines cols
puts -nonewline $out [punk::ansi::move $start_row $start_col][punk::console::cursor_on];flush stdout
set result [list columns $cols rows $lines]
} errM]} {
puts -nonewline $out [punk::ansi::move $start_row $start_col]
puts -nonewline $out [punk::ansi::cursor_on]
error "$errM"
} else {
return $result
#faster - but uses cursor_save - which we may want to avoid if calling during another operation which uses cursor save/restore
proc get_size_cursorrestore {} {
if {[catch {
#some terminals (conemu on windows) scroll the viewport when we make a big move down like this - a move to 1 1 immediately after cursor_save doesn't seem to fix that.
#This issue also occurs when switching back from the alternate screen buffer - so perhaps that needs to be addressed elsewhere.
@ -1044,8 +1066,8 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
return $result
proc get_dimensions {} {
lassign [get_size] _c cols _l lines
proc get_dimensions {{inoutchannels {stdin stdout}}} {
lassign [get_size $inoutchannels] _c cols _l lines
return "${cols}x${lines}"
#the (xterm?) CSI 18t query is supported by *some* terminals
@ -1120,7 +1142,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
return [expr {$col2 - $col1}]
#todo! - improve
#todo! - improve ideally we want to use VT sequences to determine - and make a separate utility for testing via systemcalls/os api
proc test_can_ansi {} {
#don't set ansi_avaliable here - we want to be able to change things, retest etc.
if {"windows" eq "$::tcl_platform(platform)"} {
@ -1392,7 +1414,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
puts -nonewline stdout $commands
return ""
#we can be faster and more efficient if we use the consoles cursor_save_dec command - but each savecursor overrides any previous one.
#we can be (slightly?) faster and more efficient if we use the consoles cursor_save_dec command - but each savecursor overrides any previous one.
#leave cursor_off/cursor_on to caller who can wrap more efficiently..
proc cursorsave_move_emit_return {row col data args} {
set commands ""


@ -1843,6 +1843,17 @@ proc repl::repl_process_data {inputchan type chunk stdinlines prompt_config} {
if {[set ::punk::console::ansi_available]} {
package require textblock
#experimental - use punk::console::get_size to determine current visible width.
#This should ideally be using sigwinch or some equivalent to set a value somewhere.
#testing each time is very inefficient (1+ms)
#unfortunately there isn't an easy way to get such an event on windows console based systems - REVIEW.
set do_checkwidth 1 ;#make configurable if performance hit is too severe? TODO
if {$do_checkwidth} {
set consolewidth [dict get [punk::console::get_size] columns]
} else {
set consolewidth 132 ;#todo - something better!
set debug_width 0
if {$::punk::repl::debug_repl > 0} {
set lastc [string index $chunk end]
set lastc [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $lastc]
@ -1866,12 +1877,13 @@ proc repl::repl_process_data {inputchan type chunk stdinlines prompt_config} {
} else {
set info [textblock::frame -ansiborder [a+ green bold] -title "[a cyan]debugview_raw[a]" $info]
set w [textblock::width $info]
set spacepatch [textblock::block $w 2 " "]
set debug_width [textblock::width $info]
set spacepatch [textblock::block $debug_width 2 " "]
puts -nonewline [punk::ansi::cursor_off]
#use non cursorsave versions as test
punk::console::move_emitblock_return 8 120 $spacepatch
punk::console::move_emitblock_return 10 120 $info
#use non cursorsave versions - cursor save/restore will interfere with any concurrent ansi rendering that uses save/restore - because save/restore is a single item, not a stack.
set debug_offset [[expr {$consolewidth - $debug_width - 2}]]
punk::console::move_emitblock_return 8 $debug_offset $spacepatch
punk::console::move_emitblock_return 10 $debug_offset $info
puts -nonewline [punk::ansi::cursor_on]
if {[catch {
@ -1886,16 +1898,18 @@ proc repl::repl_process_data {inputchan type chunk stdinlines prompt_config} {
set info [textblock::frame -title "[a red]error[a]" "$editbuf_error\n$::errorInfo"]
} else {
set title "[a cyan]editbuf lines [$editbuf linecount][a]"
append title "[a+ yellow bold] col:[$editbuf cursor_column] row:[$editbuf cursor_row][a]"
append title "[a+ yellow bold] col:[format %3s [$editbuf cursor_column]] row:[$editbuf cursor_row][a]"
set row1 " lastchar:[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 [$editbuf last_char]] lastgrapheme:[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 [$editbuf last_grapheme]]"
set row2 " lastansi:[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 [$editbuf last_ansi]]"
set info [a+ green bold]$row1\n$row2[a]\n$info
set info [textblock::frame -ansiborder [a+ green bold] -title $title $info]
set w [textblock::width $info]
set spacepatch [textblock::block $w 2 " "]
punk::console::cursorsave_move_emitblock_return 8 40 $spacepatch
punk::console::cursorsave_move_emitblock_return 10 40 $info
set editbuf_width [textblock::width $info]
set spacepatch [textblock::block $editbuf_width 2 " "]
set editbuf_offset [expr {$consolewidth - $debug_width - $editbuf_width - 2}]
punk::console::cursorsave_move_emitblock_return 8 $editbuf_offset $spacepatch
punk::console::cursorsave_move_emitblock_return 10 $editbuf_offset $info


@ -416,13 +416,14 @@ namespace eval textblock {
-subtitle ""\
-width ""\
-ansiborder ""\
-ansibase ""\
-align "left"\
-ellipsis 1\
set opts [dict merge $defaults $arglist]
foreach {k v} $opts {
switch -- $k {
-etabs - -type - -title - -subtitle - -width - -ansiborder - -align - -ellipsis {}
-etabs - -type - -title - -subtitle - -width - -ansiborder - -ansibase - -align - -ellipsis {}
default {
error "frame option '$k' not understood. Valid options are [dict keys $defaults]"
@ -472,6 +473,7 @@ namespace eval textblock {
#these are all valid commands for overtype::<cmd>
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_ansiborder [dict get $opts -ansiborder]
set opt_ansibase [dict get $opts -ansibase] ;#experimental
set opt_ellipsis [dict get $opts -ellipsis]
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -505,7 +507,10 @@ namespace eval textblock {
#todo - render it with vertical overflow so we can process ansi moves?
set linecount [textblock::height $contents]
set rst [a]
set column [string repeat " " $contentwidth] ;#default - may need to override for custom frame
#set column [string repeat " " $contentwidth] ;#default - may need to override for custom frame
set underlayline [string repeat " " $contentwidth]
set underlay [::join [lrepeat $linecount $underlayline] \n]
switch -- $opt_type {
"altg" {
#old style ansi escape sequences with alternate graphics page G0
@ -643,7 +648,9 @@ namespace eval textblock {
set tbarwidth [expr {$opt_width - $tlc_width - $trc_width}]
set bbarwidth [expr {$opt_width - $blc_width - $brc_width}]
set column [string repeat " " $contentwidth]
#set column [string repeat " " $contentwidth]
set underlayline [string repeat " " $contentwidth]
set underlay [::join [lrepeat $linecount $underlayline] \n]
if {$hlt_width == 1} {
set tbar [string repeat $hlt $tbarwidth]
@ -692,9 +699,14 @@ namespace eval textblock {
} else {
set bottombar $bbar
if {$opt_ansibase eq ""} {
set rstbase [a]
} else {
set rstbase [a]$opt_ansibase
append fs $tlc$topbar$trc\n
set inner [overtype::$opt_align -ellipsis $opt_ellipsis $column $contents]
set body [textblock::join -- $lhs $inner $rhs]
set inner [overtype::$opt_align -ellipsis $opt_ellipsis $opt_ansibase$underlay$rstbase $opt_ansibase$contents$rstbase]
set body [textblock::join -- $lhs $opt_ansibase$inner$rstbase $rhs]
append fs $body
append fs \n $blc$bottombar$brc


@ -507,39 +507,8 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
set cursor_saved_attributes $c_saved_attributes
#background line is narrower than data in line
set overflow_handled 0
if {!$opt_overflow && !$autowrap_mode} {
#not allowed to overflow column or wrap therefore we get overflow data to truncate
if {[dict get $opts -ellipsis]} {
set show_ellipsis 1
if {!$opt_ellipsiswhitespace} {
#we don't want ellipsis if only whitespace was lost
set lostdata ""
if {$overflow_right ne ""} {
append lostdata $overflow_right
if {$unapplied ne ""} {
append lostdata $unapplied
if {[string trim $lostdata] eq ""} {
set show_ellipsis 0
#set lostdata [string range $overtext end-[expr {$overflowlength-1}] end]
if {[string trim [ansistrip $lostdata]] eq ""} {
set show_ellipsis 0
if {$show_ellipsis} {
set rendered [overtype::right $rendered $opt_ellipsistext]
set overflow_handled 1
} else {
#no wrap - no ellipsis - silently truncate
set overflow_handled 1
@ -1022,6 +991,40 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
if {!$opt_overflow && !$autowrap_mode} {
#not allowed to overflow column or wrap therefore we get overflow data to truncate
if {[dict get $opts -ellipsis]} {
set show_ellipsis 1
if {!$opt_ellipsiswhitespace} {
#we don't want ellipsis if only whitespace was lost
set lostdata ""
if {$overflow_right ne ""} {
append lostdata $overflow_right
if {$unapplied ne ""} {
append lostdata $unapplied
if {[string trim $lostdata] eq ""} {
set show_ellipsis 0
#set lostdata [string range $overtext end-[expr {$overflowlength-1}] end]
if {[string trim [ansistrip $lostdata]] eq ""} {
set show_ellipsis 0
if {$show_ellipsis} {
set rendered [overtype::right $rendered $opt_ellipsistext]
set overflow_handled 1
} else {
#no wrap - no ellipsis - silently truncate
set overflow_handled 1
if {$renderedrow <= [llength $outputlines]} {
lset outputlines [expr {$renderedrow-1}] $rendered
} else {
@ -3076,8 +3079,10 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
#puts stderr "remainder:$overflow_right"
#pdict $understacks
if {[punk::ansi::ta::detect_sgr $outstring]} {
append outstring [punk::ansi::a]
append outstring [punk::ansi::a] ;#without this - we would get for example, trailing backgrounds after rightmost column
#close off any open gx?
#probably should - and overflow_right reopen?
