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# -*- tcl -*- |
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use 'dev make' or src/make.tcl to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt |
# |
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem. |
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository. |
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ |
# (C) 2023 |
# |
# @@ Meta Begin |
# Application punkcheck 0.1.0 |
# Meta platform tcl |
# Meta license <unspecified> |
# @@ Meta End |
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ |
## Requirements |
##e.g package require frobz |
package require punk::tdl |
package require punk::path |
package require punk::repo |
package require punk::mix::util |
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ |
# Punkcheck uses the TDL format which is a list of lists in Tcl format |
# It is intended primarily for source build/distribution tracking within a punk project or single filesystem - with relative paths. |
# |
#see following article regarding the many problems with using mtime for build-decisions: |
# |
namespace eval punkcheck { |
namespace export\ |
uuid\ |
start_installer_event installfile_* |
#antiglob_dir & antiglob_file entries match the pattern at any level - should not contain path separators |
variable default_antiglob_dir_core [list "#*" "_aside" "_build" ".git" ".fossil*"] |
variable default_antiglob_file_core "" |
proc uuid {} { |
set has_twapi 0 |
if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} { |
if {![catch {package require twapi}]} { |
set has_twapi 1 |
} |
} |
if {!$has_twapi} { |
if {[catch {package require uuid} errM]} { |
error "Unable to load a package for uuid on this platform. Try tcllib's uuid (any platform) - twapi for windows" |
} |
return [uuid::uuid generate] |
} else { |
return [twapi::new_uuid] |
} |
} |
proc default_antiglob_dir_core {} { |
variable default_antiglob_dir_core |
return $default_antiglob_dir_core |
} |
proc default_antiglob_file_core {} { |
variable default_antiglob_file_core |
if {$default_antiglob_file_core eq ""} { |
set default_antiglob_file_core [list "*.swp" "*[punk::mix::util::magic_tm_version]*" "*-buildversion.txt" ".punkcheck"] |
} |
return $default_antiglob_file_core |
} |
proc load_records_from_file {punkcheck_file} { |
set record_list [list] |
if {[file exists $punkcheck_file]} { |
set tdlscript [punk::mix::util::fcat $punkcheck_file] |
if {[catch { |
set record_list [punk::tdl::prettyparse $tdlscript] |
} errparse]} { |
error "punkcheck::load_records_from_file failed to parse '$punkcheck_file'\n error:$errparse" |
} |
} |
return $record_list |
} |
proc save_records_to_file {recordlist punkcheck_file} { |
set newtdl [punk::tdl::prettyprint $recordlist] |
set linecount [llength [split $newtdl \n]] |
#puts stdout $newtdl |
set fd [open $punkcheck_file w] |
fconfigure $fd -translation binary |
puts -nonewline $fd $newtdl |
close $fd |
return [list recordcount [llength $recordlist] linecount $linecount] |
} |
#todo - work out way to use same punkcheck file for multiple installers running concurrently. Thread? |
#an installtrack objects represents an installation path from sourceroot to targetroot |
#The source and target folders should be as specific as possible but it is valid to specify for example c:/ -> c:/ (or / -> /) if source and targets within the installation operation are spread around. |
# |
set objname [namespace current]::installtrack |
if {$objname ni [info commands $objname]} { |
package require oolib |
#each FILEINFO body being a list of SOURCE records |
oo::class create targetset { |
variable o_targets |
variable o_keep_installrecords |
variable o_keep_skipped |
variable o_keep_inprogress |
variable o_records |
constructor {args} { |
#set o_records [oolib::collection create [namespace current]::recordcollection] |
set o_records [list] |
} |
method as_record {} { |
#set fields [list\ |
# -targets $o_targets\ |
# -keep_installrecords $o_keep_installrecords\ |
# -keep_skipped $o_keep_skipped\ |
# -keep_inprogress $o_keep_inprogress\ |
# body $o_records\ |
#] |
dict create \ |
-targets $o_targets\ |
-keep_installrecords $o_keep_installrecords\ |
-keep_skipped $o_keep_skipped\ |
-keep_inprogress $o_keep_inprogress\ |
body $o_records |
} |
#retrieve last completed record for the fileset ie exclude SKIPPED,INSTALL-INPROGRESS,DELETE-INPROGRESS,MODIFY-INPROGRESS |
method get_last_record {fileset_record} { |
set body [dict_getwithdefault $fileset_record body [list]] |
set previous_records [lrange $body 0 end-1] |
#get last previous that is tagged INSTALL-RECORD,MODIFY-RECORD,DELETE-RECORD |
set revlist [lreverse $previous_records] |
foreach rec $revlist { |
switch -- [dict get $rec tag] { |
return $rec |
} |
} |
} |
return [list] |
} |
} |
oo::class create installevent { |
variable o_id |
variable o_rel_sourceroot |
variable o_rel_targetroot |
variable o_ts_begin |
variable o_ts_end |
variable o_types |
variable o_configdict |
variable o_targets |
variable o_operation |
variable o_operation_start_ts |
variable o_path_cksum_cache |
variable o_fileset_record |
variable o_installer ;#parent object |
constructor {installer rel_sourceroot rel_targetroot args} { |
set o_installer $installer |
set o_operation_start_ts "" |
set o_path_cksum_cache [dict create] |
set o_operation "" |
set defaults [dict create\ |
-id ""\ |
-tsbegin ""\ |
-config [list]\ |
-tsend ""\ |
-types [list]\ |
] |
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args] |
if {[dict get $opts -id] eq ""} { |
set o_id [punkcheck::uuid] |
} else { |
set o_id [dict get $opts -id] |
} |
if {[dict get $opts -tsbegin] eq ""} { |
set o_ts_begin [clock microseconds] |
} else { |
set o_ts_begin [dict get $opts -tsbegin] |
} |
set o_ts_end [dict get $opts -tsend] |
set o_types [dict get $opts -types] |
set o_configdict [dict get $opts -config] |
set o_rel_sourceroot $rel_sourceroot |
set o_rel_targetroot $rel_targetroot |
} |
destructor { |
#puts "[self] destructor called" |
} |
method as_record {} { |
set begin_seconds [expr {$o_ts_begin / 1000000}] |
set tsiso_begin [clock format $begin_seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"] |
if {$o_ts_end ne ""} { |
set end_seconds [expr {$o_ts_end / 1000000}] |
set tsiso_end [clock format $end_seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"] |
} else { |
set tsiso_end "" |
} |
#set fields [list\ |
# -tsiso_begin $tsiso_begin\ |
# -ts_begin $o_ts_begin\ |
# -tsiso_end $tsiso_end\ |
# -ts_end $o_ts_end\ |
# -id $o_id\ |
# -source $o_rel_sourceroot\ |
# -targets $o_rel_targetroot\ |
# -types $o_types\ |
# -config $o_configdict\ |
#] |
#set record [dict create tag EVENT {*}$fields] |
dict create \ |
tag EVENT\ |
-tsiso_begin $tsiso_begin\ |
-ts_begin $o_ts_begin\ |
-tsiso_end $tsiso_end\ |
-ts_end $o_ts_end\ |
-id $o_id\ |
-source $o_rel_sourceroot\ |
-targets $o_rel_targetroot\ |
-types $o_types\ |
-config $o_configdict |
} |
method get_id {} { |
return $o_id |
} |
method get_operation {} { |
return $o_operation |
} |
method get_targets {} { |
return $o_targets |
} |
method get_targets_exist {} { |
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname [$o_installer get_checkfile]] |
set existing [list] |
foreach t $o_targets { |
if {[file exists [file join $punkcheck_folder $t]]} { |
lappend existing $t |
} |
} |
return $existing |
} |
method end {} { |
set o_ts_end [clock microseconds] |
} |
method targetset_dict {} { |
punk::records_as_target_dict [$o_installer get_recordlist] |
} |
#related - installfile_begin |
#call init before we know if we are going to run the operation vs skip |
method targetset_init {operation targetset} { |
if {[string toupper $operation] ni $known_ops} { |
error "[self] add_target unknown operation '$operation'. Known operations $known_ops" |
} |
set o_operation [string toupper $operation] |
if {$o_operation_start_ts ne ""} { |
error "[self] targetset_tart $o_operation operation already in progress. Use targetset_finished or targetset_complete to finish." |
} |
set o_operation_start_ts [clock microseconds] |
set seconds [expr {$o_operation_start_ts / 1000000}] |
set tsiso [clock format $seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"] |
set punkcheck_file [$o_installer get_checkfile] |
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname $punkcheck_file] |
set relativepath_targetset [list] |
if {$o_operation eq "VIRTUAL"} { |
foreach p $targetset { |
lappend relativepath_targetset $p |
} |
} else { |
foreach p $targetset { |
if {[file pathtype $p] eq "absolute"} { |
lappend relativepath_targetset [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $p] |
} else { |
lappend relativepath_targetset $p |
} |
} |
} |
set fields [list\ |
-tsiso $tsiso\ |
-ts $o_operation_start_ts\ |
-installer [$o_installer get_name]\ |
-eventid $o_id\ |
] |
set o_targets [lsort -dictionary -increasing $relativepath_targetset] ;#exact sort order not critical - but must be consistent |
#set targetdict [my targetset_dict] |
set record_list [punkcheck::load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file] |
set extractioninfo [punkcheck::recordlist::extract_or_create_fileset_record $o_targets $record_list] |
set o_fileset_record [dict get $extractioninfo record] |
set record_list [dict get $extractioninfo recordset] |
set isnew [dict get $extractioninfo isnew] |
set oldposition [dict get $extractioninfo oldposition] |
unset extractioninfo |
#-installer and -eventid keys are added here |
set new_inprogress_record [dict create tag [string toupper $operation]-INPROGRESS {*}$fields -tempcontext [my as_record] body {}] |
#set existing_body [dict_getwithdefault $o_fileset_record body [list]] |
#todo - look for existing "-INPROGRESS" records - mark as failed or incomplete? |
dict lappend o_fileset_record body $new_inprogress_record |
if {$isnew} { |
lappend record_list $o_fileset_record |
} else { |
set record_list [linsert $record_list[unset record_list] $oldposition $o_fileset_record] |
} |
if {$o_operation ne "QUERY"} { |
punkcheck::save_records_to_file $record_list $punkcheck_file |
} |
return $o_fileset_record |
} |
#operation has been started |
#todo - upgrade .punkcheck format to hold more than just list of SOURCE entries in each record. |
# - allow arbitrary targetset_startphase <name> targetset_endphase <name> calls to store timestamps and calculate elapsed time |
method targetset_started {} { |
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname [$o_installer get_checkfile]] |
if {$o_operation eq "QUERY"} { |
set fileinfo_body [dict get $o_fileset_record body] ;#body of FILEINFO record |
set installing_record [lindex $fileinfo_body end] |
set ts_start [dict get $installing_record -ts] |
set ts_now [clock microseconds] |
set metadata_us [expr {$ts_now - $ts_start}] |
dict set installing_record -metadata_us $metadata_us |
dict set installing_record -ts_start_transfer $ts_now |
lset fileinfo_body end $installing_record |
return [dict set o_fileset_record body $fileinfo_body] |
} else { |
#legacy call |
#saves to .punkcheck file |
return [set o_fileset_record [punkcheck::installfile_started_install $punkcheck_folder $o_fileset_record]] |
} |
} |
method targetset_end {status args} { |
set defaults [dict create\ |
-note \uFFFF\ |
] |
set known_opts [dict keys $defaults] |
if {[llength $args] % 2 != 0} { |
error "targetset_end arguments after status must be in the form of -flag value pairs. known flags: $known_opts" |
} |
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args] |
if {[dict get $opts -note] eq "\uFFFF"} { |
dict unset opts -note |
} |
set status [string toupper $status] |
set statusdict [dict create OK RECORD SKIPPED SKIPPED FAILED FAILED] |
if {$o_operation_start_ts eq ""} { |
error "[self] targetset_end $status - no current operation - call targetset_started first" |
} |
if {$status ni [dict keys $statusdict]} { |
error "[self] targetset_end unrecognized status:$status known values: [dict keys $statusdict]" |
} |
if {![punkcheck::lib::is_file_record_inprogress $o_fileset_record]} { |
error "targetset_end $status error: bad fileset_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element *-INPROGRESS" |
} |
set targetlist [dict get $o_fileset_record -targets] |
if {$targetlist ne $o_targets} { |
error "targetset_end $status error. targetlist mismatch between file : $targetlist vs $o_targets" |
} |
set operation_end_ts [clock microseconds] |
set elapsed_us [expr {$operation_end_ts - $o_operation_start_ts}] |
set file_record_body [dict get $o_fileset_record body] |
set installing_record [lindex $file_record_body end] |
set punkcheck_file [$o_installer get_checkfile] |
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname $punkcheck_file] |
set record_list [punkcheck::load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file] |
if {[dict exists $installing_record -ts_start_transfer]} { |
set ts_start_transfer [dict get $installing_record -ts_start_transfer] |
set transfer_us [expr {$operation_end_ts - $ts_start_transfer}] |
dict set installing_record -transfer_us $transfer_us |
} |
if {[dict exists $opts -note]} { |
dict set installing_record -note [dict get $opts -note] |
} |
dict set installing_record -elapsed_us $elapsed_us |
dict unset installing_record -tempcontext |
dict set installing_record tag "${o_operation}-[dict get $statusdict $status]" ;# e.g INSTALL-RECORD, INSTALL-SKIPPED |
if {$o_operation in [list INSTALL MODIFY] && [dict get $statusdict $status] eq "RECORD"} { |
#only calculate and store post operation target cksums on successful INSTALL or MODIFY, doesn't make sense for DELETE or VIRTUAL operations |
set new_targets_cksums [list] ;#ordered list of cksums matching targetset order |
set cksum_all_opts "" ;#same cksum opts for each target so we store it once |
set ts_begin_cksum [clock microseconds] |
foreach p $o_targets { |
set tgt_cksum_info [punk::mix::base::lib::cksum_path [file join $punkcheck_folder $p]] |
lappend new_targets_cksums [dict get $tgt_cksum_info cksum] |
if {$cksum_all_opts eq ""} { |
set cksum_all_opts [dict get $tgt_cksum_info opts] |
} |
} |
set cksum_us [expr {[clock microseconds] - $ts_begin_cksum}] |
dict set installing_record -targets_cksums $new_targets_cksums |
dict set installing_record -cksum_all_opts $cksum_all_opts |
dict set installing_record -cksum_us $cksum_us |
} |
lset file_record_body end $installing_record |
dict set o_fileset_record body $file_record_body |
set o_fileset_record [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_prune $o_fileset_record] |
set oldrecordinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $targetlist $record_list] |
set old_posn [dict get $oldrecordinfo position] |
if {$old_posn == -1} { |
lappend record_list $o_fileset_record |
} else { |
lset record_list $old_posn $o_fileset_record |
} |
if {$o_operation ne "QUERY"} { |
punkcheck::save_records_to_file $record_list $punkcheck_file |
} |
set o_operation_start_ts "" |
set o_operation "" |
return $o_fileset_record |
} |
#can supply empty cksum value |
# - that will influence the opts used if there is no existing install record |
method targetset_cksumcache_set {path_cksum_dict} { |
set o_path_cksum_cache $path_cksum_dict |
} |
method targetset_cksumcache_configure {path {cksuminfodict {}}} { |
if {$cksuminfodict eq {}} { |
if {[dict exists $o_path_cksum_cache $path]} { |
return [dict get $o_path_cksum_cache $path] |
} else { |
return |
} |
} |
dict for {k v} $cksuminfodict { |
switch -- $k { |
cksum - opts {} |
default { |
error "targetset_cksumcache_configure error. Unknown dict value $k. Allowed values {cksum opts}" |
} |
} |
} |
dict set o_path_cksum_cache $path $cksuminfodict |
} |
method targetset_addsource {source_path} { |
set punkcheck_file [$o_installer get_checkfile] |
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname $punkcheck_file] |
if {[file pathtype $source_path] eq "absolute"} { |
set rel_source_path [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $source_path] |
} else { |
set rel_source_path $source_path |
} |
#installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata accepts list of {cksum <val> opt <cksum opts>} dictionaries - although we only have one per path from our configured cksumcache |
if {[dict exists $o_path_cksum_cache $rel_source_path]} { |
set path_cksum_caches [list [dict get $o_path_cksum_cache $rel_source_path]] |
} else { |
set path_cksum_caches [list] |
} |
set o_fileset_record [punkcheck::installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata $punkcheck_folder $rel_source_path $o_fileset_record $path_cksum_caches] |
} |
method targetset_last_complete {} { |
#retrieve last completed record for the fileset ie exclude SKIPPED,INSTALL-INPROGRESS,DELETE-INPROGRESS,MODIFY-INPROGRESS |
set body [punkcheck::dict_getwithdefault $o_fileset_record body [list]] |
set previous_records [lrange $body 0 end] |
set revlist [lreverse $previous_records] |
foreach rec $revlist { |
if {[dict get $rec tag] in [list "INSTALL-RECORD" "MODIFY-RECORD" "DELETE-RECORD" "VIRTUAL-RECORD"]} { |
return $rec |
} |
} |
return [list] |
} |
method targetset_source_changes {} { |
punkcheck::recordlist::file_install_record_source_changes [lindex [dict get $o_fileset_record body] end] |
} |
} |
oo::class create installtrack { |
variable o_name |
variable o_tsiso |
variable o_ts |
variable o_keep_events |
variable o_checkfile |
variable o_sourceroot |
variable o_rel_sourceroot |
variable o_targetroot |
variable o_rel_targetroot |
variable o_record_list |
variable o_active_event |
variable o_events |
constructor {installername punkcheck_file} { |
set o_active_event "" |
set o_name $installername |
set o_checkfile [file normalize $punkcheck_file] |
set o_sourceroot "" |
set o_targetroot "" |
set o_rel_sourceroot "" |
set o_rel_targetroot "" |
#todo - validate punkcheck file location further?? |
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname $o_checkfile] |
if {![file isdirectory $punkcheck_folder]} { |
error "[self] constructor error. Folder for punkcheck_file not found - $o_checkfile" |
} |
my load_all_records |
set resultinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_installer_record $o_name $o_record_list] |
set existing_header_posn [dict get $resultinfo position] |
if {$existing_header_posn == -1} { |
set this_installer_record [punkcheck::recordlist::new_installer_record $o_name] |
set o_record_list [linsert $o_record_list 0 $this_installer_record] |
} else { |
set this_installer_record [dict get $resultinfo record] |
} |
set o_tsiso [dict get $this_installer_record -tsiso] |
set o_ts [dict get $this_installer_record -ts] |
set o_keep_events [dict get $this_installer_record -keep_events] |
set o_events [oolib::collection create [namespace current]::eventcollection] |
set eventlist [punkcheck::dict_getwithdefault $this_installer_record body [list]] |
foreach e $eventlist { |
set eobj [punkcheck::installevent create [namespace current]::event_[my events count] [self] [dict get $e -source] [dict get $e -targets] {*}$e] |
#$o_events add $e [dict get $e -id] |
$o_events add $eobj [dict get $e -id] |
} |
} |
destructor { |
#puts "[self] destructor called" |
} |
method test {} { |
return [self] |
} |
method get_name {} { |
return $o_name |
} |
method get_checkfile {} { |
return $o_checkfile |
} |
#call set_source_target before calling start_event/end_event |
#each event can have different source->target pairs - but may often have same, so set on installtrack as defaults. Only persisted in event records. |
method set_source_target {sourceroot targetroot} { |
if {[file pathtype $sourceroot] ne "absolute"} { |
error "[self] set_source_target error: sourceroot must be absolute path. Received '$sourceroot'" |
} |
if {[file pathtype $targetroot] ne "absolute"} { |
error "[self] set_source_target error: targetroot must be absolute path. Received '$targetroot'" |
} |
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname $o_checkfile] |
set o_sourceroot $sourceroot |
set o_targetroot $targetroot |
set o_rel_sourceroot [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $sourceroot] |
set o_rel_targetroot [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $targetroot] |
return [list $o_rel_sourceroot $o_rel_targetroot] |
} |
#review/fix to allow multiple installtrack objects on same punkcheck file. |
method load_all_records {} { |
set o_record_list [punkcheck::load_records_from_file $o_checkfile] |
} |
#does not include associated FILEINFO records - as a targetset (FILEINFO record) can be associated with events from multiple installers over time. |
#e.g a logfile common to installers, or a separate installer that updates a previous output. |
method as_record {} { |
set eventrecords [list] |
foreach eobj [my events items] { |
lappend eventrecords [$eobj as_record] |
} |
set fields [list\ |
-tsiso $o_tsiso\ |
-ts $o_ts\ |
-name $o_name\ |
-keep_events $o_keep_events\ |
body $eventrecords\ |
] |
set record [dict create tag INSTALLER {*}$fields] |
} |
#open file and save only own records |
method save_all_records {} { |
my save_installer_record |
#todo - save FILEINFO targetset records |
} |
method save_installer_record {} { |
set file_records [punkcheck::load_records_from_file $o_checkfile] |
set this_installer_record [my as_record] |
set persistedinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_installer_record $o_name $file_records] |
set existing_header_posn [dict get $persistedinfo position] |
if {$existing_header_posn == -1} { |
set file_records [linsert $file_records 0 $this_installer_record] |
} else { |
lset file_records $existing_header_posn $this_installer_record |
} |
punkcheck::save_records_to_file $file_records $o_checkfile |
} |
method events {args} { |
tailcall $o_events {*}$args |
} |
method start_event {configdict} { |
if {$o_active_event ne ""} { |
error "[self] start_event error - event already started: $o_active_event" |
} |
if {$o_rel_sourceroot eq "" || $o_rel_targetroot eq ""} { |
error "[self] No configured sourceroot or targetroot. Call [self] set_source_target <abspath_sourceroot> <abspath_targetroot> first" |
} |
if {[llength $configdict] %2 != 0} { |
error "[self] new_event configdict must have an even number of elements" |
} |
set resultinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_installer_record $o_name $o_record_list] |
set existing_header_posn [dict get $resultinfo position] |
if {$existing_header_posn == -1} { |
error "[self] start_event - installer record missing. installer: $o_name" |
} else { |
set this_installer_record [dict get $resultinfo record] |
} |
set eventobj [punkcheck::installevent create [namespace current]::event_[my events count] [self] $o_rel_sourceroot $o_rel_targetroot -config $configdict] |
set eventid [$eventobj get_id] |
set event_record [$eventobj as_record] |
set this_installer_record [punkcheck::recordlist::installer_record_add_event $this_installer_record $event_record] |
set this_installer_record [punkcheck::recordlist::installer_record_pruneevents $this_installer_record $o_record_list] |
#replace |
lset o_record_list $existing_header_posn $this_installer_record |
punkcheck::save_records_to_file $o_record_list $o_checkfile |
set o_active_event $eventobj |
my events add $eventobj $eventid |
return $eventobj |
} |
method installer_record_from_file {} { |
set resultinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_installer_record $o_name $o_record_list] |
} |
method get_recordlist {} { |
return $o_recordlist |
} |
method end_event {} { |
if {$o_active_event eq ""} { |
error "[self] end_event error - no active event" |
} |
$o_active_event end |
} |
method get_event {} { |
return $o_active_event |
} |
} |
} |
proc start_installer_event {punkcheck_file installername from_fullpath to_fullpath config} { |
set eventid [punkcheck::uuid] |
if {[file pathtype $from_fullpath] ne "absolute"} { |
error "start_installer_event error: from_fullpath must be absolute path. Received '$from_fullpath'" |
} |
if {[file pathtype $to_fullpath] ne "absolute"} { |
error "start_installer_event error: to_fullpath must be absolute path. Received '$to_fullpath'" |
} |
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname $punkcheck_file] |
set rel_source [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $from_fullpath] |
set rel_target [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $to_fullpath] |
set record_list [punkcheck::load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file] |
set resultinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_installer_record $installername $record_list] |
set existing_header_posn [dict get $resultinfo position] |
if {$existing_header_posn == -1} { |
set this_installer_record [punkcheck::recordlist::new_installer_record $installername] |
} else { |
set this_installer_record [dict get $resultinfo record] |
} |
set event_record [punkcheck::recordlist::new_installer_event_record install\ |
-id $eventid\ |
-source $rel_source\ |
-targets $rel_target\ |
-config $config\ |
] |
set this_installer_record [punkcheck::recordlist::installer_record_add_event $this_installer_record $event_record] |
set this_installer_record [punkcheck::recordlist::installer_record_pruneevents $this_installer_record $record_list] |
if {$existing_header_posn == -1} { |
#not found - prepend |
set record_list [linsert $record_list 0 $this_installer_record] |
} else { |
#replace |
lset record_list $existing_header_posn $this_installer_record |
} |
punkcheck::save_records_to_file $record_list $punkcheck_file |
return [list eventid $eventid recordset $record_list] |
} |
#----------------------------------------------- |
proc installfile_help {} { |
set msg "" |
append msg "Call in order:" \n |
append msg " start_installer_event (get dict with eventid and recordset keys)" |
append msg " installfile_begin (to return a new INSTALLING record) - must pass in a valid eventid" \n |
append msg " installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata (1+ times to update SOURCE record with checksum/timestamp info from source)" \n |
append msg " ( - possibly with same algorithm as previous installrecord)" \n |
append msg " ( - todo - search/load metadata for this source from other FILEINFO records for same installer)" \n |
append msg "Finalize by calling:" \n |
append msg " installfile_started_install" \n |
append msg " (install the file e.g file copy)" \n |
append msg " installfile_finished_install" \n |
append msg " OR" \n |
append msg " installfile_skipped_install" \n |
} |
proc installfile_begin {punkcheck_folder target_relpath installername args} { |
if {[llength $args] %2 !=0} { |
error "punkcheck installfile_begin args must be name-value pairs" |
} |
set target_relpath [lsort -dictionary -increasing $target_relpath] ;#exact sort order not critical - but must be consistent |
set ts [clock microseconds] |
set seconds [expr {$ts / 1000000}] |
set tsiso [clock format $seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"] |
set defaults [list\ |
-tsiso $tsiso\ |
-ts $ts\ |
-installer $installername\ |
-eventid unspecified\ |
] |
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args] |
set opt_eventid [dict get $opts -eventid] |
set punkcheck_file [file join $punkcheck_folder/.punkcheck] |
set record_list [load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file] |
set resultinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_installer_record $installername $record_list] |
set installer_record_position [dict get $resultinfo position] |
if {$installer_record_position == -1} { |
error "installfile_begin error: Failed to retrieve installer record for installer name:'$installername' - ensure start_installer_event has been called with same installer, and -eventid is passed to installfile_begin" |
} |
set this_installer_record [dict get $resultinfo record] |
set events [dict get $this_installer_record body] |
set active_event [list] |
foreach evt [lreverse $events] { |
if {[dict get $evt -id] eq $opt_eventid} { |
set active_event $evt |
break |
} |
} |
if {![llength $active_event]} { |
error "installfile_begin error: eventid $opt_eventid not found for installer '$installername' - aborting" |
} |
set extractioninfo [punkcheck::recordlist::extract_or_create_fileset_record $target_relpath $record_list] |
set file_record [dict get $extractioninfo record] |
set record_list [dict get $extractioninfo recordset] |
set isnew [dict get $extractioninfo isnew] |
set oldposition [dict get $extractioninfo oldposition] |
unset extractioninfo |
#-installer and -eventid keys are added here |
set new_installing_record [dict create tag INSTALL-INPROGRESS {*}$opts -tempcontext $active_event body {}] |
#set existing_body [dict_getwithdefault $file_record body [list]] |
#todo - look for existing "INSTALL-INPROGRESS" records - mark as failed? |
dict lappend file_record body $new_installing_record |
if {$isnew} { |
lappend record_list $file_record |
} else { |
set record_list [linsert $record_list[unset record_list] $oldposition $file_record] |
} |
save_records_to_file $record_list $punkcheck_file |
return $file_record |
} |
#todo - ensure that removing a dependency is noticed as a change |
#e.g previous installrecord had 2 source records - but we now only depend on one. |
#The files we depended on for the previous record haven't changed themselves - but the list of files has (reduced by one) |
#cached_cksums is list of dicts with keys cksum & opts |
#Will only be used if any opts values present match those from file_record's -cksum_all_opts (in last install record) or first cached_cksum will be used if no last install record values |
proc installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata {punkcheck_folder source_relpath file_record {cached_cksums {}}} { |
if {![lib::is_file_record_inprogress $file_record]} { |
error "installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element *-INPROGRESS ($file_record)" |
} |
#validate any passed cached_cksums |
foreach cacheinfo $cached_cksums { |
if {[llength $cacheinfo] % 2 != 0} { |
error "installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata error.If cached_cksums is supplied, it must be a list of dicts containing keys cksum & opts" |
} |
dict for {k v} $cacheinfo { |
switch -- $k { |
cksum {} |
opts { |
#todo - validate $v keys |
} |
default { |
error "installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata error. Unrecognised key $k. Known keys {cksum opts}" |
} |
} |
} |
} |
set ts_start [clock microseconds] |
set last_installrecord [lib::file_record_get_last_installrecord $file_record] |
set prev_ftype "" |
set prev_fsize "" |
set prev_cksum "" |
set prev_cksum_opts "" |
if {[llength $last_installrecord]} { |
set src [lib::install_record_get_matching_source_record $last_installrecord $source_relpath] |
if {[llength $src]} { |
if {[dict_getwithdefault $src -path ""] eq $source_relpath} { |
set prev_ftype [dict_getwithdefault $src -type ""] |
set prev_fsize [dict_getwithdefault $src -size ""] |
set prev_cksum [dict_getwithdefault $src -cksum ""] |
set prev_cksum_opts [dict_getwithdefault $src -cksum_all_opts ""] |
} |
} |
} |
#check that this relpath not already added as child of *-INPROGRESS |
set file_record_body [dict_getwithdefault $file_record body [list]] ;#new file_record may have no body |
set installing_record [lindex $file_record_body end] |
set already_present_record [lib::install_record_get_matching_source_record $installing_record $source_relpath] |
if {[llength $already_present_record]} { |
error "installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata error: source path $source_relpath already exists in the file_record - cannot add again" |
} |
set use_cache 0 |
if {$prev_cksum_opts ne ""} { |
set cksum_opts $prev_cksum_opts |
#find first cached_cksum that is compatible with cksum opts used in latest install record |
foreach cacheinfo $cached_cksums { |
set cachedopts [dict get $cacheinfo opts] |
set cache_is_match 1 |
dict for {k v} $cachedopts { |
if {[dict exists $prev_cksum_opts $k] && $v ne [dict get $prev_cksum_opts $k]} { |
set cache_is_match 0 |
break |
} |
} |
if {$cache_is_match} { |
set use_cache_record $cacheinfo |
set use_cache 1 |
break |
} |
} |
} else { |
#no cksum opts available from an install record |
set cksum_opts "" |
#use first entry in cached_cksums if we can |
if {[llength $cached_cksums]} { |
set use_cache 1 |
set use_cache_record [lindex $cached_cksums 0] |
} |
} |
#todo - accept argument of cached source cksum info (for client calling multiple targets with same source in quick succession e.g when building .vfs kits with multiple runtimes) |
#if same cksum_opts - then use cached data instead of checksumming here. |
#allow nonexistant as a source |
set fpath [file join $punkcheck_folder $source_relpath] |
if {![file exists $fpath]} { |
set ftype "missing" |
set fsize "" |
} else { |
set ftype [file type $fpath] |
if {$ftype eq "directory"} { |
set fsize "NA" |
} else { |
#todo - optionally use mtime instead of cksum (for files only)? |
#mtime is not reliable across platforms and filesystems though.. see article linked at top. |
set fsize [file size $fpath] |
} |
} |
#get_relativecksum_from_base and fill_relativecksums_from_base_and_relativepathdict will set cksum to <PATHNOTFOUND> if fpath doesn't exist |
if {$use_cache} { |
set source_cksum_info [punk::mix::base::lib::fill_relativecksums_from_base_and_relativepathdict $punkcheck_folder [dict create $source_relpath $use_cache_record]] |
} else { |
set source_cksum_info [punk::mix::base::lib::get_relativecksum_from_base $punkcheck_folder $source_relpath {*}$cksum_opts] |
} |
lassign $source_cksum_info pathkey ckinfo |
if {$pathkey ne $source_relpath} { |
error "installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata error: cksum returned wrong path info '$pathkey' expected '$source_relpath'" |
} |
set cksum [dict get $ckinfo cksum] |
#set cksum_all_opts [dict get $ckinfo cksum_all_opts] |
set cksum_all_opts [dict get $ckinfo opts] |
if {$cksum ne $prev_cksum || $ftype ne $prev_ftype || $fsize ne $prev_fsize} { |
set changed 1 |
} else { |
set changed 0 |
} |
set installing_record_sources [dict_getwithdefault $installing_record body [list]] |
set ts_now [clock microseconds] ;#gathering metadata - especially checsums on folder can take some time - calc and store elapsed us for time taken to gather metadata |
set metadata_us [expr {$ts_now - $ts_start}] |
set this_source_record [dict create tag SOURCE -type $ftype -size $fsize -path $source_relpath -cksum $cksum -cksum_all_opts $cksum_all_opts -changed $changed -metadata_us $metadata_us] |
lappend installing_record_sources $this_source_record |
dict set installing_record body $installing_record_sources |
lset file_record_body end $installing_record |
dict set file_record body $file_record_body |
return $file_record |
} |
#write back to punkcheck - don't accept recordset - invalid to update anything other than the installing_record at this time |
proc installfile_started_install {punkcheck_folder file_record} { |
if {![lib::is_file_record_inprogress $file_record]} { |
error "installfile_started_install error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element *-INPROGRESS" |
} |
set punkcheck_file [file join $punkcheck_folder/.punkcheck] |
set record_list [load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file] |
set file_record_body [dict get $file_record body] |
set targetlist [dict get $file_record -targets] |
set installing_record [lindex $file_record_body end] |
set ts_start [dict get $installing_record -ts] |
set ts_now [clock microseconds] |
set metadata_us [expr {$ts_now - $ts_start}] |
dict set installing_record -metadata_us $metadata_us |
dict set installing_record -ts_start_transfer $ts_now |
lset file_record_body end $installing_record |
dict set file_record body $file_record_body |
set getresult [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $targetlist $record_list] |
set old_posn [dict get $getresult position] |
if {$old_posn == -1} { |
lappend record_list $file_record |
} else { |
lset record_list $old_posn $file_record |
} |
save_records_to_file $record_list $punkcheck_file |
return $file_record |
} |
proc installfile_finished_install {punkcheck_folder file_record} { |
if {![lib::is_file_record_inprogress $file_record]} { |
error "installfile_finished_install error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element *-INPROGRESS" |
} |
set punkcheck_file [file join $punkcheck_folder/.punkcheck] |
set record_list [load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file] |
set file_record_body [dict get $file_record body] |
set targetlist [dict get $file_record -targets] |
set installing_record [lindex $file_record_body end] |
set ts_start [dict get $installing_record -ts] |
set ts_start_transfer [dict get $installing_record -ts_start_transfer] |
set ts_now [clock microseconds] |
set elapsed_us [expr {$ts_now - $ts_start}] |
set transfer_us [expr {$ts_now - $ts_start_transfer}] |
dict set installing_record -transfer_us $transfer_us |
dict set installing_record -elapsed_us $elapsed_us |
dict unset installing_record -tempcontext |
dict set installing_record tag "INSTALL-RECORD" |
lset file_record_body end $installing_record |
dict set file_record body $file_record_body |
set file_record [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_prune $file_record] |
set oldrecordinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $targetlist $record_list] |
set old_posn [dict get $oldrecordinfo position] |
if {$old_posn == -1} { |
lappend record_list $file_record |
} else { |
lset record_list $old_posn $file_record |
} |
save_records_to_file $record_list $punkcheck_file |
return $file_record |
} |
proc installfile_skipped_install {punkcheck_folder file_record} { |
if {![lib::is_file_record_inprogress $file_record]} { |
set msg "installfile_skipped_install error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element *-INPROGRESS" |
append msg \n "received:" |
append msg \n $file_record |
error $msg |
} |
set punkcheck_file [file join $punkcheck_folder/.punkcheck] |
set record_list [load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file] |
set file_record_body [dict get $file_record body] |
set targetlist [dict get $file_record -targets] |
set installing_record [lindex $file_record_body end] |
set ts_start [dict get $installing_record -ts] |
set tsnow [clock microseconds] |
set elapsed_us [expr {$tsnow - $ts_start}] |
dict set installing_record -elapsed_us $elapsed_us |
dict set installing_record tag "INSTALL-SKIPPED" |
lset file_record_body end $installing_record |
dict set file_record body $file_record_body |
set file_record [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_prune $file_record] |
set getresult [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $targetlist $record_list] |
set old_posn [dict get $getresult position] |
if {$old_posn == -1} { |
lappend record_list $file_record |
} else { |
lset record_list $old_posn $file_record |
} |
save_records_to_file $record_list $punkcheck_file |
return $file_record |
} |
#----------------------------------------------- |
#then: file_record_add_installrecord |
namespace eval lib { |
set pkg punkcheck |
namespace path ::punkcheck |
proc is_file_record_inprogress {file_record} { |
if {[dict get $file_record tag] ne "FILEINFO"} { |
return 0 |
} |
set installing_record [lindex [dict_getwithdefault $file_record body [list]] end] |
return 0 |
} |
return 1 |
} |
proc is_file_record_installing {file_record} { |
if {[dict get $file_record tag] ne "FILEINFO"} { |
return 0 |
} |
set installing_record [lindex [dict_getwithdefault $file_record body [list]] end] |
if {[dict_getwithdefault $installing_record tag [list]] ne "INSTALL-INPROGRESS"} { |
return 0 |
} |
return 1 |
} |
proc file_record_get_last_installrecord {file_record} { |
set body [dict_getwithdefault $file_record body [list]] |
set previous_install_records [lrange $body 0 end-1] |
#get last previous that is tagged INSTALL-RECORD,MODIFY-RECORD,VIRTUAL-RECORD |
set revlist [lreverse $previous_install_records] |
foreach rec $revlist { |
if {[dict get $rec tag] in [list "INSTALL-RECORD" "MODIFY-RECORD" "VIRTUAL-RECORD"]} { |
return $rec |
} |
} |
return [list] |
} |
#should work on *-INPROGRESS or INSTALL(etc) record - don't restrict tag to INSTALL |
proc install_record_get_matching_source_record {install_record source_relpath} { |
set body [dict_getwithdefault $install_record body [list]] |
foreach src $body { |
if {[dict get $src tag] eq "SOURCE"} { |
if {[dict_getwithdefault $src -path ""] eq $source_relpath} { |
return $src |
} |
} |
} |
return [list] |
} |
#maint warning - also in punk::mix::util |
proc path_relative {base dst} { |
#see also kettle |
# Modified copy of ::fileutil::relative (tcllib) |
# Adapted to 8.5 ({*}). |
# |
# Taking two _directory_ paths, a base and a destination, computes the path |
# of the destination relative to the base. |
# |
# Arguments: |
# base The path to make the destination relative to. |
# dst The destination path |
# |
# Results: |
# The path of the destination, relative to the base. |
# Ensure that the link to directory 'dst' is properly done relative to |
# the directory 'base'. |
#review - check volume info on windows.. UNC paths? |
if {[file pathtype $base] ne [file pathtype $dst]} { |
return -code error "Unable to compute relation for paths of different pathtypes: [file pathtype $base] vs. [file pathtype $dst], ($base vs. $dst)" |
} |
#avoid normalizing if possible - at least for relative paths which we are likely to loop on (file normalize *very* expensive on windows) |
set do_normalize 0 |
if {[file pathtype $base] eq "relative"} { |
#if base is relative so is dst |
if {[regexp {[.]{2}} [list $base $dst]]} { |
set do_normalize 1 |
} |
if {[regexp {[.]/} [list $base $dst]]} { |
set do_normalize 1 |
} |
} else { |
#case differences in volumes is common on windows |
set do_normalize 1 |
} |
if {$do_normalize} { |
set base [file normalize $base] |
set dst [file normalize $dst] |
} |
set save $dst |
set base [file split $base] |
set dst [file split $dst] |
while {[lindex $dst 0] eq [lindex $base 0]} { |
set dst [lrange $dst 1 end] |
set base [lrange $base 1 end] |
if {![llength $dst]} {break} |
} |
set dstlen [llength $dst] |
set baselen [llength $base] |
if {($dstlen == 0) && ($baselen == 0)} { |
# Cases: |
# (a) base == dst |
set dst . |
} else { |
# Cases: |
# (b) base is: base/sub = sub |
# dst is: base = {} |
# (c) base is: base = {} |
# dst is: base/sub = sub |
while {$baselen > 0} { |
set dst [linsert $dst 0 ..] |
incr baselen -1 |
} |
set dst [file join {*}$dst] |
} |
return $dst |
} |
} |
#skip writing punkcheck during checksum/timestamp checks |
proc install_tm_files {srcdir basedir args} { |
set defaults [list\ |
-glob *.tm\ |
-antiglob_file [list "*[punk::mix::util::magic_tm_version]*"]\ |
-installer punkcheck::install_tm_files\ |
] |
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args] |
punkcheck::install $srcdir $basedir {*}$opts |
} |
proc install_non_tm_files {srcdir basedir args} { |
#set keys [dict keys $args] |
#adjust the default antiglob_dir_core entries so that .fossil-custom, .fossil-settings are copied |
set antiglob_dir_core [punkcheck::default_antiglob_dir_core] |
set posn [lsearch $antiglob_dir_core ".fossil*"] |
if {$posn >=0} { |
set antiglob_dir_core [lreplace $antiglob_dir_core $posn $posn] |
} |
set defaults [list\ |
-glob *\ |
-antiglob_file [list "*.tm" "*-buildversion.txt" "*.exe"]\ |
-antiglob_dir_core $antiglob_dir_core\ |
-installer punkcheck::install_non_tm_files\ |
] |
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args] |
punkcheck::install $srcdir $basedir {*}$opts |
} |
#for tcl8.6 - tcl8.7+ has dict getwithdefault (dict getdef) |
proc dict_getwithdefault {dictValue args} { |
if {[llength $args] < 2} { |
error {wrong # args: should be "dict_getdef dictionary ?key ...? key default"} |
} |
set keys [lrange $args 0 end-1] |
if {[dict exists $dictValue {*}$keys]} { |
return [dict get $dictValue {*}$keys] |
} else { |
return [lindex $args end] |
} |
} |
## unidirectional file transfer to possibly non empty folder |
#default of -overwrite no-targets will only copy files that are missing at the target |
# -overwrite newer-targets will copy files with older source timestamp over newer target timestamp and those missing at the target (a form of 'restore' operation) |
# -overwrite older-targets will copy files with newer source timestamp over older target timestamp and those missing at the target |
# -overwrite all-targets will copy regardless of timestamp at target |
# -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets will copy if the target doesn't exist or the source changed |
# -overwrite synced-targets will copy if the target doesn't exist or the source changed and the target cksum is the same as the last INSTALL-RECORD targets_cksums entry |
# review - timestamps unreliable |
# - what about slightly mismatched system clocks and mounted filesystems? caller responsibility to verify first? |
# if timestamp exactly equal - should we check content-hash? This is presumably only likely to occur deliberately(maliciously?) |
# e.g some process that digitally signs or otherwise modifies a file and preserves update timestmp? |
# if such a content-mismatch - what default behaviour and what options would make sense? |
# probably it's reasonable that only all-targets would overwrite such files. |
# consider -source_fudge_seconds +-X ?, -source_override_timestamp ts ??? etc which only adjust timestamp for calculation purposes? Define a specific need/usecase when reviewing. |
# |
# valid filetypes for src tgt |
# src dir tgt dir |
# todo - review and consider enabling symlink src and dst |
# no need for src file - as we use -glob with no glob characters to match one source file file |
# no ability to target file with different name - keep it simpler and caller will have to use an intermediate folder/file if they need to rename something? |
# |
# todo - determine what happens if mismatch between file type of a src vs target e.g target has dir matching filename at source |
# A pre-scan to determine no such conflict - before attempting to copy anything might provide the most integrity at slight cost in speed. |
# REVIEW we should only expect dirs to be created as necessary to hold files? i.e target folder won't be created if no source file matches for that folder |
# -source_checksum compare|store|comparestore|false|true where true == comparestore |
# -punkcheck_folder target|source|project|<absolutepath> target is default and is generally recommended |
# -punkcheck_records empty string | parsed TDL records ie {tag xxx k v} structure |
# install creates FILEINFO records with a single entry in the -targets field (it is legitimate to have a list of targets for an installation operation - the oo interface supports this) |
proc install {srcdir tgtdir args} { |
set defaults [list\ |
-call-depth-internal 0\ |
-max_depth 1000\ |
-subdirlist {}\ |
-createdir 0\ |
-glob *\ |
-antiglob_file_core "\uFFFF"\ |
-antiglob_file "" \ |
-antiglob_dir_core "\uFFFF"\ |
-antiglob_dir {}\ |
-antiglob_paths {}\ |
-overwrite no-targets\ |
-source_checksum comparestore\ |
-punkcheck_folder target\ |
-punkcheck_eventid "\uFFFF"\ |
-punkcheck_records ""\ |
-installer punkcheck::install\ |
] |
if {([llength $args] %2) != 0} { |
error "punkcheck::install requires option-style arguments to be in pairs. Received args: $args" |
} |
foreach {k -} $args { |
if {$k ni [dict keys $defaults]} { |
error "punkcheck::install unrecognised option '$k' known options: '[dict keys $defaults]'" |
} |
} |
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args] |
#The choice to recurse using the original values of srcdir & tgtdir, and passing the subpath down as a list in -subdirlist seems an odd one. |
#(as opposed to a more 'standard' mechanism of adjusting srcdir & tgtdir as we move down the tree) |
#It comes from build_modules_from_source_to_base where we need to keep track of position relative to our targetdir starting point to handle submodules e.g |
#It could have been handled with some other parameter such as -depth, but this -subdirlist mechanism, whilst perhaps not beautiful, is straightforward enough |
#and may be less error prone than doing slightly more opaue path manipulations at each recursion level to determine where we started |
#For consistency - we'll use the same mechanism in various recursive directory walking procedures such as this one. |
set CALLDEPTH [dict get $opts -call-depth-internal] ;#added for extra debug/sanity checking - clearer test for initial function call ie CALLDPEPTH = 0 |
set max_depth [dict get $opts -max_depth] ;# -1 for no limit |
set subdirlist [dict get $opts -subdirlist] ;# generally should be same length as CALLDEPTH - but user could prefill |
set fileglob [dict get $opts -glob] |
set createdir [dict get $opts -createdir] ;#defaults to zero to help avoid mistakes with initial target dir - required target subdirs are created regardless of this setting |
if {$CALLDEPTH == 0} { |
#expensive to normalize but we need to do it at least once |
set srcdir [file normalize $srcdir] |
set tgtdir [file normalize $tgtdir] |
if {$createdir} { |
file mkdir $tgtdir |
} |
#now the values we build from these will be properly cased |
} |
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
set opt_antiglob_file_core [dict get $opts -antiglob_file_core] |
if {$opt_antiglob_file_core eq "\uFFFF"} { |
set opt_antiglob_file_core [default_antiglob_file_core] |
dict set opts -antiglob_file_core $opt_antiglob_file_core |
} |
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
set opt_antiglob_file [dict get $opts -antiglob_file] |
#validate no path seps |
foreach af $opt_antiglob_file { |
if {[llength [file split $af]] > 1} { |
error "punkcheck::install received invalid -antiglob_file entry '$af'. -antiglob_file entries are meant to match to a file name at any level so cannot contain path separators" |
} |
} |
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
set opt_antiglob_dir_core [dict get $opts -antiglob_dir_core] |
if {$opt_antiglob_dir_core eq "\uFFFF"} { |
set opt_antiglob_dir_core [default_antiglob_dir_core] |
dict set opts -antiglob_dir_core $opt_antiglob_dir_core |
} |
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
set opt_antiglob_dir [dict get $opts -antiglob_dir] |
#validate no path seps |
foreach ad $opt_antiglob_dir { |
if {[llength [file split $ad]] > 1} { |
error "punkcheck::install received invalid -antiglob_dir entry '$ad'. -antiglob_dir entries are meant to match to a directory name at any level so cannot contain path separators" |
} |
} |
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
set opt_antiglob_paths [dict get $opts -antiglob_paths] ;#todo - combine with config file in source tree .punkcheckpublish (?) |
#antiglob_paths will usually contain file separators - and may contain glob patterns within each segment |
set antiglob_paths_matched [list] |
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
set known_whats [list no-targets newer-targets older-targets all-targets installedsourcechanged-targets synced-targets] |
set overwrite_what [string tolower [dict get $opts -overwrite]]; #accept any case for value to allow emphasis by caller e.g -overwrite NEWER-TARGETS |
if {$overwrite_what ni $known_whats} { |
error "punkcheck::install received unrecognised value for -overwrite. Received value '$overwrite_what' vs known values '$known_whats'" |
} |
if {$overwrite_what in [list newer-targets older-targets]} { |
error "punkcheck::install newer-target, older-targets not implemented - sorry" |
#TODO - check crossplatform availability of ctime (on windows it still seems to be creation time, but on bsd/linux it's last attribute mod time) |
# external pkg? use twapi and ctime only on other platforms? |
} |
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
set opt_source_checksum [dict get $opts -source_checksum] |
if {[string is boolean $opt_source_checksum]} { |
if {$opt_source_checksum} { |
set opt_source_checksum "comparestore" |
} else { |
set opt_source_checksum 0 |
} |
dict set opts -source_checksum $opt_source_checksum |
} |
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
set opt_punkcheck_folder [dict get $opts -punkcheck_folder] |
if {$opt_punkcheck_folder eq "target"} { |
set punkcheck_folder $tgtdir |
} elseif {$opt_punkcheck_folder eq "source"} { |
set punkcheck_folder $srcdir |
} elseif {$opt_punkcheck_folder eq "project"} { |
set sourceprojectinfo [punk::repo::find_repos $srcdir] |
set targetprojectinfo [punk::repo::find_repos $tgtdir] |
set srcproj [lindex [dict get $sourceprojectinfo project] 0] |
set tgtproj [lindex [dict get $targetprojectinfo project] 0] |
if {$srcproj eq $tgtproj} { |
set punkcheck_folder $tgtproj |
} else { |
error "copy_files_from_source_to_target error: Unable to find common project dir for source and target folder - use absolutepath for -punkcheck_folder if source and target are not within same project" |
} |
} else { |
set punkcheck_folder $opt_punkcheck_folder |
} |
if {$punkcheck_folder ne ""} { |
if {[file pathtype $punkcheck_folder] ne "absolute"} { |
error "copy_files_from_source_to_target error: -punkcheck_folder '$punkcheck_folder' must be an absolute path, or one of: target|source|project" |
} |
if {![file isdirectory $punkcheck_folder]} { |
error "copy_files_from_source_to_target error: -punkcheck_folder '$punkcheck_folder' not found" |
} |
} else { |
#review - leave empty? use pwd? |
} |
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
set punkcheck_records [dict get $opts -punkcheck_records] |
set punkcheck_records_init $punkcheck_records ;#change-detection |
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
set opt_installer [dict get $opts -installer] |
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
set opt_punkcheck_eventid [dict get $opts -punkcheck_eventid] |
set punkcheck_file [file join $punkcheck_folder/.punkcheck] |
if {$CALLDEPTH == 0} { |
set punkcheck_eventid "<invalid>" |
if {$punkcheck_folder ne ""} { |
set config $opts |
dict unset config -call-depth-internal |
dict unset config -max_depth |
dict unset config -subdirlist |
tcl::dict::for {k v} $config { |
if {$v eq "\uFFFF"} { |
dict unset config $k |
} |
} |
lassign [punkcheck::start_installer_event $punkcheck_file $opt_installer $srcdir $tgtdir $config] _eventid punkcheck_eventid _recordset punkcheck_records |
} |
} else { |
set punkcheck_eventid $opt_punkcheck_eventid |
} |
if {$opt_source_checksum != 0} { |
#we need to read the file even if only set to store (or we would overwrite entries) |
set compare_cksums 1 |
} else { |
set compare_cksums 0 |
} |
if {[string match *store* $opt_source_checksum]} { |
set store_source_cksums 1 |
} else { |
set store_source_cksums 0 |
} |
if {[llength $subdirlist] == 0} { |
set current_source_dir $srcdir |
set current_target_dir $tgtdir |
} else { |
set current_source_dir $srcdir/[file join {*}$subdirlist] |
set current_target_dir $tgtdir/[file join {*}$subdirlist] |
} |
set relative_target_dir [lib::path_relative $tgtdir $current_target_dir] |
if {$relative_target_dir eq "."} { |
set relative_target_dir "" |
} |
set relative_source_dir [lib::path_relative $srcdir $current_source_dir] |
if {$relative_source_dir eq "."} { |
set relative_source_dir "" |
} |
set target_relative_to_punkcheck_dir [lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $current_target_dir] |
if {$target_relative_to_punkcheck_dir eq "."} { |
set target_relative_to_punkcheck_dir "" |
} |
foreach unpub $opt_antiglob_paths { |
#puts "testing folder - globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir" |
if {[punk::path::globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir]} { |
lappend antiglob_paths_matched $current_source_dir |
return [list files_copied {} files_skipped {} sources_unchanged {} punkcheck_records $punkcheck_records antiglob_paths_matched $antiglob_paths_matched srcdir $srcdir tgtdir $tgtdir punkcheck_folder $punkcheck_folder] |
} |
} |
if {![file exists $current_source_dir]} { |
error "copy_files_from_source_to_target current source dir:'$current_source_dir' doesn't exist (srcdir:$srcdir tgtdir:$tgtdir args:'$args')" |
} |
if {![file exists $current_target_dir]} { |
error "copy_files_from_source_to_target current target dir:'$current_target_dir' doesn't exist (srcdir:$srcdir tgtdir:$tgtdir args:'$args')" |
} |
if {([file type $current_source_dir] ni [list directory]) || ([file type $current_target_dir] ni [list directory])} { |
error "copy_files_from_source_to_target requires source and target dirs to be of type 'directory' type current source: [file type $current_source_dir] type current target: [file type $current_target_dir]" |
} |
set files_copied [list] |
set files_skipped [list] |
set sources_unchanged [list] |
set candidate_list [glob -nocomplain -dir $current_source_dir -type f -tail $fileglob] |
set hidden_candidate_list [glob -nocomplain -dir $current_source_dir -types {hidden f} -tail $fileglob] |
foreach h $hidden_candidate_list { |
if {$h ni $candidate_list} { |
lappend candidate_list $h |
} |
} |
set match_list [list] |
foreach m $candidate_list { |
set suppress 0 |
foreach anti [concat $opt_antiglob_file_core $opt_antiglob_file] { |
if {[string match $anti $m]} { |
#puts stderr "anti: $anti vs m:$m" |
set suppress 1 |
break |
} |
} |
if {$suppress == 0} { |
lappend match_list $m |
} |
} |
#sample .punkcheck file record (raw form) to make the code clearer |
#punk::tdl converts to dict form e.g: tag FILEINFO -targets filename body sublist |
# |
#FILEINFO -targets -keep_installrecords 2 -keep_skipped 1 -keep_inprogress 2 { |
# INSTALL-RECORD -tsiso 2023-09-20T07:30:30 -ts 1695159030266610 -installer punk::mix::cli::build_modules_from_source_to_base -metadata_us 18426 -ts_start_transfer 1695159030285036 -transfer_us 10194 -elapsed_us 28620 { |
# SOURCE -type file -path ../src/modules/jjjetc-buildversion.txt -cksum c7c71839c36b3d21c8370fed106192fcd659eca9 -cksum_all_opts {-cksum_content 1 -cksum_meta 0 -cksum_acls 0 -cksum_usetar 0 -cksum_algorithm sha1} -changed 1 -metadata_us 3423 |
# SOURCE -type file -path ../src/modules/ -cksum b646fc2ee88cbd068d2e946fe929b7aea96bd39d -cksum_all_opts {-cksum_content 1 -cksum_meta 0 -cksum_acls 0 -cksum_usetar 0 -cksum_algorithm sha1} -changed 1 -metadata_us 3413 |
# } |
# INSTALL-SKIPPED -tsiso 2023-09-20T08:14:26 -ts 1695161666087880 -installer punk::mix::cli::build_modules_from_source_to_base -elapsed_us 18914 { |
# SOURCE -type file -path ../src/modules/jjjetc-buildversion.txt -cksum c7c71839c36b3d21c8370fed106192fcd659eca9 -cksum_all_opts {-cksum_content 1 -cksum_meta 0 -cksum_acls 0 -cksum_usetar 0 -cksum_algorithm sha1} -changed 0 -metadata_us 3435 |
# SOURCE -type file -path ../src/modules/ -cksum b646fc2ee88cbd068d2e946fe929b7aea96bd39d -cksum_all_opts {-cksum_content 1 -cksum_meta 0 -cksum_acls 0 -cksum_usetar 0 -cksum_algorithm sha1} -changed 0 -metadata_us 3338 |
# } |
#} |
#proc get_relativecksum_from_base_and_fullpath {base fullpath args} |
#puts stdout "Current target dir: $current_target_dir" |
foreach m $match_list { |
set new_tgt_cksum_info [list] |
set relative_target_path [file join $relative_target_dir $m] |
set relative_source_path [file join $relative_source_dir $m] |
set punkcheck_target_relpath [file join $target_relative_to_punkcheck_dir $m] |
set is_antipath 0 |
foreach antipath $opt_antiglob_paths { |
#puts "testing file - globmatchpath $antipath vs $relative_source_path" |
if {[punk::path::globmatchpath $antipath $relative_source_path]} { |
lappend antiglob_paths_matched $current_source_dir |
set is_antipath 1 |
break |
} |
} |
if {$is_antipath} { |
continue |
} |
#puts stdout " checking file : $current_source_dir/$m" |
set ts_start [clock microseconds] |
set seconds [expr {$ts_start / 1000000}] |
set ts_start_iso [clock format $seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"] |
#puts stdout " rel_target: $punkcheck_target_relpath" |
set fetch_filerec_result [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $punkcheck_target_relpath $punkcheck_records] |
#change to use extract_or_create_fileset_record ? |
set existing_filerec_posn [dict get $fetch_filerec_result position] |
if {$existing_filerec_posn == -1} { |
puts stdout "NO existing record for $punkcheck_target_relpath" |
set has_filerec 0 |
set new_filerec [dict create tag FILEINFO -targets $punkcheck_target_relpath] |
set filerec $new_filerec |
} else { |
set has_filerec 1 |
#puts stdout " TDL existing FILEINFO record for $punkcheck_target_relpath" |
#puts stdout " $existing_install_record" |
set filerec [dict get $fetch_filerec_result record] |
} |
set filerec [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_set_defaults $filerec] |
#new INSTALLREC must be tagged as INSTALL-INPROGRESS to use recordlist::installfile_ method |
set new_install_record [dict create tag INSTALL-INPROGRESS -tsiso $ts_start_iso -ts $ts_start -installer $opt_installer -eventid $punkcheck_eventid] |
dict lappend filerec body $new_install_record ;#can't use recordlist::file_record_add_installrecord as '*-INPROGRESS' isn't a final tag - so pruning would be mucked up. No need to prune now anyway. |
unset new_install_record |
set relative_source_path [lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $current_source_dir/$m] |
#puts stdout " rel_source: $relative_source_path" |
if {[file pathtype $relative_source_path] ne "relative"} { |
#different volume or root |
} |
#Note this isn't a recordlist function - so it doesn't purely operate on the records |
#this hits the filesystem for the sourcepath - gets checksums/timestamps depending on config. |
#It doesn't save to .punkcheck (the only punkcheck::installfile_ method which doesn't) |
set filerec [punkcheck::installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata $punkcheck_folder $relative_source_path $filerec] |
#changeinfo comes from last record in body - which is the record we are working on and so will always exist |
set changeinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::file_install_record_source_changes [lindex [dict get $filerec body] end]] |
set changed [dict get $changeinfo changed] |
set unchanged [dict get $changeinfo unchanged] |
if {[llength $unchanged]} { |
lappend sources_unchanged $current_source_dir/$m |
} |
set is_skip 0 |
if {$overwrite_what eq "all-targets"} { |
file copy -force $current_source_dir/$m $current_target_dir |
lappend files_copied $current_source_dir/$m |
} else { |
if {![file exists $current_target_dir/$m]} { |
file copy $current_source_dir/$m $current_target_dir |
set new_tgt_cksum_info [punk::mix::base::lib::cksum_path $current_target_dir/$m] |
lappend files_copied $current_source_dir/$m |
incr filecount_new |
} else { |
switch -- $overwrite_what { |
installedsourcechanged-targets { |
if {[llength $changed]} { |
#An unrecorded installation is considered a source change (from unknown/unrecorded source to recorded) |
file copy -force $current_source_dir/$m $current_target_dir |
set new_tgt_cksum_info [punk::mix::base::lib::cksum_path $current_target_dir/$m] |
lappend files_copied $current_source_dir/$m |
} else { |
set is_skip 1 |
lappend files_skipped $current_source_dir/$m |
} |
} |
synced-targets { |
if {[llength $changed]} { |
#only overwrite if the target checksum equals the last installed checksum (ie target is in sync with source and so hasn't been customized) |
set existing_tgt_cksum_info [punk::mix::base::lib::cksum_path $current_target_dir/$m] |
set is_target_unmodified_since_install 0 |
set target_cksum_compare "unknown" |
set latest_install_record [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_latest_installrecord $filerec] ;#may be no such record - in which case we get an empty list |
if {[dict exists $latest_install_record -targets_cksums]} { |
set last_install_cksum [dict get $latest_install_record -targets_cksums] ;#in this case we know there is only one as 'install' always uses targetset size of 1. (FILEINFO record per file in source folder) |
if {[dict get $existing_tgt_cksum_info cksum] eq $last_install_cksum} { |
set is_target_unmodified_since_install 1 |
set target_cksum_compare "match" |
} else { |
set target_cksum_compare "nomatch" |
} |
} else { |
set target_cksum_compare "norecord" |
} |
if {$is_target_unmodified_since_install} { |
file copy -force $current_source_dir/$m $current_target_dir |
set new_tgt_cksum_info [punk::mix::base::lib::cksum_path $current_target_dir/$m] |
lappend files_copied $current_source_dir/$m |
} else { |
#either cksum is different or we were unable to verify the record. Either way we can't know if the target is in sync so we must skip it |
set is_skip 1 |
puts stderr "Skipping file copy $m target $current_target_dir/$m - require synced_target to overwrite - current target cksum compared to previous install: $target_cksum_compare" |
lappend files_skipped $current_source_dir/$m |
} |
} else { |
set is_skip 1 |
lappend files_skipped $current_source_dir/$m |
} |
} |
default { |
set is_skip 1 |
puts stderr "Skipping file copy $m target $current_target_dir/$m already exists (use -overwrite all-targets to overwrite)" |
#TODO! implement newer-targets older-targets? (note ctimes/mtimes are unreliable - may not be worth implementing) |
lappend files_skipped $current_source_dir/$m |
} |
} |
} |
} |
set ts_now [clock microseconds] |
set elapsed_us [expr {$ts_now - $ts_start}] |
#if {$store_source_cksums} { |
#} |
set install_records [dict get $filerec body] |
set current_install_record [lindex $install_records end] |
#change the tag from *-INPROGRESS to INSTALL-RECORD/SKIPPED |
if {$is_skip} { |
} else { |
} |
dict set current_install_record tag $tag |
dict set current_install_record -elapsed_us $elapsed_us |
if {[llength $new_tgt_cksum_info]} { |
dict set current_install_record -targets_cksums [list [dict get $new_tgt_cksum_info cksum]] |
dict set current_install_record -cksum_all_opts [dict get $new_tgt_cksum_info opts] |
} |
lset install_records end $current_install_record |
dict set filerec body $install_records |
set filerec [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_prune $filerec] ;#prune now that tag is finalized |
if {!$has_filerec} { |
#not found in original recordlist - append |
lappend punkcheck_records $filerec |
} else { |
lset punkcheck_records $existing_filerec_posn $filerec |
} |
} |
if {$max_depth != -1 && $CALLDEPTH >= $max_depth} { |
#don't process any more subdirs |
set subdirs [list] |
} else { |
set subdirs [glob -nocomplain -dir $current_source_dir -type d -tail *] |
set hiddensubdirs [glob -nocomplain -dir $current_source_dir -type {hidden d} -tail *] |
foreach h $hiddensubdirs { |
switch -- $h { |
"." - ".." { |
continue |
} |
default { |
if {$h ni $subdirs} { |
lappend subdirs $h |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
#puts stderr "subdirs: $subdirs" |
foreach d $subdirs { |
set skipd 0 |
foreach dg [concat $opt_antiglob_dir_core $opt_antiglob_dir] { |
if {[string match $dg $d]} { |
#puts stdout "SKIPPING FOLDER $d due to antiglob_dir-match: $dg " |
set skipd 1 |
break |
} |
} |
if {$skipd} { |
continue |
} |
set relative_source_path [file join $relative_source_dir $d] |
set is_antipath 0 |
foreach antipath $opt_antiglob_paths { |
#puts "testing folder - globmatchpath $antipath vs $relative_source_path" |
if {[punk::path::globmatchpath $antipath $relative_source_path]} { |
lappend antiglob_paths_matched [file join $current_source_dir $d] |
#puts stdout "SKIPPING FOLDER $relative_source_path due to antiglob_path-match: $antipath " |
set is_antipath 1 |
break |
} |
} |
if {$is_antipath} { |
continue |
} |
if {![file exists $current_target_dir/$d]} { |
file mkdir $current_target_dir/$d |
} |
set sub_opts_1 [list\ |
-call-depth-internal [expr {$CALLDEPTH + 1}]\ |
-subdirlist [list {*}$subdirlist $d]\ |
-glob $fileglob\ |
-antiglob_file_core $opt_antiglob_file_core\ |
-antiglob_file $opt_antiglob_file\ |
-antiglob_dir_core $opt_antiglob_dir_core\ |
-antiglob_dir $opt_antiglob_dir\ |
-overwrite $overwrite_what\ |
-source_checksum $opt_source_checksum\ |
-punkcheck_folder $punkcheck_folder\ |
-punkcheck_eventid $punkcheck_eventid\ |
-punkcheck_records $punkcheck_records\ |
-installer $opt_installer\ |
] |
set sub_opts [list\ |
-call-depth-internal [expr {$CALLDEPTH + 1}]\ |
-subdirlist [list {*}$subdirlist $d]\ |
-punkcheck_folder $punkcheck_folder\ |
-punkcheck_eventid $punkcheck_eventid\ |
-punkcheck_records $punkcheck_records\ |
] |
set sub_opts [dict merge $opts $sub_opts] |
set sub_result [punkcheck::install $srcdir $tgtdir {*}$sub_opts] |
lappend files_copied {*}[dict get $sub_result files_copied] |
lappend files_skipped {*}[dict get $sub_result files_skipped] |
lappend sources_unchanged {*}[dict get $sub_result sources_unchanged] |
lappend antiglob_paths_matched {*}[dict get $sub_result antiglob_paths_matched] |
set punkcheck_records [dict get $sub_result punkcheck_records] |
} |
if {[string match *store* $opt_source_checksum]} { |
#puts "subdirlist: $subdirlist" |
if {$CALLDEPTH == 0} { |
if {[llength $files_copied] || [llength $files_skipped]} { |
#puts stdout ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" |
set saveresult [punkcheck::save_records_to_file $punkcheck_records $punkcheck_file] |
puts stdout "punkcheck::install [dict get $saveresult recordcount] records saved as [dict get $saveresult linecount] lines to $punkcheck_file copied: [llength $files_copied] skipped: [llength $files_skipped]" |
#puts stdout ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" |
} else { |
#todo - write db INSTALLER record if -debug true |
} |
#puts stdout "sources_unchanged" |
#puts stdout "$sources_unchanged" |
#puts stdout "- -- --- --- --- ---" |
} |
} |
return [list files_copied $files_copied files_skipped $files_skipped sources_unchanged $sources_unchanged antiglob_paths_matched $antiglob_paths_matched punkcheck_records $punkcheck_records punkcheck_folder $punkcheck_folder srcdir $srcdir tgtdir $tgtdir] |
} |
proc summarize_install_resultdict {resultdict} { |
set msg "" |
if {[dict size $resultdict]} { |
set copied [dict get $resultdict files_copied] |
append msg "--------------------------" \n |
append msg "[dict keys $resultdict]" \n |
set tgtdir [dict get $resultdict tgtdir] |
set checkfolder [dict get $resultdict punkcheck_folder] |
append msg "Copied [llength $copied] files from [dict get $resultdict srcdir] to [dict get $resultdict tgtdir]" \n |
foreach f $copied { |
append msg "COPIED [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $checkfolder $f]" \n |
append msg " TO $tgtdir" \n |
} |
append msg "[llength [dict get $resultdict sources_unchanged]] unchanged source files" \n |
append msg "[llength [dict get $resultdict files_skipped]] skipped files" \n |
append msg "--------------------------" \n |
} |
return $msg |
} |
namespace eval recordlist { |
set pkg punkcheck |
namespace path ::punkcheck |
proc records_as_target_dict {record_list} { |
set result [dict create] |
foreach rec $record_list { |
if {[dict get $rec tag] eq "FILEINFO"} { |
set tgtlist [dict get $rec -targets] |
dict set result $tgtlist $rec |
} |
} |
return $result |
} |
#will only match if same base was used.. and same targetlist |
proc get_file_record {targetlist record_list} { |
set posn 0 |
set found_posn -1 |
set record "" |
foreach rec $record_list { |
if {[dict get $rec tag] eq "FILEINFO"} { |
if {[dict get $rec -targets] eq $targetlist} { |
set found_posn $posn |
set record $rec |
break |
} |
} |
incr posn |
} |
return [list position $found_posn record $record] |
} |
proc file_install_record_source_changes {install_record} { |
#reject INSTALLFAILED items ? |
switch -- [dict get $install_record tag] { |
} |
default { |
} |
} |
set source_list [dict_getwithdefault $install_record body [list]] |
set changed [list] |
set unchanged [list] |
foreach src $source_list { |
if {[dict exists $src -changed]} { |
if {[dict get $src -changed] !=0} { |
lappend changed [dict get $src -path] |
} else { |
lappend unchanged [dict get $src -path] |
} |
} else { |
lappend changed [dict get $src -path] |
} |
} |
return [dict create changed $changed unchanged $unchanged] |
} |
#assume only one for name - use first encountered |
proc get_installer_record {name record_list} { |
set posn 0 |
set found_posn -1 |
set record "" |
#puts ">>>> checking [llength $record_list] punkcheck records" |
foreach rec $record_list { |
if {[dict get $rec tag] eq "INSTALLER"} { |
if {[dict get $rec -name] eq $name} { |
set found_posn $posn |
set record $rec |
break |
} |
} |
incr posn |
} |
return [list position $found_posn record $record] |
} |
proc new_installer_record {name args} { |
if {[llength $args] %2 !=0} { |
error "punkcheck new_installer_record args must be name-value pairs" |
} |
set ts [clock microseconds] |
set seconds [expr {$ts / 1000000}] |
set tsiso [clock format $seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"] |
#put -tsiso first so it lines up with -tsiso in event records |
set defaults [list\ |
-tsiso $tsiso\ |
-ts $ts\ |
-name $name\ |
-keep_events 5\ |
] |
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args] |
#set this_installer_record_list [punk::tdl::prettyparse [list INSTALLER name $opt_installer ts $ts tsiso $tsiso keep_events 5 {}]] |
#set this_installer_record [lindex $this_installer_record_list 0] |
set record [dict create tag INSTALLER {*}$opts body {}] |
return $record |
} |
proc new_installer_event_record {type args} { |
if {[llength $args] %2 !=0} { |
error "punkcheck new_installer_event_record args must be name-value pairs" |
} |
set ts [clock microseconds] |
set seconds [expr {$ts / 1000000}] |
set tsiso [clock format $seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"] |
set defaults [list\ |
-tsiso $tsiso\ |
-ts $ts\ |
-type $type\ |
] |
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args] |
set record [dict create tag EVENT {*}$opts] |
} |
#need to scan entire set if filerecords to check if event is still referenced |
proc installer_record_pruneevents {installer_record record_list} { |
set keep 5 |
if {[dict exists $installer_record -keep_events]} { |
set keep [dict get $installer_record -keep_events] |
} |
if {[dict exists $installer_record body]} { |
set body_items [dict get $installer_record body] |
} else { |
set body_items [list] |
} |
set kept_body_items [list] |
set kcount 0 |
foreach item [lreverse $body_items] { |
if {[dict get $item tag] eq "EVENT"} { |
incr kcount |
if {$keep < 0 || $kcount <= $keep} { |
lappend kept_body_items $item |
} else { |
set eventid "" |
if {[dict exists $item -id]} { |
set eventid [dict get $item -id] |
} |
if {$eventid ne "" && $eventid ne "unspecified"} { |
#keep if referenced, discard if not, or if eventid empty/unspecified |
set is_referenced 0 |
foreach rec $record_list { |
if {[dict get $rec tag] eq "FILEINFO"} { |
if {[dict exists $rec body]} { |
foreach install [dict get $rec body] { |
if {[dict exists $install -eventid] && [dict get $install -eventid] eq $eventid} { |
set is_referenced 1 |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if {$is_referenced} { |
break |
} |
} |
if {$is_referenced} { |
lappend kept_body_items $item |
} |
} |
} |
} else { |
lappend kept_body_items $item |
} |
} |
set kept_body_items [lreverse $kept_body_items] |
dict set installer_record body $kept_body_items |
return $installer_record |
} |
proc installer_record_add_event {installer_record event} { |
if {[dict get $installer_record tag] ne "INSTALLER"} { |
error "installer_record_add_event bad installer record: tag not INSTALLER" |
} |
if {[dict get $event tag] ne "EVENT"} { |
error "installer_record_add_event bad event record: tag not EVENT" |
} |
if {[dict exists $installer_record body]} { |
set body_items [dict get $installer_record body] |
} else { |
set body_items [list] |
} |
lappend body_items $event |
dict set installer_record body $body_items |
return $installer_record |
} |
proc file_record_latest_installrecord {file_record} { |
tailcall file_record_latest_operationrecord INSTALL $file_record |
} |
proc file_record_latest_operationrecord {operation file_record} { |
set operation [string toupper $operation] |
if {[dict get $file_record tag] ne "FILEINFO"} { |
error "file_record_latest_operationrecord bad file_record: tag not FILEINFO" |
} |
if {![dict exists $file_record body]} { |
return [list] |
} |
set body_items [dict get $file_record body] |
foreach item [lreverse $body_items] { |
if {[dict get $item tag] eq "$operation-RECORD"} { |
return $item |
} |
} |
return [list] |
} |
proc file_record_set_defaults {file_record} { |
if {[dict get $file_record tag] ne "FILEINFO"} { |
error "file_record_set_defaults bad file_record: tag not FILEINFO" |
} |
set defaults [list -keep_installrecords 3 -keep_skipped 1 -keep_inprogress 2] |
foreach {k v} $defaults { |
if {![dict exists $file_record $k]} { |
dict set file_record $k $v |
} |
} |
return $file_record |
} |
#negative keep_ value will keep all |
proc file_record_prune {file_record} { |
if {[dict get $file_record tag] ne "FILEINFO"} { |
error "file_record_prune bad file_record: tag not FILEINFO" |
} |
set file_record [file_record_set_defaults $file_record] |
set kmap [list -keep_installrecords *-RECORD -keep_skipped *-SKIPPED -keep_inprogress *-INPROGRESS] |
foreach {key rtype} $kmap { |
set keep [dict get $file_record $key] |
if {[dict exists $file_record body]} { |
set body_items [dict get $file_record body] |
} else { |
set body_items [list] |
} |
set kept_body_items [list] |
set kcount 0 |
foreach item [lreverse $body_items] { |
if {[string match $rtype [dict get $item tag]]} { |
incr kcount |
if {$keep < 0 || $kcount <= $keep} { |
lappend kept_body_items $item |
} |
} else { |
lappend kept_body_items $item |
} |
} |
set kept_body_items [lreverse $kept_body_items] |
dict set file_record body $kept_body_items |
} |
return $file_record |
} |
#extract new or existing filerecord for path given |
#review - locking/concurrency |
proc extract_or_create_fileset_record {relative_target_paths recordset} { |
set fetch_record_result [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $relative_target_paths $recordset] |
set existing_posn [dict get $fetch_record_result position] |
if {$existing_posn == -1} { |
#puts stdout "NO existing record for $relative_target_paths" |
set isnew 1 |
set fileset_record [dict create tag FILEINFO -targets $relative_target_paths body {}] |
} else { |
set recordset [lreplace $recordset[unset recordset] $existing_posn $existing_posn] |
set isnew 0 |
set fileset_record [dict get $fetch_record_result record] |
} |
return [list record $fileset_record recordset $recordset isnew $isnew oldposition $existing_posn] |
} |
} |
} |
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ |
## Ready |
package provide punkcheck [namespace eval punkcheck { |
set pkg punkcheck |
variable version |
set version 0.1.0 |
}] |