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# a formatting experiment
x.= concat \
b c
[runout -n pwd]
trailing space
d e f
g h i
" |> {
set data } |> {
set data} |> {
puts "raw input + pipeline args: $data"
set data
} \
|> \
l.=/1 linelist \
|> \
puts "linelist: $data"
puts "args: $args"
set data
} \
<args| "a b c" x y z
set input [list a b c d e f g]
a.= val $input |> {
.= lrange $data 1 end-1 {|
>} b.= string toupper
puts stdout "=================================="
puts stdout "info vars: [info vars]"
foreach v [info vars] {
puts stderr " '$v' [set $v]"
puts stdout "=================================="
return $b
} |> b.= val
puts "a:$a"
puts "b:$b"