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Julian Noble 2 years ago
  1. 7
  2. 356
  3. 51
  4. 54
  5. 32
  6. 77
  7. 118
  8. 2317
  9. 2
  10. 19
  11. 3
  12. 11
  13. 47
  14. 78
  15. 11
  16. 3
  17. 259
  18. 2693
  19. 157
  20. 428
  21. 241
  22. 2453
  23. 595
  24. BIN
  25. 3
  26. 820
  27. 3
  28. 717
  29. 29
  30. 1160
  31. 28
  32. 114
  33. 1873
  34. 254
  35. 4238
  36. 736
  37. 3457
  38. 624
  39. 1390
  40. 391
  41. 718
  42. 236
  43. 623
  44. 605
  45. 403
  46. 745
  47. 75
  48. 103
  49. 1124
  50. 467
  51. 1213
  52. 984
  53. 119
  54. 136
  55. 58
  56. 2028
  57. 191
  58. 490
  59. 458
  60. 2385
  61. 1187
  62. 966
  63. 627
  64. 801
  65. 616
  66. 94
  67. 1296
  68. 858
  69. BIN
  70. 11
  71. 1430
  72. 131
  73. 304
  74. 113
  75. 223
  76. 9
  77. BIN
  78. 127
  79. BIN
  80. 333
  81. 12
  82. BIN
  83. BIN
  84. 2
  85. BIN
  86. BIN
  87. 2
  88. 29
  89. BIN
  90. 1856
  91. 2
  92. 134
  93. 188
  94. 145
  95. 180
  96. 151
  97. 26
  98. 119
  99. 4033
  100. 227
  101. Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@


@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
namespace eval shellspy::callbacks {
package require shellfilter
#each member of args - ist not itself a list - and cannot be treated as one.
#things like [concat {*}args] will generall break things further down the line
proc cmdshellb {args} {
shellfilter::log::open callback_cmdb {-syslog}
shellfilter::log::write callback_cmdb "cmdshellb got [llength $args] arguments"
shellfilter::log::write callback_cmdb "cmdshellb got '$args'"
if {[lindex $args 0] eq "cmdb"} {
set curlyparts [lrange $args 1 end]
shellfilter::log::write callback_cmdb "cmdshellb curlyparts '$curlyparts'"
#we lose grouping info by joining like this..
#set tail [string trim [join $curlyparts " "]]
set tailinfo [shellfilter::list_element_info $curlyparts]
shellfilter::log::write callback_cmdb "cmdshellb tailinfo '$tailinfo'"
#% set y {{"c:/test/etc"} true {'blah1'} {'blah 2'}}
#% lappend y \\\\\\
#{"c:/test/etc"} true {'blah1'} {'blah 2'} \\\\\\
#% foreach i [shellfilter::list_element_info $y] {puts $i}
# 0
# wouldbrace 1 wouldescape 0 has_braces 0 has_inner_braces 0 apparentwrap doublequotes head_tail_chars {{"} {"}} head_tail_names {dq dq} len 13 difflen 2
# 1
# wouldbrace 0 wouldescape 0 has_braces 0 has_inner_braces 0 apparentwrap not-determined head_tail_chars {t e} head_tail_names {t e} len 4 difflen 0
# 2
# wouldbrace 0 wouldescape 0 has_braces 0 has_inner_braces 0 apparentwrap singlequotes head_tail_chars {' '} head_tail_names {sqote sqote} len 7 difflen 0
# 3
# wouldbrace 1 wouldescape 0 has_braces 0 has_inner_braces 0 apparentwrap singlequotes head_tail_chars {' '} head_tail_names {sqote sqote} len 8 difflen 2
# 4
# wouldbrace 0 wouldescape 1 has_braces 0 has_inner_braces 0 apparentwrap not-determined head_tail_chars {\\ \\} head_tail_names {\\ \\} len 3 difflen 3
#sample arglist - 7 items
#git -C C:/repo/3p/ansi-to-html --literal-pathspecs log --parents --topo-order --no-color --pretty=format:__START\%n\%h\%n\%p\%n\%D\%n\%ad\ \[\%h\]\ \{\%an\}\%d\ \%s --date=iso --no-merges --max-count=2000 -- )
#complex method.. lists at levels..
set taillist [list]
set level 0 ;#bracket depth.. incr each opening bracket "("
set leveldict [dict create]
dict set leveldict 0 [list]
#simpler method.. string
set output ""
dict for {idx info} $tailinfo {
set item [lindex $curlyparts $idx]
set itemlen [string length $item]
if {[dict get $info apparentwrap] eq "brackets"} {
set chars [split $item ""]
set opening [lsearch -all $chars "("]
set closing [lsearch -all $chars ")"]
if {[llength $opening] == [llength $closing]} {
#dict lappend leveldict 0 $item ;#element individually wrapped in brackets and balanced, pass through
append output "$item "
} else {
#robustness warning: we examine outer brackets only, and are ignoring that things like {((a)(b)} {((a)(b}
# are composed of multiple elements for now .. as there should have been a space between the (a) & (b) elements anyway,
# in which case we would only see things like {((a)} or {(a}
set ltrimmed [string trimleft $item "("]
set countleft [expr {$itemlen - [string length $ltrimmed]}]
set rtrimmed [string trimright $item ")"]
set countright [expr {$itemlen - [string length $rtrimmed]}]
#simpler method..
append output "$item "
} else {
set lcharname [lindex [dict get $info head_tail_names] 0]
set rcharname [lindex [dict get $info head_tail_names] 1]
if {$lcharname eq "lbracket"} {
set ltrimmed [string trimleft $item "("]
set countleft [expr {$itemlen - [string length $ltrimmed]}]
set braces [string repeat "(" $countleft]
set testlist [list]
lappend testlist $ltrimmed
set testinfo [shellfilter::list_element_info $testlist]
set testelement [dict get $testinfo 0]
if {[dict get $testelement wouldbrace]} {
#append output "${braces}\"$ltrimmed\" "
append output "${braces} $ltrimmed "
} else {
append output "${braces} $ltrimmed "
} elseif {$rcharname eq "rbracket"} {
set rtrimmed [string trimright $item ")" ]
set countright [expr {$itemlen - [string length $rtrimmed]}]
set braces [string repeat ")" $countright]
set testlist [list]
lappend testlist $rtrimmed
set testinfo [shellfilter::list_element_info $testlist]
set testelement [dict get $testinfo 0]
if {[dict get $testelement wouldbrace]} {
#append output "\"$rtrimmed\"${braces} "
if {[string first " " $rtrimmed] > 0} {
append output "\"$rtrimmed\" ${braces} "
} else {
append output "$rtrimmed ${braces} "
} else {
append output "${rtrimmed} ${braces} "
} else {
set testlist [list]
lappend testlist $item
set testinfo [shellfilter::list_element_info $testlist]
set testelement [dict get $testinfo 0]
if {[dict get $testelement wouldbrace]} {
#append output "\"$item\" "
if {[string first " " $item] > 0} {
append output "\"$item\" "
} else {
append output "$item "
} else {
append output "$item "
shellfilter::log::write callback_cmdb "cmdshellb about to parse_cmd_brackets '$output'"
#$output now has quoted all items that 'wouldbrace'
set curly_list [shellfilter::parse_cmd_brackets $output]
if {[llength $curly_list] == 1} {
#we expect the whole set of arguments was wrapped in a set of brackets
set curly_items [lindex $curly_list 0]
} else {
#unexpected.. root level of string had multiple bracketed sections
#try using the curly_list directly warn?
set curly_items $curly_list
# ((c:\lua\luajit.exe -v) > C:\Users\sleek\AppData\Local\Temp\V7NCBF.tmp)
# {{{c:\lua\luajit.exe} -v} > {C:\Users\sleek\AppData\Local\Temp\V7NCBF.tmp}}
#what is the proper way to flatten?
set comspec [lindex $curly_items 0]
if {[llength $comspec] >1} {
set commandlist [concat $comspec [lrange $curly_items 1 end]]
} else {
set commandlist $curly_items
set commandlist [floghack_singlearg callback_cmdb {*}$commandlist]
return $commandlist
} else {
shellfilter::log::write callback_cmdb "first arg: [lindex $args 0] vs 'cmdb'"
error "first arg: [lindex $args 0] vs 'cmdb'"
#return $args
proc cmdshell {args} {
if {[catch {
set args [floghack_singlearg callback_cmdshell {*}$args]
} errMsg]} {
error "FLOGHACK callback_cmdshell error $errMsg"
#set args [concat [lindex $args 0] [lrange $args 1 end]]
return $args
proc cmdshelluc {args} {
if {[catch {
set args [floghack_singlearg callback_cmdshelluc {*}$args]
} errMsg]} {
error "FLOGHACK callback_cmdshelluc error $errMsg"
#set args [concat [lindex $args 0] [lrange $args 1 end]]
return $args
proc powershell {args} {
if {[catch {
set args [floghack "callback_powershell" {*}$args]
} errMsg]} {
error "FLOGHACK callback_powershell error $errMsg"
return $args
proc raw {args} {
if {[catch {
set args [floghack_singlearg "callback_raw" {*}$args]
} errMsg]} {
error "FLOGHACK callback_raw error $errMsg"
#set args [concat [split [lindex $args 0]] [lrange $args 1 end]] ;#definitely bad!
return $args
#hack for c: drive - extend as necessary
#todo - customize!
# various hacks may be necessary for home dirs temp files etc!
proc sh {args} {
if {[catch {
set args [floghack callback_sh {*}$args]
} errMsg]} {
error "FLOGHACK callback_sh error $errMsg"
set final [list]
foreach a $args {
if {[string match -nocase {*c:/*} $a]} {
set a [string map [list {c:/} {/c/}] $a]
lappend final $a
} elseif {[string match -nocase {*c:\\*} $a]} {
set a [string map [list \\ / ] $a]
set a [string map [list {c:/} {/c/} {C:/} {/C/}] $a]
lappend final $a
} else {
lappend final $a
return $final
proc wsl {args} {
set args [floghack_singlearg callback_wsl {*}$args]
#wsl bash-style /mnt/c paths to be convertd
set args [convert_mnt_win {*}$args]
#review - seems bad
#flatten first element which arrives wrapped
#set args [concat [lindex $args 0] [lrange $args 1 end]]
return $args
proc bash {args} {
set args [floghack callback_bash {*}$args]
return [convert_mnt_win {*}$args]
#helper functions
proc convert_mnt_win {args} {
set final [list]
foreach a $args {
if {[string match -nocase {*c:\\*} $a]} {
set a [string map [list \\ / ] $a]
#bash seems to be strict about lowercase /mnt/c
if {[string match -nocase {*c:/*} $a]} {
set a [string map [list {c:/} {/mnt/c/} {C:/} {/mnt/c/}] $a]
lappend final $a
shellfilter::log::write callback_convert_mnt_win "convert_mnt_win commandlist '$final'"
return $final
#when we get the git command and args together as one element in the commandlist
proc floghack_singlearg {logtag args} {
#return $args
shellfilter::log::write $logtag "floghack_singlearg got $logtag '$args'"
set newargs [list]
foreach a $args {
if {[string match "*pretty=format:__START*" $a]} {
set a [string map [list "pretty=format:__" "pretty=format:\"__"] $a]
set a [string map [list " --date=" "\" --date="] $a]
set a [string map [list \\ ""] $a] ;# a bad idea?
lappend newargs $a
} else {
lappend newargs $a
shellfilter::log::write $logtag "floghack_singlearg hacked commandlist '$newargs'"
return $newargs
proc floghack {logtag args} {
#return $args
shellfilter::log::write $logtag "floghack got [llength $args] args: '$args'"
set indent " "
set i 0
foreach a $args {
shellfilter::log::write $logtag "floghack ${indent}$i $a"
incr i
#Flog/luajit hack
#wrong way
#if {[string first "pretty=format:__START" $args] > 0} {
# set args [string map [list "pretty=format:" "pretty=format:'" " --date=" "' --date=" ] $args]
set newargs [list]
set pretty ""
set pstart [lsearch $args "--pretty=format:__START*"]
set pafter [lsearch $args "--date=*"]
if {$pstart > 0} {
set newargs [lrange $args 0 $pstart-1]
set parts [lrange $args $pstart $pafter-1]
set i 1
foreach p $parts {
if {$i == 1} {
set pretty [string map [list "format:__" "format:\"__"] $p]
#set pretty $p
} else {
append pretty " $p"
if {$i == [llength $parts]} {
append pretty "\""
incr i
set pretty [string map [list \\ ""] $pretty]
lappend newargs $pretty
#lappend newargs "--pretty=format:%h"
set newargs [concat $newargs [lrange $args $pafter end]] ;#concat of 2 lists.. should be ok
} else {
set newargs $args
shellfilter::log::write $logtag "floghack hacked commandlist '$newargs'"
return $newargs


@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
namespace eval shellspy::parameters {
proc cmdshellb {paramdict} {
return [commonset params_cmdshellb $paramdict]
proc cmdshell {paramdict} {
return [commonset params_cmdshell $paramdict]
proc powershell {paramdict} {
return [commonset params_powershell $paramdict]
proc raw {paramdict} {
return [commonset params_raw $paramdict]
proc wsl {paramdict} {
return [commonset params_wsl $paramdict]
proc bash {paramdict} {
return [commonset params_bash $paramdict]
proc sh {paramdict} {
return [commonset params_sh $paramdict]
proc commonset {logtag paramdict} {
#timeout for launched process
dict set paramdict -timeout 60000
#prefix for each stdout line - for debugging if this output being mixed with some other
dict set paramdict -outprefix ""
#prefix for each stderr line - also usually best left blank
dict set paramdict -errprefix ""
#put extra info to the log outputs (by default goes to syslog 514)
dict set paramdict -debug 0
dict set paramdict -outbuffering none
dict set paramdict -inbuffering none
#if at tail end of commandline there is a > or >> redirection to a file that contains 'temp'
# make a '_copy' version e.g for something/temp/blah.tmp
# create something/temp/blah_copy.tmp
# this is for pipelines where some other process deletes the original temp file but you want a copy
# to review/debug.
dict set paramdict -copytempfile 1
shellfilter::log::write $logtag "base parameters: $paramdict"
return $paramdict


@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
if {$::argc == 1} {
set persec $::argv
} else {
set persec 1
if {$persec > 1000} {
puts stderr "WARNING: (>1000) sub millisecond scheduling not available - will go full speed"
flush stderr
after 500
#--- confg ---
set newline_every_x_seconds 5
chan configure stdout -blocking 1 -buffering none
set counter 0
set ms [expr {1000 / $persec}]
set nl_every [expr {$persec * $newline_every_x_seconds}]
proc schedule {} {
after idle [list after 0 ::emit]
tailcall after $::ms ::schedule
proc emit {} {
upvar ::counter c
puts -nonewline "\x1b\[1000D$c"
#if {($c > 1) && (($c % $::nl_every) == 0)} {
# puts stdout $c
# flush stdout
#} else {
# puts -nonewline "\x1b\[1000D$c"
#flush stdout
incr c
chan configure stdin -blocking 0 -buffering none
chan event stdin readable [list apply {{chan} {
set chunk [chan read $chan]
if {[string length $chunk]} {
if {[string match "q*" [string tolower $chunk]]} {
set ::forever 0
if {[chan eof $chan]} {
chan event $chan readable {}
}} stdin]
vwait ::forever
puts "-done-"


@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
puts -nonewline stdout "info script\r\n"
puts stdout "[info script]"
puts stdout "::argc"
puts stdout $::argc
puts stdout "::argv"
puts stdout "$::argv"
puts stdout "NS"
puts stdout "[namespace current]"
if {[info exists ::test]} {
puts stdout "::test has existing value"
puts stdout "$::test"
puts stdout "setting ::test to showargs-ran"
set ::test "showargs-ran"
puts stdout "doing basic check of stdin for data"
chan configure stdin -blocking 0
set indata ""
if {![chan eof stdin]} {
#set indata [read stdin]
if {[string length $indata]} {
puts stdout "read from stdin:"
puts stdout $indata
} else {
puts stdout "-no stdin data read-"


@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
if {$::argc >= 1} {
set persec [lindex $::argv 0]
} else {
set persec 1
if {$::argc == 2} {
set what [lindex $::argv 1]
} else {
set what "."
if {$persec > 1000} {
puts stderr "WARNING: (>1000) sub millisecond scheduling not available - will go full speed"
flush stderr
after 500
#--- confg ---
set newline_every_x_seconds 5
chan configure stdout -blocking 1 -buffering none
set counter 0
set ms [expr {1000 / $persec}]
set nl_every [expr {$persec * $newline_every_x_seconds}]
proc schedule {} {
if {$::forever_stdout_per_second} {
after idle [list after 0 ::emit]
tailcall after $::ms ::schedule
} else {
after idle [list ::the_end]
set ::forever_stdout_per_second 1
proc the_end {} {
puts "-done-"
flush stdout
set ::done_stdout_per_second 1
proc emit {} {
upvar ::counter c
if {($c > 1) && (($c % $::nl_every) == 0)} {
puts -nonewline stdout " "
flush stdout
puts stderr $c
flush stderr
} else {
puts -nonewline stdout $::what
#flush stdout
incr c
chan configure stdin -blocking 0 -buffering none
chan event stdin readable [list apply {{chan} {
set chunk [chan read $chan]
if {[string length $chunk]} {
if {[string match "*q*" [string tolower $chunk]]} {
set ::forever_stdout_per_second 0
chan event $chan readable {}
puts stdout "cancelling"
if {[chan eof $chan]} {
chan event $chan readable {}
}} stdin]
vwait ::forever_stdout_per_second
vwait ::done_stdout_per_second


@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
if {[lsearch $::argv -k] >= 0} {
set forcekill 1
} else {
set forcekill 0
puts stdout "::argv $::argv"
set dirname [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]
if {![file exists $dirname/punk86.vfs]} {
puts stderr "missing $dirname/punk86.vfs"
exit 1
if {[file exists $dirname/punk86]} {
puts stderr "deleting existing $dirname/punk86"
file delete $dirname/punk86
puts stdout "building with sdx.."
if {[catch {
exec sdx wrap punk86 -runtime tclkit86bi.exe -verbose
} result]} {
puts stderr "sdx wrap punk86 -runtime tclkit86bi.exe -verbose failed with msg: $result"
} else {
puts stdout "ok - finished sdx"
set separator [string repeat = 40]
puts stdout $separator
puts stdout $result
puts stdout $separator
if {![file exists $dirname/punk86]} {
puts stderr "|err> build didn't seem to produce output at $dirname/punk86"
exit 2
if {![catch {
exec tasklist | grep punk86
} still_running]} {
puts stdout "found punk86 instances still running\n"
set count_killed 0
foreach ln [split $still_running \n] {
puts stdout " $ln"
set pid [lindex $ln 1]
if {$forcekill} {
set killcmd [list taskkill /F /PID $pid]
} else {
set killcmd [list taskkill /PID $pid]
puts stdout " pid: $pid (attempting to kill now using '$killcmd')"
if {[catch {
exec {*}$killcmd
} errMsg]} {
puts stderr "taskkill /PID $pid returned an error:"
puts stderr $errMsg
puts stderr "(try '[info script] -k' option to force kill)"
exit 4
} else {
puts stderr "taskkill /PID $pid ran without error"
incr count_killed
if {$count_killed > 0} {
puts stderr "\nKilled $count_killed processes. Waiting a short time before attempting to delete executable"
after 2000
} else {
puts stderr "Ok.. no running punk processes found"
if {[file exists $dirname/punk86.exe]} {
puts stderr "deleting existing $dirname/punk86.exe"
if {[catch {
file delete $dirname/punk86.exe
} msg]} {
puts stderr "Failed to delete $dirname/punk86.exe"
exit 3
#is this test necessary?
if {[file exists $dirname/punk86.exe]} {
puts stderr "deletion of $dirname/punk86.exe failed - locked?"
exit 3
file rename $dirname/punk86 $dirname/punk86.exe
after 500
set deployment_folder [file dirname $dirname]
if {[file exists $deployment_folder/punk86.exe]} {
puts stderr "deleting existing deployed at $deployment_folder/punk86.exe"
if {[catch {
file delete $deployment_folder/punk86.exe
} errMsg]} {
puts stderr "deletion of deployed version at $deployment_folder/punk86.exe failed: $errMsg"
exit 4
puts stdout "copying.."
puts stdout "$dirname/punk86.exe"
puts stdout "to:"
puts stdout "$deployment_folder/punk86.exe"
after 500
file copy $dirname/punk86.exe $deployment_folder/punk86.exe
puts stdout "done"


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#This 2-line file marks the end of the Tcl-sourceable section of a tarjar. Do not remove the trailing ctrl-z character from this file.


@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
- allow #tarjar-loadscript.tcl (no package name or version number)
2008-03-15 (tarpack)
- version 1.1.3
- modified for use in environments where ::env(HOME) is not available (certain operations such as 'file normalize ~' etc depend on it)
2006-08-08 (tarpack)
- bump version to 1.1.2
- fix tarpack::wrap so that the 'scriptTidy' string doesn't force the wrapped package to be dependent on tarpack.
i.e call to 'tarpack::disconnect' now wrapped in test for 'tarpack'.
This allows a tcl-only script to be wrapped with tarpack, but not require tarpack on deployment.
- tarjar 1.0 created as a fork of tarpack 1.1.2 (which is to be abandoned as it's too close in name to 'starpack').
- tarjar 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Identifier: tarjar
Version: 2.3
Rights: BSD


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
A tarjar is a standard tar (ustar or gnu format) archive which is also directly loadable as a Tcl module without requiring the tarball to be unarchived.
When the tarjar is placed on the Tcl module-path it can be loaded with:
package require <PackageName>
Where the <PackageName> is the segment of the tarjar filename before the dash and version number.
!NOTE! The tarjar can be unpacked in the same folder as the .tm file, in which case, the unpacked files will take precedence over the wrapped version.
The wrapped (.tm) version however needs to remain in place to 'redirect' to the unwrapped version.


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
apply {code {
set scriptpath [file normalize [info script]]
if {[string match "#tarjar-loadscript*.tcl" [file tail $scriptpath]]} {
#jump up an extra dir level if we are within a #tarjar-loadscript file.
set mypath [file dirname [file dirname $scriptpath]]
set modver [string range [file tail [file dirname $scriptpath]] 8 end] ;# the containing folder is named #tarjar-<module>-<ver>
} else {
set mypath [file dirname $scriptpath]
set modver [file root [file tail [info script]]]
set mysegs [file split $mypath]
set overhang [list]
foreach libpath [tcl::tm::list] {
set libsegs [file split $libpath] ;#split and rejoin with '/' because sometimes module paths may have mixed \ & /
if {[file join $mysegs /] eq [file join [lrange $libsegs 0 [llength $mysegs]] /]} {
#mypath is below libpath
set overhang [lrange $mysegs [llength $libsegs]+1 end]
lassign [split $modver -] moduletail version
set ns [join [concat $overhang $moduletail] ::]
if {![catch {package require tarjar}]} {
::tarjar::disconnect [info script]
package provide $ns $version
namespace eval $ns $code
} ::} {
# Module procs here, where current namespace is that of the module.
# Package version can, if needed, be accessed as [uplevel 1 {set version}]
# Last element of module name: [uplevel 1 {set moduletail}]
# Full module name: [uplevel 1 {set ns}]


@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
apply {code {
set scriptpath [file normalize [info script]]
if {[string match "#tarjar-loadscript*.tcl" [file tail $scriptpath]]} {
#jump up an extra dir level if we are within a #tarjar-loadscript file.
set mypath [file dirname [file dirname $scriptpath]]
set modver [string range [file tail [file dirname $scriptpath]] 8 end] ;# the containing folder is named #tarjar-<module>-<ver>
} else {
set mypath [file dirname $scriptpath]
set modver [file root [file tail [info script]]]
set mysegs [file split $mypath]
set mysegs_rejoined [file join $mysegs /]
set mysegs_count [llength $mysegs]
set overhang [list]
foreach libpath [tcl::tm::list] {
set libsegs [file split $libpath] ;#split and rejoin with '/' because sometimes module paths may have mixed \ & /
if {$mysegs_rejoined eq [file join [lrange $libsegs 0 $mysegs_count] /]} {
#mypath is below libpath
set overhang [lrange $mysegs [llength $libsegs]+1 end]
lassign [split $modver -] moduletail version
set ns [join [concat $overhang $moduletail] ::]
if {![catch {package require tarjar}]} {
lassign [::tarjar::glob ${moduletail}/load/[::tarjar::platform::generic] *] _ok libs ;#assume all files are loadable..
if {[llength $libs] > 0} {
foreach lname $libs {
tarjar::load ${moduletail}/load/[::tarjar::platform::generic]/$lname -from [info script]
} else {
lassign [::tarjar::glob ${moduletail}/load *] _ok binfolders
set some_bin_exists false ;#keep track of whether there is at least one binary in the archive for some architecture.
set architectures_supported [list]
foreach fldr $binfolders {
lassign [::tarjar::glob ${moduletail}/load/$fldr *] _ok binfile
if {[llength $binfile] > 0} {
set some_bin_exists true
lappend architectures_supported $fldr
if {[llength $architectures_supported] > 0} {
puts stderr "platform [tarjar::platform::generic] not supported by the tarjar load-script. (archive contains binaries for:[join $architectures_supported ,])"
#load all other .tcl files in the *tarjar base* folder - ie those not explicitly wrapped in the {modulename} folder
#!todo - use a manifest to determine load order?
set basefolder [file dirname $moduletail]
lassign [::tarjar::glob $basefolder *.tcl] _ok sourcefiles
foreach f $sourcefiles {
if {![string match "#*" $f]} {
namespace eval $ns [list tarjar::source $basefolder/$f]
::tarjar::disconnect [info script]
package provide $ns $version
namespace eval $ns $code
} ::} {
# Module procs here, where current namespace is that of the module.
# Package version can, if needed, be accessed as [uplevel 1 {set version}]
# Last element of module name: [uplevel 1 {set moduletail}]
# Full module name: [uplevel 1 {set ns}]


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
A tarjar is a standard tar (ustar or gnu format) archive which is also directly loadable as a Tcl module without requiring the tarball to be unarchived.
When the tarjar is placed on the Tcl module-path it can be loaded with:
package require <PackageName>
Where the <PackageName> is the segment of the tarjar filename before the dash and version number.
!NOTE! The tarjar can be unpacked in the same folder as the .tm file, in which case, the unpacked files will take precedence over the wrapped version.
The wrapped version however needs to remain in place to 'redirect' to the unwrapped version.


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
split tarjar read functionality into separate file/namespace.
Work out how to make tarjar self-hosting. ie wrap next version of tarjar using current one.
(use a 'rollup' of the read-code in the generated loadscript?)


@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
# Tcl parser for optional arguments in function calls and
# commandline arguments
# (c) 2001 Bastien Chevreux
# Index of exported commands
# - argp::registerArgs
# - argp::setArgDefaults
# - argp::setArgsNeeded
# - argp::parseArgs
# Internal commands
# - argp::CheckValues
# See end of file for an example on how to use
package provide argp 0.2
namespace eval argp {
variable Optstore
variable Opttypes {
boolean integer double string
namespace export {[a-z]*}
proc argp::registerArgs { func arglist } {
variable Opttypes
variable Optstore
set parentns [string range [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]] 2 end]
if { $parentns != "" } {
append caller $parentns :: $func
} else {
set caller $func
set cmangled [string map {:: _} $caller]
#puts $parentns
#puts $caller
#puts $cmangled
set Optstore(keys,$cmangled) {}
set Optstore(deflist,$cmangled) {}
set Optstore(argneeded,$cmangled) {}
foreach arg $arglist {
foreach {opt type default allowed} $arg {
set optindex [lsearch -glob $Opttypes $type*]
if { $optindex < 0} {
return -code error "$caller, unknown type $type while registering arguments.\nAllowed types: [string trim $Opttypes]"
set type [lindex $Opttypes $optindex]
lappend Optstore(keys,$cmangled) $opt
set Optstore(type,$opt,$cmangled) $type
set Optstore(default,$opt,$cmangled) $default
set Optstore(allowed,$opt,$cmangled) $allowed
lappend Optstore(deflist,$cmangled) $opt $default
if { [catch {CheckValues $caller $cmangled $Optstore(deflist,$cmangled)} res]} {
return -code error "Error in declaration of optional arguments.\n$res"
proc argp::setArgDefaults { func arglist } {
variable Optstore
set parentns [string range [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]] 2 end]
if { $parentns != "" } {
append caller $parentns :: $func
} else {
set caller $func
set cmangled [string map {:: _} $caller]
if {![info exists Optstore(deflist,$cmangled)]} {
return -code error "Arguments for $caller not registered yet."
set Optstore(deflist,$cmangled) {}
foreach {opt default} $arglist {
if {![info exists Optstore(default,$opt,$cmangled)]} {
return -code error "$caller, unknown option $opt, must be one of: $Optstore(keys,$cmangled)"
set Optstore(default,$opt,$cmangled) $default
# set the new defaultlist
foreach opt $Optstore(keys,$cmangled) {
lappend Optstore(deflist,$cmangled) $opt $Optstore(default,$opt,$cmangled)
proc argp::setArgsNeeded { func arglist } {
variable Optstore
set parentns [string range [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]] 2 end]
if { $parentns != "" } {
append caller $parentns :: $func
} else {
set caller $func
set cmangled [string map {:: _} $caller]
#append caller $parentns :: $func
#set cmangled ${parentns}_$func
if {![info exists Optstore(deflist,$cmangled)]} {
return -code error "Arguments for $caller not registered yet."
set Optstore(argneeded,$cmangled) {}
foreach opt $arglist {
if {![info exists Optstore(default,$opt,$cmangled)]} {
return -code error "$caller, unknown option $opt, must be one of: $Optstore(keys,$cmangled)"
lappend Optstore(argneeded,$cmangled) $opt
proc argp::parseArgs { args } {
variable Optstore
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
upvar args a opts o
} else {
upvar args a [lindex $args 0] o
if { [ catch { set caller [lindex [info level -1] 0]}]} {
set caller "main program"
set cmangled ""
} else {
set cmangled [string map {:: _} $caller]
if {![info exists Optstore(deflist,$cmangled)]} {
return -code error "Arguments for $caller not registered yet."
# set the defaults
array set o $Optstore(deflist,$cmangled)
# but unset the needed arguments
foreach key $Optstore(argneeded,$cmangled) {
catch { unset o($key) }
foreach {key val} $a {
if {![info exists Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled)]} {
return -code error "$caller, unknown option $key, must be one of: $Optstore(keys,$cmangled)"
switch -exact -- $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) {
boolean -
integer {
if { $val == "" } {
return -code error "$caller, $key empty string is not $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) value."
if { ![string is $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) $val]} {
return -code error "$caller, $key $val is not $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) value."
double {
if { $val == "" } {
return -code error "$caller, $key empty string is not double value."
if { ![string is double $val]} {
return -code error "$caller, $key $val is not double value."
if { [string is integer $val]} {
set val [expr {$val + .0}]
default {
set o($key) $val
foreach key $Optstore(argneeded,$cmangled) {
if {![info exists o($key)]} {
return -code error "$caller, needed argument $key was not given."
if { [catch { CheckValues $caller $cmangled [array get o]} err]} {
return -code error $err
proc argp::CheckValues { caller cmangled checklist } {
variable Optstore
#puts "Checking $checklist"
foreach {key val} $checklist {
if { [llength $Optstore(allowed,$key,$cmangled)] > 0 } {
switch -exact -- $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) {
string {
if { [lsearch $Optstore(allowed,$key,$cmangled) $val] < 0} {
return -code error "$caller, $key $val is not in allowed values: $Optstore(allowed,$key,$cmangled)"
double -
integer {
set found 0
foreach range $Optstore(allowed,$key,$cmangled) {
if {[llength $range] == 1} {
if { $val == [lindex $range 0] } {
set found 1
} elseif {[llength $range] == 2} {
set low [lindex $range 0]
set high [lindex $range 1]
if { ![string is integer $low] \
&& [string compare "-" $low] != 0} {
return -code error "$caller, $key of type $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) has a lower value range that is not integer and not ´-´: $range"
if { ![string is integer $high] \
&& [string compare "+" $high] != 0} {
return -code error "$caller, $key of type $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) has a upper value range that is not integer and not ´+´: $range"
if {[string compare "-" $low] == 0} {
if { [string compare "+" $high] == 0 \
|| $val <= $high } {
set found 1
if { $val >= $low } {
if {[string compare "+" $high] == 0 \
|| $val <= $high } {
set found 1
} else {
return -code error "$caller, $key of type $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) has an allowed value range containing more than 2 elements: $range"
if { $found == 0 } {
return -code error "$caller, $key $val is not covered by allowed ranges: $Optstore(allowed,$key,$cmangled)"


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
package provide [lassign {overtype 1.3} pkg ver]$pkg [namespace eval $pkg[set pkg {}] {list [variable version $ver[set ver {}]]$version}]
#Julian Noble <> - 2003
#Released under standard 'BSD license' conditions.
#todo - ellipsis truncation indicator for center,right
namespace eval overtype {
namespace export *
proc overtype::about {} {
return "Simple text formatting. Author JMN. BSD-License"
proc overtype::left {args} {
# @c overtype starting at left (overstrike)
# @c can/should we use something like this?: 'format "%-*s" $len $overtext
if {[llength $args] < 2} {
error {usage: ?-overflow [1|0]? ?-ellipsis [1|0]? ?-ellipsistext ...? undertext overtext}
foreach {undertext overtext} [lrange $args end-1 end] break
set opt(-ellipsis) 0
set opt(-ellipsistext) {...}
set opt(-overflow) 0
array set opt [lrange $args 0 end-2]
set len [string length $undertext]
set overlen [string length $overtext]
set diff [expr {$overlen - $len}]
if {$diff > 0} {
if {$opt(-overflow)} {
return $overtext
} else {
if {$opt(-ellipsis)} {
return [overtype::right [string range $overtext 0 [expr {$len -1}]] $opt(-ellipsistext)]
} else {
return [string range $overtext 0 [expr {$len -1}]]
} else {
return "$overtext[string range $undertext $overlen end]"
# test - use more tcl8.5 features.
proc overtype::left2 {args} {
# @c overtype starting at left (overstrike)
# @c can/should we use something like this?: 'format "%-*s" $len $overtext
if {[llength $args] < 2} {
error {usage: ?-overflow [1|0]? ?-ellipsis [1|0]? ?-ellipsistext ...? undertext overtext}
foreach {undertext overtext} [lrange $args end-1 end] break
set opt(-ellipsis) 0
set opt(-ellipsistext) {...}
set opt(-overflow) 0
array set opt [lrange $args 0 end-2]
set len [string length $undertext]
set overlen [string length $overtext]
set diff [expr {$overlen - $len}]
if {$diff > 0} {
if {$opt(-overflow)} {
return $overtext
} else {
if {$opt(-ellipsis)} {
return [overtype::right [string range $overtext 0 $len-1] $opt(-ellipsistext)]
} else {
return [string range $overtext 0 $len-1 ]
} else {
#return "$overtext[string range $undertext $overlen end]"
return [string replace $undertext 0 $overlen-1 $overtext]
proc overtype::centre {args} {
if {[llength $args] < 2} {
error {usage: ?-bias [left|right]? ?-overflow [1|0]? undertext overtext}
foreach {undertext overtext} [lrange $args end-1 end] break
set opt(-bias) left
set opt(-overflow) 0
array set opt [lrange $args 0 end-2]
set olen [string length $overtext]
set ulen [string length $undertext]
set diff [expr {$ulen - $olen}]
if {$diff > 0} {
set half [expr {round(int($diff / 2))}]
if {[string match right $opt(-bias)]} {
if {[expr {2 * $half}] < $diff} {
incr half
set rhs [expr {$diff - $half - 1}]
set lhs [expr {$half - 1}]
set a [string range $undertext 0 $lhs]
set b $overtext
set c [string range $undertext end-$rhs end]
return $a$b$c
} else {
if {$diff < 0} {
if {$opt(-overflow)} {
return $overtext
} else {
return [string range $overtext 0 [expr {$ulen - 1}]]
} else {
return $overtext
proc overtype::right {args} {
# @d !todo - implement overflow, length checks etc
if {[llength $args] < 2} {
error {usage: ?-overflow [1|0]? undertext overtext}
foreach {undertext overtext} [lrange $args end-1 end] break
set opt(-overflow) 0
array set opt [lrange $args 0 end-2]
set olen [string length $overtext]
set ulen [string length $undertext]
if {$opt(-overflow)} {
return [string range $undertext 0 end-$olen]$overtext
} else {
if {$olen > $ulen} {
set diff [expr {$olen - $ulen}]
return [string range $undertext 0 end-$olen][string range $overtext 0 end-$diff]
} else {
return [string range $undertext 0 end-$olen]$overtext
namespace eval overtype {
interp alias {} ::overtype::center {} ::overtype::centre


@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Overview
# Heuristics to assemble a platform identifier from publicly available
# information. The identifier describes the platform of the currently
# running tcl shell. This is a mixture of the runtime environment and
# of build-time properties of the executable itself.
# Examples:
# <1> A tcl shell executing on a x86_64 processor, but having a
# wordsize of 4 was compiled for the x86 environment, i.e. 32
# bit, and loaded packages have to match that, and not the
# actual cpu.
# <2> The hp/solaris 32/64 bit builds of the core cannot be
# distinguished by looking at tcl_platform. As packages have to
# match the 32/64 information we have to look in more places. In
# this case we inspect the executable itself (magic numbers,
# i.e. fileutil::magic::filetype).
# The basic information used comes out of the 'os' and 'machine'
# entries of the 'tcl_platform' array. A number of general and
# os/machine specific transformation are applied to get a canonical
# result.
# General
# Only the first element of 'os' is used - we don't care whether we
# are on "Windows NT" or "Windows XP" or whatever.
# Machine specific
# % amd64 -> x86_64
# % arm* -> arm
# % sun4* -> sparc
# % ia32* -> ix86
# % intel -> ix86
# % i*86* -> ix86
# % Power* -> powerpc
# % x86_64 + wordSize 4 => x86 code
# OS specific
# % AIX are always powerpc machines
# % HP-UX 9000/800 etc means parisc
# % linux has to take glibc version into account
# % sunos -> solaris, and keep version number
# NOTE: A platform like linux glibc 2.3, which can use glibc 2.2 stuff
# has to provide all possible allowed platform identifiers when
# searching search. Ditto a solaris 2.8 platform can use solaris 2.6
# packages. Etc. This is handled by the other procedure, see below.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
namespace eval ::platform {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Implementation
# -- platform::generic
# Assembles an identifier for the generic platform. It leaves out
# details like kernel version, libc version, etc.
proc ::platform::generic {} {
global tcl_platform
set plat [string tolower [lindex $tcl_platform(os) 0]]
set cpu $tcl_platform(machine)
switch -glob -- $cpu {
sun4* {
set cpu sparc
intel -
ia32* -
i*86* {
set cpu ix86
x86_64 {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 4} {
# See Example <1> at the top of this file.
set cpu ix86
ppc -
"Power*" {
set cpu powerpc
"arm*" {
set cpu arm
ia64 {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 4} {
append cpu _32
switch -glob -- $plat {
windows {
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
set plat cygwin
} else {
set plat win32
if {$cpu eq "amd64"} {
# Do not check wordSize, win32-x64 is an IL32P64 platform.
set cpu x86_64
sunos {
set plat solaris
if {[string match "ix86" $cpu]} {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 8} {
set cpu x86_64
} elseif {![string match "ia64*" $cpu]} {
# sparc
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 8} {
append cpu 64
darwin {
set plat macosx
# Correctly identify the cpu when running as a 64bit
# process on a machine with a 32bit kernel
if {$cpu eq "ix86"} {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 8} {
set cpu x86_64
aix {
set cpu powerpc
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 8} {
append cpu 64
hp-ux {
set plat hpux
if {![string match "ia64*" $cpu]} {
set cpu parisc
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 8} {
append cpu 64
osf1 {
set plat tru64
default {
set plat [lindex [split $plat _-] 0]
return "${plat}-${cpu}"
# -- platform::identify
# Assembles an identifier for the exact platform, by extending the
# generic identifier. I.e. it adds in details like kernel version,
# libc version, etc., if they are relevant for the loading of
# packages on the platform.
proc ::platform::identify {} {
global tcl_platform
set id [generic]
regexp {^([^-]+)-([^-]+)$} $id -> plat cpu
switch -- $plat {
solaris {
regsub {^5} $tcl_platform(osVersion) 2 text
append plat $text
return "${plat}-${cpu}"
macosx {
set major [lindex [split $tcl_platform(osVersion) .] 0]
if {$major > 19} {
set minor [lindex [split $tcl_platform(osVersion) .] 1]
incr major -9
append plat $major.[expr {$minor - 1}]
} else {
incr major -4
append plat 10.$major
return "${plat}-${cpu}"
return "${plat}-${cpu}"
linux {
# Look for the libc*.so and determine its version
# (libc5/6, libc6 further glibc 2.X)
set v unknown
# Determine in which directory to look. /lib, or /lib64.
# For that we use the tcl_platform(wordSize).
# We could use the 'cpu' info, per the equivalence below,
# that however would be restricted to intel. And this may
# be a arm, mips, etc. system. The wordsize is more
# fundamental.
# ix86 <=> (wordSize == 4) <=> 32 bit ==> /lib
# x86_64 <=> (wordSize == 8) <=> 64 bit ==> /lib64
# Do not look into /lib64 even if present, if the cpu
# doesn't fit.
# TODO: Determine the prefixes (i386, x86_64, ...) for
# other cpus. The path after the generic one is utterly
# specific to intel right now. Ok, on Ubuntu, possibly
# other Debian systems we may apparently be able to query
# the necessary CPU code. If we can't we simply use the
# hardwired fallback.
switch -exact -- $tcl_platform(wordSize) {
4 {
lappend bases /lib
if {[catch {
exec dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH
} res]} {
lappend bases /lib/i386-linux-gnu
} else {
# dpkg-arch returns the full tripled, not just cpu.
lappend bases /lib/$res
8 {
lappend bases /lib64
if {[catch {
exec dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH
} res]} {
lappend bases /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
} else {
# dpkg-arch returns the full tripled, not just cpu.
lappend bases /lib/$res
default {
return -code error "Bad wordSize $tcl_platform(wordSize), expected 4 or 8"
foreach base $bases {
if {[LibcVersion $base -> v]} break
append plat -$v
return "${plat}-${cpu}"
return $id
proc ::platform::LibcVersion {base _->_ vv} {
upvar 1 $vv v
set libclist [lsort [glob -nocomplain -directory $base libc*]]
if {![llength $libclist]} { return 0 }
set libc [lindex $libclist 0]
# Try executing the library first. This should suceed
# for a glibc library, and return the version
# information.
if {![catch {
set vdata [lindex [split [exec $libc] \n] 0]
}]} {
regexp {version ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)} $vdata -> v
foreach {major minor} [split $v .] break
set v glibc${major}.${minor}
return 1
} else {
# We had trouble executing the library. We are now
# inspecting its name to determine the version
# number. This code by Larry McVoy.
if {[regexp -- {libc-([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)} $libc -> major minor]} {
set v glibc${major}.${minor}
return 1
return 0
# -- platform::patterns
# Given an exact platform identifier, i.e. _not_ the generic
# identifier it assembles a list of exact platform identifier
# describing platform which should be compatible with the
# input.
# I.e. packages for all platforms in the result list should be
# loadable on the specified platform.
# << Should we add the generic identifier to the list as well ? In
# general it is not compatible I believe. So better not. In many
# cases the exact identifier is identical to the generic one
# anyway.
# >>
proc ::platform::patterns {id} {
set res [list $id]
if {$id eq "tcl"} {return $res}
switch -glob -- $id {
solaris*-* {
if {[regexp {solaris([^-]*)-(.*)} $id -> v cpu]} {
if {$v eq ""} {return $id}
foreach {major minor} [split $v .] break
incr minor -1
for {set j $minor} {$j >= 6} {incr j -1} {
lappend res solaris${major}.${j}-${cpu}
linux*-* {
if {[regexp {linux-glibc([^-]*)-(.*)} $id -> v cpu]} {
foreach {major minor} [split $v .] break
incr minor -1
for {set j $minor} {$j >= 0} {incr j -1} {
lappend res linux-glibc${major}.${j}-${cpu}
macosx-powerpc {
lappend res macosx-universal
macosx-x86_64 {
lappend res macosx-i386-x86_64
macosx-ix86 {
lappend res macosx-universal macosx-i386-x86_64
macosx*-* {
# 10.5+,11.0+
if {[regexp {macosx([^-]*)-(.*)} $id -> v cpu]} {
switch -exact -- $cpu {
ix86 {
lappend alt i386-x86_64
lappend alt universal
x86_64 {
if {[lindex [split $::tcl_platform(osVersion) .] 0] < 19} {
set alt i386-x86_64
} else {
set alt {}
arm {
lappend alt x86_64
default { set alt {} }
if {$v ne ""} {
foreach {major minor} [split $v .] break
set res {}
if {$major eq 11} {
# Add 11.0 to 11.minor to patterns.
for {set j $minor} {$j >= 0} {incr j -1} {
lappend res macosx${major}.${j}-${cpu}
foreach a $alt {
lappend res macosx${major}.${j}-$a
set major 10
set minor 15
# Add 10.5 to 10.minor to patterns.
for {set j $minor} {$j >= 5} {incr j -1} {
if {$cpu ne "arm"} {
lappend res macosx${major}.${j}-${cpu}
foreach a $alt {
lappend res macosx${major}.${j}-$a
# Add unversioned patterns for 10.3/10.4 builds.
lappend res macosx-${cpu}
foreach a $alt {
lappend res macosx-$a
} else {
# No version, just do unversioned patterns.
foreach a $alt {
lappend res macosx-$a
} else {
# no v, no cpu ... nothing
lappend res tcl ; # Pure tcl packages are always compatible.
return $res
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide platform 1.0.17
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Demo application
if {[info exists argv0] && ($argv0 eq [info script])} {
puts ====================================
parray tcl_platform
puts ====================================
puts Generic\ identification:\ [::platform::generic]
puts Exact\ identification:\ \ \ [::platform::identify]
puts ====================================
puts Search\ patterns:
puts *\ [join [::platform::patterns [::platform::identify]] \n*\ ]
puts ====================================
exit 0


@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Overview
# Higher-level commands which invoke the functionality of this package
# for an arbitrary tcl shell (tclsh, wish, ...). This is required by a
# repository as while the tcl shell executing packages uses the same
# platform in general as a repository application there can be
# differences in detail (i.e. 32/64 bit builds).
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require platform
namespace eval ::platform::shell {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Implementation
# -- platform::shell::generic
proc ::platform::shell::generic {shell} {
# Argument is the path to a tcl shell.
CHECK $shell
LOCATE base out
set code {}
# Forget any pre-existing platform package, it might be in
# conflict with this one.
lappend code {package forget platform}
# Inject our platform package
lappend code [list source $base]
# Query and print the architecture
lappend code {puts [platform::generic]}
# And done
lappend code {exit 0}
set arch [RUN $shell [join $code \n]]
if {$out} {file delete -force $base}
return $arch
# -- platform::shell::identify
proc ::platform::shell::identify {shell} {
# Argument is the path to a tcl shell.
CHECK $shell
LOCATE base out
set code {}
# Forget any pre-existing platform package, it might be in
# conflict with this one.
lappend code {package forget platform}
# Inject our platform package
lappend code [list source $base]
# Query and print the architecture
lappend code {puts [platform::identify]}
# And done
lappend code {exit 0}
set arch [RUN $shell [join $code \n]]
if {$out} {file delete -force $base}
return $arch
# -- platform::shell::platform
proc ::platform::shell::platform {shell} {
# Argument is the path to a tcl shell.
CHECK $shell
set code {}
lappend code {puts $tcl_platform(platform)}
lappend code {exit 0}
return [RUN $shell [join $code \n]]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal helper commands.
proc ::platform::shell::CHECK {shell} {
if {![file exists $shell]} {
return -code error "Shell \"$shell\" does not exist"
if {![file executable $shell]} {
return -code error "Shell \"$shell\" is not executable (permissions)"
proc ::platform::shell::LOCATE {bv ov} {
upvar 1 $bv base $ov out
# Locate the platform package for injection into the specified
# shell. We are using package management to find it, whereever it
# is, instead of using hardwired relative paths. This allows us to
# install the two packages as TMs without breaking the code
# here. If the found package is wrapped we copy the code somewhere
# where the spawned shell will be able to read it.
# This code is brittle, it needs has to adapt to whatever changes
# are made to the TM code, i.e. the provide statement generated by
# tm.tcl
set pl [package ifneeded platform [package require platform]]
set base [lindex $pl end]
set out 0
if {[lindex [file system $base]] ne "native"} {
set temp [TEMP]
file copy -force $base $temp
set base $temp
set out 1
proc ::platform::shell::RUN {shell code} {
set c [TEMP]
set cc [open $c w]
puts $cc $code
close $cc
set e [TEMP]
set code [catch {
exec $shell $c 2> $e
} res]
file delete $c
if {$code} {
append res \n[read [set chan [open $e r]]][close $chan]
file delete $e
return -code error "Shell \"$shell\" is not executable ($res)"
file delete $e
return $res
proc ::platform::shell::TEMP {} {
set prefix platform
# This code is copied out of Tcllib's fileutil package.
# (TempFile/tempfile)
set tmpdir [DIR]
set chars "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
set nrand_chars 10
set maxtries 10
set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
set permission 0600
set channel ""
set checked_dir_writable 0
set mypid [pid]
for {set i 0} {$i < $maxtries} {incr i} {
set newname $prefix
for {set j 0} {$j < $nrand_chars} {incr j} {
append newname [string index $chars \
[expr {int(rand()*62)}]]
set newname [file join $tmpdir $newname]
if {[file exists $newname]} {
after 1
} else {
if {[catch {open $newname $access $permission} channel]} {
if {!$checked_dir_writable} {
set dirname [file dirname $newname]
if {![file writable $dirname]} {
return -code error "Directory $dirname is not writable"
set checked_dir_writable 1
} else {
# Success
close $channel
return [file normalize $newname]
if {$channel ne ""} {
return -code error "Failed to open a temporary file: $channel"
} else {
return -code error "Failed to find an unused temporary file name"
proc ::platform::shell::DIR {} {
# This code is copied out of Tcllib's fileutil package.
# (TempDir/tempdir)
global tcl_platform env
set attempdirs [list]
foreach tmp {TMPDIR TEMP TMP} {
if { [info exists env($tmp)] } {
lappend attempdirs $env($tmp)
switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
windows {
lappend attempdirs "C:\\TEMP" "C:\\TMP" "\\TEMP" "\\TMP"
macintosh {
set tmpdir $env(TRASH_FOLDER) ;# a better place?
default {
lappend attempdirs \
[file join / tmp] \
[file join / var tmp] \
[file join / usr tmp]
lappend attempdirs [pwd]
foreach tmp $attempdirs {
if { [file isdirectory $tmp] && [file writable $tmp] } {
return [file normalize $tmp]
# Fail if nothing worked.
return -code error "Unable to determine a proper directory for temporary files"
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide platform::shell 1.1.4


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
#package require logger
package provide shellthread [namespace eval shellthread {
variable version
set version 1.6
package require Thread
namespace eval shellthread {
proc iso8601 {{tsmicros ""}} {
if {$tsmicros eq ""} {
set tsmicros [clock micros]
} else {
set microsnow [clock micros]
if {[string length $tsmicros] != [string length $microsnow]} {
error "iso8601 requires 'clock micros' or empty string to create timestamp"
set seconds [expr {$tsmicros / 1000000}]
return [clock format $seconds -format "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"]
namespace eval shellthread::worker {
variable settings
variable sysloghost_port
variable sock
variable logfile ""
variable fd
variable client_ids [list]
variable ts_start_micros
variable errorlist [list]
variable inpipe ""
proc bgerror {args} {
variable errorlist
lappend errorlist $args
proc send_errors_now {tidcli} {
variable errorlist
thread::send -async $tidcli [list shellthread::manager::report_worker_errors [list worker_tid [thread::id] errors $errorlist]]
proc add_client_tid {tidcli} {
variable client_ids
if {$tidcli ni $client_ids} {
lappend client_ids $tidcli
proc init {tidclient start_m settingsdict} {
variable sysloghost_port
variable logfile
variable settings
interp bgerror {} shellthread::worker::bgerror
package require overtype
variable client_ids
variable ts_start_micros
lappend client_ids $tidclient
set ts_start_micros $start_m
set defaults [list -raw 0 -file "" -syslog "" -direction out]
set settings [dict merge $defaults $settingsdict]
set syslog [dict get $settings -syslog]
if {[string length $syslog]} {
lassign [split $syslog :] s_host s_port
set sysloghost_port [list $s_host $s_port]
} else {
set sysloghost_port ""
if {[catch {package require udp} errm]} {
#disable rather than bomb and interfere with any -file being written
set sysloghost_port ""
set logfile [dict get $settings -file]
proc start_pipe_read {source readchan args} {
#assume 1 inpipe for now
variable inpipe
variable sysloghost_port
variable logfile
set defaults [dict create -buffering \uFFFF ]
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
if {[dict exists $opts -readbuffering]} {
set readbuffering [dict get $opts -readbuffering]
} else {
if {[dict get $opts -buffering] eq "\uFFFF"} {
#get buffering setting from the channel as it was set prior to thread::transfer
set readbuffering [chan configure $readchan -buffering]
} else {
set readbuffering [dict get $opts -buffering]
chan configure $readchan -buffering $readbuffering
if {[dict exists $opts -writebuffering]} {
set writebuffering [dict get $opts -writebuffering]
} else {
if {[dict get $opts -buffering] eq "\uFFFF"} {
set writebuffering line
#set writebuffering [chan configure $writechan -buffering]
} else {
set writebuffering [dict get $opts -buffering]
#can configure $writechan -buffering $writebuffering
chan configure $readchan -translation lf
if {$readchan ni [chan names]} {
error "shellthread::worker::start_pipe_read - inpipe not configured. Use shellthread::manager::set_pipe_read_from_client to thread::transfer the pipe end"
set inpipe $readchan
#::shellthread::worker::log $inpipe 0 - $source - info "START PIPE READ HELLO\n" line
chan configure $readchan -blocking 0
#::shellthread::worker::log $inpipe 0 - $source - info "START PIPE READ HELLO2 readbuffering: $readbuffering syslog $sysloghost_port filename $logfile" line
set waitvar ::shellthread::worker::wait($inpipe,[clock micros])
chan event $readchan readable [list apply {{chan source waitfor readbuffering writebuffering} {
if {$readbuffering eq "line"} {
set chunksize [chan gets $chan chunk]
if {$chunksize >= 0} {
if {![chan eof $chan]} {
::shellthread::worker::log pipe 0 - $source - info $chunk\n $writebuffering
} else {
::shellthread::worker::log pipe 0 - $source - info $chunk $writebuffering
} else {
set chunk [chan read $chan]
::shellthread::worker::log pipe 0 - $source - info $chunk $writebuffering
if {[chan eof $chan]} {
chan event $chan readable {}
set $waitfor "pipe"
chan close $chan
}} $readchan $source $waitvar $readbuffering $writebuffering]
#::shellthread::worker::log $inpipe 0 - $source - info "START PIPE READ HELLO3 vwaiting on $waitvar\n" line
vwait $waitvar
proc start_pipe_write {source writechan args} {
variable outpipe
set defaults [dict create -buffering \uFFFF ]
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
set readchan stdin
if {[dict exists $opts -readbuffering]} {
set readbuffering [dict get $opts -readbuffering]
} else {
if {[dict get $opts -buffering] eq "\uFFFF"} {
set readbuffering [chan configure $readchan -buffering]
} else {
set readbuffering [dict get $opts -buffering]
chan configure $readchan -buffering $readbuffering
if {[dict exists $opts -writebuffering]} {
set writebuffering [dict get $opts -writebuffering]
} else {
if {[dict get $opts -buffering] eq "\uFFFF"} {
#nothing explicitly set - take from transferred channel
set writebuffering [chan configure $writechan -buffering]
} else {
set writebuffering [dict get $opts -buffering]
can configure $writechan -buffering $writebuffering
if {$writechan ni [chan names]} {
error "shellthread::worker::start_pipe_write - outpipe not configured. Use shellthread::manager::set_pipe_write_to_client to thread::transfer the pipe end"
set outpipe $writechan
chan configure $readchan -blocking 0
chan configure $writechan -blocking 0
set waitvar ::shellthread::worker::wait($outpipe,[clock micros])
chan event $readchan readable [list apply {{chan writechan source waitfor readbuffering} {
if {$readbuffering eq "line"} {
set chunksize [chan gets $chan chunk]
if {$chunksize >= 0} {
if {![chan eof $chan]} {
puts $writechan $chunk
} else {
puts -nonewline $writechan $chunk
} else {
set chunk [chan read $chan]
puts -nonewline $writechan $chunk
if {[chan eof $chan]} {
chan event $chan readable {}
set $waitfor "pipe"
chan close $writechan
if {$chan ne "stdin"} {
chan close $chan
}} $readchan $writechan $source $waitvar $readbuffering]
vwait $waitvar
proc _initsock {} {
variable sysloghost_port
variable sock
if {[string length $sysloghost_port]} {
if {[catch {fconfigure $sock} state]} {
set sock [udp_open]
fconfigure $sock -buffering none -translation binary
fconfigure $sock -remote $sysloghost_port
proc _reconnect {} {
variable sock
catch {close $sock}
return [fconfigure $sock]
proc send_info {client_tid ts_sent source msg} {
set ts_received [clock micros]
set lag_micros [expr {$ts_received - $ts_sent}]
set lag [expr {$lag_micros / 1000000.0}] ;#lag as x.xxxxxx seconds
log $client_tid $ts_sent $lag $source - info $msg line 1
proc log {client_tid ts_sent lag source service level msg writebuffering {islog 0}} {
variable sock
variable fd
variable sysloghost_port
variable logfile
variable settings
set logchunk $msg
if {![dict get $settings -raw]} {
set tail_crlf 0
set tail_lf 0
set tail_cr 0
#for cooked - always remove the trailing newline before splitting..
#note that if we got our data from reading a non-line-buffered binary channel - then this naive line splitting will not split neatly for mixed line-endings.
#Possibly not critical as cooked is for logging and we are still preserving all \r and \n chars - but review and consider implementing a better split
#but add it back exactly as it was afterwards
#we can always split on \n - and any adjacent \r will be preserved in the rejoin
set lastchar [string range $logchunk end end]
if {[string range $logchunk end-1 end] eq "\r\n"} {
set tail_crlf 1
set logchunk [string range $logchunk 0 end-2]
} else {
if {$lastchar eq "\n"} {
set tail_lf 1
set logchunk [string range $logchunk 0 end-1]
} elseif {$lastchar eq "\r"} {
#\r line-endings are obsolete..and unlikely... and ugly as they can hide characters on the console. but we'll pass through anyway.
set tail_cr 1
set logchunk [string range $logchunk 0 end-1]
} else {
#possibly a single line with no linefeed.. or has linefeeds only in the middle
if {$ts_sent != 0} {
set micros [lindex [split [expr {$ts_sent / 1000000.0}] .] end]
set time_info [::shellthread::iso8601 $ts_sent].$micros
#set time_info "${time_info}+$lag"
set lagfp "+[format %f $lag]"
} else {
#from pipe - no ts_sent/lag info available
set time_info ""
set lagfp ""
set idtail [string range $client_tid end-8 end] ;#enough for display purposes id - mostly zeros anyway
set col0 [string repeat " " 9]
set col1 [string repeat " " 27]
set col2 [string repeat " " 11]
set col3 [string repeat " " 20]
#do not columnize the final data column or append to tail - or we could muck up the crlf integrity
lassign [list [overtype::left $col0 $idtail] [overtype::left $col1 $time_info] [overtype::left $col2 $lagfp] [overtype::left $col3 $source]] c0 c1 c2 c3
#split on \n no matter the actual line-ending in use
#shouldn't matter as long as we don't add anything at the end of the line other than the raw data
#ie - don't quote or add spaces
set lines [split $logchunk \n]
set i 1
set outlines [list]
foreach ln $lines {
if {$i == 1} {
lappend outlines "$c0 $c1 $c2 $c3 $ln"
} else {
lappend outlines "$c0 $c1 $col2 $c3 $ln"
incr i
if {$tail_lf} {
set logchunk "[join $outlines \n]\n"
} elseif {$tail_crlf} {
set logchunk "[join $outlines \r\n]\r\n"
} elseif {$tail_cr} {
set logchunk "[join $outlines \r]\r"
} else {
#no trailing linefeed
set logchunk [join $outlines \n]
#set logchunk "[overtype::left $col0 $idtail] [overtype::left $col1 $time_info] [overtype::left $col2 "+$lagfp"] [overtype::left $col3 $source] $msg"
if {[string length $sysloghost_port]} {
catch {puts -nonewline $sock $logchunk}
#todo - sockets etc?
if {[string length $logfile]} {
#todo - setting to maintain open filehandle and reduce io.
# possible settings for buffersize - and maybe logrotation, although this could be left to client
#for now - default to safe option of open/close each write despite the overhead.
set fd [open $logfile a]
chan configure $fd -translation auto -buffering $writebuffering
#whether line buffered or not - by now our logchunk includes newlines
puts -nonewline $fd $logchunk
close $fd
# - withdraw just this client
proc finish {tidclient} {
variable client_ids
if {($tidclient in $clientids) && ([llength $clientids] == 1)} {
terminate $tidclient
} else {
set posn [lsearch $client_ids $tidclient]
set client_ids [lreplace $clientids $posn $posn]
#allow any client to terminate
proc terminate {tidclient} {
variable sock
variable client_ids
if {$tidclient in $client_ids} {
catch {close $sock}
set client_ids [list]
return 1
} else {
return 0
namespace eval shellthread::manager {
variable workers [dict create]
variable worker_errors [list]
variable log_threads
#new datastructure regarding workers and sourcetags required.
#one worker can service multiple sourcetags - but each sourcetag may be used by multiple threads too.
#generally each thread will use a specific sourcetag - but we may have pools doing similar things which log to same destination.
#As a convention we may use a sourcetag for the thread which started the worker that isn't actually used for logging - but as a common target for joins
#If the thread which started the thread calls leave_worker with that 'primary' sourcetag it means others won't be able to use that target - which seems reasonable.
#If another thread want's to maintain joinability beyond the span provided by the starting client,
#it can join with both the primary tag and a tag it will actually use for logging.
#A thread can join the logger with any existingtag - not just the 'primary'
#(which is arbitrary anyway. It will usually be the first in the list - but may be unsubscribed by clients and disappear)
proc join_worker {client_tid existingtag sourcetaglist} {
#todo - allow a source to piggyback on existing worker by referencing one of the sourcetags already using the worker
proc leave_worker {client_tid sourcetaglist} {
#unsub this client_tid from the sourcetags in the sourcetaglist. if no more client_tids exist for sourcetag, remove sourcetag,
#if no more sourcetags - close worker
#it is up to caller to use a unique sourcetag (e.g by prefixing with own thread::id etc)
# This allows multiple threads to more easily write to the same named sourcetag if necessary
# todo - change sourcetag for a list of tags which will be handled by the same thread. e.g for multiple threads logging to same file
# todo - some protection mechanism for case where target is a file to stop creation of multiple worker threads writing to same file.
# Even if we use open fd,close fd wrapped around writes.. it is probably undesirable to have multiple threads with same target
# On the other hand socket targets such as UDP can happily be written to by multiple threads.
# For now the mechanism is that a call to new_worker (rename to open_worker?) will join the same thread if a sourcetag matches..
# but, as sourcetags can get removed(unsubbed via leave_worker) this doesn't guarantee two threads with same -file settings won't fight.
# Also.. the settingsdict is ignored when joining with a tag that exists.. this is problematic.. e.g logrotation where previous file still being written by existing worker
# todo - rename 'sourcetag' concept to 'targettag' ?? the concept is a mixture of both.. it is somewhat analagous to a syslog 'facility'
# probably new_worker should disallow auto-joining and we allow different workers to handle same tags simultaneously to support overlap during logrotation etc.
proc new_worker {sourcetaglist {settingsdict {}}} {
variable workers
set ts_start [clock micros]
set tidclient [thread::id]
set sourcetag [lindex $sourcetaglist 0] ;#todo - use all
if {[dict exists $workers $sourcetag]} {
set winfo [dict get $workers $sourcetag]
if {[thread::exists [dict get $winfo tid]]} {
#add our client-info to existing worker thread
dict lappend winfo list_client_tids $tidclient
dict set workers $sourcetag $winfo ;#writeback
return [dict get $winfo tid]
#set ts_start [::shellthread::iso8601]
set tidworker [thread::create -preserved]
set init_script [string map [list %ts_start% $ts_start %mp% [tcl::tm::list] %ap% $::auto_path %tidcli% $tidclient %sd% $settingsdict] {
#set tclbase [file dirname [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]]
#set tcllib $tclbase/lib
#if {$tcllib ni $::auto_path} {
# lappend ::auto_path $tcllib
set ::settingsinfo [dict create %sd%]
#if the executable running things is something like a tclkit,
# then it's likely we will need to use the caller's auto_path and tcl::tm::list to find things
#The caller can tune the thread's package search by providing a settingsdict
if {![dict exists $::settingsinfo tcl_tm_list]} {
tcl::tm::add %mp%
} else {
tcl::tm::remove {*}[tcl::tm::list]
tcl::tm::add {*}[dict get $::settingsinfo tcl_tm_list]
if {![dict exists $::settingsinfo auto_path]} {
set ::auto_path [list %ap%]
} else {
set ::auto_path [dict get $::settingsinfo auto_path]
package require Thread
package require shellthread
if {![catch {::shellthread::worker::init %tidcli% %ts_start% $::settingsinfo} errmsg]} {
unset ::settingsinfo
set ::shellthread_init "ok"
} else {
unset ::settingsinfo
set ::shellthread_init "err $errmsg"
thread::send -async $tidworker $init_script
#thread::send $tidworker $init_script
set winfo [dict create tid $tidworker list_client_tids [list $tidclient] ts_start $ts_start ts_end_list [list]]
dict set workers $sourcetag $winfo
return $tidworker
proc set_pipe_read_from_client {tag_pipename worker_tid rchan args} {
variable workers
if {![dict exists $workers $tag_pipename]} {
error "workerthread::manager::set_pipe_read_from_client source/pipename $tag_pipename not found"
set match_worker_tid [dict get $workers $tag_pipename tid]
if {$worker_tid ne $match_worker_tid} {
error "workerthread::manager::set_pipe_read_from_client source/pipename $tag_pipename workert_tid mismatch '$worker_tid' vs existing:'$match_worker_tid'"
#buffering set during channel creation will be preserved on thread::transfer
thread::transfer $worker_tid $rchan
#start_pipe_read will vwait - so we have to send async
thread::send -async $worker_tid [list ::shellthread::worker::start_pipe_read $tag_pipename $rchan]
#client may start writing immediately - but presumably it will buffer in fifo2
proc set_pipe_write_to_client {tag_pipename worker_tid wchan args} {
variable workers
if {![dict exists $workers $tag_pipename]} {
error "workerthread::manager::set_pipe_write_to_client pipename $tag_pipename not found"
set match_worker_tid [dict get $workers $tag_pipename tid]
if {$worker_tid ne $match_worker_tid} {
error "workerthread::manager::set_pipe_write_to_client pipename $tag_pipename workert_tid mismatch '$worker_tid' vs existing:'$match_worker_tid'"
#buffering set during channel creation will be preserved on thread::transfer
thread::transfer $worker_tid $wchan
thread::send -async $worker_tid [list ::shellthread::worker::start_pipe_write $tag_pipename $wchan]
proc write_log {source msg args} {
variable workers
set ts_micros_sent [clock micros]
set defaults [list -async 1 -level info]
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
if {[dict exists $workers $source]} {
set tidworker [dict get $workers $source tid]
if {![thread::exists $tidworker]} {
set tidworker [new_worker $source]
} else {
#auto create with no requirement to call new_worker.. warn?
set tidworker [new_worker $source]
set client_tid [thread::id]
if {[dict get $opts -async]} {
thread::send -async $tidworker [list ::shellthread::worker::send_info $client_tid $ts_micros_sent $source $msg]
} else {
thread::send $tidworker [list ::shellthread::worker::send_info $client_tid $ts_micros_sent $source $msg]
proc report_worker_errors {errdict} {
variable workers
set reporting_tid [dict get $errdict worker_tid]
dict for {src srcinfo} $workers {
if {[dict get $srcinfo tid] eq $reporting_tid} {
dict set srcinfo errors [dict get $errdict errors]
dict set workers $src $srcinfo ;#writeback updated
proc close_worker {source {timeout 2500}} {
variable workers
variable worker_errors
set ts_now [clock micros]
#puts stderr "close_worker $source"
if {[dict exists $workers $source]} {
set tidworker [dict get $workers $source tid]
set ts_end_list [dict get $workers $source ts_end_list]
if {[llength $ts_end_list]} {
set last_end_ts [lindex $ts_end_list end]
if {[expr {(($tsnow - $last_end_ts) / 1000) >= $timeout}]} {
lappend ts_end_list $ts_now
dict set workers $source ts_end_list $ts_end_list
} else {
#existing close in progress.. assume it will work
if {[thread::exists $tidworker]} {
#puts stderr "shellthread::manager::close_worker: thread $tidworker for source $source still running.. terminating"
set timeoutarr($source) 0
after $timeout [list set timeoutarr($source) 2]
thread::send -async $tidworker [list shellthread::worker::send_errors_now [thread::id]]
thread::send -async $tidworker [list shellthread::worker::terminate [thread::id]] timeoutarr($source)
#thread::send -async $tidworker [string map [list %tidclient% [thread::id]] {
# shellthread::worker::terminate %tidclient%
#}] timeoutarr($source)
vwait timeoutarr($source)
#puts stderr "shellthread::manager::close_worker: thread $tidworker for source $source DONE1"
thread::release $tidworker
#puts stderr "shellthread::manager::close_worker: thread $tidworker for source $source DONE2"
if {[dict exists $workers $source errors]} {
set errlist [dict get $workers $source errors]
if {[llength $errlist]} {
lappend worker_errors [list $source [dict get $workers $source]]
dict unset workers $source
#puts stdout "close_worker $source - end"
#worker errors only available for a source after close_worker called on that source
#It is possible for there to be multiple entries for a source because new_worker can be called multiple times with same sourcetag,
# e.g if a thread
proc get_and_clear_errors {source} {
variable worker_errors
set source_errors [lsearch -all -inline -index 0 $worker_errors $source]
set worker_errors [lsearch -all -inline -index 0 -not $worker_errors $source]
return $source_errors


Binary file not shown.


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package ifneeded app-punk 1.0 [list source [file join $dir repl.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
package provide app-punk 1.0
set stdin_info [chan configure stdin]
if {[dict exists $stdin_info -inputmode]} {
#this is the only way I currently know to detect console on windows.. doesn't work on Alma linux.
# tcl_interactive used by repl to determine if stderr output prompt to be printed.
# (that way, piping commands into stdin should not produce prompts for each command)
set tcl_interactive 1
#however, the -mode option only seems to appear on linux when a terminal exists..
if {[dict exists $stdin_info -mode]} {
set tcl_interactive 1
#give up for now
set tcl_interactive 1
proc todo {} {
puts "tcl History"
tcl::tm::add [pwd]/modules
package require shellfilter
package require Thread
set outdevice [shellfilter::stack::new punkout -settings {-tag "punkout" -buffering none -raw 1 -syslog -file "c:/repo/jn/shellspy/logs/repl-exec-stdout.txt"}]
set out [dict get $outdevice localchan]
set errdevice [shellfilter::stack::new punkerr -settings {-tag "punkerr" -buffering none -raw 1 -syslog -file "c:/repo/jn/shellspy/logs/repl-exec-stderr.txt"}]
set err [dict get $errdevice localchan]
#set indevice [shellfilter::stack::new commandin -settings {-tag "commandin" -readbuffering line -writebuffering none -raw 1 -direction in}]
#set program_read_stdin_pipe [dict get $indevice localchan]
# unknown --
# This procedure is called when a Tcl command is invoked that doesn't
# exist in the interpreter. It takes the following steps to make the
# command available:
# 1. See if the autoload facility can locate the command in a
# Tcl script file. If so, load it and execute it.
# 2. If the command was invoked interactively at top-level:
# (a) see if the command exists as an executable UNIX program.
# If so, "exec" the command.
# (b) see if the command requests csh-like history substitution
# in one of the common forms !!, !<number>, or ^old^new. If
# so, emulate csh's history substitution.
# (c) see if the command is a unique abbreviation for another
# command. If so, invoke the command.
# Arguments:
# args - A list whose elements are the words of the original
# command, including the command name.
proc unknown args {
variable ::tcl::UnknownPending
global auto_noexec auto_noload env tcl_interactive errorInfo errorCode
if {[info exists errorInfo]} {
set savedErrorInfo $errorInfo
if {[info exists errorCode]} {
set savedErrorCode $errorCode
set name [lindex $args 0]
if {![info exists auto_noload]} {
# Make sure we're not trying to load the same proc twice.
if {[info exists UnknownPending($name)]} {
return -code error "self-referential recursion\
in \"unknown\" for command \"$name\""
set UnknownPending($name) pending
set ret [catch {
auto_load $name [uplevel 1 {::namespace current}]
} msg opts]
unset UnknownPending($name)
if {$ret != 0} {
dict append opts -errorinfo "\n (autoloading \"$name\")"
return -options $opts $msg
if {![array size UnknownPending]} {
unset UnknownPending
if {$msg} {
if {[info exists savedErrorCode]} {
set ::errorCode $savedErrorCode
} else {
unset -nocomplain ::errorCode
if {[info exists savedErrorInfo]} {
set errorInfo $savedErrorInfo
} else {
unset -nocomplain errorInfo
set code [catch {uplevel 1 $args} msg opts]
if {$code == 1} {
# Compute stack trace contribution from the [uplevel].
# Note the dependence on how Tcl_AddErrorInfo, etc.
# construct the stack trace.
set errInfo [dict get $opts -errorinfo]
set errCode [dict get $opts -errorcode]
set cinfo $args
if {[string length [encoding convertto utf-8 $cinfo]] > 150} {
set cinfo [string range $cinfo 0 150]
while {[string length [encoding convertto utf-8 $cinfo]] > 150} {
set cinfo [string range $cinfo 0 end-1]
append cinfo ...
set tail "\n (\"uplevel\" body line 1)\n invoked\
from within\n\"uplevel 1 \$args\""
set expect "$msg\n while executing\n\"$cinfo\"$tail"
if {$errInfo eq $expect} {
# The stack has only the eval from the expanded command
# Do not generate any stack trace here.
dict unset opts -errorinfo
dict incr opts -level
return -options $opts $msg
# Stack trace is nested, trim off just the contribution
# from the extra "eval" of $args due to the "catch" above.
set last [string last $tail $errInfo]
if {$last + [string length $tail] != [string length $errInfo]} {
# Very likely cannot happen
return -options $opts $msg
set errInfo [string range $errInfo 0 $last-1]
set tail "\"$cinfo\""
set last [string last $tail $errInfo]
if {$last < 0 || $last + [string length $tail] != [string length $errInfo]} {
return -code error -errorcode $errCode \
-errorinfo $errInfo $msg
set errInfo [string range $errInfo 0 $last-1]
set tail "\n invoked from within\n"
set last [string last $tail $errInfo]
if {$last + [string length $tail] == [string length $errInfo]} {
return -code error -errorcode $errCode \
-errorinfo [string range $errInfo 0 $last-1] $msg
set tail "\n while executing\n"
set last [string last $tail $errInfo]
if {$last + [string length $tail] == [string length $errInfo]} {
return -code error -errorcode $errCode \
-errorinfo [string range $errInfo 0 $last-1] $msg
return -options $opts $msg
} else {
dict incr opts -level
return -options $opts $msg
#set isrepl [expr {[file tail [file rootname [info script]]] eq "repl"}]
set isrepl $::repl::running ;#may not be reading though
if {$isrepl} {
#set ::tcl_interactive 1
if {$isrepl || (([info level] == 1) && (([info script] eq "" ) )
&& ([info exists tcl_interactive] && $tcl_interactive))} {
if {![info exists auto_noexec]} {
set new [auto_execok $name]
if {$new ne ""} {
set redir ""
if {[namespace which -command console] eq ""} {
set redir ">&@stdout <@stdin"
#experiment todo - use twapi and named pipes
#twapi::namedpipe_server {\\.\pipe\something}
#Then override tcl 'exec' and replace all stdout/stderr/stdin with our fake ones
#These can be stacked with shellfilter and operate as OS handles - which we can't do with fifo2 etc
# 'script' command to fake a tty
# note that we lose the exit code from the underlying command by using 'script' if we call shellfilter::run without -e option to script
set scr [auto_execok script]
if {$scr ne ""} {
if {[string first " " $new] > 0} {
set c1 $name
} else {
set c1 $new
#set scriptrun "( $c1 [lrange $args 1 end] )"
set scriptrun_commandlist [shellfilter::get_scriptrun_from_cmdlist_dquote_if_not $args]
if 0 {
set scriptrun "( $c1 "
foreach a [lrange $args 1 end] {
if {[string first " " $a] > 0} {
#append scriptrun "\"$a\""
append scriptrun $a
} else {
append scriptrun $a
append scriptrun " "
append scriptrun " )"
if 0 {
package require string::token::shell
set shellparts [string token shell -indices $args]
set scriptrun "( $c1 "
foreach info [lrange $shellparts 1 end] {
set type [lindex $info 0]
if {$type eq "D:QUOTED"} {
append scriptrun "\""
append scriptrun [lindex $info 3]
append scriptrun "\""
} elseif {$type eq "S:QUOTED"} {
append scriptrun "'"
append scriptrun [lindex $info 3]
append scriptrun "'"
} elseif {$type eq "PLAIN"} {
append scriptrun [lindex $info 3]
} else {
error "Can't interpret '$args' with sh-like syntax"
append scriptrun " "
append scriptrun " )"
#puts stderr ">>>scriptrun_commandlist: $scriptrun_commandlist"
#uplevel 1 [list ::catch \
[list ::shellfilter::run [list $scr -q -e -c $scriptrun /dev/null] -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ] \
::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
uplevel 1 [list ::catch \
[list ::shellfilter::run $scriptrun_commandlist -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ] \
::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
#puts stderr "script result $::tcl::UnknownOptions $::tcl::UnknownResult"
} else {
uplevel 1 [list ::catch \
[list ::shellfilter::run [concat $new [lrange $args 1 end]] -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ] \
::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
if {[string trim $::tcl::UnknownResult] ne "exitcode 0"} {
dict set ::tcl::UnknownOptions -code error
set ::tcl::UnknownResult "Non-zero exit code from command '$c1 [lrange $args 1 end]' $::tcl::UnknownResult"
} else {
#no point returning "exitcode 0" if that's the only non-error return.
#It is misleading. Better to return empty string.
set ::tcl::UnknownResult ""
#uplevel 1 [list ::catch \
# [concat exec $redir $new [lrange $args 1 end]] \
# ::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
#puts "===exec with redir:$redir $::tcl::UnknownResult =="
dict incr ::tcl::UnknownOptions -level
return -options $::tcl::UnknownOptions $::tcl::UnknownResult
if {$name eq "!!"} {
set newcmd [history event]
} elseif {[regexp {^!(.+)$} $name -> event]} {
set newcmd [history event $event]
} elseif {[regexp {^\^([^^]*)\^([^^]*)\^?$} $name -> old new]} {
set newcmd [history event -1]
catch {regsub -all -- $old $newcmd $new newcmd}
if {[info exists newcmd]} {
tclLog $newcmd
history change $newcmd 0
uplevel 1 [list ::catch $newcmd \
::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
dict incr ::tcl::UnknownOptions -level
return -options $::tcl::UnknownOptions $::tcl::UnknownResult
set ret [catch {set candidates [info commands $name*]} msg]
if {$name eq "::"} {
set name ""
if {$ret != 0} {
dict append opts -errorinfo \
"\n (expanding command prefix \"$name\" in unknown)"
return -options $opts $msg
# Filter out bogus matches when $name contained
# a glob-special char [Bug 946952]
if {$name eq ""} {
# Handle empty $name separately due to strangeness
# in [string first] (See RFE 1243354)
set cmds $candidates
} else {
set cmds [list]
foreach x $candidates {
if {[string first $name $x] == 0} {
lappend cmds $x
if {[llength $cmds] == 1} {
uplevel 1 [list ::catch [lreplace $args 0 0 [lindex $cmds 0]] \
::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
dict incr ::tcl::UnknownOptions -level
return -options $::tcl::UnknownOptions $::tcl::UnknownResult
if {[llength $cmds]} {
return -code error "ambiguous command name \"$name\": [lsort $cmds]"
return -code error -errorcode [list TCL LOOKUP COMMAND $name] \
"invalid command name \"$name\""
proc know {cond body} {
proc unknown {args} [string map [list @c@ $cond @b@ $body] {
if {![catch {expr {@c@}} res] && $res} {
return [eval {@b@}]
#tailcall @b@
}][info body unknown]
proc know? {} {
puts [string range [info body unknown] 0 511]
if 1 {
know {[expr $args] || 1} {expr $args}
know {[regexp {^([0-9]+)\.\.([0-9]+)$} [lindex $args 0] -> from to]} {
set res {}
while {$from<=$to} {lappend res $from; incr from}
set res
#run as raw string instead of tcl-list - no variable subst etc
proc do_runraw {commandline} {
#return [shellfilter::run [lrange $args 1 end] -teehandle punk -inbuffering none -outbuffering none -stdinhandler ::repl::repl_handler]
puts stdout ">>runraw got: $commandline"
#run always echoes anyway.. as we aren't diverting stdout/stderr off for capturing
#for consistency with other runxxx commands - we'll just consume it. (review)
#set wordparts [regexp -inline -all {\S+} $commandline]
package require string::token::shell
set parts [string token shell -indices $commandline]
puts stdout ">>shellparts: $parts"
set runwords [list]
foreach p $parts {
set ptype [lindex $p 0]
set pval [lindex $p 3]
if {$ptype eq "PLAIN"} {
lappend runwords [lindex $p 3]
} elseif {$ptype eq "D:QUOTED"} {
set v {"}
append v $pval
append v {"}
lappend runwords $v
} elseif {$ptype eq "S:QUOTED"} {
set v {'}
append v $pval
append v {'}
lappend runwords $v
puts stdout ">>runraw runwords: $runwords"
set runwords [lrange $runwords 1 end]
puts stdout ">>runraw runwords: $runwords"
#set args [lrange $args 1 end]
#set runwords [lrange $wordparts 1 end]
set known_runopts [list "-echo" "-e" "-terminal" "-t"]
set aliases [list "-e" "-echo" "-echo" "-echo" "-t" "-terminal" "-terminal" "-terminal"] ;#include map to self
set runopts [list]
set cmdwords [list]
set idx_first_cmdarg [lsearch -not $runwords "-*"]
set runopts [lrange $runwords 0 $idx_first_cmdarg-1]
set cmdwords [lrange $runwords $idx_first_cmdarg end]
foreach o $runopts {
if {$o ni $known_runopts} {
error "runout: Unknown runoption $o"
set runopts [lmap o $runopts {dict get $aliases $o}]
set cmd_as_string [join $cmdwords " "]
puts stdout ">>cmd_as_string: $cmd_as_string"
if {"-terminal" in $runopts} {
set tcmd [shellfilter::get_scriptrun_from_cmdlist_dquote_if_not $cmdwords]
puts stdout ">>tcmd: $tcmd"
#set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $tcmd -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ]
set exitinfo "not-implemented"
} else {
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $cmdwords -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ]
if {[dict exists $exitinfo error]} {
#todo - check errorInfo makes sense.. return -code? tailcall?
error [dict get $exitinfo error]
return $exitinfo
#NOTE: the run,runout,runerr,runx commands only produce an error if the command didn't run.
# - If it did run, but there was a non-zero exitcode it is up to the application to check that.
#This is deliberate, but means 'catch' doesn't catch errors within the command itself - the exitcode has to be checked.
#The user can always use exec for different process error semantics (they don't get exitcode with exec)
know {[lindex $args 0] eq "runraw"} {
return [do_run $args]
know {[lindex $args 0] eq "run"} {
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
set known_runopts [list "-echo" "-e"]
set aliases [list "-e" "-echo" "-echo" "-echo"] ;#include map to self
set runopts [list]
set cmdargs [list]
set idx_first_cmdarg [lsearch -not $args "-*"]
set runopts [lrange $args 0 $idx_first_cmdarg-1]
set cmdargs [lrange $args $idx_first_cmdarg end]
foreach o $runopts {
if {$o ni $known_runopts} {
error "run: Unknown runoption $o"
set runopts [lmap o $runopts {dict get $aliases $o}]
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $cmdargs -teehandle punk -inbuffering none -outbuffering none ]
know {[lindex $args 0] eq "runout"} {
set ::runout ""
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
set known_runopts [list "-echo" "-e"]
set aliases [list "-e" "-echo" "-echo" "-echo"] ;#include map to self
set runopts [list]
set cmdargs [list]
set idx_first_cmdarg [lsearch -not $args "-*"]
set runopts [lrange $args 0 $idx_first_cmdarg-1]
set cmdargs [lrange $args $idx_first_cmdarg end]
foreach o $runopts {
if {$o ni $known_runopts} {
error "runout: Unknown runoption $o"
set runopts [lmap o $runopts {dict get $aliases $o}]
#puts stdout "RUNOUT cmdargs: $cmdargs"
#set outvar_stackid [shellfilter::stack::add commandout tee_to_var -action float -settings {-varname ::runout}]
if {"-echo" in $runopts} {
set stdout_stackid [shellfilter::stack::add stdout tee_to_var -action sink-locked -settings {-varname ::runout}]
} else {
set stdout_stackid [shellfilter::stack::add stdout var -action sink-locked -settings {-varname ::runout}]
#shellfilter::run [lrange $args 1 end] -teehandle punk -outchan stdout -inbuffering none -outbuffering none -stdinhandler ::repl::repl_handler
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $cmdargs -teehandle punk -inbuffering none -outbuffering none ]
shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $stdout_stackid
#shellfilter::stack::remove commandout $outvar_stackid
if {[dict exists $exitinfo error]} {
#we must raise an error.
#todo - check errorInfo makes sense.. return -code? tailcall?
error [dict get $exitinfo error]
puts stderr $exitinfo
return $::runout
know {[lindex $args 0] eq "runerr"} {
set ::runerr ""
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
set known_runopts [list "-echo" "-e"]
set aliases [list "-e" "-echo" "-echo" "-echo"] ;#include map to self
set runopts [list]
set cmdargs [list]
set idx_first_cmdarg [lsearch -not $args "-*"]
set runopts [lrange $args 0 $idx_first_cmdarg-1]
set cmdargs [lrange $args $idx_first_cmdarg end]
foreach o $runopts {
if {$o ni $known_runopts} {
error "runout: Unknown runoption $o"
set runopts [lmap o $runopts {dict get $aliases $o}]
if {"-echo" in $runopts} {
set stderr_stackid [shellfilter::stack::add stderr tee_to_var -action sink-locked -settings {-varname ::runerr}]
} else {
set stderr_stackid [shellfilter::stack::add stderr var -action sink-locked -settings {-varname ::runerr}]
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $cmdargs -teehandle punk -inbuffering none -outbuffering none -stdinhandler ::repl::repl_handler]
shellfilter::stack::remove stderr $stderr_stackid
#we raise an error because an error during calling is different to collecting stderr from a command, and the caller should be able to wrap in a catch
# to determine something other than just a nonzero exit code or output on stderr.
if {[dict exists $exitinfo error]} {
#todo - check errorInfo makes sense.. return -code? tailcall?
error [dict get $exitinfo error]
puts stderr \n$exitinfo
return $::runerr
know {[lindex $args 0] eq "runx"} {
set ::runerr ""
set ::runout ""
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
set known_runopts [list "-echo" "-e"]
set aliases [list "-e" "-echo" "-echo" "-echo"] ;#include map to self
set runopts [list]
set cmdargs [list]
set idx_first_cmdarg [lsearch -not $args "-*"]
set runopts [lrange $args 0 $idx_first_cmdarg-1]
set cmdargs [lrange $args $idx_first_cmdarg end]
foreach o $runopts {
if {$o ni $known_runopts} {
error "runout: Unknown runoption $o"
set runopts [lmap o $runopts {dict get $aliases $o}]
#shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $::repl::id_outstack
if {"-echo" in $runopts} {
set stderr_stackid [shellfilter::stack::add stderr tee_to_var -action sink-locked -settings {-varname ::runerr}]
set stdout_stackid [shellfilter::stack::add stdout tee_to_var -action sink-locked -settings {-varname ::runout}]
} else {
set stderr_stackid [shellfilter::stack::add stderr var -action sink-locked -settings {-varname ::runerr}]
set stdout_stackid [shellfilter::stack::add stdout var -action sink-locked -settings {-varname ::runout}]
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $cmdargs -teehandle punk -inbuffering none -outbuffering none -stdinhandler ::repl::repl_handler]
shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $stdout_stackid
shellfilter::stack::remove stderr $stderr_stackid
set ::repl::output ""
#set x [shellfilter::stack::add stdout var -action sink-locked -settings {-varname ::repl::runxoutput}]
set pretty ""
append pretty "stdout\n"
if {[string length $::runout]} {
append pretty "$::runout\n"
append pretty "stderr\n"
if {[string length $::runerr]} {
append pretty "$::runerr\n"
append pretty "$exitinfo"
#set ::repl::result_print 0
#return [lindex [list [list stdout $::runout stderr $::runerr {*}$exitinfo] [shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $x][puts -nonewline stdout $pretty][set ::repl::output ""]] 0]
set ::repl::result_pretty $pretty
if {[dict exists $exitinfo error]} {
#todo - check errorInfo makes sense.. return -code? tailcall?
error [dict get $exitinfo error]
return [list stdout $::runout stderr $::runerr {*}$exitinfo]
#return [string map [list %o% [list $::runout] %e% [list $::runerr] %x% $exitinfo] {stdout\
# %o%\
# stderr\
# %e%\
# %x%\
namespace eval repl {
variable output ""
#important not to initialize - as it can be preset by cooperating package before app-punk has been package required
variable post_script
proc repl::doprompt {prompt} {
#prompt to stderr.
#We can pipe commands into repl's stdin without the prompt interfering with the output.
#Although all command output for each line goes to stdout - not just what is emmited with puts
if {$::tcl_interactive} {
puts -nonewline stderr $prompt
flush stderr
proc repl::start {inchan} {
variable command
variable running
variable reading
variable done
set running 1
set command ""
doprompt "P% "
fileevent $inchan readable [list [namespace current]::repl_handler $inchan]
set reading 1
vwait [namespace current]::done
#todo - override exit?
after 0 ::repl::post_operations
vwait repl::post_operations_done
return 0
proc repl::post_operations {} {
if {[info exists ::repl::post_script] && [string length $::repl::post_script]} {
#put aside post_script so the script has the option to add another post_script and restart the repl
set ::repl::running_script $::repl::post_script
set ::repl::post_script ""
uplevel #0 {eval $::repl::running_script}
#todo - tidyup so repl could be restarted
set repl::post_operations_done 0
proc repl::reopen_stdin {} {
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
puts stderr "|repl> Attempting reconnection of console to stdin by opening 'CON'"
} else {
puts stderr "|repl> Attempting reconnection of console to stdin by opening '/dev/tty'"
#puts stderr "channels:[chan names]"
#flush stderr
chan close stdin
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
set s [open "CON" r]
} else {
#/dev/tty - reference to the controlling terminal for a process
set s [open "/dev/tty" r]
repl::start stdin
proc quit {} {
set ::repl::done "quit"
#just a failed experiment.. tried various things
proc repl::reopen_stdinX {} {
#windows - todo unix
package require twapi
if 0 {
if {[catch {package require Memchan} errM]} {
#package require tcl::chan::fifo2
#lassign [tcl::chan::fifo2] a b
package require tcl::chan::fifo
set x [tcl::chan::fifo]
} else {
#lassign [fifo2] a b
set x [fifo]
#first channel opened after stdin closed becomes stdin
#use a fifo or fifo2 because [chan pipe] assigns the wrong end first!
#a will be stdin
#these can't replace proper stdin (filehandle 0) because they're not 'file backed' or 'os level'
#try opening a named pipe server to become stdin
set pipename {\\.\pipe\stdin_%id%}
set pipename [string map [list %id% [pid]] $pipename]
package require tcl::chan::fifo
chan close stdin
lassign [tcl::chan::fifo] a
puts stderr "newchan: $a"
puts stderr "|test> $a [chan conf $a]"
#set server [twapi::namedpipe_server $pipename]
#set client [twapi::namedpipe_client $pipename] ;#open a client and connect to the server we just made
puts stderr "chan names: [chan names]"
#by now $server not valid?
#set server stdin
#chan configure $server -buffering line -encoding unicode
#chan configure $client -buffering line -encoding unicode
#puts stderr "|test>ns-server $server [chan conf $server]"
#puts stderr "|test>ns-client $client [chan conf $client]"
set conin [twapi::get_console_handle stdin]
twapi::set_standard_handle stdin $conin
set h_in [twapi::get_standard_handle stdin]
puts stderr "|test> $a [chan conf $a]"
#chan configure $client -blocking 0
after 10 repl::start $a
proc repl::repl_handler {chan} {
variable command
variable running
variable reading
variable post_script
variable id_outstack
variable result_print
variable result_pretty
set chunksize [gets $chan line]
if {$chunksize < 0} {
if {[chan eof $chan]} {
fileevent $chan readable {}
set reading 0
set running 0
if {$::tcl_interactive} {
puts stderr "\n|repl> EOF on $chan."
set [namespace current]::done 1
append command $line
if {[info complete $command]} {
set ::repl::output ""
set id_outstack [shellfilter::stack::add stdout tee_to_var -settings {-varname ::repl::output}]
#chan configure stdout -buffering none
fileevent $chan readable {}
set reading 0
set result_print 1
set result_pretty ""
#don't let unknown use 'args' to convert command to list
if {[string equal -length [string length "runraw "] "runraw " $command]} {
set status [catch {uplevel #0 [list do_runraw $command]} result]
} else {
set status [catch {uplevel #0 $command} result]
set lastoutchar [string range $::repl::output end-1 end]
#puts stderr "<output>'$::repl::output' lastoutchar:'$lastoutchar' result:'$result'"
shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $id_outstack
if {!$result_print} {
set result ""
set lastoutchar ""
#$command is an unevaluated script at this point
# so may not be a well formed list e.g 'set x [list a "b"]'
#- lindex will fail
#if {[lindex $command 0] eq "runx"} {}
set test [string trim $command]
if {[string equal -length [string length "runx "] "runx " $command]} {
if {[string length $result_pretty]} {
set result $result_pretty
fileevent $chan readable [list [namespace current]::repl_handler $chan]
set reading 1
if {$result ne ""} {
if {$status == 0} {
if {[string length $lastoutchar]} {
puts \n$result
} else {
puts $result
doprompt "P% "
} else {
puts stderr $result
doprompt "p% "
} else {
if {[string length $lastoutchar]} {
doprompt "\nP% "
} else {
doprompt "P% "
set command ""
} else {
append command \n
doprompt "> "
repl::start stdin
exit 0
#repl::start $program_read_stdin_pipe


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package ifneeded app-shellspy 1.0 [list source [file join $dir shellspy.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh
#copyright 2023 Julian Marcel Noble
#license: BSD (revised 3-clause)
#see notes at beginning of shellspy namespace re stdout/stderr
#SHELLSPY - provides commandline flag information and stdout/stderr logging/mirroring without output/pipeline interference,
# or modified output if modifying filters explicitly configured.
#shellspy uses the shellfilter and flagfilter libraries to run a commandline with tee-diversions of stdout/stderr to configured syslog/file logs
#Because it is a tee, the command's stdout/stderr are still available as direct output from this script.
#Various filters/modifiers/redirections can be placed on the channel stacks for stdin/stderr using the shellfilter::stack api
# and other shellfilter:: helpers such as shellfilter::redir_output_to_log
# Redirecting stderr/stdout in this way prior to the actual command run will not interfere with the command/pipeline output due to the way
# shellfilter temporarily inserts it's own tee into the stack at the point of the highest existing redirection it encounters.
#A note on input/output convention regarding channels/pipes
# we write to an output, read from an input.
# e.g when creating a pipe with 'lassign [chan pipe] in out' we write to out and read from in.
# This is potentially confusing from an OO-like perspective thinking of a pipe object as a sort of object.
# Don't think of it from the perspective of the pipe - but from the program using it.
# This is not a convention invented here for shellspy - but it seems to match documentation and common use e.g for 'chan pending input|output chanid'
# This matches the way we write to stdout read from stdin.
# Possibly using read/write related naming for pipe ends is clearer. eg 'lassign [chan pipe] rd_pipe1 wr_pipe1'
package provide app-shellspy 1.0
#a test for windows
#fconfigure stdin -encoding utf-16le
#fconfigure stdout -encoding utf-16le
#tcl::tm::remove {*}[tcl::tm::list]
#add dir outside of tclkit/exe so we can override with higher versions if necessary without rebuilding
set m_dir [file normalize [file join [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]] modules]]
tcl::tm::add $m_dir
set m_dir [file normalize [file join [file dirname [info script]] ../../../modules]]
tcl::tm::add $m_dir
#experiment - todo make a flag for it if it's useful
#Middle cap for direct dispatch without flagcheck arg processing or redirections or REPL.
set arg1 [lindex $::argv 0]
if {[file extension $arg1] in [list .tCl]} {
set ::argv [lrange $::argv 1 end]
set ::argc [llength $::argv]
set scriptfile [file normalize $arg1]
if {![file exists $scriptfile]} {
#try the lowercase version (extension lowercased only) so that file doesn't have to be renamed to use alternate dispatch
set scriptfile [file rootname $scriptfile][string tolower [file extension $scriptfile]]
source [file normalize $arg1]
#package require app-punk
} else {
#set m_dir [file join $starkit::topdir modules]
#lappend auto_path c:/tcl/lib/tcllib1.20
package require flagfilter
package require shellfilter
package require Thread
#package require packageTrace
set ::testconfig 5
namespace eval shellspy {
variable shellspy_status_log "shellspy-[clock micros]"
#shellfilter::log::open $shellspy_status_log [list -tag $shellspy_status_log -syslog -file ""]
shellfilter::log::open $shellspy_status_log [list -tag $shellspy_status_log -syslog -file ""]
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "shellspy launch with args '$::argv'"
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "stdout/stderr encoding: [chan configure stdout -encoding]/[chan configure stderr -encoding]"
##don't write to stdout/stderr before you've redirected them to a log using shellfilter functions
## puts to stdout/stderr will comingle with command's output if performed before the channel stacks are configured.
chan configure stdin -buffering line
chan configure stdout -buffering none
chan configure stderr -buffering none
#set id_ansistrip [shellfilter::stack::add stderr ansistrip -settings {}]
#set id_ansistrip [shellfilter::stack::add stdout ansistrip -settings {}]
lassign [shellfilter::redir_output_to_log "SPY"] id_stdout_redir id_stderr_redir
#we can now safely write to stderr/stdout and it will not interfere with stderr/stdout from the dispatched command.
#This is because when shellfilter::run is called it temporarily adds it's own filter in place of the redirection we just added.
# shellfilter::run installs tee_to_pipe on stdout & stderr with -action sink-aside.
# sink-aside means to sink down the filter stack to the topmost filter that is diversionary, and replace it.
# when the command finishes running, the redirecting filter that it displaced is reinstalled in the stack.
#Note that futher filters installed here will sit 'above' any of the redirecting filters
# so apply to both the shellfilter::run commandline,
# as well as writes to stderr/stdout from here or other libraries operating in this process.
# To bypass the the filter-stack and still emit to syslog etc -
# you can use shellfilter::log::open and shellfilter::log::write e.g
# shellfilter::log::open "mystatuslog" [list -tag "mystatuslog" -syslog -file ""]
# shellfilter::log::write "mystatuslog" "shellspy launch"
#set id_ansistrip [shellfilter::stack::add stderr ansistrip -action float -settings {}]
#set id_ansistrip [shellfilter::stack::add stdout ansistrip -action float -settings {}]
##stdin stack operates in reverse compared to stdout/stderr in that first added to stack is first to see the data
##for stdin: first added to stack is 'upstream' as it will always encounter the data before later ones added to the stack.
##for stdout: first added to stack is 'downstream' as it will alays encounter the data after others on the stack
#shellfilter::stack::add stdin ansistrip -action {} -settings {}
#shellfilter::stack::add stdin tee_to_log -settings {-tag "input" -raw 1 -syslog -file ""}
##note - to use shellfilter::stack::new - the fifo2 end at the local side requires the event loop to be running
## for interactive testing a relatively simple repl.tcl can be used.
#todo - default to no logging.. add special flag in checkflags to indicate end of options for matched command only e.g --- ?
# then prioritize these results from checkflags to configure pre-dispatch behaviour by running a predispatch script(?)
# we can log flag-processing info coming from checkflags.. but we don't want to do two opt scans and emit it twice.
# configuration of the logging for flag/opt parsing should come from a config file and default to none.
set stdout_log [file normalize ~]/shellspy-stdout.txt
set stderr_log [file normalize ~]/shellspy-stderr.txt
set outdeviceinfo [shellfilter::stack::new shellspyout -settings [list -tag "shellspyout" -buffering none -raw 1 -syslog -file $stdout_log]]
set commandlog [dict get $outdeviceinfo localchan]
#puts $commandlog "HELLO $commandlog"
#flush $commandlog
set errdeviceinfo [shellfilter::stack::new shellspyerr -settings [list -tag "shellspyerr" -buffering none -raw 1 -syslog -file $stderr_log]]
#note that this filter is inline with the data teed off to the shellspyout log.
#To filter the main stdout an addition to the stdout stack can be made. specify -action float to have it affect both stdout and the tee'd off data.
set id_ansistrip [shellfilter::stack::add shellspyout ansistrip -settings {}]
#set id_out [shellfilter::stack::add stdout rebuffer -settings {}]
#an example filter to capture some output to a var for later use - this one is for ansible-playbook
#set ::recap ""
#set id_tee_grep [shellfilter::stack::add shellspyout tee_grep_to_var -settings {-grep ".*PLAY RECAP.*|.*fatal:.*|.*changed:.*" -varname ::recap -pre 1 -post 3}]
namespace import ::flagfilter::check_flags
namespace eval shellspy::callbacks {}
namespace eval shellspy::parameters {}
proc do_callback {func args} {
variable shellspy_status_log
set exedir [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]
set dispatchtcl [file join $exedir callbacks dispatch.tcl]
if {[file exists $dispatchtcl]} {
source $dispatchtcl
if {[llength [info commands shellspy::callbacks::$func]]} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "found shellspy::callbacks::$func - calling"
if {[catch {
set args [shellspy::callbacks::$func {*}$args]
} errmsg]} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "ERROR in shellspy::callbacks::$func\n errormsg:$errmsg"
error $errmsg
return $args
proc do_callback_parameters {func args} {
variable shellspy_status_log
set exedir [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]
set paramtcl [file join $exedir callbacks parameters.tcl]
set params $args
if {[file exists $paramtcl]} {
source $paramtcl
if {[llength [info commands shellspy::parameters::$func]]} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "found shellspy::parameters::$func - calling"
if {[catch {
set params [shellspy::parameters::$func $params]
} errmsg]} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "ERROR in shellspy::parameters::$func\n errormsg:$errmsg"
return $params
#some tested configs
proc get_channel_config {config} {
#note tcl script being called from wrong place.. configs don't affect: todo - move it.
set params [dict create]
if {$config == 0} {
#bad for: everything. extra cr
dict set params -inbuffering line
dict set params -outbuffering line
dict set params -readprocesstranslation auto ;#default
dict set params -outtranslation auto
if {$config == 1} {
#ok for: cmd, cmd/u/c,raw,pwsh, sh,raw, tcl script process
#not ok for: bash,wsl, tcl script
dict set params -inbuffering line
dict set params -outbuffering line
dict set params -readprocesstranslation auto ;#default
dict set params -outtranslation lf
if {$config == 2} {
#ok for: cmd, cmd/uc,pwsh,sh , tcl script process
#not ok for: tcl script, bash, wsl
dict set params -inbuffering none ;#default
dict set params -outbuffering none ;#default
dict set params -readprocesstranslation auto ;#default
dict set params -outtranslation lf ;#default
if {$config == 3} {
#ok for: cmd
dict set params -inbuffering line
dict set params -outbuffering line
dict set params -readprocesstranslation lf
dict set params -outtranslation lf
if {$config == 4} {
#ok for: cmd,cmd/uc,raw,sh
#not ok for pwsh,bash,wsl, tcl script, tcl script process
dict set params -inbuffering none
dict set params -outbuffering none
dict set params -readprocesstranslation lf
dict set params -outtranslation lf
if {$config == 5} {
#ok for: pwsh,cmd,cmd/u/c,raw,sh, tcl script process
#not ok for bash,wsl
#ok for vim cmd/u/c but only with to_unix filter on stdout (works in gvim and console)
dict set params -inbuffering none
dict set params -outbuffering none
dict set params -readprocesstranslation crlf
dict set params -outtranslation lf
if {$config == 6} {
#ok for: cmd,cmd/u/c,pwsh,raw,sh,bash
#not ok for: vim with cmd /u/c (?)
dict set params -inbuffering line
dict set params -outbuffering line
dict set params -readprocesstranslation crlf
dict set params -outtranslation lf
if {$config == 7} {
#ok for: sh,bash
#not ok for: wsl (display ok but extra cr), cmd,cmd/u/c,pwsh, tcl script, tcl script process, raw
dict set params -inbuffering none
dict set params -outbuffering none
dict set params -readprocesstranslation crlf
dict set params -outtranslation crlf
if {$config == 8} {
#not ok for anything..all have extra cr
dict set params -inbuffering none
dict set params -outbuffering none
dict set params -readprocesstranslation lf
dict set params -outtranslation crlf
return $params
proc do_in_powershell {args} {
variable shellspy_status_log
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_powershell got '$args'"
set args [do_callback powershell {*}$args]
set params [do_callback_parameters powershell]
dict set params -teehandle shellspy
#readprocesstranslation lf - doesn't work for buffering line or none
#readprocesstranslation crlf works for buffering line and none with outchantranslation lf
set params [dict merge $params [get_channel_config $::testconfig]] ;#working: 5 unbuffered, 6 linebuffered
#set exitinfo [shellfilter::run [list pwsh -nologo -noprofile -c {*}$args] -debug 1]
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run [list pwsh -nologo -noprofile -c {*}$args] {*}$params]
#Passing args in as a single element will tend to make powershell treat the args as a 'script block'
# (powershell sees items in curly brackets {} as a scriptblock - when called from non-powershell, this tends to just echo back the contents)
#set exitinfo [shellfilter::run [list pwsh -nologo -noprofile -c $args] {*}$params]
if {[lindex $exitinfo 0] eq "exitcode"} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_powershell returning $exitinfo"
#exit [lindex $exitinfo 1]
proc do_in_powershell_terminal {args} {
variable shellspy_status_log
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_powershell_terminal got '$args'"
dict set params -teehandle shellspy
set params [dict merge $params [get_channel_config $::testconfig]] ;#working: 5 unbuffered, 6 linebuffered
set cmdlist [list pwsh -nologo -noprofile -c {*}$args]
set cmdlist [shellfilter::get_scriptrun $cmdlist]
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_powershell_terminal as script: '$cmdlist'"
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $cmdlist {*}$params]
if {[lindex $exitinfo 0] eq "exitcode"} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_powershell_terminal returning $exitinfo"
proc do_in_cmdshell {args} {
variable shellspy_status_log
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_cmdshell got '$args'"
set args [do_callback cmdshell {*}$args]
set params [do_callback_parameters cmdshell]
dict set params -teehandle shellspy
dict set params -copytempfile 1
set params [dict merge $params [get_channel_config $::testconfig]]
#set id_out [shellfilter::stack::add stdout tounix -action sink-locked -settings {}]
#set exitinfo [shellfilter::run "cmd /c $args" -debug 1]
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run [list cmd /c {*}$args] {*}$params]
#set exitinfo [shellfilter::run [list cmd /c {*}$args] -debug 1]
#shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $id_out
if {[lindex $exitinfo 0] eq "exitcode"} {
#exit [lindex $exitinfo 1]
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_cmdshell returning $exitinfo"
#puts stderr "do_in_cmdshell returning $exitinfo"
proc do_in_cmdshellb {args} {
variable shellspy_status_log
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_cmdshellb got '$args'"
set args [do_callback cmdshellb {*}$args]
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_cmdshellb post_callback args '$args'"
set params [do_callback_parameters cmdshellb]
dict set params -teehandle shellspy
dict set params -copytempfile 1
dict set params -debug 0
#channel config 6 and towindows sink-aside-locked {-junction 1} works with vim-flog
set params [dict merge $params [get_channel_config 6]]
#set id_out [shellfilter::stack::add stdout tounix -action sink-aside-locked -settings {-junction 1}]
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run [list cmd /u/c {*}$args] {*}$params]
#shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $id_out
if {[lindex $exitinfo 0] eq "exitcode"} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_cmdshellb returning with exitcode $exitinfo"
} else {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_cmdshellb returning WITHOUT exitcode $exitinfo"
proc do_in_cmdshelluc {args} {
variable shellspy_status_log
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_cmdshelluc got '$args'"
set args [do_callback cmdshelluc {*}$args]
set params [do_callback_parameters cmdshell]
#set exitinfo [shellfilter::run "cmd /c $args" -debug 1]
dict set params -teehandle shellspy
dict set params -copytempfile 1
dict set params -debug 0
#set params [dict merge $params [get_channel_config $::testconfig]]
set params [dict merge $params [get_channel_config 1]]
#set id_out [shellfilter::stack::add stdout tounix -action sink-locked -settings {}]
set id_out [shellfilter::stack::add stdout tounix -action sink-locked -settings {}]
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run [list cmd /u/c {*}$args] {*}$params]
shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $id_out
#chan configure stdout -translation crlf
if {[lindex $exitinfo 0] eq "exitcode"} {
#exit [lindex $exitinfo 1]
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_in_cmdshelluc returning $exitinfo"
#puts stderr "do_in_cmdshell returning $exitinfo"
proc do_raw {args} {
variable shellspy_status_log
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_raw got '$args'"
set args [do_callback raw {*}$args]
set params [do_callback_parameters raw]
#set params {}
dict set params -debug 0
#dict set params -outprefix "_test_"
dict set params -teehandle shellspy
set params [dict merge $params [get_channel_config $::testconfig]]
if {[llength $params]} {
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $args {*}$params]
} else {
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $args -debug 1 -outprefix "j"]
if {[lindex $exitinfo 0] eq "exitcode"} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_raw returning $exitinfo"
proc do_script_process {scriptname args} {
variable shellspy_status_log
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_script_process got scriptname:'$scriptname' args:'$args'"
set args [do_callback script_process {*}$args]
set params [do_callback_parameters script_process]
dict set params -teehandle shellspy
set params [dict merge $params [get_channel_config $::testconfig]]
#todo - use glob to check capitalisation of file tail (.TCL vs .tcl .Tcl etc)
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run [concat [auto_execok tclsh] $scriptname $args] {*}$params]
if {[lindex $exitinfo 0] eq "exitcode"} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_script_process returning $exitinfo"
proc do_script {scriptname replwhen args} {
#ideally we don't want to launch an external process to run the script
variable shellspy_status_log
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_script got scriptname:'$scriptname' replwhen:$replwhen args:'$args'"
set script [string map [list %a% $args %s% $scriptname] {
set scriptname %s%
set ::argv [list %a%]
set ::argc [llength $::argv]
source [file normalize $scriptname]
set repl_line "package require app-punk\n"
if {$replwhen eq "repl_first"} {
#we need to cooperate with the repl to get the script to run on exit
namespace eval ::repl {}
set ::repl::post_script $script
set script "$repl_line"
} elseif {$replwhen eq "repl_last"} {
append script $repl_line
} else {
#just the script
set args [do_callback script {*}$args]
set params [do_callback_parameters script]
dict set params -tclscript 1 ;#don't give callback a chance to omit/break this
dict set params -teehandle shellspy
set params [dict merge $params [get_channel_config $::testconfig]]
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $script {*}$params]
if {[lindex $exitinfo 0] eq "exitcode"} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_script returning $exitinfo"
proc shellescape {arglist} {
set out [list]
foreach a $arglist {
set a [string map [list \\ \\\\ ] $a]
lappend out $a
return $out
proc do_shell {shell args} {
variable shellspy_status_log
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_shell $shell got '$args' [llength $args]"
set args [do_callback $shell {*}$args]
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_shell $shell xgot '$args'"
set params [do_callback_parameters $shell]
dict set params -teehandle shellspy
set params [dict merge $params [get_channel_config $::testconfig]]
set id_out [shellfilter::stack::add stdout towindows -action sink-aside-locked -settings {-junction 1}]
#shells that take -c and need all args passed together as a string
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run [concat $shell -c [shellescape $args]] {*}$params]
shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $id_out
if {[lindex $exitinfo 0] eq "exitcode"} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_shell $shell returning $exitinfo"
proc do_wsl {dist args} {
variable shellspy_status_log
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_wsl $dist got '$args' [llength $args]"
set args [do_callback wsl {*}$args] ;#use dist?
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_wsl $dist xgot '$args'"
set params [do_callback_parameters wsl]
dict set params -debug 0
set params [dict merge $params [get_channel_config $::testconfig]]
set id_out [shellfilter::stack::add stdout towindows -action sink-aside-locked -settings {-junction 1}]
dict set params -teehandle shellspy ;#shellspyout shellspyerr must exist
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run [concat wsl -d $dist -e [shellescape $args]] {*}$params]
shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $id_out
if {[lindex $exitinfo 0] eq "exitcode"} {
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "do_wsl $dist returning $exitinfo"
#todo - load these from a callback
set commands [list]
#shout extension to force use of tclsh as a separate process
#todo - detect various extensions - and use all script-preceding unmatched args as interpreter+options
#e.g perl,php,python etc.
#For tcl will make it easy to test different interpreter output from tclkitsh, tclsh8.6, tclsh8.7 etc
#for now we have a hardcoded default interpreter for tcl as 'tclsh' - todo: get default interps from config
#(or just attempt launch in case there is shebang line in script)
#we may get ambiguity with existing shell match-specs such as -c /c -r. todo - only match those in first slot?
lappend commands [list tclscriptprocess [list match [list .*\.TCL$ .*\.TM$ .*\.TK$] dispatch [list shellspy::do_script_process %matched%] dispatchtype tcl dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list tclscriptprocess [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
#camelcase convention .Tcl script before repl
lappend commands [list tclscriptbeforerepl [list match [list .*\.Tcl$ .*\.Tm$ .*\.Tk$ ] dispatch [list shellspy::do_script %matched% "repl_last"] dispatchtype tcl dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list tclscriptbeforerepl [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
#Backwards Camelcase convention .tcL - means repl first, script last
lappend commands [list tclscriptafterrepl [list match [list .*\.tcL$ .*\.tM$ .*\.tK$ ] dispatch [list shellspy::do_script %matched% "repl_first"] dispatchtype tcl dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list tclscriptafterrepl [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
#we've already handled .Tcl .tcL, .tCl, .TCL - handle any other capitalisations as a script in this process
lappend commands [list tclscript [list match [list .*\.tcl$ .*\.tCL$ .*\.TCl$ .*\.tm$ .*\.tk$ ] dispatch [list shellspy::do_script %matched% "no_repl"] dispatchtype tcl dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list tclscript [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
lappend commands [list bashraw [list match ^bash$ dispatch [list shellspy::do_shell bash] dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list bashraw [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
lappend commands {shraw {match ^sh$ dispatch {shellspy::do_shell sh} dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}}}
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list shraw [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
lappend commands [list runbash [list match ^b$ dispatch [list shellspy::do_shell bash] dispatchtype shell dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list runbash [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
lappend commands {runsh {match ^s$ dispatch {shellspy::do_shell sh} dispatchtype shell dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}}}
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list runsh [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
lappend commands {runraw {match ^-r$ dispatch shellspy::do_raw dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}}}
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list runraw [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
lappend commands {runpwsh {match ^-c$ dispatch shellspy::do_in_powershell dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}}}
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list runpwsh [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
lappend commands {runpwsht {match ^pwsh$ dispatch shellspy::do_in_powershell_terminal dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}}}
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list runpwsht [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
lappend commands {runcmd {match ^/c$ dispatch shellspy::do_in_cmdshell dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any} longopts {any}}}
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list runcmd [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
lappend commands {runcmduc {match ^/u/c$ dispatch shellspy::do_in_cmdshelluc dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any} longopts {any}}}
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list runcmduc [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
#cmd with bracked args () e.g with vim shellxquote set to "("
lappend commands [list runcmdb [list match ^cmdb$ dispatch [list shellspy::do_in_cmdshellb %matched%] dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any} longopts {any} pairopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list runcmdb [list sub word$i singleopts {any} longopts {any} pairopts {any}]]
lappend commands [list wslraw [list match ^wsl$ dispatch [list shellspy::do_wsl AlmaLinux9] dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any} longopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list wslraw [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
#echo raw args to diverted stderr before running the argument analysis
puts -nonewline stderr "rawargs: $::argv\n"
set i 1
foreach a $::argv {
puts -nonewline stderr "arg$i: '$a'\n"
incr i
puts stderr $::shellfilter::ansi::test
flush stderr
set argdefinitions [list \
-caller shellspy_dispatcher \
-debugargs 0 \
-debugargsonerror 2 \
-return all \
-soloflags {} \
-defaults [list] \
-required {none} \
-extras {all} \
-commandprocessors $commands \
-values $::argv ]
if {[catch {
set arglist [check_flags {*}$argdefinitions]
} errMsg]} {
puts -nonewline stderr "|shellspy-stderr> ERROR during command dispatch\n"
puts -nonewline stderr "|shellspy-stderr> $errMsg\n"
puts -nonewline stderr "|shellspy-stderr> [set ::errorInfo]\n"
} else {
puts stdout "shellspy final-arglist $arglist"
shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "check_flags dispatch -done-"
#puts stdout "sp2. $::argv"
if {[catch {
set tidyinfo [shellfilter::logtidyup]
} errMsg]} {
shellfilter::log::open shellspy-error {-tag shellspy-error -syslog}
shellfilter::log::write shellspy-error "logtidyup error $errMsg\n [set ::errorInfo]"
after 500
#don't open more logs..
#puts stdout ">$tidyinfo"
#shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "logtidyup -done- $tidyinfo"
set errorlist [dict get $tidyinfo errors]
if {[llength $errorlist]} {
foreach err $errorlist {
puts -nonewline stderr "|shellspy-final> worker-error-set $err\n"
puts stdout "shellspy -done-"
#shellfilter::log::write $shellspy_status_log "shellspy -done-"
flush stdout
if {[catch {
shellfilter::logtidyup $shellspy_status_log
} errMsg]} {
shellfilter::log::open shellspy-final {-tag shellspy-final -syslog}
shellfilter::log::write shellspy-final "FINAL logtidyup error $errMsg\n [set ::errorInfo]"
after 500
exit 0


@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Copyright (c) 2003-2012, Ashok P. Nadkarni
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- The name of the copyright holder and any other contributors may not
be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# ADSI routines
# TBD - document
proc twapi::adsi_translate_name {name to {from 0}} {
set map {
unknown 0 fqdn 1 samcompatible 2 display 3 uniqueid 6
canonical 7 userprincipal 8 canonicalex 9 serviceprincipal 10
dnsdomain 12
if {! [string is integer -strict $to]} {
set to [dict get $map $to]
if {$to == 0} {
error "'unknown' is not a valid target format."
if {! [string is integer -strict $from]} {
set from [dict get $map $from]
return [TranslateName $name $from $to]


@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# Copyright (c) 2003-2012, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {}
# Get the command line
proc twapi::get_command_line {} {
return [GetCommandLineW]
# Parse the command line
proc twapi::get_command_line_args {cmdline} {
# Special check for empty line. CommandLinetoArgv returns process
# exe name in this case.
if {[string length $cmdline] == 0} {
return [list ]
return [CommandLineToArgv $cmdline]
# Read an ini file int
proc twapi::read_inifile_key {section key args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{default.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[info exists opts(inifile)]} {
set values [read_inifile_section $section -inifile $opts(inifile)]
} else {
set values [read_inifile_section $section]
# Cannot use kl_get or arrays here because we want case insensitive compare
foreach {k val} $values {
if {[string equal -nocase $key $k]} {
return $val
return $opts(default)
# Write an ini file string
proc twapi::write_inifile_key {section key value args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[info exists opts(inifile)]} {
WritePrivateProfileString $section $key $value $opts(inifile)
} else {
WriteProfileString $section $key $value
# Delete an ini file string
proc twapi::delete_inifile_key {section key args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[info exists opts(inifile)]} {
WritePrivateProfileString $section $key $twapi::nullptr $opts(inifile)
} else {
WriteProfileString $section $key $twapi::nullptr
# Get names of the sections in an inifile
proc twapi::read_inifile_section_names {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -nulldefault -maxleftover 0]
return [GetPrivateProfileSectionNames $opts(inifile)]
# Get keys and values in a section in an inifile
proc twapi::read_inifile_section {section args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -nulldefault -maxleftover 0]
set result [list ]
foreach line [GetPrivateProfileSection $section $opts(inifile)] {
set pos [string first "=" $line]
if {$pos >= 0} {
lappend result [string range $line 0 [expr {$pos-1}]] [string range $line [incr pos] end]
return $result
# Delete an ini file section
proc twapi::delete_inifile_section {section args} {
variable nullptr
array set opts [parseargs args {
if {[info exists opts(inifile)]} {
WritePrivateProfileString $section $nullptr $nullptr $opts(inifile)
} else {
WriteProfileString $section $nullptr $nullptr


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
# Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# Clipboard related commands
namespace eval twapi {}
# Open the clipboard
# TBD - why no mechanism to pass window handle to OpenClipboard?
proc twapi::open_clipboard {} {
OpenClipboard 0
# Close the clipboard
proc twapi::close_clipboard {} {
catch {CloseClipboard}
# Empty the clipboard
proc twapi::empty_clipboard {} {
proc twapi::_read_clipboard {fmt} {
# Always catch errors and close clipboard before passing exception on
# Also ensure memory unlocked
trap {
set h [GetClipboardData $fmt]
set p [GlobalLock $h]
set data [Twapi_ReadMemory 1 $p 0 [GlobalSize $h]]
} onerror {} {
catch {close_clipboard}
} finally {
# If p exists, then we must have locked the handle
if {[info exists p]} {
GlobalUnlock $h
return $data
proc twapi::read_clipboard {fmt} {
trap {
set data [_read_clipboard $fmt]
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 1418} {
# Caller did not have clipboard open. Do it on its behalf
trap {
set data [_read_clipboard $fmt]
} finally {
catch {close_clipboard}
return $data
# Read text data from the clipboard
proc twapi::read_clipboard_text {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{raw.bool 0}
set bin [read_clipboard 13]; # 13 -> Unicode
# Decode Unicode and discard trailing nulls
set data [string trimright [encoding convertfrom unicode $bin] \0]
if {! $opts(raw)} {
set data [string map {"\r\n" "\n"} $data]
return $data
proc twapi::_write_clipboard {fmt data} {
# Always catch errors and close
# clipboard before passing exception on
trap {
# For byte arrays, string length does return correct size
# (DO NOT USE string bytelength - see Tcl docs!)
set len [string length $data]
# Allocate global memory
set mem_h [GlobalAlloc 2 $len]
set mem_p [GlobalLock $mem_h]
Twapi_WriteMemory 1 $mem_p 0 $len $data
# The rest of this code just to ensure we do not free
# memory beyond this point irrespective of error/success
set h $mem_h
unset mem_p mem_h
GlobalUnlock $h
SetClipboardData $fmt $h
} onerror {} {
catch close_clipboard
} finally {
if {[info exists mem_p]} {
GlobalUnlock $mem_h
if {[info exists mem_h]} {
GlobalFree $mem_h
proc twapi::write_clipboard {fmt data} {
trap {
_write_clipboard $fmt $data
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 1418} {
# Caller did not have clipboard open. Do it on its behalf
trap {
_write_clipboard $fmt $data
} finally {
catch close_clipboard
# Write text to the clipboard
proc twapi::write_clipboard_text {data args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{raw.bool 0}
# Convert \n to \r\n leaving existing \r\n alone
if {! $opts(raw)} {
set data [regsub -all {(^|[^\r])\n} $data[set data ""] \\1\r\n]
append data \0
write_clipboard 13 [encoding convertto unicode $data]; # 13 -> Unicode
# Get current clipboard formats
proc twapi::get_clipboard_formats {} {
return [Twapi_EnumClipboardFormats]
# Get registered clipboard format name. Clipboard does not have to be open
proc twapi::get_registered_clipboard_format_name {fmt} {
return [GetClipboardFormatName $fmt]
# Register a clipboard format
proc twapi::register_clipboard_format {fmt_name} {
RegisterClipboardFormat $fmt_name
# Returns 1/0 depending on whether a format is on the clipboard. Clipboard
# does not have to be open
proc twapi::clipboard_format_available {fmt} {
return [IsClipboardFormatAvailable $fmt]
proc twapi::read_clipboard_paths {} {
set bin [read_clipboard 15]
# Extract the DROPFILES header
if {[binary scan $bin iiiii offset - - - unicode] != 5} {
error "Invalid or unsupported clipboard CF_DROP data."
# Sanity check
if {$offset >= [string length $bin]} {
error "Truncated clipboard data."
if {$unicode} {
set paths [encoding convertfrom unicode [string range $bin $offset end]]
} else {
set paths [encoding convertfrom ascii [string range $bin $offset end]]
set ret {}
foreach path [split $paths \0] {
if {[string length $path] == 0} break; # Empty string -> end of list
lappend ret [file join $path]
return $ret
proc twapi::write_clipboard_paths {paths} {
# The header for a DROPFILES path list in hex
set fheader "1400000000000000000000000000000001000000"
set bin [binary format H* $fheader]
foreach path $paths {
# Note explicit \0 so the encoded binary includes the null terminator
append bin [encoding convertto unicode "[file nativename [file normalize $path]]\0"]
# A Unicode null char to terminate the list of paths
append bin [encoding convertto unicode \0]
write_clipboard 15 $bin
# Start monitoring of the clipboard
proc twapi::_clipboard_handler {} {
variable _clipboard_monitors
if {![info exists _clipboard_monitors] ||
[llength $_clipboard_monitors] == 0} {
return; # Not an error, could have deleted while already queued
foreach {id script} $_clipboard_monitors {
set code [catch {uplevel #0 $script} msg]
if {$code == 1} {
# Error - put in background but we do not abort
after 0 [list error $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode]
proc twapi::start_clipboard_monitor {script} {
variable _clipboard_monitors
set id "clip#[TwapiId]"
if {![info exists _clipboard_monitors] ||
[llength $_clipboard_monitors] == 0} {
# No clipboard monitoring in progress. Start it
lappend _clipboard_monitors $id $script
return $id
# Stop monitoring of the clipboard
proc twapi::stop_clipboard_monitor {clipid} {
variable _clipboard_monitors
if {![info exists _clipboard_monitors]} {
return; # Should we raise an error instead?
set new_monitors {}
foreach {id script} $_clipboard_monitors {
if {$id ne $clipid} {
lappend new_monitors $id $script
set _clipboard_monitors $new_monitors
if {[llength $_clipboard_monitors] == 0} {


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
# Copyright (c) 2004-2014, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {
# Allocate a new console
proc twapi::allocate_console {} {
# Free a console
proc twapi::free_console {} {
# Get a console handle
proc twapi::get_console_handle {type} {
switch -exact -- $type {
0 -
stdin { set fn "CONIN\$" }
1 -
stdout -
2 -
stderr { set fn "CONOUT\$" }
default {
error "Unknown console handle type '$type'"
return [CreateFile $fn \
0xC0000000 \
3 \
{{} 1} \
3 \
0 \
proc twapi::_standard_handle_type {type} {
if {[string is integer -strict $type]} {
set type [format %d $type] ; # Convert hex etc.
switch -exact -- $type {
0 -
-10 -
stdin { set type -10 }
1 -
-11 -
stdout { set type -11 }
2 -
-12 -
stderr { set type -12 }
default {
error "Unknown console handle type '$type'"
return $type
# Get a console handle
proc twapi::get_standard_handle {type} {
return [GetStdHandle [_standard_handle_type $type]]
# Set a console handle
proc twapi::set_standard_handle {type handle} {
return [SetStdHandle [_standard_handle_type $type] $handle]
proc twapi::_console_output_attr_to_flags {attrs} {
set flags 0
foreach {attr bool} $attrs {
if {$bool} {
set flags [expr {$flags | [_console_output_attr $attr]}]
return $flags
proc twapi::_flags_to_console_output_attr {flags} {
# Check for multiple bit attributes first, in order
set attrs {}
foreach attr {
-fgwhite -bgwhite -fggray -bggray
-fgturquoise -bgturquoise -fgpurple -bgpurple -fgyellow -bgyellow
-fgred -bgred -fggreen -bggreen -fgblue -bgblue
-fgbright -bgbright
} {
if {($flags & [_console_output_attr $attr]) == [_console_output_attr $attr]} {
lappend attrs $attr 1
set flags [expr {$flags & ~ [_console_output_attr $attr]}]
if {$flags == 0} {
return $attrs
# Get the current mode settings for the console
proc twapi::_get_console_input_mode {conh} {
set mode [GetConsoleMode $conh]
return [_bitmask_to_switches $mode [_console_input_mode_syms]]
interp alias {} twapi::get_console_input_mode {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_get_console_input_mode stdin
# Get the current mode settings for the console
proc twapi::_get_console_output_mode {conh} {
set mode [GetConsoleMode $conh]
return [_bitmask_to_switches $mode [_console_output_mode_syms]]
interp alias {} twapi::get_console_output_mode {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_get_console_output_mode stdout
# Set console input mode
proc twapi::_set_console_input_mode {conh args} {
set mode [_switches_to_bitmask $args [_console_input_mode_syms]]
# If insertmode or quickedit mode are set, make sure to set extended bit
if {$mode & 0x60} {
setbits mode 0x80; # ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS
SetConsoleMode $conh $mode
interp alias {} twapi::set_console_input_mode {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_set_console_input_mode stdin
# Modify console input mode
proc twapi::_modify_console_input_mode {conh args} {
set prev [GetConsoleMode $conh]
set mode [_switches_to_bitmask $args [_console_input_mode_syms] $prev]
# If insertmode or quickedit mode are set, make sure to set extended bit
if {$mode & 0x60} {
setbits mode 0x80; # ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS
SetConsoleMode $conh $mode
# Returns the old modes
return [_bitmask_to_switches $prev [_console_input_mode_syms]]
interp alias {} twapi::modify_console_input_mode {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_modify_console_input_mode stdin
# Set console output mode
proc twapi::_set_console_output_mode {conh args} {
set mode [_switches_to_bitmask $args [_console_output_mode_syms]]
SetConsoleMode $conh $mode
interp alias {} twapi::set_console_output_mode {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_set_console_output_mode stdout
# Set console output mode
proc twapi::_modify_console_output_mode {conh args} {
set prev [GetConsoleMode $conh]
set mode [_switches_to_bitmask $args [_console_output_mode_syms] $prev]
SetConsoleMode $conh $mode
# Returns the old modes
return [_bitmask_to_switches $prev [_console_output_mode_syms]]
interp alias {} twapi::modify_console_output_mode {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_modify_console_output_mode stdout
# Create and return a handle to a screen buffer
proc twapi::create_console_screen_buffer {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{inherit.bool 0}
{mode.arg readwrite {read write readwrite}}
{secd.arg ""}
{share.arg readwrite {none read write readwrite}}
} -maxleftover 0]
switch -exact -- $opts(mode) {
read { set mode [_access_rights_to_mask generic_read] }
write { set mode [_access_rights_to_mask generic_write] }
readwrite {
set mode [_access_rights_to_mask {generic_read generic_write}]
switch -exact -- $opts(share) {
none {
set share 0
read {
set share 1 ;# FILE_SHARE_READ
write {
set share 2 ;# FILE_SHARE_WRITE
readwrite {
set share 3
return [CreateConsoleScreenBuffer \
$mode \
$share \
[_make_secattr $opts(secd) $opts(inherit)] \
# Retrieve information about a console screen buffer
proc twapi::_get_console_screen_buffer_info {conh args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
lassign [GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo $conh] size cursorpos textattr windowlocation maxwindowsize
set result [list ]
foreach opt {size cursorpos maxwindowsize windowlocation} {
if {$opts($opt) || $opts(all)} {
lappend result -$opt [set $opt]
if {$opts(windowpos) || $opts(all)} {
lappend result -windowpos [lrange $windowlocation 0 1]
if {$opts(windowsize) || $opts(all)} {
lassign $windowlocation left top right bot
lappend result -windowsize [list [expr {$right-$left+1}] [expr {$bot-$top+1}]]
if {$opts(textattr) || $opts(all)} {
lappend result -textattr [_flags_to_console_output_attr $textattr]
return $result
interp alias {} twapi::get_console_screen_buffer_info {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_get_console_screen_buffer_info stdout
# Set the cursor position
proc twapi::_set_console_cursor_position {conh pos} {
SetConsoleCursorPosition $conh $pos
interp alias {} twapi::set_console_cursor_position {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_set_console_cursor_position stdout
# Get the cursor position
proc twapi::get_console_cursor_position {conh} {
return [lindex [get_console_screen_buffer_info $conh -cursorpos] 1]
# Write the specified string to the console
proc twapi::_console_write {conh s args} {
# Note writes are always in raw mode,
# TBD - support for scrolling
# TBD - support for attributes
array set opts [parseargs args {
{newlinemode.arg column {line column}}
{restoreposition.bool 0}
} -maxleftover 0]
# Get screen buffer info including cursor position
array set csbi [get_console_screen_buffer_info $conh -cursorpos -size]
# Get current console mode for later restoration
# If console is in processed mode, set it to raw mode
set oldmode [get_console_output_mode $conh]
set processed_index [lsearch -exact $oldmode "processed"]
if {$processed_index >= 0} {
# Console was in processed mode. Set it to raw mode
set newmode [lreplace $oldmode $processed_index $processed_index]
set_console_output_mode $conh $newmode
trap {
# x,y are starting position to write
if {[info exists opts(position)]} {
lassign [_parse_integer_pair $opts(position)] x y
} else {
# No position specified, get current cursor position
lassign $csbi(-cursorpos) x y
set startx [expr {$opts(newlinemode) == "column" ? $x : 0}]
# Get screen buffer limits
lassign $csbi(-size) width height
# Ensure line terminations are just \n
set s [string map [list \r\n \n] $s]
# Write out each line at ($x,$y)
# Either \r or \n is considered a newline
foreach line [split $s \r\n] {
if {$y >= $height} break
set_console_cursor_position $conh [list $x $y]
if {$x < $width} {
# Write the characters - do not write more than buffer width
set num_chars [expr {$width-$x}]
if {[string length $line] < $num_chars} {
set num_chars [string length $line]
WriteConsole $conh $line $num_chars
# Calculate starting position of next line
incr y
set x $startx
} finally {
# Restore cursor if requested
if {$opts(restoreposition)} {
set_console_cursor_position $conh $csbi(-cursorpos)
# Restore output mode if changed
if {[info exists newmode]} {
set_console_output_mode $conh $oldmode
interp alias {} twapi::write_console {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_console_write stdout
interp alias {} twapi::console_write {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_console_write stdout
# Fill an area of the console with the specified attribute
proc twapi::_fill_console {conh args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{mode.arg column {line column}}
} -ignoreunknown]
# args will now contain attribute switches if any
set attr [_console_output_attr_to_flags $args]
# Get screen buffer info for window and size of buffer
array set csbi [get_console_screen_buffer_info $conh -windowpos -windowsize -size]
# Height and width of the console
lassign $csbi(-size) conx cony
# Figure out what area we want to fill
# startx,starty are starting position to write
# sizex, sizey are the number of rows/lines
if {[info exists opts(window)]} {
if {[info exists opts(numlines)] || [info exists opts(numcols)]
|| [info exists opts(position)]} {
error "Option -window cannot be used togther with options -position, -numlines or -numcols"
lassign [_parse_integer_pair $csbi(-windowpos)] startx starty
lassign [_parse_integer_pair $csbi(-windowsize)] sizex sizey
} else {
if {[info exists opts(position)]} {
lassign [_parse_integer_pair $opts(position)] startx starty
} else {
set startx 0
set starty 0
if {[info exists opts(numlines)]} {
set sizey $opts(numlines)
} else {
set sizey $cony
if {[info exists opts(numcols)]} {
set sizex $opts(numcols)
} else {
set sizex [expr {$conx - $startx}]
set firstcol [expr {$opts(mode) == "column" ? $startx : 0}]
# Fill attribute at ($x,$y)
set x $startx
set y $starty
while {$y < $cony && $y < ($starty + $sizey)} {
if {$x < $conx} {
# Write the characters - do not write more than buffer width
set max [expr {$conx-$x}]
if {[info exists attr]} {
FillConsoleOutputAttribute $conh $attr [expr {$sizex > $max ? $max : $sizex}] [list $x $y]
if {[info exists opts(fillchar)]} {
FillConsoleOutputCharacter $conh $opts(fillchar) [expr {$sizex > $max ? $max : $sizex}] [list $x $y]
# Calculate starting position of next line
incr y
set x $firstcol
interp alias {} twapi::fill_console {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_fill_console stdout
# Clear the console
proc twapi::_clear_console {conh args} {
# I support we could just call fill_console but this code was already
# written and is faster
array set opts [parseargs args {
{fillchar.arg " "}
{windowonly.bool 0}
} -maxleftover 0]
array set cinfo [get_console_screen_buffer_info $conh -size -windowpos -windowsize]
lassign $cinfo(-size) width height
if {$opts(windowonly)} {
# Only clear portion visible in the window. We have to do this
# line by line since we do not want to erase text scrolled off
# the window either in the vertical or horizontal direction
lassign $cinfo(-windowpos) x y
lassign $cinfo(-windowsize) w h
for {set i 0} {$i < $h} {incr i} {
FillConsoleOutputCharacter \
$conh \
$opts(fillchar) \
$w \
[list $x [expr {$y+$i}]]
} else {
FillConsoleOutputCharacter \
$conh \
$opts(fillchar) \
[expr {($width*$height) }] \
[list 0 0]
interp alias {} twapi::clear_console {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_clear_console stdout
# Flush console input
proc twapi::_flush_console_input {conh} {
FlushConsoleInputBuffer $conh
interp alias {} twapi::flush_console_input {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_flush_console_input stdin
# Return number of pending console input events
proc twapi::_get_console_pending_input_count {conh} {
return [GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents $conh]
interp alias {} twapi::get_console_pending_input_count {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_get_console_pending_input_count stdin
# Generate a console control event
proc twapi::generate_console_control_event {event {procgrp 0}} {
switch -exact -- $event {
ctrl-c {set event 0}
ctrl-break {set event 1}
default {error "Invalid event definition '$event'"}
GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent $event $procgrp
# Get number of mouse buttons
proc twapi::num_console_mouse_buttons {} {
return [GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons]
# Get console title text
proc twapi::get_console_title {} {
return [GetConsoleTitle]
# Set console title text
proc twapi::set_console_title {title} {
return [SetConsoleTitle $title]
# Get the handle to the console window
proc twapi::get_console_window {} {
return [GetConsoleWindow]
# Get the largest console window size
proc twapi::_get_console_window_maxsize {conh} {
return [GetLargestConsoleWindowSize $conh]
interp alias {} twapi::get_console_window_maxsize {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_get_console_window_maxsize stdout
proc twapi::_set_console_active_screen_buffer {conh} {
SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer $conh
interp alias {} twapi::set_console_active_screen_buffer {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_set_console_active_screen_buffer stdout
# Set the size of the console screen buffer
proc twapi::_set_console_screen_buffer_size {conh size} {
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize $conh [_parse_integer_pair $size]
interp alias {} twapi::set_console_screen_buffer_size {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_set_console_screen_buffer_size stdout
# Set the default text attribute
proc twapi::_set_console_default_attr {conh args} {
SetConsoleTextAttribute $conh [_console_output_attr_to_flags $args]
interp alias {} twapi::set_console_default_attr {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_set_console_default_attr stdout
# Set the console window position
proc twapi::_set_console_window_location {conh rect args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{absolute.bool true}
} -maxleftover 0]
SetConsoleWindowInfo $conh $opts(absolute) $rect
interp alias {} twapi::set_console_window_location {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_set_console_window_location stdout
proc twapi::get_console_window_location {conh} {
return [lindex [get_console_screen_buffer_info $conh -windowlocation] 1]
# Get the console code page
proc twapi::get_console_output_codepage {} {
return [GetConsoleOutputCP]
# Set the console code page
proc twapi::set_console_output_codepage {cp} {
SetConsoleOutputCP $cp
# Get the console input code page
proc twapi::get_console_input_codepage {} {
return [GetConsoleCP]
# Set the console input code page
proc twapi::set_console_input_codepage {cp} {
SetConsoleCP $cp
# Read a line of input
proc twapi::_console_read {conh args} {
if {[llength $args]} {
set oldmode [modify_console_input_mode $conh {*}$args]
trap {
return [ReadConsole $conh 1024]
} finally {
if {[info exists oldmode]} {
set_console_input_mode $conh {*}$oldmode
interp alias {} twapi::console_read {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_console_read stdin
proc twapi::_map_console_controlkeys {control} {
return [_make_symbolic_bitmask $control {
capslock 0x80
enhanced 0x100
leftalt 0x2
leftctrl 0x8
numlock 0x20
rightalt 0x1
rightctrl 4
scrolllock 0x40
shift 0x10
} 0]
proc twapi::_console_read_input_records {conh args} {
parseargs args {
{ 1}
} -setvars -maxleftover 0
set recs {}
if {$peek} {
set input [PeekConsoleInput $conh $count]
} else {
set input [ReadConsoleInput $conh $count]
foreach rec $input {
switch [format %d [lindex $rec 0]] {
1 {
lassign [lindex $rec 1] keydown repeat keycode scancode char controlstate
lappend recs \
[list key [list \
keystate [expr {$keydown ? "down" : "up"}] \
repeat $repeat keycode $keycode \
scancode $scancode char $char \
controls [_map_console_controlkeys $controlstate]]]
2 {
lassign [lindex $rec 1] position buttonstate controlstate flags
set buttons {}
if {[expr {$buttonstate & 0x1}]} {lappend buttons left}
if {[expr {$buttonstate & 0x2}]} {lappend buttons right}
if {[expr {$buttonstate & 0x4}]} {lappend buttons left2}
if {[expr {$buttonstate & 0x8}]} {lappend buttons left3}
if {[expr {$buttonstate & 0x10}]} {lappend buttons left4}
if {$flags & 0x8} {
set horizontalwheel [expr {$buttonstate >> 16}]
} else {
set horizontalwheel 0
if {$flags & 0x4} {
set verticalwheel [expr {$buttonstate >> 16}]
} else {
set verticalwheel 0
lappend recs \
[list mouse [list \
position $position \
buttons $buttons \
controls [_map_console_controlkeys $controlstate] \
doubleclick [expr {$flags & 0x2}] \
horizontalwheel $horizontalwheel \
moved [expr {$flags & 0x1}] \
verticalwheel $verticalwheel]]
default {
lappend recs [list \
[dict* {4 buffersize 8 menu 16 focus} [lindex $rec 0]] \
[lindex $rec 1]]
return $recs
interp alias {} twapi::console_read_input_records {} twapi::_do_console_proc twapi::_console_read_input_records stdin
# Set up a console handler
proc twapi::_console_ctrl_handler {ctrl} {
variable _console_control_script
if {[info exists _console_control_script]} {
return [uplevel #0 [linsert $_console_control_script end $ctrl]]
return 0; # Not handled
proc twapi::set_console_control_handler {script} {
variable _console_control_script
if {[string length $script]} {
if {![info exists _console_control_script]} {
Twapi_ConsoleEventNotifier 1
set _console_control_script $script
} else {
if {[info exists _console_control_script]} {
Twapi_ConsoleEventNotifier 0
unset _console_control_script
# Utilities
# Helper to call a proc after doing a stdin/stdout/stderr -> handle
# mapping. The handle is closed after calling the proc. The first
# arg in $args must be the console handle if $args is not an empty list
proc twapi::_do_console_proc {proc default args} {
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
set args [list $default]
set conh [lindex $args 0]
switch -exact -- [string tolower $conh] {
stdin -
stdout -
stderr {
set real_handle [get_console_handle $conh]
trap {
lset args 0 $real_handle
return [uplevel 1 [list $proc] $args]
} finally {
CloseHandle $real_handle
return [uplevel 1 [list $proc] $args]
proc twapi::_console_input_mode_syms {} {
return {
-processedinput 0x0001
-lineinput 0x0002
-echoinput 0x0004
-windowinput 0x0008
-mouseinput 0x0010
-insertmode 0x0020
-quickeditmode 0x0040
-extendedmode 0x0080
-autoposition 0x0100
proc twapi::_console_output_mode_syms {} {
return { -processedoutput 1 -wrapoutput 2 }
twapi::proc* twapi::_console_output_attr {sym} {
variable _console_output_attr_syms
array set _console_output_attr_syms {
-fgblue 1
-fggreen 2
-fgturquoise 3
-fgred 4
-fgpurple 5
-fgyellow 6
-fggray 7
-fgbright 8
-fgwhite 15
-bgblue 16
-bggreen 32
-bgturquoise 48
-bgred 64
-bgpurple 80
-bgyellow 96
-bggray 112
-bgbright 128
-bgwhite 240
} {
variable _console_output_attr_syms
if {[info exists _console_output_attr_syms($sym)]} {
return $_console_output_attr_syms($sym)
badargs! "Invalid console output attribute '$sym'" 3


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
# Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {
BOOLEAN PreventMediaRemoval;
record device_element { class_guid device_instance reserved }
interp alias {} close_devinfoset {} devinfoset_close
proc twapi::rescan_devices {} {
CM_Reenumerate_DevNode_Ex [CM_Locate_DevNode_Ex "" 0] 0
# Callback invoked for device changes.
# Does some processing of passed data and then invokes the
# real callback script
proc twapi::_device_notification_handler {id args} {
variable _device_notifiers
set idstr "devnotifier#$id"
if {![info exists _device_notifiers($idstr)]} {
# Notifications that expect a response default to "true"
return 1
set script [lindex $_device_notifiers($idstr) 1]
# For volume notifications, change drive bitmask to
# list of drives before passing back to script
set event [lindex $args 0]
if {[lindex $args 1] eq "volume" &&
($event eq "deviceremovecomplete" || $event eq "devicearrival")} {
lset args 2 [_drivemask_to_drivelist [lindex $args 2]]
# Also indicate whether network volume and whether change is a media
# change or physical change
set attrs [list ]
set flags [lindex $args 3]
if {$flags & 1} {
lappend attrs mediachange
if {$flags & 2} {
lappend attrs networkvolume
lset args 3 $attrs
return [uplevel #0 [linsert $script end $idstr {*}$args]]
proc twapi::start_device_notifier {script args} {
variable _device_notifiers
set script [lrange $script 0 end]; # Verify syntactically a list
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
# For reference - some common device interface classes
# Network Card {ad498944-762f-11d0-8dcb-00c04fc3358c}
# Human Interface Device (HID) {4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK - {53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_CDROM - {53f56308-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_PARTITION - {53f5630a-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_TAPE - {53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_WRITEONCEDISK - {53f5630c-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME - {53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_MEDIUMCHANGER - {53f56310-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_FLOPPY - {53f56311-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_CDCHANGER - {53f56312-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_STORAGEPORT - {2accfe60-c130-11d2-b082-00a0c91efb8b}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_KEYBOARD - {884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_MOUSE - {378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_PARALLEL - {97F76EF0-F883-11D0-AF1F-0000F800845C}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT - {86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISPLAY_ADAPTER - {5b45201d-f2f2-4f3b-85bb-30ff1f953599}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HUB - {f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}
# GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HOST_CONTROLLER - {3abf6f2d-71c4-462a-8a92-1e6861e6af27}
if {[info exists opts(deviceinterface)] && [info exists opts(handle)]} {
error "Options -deviceinterface and -handle are mutually exclusive."
if {![info exists opts(deviceinterface)]} {
set opts(deviceinterface) ""
if {[info exists opts(handle)]} {
set type 6
} else {
set opts(handle) NULL
switch -exact -- $opts(deviceinterface) {
port { set type 3 ; set opts(deviceinterface) "" }
volume { set type 2 ; set opts(deviceinterface) "" }
default {
# device interface class guid or empty string (for all device interfaces)
set type 5
set id [Twapi_RegisterDeviceNotification $type $opts(deviceinterface) $opts(handle)]
set idstr "devnotifier#$id"
set _device_notifiers($idstr) [list $id $script]
return $idstr
proc twapi::stop_device_notifier {idstr} {
variable _device_notifiers
if {![info exists _device_notifiers($idstr)]} {
Twapi_UnregisterDeviceNotification [lindex $_device_notifiers($idstr) 0]
unset _device_notifiers($idstr)
proc twapi::devinfoset {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{guid.arg ""}
{classtype.arg setup {interface setup}}
{presentonly.bool false 0x2}
{currentprofileonly.bool false 0x8}
{deviceinfoset.arg NULL}
{ 0}
{system.arg ""}
{pnpenumerator.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
# DIGCF_ALLCLASSES is bitmask 4
set flags [expr {$opts(guid) eq "" ? 0x4 : 0}]
if {$opts(classtype) eq "interface"} {
if {$opts(pnpenumerator) ne ""} {
error "The -pnpenumerator option cannot be used when -classtype interface is specified."
set flags [expr {$flags | 0x10}]
set flags [expr {$flags | $opts(presentonly)}]
set flags [expr {$flags | $opts(currentprofileonly)}]
return [SetupDiGetClassDevsEx \
$opts(guid) \
$opts(pnpenumerator) \
$opts(hwin) \
$flags \
$opts(deviceinfoset) \
# Given a device information set, returns the device elements within it
proc twapi::devinfoset_elements {hdevinfo} {
set result [list ]
set i 0
trap {
while {true} {
lappend result [SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo $hdevinfo $i]
incr i
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 0x103} {
# Fine, Just means no more items
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 0x80070103} {
# Fine, Just means no more items (HRESULT version of above code)
return $result
# Given a device information set, returns the device elements within it
proc twapi::devinfoset_instance_ids {hdevinfo} {
set result [list ]
set i 0
trap {
while {true} {
lappend result [device_element_instance_id $hdevinfo [SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo $hdevinfo $i]]
incr i
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 0x103} {
# Fine, Just means no more items
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 0x80070103} {
# Fine, Just means no more items (HRESULT version of above code)
return $result
# Returns a device instance element from a devinfoset
proc twapi::devinfoset_element {hdevinfo instance_id} {
return [SetupDiOpenDeviceInfo $hdevinfo $instance_id 0 0]
# Get the registry property for a devinfoset element
proc twapi::devinfoset_element_registry_property {hdevinfo develem prop} {
Twapi_SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty $hdevinfo $develem [_device_registry_sym_to_code $prop]
# Given a device information set, returns a list of specified registry
# properties for all elements of the set
# args is list of properties to retrieve
proc twapi::devinfoset_registry_properties {hdevinfo args} {
set result [list ]
trap {
# Keep looping until there is an error saying no more items
set i 0
while {true} {
# First element is the DEVINFO_DATA element
set devinfo_data [SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo $hdevinfo $i]
set item [list -deviceelement $devinfo_data ]
# Get all specified property values
foreach prop $args {
set intprop [_device_registry_sym_to_code $prop]
trap {
lappend item $prop \
[list success \
[Twapi_SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty \
$hdevinfo $devinfo_data $intprop]]
} onerror {} {
lappend item $prop [list fail [list [trapresult] $::errorCode]]
lappend result $item
incr i
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 0x103} {
# Fine, Just means no more items
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 0x80070103} {
# Fine, Just means no more items (HRESULT version of above code)
return $result
# Given a device information set, returns specified device interface
# properties
# TBD - document ?
proc twapi::devinfoset_interface_details {hdevinfo guid args} {
set result [list ]
array set opts [parseargs args {
{matchdeviceelement.arg {}}
} -maxleftover 0]
trap {
# Keep looping until there is an error saying no more items
set i 0
while {true} {
set interface_data [SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces $hdevinfo \
$opts(matchdeviceelement) $guid $i]
set item [list ]
if {$opts(interfaceclass)} {
lappend item -interfaceclass [lindex $interface_data 0]
if {$opts(flags)} {
set flags [lindex $interface_data 1]
set symflags [_make_symbolic_bitmask $flags {active 1 default 2 removed 4} false]
lappend item -flags [linsert $symflags 0 $flags]
if {$opts(devicepath) || $opts(deviceelement)} {
# Need to get device interface detail.
trap {
foreach {devicepath deviceelement} \
[SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail \
$hdevinfo \
$interface_data \
$opts(matchdeviceelement)] \
if {$opts(deviceelement)} {
lappend item -deviceelement $deviceelement
if {$opts(devicepath)} {
lappend item -devicepath $devicepath
} onerror {} {
if {! $opts(ignoreerrors)} {
lappend result $item
incr i
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 0x103} {
# Fine, Just means no more items
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 0x80070103} {
# Fine, Just means no more items (HRESULT version of above code)
return $result
# Return the guids associated with a device class set name. Note
# the latter is not unique so multiple guids may be associated.
proc twapi::device_setup_class_name_to_guids {name args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0 -nulldefault]
return [twapi::SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameEx $name $opts(system)]
# Utility functions
proc twapi::_init_device_registry_code_maps {} {
variable _device_registry_syms
variable _device_registry_codes
# Note this list is ordered based on the corresponding integer codes
set _device_registry_code_syms {
devicedesc hardwareid compatibleids unused0 service unused1
unused2 class classguid driver configflags mfg friendlyname
location_information physical_device_object_name capabilities
ui_number upperfilters lowerfilters
bustypeguid legacybustype busnumber enumerator_name security
security_sds devtype exclusive characteristics address
ui_number_desc_format device_power_data
removal_policy removal_policy_hw_default removal_policy_override
install_state location_paths base_containerid
set i 0
foreach sym $_device_registry_code_syms {
set _device_registry_codes($sym) $i
incr i
# Map a device registry property to a symbol
proc twapi::_device_registry_code_to_sym {code} {
# Once we have initialized, redefine ourselves so we do not do so
# every time. Note define at global ::twapi scope!
proc ::twapi::_device_registry_code_to_sym {code} {
variable _device_registry_code_syms
if {$code >= [llength $_device_registry_code_syms]} {
return $code
} else {
return [lindex $_device_registry_code_syms $code]
# Call the redefined proc
return [_device_registry_code_to_sym $code]
# Map a device registry property symbol to a numeric code
proc twapi::_device_registry_sym_to_code {sym} {
# Once we have initialized, redefine ourselves so we do not do so
# every time. Note define at global ::twapi scope!
proc ::twapi::_device_registry_sym_to_code {sym} {
variable _device_registry_codes
# Return the value. If non-existent, an error will be raised
if {[info exists _device_registry_codes($sym)]} {
return $_device_registry_codes($sym)
} elseif {[string is integer -strict $sym]} {
return $sym
} else {
error "Unknown or unsupported device registry property symbol '$sym'"
# Call the redefined proc
return [_device_registry_sym_to_code $sym]
# Do a device ioctl, returning result as a binary
# TBD - document that caller has to handle errors 122 (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) and (ERROR_MORE_DATA)
proc twapi::device_ioctl {h code args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{input.arg {}}
{ 0}
} -maxleftover 0]
return [DeviceIoControl $h $code $opts(input) $opts(outputcount)]
# Return a list of physical disks. Note CD-ROMs and floppies not included
proc twapi::find_physical_disks {} {
# Disk interface class guid
set guid {{53F56307-B6BF-11D0-94F2-00A0C91EFB8B}}
set hdevinfo [devinfoset \
-guid $guid \
-presentonly true \
-classtype interface]
trap {
return [kl_flatten [devinfoset_interface_details $hdevinfo $guid -devicepath] -devicepath]
} finally {
devinfoset_close $hdevinfo
# Return information about a physical disk
proc twapi::get_physical_disk_info {disk args} {
set result [list ]
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
if {$opts(all) || $opts(geometry) || $opts(layout)} {
set h [create_file $disk -createdisposition open_existing]
trap {
if {$opts(all) || $opts(geometry)} {
if {[binary scan [device_ioctl $h 0x70000 -outputcount 24] "wiiii" geom(-cylinders) geom(-mediatype) geom(-trackspercylinder) geom(-sectorspertrack) geom(-bytespersector)] != 5} {
error "DeviceIoControl 0x70000 on disk '$disk' returned insufficient data."
lappend result -geometry [array get geom]
if {$opts(all) || $opts(layout)} {
set data [device_ioctl $h 0x70050 -outputcount 624]
if {[binary scan $data "i i" partstyle layout(-partitioncount)] != 2} {
error "DeviceIoControl 0x70050 on disk '$disk' returned insufficient data."
set layout(-partitionstyle) [_partition_style_sym $partstyle]
switch -exact -- $layout(-partitionstyle) {
mbr {
if {[binary scan $data "@8 i" layout(-signature)] != 1} {
error "DeviceIoControl 0x70050 on disk '$disk' returned insufficient data."
gpt {
set pi(-diskid) [_binary_to_guid $data 32]
if {[binary scan $data "@8 w w i" layout(-startingusableoffset) layout(-usablelength) layout(-maxpartitioncount)] != 3} {
error "DeviceIoControl 0x70050 on disk '$disk' returned insufficient data."
raw -
unknown {
# No fields to add
set layout(-partitions) [list ]
for {set i 0} {$i < $layout(-partitioncount)} {incr i} {
# Decode each partition in turn. Sizeof of PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX is 144
lappend layout(-partitions) [_decode_PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX_binary $data [expr {48 + (144*$i)}]]
lappend result -layout [array get layout]
} finally {
if {[info exists h]} {
CloseHandle $h
return $result
# Given a Tcl binary and offset, decode the PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX record
proc twapi::_decode_PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX_binary {bin off} {
if {[binary scan $bin "@$off i x4 w w i c" \
pi(-partitionstyle) \
pi(-startingoffset) \
pi(-partitionlength) \
pi(-partitionnumber) \
pi(-rewritepartition)] != 5} {
error "Truncated partition structure."
set pi(-partitionstyle) [_partition_style_sym $pi(-partitionstyle)]
# MBR/GPT are at offset 32 in the structure
switch -exact -- $pi(-partitionstyle) {
mbr {
if {[binary scan $bin "@$off x32 c c c x i" pi(-partitiontype) pi(-bootindicator) pi(-recognizedpartition) pi(-hiddensectors)] != 4} {
error "Truncated partition structure."
# Show partition type in hex, not negative number
set pi(-partitiontype) [format 0x%2.2x [expr {0xff & $pi(-partitiontype)}]]
gpt {
set pi(-partitiontype) [_binary_to_guid $bin [expr {$off+32}]]
set pi(-partitionif) [_binary_to_guid $bin [expr {$off+48}]]
if {[binary scan $bin "@$off x64 w" pi(-attributes)] != 1} {
error "Truncated partition structure."
set pi(-name) [_ucs16_binary_to_string [string range $bin [expr {$off+72}] end]]
raw -
unknown {
# No fields to add
return [array get pi]
interp alias {} twapi::eject {} twapi::eject_media
proc twapi::eject_media device {
set h [_open_disk_device $device]
trap {
device_ioctl $h 0x90018; # FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME
device_ioctl $h 0x90020; # FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME
device_ioctl $h 0x2d4804 -input [_PREVENT_MEDIA_REMOVAL 0]
device_ioctl $h 0x2d4808; # IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECT_MEDIA
} finally {
close_handle $h
# TBD - should we use IOCTL_DISK_LOAD_MEDIA2 instead (0x2d080c) see
# SDK, faster if read / write access not necessary. We are closing
# the handle right away anyway but would that stop other apps from
# acessing the file system on the CD ? Need to try (note device
# has to be opened with FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES only in that case)
interp alias {} twapi::load_media {} twapi::_issue_disk_ioctl 0x2d480c
# TBD - interp alias {} twapi::lock_volume {} twapi::_issue_disk_ioctl 0x90018
# TBD - interp alias {} twapi::unlock_volume {} twapi::_issue_disk_ioctl 0x9001c
proc twapi::_lock_media {lock device} {
_issue_disk_ioctl 0x2d4804 $device -input [_PREVENT_MEDIA_REMOVAL $lock]
interp alias {} twapi::lock_media {} twapi::_lock_media 1
interp alias {} twapi::unlock_media {} twapi::_lock_media 0
proc twapi::_issue_disk_ioctl {ioctl device args} {
set h [_open_disk_device $device]
trap {
device_ioctl $h $ioctl {*}$args
} finally {
close_handle $h
twapi::proc* twapi::_open_disk_device {device} {
package require twapi_storage
} {
# device must be "cdrom", X:, X:\\, X:/, a volume or a physical disk as
# returned from find_physical_disks
switch -regexp -nocase -- $device {
{^cdrom$} {
foreach drive [find_logical_drives] {
if {![catch {get_drive_type $drive} drive_type]} {
if {$drive_type eq "cdrom"} {
set device "\\\\.\\$drive"
if {$device eq "cdrom"} {
error "Could not find a CD-ROM device."
{^[[:alpha:]]:(/|\\)?$} {
set device "\\\\.\\[string range $device 0 1]"
{^\\\\\?\\.*#\{[[:xdigit:]]{8}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{12}\}$} {
# Device name ok
{^\\\\\?\\Volume\{[[:xdigit:]]{8}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{12}\}\\?$} {
# Volume name ok. But make sure we trim off any trailing
# \ since create_file will open the root dir instead of the device
set device [string trimright $device \\]
default {
# Just to prevent us from opening some file instead
error "Invalid device name '$device'"
return [create_file $device -access {generic_read generic_write} \
-createdisposition open_existing \
-share {read write}]
# Map a partition style code to a symbol
proc twapi::_partition_style_sym {partstyle} {
set partstyle [lindex {mbr gpt raw} $partstyle]
if {$partstyle ne ""} {
return $partstyle
return "unknown"


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
# Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
package require registry
namespace eval twapi {
# We maintain caches so we do not do lookups all the time
# TBD - have a means of clearing this out
variable _eventlog_message_cache
set _eventlog_message_cache {}
# Read the event log
proc twapi::eventlog_read {hevl args} {
_eventlog_valid_handle $hevl read raise
array set opts [parseargs args {
{direction.arg forward}
if {[info exists opts(seek)]} {
set flags 2; # Seek
set offset $opts(seek)
} else {
set flags 1; # Sequential read
set offset 0
switch -glob -- $opts(direction) {
"" -
forw* {
setbits flags 4
back* {
setbits flags 8
default {
error "Invalid value '$opts(direction)' for -direction option"
set results [list ]
trap {
set recs [ReadEventLog $hevl $flags $offset]
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 38} {
# EOF - no more
set recs [list ]
foreach event $recs {
dict set event -type [string map {0 success 1 error 2 warning 4 information 8 auditsuccess 16 auditfailure} [dict get $event -level]]
lappend results $event
return $results
# Get the oldest event log record index. $hevl must be read handle
proc twapi::eventlog_oldest {hevl} {
_eventlog_valid_handle $hevl read raise
return [GetOldestEventLogRecord $hevl]
# Get the event log record count. $hevl must be read handle
proc twapi::eventlog_count {hevl} {
_eventlog_valid_handle $hevl read raise
return [GetNumberOfEventLogRecords $hevl]
# Check if the event log is full. $hevl may be either read or write handle
# (only win2k plus)
proc twapi::eventlog_is_full {hevl} {
# Does not matter if $hevl is read or write, but verify it is a handle
_eventlog_valid_handle $hevl read
return [Twapi_IsEventLogFull $hevl]
# Backup the event log
proc twapi::eventlog_backup {hevl file} {
_eventlog_valid_handle $hevl read raise
BackupEventLog $hevl $file
# Clear the event log
proc twapi::eventlog_clear {hevl args} {
_eventlog_valid_handle $hevl read raise
array set opts [parseargs args {backup.arg} -nulldefault]
ClearEventLog $hevl $opts(backup)
# Formats the given event log record message
proc twapi::eventlog_format_message {rec args} {
variable _eventlog_message_cache
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -nulldefault]
set source [dict get $rec -source]
set eventid [dict get $rec -eventid]
if {[dict exists $_eventlog_message_cache $source fmtstring $opts(langid) $eventid]} {
set fmtstring [dict get $_eventlog_message_cache $source fmtstring $opts(langid) $eventid]
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __fmtstring_hits
} else {
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __fmtstring_misses
# Find the registry key if we do not have it already
if {[dict exists $_eventlog_message_cache $source regkey]} {
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __regkey_hits
set regkey [dict get $_eventlog_message_cache $source regkey]
} else {
set regkey [_find_eventlog_regkey $source]
dict set _eventlog_message_cache $source regkey $regkey
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __regkey_misses
# Get the message file, if there is one
if {! [catch {registry get $regkey "EventMessageFile"} path]} {
# Try each file listed in turn
foreach dll [split $path \;] {
set dll [expand_environment_strings $dll]
if {! [catch {
set fmtstring [format_message -module $dll -messageid $eventid -width $opts(width) -langid $opts(langid)]
} msg]} {
dict set _eventlog_message_cache $source fmtstring $opts(langid) $eventid $fmtstring
if {! [info exists fmtstring]} {
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __notfound
set fmt "The message file or event definition for event id [dict get $rec -eventid] from source [dict get $rec -source] was not found. The following information was part of the event: "
set flds [list ]
for {set i 1} {$i <= [llength [dict get $rec -params]]} {incr i} {
lappend flds %$i
append fmt [join $flds ", "]
return [format_message -fmtstring $fmt \
-params [dict get $rec -params] -width $opts(width)]
set msg [format_message -fmtstring $fmtstring -params [dict get $rec -params]]
# We'd found a message from the message file and replaced the string
# parameters. Now fill in the parameter file values if any. Note these are
# separate from the string parameters passed in through rec(-params)
# First check if the formatted string itself still has placeholders
# Place holder for the parameters file are supposed to start
# with two % chars. Unfortunately, not all apps, even Microsoft's own
# DCOM obey this. So check for both % and %%
set placeholder_indices [regexp -indices -all -inline {%?%\d+} $msg]
if {[llength $placeholder_indices] == 0} {
# No placeholders.
return $msg
# Loop through to replace placeholders.
set msg2 ""; # Holds result after param replacement
set prev_end 0
foreach placeholder $placeholder_indices {
lassign $placeholder start end
# Append the stuff between previous placeholder and this one
append msg2 [string range $msg $prev_end [expr {$start-1}]]
set repl [string range $msg $start $end]; # Default if not found
set paramid [string trimleft $repl %]; # Skip "%"
if {[dict exists $_eventlog_message_cache $source paramstring $opts(langid) $paramid]} {
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __paramstring_hits
set repl [format_message -fmtstring [dict get $_eventlog_message_cache $source paramstring $opts(langid) $paramid] -params [dict get $rec -params]]
} else {
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __paramstring_misses
# Not in cache, need to look up
if {![info exists paramfiles]} {
# Construct list of parameter string files
# TBD - cache registry key results?
# Find the registry key if we do not have it already
if {![info exists regkey]} {
if {[dict exists $_eventlog_message_cache $source regkey]} {
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __regkey_hits
set regkey [dict get $_eventlog_message_cache $source regkey]
} else {
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __regkey_misses
set regkey [_find_eventlog_regkey $source]
dict set _eventlog_message_cache $source regkey $regkey
set paramfiles {}
if {! [catch {registry get $regkey "ParameterMessageFile"} path]} {
# Loop through every placeholder, look for the entry in the
# parameters file and replace it if found
foreach paramfile [split $path \;] {
lappend paramfiles [expand_environment_strings $paramfile]
# Try each file listed in turn
foreach paramfile $paramfiles {
if {! [catch {
set paramstring [string trimright [format_message -module $paramfile -messageid $paramid -langid $opts(langid)] \r\n]
} ]} {
# Found the replacement
dict set _eventlog_message_cache $source paramstring $opts(langid) $paramid $paramstring
set repl [format_message -fmtstring $paramstring -params [dict get $rec -params]]
append msg2 $repl
set prev_end [incr end]
# Tack on tail after last placeholder
append msg2 [string range $msg $prev_end end]
return $msg2
# Format the category
proc twapi::eventlog_format_category {rec args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -nulldefault]
set category [dict get $rec -category]
if {$category == 0} {
return ""
variable _eventlog_message_cache
set source [dict get $rec -source]
# Get the category string from cache, if there is one
if {[dict exists $_eventlog_message_cache $source category $opts(langid) $category]} {
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __category_hits
set fmtstring [dict get $_eventlog_message_cache $source category $opts(langid) $category]
} else {
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __category_misses
# Find the registry key if we do not have it already
if {[dict exists $_eventlog_message_cache $source regkey]} {
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __regkey_hits
set regkey [dict get $_eventlog_message_cache $source regkey]
} else {
set regkey [_find_eventlog_regkey $source]
dict set _eventlog_message_cache $source regkey $regkey
dict incr _eventlog_message_cache __regkey_misses
if {! [catch {registry get $regkey "CategoryMessageFile"} path]} {
# Try each file listed in turn
foreach dll [split $path \;] {
set dll [expand_environment_strings $dll]
if {! [catch {
set fmtstring [format_message -module $dll -messageid $category -width $opts(width) -langid $opts(langid)]
} msg]} {
dict set _eventlog_message_cache $source category $opts(langid) $category $fmtstring
if {![info exists fmtstring]} {
set fmtstring "Category $category"
dict set _eventlog_message_cache $source category $opts(langid) $category $fmtstring
return [format_message -fmtstring $fmtstring -params [dict get $rec -params]]
proc twapi::eventlog_monitor_start {hevl script} {
variable _eventlog_notification_scripts
set hevent [lindex [CreateEvent [_make_secattr {} 0] 0 0 ""] 0]
if {[catch {NotifyChangeEventLog $hevl $hevent} msg]} {
CloseHandle $hevent
error $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode
wait_on_handle $hevent -async twapi::_eventlog_notification_handler
set _eventlog_notification_scripts($hevent) $script
# We do not want the application mistakenly closing the event
# while being waited on by the thread pool. That would be a big NO-NO
# so change the handle type so it cannot be passed to close_handle.
return [list evl $hevent]
# Stop any notifications. Note these will stop even if the event log
# handle is closed but leave the event dangling.
proc twapi::eventlog_monitor_stop {hevent} {
variable _eventlog_notification_scripts
set hevent [lindex $hevent 1]
if {[info exists _eventlog_notification_scripts($hevent)]} {
unset _eventlog_notification_scripts($hevent)
cancel_wait_on_handle $hevent
CloseHandle $hevent
proc twapi::_eventlog_notification_handler {hevent event} {
variable _eventlog_notification_scripts
if {[info exists _eventlog_notification_scripts($hevent)] &&
$event eq "signalled"} {
uplevel #0 $_eventlog_notification_scripts($hevent) [list [list evl $hevent]]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::eventlog_subscribe {source} {
set hevl [eventlog_open -source $source]
set hevent [lindex [CreateEvent [_make_secattr {} 0] 0 0 ""] 0]
if {[catch {NotifyChangeEventLog $hevl $hevent} msg]} {
set erinfo $::errorInfo
set ercode $::errorCode
CloseHandle $hevent
error $hsubscribe $erinfo $ercode
return [list $hevl $hevent]
# Utility procs
# Find the registry key corresponding the given event log source
proc twapi::_find_eventlog_regkey {source} {
set topkey {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog}
# Set a default list of children to work around an issue in
# the Tcl [registry keys] command where a ERROR_MORE_DATA is returned
# instead of a retry with a larger buffer.
set keys {Application Security System}
catch {set keys [registry keys $topkey]}
# Get all keys under this key and look for a source under that
foreach key $keys {
# See above Tcl issue
set srckeys {}
catch {set srckeys [registry keys "${topkey}\\$key"]}
foreach srckey $srckeys {
if {[string equal -nocase $srckey $source]} {
return "${topkey}\\${key}\\$srckey"
# Default to Application - TBD
return "${topkey}\\Application"
proc twapi::_eventlog_dump {source chan} {
set hevl [eventlog_open -source $source]
while {[llength [set events [eventlog_read $hevl]]]} {
# print out each record
foreach eventrec $events {
array set event $eventrec
set timestamp [clock format $event(-timewritten) -format "%x %X"]
set source $event(-source)
set category [twapi::eventlog_format_category $eventrec -width -1]
set message [twapi::eventlog_format_message $eventrec -width -1]
puts $chan "$timestamp $source $category $message"
eventlog_close $hevl
# If we are not being sourced from a executable resource, need to
# source the remaining support files. In the former case, they are
# automatically combined into one so the sourcing is not needed.
if {![info exists twapi::twapi_eventlog_rc_sourced]} {
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] evt.tcl]
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] winlog.tcl]


@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
# Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# Event log handling for Vista and later
namespace eval twapi {
variable _evt; # See _evt_init
# System event fields in order returned by _evt_decode_event_system_fields
twapi::record evt_system_fields {
-providername -providerguid -eventid -qualifiers -level -task
-opcode -keywordmask -timecreated -eventrecordid -activityid
-relatedactivityid -pid -tid -channel
-computer -sid -version
proc _evt_init {} {
variable _evt
# Various structures that we maintain / cache for efficiency as they
# are commonly used are kept in the _evt array with the following keys:
# system_render_context_handle - is the handle to a rendering
# context for the system portion of an event
set _evt(system_render_context_handle) [evt_render_context_system]
# user_render_context_handle - is the handle to a rendering
# context for the user data portion of an event
set _evt(user_render_context_handle) [evt_render_context_user]
# render_buffer - is NULL or holds a pointer to the buffer used to
# retrieve values so does not have to be reallocated every time.
set _evt(render_buffer) NULL
# publisher_handles - caches publisher names to their meta information.
# This is a dictionary indexed with nested keys -
# publisher, session, lcid. TBD - need a mechanism to clear ?
set _evt(publisher_handles) [dict create]
# -levelname - dict of publisher name / level number to level names
set _evt(-levelname) {}
# -taskname - dict of publisher name / task number to task name
set _evt(-taskname) {}
# -opcodename - dict of publisher name / opcode number to opcode name
set _evt(-opcodename) {}
# No-op the proc once init is done
proc _evt_init {} {}
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_local_session {} {
return NULL
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_local_session? {hsess} {
return [pointer_null? $hsess]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_open_session {server args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{authtype.arg 0}
} -nulldefault -maxleftover 0]
if {![string is integer -strict $opts(authtype)]} {
set opts(authtype) [dict get {default 0 negotiate 1 kerberos 2 ntlm 3} [string tolower $opts(authtype)]]
return [EvtOpenSession 1 [list $server $opts(user) $opts(domain) $opts(password) $opts(authtype)] 0 0]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_close_session {hsess} {
if {![evt_local_session? $hsess]} {
evt_close $hsess
proc twapi::evt_channels {{hevtsess NULL}} {
# TBD - document hevtsess
set chnames {}
set hevt [EvtOpenChannelEnum $hevtsess 0]
trap {
while {[set chname [EvtNextChannelPath $hevt]] ne ""} {
lappend chnames $chname
} finally {
evt_close $hevt
return $chnames
proc twapi::evt_clear_log {chanpath args} {
# TBD - document -session
array set opts [parseargs args {
{session.arg NULL}
{backup.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
return [EvtClearLog $opts(session) $chanpath [_evt_normalize_path $opts(backup)] 0]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_archive_exported_log {logpath args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{session.arg NULL}
{ 0}
} -maxleftover 0]
return [EvtArchiveExportedLog $opts(session) [_evt_normalize_path $logpath] $opts(lcid) 0]
proc twapi::evt_export_log {outfile args} {
# TBD - document -session
array set opts [parseargs args {
{session.arg NULL}
{query.arg *}
{ignorequeryerrors 0 0x1000}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {([info exists opts(file)] && [info exists opts(channel)]) ||
! ([info exists opts(file)] || [info exists opts(channel)])} {
error "Exactly one of -file or -channel must be specified."
if {[info exists opts(file)]} {
set path [_evt_normalize_path $opts(file)]
incr opts(ignorequeryerrors) 2
} else {
set path $opts(channel)
incr opts(ignorequeryerrors) 1
return [EvtExportLog $opts(session) $path $opts(query) [_evt_normalize_path $outfile] $opts(ignorequeryerrors)]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_create_bookmark {{mark ""}} {
return [EvtCreateBookmark $mark]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_render_context_xpaths {xpaths} {
return [EvtCreateRenderContext $xpaths 0]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_render_context_system {} {
return [EvtCreateRenderContext {} 1]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_render_context_user {} {
return [EvtCreateRenderContext {} 2]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_open_channel_config {chanpath args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{session.arg NULL}
} -maxleftover 0]
return [EvtOpenChannelConfig $opts(session) $chanpath 0]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_get_channel_config {hevt args} {
set result {}
foreach opt $args {
lappend result $opt \
[EvtGetChannelConfigProperty $hevt \
[_evt_map_channel_config_property $hevt $propid]]
return $result
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_set_channel_config {hevt propid val} {
return [EvtSetChannelConfigProperty $hevt [_evt_map_channel_config_property $propid 0 $val]]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::_evt_map_channel_config_property {propid} {
if {[string is integer -strict $propid]} {
return $propid
# Note: values are from winevt.h, Win7 SDK has typos for last few
return [dict get {
-enabled 0
-isolation 1
-type 2
-owningpublisher 3
-classiceventlog 4
-access 5
-loggingretention 6
-loggingautobackup 7
-loggingmaxsize 8
-logginglogfilepath 9
-publishinglevel 10
-publishingkeywords 11
-publishingcontrolguid 12
-publishingbuffersize 13
-publishingminbuffers 14
-publishingmaxbuffers 15
-publishinglatency 16
-publishingclocktype 17
-publishingsidtype 18
-publisherlist 19
-publishingfilemax 20
} $propid]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_event_info {hevt args} {
set result {}
foreach opt $args {
lappend result $opt [EvtGetEventInfo $hevt \
[dict get {-queryids 0 -path 1} $opt]]
return $result
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_event_metadata_property {hevt args} {
set result {}
foreach opt $args {
lappend result $opt \
[EvtGetEventMetadataProperty $hevt \
[dict get {
-id 0 -version 1 -channel 2 -level 3
-opcode 4 -task 5 -keyword 6 -messageid 7 -template 8
} $opt]]
return $result
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_open_log_info {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{session.arg NULL}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {([info exists opts(file)] && [info exists opts(channel)]) ||
! ([info exists opts(file)] || [info exists opts(channel)])} {
error "Exactly one of -file or -channel must be specified."
if {[info exists opts(file)]} {
set path [_evt_normalize_path $opts(file)]
set flags 0x2
} else {
set path $opts(channel)
set flags 0x1
return [EvtOpenLog $opts(session) $path $flags]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_log_info {hevt args} {
set result {}
foreach opt $args {
lappend result $opt [EvtGetLogInfo $hevt [dict get {
-creationtime 0 -lastaccesstime 1 -lastwritetime 2
-filesize 3 -attributes 4 -numberoflogrecords 5
-oldestrecordnumber 6 -full 7
} $opt]]
return $result
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_publisher_metadata_property {hpub args} {
set result {}
foreach opt $args {
set val [EvtGetPublisherMetadataProperty $hpub [dict get {
-publisherguid 0 -resourcefilepath 1 -parameterfilepath 2
-messagefilepath 3 -helplink 4 -publishermessageid 5
-channelreferences 6 -levels 12 -tasks 16
-opcodes 21 -keywords 25
} $opt] 0]
if {$opt ni {-channelreferences -levels -tasks -opcodes -keywords}} {
lappend result $opt $val
set n [EvtGetObjectArraySize $val]
set val2 {}
for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
set rec {}
foreach {opt2 iopt} [dict get {
-channelreferences { -channelreferencepath 7
-channelreferenceindex 8 -channelreferenceid 9
-channelreferenceflags 10 -channelreferencemessageid 11}
-levels { -levelname 13 -levelvalue 14 -levelmessageid 15 }
-tasks { -taskname 17 -taskeventguid 18 -taskvalue 19
-taskmessageid 20}
-opcodes {-opcodename 22 -opcodevalue 23 -opcodemessageid 24}
-keywords {-keywordname 26 -keywordvalue 27
-keywordmessageid 28}
} $opt] {
lappend rec $opt2 [EvtGetObjectArrayProperty $val $iopt $i]
lappend val2 $rec
evt_close $val
lappend result $opt $val2
return $result
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_query_info {hq args} {
set result {}
foreach opt $args {
lappend result $opt [EvtGetQueryInfo $hq [dict get {
-names 1 statuses 2
} $opt]]
return $result
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_object_array_size {hevt} {
return [EvtGetObjectArraySize $hevt]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_object_array_property {hevt index args} {
set result {}
foreach opt $args {
lappend result $opt \
[EvtGetObjectArrayProperty $hevt [dict get {
-channelreferencepath 7
-channelreferenceindex 8 -channelreferenceid 9
-channelreferenceflags 10 -channelreferencemessageid 11
-levelname 13 -levelvalue 14 -levelmessageid 15
-taskname 17 -taskeventguid 18 -taskvalue 19
-taskmessageid 20 -opcodename 22
-opcodevalue 23 -opcodemessageid 24
-keywordname 26 -keywordvalue 27 -keywordmessageid 28
}] $index]
return $result
proc twapi::evt_publishers {{hsess NULL}} {
set pubs {}
set hevt [EvtOpenPublisherEnum $hsess 0]
trap {
while {[set pub [EvtNextPublisherId $hevt]] ne ""} {
lappend pubs $pub
} finally {
evt_close $hevt
return $pubs
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_open_publisher_metadata {pub args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{session.arg NULL}
} -nulldefault -maxleftover 0]
return [EvtOpenPublisherMetadata $opts(session) $pub $opts(logfile) $opts(lcid) 0]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_publisher_events_metadata {hpub args} {
set henum [EvtOpenEventMetadataEnum $hpub]
# It is faster to build a list and then have Tcl shimmer to a dict when
# required
set meta {}
trap {
while {[set hmeta [EvtNextEventMetadata $henum 0]] ne ""} {
lappend meta [evt_event_metadata_property $hmeta {*}$args]
evt_close $hmeta
} finally {
evt_close $henum
return $meta
proc twapi::evt_query {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{session.arg NULL}
{query.arg *}
{ignorequeryerrors 0 0x1000}
{direction.sym forward {forward 0x100 reverse 0x200 backward 0x200}}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {([info exists opts(file)] && [info exists opts(channel)]) ||
! ([info exists opts(file)] || [info exists opts(channel)])} {
error "Exactly one of -file or -channel must be specified."
set flags $opts(ignorequeryerrors)
incr flags $opts(direction)
if {[info exists opts(file)]} {
set path [_evt_normalize_path $opts(file)]
incr flags 0x2
} else {
set path $opts(channel)
incr flags 0x1
return [EvtQuery $opts(session) $path $opts(query) $flags]
proc twapi::evt_next {hresultset args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{ -1}
{ 1}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[info exists opts(status)]} {
upvar 1 $opts(status) status
return [EvtNext $hresultset $opts(count) $opts(timeout) 0 status]
} else {
return [EvtNext $hresultset $opts(count) $opts(timeout) 0]
twapi::proc* twapi::_evt_decode_event_system_fields {hevt} {
} {
variable _evt
set _evt(render_buffer) [Twapi_EvtRenderValues $_evt(system_render_context_handle) $hevt $_evt(render_buffer)]
set rec [Twapi_ExtractEVT_RENDER_VALUES $_evt(render_buffer)]
return [evt_system_fields set $rec \
-providername [atomize [evt_system_fields -providername $rec]] \
-providerguid [atomize [evt_system_fields -providerguid $rec]] \
-channel [atomize [evt_system_fields -channel $rec]] \
-computer [atomize [evt_system_fields -computer $rec]]]
# TBD - document. Returns a list of user data values
twapi::proc* twapi::evt_decode_event_userdata {hevt} {
} {
variable _evt
set _evt(render_buffer) [Twapi_EvtRenderValues $_evt(user_render_context_handle) $hevt $_evt(render_buffer)]
return [Twapi_ExtractEVT_RENDER_VALUES $_evt(render_buffer)]
twapi::proc* twapi::evt_decode_events {hevts args} {
} {
variable _evt
array set opts [parseargs args {
{values.arg NULL}
{session.arg NULL}
{logfile.arg ""}
{ 0}
} -ignoreunknown -hyphenated]
# SAME ORDER AS _evt_decode_event_system_fields
set decoded_fields [evt_system_fields]
set decoded_events {}
# ORDER MUST BE SAME AS order in which values are appended below
foreach opt {-levelname -taskname -opcodename -keywords -xml -message} {
if {$opts($opt)} {
lappend decoded_fields $opt
foreach hevt $hevts {
set decoded [_evt_decode_event_system_fields $hevt]
# Get publisher from hevt
set publisher [evt_system_fields -providername $decoded]
if {! [dict exists $_evt(publisher_handles) $publisher $opts(-session) $opts(-lcid)]} {
if {[catch {
dict set _evt(publisher_handles) $publisher $opts(-session) $opts(-lcid) [EvtOpenPublisherMetadata $opts(-session) $publisher $opts(-logfile) $opts(-lcid) 0]
}]} {
# TBD - debug log
dict set _evt(publisher_handles) $publisher $opts(-session) $opts(-lcid) NULL
set hpub [dict get $_evt(publisher_handles) $publisher $opts(-session) $opts(-lcid)]
# See if cached values are present for -levelname -taskname
# and -opcodename. TBD - can -keywords be added to this ?
foreach {intopt opt callflag} {-level -levelname 2 -task -taskname 3 -opcode -opcodename 4} {
if {$opts($opt)} {
set ival [evt_system_fields $intopt $decoded]
if {[dict exists $_evt($opt) $publisher $ival]} {
lappend decoded [dict get $_evt($opt) $publisher $ival]
} else {
# Not cached. Look it up. Value of 0 -> null so
# just use ignorestring if specified.
if {$ival == 0 && [info exists opts(-ignorestring)]} {
set optval $opts(-ignorestring)
} else {
if {[info exists opts(-ignorestring)]} {
if {[EvtFormatMessage $hpub $hevt 0 $opts(-values) $callflag optval]} {
dict set _evt($opt) $publisher $ival $optval
} else {
# Note result not cached if not found since
# ignorestring may be different on every call
set optval $opts(-ignorestring)
} else {
# -ignorestring not specified so
# will raise error if not found
set optval [EvtFormatMessage $hpub $hevt 0 $opts(-values) $callflag]
dict set _evt($opt) $publisher $ival [atomize $optval]
lappend decoded $optval
# Non-cached fields
# ORDER MUST BE SAME AS decoded_fields ABOVE
foreach {opt callflag} {
-keywords 5
-xml 9
} {
if {$opts($opt)} {
if {[info exists opts(-ignorestring)]} {
if {! [EvtFormatMessage $hpub $hevt 0 $opts(-values) $callflag optval]} {
set optval $opts(-ignorestring)
} else {
set optval [EvtFormatMessage $hpub $hevt 0 $opts(-values) $callflag]
lappend decoded $optval
# We treat -message differently because on failure we want
# to extract the user data. -ignorestring is not used for this
# unless user data extraction also fails
if {$opts(-message)} {
if {[EvtFormatMessage $hpub $hevt 0 $opts(-values) 1 message]} {
lappend decoded $message
} else {
# TBD - make sure we have a test for this case.
# TBD - log
if {[catch {
lappend decoded "Message for event could not be found. Event contained user data: [join [evt_decode_event_userdata $hevt] ,]"
} message]} {
if {[info exists opts(-ignorestring)]} {
lappend decoded $opts(-ignorestring)
} else {
error $message
lappend decoded_events $decoded
return [list $decoded_fields $decoded_events]
proc twapi::evt_decode_event {hevt args} {
return [recordarray index [evt_decode_events [list $hevt] {*}$args] 0 -format dict]
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_format_publisher_message {hpub msgid args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{values.arg NULL}
} -maxleftover 0]
return [EvtFormatMessage $hpub NULL $msgid $opts(values) 8]
# TBD - document
# Where is this used?
proc twapi::evt_free_EVT_VARIANT_ARRAY {p} {
evt_free $p
# TBD - document
# Where is this used?
proc twapi::evt_free_EVT_RENDER_VALUES {p} {
evt_free $p
# TBD - document
proc twapi::evt_seek {hresults pos args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{origin.arg first {first last current}}
{strict 0 0x10000}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[info exists opts(bookmark)]} {
set flags 4
} else {
set flags [lsearch -exact {first last current} $opts(origin)]
incr flags; # 1 -> first, 2 -> last, 3 -> current
set opts(bookmark) NULL
incr flags $opts(strict)
EvtSeek $hresults $pos $opts(bookmark) 0 $flags
proc twapi::evt_subscribe {path args} {
# TBD - document -session and -bookmark and -strict
array set opts [parseargs args {
{session.arg NULL}
{query.arg *}
{ignorequeryerrors 0 0x1000}
{strict 0 0x10000}
} -maxleftover 0]
set flags [expr {$opts(ignorequeryerrors) | $opts(strict)}]
if {[info exists opts(bookmark)]} {
set flags [expr {$flags | 3}]
set bookmark $opts(origin)
} else {
set bookmark NULL
if {$opts(includeexisting)} {
set flags [expr {$flags | 2}]
} else {
set flags [expr {$flags | 1}]
set hevent [lindex [CreateEvent [_make_secattr {} 0] 0 0 ""] 0]
if {[catch {
EvtSubscribe $opts(session) $hevent $path $opts(query) $bookmark $flags
} hsubscribe]} {
set erinfo $::errorInfo
set ercode $::errorCode
CloseHandle $hevent
error $hsubscribe $erinfo $ercode
return [list $hsubscribe $hevent]
proc twapi::_evt_normalize_path {path} {
# Do not want to rely on [file normalize] returning "" for ""
if {$path eq ""} {
return ""
} else {
return [file nativename [file normalize $path]]
proc twapi::_evt_dump {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{outfd.arg stdout}
} -ignoreunknown]
set hq [evt_query {*}$args]
trap {
while {[llength [set hevts [evt_next $hq]]]} {
trap {
foreach ev [recordarray getlist [evt_decode_events $hevts -message -ignorestring None.] -format dict] {
if {[info exists opts(count)] &&
[incr opts(count) -1] < 0} {
puts $opts(outfd) "[dict get $ev -timecreated] [dict get $ev -eventrecordid] [dict get $ev -providername]: [dict get $ev -eventrecordid] [dict get $ev -message]"
} finally {
evt_close {*}$hevts
} finally {
evt_close $hq


@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
# Copyright (c) 2010, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {
# Array maps handles we are waiting on to the ids of the registered waits
variable _wait_handle_ids
# Array maps id of registered wait to the corresponding callback scripts
variable _wait_handle_scripts
proc twapi::cast_handle {h type} {
# TBD - should this use pointer_from_address:
# return [pointer_from_address [address_from_pointer $h] $type]
return [list [lindex $h 0] $type]
proc twapi::close_handle {h} {
# Cancel waits on the handle, if any
cancel_wait_on_handle $h
# Then close it
CloseHandle $h
# Close multiple handles. In case of errors, collects them but keeps
# closing remaining handles and only raises the error at the end.
proc twapi::close_handles {args} {
# The original definition for this was broken in that it would
# gracefully accept non list parameters as a list of one. In 3.0
# the handle format has changed so this does not happen
# naturally. We have to try and decipher whether it is a list
# of handles or a single handle.
foreach arg $args {
if {[pointer? $arg]} {
# Looks like a single handle
if {[catch {close_handle $arg} msg]} {
set erinfo $::errorInfo
set ercode $::errorCode
set ermsg $msg
} else {
# Assume a list of handles
foreach h $arg {
if {[catch {close_handle $h} msg]} {
set erinfo $::errorInfo
set ercode $::errorCode
set ermsg $msg
if {[info exists erinfo]} {
error $msg $erinfo $ercode
# Wait on a handle
proc twapi::wait_on_handle {hwait args} {
variable _wait_handle_ids
variable _wait_handle_scripts
# When we are invoked from callback, handle is always typed as HANDLE
# so convert it so lookups succeed
set h [cast_handle $hwait HANDLE]
# 0x00000008 -> # WT_EXECUTEONCEONLY
array set opts [parseargs args {
{ -1}
{executeonce.bool false 0x00000008}
if {![info exists opts(async)]} {
if {[info exists _wait_handle_ids($h)]} {
error "Attempt to synchronously wait on handle that is registered for an asynchronous wait."
set ret [WaitForSingleObject $h $opts(wait)]
if {$ret == 0x80} {
return abandoned
} elseif {$ret == 0} {
return signalled
} elseif {$ret == 0x102} {
return timeout
} else {
error "Unexpected value $ret returned from WaitForSingleObject"
# async option specified
# Do not wait on manual reset events as cpu will spin continuously
# queueing events
if {[pointer? $hwait HANDLE_MANUALRESETEVENT] &&
! $opts(executeonce)
} {
error "A handle to a manual reset event cannot be waited on asynchronously unless -executeonce is specified."
# If handle already registered, cancel previous registration.
if {[info exists _wait_handle_ids($h)]} {
cancel_wait_on_handle $h
set id [Twapi_RegisterWaitOnHandle $h $opts(wait) $opts(executeonce)]
# Set now that successfully registered
set _wait_handle_scripts($id) $opts(async)
set _wait_handle_ids($h) $id
# Cancel an async wait on a handle
proc twapi::cancel_wait_on_handle {h} {
variable _wait_handle_ids
variable _wait_handle_scripts
if {[info exists _wait_handle_ids($h)]} {
Twapi_UnregisterWaitOnHandle $_wait_handle_ids($h)
unset _wait_handle_scripts($_wait_handle_ids($h))
unset _wait_handle_ids($h)
# Called from C when a handle is signalled or times out
proc twapi::_wait_handler {id h event} {
variable _wait_handle_ids
variable _wait_handle_scripts
# We ignore the following stale event cases -
# - _wait_handle_ids($h) does not exist : the wait was canceled while
# and event was queued
# - _wait_handle_ids($h) exists but is different from $id - same
# as prior case, except that a new wait has since been initiated
# on the same handle value (which might have be for a different
# resource
if {[info exists _wait_handle_ids($h)] &&
$_wait_handle_ids($h) == $id} {
uplevel #0 [linsert $_wait_handle_scripts($id) end $h $event]
# Get the handle for a Tcl channel
proc twapi::get_tcl_channel_handle {chan direction} {
set direction [expr {[string equal $direction "write"] ? 1 : 0}]
return [Tcl_GetChannelHandle $chan $direction]
# Duplicate a OS handle
proc twapi::duplicate_handle {h args} {
variable my_process_handle
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
# Assume source and target processes are us
set source_ph $my_process_handle
set target_ph $my_process_handle
if {[string is wideinteger $h]} {
set h [pointer_from_address $h HANDLE]
trap {
set me [pid]
# If source pid specified and is not us, get a handle to the process
if {[info exists opts(sourcepid)] && $opts(sourcepid) != $me} {
set source_ph [get_process_handle $opts(sourcepid) -access process_dup_handle]
# Ditto for target process...
if {[info exists opts(targetpid)] && $opts(targetpid) != $me} {
set target_ph [get_process_handle $opts(targetpid) -access process_dup_handle]
# Do we want to close the original handle (DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE)
set flags [expr {$opts(closesource) ? 0x1: 0}]
if {[info exists opts(access)]} {
set access [_access_rights_to_mask $opts(access)]
} else {
# If no desired access is indicated, we want the same access as
# the original handle
set access 0
set flags [expr {$flags | 0x2}]; # DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
set dup [DuplicateHandle $source_ph $h $target_ph $access $opts(inherit) $flags]
# IF targetpid specified, return handle else literal
# (even if targetpid is us)
if {[info exists opts(targetpid)]} {
set dup [pointer_to_address $dup]
} finally {
if {$source_ph != $my_process_handle} {
CloseHandle $source_ph
if {$target_ph != $my_process_handle} {
CloseHandle $source_ph
return $dup
proc twapi::set_handle_inheritance {h inherit} {
SetHandleInformation $h 0x1 [expr {$inherit ? 1 : 0}]
proc twapi::get_handle_inheritance {h} {
return [expr {[GetHandleInformation $h] & 1}]


@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
# Copyright (c) 2012 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
package require twapi_ui; # SetCursorPos etc.
# Enable window input
proc twapi::enable_window_input {hwin} {
return [expr {[EnableWindow $hwin 1] != 0}]
# Disable window input
proc twapi::disable_window_input {hwin} {
return [expr {[EnableWindow $hwin 0] != 0}]
# CHeck if window input is enabled
proc twapi::window_input_enabled {hwin} {
return [IsWindowEnabled $hwin]
# Simulate user input
proc twapi::send_input {inputlist} {
array set input_defs {
XBUTTON1 0x0001
XBUTTON2 0x0002
set inputs [list ]
foreach input $inputlist {
if {[string equal [lindex $input 0] "mouse"]} {
lassign $input mouse xpos ypos
set mouseopts [lrange $input 3 end]
array unset opts
array set opts [parseargs mouseopts {
relative moved
ldown lup rdown rup mdown mup x1down x1up x2down x2up
set flags 0
if {! $opts(relative)} {
set flags $input_defs(MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE)
if {[info exists opts(wheel)]} {
if {($opts(x1down) || $opts(x1up) || $opts(x2down) || $opts(x2up))} {
error "The -wheel input event attribute may not be specified with -x1up, -x1down, -x2up or -x2down events"
set mousedata $opts(wheel)
set flags $input_defs(MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL)
} else {
if {$opts(x1down) || $opts(x1up)} {
if {$opts(x2down) || $opts(x2up)} {
error "The -x1down, -x1up mouse input attributes are mutually exclusive with -x2down, -x2up attributes"
set mousedata $input_defs(XBUTTON1)
} else {
if {$opts(x2down) || $opts(x2up)} {
set mousedata $input_defs(XBUTTON2)
} else {
set mousedata 0
foreach {opt flag} {
moved MOVE
x1down XDOWN
x1up XUP
x2down XDOWN
x2up XUP
} {
if {$opts($opt)} {
set flags [expr {$flags | $input_defs(MOUSEEVENTF_$flag)}]
lappend inputs [list mouse $xpos $ypos $mousedata $flags]
} else {
lassign $input inputtype vk scan keyopts
if {"-extended" ni $keyopts} {
set extended 0
} else {
set extended $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY)
if {"-usescan" ni $keyopts} {
set usescan 0
} else {
set usescan $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE)
switch -exact -- $inputtype {
keydown {
lappend inputs [list key $vk $scan [expr {$extended|$usescan}]]
keyup {
lappend inputs [list key $vk $scan \
[expr {$extended
| $usescan
| $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_KEYUP)
key {
lappend inputs [list key $vk $scan [expr {$extended|$usescan}]]
lappend inputs [list key $vk $scan \
[expr {$extended
| $usescan
| $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_KEYUP)
unicode {
lappend inputs [list key 0 $scan $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_UNICODE)]
lappend inputs [list key 0 $scan \
[expr {$input_defs(KEYEVENTF_UNICODE)
| $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_KEYUP)
default {
error "Unknown input type '$inputtype'"
SendInput $inputs
# Block the input
proc twapi::block_input {} {
return [BlockInput 1]
# Unblock the input
proc twapi::unblock_input {} {
return [BlockInput 0]
# Send the given set of characters to the input queue
proc twapi::send_input_text {s} {
return [Twapi_SendUnicode $s]
# send_keys - uses same syntax as VB SendKeys function
proc twapi::send_keys {keys} {
set inputs [_parse_send_keys $keys]
send_input $inputs
# Handles a hotkey notification
proc twapi::_hotkey_handler {msg atom key msgpos ticks} {
variable _hotkeys
# Note it is not an error if a hotkey does not exist since it could
# have been deregistered in the time between hotkey input and receiving it.
set code 0
if {[info exists _hotkeys($atom)]} {
foreach handler $_hotkeys($atom) {
set code [catch {uplevel #0 $handler} msg]
switch -exact -- $code {
0 {
# Normal, keep going
1 {
# Error - put in background and abort
after 0 [list error $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode]
3 {
break; # Ignore remaining handlers
default {
# Keep going
return -code $code ""
proc twapi::register_hotkey {hotkey script args} {
variable _hotkeys
# 0x312 -> WM_HOTKEY
_register_script_wm_handler 0x312 [list [namespace current]::_hotkey_handler] 1
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
# set script [lrange $script 0 end]; # Ensure a valid list
lassign [_hotkeysyms_to_vk $hotkey] modifiers vk
set hkid "twapi_hk_${vk}_$modifiers"
set atom [GlobalAddAtom $hkid]
if {[info exists _hotkeys($atom)]} {
GlobalDeleteAtom $atom; # Undo above AddAtom since already there
if {$opts(append)} {
lappend _hotkeys($atom) $script
} else {
set _hotkeys($atom) [list $script]; # Replace previous script
return $atom
trap {
RegisterHotKey $atom $modifiers $vk
} onerror {} {
GlobalDeleteAtom $atom; # Undo above AddAtom
set _hotkeys($atom) [list $script]; # Replace previous script
return $atom
proc twapi::unregister_hotkey {atom} {
variable _hotkeys
if {[info exists _hotkeys($atom)]} {
UnregisterHotKey $atom
GlobalDeleteAtom $atom
unset _hotkeys($atom)
# Simulate clicking a mouse button
proc twapi::click_mouse_button {button} {
switch -exact -- $button {
1 -
left { set down -ldown ; set up -lup}
2 -
right { set down -rdown ; set up -rup}
3 -
middle { set down -mdown ; set up -mup}
x1 { set down -x1down ; set up -x1up}
x2 { set down -x2down ; set up -x2up}
default {error "Invalid mouse button '$button' specified"}
send_input [list \
[list mouse 0 0 $down] \
[list mouse 0 0 $up]]
# Simulate mouse movement
proc twapi::move_mouse {xpos ypos {mode ""}} {
# If mouse trails are enabled, it leaves traces when the mouse is
# moved and does not clear them until mouse is moved again. So
# we temporarily disable mouse trails if we can
if {[llength [info commands ::twapi::get_system_parameters_info]] != 0} {
set trail [get_system_parameters_info SPI_GETMOUSETRAILS]
set_system_parameters_info SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS 0
switch -exact -- $mode {
-relative {
lappend cmd -relative
lassign [GetCursorPos] curx cury
incr xpos $curx
incr ypos $cury
-absolute -
"" { }
default { error "Invalid mouse movement mode '$mode'" }
SetCursorPos $xpos $ypos
# Restore trail setting if we had disabled it and it was originally enabled
if {[info exists trail] && $trail} {
set_system_parameters_info SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS $trail
# Simulate turning of the mouse wheel
proc twapi::turn_mouse_wheel {wheelunits} {
send_input [list [list mouse 0 0 -relative -wheel $wheelunits]]
# Get the mouse/cursor position
proc twapi::get_mouse_location {} {
return [GetCursorPos]
proc twapi::get_input_idle_time {} {
# The formats are to convert wrapped 32bit signed to unsigned
set last_event [format 0x%x [GetLastInputInfo]]
set now [format 0x%x [GetTickCount]]
# Deal with wrap around
if {$now >= $last_event} {
return [expr {$now - $last_event}]
} else {
return [expr {$now + (0xffffffff - $last_event) + 1}]
# Initialize the virtual key table
proc twapi::_init_vk_map {} {
variable vk_map
if {![info exists vk_map]} {
# Map tokens to VK_* key codes
array set vk_map {
BACK {0x08 0}
BACKSPACE {0x08 0} BS {0x08 0} BKSP {0x08 0} TAB {0x09 0}
CLEAR {0x0C 0} RETURN {0x0D 0} ENTER {0x0D 0} SHIFT {0x10 0}
CONTROL {0x11 0} MENU {0x12 0} ALT {0x12 0} PAUSE {0x13 0}
BREAK {0x13 0} CAPITAL {0x14 0} CAPSLOCK {0x14 0}
KANA {0x15 0} HANGEUL {0x15 0} HANGUL {0x15 0} JUNJA {0x17 0}
FINAL {0x18 0} HANJA {0x19 0} KANJI {0x19 0} ESCAPE {0x1B 0}
ESC {0x1B 0} CONVERT {0x1C 0} NONCONVERT {0x1D 0}
ACCEPT {0x1E 0} MODECHANGE {0x1F 0} SPACE {0x20 0}
PRIOR {0x21 0} PGUP {0x21 0} NEXT {0x22 0} PGDN {0x22 0}
END {0x23 0} HOME {0x24 0} LEFT {0x25 0} UP {0x26 0}
RIGHT {0x27 0} DOWN {0x28 0} SELECT {0x29 0}
PRINT {0x2A 0} PRTSC {0x2C 0} EXECUTE {0x2B 0}
SNAPSHOT {0x2C 0} INSERT {0x2D 0} INS {0x2D 0}
DELETE {0x2E 0} DEL {0x2E 0} HELP {0x2F 0} LWIN {0x5B 0}
RWIN {0x5C 0} APPS {0x5D 0} SLEEP {0x5F 0} NUMPAD0 {0x60 0}
NUMPAD1 {0x61 0} NUMPAD2 {0x62 0} NUMPAD3 {0x63 0}
NUMPAD4 {0x64 0} NUMPAD5 {0x65 0} NUMPAD6 {0x66 0}
NUMPAD7 {0x67 0} NUMPAD8 {0x68 0} NUMPAD9 {0x69 0}
MULTIPLY {0x6A 0} ADD {0x6B 0} SEPARATOR {0x6C 0}
SUBTRACT {0x6D 0} DECIMAL {0x6E 0} DIVIDE {0x6F 0}
F1 {0x70 0} F2 {0x71 0} F3 {0x72 0} F4 {0x73 0}
F5 {0x74 0} F6 {0x75 0} F7 {0x76 0} F8 {0x77 0}
F9 {0x78 0} F10 {0x79 0} F11 {0x7A 0} F12 {0x7B 0}
F13 {0x7C 0} F14 {0x7D 0} F15 {0x7E 0} F16 {0x7F 0}
F17 {0x80 0} F18 {0x81 0} F19 {0x82 0} F20 {0x83 0}
F21 {0x84 0} F22 {0x85 0} F23 {0x86 0} F24 {0x87 0}
NUMLOCK {0x90 0} SCROLL {0x91 0} SCROLLLOCK {0x91 0}
LSHIFT {0xA0 0} RSHIFT {0xA1 0 -extended} LCONTROL {0xA2 0}
RCONTROL {0xA3 0 -extended} LMENU {0xA4 0} LALT {0xA4 0}
RMENU {0xA5 0 -extended} RALT {0xA5 0 -extended}
LAUNCH_APP1 {0xB6 0} LAUNCH_APP2 {0xB7 0}
# Find the next token from a send_keys argument
# Returns pair token,position after token
proc twapi::_parse_send_key_token {keys start} {
set char [string index $keys $start]
if {$char ne "\{"} {
return [list $char [incr start]]
# Need to find the matching end brace. Note special case of
# start/end brace enclosed within braces
set n [string length $keys]
# Jump past brace and succeeding character (which may be end brace)
set terminator [string first "\}" $keys $start+2]
if {$terminator < 0} {
error "Unterminated or empty braced key token."
return [list [string range $keys $start $terminator] [incr terminator]]
# Appends to inputs the trailer in reverse order. trailer is reset
proc twapi::_flush_send_keys_trailer {vinputs vtrailer} {
upvar 1 $vinputs inputs
upvar 1 $vtrailer trailer
lappend inputs {*}[lreverse $trailer]
set trailer {}
# Constructs a list of input events by parsing a string in the format
# used by Visual Basic's SendKeys function. See that documentation
# for syntax.
proc twapi::_parse_send_keys {keys} {
variable vk_map
array set modifier_vk {+ 0x10 ^ 0x11 % 0x12}
# Array state holds state of the parse. An atom refers to a single
# character or a () group.
# modifiers - list of current modifiers in order they were added including
# those coming from containing groups.
# group_modifiers - stack of modifiers state when parsing groups.
# When a group begins, state(modifiers) is pushed on this stack.
# The top of the stack is used to initialize state(modifiers)
# for every atom within the group. When the group ends,
# the top of the stack is popped and discarded and state(modifiers)
# is reinitialized to new top of stack.
# trailer - list of trailing input records to add after next atom. Note
# these are stored in order of occurence but need to be reversed
# when emitted
# group_trailers - stack of trailers to add after group ends. Each
# element is a trailer which is a list of input records.
# cleanup_trailer - to be emitted right at the end if we have to
set state(modifiers) {}
set state(group_modifiers) [list $state(modifiers)]; # "Global" group
set state(trailer) {}
set state(group_trailers) {}
set state(cleanup_trailer) {}
set inputs {}
# If {CAPS,NUM,SCROLL}LOCK are set, need to reset them and then
# set them back
foreach vk {20 144 145} {
if {[GetKeyState $vk]} {
lappend inputs [list key $vk 0]
lappend state(cleanup_trailer) [list key $vk 0]
set keyslen [string length $keys]
set pos 0; # Current parse position
while {$pos < $keyslen} {
lassign [_parse_send_key_token $keys $pos] token pos
switch -exact -- $token {
+ -
^ -
% {
if {$token in $state(modifiers)} {
# Following VB SendKeys
error "Modifier state for $token already set."
lappend state(modifiers) $token
lappend inputs [list keydown $modifier_vk($token) 0]
lappend state(trailer) [list keyup $modifier_vk($token) 0]
"(" {
# Start a group
lappend state(group_modifiers) $state(modifiers)
lappend state(group_trailers) $state(trailer)
set state(trailer) {}
")" {
# Terminates group. Illegal if no group collection in progress
if {[llength $state(group_trailers)] == 0} {
error "Unmatched \")\" in send_keys string."
# If there is a live trailer inside group, emit it e.g. +(ab^)
_flush_send_keys_trailer inputs state(trailer)
# Now emit the group trailer
set trailer [lpop state(group_trailers)]
_flush_send_keys_trailer inputs trailer
# Discard the initial modifier state for this group
lpop state(group_modifiers)
# Set the current modifiers to outer group state
set state(modifiers) [lindex $state(group_modifiers) end]
default {
if {$token eq "~"} {
set token "{ENTER}"
# May be a single character to send, a braced virtual key
# or a braced single char with count
if {[string length $token] == 1} {
# Single character.
set key $token
set nch 1
} elseif {[string index $token 0] eq "\{"} {
# NOTE: a ~ inside a brace is treated as a literal ~
# and not the ENTER key
# Look for space skipping the starting brace and following
# character which may be itself a space (to be repeated)
set space_pos [string first " " $token 2]
if {$space_pos < 0} {
# No space found
set nch 1
set key [string range $token 1 end-1]
} else {
# A key followed by a count
# Note space_pos >= 2
set key [string range $token 1 $space_pos-1]
set nch [string trim [string range $token $space_pos+1 end-1]]
if {![string is integer -strict $nch] || $nch < 0} {
error "Invalid count \"$nch\" in send_keys."
} else {
# Problem in token parsing. Would be a bug.
error "Internal error: invalid token \"$token\" parsing send_keys string."
set vk_leader {}
set vk_trailer {}
if {[string length $key] == 1} {
# Single character
lassign [VkKeyScan $key] modifiers vk
if {$modifiers == -1 || $vk == -1} {
scan $key %c code_point
set vk_rec [list unicode 0 $code_point]
} else {
# Generates input records for modifiers that are set
# unless they are already set. NOTE: Do NOT set the
# state(modifier) state since they will be in effect
# only for the current character. This is for correctly
# showing A-Z with shift and Ctrl-A etc. with control.
if {($modifiers & 0x1) && ("+" ni $state(modifiers))} {
lappend vk_leader [list keydown 0x10 0]
lappend vk_trailer [list keyup 0x10 0]
if {($modifiers & 0x2) && ("^" ni $state(modifiers))} {
lappend vk_leader [list keydown 0x11 0]
lappend vk_trailer [list keyup 0x11 0]
if {($modifiers & 0x4) && ("%" ni $state(modifiers))} {
lappend vk_leader [list keydown 0x12 0]
lappend vk_trailer [list keyup 0x12 0]
set vk_rec [list key $vk 0]
} else {
# Virtual key string. Note modifiers ignored here
# as for VB SendKeys
if {[info exists vk_map($key)]} {
# Virtual key
set vk_rec [list key {*}$vk_map($key)]
} else {
error "Unknown braced virtual key \"$token\"."
lappend inputs {*}$vk_leader
lappend inputs {*}[lrepeat $nch $vk_rec]
# vk_trailer arises from the character itself, e.g. A
# has shift set, Ctrl-A has control set.
_flush_send_keys_trailer inputs vk_trailer
# state(trailer) arises from preceding +,^,% This is also
# emitted and reset as it applied only to this character
_flush_send_keys_trailer inputs state(trailer)
set state(modifiers) [lindex $state(group_modifiers) end]
# Emit left over trailer
_flush_send_keys_trailer inputs state(trailer)
# Restore capslock/numlock
_flush_send_keys_trailer inputs state(cleanup_trailer)
return $inputs
# utility procedure to map symbolic hotkey to {modifiers virtualkey}
# We allow modifier map to be passed in because different api's use
# different bits for key modifiers
proc twapi::_hotkeysyms_to_vk {hotkey {modifier_map {ctrl 2 control 2 alt 1 menu 1 shift 4 win 8}}} {
variable vk_map
set keyseq [split [string tolower $hotkey] -]
set key [lindex $keyseq end]
# Convert modifiers to bitmask
set modifiers 0
foreach modifier [lrange $keyseq 0 end-1] {
setbits modifiers [dict! $modifier_map [string tolower $modifier]]
# Map the key to a virtual key code
if {[string length $key] == 1} {
# Single character
scan $key %c unicode
# Only allow alphanumeric keys and a few punctuation symbols
# since keyboard layouts are not standard
if {$unicode >= 0x61 && $unicode <= 0x7A} {
# Lowercase letters - change to upper case virtual keys
set vk [expr {$unicode-32}]
} elseif {($unicode >= 0x30 && $unicode <= 0x39)
|| ($unicode >= 0x41 && $unicode <= 0x5A)} {
# Digits or upper case
set vk $unicode
} else {
error "Only alphanumeric characters may be specified for the key. For non-alphanumeric characters, specify the virtual key code"
} elseif {[info exists vk_map($key)]} {
# It is a virtual key name
set vk [lindex $vk_map($key) 0]
} elseif {[info exists vk_map([string toupper $key])]} {
# It is a virtual key name
set vk [lindex $vk_map([string toupper $key]) 0]
} elseif {[string is integer -strict $key]} {
# Actual virtual key specification
set vk $key
} else {
error "Unknown or invalid key specifier '$key'"
return [list $modifiers $vk]


@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
# MeTOO stands for "MeTOO Emulates TclOO" (at a superficial syntactic level)
# Implements a *tiny*, but useful, subset of TclOO, primarily for use
# with Tcl 8.4. Intent is that if you write code using MeToo, it should work
# unmodified with TclOO in 8.5/8.6. Obviously, don't try going the other way!
# Emulation is superficial, don't try to be too clever in usage.
# Doing funky, or even non-funky, things with object namespaces will
# not work as you would expect.
# See the metoo::demo proc for sample usage. Calling this proc
# with parameter "oo" will use the TclOO commands. Else the metoo::
# commands. Note the demo code remains the same for both.
# The following fragment uses MeToo only if TclOO is not available:
# if {[llength [info commands oo::*]]} {
# namespace import oo::*
# } else {
# source metoo.tcl
# namespace import metoo::class
# }
# class create C {...}
# Summary of the TclOO subset implemented - see TclOO docs for detail :
# Creating a new class:
# Destroying a class:
# CLASSNAME destroy
# - this also destroys objects of that class and recursively destroys
# child classes. NOTE: deleting the class namespace or renaming
# the CLASSNAME command to "" will NOT call object destructors.
# - same as TclOO
# constructor params METHODBODY
# - same syntax as TclOO
# destructor METHODBODY
# - same syntax as TclOO
# - if defined, called when an undefined method is invoked
# superclass SUPER
# - inherits from SUPER. Unlike TclOO, only single inheritance. Also
# no checks for inheritance loops. You'll find out quickly enough!
# All other commands within a CLASSDEFINITION will either raise error or
# work differently from TclOO. Actually you can use pretty much any
# Tcl command inside CLASSDEFINITION but the results may not be what you
# expect. Best to avoid this.
# METHODBODY: The following method-internal TclOO commands are available:
# - to call another method METHODNAME
# my variable VAR1 ?VAR2...?
# - brings object-specific variables into scope
# next ?ARGS?
# - calls the superclass method of the same name
# self
# self object
# - returns the object name (usable as a command)
# self class
# - returns class of this object
# self namespace
# - returns namespace of this object
# Creating objects:
# - creates object OBJNAME of class CLASSNAME, passing ARGS to constructor
# Returns the fully qualified object name that can be used as a command.
# - creates a new object with an auto-generated name
# Destroying objects
# OBJNAME destroy
# - destroys the object calling destructors
# rename OBJNAME ""
# - same as above
# Renaming an object
# - the object can now be invoked using the new name. Note this is unlike
# classes which should not be renamed.
# Introspection (though different from TclOO)
# metoo::introspect object isa OBJECT ?CLASSNAME?
# - returns 1 if OBJECT is a metoo object and is of the specified class
# if CLASSNAME is specified. Returns 0 otherwise.
# metoo::introspect object list
# - returns list of all objects
# metoo::introspect class ancestors CLASSNAME
# - returns list of ancestors for a class
# Differences and missing features from TclOO: Everything not listed above
# is missing. Some notable differences:
# - MeTOO is class-based, not object based like TclOO, thus class instances
# (objects) cannot be modified by adding instance-specific methods etc..
# Also a class is not itself an object.
# - Renaming classes does not work and will fail in mysterious ways
# - does not support class refinement/definition
# - no variable command at class level for automatically bringing variables
# into scope
# - no filters, forwarding, multiple-inheritance
# - no private methods (all methods are exported).
# NOTE: file must be sourced at global level since metoo namespace is expected
# to be top level namespace
# DO NOT DO THIS. ELSE TESTS FAIL BECAUSE they define tests in the
# metoo namespace which then get deleted by the line below when
# the package is lazy auto-loaded
# catch {namespace delete metoo}
# TBD - variable ("my variable" is done, "variable" in method or
# class definition is not)
# TBD - default constructor and destructor to "next" (or maybe that
# is already taken care of by the inheritance code
namespace eval metoo {
variable next_id 0
variable _objects; # Maps objects to its namespace
array set _objects {}
# Namespace in which commands in a class definition block are called
namespace eval metoo::define {
proc method {class_ns name params body} {
# Methods are defined in the methods subspace of the class namespace.
# We prefix with _m_ to prevent them from being directly called
# as procs, for example if the method is a Tcl command like "set"
# The first parameter to a method is always the object namespace
# denoted as the paramter "_this"
namespace eval ${class_ns}::methods [list proc _m_$name [concat [list _this] $params] $body]
proc superclass {class_ns superclass} {
if {[info exists ${class_ns}::super]} {
error "Only one superclass allowed for a class"
set sup [uplevel 3 "namespace eval $superclass {namespace current}"]
set ${class_ns}::super $sup
# We store the subclass in the super so it can be destroyed
# if the super is destroyed.
set ${sup}::subclasses($class_ns) 1
proc constructor {class_ns params body} {
method $class_ns constructor $params $body
proc destructor {class_ns body} {
method $class_ns destructor {} $body
proc export {args} {
# Nothing to do, all methods are exported anyways
# Command is here for compatibility only
# Namespace in which commands used in objects methods are defined
# (self, my etc.)
namespace eval metoo::object {
proc next {args} {
upvar 1 _this this; # object namespace
# Figure out what class context this is executing in. Note
# we cannot use _this in caller since that is the object namespace
# which is not necessarily related to the current class namespace.
set class_ns [namespace parent [uplevel 1 {namespace current}]]
# Figure out the current method being called
set methodname [namespace tail [lindex [uplevel 1 {info level 0}] 0]]
# Find the next method in the class hierarchy and call it
while {[info exists ${class_ns}::super]} {
set class_ns [set ${class_ns}::super]
if {[llength [info commands ${class_ns}::methods::$methodname]]} {
return [uplevel 1 [list ${class_ns}::methods::$methodname $this] $args]
error "'next' command has no receiver in the hierarchy for method $methodname"
proc self {{what object}} {
upvar 1 _this this
switch -exact -- $what {
class { return [namespace parent $this] }
namespace { return $this }
object { return [set ${this}::_(name)] }
default {
error "Argument '$what' not understood by self method"
proc my {methodname args} {
# We insert the object namespace as the first parameter to the command.
# This is passed as the first parameter "_this" to methods. Since
# "my" can be only called from methods, we can retrieve it fro
# our caller.
upvar 1 _this this; # object namespace
set class_ns [namespace parent $this]
set meth [::metoo::_locate_method $class_ns $methodname]
if {$meth ne ""} {
# We need to invoke in the caller's context so upvar etc. will
# not be affected by this intermediate method dispatcher
return [uplevel 1 [list $meth $this] $args]
# It is ok for constructor or destructor to be undefined. For
# the others, invoke "unknown" if it exists
if {$methodname eq "constructor" || $methodname eq "destructor"} {
set meth [::metoo::_locate_method $class_ns "unknown"]
if {$meth ne ""} {
# We need to invoke in the caller's context so upvar etc. will
# not be affected by this intermediate method dispatcher
return [uplevel 1 [list $meth $this $methodname] $args]
error "Unknown method $methodname"
# Given a method name, locate it in the class hierarchy. Returns
# fully qualified method if found, else an empty string
proc metoo::_locate_method {class_ns methodname} {
# See if there is a method defined in this class.
# Breakage if method names with wildcard chars. Too bad
if {[llength [info commands ${class_ns}::methods::_m_$methodname]]} {
# We need to invoke in the caller's context so upvar etc. will
# not be affected by this intermediate method dispatcher
return ${class_ns}::methods::_m_$methodname
# No method here, check for super class.
while {[info exists ${class_ns}::super]} {
set class_ns [set ${class_ns}::super]
if {[llength [info commands ${class_ns}::methods::_m_$methodname]]} {
return ${class_ns}::methods::_m_$methodname
return ""; # Not found
proc metoo::_new {class_ns cmd args} {
# class_ns expected to be fully qualified
variable next_id
# object namespace *must* be child of class namespace.
# Saves a bit of bookkeeping. Putting it somewhere else will require
# changes to many other places in the code.
set objns ${class_ns}::o#[incr next_id]
switch -exact -- $cmd {
create {
if {[llength $args] < 1} {
error "Insufficient args, should be: class create CLASSNAME ?args?"
# TBD - check if command already exists
# Note objname must always be fully qualified. Note cannot
# use namespace which here because the commmand does not
# yet exist.
set args [lassign $args objname]
if {[string compare :: [string range $objname 0 1]]} {
# Not fully qualified. Qualify based on caller namespace
set objname [uplevel 1 "namespace current"]::$objname
# Trip excess ":" - can happen in both above cases
set objname ::[string trimleft $objname :]
new {
set objname $objns
default {
error "Unknown command '$cmd'. Should be create or new."
# Create the namespace. The array _ is used to hold private information
namespace eval $objns {
variable _
set ${objns}::_(name) $objname
# When invoked by its name, call the dispatcher.
interp alias {} $objname {} ${class_ns}::_call $objns
# Register the object. We do this BEFORE running the constructor
variable _objects
set _objects($objname) $objns
# Invoke the constructor
if {[catch {
$objname constructor {*}$args
} msg]} {
# Undo what we did
set erinfo $::errorInfo
set ercode $::errorCode
rename $objname ""
namespace delete $objns
error $msg $erinfo $ercode
# TBD - does tracing cause a slowdown ?
# Set up trace to track when the object is renamed/destroyed
trace add command $objname {rename delete} [list [namespace current]::_trace_object_renames $objns]
return $objname
proc metoo::_trace_object_renames {objns oldname newname op} {
# Note the trace command fully qualifies oldname and newname
if {$op eq "rename"} {
variable _objects
set _objects($newname) $_objects($oldname)
unset _objects($oldname)
set ${objns}::_(name) $newname
} else {
$oldname destroy
proc metoo::_class_cmd {class_ns cmd args} {
switch -exact -- $cmd {
create -
new {
return [uplevel 1 [list [namespace current]::_new $class_ns $cmd] $args]
destroy {
# Destroy all objects belonging to this class
foreach objns [namespace children ${class_ns} o#*] {
[set ${objns}::_(name)] destroy
# Destroy all classes that inherit from this
foreach child_ns [array names ${class_ns}::subclasses] {
# Child namespace is also subclass command
$child_ns destroy
trace remove command $class_ns {rename delete} [list ::metoo::_trace_class_renames]
namespace delete ${class_ns}
rename ${class_ns} ""
default {
error "Unknown command '$cmd'. Should be create, new or destroy."
proc metoo::class {cmd cname definition} {
variable next_id
if {$cmd ne "create"} {
error "Syntax: class create CLASSNAME DEFINITION"
if {[uplevel 1 "namespace exists $cname"]} {
error "can't create class '$cname': namespace already exists with that name."
# Resolve cname into a namespace in the caller's context
set class_ns [uplevel 1 "namespace eval $cname {namespace current}"]
if {[llength [info commands $class_ns]]} {
# Delete the namespace we just created
namespace delete $class_ns
error "can't create class '$cname': command already exists with that name."
# Define the commands/aliases that are used inside a class definition
foreach procname [info commands [namespace current]::define::*] {
interp alias {} ${class_ns}::[namespace tail $procname] {} $procname $class_ns
# Define the built in commands callable within class instance methods
foreach procname [info commands [namespace current]::object::*] {
interp alias {} ${class_ns}::methods::[namespace tail $procname] {} $procname
# Define the destroy method for the class object instances
namespace eval $class_ns {
method destroy {} {
set retval [my destructor]
# Remove trace on command rename/deletion.
# ${_this}::_(name) contains the object's current name on
# which the trace is set.
set me [set ${_this}::_(name)]
trace remove command $me {rename delete} [list ::metoo::_trace_object_renames $_this]
rename $me ""
unset -nocomplain ::metoo::_objects($me)
namespace delete $_this
return $retval
method variable {args} {
if {[llength $args]} {
set cmd [list upvar 0]
foreach varname $args {
lappend cmd ${_this}::$varname $varname
uplevel 1 $cmd
# Define the class. Note we do this *after* the standard
# definitions (destroy etc.) above so that they can
# be overridden by the class definition.
if {[catch {
namespace eval $class_ns $definition
} msg ]} {
namespace delete $class_ns
error $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode
# Also define the call dispatcher within the class.
# TBD - not sure this is actually necessary any more
namespace eval ${class_ns} {
proc _call {objns methodname args} {
# Note this duplicates the "my" code but cannot call that as
# it adds another frame level which interferes with uplevel etc.
set class_ns [namespace parent $objns]
# We insert the object namespace as the first param to the command.
# This is passed as the first parameter "_this" to methods.
set meth [::metoo::_locate_method $class_ns $methodname]
if {$meth ne ""} {
# We need to invoke in the caller's context so upvar etc. will
# not be affected by this intermediate method dispatcher
return [uplevel 1 [list $meth $objns] $args]
# It is ok for constructor or destructor to be undefined. For
# the others, invoke "unknown" if it exists
if {$methodname eq "constructor" || $methodname eq "destructor"} {
set meth [::metoo::_locate_method $class_ns "unknown"]
if {$meth ne ""} {
# We need to invoke in the caller's context so upvar etc. will
# not be affected by this intermediate method dispatcher
return [uplevel 1 [list $meth $objns $methodname] $args]
error "Unknown method $methodname"
# The namespace is also a command used to create class instances
# TBD - check if command of that name already exists
interp alias {} $class_ns {} [namespace current]::_class_cmd $class_ns
# Set up trace to track when the class command is renamed/destroyed
trace add command $class_ns [list rename delete] ::metoo::_trace_class_renames
return $class_ns
proc metoo::_trace_class_renames {oldname newname op} {
if {$op eq "rename"} {
# TBD - this does not actually work. The rename succeeds anyways
error "MetOO classes may not be renamed"
} else {
$oldname destroy
proc metoo::introspect {type info args} {
switch -exact -- $type {
"object" {
variable _objects
switch -exact -- $info {
"isa" {
if {[llength $args] == 0 || [llength $args] > 2} {
error "wrong # args: should be \"metoo::introspect $type $info OBJNAME ?CLASS?\""
set objname [uplevel 1 [list namespace which -command [lindex $args 0]]]
if {![info exists _objects($objname)]} {
return 0
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
# No class specified
return 1
# passed classname assumed to be fully qualified
set objclass [namespace parent $_objects($objname)]
if {[string equal $objclass [lindex $args 1]]} {
# Direct hit
return 1
# No direct hit, check ancestors
if {[lindex $args 1] in [ancestors $objclass]} {
return 1
return 0
"list" {
if {[llength $args] > 1} {
error "wrong # args: should be \"metoo::introspect $type $info ?CLASS?"
variable _objects
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
return [array names _objects]
set objs {}
foreach obj [array names _objects] {
if {[introspect object isa $obj [lindex $args 0]]} {
lappend objs $obj
return $objs
default {
error "$info subcommand not supported for $type introspection"
"class" {
switch -exact -- $info {
"ancestors" {
if {[llength $args] != 1} {
error "wrong # args: should be \"metoo::introspect $type $info CLASSNAME"
return [ancestors [lindex $args 0]]
default {
error "$info subcommand not supported for $type introspection"
default {
error "$type introspection not supported"
proc metoo::ancestors {class_ns} {
# Returns ancestors of a class
set ancestors [list ]
while {[info exists ${class_ns}::super]} {
lappend ancestors [set class_ns [set ${class_ns}::super]]
return $ancestors
namespace eval metoo { namespace export class }
# Simple sample class showing all capabilities. Anything not shown here will
# probably not work. Call as "demo" to use metoo, or "demo oo" to use TclOO.
# Output should be same in both cases.
proc ::metoo::demo {{ns metoo}} {
${ns}::class create Base {
constructor {x y} { puts "Base constructor ([self object]): $x, $y"
method m {} { puts "Base::m called" }
method n {args} { puts "Base::n called: [join $args {, }]"; my m }
method unknown {methodname args} { puts "Base::unknown called for $methodname [join $args {, }]"}
destructor { puts "Base::destructor ([self object])" }
${ns}::class create Derived {
superclass Base
constructor {x y} { puts "Derived constructor ([self object]): $x, $y" ; next $x $y }
destructor { puts "Derived::destructor called ([self object])" ; next }
method n {args} { puts "Derived::n ([self object]): [join $args {, }]"; next {*}$args}
method put {val} {my variable var ; set var $val}
method get {varname} {my variable var ; upvar 1 $varname retvar; set retvar $var}
Base create b dum dee; # Create named object
Derived create d fee fi; # Create derived object
set o [Derived new fo fum]; # Create autonamed object
$o put 10; # Use of instance variable
$o get v; # Verify correct frame level ...
puts "v:$v"; # ...when calling methods
b m; # Direct method
b n; # Use of my to call another method
$o m; # Inherited method
$o n; # Overridden method chained to inherited
$o nosuchmethod arg1 arg2; # Invoke unknown
$o destroy; # Explicit destroy
rename b ""; # Destroy through rename
Base destroy; # Should destroy object d, Derived, Base
# Hack to work with the various build configuration.
if {[info commands ::twapi::get_version] ne ""} {
package provide metoo [::twapi::get_version -patchlevel]


@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
# Copyright (c) 2003-2018, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# Hack to work with the various build configuration.
if {[info commands ::twapi::get_version] ne ""} {
package provide twapi_msi [::twapi::get_version -patchlevel]
# Rest of this file auto-generated
# Automatically generated type library interface
# File: msi.dll
# Name: WindowsInstaller
# GUID: {000C1092-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
# Version: 1.0
# LCID: 1033
package require twapi_com
namespace eval windowsinstaller {
# Array mapping coclass names to their guids
variable _coclass_guids
# Array mapping dispatch interface names to their guids
variable _dispatch_guids
# Returns the GUID for a coclass or empty string if not found
proc coclass_guid {coclass_name} {
variable _coclass_guids
if {[info exists _coclass_guids($coclass_name)]} {
return $_coclass_guids($coclass_name)
return ""
# Returns the GUID for a dispatch name or empty string if not found
proc dispatch_guid {dispatch_name} {
variable _dispatch_guids
if {[info exists _dispatch_guids($dispatch_name)]} {
return $_dispatch_guids($dispatch_name)
return ""
# Marks the specified object to be of a specific dispatch/coclass type
proc declare {typename comobj} {
# First check if it is the name of a dispatch interface
set guid [dispatch_guid $typename]
if {$guid ne ""} {
$comobj -interfaceguid $guid
# If not, check if it is the name of a coclass with a dispatch interface
set guid [coclass_guid $typename]
if {$guid ne ""} {
if {[info exists ::twapi::_coclass_idispatch_guids($guid)]} {
$comobj -interfaceguid $::twapi::_coclass_idispatch_guids($guid)
error "Could not resolve interface for $coclass_name."
# Enum MsiUILevel
array set MsiUILevel {msiUILevelNoChange 0 msiUILevelDefault 1 msiUILevelNone 2 msiUILevelBasic 3 msiUILevelReduced 4 msiUILevelFull 5 msiUILevelHideCancel 32 msiUILevelProgressOnly 64 msiUILevelEndDialog 128 msiUILevelSourceResOnly 256}
# Enum MsiReadStream
array set MsiReadStream {msiReadStreamInteger 0 msiReadStreamBytes 1 msiReadStreamAnsi 2 msiReadStreamDirect 3}
# Enum MsiRunMode
array set MsiRunMode {msiRunModeAdmin 0 msiRunModeAdvertise 1 msiRunModeMaintenance 2 msiRunModeRollbackEnabled 3 msiRunModeLogEnabled 4 msiRunModeOperations 5 msiRunModeRebootAtEnd 6 msiRunModeRebootNow 7 msiRunModeCabinet 8 msiRunModeSourceShortNames 9 msiRunModeTargetShortNames 10 msiRunModeWindows9x 12 msiRunModeZawEnabled 13 msiRunModeScheduled 16 msiRunModeRollback 17 msiRunModeCommit 18}
# Enum MsiDatabaseState
array set MsiDatabaseState {msiDatabaseStateRead 0 msiDatabaseStateWrite 1}
# Enum MsiViewModify
array set MsiViewModify {msiViewModifySeek -1 msiViewModifyRefresh 0 msiViewModifyInsert 1 msiViewModifyUpdate 2 msiViewModifyAssign 3 msiViewModifyReplace 4 msiViewModifyMerge 5 msiViewModifyDelete 6 msiViewModifyInsertTemporary 7 msiViewModifyValidate 8 msiViewModifyValidateNew 9 msiViewModifyValidateField 10 msiViewModifyValidateDelete 11}
# Enum MsiColumnInfo
array set MsiColumnInfo {msiColumnInfoNames 0 msiColumnInfoTypes 1}
# Enum MsiTransformError
array set MsiTransformError {msiTransformErrorNone 0 msiTransformErrorAddExistingRow 1 msiTransformErrorDeleteNonExistingRow 2 msiTransformErrorAddExistingTable 4 msiTransformErrorDeleteNonExistingTable 8 msiTransformErrorUpdateNonExistingRow 16 msiTransformErrorChangeCodePage 32 msiTransformErrorViewTransform 256}
# Enum MsiEvaluateCondition
array set MsiEvaluateCondition {msiEvaluateConditionFalse 0 msiEvaluateConditionTrue 1 msiEvaluateConditionNone 2 msiEvaluateConditionError 3}
# Enum MsiTransformValidation
array set MsiTransformValidation {msiTransformValidationNone 0 msiTransformValidationLanguage 1 msiTransformValidationProduct 2 msiTransformValidationPlatform 4 msiTransformValidationMajorVer 8 msiTransformValidationMinorVer 16 msiTransformValidationUpdateVer 32 msiTransformValidationLess 64 msiTransformValidationLessOrEqual 128 msiTransformValidationEqual 256 msiTransformValidationGreaterOrEqual 512 msiTransformValidationGreater 1024 msiTransformValidationUpgradeCode 2048}
# Enum MsiDoActionStatus
array set MsiDoActionStatus {msiDoActionStatusNoAction 0 msiDoActionStatusSuccess 1 msiDoActionStatusUserExit 2 msiDoActionStatusFailure 3 msiDoActionStatusSuspend 4 msiDoActionStatusFinished 5 msiDoActionStatusWrongState 6 msiDoActionStatusBadActionData 7}
# Enum MsiMessageStatus
array set MsiMessageStatus {msiMessageStatusError -1 msiMessageStatusNone 0 msiMessageStatusOk 1 msiMessageStatusCancel 2 msiMessageStatusAbort 3 msiMessageStatusRetry 4 msiMessageStatusIgnore 5 msiMessageStatusYes 6 msiMessageStatusNo 7}
# Enum MsiMessageType
array set MsiMessageType {msiMessageTypeFatalExit 0 msiMessageTypeError 16777216 msiMessageTypeWarning 33554432 msiMessageTypeUser 50331648 msiMessageTypeInfo 67108864 msiMessageTypeFilesInUse 83886080 msiMessageTypeResolveSource 100663296 msiMessageTypeOutOfDiskSpace 117440512 msiMessageTypeActionStart 134217728 msiMessageTypeActionData 150994944 msiMessageTypeProgress 167772160 msiMessageTypeCommonData 184549376 msiMessageTypeOk 0 msiMessageTypeOkCancel 1 msiMessageTypeAbortRetryIgnore 2 msiMessageTypeYesNoCancel 3 msiMessageTypeYesNo 4 msiMessageTypeRetryCancel 5 msiMessageTypeDefault1 0 msiMessageTypeDefault2 256 msiMessageTypeDefault3 512}
# Enum MsiInstallState
array set MsiInstallState {msiInstallStateNotUsed -7 msiInstallStateBadConfig -6 msiInstallStateIncomplete -5 msiInstallStateSourceAbsent -4 msiInstallStateInvalidArg -2 msiInstallStateUnknown -1 msiInstallStateBroken 0 msiInstallStateAdvertised 1 msiInstallStateRemoved 1 msiInstallStateAbsent 2 msiInstallStateLocal 3 msiInstallStateSource 4 msiInstallStateDefault 5}
# Enum MsiCostTree
array set MsiCostTree {msiCostTreeSelfOnly 0 msiCostTreeChildren 1 msiCostTreeParents 2}
# Enum MsiReinstallMode
array set MsiReinstallMode {msiReinstallModeFileMissing 2 msiReinstallModeFileOlderVersion 4 msiReinstallModeFileEqualVersion 8 msiReinstallModeFileExact 16 msiReinstallModeFileVerify 32 msiReinstallModeFileReplace 64 msiReinstallModeMachineData 128 msiReinstallModeUserData 256 msiReinstallModeShortcut 512 msiReinstallModePackage 1024}
# Enum MsiInstallType
array set MsiInstallType {msiInstallTypeDefault 0 msiInstallTypeNetworkImage 1 msiInstallTypeSingleInstance 2}
# Enum MsiInstallMode
array set MsiInstallMode {msiInstallModeNoSourceResolution -3 msiInstallModeNoDetection -2 msiInstallModeExisting -1 msiInstallModeDefault 0}
# Enum MsiSignatureInfo
array set MsiSignatureInfo {msiSignatureInfoCertificate 0 msiSignatureInfoHash 1}
# Enum MsiInstallContext
array set MsiInstallContext {msiInstallContextFirstVisible 0 msiInstallContextUserManaged 1 msiInstallContextUser 2 msiInstallContextMachine 4 msiInstallContextAllUserManaged 8}
# Enum MsiInstallSourceType
array set MsiInstallSourceType {msiInstallSourceTypeUnknown 0 msiInstallSourceTypeNetwork 1 msiInstallSourceTypeURL 2 msiInstallSourceTypeMedia 4}
# Enum MsiAssemblyType
array set MsiAssemblyType {msiProvideAssemblyNet 0 msiProvideAssemblyWin32 1}
# Enum MsiProductScriptInfo
array set MsiProductScriptInfo {msiProductScriptInfoProductCode 0 msiProductScriptInfoProductLanguage 1 msiProductScriptInfoProductVersion 2 msiProductScriptInfoProductName 3 msiProductScriptInfoPackageName 4}
# Enum MsiAdvertiseProductContext
array set MsiAdvertiseProductContext {msiAdvertiseProductMachine 0 msiAdvertiseProductUser 1}
# Enum Constants
array set Constants {msiDatabaseNullInteger -2147483648}
# Enum MsiOpenDatabaseMode
array set MsiOpenDatabaseMode {msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly 0 msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact 1 msiOpenDatabaseModeDirect 2 msiOpenDatabaseModeCreate 3 msiOpenDatabaseModeCreateDirect 4 msiOpenDatabaseModePatchFile 32}
# Enum MsiSignatureOption
array set MsiSignatureOption {msiSignatureOptionInvalidHashFatal 1}
# Enum MsiAdvertiseProductPlatform
array set MsiAdvertiseProductPlatform {msiAdvertiseCurrentPlatform 0 msiAdvertiseX86Platform 1 msiAdvertiseIA64Platform 2 msiAdvertiseX64Platform 4}
# Enum MsiAdvertiseProductOptions
array set MsiAdvertiseProductOptions {msiAdvertiseDefault 0 msiAdvertiseSingleInstance 1}
# Enum MsiAdvertiseScriptFlags
array set MsiAdvertiseScriptFlags {msiAdvertiseScriptCacheInfo 1 msiAdvertiseScriptShortcuts 4 msiAdvertiseScriptMachineAssign 8 msiAdvertiseScriptConfigurationRegistration 32 msiAdvertiseScriptValidateTransformsList 64 msiAdvertiseScriptClassInfoRegistration 128 msiAdvertiseScriptExtensionInfoRegistration 256 msiAdvertiseScriptAppInfo 384 msiAdvertiseScriptRegData 416}
# Dispatch Interface Installer
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(Installer) "{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# Installer Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} CreateRecord 1033 1 {1 1033 1 {26 {29 256}} {{3 1}} Count}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} OpenPackage 1033 1 {2 1033 1 {26 {29 512}} {{12 1} {3 {49 {3 0}}}} {PackagePath Options}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} OpenProduct 1033 1 {3 1033 1 {26 {29 512}} {{8 1}} ProductCode}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} OpenDatabase 1033 1 {4 1033 1 {26 {29 768}} {{8 1} {12 1}} {DatabasePath OpenMode}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SummaryInformation 1033 2 {5 1033 2 {26 {29 1024}} {{8 1} {3 {49 {3 0}}}} {PackagePath UpdateCount}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} EnableLog 1033 1 {7 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1}} {LogMode LogFile}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} InstallProduct 1033 1 {8 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 {49 {8 0}}}} {PackagePath PropertyValues}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Version 1033 2 {9 1033 2 8 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} LastErrorRecord 1033 1 {10 1033 1 {26 {29 256}} {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} RegistryValue 1033 1 {11 1033 1 8 {{12 1} {8 1} {12 17}} {Root Key Value}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FileAttributes 1033 1 {13 1033 1 3 {{8 1}} FilePath}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FileSize 1033 1 {15 1033 1 3 {{8 1}} FilePath}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FileVersion 1033 1 {16 1033 1 8 {{8 1} {12 17}} {FilePath Language}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Environment 1033 2 {12 1033 2 8 {{8 1}} Variable}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Environment 1033 4 {12 1033 4 24 {{8 1} {8 1}} Variable}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProductState 1033 2 {17 1033 2 {29 2432} {{8 1}} Product}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProductInfo 1033 2 {18 1033 2 8 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Product Attribute}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ConfigureProduct 1033 1 {19 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {3 1} {3 1}} {Product InstallLevel InstallState}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ReinstallProduct 1033 1 {20 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {3 1}} {Product ReinstallMode}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} CollectUserInfo 1033 1 {21 1033 1 24 {{8 1}} Product}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ApplyPatch 1033 1 {22 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1} {3 1} {8 1}} {PatchPackage InstallPackage InstallType CommandLine}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FeatureParent 1033 2 {23 1033 2 8 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Product Feature}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FeatureState 1033 2 {24 1033 2 {29 2432} {{8 1} {8 1}} {Product Feature}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} UseFeature 1033 1 {25 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1} {3 1}} {Product Feature InstallMode}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FeatureUsageCount 1033 2 {26 1033 2 3 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Product Feature}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FeatureUsageDate 1033 2 {27 1033 2 7 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Product Feature}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ConfigureFeature 1033 1 {28 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1} {3 1}} {Product Feature InstallState}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ReinstallFeature 1033 1 {29 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1} {3 1}} {Product Feature ReinstallMode}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProvideComponent 1033 1 {30 1033 1 8 {{8 1} {8 1} {8 1} {3 1}} {Product Feature Component InstallMode}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentPath 1033 2 {31 1033 2 8 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Product Component}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProvideQualifiedComponent 1033 1 {32 1033 1 8 {{8 1} {8 1} {3 1}} {Category Qualifier InstallMode}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} QualifierDescription 1033 2 {33 1033 2 8 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Category Qualifier}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentQualifiers 1033 2 {34 1033 2 {26 {29 3328}} {{8 1}} Category}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Products 1033 2 {35 1033 2 {26 {29 3328}} {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Features 1033 2 {36 1033 2 {26 {29 3328}} {{8 1}} Product}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Components 1033 2 {37 1033 2 {26 {29 3328}} {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentClients 1033 2 {38 1033 2 {26 {29 3328}} {{8 1}} Component}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Patches 1033 2 {39 1033 2 {26 {29 3328}} {{8 1}} Product}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} RelatedProducts 1033 2 {40 1033 2 {26 {29 3328}} {{8 1}} UpgradeCode}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} PatchInfo 1033 2 {41 1033 2 8 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Patch Attribute}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} PatchTransforms 1033 2 {42 1033 2 8 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Product Patch}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} AddSource 1033 1 {43 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1} {8 1}} {Product User Source}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ClearSourceList 1033 1 {44 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Product User}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ForceSourceListResolution 1033 1 {45 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Product User}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} GetShortcutTarget 1033 2 {46 1033 2 {26 {29 256}} {{8 1}} ShortcutPath}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FileHash 1033 1 {47 1033 1 {26 {29 256}} {{8 1} {3 1}} {FilePath Options}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FileSignatureInfo 1033 1 {48 1033 1 {27 17} {{8 1} {3 1} {3 1}} {FilePath Options Format}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} RemovePatches 1033 1 {49 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1} {3 1} {8 {49 {8 0}}}} {PatchList Product UninstallType PropertyList}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ApplyMultiplePatches 1033 1 {51 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1} {8 1}} {PatchPackage Product PropertiesList}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Product 1033 2 {53 1033 2 25 {{8 1} {8 1} {3 1} {{26 9} 10}} {Product UserSid iContext retval}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Patch 1033 2 {56 1033 2 25 {{8 1} {8 1} {8 1} {3 1} {{26 9} 10}} {PatchCode ProductCode UserSid iContext retval}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProductsEx 1033 2 {52 1033 2 {26 {29 2816}} {{8 1} {8 1} {3 1}} {Product UserSid Contexts}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} PatchesEx 1033 2 {55 1033 2 {26 {29 2816}} {{8 1} {8 1} {3 1} {3 1}} {Product UserSid Contexts filter}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ExtractPatchXMLData 1033 1 {57 1033 1 8 {{8 1}} PatchPath}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProductCode 1033 2 {58 1033 2 8 {{8 1}} Component}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProductElevated 1033 2 {59 1033 2 11 {{8 1}} Product}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProvideAssembly 1033 1 {60 1033 1 8 {{8 1} {8 1} {3 1} {3 1}} {Assembly Context InstallMode AssemblyInfo}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProductInfoFromScript 1033 2 {61 1033 2 12 {{8 1} {3 1}} {ScriptFile ProductInfo}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} AdvertiseProduct 1033 1 {62 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {3 1} {8 {49 {8 0}}} {3 {49 {3 0}}} {3 {49 {3 0}}}} {PackagePath iContext Transforms Language Options}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} CreateAdvertiseScript 1033 1 {63 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1} {8 {49 {8 0}}} {3 {49 {3 0}}} {3 {49 {3 0}}} {3 {49 {3 0}}}} {PackagePath ScriptFilePath Transforms Language Platform Options}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} AdvertiseScript 1033 1 {64 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {3 1} {11 1}} {ScriptPath ScriptFlags RemoveItems}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} PatchFiles 1033 2 {65 1033 2 {26 {29 3328}} {{8 1} {8 1}} {Product PatchPackages}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentsEx 1033 2 {66 1033 2 {26 {29 2816}} {{8 1} {3 1}} {UserSid Context}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentClientsEx 1033 2 {67 1033 2 {26 {29 2816}} {{8 1} {8 1} {3 1}} {ComponentCode UserSid Context}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentPathEx 1033 2 {9068 1033 2 {26 {29 4480}} {{8 1} {8 1} {8 1} {3 1}} {ProductCode ComponentCode UserSid Context}}
# Installer Properties
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} UILevel 1033 2 {6 1033 2 {29 128} {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1090-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} UILevel 1033 4 {6 1033 4 24 {{{29 128} 1}} {}}
# Dispatch Interface Record
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(Record) "{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# Record Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} StringData 1033 2 {1 1033 2 8 {{3 1}} Field}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} StringData 1033 4 {1 1033 4 24 {{3 1} {8 1}} Field}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} IntegerData 1033 2 {2 1033 2 3 {{3 1}} Field}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} IntegerData 1033 4 {2 1033 4 24 {{3 1} {3 1}} Field}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SetStream 1033 1 {3 1033 1 24 {{3 1} {8 1}} {Field FilePath}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ReadStream 1033 1 {4 1033 1 8 {{3 1} {3 1} {3 1}} {Field Length Format}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FieldCount 1033 2 {0 1033 2 3 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} IsNull 1033 2 {6 1033 2 11 {{3 1}} Field}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} DataSize 1033 2 {5 1033 2 3 {{3 1}} Field}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ClearData 1033 1 {7 1033 1 24 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1093-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FormatText 1033 1 {8 1033 1 8 {} {}}
# Dispatch Interface Session
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(Session) "{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# Session Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Installer 1033 2 {1 1033 2 {26 {29 0}} {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Property 1033 2 {2 1033 2 8 {{8 1}} Name}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Property 1033 4 {2 1033 4 24 {{8 1} {8 1}} Name}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Language 1033 2 {3 1033 2 3 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Mode 1033 2 {4 1033 2 11 {{3 1}} Flag}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Mode 1033 4 {4 1033 4 24 {{3 1} {11 1}} Flag}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Database 1033 2 {5 1033 2 {26 {29 768}} {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourcePath 1033 2 {6 1033 2 8 {{8 1}} Folder}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} TargetPath 1033 2 {7 1033 2 8 {{8 1}} Folder}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} TargetPath 1033 4 {7 1033 4 24 {{8 1} {8 1}} Folder}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} DoAction 1033 1 {8 1033 1 {29 2048} {{8 1}} Action}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Sequence 1033 1 {9 1033 1 {29 2048} {{8 1} {12 17}} {Table Mode}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} EvaluateCondition 1033 1 {10 1033 1 {29 1792} {{8 1}} Expression}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FormatRecord 1033 1 {11 1033 1 8 {{9 1}} Record}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Message 1033 1 {12 1033 1 {29 2176} {{3 1} {9 1}} {Kind Record}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FeatureCurrentState 1033 2 {13 1033 2 {29 2432} {{8 1}} Feature}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FeatureRequestState 1033 2 {14 1033 2 {29 2432} {{8 1}} Feature}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FeatureRequestState 1033 4 {14 1033 4 24 {{8 1} {3 1}} Feature}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FeatureValidStates 1033 2 {15 1033 2 3 {{8 1}} Feature}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FeatureCost 1033 2 {16 1033 2 3 {{8 1} {3 1} {3 1}} {Feature CostTree State}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentCurrentState 1033 2 {17 1033 2 {29 2432} {{8 1}} Component}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentRequestState 1033 2 {18 1033 2 {29 2432} {{8 1}} Component}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentRequestState 1033 4 {18 1033 4 24 {{8 1} {3 1}} Component}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SetInstallLevel 1033 1 {19 1033 1 24 {{3 1}} Level}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} VerifyDiskSpace 1033 2 {20 1033 2 11 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProductProperty 1033 2 {21 1033 2 8 {{8 1}} Property}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FeatureInfo 1033 2 {22 1033 2 {26 {29 2688}} {{8 1}} Feature}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentCosts 1033 2 {23 1033 2 {26 {29 2816}} {{8 1} {3 1}} {Component State}}
# Dispatch Interface Database
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(Database) "{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# Database Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} DatabaseState 1033 2 {1 1033 2 {29 896} {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SummaryInformation 1033 2 {2 1033 2 {26 {29 1024}} {{3 {49 {3 0}}}} UpdateCount}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} OpenView 1033 1 {3 1033 1 {26 {29 1152}} {{8 1}} Sql}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Commit 1033 1 {4 1033 1 24 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} PrimaryKeys 1033 2 {5 1033 2 {26 {29 256}} {{8 1}} Table}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Import 1033 1 {6 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Folder File}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Export 1033 1 {7 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1} {8 1}} {Table Folder File}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Merge 1033 1 {8 1033 1 11 {{9 1} {8 {49 {8 0}}}} {Database ErrorTable}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} GenerateTransform 1033 1 {9 1033 1 11 {{9 1} {8 {49 {8 0}}}} {ReferenceDatabase TransformFile}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ApplyTransform 1033 1 {10 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {3 1}} {TransformFile ErrorConditions}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} EnableUIPreview 1033 1 {11 1033 1 {26 {29 1664}} {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} TablePersistent 1033 2 {12 1033 2 {29 1792} {{8 1}} Table}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} CreateTransformSummaryInfo 1033 1 {13 1033 1 24 {{9 1} {8 1} {3 1} {3 1}} {ReferenceDatabase TransformFile ErrorConditions Validation}}
# Dispatch Interface SummaryInfo
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(SummaryInfo) "{000C109B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# SummaryInfo Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Property 1033 2 {1 1033 2 12 {{3 1}} Pid}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Property 1033 4 {1 1033 4 24 {{3 1} {12 1}} Pid}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} PropertyCount 1033 2 {2 1033 2 3 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Persist 1033 1 {3 1033 1 24 {} {}}
# Dispatch Interface View
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(View) "{000C109C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# View Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Execute 1033 1 {1 1033 1 24 {{9 {49 {3 0}}}} Params}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Fetch 1033 1 {2 1033 1 {26 {29 256}} {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Modify 1033 1 {3 1033 1 24 {{3 1} {9 0}} {Mode Record}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ColumnInfo 1033 2 {5 1033 2 {26 {29 256}} {{3 1}} Info}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Close 1033 1 {4 1033 1 24 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} GetError 1033 1 {6 1033 1 8 {} {}}
# Dispatch Interface UIPreview
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(UIPreview) "{000C109A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# UIPreview Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Property 1033 2 {1 1033 2 8 {{8 1}} Name}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Property 1033 4 {1 1033 4 24 {{8 1} {8 1}} Name}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ViewDialog 1033 1 {2 1033 1 24 {{8 1}} Dialog}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ViewBillboard 1033 1 {3 1033 1 24 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Control Billboard}}
# Dispatch Interface FeatureInfo
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(FeatureInfo) "{000C109F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# FeatureInfo Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Title 1033 2 {1 1033 2 8 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Description 1033 2 {2 1033 2 8 {} {}}
# FeatureInfo Properties
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Attributes 1033 2 {3 1033 2 3 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C109F-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Attributes 1033 4 {3 1033 4 24 {{3 1}} {}}
# Dispatch Interface RecordList
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(RecordList) "{000C1096-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# RecordList Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1096-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} _NewEnum 1033 1 {-4 1033 1 13 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1096-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Item 1033 2 {0 1033 2 {26 {29 256}} {{3 0}} Index}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1096-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Count 1033 2 {1 1033 2 3 {} {}}
# Dispatch Interface StringList
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(StringList) "{000C1095-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# StringList Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1095-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} _NewEnum 1033 1 {-4 1033 1 13 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1095-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Item 1033 2 {0 1033 2 8 {{3 0}} Index}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1095-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Count 1033 2 {1 1033 2 3 {} {}}
# Dispatch Interface Product
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(Product) "{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# Product Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProductCode 1033 2 {1 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} UserSid 1033 2 {2 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Context 1033 2 {3 1033 2 25 {{{26 3} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} State 1033 2 {4 1033 2 25 {{{26 3} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} InstallProperty 1033 2 {5 1033 2 25 {{8 1} {{26 8} 10}} {Name retval}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentState 1033 2 {6 1033 2 25 {{8 1} {{26 3} 10}} {Component retval}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} FeatureState 1033 2 {7 1033 2 25 {{8 1} {{26 3} 10}} {Feature retval}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Sources 1033 2 {14 1033 2 25 {{3 1} {{26 9} 10}} {SourceType retval}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} MediaDisks 1033 2 {15 1033 2 25 {{{26 9} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListAddSource 1033 1 {8 1033 1 25 {{3 1} {8 1} {3 1}} {iSourceType Source dwIndex}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListAddMediaDisk 1033 1 {9 1033 1 25 {{3 1} {8 1} {8 1}} {dwDiskId VolumeLabel DiskPrompt}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListClearSource 1033 1 {10 1033 1 25 {{3 1} {8 1}} {iSourceType Source}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListClearMediaDisk 1033 1 {11 1033 1 25 {{3 1}} iDiskId}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListClearAll 1033 1 {12 1033 1 25 {{3 1}} iSourceType}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListForceResolution 1033 1 {13 1033 1 25 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListInfo 1033 2 {16 1033 2 25 {{8 1} {{26 8} 10}} {Property retval}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListInfo 1033 4 {16 1033 4 25 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Property retval}}
# Dispatch Interface Patch
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(Patch) "{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# Patch Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} PatchCode 1033 2 {1 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProductCode 1033 2 {2 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} UserSid 1033 2 {3 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Context 1033 2 {4 1033 2 25 {{{26 3} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} State 1033 2 {5 1033 2 25 {{{26 3} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Sources 1033 2 {12 1033 2 25 {{3 1} {{26 9} 10}} {SourceType retval}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} MediaDisks 1033 2 {13 1033 2 25 {{{26 9} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListAddSource 1033 1 {6 1033 1 25 {{3 1} {8 1} {3 1}} {iSourceType Source dwIndex}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListAddMediaDisk 1033 1 {7 1033 1 25 {{3 1} {8 1} {8 1}} {dwDiskId VolumeLabel DiskPrompt}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListClearSource 1033 1 {8 1033 1 25 {{3 1} {8 1}} {iSourceType Source}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListClearMediaDisk 1033 1 {9 1033 1 25 {{3 1}} iDiskId}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListClearAll 1033 1 {10 1033 1 25 {{3 1}} iSourceType}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListForceResolution 1033 1 {11 1033 1 25 {} {}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListInfo 1033 2 {14 1033 2 25 {{8 1} {{26 8} 10}} {Property retval}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} SourceListInfo 1033 4 {14 1033 4 25 {{8 1} {8 1}} {Property retval}}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C10A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} PatchProperty 1033 2 {15 1033 2 25 {{8 1} {{26 8} 10}} {Property Value}}
# Dispatch Interface ComponentPath
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(ComponentPath) "{000C1099-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# ComponentPath Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1099-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentCode 1033 2 {1 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1099-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Path 1033 2 {2 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1099-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} State 1033 2 {3 1033 2 25 {{{26 3} 10}} retval}
# Dispatch Interface Component
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(Component) "{000C1097-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# Component Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1097-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentCode 1033 2 {1 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1097-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} UserSid 1033 2 {2 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1097-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Context 1033 2 {3 1033 2 25 {{{26 3} 10}} retval}
# Dispatch Interface ComponentClient
set windowsinstaller::_dispatch_guids(ComponentClient) "{000C1098-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
# ComponentClient Methods
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1098-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ProductCode 1033 2 {2 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1098-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} ComponentCode 1033 2 {1 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1098-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} UserSid 1033 2 {3 1033 2 25 {{{26 8} 10}} retval}
::twapi::dispatch_prototype_set {{000C1098-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}} Context 1033 2 {4 1033 2 25 {{{26 3} 10}} retval}


@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
# Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# Task scheduler API
package require twapi_com
namespace eval twapi {
variable CLSID_ITaskScheduler {{148BD52A-A2AB-11CE-B11F-00AA00530503}}
variable CLSID_ITask {{148BD520-A2AB-11CE-B11F-00AA00530503}}
# Return an instance of the task scheduler
proc twapi::itaskscheduler_new {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
# Get ITaskScheduler interface
set its [com_create_instance $::twapi::CLSID_ITaskScheduler -model inprocserver -interface ITaskScheduler -raw]
if {![info exists opts(system)]} {
return $its
trap {
itaskscheduler_set_target_system $its $opts(system)
} onerror {} {
IUnknown_Release $its
return $its
interp alias {} ::twapi::itaskscheduler_release {} ::twapi::IUnknown_Release
# Return a new task interface
proc twapi::itaskscheduler_new_itask {its taskname} {
set iid_itask [name_to_iid ITask]
set iunk [ITaskScheduler_NewWorkItem $its $taskname $::twapi::CLSID_ITask $iid_itask]
trap {
set itask [Twapi_IUnknown_QueryInterface $iunk $iid_itask ITask]
} finally {
IUnknown_Release $iunk
return $itask
# Get an existing task
proc twapi::itaskscheduler_get_itask {its taskname} {
set iid_itask [name_to_iid ITask]
set iunk [ITaskScheduler_Activate $its $taskname $iid_itask]
trap {
set itask [Twapi_IUnknown_QueryInterface $iunk $iid_itask ITask]
} finally {
IUnknown_Release $iunk
return $itask
# Check if an itask exists
proc twapi::itaskscheduler_task_exists {its taskname} {
return [expr {[ITaskScheduler_IsOfType $its $taskname [name_to_iid ITask]] == 0 ? true : false}]
# Return list of tasks
proc twapi::itaskscheduler_get_tasks {its} {
set ienum [ITaskScheduler_Enum $its]
trap {
set result [list ]
set more 1
while {$more} {
lassign [IEnumWorkItems_Next $ienum 20] more items
set result [concat $result $items]
} finally {
IUnknown_Release $ienum
return $result
# Sets the specified properties of the ITask
proc twapi::itask_configure {itask args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[info exists opts(priority)]} {
switch -exact -- $opts(priority) {
normal {set opts(priority) 0x00000020}
abovenormal {set opts(priority) 0x00008000}
belownormal {set opts(priority) 0x00004000}
high {set opts(priority) 0x00000080}
realtime {set opts(priority) 0x00000100}
idle {set opts(priority) 0x00000040}
default {error "Unknown priority '$opts(priority)'. Must be one of 'normal', 'high', 'idle' or 'realtime'"}
foreach {opt fn} {
application ITask_SetApplicationName
maxruntime ITask_SetMaxRunTime
params ITask_SetParameters
workingdir ITask_SetWorkingDirectory
priority ITask_SetPriority
comment IScheduledWorkItem_SetComment
creator IScheduledWorkItem_SetCreator
data IScheduledWorkItem_SetWorkItemData
errorretrycount IScheduledWorkItem_SetErrorRetryCount
errorretryinterval IScheduledWorkItem_SetErrorRetryInterval
} {
if {[info exists opts($opt)]} {
$fn $itask $opts($opt)
if {[info exists opts(account)]} {
if {$opts(account) ne ""} {
if {![info exists opts(password)]} {
error "Option -password must be specified if -account is specified"
} else {
# System account. Set password to NULL pointer indicated
# by magic null pointer
set opts(password) $::twapi::nullptr
IScheduledWorkItem_SetAccountInformation $itask $opts(account) $opts(password)
if {[info exists opts(idlewait)] || [info exists opts(idlewaitdeadline)]} {
# If either one is not specified, get the current settings
if {! ([info exists opts(idlewait)] &&
[info exists opts(idlewaitdeadline)]) } {
lassign [IScheduledWorkItem_GetIdleWait $itask] idle dead
if {![info exists opts(idlewait)]} {
set opts(idlewait) $idle
if {![info exists opts(idlewaitdeadline)]} {
set opts(idlewaitdeadline) $dead
IScheduledWorkItem_SetIdleWait $itask $opts(idlewait) $opts(idlewaitdeadline)
# Finally figure out and set the flags if needed
if {[info exists opts(interactive)] ||
[info exists opts(deletewhendone)] ||
[info exists opts(disabled)] ||
[info exists opts(hidden)] ||
[info exists opts(runonlyifloggedon)] ||
[info exists opts(startonlyifidle)] ||
[info exists opts(resumesystem)] ||
[info exists opts(killonidleend)] ||
[info exists opts(restartonidleresume)] ||
[info exists opts(dontstartonbatteries)] ||
[info exists opts(killifonbatteries)]} {
# First, get the current flags
set flags [IScheduledWorkItem_GetFlags $itask]
foreach {opt val} {
interactive 0x1
deletewhendone 0x2
disabled 0x4
startonlyifidle 0x10
hidden 0x200
runonlyifloggedon 0x2000
resumesystem 0x1000
killonidleend 0x20
restartonidleresume 0x800
dontstartonbatteries 0x40
killifonbatteries 0x80
} {
# Set / reset the bit if specified
if {[info exists opts($opt)]} {
if {$opts($opt)} {
setbits flags $val
} else {
resetbits flags $val
# Now set the new value of flags
IScheduledWorkItem_SetFlags $itask $flags
proc twapi::itask_get_info {itask args} {
# Note options errorretrycount and errorretryinterval are not implemented
# by the OS so left out
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
set result [list ]
if {$opts(all) || $opts(priority)} {
switch -exact -- [twapi::ITask_GetPriority $itask] {
32 { set priority normal }
64 { set priority idle }
128 { set priority high }
256 { set priority realtime }
16384 { set priority belownormal }
32768 { set priority abovenormal }
default { set priority unknown }
lappend result -priority $priority
foreach {opt fn} {
application ITask_GetApplicationName
maxruntime ITask_GetMaxRunTime
params ITask_GetParameters
workingdir ITask_GetWorkingDirectory
account IScheduledWorkItem_GetAccountInformation
comment IScheduledWorkItem_GetComment
creator IScheduledWorkItem_GetCreator
data IScheduledWorkItem_GetWorkItemData
} {
if {$opts(all) || $opts($opt)} {
trap {
lappend result -$opt [$fn $itask]
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 -2147216625} {
# THe information is empty in the scheduler database
lappend result -$opt {}
if {$opts(all) || $opts(lastruntime)} {
trap {
lappend result -lastruntime [_timelist_to_timestring [IScheduledWorkItem_GetMostRecentRunTime $itask]]
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 267011} {
# Not run yet at all
lappend result -lastruntime {}
if {$opts(all) || $opts(nextruntime)} {
trap {
lappend result -nextruntime [_timelist_to_timestring [IScheduledWorkItem_GetNextRunTime $itask]]
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 267010} {
# Task is disabled
lappend result -nextruntime disabled
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 267015} {
# No triggers set
lappend result -nextruntime notriggers
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 267016} {
# No triggers set
lappend result -nextruntime oneventonly
if {$opts(all) || $opts(status)} {
set status [IScheduledWorkItem_GetStatus $itask]
if {$status == 0x41300} {
set status ready
} elseif {$status == 0x41301} {
set status running
} elseif {$status == 0x41302} {
set status disabled
} elseif {$status == 0x41305} {
set status partiallydefined
} else {
set status unknown
lappend result -status $status
if {$opts(all) || $opts(idlewait) || $opts(idlewaitdeadline)} {
lassign [IScheduledWorkItem_GetIdleWait $itask] idle dead
if {$opts(all) || $opts(idlewait)} {
lappend result -idlewait $idle
if {$opts(all) || $opts(idlewaitdeadline)} {
lappend result -idlewaitdeadline $dead
# Finally figure out and set the flags if needed
if {$opts(all) ||
$opts(interactive) ||
$opts(deletewhendone) ||
$opts(disabled) ||
$opts(hidden) ||
$opts(runonlyifloggedon) ||
$opts(startonlyifidle) ||
$opts(resumesystem) ||
$opts(killonidleend) ||
$opts(restartonidleresume) ||
$opts(dontstartonbatteries) ||
$opts(killifonbatteries)} {
# First, get the current flags
set flags [IScheduledWorkItem_GetFlags $itask]
foreach {opt val} {
interactive 0x1
deletewhendone 0x2
disabled 0x4
startonlyifidle 0x10
hidden 0x200
runonlyifloggedon 0x2000
resumesystem 0x1000
killonidleend 0x20
restartonidleresume 0x800
dontstartonbatteries 0x40
killifonbatteries 0x80
} {
if {$opts(all) || $opts($opt)} {
lappend result -$opt [expr {($flags & $val) ? true : false}]
return $result
# Get the runtimes for a task within an interval
proc twapi::itask_get_runtimes_within_interval {itask args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{ 1}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[info exists opts(start)]} {
set start [_timestring_to_timelist $opts(start)]
} else {
set start [_seconds_to_timelist [clock seconds]]
if {[info exists opts(end)]} {
set end [_timestring_to_timelist $opts(end)]
} else {
set end {2038 1 1 0 0 0 0}
set result [list ]
if {[info exists opts(statusvar)]} {
upvar $opts(statusvar) status
lassign [IScheduledWorkItem_GetRunTimes $itask $start $end $opts(count)] status timelist
foreach time $timelist {
lappend result [_timelist_to_timestring $time]
return $result
# Saves the specified ITask
proc twapi::itask_save {itask} {
set ipersist [Twapi_IUnknown_QueryInterface $itask [name_to_iid IPersistFile] IPersistFile]
trap {
IPersistFile_Save $ipersist "" 1
} finally {
IUnknown_Release $ipersist
# Show property editor for a task
proc twapi::itask_edit_dialog {itask args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{hwin.arg 0}
} -maxleftover 0]
return [twapi::IScheduledWorkItem_EditWorkItem $itask $opts(hwin) 0]
interp alias {} ::twapi::itask_release {} ::twapi::IUnknown_Release
# Get information about a trigger
proc twapi::itasktrigger_get_info {itt} {
array set data [ITaskTrigger_GetTrigger $itt]
set result(-begindate) [format %04d-%02d-%02d $data(wBeginYear) $data(wBeginMonth) $data(wBeginDay)]
set result(-starttime) [format %02d:%02d $data(wStartHour) $data(wStartMinute)]
if {$data(rgFlags) & 1} {
set result(-enddate) [format %04d-%02d-%02d $data(wEndYear) $data(wEndMonth) $data(wEndDay)]
} else {
set result(-enddate) ""
set result(-duration) $data(MinutesDuration)
set result(-interval) $data(MinutesInterval)
if {$data(rgFlags) & 2} {
set result(-killatdurationend) true
} else {
set result(-killatdurationend) false
if {$data(rgFlags) & 4} {
set result(-disabled) true
} else {
set result(-disabled) false
switch -exact -- [lindex $data(type) 0] {
0 {
set result(-type) once
1 {
set result(-type) daily
set result(-period) [lindex $data(type) 1]
2 {
set result(-type) weekly
set result(-period) [lindex $data(type) 1]
set result(-weekdays) [format 0x%x [lindex $data(type) 2]]
3 {
set result(-type) monthlydate
set result(-daysofmonth) [format 0x%x [lindex $data(type) 1]]
set result(-months) [format 0x%x [lindex $data(type) 2]]
4 {
set result(-type) monthlydow
set result(-weekofmonth) [lindex {first second third fourth last} [lindex $data(type) 2]]
set result(-weekdays) [format 0x%x [lindex $data(type) 2]]
set result(-months) [format 0x%x [lindex $data(type) 3]]
5 {
set result(-type) onidle
6 {
set result(-type) atsystemstart
7 {
set result(-type) atlogon
return [array get result]
# Configure a task trigger
proc twapi::itasktrigger_configure {itt args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{ 1}
{ 0x7f}
{ 0x7fffffff}
{ 0xfff}
} -maxleftover 0]
array set data [ITaskTrigger_GetTrigger $itt]
if {[info exists opts(begindate)]} {
lassign [split $opts(begindate) -] year month day
# Note we trim leading zeroes else Tcl thinks its octal
set data(wBeginYear) [scan $year %d]
set data(wBeginMonth) [scan $month %d]
set data(wBeginDay) [scan $day %d]
if {[info exists opts(starttime)]} {
lassign [split $opts(starttime) :] hour minute
# Note we trim leading zeroes else Tcl thinks its octal
set data(wStartHour) [scan $hour %d]
set data(wStartMinute) [scan $minute %d]
if {[info exists opts(enddate)]} {
if {$opts(enddate) ne ""} {
setbits data(rgFlags) 1; # Indicate end date is present
lassign [split $opts(enddate) -] year month day
# Note we trim leading zeroes else Tcl thinks its octal
set data(wEndYear) [scan $year %d]
set data(wEndMonth) [scan $month %d]
set data(wEndDay) [scan $day %d]
} else {
resetbits data(rgFlags) 1; # Indicate no end date
if {[info exists opts(duration)]} {
set data(MinutesDuration) $opts(duration)
if {[info exists opts(interval)]} {
set data(MinutesInterval) $opts(interval)
if {[info exists opts(killatdurationend)]} {
if {$opts(killatdurationend)} {
setbits data(rgFlags) 2
} else {
resetbits data(rgFlags) 2
if {[info exists opts(disabled)]} {
if {$opts(disabled)} {
setbits data(rgFlags) 4
} else {
resetbits data(rgFlags) 4
# Note the type specific options are only used if -type is specified
if {[info exists opts(type)]} {
switch -exact -- $opts(type) {
once {
set data(type) [list 0]
daily {
set data(type) [list 1 $opts(period)]
weekly {
set data(type) [list 2 $opts(period) $opts(weekdays)]
monthlydate {
set data(type) [list 3 $opts(daysofmonth) $opts(months)]
monthlydow {
set data(type) [list 4 $opts(weekofmonth) $opts(weekdays) $opts(months)]
onidle {
set data(type) [list 5]
atsystemstart {
set data(type) [list 6]
atlogon {
set data(type) [list 7]
ITaskTrigger_SetTrigger $itt [array get data]
interp alias {} ::twapi::itasktrigger_release {} ::twapi::IUnknown_Release
# Create a new task from scratch. Basically a wrapper around the
# corresponding itaskscheduler, itask and itasktrigger calls
proc twapi::mstask_create {taskname args} {
# The options are a combination of itask_configure and
# itasktrigger_configure.
# Note the disabled option default to false explicitly. This is because
# the task trigger will default to disabled unless specifically set.
array set opts [parseargs args {
{disabled.bool false}
} -maxleftover 0]
set its [itaskscheduler_new]
trap {
if {[info exists opts(system)]} {
itaskscheduler_set_target_system $opts(system)
set itask [itaskscheduler_new_itask $its $taskname]
# Construct the command line for configuring the task
set cmd [list itask_configure $itask]
foreach opt {
} {
if {[info exists opts($opt)]} {
lappend cmd -$opt $opts($opt)
eval $cmd
# Now get a trigger and configure it
set itt [lindex [itask_new_itasktrigger $itask] 1]
set cmd [list itasktrigger_configure $itt]
foreach opt {
} {
if {[info exists opts($opt)]} {
lappend cmd -$opt $opts($opt)
eval $cmd
# Save the task
itask_save $itask
} finally {
IUnknown_Release $its
if {[info exists itask]} {
IUnknown_Release $itask
if {[info exists itt]} {
IUnknown_Release $itt
# Delete a task
proc twapi::mstask_delete {taskname args} {
# The options are a combination of itask_configure and
# itasktrigger_configure
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
set its [itaskscheduler_new]
trap {
if {[info exists opts(system)]} {
itaskscheduler_set_target_system $opts(system)
itaskscheduler_delete_task $its $taskname
} finally {
IUnknown_Release $its


@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# Copyright (c) 2012 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# Generate sound for the specified duration
proc twapi::beep {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{ 1000}
{ 100}
if {[info exists opts(type)]} {
switch -exact -- $opts(type) {
ok {MessageBeep 0}
hand {MessageBeep 0x10}
question {MessageBeep 0x20}
exclaimation {MessageBeep 0x30}
exclamation {MessageBeep 0x30}
asterisk {MessageBeep 0x40}
default {error "Unknown sound type '$opts(type)'"}
Beep $opts(frequency) $opts(duration)
# Play the specified sound
proc twapi::play_sound {name args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
if {$opts(alias)} {
set flags 0x00010000; #SND_ALIAS
} else {
set flags 0x00020000; #SND_FILENAME
if {$opts(loop)} {
# Note LOOP requires ASYNC
setbits flags 0x9; #SND_LOOP | SND_ASYNC
} else {
if {$opts(async)} {
setbits flags 0x0001; #SND_ASYNC
} else {
setbits flags 0x0000; #SND_SYNC
if {$opts(nodefault)} {
setbits flags 0x0002; #SND_NODEFAULT
if {! $opts(wait)} {
setbits flags 0x00002000; #SND_NOWAIT
if {$opts(nostop)} {
setbits flags 0x0010; #SND_NOSTOP
return [PlaySound $name 0 $flags]
proc twapi::stop_sound {} {
PlaySound "" 0 0x0040; #SND_PURGE


@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# Implementation of named pipes
proc twapi::namedpipe_server {name args} {
set name [file nativename $name]
# Only byte mode currently supported. Message mode does
# not mesh well with Tcl channel infrastructure.
# readmode.arg
# writemode.arg
array set opts [twapi::parseargs args {
{access.arg {read write}}
{writedacl 0 0x00040000}
{writeowner 0 0x00080000}
{writesacl 0 0x01000000}
{writethrough 0 0x80000000}
{ 50}
{ 255}
{secd.arg {}}
{inherit.bool 0}
} -maxleftover 0]
# 0x40000000 -> OVERLAPPED I/O
set open_mode [expr {
[twapi::_parse_symbolic_bitmask $opts(access) {read 1 write 2}] |
$opts(writedacl) | $opts(writeowner) |
$opts(writesacl) | $opts(writethrough) |
set pipe_mode 0
if {$opts(denyremote)} {
if {! [twapi::min_os_version 6]} {
error "Option -denyremote not supported on this operating system."
set pipe_mode [expr {$pipe_mode | 8}]
return [twapi::Twapi_NPipeServer $name $open_mode $pipe_mode \
$opts(maxinstances) 4000 4000 $opts(timeout) \
[_make_secattr $opts(secd) $opts(inherit)]]
proc twapi::namedpipe_client {name args} {
set name [file nativename $name]
# Only byte mode currently supported. Message mode does
# not mesh well with Tcl channel infrastructure.
# readmode.arg
# writemode.arg
array set opts [twapi::parseargs args {
{access.arg {read write}}
{impersonateeffectiveonly.bool false 0x00080000}
{impersonatecontexttracking.bool false 0x00040000}
} -maxleftover 0]
# FILE_READ_DATA 0x00000001
# FILE_WRITE_DATA 0x00000002
# Note - use _parse_symbolic_bitmask because we allow user to specify
# numeric masks as well
set desired_access [twapi::_parse_symbolic_bitmask $opts(access) {
read 1
write 2
set flags 0
if {[info exists opts(impersonationlevel)]} {
switch -exact -- $opts(impersonationlevel) {
anonymous { set flags 0x00100000 }
identification { set flags 0x00110000 }
impersonation { set flags 0x00120000 }
delegation { set flags 0x00130000 }
default {
win32_error 1346 "Invalid impersonation level '$opts(impersonationlevel)'."
set flags [expr {$flags | $opts(impersonateeffectiveonly) |
set share_mode 0; # Share none
set secattr {}; # At some point use this for "inherit" flag
set create_disposition 3; # OPEN_EXISTING
return [twapi::Twapi_NPipeClient $name $desired_access $share_mode \
$secattr $create_disposition $flags]
# Impersonate a named pipe client
proc twapi::impersonate_namedpipe_client {chan} {
set h [get_tcl_channel_handle $chan read]
ImpersonateNamedPipeClient $h


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@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
# Copyright (c) 2003-2013, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {}
# Compatibility alias
interp alias {} twapi::get_user_default_langid {} twapi::get_user_langid
interp alias {} twapi::get_system_default_langid {} twapi::get_system_langid
# Format a number
proc twapi::format_number {number lcid args} {
set number [_verify_number_format $number]
set lcid [_map_default_lcid_token $lcid]
# If no options specified, format according to the passed locale
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
return [GetNumberFormat 1 $lcid 0 $number 0 0 0 . "" 0]
array set opts [parseargs args {
# Check the locale for unspecified options
foreach opt {idigits ilzero sgrouping sdecimal sthousand inegnumber} {
if {![info exists opts($opt)]} {
set opts($opt) [lindex [get_locale_info $lcid -$opt] 1]
# If number of decimals is -1, see how many decimal places
# in passed string
if {$opts(idigits) == -1} {
lassign [split $number .] whole frac
set opts(idigits) [string length $frac]
# Convert Locale format for grouping to integer calue
if {![string is integer $opts(sgrouping)]} {
# Format assumed to be of the form "N;M;....;0"
set grouping 0
foreach n [split $opts(sgrouping) {;}] {
if {$n == 0} break
set grouping [expr {$n + 10*$grouping}]
set opts(sgrouping) $grouping
set flags 0
if {[info exists opts(nouseroverride)] && $opts(nouseroverride)} {
setbits flags 0x80000000
return [GetNumberFormat 0 $lcid $flags $number $opts(idigits) \
$opts(ilzero) $opts(sgrouping) $opts(sdecimal) \
$opts(sthousand) $opts(inegnumber)]
# Format currency
proc twapi::format_currency {number lcid args} {
set number [_verify_number_format $number]
# Get semi-canonical form (get rid of preceding "+" etc.)
# Also verifies number syntax
set number [expr {$number+0}];
set lcid [_map_default_lcid_token $lcid]
# If no options specified, format according to the passed locale
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
return [GetCurrencyFormat 1 $lcid 0 $number 0 0 0 . "" 0 0 ""]
array set opts [parseargs args {
# Check the locale for unspecified options
foreach opt {idigits ilzero sgrouping sdecimal sthousand inegcurr icurrency scurrency} {
if {![info exists opts($opt)]} {
set opts($opt) [lindex [get_locale_info $lcid -$opt] 1]
# If number of decimals is -1, see how many decimal places
# in passed string
if {$opts(idigits) == -1} {
lassign [split $number .] whole frac
set opts(idigits) [string length $frac]
# Convert Locale format for grouping to integer calue
if {![string is integer $opts(sgrouping)]} {
# Format assumed to be of the form "N;M;....;0"
set grouping 0
foreach n [split $opts(sgrouping) {;}] {
if {$n == 0} break
set grouping [expr {$n + 10*$grouping}]
set opts(sgrouping) $grouping
set flags 0
if {[info exists opts(nouseroverride)] && $opts(nouseroverride)} {
setbits flags 0x80000000
return [GetCurrencyFormat 0 $lcid $flags $number $opts(idigits) \
$opts(ilzero) $opts(sgrouping) $opts(sdecimal) \
$opts(sthousand) $opts(inegcurr) \
$opts(icurrency) $opts(scurrency)]
# Get various info about a locale
proc twapi::get_locale_info {lcid args} {
set lcid [_map_default_lcid_token $lcid]
variable locale_info_class_map
if {![info exists locale_info_class_map]} {
# TBD - ilanguage not recommended for Vista. Remove it?
array set locale_info_class_map {
ilanguage 0x00000001
slanguage 0x00000002
senglanguage 0x00001001
sabbrevlangname 0x00000003
snativelangname 0x00000004
icountry 0x00000005
scountry 0x00000006
sengcountry 0x00001002
sabbrevctryname 0x00000007
snativectryname 0x00000008
idefaultlanguage 0x00000009
idefaultcountry 0x0000000A
idefaultcodepage 0x0000000B
idefaultansicodepage 0x00001004
idefaultmaccodepage 0x00001011
slist 0x0000000C
imeasure 0x0000000D
sdecimal 0x0000000E
sthousand 0x0000000F
sgrouping 0x00000010
idigits 0x00000011
ilzero 0x00000012
inegnumber 0x00001010
snativedigits 0x00000013
scurrency 0x00000014
sintlsymbol 0x00000015
smondecimalsep 0x00000016
smonthousandsep 0x00000017
smongrouping 0x00000018
icurrdigits 0x00000019
iintlcurrdigits 0x0000001A
icurrency 0x0000001B
inegcurr 0x0000001C
sdate 0x0000001D
stime 0x0000001E
sshortdate 0x0000001F
slongdate 0x00000020
stimeformat 0x00001003
idate 0x00000021
ildate 0x00000022
itime 0x00000023
itimemarkposn 0x00001005
icentury 0x00000024
itlzero 0x00000025
idaylzero 0x00000026
imonlzero 0x00000027
s1159 0x00000028
s2359 0x00000029
icalendartype 0x00001009
ioptionalcalendar 0x0000100B
ifirstdayofweek 0x0000100C
ifirstweekofyear 0x0000100D
sdayname1 0x0000002A
sdayname2 0x0000002B
sdayname3 0x0000002C
sdayname4 0x0000002D
sdayname5 0x0000002E
sdayname6 0x0000002F
sdayname7 0x00000030
sabbrevdayname1 0x00000031
sabbrevdayname2 0x00000032
sabbrevdayname3 0x00000033
sabbrevdayname4 0x00000034
sabbrevdayname5 0x00000035
sabbrevdayname6 0x00000036
sabbrevdayname7 0x00000037
smonthname1 0x00000038
smonthname2 0x00000039
smonthname3 0x0000003A
smonthname4 0x0000003B
smonthname5 0x0000003C
smonthname6 0x0000003D
smonthname7 0x0000003E
smonthname8 0x0000003F
smonthname9 0x00000040
smonthname10 0x00000041
smonthname11 0x00000042
smonthname12 0x00000043
smonthname13 0x0000100E
sabbrevmonthname1 0x00000044
sabbrevmonthname2 0x00000045
sabbrevmonthname3 0x00000046
sabbrevmonthname4 0x00000047
sabbrevmonthname5 0x00000048
sabbrevmonthname6 0x00000049
sabbrevmonthname7 0x0000004A
sabbrevmonthname8 0x0000004B
sabbrevmonthname9 0x0000004C
sabbrevmonthname10 0x0000004D
sabbrevmonthname11 0x0000004E
sabbrevmonthname12 0x0000004F
sabbrevmonthname13 0x0000100F
spositivesign 0x00000050
snegativesign 0x00000051
ipossignposn 0x00000052
inegsignposn 0x00000053
ipossymprecedes 0x00000054
ipossepbyspace 0x00000055
inegsymprecedes 0x00000056
inegsepbyspace 0x00000057
fontsignature 0x00000058
siso639langname 0x00000059
siso3166ctryname 0x0000005A
idefaultebcdiccodepage 0x00001012
ipapersize 0x0000100A
sengcurrname 0x00001007
snativecurrname 0x00001008
syearmonth 0x00001006
ssortname 0x00001013
idigitsubstitution 0x00001014
# array set opts [parseargs args [array names locale_info_class_map]]
set result [list ]
foreach opt $args {
lappend result $opt [GetLocaleInfo $lcid $locale_info_class_map([string range $opt 1 end])]
return $result
proc twapi::map_code_page_to_name {cp} {
set code_page_names {
0 "System ANSI default"
1 "System OEM default"
37 "IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada"
437 "OEM - United States"
500 "IBM EBCDIC - International"
708 "Arabic - ASMO 708"
709 "Arabic - ASMO 449+, BCON V4"
710 "Arabic - Transparent Arabic"
720 "Arabic - Transparent ASMO"
737 "OEM - Greek (formerly 437G)"
775 "OEM - Baltic"
850 "OEM - Multilingual Latin I"
852 "OEM - Latin II"
855 "OEM - Cyrillic (primarily Russian)"
857 "OEM - Turkish"
858 "OEM - Multlingual Latin I + Euro symbol"
860 "OEM - Portuguese"
861 "OEM - Icelandic"
862 "OEM - Hebrew"
863 "OEM - Canadian-French"
864 "OEM - Arabic"
865 "OEM - Nordic"
866 "OEM - Russian"
869 "OEM - Modern Greek"
870 "IBM EBCDIC - Multilingual/ROECE (Latin-2)"
874 "ANSI/OEM - Thai (same as 28605, ISO 8859-15)"
875 "IBM EBCDIC - Modern Greek"
932 "ANSI/OEM - Japanese, Shift-JIS"
936 "ANSI/OEM - Simplified Chinese (PRC, Singapore)"
949 "ANSI/OEM - Korean (Unified Hangeul Code)"
950 "ANSI/OEM - Traditional Chinese (Taiwan; Hong Kong SAR, PRC)"
1026 "IBM EBCDIC - Turkish (Latin-5)"
1047 "IBM EBCDIC - Latin 1/Open System"
1140 "IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada (037 + Euro symbol)"
1141 "IBM EBCDIC - Germany (20273 + Euro symbol)"
1142 "IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway (20277 + Euro symbol)"
1143 "IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden (20278 + Euro symbol)"
1144 "IBM EBCDIC - Italy (20280 + Euro symbol)"
1145 "IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain (20284 + Euro symbol)"
1146 "IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom (20285 + Euro symbol)"
1147 "IBM EBCDIC - France (20297 + Euro symbol)"
1148 "IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro symbol)"
1149 "IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic (20871 + Euro symbol)"
1200 "Unicode UCS-2 Little-Endian (BMP of ISO 10646)"
1201 "Unicode UCS-2 Big-Endian"
1250 "ANSI - Central European"
1251 "ANSI - Cyrillic"
1252 "ANSI - Latin I"
1253 "ANSI - Greek"
1254 "ANSI - Turkish"
1255 "ANSI - Hebrew"
1256 "ANSI - Arabic"
1257 "ANSI - Baltic"
1258 "ANSI/OEM - Vietnamese"
1361 "Korean (Johab)"
10000 "MAC - Roman"
10001 "MAC - Japanese"
10002 "MAC - Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
10003 "MAC - Korean"
10004 "MAC - Arabic"
10005 "MAC - Hebrew"
10006 "MAC - Greek I"
10007 "MAC - Cyrillic"
10008 "MAC - Simplified Chinese (GB 2312)"
10010 "MAC - Romania"
10017 "MAC - Ukraine"
10021 "MAC - Thai"
10029 "MAC - Latin II"
10079 "MAC - Icelandic"
10081 "MAC - Turkish"
10082 "MAC - Croatia"
12000 "Unicode UCS-4 Little-Endian"
12001 "Unicode UCS-4 Big-Endian"
20000 "CNS - Taiwan"
20001 "TCA - Taiwan"
20002 "Eten - Taiwan"
20003 "IBM5550 - Taiwan"
20004 "TeleText - Taiwan"
20005 "Wang - Taiwan"
20105 "IA5 IRV International Alphabet No. 5 (7-bit)"
20106 "IA5 German (7-bit)"
20107 "IA5 Swedish (7-bit)"
20108 "IA5 Norwegian (7-bit)"
20127 "US-ASCII (7-bit)"
20261 "T.61"
20269 "ISO 6937 Non-Spacing Accent"
20273 "IBM EBCDIC - Germany"
20277 "IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway"
20278 "IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden"
20280 "IBM EBCDIC - Italy"
20284 "IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain"
20285 "IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom"
20290 "IBM EBCDIC - Japanese Katakana Extended"
20297 "IBM EBCDIC - France"
20420 "IBM EBCDIC - Arabic"
20423 "IBM EBCDIC - Greek"
20424 "IBM EBCDIC - Hebrew"
20833 "IBM EBCDIC - Korean Extended"
20838 "IBM EBCDIC - Thai"
20866 "Russian - KOI8-R"
20871 "IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic"
20880 "IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Russian)"
20905 "IBM EBCDIC - Turkish"
20924 "IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Open System (1047 + Euro symbol)"
20932 "JIS X 0208-1990 & 0121-1990"
20936 "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
21025 "IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Serbian, Bulgarian)"
21027 "Extended Alpha Lowercase"
21866 "Ukrainian (KOI8-U)"
28591 "ISO 8859-1 Latin I"
28592 "ISO 8859-2 Central Europe"
28593 "ISO 8859-3 Latin 3"
28594 "ISO 8859-4 Baltic"
28595 "ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic"
28596 "ISO 8859-6 Arabic"
28597 "ISO 8859-7 Greek"
28598 "ISO 8859-8 Hebrew"
28599 "ISO 8859-9 Latin 5"
28605 "ISO 8859-15 Latin 9"
29001 "Europa 3"
38598 "ISO 8859-8 Hebrew"
50220 "ISO 2022 Japanese with no halfwidth Katakana"
50221 "ISO 2022 Japanese with halfwidth Katakana"
50222 "ISO 2022 Japanese JIS X 0201-1989"
50225 "ISO 2022 Korean"
50227 "ISO 2022 Simplified Chinese"
50229 "ISO 2022 Traditional Chinese"
50930 "Japanese (Katakana) Extended"
50931 "US/Canada and Japanese"
50933 "Korean Extended and Korean"
50935 "Simplified Chinese Extended and Simplified Chinese"
50936 "Simplified Chinese"
50937 "US/Canada and Traditional Chinese"
50939 "Japanese (Latin) Extended and Japanese"
51932 "EUC - Japanese"
51936 "EUC - Simplified Chinese"
51949 "EUC - Korean"
51950 "EUC - Traditional Chinese"
52936 "HZ-GB2312 Simplified Chinese"
54936 "Windows XP: GB18030 Simplified Chinese (4 Byte)"
57002 "ISCII Devanagari"
57003 "ISCII Bengali"
57004 "ISCII Tamil"
57005 "ISCII Telugu"
57006 "ISCII Assamese"
57007 "ISCII Oriya"
57008 "ISCII Kannada"
57009 "ISCII Malayalam"
57010 "ISCII Gujarati"
57011 "ISCII Punjabi"
65000 "Unicode UTF-7"
65001 "Unicode UTF-8"
# TBD - isn't there a Win32 function to do this ?
set cp [expr {0+$cp}]
if {[dict exists $code_page_names $cp]} {
return [dict get $code_page_names $cp]
} else {
return "Code page $cp"
# Get the name of a language
interp alias {} twapi::map_langid_to_name {} twapi::VerLanguageName
# Extract language and sublanguage values
proc twapi::extract_primary_langid {langid} {
return [expr {$langid & 0x3ff}]
proc twapi::extract_sublanguage_langid {langid} {
return [expr {($langid >> 10) & 0x3f}]
# Utility functions
proc twapi::_map_default_lcid_token {lcid} {
if {$lcid == "systemdefault"} {
return 2048
} elseif {$lcid == "userdefault"} {
return 1024
return $lcid
proc twapi::_verify_number_format {n} {
set n [string trimleft $n 0]
if {[regexp {^[+-]?[[:digit:]]*(\.)?[[:digit:]]*$} $n]} {
return $n
} else {
error "Invalid numeric format. Must be of a sequence of digits with an optional decimal point and leading plus/minus sign"


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,984 @@
# Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {
# Return list of toplevel performance objects
proc twapi::pdh_enumerate_objects {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{detail.arg wizard}
} -nulldefault]
# TBD - PdhEnumObjects enables the SeDebugPrivilege the first time it
# is called. Should we reset it if it was not already enabled?
# This seems to only happen on the first call
return [PdhEnumObjects $opts(datasource) $opts(machine) \
[_perf_detail_sym_to_val $opts(detail)] \
proc twapi::_pdh_enumerate_object_items_helper {selector objname args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{detail.arg wizard}
} -nulldefault]
if {$opts(refresh)} {
_refresh_perf_objects $opts(machine) $opts(datasource)
return [PdhEnumObjectItems $opts(datasource) $opts(machine) \
$objname \
[_perf_detail_sym_to_val $opts(detail)] \
interp alias {} twapi::pdh_enumerate_object_items {} twapi::_pdh_enumerate_object_items_helper 0
interp alias {} twapi::pdh_enumerate_object_counters {} twapi::_pdh_enumerate_object_items_helper 1
interp alias {} twapi::pdh_enumerate_object_instances {} twapi::_pdh_enumerate_object_items_helper 2
# Construct a counter path
proc twapi::pdh_counter_path {object counter args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{ -1}
{localized.bool false}
} -nulldefault]
if {$opts(instanceindex) == 0} {
# For XP. For first instance (index 0), the path should not contain
# "#0" but on XP it does. Reset it to -1 for Vista+ consistency
set opts(instanceindex) -1
if {! $opts(localized)} {
# Need to localize the counter names
set object [_pdh_localize $object]
set counter [_pdh_localize $counter]
# TBD - not sure we need to localize parent
set opts(parent) [_pdh_localize $opts(parent)]
# TBD - add options PDH_PATH_WBEM as documented in PdhMakeCounterPath
return [PdhMakeCounterPath $opts(machine) $object $opts(instance) \
$opts(parent) $opts(instanceindex) $counter 0]
# Parse a counter path and return the individual elements
proc twapi::pdh_parse_counter_path {counter_path} {
return [twine {machine object instance parent instanceindex counter} [PdhParseCounterPath $counter_path 0]]
interp alias {} twapi::pdh_get_scalar {} twapi::_pdh_get 1
interp alias {} twapi::pdh_get_array {} twapi::_pdh_get 0
proc twapi::_pdh_get {scalar hcounter args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{format.arg large {long large double}}
{scale.arg {} {{} none x1000 nocap100}}
} -ignoreunknown -nulldefault]
set flags [_pdh_fmt_sym_to_val $opts(format)]
if {$opts(scale) ne ""} {
set flags [expr {$flags | [_pdh_fmt_sym_to_val $opts(scale)]}]
set status 1
set result ""
trap {
if {$scalar} {
set result [PdhGetFormattedCounterValue $hcounter $flags]
} else {
set result [PdhGetFormattedCounterArray $hcounter $flags]
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 0x800007d1} {
# Error is that no such instance exists.
# If result is being returned in a variable, then
# we will not generate an error but pass back a return value
# of 0
if {[string length $opts(var)] == 0} {
set status 0
if {[string length $opts(var)]} {
uplevel [list set $opts(var) $result]
return $status
} else {
return $result
# Get the value of a counter identified by the path.
# Should not be used to collect
# rate based options.
# TBD - document
proc twapi::pdh_counter_path_value {counter_path args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{format.arg long}
} -nulldefault]
# Open the query
set hquery [pdh_query_open -datasource $opts(datasource)]
trap {
set hcounter [pdh_add_counter $hquery $counter_path]
pdh_query_refresh $hquery
if {[string length $opts(var)]} {
# Need to pass up value in a variable if so requested
upvar $opts(var) myvar
set opts(var) myvar
set value [pdh_get_scalar $hcounter -format $opts(format) \
-scale $opts(scale) -full $opts(full) \
-var $opts(var)]
} finally {
pdh_query_close $hquery
return $value
# Constructs one or more counter paths for getting process information.
# Returned as a list of sublists. Each sublist corresponds to a counter path
# and has the form {counteroptionname datatype counterpath rate}
# datatype is the recommended format when retrieving counter value (eg. double)
# rate is 0 or 1 depending on whether the counter is a rate based counter or
# not (requires at least two readings when getting the value)
proc twapi::get_perf_process_counter_paths {pids args} {
variable _process_counter_opt_map
if {![info exists _counter_opt_map]} {
# "descriptive string" format rate
array set _process_counter_opt_map {
privilegedutilization {"% Privileged Time" double 1}
processorutilization {"% Processor Time" double 1}
userutilization {"% User Time" double 1}
parent {"Creating Process ID" long 0}
elapsedtime {"Elapsed Time" large 0}
handlecount {"Handle Count" long 0}
pid {"ID Process" long 0}
iodatabytesrate {"IO Data Bytes/sec" large 1}
iodataopsrate {"IO Data Operations/sec" large 1}
iootherbytesrate {"IO Other Bytes/sec" large 1}
iootheropsrate {"IO Other Operations/sec" large 1}
ioreadbytesrate {"IO Read Bytes/sec" large 1}
ioreadopsrate {"IO Read Operations/sec" large 1}
iowritebytesrate {"IO Write Bytes/sec" large 1}
iowriteopsrate {"IO Write Operations/sec" large 1}
pagefaultrate {"Page Faults/sec" large 1}
pagefilebytes {"Page File Bytes" large 0}
pagefilebytespeak {"Page File Bytes Peak" large 0}
poolnonpagedbytes {"Pool Nonpaged Bytes" large 0}
poolpagedbytes {"Pool Paged Bytes" large 1}
basepriority {"Priority Base" large 1}
privatebytes {"Private Bytes" large 1}
threadcount {"Thread Count" large 1}
virtualbytes {"Virtual Bytes" large 1}
virtualbytespeak {"Virtual Bytes Peak" large 1}
workingset {"Working Set" large 1}
workingsetpeak {"Working Set Peak" large 1}
set optdefs {
# Add counter names to option list
foreach cntr [array names _process_counter_opt_map] {
lappend optdefs $cntr
# Parse options
array set opts [parseargs args $optdefs -nulldefault]
# Force a refresh of object items
if {$opts(refresh)} {
# Silently ignore. The above counters are predefined and refreshing
# is just a time-consuming no-op. Keep the option for backward
# compatibility
if {0} {
_refresh_perf_objects $opts(machine) $opts(datasource)
# TBD - could we not use get_perf_instance_counter_paths instead of rest of this code
# Get the path to the process.
set pid_paths [get_perf_counter_paths \
[_pdh_localize "Process"] \
[list [_pdh_localize "ID Process"]] \
$pids \
-machine $opts(machine) -datasource $opts(datasource) \
if {[llength $pid_paths] == 0} {
# No thread
return [list ]
# Construct the requested counter paths
set counter_paths [list ]
foreach {pid pid_path} $pid_paths {
# We have to filter out an entry for _Total which might be present
# if pid includes "0"
# TBD - does _Total need to be localized?
if {$pid == 0 && [string match -nocase *_Total\#0* $pid_path]} {
# Break it down into components and store in array
array set path_components [pdh_parse_counter_path $pid_path]
# Construct counter paths for this pid
foreach {opt counter_info} [array get _process_counter_opt_map] {
if {$opts(all) || $opts($opt)} {
lappend counter_paths \
[list -$opt $pid [lindex $counter_info 1] \
[pdh_counter_path $path_components(object) \
[_pdh_localize [lindex $counter_info 0]] \
-localized true \
-machine $path_components(machine) \
-parent $path_components(parent) \
-instance $path_components(instance) \
-instanceindex $path_components(instanceindex)] \
[lindex $counter_info 2] \
return $counter_paths
# Returns the counter path for the process with the given pid. This includes
# the pid counter path element
proc twapi::get_perf_process_id_path {pid args} {
return [get_unique_counter_path \
[_pdh_localize "Process"] \
[_pdh_localize "ID Process"] $pid]
# Constructs one or more counter paths for getting thread information.
# Returned as a list of sublists. Each sublist corresponds to a counter path
# and has the form {counteroptionname datatype counterpath rate}
# datatype is the recommended format when retrieving counter value (eg. double)
# rate is 0 or 1 depending on whether the counter is a rate based counter or
# not (requires at least two readings when getting the value)
proc twapi::get_perf_thread_counter_paths {tids args} {
variable _thread_counter_opt_map
if {![info exists _thread_counter_opt_map]} {
array set _thread_counter_opt_map {
privilegedutilization {"% Privileged Time" double 1}
processorutilization {"% Processor Time" double 1}
userutilization {"% User Time" double 1}
contextswitchrate {"Context Switches/sec" long 1}
elapsedtime {"Elapsed Time" large 0}
pid {"ID Process" long 0}
tid {"ID Thread" long 0}
basepriority {"Priority Base" long 0}
priority {"Priority Current" long 0}
startaddress {"Start Address" large 0}
state {"Thread State" long 0}
waitreason {"Thread Wait Reason" long 0}
set optdefs {
# Add counter names to option list
foreach cntr [array names _thread_counter_opt_map] {
lappend optdefs $cntr
# Parse options
array set opts [parseargs args $optdefs -nulldefault]
# Force a refresh of object items
if {$opts(refresh)} {
# Silently ignore. The above counters are predefined and refreshing
# is just a time-consuming no-op. Keep the option for backward
# compatibility
if {0} {
_refresh_perf_objects $opts(machine) $opts(datasource)
# TBD - could we not use get_perf_instance_counter_paths instead of rest of this code
# Get the path to the thread
set tid_paths [get_perf_counter_paths \
[_pdh_localize "Thread"] \
[list [_pdh_localize "ID Thread"]] \
$tids \
-machine $opts(machine) -datasource $opts(datasource) \
if {[llength $tid_paths] == 0} {
# No thread
return [list ]
# Now construct the requested counter paths
set counter_paths [list ]
foreach {tid tid_path} $tid_paths {
# Break it down into components and store in array
array set path_components [pdh_parse_counter_path $tid_path]
foreach {opt counter_info} [array get _thread_counter_opt_map] {
if {$opts(all) || $opts($opt)} {
lappend counter_paths \
[list -$opt $tid [lindex $counter_info 1] \
[pdh_counter_path $path_components(object) \
[_pdh_localize [lindex $counter_info 0]] \
-localized true \
-machine $path_components(machine) \
-parent $path_components(parent) \
-instance $path_components(instance) \
-instanceindex $path_components(instanceindex)] \
[lindex $counter_info 2]
return $counter_paths
# Returns the counter path for the thread with the given tid. This includes
# the tid counter path element
proc twapi::get_perf_thread_id_path {tid args} {
return [get_unique_counter_path [_pdh_localize"Thread"] [_pdh_localize "ID Thread"] $tid]
# Constructs one or more counter paths for getting processor information.
# Returned as a list of sublists. Each sublist corresponds to a counter path
# and has the form {counteroptionname datatype counterpath rate}
# datatype is the recommended format when retrieving counter value (eg. double)
# rate is 0 or 1 depending on whether the counter is a rate based counter or
# not (requires at least two readings when getting the value)
# $processor should be the processor number or "" to get total
proc twapi::get_perf_processor_counter_paths {processor args} {
variable _processor_counter_opt_map
if {![string is integer -strict $processor]} {
if {[string length $processor]} {
error "Processor id must be an integer or null to retrieve information for all processors"
set processor "_Total"
if {![info exists _processor_counter_opt_map]} {
array set _processor_counter_opt_map {
dpcutilization {"% DPC Time" double 1}
interruptutilization {"% Interrupt Time" double 1}
privilegedutilization {"% Privileged Time" double 1}
processorutilization {"% Processor Time" double 1}
userutilization {"% User Time" double 1}
dpcrate {"DPC Rate" double 1}
dpcqueuerate {"DPCs Queued/sec" double 1}
interruptrate {"Interrupts/sec" double 1}
set optdefs {
# Add counter names to option list
foreach cntr [array names _processor_counter_opt_map] {
lappend optdefs $cntr
# Parse options
array set opts [parseargs args $optdefs -nulldefault -maxleftover 0]
# Force a refresh of object items
if {$opts(refresh)} {
# Silently ignore. The above counters are predefined and refreshing
# is just a time-consuming no-op. Keep the option for backward
# compatibility
if {0} {
_refresh_perf_objects $opts(machine) $opts(datasource)
# Now construct the requested counter paths
set counter_paths [list ]
foreach {opt counter_info} [array get _processor_counter_opt_map] {
if {$opts(all) || $opts($opt)} {
lappend counter_paths \
[list $opt $processor [lindex $counter_info 1] \
[pdh_counter_path \
[_pdh_localize "Processor"] \
[_pdh_localize [lindex $counter_info 0]] \
-localized true \
-machine $opts(machine) \
-instance $processor] \
[lindex $counter_info 2] \
return $counter_paths
# Returns a list comprising of the counter paths for counters with
# names in the list $counters from those instance(s) whose counter
# $key_counter matches the specified $key_counter_value
proc twapi::get_perf_instance_counter_paths {object counters
key_counter key_counter_values
args} {
# Parse options
array set opts [parseargs args {
{matchop.arg "exact"}
} -nulldefault]
# Force a refresh of object items
if {$opts(refresh)} {
_refresh_perf_objects $opts(machine) $opts(datasource)
# Get the list of instances that have the specified value for the
# key counter
set instance_paths [get_perf_counter_paths $object \
[list $key_counter] $key_counter_values \
-machine $opts(machine) \
-datasource $opts(datasource) \
-matchop $opts(matchop) \
-skiptotal $opts(skiptotal) \
# Loop through all instance paths, and all counters to generate
# We store in an array to get rid of duplicates
array set counter_paths {}
foreach {key_counter_value instance_path} $instance_paths {
# Break it down into components and store in array
array set path_components [pdh_parse_counter_path $instance_path]
# Now construct the requested counter paths
# TBD - what should -localized be here ?
foreach counter $counters {
set counter_path \
[pdh_counter_path $path_components(object) \
$counter \
-localized true \
-machine $path_components(machine) \
-parent $path_components(parent) \
-instance $path_components(instance) \
-instanceindex $path_components(instanceindex)]
set counter_paths($counter_path) ""
return [array names counter_paths]
# Returns a list comprising of the counter paths for all counters
# whose values match the specified criteria
proc twapi::get_perf_counter_paths {object counters counter_values args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{matchop.arg "exact"}
} -nulldefault]
if {$opts(refresh)} {
_refresh_perf_objects $opts(machine) $opts(datasource)
set items [pdh_enum_object_items $object \
-machine $opts(machine) \
-datasource $opts(datasource)]
lassign $items object_counters object_instances
if {[llength $counters]} {
set object_counters $counters
set paths [_make_counter_path_list \
$object $object_instances $object_counters \
-skiptotal $opts(skiptotal) -machine $opts(machine)]
set result_paths [list ]
trap {
# Set up the query with the process id for all processes
set hquery [pdh_query_open -datasource $opts(datasource)]
foreach path $paths {
set hcounter [pdh_add_counter $hquery $path]
set lookup($hcounter) $path
# Now collect the info
pdh_query_refresh $hquery
# Now lookup each counter value to find a matching one
foreach hcounter [array names lookup] {
if {! [pdh_get_scalar $hcounter -var value]} {
# Counter or instance no longer exists
set match_pos [lsearch -$opts(matchop) $counter_values $value]
if {$match_pos >= 0} {
lappend result_paths \
[lindex $counter_values $match_pos] $lookup($hcounter)
if {! $opts(all)} {
} finally {
# TBD - should we have a catch to throw errors?
pdh_query_close $hquery
return $result_paths
# Returns the counter path for counter $counter with a value $value
# for object $object. Returns "" on no matches but exception if more than one
proc twapi::get_unique_counter_path {object counter value args} {
set matches [get_perf_counter_paths $object [list $counter ] [list $value] {*}$args -all]
if {[llength $matches] > 1} {
error "Multiple counter paths found matching criteria object='$object' counter='$counter' value='$value"
return [lindex $matches 0]
# Utilities
proc twapi::_refresh_perf_objects {machine datasource} {
pdh_enumerate_objects -refresh
# Return the localized form of a counter name
# TBD - assumes machine is local machine!
proc twapi::_pdh_localize {name} {
variable _perf_counter_ids
variable _localized_perf_counter_names
set name_index [string tolower $name]
# If we already have a translation, return it
if {[info exists _localized_perf_counter_names($name_index)]} {
return $_localized_perf_counter_names($name_index)
# Didn't already have it. Go generate the mappings
# Get the list of counter names in English if we don't already have it
if {![info exists _perf_counter_ids]} {
foreach {id label} [registry get {HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA} {Counter 009}] {
set _perf_counter_ids([string tolower $label]) $id
# If we have do not have id for the given name, we will just use
# the passed name as the localized version
if {! [info exists _perf_counter_ids($name_index)]} {
# Does not seem to exist. Just set localized name to itself
return [set _localized_perf_counter_names($name_index) $name]
# We do have an id. THen try to get a translated name
if {[catch {PdhLookupPerfNameByIndex "" $_perf_counter_ids($name_index)} xname]} {
set _localized_perf_counter_names($name_index) $name
} else {
set _localized_perf_counter_names($name_index) $xname
return $_localized_perf_counter_names($name_index)
# Given a list of instances and counters, return a cross product of the
# corresponding counter paths.
# The list is expected to be already localized
# Example: _make_counter_path_list "Process" (instance list) {{ID Process} {...}}
# TBD - bug - does not handle -parent in counter path
proc twapi::_make_counter_path_list {object instance_list counter_list args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -nulldefault]
array set instances {}
foreach instance $instance_list {
if {![info exists instances($instance)]} {
set instances($instance) 1
} else {
incr instances($instance)
if {$opts(skiptotal)} {
catch {array unset instances "*_Total"}
set counter_paths [list ]
foreach {instance count} [array get instances] {
while {$count} {
incr count -1
foreach counter $counter_list {
lappend counter_paths [pdh_counter_path \
$object $counter \
-localized true \
-machine $opts(machine) \
-instance $instance \
-instanceindex $count]
return $counter_paths
# Given a set of counter paths in the format returned by
# get_perf_thread_counter_paths, get_perf_processor_counter_paths etc.
# return the counter information as a flat list of field value pairs
proc twapi::get_perf_values_from_metacounter_info {metacounters args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {{ 100}}]
set result [list ]
set counters [list ]
if {[llength $metacounters]} {
set hquery [pdh_query_open]
trap {
set counter_info [list ]
set need_wait 0
foreach counter_elem $metacounters {
lassign $counter_elem pdh_opt key data_type counter_path wait
incr need_wait $wait
set hcounter [pdh_add_counter $hquery $counter_path]
lappend counters $hcounter
lappend counter_info $pdh_opt $key $counter_path $data_type $hcounter
pdh_query_refresh $hquery
if {$need_wait} {
after $opts(interval)
pdh_query_refresh $hquery
foreach {pdh_opt key counter_path data_type hcounter} $counter_info {
if {[pdh_get_scalar $hcounter -format $data_type -var value]} {
lappend result $pdh_opt $key $value
} onerror {} {
#puts "Error: $msg"
} finally {
pdh_query_close $hquery
return $result
proc twapi::pdh_query_open {args} {
variable _pdh_queries
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -nulldefault]
set qh [PdhOpenQuery $opts(datasource) $opts(cookie)]
set id pdh[TwapiId]
dict set _pdh_queries($id) Qh $qh
dict set _pdh_queries($id) Counters {}
dict set _pdh_queries($id) Meta {}
return $id
proc twapi::pdh_query_refresh {qid args} {
variable _pdh_queries
_pdh_query_check $qid
PdhCollectQueryData [dict get $_pdh_queries($qid) Qh]
proc twapi::pdh_query_close {qid} {
variable _pdh_queries
_pdh_query_check $qid
dict for {ctrh -} [dict get $_pdh_queries($qid) Counters] {
PdhRemoveCounter $ctrh
PdhCloseQuery [dict get $_pdh_queries($qid) Qh]
unset _pdh_queries($qid)
proc twapi::pdh_add_counter {qid ctr_path args} {
variable _pdh_queries
_pdh_query_check $qid
parseargs args {
{format.arg large {long large double}}
{scale.arg {} {{} none x1000 nocap100}}
} -nulldefault -maxleftover 0 -setvars
if {$name eq ""} {
set name $ctr_path
if {[dict exists $_pdh_queries($qid) Meta $name]} {
error "A counter with name \"$name\" already present in the query."
set flags [_pdh_fmt_sym_to_val $format]
if {$scale ne ""} {
set flags [expr {$flags | [_pdh_fmt_sym_to_val $scale]}]
set hctr [PdhAddCounter [dict get $_pdh_queries($qid) Qh] $ctr_path $flags]
dict set _pdh_queries($qid) Counters $hctr 1
dict set _pdh_queries($qid) Meta $name [list Counter $hctr FmtFlags $flags Array $array]
return $hctr
proc twapi::pdh_remove_counter {qid ctrname} {
variable _pdh_queries
_pdh_query_check $qid
if {![dict exists $_pdh_queries($qid) Meta $ctrname]} {
badargs! "Counter \"$ctrname\" not present in query."
set hctr [dict get $_pdh_queries($qid) Meta $ctrname Counter]
dict unset _pdh_queries($qid) Counters $hctr
dict unset _pdh_queries($qid) Meta $ctrname
PdhRemoveCounter $hctr
proc twapi::pdh_query_get {qid args} {
variable _pdh_queries
_pdh_query_check $qid
# Refresh the data
PdhCollectQueryData [dict get $_pdh_queries($qid) Qh]
set meta [dict get $_pdh_queries($qid) Meta]
if {[llength $args] != 0} {
set names $args
} else {
set names [dict keys $meta]
set result {}
foreach name $names {
if {[dict get $meta $name Array]} {
lappend result $name [PdhGetFormattedCounterArray [dict get $meta $name Counter] [dict get $meta $name FmtFlags]]
} else {
lappend result $name [PdhGetFormattedCounterValue [dict get $meta $name Counter] [dict get $meta $name FmtFlags]]
return $result
twapi::proc* twapi::pdh_system_performance_query args {
variable _sysperf_defs
set _sysperf_defs {
event_count { {Objects Events} {} }
mutex_count { {Objects Mutexes} {} }
process_count { {Objects Processes} {} }
section_count { {Objects Sections} {} }
semaphore_count { {Objects Semaphores} {} }
thread_count { {Objects Threads} {} }
handle_count { {Process "Handle Count" -instance _Total} {-format long} }
commit_limit { {Memory "Commit Limit"} {} }
committed_bytes { {Memory "Committed Bytes"} {} }
committed_percent { {Memory "% Committed Bytes In Use"} {-format double} }
memory_free_mb { {Memory "Available MBytes"} {} }
memory_free_kb { {Memory "Available KBytes"} {} }
page_fault_rate { {Memory "Page Faults/sec"} {} }
page_input_rate { {Memory "Pages Input/sec"} {} }
page_output_rate { {Memory "Pages Output/sec"} {} }
disk_bytes_rate { {PhysicalDisk "Disk Bytes/sec" -instance _Total} {} }
disk_readbytes_rate { {PhysicalDisk "Disk Read Bytes/sec" -instance _Total} {} }
disk_writebytes_rate { {PhysicalDisk "Disk Write Bytes/sec" -instance _Total} {} }
disk_transfer_rate { {PhysicalDisk "Disk Transfers/sec" -instance _Total} {} }
disk_read_rate { {PhysicalDisk "Disk Reads/sec" -instance _Total} {} }
disk_write_rate { {PhysicalDisk "Disk Writes/sec" -instance _Total} {} }
disk_idle_percent { {PhysicalDisk "% Idle Time" -instance _Total} {-format double} }
# Per-processor counters are based on above but the object name depends
# on the system in order to support > 64 processors
set obj_name [expr {[min_os_version 6 1] ? "Processor Information" : "Processor"}]
dict for {key ctr_name} {
interrupt_utilization "% Interrupt Time"
privileged_utilization "% Privileged Time"
processor_utilization "% Processor Time"
user_utilization "% User Time"
idle_utilization "% Idle Time"
} {
lappend _sysperf_defs $key \
[list \
[list $obj_name $ctr_name -instance _Total] \
[list -format double]]
lappend _sysperf_defs ${key}_per_cpu \
[list \
[list $obj_name $ctr_name -instance *] \
[list -format double -array 1]]
} {
variable _sysperf_defs
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
return [lsort -dictionary [dict keys $_sysperf_defs]]
set qid [pdh_query_open]
trap {
foreach arg $args {
set def [dict! $_sysperf_defs $arg]
set ctr_path [pdh_counter_path {*}[lindex $def 0]]
pdh_add_counter $qid $ctr_path -name $arg {*}[lindex $def 1]
pdh_query_refresh $qid
} onerror {} {
pdh_query_close $qid
return $qid
# Internal utility procedures
proc twapi::_pdh_query_check {qid} {
variable _pdh_queries
if {![info exists _pdh_queries($qid)]} {
error "Invalid query id $qid"
proc twapi::_perf_detail_sym_to_val {sym} {
return [dict get {novice 100 advanced 200 expert 300 wizard 400 costly 0x00010000 standard 0x0000ffff } $sym]
proc twapi::_pdh_fmt_sym_to_val {sym} {
# PDH_FMT_RAW 0x00000010
# PDH_FMT_ANSI 0x00000020
# PDH_FMT_UNICODE 0x00000040
# PDH_FMT_LONG 0x00000100
# PDH_FMT_DOUBLE 0x00000200
# PDH_FMT_LARGE 0x00000400
# PDH_FMT_NOSCALE 0x00001000
# PDH_FMT_1000 0x00002000
# PDH_FMT_NODATA 0x00004000
# PDH_FMT_NOCAP100 0x00008000
return [dict get {
raw 0x00000010
ansi 0x00000020
unicode 0x00000040
long 0x00000100
double 0x00000200
large 0x00000400
noscale 0x00001000
none 0x00001000
1000 0x00002000
x1000 0x00002000
nodata 0x00004000
nocap100 0x00008000
nocap 0x00008000
} $sym]


@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
# Tcl package index file
namespace eval twapi {
variable scriptdir
proc set_scriptdir dir {variable scriptdir ; set scriptdir $dir}
package ifneeded twapi_base 4.7.2 \
[list load [file join $dir twapi472.dll] twapi_base]
package ifneeded twapi_com 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_com}
package ifneeded metoo 4.7.2 \
[list source [file join $dir metoo.tcl]]
package ifneeded twapi_com 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_com}
package ifneeded twapi_msi 4.7.2 \
[list source [file join $dir msi.tcl]]
package ifneeded twapi_power 4.7.2 \
[list source [file join $dir power.tcl]]
package ifneeded twapi_printer 4.7.2 \
[list source [file join $dir printer.tcl]]
package ifneeded twapi_synch 4.7.2 \
[list source [file join $dir synch.tcl]]
package ifneeded twapi_security 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_security}
package ifneeded twapi_account 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_account}
package ifneeded twapi_apputil 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_apputil}
package ifneeded twapi_clipboard 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_clipboard}
package ifneeded twapi_console 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_console}
package ifneeded twapi_crypto 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_crypto}
package ifneeded twapi_device 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_device}
package ifneeded twapi_etw 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_etw}
package ifneeded twapi_eventlog 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_eventlog}
package ifneeded twapi_mstask 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_mstask}
package ifneeded twapi_multimedia 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_multimedia}
package ifneeded twapi_namedpipe 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_namedpipe}
package ifneeded twapi_network 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_network}
package ifneeded twapi_nls 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_nls}
package ifneeded twapi_os 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_os}
package ifneeded twapi_pdh 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_pdh}
package ifneeded twapi_process 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_process}
package ifneeded twapi_rds 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_rds}
package ifneeded twapi_resource 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_resource}
package ifneeded twapi_service 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_service}
package ifneeded twapi_share 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_share}
package ifneeded twapi_shell 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_shell}
package ifneeded twapi_storage 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_storage}
package ifneeded twapi_ui 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_ui}
package ifneeded twapi_input 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_input}
package ifneeded twapi_winsta 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_winsta}
package ifneeded twapi_wmi 4.7.2 \
{load {} twapi_wmi}
package ifneeded twapi 4.7.2 [subst {
twapi::set_scriptdir [list $dir]
package require twapi_base 4.7.2
source [list [file join $dir twapi_entry.tcl]]
package require metoo 4.7.2
package require twapi_com 4.7.2
package require twapi_msi 4.7.2
package require twapi_power 4.7.2
package require twapi_printer 4.7.2
package require twapi_synch 4.7.2
package require twapi_security 4.7.2
package require twapi_account 4.7.2
package require twapi_apputil 4.7.2
package require twapi_clipboard 4.7.2
package require twapi_console 4.7.2
package require twapi_crypto 4.7.2
package require twapi_device 4.7.2
package require twapi_etw 4.7.2
package require twapi_eventlog 4.7.2
package require twapi_mstask 4.7.2
package require twapi_multimedia 4.7.2
package require twapi_namedpipe 4.7.2
package require twapi_network 4.7.2
package require twapi_nls 4.7.2
package require twapi_os 4.7.2
package require twapi_pdh 4.7.2
package require twapi_process 4.7.2
package require twapi_rds 4.7.2
package require twapi_resource 4.7.2
package require twapi_service 4.7.2
package require twapi_share 4.7.2
package require twapi_shell 4.7.2
package require twapi_storage 4.7.2
package require twapi_ui 4.7.2
package require twapi_input 4.7.2
package require twapi_winsta 4.7.2
package require twapi_wmi 4.7.2
package provide twapi 4.7.2


@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
# Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {
variable _power_monitors
set _power_monitors [dict create]
# Get the power status of the system
proc twapi::get_power_status {} {
lassign [GetSystemPowerStatus] ac battery lifepercent reserved lifetime fulllifetime
set acstatus unknown
if {$ac == 0} {
set acstatus off
} elseif {$ac == 1} {
# Note only value 1 is "on", not just any non-0 value
set acstatus on
set batterycharging unknown
if {$battery == -1} {
set batterystate unknown
} elseif {$battery & 128} {
set batterystate notpresent; # No battery
} else {
if {$battery & 8} {
set batterycharging true
} else {
set batterycharging false
if {$battery & 4} {
set batterystate critical
} elseif {$battery & 2} {
set batterystate low
} else {
set batterystate high
set batterylifepercent unknown
if {$lifepercent >= 0 && $lifepercent <= 100} {
set batterylifepercent $lifepercent
set batterylifetime $lifetime
if {$lifetime == -1} {
set batterylifetime unknown
set batteryfulllifetime $fulllifetime
if {$fulllifetime == -1} {
set batteryfulllifetime unknown
return [kl_create2 {
} [list $acstatus $batterystate $batterycharging $batterylifepercent $batterylifetime $batteryfulllifetime]]
# Power notification callback
proc twapi::_power_handler {msg power_event lparam msgpos ticks} {
variable _power_monitors
if {[dict size $_power_monitors] == 0} {
return; # Not an error, could have deleted while already queued
if {![kl_vget {
0 apmquerysuspend
2 apmquerysuspendfailed
4 apmsuspend
6 apmresumecritical
7 apmresumesuspend
9 apmbatterylow
10 apmpowerstatuschange
11 apmoemevent
18 apmresumeautomatic
} $power_event power_event]} {
return; # Do not support this event
dict for {id script} $_power_monitors {
set code [catch {uplevel #0 [linsert $script end $power_event $lparam]} msg]
if {$code == 1} {
# Error - put in background but we do not abort
after 0 [list error $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode]
proc twapi::start_power_monitor {script} {
variable _power_monitors
set script [lrange $script 0 end]; # Verify syntactically a list
set id "power#[TwapiId]"
if {[dict size $_power_monitors] == 0} {
# No power monitoring in progress. Start it
_register_script_wm_handler 0x218 [list [namespace current]::_power_handler] 1
dict set _power_monitors $id $script
return $id
# Stop monitoring of the power
proc twapi::stop_power_monitor {id} {
variable _power_monitors
if {![dict exists $_power_monitors $id]} {
dict unset _power_monitors $id
if {[dict size $_power_monitors] == 0} {
_unregister_script_wm_handler 0x218 [list [namespace current]::_power_handler]
# Hack to work with the various build configuration.
if {[info commands ::twapi::get_version] ne ""} {
package provide twapi_power [::twapi::get_version -patchlevel]


@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {}
proc twapi::enumerate_printers {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{proximity.arg all {local remote all any}}
} -maxleftover 0]
set result [list ]
foreach elem [Twapi_EnumPrinters_Level4 \
[string map {all 6 any 6 local 2 remote 4} $opts(proximity)] \
] {
lappend result [list [lindex $elem 0] [lindex $elem 1] \
[_symbolize_printer_attributes [lindex $elem 2]]]
return [list {-name -server -attrs} $result]
# Utilities
proc twapi::_symbolize_printer_attributes {attr} {
return [_make_symbolic_bitmask $attr {
queued 0x00000001
direct 0x00000002
default 0x00000004
shared 0x00000008
network 0x00000010
hidden 0x00000020
local 0x00000040
enabledevq 0x00000080
keepprintedjobs 0x00000100
docompletefirst 0x00000200
workoffline 0x00000400
enablebidi 0x00000800
rawonly 0x00001000
published 0x00002000
fax 0x00004000
ts 0x00008000
pusheduser 0x00020000
pushedmachine 0x00040000
machine 0x00080000
friendlyname 0x00100000
tsgenericdriver 0x00200000
peruser 0x00400000
enterprisecloud 0x00800000
# Hack to work with the various build configuration.
if {[info commands ::twapi::get_version] ne ""} {
package provide twapi_printer [::twapi::get_version -patchlevel]


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
# Copyright (c) 2010, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# Remote Desktop Services - TBD - document and test
namespace eval twapi {}
proc twapi::rds_enumerate_sessions {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{hserver.arg 0}
} -maxleftover 0]
set states {active connected connectquery shadow disconnected idle listen reset down init}
if {[info exists opts(state)]} {
if {[string is integer -strict $opts(state)]} {
set state $opts(state)
} else {
set state [lsearch -exact $states $opts(state)]
if {$state < 0} {
error "Invalid value '$opts(state)' specified for -state option."
set sessions [WTSEnumerateSessions $opts(hserver)]
if {[info exists state]} {
set sessions [recordarray get $sessions -filter [list [list State == $state]]]
set result {}
foreach {sess rec} [recordarray getdict $sessions -key SessionId -format dict] {
set state [lindex $states [kl_get $rec State]]
if {$state eq ""} {
set state [kl_get $rec State]
lappend result $sess [list -tssession [kl_get $rec SessionId] \
-winstaname [kl_get $rec pWinStationName] \
-state $state]
return $result
proc twapi::rds_disconnect_session args {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{hserver.arg 0}
{ -1}
{async.bool false}
} -maxleftover 0]
WTSDisconnectSession $opts(hserver) $opts(tssession) [expr {! $opts(async)}]
proc twapi::rds_logoff_session args {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{hserver.arg 0}
{ -1}
{async.bool false}
} -maxleftover 0]
WTSLogoffSession $opts(hserver) $opts(tssession) [expr {! $opts(async)}]
proc twapi::rds_query_session_information {infoclass args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{hserver.arg 0}
{ -1}
} -maxleftover 0]
return [WTSQuerySessionInformation $opts(hserver) $opts(tssession) $infoclass]
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_appname {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 1
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_clientdir {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 11
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_clientname {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 10
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_userdomain {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 7
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_initialprogram {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 0
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_oemid {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 3
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_user {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 5
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_winsta {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 6
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_intialdir {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 2
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_clientbuild {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 9
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_clienthwid {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 13
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_state {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 8
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_id {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 4
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_productid {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 12
interp alias {} twapi::rds_get_session_protocol {} twapi::rds_query_session_information 16
proc twapi::rds_send_message {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{hserver.arg 0}
{buttons.arg ok}
{icon.arg information}
{modality.arg task {task appl application system}}
{justify.arg left {left right}}
} -maxleftover 0 -nulldefault]
if {![kl_vget {
ok {0 {ok}}
okcancel {1 {ok cancel}}
abortretryignore {2 {abort retry ignore}}
yesnocancel {3 {yes no cancel}}
yesno {4 {yes no}}
retrycancel {5 {retry cancel}}
canceltrycontinue {6 {cancel try continue}}
} $opts(buttons) buttons]} {
error "Invalid value '$opts(buttons)' specified for option -buttons."
set style [lindex $buttons 0]
switch -exact -- $opts(icon) {
warning -
exclamation {setbits style 0x30}
asterisk -
information {setbits style 0x40}
question {setbits style 0x20}
error -
hand -
stop {setbits style 0x10}
default {
error "Invalid value '$opts(icon)' specified for option -icon."
# Map the default button
switch -exact -- [lsearch -exact [lindex $buttons 1] $opts(defaultbutton)] {
1 {setbits style 0x100 }
2 {setbits style 0x200 }
3 {setbits style 0x300 }
default {
# First button,
# setbits style 0x000
switch -exact -- $opts(modality) {
system { setbits style 0x1000 }
task { setbits style 0x2000 }
appl -
application -
default {
# setbits style 0x0000
if {$opts(showhelp)} { setbits style 0x00004000 }
if {$opts(rtl)} { setbits style 0x00100000 }
if {$opts(justify) eq "right"} { setbits style 0x00080000 }
if {$opts(topmost)} { setbits style 0x00040000 }
if {$opts(foreground)} { setbits style 0x00010000 }
if {$opts(service)} { setbits style 0x00200000 }
set response [WTSSendMessage $opts(hserver) $opts(tssession) $opts(title) \
$opts(message) $style $opts(timeout) \
[expr {!$opts(async)}]]
switch -exact -- $response {
1 { return ok }
2 { return cancel }
3 { return abort }
4 { return retry }
5 { return ignore }
6 { return yes }
7 { return no }
8 { return close }
9 { return help }
10 { return tryagain }
11 { return continue }
32000 { return timeout }
32001 { return async }
default { return $response }


@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
# Copyright (c) 2020 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {}
# TBD -32bit and -64bit options are not documented
# pending test cases
proc twapi::reg_key_copy {hkey to_hkey args} {
parseargs args {
} -setvars -maxleftover 0 -nulldefault
if {$copysecd} {
RegCopyTree $hkey $subkey $to_hkey
} else {
SHCopyKey $hkey $subkey $to_hkey
proc twapi::reg_key_create {hkey subkey args} {
# TBD - document -link
# [opt_def [cmd -link] [arg BOOL]] If [const true], [arg SUBKEY] is stored as the
# value of the [const SymbolicLinkValue] value under [arg HKEY]. Default is
# [const false].
parseargs args {
{access.arg generic_read}
{inherit.bool 0}
{secd.arg ""}
{volatile.bool 0 0x1}
{link.bool 0 0x2}
{backup.bool 0 0x4}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
set access [_access_rights_to_mask $access]
# Note: Following might be set via -access as well. The -32bit and -64bit
# options just make it a little more convenient for caller
if {$32bit} {
set access [expr {$access | 0x200}]
if {$64bit} {
set access [expr {$access | 0x100}]
lassign [RegCreateKeyEx \
$hkey \
$subkey \
0 \
"" \
[expr {$volatile | $backup}] \
$access \
[_make_secattr $secd $inherit] \
] hkey disposition_value
if {[info exists disposition]} {
upvar 1 $disposition created_or_existed
if {$disposition_value == 1} {
set created_or_existed created
} else {
# disposition_value == 2
set created_or_existed existed
return $hkey
proc twapi::reg_key_delete {hkey subkey args} {
parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
# TBD - document options after adding tests
set access 0
if {$32bit} {
set access [expr {$access | 0x200}]
if {$64bit} {
set access [expr {$access | 0x100}]
RegDeleteKeyEx $hkey $subkey $access
proc twapi::reg_keys {hkey {subkey {}}} {
if {$subkey ne ""} {
set hkey [reg_key_open $hkey $subkey]
try {
return [RegEnumKeyEx $hkey 0]
} finally {
if {$subkey ne ""} {
reg_key_close $hkey
proc twapi::reg_key_open {hkey subkey args} {
# Not documented: -link, -32bit, -64bit
# [opt_def [cmd -link] [arg BOOL]] If [const true], specifies the key is a
# symbolic link. Defaults to [const false].
parseargs args {
{link.bool 0}
{access.arg generic_read}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
set access [_access_rights_to_mask $access]
# Note: Following might be set via -access as well. The -32bit and -64bit
# options just make it a little more convenient for caller
if {$32bit} {
set access [expr {$access | 0x200}]
if {$64bit} {
set access [expr {$access | 0x100}]
return [RegOpenKeyEx $hkey $subkey $link $access]
proc twapi::reg_value_delete {hkey args} {
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
RegDeleteValue $hkey [lindex $args 0]
} elseif {[llength $args] == 2} {
RegDeleteKeyValue $hkey {*}$args
} else {
error "Wrong # args: should be \"reg_value_delete ?SUBKEY? VALUENAME\""
proc twapi::reg_key_current_user {args} {
parseargs args {
{access.arg generic_read}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
set access [_access_rights_to_mask $access]
# Note: Following might be set via -access as well. The -32bit and -64bit
# options just make it a little more convenient for caller
if {$32bit} {
set access [expr {$access | 0x200}]
if {$64bit} {
set access [expr {$access | 0x100}]
return [RegOpenCurrentUser $access]
proc twapi::reg_key_user_classes_root {usertoken args} {
parseargs args {
{access.arg generic_read}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
set access [_access_rights_to_mask $access]
# Note: Following might be set via -access as well. The -32bit and -64bit
# options just make it a little more convenient for caller
if {$32bit} {
set access [expr {$access | 0x200}]
if {$64bit} {
set access [expr {$access | 0x100}]
return [RegOpenUserClassesRoot $usertoken 0 $access]
proc twapi::reg_key_export {hkey filepath args} {
parseargs args {
{secd.arg {}}
{format.arg xp {win2k xp}}
{compress.bool 1}
} -setvars
set format [dict get {win2k 1 xp 2} $format]
if {! $compress} {
set format [expr {$format | 4}]
twapi::eval_with_privileges {
RegSaveKeyEx $hkey $filepath [_make_secattr $secd 0] $format
} SeBackupPrivilege
proc twapi::reg_key_import {hkey filepath args} {
parseargs args {
{volatile.bool 0 0x1}
{force.bool 0 0x8}
} -setvars
twapi::eval_with_privileges {
RegRestoreKey $hkey $filepath [expr {$force | $volatile}]
} {SeBackupPrivilege SeRestorePrivilege}
proc twapi::reg_key_load {hkey hivename filepath} {
twapi::eval_with_privileges {
RegLoadKey $hkey $subkey $filepath
} {SeBackupPrivilege SeRestorePrivilege}
proc twapi::reg_key_unload {hkey hivename} {
twapi::eval_with_privileges {
RegUnLoadKey $hkey $subkey
} {SeBackupPrivilege SeRestorePrivilege}
proc twapi::reg_key_monitor {hkey hevent args} {
parseargs args {
{keys.bool 0 0x1}
{attr.bool 0 0x2}
{values.bool 0 0x4}
{secd.bool 0 0x8}
{subtree.bool 0}
} -setvars
set filter [expr {$keys | $attr | $values | $secd}]
if {$filter == 0} {
set filter 0xf
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue $hkey $subtree $filter $hevent 1
proc twapi::reg_value_names {hkey {subkey {}}} {
if {$subkey eq ""} {
# 0 - value names only
return [RegEnumValue $hkey 0]
set hkey [reg_key_open $hkey $subkey]
try {
# 0 - value names only
return [RegEnumValue $hkey 0]
} finally {
reg_key_close $hkey
proc twapi::reg_values {hkey {subkey {}}} {
if {$subkey eq ""} {
# 3 -> 0x1 - return data values, 0x2 - cooked data
return [RegEnumValue $hkey 3]
set hkey [reg_key_open $hkey $subkey]
try {
# 3 -> 0x1 - return data values, 0x2 - cooked data
return [RegEnumValue $hkey 3]
} finally {
reg_key_close $hkey
proc twapi::reg_values_raw {hkey {subkey {}}} {
if {$subkey eq ""} {
# 0x1 - return data values
return [RegEnumValue $hkey 1]
set hkey [reg_key_open $hkey $subkey]
try {
return [RegEnumValue $hkey 1]
} finally {
reg_key_close $hkey
proc twapi::reg_value_raw {hkey args} {
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
return [RegQueryValueEx $hkey [lindex $args 0] false]
} elseif {[llength $args] == 2} {
return [RegGetValue $hkey {*}$args 0x1000ffff false]
} else {
error "wrong # args: should be \"reg_value_get HKEY ?SUBKEY? VALUENAME\""
proc twapi::reg_value {hkey args} {
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
return [RegQueryValueEx $hkey [lindex $args 0] true]
} elseif {[llength $args] == 2} {
return [RegGetValue $hkey {*}$args 0x1000ffff true]
} else {
error "wrong # args: should be \"reg_value_get HKEY ?SUBKEY? VALUENAME\""
if {[twapi::min_os_version 6]} {
proc twapi::reg_value_set {hkey args} {
if {[llength $args] == 3} {
return [RegSetValueEx $hkey {*}$args]
} elseif {[llength $args] == 4} {
return [RegSetKeyValue $hkey {*}$args]
} else {
error "wrong # args: should be \"reg_value_set HKEY ?SUBKEY? VALUENAME TYPE VALUE\""
} else {
proc twapi::reg_value_set {hkey args} {
if {[llength $args] == 3} {
lassign $args value_name value_type value
} elseif {[llength $args] == 4} {
lassign $args subkey value_name value_type value
set hkey [reg_key_open $hkey $subkey -access key_set_value]
} else {
error "wrong # args: should be \"reg_value_set HKEY ?SUBKEY? VALUENAME TYPE VALUE\""
try {
RegSetValueEx $hkey $value_name $value_type $value
} finally {
if {[info exists subkey]} {
# We opened hkey
reg_close_key $hkey
proc twapi::reg_key_override_undo {hkey} {
RegOverridePredefKey $hkey 0
proc twapi::_reg_walker {hkey path callback cbdata} {
# Callback for the key
set code [catch {
{*}$callback $cbdata $hkey $path
} cbdata ropts]
if {$code != 0} {
if {$code == 4} {
# Continue - skip children, continue with siblings
return $cbdata
} elseif {$code == 3} {
# Skip siblings as well
return -code break $cbdata
} elseif {$code == 2} {
# Stop complete iteration
return -code return $cbdata
} else {
return -options $ropts $cbdata
# Iterate over child keys
foreach child_key [reg_keys $hkey] {
set child_hkey [reg_key_open $hkey $child_key]
try {
# Recurse to call into children
set code [catch {
_reg_walker $child_hkey [linsert $path end $child_key] $callback $cbdata
} cbdata ropts]
if {$code != 0 && $code != 4} {
if {$code == 3} {
# break - skip remaining child keys
return $cbdata
} elseif {$code == 2} {
# return - stop all iteration all up the tree
return -code return $cbdata
} else {
return -options $ropts $cbdata
} finally {
reg_key_close $child_hkey
return $cbdata
proc twapi::reg_walk {hkey args} {
parseargs args {
{subkey.arg {}}
{cbdata.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
if {$subkey ne ""} {
set hkey [reg_key_open $hkey $subkey]
set path [list $subkey]
} else {
set path [list ]
if {![info exists callback]} {
set callback [lambda {cbdata hkey path} {puts [join $path \\]}]
try {
set code [catch {_reg_walker $hkey $path $callback $cbdata } result ropts]
# Codes 2 (return), 3 (break) and 4 (continue) are just early terminations
if {$code == 1} {
return -options $ropts $result
} finally {
if {$subkey ne ""} {
reg_key_close $hkey
return $result
proc twapi::_reg_iterator_callback {cbdata hkey path args} {
set cmd [yield [list $hkey $path {*}$args]]
# Loop until valid argument
while {1} {
switch -exact -- $cmd {
"" -
next { return $cbdata }
stop { return -code return $cbdata }
parentsibling { return -code break $cbdata }
sibling { return -code continue $cbdata }
default {
set ret [yieldto return -level 0 -code error "Invalid argument \"$cmd\"."]
proc twapi::_reg_iterator_coro {hkey subkey} {
set cmd [yield [info coroutine]]
switch -exact -- $cmd {
"" -
next {
# Drop into reg_walk
stop -
parentsibling -
sibling {
return {}
default {
error "Invalid argument \"$cmd\"."
if {$subkey ne ""} {
set hkey [reg_key_open $hkey $subkey]
try {
reg_walk $hkey -callback [namespace current]::_reg_iterator_callback
} finally {
if {$subkey ne ""} {
reg_key_close $hkey
proc twapi::reg_iterator {hkey {subkey {}}} {
variable reg_walk_counter
return [coroutine "regwalk#[incr reg_walk_counter]" _reg_iterator_coro $hkey $subkey]
proc twapi::reg_tree {hkey {subkey {}}} {
set iter [reg_iterator $hkey $subkey]
set paths {}
while {[llength [set item [$iter next]]]} {
lappend paths [join [lindex $item 1] \\]
return $paths
proc twapi::reg_tree_values {hkey {subkey {}}} {
set iter [reg_iterator $hkey $subkey]
set tree {}
# Note here we cannot ignore the first empty node corresponding
# to the root because we have to return any values it contains.
while {[llength [set item [$iter next]]]} {
dict set tree [join [lindex $item 1] \\] [reg_values [lindex $item 0]]
return $tree
proc twapi::reg_tree_values_raw {hkey {subkey {}}} {
set iter [reg_iterator $hkey $subkey]
set tree {}
while {[llength [set item [$iter next]]]} {
dict set tree [join [lindex $item 1] \\] [reg_values_raw [lindex $item 0]]
return $tree


@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
# Commands related to resource manipulation
# Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
package require twapi_nls
# Retrieve version info for a file
proc twapi::get_file_version_resource {path args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
set ver [Twapi_GetFileVersionInfo $path]
trap {
array set verinfo [Twapi_VerQueryValue_FIXEDFILEINFO $ver]
set result [list ]
if {$opts(all) || $opts(signature)} {
lappend result -signature [format 0x%x $verinfo(dwSignature)]
if {$opts(all) || $opts(structversion)} {
lappend result -structversion "[expr {0xffff & ($verinfo(dwStrucVersion) >> 16)}].[expr {0xffff & $verinfo(dwStrucVersion)}]"
if {$opts(all) || $opts(fileversion)} {
lappend result -fileversion "[expr {0xffff & ($verinfo(dwFileVersionMS) >> 16)}].[expr {0xffff & $verinfo(dwFileVersionMS)}].[expr {0xffff & ($verinfo(dwFileVersionLS) >> 16)}].[expr {0xffff & $verinfo(dwFileVersionLS)}]"
if {$opts(all) || $opts(productversion)} {
lappend result -productversion "[expr {0xffff & ($verinfo(dwProductVersionMS) >> 16)}].[expr {0xffff & $verinfo(dwProductVersionMS)}].[expr {0xffff & ($verinfo(dwProductVersionLS) >> 16)}].[expr {0xffff & $verinfo(dwProductVersionLS)}]"
if {$opts(all) || $opts(flags)} {
set flags [expr {$verinfo(dwFileFlags) & $verinfo(dwFileFlagsMask)}]
lappend result -flags \
[_make_symbolic_bitmask \
[expr {$verinfo(dwFileFlags) & $verinfo(dwFileFlagsMask)}] \
debug 1
prerelease 2
patched 4
privatebuild 8
infoinferred 16
specialbuild 32
} \
if {$opts(all) || $opts(fileos)} {
switch -exact -- [format %08x $verinfo(dwFileOS)] {
00010000 {set os dos}
00020000 {set os os216}
00030000 {set os os232}
00040000 {set os nt}
00050000 {set os wince}
00000001 {set os windows16}
00000002 {set os pm16}
00000003 {set os pm32}
00000004 {set os windows32}
00010001 {set os dos_windows16}
00010004 {set os dos_windows32}
00020002 {set os os216_pm16}
00030003 {set os os232_pm32}
00040004 {set os nt_windows32}
default {set os $verinfo(dwFileOS)}
lappend result -fileos $os
if {$opts(all) || $opts(filetype)} {
switch -exact -- [expr {0+$verinfo(dwFileType)}] {
1 {set type application}
2 {set type dll}
3 {
set type "driver."
switch -exact -- [expr {0+$verinfo(dwFileSubtype)}] {
1 {append type printer}
2 {append type keyboard}
3 {append type language}
4 {append type display}
5 {append type mouse}
6 {append type network}
7 {append type system}
8 {append type installable}
9 {append type sound}
10 {append type comm}
11 {append type inputmethod}
12 {append type versionedprinter}
default {append type $verinfo(dwFileSubtype)}
4 {
set type "font."
switch -exact -- [expr {0+$verinfo(dwFileSubtype)}] {
1 {append type raster}
2 {append type vector}
3 {append type truetype}
default {append type $verinfo(dwFileSubtype)}
5 { set type "vxd.$verinfo(dwFileSubtype)" }
7 {set type staticlib}
default {
set type "$verinfo(dwFileType).$verinfo(dwFileSubtype)"
lappend result -filetype $type
if {$opts(all) || $opts(datetime)} {
lappend result -datetime [expr {($verinfo(dwFileDateMS) << 32) + $verinfo(dwFileDateLS)}]
# Any remaining arguments are treated as string names
if {[llength $args] || $opts(foundlangid) || $opts(foundcodepage) || $opts(all)} {
# Find list of langid's and codepages and do closest match
set langid [expr {[info exists opts(langid)] ? $opts(langid) : [get_user_ui_langid]}]
set primary_langid [extract_primary_langid $langid]
set sub_langid [extract_sublanguage_langid $langid]
set cp [expr {[info exists opts(codepage)] ? $opts(codepage) : 0}]
# Find a match in the following order:
# 0 Exact match for both langid and codepage
# 1 Exact match for langid
# 2 Primary langid matches (sublang does not) and exact codepage
# 3 Primary langid matches (sublang does not)
# 4 Language neutral
# 5 English
# 6 First langcp in list or "00000000"
set match(7) "00000000"; # In case list is empty
foreach langcp [Twapi_VerQueryValue_TRANSLATIONS $ver] {
set verlangid 0x[string range $langcp 0 3]
set vercp 0x[string range $langcp 4 7]
if {$verlangid == $langid && $vercp == $cp} {
set match(0) $langcp
break; # No need to look further
if {[info exists match(1)]} continue
if {$verlangid == $langid} {
set match(1) $langcp
continue; # Continue to look for match(0)
if {[info exists match(2)]} continue
set verprimary [extract_primary_langid $verlangid]
if {$verprimary == $primary_langid && $vercp == $cp} {
set match(2) $langcp
continue; # Continue to look for match(1) or better
if {[info exists match(3)]} continue
if {$verprimary == $primary_langid} {
set match(3) $langcp
continue; # Continue to look for match(2) or better
if {[info exists match(4)]} continue
if {$verprimary == 0} {
set match(4) $langcp; # LANG_NEUTRAL
continue; # Continue to look for match(3) or better
if {[info exists match(5)]} continue
if {$verprimary == 9} {
set match(5) $langcp; # English
continue; # Continue to look for match(4) or better
if {![info exists match(6)]} {
set match(6) $langcp
# Figure out what is the best match we have
for {set i 0} {$i <= 7} {incr i} {
if {[info exists match($i)]} {
if {$opts(foundlangid) || $opts(all)} {
set langid 0x[string range $match($i) 0 3]
lappend result -foundlangid [list $langid [VerLanguageName $langid]]
if {$opts(foundcodepage) || $opts(all)} {
lappend result -foundcodepage 0x[string range $match($i) 4 7]
foreach sname $args {
lappend result $sname [Twapi_VerQueryValue_STRING $ver $match($i) $sname]
} finally {
Twapi_FreeFileVersionInfo $ver
return $result
proc twapi::begin_resource_update {path args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
return [BeginUpdateResource $path $opts(deleteall)]
# Note this is not an alias because we want to control arguments
# to UpdateResource (which can take more args that specified here)
proc twapi::delete_resource {hmod restype resname langid} {
UpdateResource $hmod $restype $resname $langid
# Note this is not an alias because we want to make sure $bindata is specified
# as an argument else it will have the effect of deleting a resource
proc twapi::update_resource {hmod restype resname langid bindata} {
UpdateResource $hmod $restype $resname $langid $bindata
proc twapi::end_resource_update {hmod args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
return [EndUpdateResource $hmod $opts(discard)]
proc twapi::read_resource {hmod restype resname langid} {
return [Twapi_LoadResource $hmod [FindResourceEx $hmod $restype $resname $langid]]
proc twapi::read_resource_string {hmod resname langid} {
# As an aside, note that we do not use a LoadString call
# because it does not allow for specification of a langid
# For a reference to how strings are stored, see
# or
if {![string is integer -strict $resname]} {
error "String resources must have an integer id"
lassign [resource_stringid_to_stringblockid $resname] block_id index_within_block
return [lindex \
[resource_stringblock_to_strings \
[read_resource $hmod 6 $block_id $langid] ] \
# Give a list of strings, formats it as a string block. Number of strings
# must not be greater than 16. If less than 16 strings, remaining are
# treated as empty.
proc twapi::strings_to_resource_stringblock {strings} {
if {[llength $strings] > 16} {
error "Cannot have more than 16 strings in a resource string block."
for {set i 0} {$i < 16} {incr i} {
set s [lindex $strings $i]
set n [string length $s]
append bin [binary format sa* $n [encoding convertto unicode $s]]
return $bin
proc twapi::resource_stringid_to_stringblockid {id} {
# Strings are stored in blocks of 16, with block id's beginning at 1, not 0
return [list [expr {($id / 16) + 1}] [expr {$id & 15}]]
proc twapi::extract_resources {hmod {withdata 0}} {
set result [dict create]
foreach type [enumerate_resource_types $hmod] {
set typedict [dict create]
foreach name [enumerate_resource_names $hmod $type] {
set namedict [dict create]
foreach lang [enumerate_resource_languages $hmod $type $name] {
if {$withdata} {
dict set namedict $lang [read_resource $hmod $type $name $lang]
} else {
dict set namedict $lang {}
dict set typedict $name $namedict
dict set result $type $typedict
return $result
# TBD - test
proc twapi::write_bmp_file {filename bmp} {
# Assumes $bmp is clipboard content in format 8 (CF_DIB)
# First parse the bitmap data to collect header information
binary scan $bmp "iiissiiiiii" size width height planes bitcount compression sizeimage xpelspermeter ypelspermeter clrused clrimportant
# We only handle BITMAPINFOHEADER right now (size must be 40)
if {$size != 40} {
error "Unsupported bitmap format. Header size=$size"
# We need to figure out the offset to the actual bitmap data
# from the start of the file header. For this we need to know the
# size of the color table which directly follows the BITMAPINFOHEADER
if {$bitcount == 0} {
error "Unsupported format: implicit JPEG or PNG"
} elseif {$bitcount == 1} {
set color_table_size 2
} elseif {$bitcount == 4} {
# TBD - Not sure if this is the size or the max size
set color_table_size 16
} elseif {$bitcount == 8} {
# TBD - Not sure if this is the size or the max size
set color_table_size 256
} elseif {$bitcount == 16 || $bitcount == 32} {
if {$compression == 0} {
set color_table_size $clrused
} elseif {$compression == 3} {
set color_table_size 3
} else {
error "Unsupported compression type '$compression' for bitcount value $bitcount"
} elseif {$bitcount == 24} {
set color_table_size $clrused
} else {
error "Unsupported value '$bitcount' in bitmap bitcount field"
set filehdr_size 14; # sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)
set bitmap_file_offset [expr {$filehdr_size+$size+($color_table_size*4)}]
set filehdr [binary format "a2 i x2 x2 i" "BM" [expr {$filehdr_size + [string length $bmp]}] $bitmap_file_offset]
set fd [open $filename w]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fd $filehdr
puts -nonewline $fd $bmp
close $fd
proc twapi::_load_image {flags type hmod path args} {
# The flags arg is generally 0x10 (load from file), or 0 (module)
# or'ed with 0x8000 (shared). The latter can be overridden by
# the -shared option but should not be except when loading from module.
array set opts [parseargs args {
{createdibsection.bool 0 0x2000}
{defaultsize.bool 0 0x40}
{loadtransparent.bool 0 0x20}
{monochrome.bool 0 0x1}
{shared.bool 0 0x8000}
{vgacolor.bool 0 0x80}
} -maxleftover 0 -nulldefault]
set flags [expr {$flags | $opts(defaultsize) | $opts(loadtransparent) | $opts(monochrome) | $opts(shared) | $opts(vgacolor)}]
set h [LoadImage $hmod $path $type $opts(width) $opts(height) $flags]
# Cast as _SHARED if required to offer some protection against
# being freed using DestroyIcon etc.
set type [lindex {HGDIOBJ HICON HCURSOR} $type]
if {$flags & 0x8000} {
append type _SHARED
return [cast_handle $h $type]
proc twapi::_load_image_from_system {type id args} {
variable _oem_image_syms
if {![string is integer -strict $id]} {
if {![info exists _oem_image_syms]} {
# Bitmap symbols (type 0)
dict set _oem_image_syms 0 {
CLOSE 32754 UPARROW 32753
LFARROW 32750 REDUCE 32749
ZOOM 32748 RESTORE 32747
REDUCED 32746 ZOOMD 32745
COMBO 32738 UPARROWI 32737
LFARROWI 32734 SIZE 32766
BTSIZE 32761 CHECK 32760
# Icon symbols (type 1)
dict set _oem_image_syms 1 {
SAMPLE 32512 HAND 32513
QUES 32514 BANG 32515
NOTE 32516 WINLOGO 32517
WARNING 32515 ERROR 32513
# Cursor symbols (type 2)
dict set _oem_image_syms 2 {
NORMAL 32512 IBEAM 32513
WAIT 32514 CROSS 32515
UP 32516 SIZENWSE 32642
SIZENS 32645 SIZEALL 32646
NO 32648 HAND 32649
set id [dict get $_oem_image_syms $type [string toupper $id]]
# Built-in system images must always be loaded shared (0x8000)
return [_load_image 0x8000 $type NULL $id {*}$args]
# 0x10 -> LR_LOADFROMFILE. Also 0x8000 not set (meaning unshared)
interp alias {} twapi::load_bitmap_from_file {} twapi::_load_image 0x10 0 NULL
interp alias {} twapi::load_icon_from_file {} twapi::_load_image 0x10 1 NULL
interp alias {} twapi::load_cursor_from_file {} twapi::_load_image 0x10 2 NULL
interp alias {} twapi::load_bitmap_from_module {} twapi::_load_image 0 0
interp alias {} twapi::load_icon_from_module {} twapi::_load_image 0 1
interp alias {} twapi::load_cursor_from_module {} twapi::_load_image 0 2
interp alias {} twapi::load_bitmap_from_system {} twapi::_load_image_from_system 0
interp alias {} twapi::load_icon_from_system {} twapi::_load_image_from_system 1
interp alias {} twapi::load_cursor_from_system {} twapi::_load_image_from_system 2
interp alias {} twapi::free_icon {} twapi::DestroyIcon
interp alias {} twapi::free_bitmap {} twapi::DeleteObject
interp alias {} twapi::free_cursor {} twapi::DestroyCursor


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,966 @@
# Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {
# Win SDK based structure definitions
record SHARE_INFO_0 {-name}
record SHARE_INFO_1 {-name -type -comment}
record SHARE_INFO_2 {-name -type -comment -permissions -max_conn -current_conn -path -passwd}
record SHARE_INFO_502 {-name -type -comment -permissions -max_conn -current_conn -path -passwd -reserved -secd}
record USE_INFO_0 {-localdevice -remoteshare}
record USE_INFO_1 {-localdevice -remoteshare -password -status -type -opencount -usecount}
record USE_INFO_2 {-localdevice -remoteshare -password -status -type -opencount -usecount -user -domain}
record SESSION_INFO_0 {-clientname}
record SESSION_INFO_1 {-clientname -user -opencount -activeseconds -idleseconds -attrs}
record SESSION_INFO_2 {-clientname -user -opencount -activeseconds -idleseconds -attrs -clienttype}
record SESSION_INFO_502 {-clientname -user -opencount -activeseconds -idleseconds -attrs -clienttype -transport}
record SESSION_INFO_10 {-clientname -user -activeseconds -idleseconds}
record FILE_INFO_2 {-id}
record FILE_INFO_3 {-id -permissions -lockcount -path -user}
record CONNECTION_INFO_0 {-id}
record CONNECTION_INFO_1 {-id -type -opencount -usercount -activeseconds -user -netname}
DWORD dwScope;
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwDisplayType;
DWORD dwUsage;
LPCWSTR lpLocalName;
LPCWSTR lpRemoteName;
LPCWSTR lpComment;
LPCWSTR lpProvider;
DWORD cbStructure;
DWORD dwProviderVersion;
DWORD dwStatus;
DWORD dwCharacteristics;
HANDLE dwHandle;
WORD wNetType;
DWORD dwPrinters;
DWORD dwDrives;
# TBD - is there a Tcl wrapper around NetShareCheck?
# Create a network share
proc twapi::new_share {sharename path args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{system.arg ""}
{type.arg "file"}
{comment.arg ""}
{ -1}
} -maxleftover 0]
# If no security descriptor specified, default to "Everyone,
# read permission". Levaing it empty will give everyone all permissions
# which is probably not a good idea!
if {![info exists opts(secd)]} {
set opts(secd) [new_security_descriptor -dacl [new_acl [list [new_ace allow S-1-1-0 1179817]]]]
NetShareAdd $opts(system) \
$sharename \
[_share_type_symbols_to_code $opts(type)] \
$opts(comment) \
$opts(max_conn) \
[file nativename $path] \
# Delete a network share
proc twapi::delete_share {sharename args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {system.arg} -nulldefault]
NetShareDel $opts(system) $sharename 0
# Enumerate network shares
proc twapi::get_shares {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{system.arg ""}
{type.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {$opts(type) != ""} {
set type_filter [_share_type_symbols_to_code $opts(type) 1]
if {[info exists opts(level)] && $opts(level) > 0} {
set level $opts(level)
} else {
# Either -level not specified or specified as 0
# We need at least level 1 to filter on type
set level 1
set record_proc SHARE_INFO_$level
set raw_data [_net_enum_helper NetShareEnum -system $opts(system) -level $level -fields [$record_proc]]
set recs [list ]
foreach rec [recordarray getlist $raw_data] {
# 0xC0000000 -> 0x80000000 (STYPE_SPECIAL), 0x40000000 (STYPE_TEMPORARY)
set special [expr {[$record_proc -type $rec] & 0xC0000000}]
if {$special && $opts(excludespecial)} {
# We need the special cast to int because else operands get promoted
# to 64 bits as the hex is treated as an unsigned value
set share_type [$record_proc -type $rec]
if {[info exists type_filter] && [expr {int($share_type & ~ $special)}] != $type_filter} {
set rec [$record_proc set $rec -type [_share_type_code_to_symbols $share_type]]
if {[info exists opts(level)]} {
lappend recs $rec
} else {
lappend recs [$record_proc -name $rec]
if {[info exists opts(level)]} {
set ra [list [$record_proc] $recs]
if {$opts(level) == 0} {
# We actually need only a level 0 subset
return [recordarray get $ra -slice [SHARE_INFO_0]]
return $ra
} else {
return $recs
# Get details about a share
proc twapi::get_share_info {sharename args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -nulldefault -hyphenated]
set level 0
if {$opts(-all) || $opts(-name) || $opts(-type) || $opts(-comment)} {
set level 1
set record_proc SHARE_INFO_1
if {$opts(-all) || $opts(-max_conn) || $opts(-current_conn) || $opts(-path)} {
set level 2
set record_proc SHARE_INFO_2
if {$opts(-all) || $opts(-secd)} {
set level 502
set record_proc SHARE_INFO_502
if {! $level} {
set rec [NetShareGetInfo $opts(-system) $sharename $level]
set result [list ]
foreach opt {-name -comment -max_conn -current_conn -path -secd} {
if {$opts(-all) || $opts($opt)} {
lappend result $opt [$record_proc $opt $rec]
if {$opts(-all) || $opts(-type)} {
lappend result -type [_share_type_code_to_symbols [$record_proc -type $rec]]
return $result
# Set a share configuration
proc twapi::set_share_info {sharename args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{system.arg ""}
# First get the current config so we can change specified fields
# and write back
array set shareinfo [get_share_info $sharename -system $opts(system) \
-comment -max_conn -secd]
foreach field {comment max_conn secd} {
if {[info exists opts($field)]} {
set shareinfo(-$field) $opts($field)
NetShareSetInfo $opts(system) $sharename $shareinfo(-comment) \
$shareinfo(-max_conn) $shareinfo(-secd)
# Get list of remote shares
proc twapi::get_client_shares {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{system.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[info exists opts(level)]} {
set rec_proc USE_INFO_$opts(level)
set ra [_net_enum_helper NetUseEnum -system $opts(system) -level $opts(level) -fields [$rec_proc]]
set fields [$rec_proc]
set have_status [expr {"-status" in $fields}]
set have_type [expr {"-type" in $fields}]
if {! ($have_status || $have_type)} {
return $ra
set recs {}
foreach rec [recordarray getlist $ra] {
if {$have_status} {
set rec [$rec_proc set $rec -status [_map_useinfo_status [$rec_proc -status $rec]]]
if {$have_type} {
set rec [$rec_proc set $rec -type [_map_useinfo_type [$rec_proc -type $rec]]]
lappend recs $rec
return [list $fields $recs]
# -level not specified. Just return a list of the remote share names
return [recordarray column [_net_enum_helper NetUseEnum -system $opts(system) -level 0 -fields [USE_INFO_0]] -remoteshare]
# Connect to a share
proc twapi::connect_share {remoteshare args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{type.arg "disk"}
{window.arg 0}
{interactive {} 0x8}
{prompt {} 0x10}
{updateprofile {} 0x1}
{commandline {} 0x800}
} -nulldefault]
set flags 0
switch -exact -- $opts(type) {
"any" {set type 0}
"disk" -
"file" {set type 1}
"printer" {set type 2}
default {
error "Invalid network share type '$opts(type)'"
# localdevice - "" means no local device, * means pick any, otherwise
# it's a local device to be mapped
if {$opts(localdevice) == "*"} {
set opts(localdevice) ""
setbits flags 0x80; # CONNECT_REDIRECT
if {$opts(defaultpassword) && $opts(nopassword)} {
error "Options -defaultpassword and -nopassword may not be used together"
if {$opts(nopassword)} {
set opts(password) ""
set ignore_password 1
} else {
set ignore_password 0
if {$opts(defaultpassword)} {
set opts(password) ""
set flags [expr {$flags | $opts(interactive) | $opts(prompt) |
$opts(updateprofile) | $opts(commandline)}]
return [Twapi_WNetUseConnection $opts(window) $type $opts(localdevice) \
$remoteshare $opts(provider) $opts(user) $ignore_password \
$opts(password) $flags]
# Disconnects an existing share
proc twapi::disconnect_share {sharename args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {updateprofile force}]
set flags [expr {$opts(updateprofile) ? 0x1 : 0}]
WNetCancelConnection2 $sharename $flags $opts(force)
# Get information about a connected share
proc twapi::get_client_share_info {sharename args} {
if {$sharename eq ""} {
error "A share name cannot be the empty string"
# We have to use a combination of NetUseGetInfo and
# WNetGetResourceInformation as neither gives us the full information
# THe former takes the local device name if there is one and will
# only accept a UNC if there is an entry for the UNC with
# no local device mapped. The latter
# always wants the UNC. So we need to figure out exactly if there
# is a local device mapped to the sharename or not
# TBD _ see if this is really the case. Also, NetUse only works with
# LANMAN, not WebDAV. So see if there is a way to only use WNet*
# variants
# There may be multiple entries for the same UNC
# If there is an entry for the UNC with no device mapped, select
# that else select any of the local devices mapped to it
# TBD - any better way of finding out a mapping than calling
# get_client_shares?
# TBD - use wnet_connected_resources
foreach {elem_device elem_unc} [recordarray getlist [get_client_shares -level 0] -format flat] {
if {[string equal -nocase $sharename $elem_unc]} {
if {$elem_device eq ""} {
# Found an entry without a local device. Use it
set unc $elem_unc
unset -nocomplain local; # In case we found a match earlier
} else {
# Found a matching device
set local $elem_device
set unc $elem_unc
# Keep looping in case we find an entry with no local device
# (which we will prefer)
} else {
# See if the sharename is actually a local device name
if {[string equal -nocase [string trimright $elem_device :] [string trimright $sharename :]]} {
# Device name matches. Use it
set local $elem_device
set unc $elem_unc
if {![info exists unc]} {
win32_error 2250 "Share '$sharename' not found."
# At this point $unc is the UNC form of the share and
# $local is either undefined or the local mapped device if there is one
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0 -hyphenated]
# Call Twapi_NetGetInfo always to get status. If we are not connected,
# we will not call WNetGetResourceInformation as that will time out
if {[info exists local]} {
set share [NetUseGetInfo "" $local 2]
} else {
set share [NetUseGetInfo "" $unc 2]
array set shareinfo [USE_INFO_2 $share]
unset shareinfo(-password)
if {[info exists shareinfo(-status)]} {
set shareinfo(-status) [_map_useinfo_status $shareinfo(-status)]
if {[info exists shareinfo(-type)]} {
set shareinfo(-type) [_map_useinfo_type $shareinfo(-type)]
if {$opts(-all) || $opts(-comment) || $opts(-provider)} {
# Only get this information if we are connected
if {$shareinfo(-status) eq "connected"} {
set wnetinfo [lindex [Twapi_WNetGetResourceInformation $unc "" 0] 0]
set shareinfo(-comment) [lindex $wnetinfo 6]
set shareinfo(-provider) [lindex $wnetinfo 7]
} else {
set shareinfo(-comment) ""
set shareinfo(-provider) ""
if {$opts(-all)} {
return [array get shareinfo]
# Get rid of unwanted fields
foreach opt {
} {
if {! $opts($opt)} {
unset -nocomplain shareinfo($opt)
return [array get shareinfo]
# Enumerate sessions
proc twapi::find_lm_sessions args {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{matchclient.arg ""}
{system.arg ""}
{matchuser.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
set level [_calc_minimum_session_info_level opts]
# On all platforms, client must be in UNC format
set opts(matchclient) [_make_unc_computername $opts(matchclient)]
trap {
set sessions [_net_enum_helper NetSessionEnum -system $opts(system) -preargs [list $opts(matchclient) $opts(matchuser)] -level $level -fields [SESSION_INFO_$level]]
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 2312} {
# No session matching the specified client
set sessions {}
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 2221} {
# No session matching the user
set sessions {}
return [_format_lm_sessions $sessions opts]
# Get information about a session
proc twapi::get_lm_session_info {client user args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{system.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
set level [_calc_minimum_session_info_level opts]
if {$level == -1} {
# No data requested so return empty list
return [list ]
if {![min_os_version 5]} {
# System name is specified. If NT, make sure it is UNC form
set opts(system) [_make_unc_computername $opts(system)]
# On all platforms, client must be in UNC format
set client [_make_unc_computername $client]
# Note an error is generated if no matching session exists
set sess [NetSessionGetInfo $opts(system) $client $user $level]
return [recordarray index [_format_lm_sessions [list [SESSION_INFO_$level] [list $sess]] opts] 0 -format dict]
# Delete sessions
proc twapi::end_lm_sessions args {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{client.arg ""}
{system.arg ""}
{user.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {![min_os_version 5]} {
# System name is specified. If NT, make sure it is UNC form
set opts(system) [_make_unc_computername $opts(system)]
if {$opts(client) eq "" && $opts(user) eq ""} {
win32_error 87 "At least one of -client and -user must be specified."
# On all platforms, client must be in UNC format
set opts(client) [_make_unc_computername $opts(client)]
trap {
NetSessionDel $opts(system) $opts(client) $opts(user)
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 2312} {
# No session matching the specified client - ignore error
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 2221} {
# No session matching the user - ignore error
# Enumerate open files
proc twapi::find_lm_open_files args {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{basepath.arg ""}
{system.arg ""}
{matchuser.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
set level 3
if {! ($opts(all) || $opts(permissions) || $opts(lockcount) ||
$opts(path) || $opts(user))} {
# Only id's required
set level 2
# TBD - change to use -resume option to _net_enum_helper as there
# might be a lot of files
trap {
set files [_net_enum_helper NetFileEnum -system $opts(system) -preargs [list [file nativename $opts(basepath)] $opts(matchuser)] -level $level -fields [FILE_INFO_$level]]
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 2221} {
# No files matching the user
set files [list [FILE_INFO_$level] {}]
return [_format_lm_open_files $files opts]
# Get information about an open LM file
proc twapi::get_lm_open_file_info {fid args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{system.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
# System name is specified. If NT, make sure it is UNC form
if {![min_os_version 5]} {
set opts(system) [_make_unc_computername $opts(system)]
set level 3
if {! ($opts(all) || $opts(permissions) || $opts(lockcount) ||
$opts(path) || $opts(user))} {
# Only id's required. We actually already have this but don't
# return it since we want to go ahead and make the call in case
# the id does not exist
set level 2
return [recordarray index [_format_lm_open_files [list [FILE_INFO_$level] [list [NetFileGetInfo $opts(system) $fid $level]]] opts] 0 -format dict]
# Close an open LM file
proc twapi::close_lm_open_file {fid args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{system.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
trap {
NetFileClose $opts(system) $fid
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 2314} {
# No such fid. Ignore, perhaps it was closed in the meanwhile
# Enumerate open connections
proc twapi::find_lm_connections args {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{system.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {! ([info exists opts(client)] || [info exists opts(share)])} {
win32_error 87 "Must specify either -client or -share option."
if {[info exists opts(client)] && [info exists opts(share)]} {
win32_error 87 "Must not specify both -client and -share options."
if {[info exists opts(client)]} {
set qualifier [_make_unc_computername $opts(client)]
} else {
set qualifier $opts(share)
set level 0
if {$opts(all) || $opts(type) || $opts(opencount) ||
$opts(usercount) || $opts(user) ||
$opts(activeseconds) || $opts(clientname) || $opts(sharename)} {
set level 1
# TBD - change to use -resume option to _net_enum_helper since
# there might be a log of connections
set conns [_net_enum_helper NetConnectionEnum -system $opts(system) -preargs [list $qualifier] -level $level -fields [CONNECTION_INFO_$level]]
if {! $opts(all)} {
set fields {}
foreach opt {id opencount usercount activeseconds user type} {
if {$opts(all) || $opts($opt)} {
lappend fields -$opt
if {$opts(all) || $opts(clientname) || $opts(sharename)} {
lappend fields -netname
set conns [recordarray get $conns -slice $fields]
set fields [recordarray fields $conns]
if {"-type" in $fields} {
set type_enum [enum $fields -type]
if {"-netname" in $fields} {
set netname_enum [enum $fields -netname]
if {! ([info exists type_enum] || [info exists netname_enum])} {
# No need to massage any data
return $conns
set recs {}
foreach rec [recordarray getlist $conns] {
if {[info exists type_enum]} {
lset rec $type_enum [_share_type_code_to_symbols [lindex $rec $type_enum]]
if {[info exists netname_enum]} {
# What's returned in the netname field depends on what we
# passed as the qualifier
if {[info exists opts(client)]} {
set sharename [lindex $rec $netname_enum]
set clientname [_make_unc_computername $opts(client)]
} else {
set sharename $opts(share)
set clientname [_make_unc_computername [lindex $rec $netname_enum]]
if {$opts(all) || $opts(clientname)} {
lappend rec $clientname
if {$opts(all) || $opts(sharename)} {
lappend rec $sharename
lappend recs $rec
if {$opts(all) || $opts(clientname)} {
lappend fields -clientname
if {$opts(all) || $opts(sharename)} {
lappend fields -sharename
return [list $fields $recs]
proc twapi::wnet_connected_resources {args} {
# Accept both file/disk and print/printer for historical reasons
# file and printer are official to match get_client_share_info
parseargs args {
{type.sym any {any 0 file 1 disk 1 print 2 printer 2}}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
set h [WNetOpenEnum 1 $type 0 ""]
trap {
set resources {}
set structdef [twapi::NETRESOURCE]
while {[llength [set rs [WNetEnumResource $h 100 $structdef]]]} {
foreach r $rs {
lappend resources [lrange $r 4 5]
} finally {
WNetCloseEnum $h
return $resources
# Utility functions
# Common code to figure out what SESSION_INFO level is required
# for the specified set of requested fields. v_opts is name
# of array indicating which fields are required
proc twapi::_calc_minimum_session_info_level {v_opts} {
upvar $v_opts opts
# Set the information level requested based on options specified.
# We set the level to the one that requires the lowest possible
# privilege level and still includes the data requested.
if {$opts(all) || $opts(transport)} {
return 502
} elseif {$opts(clienttype)} {
return 2
} elseif {$opts(opencount) || $opts(attrs)} {
return 1
} elseif {$opts(clientname) || $opts(user) ||
$opts(idleseconds) || $opts(activeseconds)} {
return 10
} else {
return 0
# Common code to format a session record. v_opts is name of array
# that controls which fields are returned
# sessions is a record array
proc twapi::_format_lm_sessions {sessions v_opts} {
upvar $v_opts opts
if {! $opts(all)} {
set fields {}
foreach opt {
transport user opencount idleseconds activeseconds
clienttype clientname attrs
} {
if {$opts(all) || $opts($opt)} {
lappend fields -$opt
set sessions [recordarray get $sessions -slice $fields]
set fields [recordarray fields $sessions]
if {"-clientname" in $fields} {
set client_enum [enum $fields -clientname]
if {"-attrs" in $fields} {
set attrs_enum [enum $fields -attrs]
if {! ([info exists client_enum] || [info exists attrs_enum])} {
return $sessions
# Need to map client name and attrs fields
set recs {}
foreach rec [recordarray getlist $sessions] {
if {[info exists client_enum]} {
lset rec $client_enum [_make_unc_computername [lindex $rec $client_enum]]
if {[info exists attrs_enum]} {
set attrs {}
set flags [lindex $rec $attrs_enum]
if {$flags & 1} {
lappend attrs guest
if {$flags & 2} {
lappend attrs noencryption
lset rec $attrs_enum $attrs
lappend recs $rec
return [list $fields $recs]
# Common code to format a lm open file record. v_opts is name of array
# that controls which fields are returned
proc twapi::_format_lm_open_files {files v_opts} {
upvar $v_opts opts
if {! $opts(all)} {
set fields {}
foreach opt {
id lockcount path user permissions
} {
if {$opts(all) || $opts($opt)} {
lappend fields -$opt
set files [recordarray get $files -slice $fields]
set fields [recordarray fields $files]
if {"-permissions" ni $fields} {
return $files
# Need to massage permissions
set enum [enum $fields -permissions]
set recs {}
foreach rec [recordarray getlist $files] {
set permissions [list ]
set perms [lindex $rec $enum]
foreach {flag perm} {1 read 2 write 4 create} {
if {$perms & $flag} {
lappend permissions $perm
lset rec $enum $permissions
lappend recs $rec
return [list $fields $recs]
proc twapi::_share_type_symbols_to_code {typesyms {basetypeonly 0}} {
switch -exact -- [lindex $typesyms 0] {
file { set code 0 }
printer { set code 1 }
device { set code 2 }
ipc { set code 3 }
default {
error "Unknown type network share type symbol [lindex $typesyms 0]"
if {$basetypeonly} {
return $code
# STYPE_TEMPORARY 0x40000000
# STYPE_SPECIAL 0x80000000
set special 0
foreach sym [lrange $typesyms 1 end] {
switch -exact -- $sym {
special { setbits special 0x80000000 }
temporary { setbits special 0x40000000 }
file -
printer -
device -
ipc {
error "Base share type symbol '$sym' cannot be used as a share attribute type"
default {
error "Unknown type network share type symbol '$sym'"
return [expr {$code | $special}]
# First element is always the base type of the share
proc twapi::_share_type_code_to_symbols {type} {
# STYPE_TEMPORARY 0x40000000
# STYPE_SPECIAL 0x80000000
set special [expr {$type & 0xC0000000}]
# We need the special cast to int because else operands get promoted
# to 64 bits as the hex is treated as an unsigned value
switch -exact -- [expr {int($type & ~ $special)}] {
0 {set sym "file"}
1 {set sym "printer"}
2 {set sym "device"}
3 {set sym "ipc"}
default {set sym $type}
set typesyms [list $sym]
if {$special & 0x80000000} {
lappend typesyms special
if {$special & 0x40000000} {
lappend typesyms temporary
return $typesyms
# Make sure a computer name is in unc format unless it is an empty
# string (local computer)
proc twapi::_make_unc_computername {name} {
if {$name eq ""} {
return ""
} else {
return "\\\\[string trimleft $name \\]"
proc twapi::_map_useinfo_status {status} {
set sym [lindex {connected paused lostsession disconnected networkerror connecting reconnecting} $status]
if {$sym ne ""} {
return $sym
} else {
return $status
proc twapi::_map_useinfo_type {type} {
# Note share type and use info types are different
return [_share_type_code_to_symbols [expr {$type & 0x3fffffff}]]


@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
# Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {}
# Get the specified shell folder
proc twapi::get_shell_folder {csidl args} {
variable csidl_lookup
array set opts [parseargs args {create} -maxleftover 0]
# Following are left out because they refer to virtual folders
# and will return error if used here
if {![info exists csidl_lookup]} {
array set csidl_lookup {
if {![string is integer $csidl]} {
set csidl_key [string toupper $csidl]
if {![info exists csidl_lookup($csidl_key)]} {
# Try by adding a CSIDL prefix
set csidl_key "CSIDL_$csidl_key"
if {![info exists csidl_lookup($csidl_key)]} {
error "Invalid CSIDL value '$csidl'"
set csidl $csidl_lookup($csidl_key)
trap {
set path [SHGetSpecialFolderPath 0 $csidl $opts(create)]
} onerror {} {
# Try some other way to get the information
switch -exact -- [format %x $csidl] {
1a { catch {set path $::env(APPDATA)} }
2b { catch {set path $::env(CommonProgramFiles)} }
26 { catch {set path $::env(ProgramFiles)} }
24 { catch {set path $::env(windir)} }
25 { catch {set path [file join $::env(systemroot) system32]} }
if {![info exists path]} {
return ""
return $path
# Displays a shell property dialog for the given object
proc twapi::shell_object_properties_dialog {path args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{type.arg file {file printer volume}}
{ 0}
{page.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {$opts(type) eq "file"} {
set path [file nativename [file normalize $path]]
SHObjectProperties $opts(hwin) \
[string map {printer 1 file 2 volume 4} $opts(type)] \
$path \
# Writes a shell shortcut
proc twapi::write_shortcut {link args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{showcmd.arg normal}
} -nulldefault -maxleftover 0]
# Map hot key to integer if needed
if {![string is integer -strict $opts(hotkey)]} {
if {$opts(hotkey) eq ""} {
set opts(hotkey) 0
} else {
# Try treating it as symbolic
lassign [_hotkeysyms_to_vk $opts(hotkey)] modifiers vk
set opts(hotkey) $vk
if {$modifiers & 1} {
set opts(hotkey) [expr {$opts(hotkey) | (4<<8)}]
if {$modifiers & 2} {
set opts(hotkey) [expr {$opts(hotkey) | (2<<8)}]
if {$modifiers & 4} {
set opts(hotkey) [expr {$opts(hotkey) | (1<<8)}]
if {$modifiers & 8} {
set opts(hotkey) [expr {$opts(hotkey) | (8<<8)}]
# IF a known symbol translate it. Note caller can pass integer
# values as well which will be kept as they are. Bogus valuse and
# symbols will generate an error on the actual call so we don't
# check here.
switch -exact -- $opts(showcmd) {
minimized { set opts(showcmd) 7 }
maximized { set opts(showcmd) 3 }
normal { set opts(showcmd) 1 }
Twapi_WriteShortcut $link $opts(path) $opts(idl) $opts(args) \
$opts(desc) $opts(hotkey) $opts(iconpath) $opts(iconindex) \
$opts(relativepath) $opts(showcmd) $opts(workdir) $opts(runas)
# Read a shortcut
proc twapi::read_shortcut {link args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{ 0}
{_comment {Path format flags}}
{shortnames {} 1}
{uncpath {} 2}
{rawpath {} 4}
{_comment {Resolve flags}}
{install {} 128}
{nolinkinfo {} 64}
{notrack {} 32}
{nosearch {} 16}
{anymatch {} 2}
{noui {} 1}
} -maxleftover 0]
set pathfmt [expr {$opts(shortnames) | $opts(uncpath) | $opts(rawpath)}]
set resolve_flags [expr {4 | $opts(install) | $opts(nolinkinfo) |
$opts(notrack) | $opts(nosearch) |
$opts(anymatch) | $opts(noui)}]
array set shortcut [twapi::Twapi_ReadShortcut $link $pathfmt $opts(hwin) $resolve_flags]
switch -exact -- $shortcut(-showcmd) {
1 { set shortcut(-showcmd) normal }
3 { set shortcut(-showcmd) maximized }
7 { set shortcut(-showcmd) minimized }
return [array get shortcut]
# Writes a url shortcut
proc twapi::write_url_shortcut {link url args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{missingprotocol.arg 0}
} -nulldefault -maxleftover 0]
switch -exact -- $opts(missingprotocol) {
guess {
set opts(missingprotocol) 1; # IURL_SETURL_FL_GUESS_PROTOCOL
usedefault {
# The former must also be specified (based on experimentation)
set opts(missingprotocol) 3
default {
if {![string is integer -strict $opts(missingprotocol)]} {
error "Invalid value '$opts(missingprotocol)' for -missingprotocol option."
Twapi_WriteUrlShortcut $link $url $opts(missingprotocol)
# Read a url shortcut
proc twapi::read_url_shortcut {link} {
return [Twapi_ReadUrlShortcut $link]
# Invoke a url shortcut
proc twapi::invoke_url_shortcut {link args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{ 0}
} -maxleftover 0]
set flags 0
if {$opts(allowui)} {setbits flags 1}
if {! [info exists opts(verb)]} {
setbits flags 2
set opts(verb) ""
Twapi_InvokeUrlShortcut $link $opts(verb) $flags $opts(hwin)
# Send a file to the recycle bin
proc twapi::recycle_file {fn args} {
return [recycle_files [list $fn] {*}$args]
# Send multiple files to the recycle bin - from Alexandru
# This is much faster than "recycle_file"!
proc twapi::recycle_files {fns args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0 -nulldefault]
if {$opts(confirm)} {
set flags 0x40; # FOF_ALLOWUNDO
} else {
if {! $opts(showerror)} {
set flags [expr {$flags | 0x0400}]; # FOF_NOERRORUI
set fns [lmap fn $fns {
file nativename [file normalize $fn]
return [expr {[lindex [Twapi_SHFileOperation 0 3 $fns __null__ $flags ""] 0] ? false : true}]
proc twapi::shell_execute args {
# TBD - Document following shell_execute options after testing.
# [opt_def [cmd -connect] [arg BOOLEAN]]
# [opt_def [cmd -hicon] [arg HANDLE]]
# [opt_def [cmd -hkeyclass] [arg BOOLEAN]]
# [opt_def [cmd -hotkey] [arg HOTKEY]]
# [opt_def [cmd -nozonechecks] [arg BOOLEAN]]
array set opts [parseargs args {
{hicon.arg NULL}
{hkeyclass.arg NULL}
{hmonitor.arg NULL}
{show.arg 1}
{getprocesshandle.bool 0 0x00000040}
{connect.bool 0 0x00000080}
{wait.bool 0x00000100 0x00000100}
{substenv.bool 0 0x00000200}
{noui.bool 0 0x00000400}
{unicode.bool 0 0x00004000}
{noconsole.bool 0 0x00008000}
{asyncok.bool 0 0x00100000}
{nozonechecks.bool 0 0x00800000}
{waitforinputidle.bool 0 0x02000000}
{logusage.bool 0 0x04000000}
{invokeidlist.bool 0 0x0000000C}
} -maxleftover 0 -nulldefault]
set fmask 0
foreach {opt mask} {
class 1
idl 4
} {
if {$opts($opt) ne ""} {
setbits fmask $mask
if {$opts(hkeyclass) ne "NULL"} {
setbits fmask 3
set fmask [expr {$fmask |
$opts(getprocesshandle) | $opts(connect) | $opts(wait) |
$opts(substenv) | $opts(noui) | $opts(unicode) |
$opts(noconsole) | $opts(asyncok) | $opts(nozonechecks) |
$opts(waitforinputidle) | $opts(logusage) |
if {$opts(hicon) ne "NULL" && $opts(hmonitor) ne "NULL"} {
error "Cannot specify -hicon and -hmonitor options together."
set hiconormonitor NULL
if {$opts(hicon) ne "NULL"} {
set hiconormonitor $opts(hicon)
set flags [expr {$flags | 0x00000010}]
} elseif {$opts(hmonitor) ne "NULL"} {
set hiconormonitor $opts(hmonitor)
set flags [expr {$flags | 0x00200000}]
if {![string is integer -strict $opts(show)]} {
set opts(show) [dict get {
hide 0
shownormal 1
normal 1
showminimized 2
showmaximized 3
maximize 3
shownoactivate 4
show 5
minimize 6
showminnoactive 7
showna 8
restore 9
showdefault 10
forceminimize 11
} $opts(show)]
if {$opts(hotkey) eq ""} {
set hotkey 0
} else {
lassign [_hotkeysyms_to_vk $opts(hotkey) {
shift 1
ctrl 2
control 2
alt 4
menu 4
ext 8
}] modifiers vk
set hotkey [expr {($modifiers << 16) | $vk}]
if {$hotkey != 0} {
setbits fmask 0x00000020
return [Twapi_ShellExecuteEx \
$fmask \
$opts(hwin) \
$opts(verb) \
$opts(path) \
$opts(params) \
$opts(dir) \
$opts(show) \
$opts(idl) \
$opts(class) \
$opts(hkeyclass) \
$hotkey \
namespace eval twapi::systemtray {
namespace path [namespace parent]
# Dictionary mapping id->handler, hicon
variable _icondata
set _icondata [dict create]
variable _icon_id_ctr
variable _message_map
array set _message_map {
123 contextmenu
512 mousemove
513 lbuttondown
514 lbuttonup
515 lbuttondblclk
516 rbuttondown
517 rbuttonup
518 rbuttondblclk
519 mbuttondown
520 mbuttonup
521 mbuttondblclk
522 mousewheel
523 xbuttondown
524 xbuttonup
525 xbuttondblclk
1024 select
1025 keyselect
1026 balloonshow
1027 balloonhide
1028 balloontimeout
1029 balloonuserclick
proc _make_NOTIFYICONW {id args} {
# TBD - implement -hiddenicon and -sharedicon using
# dwState and dwStateMask
set state 0
set statemask 0
array set opts [parseargs args {
{balloonicon.arg none {info warning error user none}}
{silent.bool 0}
} -maxleftover 0]
set timeout_or_version 0
if {[info exists opts(version)]} {
if {[info exists opts(timeout)]} {
error "Cannot simultaneously specify -timeout and -version."
set timeout_or_version $opts(version)
} else {
if {[info exists opts(timeout)]} {
set timeout_or_version $opts(timeout)
set flags 0x1; # uCallbackMessage member is valid
if {[info exists opts(hicon)]} {
incr flags 0x2; # hIcon member is valid
} else {
set opts(hicon) NULL
if {[info exists opts(tip)]} {
incr flags 0x4
# Truncate if necessary to 127 chars
set opts(tip) [string range $opts(tip) 0 127]
} else {
set opts(tip) ""
if {[info exists opts(balloon)] || [info exists opts(balloontitle)]} {
incr flags 0x10
if {[info exists opts(balloon)]} {
set opts(balloon) [string range $opts(balloon) 0 255]
} else {
set opts(balloon) ""
if {[info exists opts(balloontitle)]} {
set opts(balloontitle) [string range $opts(balloontitle) 0 63]
} else {
set opts(balloontitle) ""
# Calculate padding for text fields (in bytes so 2*num padchars)
set tip_padcount [expr {2*(128 - [string length $opts(tip)])}]
set balloon_padcount [expr {2*(256 - [string length $opts(balloon)])}]
set balloontitle_padcount [expr {2 * (64 - [string length $opts(balloontitle)])}]
if {$opts(balloonicon) eq "user"} {
if {![min_os_version 5 1 2]} {
# 'user' not supported before XP SP2
set opts(balloonicon) none
set balloonflags [dict get {
none 0
info 1
warning 2
error 3
user 4
} $opts(balloonicon)]
if {$balloonflags == 4} {
if {![info exists opts(hicon)]} {
error "Option -hicon must be specified if value of -balloonicon option is 'user'"
if {$opts(silent)} {
incr balloonflags 0x10
if {$::tcl_platform(pointerSize) == 8} {
set addrfmt m
set alignment x4
} else {
set addrfmt n
set alignment x0
set hwnd [pointer_to_address [Twapi_GetNotificationWindow]]
set opts(hicon) [pointer_to_address $opts(hicon)]
set bin [binary format "${alignment}${addrfmt}nnn" $hwnd $id $flags [_get_script_wm NOTIFY_ICON_CALLBACK]]
append bin \
[binary format ${alignment}${addrfmt} $opts(hicon)] \
[encoding convertto unicode $opts(tip)] \
[binary format "x${tip_padcount}nn" $state $statemask] \
[encoding convertto unicode $opts(balloon)] \
[binary format "x${balloon_padcount}n" $timeout_or_version] \
[encoding convertto unicode $opts(balloontitle)] \
[binary format "x${balloontitle_padcount}nx16" $balloonflags]
return "[binary format n [expr {4+[string length $bin]}]]$bin"
proc addicon {hicon {cmdprefix ""}} {
variable _icon_id_ctr
variable _icondata
_register_script_wm_handler [_get_script_wm NOTIFY_ICON_CALLBACK] [list [namespace current]::_icon_handler] 1
_register_script_wm_handler [_get_script_wm TASKBAR_RESTART] [list [namespace current]::_taskbar_restart_handler] 1
set id [incr _icon_id_ctr]
# 0 -> Add
Shell_NotifyIcon 0 [_make_NOTIFYICONW $id -hicon $hicon]
# 4 -> set version (controls notification behaviour) to 3 (Win2K+)
if {[catch {
Shell_NotifyIcon 4 [_make_NOTIFYICONW $id -version 3]
} ermsg]} {
set ercode $::errorCode
set erinfo $::errorInfo
removeicon $id
error $ermsg $erinfo $ercode
if {[llength $cmdprefix]} {
dict set _icondata $id handler $cmdprefix
dict set _icondata $id hicon $hicon
return $id
proc removeicon {id} {
variable _icondata
# Ignore errors in case dup call
catch {Shell_NotifyIcon 2 [_make_NOTIFYICONW $id]}
dict unset _icondata $id
proc modifyicon {id args} {
# TBD - do we need to [dict set _icondata hicon ...] ?
Shell_NotifyIcon 1 [_make_NOTIFYICONW $id {*}$args]
proc _icon_handler {msg id notification msgpos ticks} {
variable _icondata
variable _message_map
if {![dict exists $_icondata $id handler]} {
return; # Stale or no handler specified
# Translate the notification into text
if {[info exists _message_map($notification)]} {
set notification $_message_map($notification)
uplevel #0 [linsert [dict get $_icondata $id handler] end $id $notification $msgpos $ticks]
proc _taskbar_restart_handler {args} {
variable _icondata
# Need to add icons back into taskbar
dict for {id icodata} $_icondata {
# 0 -> Add
Shell_NotifyIcon 0 [_make_NOTIFYICONW $id -hicon [dict get $icodata hicon]]
namespace export addicon modifyicon removeicon
namespace ensemble create


@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
# Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
namespace eval twapi {
# Holds SSPI security contexts indexed by a handle
# Each element is a dict with the following keys:
# State - state of the security context - see sspi_step
# Handle - the Win32 SecHandle for the context
# Input - Pending input from remote end to be passed in to
# SSPI provider (only valid for streams)
# Output - list of SecBuffers that contain data to be sent
# to remote end during a SSPI negotiation
# Inattr - requested context attributes
# Outattr - context attributes returned from service provider
# (currently not used)
# Expiration - time when context will expire
# Ctxtype - client, server
# Target -
# Datarep - data representation format
# Credentials - handle for credentials to pass to sspi provider
variable _sspi_state
array set _sspi_state {}
proc* _init_security_context_syms {} {
variable _server_security_context_syms
variable _client_security_context_syms
variable _secpkg_capability_syms
# Symbols used for mapping server security context flags
array set _server_security_context_syms {
confidentiality 0x10
connection 0x800
delegate 0x1
extendederror 0x8000
identify 0x80000
integrity 0x20000
mutualauth 0x2
replaydetect 0x4
sequencedetect 0x8
stream 0x10000
# Symbols used for mapping client security context flags
array set _client_security_context_syms {
confidentiality 0x10
connection 0x800
delegate 0x1
extendederror 0x4000
identify 0x20000
integrity 0x10000
manualvalidation 0x80000
mutualauth 0x2
replaydetect 0x4
sequencedetect 0x8
stream 0x8000
usesessionkey 0x20
usesuppliedcreds 0x80
# Symbols used for mapping security package capabilities
array set _secpkg_capability_syms {
integrity 0x00000001
privacy 0x00000002
tokenonly 0x00000004
datagram 0x00000008
connection 0x00000010
multirequired 0x00000020
clientonly 0x00000040
extendederror 0x00000080
impersonation 0x00000100
acceptwin32name 0x00000200
stream 0x00000400
negotiable 0x00000800
gsscompatible 0x00001000
logon 0x00002000
asciibuffers 0x00004000
fragment 0x00008000
mutualauth 0x00010000
delegation 0x00020000
readonlywithchecksum 0x00040000
restrictedtokens 0x00080000
negoextender 0x00100000
negotiable2 0x00200000
appcontainerpassthrough 0x00400000
appcontainerchecks 0x00800000
} {}
# Return list of security packages
proc twapi::sspi_enumerate_packages {args} {
set pkgs [EnumerateSecurityPackages]
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
set names [list ]
foreach pkg $pkgs {
lappend names [kl_get $pkg Name]
return $names
# TBD - why is this hyphenated ?
array set opts [parseargs args {
all capabilities version rpcid maxtokensize name comment
} -maxleftover 0 -hyphenated]
variable _secpkg_capability_syms
set retdata {}
foreach pkg $pkgs {
set rec {}
if {$opts(-all) || $opts(-capabilities)} {
lappend rec -capabilities [_make_symbolic_bitmask [kl_get $pkg fCapabilities] _secpkg_capability_syms]
foreach {opt field} {-version wVersion -rpcid wRPCID -maxtokensize cbMaxToken -name Name -comment Comment} {
if {$opts(-all) || $opts($opt)} {
lappend rec $opt [kl_get $pkg $field]
dict set recdata [kl_get $pkg Name] $rec
return $recdata
proc twapi::sspi_schannel_credentials args {
# TBD - do all these options work ? Check before documenting
# since they seem to be duplicated in InitializeSecurityContext
parseargs args {
{rootstore.arg NULL}
{disablereconnects.bool 0 0x80}
{revocationcheck.arg none {full endonly excluderoot none}}
{ignoreerrorrevocationoffline.bool 0 0x1000}
{ignoreerrornorevocationcheck.bool 0 0x800}
{validateservercert.bool 1}
} -setvars -nulldefault -maxleftover 0
set flags [expr {$disablereconnects | $ignoreerrornorevocationcheck | $ignoreerrorrevocationoffline}]
incr flags [dict get {
none 0 full 0x200 excluderoot 0x400 endonly 0x100
} $revocationcheck]
if {$validateservercert} {
} else {
if {$usedefaultclientcert} {
incr flags 0x40; # SCH_CRED_USE_DEFAULT_CREDS
} else {
incr flags 0x10; # SCH_CRED_NO_DEFAULT_CREDS
set protbits 0
foreach prot $protocols {
set protbits [expr {
$protbits | [dict! {
ssl2 0xc ssl3 0x30 tls1 0xc0 tls1.1 0x300 tls1.2 0xc00
} $prot]
switch [llength $cipherstrength] {
0 { set minbits 0 ; set maxbits 0 }
1 { set minbits [lindex $cipherstrength 0] ; set maxbits $minbits }
2 {
set minbits [lindex $cipherstrength 0]
set maxbits [lindex $cipherstrength 1]
default {
error "Invalid value '$cipherstrength' for option -cipherstrength"
return [list 4 $certificates $rootstore {} {} $protbits $minbits $maxbits $sessionlifespan $flags 0]
proc twapi::sspi_winnt_identity_credentials {user domain password} {
return [list $user $domain $password]
proc twapi::sspi_acquire_credentials {args} {
parseargs args {
{credentials.arg {}}
{package.arg NTLM}
{role.arg both {client server inbound outbound both}}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars -nulldefault
set creds [AcquireCredentialsHandle $principal \
[dict* {
unisp {Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider}
ssl {Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider}
tls {Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider}
} $package] \
[kl_get {inbound 1 server 1 outbound 2 client 2 both 3} $role] \
"" $credentials]
if {$getexpiration} {
return [kl_create2 {-handle -expiration} $creds]
} else {
return [lindex $creds 0]
# Frees credentials
proc twapi::sspi_free_credentials {cred} {
FreeCredentialsHandle $cred
# Return a client context
proc twapi::sspi_client_context {cred args} {
variable _client_security_context_syms
parseargs args {
{datarep.arg network {native network}}
} -maxleftover 0 -nulldefault -setvars
set context_flags 0
foreach {opt flag} [array get _client_security_context_syms] {
if {[set $opt]} {
set context_flags [expr {$context_flags | $flag}]
set drep [kl_get {native 0x10 network 0} $datarep]
return [_construct_sspi_security_context \
sspiclient#[TwapiId] \
[InitializeSecurityContext \
$cred \
"" \
$target \
$context_flags \
0 \
$drep \
[list ] \
0] \
client \
$context_flags \
$target \
$cred \
$drep \
# Delete a security context
proc twapi::sspi_delete_context {ctx} {
variable _sspi_state
set h [_sspi_context_handle $ctx]
if {[llength $h]} {
DeleteSecurityContext $h
unset _sspi_state($ctx)
# Shuts down a security context in orderly fashion
# Caller should start sspi_step
proc twapi::sspi_shutdown_context {ctx} {
variable _sspi_state
_sspi_context_handle $ctx; # Verify handle
dict with _sspi_state($ctx) {
switch -nocase -- [lindex [QueryContextAttributes $Handle 10] 4] {
schannel -
"Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider" {}
default { return }
# Signal to security provider we want to shutdown
Twapi_ApplyControlToken_SCHANNEL_SHUTDOWN $Handle
if {$Ctxtype eq "client"} {
set rawctx [InitializeSecurityContext \
$Credentials \
$Handle \
$Target \
$Inattr \
0 \
$Datarep \
[list ] \
} else {
set rawctx [AcceptSecurityContext \
$Credentials \
$Handle \
[list ] \
$Inattr \
lassign $rawctx State Handle out Outattr Expiration extra
if {$State in {ok expired}} {
return [list done [_gather_secbuf_data $out]]
} else {
return [list continue [_gather_secbuf_data $out]]
# Take the next step in an SSPI negotiation
# Returns
# {done data extradata}
# {continue data}
# {expired data}
proc twapi::sspi_step {ctx {received ""}} {
variable _sspi_state
variable _client_security_context_syms
_sspi_validate_handle $ctx
dict with _sspi_state($ctx) {
# Note the dictionary content variables are
# State, Handle, Output, Outattr, Expiration,
# Ctxtype, Inattr, Target, Datarep, Credentials
# Append new input to existing input
append Input $received
switch -exact -- $State {
ok {
set data [_gather_secbuf_data $Output]
set Output {}
# $Input at this point contains left over input that is
# actually application data (streaming case).
# Application should pass this to decrypt commands
return [list done $data $Input[set Input ""]]
continue {
# Continue with the negotiation
if {[string length $Input] != 0} {
# Pass in received data to SSPI.
# Most providers take only the first buffer
# but SChannel/UNISP need the second. Since
# others don't seem to mind the second buffer
# we always always include it
set inbuflist [list [list 2 $Input] [list 0]]
if {$Ctxtype eq "client"} {
set rawctx [InitializeSecurityContext \
$Credentials \
$Handle \
$Target \
$Inattr \
0 \
$Datarep \
$inbuflist \
} else {
set rawctx [AcceptSecurityContext \
$Credentials \
$Handle \
$inbuflist \
$Inattr \
lassign $rawctx State Handle out Outattr Expiration extra
lappend Output {*}$out
# When the error is incomplete_credentials, we will retry
# with the SEC_I_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALS flag set. For
# this the Input should remain the same. Otherwise set it
# to whatever remains to be processed in the buffer.
if {$State ne "incomplete_credentials"} {
set Input $extra
# Will recurse at proc end
} else {
# There was no received data. Return any data
# to be sent to remote end
set data [_gather_secbuf_data $Output]
set Output {}
return [list continue $data ""]
incomplete_message {
# Caller has to get more data from remote end
set State continue
return [list continue "" ""]
expired {
# Remote end closed in middle of negotiation
return [list disconnected "" ""]
incomplete_credentials {
# In this state, the remote has asked for an client certificate.
# In this case, we ask Schannel to limit itself to whatever
# the user supplied and retry. Servers that ask for a cert
# but do not mandate it will then proceed. However, we only
# do this if we have not already tried this route. If we have,
# then generate an error. The real solution would be to attempt
# to look up new credentials by retrieving a certificate
# from the certificate store (possibly by asking the user) but
# this is not implemented.
# TBD - get client cert from user. See
# and
if {$Inattr & $_client_security_context_syms(usesuppliedcreds)} {
# Already tried with this. Give up.
set ermsg "Handling of incomplete credentials not implemented. If using TLS, specify the -credentials option to tls_socket to provide credentials."
error $ermsg "" [list TWAPI SSPI UNSUPPORTED $ermsg]
set Inattr [expr {$Inattr | $_client_security_context_syms(usesuppliedcreds)}]
set State continue
# Fall to bottom to recurse one more time
complete -
complete_and_continue {
# Should not actually occur as sspi.c no longer returns
# these codes
error "State $State handling not implemented."
# Recurse to return next state.
# This has to be OUTSIDE the [dict with] above else it will not
# see the updated values
return [sspi_step $ctx]
# Return a server context
proc twapi::sspi_server_context {cred clientdata args} {
variable _server_security_context_syms
parseargs args {
{datarep.arg network {native network}}
} -maxleftover 0 -nulldefault -setvars
set context_flags 0
foreach {opt flag} [array get _server_security_context_syms] {
if {[set $opt]} {
set context_flags [expr {$context_flags | $flag}]
set drep [kl_get {native 0x10 network 0} $datarep]
return [_construct_sspi_security_context \
sspiserver#[TwapiId] \
[AcceptSecurityContext \
$cred \
"" \
[list [list 2 $clientdata]] \
$context_flags \
$drep] \
server \
$context_flags \
"" \
$cred \
$drep \
# Get the security context flags after completion of request
proc ::twapi::sspi_context_features {ctx} {
variable _sspi_state
set ctxh [_sspi_context_handle $ctx]
# We could directly look in the context itself but intead we make
# an explicit call, just in case they change after initial setup
set flags [QueryContextAttributes $ctxh 14]
# Mapping of symbols depends on whether it is a client or server
# context
if {[dict get $_sspi_state($ctx) Ctxtype] eq "client"} {
upvar 0 [namespace current]::_client_security_context_syms syms
} else {
upvar 0 [namespace current]::_server_security_context_syms syms
set result [list -raw $flags]
foreach {sym flag} [array get syms] {
lappend result -$sym [expr {($flag & $flags) != 0}]
return $result
# Get the user name for a security context
proc twapi::sspi_context_username {ctx} {
return [QueryContextAttributes [_sspi_context_handle $ctx] 1]
# Get the field size information for a security context
# TBD - update for SSL
proc twapi::sspi_context_sizes {ctx} {
set sizes [QueryContextAttributes [_sspi_context_handle $ctx] 0]
return [twine {-maxtoken -maxsig -blocksize -trailersize} $sizes]
proc twapi::sspi_remote_cert {ctx} {
return [QueryContextAttributes [_sspi_context_handle $ctx] 0x53]
proc twapi::sspi_local_cert {ctx} {
return [QueryContextAttributes [_sspi_context_handle $ctx] 0x54]
proc twapi::sspi_issuers_accepted_by_peer {ctx} {
return [QueryContextAttributes [_sspi_context_handle $ctx] 0x59]
# Returns a signature
proc twapi::sspi_sign {ctx data args} {
parseargs args {
{ 0}
{ 0}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
return [MakeSignature \
[_sspi_context_handle $ctx] \
$qop \
$data \
# Verify signature
proc twapi::sspi_verify_signature {ctx sig data args} {
parseargs args {
{ 0}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
# Buffer type 2 - Token, 1- Data
return [VerifySignature \
[_sspi_context_handle $ctx] \
[list [list 2 $sig] [list 1 $data]] \
# Encrypts a data as per a context
# Returns {securitytrailer encrypteddata padding}
proc twapi::sspi_encrypt {ctx data args} {
parseargs args {
{ 0}
{ 0}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
return [EncryptMessage \
[_sspi_context_handle $ctx] \
$qop \
$data \
proc twapi::sspi_encrypt_stream {ctx data args} {
variable _sspi_state
set h [_sspi_context_handle $ctx]
# TBD - docment options
parseargs args {
{ 0}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
set enc ""
while {[string length $data]} {
lassign [EncryptStream $h $qop $data] fragment data
lappend enc $fragment
return [join $enc ""]
# chan must be in binary mode
proc twapi::sspi_encrypt_and_write {ctx data chan args} {
variable _sspi_state
set h [_sspi_context_handle $ctx]
parseargs args {
{ 0}
{flush.bool 1}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
while {[string length $data]} {
lassign [EncryptStream $h $qop $data] fragment data
puts -nonewline $chan $fragment
if {$flush} {
chan flush $chan
# Decrypts a message
# TBD - why does this not return a status like sspi_decrypt_stream ?
proc twapi::sspi_decrypt {ctx sig data padding args} {
variable _sspi_state
_sspi_validate_handle $ctx
parseargs args {
{ 0}
} -maxleftover 0 -setvars
# Buffer type 2 - Token, 1- Data, 9 - padding
set decrypted [DecryptMessage \
[dict get $_sspi_state($ctx) Handle] \
[list [list 2 $sig] [list 1 $data] [list 9 $padding]] \
set plaintext {}
# Pick out only the data buffers, ignoring pad buffers and signature
# Optimize copies by keeping as a list so in the common case of a
# single buffer can return it as is. Multiple buffers are expensive
# because Tcl will shimmer each byte array into a list and then
# incur additional copies during joining
foreach buf $decrypted {
if {[lindex $buf 0] == 1} {
lappend plaintext [lindex $buf 1]
if {[llength $plaintext] < 2} {
return [lindex $plaintext 0]
} else {
return [join $plaintext ""]
# Decrypts a stream
proc twapi::sspi_decrypt_stream {ctx data} {
variable _sspi_state
set hctx [_sspi_context_handle $ctx]
# SSL decryption is done in max size chunks.
# We will loop collecting as much data as possible. Collecting
# as a list and joining at end minimizes internal byte copies
set plaintext {}
lassign [DecryptStream $hctx [dict get $_sspi_state($ctx) Input] $data] status decrypted extra
lappend plaintext $decrypted
# TBD - handle renegotiate status
while {$status eq "ok" && [string length $extra]} {
# See if additional data and loop again
lassign [DecryptStream $hctx $extra] status decrypted extra
lappend plaintext $decrypted
dict set _sspi_state($ctx) Input $extra
if {$status eq "incomplete_message"} {
set status ok
return [list $status [join $plaintext ""]]
# Utility procs
# Construct a high level SSPI security context structure
# rawctx is context as returned from C level code
proc twapi::_construct_sspi_security_context {id rawctx ctxtype inattr target credentials datarep} {
variable _sspi_state
set _sspi_state($id) [dict merge [dict create Ctxtype $ctxtype \
Inattr $inattr \
Target $target \
Datarep $datarep \
Credentials $credentials] \
[twine \
{State Handle Output Outattr Expiration Input} \
return $id
proc twapi::_sspi_validate_handle {ctx} {
variable _sspi_state
if {![info exists _sspi_state($ctx)]} {
badargs! "Invalid SSPI security context handle $ctx" 3
proc twapi::_sspi_context_handle {ctx} {
variable _sspi_state
if {![info exists _sspi_state($ctx)]} {
badargs! "Invalid SSPI security context handle $ctx" 3
return [dict get $_sspi_state($ctx) Handle]
proc twapi::_gather_secbuf_data {bufs} {
if {[llength $bufs] == 1} {
return [lindex [lindex $bufs 0] 1]
} else {
set data {}
foreach buf $bufs {
# First element is buffer type, which we do not care
# Second element is actual data
lappend data [lindex $buf 1]
return [join $data {}]
if {0} {
TBD - delete
set cred [sspi_acquire_credentials -package ssl -role client]
set client [sspi_client_context $cred -stream 1 -manualvalidation 1]
set out [sspi_step $client]
set so [socket 443]
fconfigure $so -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
puts -nonewline $so [lindex $out 1]
set data [read $so]
set out [sspi_step $client $data]
puts -nonewline $so [lindex $out 1]
set data [read $so]
set out [sspi_step $client $data]
set out [sspi_encrypt_stream $client "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"]
puts -nonewline $so $out
set data [read $so]
set d [sspi_decrypt_stream $client $data]
sspi_shutdown_context $client
close $so ; sspi_free_credentials $cred ; sspi_free_context $client
sspi_context_free $client
sspi_shutdown_context $client
# INTERNAL client-server
proc 'sslsetup {} {
uplevel #0 {
source ../tests/testutil.tcl
set ca [make_test_certs]
set cacert [cert_store_find_certificate $ca subject_substring twapitestca]
set scert [cert_store_find_certificate $ca subject_substring twapitestserver]
set scred [sspi_acquire_credentials -package ssl -role server -credentials [sspi_schannel_credentials -certificates [list $scert]]]
set ccert [cert_store_find_certificate $ca subject_substring twapitestclient]
set ccred [sspi_acquire_credentials -package ssl -role client -credentials [sspi_schannel_credentials]]
set cctx [sspi_client_context $ccred -stream 1 -manualvalidation 1]
set cstep [sspi_step $cctx]
set sctx [sspi_server_context $scred [lindex $cstep 1] -stream 1]
set sstep [sspi_step $sctx]
set cstep [sspi_step $cctx [lindex $sstep 1]]
set sstep [sspi_step $sctx [lindex $cstep 1]]
set cstep [sspi_step $cctx [lindex $sstep 1]]
set out [sspi_encrypt_stream $cctx "This is a test"]
sspi_decrypt_stream $sctx $out
sspi_decrypt_stream $sctx ""
set out [sspi_encrypt_stream $sctx "This is a testx"]
sspi_decrypt_stream $cctx $out
proc 'ccred {} {
set store [cert_system_store_open twapitest user]
set ccert [cert_store_find_certificate $store subject_substring twapitestclient]
set ccred [sspi_acquire_credentials -package ssl -role client -credentials [sspi_schannel_credentials -certificates [list $ccert]]]
cert_store_release $store
cert_release $ccert
return $ccred


@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
# Copyright (c) 2003, 2008 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# TBD - convert file spec to drive root path
# Get info associated with a drive
proc twapi::get_volume_info {drive args} {
set drive [_drive_rootpath $drive]
array set opts [parseargs args {
all size freespace used useravail type serialnum label maxcomponentlen fstype attr device extents
} -maxleftover 0]
if {$opts(all)} {
# -all option does not cover -type, -extents and -device
foreach opt {
all size freespace used useravail serialnum label maxcomponentlen fstype attr
} {
set opts($opt) 1
set result [list ]
if {$opts(size) || $opts(freespace) || $opts(used) || $opts(useravail)} {
lassign [GetDiskFreeSpaceEx $drive] useravail size freespace
foreach opt {size freespace useravail} {
if {$opts($opt)} {
lappend result -$opt [set $opt]
if {$opts(used)} {
lappend result -used [expr {$size - $freespace}]
if {$opts(type)} {
set drive_type [get_drive_type $drive]
lappend result -type $drive_type
if {$opts(device)} {
if {[_is_unc $drive]} {
# UNC paths cannot be used with QueryDosDevice
lappend result -device ""
} else {
lappend result -device [QueryDosDevice [string range $drive 0 1]]
if {$opts(extents)} {
set extents {}
if {! [_is_unc $drive]} {
trap {
set device_handle [create_file "\\\\.\\[string range $drive 0 1]" -createdisposition open_existing]
set bin [device_ioctl $device_handle 0x560000 -outputcount 32]
if {[binary scan $bin i nextents] != 1} {
error "Truncated information returned from ioctl 0x560000"
set off 8
for {set i 0} {$i < $nextents} {incr i} {
if {[binary scan $bin "@$off i x4 w w" extent(-disknumber) extent(-startingoffset) extent(-extentlength)] != 3} {
error "Truncated information returned from ioctl 0x560000"
lappend extents [array get extent]
incr off 24; # Size of one extent element
} onerror {} {
# Do nothing, device does not support extents or access denied
# Empty list is returned
} finally {
if {[info exists device_handle]} {
CloseHandle $device_handle
lappend result -extents $extents
if {$opts(serialnum) || $opts(label) || $opts(maxcomponentlen)
|| $opts(fstype) || $opts(attr)} {
foreach {label serialnum maxcomponentlen attr fstype} \
[GetVolumeInformation $drive] { break }
foreach opt {label maxcomponentlen fstype} {
if {$opts($opt)} {
lappend result -$opt [set $opt]
if {$opts(serialnum)} {
set low [expr {$serialnum & 0x0000ffff}]
set high [expr {($serialnum >> 16) & 0x0000ffff}]
lappend result -serialnum [format "%.4X-%.4X" $high $low]
if {$opts(attr)} {
set attrs [list ]
foreach {sym val} {
case_preserved_names 2
unicode_on_disk 4
persistent_acls 8
file_compression 16
volume_quotas 32
supports_sparse_files 64
supports_reparse_points 128
supports_remote_storage 256
volume_is_compressed 0x8000
supports_object_ids 0x10000
supports_encryption 0x20000
named_streams 0x40000
read_only_volume 0x80000
sequential_write_once 0x00100000
supports_transactions 0x00200000
supports_hard_links 0x00400000
supports_extended_attributes 0x00800000
supports_open_by_file_id 0x01000000
supports_usn_journal 0x02000000
} {
if {$attr & $val} {
lappend attrs $sym
lappend result -attr $attrs
return $result
interp alias {} twapi::get_drive_info {} twapi::get_volume_info
# Check if disk has at least n bytes available for the user (NOT total free)
proc twapi::user_drive_space_available {drv space} {
return [expr {$space <= [lindex [get_drive_info $drv -useravail] 1]}]
# Get the drive type
proc twapi::get_drive_type {drive} {
# set type [GetDriveType "[string trimright $drive :/\\]:\\"]
set type [GetDriveType [_drive_rootpath $drive]]
switch -exact -- $type {
0 { return unknown}
1 { return invalid}
2 { return removable}
3 { return fixed}
4 { return remote}
5 { return cdrom}
6 { return ramdisk}
# Get list of drives
proc twapi::find_logical_drives {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {type.arg}]
set drives [list ]
foreach drive [_drivemask_to_drivelist [GetLogicalDrives]] {
if {(![info exists opts(type)]) ||
[lsearch -exact $opts(type) [get_drive_type $drive]] >= 0} {
lappend drives $drive
return $drives
twapi::proc* twapi::drive_ready {drive} {
uplevel #0 package require twapi_device
} {
set drive [string trimright $drive "/\\"]
if {[string length $drive] != 2 || [string index $drive 1] ne ":"} {
error "Invalid drive specification"
set drive "\\\\.\\$drive"
# Do our best to avoid the Windows "Drive not ready" dialog
if {[min_os_version 6]} {
set old_mode [SetErrorMode 1]
trap {
# We will first try using IOCTL_STORAGE_CHECK_VERIFY2 as that is
# much faster and only needs FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES access.
set error [catch {
set h [create_file $drive -access file_read_attributes \
-createdisposition open_existing -share {read write}]
device_ioctl $h 0x2d0800; # IOCTL_STORAGE_CHECK_VERIFY2
if {[info exists h]} {
close_handle $h
if {! $error} {
return 1; # Device is ready
# On error, try the older slower method. Note we now need
# GENERIC_READ access. (NOTE: FILE_READ_DATA will not work with some
# volume types)
unset -nocomplain h
set error [catch {
set h [create_file $drive -access generic_read \
-createdisposition open_existing -share {read write}]
device_ioctl $h 0x2d4800; # IOCTL_STORAGE_CHECK_VERIFY
if {[info exists h]} {
close_handle $h
if {! $error} {
return 1; # Device is ready
# Remote shares sometimes return access denied with the above
# even when actually available. Try with good old file exists
# on root directory
return [file exists "[string range $drive end-1 end]\\"]
} finally {
if {[min_os_version 6]} {
SetErrorMode $old_mode
# Set the drive label
proc twapi::set_drive_label {drive label} {
SetVolumeLabel [_drive_rootpath $drive] $label
# Maps a drive letter to the given path
proc twapi::map_drive_local {drive path args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {raw}]
set drive [string range [_drive_rootpath $drive] 0 1]
DefineDosDevice $opts(raw) $drive [file nativename $path]
# Unmaps a drive letter
proc twapi::unmap_drive_local {drive args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -nulldefault]
set drive [string range [_drive_rootpath $drive] 0 1]
set flags $opts(raw)
setbits flags 0x2; # DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION
if {$opts(path) ne ""} {
setbits flags 0x4; # DDD_EXACT_MATCH_ON_REMOVE
DefineDosDevice $flags $drive [file nativename $opts(path)]
# Callback from C code
proc twapi::_filesystem_monitor_handler {id changes} {
variable _filesystem_monitor_scripts
if {[info exists _filesystem_monitor_scripts($id)]} {
return [uplevel #0 [linsert $_filesystem_monitor_scripts($id) end $id $changes]]
} else {
# Callback queued after close. Ignore
# Monitor file changes
proc twapi::begin_filesystem_monitor {path script args} {
variable _filesystem_monitor_scripts
array set opts [parseargs args {
{subtree.bool 0}
{filename.bool 0 0x1}
{dirname.bool 0 0x2}
{attr.bool 0 0x4}
{size.bool 0 0x8}
{write.bool 0 0x10}
{access.bool 0 0x20}
{create.bool 0 0x40}
{secd.bool 0 0x100}
{pattern.arg ""}
{patterns.arg ""}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[string length $opts(pattern)] &&
[llength $opts(patterns)]} {
error "Options -pattern and -patterns are mutually exclusive. Note option -pattern is deprecated."
if {[string length $opts(pattern)]} {
# Old style single pattern. Convert to new -patterns
set opts(patterns) [list "+$opts(pattern)"]
# Change to use \ style path separator as that is what the file monitoring functions return
if {[llength $opts(patterns)]} {
foreach pat $opts(patterns) {
# Note / is replaced by \\ within the pattern
# since \ needs to be escaped with another \ within
# string match patterns
lappend pats [string map [list / \\\\] $pat]
set opts(patterns) $pats
set flags [expr { $opts(filename) | $opts(dirname) | $opts(attr) |
$opts(size) | $opts(write) | $opts(access) |
$opts(create) | $opts(secd)}]
if {! $flags} {
# If no options specified, default to all
set flags 0x17f
set id [Twapi_RegisterDirectoryMonitor $path $opts(subtree) $flags $opts(patterns)]
set _filesystem_monitor_scripts($id) $script
return $id
# Stop monitoring of files
proc twapi::cancel_filesystem_monitor {id} {
variable _filesystem_monitor_scripts
if {[info exists _filesystem_monitor_scripts($id)]} {
Twapi_UnregisterDirectoryMonitor $id
unset _filesystem_monitor_scripts($id)
# Get list of volumes
proc twapi::find_volumes {} {
set vols [list ]
set found 1
# Assumes there has to be at least one volume
lassign [FindFirstVolume] handle vol
while {$found} {
lappend vols $vol
lassign [FindNextVolume $handle] found vol
FindVolumeClose $handle
return $vols
# Get list of volume mount points
proc twapi::find_volume_mount_points {vol} {
set mntpts [list ]
set found 1
trap {
lassign [FindFirstVolumeMountPoint $vol] handle mntpt
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 18} {
# No volume mount points
return [list ]
} onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 3} {
# Volume does not support them
return [list ]
# At least one volume found
while {$found} {
lappend mntpts $mntpt
lassign [FindNextVolumeMountPoint $handle] found mntpt
FindVolumeMountPointClose $handle
return $mntpts
# Set volume mount point
proc twapi::mount_volume {volpt volname} {
# Note we don't use _drive_rootpath for trimming since may not be root path
SetVolumeMountPoint "[string trimright $volpt /\\]\\" "[string trimright $volname /\\]\\"
# Delete volume mount point
proc twapi::unmount_volume {volpt} {
# Note we don't use _drive_rootpath for trimming since may not be root path
DeleteVolumeMountPoint "[string trimright $volpt /\\]\\"
# Get the volume mounted at a volume mount point
proc twapi::get_mounted_volume_name {volpt} {
# Note we don't use _drive_rootpath for trimming since may not be root path
return [GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint "[string trimright $volpt /\\]\\"]
# Get the mount point corresponding to a given path
proc twapi::get_volume_mount_point_for_path {path} {
return [GetVolumePathName [file nativename $path]]
# Return the times associated with a file
proc twapi::get_file_times {fd args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0]
# Figure out if fd is a file path, Tcl channel or a handle
set close_handle false
if {[file exists $fd]} {
# It's a file name
# 0x02000000 -> FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, always required in case
# opening a directory (even if SeBackupPrivilege is not held
set h [create_file $fd -createdisposition open_existing -flags 0x02000000]
set close_handle true
} elseif {[catch {fconfigure $fd}]} {
# Not a Tcl channel, See if handle
if {[pointer? $fd]} {
set h $fd
} else {
error "$fd is not an existing file, handle or Tcl channel."
} else {
# Tcl channel
set h [get_tcl_channel_handle $fd read]
set result [list ]
foreach opt {ctime atime mtime} time [GetFileTime $h] {
if {$opts(all) || $opts($opt)} {
lappend result -$opt $time
if {$close_handle} {
CloseHandle $h
return $result
# Set the times associated with a file
proc twapi::set_file_times {fd args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -maxleftover 0 -nulldefault]
if {$opts(atime) ne "" && $opts(preserveatime)} {
win32_error 87 "Cannot specify -atime and -preserveatime at the same time."
if {$opts(preserveatime)} {
set opts(atime) -1; # Meaning preserve access to original
# Figure out if fd is a file path, Tcl channel or a handle
set close_handle false
if {[file exists $fd]} {
if {$opts(preserveatime)} {
win32_error 87 "Cannot specify -preserveatime unless file is specified as a Tcl channel or a Win32 handle."
# It's a file name
# 0x02000000 -> FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, always required in case
# opening a directory (even if SeBackupPrivilege is not held
set h [create_file $fd -access {generic_write} -createdisposition open_existing -flags 0x02000000]
set close_handle true
} elseif {[catch {fconfigure $fd}]} {
# Not a Tcl channel, assume a handle
set h $fd
} else {
# Tcl channel
set h [get_tcl_channel_handle $fd read]
SetFileTime $h $opts(ctime) $opts(atime) $opts(mtime)
if {$close_handle} {
CloseHandle $h
# Convert a device based path to a normalized Win32 path with drive letters
proc twapi::normalize_device_rooted_path {path args} {
# TBD - keep a cache ?
# For example, we need to map \Device\HarddiskVolume1 to C:
# Can only do that by enumerating logical drives
set npath [file nativename $path]
if {![string match -nocase {\\Device\\*} $npath]} {
error "$path is not a valid device based path."
array set device_map {}
foreach drive [find_logical_drives] {
set device_path [lindex [lindex [get_volume_info $drive -device] 1] 0]
if {$device_path ne ""} {
set len [string length $device_path]
if {[string equal -nocase -length $len $path $device_path]} {
# Prefix matches, must be terminated by end or path separator
set ch [string index $npath $len]
if {$ch eq "" || $ch eq "\\"} {
set path ${drive}[string range $npath $len end]
if {[llength $args]} {
upvar [lindex $args 0] retvar
set retvar $path
return 1
} else {
return $path
if {[llength $args]} {
return 0
} else {
error "Could not map device based path '$path'"
proc twapi::flush_channel {chan} {
flush $chan
FlushFileBuffers [get_tcl_channel_handle $chan write]
proc twapi::find_file_open {path args} {
variable _find_tokens
variable _find_counter
parseargs args {
{detail.arg basic {basic full}}
} -setvars -maxleftover 0
set detail_level [expr {$detail eq "basic" ? 1 : 0}]
if {[min_os_version 6 1]} {
set flags 2; # FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH - Win 7
} else {
set flags 0
# 0 -> search op. Could be specified as 1 to limit search to
# directories but that is only advisory and does not seem to work
# in many cases. So don't bother making it an option.
lassign [FindFirstFileEx $path $detail_level 0 "" $flags] handle entry
set token ff#[incr _find_counter]
set _find_tokens($token) [list Handle $handle Entry $entry]
return $token
proc twapi::find_file_close {token} {
variable _find_tokens
if {[info exists _find_tokens($token)]} {
FindClose [dict get $_find_tokens($token) Handle]
unset _find_tokens($token)
proc twapi::decode_file_attributes {attrs} {
return [_make_symbolic_bitmask $attrs {
archive 0x20
compressed 0x800
device 0x40
directory 0x10
encrypted 0x4000
hidden 0x2
integrity_stream 0x8000
normal 0x80
not_content_indexed 0x2000
no_scrub_data 0x20000
offline 0x1000
readonly 0x1
recall_on_data_access 0x400000
recall_on_open 0x40000
reparse_point 0x400
sparse_file 0x200
system 0x4
temporary 0x100
virtual 0x10000
proc twapi::find_file_next {token varname} {
variable _find_tokens
if {![info exists _find_tokens($token)]} {
return false
if {[dict exists $_find_tokens($token) Entry]} {
set entry [dict get $_find_tokens($token) Entry]
dict unset _find_tokens($token) Entry
} else {
set entry [FindNextFile [dict get $_find_tokens($token) Handle]]
if {[llength $entry]} {
upvar 1 $varname result
set result [twine {attrs ctime atime mtime size reserve0 reserve1 name altname} $entry]
return true
} else {
return false
# Utility functions
proc twapi::_drive_rootpath {drive} {
if {[_is_unc $drive]} {
return "[string trimright $drive ]\\"
} else {
return "[string trimright $drive :/\\]:\\"
proc twapi::_is_unc {path} {
return [expr {[string match {\\\\*} $path] || [string match //* $path]}]


@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# Copyright (c) 2004, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# TBD - tcl wrappers for semaphores
namespace eval twapi {
# Create and return a handle to a mutex
proc twapi::create_mutex {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -nulldefault -maxleftover 0]
if {$opts(name) ne "" && $opts(lock)} {
# TBD - remove this mutex limitation
# This is not a Win32 limitation but ours. Would need to change the C
# implementation and our return format
error "Option -lock must not be specified as true if mutex is named"
return [CreateMutex [_make_secattr $opts(secd) $opts(inherit)] $opts(lock) $opts(name)]
# Get handle to an existing mutex
proc twapi::open_mutex {name args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{inherit.bool 0}
{access.arg {mutex_all_access}}
} -maxleftover 0]
return [OpenMutex [_access_rights_to_mask $opts(access)] $opts(inherit) $name]
# Lock the mutex
proc twapi::lock_mutex {h args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{ -1}
return [wait_on_handle $h -wait $opts(wait)]
# Unlock the mutex
proc twapi::unlock_mutex {h} {
ReleaseMutex $h
# Create and return a handle to a event
proc twapi::create_event {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
} -nulldefault -maxleftover 0]
if {$opts(name) ne "" && $opts(signalled)} {
# Not clear whether event will be signalled state if it already
# existed but was not signalled
error "Option -signalled must not be specified as true if event is named."
lassign [CreateEvent [_make_secattr $opts(secd) $opts(inherit)] $opts(manualreset) $opts(signalled) $opts(name)] h preexisted
if {$opts(manualreset)} {
# We want to catch attempts to wait on manual reset handles
set h [cast_handle $h HANDLE_MANUALRESETEVENT]
if {$opts(existvar) ne ""} {
upvar 1 $opts(existvar) existvar
set existvar $preexisted
return $h
interp alias {} twapi::set_event {} twapi::SetEvent
interp alias {} twapi::reset_event {} twapi::ResetEvent
# Hack to work with the various build configuration.
if {[info commands ::twapi::get_version] ne ""} {
package provide twapi_synch [::twapi::get_version -patchlevel]


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
# Copyright (c) 2003-2018, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# General definitions and procs used by all TWAPI modules
package require Tcl 8.5
package require registry
namespace eval twapi {
# Get rid of this ugliness - TBD
# Note this is different from NULL or {0 VOID} etc. It is more like
# a null token passed to functions that expect ptr to strings and
# allow the ptr to be NULL.
variable nullptr "__null__"
variable scriptdir [file dirname [info script]]
# Name of the var holding log messages in reflected in the C
# code, don't change it!
variable log_messages {}
# Following procs are used early in init process so defined here
# Throws a bad argument error that appears to come from caller's invocation
# (if default level is 2)
proc badargs! {msg {level 2}} {
return -level $level -code error -errorcode [list TWAPI BADARGS $msg] $msg
proc lambda {arglist body {ns {}}} {
return [list ::apply [list $arglist $body $ns]]
# Similar to lambda but takes additional parameters to be passed
# to the anonymous functin
proc lambda* {arglist body {ns {}} args} {
return [list ::apply [list $arglist $body $ns] {*}$args]
# Rethrow original exception from inside a trap
proc rethrow {} {
return -code error -level 0 -options [twapi::trapoptions] [twapi::trapresult]
# Dict lookup, returns default (from args) if not in dict and
# key itself if no defaults specified
proc dict* {d key args} {
if {[dict exists $d $key]} {
return [dict get $d $key]
} elseif {[llength $args]} {
return [lindex $args 0]
} else {
return $key
proc dict! {d key {frame 0}} {
if {[dict exists $d $key]} {
return [dict get $d $key]
} else {
# frame is how must above the caller errorInfo must appear
return [badargs! "Bad value \"$key\". Must be one of [join [dict keys $d] {, }]" [incr frame 2]]
# Defines a proc with some initialization code
proc proc* {procname arglist initcode body} {
if {![string match ::* $procname]} {
set ns [uplevel 1 {namespace current}]
set procname ${ns}::$procname
set proc_def [format {proc %s {%s} {%s ; proc %s {%s} {%s} ; uplevel 1 [list %s] [lrange [info level 0] 1 end]}} $procname $arglist $initcode $procname $arglist $body $procname]
uplevel 1 $proc_def
# Swap keys and values
proc swapl {l} {
set swapped {}
foreach {a b} $l {
lappend swapped $b $a
return $swapped
# TBD - see if C would make faster
# Returns a list consisting of n'th index within each sublist element
# Should we allow n to be a nested index ? C impl may be harder
proc lpick {l {n 0}} {
set result {}
foreach e $l {
lappend result [lindex $e $n]
return $result
# Simple helper to treat lists as a stack
proc lpop {vl} {
upvar 1 $vl l
set top [lindex $l end]
# K combinator trick to reset l to allow lreplace to work in place
set l [lreplace $l [set l end] end]
return $top
# twine list of n items
proc ntwine {fields l} {
set ntwine {}
foreach e $l {
lappend ntwine [twine $fields $e]
return $ntwine
# Qualifies a name in context of caller's caller
proc callerns {name} {
if {[string match "::*" $name]} {
return $name
if {[info level] > 2} {
return [uplevel 2 namespace current]::$name
} else {
return ::$name
# Make twapi versions the same as the base module versions
set twapi::version(twapi) $::twapi::version(twapi_base)
# log for tracing / debug messages.
proc twapi::debuglog_clear {} {
variable log_messages
set log_messages {}
proc twapi::debuglog_enable {} {
catch {rename [namespace current]::debuglog {}}
interp alias {} [namespace current]::debuglog {} [namespace current]::Twapi_AppendLog
proc twapi::debuglog_disable {} {
proc [namespace current]::debuglog {args} {}
proc twapi::debuglog_get {} {
variable log_messages
return $log_messages
# Logging disabled by default
proc twapi::get_build_config {{key ""}} {
variable build_ids
array set config [GetTwapiBuildInfo]
# This is actually a runtime config and might not have been initialized
if {[info exists ::twapi::use_tcloo_for_com]} {
if {$::twapi::use_tcloo_for_com} {
set config(comobj_ootype) tcloo
} else {
set config(comobj_ootype) metoo
} else {
set config(comobj_ootype) uninitialized
if {$key eq ""} {
return [array get config]
} else {
if {![info exists config($key)]} {
error "key not known"; # Matches tcl::pkgconfig error message
return $config($key)
# This matches the pkgconfig command as defined by Tcl_RegisterConfig
# TBD - Doc and test
proc twapi::pkgconfig {subcommand {arg {}}} {
if {$subcommand eq "list"} {
if {$arg ne ""} {
error {wrong # args: should be "twapi::pkgconfig list"}
return [dict keys [get_build_config]]
} elseif {$subcommand eq "get"} {
if {$arg eq ""} {
error {wrong # args: should be "twapi::pkgconfig get key"}
return [get_build_config $arg]
} else {
error {wrong # args: should be "tcl::pkgconfig subcommand ?arg?"}
# TBD - document
proc twapi::support_report {} {
set report "Operating system: [get_os_description]\n"
append report "Processors: [get_processor_count]\n"
append report "WOW64: [wow64_process]\n"
append report "Virtualized: [virtualized_process]\n"
append report "System locale: [get_system_default_lcid], [get_system_default_langid]\n"
append report "User locale: [get_user_default_lcid], [get_user_default_langid]\n"
append report "Tcl version: [info patchlevel]\n"
append report "tcl_platform:\n"
foreach k [lsort -dictionary [array names ::tcl_platform]] {
append report " $k = $::tcl_platform($k)\n"
append report "TWAPI version: [get_version -patchlevel]\n"
array set a [get_build_config]
append report "TWAPI config:\n"
foreach k [lsort -dictionary [array names a]] {
append report " $k = $a($k)\n"
append report "\nDebug log:\n[join [debuglog_get] \n]\n"
# Returns a list of raw Windows API functions supported
proc twapi::list_raw_api {} {
set rawapi [list ]
foreach fn [info commands ::twapi::*] {
if {[regexp {^::twapi::([A-Z][^_]*)$} $fn ignore fn]} {
lappend rawapi $fn
return $rawapi
# Wait for $wait_ms milliseconds or until $script returns $guard. $gap_ms is
# time between retries to call $script
# TBD - write a version that will allow other events to be processed
proc twapi::wait {script guard wait_ms {gap_ms 10}} {
if {$gap_ms == 0} {
set gap_ms 10
set end_ms [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] + $wait_ms}]
while {[clock clicks -milliseconds] < $end_ms} {
set script_result [uplevel $script]
if {[string equal $script_result $guard]} {
return 1
after $gap_ms
# Reached limit, one last try
return [string equal [uplevel $script] $guard]
# Get twapi version
proc twapi::get_version {args} {
variable version
array set opts [parseargs args {patchlevel}]
if {$opts(patchlevel)} {
return $version(twapi)
} else {
# Only return major, minor
set ver $version(twapi)
regexp {^([[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+)[.ab]} $version(twapi) - ver
return $ver
# Set all elements of the array to specified value
proc twapi::_array_set_all {v_arr val} {
upvar $v_arr arr
foreach e [array names arr] {
set arr($e) $val
# Check if any of the specified array elements are non-0
proc twapi::_array_non_zero_entry {v_arr indices} {
upvar $v_arr arr
foreach i $indices {
if {$arr($i)} {
return 1
return 0
# Check if any of the specified array elements are non-0
# and return them as a list of options (preceded with -)
proc twapi::_array_non_zero_switches {v_arr indices all} {
upvar $v_arr arr
set result [list ]
foreach i $indices {
if {$all || ([info exists arr($i)] && $arr($i))} {
lappend result -$i
return $result
# Bitmask operations on 32bit values
# The int() casts are to deal with hex-decimal sign extension issues
proc twapi::setbits {v_bits mask} {
upvar $v_bits bits
set bits [expr {int($bits) | int($mask)}]
return $bits
proc twapi::resetbits {v_bits mask} {
upvar $v_bits bits
set bits [expr {int($bits) & int(~ $mask)}]
return $bits
# Return a bitmask corresponding to a list of symbolic and integer values
# If symvals is a single item, it is an array else a list of sym bitmask pairs
proc twapi::_parse_symbolic_bitmask {syms symvals} {
if {[llength $symvals] == 1} {
upvar $symvals lookup
} else {
array set lookup $symvals
set bits 0
foreach sym $syms {
if {[info exists lookup($sym)]} {
set bits [expr {$bits | $lookup($sym)}]
} else {
set bits [expr {$bits | $sym}]
return $bits
# Return a list of symbols corresponding to a bitmask
proc twapi::_make_symbolic_bitmask {bits symvals {append_unknown 1}} {
if {[llength $symvals] == 1} {
upvar $symvals lookup
set map [array get lookup]
} else {
set map $symvals
set symbits 0
set symmask [list ]
foreach {sym val} $map {
if {$bits & $val} {
set symbits [expr {$symbits | $val}]
lappend symmask $sym
# Get rid of bits that mapped to symbols
set bits [expr {$bits & ~$symbits}]
# If any left over, add them
if {$bits && $append_unknown} {
lappend symmask $bits
return $symmask
# Return a bitmask corresponding to a list of symbolic and integer values
# If symvals is a single item, it is an array else a list of sym bitmask pairs
# Ditto for switches - an array or flat list of switch boolean pairs
proc twapi::_switches_to_bitmask {switches symvals {bits 0}} {
if {[llength $symvals] == 1} {
upvar $symvals lookup
} else {
array set lookup $symvals
if {[llength $switches] == 1} {
upvar $switches swtable
} else {
array set swtable $switches
foreach {switch bool} [array get swtable] {
if {$bool} {
set bits [expr {$bits | $lookup($switch)}]
} else {
set bits [expr {$bits & ~ $lookup($switch)}]
return $bits
# Return a list of switche bool pairs corresponding to a bitmask
proc twapi::_bitmask_to_switches {bits symvals} {
if {[llength $symvals] == 1} {
upvar $symvals lookup
set map [array get lookup]
} else {
set map $symvals
set symbits 0
set symmask [list ]
foreach {sym val} $map {
if {$bits & $val} {
set symbits [expr {$symbits | $val}]
lappend symmask $sym 1
} else {
lappend symmask $sym 0
return $symmask
# Make and return a keyed list
proc twapi::kl_create {args} {
if {[llength $args] & 1} {
error "No value specified for keyed list field [lindex $args end]. A keyed list must have an even number of elements."
return $args
# Make a keyed list given fields and values
interp alias {} twapi::kl_create2 {} twapi::twine
# Set a key value
proc twapi::kl_set {kl field newval} {
set i 0
foreach {fld val} $kl {
if {[string equal $fld $field]} {
incr i
return [lreplace $kl $i $i $newval]
incr i 2
lappend kl $field $newval
return $kl
# Check if a field exists in the keyed list
proc twapi::kl_vget {kl field varname} {
upvar $varname var
return [expr {! [catch {set var [kl_get $kl $field]}]}]
# Remote/unset a key value
proc twapi::kl_unset {kl field} {
array set arr $kl
unset -nocomplain arr($field)
return [array get arr]
# Compare two keyed lists
proc twapi::kl_equal {kl_a kl_b} {
array set a $kl_a
foreach {kb valb} $kl_b {
if {[info exists a($kb)] && ($a($kb) == $valb)} {
unset a($kb)
} else {
return 0
if {[array size a]} {
return 0
} else {
return 1
# Return the field names in a keyed list in the same order that they
# occured
proc twapi::kl_fields {kl} {
set fields [list ]
foreach {fld val} $kl {
lappend fields $fld
return $fields
# Returns a flat list of the $field fields from a list
# of keyed lists
proc twapi::kl_flatten {list_of_kl args} {
set result {}
foreach kl $list_of_kl {
foreach field $args {
lappend result [kl_get $kl $field]
return $result
# Return an array as a list of -index value pairs
proc twapi::_get_array_as_options {v_arr} {
upvar $v_arr arr
set result [list ]
foreach {index value} [array get arr] {
lappend result -$index $value
return $result
# Parse a list of two integers or a x,y pair and return a list of two integers
# Generate exception on format error using msg
proc twapi::_parse_integer_pair {pair {msg "Invalid integer pair"}} {
if {[llength $pair] == 2} {
lassign $pair first second
if {[string is integer -strict $first] &&
[string is integer -strict $second]} {
return [list $first $second]
} elseif {[regexp {^([[:digit:]]+),([[:digit:]]+)$} $pair dummy first second]} {
return [list $first $second]
error "$msg: '$pair'. Should be a list of two integers or in the form 'x,y'"
# Convert file names by substituting \SystemRoot and \??\ sequences
proc twapi::_normalize_path {path} {
# Get rid of \??\ prefixes
regsub {^[\\/]\?\?[\\/](.*)} $path {\1} path
# Replace leading \SystemRoot with real system root
if {[string match -nocase {[\\/]Systemroot*} $path] &&
([string index $path 11] in [list "" / \\])} {
return [file join [twapi::GetSystemWindowsDirectory] [string range $path 12 end]]
} else {
return [file normalize $path]
# Convert seconds to a list {Year Month Day Hour Min Sec Ms}
# (Ms will always be zero).
proc twapi::_seconds_to_timelist {secs {gmt 0}} {
# For each field, we need to trim the leading zeroes
set result [list ]
foreach x [clock format $secs -format "%Y %m %e %k %M %S 0" -gmt $gmt] {
lappend result [scan $x %d]
return $result
# Convert local time list {Year Month Day Hour Min Sec Ms} to seconds
# (Ms field is ignored)
# TBD - fix this gmt issue - not clear whether caller expects gmt time
proc twapi::_timelist_to_seconds {timelist} {
return [clock scan [_timelist_to_timestring $timelist] -gmt false]
# Convert local time list {Year Month Day Hour Min Sec Ms} to a time string
# (Ms field is ignored)
proc twapi::_timelist_to_timestring {timelist} {
if {[llength $timelist] < 6} {
error "Invalid time list format"
return "[lindex $timelist 0]-[lindex $timelist 1]-[lindex $timelist 2] [lindex $timelist 3]:[lindex $timelist 4]:[lindex $timelist 5]"
# Convert a time string to a time list
proc twapi::_timestring_to_timelist {timestring} {
return [_seconds_to_timelist [clock scan $timestring -gmt false]]
# Parse raw memory like binary scan command
proc twapi::mem_binary_scan {mem off mem_sz args} {
uplevel [list binary scan [Twapi_ReadMemory 1 $mem $off $mem_sz]] $args
# Validate guid syntax
proc twapi::_validate_guid {guid} {
if {![Twapi_IsValidGUID $guid]} {
error "Invalid GUID syntax: '$guid'"
# Validate uuid syntax
proc twapi::_validate_uuid {uuid} {
if {![regexp {^[[:xdigit:]]{8}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{12}$} $uuid]} {
error "Invalid UUID syntax: '$uuid'"
# Extract a UCS-16 string from a binary. Cannot directly use
# encoding convertfrom because that will not stop at the terminating
# null. The UCS-16 assumed to be little endian.
proc twapi::_ucs16_binary_to_string {bin {off 0}} {
set bin [string range $bin $off end]
# Find the terminating null.
set off [string first \0\0 $bin]
while {$off > 0 && ($off & 1)} {
# Offset off is odd and so crosses a char boundary, so not the
# terminating null. Step to the char boundary and start search again
incr off
set off [string first \0\0 $bin $off]
# off is offset of terminating UCS-16 null, or -1 if not found
if {$off < 0} {
# No terminator
return [encoding convertfrom unicode $bin]
} else {
return [encoding convertfrom unicode [string range $bin 0 $off-1]]
# Extract a string from a binary. Cannot directly use
# encoding convertfrom because that will not stop at the terminating
# null.
proc twapi::_ascii_binary_to_string {bin {off 0}} {
set bin [string range $bin $off end]
# Find the terminating null.
set off [string first \0 $bin]
# off is offset of terminating null, or -1 if not found
if {$off < 0} {
# No terminator
return [encoding convertfrom ascii $bin]
} else {
return [encoding convertfrom ascii [string range $bin 0 $off-1]]
# Given a binary, return a GUID. The formatting is done as per the
# Windows StringFromGUID2 convention used by COM
proc twapi::_binary_to_guid {bin {off 0}} {
if {[binary scan $bin "@$off i s s H4 H12" g1 g2 g3 g4 g5] != 5} {
error "Invalid GUID binary"
return [format "{%8.8X-%2.2hX-%2.2hX-%s}" $g1 $g2 $g3 [string toupper "$g4-$g5"]]
# Given a guid string, return a GUID in binary form
proc twapi::_guid_to_binary {guid} {
_validate_guid $guid
lassign [split [string range $guid 1 end-1] -] g1 g2 g3 g4 g5
return [binary format "i s s H4 H12" 0x$g1 0x$g2 0x$g3 $g4 $g5]
# Return a guid from raw memory
proc twapi::_decode_mem_guid {mem {off 0}} {
return [_binary_to_guid [Twapi_ReadMemory 1 $mem $off 16]]
# Convert a Windows registry value to Tcl form. mem is a raw
# memory object. off is the offset into the memory object to read.
# $type is a integer corresponding
# to the registry types
proc twapi::_decode_mem_registry_value {type mem len {off 0}} {
set type [expr {$type}]; # Convert hex etc. to decimal form
switch -exact -- $type {
1 -
2 {
return [list [expr {$type == 2 ? "expand_sz" : "sz"}] \
[Twapi_ReadMemory 3 $mem $off $len 1]]
7 {
# Collect strings until we come across an empty string
# Note two nulls right at the start will result in
# an empty list. Should it result in a list with
# one empty string element? Most code on the web treats
# it as the former so we do too.
set multi [list ]
while {1} {
set str [Twapi_ReadMemory 3 $mem $off -1]
set n [string length $str]
# Check for out of bounds. Cannot check for this before
# actually reading the string since we do not know size
# of the string.
if {($len != -1) && ($off+$n+1) > $len} {
error "Possible memory corruption: read memory beyond specified memory size."
if {$n == 0} {
return [list multi_sz $multi]
lappend multi $str
# Move offset by length of the string and terminating null
# (times 2 since unicode and we want byte offset)
incr off [expr {2*($n+1)}]
4 {
if {$len < 4} {
error "Insufficient number of bytes to convert to integer."
return [list dword [Twapi_ReadMemory 0 $mem $off]]
5 {
if {$len < 4} {
error "Insufficient number of bytes to convert to big-endian integer."
set type "dword_big_endian"
set scanfmt "I"
set len 4
11 {
if {$len < 8} {
error "Insufficient number of bytes to convert to wide integer."
set type "qword"
set scanfmt "w"
set len 8
0 { set type "none" }
6 { set type "link" }
8 { set type "resource_list" }
3 { set type "binary" }
default {
error "Unsupported registry value type '$type'"
set val [Twapi_ReadMemory 1 $mem $off $len]
if {[info exists scanfmt]} {
if {[binary scan $val $scanfmt val] != 1} {
error "Could not convert from binary value using scan format $scanfmt"
return [list $type $val]
proc twapi::_log_timestamp {} {
return [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%a %T"]
# Helper for Net*Enum type functions taking a common set of arguments
proc twapi::_net_enum_helper {function args} {
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
set args [lindex $args 0]
# -namelevel is used internally to indicate what level is to be used
# to retrieve names. -preargs and -postargs are used internally to
# add additional arguments at specific positions in the generic call.
array set opts [parseargs args {
{system.arg ""}
{ 0}
{preargs.arg {}}
{postargs.arg {}}
{ 0}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[info exists opts(level)]} {
set level $opts(level)
if {! [info exists opts(fields)]} {
badargs! "Option -fields must be specified if -level is specified"
} else {
set level $opts(namelevel)
# Note later we need to know if opts(resume) was specified so
# don't change this to just default -resume to 0 above
if {[info exists opts(resume)]} {
set resumehandle $opts(resume)
} else {
set resumehandle 0
set moredata 1
set result {}
while {$moredata} {
if {[info exists opts(filter)]} {
lassign [$function $opts(system) {*}$opts(preargs) $level $opts(filter) {*}$opts(postargs) $resumehandle] moredata resumehandle totalentries entries
} else {
lassign [$function $opts(system) {*}$opts(preargs) $level {*}$opts(postargs) $resumehandle] moredata resumehandle totalentries entries
# If caller does not want all data in one lump stop here
if {[info exists opts(resume)]} {
if {[info exists opts(level)]} {
return [list $moredata $resumehandle $totalentries [list $opts(fields) $entries]]
} else {
# Return flat list of names
return [list $moredata $resumehandle $totalentries [lpick $entries $opts(namefield)]]
lappend result {*}$entries
# Return what we have. Format depend on caller options.
if {[info exists opts(level)]} {
return [list $opts(fields) $result]
} else {
return [lpick $result $opts(namefield)]
# If we are not being sourced from a executable resource, need to
# source the remaining support files. In the former case, they are
# automatically combined into one so the sourcing is not needed.
if {![info exists twapi::twapi_base_rc_sourced]} {
apply {{filelist} {
set dir [file dirname [info script]]
foreach f $filelist {
uplevel #0 [list source [file join $dir $f]]
}} {base.tcl handle.tcl win.tcl adsi.tcl}
# Used in various matcher callbacks to signify always include etc.
# TBD - document
proc twapi::true {args} {
return true
namespace eval twapi {
# Get a handle to ourselves. This handle never need be closed
variable my_process_handle [GetCurrentProcess]
# Only used internally for test validation.
# NOT the same as export_public_commands
proc twapi::_get_public_commands {} {
variable exports; # Populated via pkgIndex.tcl
if {[info exists exports]} {
return [concat {*}[dict values $exports]]
} else {
set cmds {}
foreach cmd [lsearch -regexp -inline -all [info commands [namespace current]::*] {::twapi::[a-z].*}] {
lappend cmds [namespace tail $cmd]
return $cmds
proc twapi::export_public_commands {} {
variable exports; # Populated via pkgIndex.tcl
if {[info exists exports]} {
# Only export commands under twapi (e.g. not metoo)
dict for {ns cmds} $exports {
if {[regexp {^::twapi($|::)} $ns]} {
uplevel #0 [list namespace eval $ns [list namespace export {*}$cmds]
} else {
set cmds {}
foreach cmd [lsearch -regexp -inline -all [info commands [namespace current]::*] {::twapi::[a-z].*}] {
lappend cmds [namespace tail $cmd]
namespace eval [namespace current] "namespace export {*}$cmds"
proc twapi::import_commands {} {
uplevel namespace import twapi::*


Binary file not shown.


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
namespace eval twapi {
variable version
set version(twapi) 4.7.2
variable patchlevel 4.7.2
variable package_name twapi
variable dll_base_name twapi[string map {. {}} 4.7.2]
variable scriptdir [file dirname [info script]]
source [file join $twapi::scriptdir twapi.tcl]


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# Copyright (c) 2012 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# Contains common windowing and notification infrastructure
namespace eval twapi {
variable null_hwin ""
# Windows messages that are directly accessible from script. These
# are handled by the default notifications window and passed to
# the twapi::_script_wm_handler. These messages must be in the
# range (1056 = 1024+32) - (1024+32+31) (see twapi_wm.h)
variable _wm_script_msgs
array set _wm_script_msgs {
proc _get_script_wm {tok} {
variable _wm_script_msgs
return $_wm_script_msgs($tok)
# Backward compatibility aliases
interp alias {} twapi::GetWindowLong {} twapi::GetWindowLongPtr
interp alias {} twapi::SetWindowLong {} twapi::SetWindowLongPtr
# Return the long value at the given index
# This is a raw function, and should generally be used only to get
# non-system defined indices
proc twapi::get_window_long {hwin index} {
return [GetWindowLongPtr $hwin $index]
# Set the long value at the given index and return the previous value
# This is a raw function, and should generally be used only to get
# non-system defined indices
proc twapi::set_window_long {hwin index val} {
set oldval [SetWindowLongPtr $hwin $index $val]
# Set the user data associated with a window. Returns the previous value
proc twapi::set_window_userdata {hwin val} {
return [SetWindowLongPtr $hwin -21 $val]
# Attaches to the thread queue of the thread owning $hwin and executes
# script in the caller's scope
proc twapi::_attach_hwin_and_eval {hwin script} {
set me [GetCurrentThreadId]
set hwin_tid [lindex [GetWindowThreadProcessId $hwin] 0]
if {$hwin_tid == 0} {
error "Window $hwin does not exist or could not get its thread owner"
# Cannot (and no need to) attach to oneself so just exec script directly
if {$me == $hwin_tid} {
return [uplevel 1 $script]
trap {
if {![AttachThreadInput $me $hwin_tid 1]} {
error "Could not attach to thread input for window $hwin"
set result [uplevel 1 $script]
} finally {
AttachThreadInput $me $hwin_tid 0
return $result
proc twapi::_register_script_wm_handler {msg cmdprefix {overwrite 0}} {
variable _wm_registrations
# Ensure notification window exists
# The incr ensures decimal format
# The lrange ensure proper list format
if {$overwrite} {
set _wm_registrations([incr msg 0]) [list [lrange $cmdprefix 0 end]]
} else {
lappend _wm_registrations([incr msg 0]) [lrange $cmdprefix 0 end]
proc twapi::_unregister_script_wm_handler {msg cmdprefix} {
variable _wm_registrations
# The incr ensures decimal format
incr msg 0
# The lrange ensure proper list format
if {[info exists _wm_registrations($msg)]} {
set _wm_registrations($msg) [lsearch -exact -inline -not -all $_wm_registrations($msg) [lrange $cmdprefix 0 end]]
# Handles notifications from the common window for script level windows
# messages (see win.c)
proc twapi::_script_wm_handler {msg wparam lparam msgpos ticks} {
variable _wm_registrations
set code 0
if {[info exists _wm_registrations($msg)]} {
foreach handler $_wm_registrations($msg) {
set code [catch {uplevel #0 [linsert $handler end $msg $wparam $lparam $msgpos $ticks]} msg]
switch -exact -- $code {
1 {
# TBD - should remaining handlers be called even on error ?
after 0 [list error $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode]
3 {
break; # Ignore remaining handlers
default {
# Keep going
} else {
# TBD - debuglog - no handler for $msg


@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
# Copyright (c) 2012, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# Routines to unify old and new Windows event log APIs
namespace eval twapi {
# Dictionary to map eventlog consumer handles to various related info
# The primary key is the read handle to the event channel/source.
# Nested keys depend on OS version
variable _winlog_handles
proc twapi::winlog_open {args} {
variable _winlog_handles
# TBD - document -authtype
array set opts [parseargs args {
{system.arg ""}
{authtype.arg 0}
{direction.arg forward {forward backward}}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[info exists opts(file)] &&
($opts(system) ne "" || [info exists opts(channel)])} {
error "Option '-file' cannot be used with '-channel' or '-system'"
} else {
if {![info exists opts(channel)]} {
set opts(channel) "Application"
if {[min_os_version 6]} {
# Use new Vista APIs
if {[info exists opts(file)]} {
set hsess NULL
set hq [evt_query -file $opts(file) -ignorequeryerrors]
} else {
if {$opts(system) eq ""} {
set hsess [twapi::evt_local_session]
} else {
set hsess [evt_open_session $opts(system) -authtype $opts(authtype)]
# evt_query will not read new events from a channel once
# eof is reached. So if reading in forward direction, we use
# evt_subscribe. Backward it does not matter.
if {$opts(direction) eq "forward"} {
lassign [evt_subscribe $opts(channel) -session $hsess -ignorequeryerrors -includeexisting] hq signal
dict set _winlog_handles $hq signal $signal
} else {
set hq [evt_query -session $hsess -channel $opts(channel) -ignorequeryerrors -direction $opts(direction)]
dict set _winlog_handles $hq session $hsess
} else {
if {[info exists opts(file)]} {
set hq [eventlog_open -file $opts(file)]
dict set _winlog_handles $hq channel $opts(file)
} else {
set hq [eventlog_open -system $opts(system) -source $opts(channel)]
dict set _winlog_handles $hq channel $opts(channel)
dict set _winlog_handles $hq direction $opts(direction)
return $hq
proc twapi::winlog_close {hq} {
variable _winlog_handles
if {! [dict exists $_winlog_handles $hq]} {
error "Invalid event consumer handler '$hq'"
if {[dict exists $_winlog_handles $hq signal]} {
# Catch in case app has closed event directly, for
# example when returned through winlog_subscribe
catch {close_handle [dict get $_winlog_handles $hq signal]}
if {[min_os_version 6]} {
set hsess [dict get $_winlog_handles $hq session]
evt_close $hq
evt_close_session $hsess
} else {
eventlog_close $hq
dict unset _winlog_handles $hq
proc twapi::winlog_event_count {args} {
# TBD - document and -authtype
array set opts [parseargs args {
{system.arg ""}
{authtype.arg 0}
} -maxleftover 0]
if {[info exists opts(file)] &&
($opts(system) ne "" || [info exists opts(channel)])} {
error "Option '-file' cannot be used with '-channel' or '-system'"
} else {
if {![info exists opts(channel)]} {
set opts(channel) "Application"
if {[min_os_version 6]} {
# Use new Vista APIs
trap {
if {[info exists opts(file)]} {
set hsess NULL
set hevl [evt_open_log_info -file $opts(file)]
} else {
if {$opts(system) eq ""} {
set hsess [twapi::evt_local_session]
} else {
set hsess [evt_open_session $opts(system) -authtype $opts(authtype)]
set hevl [evt_open_log_info -session $hsess -channel $opts(channel)]
return [lindex [evt_log_info $hevl -numberoflogrecords] 1]
} finally {
if {[info exists hsess]} {
evt_close_session $hsess
if {[info exists hevl]} {
evt_close $hevl
} else {
if {[info exists opts(file)]} {
set hevl [eventlog_open -file $opts(file)]
} else {
set hevl [eventlog_open -system $opts(system) -source $opts(channel)]
trap {
return [eventlog_count $hevl]
} finally {
eventlog_close $hevl
if {[twapi::min_os_version 6]} {
proc twapi::winlog_read {hq args} {
parseargs args {
{ 0}
} -setvars -maxleftover 0
# TBD - is 10 an appropriate number of events to read?
set events [evt_next $hq -timeout 0 -count 10 -status status]
if {[llength $events]} {
trap {
set result [evt_decode_events $events -lcid $lcid -ignorestring "" -message -levelname -taskname]
} finally {
evt_close {*}$events
return $result
# No events were returned. Check status whether it is fatal error
# are acceptable. This last happens when another EvtNext is done
# after an NO_MORE_ITEMS is already returned.
if {$status == 0 || $status == 259 || $status == 1460 || $status == 4317} {
# Even though $events is empty, still pass it in so it returns
# an empty record array in the correct format.
return [evt_decode_events $events -lcid $lcid -ignorestring "" -message -levelname -taskname]
} else {
win32_error $status
proc twapi::winlog_subscribe {channelpath} {
variable _winlog_handles
lassign [evt_subscribe $channelpath -ignorequeryerrors] hq signal
dict set _winlog_handles $hq signal $signal
dict set _winlog_handles $hq session NULL; # local session
return [list $hq $signal]
interp alias {} twapi::winlog_clear {} twapi::evt_clear_log
proc twapi::winlog_backup {channel outpath} {
evt_export_log $outpath -channel $channel
} else {
proc twapi::winlog_read {hq args} {
parseargs args {
{ 0}
} -setvars -maxleftover 0
variable _winlog_handles
set fields {-channel -taskname -message -providername -eventid -level -levelname -eventrecordid -computer -sid -timecreated}
set values {}
set channel [dict get $_winlog_handles $hq channel]
foreach evl [eventlog_read $hq -direction [dict get $_winlog_handles $hq direction]] {
# Note order must be same as fields above
lappend values \
[list \
$channel \
[eventlog_format_category $evl -langid $lcid] \
[eventlog_format_message $evl -langid $lcid -width -1] \
[dict get $evl -source] \
[dict get $evl -eventid] \
[dict get $evl -level] \
[dict get $evl -type] \
[dict get $evl -recordnum] \
[dict get $evl -system] \
[dict get $evl -sid] \
[secs_since_1970_to_large_system_time [dict get $evl -timewritten]]]
return [list $fields $values]
proc twapi::winlog_subscribe {source} {
variable _winlog_handles
lassign [eventlog_subscribe $source] hq hevent
dict set _winlog_handles $hq channel $source
dict set _winlog_handles $hq direction forward
dict set _winlog_handles $hq signal $hevent
return [list $hq $hevent]
proc twapi::winlog_clear {source args} {
set hevl [eventlog_open -source $source]
trap {
eventlog_clear $hevl {*}$args
} finally {
eventlog_close $hevl
proc twapi::winlog_backup {source outpath} {
set hevl [eventlog_open -source $source]
trap {
eventlog_backup $hevl $outpath
} finally {
eventlog_close $hevl
proc twapi::_winlog_dump_list {{channels {Application System Security}} {atomize 0}} {
set evlist {}
foreach channel $channels {
set hevl [winlog_open -channel $channel]
trap {
while {[llength [set events [winlog_read $hevl]]]} {
foreach e [recordarray getlist $events -format dict] {
if {$atomize} {
dict set ev -message [atomize [dict get $e -message]]
dict set ev -levelname [atomize [dict get $e -levelname]]
dict set ev -channel [atomize [dict get $e -channel]]
dict set ev -providername [atomize [dict get $e -providername]]
dict set ev -taskname [atomize [dict get $e -taskname]]
dict set ev -eventid [atomize [dict get $e -eventid]]
dict set ev -account [atomize [dict get $e -userid]]
} else {
dict set ev -message [dict get $e -message]
dict set ev -levelname [dict get $e -levelname]
dict set ev -channel [dict get $e -channel]
dict set ev -providername [dict get $e -providername]
dict set ev -taskname [dict get $e -taskname]
dict set ev -eventid [dict get $e -eventid]
dict set ev -account [dict get $e -userid]
lappend evlist $ev
} finally {
winlog_close $hevl
return $evlist
proc twapi::_winlog_dump {{channel Application} {fd stdout}} {
set hevl [winlog_open -channel $channel]
while {[llength [set events [winlog_read $hevl]]]} {
# print out each record
foreach ev [recordarray getlist $events -format dict] {
puts $fd "[dict get $ev -timecreated] [dict get $ev -providername]: [dict get $ev -message]"
winlog_close $hevl


@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
# TBD - document and test
proc twapi::get_active_console_tssession {} {
return [WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId]
proc twapi::get_current_window_station_handle {} {
return [GetProcessWindowStation]
# Get the handle to a window station
proc twapi::get_window_station_handle {winsta args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{access.arg generic_read}
} -nulldefault]
set access_rights [_access_rights_to_mask $opts(access)]
return [OpenWindowStation $winsta $opts(inherit) $access_rights]
# Close a window station handle
proc twapi::close_window_station_handle {hwinsta} {
# Trying to close our window station handle will generate an error
if {$hwinsta != [get_current_window_station_handle]} {
CloseWindowStation $hwinsta
# List all window stations
proc twapi::find_window_stations {} {
return [EnumWindowStations]
# Enumerate desktops in a window station
proc twapi::find_desktops {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {winsta.arg}]
if {[info exists opts(winsta)]} {
set hwinsta [get_window_station_handle $opts(winsta)]
} else {
set hwinsta [get_current_window_station_handle]
trap {
return [EnumDesktops $hwinsta]
} finally {
# Note close_window_station_handle protects against
# hwinsta being the current window station handle so
# we do not need to do that check here
close_window_station_handle $hwinsta
# Get the handle to a desktop
proc twapi::get_desktop_handle {desk args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{access.arg generic_read}
} -nulldefault]
set access_mask [_access_rights_to_mask $opts(access)]
# If certain access rights are specified, we must add certain other
# access rights. See OpenDesktop SDK docs
set access_rights [_access_mask_to_rights $access_mask]
if {"read_control" in $access_rights ||
"write_dacl" in $access_rights ||
"write_owner" in $access_rights} {
lappend access_rights desktop_readobject desktop_writeobjects
set access_mask [_access_rights_to_mask $opts(access)]
return [OpenDesktop $desk $opts(allowhooks) $opts(inherit) $access_mask]
# Close the desktop handle
proc twapi::close_desktop_handle {hdesk} {
CloseDesktop $hdesk
# Set the process window station
proc twapi::set_process_window_station {hwinsta} {
SetProcessWindowStation $hwinsta
proc twapi::get_desktop_user_sid {hdesk} {
return [GetUserObjectInformation $hdesk 4]
proc twapi::get_window_station_user_sid {hwinsta} {
return [GetUserObjectInformation $hwinsta 4]
proc twapi::get_desktop_name {hdesk} {
return [GetUserObjectInformation $hdesk 2]
proc twapi::get_window_station_name {hwinsta} {
return [GetUserObjectInformation $hwinsta 2]


@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
# Copyright (c) 2012 Ashok P. Nadkarni
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE for license
package require twapi_com
# TBD - document?
twapi::class create ::twapi::IMofCompilerProxy {
superclass ::twapi::IUnknownProxy
constructor {args} {
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
set args [list [::twapi::com_create_instance "{6daf9757-2e37-11d2-aec9-00c04fb68820}" -interface IMofCompiler -raw]]
next {*}$args
method CompileBuffer args {
my variable _ifc
return [::twapi::IMofCompiler_CompileBuffer $_ifc {*}$args]
method CompileFile args {
my variable _ifc
return [::twapi::IMofCompiler_CompileFile $_ifc {*}$args]
method CreateBMOF args {
my variable _ifc
return [::twapi::IMofCompiler_CreateBMOF $_ifc {*}$args]
# Get WMI service - TBD document
proc twapi::wmi_root {args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{root.arg cimv2}
{impersonationlevel.arg impersonate {default anonymous identify delegate impersonate} }
} -maxleftover 0]
# TBD - any injection attacks possible ? Need to quote ?
return [comobj_object "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=$opts(impersonationlevel)}!//./root/$opts(root)"]
# Backwards compat
proc twapi::_wmi {{top cimv2}} {
return [wmi_root -root $top]
# TBD - see if using ExecQuery would be faster if it supports all the options
proc twapi::wmi_collect_classes {swbemservices args} {
array set opts [parseargs args {
{ancestor.arg {}}
{collector.arg {lindex}}
} -maxleftover 0]
# Create a forward only enumerator for efficiency
# wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers | wbemFlagReturnImmediately | wbemFlagForwardOnly
set flags 0x20030
if {$opts(shallow)} {
incr flags 1; # 0x1 -> wbemQueryFlagShallow
set classes [$swbemservices SubclassesOf $opts(ancestor) $flags]
set matches {}
set delete_on_error {}
twapi::trap {
$classes -iterate class {
set matched 1
foreach {opt fn} {
matchproperties Properties_
matchsystemproperties SystemProperties_
matchqualifiers Qualifiers_
} {
if {[info exists opts($opt)]} {
foreach {name matcher} $opts($opt) {
if {[catch {
if {! [{*}$matcher [$class -with [list [list -get $fn] [list Item $name]] Value]]} {
set matched 0
break; # Value does not match
} msg ]} {
# TBD - log debug error if not property found
# No such property or no access
set matched 0
if {! $matched} {
# Already failed to match, no point continuing looping
if {$matched} {
# Note collector code is responsible for disposing
# of $class as appropriate. But we take care of deleting
# when an error occurs after some accumulation has
# already occurred.
lappend delete_on_error $class
if {$opts(first)} {
return [{*}$opts(collector) $class]
} else {
lappend matches [{*}$opts(collector) $class]
} else {
$class destroy
} onerror {} {
foreach class $delete_on_error {
if {[comobj? $class]} {
$class destroy
} finally {
$classes destroy
return $matches
proc twapi::wmi_extract_qualifier {qual} {
foreach prop {name value isamended propagatestoinstance propagatestosubclass isoverridable} {
dict set result $prop [$qual -get $prop]
return $result
proc twapi::wmi_extract_property {propobj} {
foreach prop {name value cimtype isarray islocal origin} {
dict set result $prop [$propobj -get $prop]
$propobj -with Qualifiers_ -iterate -cleanup qual {
set rec [wmi_extract_qualifier $qual]
dict set result qualifiers [string tolower [dict get $rec name]] $rec
return $result
proc twapi::wmi_extract_systemproperty {propobj} {
# Separate from wmi_extract_property because system properties do not
# have Qualifiers_
foreach prop {name value cimtype isarray islocal origin} {
dict set result $prop [$propobj -get $prop]
return $result
proc twapi::wmi_extract_method {mobj} {
foreach prop {name origin} {
dict set result $prop [$mobj -get $prop]
# The InParameters and OutParameters properties are SWBEMObjects
# the properties of which describe the parameters.
foreach inout {inparameters outparameters} {
set paramsobj [$mobj -get $inout]
if {[$paramsobj -isnull]} {
dict set result $inout {}
} else {
$paramsobj -with Properties_ -iterate -cleanup pobj {
set rec [wmi_extract_property $pobj]
dict set result $inout [string tolower [dict get $rec name]] $rec
$mobj -with Qualifiers_ -iterate qual {
set rec [wmi_extract_qualifier $qual]
dict set result qualifiers [string tolower [dict get $rec name]] $rec
$qual destroy
return $result
proc twapi::wmi_extract_class {obj} {
set result [dict create]
# Class qualifiers
$obj -with Qualifiers_ -iterate -cleanup qualobj {
set rec [wmi_extract_qualifier $qualobj]
dict set result qualifiers [string tolower [dict get $rec name]] $rec
$obj -with Properties_ -iterate -cleanup propobj {
set rec [wmi_extract_property $propobj]
dict set result properties [string tolower [dict get $rec name]] $rec
$obj -with SystemProperties_ -iterate -cleanup propobj {
set rec [wmi_extract_systemproperty $propobj]
dict set result systemproperties [string tolower [dict get $rec name]] $rec
$obj -with Methods_ -iterate -cleanup mobj {
set rec [wmi_extract_method $mobj]
dict set result methods [string tolower [dict get $rec name]] $rec
return $result


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package require starkit
if {[llength $::argv]} {
package require app-shellspy
} else {
package require app-punk


Binary file not shown.


@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
proc tclInit {} {
rename tclInit {}
global auto_path tcl_library tcl_libPath tcl_version tclkit_system_encoding
# find the file to mount.
set noe $::tcl::kitpath
# resolve symlinks
set noe [file dirname [file normalize [file join $noe __dummy__]]]
set tcl_library [file join $noe lib tcl$tcl_version]
set tcl_libPath [list $tcl_library [file join $noe lib]]
# get rid of a build residue
unset -nocomplain ::tclDefaultLibrary
# The following code only gets executed if we don't have our exe
# already mounted. This should only happen once per thread.
# We could use [vfs::filesystem info], but that would require
# loading vfs into every interp.
if {![file isdirectory $noe]} {
load {} vfs
# lookup and emulate "source" of lib/vfs1*/{vfs*.tcl,mk4vfs.tcl}
if {[llength [info command mk::file]]} {
set driver mk4
# must use raw Metakit calls because VFS is not yet in place
set d [mk::select exe.dirs parent 0 name lib]
set d [mk::select exe.dirs parent $d -glob name vfs1*]
foreach x {vfsUtils vfslib mk4vfs} {
set n [mk::select exe.dirs!$d.files name $x.tcl]
if {[llength $n] != 1} { error "$x: cannot find startup script"}
set s [mk::get exe.dirs!$d.files!$n contents]
catch {set s [zlib decompress $s]}
uplevel #0 $s
# use on-the-fly decompression, if mk4vfs understands that
# Note: 8.6 core zlib does not support this for mk4vfs
if {![package vsatisfies [package require Tcl] 8.6]} {
set mk4vfs::zstreamed 1
} else {
set driver mkcl
# use raw Vlerq calls if Mk4tcl is not available
# $::vlerq::starkit_root is set in the init script in kitInit.c
set rootv [vlerq get $::vlerq::starkit_root 0 dirs]
set dname [vlerq get $rootv * name]
set prows [vlerq get $rootv * parent]
foreach r [lsearch -int -all $prows 0] {
if {[lindex $dname $r] eq "lib"} break
# glob for a subdir in "lib", then source the specified file inside it
foreach {d f} {
vfs1* vfsUtils.tcl vfs1* vfslib.tcl vqtcl4* mkclvfs.tcl
} {
foreach z [lsearch -int -all $prows $r] {
if {[string match $d [lindex $dname $z]]} break
set files [vlerq get $rootv $z files]
set names [vlerq get $files * name]
set n [lsearch $names $f]
if {$n < 0} { error "$d/$f: cannot find startup script"}
set s [vlerq get $files $n contents]
catch {set s [zlib decompress $s]}
uplevel #0 $s
# hack the mkcl info so it will know this mount point as "exe"
set vfs::mkcl::v::rootv(exe) $rootv
set vfs::mkcl::v::dname(exe) $dname
set vfs::mkcl::v::prows(exe) $prows
# mount the executable, i.e. make all runtime files available
vfs::filesystem mount $noe [list ::vfs::${driver}::handler exe]
# alter path to find encodings
if {[info tclversion] eq "8.4"} {
load {} pwb
librarypath [info library]
} else {
encoding dirs [list [file join [info library] encoding]] ;# TIP 258
# if the C code passed us a system encoding, apply it here.
if {[info exists tclkit_system_encoding]} {
# It is possible the chosen encoding is unavailable in which case
# we will be left with 'identity' to be handled below.
catch {encoding system $tclkit_system_encoding}
unset tclkit_system_encoding
# fix system encoding, if it wasn't properly set up (200207.004 bug)
if {[encoding system] eq "identity"} {
switch $::tcl_platform(platform) {
windows { encoding system cp1252 }
macintosh { encoding system macRoman }
default { encoding system iso8859-1 }
# now remount the executable with the correct encoding
vfs::filesystem unmount $noe
set noe $::tcl::kitpath
# resolve symlinks
set noe [file dirname [file normalize [file join $noe __dummy__]]]
set tcl_library [file join $noe lib tcl$tcl_version]
set tcl_libPath [list $tcl_library [file join $noe lib]]
vfs::filesystem mount $noe [list ::vfs::${driver}::handler exe]
# load config settings file if present
namespace eval ::vfs { variable tclkit_version 1 }
catch { uplevel #0 [list source [file join $noe config.tcl]] }
uplevel #0 [list source [file join $tcl_library init.tcl]]
# reset auto_path, so that init.tcl's search outside of tclkit is cancelled
set auto_path $tcl_libPath


Binary file not shown.


@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
# Ffidl interface to Tcl8.2
# Run time support for Ffidl.
# NOTE: Remember to update FFIDLRT_VERSION in when changing this
# version number.
package provide Ffidlrt 0.4
package require Ffidl
namespace eval ::ffidl:: {}
proc ::ffidl::find-pkg-lib {pkg} {
package require $pkg
foreach i [::info loaded {}] {
foreach {l p} $i {}
if {$p eq "$pkg"} {
return $l
# ignore errors when running under pkg_mkIndex:
if {![llength [info commands __package_orig]] } {
return -code error "Library for package $pkg not found"
namespace eval ::ffidl:: {
set ffidl_lib [find-pkg-lib Ffidl]
array set libs [list ffidl [list $ffidl_lib] ffidl_test [list $ffidl_lib]]
unset ffidl_lib
# 'libs' array is used by the ::ffidl::find-lib
# abstraction to store the resolved lib paths
# 'types' and 'typedefs' arrays are used by the ::ffidl::find-type
# abstraction to store resolved system types
# and whether they have already been defined
# with ::ffidl::typedef
array set typedefs {}
switch -exact $tcl_platform(platform) {
unix {
switch -glob $tcl_platform(os) {
Darwin {
array set libs {
c System.framework/System
m System.framework/System
gdbm {}
gmp {}
mathswig libmathswig0.5.dylib
array set types {
size_t {{unsigned long}}
clock_t {{unsigned long}}
time_t long
timeval {uint32 uint32}
Linux {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 8} {
if {$tcl_platform(machine) eq "alpha"} {
array set libs {
c /lib/
m /lib/
gdbm /usr/lib/
gmp {/usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/}
array set types {
size_t long
clock_t long
time_t long
timeval {time_t time_t}
} else {
array set libs {
c {
m {
gdbm {
gmp {
array set types {
size_t long
clock_t long
time_t long
timeval {time_t time_t}
} else {
array set libs {
c {
m {
gdbm {
gmp {
array set types {
size_t int
clock_t long
time_t long
timeval {time_t time_t}
*BSD {
array set libs {
c {/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/}
m {/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/}
array set types {
size_t int
clock_t long
time_t long
timeval {time_t time_t}
default {
array set libs {
c /lib/
m /lib/
array set types {
size_t int
clock_t long
time_t long
timeval {time_t time_t}
windows {
# found libraries
# this array is used by the ::ffidl::find-lib
# abstraction to store the resolved lib paths
# CHANGE - put your resolved lib paths here
array set libs {
c msvcrt.dll
m msvcrt.dll
gdbm {}
gmp gmp202.dll
mathswig mathswig05.dll
# found types
# these arrays are used by the ::ffidl::find-type
# abstraction to store resolved system types
# and whether they have already been defined
# with ::ffidl::typedef
# CHANGE - put your resolved system types here
array set types {
size_t int
clock_t long
time_t long
timeval {time_t time_t}
array set typedefs {
# find a shared library given a root name
# this is an abstraction in search of a
# solution.
# currently wired for my linux box
proc ::ffidl::find-lib {root} {
upvar \#0 ::ffidl::libs libs
if { ! [::info exists libs($root)] || [llength libs($root)] == 0} {
error "::ffidl::find-lib $root - no mapping defined for $root"
if {[llength $libs($root)] > 1} {
foreach l $libs($root) {
if {[file exists $l]} {
set libs($root) $l
lindex $libs($root) 0
# find a typedef for a standard type
# and define it with ::ffidl::typedef
# if not already done
# currently wired for my linux box
proc ::ffidl::find-type {type} {
upvar \#0 ::ffidl::types types
upvar \#0 ::ffidl::typedefs typedefs
if { ! [::info exists types($type)]} {
error "::ffidl::find-type $type - no mapping defined for $type"
if { ! [::info exists typedefs($type)]} {
eval ::ffidl::typedef $type $types($type)
set typedefs($type) 1
# get the address of the string rep of a Tcl_Obj
# get the address of the unicode rep of a Tcl_Obj
# get the address of the bytearray rep of a Tcl_Obj
# CAUTION - anything which alters the Tcl_Obj may
# invalidate the results of this function. Use
# only in circumstances where the Tcl_Obj will not
# be modified in any way.
# CAUTION - the memory pointed to by the addresses
# returned by ::ffidl::get-string and ::ffidl::get-unicode
# is managed by Tcl, the contents should never be
# modified.
# The memory pointed to by ::ffidl::get-bytearray may
# be modified if care is taken to respect its size,
# and if shared references to the bytearray object
# are known to be compatible with the modification.
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::get-string {pointer-obj} pointer [::ffidl::stubsymbol tcl stubs 340]; #Tcl_GetString
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::get-unicode {pointer-obj} pointer [::ffidl::stubsymbol tcl stubs 382]; #Tcl_GetUnicode
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::get-bytearray-from-obj {pointer-obj pointer-var} pointer [::ffidl::stubsymbol tcl stubs 33]; #Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj
proc ::ffidl::get-bytearray {obj} {
set len [binary format [::ffidl::info format int] 0]
::ffidl::get-bytearray-from-obj $obj len
# create a new string Tcl_Obj
# create a new unicode Tcl_Obj
# create a new bytearray Tcl_Obj
# I'm not sure if these are actually useful
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::new-string {pointer int} pointer-obj [::ffidl::stubsymbol tcl stubs 56]; #Tcl_NewStringObj
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::new-unicode {pointer int} pointer-obj [::ffidl::stubsymbol tcl stubs 378]; #Tcl_NewUnicodeObj
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::new-bytearray {pointer int} pointer-obj [::ffidl::stubsymbol tcl stubs 50]; #Tcl_NewByteArrayObj
::ffidl::find-type size_t
if {1} {
# Tcl's allocator: malloc, free, realloc.
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::malloc {unsigned} pointer [::ffidl::stubsymbol tcl stubs 3]; #Tcl_Alloc
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::realloc {pointer unsigned} pointer [::ffidl::stubsymbol tcl stubs 5]; #Tcl_Realloc
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::free {pointer} void [::ffidl::stubsymbol tcl stubs 4]; #Tcl_Free
} else {
# access the standard allocator: malloc, free, realloc.
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::malloc {size_t} pointer [::ffidl::symbol [::ffidl::find-lib c] malloc]
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::realloc {pointer size_t} pointer [::ffidl::symbol [::ffidl::find-lib c] realloc]
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::free {pointer} void [::ffidl::symbol [::ffidl::find-lib c] free]
# Copy some memory at some location into a Tcl bytearray.
# Needless to say, this can be very hazardous to your
# program's health if things aren't sized correctly.
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::memcpy {pointer-var pointer size_t} pointer [::ffidl::symbol [::ffidl::find-lib ffidl] ffidl_copy_bytes];
# Regular memcpy working on pointers. ::ffidl::memcpy kept as is for compatibilitiy.
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::memcpy2 {pointer pointer size_t} pointer [::ffidl::symbol [::ffidl::find-lib ffidl] ffidl_copy_bytes];
# Create a Tcl bytearray with a copy of the contents some memory location.
proc ::ffidl::peek {address nbytes} {
set dst [binary format x$nbytes]
::ffidl::memcpy dst $address $nbytes
set dst
# Copy the contents of a Tcl bytearray to some memory location.
proc ::ffidl::poke {dst src} {
set n [string length $bytes];
set src [::ffidl::get-bytearray $bytes];
::ffidl::memcpy2 $dst $src $n;
# convert raw pointers, as integers, into Tcl_Obj's
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::pointer-into-string {pointer} pointer-utf8 [::ffidl::symbol [::ffidl::find-lib ffidl] ffidl_pointer_pun]
::ffidl::callout ::ffidl::pointer-into-unicode {pointer} pointer-utf16 [::ffidl::symbol [::ffidl::find-lib ffidl] ffidl_pointer_pun]
# ::ffidl::pointer-into-bytearray is deprecated. Use ::ffidl::peek instead.
interp alias {} ::ffidl::pointer-into-bytearray {} ::ffidl::peek;


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Tcl package index file, version 1.1
# This file is generated by the "pkg_mkIndex" command
# and sourced either when an application starts up or
# by a "package unknown" script. It invokes the
# "package ifneeded" command to set up package-related
# information so that packages will be loaded automatically
# in response to "package require" commands. When this
# script is sourced, the variable $dir must contain the
# full path name of this file's directory.
package ifneeded Ffidl 0.9.0 [list load [file join $dir Ffidl090.dll]]
package ifneeded Ffidlrt 0.4 [list source [file join $dir ffidlrt.tcl]]


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
package ifneeded Memchan 2.3 \
[list load [file join $dir Memchan23.dll]]


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
package ifneeded Trf 2.1.4 \
[list load [file join $dir Trf214.dll]]


@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Tcl package index file - generated from
package ifneeded cffi 1.2.0 \
[list apply [list {dir} {
set dllname "tclcffi120.dll"
set package "cffi"
set package_ns ::$package
# First try to load from current directory. If that fails, try from
# arch-specific subdirectories
set path [file join $dir $dllname]
if {[catch {uplevel #0 [list load $path $package]}]} {
package require platform
foreach platform [platform::patterns [platform::identify]] {
if {$platform eq "tcl"} continue
set path [file join $dir $platform $dllname]
if {![catch {uplevel #0 [list load $path $package]}]} {
if {[namespace exists $package_ns]} {
# Load was successful
set ${package_ns}::dll_path $path
set ${package_ns}::package_dir $dir
}] $dir]


Binary file not shown.


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6]} {return}
package ifneeded critcl::app 3.2 [list source [file join $dir critcl.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
# Critcl - build C extensions on-the-fly
# Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Jean-Claude Wippler
# Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Steve Landers
# See
# This is the Critcl runtime that loads the appropriate
# shared library when a package is requested
namespace eval ::critcl::runtime {}
proc ::critcl::runtime::loadlib {dir package version libname initfun tsrc mapping args} {
# XXX At least parts of this can be done by the package generator,
# XXX like listing the Tcl files to source. The glob here allows
# XXX code-injection after-the-fact, by simply adding a .tcl in
# XXX the proper place.
set path [file join $dir [MapPlatform $mapping]]
set ext [info sharedlibextension]
set lib [file join $path $libname$ext]
set provide [list]
# Now the runtime equivalent of a series of 'preFetch' commands.
if {[llength $args]} {
set preload [file join $path preload$ext]
foreach p $args {
set prelib [file join $path $p$ext]
if {[file readable $preload] && [file readable $prelib]} {
lappend provide [list load $preload];# XXX Move this out of the loop, do only once.
lappend provide [list ::critcl::runtime::preload $prelib]
lappend provide [list load $lib $initfun]
foreach t $tsrc {
lappend loadcmd "::critcl::runtime::Fetch \$dir [list $t]"
lappend provide "package provide $package $version"
package ifneeded $package $version [join $provide "\n"]
proc ::critcl::runtime::preFetch {path ext dll} {
set preload [file join $path preload$ext]
if {![file readable $preload]} return
set prelib [file join $path $dll$ext]
if {![file readable $prelib]} return
load $preload ; # Defines next command.
::critcl::runtime::preload $prelib
proc ::critcl::runtime::Fetch {dir t} {
# The 'Ignore' disables compile & run functionality.
# Background: If the regular critcl package is already loaded, and
# this prebuilt package uses its defining .tcl file also as a
# 'tsources' then critcl might try to collect data and build it
# because of the calls to its API, despite the necessary binaries
# already being present, just not in the critcl cache. That is
# redundant in the best case, and fails in the worst case (no
# compiler), preventing the use o a perfectly fine package. The
# 'ignore' call now tells critcl that it should ignore any calls
# made to it by the sourced files, and thus avoids that trouble.
# The other case, the regular critcl package getting loaded after
# this prebuilt package is irrelevant. At that point the tsources
# were already run, and used the dummy procedures defined in the
# critcl-rt.tcl, which ignore the calls by definition.
set t [file join $dir tcl $t]
::critcl::Ignore $t
uplevel #0 [list source $t]
proc ::critcl::runtime::precopy {dll} {
# This command is only used on Windows when preloading out of a
# VFS that doesn't support direct loading (usually, a Starkit)
# - we preserve the dll name so that dependencies are satisfied
# - The critcl::runtime::preload command is defined in the supporting
# "preload" package, implemented in "critcl/lib/critcl/critcl_c/preload.c"
global env
if {[info exists env(TEMP)]} {
set dir $env(TEMP)
} elseif {[info exists env(TMP)]} {
set dir $env(TMP)
} elseif {[info exists ~]} {
set dir ~
} else {
set dir .
set dir [file join $dir TCL[pid]]
set i 0
while {[file exists $dir]} {
append dir [incr i]
set new [file join $dir [file tail $dll]]
file mkdir $dir
file copy $dll $new
return $new
proc ::critcl::runtime::MapPlatform {{mapping {}}} {
# A sibling of critcl::platform that applies the platform mapping
set platform [::platform::generic]
set version $::tcl_platform(osVersion)
if {[string match "macosx-*" $platform]} {
# "normalize" the osVersion to match OSX release numbers
set v [split $version .]
set v1 [lindex $v 0]
set v2 [lindex $v 1]
incr v1 -4
set version 10.$v1.$v2
} else {
# Strip trailing non-version info
regsub -- {-.*$} $version {} version
foreach {config map} $mapping {
if {![string match $config $platform]} continue
set minver [lindex $map 1]
if {[package vcompare $version $minver] < 0} continue
set platform [lindex $map 0]
return $platform


@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
## -*- tcl -*- Critcl configuration file
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## For
# Copyright (c) @@YEAR@@ @@PORG@@
# Generated by @@CRITCL@@
# At @@NOW@@
# This specific file gets filled by the TEA configure(.in) with the
# compiler information it found when run, and the accompanying
# Makefile(.in) uses it to overide critcl's default configuration
# settings. In this way we manage to get a proper TEA setup of flags
# and such, bypassing all of critcl's own selection logic. critcl is
# essentially 'just' used as a custom compiler driver, whereas a
# standard TEA Makefile would have all the relevant commands listed
# explicitly in its rules.
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## First, keep the GCC specific defaults.
compile gcc -c -fPIC
version gcc -v
link gcc -shared
include -I
preproc_define gcc -E -dM
preproc_enum gcc -E
tclstubs -DUSE_TCL_STUBS
tkstubs -DUSE_TK_STUBS
debug_memory -DTCL_MEM_DEBUG
debug_symbols -g
object .o
output -o [list $outfile]
link_preload --unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs
strip -Wl,-s
optimize -O2
noassert -DNDEBUG
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Second, define settings based on the system information found by
## configure(.in), converted into something usable by critcl. See the
## section below for the raw settings.
TEA compile @CRITCL_CC@
TEA preproc_define @CRITCL_CPP_DEFINE@
TEA preproc_enum @CRITCL_CPP_ENUM@
TEA debug_symbols @CFLAGS_DEBUG@
TEA object .@OBJEXT@
TEA link_debug @CRITCL_LD_DBG@
TEA link_release @CRITCL_LD_REL@
TEA link_preload --unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs
TEA strip
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Third, the exact raw settings generated by configure(.in),
## as found in build_dir/config.status. To help debugging the
## munging, when its wrong.
## The lines marked with ** are those which are of especially high
## interest.
#** CC = (@CC@)
#** CPP = (@CPP@)
#** DEFS = (@DEFS@)
#** LIBS = (@LIBS@)
# AR = (@AR@)
# ECHO_C = (@ECHO_C@)
# ECHO_N = (@ECHO_N@)
# ECHO_T = (@ECHO_T@)
# GREP = (@GREP@)
# ac_ct_CC = (@ac_ct_CC@)
# bindir = (@bindir@)
# build_alias = (@build_alias@)
# datadir = (@datadir@)
# datarootdir = (@datarootdir@)
# docdir = (@docdir@)
# dvidir = (@dvidir@)
# exec_prefix = (@exec_prefix@)
# host_alias = (@host_alias@)
# htmldir = (@htmldir@)
# includedir = (@includedir@)
# infodir = (@infodir@)
# libdir = (@libdir@)
# libexecdir = (@libexecdir@)
# localedir = (@localedir@)
# localstatedir = (@localstatedir@)
# mandir = (@mandir@)
# oldincludedir = (@oldincludedir@)
# pdfdir = (@pdfdir@)
# prefix = (@prefix@)
# program_transform_name = (@program_transform_name@)
# psdir = (@psdir@)
# sbindir = (@sbindir@)
# sharedstatedir = (@sharedstatedir@)
# sysconfdir = (@sysconfdir@)
# target_alias = (@target_alias@)
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################


@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
# --
# This file is a Makefile for "@@PNAME@@ @@PMAJORV@@.@@PMINORV@@". If this
# is "" then it is a template for a Makefile; to generate
# the actual Makefile, run "./configure", which is a configuration script
# generated by the "autoconf" program (constructs like "@foo@" will get
# replaced in the actual Makefile.
# Copyright (c) @@YEAR@@ @@PORG@@
# Generated by @@CRITCL@@
# At @@NOW@@
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# Nothing of the variables below this line need to be changed. Please
# check the TARGETS section below to make sure the make targets are
# correct.
srcdir = @srcdir@
top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
prefix = @prefix@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
libdir = @libdir@
mandir = @mandir@
bindir = @bindir@
sbindir = @sbindir@
libexecdir = @libexecdir@
datarootdir = @datarootdir@
datadir = @datadir@
sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
sharedir = @sharedstatedir@
statedir = @localstatedir@
includedir = @includedir@
oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE_NAME@@PACKAGE_VERSION@
top_builddir = .
CRITCL = `$(CYGPATH) $(srcdir)/critcl/main.tcl`
# PKG_TCL_SOURCES identifies Tcl runtime files that are associated with
# this package that need to be installed, if any.
# Start of user-definable TARGETS section
@echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@echo Please run '"make install"' to build and install the package.
@echo Critcl has no separate build-step.
@echo No documentation to build.
@echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; \
cat $(top_builddir)/Config | grep -v '^#' ; \
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; \
rm -rf $(top_builddir)/results-tea ; \
-I $(prefix)/include \
-I $(exec_prefix)/include \
-I $(includedir)@@APIUSE@@ \
-keep -cache $(top_builddir)/results-tea \
-target TEA -config $(top_builddir)/Config \
-libdir $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) \
-includedir $(DESTDIR)$(includedir) \
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; \
cat $(top_builddir)/results-tea/*.log
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; \
install-auto: show-auto
@rm -rf $(top_builddir)/results-auto ; \
-I $(prefix)/include \
-I $(exec_prefix)/include \
-I $(includedir)@@APIUSE@@ \
-keep -cache $(top_builddir)/results-auto \
-libdir $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) \
-includedir $(DESTDIR)$(includedir) \
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; \
cat $(top_builddir)/results-auto/*.log
echo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; \
@echo No documentation to install.
-keep -cache $(top_builddir)/results-tea \
-target TEA -config $(top_builddir)/Config \
-libdir $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) \
-pkg -show
-keep -cache $(top_builddir)/results-auto \
-libdir $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) \
-pkg -show
rm -rf doc *-doc
distclean: clean
-rm -f Makefile $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
-rm -f config.cache config.log stamp-h stamp-h[0-9]*
-rm -f config.status
Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
cd $(top_builddir) \
&& CONFIG_FILES=$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status
.PHONY: all binaries clean depend distclean doc install installdirs libraries test
# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.

src/tclkit86bi.vfs/lib/critcl-app3.2/tea/aclocal.m4 vendored

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
# Include the TEA standard macro set
# Add here whatever m4 macros you want to define for your package
# Locate the installed public FOO header files
# Arguments:
# Name of the package to search headers for.
# Requires:
# CYGPATH must be set
# Results:
# Adds a --with-[$1]-include switch to configure.
# Result is cached.
# Substs the following vars:
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $1 public headers])
AC_ARG_WITH([$1-include], [ --with-$1-include directory containing the public $1 header files], [with_$1_include=${withval}])
AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_c_$1_header, [
# Use the value from --with-$1-include, if it was given
if test x"[$]{with_$1_include}" != x ; then
if test -f "[$]{with_$1_include}/$1Decls.h" ; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([[$]{with_$1_include} directory does not contain $1Decls.h])
if test "`uname -s`" = "Darwin"; then
# If $1 was built as a framework, attempt to use
# the framework's Headers directory
case [$]{$1_DEFS} in
list="`ls -d [$]{$1_BIN_DIR}/Headers 2>/dev/null`"
# Check order: pkg --prefix location, Tcl's --prefix location,
# relative to directory of $
eval "temp_includedir=[$]{includedir}"
list="[$]list \
`ls -d [$]{temp_includedir} 2>/dev/null` \
`ls -d [$]{$1_PREFIX}/include 2>/dev/null` \
`ls -d [$]{$1_BIN_DIR}/../include 2>/dev/null` \
`ls -d ${TCL_PREFIX}/include 2>/dev/null` \
`ls -d ${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../include 2>/dev/null`"
if test "[$]{TEA_PLATFORM}" != "windows" -o "[$]GCC" = "yes"; then
list="[$]list /usr/local/include /usr/include"
if test x"[$]{$1_INCLUDE_SPEC}" != x ; then
d=`echo "[$]{$1_INCLUDE_SPEC}" | sed -e 's/^-I//'`
list="[$]list `ls -d ${d} 2>/dev/null`"
for i in [$]list ; do
if test -f "[$]i/$1/$1Decls.h" ; then
# Print a message based on how we determined the include path
if test x"[$]{ac_cv_c_$1_header}" = x ; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([$1Decls.h not found. Please specify its location with --with-$1-include])
# Convert to a native path and substitute into the transfer variable.
# NOTE: Anything going into actual TEA would have to use A TEA_xx
# transfer variable, instead of critcl.
INCLUDE_DIR_NATIVE=`[$]{CYGPATH} [$]{ac_cv_c_$1_header}`
# Declare a --with-FOO option, with default and legal values.
# Arguments:
# Name of the option.
# List of legal values.
# Default value.
# Option description.
# Requires:
# Results:
# Adds a --with-[$1] switch to configure.
# Substs the following vars:
# Use default if user did not specify anything.
if test x"[$]{with_uc_$1}" = x ; then
AC_MSG_CHECKING([Validating $1])
for x in $2
if test "[$]x" = "[$]with_uc_$1" ; then
if test "[$]tcl_ok" = "no" ; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([Illegal value [$]with_uc_$1, expected one of: $2])
CRITCL_UCONFIG_$1="-with-$1 \"[$]with_uc_$1\""
# Declare a --disable/enable-FOO option, with default.
# Arguments:
# Name of the option.
# Default value.
# Option description.
# Requires:
# Results:
# Adds a --enable-[$1] switch to configure.
# Substs the following vars:
if test "bool_uc_$1" = "yes" ; then
CRITCL_UCONFIG_$1="-enable $1"
CRITCL_UCONFIG_$1="-disable $1"


@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
# Configure for
# Copyright (c) @@YEAR@@ @@PORG@@
# Generated by @@CRITCL@@
# At @@NOW@@
# Configure script for package '@@PNAME@@'.
# TEA compliant.
# Load the file
## Std TEA setup
## Convert the TEA settings determined by the macros in the last
## section into something critcl can use throughts configuration.
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: derived from core TEA])
#AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: CC............. ${CC}])
#AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: CFLAGS......... ${CFLAGS}])
#AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: SHLIB_LD....... ${SHLIB_LD}])
#AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: LIBS........... ${LIBS}|
#AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: MATH_LIBS...... ${MATH_LIBS}])
## 1. Basic/foundational translation.
CRITCL_CC="$(eval echo ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS})"
CRITCL_LINK="$(eval echo $(eval echo ${SHLIB_LD} ${LIBS} ${MATH_LIBS}))"
CRITCL_PLATFORM="$(${TCLSH_PROG} ${srcdir}/critcl/main.tcl -showtarget)"
CRITCL_CC_OUTPUT="-o [[list \$outfile]]"
if test "${GCC}" = "yes"
if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows"
# windows, no gcc => msvc
CRITCL_CC_OUTPUT="[[list -Fo\$outfile]]"
CRITCL_LD_OUTPUT="-dll [[list -out:\$outfile]]"
CRITCL_LD_DBG="-debug:full -debugtype:cv -verbose:lib"
CRITCL_LD_REL="-release -opt:ref -opt:icf,3 -ws:aggressive -verbose:lib"
if test "$do64bit" = "no" ; then
# 32bit
CRITCL_LD_DBG="$CRITCL_LD_DBG -nodefaultlib:libc"
## 2. Fine tuning the commands, this now is platform specific.
case $(uname -s) in
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: darwin specific tune-up])
# - Critcl, due to essentially generating its private
# lib{tcl,tk}stub.a does generate common symbols for the
# stubs tables. Use of -fno-common then prevents linking the
# object files.
# - A version 0.0 as pulled from TEA package version is not
# liked by the Darwin gcc either (Example: crimp).
CRITCL_CC="$(echo "$CRITCL_CC" |sed -e 's,-fno-common,,g')"
CRITCL_LINK="$(echo "$CRITCL_LINK"|sed -e 's,-fno-common,,g')"
CRITCL_LINK="$(echo "$CRITCL_LINK"|sed -e 's,-current_version 0\.0,,g')"
CRITCL_LINK="$(echo "$CRITCL_LINK"|sed -e 's,-compatibility_version 0\.0,,g')"
## Conversion results
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: platform.......... $CRITCL_PLATFORM])
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: compile........... $CRITCL_CC])
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: link.............. $CRITCL_LINK])
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: cpp define........ $CRITCL_CPP_DEFINE])
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: cpp enum.......... $CRITCL_CPP_ENUM])
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: version inquiry... $CRITCL_VERSION])
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: cc output......... $CRITCL_CC_OUTPUT])
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: ld output......... $CRITCL_LD_OUTPUT])
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: ld debug.......... $CRITCL_LD_DBG])
AC_MSG_RESULT([critcl config: ld release........ $CRITCL_LD_REL])
# Finally, substitute all of the various values into the Makefile.
# You may alternatively have a special or other files
# which require substituting th AC variables in. Include these here.
AC_OUTPUT([Makefile Config])


@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
These files comprise the basic building blocks for a Tcl Extension
Architecture (TEA) extension. For more information on TEA see:
This package is part of the Tcl project at SourceForge, and latest
sources should be available there:
This package is a freely available open source package. You can do
virtually anything you like with it, such as modifying it, redistributing
it, and selling it either in whole or in part.
The following is a short description of the files you will find in
the sample extension.
README.txt This file
install-sh Program used for copying binaries and script files
to their install locations.
tcl.m4 Collection of Tcl autoconf macros. Included by a package's
aclocal.m4 to define TEA_* macros.


@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
# install - install a program, script, or datafile
# This comes from X11R5; it is not part of GNU.
# $XConsortium:,v 1.2 89/12/18 14:47:22 jim Exp $
# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written
# from scratch.
# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script
# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it.
# put in absolute paths if you don't have them in your path; or use env. vars.
rmcmd="$rmprog -f"
while [ x"$1" != x ]; do
case $1 in
-c) instcmd="$cpprog"
-m) chmodcmd="$chmodprog $2"
-o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2"
-g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2"
-s) stripcmd="$stripprog"
*) if [ x"$src" = x ]
if [ x"$src" = x ]
echo "install: no input file specified"
exit 1
if [ x"$dst" = x ]
echo "install: no destination specified"
exit 1
# If destination is a directory, append the input filename; if your system
# does not like double slashes in filenames, you may need to add some logic
if [ -d $dst ]
dst="$dst"/`basename $src`
# Make a temp file name in the proper directory.
dstdir=`dirname $dst`
# Move or copy the file name to the temp name
$doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp
# and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits
if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dsttmp; fi
if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dsttmp; fi
if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dsttmp; fi
if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dsttmp; fi
# Now rename the file to the real destination.
$doit $rmcmd $dst
$doit $mvcmd $dsttmp $dst
exit 0


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
## -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
# Pragmas for MetaData Scanner.
# n/a
# CriTcl Utility Package for bitmap en- and decoder.
# Based on i-assoc.
package provide critcl::bitmap 1.1
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requirements.
package require Tcl 8.6 ; # Min supported version.
package require critcl 3.2
package require critcl::iassoc
namespace eval ::critcl::bitmap {}
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Implementation -- API: Embed C Code
proc critcl::bitmap::def {name dict {exclusions {}}} {
# dict: Tcl symbolic name -> (C bit-mask (1))
# (Ad 1) Can be numeric, or symbolic, as long as it is a C int
# expression in the end.
# (Ad exclusions)
# Excluded bit-masks cannot be converted back to Tcl
# symbols. These are usually masks with multiple bits
# set. Conversion back delivers the individual elements
# instead of the combined mask.
# If no exclusions are specified the generated code is
# simpler, i.e. not containing anything for dealing with
# exclusions at runtime.
# For the C level opt array we want the elements sorted alphabetically.
set symbols [lsort -dict [dict keys $dict]]
set i 0
foreach s $symbols {
set id($s) $i
incr i
set last $i
set hasexcl [llength $exclusions]
set excl {}
foreach e $exclusions {
dict set excl $e .
dict for {sym mask} $dict {
set receivable [expr {![dict exists $excl $mask]}]
set map [list @ID@ $id($sym) @SYM@ $sym @MASK@ $mask @RECV@ $receivable]
if {$hasexcl} {
append init \n[critcl::at::here!][string map $map {
data->c [@ID@] = "@SYM@";
data->mask [@ID@] = @MASK@;
data->recv [@ID@] = @RECV@;
data->tcl [@ID@] = Tcl_NewStringObj ("@SYM@", -1);
Tcl_IncrRefCount (data->tcl [@ID@]);
} else {
append init \n[critcl::at::here!][string map $map {
data->c [@ID@] = "@SYM@";
data->mask [@ID@] = @MASK@;
data->tcl [@ID@] = Tcl_NewStringObj ("@SYM@", -1);
Tcl_IncrRefCount (data->tcl [@ID@]);
append final \n[critcl::at::here!][string map $map {
Tcl_DecrRefCount (data->tcl [@ID@]);
append init \n " data->c \[$last\] = NULL;"
lappend map @NAME@ $name
lappend map @UNAME@ [string toupper $name]
lappend map @LAST@ $last
# I. Generate a header file for inclusion by other parts of the
# package, i.e. csources. Include the header here as well, for
# the following blocks of code.
# Declaration of the en- and decoder functions.
critcl::include [critcl::make ${name}.h \n[critcl::at::here!][string map $map {
#ifndef @NAME@_HEADER
#define @NAME@_HEADER
/* Encode a flag list into the corresponding bitset */
extern int
@NAME@_encode (Tcl_Interp* interp,
Tcl_Obj* flags,
int* result);
/* Decode a bitset into the corresponding flag list */
extern Tcl_Obj*
@NAME@_decode (Tcl_Interp* interp,
int mask);
# II: Generate the interp association holding the various
# conversion maps.
if {$hasexcl} {
critcl::iassoc def ${name}_iassoc {} \n[critcl::at::here!][string map $map {
const char* c [@LAST@+1]; /* Bit name, C string */
Tcl_Obj* tcl [@LAST@]; /* Bit name, Tcl_Obj*, sharable */
int mask [@LAST@]; /* Bit mask */
int recv [@LAST@]; /* Flag, true for receivable event */
}] $init $final
} else {
critcl::iassoc def ${name}_iassoc {} \n[critcl::at::here!][string map $map {
const char* c [@LAST@+1]; /* Bit name, C string */
Tcl_Obj* tcl [@LAST@]; /* Bit name, Tcl_Obj*, sharable */
int mask [@LAST@]; /* Bit mask */
}] $init $final
# III: Generate encoder function: Conversion of list of flag names
# into corresponding bitset.
critcl::ccode \n[critcl::at::here!][string map $map {
@NAME@_encode (Tcl_Interp* interp,
Tcl_Obj* flags,
int* result)
@NAME@_iassoc_data context = @NAME@_iassoc (interp);
int mask, lc, i, id;
Tcl_Obj** lv;
if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements (interp, flags, &lc, &lv) != TCL_OK) {
return TCL_ERROR;
mask = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lc; i++) {
if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, lv[i], context->c, "@NAME@", 0,
&id) != TCL_OK) {
Tcl_SetErrorCode (interp, "@UNAME@", "FLAG", NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
mask |= context->mask [id];
*result = mask;
return TCL_OK;
# IV: Generate decoder function: Convert bitset into the
# corresponding list of flag names.
if {$hasexcl} {
critcl::ccode \n[critcl::at::here!][string map $map {
@NAME@_decode (Tcl_Interp* interp, int mask)
int i;
@NAME@_iassoc_data context = @NAME@_iassoc (interp);
Tcl_Obj* res = Tcl_NewListObj (0, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < @LAST@; i++) {
if (!context->recv[i]) continue;
if (!(mask & context->mask[i])) continue;
(void) Tcl_ListObjAppendElement (interp, res, context->tcl [i]);
return res;
} else {
critcl::ccode \n[critcl::at::here!][string map $map {
@NAME@_decode (Tcl_Interp* interp, int mask)
int i;
@NAME@_iassoc_data context = @NAME@_iassoc (interp);
Tcl_Obj* res = Tcl_NewListObj (0, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < @LAST@; i++) {
if (!(mask & context->mask[i])) continue;
(void) Tcl_ListObjAppendElement (interp, res, context->tcl [i]);
return res;
# V. Define convenient argument- and result-type definitions
# wrapping the de- and encoder functions for use by cprocs.
critcl::argtype $name \n[critcl::at::here!][string map $map {
if (@NAME@_encode (interp, @@, &@A) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR;
}] int int
critcl::resulttype $name \n[critcl::at::here!][string map $map {
/* @NAME@_decode result is 0-refcount */
Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, @NAME@_decode (interp, rv));
return TCL_OK;
}] int
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Export API
namespace eval ::critcl::bitmap {
namespace export def
catch { namespace ensemble create }
namespace eval ::critcl {
namespace export bitmap
catch { namespace ensemble create }
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## Ready

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