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New funcl modules to handle o combinator and code generation for functional pipelines

Julian Noble 1 year ago
  1. 320
  2. 178


@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
package provide funcl [namespace eval funcl {
variable version
set version 0.1
#funcl = function list (nested call structure)
#a basic functional composition o combinator
#o(f,g)(x) == f(g(x))
namespace eval funcl {
#from punk
proc arg_is_script_shaped {arg} {
if {[string first " " $arg] >= 0} {
return 1
} elseif {[string first \n $arg] >= 0} {
return 1
} elseif {[string first ";" $arg] >= 0} {
return 1
} elseif {[string first \t $arg] >= 0} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc o args {
set closing [string repeat {]} [expr [llength $args]-1]]
set body "[join $args { [}] \$data $closing"
return $body
proc o_ args {
set body ""
set tails [lrepeat [llength $args] ""]
puts stdout "tails: $tails"
set end [lindex $args end]
if {[llength $end] == 1 && [arg_is_script_shaped $end]} {
set endfunc [string map [list <end> $end] {uplevel 1 [list if 1 <end> ]}]
} else {
set endfunc $end
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
return $endfunc
set wrap { [}
append wrap $endfunc
append wrap { ]}
set i 0
foreach cmdlist [lrange $args 0 end-1] {
set is_script 0
if {([llength $cmdlist] == 1) && [arg_is_script_shaped [lindex $cmdlist 0]]} {
set is_script 1
set script [lindex $cmdlist 0]
set t ""
if {$i > 0} {
append body { [}
set posn [lsearch $cmdlist _]
if {$posn <= 0} {
append body $cmdlist
if {$i == [expr {[llength $args] -2}]} {
#append body " \$data"
append body " $wrap"
if {$i > 0} {
set t {]}
} else {
append body [lrange $cmdlist 0 $posn-1]
if {$i == [expr {[llength $args] -2}]} {
#append body " \$data"
append body " $wrap"
set t [lrange $cmdlist $posn+1 end]
if {$i > 0} {
append t { ]}
lset tails $i $t
incr i
append body [join [lreverse $tails] " "]
puts stdout "tails: $tails"
return $body
#review - consider _call -- if count > 1 then they must all be callable cmdlists(?)
# what does it mean to have additional _fn wrapper with no other elements? (no actual function)
#e.g _fn 2 5 6 somefunc {_fn 1 3 {_call 1 3 xxx}} {_fn 1 4 command {_fn ...}}
# what type indicates running subtrees in parallel vs sequentially?
# any reason to have _call count other than 1? Presumably the parent node indicates the parallelism/sequentialism etc.
# accept or return a funcl (or funcltree if multiple funcls in one commandlist)
# also accept/return a call - return empty list if passed a call
proc next_funcl {funcl_or_tree} {
if {[lindex $funcl_or_tree 0] eq "_call"} {
return [list]
if {[lindex $funcl_or_tree 0] in [list "_fn" "_call"]} {
set funcl $funcl_or_tree
} else {
error "funcltree not implemented"
set count [lindex $funcl 1]
if {$count == 0} {
#null funcl.. what is it? metadata/placeholder?
return $funcl
set indices [lrange $funcl 2 [expr {1 + $count}]]
set i 0
foreach idx $indices {
if {$i > 0} {
#todo - return a funcltree
error "multi funcl not implemented"
set next [lindex $funcl $idx]
incr i
return $next
#convert a funcl to a tcl script
proc funcl_script {funcl} {
if {![llength $funcl]} {
return ""
set body ""
set tails [list]
set type [lindex $funcl 0]
if {$type ni [list "_fn" "_call"]} {
#todo - handle funcltree
error "type $type not implemented"
#only count of 1 with index 3 supported(?)
if {$type eq "_call"} {
set cmdlist [lindex $funcl 3]
return $cmdlist
#we will use next_funcl to walk the nodes.. todo support treefuncl response from next_funcl which could branch multiple times.
#by continually passing back the resulting treefuncl/funcl to next_funcl we can process in correct order (?)
# we would still need to maintain state to stitch it back together once returned from a subtree..
# ie multiple tail parts
set count [lindex $funcl 1]
if {$count == 1} {
set idx [lindex $funcl 2]
if {$idx == 3} {
set cmdlist_pre [list]
} else {
set cmdlist_pre [lrange $funcl 3 $idx-1]
append body $cmdlist_pre
set t [lrange $funcl $idx+1 end]
lappend tails $t
} else {
error "funcl_script branching not yet supported"
set get_next 1
set i 1
while {$get_next} {
set funcl [next_funcl $funcl]
if {![llength $funcl]} {
set get_next 0
lassign $funcl type count idx ;#todo support count > 1
if {$type eq "_call"} {
set get_next 0
set t ""
if {$type eq "_call"} {
append body { [}
append body [lindex $funcl $idx]
append body { ]}
} else {
append body { [}
if {$idx == 3} {
set cmdlist_pre [list]
} else {
set cmdlist_pre [lrange $funcl 3 $idx-1]
append body $cmdlist_pre
set t [lrange $funcl $idx+1 end]
lappend tails $t
lappend tails { ]}
incr i
append body [join [lreverse $tails] " "]
#puts stdout "tails: $tails"
return $body
interp alias "" o_of "" funcl::o_of_n 1
#tcl list rep o combinator
# can take lists of ordinary commandlists, scripts and funcls
# _fn 1 x where 1 indicates number of subfuncls and where x indicates next funcl position (_fn list or _arg)
# _fn 0 indicates next item is an unwrapped commandlist (terminal command)
#o_of is equivalent to o_of_n 1 (1 argument o combinator)
#last n args are passed to the prior function
#e.g for n=1 f a b = f(a(b))
#e.g for n=2, e f a b = e(f(a b))
proc o_of_n {n args} {
if {$n != 1} {
error "o_of_n only implemented for 1 sub-funcl"
set comp [list] ;#composition list
set end [lindex $args end]
if {[lindex $end 0] in [list "_fn" "_call"]} {
set endfunc [lindex $args end]
} else {
if {[llength $end] == 1 && [arg_is_script_shaped $end]} {
#set endfunc [string map [list <end> $end] {uplevel 1 [list if 1 <end> ]}]
set endfunc [list _call 1 3 [list uplevel 1 [list if 1 [lindex $end 0]]]]
} else {
set endfunc [list _call 1 3 [list {*}$end]]
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
return $endfunc
set comp $endfunc
set revlist [lreverse [lrange $args 0 end-1]]
foreach cmdlist $revlist {
if {([llength $cmdlist] == 1) && [arg_is_script_shaped [lindex $cmdlist 0]]} {
set is_script 1
set script [lindex $cmdlist 0]
set arglist [list data]
set comp [list _fn 1 6 call_script $script $arglist $comp]
} else {
set posn1 [expr {[llength $cmdlist] + 2 + $n}]
set comp [list _fn $n $posn1 {*}$cmdlist $comp]
return $comp
proc call_script {script argnames args} {
uplevel 3 [list if 1 [list apply [list $argnames $script] {*}$args]]
proc funcl_script_test {scr} {
do_funcl_script_test $scr
proc do_funcl_script_test {scr} {
#set j "in do_funcl_script_test"
#set data "xxx"
#puts '$scr'
if 1 $scr
#standard o_ with no script-handling
proc o_plain args {
set body ""
set i 0
set tails [lrepeat [llength $args] ""]
#puts stdout "tails: $tails"
foreach cmdlist $args {
set t ""
if {$i > 0} {
append body { [}
set posn [lsearch $cmdlist _]
if {$posn <= 0} {
append body $cmdlist
if {$i == [expr {[llength $args] -1}]} {
append body " \$data"
if {$i > 0} {
set t {]}
} else {
append body [lrange $cmdlist 0 $posn-1]
if {$i == [expr {[llength $args] -1}]} {
append body " \$data"
set t [lrange $cmdlist $posn+1 end]
if {$i > 0} {
append t { ]}
lset tails $i $t
incr i
append body [join [lreverse $tails] " "]
#puts stdout "tails: $tails"
return $body
#timings suggest no faster to split out the first item from the cmdlist loop


@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
package provide punk [namespace eval punk {
variable version
set version 0.1
@ -77,6 +78,8 @@ namespace eval punk::config {
namespace eval punk {
package require pattern
package require funcl
package require control
control::control assert enabled 1
namespace import ::control::assert
@ -112,16 +115,18 @@ namespace eval punk {
variable ansi_disabled 0
#variable re_headvar1 {([a-zA-Z:@.(),]+?)(?![^(]*\))(,.*)*$}
proc ::punk::K {x y} { return $x}
proc ::punk::var {varname {= {}} args} {
upvar $varname the_var
if {${=} == "="} {
if {[llength $args] > 1} {
uplevel 1 [list set $varname [uplevel 1 $args]]
set the_var [uplevel 1 $args]
} else {
uplevel 1 [list set $varname [lindex $args 0]]
set the_var [lindex $args 0]
} else {
uplevel 1 [list set $varname]
set the_var
@ -588,7 +593,9 @@ namespace eval punk {
if {$act in [list "?set" "?matchvar-set"]} {
lset var_actions $i 1 matchvar-set
#attempt to read
if {![catch {uplevel $lvlup [list set $nm]} existingval]} {
upvar $lvlup $nm the_var
#if {![catch {uplevel $lvlup [list set $nm]} existingval]} {}
if {![catch {set the_var} existingval]} {
lset match_state $i [expr {$existingval eq $val}]
lset expected_values $i [list $nm match $existingval]
} else {
@ -599,11 +606,12 @@ namespace eval punk {
if {$act in [list "?unset" "?matchvar-unset"]} {
lset var_actions $i 1 matchvar-unset
if {![uplevel $lvlup [list info exists $nm ]]} {
upvar $lvlup $nm the_var
if {![info exists the_var]} {
lset match_state $i 1
} else {
#attempt to unset a pinned var that has a value - non-match. ^x= will only match an unset variable x
lset expected_values $i [list $nm attempt-to-unset-pinned-var-with-value [uplevel $lvlup [list set $nm]]]
lset expected_values $i [list $nm attempt-to-unset-pinned-var-with-value [set the_var]]
@ -642,12 +650,16 @@ namespace eval punk {
if {(!$isatom) && (!$ispin)} {
if {[lindex $var_actions $i 1] eq "set"} {
if {[string length $nm]} {
uplevel $lvlup [list set $nm $val]
upvar $lvlup $nm the_var
set the_var $val
#uplevel $lvlup [list set $nm $val]
if {[lindex $var_actions $i 1] eq "unset"} {
if {[string length $nm]} {
catch {uplevel $lvlup [list unset $nm]}
upvar $lvlup $nm the_var
catch {unset the_var}
#catch {uplevel $lvlup [list unset $nm]}
@ -707,18 +719,19 @@ namespace eval punk {
proc _handle_bind_result {d} {
set match_caller [info level 2]
#set match_caller [info level 2]
#debug.punk.pipe {_handle_bind_result match_caller: $match_caller} 9
if {![dict exists $d result]} {
uplevel 1 [list error [dict get $d mismatch]]
#uplevel 1 [list error [dict get $d mismatch]]
error [dict get $d mismatch]
} else {
return [dict get $d result]
#same as used in unknown func for initial launch
#variable re_assign {^([^\r\n=\{]*)=(.*)}
variable re_assign {^[\{]{0,1}([^\r\n=]*)=(.*)}
variable re_dot_assign {^([^\r\n=\{]*)\.=(.*)}
variable re_assign {^[\{]{0,1}([^ \t\r\n=]*)=(.*)}
variable re_dot_assign {^([^ \t\r\n=\{]*)\.=(.*)}
#match_assign is tailcalled from unknown - uplevel 1 gets to caller level
proc match_assign {multivar e1 fulltail} {
debug.punk.pipe {match_assign '$multivar' '$e1' '$fulltail'} 4
@ -771,7 +784,6 @@ namespace eval punk {
} elseif {[llength $tail] == 0} {
set d [_multi_bind_result $multivar "" -unset 1] ;#final arg 1 to unset variables
set r [_handle_bind_result $d] ;# we can get a mismatch on unsetting a pinned var - so we need _handle_bind_result to give a chance to raise an error etc.
#uplevel 1 [list unset $multivar]
set returnval ""
} else {
#keyword pipesyntax at beginning of error message
@ -945,25 +957,27 @@ namespace eval punk {
proc arg_is_script_shaped {arg} {
if {[string first " " $arg] >= 0} {
return 1
if {[string first \n $arg] >= 0} {
} elseif {[string first \n $arg] >= 0} {
return 1
if {[string first ";" $arg] >= 0} {
} elseif {[string first ";" $arg] >= 0} {
return 1
if {[string first \t $arg] >= 0} {
} elseif {[string first \t $arg] >= 0} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc match_exec {initial_returnvarspec e1 args} {
set fulltail $args
unset args
debug.punk.pipe {call match_exec: '$initial_returnvarspec' '$e1' '$fulltail'} 9
debug.punk.pipe.rep {[rep_listname fulltail]} 6
set ::_pipescript ""
# test if we have an initial x.=y.= or x.= y.=
@ -974,6 +988,7 @@ namespace eval punk {
set next1 $e1
set nexttail $fulltail
if {$next1 eq "pipematch"} {
set results [uplevel 1 [list pipematch {*}$nexttail]]
debug.punk.pipe {>>> pipematch results: $results} 1
@ -982,12 +997,17 @@ namespace eval punk {
set r [_handle_bind_result $d]
return $r
} elseif {$next1 eq "pipecase"} {
set msg "pipesyntax\n"
append msg "pipecase cannot return a value directly.\n"
append msg "Call pipecase from within a script block such as pipeswitch or apply."
error $msg
if {![arg_is_script_shaped $next1]} {
if {([string first = $next1] >= 0) && (![arg_is_script_shaped $next1]) } {
if {[regexp $punk::re_dot_assign $next1 _ nextreturnvarspec nextrhs]} {
#non pipelined call to self - return result
debug.punk.pipe {nextreturnvarspec: $nextreturnvarspec nextrhs:$nextrhs tail:$nexttail} 0
debug.punk.pipe {nextreturnvarspec: $nextreturnvarspec nextrhs:$nextrhs tail:$nexttail} 4
set results [uplevel 1 [list ::punk::match_exec $nextreturnvarspec $nextrhs {*}$nexttail]]
debug.punk.pipe {>>> results: $results} 1
@ -999,7 +1019,7 @@ namespace eval punk {
if {[regexp $punk::re_assign $next1 _ nextreturnvarspec nextrhs]} {
#non pipelined call to plain = assignment - return result
debug.punk.pipe {nextreturnvarspec: $nextreturnvarspec nextrhs:$nextrhs tail:$nexttail} 0
debug.punk.pipe {nextreturnvarspec: $nextreturnvarspec nextrhs:$nextrhs tail:$nexttail} 4
set results [uplevel 1 [list ::punk::match_assign $nextreturnvarspec $nextrhs $nexttail]]
debug.punk.pipe {>>> results: $results} 1
@ -1101,7 +1121,8 @@ namespace eval punk {
if {$firstpipe_posn >=0} {
set outpipespec [string range [lindex $tailremaining $firstpipe_posn] 1 end-1]
set segment_members [lrange $tailremaining 0 $firstpipe_posn-1]
set tailremaining [lrange $tailremaining $firstpipe_posn+1 end]
#set tailremaining [lrange $tailremaining $firstpipe_posn+1 end]
set tailremaining [lreplace $tailremaining 0 $firstpipe_posn] ;#generally too short for any K combinator benefit? what about lists with scripts? is it dependent on list length or also element content size?
} else {
set segment_members $tailremaining
set tailremaining [list]
@ -1163,7 +1184,6 @@ namespace eval punk {
#set firstwordparts [regexp -inline -all {\S+} $segment_first_word]
@ -1315,11 +1335,11 @@ namespace eval punk {
append e $seg_remainder
puts stderr ">evaluating $e as expression\n due to brace \"\{\" immediately following .="
debug.punk.pipe {>evaluating $e as expression\n due to brace \"\{\" immediately following .=} 4
if {![catch {uplevel 1 [list expr $e]} evaluated]} {
set forward_result $evaluated
set d [_multi_bind_result $returnvarspec $forward_result]
#set forward_result $evaluated
set d [_multi_bind_result $returnvarspec [punk::K $evaluated [unset evaluated]]]
set r [_handle_bind_result $d]
#return $r
set segment_result $r
@ -1350,27 +1370,24 @@ namespace eval punk {
} else {
#no scriptiness detected
set cmdlist [list]
#set cmdlist [list]
if {[llength $rhs]} {
lappend cmdlist $rhs
#lappend cmdlist $rhs
set cmdlist [list $rhs]
} else {
set cmdlist [list]
lappend cmdlist {*}[lrange $segment_members_filled 1 end]
#set cmdlist [concat $rhs [lrange $segment_members_filled 1 end]] ;#ok if rhs empty
set firstword [lindex $cmdlist 0]
debug.punk.pipe {>>firstword: $firstword bindingspec:$returnvarspec >>cmdlist([llength $cmdlist]: $cmdlist)} 4
debug.punk.pipe.rep {[a+ yellow bold][rep_listname cmdlist][a+]} 4
#set c1 [string index $firstword 0]
#if {$c1 in [list \" "("]} {
# set firstword [string range $firstword 1 end]
# lset cmdlist 0 $firstword
#puts stderr ">>cmdlist: $cmdlist"
set forward_result [uplevel 1 $cmdlist]
debug.punk.pipe {[a+ green bold]forward_result: $forward_result[a+]} 4
debug.punk.pipe.rep {[a+ yellow bold]forward_result REP: [rep $forward_result][a+]} 4
#debug.punk.pipe {>>firstword: [lindex $cmdlist 0] bindingspec:$returnvarspec >>cmdlist([llength $cmdlist]: $cmdlist)} 4
#debug.punk.pipe.rep {[a+ yellow bold][rep_listname cmdlist][a+]} 4
set d [_multi_bind_result $returnvarspec $forward_result]
set cmdlist_result [uplevel 1 $cmdlist]
#debug.punk.pipe {[a+ green bold]forward_result: $forward_result[a+]} 4
#debug.punk.pipe.rep {[a+ yellow bold]forward_result REP: [rep $forward_result][a+]} 4
set d [_multi_bind_result $returnvarspec [punk::K $cmdlist_result [unset cmdlist_result]]]
set r [_handle_bind_result $d]
set segment_result $r
#puts stderr ">>forward_result: $forward_result segment_result $r"
@ -1382,7 +1399,7 @@ namespace eval punk {
} elseif {$segment_op eq "="} {
set segment_result [uplevel 1 [list ::punk::match_assign $returnvarspec $rhs [lrange $segment_members_filled 1 end]]]
set forward_result $segment_result
#set forward_result $segment_result
@ -1420,26 +1437,50 @@ namespace eval punk {
if {!$add_argsdata} {
#puts stderr "APPLY1: args:$segmentargnames"
puts stderr "APPLY1: args:$segmentargnames"
#puts stderr " script: $script"
#puts stderr " vals: $segmentargvals"
set evaluation [apply [list $segmentargnames $script ::] {*}$segmentargvals]
#set evaluation [apply [list $segmentargnames $script ::] {*}$segmentargvals]
set evaluation [uplevel 1 [list apply [list $segmentargnames $script ::] {*}$segmentargvals]]
} else {
#puts stderr "APPLY2: args:$segmentargnames"
puts stderr "APPLY2: args:$segmentargnames"
#puts stderr " script: $script"
#puts stderr " vals: $segmentargvals $argsdatalist"
set evaluation [apply [list [concat $segmentargnames argsdata] $script ::] {*}$segmentargvals $argsdatalist]
#set evaluation [apply [list [concat $segmentargnames argsdata] $script ::] {*}$segmentargvals $argsdatalist]
#pipeline script context should be one below calling context - so upvar v v will work
set evaluation [uplevel 1 [list apply [list [concat $segmentargnames argsdata] $script ::] {*}$segmentargvals $argsdatalist]]
set forward_result $evaluation
set d [_multi_bind_result $returnvarspec $forward_result]
#set forward_result $evaluation
set d [_multi_bind_result $returnvarspec [punk::K $evaluation [unset evaluation]]]
set r [_handle_bind_result $d]
set segment_result $r
} else {
#tags ?
debug.punk.pipe {>>raw commandline: [concat $rhs $segment_members_filled]} 5
set forward_result [uplevel 1 [concat $rhs $segment_members_filled]]
set d [_multi_bind_result $returnvarspec $forward_result]
#debug.punk.pipe {>>raw commandline: [concat $rhs $segment_members_filled]} 5
if 1 {
#set s [list uplevel 1 [concat $rhs $segment_members_filled]]
if {![info exists pscript]} {
upvar ::_pipescript pscript
if {![info exists pscript]} {
#set pscript $s
set pscript [funcl::o_of_n 1 [list $rhs {*}$segment_members]]
} else {
#set pscript [string map [list <p> $pscript] {uplevel 1 [concat $rhs $segment_members_filled [<p>]]}]
#set snew "set pipe_$i \[uplevel 1 \[list $rhs $segment_members_filled "
#append snew "set pipe_[expr $i -1]"
#append pscript $snew
set pscript [funcl::o_of_n 1 [list $rhs {*}$segment_members] $pscript]
set cmdline_result [uplevel 1 [concat $rhs $segment_members_filled]]
set d [_multi_bind_result $returnvarspec [punk::K $cmdline_result [unset cmdline_result]]]
set r [_handle_bind_result $d]
set segment_result $r
@ -1550,8 +1591,8 @@ namespace eval punk {
set segment_first_word return
set forward_result $segment_result
set previous_result $forward_result
#set forward_result $segment_result
set previous_result $segment_result
} else {
#debug.punk.pipe {[a+ cyan bold]End of pipe segments ($i)[a+]} 4
set more_pipe_segments 0
@ -1714,11 +1755,13 @@ namespace eval punk {
error "pipesyntax pipenomatch expects a simple varname as first argument"
#debug.punk.pipe {pipematch level [info level] levelinfo [info level 0]} 2
variable re_dot_assign
variable re_assign
set assign [lindex $args 0]
set arglist [lrange $args 1 end]
if {[string first = $assign] >= 0} {
variable re_dot_assign
variable re_assign
#what if we get passed a script block containing = ?? e.g {error x=a}
if {$assign eq ".="} {
set cmdlist [list ::punk::match_exec "" "" {*}$arglist]
} elseif {$assign eq "="} {
@ -1728,21 +1771,27 @@ namespace eval punk {
} elseif {[regexp $re_assign $assign _ returnvarspecs rhs]} {
set cmdlist [list ::punk::match_assign $returnvarspecs $rhs $arglist]
} else {
debug.punk.pipe {[a+ yellow bold] Unexpected arg following pipenomatchvar variable [a+]} 0
set cmdlist $args
#return [dict create error [dict create reason [dict create pipematch bad_first_word value $assign pipeline [list pipematch $assign {*}$args]]]]
} else {
set cmdlist $args
debug.punk.pipe {[a+ yellow bold]pipematchnomatch [a+]} 1
upvar 1 $varname nomatchvar
if {[catch {uplevel 1 $cmdlist} result]} {
debug.punk.pipe {[a+ yellow bold]pipematchnomatch error $result[a+]} 1
debug.punk.pipe {[a+ yellow bold]pipematchnomatch error $result[a+]} 3
set errordict [dict create error [dict create reason $result]]
uplevel 1 [list set $varname $errordict]
#uplevel 1 [list set $varname $errordict]
set nomatchvar $errordict
#re-raise the error for pipeswitch to deal with
uplevel 1 [list error $result]
#uplevel 1 [list error $result]
error $result
} else {
debug.punk.pipe {pipematchnomatch result $result } 4
uplevel 1 [list set $varname ""]
set nomatchvar ""
#uplevel 1 [list set $varname ""]
#return raw result only - to pass through to pipeswitch
return $result
#return [dict create ok [dict create result $result]]
@ -1781,7 +1830,7 @@ namespace eval punk {
proc pipeswitch {pipescript} {
uplevel $pipescript
uplevel 1 [list if 1 $pipescript]
proc ansi+ {args} {
variable ansi_disabled
@ -2447,7 +2496,6 @@ namespace eval punk {
proc add_length {total stringval} {
expr {$total + [string length $stringval]}
package require pattern
>pattern .. Create >f
>f .. Method foldl {total func sequence} {
struct::list::Lfold $sequence $total $func
