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Julian Noble ab43137c29 add punk::imap4 pkg, promise pkg, console/cesu/args updates 4 days ago
.fossil-custom update .gitignore, .fossil-custom, .fossil-settings 1 year ago
.fossil-settings update .gitignore and .fossil-settings/ignore-glob to ignore src/docgen 1 year ago
bin improved multishell script wrap, fix docs, fix unix launch, etc 1 year ago
callbacks add punk::imap4 pkg, promise pkg, console/cesu/args updates 4 days ago
scriptlib add punk::imap4 pkg, promise pkg, console/cesu/args updates 4 days ago
src add punk::imap4 pkg, promise pkg, console/cesu/args updates 4 days ago
.gitignore gitignore .vscode 6 months ago update to show compositing_ansi.png 5 months ago
compositing_ansi.png compositing_ansi.png for 5 months ago
hype_roysac.png update - + ansi art image with copyleft license courtesy of 5 months ago
punk1.ico change project icon 2 years ago
punk1.png change project icon 2 years ago
punk1_transparent.png change project icon 2 years ago

punkshell - an alternative Tcl Shell

BSD license

2023-08 Note: this is alpha level software and still highly experimental.


  • default ansi color output - toggle with 'colour on' and 'colour off' (or set NO_COLOR environment variable)
  • rendering of old-school Ansi art (cp437) in the terminal Ansi art courtesy of
  • Relatively easy compositing of text blocks containing Ansi colour codes - (or rendered versions of ansi containing movement and other controls)
    proc welcome_test {} {
        package require textblock
        package require punk::ansi
        package require overtype
        set ansi        [textblock::join -- " " [punk::ansi::ansicat src/testansi/publicdomain/roysac/roy-welc.ans 80x8]]
        # Ansi art courtesy of Carsten Cumbrowski aka Roy/SAC -
        set table       [[textblock::spantest] print]
        set punks       [a+ web-lawngreen][>punk . lhs][a]\n\n[a+ rgb#FFFF00][>punk . rhs][a]
        set ipunks      [overtype::renderspace -width [textblock::width $punks] [punk::ansi::enable_inverse]$punks]
        set testblock   [textblock::testblock 15 rainbow]
        set contents    $ansi\n[textblock::join -- "  " $table "  " $punks " " $testblock " " $ipunks " " $punks] 
        set framed      [textblock::frame -type arc -title [a+ cyan]Compositing[a] -subtitle [a+ red]ANSI[a] -ansiborder [a+ web-orange] $contents]

textblock composition of Ansi strings

  • experimental functional/pattern-matching language features. (will not be performant until more work is done on script compilation)
    e.g.1 basic pipeline with 2 segments
    var_pipe_output.= var_list.= list a b c |> string toupper
    e.g.2 basic pattern-match multi-assignment to variables x y & z
    x@0,y@1,z@2.= list a b c equivalently: x@,y@,z@.= list a b c or even x@,y@,z@= {a b c}
    x/0,y/1,z/2,zz/3.= list a b c is similar - but the use of forward-slash instead of @ will not produce a mismatch if an index is out of range.
    where .= indicates following arguments form a command, and a plain = accepts only a single argument as a value
    The diminutive case of this is x= "something" as equivalent to set x "something"
    Assignment operations and pattern-matches are slightly optimised to bytecompile, but are unlikely to compete with raw Tcl commands performance-wise.
    e.g.3 destructuring pattern-match. Get value of key 'k1' from last item in a list of dicts.
    x@end/@@k1.= list {k1 aaa} {k1 bb} returns bbb

    There are many more pattern-matching features yet to be documented.

  • easy execution of externals commands with return of stdout, stderr and the exitcode of the process
    The run... commands use a very basic repl-telemetry system to output more information to the console than just the return value,
    but in a way which makes the return value clear. The telemetry only outputs if the command is the first word on the commandline.

    • run <comand> ...
      (return exitcode of process - and allows process writes to stderr/stdout to appear in console as they occur)
    • runout [-n] <command> ...
      (return stdout of process - no output until completion)
    • runerr [-n] <command> ...
      (return stderr of process - no output until completion)
    • runx [-n] <command> ... (return a dict of stdout stderr exitcode - no output until completion)

    The run... commands attempt to make it clear if a called process outputs a trailing newline by displaying a trailing blank line.
    The optional -n argument can be used to suppress a trailing newline. runout -n pwd is thus similar to Tcl's exec pwd
    For simple cases exec <command> is fine - but the equivalent runout -n <command> when used in the shell will display exitcode and stderr separately (whilst returning only stdout) exec will return stdout and stderr together.
    If you are on a unix-like platform, or a windows platform which has something like msys2 to provide commands like 'which' and 'grep' in the path:
    Try runx -n which grep nonexistant vs exec which grep nonexistant to see the difference in terms of easy access to what was written to stderr vs stdout.
    The run... commands are intended as a supplement for rather than a replacement for Tcl's exec/open.

  • namespace browser (contextual - allowing running of commands within the active namespace - analogous to 'cd' for directories)

    • n/ - display child namespaces of current namespace (alias :/)
      also n/ <globpattern> to restrict output
    • n/ <childns> - if the argument doesn't contain glob chars '*' or '?' - attempt to switch to a child namespace of that name. Analogous to cd <dir>
      list any sub namespaces of the namespace we just switched to.
    • n// - display child namespaces and commands (alias ://)
      with colourised indication of type such as proc,alias,ensemble,oo object,oo class,imported,exported where possible.
      (renamed aliases and builtins and commands loaded from binaries will appear unmarked)
    • nn/ - move up one namespace towards root namespace '::' analogous to cd .. (alias ::/)
    • n/new <somename> - create a child namespace called 'somename' and switch to it in one operation. (alias :/new)
  • cross-platform alternative to cd & ls/dir without invoking child processes. Display colourised listing of dirs and folders - with vfs indication.

    • d/ - list current directory (alias ./)
      also d/ <globpattern> to restrict output
    • d/ <subdir> - switch to subdir and list contents in one operation
    • dd/ - move up one directory and output listing. Roughly equivalent to cd .. followed by dir or ls (alias ../)
    • d/new <folder> - create a child directory and switch to it in one operation. (alias ./new <folder>)


  • raw mode REPL (read-eval-print-loop) to allow commandline completion etc. Initial version is linemode. (intention is to allow different REPLs to be plugged)
  • documentation!
  • tests
  • signal handling on unix-like platforms (ctrl-c implemented on windows only)

very unripe parts:

  • commandline options - in need of urgent work to document and lock down specifics - in particular: punkshell somescript.tcl needs a fix to emit errors.
  • shellfilter - api is clumsy
  • scriptlib - will likely be reorganised/pruned significantly