#normalize 8bit to a token of the same length so our string operations on the code are the same and we can maintain a switch statement with literals rather than escapes
#.. but preserve original c
set cnorm [string map [list \x9b {8[} ] $c]
switch -- [string index $cnorm 1][string index $cnorm end] {
{[m} {
set params [string range $cnorm 2 end-1] ;#strip leading esc lb and trailing m
#set cnorm [string map [list \x9b {8[} ] $c]
#switch -- [string index $cnorm 1][string index $cnorm end] {}
#has_sgr_reset - rather than support this function - create an sgr normalize function that removes dead params and brings reset to front of param list?
#normalize 8bit to a token of the same length so our string operations on the code are the same and we can maintain a switch statement with literals rather than escapes
#.. but preserve original c
set cnorm [string map [list \x9b {8[} ] $c]
switch -- [string index $cnorm 1][string index $cnorm end] {
{[m} {
set params [string range $cnorm 2 end-1] ;#strip leading esc lb and trailing m
#set cnorm [string map [list \x9b {8[} ] $c]
#switch -- [string index $cnorm 1][string index $cnorm end] {}
#has_sgr_reset - rather than support this function - create an sgr normalize function that removes dead params and brings reset to front of param list?
#define our positive responses here for those that we will do
variable respond_will_do
set respond_will_do [list]
#lappend respond_will_do 0 ;#binary
lappend respond_will_do 0 ;#binary
lappend respond_will_do 1 ;#echo
lappend respond_will_do 3 ;#suppress go-ahead
lappend respond_will_do 5 ;#status - by agreeing to this we should be able to read unsolicited "IAC SB STATUS IS ... IAC SE" reports and compare to our perception of state. (and do something if mismatches?)
#passively enabled client features - requests for our own behaviours we will respond positively
variable respond_do_will
set respond_do_will [list]
#lappend respond_do_will 0 ;#binary
lappend respond_do_will 0 ;#binary
lappend respond_do_will 3 ;#Suppress go-ahead
lappend respond_do_will 5 ;#status - by agreeing to this - we need to handle the subnegotiation "IAC SB STATUS SEND IAC SE" and respond with "IAC SB STATUS IS ... IAC SE"
set opt_exposed2 [dict get $opts -exposed2] ;#widechar_exposed_right - todo
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
#a hack until we work out how to avoid infinite loops...
set looplimit [dict get $opts -looplimit]
# ----------------------------
# -experimental dev flag to set flags etc
# ----------------------------
@ -345,6 +341,9 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
#set underlines [split $underblock \n]
#underblock is a 'rendered' block - so width height make sense
#colwidth & colheight were originally named with reference to rendering into a 'column' of output e.g a table column - before cursor row/col was implemented.
#The naming is now confusing. It should be something like renderwidth renderheight ?? review