Browse Source

repl raw mode initial support, ansi fixes

Julian Noble 1 year ago
  1. 271
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  3. 19
  4. 5
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  9. 24
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  17. 5
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  61. 60
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  63. 19
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  74. 994
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  76. 33


@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
# ascii85.tcl --
# Encode/Decode ascii85 for a string
# Copyright (c) Emiliano Gavilan
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
package require Tcl 8.4
namespace eval ascii85 {
namespace export encode encodefile decode
# default values for encode options
variable options
array set options [list -wrapchar \n -maxlen 76]
# ::ascii85::encode --
# Ascii85 encode a given string.
# Arguments:
# args ?-maxlen maxlen? ?-wrapchar wrapchar? string
# If maxlen is 0, the output is not wrapped.
# Results:
# A Ascii85 encoded version of $string, wrapped at $maxlen characters
# by $wrapchar.
proc ascii85::encode {args} {
variable options
set alen [llength $args]
if {$alen != 1 && $alen != 3 && $alen != 5} {
return -code error "wrong # args:\
should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0]\
?-maxlen maxlen?\
?-wrapchar wrapchar? string\""
set data [lindex $args end]
array set opts [array get options]
array set opts [lrange $args 0 end-1]
foreach key [array names opts] {
if {[lsearch -exact [array names options] $key] == -1} {
return -code error "unknown option \"$key\":\
must be -maxlen or -wrapchar"
if {![string is integer -strict $opts(-maxlen)]
|| $opts(-maxlen) < 0} {
return -code error "expected positive integer but got\
# perform this check early
if {[string length $data] == 0} {
return ""
# shorten the names
set ml $opts(-maxlen)
set wc $opts(-wrapchar)
# if maxlen is zero, don't wrap the output
if {$ml == 0} {
set wc ""
set encoded {}
binary scan $data c* X
set len [llength $X]
set rest [expr {$len % 4}]
set lastidx [expr {$len - $rest - 1}]
foreach {b1 b2 b3 b4} [lrange $X 0 $lastidx] {
# calculate the 32 bit value
# this is an inlined version of the [encode4bytes] proc
# included here for performance reasons
set val [expr {
( (($b1 & 0xff) << 24)
|(($b2 & 0xff) << 16)
|(($b3 & 0xff) << 8)
| ($b4 & 0xff)
) & 0xffffffff }]
if {$val == 0} {
# four \0 bytes encodes as "z" instead of "!!!!!"
append current "z"
} else {
# no magic numbers here.
# 52200625 -> 85 ** 4
# 614125 -> 85 ** 3
# 7225 -> 85 ** 2
append current [binary format ccccc \
[expr { ( $val / 52200625) + 33 }] \
[expr { (($val % 52200625) / 614125) + 33 }] \
[expr { (($val % 614125) / 7225) + 33 }] \
[expr { (($val % 7225) / 85) + 33 }] \
[expr { ( $val % 85) + 33 }]]
if {[string length $current] >= $ml} {
append encoded [string range $current 0 [expr {$ml - 1}]] $wc
set current [string range $current $ml end]
if { $rest } {
# there are remaining bytes.
# pad with \0 and encode not using the "z" convention.
# finally, add ($rest + 1) chars.
set val 0
foreach {b1 b2 b3 b4} [pad [lrange $X [incr lastidx] end] 4 0] break
append current [string range [encode4bytes $b1 $b2 $b3 $b4] 0 $rest]
append encoded [regsub -all -- ".{$ml}" $current "&$wc"]
return $encoded
proc ascii85::encode4bytes {b1 b2 b3 b4} {
set val [expr {
( (($b1 & 0xff) << 24)
|(($b2 & 0xff) << 16)
|(($b3 & 0xff) << 8)
| ($b4 & 0xff)
) & 0xffffffff }]
return [binary format ccccc \
[expr { ( $val / 52200625) + 33 }] \
[expr { (($val % 52200625) / 614125) + 33 }] \
[expr { (($val % 614125) / 7225) + 33 }] \
[expr { (($val % 7225) / 85) + 33 }] \
[expr { ( $val % 85) + 33 }]]
# ::ascii85::encodefile --
# Ascii85 encode the contents of a file using default values
# for maxlen and wrapchar parameters.
# Arguments:
# fname The name of the file to encode.
# Results:
# An Ascii85 encoded version of the contents of the file.
# This is a convenience command
proc ascii85::encodefile {fname} {
set fd [open $fname]
fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation binary
return [encode [read $fd]][close $fd]
# ::ascii85::decode --
# Ascii85 decode a given string.
# Arguments:
# string The string to decode.
# Leading spaces and tabs are removed, along with trailing newlines
# Results:
# The decoded value.
proc ascii85::decode {data} {
# get rid of leading spaces/tabs and trailing newlines
set data [string map [list \n {} \t {} { } {}] $data]
set len [string length $data]
# perform this ckeck early
if {! $len} {
return ""
set decoded {}
set count 0
set group [list]
binary scan $data c* X
foreach char $X {
# we must check that every char is in the allowed range
if {$char < 33 || $char > 117 } {
# "z" is an exception
if {$char == 122} {
if {$count == 0} {
# if a "z" char appears at the beggining of a group,
# it decodes as four null bytes
append decoded \x00\x00\x00\x00
} else {
# if not, is an error
return -code error \
"error decoding data: \"z\" char misplaced"
# char is not in range and not a "z" at the beggining of a group
return -code error \
"error decoding data: chars outside the allowed range"
lappend group $char
incr count
if {$count == 5} {
# this is an inlined version of the [decode5chars] proc
# included here for performance reasons
set val [expr {
([lindex $group 0] - 33) * wide(52200625) +
([lindex $group 1] - 33) * 614125 +
([lindex $group 2] - 33) * 7225 +
([lindex $group 3] - 33) * 85 +
([lindex $group 4] - 33) }]
if {$val > 0xffffffff} {
return -code error "error decoding data: decoded group overflow"
} else {
append decoded [binary format I $val]
incr count -5
set group [list]
set len [llength $group]
switch -- $len {
0 {
# all input has been consumed
# do nothing
1 {
# a single char is a condition error, there should be at least 2
return -code error \
"error decoding data: trailing char"
default {
# pad with "u"s, decode and add ($len - 1) bytes
append decoded [string range \
[decode5chars [pad $group 5 122]] \
0 \
[expr {$len - 2}]]
return $decoded
proc ascii85::decode5chars {group} {
set val [expr {
([lindex $group 0] - 33) * wide(52200625) +
([lindex $group 1] - 33) * 614125 +
([lindex $group 2] - 33) * 7225 +
([lindex $group 3] - 33) * 85 +
([lindex $group 4] - 33) }]
if {$val > 0xffffffff} {
return -code error "error decoding data: decoded group overflow"
return [binary format I $val]
proc ascii85::pad {chars len padchar} {
while {[llength $chars] < $len} {
lappend chars $padchar
return $chars
package provide ascii85 1.0


@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
# base64.tcl --
# Encode/Decode base64 for a string
# Stephen Uhler / Brent Welch (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems
# The decoder was done for exmh by Chris Garrigues
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# Version 1.0 implemented Base64_Encode, Base64_Decode
# Version 2.0 uses the base64 namespace
# Version 2.1 fixes various decode bugs and adds options to encode
# Version 2.2 is much faster, Tcl8.0 compatible
# Version 2.2.1 bugfixes
# Version 2.2.2 bugfixes
# Version 2.3 bugfixes and extended to support Trf
# Version 2.4.x bugfixes
# @mdgen EXCLUDE: base64c.tcl
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::base64 {
namespace export encode decode
package provide base64 2.5
if {[package vsatisfies [package require Tcl] 8.6]} {
proc ::base64::encode {args} {
binary encode base64 -maxlen 76 {*}$args
proc ::base64::decode {string} {
# Tcllib is strict with respect to end of input, yet lax for
# invalid characters outside of that.
regsub -all -- {[^ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/]} $string {} string
binary decode base64 -strict $string
if {![catch {package require Trf 2.0}]} {
# Trf is available, so implement the functionality provided here
# in terms of calls to Trf for speed.
# ::base64::encode --
# Base64 encode a given string.
# Arguments:
# args ?-maxlen maxlen? ?-wrapchar wrapchar? string
# If maxlen is 0, the output is not wrapped.
# Results:
# A Base64 encoded version of $string, wrapped at $maxlen characters
# by $wrapchar.
proc ::base64::encode {args} {
# Set the default wrapchar and maximum line length to match
# the settings for MIME encoding (RFC 3548, RFC 2045). These
# are the settings used by Trf as well. Various RFCs allow for
# different wrapping characters and wraplengths, so these may
# be overridden by command line options.
set wrapchar "\n"
set maxlen 76
if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
error "wrong # args: should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0]\
?-maxlen maxlen? ?-wrapchar wrapchar? string\""
set optionStrings [list "-maxlen" "-wrapchar"]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args] - 1} {incr i} {
set arg [lindex $args $i]
set index [lsearch -glob $optionStrings "${arg}*"]
if { $index == -1 } {
error "unknown option \"$arg\": must be -maxlen or -wrapchar"
incr i
if { $i >= [llength $args] - 1 } {
error "value for \"$arg\" missing"
set val [lindex $args $i]
# The name of the variable to assign the value to is extracted
# from the list of known options, all of which have an
# associated variable of the same name as the option without
# a leading "-". The [string range] command is used to strip
# of the leading "-" from the name of the option.
# FRINK: nocheck
set [string range [lindex $optionStrings $index] 1 end] $val
# [string is] requires Tcl8.2; this works with 8.0 too
if {[catch {expr {$maxlen % 2}}]} {
return -code error "expected integer but got \"$maxlen\""
} elseif {$maxlen < 0} {
return -code error "expected positive integer but got \"$maxlen\""
set string [lindex $args end]
set result [::base64 -mode encode -- $string]
# Trf's encoder implicitly uses the settings -maxlen 76,
# -wrapchar \n for its output. We may have to reflow this for
# the settings chosen by the user. A second difference is that
# Trf closes the output with the wrap char sequence,
# always. The code here doesn't. Therefore 'trimright' is
# needed in the fast cases.
if {($maxlen == 76) && [string equal $wrapchar \n]} {
# Both maxlen and wrapchar are identical to Trf's
# settings. This is the super-fast case, because nearly
# nothing has to be done. Only thing to do is strip a
# terminating wrapchar.
set result [string trimright $result]
} elseif {$maxlen == 76} {
# wrapchar has to be different here, length is the
# same. We can use 'string map' to transform the wrap
# information.
set result [string map [list \n $wrapchar] \
[string trimright $result]]
} elseif {$maxlen == 0} {
# Have to reflow the output to no wrapping. Another fast
# case using only 'string map'. 'trimright' is not needed
# here.
set result [string map [list \n ""] $result]
} else {
# Have to reflow the output from 76 to the chosen maxlen,
# and possibly change the wrap sequence as well.
# Note: After getting rid of the old wrap sequence we
# extract the relevant segments from the string without
# modifying the string. Modification, i.e. removal of the
# processed part, means 'shifting down characters in
# memory', making the algorithm O(n^2). By avoiding the
# modification we stay in O(n).
set result [string map [list \n ""] $result]
set l [expr {[string length $result]-$maxlen}]
for {set off 0} {$off < $l} {incr off $maxlen} {
append res [string range $result $off [expr {$off+$maxlen-1}]] $wrapchar
append res [string range $result $off end]
set result $res
return $result
# ::base64::decode --
# Base64 decode a given string.
# Arguments:
# string The string to decode. Characters not in the base64
# alphabet are ignored (e.g., newlines)
# Results:
# The decoded value.
proc ::base64::decode {string} {
regsub -all {\s} $string {} string
::base64 -mode decode -- $string
} else {
# Without Trf use a pure tcl implementation
namespace eval base64 {
variable base64 {}
variable base64_en {}
# We create the auxiliary array base64_tmp, it will be unset later.
variable base64_tmp
variable i
set i 0
foreach char {A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z \
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z \
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + /} {
set base64_tmp($char) $i
lappend base64_en $char
incr i
# Create base64 as list: to code for instance C<->3, specify
# that [lindex $base64 67] be 3 (C is 67 in ascii); non-coded
# ascii chars get a {}. we later use the fact that lindex on a
# non-existing index returns {}, and that [expr {} < 0] is true
# the last ascii char is 'z'
variable char
variable len
variable val
scan z %c len
for {set i 0} {$i <= $len} {incr i} {
set char [format %c $i]
set val {}
if {[info exists base64_tmp($char)]} {
set val $base64_tmp($char)
} else {
set val {}
lappend base64 $val
# code the character "=" as -1; used to signal end of message
scan = %c i
set base64 [lreplace $base64 $i $i -1]
# remove unneeded variables
unset base64_tmp i char len val
namespace export encode decode
# ::base64::encode --
# Base64 encode a given string.
# Arguments:
# args ?-maxlen maxlen? ?-wrapchar wrapchar? string
# If maxlen is 0, the output is not wrapped.
# Results:
# A Base64 encoded version of $string, wrapped at $maxlen characters
# by $wrapchar.
proc ::base64::encode {args} {
set base64_en $::base64::base64_en
# Set the default wrapchar and maximum line length to match
# the settings for MIME encoding (RFC 3548, RFC 2045). These
# are the settings used by Trf as well. Various RFCs allow for
# different wrapping characters and wraplengths, so these may
# be overridden by command line options.
set wrapchar "\n"
set maxlen 76
if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
error "wrong # args: should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0]\
?-maxlen maxlen? ?-wrapchar wrapchar? string\""
set optionStrings [list "-maxlen" "-wrapchar"]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args] - 1} {incr i} {
set arg [lindex $args $i]
set index [lsearch -glob $optionStrings "${arg}*"]
if { $index == -1 } {
error "unknown option \"$arg\": must be -maxlen or -wrapchar"
incr i
if { $i >= [llength $args] - 1 } {
error "value for \"$arg\" missing"
set val [lindex $args $i]
# The name of the variable to assign the value to is extracted
# from the list of known options, all of which have an
# associated variable of the same name as the option without
# a leading "-". The [string range] command is used to strip
# of the leading "-" from the name of the option.
# FRINK: nocheck
set [string range [lindex $optionStrings $index] 1 end] $val
# [string is] requires Tcl8.2; this works with 8.0 too
if {[catch {expr {$maxlen % 2}}]} {
return -code error "expected integer but got \"$maxlen\""
} elseif {$maxlen < 0} {
return -code error "expected positive integer but got \"$maxlen\""
set string [lindex $args end]
set result {}
set state 0
set length 0
# Process the input bytes 3-by-3
binary scan $string c* X
foreach {x y z} $X {
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {($x >>2) & 0x3F}]]
if {$y != {}} {
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {(($x << 4) & 0x30) | (($y >> 4) & 0xF)}]]
if {$z != {}} {
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {(($y << 2) & 0x3C) | (($z >> 6) & 0x3)}]]
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {($z & 0x3F)}]]
} else {
set state 2
} else {
set state 1
if {$state == 1} {
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {(($x << 4) & 0x30)}]]
} elseif {$state == 2} {
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {(($y << 2) & 0x3C)}]]
return $result
proc ::base64::ADD {x} {
# The line length check is always done before appending so
# that we don't get an extra newline if the output is a
# multiple of $maxlen chars long.
upvar 1 maxlen maxlen length length result result wrapchar wrapchar
if {$maxlen && $length >= $maxlen} {
append result $wrapchar
set length 0
append result $x
incr length
# ::base64::decode --
# Base64 decode a given string.
# Arguments:
# string The string to decode. Characters not in the base64
# alphabet are ignored (e.g., newlines)
# Results:
# The decoded value.
proc ::base64::decode {string} {
if {[string length $string] == 0} {return ""}
set base64 $::base64::base64
set output "" ; # Fix for [Bug 821126]
set nums {}
binary scan $string c* X
lappend X 61 ;# force a terminator
foreach x $X {
set bits [lindex $base64 $x]
if {$bits >= 0} {
if {[llength [lappend nums $bits]] == 4} {
foreach {v w z y} $nums break
set a [expr {($v << 2) | ($w >> 4)}]
set b [expr {(($w & 0xF) << 4) | ($z >> 2)}]
set c [expr {(($z & 0x3) << 6) | $y}]
append output [binary format ccc $a $b $c]
set nums {}
} elseif {$bits == -1} {
# = indicates end of data. Output whatever chars are
# left, if any.
if {![llength $nums]} break
# The encoding algorithm dictates that we can only
# have 1 or 2 padding characters. If x=={}, we must
# (*) have 12 bits of input (enough for 1 8-bit
# output). If x!={}, we have 18 bits of input (enough
# for 2 8-bit outputs).
# (*) If we don't then the input is broken (bug 2976290).
foreach {v w z} $nums break
# Bug 2976290
if {$w == {}} {
return -code error "Not enough data to process padding"
set a [expr {($v << 2) | (($w & 0x30) >> 4)}]
if {$z == {}} {
append output [binary format c $a ]
} else {
set b [expr {(($w & 0xF) << 4) | (($z & 0x3C) >> 2)}]
append output [binary format cc $a $b]
} else {
# RFC 2045 says that line breaks and other characters not part
# of the Base64 alphabet must be ignored, and that the decoder
# can optionally emit a warning or reject the message. We opt
# not to do so, but to just ignore the character.
return $output
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################


@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# base64c - Copyright (C) 2003 Pat Thoyts <>
# This package is a place-holder for the critcl enhanced code present in
# the tcllib base64 module.
# Normally this code will become part of the tcllibc library.
# @sak notprovided base64c
package require critcl
package provide base64c 0.1.0
namespace eval ::base64c {
variable base64c_rcsid {$Id: base64c.tcl,v 1.5 2008/03/25 07:15:35 andreas_kupries Exp $}
critcl::ccode {
/* no code required in this file */


@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.2]} {return}
package ifneeded base64 2.5 [list source [file join $dir base64.tcl]]
package ifneeded uuencode 1.1.5 [list source [file join $dir uuencode.tcl]]
package ifneeded yencode 1.1.3 [list source [file join $dir yencode.tcl]]
package ifneeded ascii85 1.0 [list source [file join $dir ascii85.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
# uuencode - Copyright (C) 2002 Pat Thoyts <>
# Provide a Tcl only implementation of uuencode and uudecode.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
package require Tcl 8.2; # tcl minimum version
# Try and get some compiled helper package.
if {[catch {package require tcllibc}]} {
catch {package require Trf}
namespace eval ::uuencode {
namespace export encode decode uuencode uudecode
proc ::uuencode::Enc {c} {
return [format %c [expr {($c != 0) ? (($c & 0x3f) + 0x20) : 0x60}]]
proc ::uuencode::Encode {s} {
set r {}
binary scan $s c* d
foreach {c1 c2 c3} $d {
if {$c1 == {}} {set c1 0}
if {$c2 == {}} {set c2 0}
if {$c3 == {}} {set c3 0}
append r [Enc [expr {$c1 >> 2}]]
append r [Enc [expr {(($c1 << 4) & 060) | (($c2 >> 4) & 017)}]]
append r [Enc [expr {(($c2 << 2) & 074) | (($c3 >> 6) & 003)}]]
append r [Enc [expr {($c3 & 077)}]]
return $r
proc ::uuencode::Decode {s} {
if {[string length $s] == 0} {return ""}
set r {}
binary scan [pad $s] c* d
foreach {c0 c1 c2 c3} $d {
append r [format %c [expr {((($c0-0x20)&0x3F) << 2) & 0xFF
| ((($c1-0x20)&0x3F) >> 4) & 0xFF}]]
append r [format %c [expr {((($c1-0x20)&0x3F) << 4) & 0xFF
| ((($c2-0x20)&0x3F) >> 2) & 0xFF}]]
append r [format %c [expr {((($c2-0x20)&0x3F) << 6) & 0xFF
| (($c3-0x20)&0x3F) & 0xFF}]]
return $r
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# C coded version of the Encode/Decode functions for base64c package.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if {[package provide critcl] != {}} {
namespace eval ::uuencode {
critcl::ccode {
#include <string.h>
static unsigned char Enc(unsigned char c) {
return (c != 0) ? ((c & 0x3f) + 0x20) : 0x60;
critcl::ccommand CEncode {dummy interp objc objv} {
Tcl_Obj *inputPtr, *resultPtr;
int len, rlen, xtra;
unsigned char *input, *p, *r;
if (objc != 2) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "data");
return TCL_ERROR;
inputPtr = objv[1];
input = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(inputPtr, &len);
if ((xtra = (3 - (len % 3))) != 3) {
if (Tcl_IsShared(inputPtr))
inputPtr = Tcl_DuplicateObj(inputPtr);
input = Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(inputPtr, len + xtra);
memset(input + len, 0, xtra);
len += xtra;
rlen = (len / 3) * 4;
resultPtr = Tcl_NewObj();
r = Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(resultPtr, rlen);
memset(r, 0, rlen);
for (p = input; p < input + len; p += 3) {
char a, b, c;
a = *p; b = *(p+1), c = *(p+2);
*r++ = Enc(a >> 2);
*r++ = Enc(((a << 4) & 060) | ((b >> 4) & 017));
*r++ = Enc(((b << 2) & 074) | ((c >> 6) & 003));
*r++ = Enc(c & 077);
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, resultPtr);
return TCL_OK;
critcl::ccommand CDecode {dummy interp objc objv} {
Tcl_Obj *inputPtr, *resultPtr;
int len, rlen, xtra;
unsigned char *input, *p, *r;
if (objc != 2) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "data");
return TCL_ERROR;
/* if input is not mod 4, extend it with nuls */
inputPtr = objv[1];
input = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(inputPtr, &len);
if ((xtra = (4 - (len % 4))) != 4) {
if (Tcl_IsShared(inputPtr))
inputPtr = Tcl_DuplicateObj(inputPtr);
input = Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(inputPtr, len + xtra);
memset(input + len, 0, xtra);
len += xtra;
/* output will be 1/3 smaller than input and a multiple of 3 */
rlen = (len / 4) * 3;
resultPtr = Tcl_NewObj();
r = Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(resultPtr, rlen);
memset(r, 0, rlen);
for (p = input; p < input + len; p += 4) {
char a, b, c, d;
a = *p; b = *(p+1), c = *(p+2), d = *(p+3);
*r++ = (((a - 0x20) & 0x3f) << 2) | (((b - 0x20) & 0x3f) >> 4);
*r++ = (((b - 0x20) & 0x3f) << 4) | (((c - 0x20) & 0x3f) >> 2);
*r++ = (((c - 0x20) & 0x3f) << 6) | (((d - 0x20) & 0x3f) );
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, resultPtr);
return TCL_OK;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
# Permit more tolerant decoding of invalid input strings by padding to
# a multiple of 4 bytes with nulls.
# Result:
# Returns the input string - possibly padded with uuencoded null chars.
proc ::uuencode::pad {s} {
if {[set mod [expr {[string length $s] % 4}]] != 0} {
append s [string repeat "`" [expr {4 - $mod}]]
return $s
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If the Trf package is available then we shall use this by default but the
# Tcllib implementations are always visible if needed (ie: for testing)
if {[info commands ::uuencode::CDecode] != {}} {
# tcllib critcl package
interp alias {} ::uuencode::encode {} ::uuencode::CEncode
interp alias {} ::uuencode::decode {} ::uuencode::CDecode
} elseif {[package provide Trf] != {}} {
proc ::uuencode::encode {s} {
return [::uuencode -mode encode -- $s]
proc ::uuencode::decode {s} {
return [::uuencode -mode decode -- [pad $s]]
} else {
# pure-tcl then
interp alias {} ::uuencode::encode {} ::uuencode::Encode
interp alias {} ::uuencode::decode {} ::uuencode::Decode
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc ::uuencode::uuencode {args} {
array set opts {mode 0644 filename {} name {}}
set wrongargs "wrong \# args: should be\
\"uuencode ?-name string? ?-mode octal?\
(-file filename | ?--? string)\""
while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
-f* {
if {[llength $args] < 2} {
return -code error $wrongargs
set opts(filename) [lindex $args 1]
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
-m* {
if {[llength $args] < 2} {
return -code error $wrongargs
set opts(mode) [lindex $args 1]
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
-n* {
if {[llength $args] < 2} {
return -code error $wrongargs
set opts(name) [lindex $args 1]
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
-- {
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
default {
return -code error "bad option [lindex $args 0]:\
must be -file, -mode, or -name"
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
if {$opts(name) == {}} {
set opts(name) $opts(filename)
if {$opts(name) == {}} {
set opts(name) "data.dat"
if {$opts(filename) != {}} {
set f [open $opts(filename) r]
fconfigure $f -translation binary
set data [read $f]
close $f
} else {
if {[llength $args] != 1} {
return -code error $wrongargs
set data [lindex $args 0]
set r {}
append r [format "begin %o %s" $opts(mode) $opts(name)] "\n"
for {set n 0} {$n < [string length $data]} {incr n 45} {
set s [string range $data $n [expr {$n + 44}]]
append r [Enc [string length $s]]
append r [encode $s] "\n"
append r "`\nend"
return $r
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
# Perform uudecoding of a file or data. A file may contain more than one
# encoded data section so the result is a list where each element is a
# three element list of the provided filename, the suggested mode and the
# data itself.
proc ::uuencode::uudecode {args} {
array set opts {mode 0644 filename {}}
set wrongargs "wrong \# args: should be \"uudecode (-file filename | ?--? string)\""
while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
-f* {
if {[llength $args] < 2} {
return -code error $wrongargs
set opts(filename) [lindex $args 1]
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
-- {
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
default {
return -code error "bad option [lindex $args 0]:\
must be -file"
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
if {$opts(filename) != {}} {
set f [open $opts(filename) r]
set data [read $f]
close $f
} else {
if {[llength $args] != 1} {
return -code error $wrongargs
set data [lindex $args 0]
set state false
set result {}
foreach {line} [split $data "\n"] {
switch -exact -- $state {
false {
if {[regexp {^begin ([0-7]+) ([^\s]*)} $line \
-> opts(mode) opts(name)]} {
set state true
set r {}
true {
if {[string match "end" $line]} {
set state false
lappend result [list $opts(name) $opts(mode) $r]
} else {
scan $line %c c
set n [expr {($c - 0x21)}]
append r [string range \
[decode [string range $line 1 end]] 0 $n]
return $result
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
package provide uuencode 1.1.5
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Local variables:
# mode: tcl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:


@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
# yencode.tcl - Copyright (C) 2002 Pat Thoyts <>
# Provide a Tcl only implementation of yEnc encoding algorithm
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FUTURE: Rework to allow switching between the tcl/critcl implementations.
package require Tcl 8.2; # tcl minimum version
catch {package require crc32}; # tcllib 1.1
catch {package require tcllibc}; # critcl enhancements for tcllib
namespace eval ::yencode {
namespace export encode decode yencode ydecode
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc ::yencode::Encode {s} {
set r {}
binary scan $s c* d
foreach {c} $d {
set v [expr {($c + 42) % 256}]
if {$v == 0x00 || $v == 0x09 || $v == 0x0A
|| $v == 0x0D || $v == 0x3D} {
append r "="
set v [expr {($v + 64) % 256}]
append r [format %c $v]
return $r
proc ::yencode::Decode {s} {
if {[string length $s] == 0} {return ""}
set r {}
set esc 0
binary scan $s c* d
foreach c $d {
if {$c == 61 && $esc == 0} {
set esc 1
set v [expr {($c - 42) % 256}]
if {$esc} {
set v [expr {($v - 64) % 256}]
set esc 0
append r [format %c $v]
return $r
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# C coded versions for critcl built base64c package
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if {[package provide critcl] != {}} {
namespace eval ::yencode {
critcl::ccode {
#include <string.h>
critcl::ccommand CEncode {dummy interp objc objv} {
Tcl_Obj *inputPtr, *resultPtr;
int len, rlen, xtra;
unsigned char *input, *p, *r, v;
if (objc != 2) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "data");
return TCL_ERROR;
/* fetch the input data */
inputPtr = objv[1];
input = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(inputPtr, &len);
/* calculate the length of the encoded result */
rlen = len;
for (p = input; p < input + len; p++) {
v = (*p + 42) % 256;
if (v == 0 || v == 9 || v == 0x0A || v == 0x0D || v == 0x3D)
/* allocate the output buffer */
resultPtr = Tcl_NewObj();
r = Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(resultPtr, rlen);
/* encode the input */
for (p = input; p < input + len; p++) {
v = (*p + 42) % 256;
if (v == 0 || v == 9 || v == 0x0A || v == 0x0D || v == 0x3D) {
*r++ = '=';
v = (v + 64) % 256;
*r++ = v;
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, resultPtr);
return TCL_OK;
critcl::ccommand CDecode {dummy interp objc objv} {
Tcl_Obj *inputPtr, *resultPtr;
int len, rlen, esc;
unsigned char *input, *p, *r, v;
if (objc != 2) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "data");
return TCL_ERROR;
/* fetch the input data */
inputPtr = objv[1];
input = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(inputPtr, &len);
/* allocate the output buffer */
resultPtr = Tcl_NewObj();
r = Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(resultPtr, len);
/* encode the input */
for (p = input, esc = 0, rlen = 0; p < input + len; p++) {
if (*p == 61 && esc == 0) {
esc = 1;
v = (*p - 42) % 256;
if (esc) {
v = (v - 64) % 256;
esc = 0;
*r++ = v;
Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(resultPtr, rlen);
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, resultPtr);
return TCL_OK;
if {[info commands ::yencode::CEncode] != {}} {
interp alias {} ::yencode::encode {} ::yencode::CEncode
interp alias {} ::yencode::decode {} ::yencode::CDecode
} else {
interp alias {} ::yencode::encode {} ::yencode::Encode
interp alias {} ::yencode::decode {} ::yencode::Decode
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
# Pop the nth element off a list. Used in options processing.
proc ::yencode::Pop {varname {nth 0}} {
upvar $varname args
set r [lindex $args $nth]
set args [lreplace $args $nth $nth]
return $r
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc ::yencode::yencode {args} {
array set opts {mode 0644 filename {} name {} line 128 crc32 1}
while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
-f* { set opts(filename) [Pop args 1] }
-m* { set opts(mode) [Pop args 1] }
-n* { set opts(name) [Pop args 1] }
-l* { set opts(line) [Pop args 1] }
-c* { set opts(crc32) [Pop args 1] }
-- { Pop args ; break }
default {
set options [join [lsort [array names opts]] ", -"]
return -code error "bad option [lindex $args 0]:\
must be -$options"
Pop args
if {$opts(name) == {}} {
set opts(name) $opts(filename)
if {$opts(name) == {}} {
set opts(name) "data.dat"
if {! [string is boolean $opts(crc32)]} {
return -code error "bad option -crc32: argument must be true or false"
if {$opts(filename) != {}} {
set f [open $opts(filename) r]
fconfigure $f -translation binary
set data [read $f]
close $f
} else {
if {[llength $args] != 1} {
return -code error "wrong \# args: should be\
\"yencode ?options? -file name | data\""
set data [lindex $args 0]
set opts(size) [string length $data]
set r {}
append r [format "=ybegin line=%d size=%d name=%s" \
$opts(line) $opts(size) $opts(name)] "\n"
set ndx 0
while {$ndx < $opts(size)} {
set pln [string range $data $ndx [expr {$ndx + $opts(line) - 1}]]
set enc [encode $pln]
incr ndx [string length $pln]
append r $enc "\r\n"
append r [format "=yend size=%d" $ndx]
if {$opts(crc32)} {
append r " crc32=" [crc::crc32 -format %x $data]
return $r
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
# Perform ydecoding of a file or data. A file may contain more than one
# encoded data section so the result is a list where each element is a
# three element list of the provided filename, the file size and the
# data itself.
proc ::yencode::ydecode {args} {
array set opts {mode 0644 filename {} name default.bin}
while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
-f* { set opts(filename) [Pop args 1] }
-- { Pop args ; break; }
default {
set options [join [lsort [array names opts]] ", -"]
return -code error "bad option [lindex $args 0]:\
must be -$opts"
Pop args
if {$opts(filename) != {}} {
set f [open $opts(filename) r]
set data [read $f]
close $f
} else {
if {[llength $args] != 1} {
return -code error "wrong \# args: should be\
\"ydecode ?options? -file name | data\""
set data [lindex $args 0]
set state false
set result {}
foreach {line} [split $data "\n"] {
set line [string trimright $line "\r\n"]
switch -exact -- $state {
false {
if {[string match "=ybegin*" $line]} {
regexp {line=(\d+)} $line -> opts(line)
regexp {size=(\d+)} $line -> opts(size)
regexp {name=(\d+)} $line -> opts(name)
if {$opts(name) == {}} {
set opts(name) default.bin
set state true
set r {}
true {
if {[string match "=yend*" $line]} {
set state false
lappend result [list $opts(name) $opts(size) $r]
} else {
append r [decode $line]
return $result
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
package provide yencode 1.1.3
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Local variables:
# mode: tcl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:


@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# ascaller.tcl -
# A few utility procs that manage the evaluation of a command
# or a script in the context of a caller, taking care of all
# the ugly details of proper return codes, errorcodes, and
# a good stack trace in ::errorInfo as appropriate.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# RCS: @(#) $Id: ascaller.tcl,v 1.3 2004/01/15 06:36:12 andreas_kupries Exp $
namespace eval ::control {
proc CommandAsCaller {cmdVar resultVar {where {}} {codeVar code}} {
set x [expr {[string equal "" $where]
? {} : [subst -nobackslashes {\n ($where)}]}]
set script [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {
set $codeVar [catch {uplevel 1 $$cmdVar} $resultVar]
if {$$codeVar > 1} {
return -code $$codeVar $$resultVar
if {$$codeVar == 1} {
if {[string equal {"uplevel 1 $$cmdVar"} \
[lindex [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] end]]} {
set $codeVar [join \
[lrange [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] 0 \
end-[expr {4+[llength [split $$cmdVar \n]]}]] \n]
} else {
set $codeVar [join \
[lrange [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] 0 end-1] \n]
return -code error -errorcode [set ::errorCode] \
-errorinfo "$$codeVar$x" $$resultVar
return $script
proc BodyAsCaller {bodyVar resultVar codeVar {where {}}} {
set x [expr {[string equal "" $where]
? {} : [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands \
{\n ($where[string map {{ ("uplevel"} {}} \
[lindex [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] end]]}]}]
set script [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {
set $codeVar [catch {uplevel 1 $$bodyVar} $resultVar]
if {$$codeVar == 1} {
if {[string equal {"uplevel 1 $$bodyVar"} \
[lindex [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] end]]} {
set ::errorInfo [join \
[lrange [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] 0 end-2] \n]
set $codeVar [join \
[lrange [split [set ::errorInfo] \n] 0 end-1] \n]
return -code error -errorcode [set ::errorCode] \
-errorinfo "$$codeVar$x" $$resultVar
return $script
proc ErrorInfoAsCaller {find replace} {
set info $::errorInfo
set i [string last "\n (\"$find" $info]
if {$i == -1} {return $info}
set result [string range $info 0 [incr i 6]] ;# keep "\n (\""
append result $replace ;# $find -> $replace
incr i [string length $find]
set j [string first ) $info [incr i]] ;# keep rest of parenthetical
append result [string range $info $i $j]
return $result


@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# assert.tcl --
# The [assert] command of the package "control".
# RCS: @(#) $Id: assert.tcl,v 1.3 2004/01/15 06:36:12 andreas_kupries Exp $
namespace eval ::control {
namespace eval assert {
namespace export EnabledAssert DisabledAssert
variable CallbackCmd [list return -code error]
namespace import [namespace parent]::no-op
rename no-op DisabledAssert
proc EnabledAssert {expr args} {
variable CallbackCmd
set code [catch {uplevel 1 [list expr $expr]} res]
if {$code} {
return -code $code $res
if {![string is boolean -strict $res]} {
return -code error "invalid boolean expression: $expr"
if {$res} {return}
if {[llength $args]} {
set msg [join $args]
} else {
set msg "assertion failed: $expr"
# Might want to catch this
namespace eval :: $CallbackCmd [list $msg]
proc enabled {args} {
set n [llength $args]
if {$n > 1} {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be\
\"[lindex [info level 0] 0] ?boolean?\""
if {$n} {
set val [lindex $args 0]
if {![string is boolean -strict $val]} {
return -code error "invalid boolean value: $val"
if {$val} {
[namespace parent]::AssertSwitch Disabled Enabled
} else {
[namespace parent]::AssertSwitch Enabled Disabled
} else {
return [string equal [namespace origin EnabledAssert] \
[namespace origin [namespace parent]::assert]]
return ""
proc callback {args} {
set n [llength $args]
if {$n > 1} {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be\
\"[lindex [info level 0] 0] ?command?\""
if {$n} {
return [variable CallbackCmd [lindex $args 0]]
variable CallbackCmd
return $CallbackCmd
proc AssertSwitch {old new} {
if {[string equal [namespace origin assert] \
[namespace origin assert::${new}Assert]]} {return}
rename assert ${old}Assert
rename ${new}Assert assert
namespace import assert::DisabledAssert assert::EnabledAssert
# For indexer
proc assert args #
rename assert {}
# Initial default: disabled asserts
rename DisabledAssert assert


@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# control.tcl --
# This is the main package provide script for the package
# "control". It provides commands that govern the flow of
# control of a program.
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::control {
namespace export assert control do no-op rswitch
proc control {command args} {
# Need to add error handling here
namespace eval [list $command] $args
# Set up for auto-loading the commands
variable home [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
if {[lsearch -exact $::auto_path $home] == -1} {
lappend ::auto_path $home
package provide [namespace tail [namespace current]] 0.1.3


@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# do.tcl --
# Tcl implementation of a "do ... while|until" loop.
# Originally written for the "Texas Tcl Shootout" programming contest
# at the 2000 Tcl Conference in Austin/Texas.
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Reinhard Max <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: do.tcl,v 1.6 2004/01/15 06:36:12 andreas_kupries Exp $
namespace eval ::control {
proc do {body args} {
# Implements a "do body while|until test" loop
# It is almost as fast as builtin "while" command for loops with
# more than just a few iterations.
set len [llength $args]
if {$len !=2 && $len != 0} {
set proc [namespace current]::[lindex [info level 0] 0]
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"$proc body\" or \"$proc body \[until|while\] test\""
set test 0
foreach {whileOrUntil test} $args {
switch -exact -- $whileOrUntil {
"while" {}
"until" { set test !($test) }
default {
return -code error \
"bad option \"$whileOrUntil\": must be until, or while"
# the first invocation of the body
set code [catch { uplevel 1 $body } result]
# decide what to do upon the return code:
# 0 - the body executed successfully
# 1 - the body raised an error
# 2 - the body invoked [return]
# 3 - the body invoked [break]
# 4 - the body invoked [continue]
# everything else - return and pass on the results
switch -exact -- $code {
0 {}
1 {
return -errorinfo [ErrorInfoAsCaller uplevel do] \
-errorcode $::errorCode -code error $result
3 {
# FRINK: nocheck
4 {}
default {
return -code $code $result
# the rest of the loop
set code [catch {uplevel 1 [list while $test $body]} result]
if {$code == 1} {
return -errorinfo [ErrorInfoAsCaller while do] \
-errorcode $::errorCode -code error $result
return -code $code $result


@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# no-op.tcl --
# The [no-op] command of the package "control".
# It accepts any number of arguments and does nothing.
# It returns an empty string.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: no-op.tcl,v 1.2 2004/01/15 06:36:12 andreas_kupries Exp $
namespace eval ::control {
proc no-op args {}


@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.2]} {return}
package ifneeded control 0.1.3 [list source [file join $dir control.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Tcl autoload index file, version 2.0
# This file is generated by the "auto_mkindex" command
# and sourced to set up indexing information for one or
# more commands. Typically each line is a command that
# sets an element in the auto_index array, where the
# element name is the name of a command and the value is
# a script that loads the command.
set auto_index(::control::CommandAsCaller) [list source [file join $dir ascaller.tcl]]
set auto_index(::control::BodyAsCaller) [list source [file join $dir ascaller.tcl]]
set auto_index(::control::ErrorInfoAsCaller) [list source [file join $dir ascaller.tcl]]
set auto_index(::control::assert::EnabledAssert) [list source [file join $dir assert.tcl]]
set auto_index(::control::assert::enabled) [list source [file join $dir assert.tcl]]
set auto_index(::control::assert::callback) [list source [file join $dir assert.tcl]]
set auto_index(::control::AssertSwitch) [list source [file join $dir assert.tcl]]
set auto_index(::control::assert) [list source [file join $dir assert.tcl]]
set auto_index(::control::do) [list source [file join $dir do.tcl]]
set auto_index(::control::no-op) [list source [file join $dir no-op.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
## -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Utility command for use as debug prefix command to un-mangle snit
## and TclOO method calls.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requisites
package require Tcl 8.5
package require debug
namespace eval ::debug {
namespace export caller
namespace ensemble create
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API & Implementation
proc ::debug::caller {args} {
# For snit (type)methods, rework the command line to be more
# legible and in line with what the user would expect. To this end
# we pull the primary command out of the arguments, be it type or
# object, massage the command to match the original (type)method
# name, then resort and expand the words to match the call before
# the snit got its claws into it.
set a [lassign [info level -1] m]
regsub {.*Snit_} $m {} m
if {[string match ::oo::Obj*::my $m]} {
# TclOO call.
set m [uplevel 1 self]
return [list $m {*}[Filter $a $args]]
if {$m eq "my"} {
# TclOO call.
set m [uplevel 1 self]
return [list $m {*}[Filter $a $args]]
switch -glob -- $m {
htypemethod* {
# primary = type, a = type
set a [lassign $a primary]
set m [string map {_ { }} [string range $m 11 end]]
typemethod* {
# primary = type, a = type
set a [lassign $a primary]
set m [string range $m 10 end]
hmethod* {
# primary = self, a = type selfns self win ...
set a [lassign $a _ _ primary _]
set m [string map {_ { }} [string range $m 7 end]]
method* {
# primary = self, a = type selfns self win ...
set a [lassign $a _ _ primary _]
set m [string range $m 6 end]
destructor -
constructor {
# primary = self, a = type selfns self win ...
set a [lassign $a _ _ primary _]
typeconstructor {
return [list {*}$a $m]
default {
# Unknown
return [list $m {*}[Filter $a $args]]
return [list $primary {*}$m {*}[Filter $a $args]]
proc ::debug::Filter {args droplist} {
if {[llength $droplist]} {
# Replace unwanted arguments with '*'. This is usually done
# for arguments which can be large Tcl values. These would
# screw up formatting and, to add insult to this injury, also
# repeat for each debug output in the same proc, method, etc.
foreach i [lsort -integer $droplist] {
set args [lreplace $args $i $i *]
return $args
# ### ######### ###########################
## Ready for use
package provide debug::caller 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
# Debug - a debug narrative logger.
# -- Colin McCormack / originally Wub server utilities
# Debugging areas of interest are represented by 'tokens' which have
# independantly settable levels of interest (an integer, higher is more detailed)
# Debug narrative is provided as a tcl script whose value is [subst]ed in the
# caller's scope if and only if the current level of interest matches or exceeds
# the Debug call's level of detail. This is useful, as one can place arbitrarily
# complex narrative in code without unnecessarily evaluating it.
# TODO: potentially different streams for different areas of interest.
# (currently only stderr is used. there is some complexity in efficient
# cross-threaded streams.)
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requisites
package require Tcl 8.5
namespace eval ::debug {
namespace export -clear \
define on off prefix suffix header trailer \
names 2array level setting parray pdict \
nl tab hexl
namespace ensemble create -subcommands {}
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## API & Implementation
proc ::debug::noop {args} {}
proc ::debug::debug {tag message {level 1}} {
variable detail
if {$detail($tag) < $level} {
#puts stderr "$tag @@@ $detail($tag) >= $level"
variable prefix
variable suffix
variable header
variable trailer
variable fds
if {[info exists fds($tag)]} {
set fd $fds($tag)
} else {
set fd stderr
# Assemble the shown text from the user message and the various
# prefixes and suffices (global + per-tag).
set themessage ""
if {[info exists prefix(::)]} { append themessage $prefix(::) }
if {[info exists prefix($tag)]} { append themessage $prefix($tag) }
append themessage $message
if {[info exists suffix($tag)]} { append themessage $suffix($tag) }
if {[info exists suffix(::)]} { append themessage $suffix(::) }
# Resolve variables references and command invokations embedded
# into the message with plain text.
set code [catch {
set smessage [uplevel 1 [list ::subst -nobackslashes $themessage]]
set sheader [uplevel 1 [list ::subst -nobackslashes $header]]
set strailer [uplevel 1 [list ::subst -nobackslashes $trailer]]
} __ eo]
# And dump an internal error if that resolution failed.
if {$code} {
if {[catch {
set caller [info level -1]
}]} { set caller GLOBAL }
if {[string length $caller] >= 1000} {
set caller "[string range $caller 0 200]...[string range $caller end-200 end]"
foreach line [split $caller \n] {
puts -nonewline $fd "@@(DebugError from $tag ($eo): $line)"
# From here we have a good message to show. We only shorten it a
# bit if its a bit excessive in size.
if {[string length $smessage] > 4096} {
set head [string range $smessage 0 2048]
set tail [string range $smessage end-2048 end]
set smessage "${head}...(truncated)...$tail"
foreach line [split $smessage \n] {
puts $fd "$sheader$tag | $line$strailer"
# names - return names of debug tags
proc ::debug::names {} {
variable detail
return [lsort [array names detail]]
proc ::debug::2array {} {
variable detail
set result {}
foreach n [lsort [array names detail]] {
if {[interp alias {} debug.$n] ne "::debug::noop"} {
lappend result $n $detail($n)
} else {
lappend result $n -$detail($n)
return $result
# level - set level and fd for tag
proc ::debug::level {tag {level ""} {fd {}}} {
variable detail
# TODO: Force level >=0.
if {$level ne ""} {
set detail($tag) $level
if {![info exists detail($tag)]} {
set detail($tag) 1
variable fds
if {$fd ne {}} {
set fds($tag) $fd
return $detail($tag)
proc ::debug::header {text} { variable header $text }
proc ::debug::trailer {text} { variable trailer $text }
proc ::debug::define {tag} {
if {[interp alias {} debug.$tag] ne {}} return
off $tag
# Set a prefix/suffix to use for tag.
# The global (tag-independent) prefix/suffix is adressed through tag '::'.
# This works because colon (:) is an illegal character for user-specified tags.
proc ::debug::prefix {tag {theprefix {}}} {
variable prefix
set prefix($tag) $theprefix
if {[interp alias {} debug.$tag] ne {}} return
off $tag
proc ::debug::suffix {tag {theprefix {}}} {
variable suffix
set suffix($tag) $theprefix
if {[interp alias {} debug.$tag] ne {}} return
off $tag
# turn on debugging for tag
proc ::debug::on {tag {level ""} {fd {}}} {
variable active
set active($tag) 1
level $tag $level $fd
interp alias {} debug.$tag {} ::debug::debug $tag
# turn off debugging for tag
proc ::debug::off {tag {level ""} {fd {}}} {
variable active
set active($tag) 1
level $tag $level $fd
interp alias {} debug.$tag {} ::debug::noop
proc ::debug::setting {args} {
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
set args [lindex $args 0]
set fd stderr
if {[llength $args] % 2} {
set fd [lindex $args end]
set args [lrange $args 0 end-1]
foreach {tag level} $args {
if {$level > 0} {
level $tag $level $fd
interp alias {} debug.$tag {} ::debug::debug $tag
} else {
level $tag [expr {-$level}] $fd
interp alias {} debug.$tag {} ::debug::noop
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Convenience commands.
# Format arrays and dicts as multi-line message.
# Insert newlines and tabs.
proc ::debug::nl {} { return \n }
proc ::debug::tab {} { return \t }
proc ::debug::parray {a {pattern *}} {
upvar 1 $a array
if {![array exists array]} {
error "\"$a\" isn't an array"
pdict [array get array] $pattern
proc ::debug::pdict {dict {pattern *}} {
set maxl 0
set names [lsort -dict [dict keys $dict $pattern]]
foreach name $names {
if {[string length $name] > $maxl} {
set maxl [string length $name]
set maxl [expr {$maxl + 2}]
set lines {}
foreach name $names {
set nameString [format (%s) $name]
lappend lines [format "%-*s = %s" \
$maxl $nameString \
[dict get $dict $name]]
return [join $lines \n]
proc ::debug::hexl {data {prefix {}}} {
set r {}
# Convert the data to hex and to characters.
binary scan $data H*@0a* hexa asciia
# Replace non-printing characters in the data with dots.
regsub -all -- {[^[:graph:] ]} $asciia {.} asciia
# Pad with spaces to a full multiple of 32/16.
set n [expr {[string length $hexa] % 32}]
if {$n < 32} { append hexa [string repeat { } [expr {32-$n}]] }
#puts "pad H [expr {32-$n}]"
set n [expr {[string length $asciia] % 32}]
if {$n < 16} { append asciia [string repeat { } [expr {16-$n}]] }
#puts "pad A [expr {32-$n}]"
# Reassemble formatted, in groups of 16 bytes/characters.
# The hex part is handled in groups of 32 nibbles.
set addr 0
while {[string length $hexa]} {
# Get front group of 16 bytes each.
set hex [string range $hexa 0 31]
set ascii [string range $asciia 0 15]
# Prep for next iteration
set hexa [string range $hexa 32 end]
set asciia [string range $asciia 16 end]
# Convert the hex to pairs of hex digits
regsub -all -- {..} $hex {& } hex
# Add the hex and latin-1 data to the result buffer
append r $prefix [format %04x $addr] { | } $hex { |} $ascii |\n
incr addr 16
# And done
return $r
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
namespace eval debug {
variable detail ; # map: TAG -> level of interest
variable prefix ; # map: TAG -> message prefix to use
variable suffix ; # map: TAG -> message suffix to use
variable fds ; # map: TAG -> handle of open channel to log to.
variable header {} ; # per-line heading, subst'ed
variable trailer {} ; # per-line ending, subst'ed
# Notes:
# - The tag '::' is reserved. "prefix" and "suffix" use it to store
# the global message prefix / suffix.
# - prefix and suffix are applied per message.
# - header and trailer are per line. And should not generate multiple lines!
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready
package provide debug 1.0.6


@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# -*- tcl -*
# Debug -- Heartbeat. Track operation of Tcl's eventloop.
# -- Colin McCormack / originally Wub server utilities
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requisites
package require Tcl 8.5
package require debug
namespace eval ::debug {
namespace export heartbeat
namespace ensemble create
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## API & Implementation
proc ::debug::heartbeat {{delta 500}} {
variable duration $delta
variable timer
if {$duration > 0} {
# stop a previous heartbeat before starting the next
catch { after cancel $timer }
on heartbeat
::debug::every $duration {
debug.heartbeat {[::debug::pulse]}
} else {
catch { after cancel $timer }
off heartbeat
proc ::debug::every {ms body} {
eval $body
variable timer [after $ms [info level 0]]
proc ::debug::pulse {} {
variable duration
variable hbtimer
variable heartbeat
set now [::tcl::clock::milliseconds]
set diff [expr {$now - $hbtimer - $duration}]
set hbtimer $now
return [list [incr heartbeat] $diff]
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
namespace eval ::debug {
variable duration 0 ; # milliseconds between heart-beats
variable heartbeat 0 ; # beat counter
variable hbtimer [::tcl::clock::milliseconds]
variable timer
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready
package provide debug::heartbeat 1.0.1


@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
if {![package vsatisfies [package require Tcl] 8.5]} return
package ifneeded debug 1.0.6 [list source [file join $dir debug.tcl]]
package ifneeded debug::heartbeat 1.0.1 [list source [file join $dir heartbeat.tcl]]
package ifneeded debug::timestamp 1 [list source [file join $dir timestamp.tcl]]
package ifneeded debug::caller 1.1 [list source [file join $dir caller.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# -*- tcl -*
# Debug -- Timestamps.
# -- Colin McCormack / originally Wub server utilities
# Generate timestamps for debug messages.
# The provided commands are for use in prefixes and headers.
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requisites
package require Tcl 8.5
package require debug
namespace eval ::debug {
namespace export timestamp
namespace ensemble create
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## API & Implementation
proc ::debug::timestamp {} {
variable timestamp::delta
variable timestamp::baseline
set now [::tcl::clock::milliseconds]
if {$delta} {
set time "${now}-[expr {$now - $delta}]mS "
} else {
set time "${now}mS "
set delta $now
return $time
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
namespace eval ::debug::timestamp {
variable delta 0
variable baseline [::tcl::clock::milliseconds]
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready
package provide debug::timestamp 1


@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
# disjointset.tcl --
# Implementation of a Disjoint Set for Tcl.
# Copyright (c) Google Summer of Code 2008 Alejandro Eduardo Cruz Paz
# Copyright (c) 2008 Andreas Kupries (API redesign and simplification)
# Copyright (c) 2018 by Kevin B. Kenny - reworked to a proper disjoint-sets
# data structure, added 'add-element', 'exemplars' and 'find-exemplar'.
# References
# - General overview
# -
# - Time/Complexity proofs
# -
# -
package require Tcl 8.6
# Initialize the disjointset structure namespace. Note that any
# missing parent namespace (::struct) will be automatically created as
# well.
namespace eval ::struct::disjointset {
# Only export one command, the one used to instantiate a new
# disjoint set
namespace export disjointset
# class struct::disjointset::_disjointset --
# Implementation of a disjoint-sets data structure
oo::class create struct::disjointset::_disjointset {
# elements - Dictionary whose keys are all the elements in the structure,
# and whose values are element numbers.
# tree - List indexed by element number whose members are
# ordered triples consisting of the element's name,
# the element number of the element's parent (or the element's
# own index if the element is a root), and the rank of
# the element.
# nParts - Number of partitions in the structure. Maintained only
# so that num_partitions will work.
variable elements tree nParts
constructor {} {
set elements {}
set tree {}
set nParts 0
# add-element --
# Adds an element to the structure
# Parameters:
# item - Name of the element to add
# Results:
# None.
# Side effects:
# Element is added
method add-element {item} {
if {[dict exists $elements $item]} {
return -code error \
-errorcode [list STRUCT DISJOINTSET DUPLICATE $item [self]] \
"The element \"$item\" is already known to the disjoint\
set [self]"
set n [llength $tree]
dict set elements $item $n
lappend tree [list $item $n 0]
incr nParts
# add-partition --
# Adds a collection of new elements to a disjoint-sets structure and
# makes them all one partition.
# Parameters:
# items - List of elements to add.
# Results:
# None.
# Side effects:
# Adds all the elements, and groups them into a single partition.
method add-partition {items} {
# Integrity check - make sure that none of the elements have yet
# been added
foreach name $items {
if {[dict exists $elements $name]} {
return -code error \
$name [self]] \
"The element \"$name\" is already known to the disjoint\
set [self]"
# Add all the elements in one go, and establish parent links for all
# but the first
set first -1
foreach n $items {
set idx [llength $tree]
dict set elements $n $idx
if {$first < 0} {
set first $idx
set rank 1
} else {
set rank 0
lappend tree [list $n $first $rank]
incr nParts
# equal --
# Test if two elements belong to the same partition in a disjoint-sets
# data structure.
# Parameters:
# a - Name of the first element
# b - Name of the second element
# Results:
# Returns 1 if the elements are in the same partition, and 0 otherwise.
method equal {a b} {
expr {[my FindNum $a] == [my FindNum $b]}
# exemplars --
# Find one representative element for each partition in a disjoint-sets
# data structure.
# Results:
# Returns a list of element names
method exemplars {} {
set result {}
set n -1
foreach row $tree {
if {[lindex $row 1] == [incr n]} {
lappend result [lindex $row 0]
return $result
# find --
# Find the partition to which a given element belongs.
# Parameters:
# item - Item to find
# Results:
# Returns a list of the partition's members
# Notes:
# This operation takes time proportional to the total number of elements
# in the disjoint-sets structure. If a simple name of the partition
# is all that is required, use "find-exemplar" instead, which runs
# in amortized time proportional to the inverse Ackermann function of
# the size of the partition.
method find {item} {
set result {}
# No error on a nonexistent item
if {![dict exists $elements $item]} {
return {}
set pnum [my FindNum $item]
set n -1
foreach row $tree {
if {[my FindByNum [incr n]] eq $pnum} {
lappend result [lindex $row 0]
return $result
# find-exemplar --
# Find a representative element of the partition that contains a given
# element.
# parameters:
# item - Item to examine
# Results:
# Returns the exemplar
# Notes:
# Takes O(alpha(|P|)) amortized time, where |P| is the size of the
# partition, and alpha is the inverse Ackermann function
method find-exemplar {item} {
return [lindex $tree [my FindNum $item] 0]
# merge --
# Merges the partitions that two elements are in.
# Results:
# None.
method merge {a b} {
my MergeByNum [my FindNum $a] [my FindNum $b]
# num-partitions --
# Counts the partitions of a disjoint-sets data structure
# Results:
# Returns the partition count.
method num-partitions {} {
return $nParts
# partitions --
# Enumerates the partitions of a disjoint-sets data structure
# Results:
# Returns a list of lists. Each list is one of the partitions
# in the disjoint set, and each member of the sublist is one
# of the elements added to the structure.
method partitions {} {
# Find the partition number for each element, and accumulate a
# list per partition
set parts {}
dict for {element eltNo} $elements {
set partNo [my FindByNum $eltNo]
dict lappend parts $partNo $element
return [dict values $parts]
# FindNum --
# Finds the partition number for an element.
# Parameters:
# item - Item to look up
# Results:
# Returns the partition number
method FindNum {item} {
if {![dict exists $elements $item]} {
return -code error \
-errorcode [list STRUCT DISJOINTSET NOTFOUND $item [self]] \
"The element \"$item\" is not known to the disjoint\
set [self]"
return [my FindByNum [dict get $elements $item]]
# FindByNum --
# Finds the partition number for an element, given the element's
# index
# Parameters:
# idx - Index of the item to look up
# Results:
# Returns the partition number
# Side effects:
# Performs path splitting
method FindByNum {idx} {
while {1} {
set parent [lindex $tree $idx 1]
if {$parent == $idx} {
return $idx
set prev $idx
set idx $parent
lset tree $prev 1 [lindex $tree $idx 1]
# MergeByNum --
# Merges two partitions in a disjoint-sets data structure
# Parameters:
# x - Index of an element in the first partition
# y - Index of an element in the second partition
# Results:
# None
# Side effects:
# Merges the partition of the lower rank into the one of the
# higher rank.
method MergeByNum {x y} {
set xroot [my FindByNum $x]
set yroot [my FindByNum $y]
if {$xroot == $yroot} {
# The elements are already in the same partition
incr nParts -1
# Make xroot the taller tree
if {[lindex $tree $xroot 2] < [lindex $tree $yroot 2]} {
set t $xroot; set xroot $yroot; set yroot $t
# Merge yroot into xroot
set xrank [lindex $tree $xroot 2]
set yrank [lindex $tree $yroot 2]
lset tree $yroot 1 $xroot
if {$xrank == $yrank} {
lset tree $xroot 2 [expr {$xrank + 1}]
# ::struct::disjointset::disjointset --
# Create a new disjoint set with a given name; if no name is
# given, use disjointsetX, where X is a number.
# Arguments:
# name Optional name of the disjoint set; if not specified, generate one.
# Results:
# name Name of the disjoint set created
proc ::struct::disjointset::disjointset {args} {
switch -exact -- [llength $args] {
0 {
return [_disjointset new]
1 {
# Name supplied by user
return [uplevel 1 [list [namespace which _disjointset] \
create [lindex $args 0]]]
default {
# Too many args
return -code error \
-errorcode {TCL WRONGARGS} \
"wrong # args: should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] ?name?\""
namespace eval ::struct {
namespace import disjointset::disjointset
namespace export disjointset
package provide struct::disjointset 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
# graph.tcl --
# Implementation of a graph data structure for Tcl.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2005,2019 by Andreas Kupries
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# @mdgen EXCLUDE: graph_c.tcl
package require Tcl 8.4
namespace eval ::struct::graph {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Management of graph implementations.
# ::struct::graph::LoadAccelerator --
# Loads a named implementation, if possible.
# Arguments:
# key Name of the implementation to load.
# Results:
# A boolean flag. True if the implementation
# was successfully loaded; and False otherwise.
proc ::struct::graph::LoadAccelerator {key} {
variable accel
set r 0
switch -exact -- $key {
critcl {
# Critcl implementation of graph requires Tcl 8.4.
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} {return 0}
if {[catch {package require tcllibc}]} {return 0}
set r [llength [info commands ::struct::graph_critcl]]
tcl {
variable selfdir
source [file join $selfdir graph_tcl.tcl]
set r 1
default {
return -code error "invalid accelerator/impl. package $key:\
must be one of [join [KnownImplementations] {, }]"
set accel($key) $r
return $r
# ::struct::graph::SwitchTo --
# Activates a loaded named implementation.
# Arguments:
# key Name of the implementation to activate.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::graph::SwitchTo {key} {
variable accel
variable loaded
if {[string equal $key $loaded]} {
# No change, nothing to do.
} elseif {![string equal $key ""]} {
# Validate the target implementation of the switch.
if {![info exists accel($key)]} {
return -code error "Unable to activate unknown implementation \"$key\""
} elseif {![info exists accel($key)] || !$accel($key)} {
return -code error "Unable to activate missing implementation \"$key\""
# Deactivate the previous implementation, if there was any.
if {![string equal $loaded ""]} {
rename ::struct::graph ::struct::graph_$loaded
# Activate the new implementation, if there is any.
if {![string equal $key ""]} {
rename ::struct::graph_$key ::struct::graph
# Remember the active implementation, for deactivation by future
# switches.
set loaded $key
# ::struct::graph::Implementations --
# Determines which implementations are
# present, i.e. loaded.
# Arguments:
# None.
# Results:
# A list of implementation keys.
proc ::struct::graph::Implementations {} {
variable accel
set res {}
foreach n [array names accel] {
if {!$accel($n)} continue
lappend res $n
return $res
# ::struct::graph::KnownImplementations --
# Determines which implementations are known
# as possible implementations.
# Arguments:
# None.
# Results:
# A list of implementation keys. In the order
# of preference, most prefered first.
proc ::struct::graph::KnownImplementations {} {
return {critcl tcl}
proc ::struct::graph::Names {} {
return {
critcl {tcllibc based}
tcl {pure Tcl}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Initialization: Data structures.
namespace eval ::struct::graph {
variable selfdir [file dirname [info script]]
variable accel
array set accel {tcl 0 critcl 0}
variable loaded {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Initialization: Choose an implementation,
## most prefered first. Loads only one of the
## possible implementations. And activates it.
namespace eval ::struct::graph {
variable e
foreach e [KnownImplementations] {
if {[LoadAccelerator $e]} {
SwitchTo $e
unset e
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Export the constructor command.
namespace export graph
package provide struct::graph 2.4.3


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
# graphc.tcl --
# Implementation of a graph data structure for Tcl.
# This code based on critcl, API compatible to the PTI [x].
# [x] Pure Tcl Implementation.
# Copyright (c) 2006,2019 Andreas Kupries <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
package require critcl
# @sak notprovided struct_graphc
package provide struct_graphc 2.4.3
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::struct {
# Supporting code for the main command.
catch {
#critcl::cheaders -g
#critcl::debug memory symbols
critcl::cheaders graph/*.h
critcl::csources graph/*.c
critcl::ccode {
/* -*- c -*- */
#include <global.h>
#include <objcmd.h>
#include <graph.h>
#define USAGE "?name ?=|:=|as|deserialize source??"
static void gg_delete (ClientData clientData)
/* Release the whole graph. */
g_delete ((G*) clientData);
# Main command, graph creation.
critcl::ccommand graph_critcl {dummy interp objc objv} {
/* Syntax */
/* - epsilon |1 */
/* - name |2 */
/* - name =|:=|as|deserialize source |4 */
CONST char* name;
G* g;
Tcl_Obj* fqn;
Tcl_CmdInfo ci;
if ((objc != 4) && (objc != 2) && (objc != 1)) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, USAGE);
return TCL_ERROR;
if (objc < 2) {
name = gg_new (interp);
} else {
name = Tcl_GetString (objv [1]);
if (!Tcl_StringMatch (name, "::*")) {
/* Relative name. Prefix with current namespace */
Tcl_Eval (interp, "namespace current");
fqn = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
fqn = Tcl_DuplicateObj (fqn);
Tcl_IncrRefCount (fqn);
if (!Tcl_StringMatch (Tcl_GetString (fqn), "::")) {
Tcl_AppendToObj (fqn, "::", -1);
Tcl_AppendToObj (fqn, name, -1);
} else {
fqn = Tcl_NewStringObj (name, -1);
Tcl_IncrRefCount (fqn);
Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
if (Tcl_GetCommandInfo (interp, Tcl_GetString (fqn), &ci)) {
Tcl_Obj* err;
err = Tcl_NewObj ();
Tcl_AppendToObj (err, "command \"", -1);
Tcl_AppendObjToObj (err, fqn);
Tcl_AppendToObj (err, "\" already exists, unable to create graph", -1);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, err);
return TCL_ERROR;
if (objc == 4) {
/* Construction with immediate initialization */
/* through deserialization */
Tcl_Obj* type = objv[2];
Tcl_Obj* src = objv[3];
int srctype;
static CONST char* types [] = {
":=", "=", "as", "deserialize", NULL
enum types {
if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, type, types, "type", 0, &srctype) != TCL_OK) {
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, USAGE);
return TCL_ERROR;
g = g_new ();
switch (srctype) {
case G_ASSIGN:
case G_AS:
case G_IS:
if (g_ms_assign (interp, g, src) != TCL_OK) {
g_delete (g);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
return TCL_ERROR;
case G_DESER:
if (g_deserialize (g, interp, src) != TCL_OK) {
g_delete (g);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
return TCL_ERROR;
} else {
g = g_new ();
g->cmd = Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, Tcl_GetString (fqn),
g_objcmd, (ClientData) g,
Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, fqn);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
return TCL_OK;
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
# map.tcl --
# Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Andreas Kupries <>
# Object wrapper around array/dict. Useful as key/value store in
# larger systems.
# Examples:
# - configuration mgmt in doctools v2 import/export managers
# - pt import/export managers
# Each object manages a key/value map.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requisites
package require Tcl 8.4
package require snit
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API
# From an API point of view the code below is equivalent to the much
# shorter `snit::type struct::map { ... }`.
# Then why the more complex form ?
# When snit compiles the class to Tcl code, and later on when methods
# are executed it will happen in the `struct` namespace. The moment
# this package is used together with `struct::set` all unqualified
# `set` statements will go bonkers, eiter in snit, or, here, in method
# `set`, because they get resolved to the `struct::set` dispatcher
# instead of `::set`. Moving the implementation a level deeper makes
# the `struct::map` namespace the context, with no conflict.
# Future / TODO: Convert all the OO stuff here over to TclOO, as much
# as possible (snit configure/cget support is currently still better,
# ditto hierarchical methods).
namespace eval ::struct {}
proc ::struct::map {args} {
uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 struct::map::I]
snit::type ::struct::map::I {
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Options :: None
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Creating, destruction
# Default constructor.
# Default destructor.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Public methods. Reading and writing the map.
method names {} {
return [array names mymap]
method get {} {
return [array get mymap]
method set {name {value {}}} {
# 7 instead of 3 in the condition below, because of the 4
# implicit arguments snit is providing to each method.
if {[llength [info level 0]] == 7} {
::set mymap($name) $value
} elseif {![info exists mymap($name)]} {
return -code error "can't read \"$name\": no such variable"
return $mymap($name)
method unset {args} {
if {![llength $args]} { lappend args * }
foreach pattern $args {
array unset mymap $pattern
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal methods :: None.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## State :: Map data, Tcl array
variable mymap -array {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide struct::map 1


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.2]} {return}
package ifneeded struct 2.1 [list source [file join $dir struct.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct 1.4 [list source [file join $dir struct1.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::queue 1.4.5 [list source [file join $dir queue.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::stack 1.5.3 [list source [file join $dir stack.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::tree 2.1.2 [list source [file join $dir tree.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::pool 1.2.3 [list source [file join $dir pool.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::record 1.2.2 [list source [file join $dir record.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::set 2.2.3 [list source [file join $dir sets.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::prioqueue 1.4 [list source [file join $dir prioqueue.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::skiplist 1.3 [list source [file join $dir skiplist.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::graph 1.2.1 [list source [file join $dir graph1.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::tree 1.2.2 [list source [file join $dir tree1.tcl]]
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} {return}
package ifneeded struct::list 1.8.5 [list source [file join $dir list.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::list::test 1.8.4 [list source [file join $dir list.test.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::graph 2.4.3 [list source [file join $dir graph.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::map 1 [list source [file join $dir map.tcl]]
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5]} {return}
package ifneeded struct::matrix 2.1 [list source [file join $dir matrix.tcl]]
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6]} {return}
package ifneeded struct::disjointset 1.1 [list source [file join $dir disjointset.tcl]]
package ifneeded struct::graph::op 0.11.3 [list source [file join $dir graphops.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
# pool.tcl
# Author: Erik Leunissen
# Acknowledgement:
# The author is grateful for the advice provided by
# Andreas Kupries during the development of this code.
package require cmdline
namespace eval ::struct {}
namespace eval ::struct::pool {
# a list of all current pool names
variable pools {}
# counter is used to give a unique name to a pool if
# no name was supplied, e.g. pool1, pool2 etc.
variable counter 0
# `commands' is the list of subcommands recognized by a pool-object command
variable commands {add clear destroy info maxsize release remove request}
# All errors with corresponding (unformatted) messages.
# The format strings will be replaced by the appropriate
# values when an error occurs.
variable Errors
array set Errors {
BAD_SUBCMD {Bad subcommand "%s": must be %s}
DUPLICATE_ITEM_IN_ARGS {Duplicate item `%s' in arguments.}
DUPLICATE_POOLNAME {The pool `%s' already exists.}
EXCEED_MAXSIZE "This command would increase the total number of items\
\nbeyond the maximum size of the pool. No items registered."
FORBIDDEN_ALLOCID "The value -1 is not allowed as an allocID."
INVALID_POOLSIZE {The pool currently holds %s items.\
Can't set maxsize to a value less than that.}
ITEM_ALREADY_IN_POOL {`%s' already is a member of the pool. No items registered.}
ITEM_NOT_IN_POOL {`%s' is not a member of %s.}
ITEM_NOT_ALLOCATED {Can't release `%s' because it isn't allocated.}
ITEM_STILL_ALLOCATED {Can't remove `%s' because it is still allocated.}
NONINT_REQSIZE {The second argument must be a positive integer value}
SOME_ITEMS_NOT_FREE {Couldn't %s `%s' because some items are still allocated.}
UNKNOWN_ARG {Unknown argument `%s'}
UNKNOWN_POOL {Nothing known about `%s'.}
VARNAME_EXISTS {A variable `::struct::pool::%s' already exists.}
WRONG_INFO_TYPE "Expected second argument to be one of:\
\n allitems, allocstate, cursize, freeitems, maxsize,\
\nbut received: `%s'."
WRONG_NARGS "wrong#args"
namespace export pool
# A small helper routine to generate structured errors
if {[package vsatisfies [package present Tcl] 8.5]} {
# Tcl 8.5+, have expansion operator and syntax. And option -level.
proc ::struct::pool::Error {error args} {
variable Errors
return -code error -level 1 \
-errorcode [list STRUCT POOL $error {*}$args] \
[format $Errors($error) {*}$args]
} else {
# Tcl 8.4. No expansion operator available. Nor -level.
# Construct the pieces explicitly, via linsert/eval hop&dance.
proc ::struct::pool::Error {error args} {
variable Errors
lappend code STRUCT POOL $error
eval [linsert $args 0 lappend code]
set msg [eval [linsert $args 0 format $Errors($error)]]
return -code error -errorcode $code $msg
# A small helper routine to check list membership
proc ::struct::pool::lmember {list element} {
if { [lsearch -exact $list $element] >= 0 } {
return 1
} else {
return 0
# General note
# ============
# All procedures below use the following method to reference
# a particular pool-object:
# variable $poolname
# upvar #0 ::struct::pool::$poolname pool
# upvar #0 ::struct::pool::Allocstate_$poolname state
# Therefore, the names `pool' and `state' refer to a particular
# instance of a pool.
# In the comments to the code below, the words `pool' and `state'
# also refer to a particular pool.
# ::struct::pool::create
# Creates a new instance of a pool (a pool-object).
# ::struct::pool::pool (see right below) is an alias to this procedure.
# Arguments:
# poolname: name of the pool-object
# maxsize: the maximum number of elements that the pool is allowed
# consist of.
# Results:
# the name of the newly created pool
# Side effects:
# - Registers the pool-name in the variable `pools'.
# - Creates the pool array which holds general state about the pool.
# The following elements are initialized:
# pool(freeitems): a list of non-allocated items
# pool(cursize): the current number of elements in the pool
# pool(maxsize): the maximum allowable number of pool elements
# Additional state may be hung off this array as long as the three
# elements above are not corrupted.
# - Creates a separate array `state' that will hold allocation state
# of the pool elements.
# - Creates an object-procedure that has the same name as the pool.
proc ::struct::pool::create { {poolname ""} {maxsize 10} } {
variable pools
variable counter
# check maxsize argument
if { ![string equal $maxsize 10] } {
if { ![regexp {^\+?[1-9][0-9]*$} $maxsize] } {
# create a name if no name was supplied
if { [string length $poolname]==0 } {
incr counter
set poolname pool$counter
set incrcnt 1
# check whether there exists a pool named $poolname
if { [lmember $pools $poolname] } {
if { [::info exists incrcnt] } {
incr counter -1
# check whether the namespace variable exists
if { [::info exists ::struct::pool::$poolname] } {
if { [::info exists incrcnt] } {
incr counter -1
Error VARNAME_EXISTS $poolname
variable $poolname
# register
lappend pools $poolname
# create and initialize the new pool data structure
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::$poolname pool
set pool(freeitems) {}
set pool(maxsize) $maxsize
set pool(cursize) 0
# the array that holds allocation state
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::Allocstate_$poolname state
array set state {}
# create a pool-object command and map it to the pool commands
interp alias {} ::$poolname {} ::struct::pool::poolCmd $poolname
return $poolname
# This alias provides compatibility with the implementation of the
# other data structures (stack, queue etc...) in the tcllib::struct package.
proc ::struct::pool::pool { {poolname ""} {maxsize 10} } {
::struct::pool::create $poolname $maxsize
# ::struct::pool::poolCmd
# This proc constitutes a level of indirection between the pool-object
# subcommand and the pool commands (below); it's sole function is to pass
# the command along to one of the pool commands, and receive any results.
# Arguments:
# poolname: name of the pool-object
# subcmd: the subcommand, which identifies the pool-command to
# which calls will be passed.
# args: any arguments. They will be inspected by the pool-command
# to which this call will be passed along.
# Results:
# Whatever result the pool command returns, is once more returned.
# Side effects:
# Dispatches the call onto a specific pool command and receives any results.
proc ::struct::pool::poolCmd {poolname subcmd args} {
# check the subcmd argument
if { [lsearch -exact $::struct::pool::commands $subcmd] == -1 } {
set optlist [join $::struct::pool::commands ", "]
set optlist [linsert $optlist "end-1" "or"]
Error BAD_SUBCMD $subcmd $optlist
# pass the call to the pool command indicated by the subcmd argument,
# and return the result from that command.
return [eval [linsert $args 0 ::struct::pool::$subcmd $poolname]]
# ::struct::pool::destroy
# Destroys a pool-object, its associated variables and "object-command"
# Arguments:
# poolname: name of the pool-object
# forceArg: if set to `-force', the pool-object will be destroyed
# regardless the allocation state of its objects.
# Results:
# none
# Side effects:
# - unregisters the pool name in the variable `pools'.
# - unsets `pool' and `state' (poolname specific variables)
# - destroys the "object-procedure" that was associated with the pool.
proc ::struct::pool::destroy {poolname {forceArg ""}} {
variable pools
# check forceArg argument
if { [string length $forceArg] } {
if { [string equal $forceArg -force] } {
set force 1
} else {
Error UNKNOWN_ARG $forceArg
} else {
set force 0
set index [lsearch -exact $pools $poolname]
if {$index == -1 } {
Error UNKNOWN_POOL $poolname
if { !$force } {
# check for any lingering allocated items
variable $poolname
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::$poolname pool
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::Allocstate_$poolname state
if { [llength $pool(freeitems)] != $pool(cursize) } {
Error SOME_ITEMS_NOT_FREE destroy $poolname
rename ::$poolname {}
unset ::struct::pool::$poolname
catch {unset ::struct::pool::Allocstate_$poolname}
set pools [lreplace $pools $index $index]
# ::struct::pool::add
# Add items to the pool
# Arguments:
# poolname: name of the pool-object
# args: the items to add
# Results:
# none
# Side effects:
# sets the initial allocation state of the added items to -1 (free)
proc ::struct::pool::add {poolname args} {
variable $poolname
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::$poolname pool
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::Allocstate_$poolname state
# argument check
if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
# will this operation exceed the size limit of the pool?
if {[expr { $pool(cursize) + [llength $args] }] > $pool(maxsize) } {
# check for duplicate items on the command line
set N [llength $args]
if { $N > 1} {
for {set i 0} {$i<=$N} {incr i} {
foreach item [lrange $args [expr {$i+1}] end] {
if { [string equal [lindex $args $i] $item]} {
# check whether the items exist yet in the pool
foreach item $args {
if { [lmember [array names state] $item] } {
# add items to the pool, and initialize their allocation state
foreach item $args {
lappend pool(freeitems) $item
set state($item) -1
incr pool(cursize)
# ::struct::pool::clear
# Removes all items from the pool and clears corresponding
# allocation state.
# Arguments:
# poolname: name of the pool-object
# forceArg: if set to `-force', all items are removed
# regardless their allocation state.
# Results:
# none
# Side effects:
# see description above
proc ::struct::pool::clear {poolname {forceArg ""} } {
variable $poolname
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::$poolname pool
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::Allocstate_$poolname state
# check forceArg argument
if { [string length $forceArg] } {
if { [string equal $forceArg -force] } {
set force 1
} else {
Error UNKNOWN_ARG $forceArg
} else {
set force 0
# check whether some items are still allocated
if { !$force } {
if { [llength $pool(freeitems)] != $pool(cursize) } {
Error SOME_ITEMS_NOT_FREE clear $poolname
# clear the pool, clean up state and adjust the pool size
set pool(freeitems) {}
array unset state
array set state {}
set pool(cursize) 0
# ::struct::pool::info
# Returns information about the pool in data structures that allow
# further programmatic use.
# Arguments:
# poolname: name of the pool-object
# type: the type of info requested
# Results:
# The info requested
# Side effects:
# none
proc ::struct::pool::info {poolname type args} {
variable $poolname
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::$poolname pool
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::Allocstate_$poolname state
# check the number of arguments
if { [string equal $type allocID] } {
if { [llength $args]!=1 } {
} elseif { [llength $args] > 0 } {
switch $type {
allitems {
return [array names state]
allocstate {
return [array get state]
allocID {
set item [lindex $args 0]
if {![lmember [array names state] $item]} {
Error ITEM_NOT_IN_POOL $item $poolname
return $state($item)
cursize {
return $pool(cursize)
freeitems {
return $pool(freeitems)
maxsize {
return $pool(maxsize)
default {
# ::struct::pool::maxsize
# Returns the current or sets a new maximum size of the pool.
# As far as querying only is concerned, this is an alias for
# `::struct::pool::info maxsize'.
# Arguments:
# poolname: name of the pool-object
# reqsize: if supplied, it is the requested size of the pool, i.e.
# the maximum number of elements in the pool.
# Results:
# The current/new maximum size of the pool.
# Side effects:
# Sets pool(maxsize) if a new size is supplied.
proc ::struct::pool::maxsize {poolname {reqsize ""} } {
variable $poolname
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::$poolname pool
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::Allocstate_$poolname state
if { [string length $reqsize] } {
if { [regexp {^\+?[1-9][0-9]*$} $reqsize] } {
if { $pool(cursize) <= $reqsize } {
set pool(maxsize) $reqsize
} else {
Error INVALID_POOLSIZE $pool(cursize)
} else {
return $pool(maxsize)
# ::struct::pool::release
# Deallocates an item
# Arguments:
# poolname: name of the pool-object
# item: name of the item to be released
# Results:
# none
# Side effects:
# - sets the item's allocation state to free (-1)
# - appends item to the list of free items
proc ::struct::pool::release {poolname item} {
variable $poolname
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::$poolname pool
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::Allocstate_$poolname state
# Is item in the pool?
if {![lmember [array names state] $item]} {
Error ITEM_NOT_IN_POOL $item $poolname
# check whether item was allocated
if { $state($item) == -1 } {
} else {
# set item free and return it to the pool of free items
set state($item) -1
lappend pool(freeitems) $item
# ::struct::pool::remove
# Removes an item from the pool
# Arguments:
# poolname: name of the pool-object
# item: the item to be removed
# forceArg: if set to `-force', the item is removed
# regardless its allocation state.
# Results:
# none
# Side effects:
# - cleans up allocation state related to the item
proc ::struct::pool::remove {poolname item {forceArg ""} } {
variable $poolname
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::$poolname pool
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::Allocstate_$poolname state
# check forceArg argument
if { [string length $forceArg] } {
if { [string equal $forceArg -force] } {
set force 1
} else {
Error UNKNOWN_ARG $forceArg
} else {
set force 0
# Is item in the pool?
if {![lmember [array names state] $item]} {
Error ITEM_NOT_IN_POOL $item $poolname
set index [lsearch $pool(freeitems) $item]
if { $index >= 0} {
# actual removal
set pool(freeitems) [lreplace $pool(freeitems) $index $index]
} elseif { !$force } {
# clean up state and adjust the pool size
unset state($item)
incr pool(cursize) -1
# ::struct::pool::request
# Handles requests for an item, taking into account a preference
# for a particular item if supplied.
# Arguments:
# poolname: name of the pool-object
# itemvar: variable to which the item-name will be assigned
# if the request is honored.
# args: an optional sequence of key-value pairs, indicating the
# following options:
# -prefer: the preferred item to allocate.
# -allocID: An ID for the entity to which the item will be
# allocated. This facilitates reverse lookups.
# Results:
# 1 if the request was honored; an item is allocated
# 0 if the request couldn't be honored; no item is allocated
# The user is strongly advised to check the return values
# when calling this procedure.
# Side effects:
# if the request is honored:
# - sets allocation state to $allocID (or dummyID if it was not supplied)
# if allocation was succesful. Allocation state is maintained in the
# namespace variable state (see: `General note' above)
# - sets the variable passed via `itemvar' to the allocated item.
# if the request is denied, no side effects occur.
proc ::struct::pool::request {poolname itemvar args} {
variable $poolname
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::$poolname pool
upvar #0 ::struct::pool::Allocstate_$poolname state
# check args
set nargs [llength $args]
if { ! ($nargs==0 || $nargs==2 || $nargs==4) } {
if { ![string equal $args -?] && ![string equal $args -help]} {
} elseif { $nargs } {
foreach {name value} $args {
if { ![string match -* $name] } {
Error UNKNOWN_ARG $name
set allocated 0
# are there any items available?
if { [llength $pool(freeitems)] > 0} {
# process command options
set options [cmdline::getoptions args { \
{prefer.arg {} {The preference for a particular item}} \
{allocID.arg {} {An ID for the entity to which the item will be allocated} } \
} \
"usage: $poolname request itemvar ?options?:"]
foreach {key value} $options {
set $key $value
if { $allocID == -1 } {
# let `item' point to a variable two levels up the call stack
upvar 2 $itemvar item
# check whether a preference was supplied
if { [string length $prefer] } {
if {![lmember [array names state] $prefer]} {
Error ITEM_NOT_IN_POOL $prefer $poolname
if { $state($prefer) == -1 } {
set index [lsearch $pool(freeitems) $prefer]
set item $prefer
} else {
return 0
} else {
set index 0
set item [lindex $pool(freeitems) 0]
# do the actual allocation
set pool(freeitems) [lreplace $pool(freeitems) $index $index]
if { [string length $allocID] } {
set state($item) $allocID
} else {
set state($item) dummyID
set allocated 1
return $allocated
# EOF pool.tcl
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Get 'pool::pool' into the general structure namespace.
namespace import -force pool::pool
namespace export pool
package provide struct::pool 1.2.3


@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
# prioqueue.tcl --
# Priority Queue implementation for Tcl.
# adapted from queue.tcl
# Copyright (c) 2002,2003 Michael Schlenker
# Copyright (c) 2008 Alejandro Paz <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: prioqueue.tcl,v 1.10 2008/09/04 04:35:02 andreas_kupries Exp $
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::struct {}
namespace eval ::struct::prioqueue {
# The queues array holds all of the queues you've made
variable queues
# counter is used to give a unique name for unnamed queues
variable counter 0
# commands is the list of subcommands recognized by the queue
variable commands [list \
"clear" \
"destroy" \
"get" \
"peek" \
"put" \
"remove" \
"size" \
"peekpriority" \
variable sortopt [list \
"-integer" \
"-real" \
"-ascii" \
"-dictionary" \
# this is a simple design decision, that integer and real
# are sorted decreasing (-1), and -ascii and -dictionary are sorted -increasing (1)
# the values here map to the sortopt list
# could be changed to something configurable.
variable sortdir [list \
"-1" \
"-1" \
"1" \
"1" \
# Only export one command, the one used to instantiate a new queue
namespace export prioqueue
proc K {x y} {set x} ;# DKF's K combinator
# ::struct::prioqueue::prioqueue --
# Create a new prioqueue with a given name; if no name is given, use
# prioqueueX, where X is a number.
# Arguments:
# sorting sorting option for lsort to use, no -command option
# defaults to integer
# name name of the queue; if null, generate one.
# names may not begin with -
# Results:
# name name of the queue created
proc ::struct::prioqueue::prioqueue {args} {
variable queues
variable counter
variable queues_sorting
variable sortopt
# check args
if {[llength $args] > 2} {
error "wrong # args: should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] ?-ascii|-dictionary|-integer|-real? ?name?\""
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
# defaulting to integer priorities
set sorting -integer
} else {
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
if {[string match "-*" [lindex $args 0]]==1} {
set sorting [lindex $args 0]
} else {
set sorting -integer
set name [lindex $args 0]
} else {
if {[llength $args] == 2} {
foreach {sorting name} $args {break}
# check option (like lsort sorting options without -command)
if {[lsearch $sortopt $sorting] == -1} {
# if sortoption is unknown, but name is a sortoption we give a better error message
if {[info exists name] && [lsearch $sortopt $name]!=-1} {
error "wrong argument position: should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] ?-ascii|-dictionary|-integer|-real? ?name?\""
error "unknown sort option \"$sorting\""
# create name if not given
if {![info exists name]} {
incr counter
set name "prioqueue${counter}"
if { ![string equal [info commands ::$name] ""] } {
error "command \"$name\" already exists, unable to create prioqueue"
# Initialize the queue as empty
set queues($name) [list ]
switch -exact -- $sorting {
-integer { set queues_sorting($name) 0}
-real { set queues_sorting($name) 1}
-ascii { set queues_sorting($name) 2}
-dictionary { set queues_sorting($name) 3}
# Create the command to manipulate the queue
interp alias {} ::$name {} ::struct::prioqueue::QueueProc $name
return $name
# Private functions follow
# ::struct::prioqueue::QueueProc --
# Command that processes all queue object commands.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object to manipulate.
# args command name and args for the command
# Results:
# Varies based on command to perform
proc ::struct::prioqueue::QueueProc {name {cmd ""} args} {
# Do minimal args checks here
if { [llength [info level 0]] == 2 } {
error "wrong # args: should be \"$name option ?arg arg ...?\""
# Split the args into command and args components
if { [string equal [info commands ::struct::prioqueue::_$cmd] ""] } {
variable commands
set optlist [join $commands ", "]
set optlist [linsert $optlist "end-1" "or"]
error "bad option \"$cmd\": must be $optlist"
return [eval [linsert $args 0 ::struct::prioqueue::_$cmd $name]]
# ::struct::prioqueue::_clear --
# Clear a queue.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::prioqueue::_clear {name} {
variable queues
set queues($name) [list]
# ::struct::prioqueue::_destroy --
# Destroy a queue object by removing it's storage space and
# eliminating it's proc.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::prioqueue::_destroy {name} {
variable queues
variable queues_sorting
unset queues($name)
unset queues_sorting($name)
interp alias {} ::$name {}
# ::struct::prioqueue::_get --
# Get an item from a queue.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object.
# count number of items to get; defaults to 1
# Results:
# item first count items from the queue; if there are not enough
# items in the queue, throws an error.
proc ::struct::prioqueue::_get {name {count 1}} {
variable queues
if { $count < 1 } {
error "invalid item count $count"
if { $count > [llength $queues($name)] } {
error "insufficient items in prioqueue to fill request"
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item gets aren't listified
set item [lindex [lindex $queues($name) 0] 1]
set queues($name) [lreplace [K $queues($name) [set queues($name) ""]] 0 0]
return $item
# Otherwise, return a list of items
incr count -1
set items [lrange $queues($name) 0 $count]
foreach item $items {
lappend result [lindex $item 1]
set items ""
set queues($name) [lreplace [K $queues($name) [set queues($name) ""]] 0 $count]
return $result
# ::struct::prioqueue::_peek --
# Retrive the value of an item on the queue without removing it.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object.
# count number of items to peek; defaults to 1
# Results:
# items top count items from the queue; if there are not enough items
# to fufill the request, throws an error.
proc ::struct::prioqueue::_peek {name {count 1}} {
variable queues
if { $count < 1 } {
error "invalid item count $count"
if { $count > [llength $queues($name)] } {
error "insufficient items in prioqueue to fill request"
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item pops aren't listified
return [lindex [lindex $queues($name) 0] 1]
# Otherwise, return a list of items
set index [expr {$count - 1}]
foreach item [lrange $queues($name) 0 $index] {
lappend result [lindex $item 1]
return $result
# ::struct::prioqueue::_peekpriority --
# Retrive the priority of an item on the queue without removing it.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object.
# count number of items to peek; defaults to 1
# Results:
# items top count items from the queue; if there are not enough items
# to fufill the request, throws an error.
proc ::struct::prioqueue::_peekpriority {name {count 1}} {
variable queues
if { $count < 1 } {
error "invalid item count $count"
if { $count > [llength $queues($name)] } {
error "insufficient items in prioqueue to fill request"
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item pops aren't listified
return [lindex [lindex $queues($name) 0] 0]
# Otherwise, return a list of items
set index [expr {$count - 1}]
foreach item [lrange $queues($name) 0 $index] {
lappend result [lindex $item 0]
return $result
# ::struct::prioqueue::_put --
# Put an item into a queue.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object
# args list of the form "item1 prio1 item2 prio2 item3 prio3"
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::prioqueue::_put {name args} {
variable queues
variable queues_sorting
variable sortopt
variable sortdir
if { [llength $args] == 0 || [llength $args] % 2} {
error "wrong # args: should be \"$name put item prio ?item prio ...?\""
# check for prio type before adding
switch -exact -- $queues_sorting($name) {
0 {
foreach {item prio} $args {
if {![string is integer -strict $prio]} {
error "priority \"$prio\" is not an integer type value"
1 {
foreach {item prio} $args {
if {![string is double -strict $prio]} {
error "priority \"$prio\" is not a real type value"
default {
#no restrictions for -ascii and -dictionary
# sort by priorities
set opt [lindex $sortopt $queues_sorting($name)]
set dir [lindex $sortdir $queues_sorting($name)]
# add only if check has passed
foreach {item prio} $args {
set new [list $prio $item]
set queues($name) [__linsertsorted [K $queues($name) [set queues($name) ""]] $new $opt $dir]
# ::struct::prioqueue::_remove --
# Delete an item together with it's related priority value from the queue.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object
# item item to be removed
# Results:
# None.
if {[package vcompare [package present Tcl] 8.5] < 0} {
# 8.4-: We have -index option for lsearch, so we use glob to allow
# us to create a pattern which can ignore the priority value. We
# quote everything in the item to prevent it from being
# glob-matched, exact matching is required.
proc ::struct::prioqueue::_remove {name item} {
variable queues
set queuelist $queues($name)
set itemrep "* \\[join [split $item {}] "\\"]"
set foundat [lsearch -glob $queuelist $itemrep]
# the item to remove was not found if foundat remains at -1,
# nothing to replace then
if {$foundat < 0} return
set queues($name) [lreplace $queuelist $foundat $foundat]
} else {
# 8.5+: We have the -index option, allowing us to exactly address
# the column used to search.
proc ::struct::prioqueue::_remove {name item} {
variable queues
set queuelist $queues($name)
set foundat [lsearch -index 1 -exact $queuelist $item]
# the item to remove was not found if foundat remains at -1,
# nothing to replace then
if {$foundat < 0} return
set queues($name) [lreplace $queuelist $foundat $foundat]
# ::struct::prioqueue::_size --
# Return the number of objects on a queue.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object.
# Results:
# count number of items on the queue.
proc ::struct::prioqueue::_size {name} {
variable queues
return [llength $queues($name)]
# ::struct::prioqueue::__linsertsorted
# Helper proc for inserting into a sorted list.
proc ::struct::prioqueue::__linsertsorted {list newElement sortopt sortdir} {
set cmpcmd __elementcompare${sortopt}
set pos -1
set newPrio [lindex $newElement 0]
# do a binary search
set lower -1
set upper [llength $list]
set bound [expr {$upper+1}]
set pivot 0
if {$upper > 0} {
while {$lower +1 != $upper } {
# get the pivot element
set pivot [expr {($lower + $upper) / 2}]
set element [lindex $list $pivot]
set prio [lindex $element 0]
# check
set test [$cmpcmd $prio $newPrio $sortdir]
if {$test == 0} {
set pos $pivot
set upper $pivot
# now break as we need the last item
} elseif {$test > 0 } {
# search lower section
set upper $pivot
set bound $upper
set pos -1
} else {
# search upper section
set lower $pivot
set pos $bound
if {$pos == -1} {
# we do an insert before the pivot element
set pos $pivot
# loop to the last matching element to
# keep a stable insertion order
while {[$cmpcmd $prio $newPrio $sortdir]==0} {
incr pos
if {$pos > [llength $list]} {break}
set element [lindex $list $pos]
set prio [lindex $element 0]
} else {
set pos 0
# do the insert without copying
linsert [K $list [set list ""]] $pos $newElement
# ::struct::prioqueue::__elementcompare
# Compare helpers with the sort options.
proc ::struct::prioqueue::__elementcompare-integer {prio newPrio sortdir} {
return [expr {$prio < $newPrio ? -1*$sortdir : ($prio != $newPrio)*$sortdir}]
proc ::struct::prioqueue::__elementcompare-real {prio newPrio sortdir} {
return [expr {$prio < $newPrio ? -1*$sortdir : ($prio != $newPrio)*$sortdir}]
proc ::struct::prioqueue::__elementcompare-ascii {prio newPrio sortdir} {
return [expr {[string compare $prio $newPrio]*$sortdir}]
proc ::struct::prioqueue::__elementcompare-dictionary {prio newPrio sortdir} {
# need to use lsort to access -dictionary sorting
set tlist [lsort -increasing -dictionary [list $prio $newPrio]]
set e1 [string equal [lindex $tlist 0] $prio]
set e2 [string equal [lindex $tlist 1] $prio]
return [expr {$e1 > $e2 ? -1*$sortdir : ($e1 != $e2)*$sortdir}]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Get 'prioqueue::prioqueue' into the general structure namespace.
namespace import -force prioqueue::prioqueue
namespace export prioqueue
package provide struct::prioqueue 1.4


@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
# queue.tcl --
# Implementation of a queue data structure for Tcl.
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2008 by Andreas Kupries
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: queue.tcl,v 1.16 2012/11/21 22:36:18 andreas_kupries Exp $
# @mdgen EXCLUDE: queue_c.tcl
package require Tcl 8.4
namespace eval ::struct::queue {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Management of queue implementations.
# ::struct::queue::LoadAccelerator --
# Loads a named implementation, if possible.
# Arguments:
# key Name of the implementation to load.
# Results:
# A boolean flag. True if the implementation
# was successfully loaded; and False otherwise.
proc ::struct::queue::LoadAccelerator {key} {
variable accel
set r 0
switch -exact -- $key {
critcl {
# Critcl implementation of queue requires Tcl 8.4.
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} {return 0}
if {[catch {package require tcllibc}]} {return 0}
set r [llength [info commands ::struct::queue_critcl]]
tcl {
variable selfdir
if {
[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5] &&
![catch {package require TclOO 0.6.1-}]
} {
source [file join $selfdir queue_oo.tcl]
} else {
source [file join $selfdir queue_tcl.tcl]
set r 1
default {
return -code error "invalid accelerator/impl. package $key:\
must be one of [join [KnownImplementations] {, }]"
set accel($key) $r
return $r
# ::struct::queue::SwitchTo --
# Activates a loaded named implementation.
# Arguments:
# key Name of the implementation to activate.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::queue::SwitchTo {key} {
variable accel
variable loaded
if {[string equal $key $loaded]} {
# No change, nothing to do.
} elseif {![string equal $key ""]} {
# Validate the target implementation of the switch.
if {![info exists accel($key)]} {
return -code error "Unable to activate unknown implementation \"$key\""
} elseif {![info exists accel($key)] || !$accel($key)} {
return -code error "Unable to activate missing implementation \"$key\""
# Deactivate the previous implementation, if there was any.
if {![string equal $loaded ""]} {
rename ::struct::queue ::struct::queue_$loaded
# Activate the new implementation, if there is any.
if {![string equal $key ""]} {
rename ::struct::queue_$key ::struct::queue
# Remember the active implementation, for deactivation by future
# switches.
set loaded $key
# ::struct::queue::Implementations --
# Determines which implementations are
# present, i.e. loaded.
# Arguments:
# None.
# Results:
# A list of implementation keys.
proc ::struct::queue::Implementations {} {
variable accel
set res {}
foreach n [array names accel] {
if {!$accel($n)} continue
lappend res $n
return $res
# ::struct::queue::KnownImplementations --
# Determines which implementations are known
# as possible implementations.
# Arguments:
# None.
# Results:
# A list of implementation keys. In the order
# of preference, most prefered first.
proc ::struct::queue::KnownImplementations {} {
return {critcl tcl}
proc ::struct::queue::Names {} {
return {
critcl {tcllibc based}
tcl {pure Tcl}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Initialization: Data structures.
namespace eval ::struct::queue {
variable selfdir [file dirname [info script]]
variable accel
array set accel {tcl 0 critcl 0}
variable loaded {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Initialization: Choose an implementation,
## most prefered first. Loads only one of the
## possible implementations. And activates it.
namespace eval ::struct::queue {
variable e
foreach e [KnownImplementations] {
if {[LoadAccelerator $e]} {
SwitchTo $e
unset e
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Export the constructor command.
namespace export queue
package provide struct::queue 1.4.5


@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
# queuec.tcl --
# Implementation of a queue data structure for Tcl.
# This code based on critcl, API compatible to the PTI [x].
# [x] Pure Tcl Implementation.
# Copyright (c) 2008 Andreas Kupries <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: queue_c.tcl,v 1.2 2011/04/21 17:51:55 andreas_kupries Exp $
package require critcl
# @sak notprovided struct_queuec
package provide struct_queuec 1.3.1
package require Tcl 8.4
namespace eval ::struct {
# Supporting code for the main command.
critcl::cheaders queue/*.h
critcl::csources queue/*.c
critcl::ccode {
/* -*- c -*- */
#include <util.h>
#include <q.h>
#include <ms.h>
#include <m.h>
/* .................................................. */
/* Global queue management, per interp
typedef struct QDg {
long int counter;
char buf [50];
} QDg;
static void
QDgrelease (ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp* interp)
ckfree((char*) cd);
static CONST char*
QDnewName (Tcl_Interp* interp)
#define KEY "tcllib/struct::queue/critcl"
Tcl_InterpDeleteProc* proc = QDgrelease;
QDg* qdg;
qdg = Tcl_GetAssocData (interp, KEY, &proc);
if (qdg == NULL) {
qdg = (QDg*) ckalloc (sizeof (QDg));
qdg->counter = 0;
Tcl_SetAssocData (interp, KEY, proc,
(ClientData) qdg);
qdg->counter ++;
sprintf (qdg->buf, "queue%ld", qdg->counter);
return qdg->buf;
#undef KEY
static void
QDdeleteCmd (ClientData clientData)
/* Release the whole queue. */
qu_delete ((Q*) clientData);
# Main command, queue creation.
critcl::ccommand queue_critcl {dummy interp objc objv} {
/* Syntax
* - epsilon |1
* - name |2
CONST char* name;
Q* qd;
Tcl_Obj* fqn;
Tcl_CmdInfo ci;
#define USAGE "?name?"
if ((objc != 2) && (objc != 1)) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, USAGE);
return TCL_ERROR;
if (objc < 2) {
name = QDnewName (interp);
} else {
name = Tcl_GetString (objv [1]);
if (!Tcl_StringMatch (name, "::*")) {
/* Relative name. Prefix with current namespace */
Tcl_Eval (interp, "namespace current");
fqn = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
fqn = Tcl_DuplicateObj (fqn);
Tcl_IncrRefCount (fqn);
if (!Tcl_StringMatch (Tcl_GetString (fqn), "::")) {
Tcl_AppendToObj (fqn, "::", -1);
Tcl_AppendToObj (fqn, name, -1);
} else {
fqn = Tcl_NewStringObj (name, -1);
Tcl_IncrRefCount (fqn);
Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
if (Tcl_GetCommandInfo (interp,
Tcl_GetString (fqn),
&ci)) {
Tcl_Obj* err;
err = Tcl_NewObj ();
Tcl_AppendToObj (err, "command \"", -1);
Tcl_AppendObjToObj (err, fqn);
Tcl_AppendToObj (err, "\" already exists, unable to create queue", -1);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, err);
return TCL_ERROR;
qd = qu_new();
qd->cmd = Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, Tcl_GetString (fqn),
qums_objcmd, (ClientData) qd,
Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, fqn);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
return TCL_OK;
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready


@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
# queue.tcl --
# Queue implementation for Tcl.
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Andreas Kupries
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: queue_oo.tcl,v 1.2 2010/09/10 17:31:04 andreas_kupries Exp $
package require Tcl 8.5
package require TclOO 0.6.1- ; # This includes 1 and higher.
# Cleanup first
catch {namespace delete ::struct::queue::queue_oo}
catch {rename ::struct::queue::queue_oo {}}
oo::class create ::struct::queue::queue_oo {
variable qat qret qadd
# variable qat - Index in qret of next element to return
# variable qret - List of elements waiting for return
# variable qadd - List of elements added and not yet reached for return.
constructor {} {
set qat 0
set qret [list]
set qadd [list]
# clear --
# Clear a queue.
# Results:
# None.
method clear {} {
set qat 0
set qret [list]
set qadd [list]
# get --
# Get an item from a queue.
# Arguments:
# count number of items to get; defaults to 1
# Results:
# item first count items from the queue; if there are not enough
# items in the queue, throws an error.
method get {{count 1}} {
if { $count < 1 } {
return -code error "invalid item count $count"
} elseif { $count > [my size] } {
return -code error "insufficient items in queue to fill request"
my Shift?
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item gets aren't
# listified
set item [lindex $qret $qat]
incr qat
my Shift?
return $item
# Otherwise, return a list of items
if {$count > ([llength $qret] - $qat)} {
# Need all of qret (from qat on) and parts of qadd, maybe all.
set max [expr {$qat + $count - 1 - [llength $qret]}]
set result [concat [lrange $qret $qat end] [lrange $qadd 0 $max]]
my Shift
set qat $max
} else {
# Request can be satisified from qret alone.
set max [expr {$qat + $count - 1}]
set result [lrange $qret $qat $max]
set qat $max
incr qat
my Shift?
return $result
# peek --
# Retrieve the value of an item on the queue without removing it.
# Arguments:
# count number of items to peek; defaults to 1
# Results:
# items top count items from the queue; if there are not enough items
# to fulfill the request, throws an error.
method peek {{count 1}} {
variable queues
if { $count < 1 } {
return -code error "invalid item count $count"
} elseif { $count > [my size] } {
return -code error "insufficient items in queue to fill request"
my Shift?
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item pops aren't
# listified
return [lindex $qret $qat]
# Otherwise, return a list of items
if {$count > [llength $qret] - $qat} {
# Need all of qret (from qat on) and parts of qadd, maybe all.
set over [expr {$qat + $count - 1 - [llength $qret]}]
return [concat [lrange $qret $qat end] [lrange $qadd 0 $over]]
} else {
# Request can be satisified from qret alone.
return [lrange $qret $qat [expr {$qat + $count - 1}]]
# put --
# Put an item into a queue.
# Arguments:
# args items to put.
# Results:
# None.
method put {args} {
if {![llength $args]} {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"[self] put item ?item ...?\""
foreach item $args {
lappend qadd $item
# unget --
# Put an item into a queue. At the _front_!
# Arguments:
# item item to put at the front of the queue
# Results:
# None.
method unget {item} {
if {![llength $qret]} {
set qret [list $item]
} elseif {$qat == 0} {
set qret [linsert [my K $qret [unset qret]] 0 $item]
} else {
# step back and modify return buffer
incr qat -1
set qret [lreplace [my K $qret [unset qret]] $qat $qat $item]
# size --
# Return the number of objects on a queue.
# Results:
# count number of items on the queue.
method size {} {
return [expr {
[llength $qret] + [llength $qadd] - $qat
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
method Shift? {} {
if {$qat < [llength $qret]} return
# inlined Shift
set qat 0
set qret $qadd
set qadd [list]
method Shift {} {
set qat 0
set qret $qadd
set qadd [list]
method K {x y} { set x }
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Get 'queue::queue' into the general structure namespace for
# pickup by the main management.
proc queue_tcl {args} {
if {[llength $args]} {
uplevel 1 [::list ::struct::queue::queue_oo create {*}$args]
} else {
uplevel 1 [::list ::struct::queue::queue_oo new]


@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
# queue.tcl --
# Queue implementation for Tcl.
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Andreas Kupries
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: queue_tcl.tcl,v 1.2 2010/03/24 06:13:00 andreas_kupries Exp $
namespace eval ::struct::queue {
# counter is used to give a unique name for unnamed queues
variable counter 0
# Only export one command, the one used to instantiate a new queue
namespace export queue_tcl
# ::struct::queue::queue_tcl --
# Create a new queue with a given name; if no name is given, use
# queueX, where X is a number.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue; if null, generate one.
# Results:
# name name of the queue created
proc ::struct::queue::queue_tcl {args} {
variable I::qat
variable I::qret
variable I::qadd
variable counter
switch -exact -- [llength [info level 0]] {
1 {
# Missing name, generate one.
incr counter
set name "queue${counter}"
2 {
# Standard call. New empty queue.
set name [lindex $args 0]
default {
# Error.
return -code error \
"wrong # args: should be \"queue ?name?\""
# FIRST, qualify the name.
if {![string match "::*" $name]} {
# Get caller's namespace; append :: if not global namespace.
set ns [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]]
if {"::" != $ns} {
append ns "::"
set name "$ns$name"
if {[llength [info commands $name]]} {
return -code error \
"command \"$name\" already exists, unable to create queue"
# Initialize the queue as empty
set qat($name) 0
set qret($name) [list]
set qadd($name) [list]
# Create the command to manipulate the queue
interp alias {} $name {} ::struct::queue::QueueProc $name
return $name
# Private functions follow
# ::struct::queue::QueueProc --
# Command that processes all queue object commands.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object to manipulate.
# args command name and args for the command
# Results:
# Varies based on command to perform
if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5]} {
# In 8.5+ we can do an ensemble for fast dispatch.
proc ::struct::queue::QueueProc {name cmd args} {
# Shuffle method to front and then simply run the ensemble.
# Dispatch, argument checking, and error message generation
# are all done in the C-level.
I $cmd $name {*}$args
namespace eval ::struct::queue::I {
namespace export clear destroy get peek \
put unget size
namespace ensemble create
} else {
# Before 8.5 we have to code our own dispatch, including error
# checking.
proc ::struct::queue::QueueProc {name cmd args} {
# Do minimal args checks here
if { [llength [info level 0]] == 2 } {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"$name option ?arg arg ...?\""
# Split the args into command and args components
if { [llength [info commands ::struct::queue::I::$cmd]] == 0 } {
set optlist [lsort [info commands ::struct::queue::I::*]]
set xlist {}
foreach p $optlist {
set p [namespace tail $p]
if {($p eq "K") || ($p eq "Shift") || ($p eq "Shift?")} continue
lappend xlist $p
set optlist [linsert [join $xlist ", "] "end-1" "or"]
return -code error \
"bad option \"$cmd\": must be $optlist"
uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 ::struct::queue::I::$cmd $name]
namespace eval ::struct::queue::I {
# The arrays hold all of the queues which were made.
variable qat ; # Index in qret of next element to return
variable qret ; # List of elements waiting for return
variable qadd ; # List of elements added and not yet reached for return.
# ::struct::queue::I::clear --
# Clear a queue.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::queue::I::clear {name} {
variable qat
variable qret
variable qadd
set qat($name) 0
set qret($name) [list]
set qadd($name) [list]
# ::struct::queue::I::destroy --
# Destroy a queue object by removing it's storage space and
# eliminating it's proc.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::queue::I::destroy {name} {
variable qat ; unset qat($name)
variable qret ; unset qret($name)
variable qadd ; unset qadd($name)
interp alias {} $name {}
# ::struct::queue::I::get --
# Get an item from a queue.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object.
# count number of items to get; defaults to 1
# Results:
# item first count items from the queue; if there are not enough
# items in the queue, throws an error.
proc ::struct::queue::I::get {name {count 1}} {
if { $count < 1 } {
error "invalid item count $count"
} elseif { $count > [size $name] } {
error "insufficient items in queue to fill request"
Shift? $name
variable qat ; upvar 0 qat($name) AT
variable qret ; upvar 0 qret($name) RET
variable qadd ; upvar 0 qadd($name) ADD
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item gets aren't
# listified
set item [lindex $RET $AT]
incr AT
Shift? $name
return $item
# Otherwise, return a list of items
if {$count > ([llength $RET] - $AT)} {
# Need all of RET (from AT on) and parts of ADD, maybe all.
set max [expr {$count - ([llength $RET] - $AT) - 1}]
set result [concat [lrange $RET $AT end] [lrange $ADD 0 $max]]
Shift $name
set AT $max
} else {
# Request can be satisified from RET alone.
set max [expr {$AT + $count - 1}]
set result [lrange $RET $AT $max]
set AT $max
incr AT
Shift? $name
return $result
# ::struct::queue::I::peek --
# Retrieve the value of an item on the queue without removing it.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object.
# count number of items to peek; defaults to 1
# Results:
# items top count items from the queue; if there are not enough items
# to fulfill the request, throws an error.
proc ::struct::queue::I::peek {name {count 1}} {
variable queues
if { $count < 1 } {
error "invalid item count $count"
} elseif { $count > [size $name] } {
error "insufficient items in queue to fill request"
Shift? $name
variable qat ; upvar 0 qat($name) AT
variable qret ; upvar 0 qret($name) RET
variable qadd ; upvar 0 qadd($name) ADD
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item pops aren't
# listified
return [lindex $RET $AT]
# Otherwise, return a list of items
if {$count > [llength $RET] - $AT} {
# Need all of RET (from AT on) and parts of ADD, maybe all.
set over [expr {$count - ([llength $RET] - $AT) - 1}]
return [concat [lrange $RET $AT end] [lrange $ADD 0 $over]]
} else {
# Request can be satisified from RET alone.
return [lrange $RET $AT [expr {$AT + $count - 1}]]
# ::struct::queue::I::put --
# Put an item into a queue.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object
# args items to put.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::queue::I::put {name args} {
variable qadd
if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
error "wrong # args: should be \"$name put item ?item ...?\""
foreach item $args {
lappend qadd($name) $item
# ::struct::queue::I::unget --
# Put an item into a queue. At the _front_!
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object
# item item to put at the front of the queue
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::queue::I::unget {name item} {
variable qat ; upvar 0 qat($name) AT
variable qret ; upvar 0 qret($name) RET
if {![llength $RET]} {
set RET [list $item]
} elseif {$AT == 0} {
set RET [linsert [K $RET [unset RET]] 0 $item]
} else {
# step back and modify return buffer
incr AT -1
set RET [lreplace [K $RET [unset RET]] $AT $AT $item]
# ::struct::queue::I::size --
# Return the number of objects on a queue.
# Arguments:
# name name of the queue object.
# Results:
# count number of items on the queue.
proc ::struct::queue::I::size {name} {
variable qat
variable qret
variable qadd
return [expr {
[llength $qret($name)] + [llength $qadd($name)] - $qat($name)
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
proc ::struct::queue::I::Shift? {name} {
variable qat
variable qret
if {$qat($name) < [llength $qret($name)]} return
Shift $name
proc ::struct::queue::I::Shift {name} {
variable qat
variable qret
variable qadd
set qat($name) 0
set qret($name) $qadd($name)
set qadd($name) [list]
proc ::struct::queue::I::K {x y} { set x }
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Get 'queue::queue' into the general structure namespace for
# pickup by the main management.
namespace import -force queue::queue_tcl


@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
# ::struct::record --
# Implements a container data structure similar to a 'C'
# structure. It hides the ugly details about keeping the
# data organized by using a combination of arrays, lists
# and namespaces.
# Each record definition is kept in a master array
# (_recorddefn) under the ::struct::record namespace. Each
# instance of a record is kept within a separate namespace
# for each record definition. Hence, instances of
# the same record definition are managed under the
# same namespace. This avoids possible collisions, and
# also limits one big global array mechanism.
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Brett Schwarz
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# This code may be distributed under the same terms as Tcl.
namespace eval ::struct {}
namespace eval ::struct::record {
## array of lists that holds the definition (variables) for each
## record
## _recorddefn(some_record) var1 var2 var3 ...
variable _recorddefn
## holds the count for each record in cases where the instance is
## automatically generated
## _count(some_record) 0
## This is not a count, but an id generator. Its value has to
## increase monotonicaly.
variable _count
## array that holds the defining record's name for each instances
## _defn(some_instances) name_of_defining_record
variable _defn
array set _defn {}
## This holds the defaults for a record definition. If no
## default is given for a member of a record, then the value is
## assigned to the empty string
variable _defaults
## These are the possible sub commands
variable commands
set commands [list define delete exists show]
## This keeps track of the level that we are in when handling
## nested records. This is kind of a hack, and probably can be
## handled better
set _level 0
namespace export record
# ::struct::record::record --
# main command used to access the other sub commands
# Arguments:
# cmd_ The sub command (i.e. define, show, delete, exists)
# args arguments to pass to the sub command
# Results:
# none returned
proc ::struct::record::record {cmd_ args} {
variable commands
if {[lsearch $commands $cmd_] < 0} {
error "Sub command \"$cmd_\" is not recognized. Must be [join $commands ,]"
set cmd_ [string totitle "$cmd_"]
return [uplevel 1 ::struct::record::${cmd_} $args]
}; # end proc ::struct::record::record
# ::struct::record::Define --
# Used to define a record
# Arguments:
# defn_ the name of the record definition
# vars_ the variables of the record (as a list)
# args instances to be create during definition
# Results:
# Returns the name of the definition during successful
# creation.
proc ::struct::record::Define {defn_ vars_ args} {
variable _recorddefn
variable _count
variable _defaults
# puts .([info level 0])...
set defn_ [Qualify $defn_]
if {[info exists _recorddefn($defn_)]} {
error "Record definition $defn_ already exists"
if {[lsearch [info commands] $defn_] >= 0} {
error "Structure definition name can not be a Tcl command name"
set _defaults($defn_) [list]
set _recorddefn($defn_) [list]
## Loop through the members of the record
## definition
foreach V $vars_ {
set len [llength $V]
set D ""
if {$len == 2} {
## 2 --> there is a default value
## assigned to the member
set D [lindex $V 1]
set V [lindex $V 0]
} elseif {$len == 3} {
## 3 --> there is a nested record
## definition given as a member
## V = ('record' record-name field-name)
if {![string match "record" "[lindex $V 0]"]} {
Delete record $defn_
error "$V is a Bad member for record definition. Definition creation aborted."
set new [lindex $V 1]
set new [Qualify $new]
# puts .\tchild=$new
## Right now, there can not be circular records
## so, we abort the creation
if {[string match "$defn_" "$new"]} {
# puts .\tabort
Delete record $defn_
error "Can not have circular records. Structure was not created."
## Will take care of the nested record later
## We just join by :: because this is how it
## use to be declared, so the parsing code
## is already there.
set V [join [lrange $V 1 2] "::"]
# puts .\tfield($V)=default($D)
lappend _recorddefn($defn_) $V
lappend _defaults($defn_) $D
# Create class command as alias to instance creator.
uplevel #0 [list interp alias \
{} $defn_ \
{} ::struct::record::Create $defn_]
set _count($defn_) 0
# Create class namespace. This will hold all the instance information.
namespace eval ::struct::record${defn_} {
variable values
variable instances
variable record
set instances [list]
set ::struct::record${defn_}::record $defn_
## If there were args given (instances), then
## create them now
foreach A $args {
uplevel 1 [list ::struct::record::Create $defn_ $A]
# puts .=>${defn_}
return $defn_
}; # end proc ::struct::record::Define
# ::struct::record::Create --
# Creates an instance of a record definition
# Arguments:
# defn_ the name of the record definition
# inst_ the name of the instances to create
# args values to set to the record's members
# Results:
# Returns the name of the instance for a successful creation
proc ::struct::record::Create {defn_ inst_ args} {
variable _recorddefn
variable _count
variable _defn
variable _defaults
variable _level
# puts .([info level 0])...
set inst_ [Qualify "$inst_"]
## test to see if the record
## definition has been defined yet
if {![info exists _recorddefn($defn_)]} {
error "Structure $defn_ does not exist"
## if there was no argument given,
## then assume that the record
## variable is automatically
## generated
if {[string match "[Qualify #auto]" "$inst_"]} {
set c $_count($defn_)
set inst_ [format "%s%s" ${defn_} $_count($defn_)]
incr _count($defn_)
## Test to see if this instance is already
## created. This avoids any collisions with
## previously created instances
if {[info exists _defn($inst_)]} {
incr _count($defn_) -1
error "Instances $inst_ already exists"
set _defn($inst_) $defn_
## Initialize record variables to defaults
# Create instance command as alias of instance dispatcher.
uplevel #0 [list interp alias {} ${inst_} {} ::struct::record::Cmd $inst_]
# Locate manager namespace, i.e. class namespace for new instance
set nsi [Ns $inst_]
# puts .\tnsi=$nsi
# Import the state of the manager namespace
upvar 0 ${nsi}values __values
upvar 0 ${nsi}instances __instances
set cnt 0
foreach V $_recorddefn($defn_) D $_defaults($defn_) {
# puts .\tfield($V)=default($D)
set __values($inst_,$V) $D
## Test to see if there is a nested record
if {[regexp -- {([\w]*)::([\w]*)} $V -> def inst]} {
if {$_level == 0} {
set _level 2
## This is to guard against if the creation had failed,
## that there isn't any lingering variables/alias around
set def [Qualify $def $_level]
if {![info exists _recorddefn($def)]} {
Delete inst "$inst_"
## evaluate the nested record. If there were values for
## the variables passed in, then we assume that the
## value for this nested record is a list corresponding
## the the nested list's variables, and so we pass that
## to the nested record's instantiation. We then get
## rid of those args for later processing.
set cnt_plus [expr {$cnt + 1}]
set mem [lindex $args $cnt]
if {![string match "" "$mem"]} {
if {![string match "-$inst" "$mem"]} {
Delete inst "$inst_"
error "$inst is not a member of $defn_"
incr _level
set narg [lindex $args $cnt_plus]
# Create instance of the nested record.
eval [linsert $narg 0 Create $def ${inst_}.${inst}]
set args [lreplace $args $cnt $cnt_plus]
incr _level -1
} else {
# Regular field, not a nested record. Create alias for
# field access.
uplevel #0 [list interp alias \
{} ${inst_}.$V \
{} ::struct::record::Access $defn_ $inst_ $V]
incr cnt 2
}; # end foreach variable
# Remember new instance.
lappend __instances $inst_
# Apply field values handed to the instance constructor.
foreach {k v} $args {
Access $defn_ $inst_ [string trimleft "$k" -] $v
}; # end foreach arg {}
if {$_level == 2} {
set _level 0
# puts .=>${inst_}
return $inst_
}; # end proc ::struct::record::Create
# ::struct::record::Access --
# Provides a common proc to access the variables
# from the aliases create for each variable in the record
# Arguments:
# defn_ the name of the record to access
# inst_ the name of the instance to create
# var_ the variable of the record to access
# args a value to set to var_ (if any)
# Results:
# Returns the value of the record member (var_)
proc ::struct::record::Access {defn_ inst_ var_ args} {
variable _recorddefn
variable _defn
set i [lsearch $_recorddefn($defn_) $var_]
if {$i < 0} {
error "$var_ does not exist in record $defn_"
if {![info exists _defn($inst_)]} {
error "$inst_ does not exist"
if {[set idx [lsearch $args "="]] >= 0} {
set args [lreplace $args $idx $idx]
set nsi [Ns $inst_]
# puts .\tnsi=$nsi
# Import the state of the manager namespace
upvar 0 ${nsi}values __values
## If a value was given, then set it
if {[llength $args] != 0} {
set val_ [lindex $args 0]
set __values($inst_,$var_) $val_
return $__values($inst_,$var_)
}; # end proc ::struct::record::Access
# ::struct::record::Cmd --
# Used to process the set/get requests.
# Arguments:
# inst_ the record instance name
# args For 'get' this is the record members to
# retrieve. For 'set' this is a member/value
# pair.
# Results:
# For 'set' returns the empty string. For 'get' it returns
# the member values.
proc ::struct::record::Cmd {inst_ args} {
variable _defn
set result [list]
set len [llength $args]
if {$len <= 1} {return [Show values "$inst_"]}
set cmd [lindex $args 0]
if {[string match "cget" "$cmd"]} {
set cnt 0
foreach k [lrange $args 1 end] {
if {[catch {set r [${inst_}.[string trimleft ${k} -]]} err]} {
error "Bad option \"$k\""
lappend result $r
incr cnt
if {$cnt == 1} {set result [lindex $result 0]}
return $result
} elseif {[string match "config*" "$cmd"]} {
set L [lrange $args 1 end]
foreach {k v} $L {
${inst_}.[string trimleft ${k} -] $v
} else {
error "Wrong argument.
must be \"object cget|configure args\""
return [list]
}; # end proc ::struct::record::Cmd
# ::struct::record::Ns --
# This just constructs a fully qualified namespace for a
# particular instance.
# Arguments;
# inst_ instance to construct the namespace for.
# Results:
# Returns the fully qualified namespace for the instance
proc ::struct::record::Ns {inst_} {
variable _defn
if {[catch {set ret $_defn($inst_)} err]} {
return $inst_
return [format "%s%s%s" "::struct::record" $ret "::"]
}; # end proc ::struct::record::Ns
# ::struct::record::Show --
# Display info about the record that exist
# Arguments:
# what_ subcommand
# record_ record or instance to process
# Results:
# if what_ = record, then return list of records
# definition names.
# if what_ = members, then return list of members
# or members of the record.
# if what_ = instance, then return a list of instances
# with record definition of record_
# if what_ = values, then it will return the values
# for a particular instance
proc ::struct::record::Show {what_ {record_ ""}} {
variable _recorddefn
variable _defn
variable _defaults
set record_ [Qualify $record_]
## We just prepend :: to the record_ argument
#if {![string match "::*" "$record_"]} {set record_ "::$record_"}
if {[string match "record*" "$what_"]} {
# Show record
return [lsort [array names _recorddefn]]
if {[string match "mem*" "$what_"]} {
# Show members
if {[string match "" "$record_"] || ![info exists _recorddefn($record_)]} {
error "Bad arguments while accessing members. Bad record name"
set res [list]
set cnt 0
foreach m $_recorddefn($record_) {
set def [lindex $_defaults($record_) $cnt]
if {[regexp -- {([\w]+)::([\w]+)} $m m d i]} {
lappend res [list record $d $i]
} elseif {![string match "" "$def"]} {
lappend res [list $m $def]
} else {
lappend res $m
incr cnt
return $res
if {[string match "inst*" "$what_"]} {
# Show instances
if {![namespace exists ::struct::record${record_}]} {
return [list]
# Import the state of the manager namespace
upvar 0 ::struct::record${record_}::instances __instances
if {![info exists __instances]} {
return [list]
return [lsort $__instances]
if {[string match "val*" "$what_"]} {
# Show values
set nsi [Ns $record_]
upvar 0 ${nsi}::instances __instances
upvar 0 ${nsi}::values __values
upvar 0 ${nsi}::record __record
if {[string match "" "$record_"] ||
([lsearch $__instances $record_] < 0)} {
error "Wrong arguments to values. Bad instance name"
set ret [list]
foreach k $_recorddefn($__record) {
set v $__values($record_,$k)
if {[regexp -- {([\w]*)::([\w]*)} $k m def inst]} {
set v [::struct::record::Show values ${record_}.${inst}]
lappend ret -[namespace tail $k] $v
return $ret
# Bogus submethod
return [list]
}; # end proc ::struct::record::Show
# ::struct::record::Delete --
# Deletes a record instance or a record definition
# Arguments:
# sub_ what to delete. Either 'instance' or 'record'
# item_ the specific record instance or definition
# delete.
# Returns:
# none
proc ::struct::record::Delete {sub_ item_} {
variable _recorddefn
variable _defn
variable _count
variable _defaults
# puts .([info level 0])...
set item_ [Qualify $item_]
switch -- $sub_ {
instance -
instances -
inst {
# puts .instance
# puts .is-instance=[Exists instance $item_]
if {[Exists instance $item_]} {
# Locate manager namespace, i.e. class namespace for
# instance to remove
set nsi [Ns $item_]
# puts .\tnsi=$nsi
# Import the state of the manager namespace
upvar 0 ${nsi}values __values
upvar 0 ${nsi}instances __instances
upvar 0 ${nsi}record __record
# puts .\trecord=$__record
# Remove instance from state
set i [lsearch $__instances $item_]
set __instances [lreplace $__instances $i $i]
unset _defn($item_)
# Process instance fields.
foreach V $_recorddefn($__record) {
# puts .\tfield($V)=/clear
if {[regexp -- {([\w]*)::([\w]*)} $V m def inst]} {
# Nested record detected.
# Determine associated instance and delete recursively.
Delete inst ${item_}.${inst}
} else {
# Delete field accessor alias
# puts .de-alias\t($item_.$V)
uplevel #0 [list interp alias {} ${item_}.$V {}]
unset __values($item_,$V)
# Auto-generated id numbers increase monotonically.
# Reverting here causes the next auto to fail, claiming
# that the instance exists.
# incr _count($ns) -1
} else {
#error "$item_ is not a instance"
record -
records {
# puts .record
## Delete the instances for this
## record
# puts .get-instances
foreach I [Show instance "$item_"] {
catch {
# puts .di/$I
Delete instance "$I"
catch {
unset _recorddefn($item_)
unset _defaults($item_)
unset _count($item_)
namespace delete ::struct::record${item_}
default {
error "Wrong arguments to delete"
}; # end switch
# Remove alias associated with instance or record (class)
# puts .de-alias\t($item_)
catch { uplevel #0 [list interp alias {} $item_ {}]}
# puts ./
}; # end proc ::struct::record::Delete
# ::struct::record::Exists --
# Tests whether a record definition or record
# instance exists.
# Arguments:
# sub_ what to test. Either 'instance' or 'record'
# item_ the specific record instance or definition
# that needs to be tested.
# Tests to see if a particular instance exists
proc ::struct::record::Exists {sub_ item_} {
# puts .([info level 0])...
set item_ [Qualify $item_]
switch -glob -- $sub_ {
inst* {
variable _defn
return [info exists _defn($item_)]
record {
variable _recorddefn
return [info exists _recorddefn($item_)]
default {
error "Wrong arguments. Must be exists record|instance target"
}; # end switch
}; # end proc ::struct::record::Exists
# ::struct::record::Qualify --
# Contructs the qualified name of the calling scope. This
# defaults to 2 levels since there is an extra proc call in
# between.
# Arguments:
# item_ the command that needs to be qualified
# level_ how many levels to go up (default = 2)
# Results:
# the item_ passed in fully qualified
proc ::struct::record::Qualify {item_ {level_ 2}} {
if {![string match "::*" "$item_"]} {
set ns [uplevel $level_ [list namespace current]]
if {![string match "::" "$ns"]} {
append ns "::"
set item_ "$ns${item_}"
return "$item_"
}; # end proc ::struct::record::Qualify
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Get 'record::record' into the general structure namespace.
namespace import -force record::record
namespace export record
package provide struct::record 1.2.2


@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
# sets.tcl --
# Definitions for the processing of sets.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2008 by Andreas Kupries.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: sets.tcl,v 1.17 2008/03/09 04:24:37 andreas_kupries Exp $
# @mdgen EXCLUDE: sets_c.tcl
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::struct::set {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Management of set implementations.
# ::struct::set::LoadAccelerator --
# Loads a named implementation, if possible.
# Arguments:
# key Name of the implementation to load.
# Results:
# A boolean flag. True if the implementation
# was successfully loaded; and False otherwise.
proc ::struct::set::LoadAccelerator {key} {
variable accel
set r 0
switch -exact -- $key {
critcl {
# Critcl implementation of set requires Tcl 8.4.
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} {return 0}
if {[catch {package require tcllibc}]} {return 0}
set r [llength [info commands ::struct::set_critcl]]
tcl {
variable selfdir
source [file join $selfdir sets_tcl.tcl]
set r 1
default {
return -code error "invalid accelerator/impl. package $key:\
must be one of [join [KnownImplementations] {, }]"
set accel($key) $r
return $r
# ::struct::set::SwitchTo --
# Activates a loaded named implementation.
# Arguments:
# key Name of the implementation to activate.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::set::SwitchTo {key} {
variable accel
variable loaded
if {[string equal $key $loaded]} {
# No change, nothing to do.
} elseif {![string equal $key ""]} {
# Validate the target implementation of the switch.
if {![info exists accel($key)]} {
return -code error "Unable to activate unknown implementation \"$key\""
} elseif {![info exists accel($key)] || !$accel($key)} {
return -code error "Unable to activate missing implementation \"$key\""
# Deactivate the previous implementation, if there was any.
if {![string equal $loaded ""]} {
rename ::struct::set ::struct::set_$loaded
# Activate the new implementation, if there is any.
if {![string equal $key ""]} {
rename ::struct::set_$key ::struct::set
# Remember the active implementation, for deactivation by future
# switches.
set loaded $key
proc ::struct::set::Loaded {} {
variable loaded
return $loaded
# ::struct::set::Implementations --
# Determines which implementations are
# present, i.e. loaded.
# Arguments:
# None.
# Results:
# A list of implementation keys.
proc ::struct::set::Implementations {} {
variable accel
set res {}
foreach n [array names accel] {
if {!$accel($n)} continue
lappend res $n
return $res
# ::struct::set::KnownImplementations --
# Determines which implementations are known
# as possible implementations.
# Arguments:
# None.
# Results:
# A list of implementation keys. In the order
# of preference, most prefered first.
proc ::struct::set::KnownImplementations {} {
return {critcl tcl}
proc ::struct::set::Names {} {
return {
critcl {tcllibc based}
tcl {pure Tcl}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Initialization: Data structures.
namespace eval ::struct::set {
variable selfdir [file dirname [info script]]
variable accel
array set accel {tcl 0 critcl 0}
variable loaded {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Initialization: Choose an implementation,
## most prefered first. Loads only one of the
## possible implementations. And activates it.
namespace eval ::struct::set {
variable e
foreach e [KnownImplementations] {
if {[LoadAccelerator $e]} {
SwitchTo $e
unset e
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Export the constructor command.
namespace export set
package provide struct::set 2.2.3


@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# sets_tcl.tcl --
# Definitions for the processing of sets. C implementation.
# Copyright (c) 2007 by Andreas Kupries.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: sets_c.tcl,v 1.3 2008/03/25 07:15:34 andreas_kupries Exp $
package require critcl
# @sak notprovided struct_setc
package provide struct_setc 2.1.1
package require Tcl 8.4
namespace eval ::struct {
# Supporting code for the main command.
catch {
#critcl::cheaders -g
#critcl::debug memory symbols
critcl::cheaders sets/*.h
critcl::csources sets/*.c
critcl::ccode {
/* -*- c -*- */
#include <m.h>
# Main command, set creation.
critcl::ccommand set_critcl {dummy interp objc objv} {
/* Syntax - dispatcher to the sub commands.
static CONST char* methods [] = {
"add", "contains", "difference", "empty",
"equal","exclude", "include", "intersect",
"intersect3", "size", "subsetof", "subtract",
"symdiff", "union",
enum methods {
S_add, S_contains, S_difference, S_empty,
S_equal,S_exclude, S_include, S_intersect,
S_intersect3, S_size, S_subsetof, S_subtract,
S_symdiff, S_union
int m;
if (objc < 2) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, objc, objv, "cmd ?arg ...?");
return TCL_ERROR;
} else if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, objv [1], methods, "option",
0, &m) != TCL_OK) {
return TCL_ERROR;
/* Dispatch to methods. They check the #args in detail before performing
* the requested functionality
switch (m) {
case S_add: return sm_ADD (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_contains: return sm_CONTAINS (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_difference: return sm_DIFFERENCE (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_empty: return sm_EMPTY (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_equal: return sm_EQUAL (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_exclude: return sm_EXCLUDE (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_include: return sm_INCLUDE (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_intersect: return sm_INTERSECT (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_intersect3: return sm_INTERSECT3 (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_size: return sm_SIZE (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_subsetof: return sm_SUBSETOF (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_subtract: return sm_SUBTRACT (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_symdiff: return sm_SYMDIFF (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
case S_union: return sm_UNION (NULL, interp, objc, objv);
/* Not coming to this place */
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready


@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
# sets_tcl.tcl --
# Definitions for the processing of sets.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2008 by Andreas Kupries.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: sets_tcl.tcl,v 1.4 2008/03/09 04:38:47 andreas_kupries Exp $
package require Tcl 8.0
namespace eval ::struct::set {
# Only export one command, the one used to instantiate a new tree
namespace export set_tcl
# Public functions
# ::struct::set::set --
# Command that access all set commands.
# Arguments:
# cmd Name of the subcommand to dispatch to.
# args Arguments for the subcommand.
# Results:
# Whatever the result of the subcommand is.
proc ::struct::set::set_tcl {cmd args} {
# Do minimal args checks here
if { [llength [info level 0]] == 1 } {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"$cmd ?arg arg ...?\""
::set sub S_$cmd
if { [llength [info commands ::struct::set::$sub]] == 0 } {
::set optlist [info commands ::struct::set::S_*]
::set xlist {}
foreach p $optlist {
lappend xlist [string range $p 17 end]
return -code error \
"bad option \"$cmd\": must be [linsert [join [lsort $xlist] ", "] "end-1" "or"]"
return [uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 ::struct::set::$sub]]
# Implementations of the functionality.
# ::struct::set::S_empty --
# Determines emptiness of the set
# Parameters:
# set -- The set to check for emptiness.
# Results:
# A boolean value. True indicates that the set is empty.
# Side effects:
# None.
# Notes:
proc ::struct::set::S_empty {set} {
return [expr {[llength $set] == 0}]
# ::struct::set::S_size --
# Computes the cardinality of the set.
# Parameters:
# set -- The set to inspect.
# Results:
# An integer greater than or equal to zero.
# Side effects:
# None.
proc ::struct::set::S_size {set} {
return [llength [Cleanup $set]]
# ::struct::set::S_contains --
# Determines if the item is in the set.
# Parameters:
# set -- The set to inspect.
# item -- The element to look for.
# Results:
# A boolean value. True indicates that the element is present.
# Side effects:
# None.
proc ::struct::set::S_contains {set item} {
return [expr {[lsearch -exact $set $item] >= 0}]
# ::struct::set::S_union --
# Computes the union of the arguments.
# Parameters:
# args -- List of sets to unify.
# Results:
# The union of the arguments.
# Side effects:
# None.
proc ::struct::set::S_union {args} {
switch -exact -- [llength $args] {
0 {return {}}
1 {return [lindex $args 0]}
foreach setX $args {
foreach x $setX {::set ($x) {}}
return [array names {}]
# ::struct::set::S_intersect --
# Computes the intersection of the arguments.
# Parameters:
# args -- List of sets to intersect.
# Results:
# The intersection of the arguments
# Side effects:
# None.
proc ::struct::set::S_intersect {args} {
switch -exact -- [llength $args] {
0 {return {}}
1 {return [lindex $args 0]}
::set res [lindex $args 0]
foreach set [lrange $args 1 end] {
if {[llength $res] && [llength $set]} {
::set res [Intersect $res $set]
} else {
# Squash 'res'. Otherwise we get the wrong result if res
# is not empty, but 'set' is.
::set res {}
return $res
proc ::struct::set::Intersect {A B} {
if {[llength $A] == 0} {return {}}
if {[llength $B] == 0} {return {}}
# This is slower than local vars, but more robust
if {[llength $B] > [llength $A]} {
::set res $A
::set A $B
::set B $res
::set res {}
foreach x $A {::set ($x) {}}
foreach x $B {
if {[info exists ($x)]} {
lappend res $x
return $res
# ::struct::set::S_difference --
# Compute difference of two sets.
# Parameters:
# A, B -- Sets to compute the difference for.
# Results:
# A - B
# Side effects:
# None.
proc ::struct::set::S_difference {A B} {
if {[llength $A] == 0} {return {}}
if {[llength $B] == 0} {return $A}
array set tmp {}
foreach x $A {::set tmp($x) .}
foreach x $B {catch {unset tmp($x)}}
return [array names tmp]
if {0} {
# Tcllib SF Bug 1002143. We cannot use the implementation below.
# It will treat set elements containing '(' and ')' as array
# elements, and this screws up the storage of elements as the name
# of local vars something fierce. No way around this. Disabling
# this code and always using the other implementation (s.a.) is
# the only possible fix.
if {[package vcompare [package provide Tcl] 8.4] < 0} {
# Tcl 8.[23]. Use explicit array to perform the operation.
} else {
# Tcl 8.4+, has 'unset -nocomplain'
proc ::struct::set::S_difference {A B} {
if {[llength $A] == 0} {return {}}
if {[llength $B] == 0} {return $A}
# Get the variable B out of the way, avoid collisions
# prepare for "pure list optimization"
::set ::struct::set::tmp [lreplace $B -1 -1 unset -nocomplain]
unset B
# unset A early: no local variables left
foreach [lindex [list $A [unset A]] 0] {.} {break}
eval $::struct::set::tmp
return [info locals]
# ::struct::set::S_symdiff --
# Compute symmetric difference of two sets.
# Parameters:
# A, B -- The sets to compute the s.difference for.
# Results:
# The symmetric difference of the two input sets.
# Side effects:
# None.
proc ::struct::set::S_symdiff {A B} {
# symdiff == (A-B) + (B-A) == (A+B)-(A*B)
if {[llength $A] == 0} {return $B}
if {[llength $B] == 0} {return $A}
return [S_union \
[S_difference $A $B] \
[S_difference $B $A]]
# ::struct::set::S_intersect3 --
# Return intersection and differences for two sets.
# Parameters:
# A, B -- The sets to inspect.
# Results:
# List containing A*B, A-B, and B-A
# Side effects:
# None.
proc ::struct::set::S_intersect3 {A B} {
return [list \
[S_intersect $A $B] \
[S_difference $A $B] \
[S_difference $B $A]]
# ::struct::set::S_equal --
# Compares two sets for equality.
# Parameters:
# a First set to compare.
# b Second set to compare.
# Results:
# A boolean. True if the lists are equal.
# Side effects:
# None.
proc ::struct::set::S_equal {A B} {
::set A [Cleanup $A]
::set B [Cleanup $B]
# Equal if of same cardinality and difference is empty.
if {[::llength $A] != [::llength $B]} {return 0}
return [expr {[llength [S_difference $A $B]] == 0}]
proc ::struct::set::Cleanup {A} {
# unset A to avoid collisions
if {[llength $A] < 2} {return $A}
# We cannot use variables to avoid an explicit array. The set
# elements may look like namespace vars (i.e. contain ::), and
# such elements break that, cannot be proc-local variables.
array set S {}
foreach item $A {set S($item) .}
return [array names S]
# ::struct::set::S_include --
# Add an element to a set.
# Parameters:
# Avar -- Reference to the set variable to extend.
# element -- The item to add to the set.
# Results:
# None.
# Side effects:
# The set in the variable referenced by Avar is extended
# by the element (if the element was not already present).
proc ::struct::set::S_include {Avar element} {
# Avar = Avar + {element}
upvar 1 $Avar A
if {![info exists A] || ![S_contains $A $element]} {
lappend A $element
# ::struct::set::S_exclude --
# Remove an element from a set.
# Parameters:
# Avar -- Reference to the set variable to shrink.
# element -- The item to remove from the set.
# Results:
# None.
# Side effects:
# The set in the variable referenced by Avar is shrunk,
# the element remove (if the element was actually present).
proc ::struct::set::S_exclude {Avar element} {
# Avar = Avar - {element}
upvar 1 $Avar A
if {![info exists A]} {return -code error "can't read \"$Avar\": no such variable"}
while {[::set pos [lsearch -exact $A $element]] >= 0} {
::set A [lreplace [K $A [::set A {}]] $pos $pos]
# ::struct::set::S_add --
# Add a set to a set. Similar to 'union', but the first argument
# is a variable.
# Parameters:
# Avar -- Reference to the set variable to extend.
# B -- The set to add to the set in Avar.
# Results:
# None.
# Side effects:
# The set in the variable referenced by Avar is extended
# by all the elements in B.
proc ::struct::set::S_add {Avar B} {
# Avar = Avar + B
upvar 1 $Avar A
if {![info exists A]} {set A {}}
::set A [S_union [K $A [::set A {}]] $B]
# ::struct::set::S_subtract --
# Remove a set from a set. Similar to 'difference', but the first argument
# is a variable.
# Parameters:
# Avar -- Reference to the set variable to shrink.
# B -- The set to remove from the set in Avar.
# Results:
# None.
# Side effects:
# The set in the variable referenced by Avar is shrunk,
# all elements of B are removed.
proc ::struct::set::S_subtract {Avar B} {
# Avar = Avar - B
upvar 1 $Avar A
if {![info exists A]} {return -code error "can't read \"$Avar\": no such variable"}
::set A [S_difference [K $A [::set A {}]] $B]
# ::struct::set::S_subsetof --
# A predicate checking if the first set is a subset
# or equal to the second set.
# Parameters:
# A -- The possible subset.
# B -- The set to compare to.
# Results:
# A boolean value, true if A is subset of or equal to B
# Side effects:
# None.
proc ::struct::set::S_subsetof {A B} {
# A subset|== B <=> (A == A*B)
return [S_equal $A [S_intersect $A $B]]
# ::struct::set::K --
# Performance helper command.
proc ::struct::set::K {x y} {::set x}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Put 'set::set' into the general structure namespace
# for pickup by the main management.
namespace import -force set::set_tcl


@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
# skiplist.tcl --
# Implementation of a skiplist data structure for Tcl.
# To quote the inventor of skip lists, William Pugh:
# Skip lists are a probabilistic data structure that seem likely
# to supplant balanced trees as the implementation method of
# choice for many applications. Skip list algorithms have the
# same asymptotic expected time bounds as balanced trees and are
# simpler, faster and use less space.
# For more details on how skip lists work, see Pugh, William. Skip
# lists: a probabilistic alternative to balanced trees in
# Communications of the ACM, June 1990, 33(6) 668-676. Also, see
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Keith Vetter
# This software is licensed under a BSD license as described in tcl/tk
# license.txt file but with the copyright held by Keith Vetter.
# customize key comparison to a user supplied routine
namespace eval ::struct {}
namespace eval ::struct::skiplist {
# Data storage in the skiplist module
# -------------------------------
# For each skiplist, we have the following arrays
# state - holds the current level plus some magic constants
# nodes - all the nodes in the skiplist, including a dummy header node
# counter is used to give a unique name for unnamed skiplists
variable counter 0
# Internal constants
variable MAXLEVEL 16
variable PROB .5
variable MAXINT [expr {0x7FFFFFFF}]
# commands is the list of subcommands recognized by the skiplist
variable commands [list \
"destroy" \
"delete" \
"insert" \
"search" \
"size" \
"walk" \
# State variables that can be set in the instantiation
variable vars [list maxlevel probability]
# Only export one command, the one used to instantiate a new skiplist
namespace export skiplist
# ::struct::skiplist::skiplist --
# Create a new skiplist with a given name; if no name is given, use
# skiplistX, where X is a number.
# Arguments:
# name name of the skiplist; if null, generate one.
# Results:
# name name of the skiplist created
proc ::struct::skiplist::skiplist {{name ""} args} {
set usage "skiplist name ?-maxlevel ##? ?-probability ##?"
variable counter
if { [llength [info level 0]] == 1 } {
incr counter
set name "skiplist${counter}"
if { ![string equal [info commands ::$name] ""] } {
error "command \"$name\" already exists, unable to create skiplist"
# Handle the optional arguments
set more_eval ""
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args]} {incr i} {
set flag [lindex $args $i]
incr i
if { $i >= [llength $args] } {
error "value for \"$flag\" missing: should be \"$usage\""
set value [lindex $args $i]
switch -glob -- $flag {
"-maxl*" {
set n [catch {set value [expr $value]}]
if {$n || $value <= 0} {
error "value for the maxlevel option must be greater than 0"
append more_eval "; set state(maxlevel) $value"
"-prob*" {
set n [catch {set value [expr $value]}]
if {$n || $value <= 0 || $value >= 1} {
error "probability must be between 0 and 1"
append more_eval "; set state(prob) $value"
default {
error "unknown option \"$flag\": should be \"$usage\""
# Set up the namespace for this skiplist
namespace eval ::struct::skiplist::skiplist$name {
variable state
variable nodes
# NB. maxlevel and prob may be overridden by $more_eval at the end
set state(maxlevel) $::struct::skiplist::MAXLEVEL
set state(prob) $::struct::skiplist::PROB
set state(level) 1
set state(cnt) 0
set state(size) 0
set nodes(nil,key) $::struct::skiplist::MAXINT
set nodes(header,key) "---"
set nodes(header,value) "---"
for {set i 1} {$i < $state(maxlevel)} {incr i} {
set nodes(header,$i) nil
} $more_eval
# Create the command to manipulate the skiplist
interp alias {} ::$name {} ::struct::skiplist::SkiplistProc $name
return $name
# Private functions follow
# ::struct::skiplist::SkiplistProc --
# Command that processes all skiplist object commands.
# Arguments:
# name name of the skiplist object to manipulate.
# args command name and args for the command
# Results:
# Varies based on command to perform
proc ::struct::skiplist::SkiplistProc {name {cmd ""} args} {
# Do minimal args checks here
if { [llength [info level 0]] == 2 } {
error "wrong # args: should be \"$name option ?arg arg ...?\""
# Split the args into command and args components
if { [llength [info commands ::struct::skiplist::_$cmd]] == 0 } {
variable commands
set optlist [join $commands ", "]
set optlist [linsert $optlist "end-1" "or"]
error "bad option \"$cmd\": must be $optlist"
eval [linsert $args 0 ::struct::skiplist::_$cmd $name]
## ::struct::skiplist::_destroy --
# Destroy a skiplist, including its associated command and data storage.
# Arguments:
# name name of the skiplist.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::skiplist::_destroy {name} {
namespace delete ::struct::skiplist::skiplist$name
interp alias {} ::$name {}
# ::struct::skiplist::_search --
# Searches for a key in a skiplist
# Arguments:
# name name of the skiplist.
# key key for the node to search for
# Results:
# 0 if not found
# [list 1 node_value] if found
proc ::struct::skiplist::_search {name key} {
upvar ::struct::skiplist::skiplist${name}::state state
upvar ::struct::skiplist::skiplist${name}::nodes nodes
set x header
for {set i $state(level)} {$i >= 1} {incr i -1} {
while {1} {
set fwd $nodes($x,$i)
if {$nodes($fwd,key) == $::struct::skiplist::MAXINT} break
if {$nodes($fwd,key) >= $key} break
set x $fwd
set x $nodes($x,1)
if {$nodes($x,key) == $key} {
return [list 1 $nodes($x,value)]
return 0
# ::struct::skiplist::_insert --
# Add a node to a skiplist.
# Arguments:
# name name of the skiplist.
# key key for the node to insert
# value value of the node to insert
# Results:
# 0 if new node was created
# level if existing node was updated
proc ::struct::skiplist::_insert {name key value} {
upvar ::struct::skiplist::skiplist${name}::state state
upvar ::struct::skiplist::skiplist${name}::nodes nodes
set x header
for {set i $state(level)} {$i >= 1} {incr i -1} {
while {1} {
set fwd $nodes($x,$i)
if {$nodes($fwd,key) == $::struct::skiplist::MAXINT} break
if {$nodes($fwd,key) >= $key} break
set x $fwd
set update($i) $x
set x $nodes($x,1)
# Does the node already exist?
if {$nodes($x,key) == $key} {
set nodes($x,value) $value
return 0
# Here to insert item
incr state(size)
set lvl [randomLevel $state(prob) $state(level) $state(maxlevel)]
# Did the skip list level increase???
if {$lvl > $state(level)} {
for {set i [expr {$state(level) + 1}]} {$i <= $lvl} {incr i} {
set update($i) header
set state(level) $lvl
# Create a unique new node name and fill in the key, value parts
set x [incr state(cnt)]
set nodes($x,key) $key
set nodes($x,value) $value
for {set i 1} {$i <= $lvl} {incr i} {
set nodes($x,$i) $nodes($update($i),$i)
set nodes($update($i),$i) $x
return $lvl
# ::struct::skiplist::_delete --
# Deletes a node from a skiplist
# Arguments:
# name name of the skiplist.
# key key for the node to delete
# Results:
# 1 if we deleted a node
# 0 otherwise
proc ::struct::skiplist::_delete {name key} {
upvar ::struct::skiplist::skiplist${name}::state state
upvar ::struct::skiplist::skiplist${name}::nodes nodes
set x header
for {set i $state(level)} {$i >= 1} {incr i -1} {
while {1} {
set fwd $nodes($x,$i)
if {$nodes($fwd,key) >= $key} break
set x $fwd
set update($i) $x
set x $nodes($x,1)
# Did we find a node to delete?
if {$nodes($x,key) != $key} {
return 0
# Here when we found a node to delete
incr state(size) -1
# Unlink this node from all the linked lists that include to it
for {set i 1} {$i <= $state(level)} {incr i} {
set fwd $nodes($update($i),$i)
if {$nodes($fwd,key) != $key} break
set nodes($update($i),$i) $nodes($x,$i)
# Delete all traces of this node
foreach v [array names nodes($x,*)] {
unset nodes($v)
# Fix up the level in case it went down
while {$state(level) > 1} {
if {! [string equal "nil" $nodes(header,$state(level))]} break
incr state(level) -1
return 1
# ::struct::skiplist::_size --
# Returns how many nodes are in the skiplist
# Arguments:
# name name of the skiplist.
# Results:
# number of nodes in the skiplist
proc ::struct::skiplist::_size {name} {
upvar ::struct::skiplist::skiplist${name}::state state
return $state(size)
# ::struct::skiplist::_walk --
# Walks a skiplist performing a specified command on each node.
# Command is executed at the global level with the actual command
# executed is: command key value
# Arguments:
# name name of the skiplist.
# cmd command to run on each node
# Results:
# none.
proc ::struct::skiplist::_walk {name cmd} {
upvar ::struct::skiplist::skiplist${name}::nodes nodes
for {set x $nodes(header,1)} {$x != "nil"} {set x $nodes($x,1)} {
# Evaluate the command at this node
set cmdcpy $cmd
lappend cmdcpy $nodes($x,key) $nodes($x,value)
uplevel 2 $cmdcpy
# ::struct::skiplist::randomLevel --
# Generates a random level for a new node. We limit it to 1 greater
# than the current level.
# Arguments:
# prob probability to use in generating level
# level current biggest level
# maxlevel biggest possible level
# Results:
# an integer between 1 and $maxlevel
proc ::struct::skiplist::randomLevel {prob level maxlevel} {
set lvl 1
while {(rand() < $prob) && ($lvl < $maxlevel)} {
incr lvl
if {$lvl > $level} {
set lvl [expr {$level + 1}]
return $lvl
# ::struct::skiplist::_dump --
# Dumps out a skip list. Useful for debugging.
# Arguments:
# name name of the skiplist.
# Results:
# none.
proc ::struct::skiplist::_dump {name} {
upvar ::struct::skiplist::skiplist${name}::state state
upvar ::struct::skiplist::skiplist${name}::nodes nodes
puts "Current level $state(level)"
puts "Maxlevel: $state(maxlevel)"
puts "Probability: $state(prob)"
puts ""
for {set x header} {$x != "nil"} {set x $nodes($x,1)} {
puts -nonewline [format "%-6s %3s %4s" $x $nodes($x,key) $nodes($x,1)]
for {set i 2} {[info exists nodes($x,$i)]} {incr i} {
puts -nonewline [format %4s $nodes($x,$i)]
puts ""
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Get 'skiplist::skiplist' into the general structure namespace.
namespace import -force skiplist::skiplist
namespace export skiplist
package provide struct::skiplist 1.3


@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
# stack.tcl --
# Implementation of a stack data structure for Tcl.
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2008 by Andreas Kupries
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: stack.tcl,v 1.20 2012/11/21 22:36:18 andreas_kupries Exp $
# @mdgen EXCLUDE: stack_c.tcl
package require Tcl 8.4
namespace eval ::struct::stack {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Management of stack implementations.
# ::struct::stack::LoadAccelerator --
# Loads a named implementation, if possible.
# Arguments:
# key Name of the implementation to load.
# Results:
# A boolean flag. True if the implementation
# was successfully loaded; and False otherwise.
proc ::struct::stack::LoadAccelerator {key} {
variable accel
set r 0
switch -exact -- $key {
critcl {
# Critcl implementation of stack requires Tcl 8.4.
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} {return 0}
if {[catch {package require tcllibc}]} {return 0}
set r [llength [info commands ::struct::stack_critcl]]
tcl {
variable selfdir
if {
[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5] &&
![catch {package require TclOO 0.6.1-} mx]
} {
source [file join $selfdir stack_oo.tcl]
} else {
source [file join $selfdir stack_tcl.tcl]
set r 1
default {
return -code error "invalid accelerator/impl. package $key:\
must be one of [join [KnownImplementations] {, }]"
set accel($key) $r
return $r
# ::struct::stack::SwitchTo --
# Activates a loaded named implementation.
# Arguments:
# key Name of the implementation to activate.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::stack::SwitchTo {key} {
variable accel
variable loaded
if {[string equal $key $loaded]} {
# No change, nothing to do.
} elseif {![string equal $key ""]} {
# Validate the target implementation of the switch.
if {![info exists accel($key)]} {
return -code error "Unable to activate unknown implementation \"$key\""
} elseif {![info exists accel($key)] || !$accel($key)} {
return -code error "Unable to activate missing implementation \"$key\""
# Deactivate the previous implementation, if there was any.
if {![string equal $loaded ""]} {
rename ::struct::stack ::struct::stack_$loaded
# Activate the new implementation, if there is any.
if {![string equal $key ""]} {
rename ::struct::stack_$key ::struct::stack
# Remember the active implementation, for deactivation by future
# switches.
set loaded $key
# ::struct::stack::Implementations --
# Determines which implementations are
# present, i.e. loaded.
# Arguments:
# None.
# Results:
# A list of implementation keys.
proc ::struct::stack::Implementations {} {
variable accel
set res {}
foreach n [array names accel] {
if {!$accel($n)} continue
lappend res $n
return $res
# ::struct::stack::KnownImplementations --
# Determines which implementations are known
# as possible implementations.
# Arguments:
# None.
# Results:
# A list of implementation keys. In the order
# of preference, most prefered first.
proc ::struct::stack::KnownImplementations {} {
return {critcl tcl}
proc ::struct::stack::Names {} {
return {
critcl {tcllibc based}
tcl {pure Tcl}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Initialization: Data structures.
namespace eval ::struct::stack {
variable selfdir [file dirname [info script]]
variable accel
array set accel {tcl 0 critcl 0}
variable loaded {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Initialization: Choose an implementation,
## most prefered first. Loads only one of the
## possible implementations. And activates it.
namespace eval ::struct::stack {
variable e
foreach e [KnownImplementations] {
if {[LoadAccelerator $e]} {
SwitchTo $e
unset e
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Export the constructor command.
namespace export stack
package provide struct::stack 1.5.3


@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
# stackc.tcl --
# Implementation of a stack data structure for Tcl.
# This code based on critcl, API compatible to the PTI [x].
# [x] Pure Tcl Implementation.
# Copyright (c) 2008 Andreas Kupries <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: stack_c.tcl,v 1.1 2008/06/19 23:03:35 andreas_kupries Exp $
package require critcl
# @sak notprovided struct_stackc
package provide struct_stackc 1.3.1
package require Tcl 8.4
namespace eval ::struct {
# Supporting code for the main command.
catch {
#critcl::cheaders -g
#critcl::debug memory symbols
critcl::cheaders stack/*.h
critcl::csources stack/*.c
critcl::ccode {
/* -*- c -*- */
#include <util.h>
#include <s.h>
#include <ms.h>
#include <m.h>
/* .................................................. */
/* Global stack management, per interp
typedef struct SDg {
long int counter;
char buf [50];
} SDg;
static void
SDgrelease (ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp* interp)
ckfree((char*) cd);
static CONST char*
SDnewName (Tcl_Interp* interp)
#define KEY "tcllib/struct::stack/critcl"
Tcl_InterpDeleteProc* proc = SDgrelease;
SDg* sdg;
sdg = Tcl_GetAssocData (interp, KEY, &proc);
if (sdg == NULL) {
sdg = (SDg*) ckalloc (sizeof (SDg));
sdg->counter = 0;
Tcl_SetAssocData (interp, KEY, proc,
(ClientData) sdg);
sdg->counter ++;
sprintf (sdg->buf, "stack%ld", sdg->counter);
return sdg->buf;
#undef KEY
static void
SDdeleteCmd (ClientData clientData)
/* Release the whole stack. */
st_delete ((S*) clientData);
# Main command, stack creation.
critcl::ccommand stack_critcl {dummy interp objc objv} {
/* Syntax
* - epsilon |1
* - name |2
CONST char* name;
S* sd;
Tcl_Obj* fqn;
Tcl_CmdInfo ci;
#define USAGE "?name?"
if ((objc != 2) && (objc != 1)) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, USAGE);
return TCL_ERROR;
if (objc < 2) {
name = SDnewName (interp);
} else {
name = Tcl_GetString (objv [1]);
if (!Tcl_StringMatch (name, "::*")) {
/* Relative name. Prefix with current namespace */
Tcl_Eval (interp, "namespace current");
fqn = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
fqn = Tcl_DuplicateObj (fqn);
Tcl_IncrRefCount (fqn);
if (!Tcl_StringMatch (Tcl_GetString (fqn), "::")) {
Tcl_AppendToObj (fqn, "::", -1);
Tcl_AppendToObj (fqn, name, -1);
} else {
fqn = Tcl_NewStringObj (name, -1);
Tcl_IncrRefCount (fqn);
Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
if (Tcl_GetCommandInfo (interp,
Tcl_GetString (fqn),
&ci)) {
Tcl_Obj* err;
err = Tcl_NewObj ();
Tcl_AppendToObj (err, "command \"", -1);
Tcl_AppendObjToObj (err, fqn);
Tcl_AppendToObj (err, "\" already exists, unable to create stack", -1);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, err);
return TCL_ERROR;
sd = st_new();
sd->cmd = Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, Tcl_GetString (fqn),
stms_objcmd, (ClientData) sd,
Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, fqn);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
return TCL_OK;
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready


@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
# stack.tcl --
# Stack implementation for Tcl 8.6+, or 8.5 + TclOO
# Copyright (c) 2010 Andreas Kupries
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: stack_oo.tcl,v 1.4 2010/09/10 17:31:04 andreas_kupries Exp $
package require Tcl 8.5
package require TclOO 0.6.1- ; # This includes 1 and higher.
# Cleanup first
catch {namespace delete ::struct::stack::stack_oo}
catch {rename ::struct::stack::stack_oo {}}
oo::class create ::struct::stack::stack_oo {
variable mystack
constructor {} {
set mystack {}
# clear --
# Clear a stack.
# Results:
# None.
method clear {} {
set mystack {}
# get --
# Retrieve the whole contents of the stack.
# Results:
# items list of all items in the stack.
method get {} {
return [lreverse $mystack]
method getr {} {
return $mystack
# peek --
# Retrieve the value of an item on the stack without popping it.
# Arguments:
# count number of items to pop; defaults to 1
# Results:
# items top count items from the stack; if there are not enough items
# to fulfill the request, throws an error.
method peek {{count 1}} {
if { $count < 1 } {
return -code error "invalid item count $count"
} elseif { $count > [llength $mystack] } {
return -code error "insufficient items on stack to fill request"
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item peeks are not
# listified
return [lindex $mystack end]
# Otherwise, return a list of items
incr count -1
return [lreverse [lrange $mystack end-$count end]]
method peekr {{count 1}} {
if { $count < 1 } {
return -code error "invalid item count $count"
} elseif { $count > [llength $mystack] } {
return -code error "insufficient items on stack to fill request"
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item peeks are not
# listified
return [lindex $mystack end]
# Otherwise, return a list of items, in reversed order.
incr count -1
return [lrange $mystack end-$count end]
# trim --
# Pop items off a stack until a maximum size is reached.
# Arguments:
# count requested size of the stack.
# Results:
# item List of items trimmed, may be empty.
method trim {newsize} {
if { ![string is integer -strict $newsize]} {
return -code error "expected integer but got \"$newsize\""
} elseif { $newsize < 0 } {
return -code error "invalid size $newsize"
} elseif { $newsize >= [llength $mystack] } {
# Stack is smaller than requested, do nothing.
return {}
# newsize < [llength $mystack]
# pop '[llength $mystack]' - newsize elements.
if {!$newsize} {
set result [lreverse [my K $mystack [unset mystack]]]
set mystack {}
} else {
set result [lreverse [lrange $mystack $newsize end]]
set mystack [lreplace [my K $mystack [unset mystack]] $newsize end]
return $result
method trim* {newsize} {
if { ![string is integer -strict $newsize]} {
return -code error "expected integer but got \"$newsize\""
} elseif { $newsize < 0 } {
return -code error "invalid size $newsize"
if { $newsize >= [llength $mystack] } {
# Stack is smaller than requested, do nothing.
# newsize < [llength $mystack]
# pop '[llength $mystack]' - newsize elements.
# No results, compared to trim.
if {!$newsize} {
set mystack {}
} else {
set mystack [lreplace [my K $mystack [unset mystack]] $newsize end]
# pop --
# Pop an item off a stack.
# Arguments:
# count number of items to pop; defaults to 1
# Results:
# item top count items from the stack; if the stack is empty,
# returns a list of count nulls.
method pop {{count 1}} {
if { $count < 1 } {
return -code error "invalid item count $count"
set ssize [llength $mystack]
if { $count > $ssize } {
return -code error "insufficient items on stack to fill request"
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item pops are not
# listified
set item [lindex $mystack end]
if {$count == $ssize} {
set mystack [list]
} else {
set mystack [lreplace [my K $mystack [unset mystack]] end end]
return $item
# Otherwise, return a list of items, and remove the items from the
# stack.
if {$count == $ssize} {
set result [lreverse [my K $mystack [unset mystack]]]
set mystack [list]
} else {
incr count -1
set result [lreverse [lrange $mystack end-$count end]]
set mystack [lreplace [my K $mystack [unset mystack]] end-$count end]
return $result
# push --
# Push an item onto a stack.
# Arguments:
# args items to push.
# Results:
# None.
method push {args} {
if {![llength $args]} {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"[self] push item ?item ...?\""
lappend mystack {*}$args
# rotate --
# Rotate the top count number of items by step number of steps.
# Arguments:
# count number of items to rotate.
# steps number of steps to rotate.
# Results:
# None.
method rotate {count steps} {
set len [llength $mystack]
if { $count > $len } {
return -code error "insufficient items on stack to fill request"
# Rotation algorithm:
# do
# Find the insertion point in the stack
# Move the end item to the insertion point
# repeat $steps times
set start [expr {$len - $count}]
set steps [expr {$steps % $count}]
if {$steps == 0} return
for {set i 0} {$i < $steps} {incr i} {
set item [lindex $mystack end]
set mystack [linsert \
[lreplace \
[my K $mystack [unset mystack]] \
end end] $start $item]
# size --
# Return the number of objects on a stack.
# Results:
# count number of items on the stack.
method size {} {
return [llength $mystack]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
method K {x y} { set x }
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Get 'stack::stack' into the general structure namespace for
# pickup by the main management.
proc stack_tcl {args} {
if {[llength $args]} {
uplevel 1 [::list ::struct::stack::stack_oo create {*}$args]
} else {
uplevel 1 [::list ::struct::stack::stack_oo new]


@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
# stack.tcl --
# Stack implementation for Tcl.
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: stack_tcl.tcl,v 1.3 2010/03/15 17:17:38 andreas_kupries Exp $
namespace eval ::struct::stack {
# counter is used to give a unique name for unnamed stacks
variable counter 0
# Only export one command, the one used to instantiate a new stack
namespace export stack_tcl
# ::struct::stack::stack_tcl --
# Create a new stack with a given name; if no name is given, use
# stackX, where X is a number.
# Arguments:
# name name of the stack; if null, generate one.
# Results:
# name name of the stack created
proc ::struct::stack::stack_tcl {args} {
variable I::stacks
variable counter
switch -exact -- [llength [info level 0]] {
1 {
# Missing name, generate one.
incr counter
set name "stack${counter}"
2 {
# Standard call. New empty stack.
set name [lindex $args 0]
default {
# Error.
return -code error \
"wrong # args: should be \"stack ?name?\""
# FIRST, qualify the name.
if {![string match "::*" $name]} {
# Get caller's namespace; append :: if not global namespace.
set ns [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]]
if {"::" != $ns} {
append ns "::"
set name "$ns$name"
if {[llength [info commands $name]]} {
return -code error \
"command \"$name\" already exists, unable to create stack"
set stacks($name) [list ]
# Create the command to manipulate the stack
interp alias {} $name {} ::struct::stack::StackProc $name
return $name
# Private functions follow
# ::struct::stack::StackProc --
# Command that processes all stack object commands.
# Arguments:
# name name of the stack object to manipulate.
# args command name and args for the command
# Results:
# Varies based on command to perform
if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5]} {
# In 8.5+ we can do an ensemble for fast dispatch.
proc ::struct::stack::StackProc {name cmd args} {
# Shuffle method to front and then simply run the ensemble.
# Dispatch, argument checking, and error message generation
# are all done in the C-level.
I $cmd $name {*}$args
namespace eval ::struct::stack::I {
namespace export clear destroy get getr peek peekr \
trim trim* pop push rotate size
namespace ensemble create
} else {
# Before 8.5 we have to code our own dispatch, including error
# checking.
proc ::struct::stack::StackProc {name cmd args} {
# Do minimal args checks here
if { [llength [info level 0]] == 2 } {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"$name option ?arg arg ...?\""
# Split the args into command and args components
if {![llength [info commands ::struct::stack::I::$cmd]]} {
set optlist [lsort [info commands ::struct::stack::I::*]]
set xlist {}
foreach p $optlist {
set p [namespace tail $p]
if {($p eq "K") || ($p eq "lreverse")} continue
lappend xlist $p
set optlist [linsert [join $xlist ", "] "end-1" "or"]
return -code error \
"bad option \"$cmd\": must be $optlist"
uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 ::struct::stack::I::$cmd $name]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
namespace eval ::struct::stack::I {
# The stacks array holds all of the stacks you've made
variable stacks
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ::struct::stack::I::clear --
# Clear a stack.
# Arguments:
# name name of the stack object.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::stack::I::clear {name} {
variable stacks
set stacks($name) {}
# ::struct::stack::I::destroy --
# Destroy a stack object by removing it's storage space and
# eliminating it's proc.
# Arguments:
# name name of the stack object.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::stack::I::destroy {name} {
variable stacks
unset stacks($name)
interp alias {} $name {}
# ::struct::stack::I::get --
# Retrieve the whole contents of the stack.
# Arguments:
# name name of the stack object.
# Results:
# items list of all items in the stack.
proc ::struct::stack::I::get {name} {
variable stacks
return [lreverse $stacks($name)]
proc ::struct::stack::I::getr {name} {
variable stacks
return $stacks($name)
# ::struct::stack::I::peek --
# Retrieve the value of an item on the stack without popping it.
# Arguments:
# name name of the stack object.
# count number of items to pop; defaults to 1
# Results:
# items top count items from the stack; if there are not enough items
# to fulfill the request, throws an error.
proc ::struct::stack::I::peek {name {count 1}} {
variable stacks
upvar 0 stacks($name) mystack
if { $count < 1 } {
return -code error "invalid item count $count"
} elseif { $count > [llength $mystack] } {
return -code error "insufficient items on stack to fill request"
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item peeks are not
# listified
return [lindex $mystack end]
# Otherwise, return a list of items
incr count -1
return [lreverse [lrange $mystack end-$count end]]
proc ::struct::stack::I::peekr {name {count 1}} {
variable stacks
upvar 0 stacks($name) mystack
if { $count < 1 } {
return -code error "invalid item count $count"
} elseif { $count > [llength $mystack] } {
return -code error "insufficient items on stack to fill request"
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item peeks are not
# listified
return [lindex $mystack end]
# Otherwise, return a list of items, in reversed order.
incr count -1
return [lrange $mystack end-$count end]
# ::struct::stack::I::trim --
# Pop items off a stack until a maximum size is reached.
# Arguments:
# name name of the stack object.
# count requested size of the stack.
# Results:
# item List of items trimmed, may be empty.
proc ::struct::stack::I::trim {name newsize} {
variable stacks
upvar 0 stacks($name) mystack
if { ![string is integer -strict $newsize]} {
return -code error "expected integer but got \"$newsize\""
} elseif { $newsize < 0 } {
return -code error "invalid size $newsize"
} elseif { $newsize >= [llength $mystack] } {
# Stack is smaller than requested, do nothing.
return {}
# newsize < [llength $mystack]
# pop '[llength $mystack]' - newsize elements.
if {!$newsize} {
set result [lreverse [K $mystack [unset mystack]]]
set mystack {}
} else {
set result [lreverse [lrange $mystack $newsize end]]
set mystack [lreplace [K $mystack [unset mystack]] $newsize end]
return $result
proc ::struct::stack::I::trim* {name newsize} {
if { ![string is integer -strict $newsize]} {
return -code error "expected integer but got \"$newsize\""
} elseif { $newsize < 0 } {
return -code error "invalid size $newsize"
variable stacks
upvar 0 stacks($name) mystack
if { $newsize >= [llength $mystack] } {
# Stack is smaller than requested, do nothing.
# newsize < [llength $mystack]
# pop '[llength $mystack]' - newsize elements.
# No results, compared to trim.
if {!$newsize} {
set mystack {}
} else {
set mystack [lreplace [K $mystack [unset mystack]] $newsize end]
# ::struct::stack::I::pop --
# Pop an item off a stack.
# Arguments:
# name name of the stack object.
# count number of items to pop; defaults to 1
# Results:
# item top count items from the stack; if the stack is empty,
# returns a list of count nulls.
proc ::struct::stack::I::pop {name {count 1}} {
variable stacks
upvar 0 stacks($name) mystack
if { $count < 1 } {
return -code error "invalid item count $count"
set ssize [llength $mystack]
if { $count > $ssize } {
return -code error "insufficient items on stack to fill request"
if { $count == 1 } {
# Handle this as a special case, so single item pops are not
# listified
set item [lindex $mystack end]
if {$count == $ssize} {
set mystack [list]
} else {
set mystack [lreplace [K $mystack [unset mystack]] end end]
return $item
# Otherwise, return a list of items, and remove the items from the
# stack.
if {$count == $ssize} {
set result [lreverse [K $mystack [unset mystack]]]
set mystack [list]
} else {
incr count -1
set result [lreverse [lrange $mystack end-$count end]]
set mystack [lreplace [K $mystack [unset mystack]] end-$count end]
return $result
# -------------------------------------------------------
set newsize [expr {[llength $mystack] - $count}]
if {!$newsize} {
set result [lreverse [K $mystack [unset mystack]]]
set mystack {}
} else {
set result [lreverse [lrange $mystack $newsize end]]
set mystack [lreplace [K $mystack [unset mystack]] $newsize end]
if {$count == 1} {
set result [lindex $result 0]
return $result
# ::struct::stack::I::push --
# Push an item onto a stack.
# Arguments:
# name name of the stack object
# args items to push.
# Results:
# None.
if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5]} {
proc ::struct::stack::I::push {name args} {
if {![llength $args]} {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"$name push item ?item ...?\""
variable stacks
upvar 0 stacks($name) mystack
lappend mystack {*}$args
} else {
proc ::struct::stack::I::push {name args} {
if {![llength $args]} {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"$name push item ?item ...?\""
variable stacks
upvar 0 stacks($name) mystack
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
lappend mystack [lindex $args 0]
} else {
eval [linsert $args 0 lappend mystack]
# ::struct::stack::I::rotate --
# Rotate the top count number of items by step number of steps.
# Arguments:
# name name of the stack object.
# count number of items to rotate.
# steps number of steps to rotate.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::stack::I::rotate {name count steps} {
variable stacks
upvar 0 stacks($name) mystack
set len [llength $mystack]
if { $count > $len } {
return -code error "insufficient items on stack to fill request"
# Rotation algorithm:
# do
# Find the insertion point in the stack
# Move the end item to the insertion point
# repeat $steps times
set start [expr {$len - $count}]
set steps [expr {$steps % $count}]
if {$steps == 0} return
for {set i 0} {$i < $steps} {incr i} {
set item [lindex $mystack end]
set mystack [linsert \
[lreplace \
[K $mystack [unset mystack]] \
end end] $start $item]
# ::struct::stack::I::size --
# Return the number of objects on a stack.
# Arguments:
# name name of the stack object.
# Results:
# count number of items on the stack.
proc ::struct::stack::I::size {name} {
variable stacks
return [llength $stacks($name)]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
proc ::struct::stack::I::K {x y} { set x }
if {![llength [info commands lreverse]]} {
proc ::struct::stack::I::lreverse {x} {
# assert (llength(x) > 1)
set l [llength $x]
if {$l <= 1} { return $x }
set r [list]
while {$l} { lappend r [lindex $x [incr l -1]] }
return $r
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Get 'stack::stack' into the general structure namespace for
# pickup by the main management.
namespace import -force stack::stack_tcl


@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package require Tcl 8.2
package require struct::graph 2.0
package require struct::queue 1.2.1
package require struct::stack 1.2.1
package require struct::tree 2.0
package require struct::matrix 2.0
package require struct::pool 1.2.1
package require struct::record 1.2.1
package require struct::list 1.4
package require struct::set 2.1
package require struct::prioqueue 1.3
package require struct::skiplist 1.3
namespace eval ::struct {
namespace export *
package provide struct 2.1


@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package require Tcl 8.2
package require struct::graph 1.2.1
package require struct::queue 1.2.1
package require struct::stack 1.2.1
package require struct::tree 1.2.1
package require struct::matrix 1.2.1
package require struct::pool 1.2.1
package require struct::record 1.2.1
package require struct::list 1.4
package require struct::prioqueue 1.3
package require struct::skiplist 1.3
namespace eval ::struct {
namespace export *
package provide struct 1.4


@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
# tree.tcl --
# Implementation of a tree data structure for Tcl.
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: tree.tcl,v 1.45 2009/06/22 18:21:59 andreas_kupries Exp $
# @mdgen EXCLUDE: tree_c.tcl
package require Tcl 8.2
package require struct::list
namespace eval ::struct::tree {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Management of tree implementations.
# ::struct::tree::LoadAccelerator --
# Loads a named implementation, if possible.
# Arguments:
# key Name of the implementation to load.
# Results:
# A boolean flag. True if the implementation
# was successfully loaded; and False otherwise.
proc ::struct::tree::LoadAccelerator {key} {
variable accel
set r 0
switch -exact -- $key {
critcl {
# Critcl implementation of tree requires Tcl 8.4.
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} {return 0}
if {[catch {package require tcllibc}]} {return 0}
set r [llength [info commands ::struct::tree_critcl]]
tcl {
variable selfdir
source [file join $selfdir tree_tcl.tcl]
set r 1
default {
return -code error "invalid accelerator/impl. package $key:\
must be one of [join [KnownImplementations] {, }]"
set accel($key) $r
return $r
# ::struct::tree::SwitchTo --
# Activates a loaded named implementation.
# Arguments:
# key Name of the implementation to activate.
# Results:
# None.
proc ::struct::tree::SwitchTo {key} {
variable accel
variable loaded
if {[string equal $key $loaded]} {
# No change, nothing to do.
} elseif {![string equal $key ""]} {
# Validate the target implementation of the switch.
if {![info exists accel($key)]} {
return -code error "Unable to activate unknown implementation \"$key\""
} elseif {![info exists accel($key)] || !$accel($key)} {
return -code error "Unable to activate missing implementation \"$key\""
# Deactivate the previous implementation, if there was any.
if {![string equal $loaded ""]} {
rename ::struct::tree ::struct::tree_$loaded
rename ::struct::tree::prune ::struct::tree::prune_$loaded
# Activate the new implementation, if there is any.
if {![string equal $key ""]} {
rename ::struct::tree_$key ::struct::tree
rename ::struct::tree::prune_$key ::struct::tree::prune
# Remember the active implementation, for deactivation by future
# switches.
set loaded $key
# ::struct::tree::Implementations --
# Determines which implementations are
# present, i.e. loaded.
# Arguments:
# None.
# Results:
# A list of implementation keys.
proc ::struct::tree::Implementations {} {
variable accel
set res {}
foreach n [array names accel] {
if {!$accel($n)} continue
lappend res $n
return $res
# ::struct::tree::KnownImplementations --
# Determines which implementations are known
# as possible implementations.
# Arguments:
# None.
# Results:
# A list of implementation keys. In the order
# of preference, most prefered first.
proc ::struct::tree::KnownImplementations {} {
return {critcl tcl}
proc ::struct::tree::Names {} {
return {
critcl {tcllibc based}
tcl {pure Tcl}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Initialization: Data structures.
namespace eval ::struct::tree {
variable selfdir [file dirname [info script]]
variable accel
array set accel {tcl 0 critcl 0}
variable loaded {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Initialization: Choose an implementation,
## most prefered first. Loads only one of the
## possible implementations. And activates it.
namespace eval ::struct::tree {
variable e
foreach e [KnownImplementations] {
if {[LoadAccelerator $e]} {
SwitchTo $e
unset e
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::struct {
# Export the constructor command.
namespace export tree
package provide struct::tree 2.1.2


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
# treec.tcl --
# Implementation of a tree data structure for Tcl.
# This code based on critcl, API compatible to the PTI [x].
# [x] Pure Tcl Implementation.
# Copyright (c) 2005 Andreas Kupries <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: tree_c.tcl,v 1.6 2008/03/25 07:15:34 andreas_kupries Exp $
package require critcl
# @sak notprovided struct_treec
package provide struct_treec 2.1.1
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::struct {
# Supporting code for the main command.
catch {
#critcl::cheaders -g
#critcl::debug memory symbols
critcl::cheaders tree/*.h
critcl::csources tree/*.c
critcl::ccode {
/* -*- c -*- */
#include <util.h>
#include <t.h>
#include <tn.h>
#include <ms.h>
#include <m.h>
/* .................................................. */
/* Global tree management, per interp
typedef struct TDg {
long int counter;
char buf [50];
} TDg;
static void
TDgrelease (ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp* interp)
ckfree((char*) cd);
static CONST char*
TDnewName (Tcl_Interp* interp)
#define KEY "tcllib/struct::tree/critcl"
Tcl_InterpDeleteProc* proc = TDgrelease;
TDg* tdg;
tdg = Tcl_GetAssocData (interp, KEY, &proc);
if (tdg == NULL) {
tdg = (TDg*) ckalloc (sizeof (TDg));
tdg->counter = 0;
Tcl_SetAssocData (interp, KEY, proc,
(ClientData) tdg);
tdg->counter ++;
sprintf (tdg->buf, "tree%ld", tdg->counter);
return tdg->buf;
#undef KEY
static void
TDdeleteCmd (ClientData clientData)
/* Release the whole tree. */
t_delete ((T*) clientData);
# Main command, tree creation.
critcl::ccommand tree_critcl {dummy interp objc objv} {
/* Syntax
* - epsilon |1
* - name |2
* - name =|:=|as|deserialize source |4
CONST char* name;
T* td;
Tcl_Obj* fqn;
Tcl_CmdInfo ci;
#define USAGE "?name ?=|:=|as|deserialize source??"
if ((objc != 4) && (objc != 2) && (objc != 1)) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, USAGE);
return TCL_ERROR;
if (objc < 2) {
name = TDnewName (interp);
} else {
name = Tcl_GetString (objv [1]);
if (!Tcl_StringMatch (name, "::*")) {
/* Relative name. Prefix with current namespace */
Tcl_Eval (interp, "namespace current");
fqn = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
fqn = Tcl_DuplicateObj (fqn);
Tcl_IncrRefCount (fqn);
if (!Tcl_StringMatch (Tcl_GetString (fqn), "::")) {
Tcl_AppendToObj (fqn, "::", -1);
Tcl_AppendToObj (fqn, name, -1);
} else {
fqn = Tcl_NewStringObj (name, -1);
Tcl_IncrRefCount (fqn);
Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
if (Tcl_GetCommandInfo (interp,
Tcl_GetString (fqn),
&ci)) {
Tcl_Obj* err;
err = Tcl_NewObj ();
Tcl_AppendToObj (err, "command \"", -1);
Tcl_AppendObjToObj (err, fqn);
Tcl_AppendToObj (err, "\" already exists, unable to create tree", -1);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, err);
return TCL_ERROR;
if (objc == 4) {
Tcl_Obj* type = objv[2];
Tcl_Obj* src = objv[3];
int srctype;
static CONST char* types [] = {
":=", "=", "as", "deserialize", NULL
enum types {
if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, type, types, "type",
0, &srctype) != TCL_OK) {
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
Tcl_WrongNumArgs (interp, 1, objv, USAGE);
return TCL_ERROR;
td = t_new ();
switch (srctype) {
case T_ASSIGN:
case T_AS:
case T_IS:
if (tms_assign (interp, td, src) != TCL_OK) {
t_delete (td);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
return TCL_ERROR;
case T_DESER:
if (t_deserialize (td, interp, src) != TCL_OK) {
t_delete (td);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
return TCL_ERROR;
} else {
td = t_new ();
td->cmd = Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, Tcl_GetString (fqn),
tms_objcmd, (ClientData) td,
Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, fqn);
Tcl_DecrRefCount (fqn);
return TCL_OK;
namespace eval tree {
critcl::ccommand prune_critcl {dummy interp objc objv} {
return 5;
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - ANSI
## Generic commands to define commands for code sequences.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Escape clauses, plain and bracket
## Used by 'define'd commands.
proc ::term::ansi::code::esc {str} {return \033$str}
proc ::term::ansi::code::escb {str} {esc \[$str}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Define command for named control code, or constant.
## (Simple definitions without arguments)
proc ::term::ansi::code::define {name escape code} {
proc [Qualified $name] {} [list ::term::ansi::code::$escape $code]
proc ::term::ansi::code::const {name code} {
proc [Qualified $name] {} [list return $code]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal helper to construct fully-qualified names.
proc ::term::ansi::code::Qualified {name} {
if {![string match ::* $name]} {
# Get the caller's namespace; append :: if it is not the
# global namespace, for separation from the actual name.
set ns [uplevel 2 [list namespace current]]
if {$ns ne "::"} {append ns ::}
set name $ns$name
return $name
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code {
namespace export esc escb define const
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::ansi::code 0.2
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - ANSI - Attribute codes
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require term::ansi::code ; # Constants
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::attr {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Symbolic names.
proc ::term::ansi::code::attr::names {} {
variable attr
return $attr
proc ::term::ansi::code::attr::import {{ns attr} args} {
if {![llength $args]} {set args *}
set args ::term::ansi::code::attr::[join $args " ::term::ansi::code::attr::"]
uplevel 1 [list namespace eval ${ns} [linsert $args 0 namespace import]]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal - Setup
proc ::term::ansi::code::attr::DEF {name value} {
variable attr
const $name $value
lappend attr $name
namespace export $name
proc ::term::ansi::code::attr::INIT {} {
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# Colors. Foreground <=> Text
DEF fgblack 30 ; # Black
DEF fgred 31 ; # Red
DEF fggreen 32 ; # Green
DEF fgyellow 33 ; # Yellow
DEF fgblue 34 ; # Blue
DEF fgmagenta 35 ; # Magenta
DEF fgcyan 36 ; # Cyan
DEF fgwhite 37 ; # White
DEF fgdefault 39 ; # Default (Black)
# Colors. Background.
DEF bgblack 40 ; # Black
DEF bgred 41 ; # Red
DEF bggreen 42 ; # Green
DEF bgyellow 43 ; # Yellow
DEF bgblue 44 ; # Blue
DEF bgmagenta 45 ; # Magenta
DEF bgcyan 46 ; # Cyan
DEF bgwhite 47 ; # White
DEF bgdefault 49 ; # Default (Transparent)
# Non-color attributes. Activation.
DEF bold 1 ; # Bold
DEF dim 2 ; # Dim
DEF italic 3 ; # Italics
DEF underline 4 ; # Underscore
DEF blink 5 ; # Blink
DEF revers 7 ; # Reverse
DEF hidden 8 ; # Hidden
DEF strike 9 ; # StrikeThrough
# Non-color attributes. Deactivation.
DEF nobold 22 ; # Bold
DEF nodim __ ; # Dim
DEF noitalic 23 ; # Italics
DEF nounderline 24 ; # Underscore
DEF noblink 25 ; # Blink
DEF norevers 27 ; # Reverse
DEF nohidden 28 ; # Hidden
DEF nostrike 29 ; # StrikeThrough
# Remainder
DEF reset 0 ; # Reset
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures.
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::attr {
namespace import ::term::ansi::code::const
variable attr {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::ansi::code::attr 0.1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - ANSI - Control codes
## References
# [0] Google: ansi terminal control
# [1]
# [2]
# [3]
# [4]
# [5]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require term::ansi::code
package require term::ansi::code::attr
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::ctrl {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Symbolic names.
proc ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::names {} {
variable ctrl
return $ctrl
proc ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::import {{ns ctrl} args} {
if {![llength $args]} {set args *}
set args ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::[join $args " ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::"]
uplevel 1 [list namespace eval $ns [linsert $args 0 namespace import]]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## TODO = symbolic key codes for skd.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal - Setup
proc ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::DEF {name esc value} {
variable ctrl
define $name $esc $value
lappend ctrl $name
namespace export $name
proc ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::DEFC {name arguments script} {
variable ctrl
proc $name $arguments $script
lappend ctrl $name
namespace export $name
proc ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::INIT {} {
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# Erasing
DEF eeol escb K ; # Erase (to) End Of Line
DEF esol escb 1K ; # Erase (to) Start Of Line
DEF el escb 2K ; # Erase (current) Line
DEF ed escb J ; # Erase Down (to bottom)
DEF eu escb 1J ; # Erase Up (to top)
DEF es escb 2J ; # Erase Screen
# Scrolling
DEF sd esc D ; # Scroll Down
DEF su esc M ; # Scroll Up
# Cursor Handling
DEF ch escb H ; # Cursor Home
DEF sc escb s ; # Save Cursor
DEF rc escb u ; # Restore Cursor (Unsave)
DEF sca esc 7 ; # Save Cursor + Attributes
DEF rca esc 8 ; # Restore Cursor + Attributes
# Tabbing
DEF st esc H ; # Set Tab (@ current position)
DEF ct escb g ; # Clear Tab (@ current position)
DEF cat escb 3g ; # Clear All Tabs
# Device Introspection
DEF qdc escb c ; # Query Device Code
DEF qds escb 5n ; # Query Device Status
DEF qcp escb 6n ; # Query Cursor Position
DEF rd esc c ; # Reset Device
# Linewrap on/off
DEF elw escb 7h ; # Enable Line Wrap
DEF dlw escb 7l ; # Disable Line Wrap
# Graphics Mode (aka use alternate font on/off)
DEF eg esc F ; # Enter Graphics Mode
DEF lg esc G ; # Exit Graphics Mode
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Complex, parameterized codes
# Select Character Set
# Choose which char set is used for default and
# alternate font. This does not change whether
# default or alternate font are used
DEFC scs0 {tag} {esc ($tag} ; # Set default character set
DEFC scs1 {tag} {esc )$tag} ; # Set alternate character set
# tags in A : United Kingdom Set
# B : ASCII Set
# 0 : Special Graphics
# 1 : Alternate Character ROM Standard Character Set
# 2 : Alternate Character ROM Special Graphics
# Set Display Attributes
DEFC sda {args} {escb [join $args \;]m}
# Force Cursor Position (aka Go To)
DEFC fcp {r c} {escb ${r}\;${c}f}
# Cursor Up, Down, Forward, Backward
DEFC cu {{n 1}} {escb [expr {$n == 1 ? "A" : "${n}A"}]}
DEFC cd {{n 1}} {escb [expr {$n == 1 ? "B" : "${n}B"}]}
DEFC cf {{n 1}} {escb [expr {$n == 1 ? "C" : "${n}C"}]}
DEFC cb {{n 1}} {escb [expr {$n == 1 ? "D" : "${n}D"}]}
# Scroll Screen (entire display, or between rows start end, inclusive).
DEFC ss {args} {
if {[llength $args] == 0} {return [escb r]}
if {[llength $args] == 2} {foreach {s e} $args break ; return [escb ${s};${e}r]}
return -code error "wrong\#args"
# Set Key Definition
DEFC skd {code str} {escb $code\;\"$str\"p}
# Terminal title
DEFC title {str} {esc \]0\;$str\007}
# Switch to and from character/box graphics.
DEFC gron {} {esc (0}
DEFC groff {} {esc (B}
# Character graphics, box symbols
# - 4 corners, 4 t-junctions,
# one 4-way junction, 2 lines
DEFC tlc {} {return [gron]l[groff]} ; # Top Left Corner
DEFC trc {} {return [gron]k[groff]} ; # Top Right Corner
DEFC brc {} {return [gron]j[groff]} ; # Bottom Right Corner
DEFC blc {} {return [gron]m[groff]} ; # Bottom Left Corner
DEFC ltj {} {return [gron]t[groff]} ; # Left T Junction
DEFC ttj {} {return [gron]w[groff]} ; # Top T Junction
DEFC rtj {} {return [gron]u[groff]} ; # Right T Junction
DEFC btj {} {return [gron]v[groff]} ; # Bottom T Junction
DEFC fwj {} {return [gron]n[groff]} ; # Four-Way Junction
DEFC hl {} {return [gron]q[groff]} ; # Horizontal Line
DEFC vl {} {return [gron]x[groff]} ; # Vertical Line
# Optimize character graphics. The generator commands above create
# way to many superfluous commands shifting into and out of the
# graphics mode. The command below removes all shifts which are
# not needed. To this end it also knows which characters will look
# the same in both modes, to handle strings created outside this
# package.
DEFC groptim {string} {
variable grforw
variable grback
set offon [groff][gron]
set onoff [gron][groff]
while {![string equal $string [set new [string map \
[list $offon {} $onoff {}] [string map \
$grback [string map \
$grforw $string]]]]]} {
set string $new
return $string
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Higher level operations
# Clear screen <=> CursorHome + EraseDown
# Init (Fonts): Default ASCII, Alternate Graphics
# Show a block of text at a specific location.
DEFC clear {} {return [ch][ed]}
DEFC init {} {return [scs0 B][scs1 0]}
DEFC showat {r c text} {
if {![string length $text]} {return {}}
return [fcp $r $c][sca][join \
[split $text \n] \
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Attribute control (single attributes)
foreach a [::term::ansi::code::attr::names] {
DEF sda_$a escb [::term::ansi::code::attr::$a]m
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures.
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::ctrl {
namespace import ::term::ansi::code::define
namespace import ::term::ansi::code::esc
namespace import ::term::ansi::code::escb
variable grforw
variable grback
variable _
foreach _ {
! \" # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = >
? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M
N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ^
\\ ]
} {
lappend grforw \016$_ $_\016
lappend grback $_\017 \017$_
unset _
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::ansi::code::ctrl 0.3
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - ANSI - Higher level macros
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require textutil::repeat
package require textutil::tabify
package require term::ansi::code::ctrl
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::macros {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Symbolic names.
proc ::term::ansi::code::macros::import {{ns macros} args} {
if {![llength $args]} {set args *}
set args ::term::ansi::code::macros::[join $args " ::term::ansi::code::macros::"]
uplevel 1 [list namespace eval ${ns} [linsert $args 0 namespace import]]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Higher level operations
# Format a menu / framed block of text
proc ::term::ansi::code::macros::menu {menu} {
# Menu = dict (label => char)
array set _ {}
set shift 0
foreach {label c} $menu {
if {[string first $c $label] < 0} {
set shift 1
set max 0
foreach {label c} $menu {
set pos [string first $c $label]
if {$shift || ($pos < 0)} {
set xlabel "$c $label"
set pos 0
} else {
set xlabel $label
set len [string length $xlabel]
if {$len > $max} {set max $len}
set _($label) " [string replace $xlabel $pos $pos \
[cd::sda_fgred][cd::sda_bold][string index $xlabel $pos][cd::sda_reset]]"
append ms [cd::tlc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::trc]\n
foreach {l c} $menu {append ms $_($l)\n}
append ms [cd::blc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::brc]
return [cd::groptim $ms]
proc ::term::ansi::code::macros::frame {string} {
set lines [split [textutil::tabify::untabify2 $string] \n]
set max 0
foreach l $lines {
if {[set len [string length $l]] > $max} {set max $len}
append fs [cd::tlc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::trc]\n
foreach l $lines {
append fs [cd::vl]${l}[textutil::repeat::strRepeat " " [expr {$max-[string length $l]}]][cd::vl]\n
append fs [cd::blc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::brc]
return [cd::groptim $fs]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures.
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::macros {
term::ansi::code::ctrl::import cd
namespace export menu frame
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::ansi::code::macros 0.1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - ANSI - Control operations
## (Unix specific implementation).
## This was originally taken from page 11820 (Pure Tcl Console Editor)
## of the Tcler's Wiki, however page 14693 (Reading a single character
## ...) is the same in a more self-contained manner.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
namespace eval ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Make command easily available
proc ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::import {{ns ctrl} args} {
if {![llength $args]} {set args *}
set args ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::[join $args " ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::"]
uplevel 1 [list namespace eval ${ns} [linsert $args 0 namespace import]]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API
# We use the <@stdin because stty works out what terminal to work with
# using standard input on some platforms. On others it prefers
# /dev/tty instead, but putting in the redirection makes the code more
# portable
proc ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::raw {} {
variable stty
exec $stty raw -echo <@stdin
proc ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::cooked {} {
variable stty
exec $stty -raw echo <@stdin
proc ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::columns {} {
variable tput
return [exec $tput cols <@stdin]
proc ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::rows {} {
variable tput
return [exec $tput lines <@stdin]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Package setup
proc ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix::INIT {} {
variable tput [auto_execok tput]
variable stty [auto_execok stty]
if {($stty eq "/usr/ucb/stty") &&
($::tcl_platform(os) eq "SunOS")} {
set stty /usr/bin/stty
if {($tput eq "") || ($stty eq "")} {
return -code error \
"The external requirements for the \
use of this package (tput, stty in \
\$PATH) are not met."
namespace eval ::term::ansi::ctrl::unix {
variable tput {}
variable stty {}
namespace export columns rows raw cooked
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::ansi::ctrl::unix 0.1.1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - ANSI - Control codes
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.4
package require term::send
package require term::ansi::code::ctrl
namespace eval ::term::ansi::send {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Make command easily available
proc ::term::ansi::send::import {{ns send} args} {
if {![llength $args]} {set args *}
set args ::term::ansi::send::[join $args " ::term::ansi::send::"]
uplevel 1 [list namespace eval ${ns} [linsert $args 0 namespace import]]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal - Setup.
proc ::term::ansi::send::ChName {n} {
if {![string match *-* $n]} {
return ${n}ch
set nl [split $n -]
set stem [lindex $nl 0]
set sfx [join [lrange $nl 1 end] -]
return ${stem}ch-$sfx
proc ::term::ansi::send::Args {n -> arv achv avv} {
upvar 1 $arv a $achv ach $avv av
set code ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::$n
set a [info args $code]
set av [expr {
[llength $a]
? " \$[join $a { $}]"
: $a
foreach a1 $a[set a {}] {
if {[info default $code $a1 default]} {
lappend a [list $a1 $default]
} else {
lappend a $a1
set ach [linsert $a 0 ch]
return $code
proc ::term::ansi::send::INIT {} {
foreach n [::term::ansi::code::ctrl::names] {
set nch [ChName $n]
set code [Args $n -> a ach av]
if {[lindex $a end] eq "args"} {
# An args argument requires more care, and an eval
set av [lrange $av 0 end-1]
if {$av ne {}} {set av " $av"}
set gen "eval \[linsert \$args 0 $code$av\]"
#8.5: (written for clarity): set gen "$code$av {*}\$args"
} else {
set gen $code$av
proc $n $a "wr \[$gen\]" ; namespace export $n
proc $nch $ach "wrch \$ch \[$gen\]" ; namespace export $nch
namespace eval ::term::ansi::send {
namespace import ::term::send::wr
namespace import ::term::send::wrch
namespace export wr wrch
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::ansi::send 0.2
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - string -> action mappings
## (bind objects). For use with 'receive listen'.
## In essence a DFA with tree structure.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require snit
package require term::receive
namespace eval ::term::receive::bind {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
snit::type ::term::receive::bind {
constructor {{dict {}}} {
foreach {str cmd} $dict {Register $str $cmd}
method map {str cmd} {
Register $str $cmd
method default {cmd} {
set default $cmd
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
method listen {{chan stdin}} {
#parray dfa
::term::receive::listen $self $chan
method unlisten {{chan stdin}} {
::term::receive::unlisten $chan
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
variable default {}
variable state {}
method reset {} {
set state {}
method next {c} {Next $c ; return}
method process {str} {
foreach c [split $str {}] {Next $c}
method eof {} {Eof ; return}
proc Next {c} {
upvar 1 dfa dfa state state default default
set key [list $state $c]
#puts -nonewline stderr "('$state' x '$c')"
if {![info exists dfa($key)]} {
# Unknown sequence. Reset. Restart.
# Run it through the default action.
if {$default ne ""} {
uplevel #0 [linsert $default end $state$c]
#puts stderr =\ RESET
set state {}
} else {
foreach {what detail} $dfa($key) break
#puts -nonewline stderr "= $what '$detail'"
if {$what eq "t"} {
# Incomplete sequence. Next state.
set state $detail
#puts stderr " goto ('$state')"
} elseif {$what eq "a"} {
# Action, then reset.
set state {}
#puts stderr " run ($detail)"
uplevel #0 [linsert $detail end $state$c]
} else {
return -code error \
"Internal error. Bad DFA."
proc Eof {} {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
proc Register {str cmd} {
upvar 1 dfa dfa
set prefix {}
set last {{} {}}
foreach c [split $str {}] {
set key [list $prefix $c]
set next $prefix$c
set dfa($key) [list t $next]
set last $key
set prefix $next
set dfa($last) [list a $cmd]
variable dfa -array {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::receive::bind 0.1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - string -> action mappings
## (menu objects). For use with 'receive listen'.
## In essence a DFA with tree structure.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require snit
package require textutil::repeat
package require textutil::tabify
package require term::ansi::send
package require term::receive::bind
package require term::ansi::code::ctrl
namespace eval ::term::receive::menu {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
snit::type ::term::interact::menu {
option -in -default stdin
option -out -default stdout
option -column -default 0
option -line -default 0
option -height -default 25
option -actions -default {}
option -hilitleft -default 0
option -hilitright -default end
option -framed -default 0 -readonly 1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
constructor {dict args} {
$self configurelist $args
Save $dict
install bind using ::term::receive::bind \
${selfns}::bind $options(-actions)
$bind map [cd::cu] [mymethod Up]
$bind map [cd::cd] [mymethod Down]
$bind map \n [mymethod Select]
#$bind default [mymethod DEF]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
method interact {} {
$bind listen $options(-in)
vwait [myvar done]
$bind unlisten $options(-in)
return $map($done)
method done {} {set done $at ; return}
method clear {} {Clear ; return}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
component bind
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
variable map -array {}
variable header
variable labels
variable footer
variable empty
proc Save {dict} {
upvar 1 header header labels labels footer footer
upvar 1 empty empty at at map map top top
upvar 1 options(-height) height
set max 0
foreach {l code} $dict {
if {[set len [string length $l]] > $max} {set max $len}
set header [cd::groptim [cd::tlc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::trc]]
set footer [cd::groptim [cd::blc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::brc]]
set labels {}
set at 0
foreach {l code} $dict {
set map($at) $code
lappend labels ${l}[textutil::repeat::strRepeat " " [expr {$max-[string length $l]}]]
incr at
set h $height
if {$h > [llength $labels]} {set h [llength $labels]}
set eline " [textutil::repeat::strRepeat { } $max]"
set empty $eline
for {set i 0} {$i <= $h} {incr i} {
append empty \n$eline
set at 0
set top 0
variable top 0
variable at 0
variable done .
proc Show {} {
upvar 1 header header labels labels footer footer at at
upvar 1 options(-in) in options(-column) col top top
upvar 1 options(-out) out options(-line) row
upvar 1 options(-height) height options(-framed) framed
upvar 1 options(-hilitleft) left
upvar 1 options(-hilitright) right
set bot [expr {$top + $height - 1}]
set fr [expr {$framed ? [cd::vl] : { }}]
set text $header\n
set i $top
foreach l [lrange $labels $top $bot] {
append text $fr
if {$i != $at} {
append text $l
} else {
append text [string replace $l $left $right \
[cd::sda_revers][string range $l $left $right][cd::sda_reset]]
append text $fr \n
incr i
append text $footer
vt::wrch $out [cd::showat $row $col $text]
proc Clear {} {
upvar 1 empty empty options(-column) col
upvar 1 options(-out) out options(-line) row
vt::wrch $out [cd::showat $row $col $empty]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
method Up {str} {
if {$at == 0} return
incr at -1
if {$at < $top} {incr top -1}
method Down {str} {
upvar 0 options(-height) height
if {$at == ([llength $labels]-1)} return
incr at
set bot [expr {$top + $height - 1}]
if {$at > $bot} {incr top}
method Select {str} {
$self done
method DEF {str} {
puts stderr "($str)"
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::term::interact::menu {
term::ansi::code::ctrl::import cd
term::ansi::send::import vt
package provide term::interact::menu 0.1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - string -> action mappings
## (pager objects). For use with 'receive listen'.
## In essence a DFA with tree structure.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require snit
package require textutil::repeat
package require textutil::tabify
package require term::ansi::send
package require term::receive::bind
package require term::ansi::code::ctrl
namespace eval ::term::receive::pager {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
snit::type ::term::interact::pager {
option -in -default stdin
option -out -default stdout
option -column -default 0
option -line -default 0
option -height -default 25
option -actions -default {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
constructor {str args} {
$self configurelist $args
Save $str
install bind using ::term::receive::bind \
${selfns}::bind $options(-actions)
$bind map [cd::cu] [mymethod Up]
$bind map [cd::cd] [mymethod Down]
$bind map \033\[5~ [mymethod PageUp]
$bind map \033\[6~ [mymethod PageDown]
$bind map \n [mymethod Done]
#$bind default [mymethod DEF]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
method interact {} {
$bind listen $options(-in)
set interacting 1
vwait [myvar done]
set interacting 0
$bind unlisten $options(-in)
method done {} {set done . ; return}
method clear {} {Clear ; return}
method text {str} {
if {$interacting} {Clear}
Save $str
if {$interacting} {Show}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
component bind
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
variable header
variable text
variable footer
variable empty
proc Save {str} {
upvar 1 header header text text footer footer maxline maxline
upvar 1 options(-height) height empty empty at at
set lines [split [textutil::tabify::untabify2 $str] \n]
set max 0
foreach l $lines {
if {[set len [string length $l]] > $max} {set max $len}
set header [cd::groptim [cd::tlc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::trc]]
set footer [cd::groptim [cd::blc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::brc]]
set text {}
foreach l $lines {
lappend text [cd::vl]${l}[textutil::repeat::strRepeat " " [expr {$max-[string length $l]}]][cd::vl]
set h $height
if {$h > [llength $text]} {set h [llength $text]}
set eline " [textutil::repeat::strRepeat { } $max]"
set empty $eline
for {set i 0} {$i <= $h} {incr i} {
append empty \n$eline
set maxline [expr {[llength $text] - $height}]
if {$maxline < 0} {set maxline 0}
set at 0
variable interacting 0
variable at 0
variable maxline -1
variable done .
proc Show {} {
upvar 1 header header text text footer footer at at
upvar 1 options(-in) in options(-column) col
upvar 1 options(-out) out options(-line) row
upvar 1 options(-height) height
set to [expr {$at + $height -1}]
vt::wrch $out [cd::showat $row $col \
$header\n[join [lrange $text $at $to] \n]\n$footer]
proc Clear {} {
upvar 1 empty empty options(-column) col
upvar 1 options(-out) out options(-line) row
vt::wrch $out [cd::showat $row $col $empty]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
method Up {str} {
if {$at == 0} return
incr at -1
method Down {str} {
if {$at >= $maxline} return
incr at
method PageUp {str} {
set newat [expr {$at - $options(-height) + 1}]
if {$newat < 0} {set newat 0}
if {$newat == $at} return
set at $newat
method PageDown {str} {
set newat [expr {$at + $options(-height) - 1}]
if {$newat >= $maxline} {set newat $maxline}
if {$newat == $at} return
set at $newat
method Done {str} {
$self done
method DEF {str} {
puts stderr "($str)"
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
namespace eval ::term::interact::pager {
term::ansi::code::ctrl::import cd
term::ansi::send::import vt
package provide term::interact::pager 0.1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} return
package ifneeded term 0.1 [list source [file join $dir term.tcl]]
package ifneeded term::ansi::code 0.2 [list source [file join $dir ansi/code.tcl]]
package ifneeded term::ansi::code::attr 0.1 [list source [file join $dir ansi/code/attr.tcl]]
package ifneeded term::ansi::code::ctrl 0.3 [list source [file join $dir ansi/code/ctrl.tcl]]
package ifneeded term::ansi::code::macros 0.1 [list source [file join $dir ansi/code/macros.tcl]]
package ifneeded term::ansi::ctrl::unix 0.1.1 [list source [file join $dir ansi/ctrlunix.tcl]]
package ifneeded term::ansi::send 0.2 [list source [file join $dir ansi/send.tcl]]
package ifneeded term::interact::menu 0.1 [list source [file join $dir imenu.tcl]]
package ifneeded term::interact::pager 0.1 [list source [file join $dir ipager.tcl]]
package ifneeded term::receive 0.1 [list source [file join $dir receive.tcl]]
package ifneeded term::receive::bind 0.1 [list source [file join $dir bind.tcl]]
package ifneeded term::send 0.1 [list source [file join $dir send.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - Generic receiver operations
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
namespace eval ::term::receive {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Read character from specific channel,
## or default (stdin). Processing of
## character sequences.
proc ::term::receive::getch {{chan stdin}} {
return [read $chan 1]
proc ::term::receive::listen {cmd {chan stdin}} {
fconfigure $chan -blocking 0
fileevent $chan readable \
[list ::term::receive::Foreach $chan $cmd]
proc ::term::receive::unlisten {{chan stdin}} {
fileevent $chan readable {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internals
proc ::term::receive::Foreach {chan cmd} {
set string [read $chan]
if {[string length $string]} {
#puts stderr "F($string)"
uplevel #0 [linsert $cmd end process $string]
if {[eof $chan]} {
close $chan
uplevel #0 [linsert $cmd end eof]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Initialization
namespace eval ::term::receive {
namespace export getch listen
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::receive 0.1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - Generic sender operations
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
namespace eval ::term::send {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Write to channel, or default (stdout)
proc ::term::send::wr {str} {
wrch stdout $str
proc ::term::send::wrch {ch str} {
puts -nonewline $ch $str
flush $ch
namespace eval ::term::send {
namespace export wr wrch
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::send 0.1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - Main :: Generic operations
# Currently we have no generica at all. We make the package, but it
# provides nothing for now.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
namespace eval ::term {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term 0.1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########

src/bootsupport/modules/punk/ → src/bootsupport/modules/punk/

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# (C) 2023
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application punk::ansi 0.1.0
# Application punk::ansi 0.1.1
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license <unspecified>
# @@ Meta End
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin punkshell_module_punk::ansi 0 0.1.0]
#[manpage_begin punkshell_module_punk::ansi 0 0.1.1]
#[copyright "2023"]
#[titledesc {Ansi string functions}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {punk Ansi library}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
variable SGR_setting_map {
bold 1 dim 2 blink 5 fastblink 6 noblink 25 hide 8 normal 22
underline 4 doubleunderline 21 nounderline 24 strike 9 nostrike 29 italic 3 noitalic 23
reverse 7 noreverse 27 defaultfg 39 defaultbg 49
reverse 7 noreverse 27 defaultfg 39 defaultbg 49 nohide 28
overline 53 nooverline 55 frame 51 framecircle 52 noframe 54
variable SGR_colour_map {
@ -561,10 +561,18 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
#[para]A string created by any move_emit_return for punk::ansi would not behave in an intuitive manner compared to other punk::ansi move functions - so is deliberately omitted.
set out ""
append out \033\[${row}\;${col}H$data
foreach {row col data} $args {
if {$row eq "this"} {
append out \033\[\;${col}G$data
} else {
append out \033\[${row}\;${col}H$data
foreach {row col data} $args {
if {$row eq "this"} {
append out \033\[\;${col}G$data
} else {
append out \033\[${row}\;${col}H$data
return $out
proc move_forward {{n 1}} {
@ -587,8 +595,28 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
#[call [fun move_down] [arg n]]
return \033\[${n}B
proc move_column {col} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun move_column] [arg col]]
return \x1b\[${col}g
proc move_row {row} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun move_row] [arg row]]
return \x1b\[${row}G
# -- --- --- --- ---
proc save_cursor {} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun save_cursor]]
return \x1b\[s
proc restore_cursor {} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun restore_cursor]]
return \x1b\[u
# -- --- --- --- ---
proc erase_line {} {
@ -610,6 +638,43 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
#see also clear_above clear_below
# -- --- --- --- ---
proc scroll_up {n} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun scroll_up] [arg n]]
return \x1b\[${n}S
proc scroll_down {n} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun scroll_down] [arg n]]
return \x1b\[${n}T
proc insert_spaces {count} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun insert_spaces] [arg count]]
return \x1b\[${count}@
proc delete_characters {count} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun delete_characters] [arg count]]
return \x1b\[${count}P
proc erase_characters {count} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun erase_characters] [arg count]]
return \x1b\[${count}X
proc insert_lines {count} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun insert_lines] [arg count]]
return \x1b\[${count}L
proc delete_lines {count} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun delete_lines] [arg count]]
return \x1b\[${count}M
proc cursor_pos {} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun cursor_pos]]
@ -650,6 +715,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
if {[string first \n $line] >= 0} {
error "line_print_length must not contain newline characters"
#what if line has \v (vertical tab) ie more than one logical screen line?
#review -
set line [punk::ansi::stripansi $line]
@ -657,6 +723,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
set line [punk::char::strip_nonprinting_ascii $line] ;#only strip nonprinting after stripansi - some like BEL are part of ansi
#backspace 0x08 only erases* printing characters anyway - so presumably order of processing doesn't matter
#(* more correctly - moves cursor back)
#Note some terminals process backspace before \v - which seems quite wrong
#backspace will not move beyond a preceding newline - but we have disallowed newlines for this function already
#leading backspaces will eat into any string (even prompt in non-standard tclsh shell) that is prepended to the line
# - but for the purposes of overtype we wouldn't want that - so we strip it here in the length calculation and should strip leading backspaces in the actual data concatenation operations too.
@ -671,6 +738,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
set bs [format %c 0x08]
#set line [string map [list "\r${bs}" "\r"] $line] ;#backsp following a \r will have no effect
set line [string trim $line $bs]
#counterintuitively "x\b" still shows the x ie length is still one. The backspace just moves the position. There must be a char following \b for it to affect the length.
set n 0
set chars [split $line ""]
@ -1014,7 +1082,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
#\UFFFD - replacement char or \U2426
#using ISO 2047 graphical representations of control characters
#using ISO 2047 graphical representations of control characters - probably obsolete?
#00 NUL Null ⎕ U+2395 NU
#01 TC1, SOH Start of Heading ⌈ U+2308 SH
#02 TC2, STX Start of Text ⊥ U+22A5 SX
@ -1049,8 +1117,207 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
#1F IS1 US Unit Separator ◳ U+25F3 US
#20 SP Space △ U+25B3 SP
#7F DEL Delete ▨ —[d] DT
proc VIEW {string} {
return [string map [list \033 \U2296 \007 \U237E] $string]
#C0 control code visual representations
# Code Val Name 2X Description
# 2400 00 NUL NU Symbol for Null
# 2401 01 SOH SH Symbol for Start of Heading
# 2402 02 STX SX Symbol for Start of Text
# 2403 03 ETX EX Symbol for End of Text
# 2404 04 EOT ET Symbol for End of Transmission
# 2405 05 ENQ EQ Symbol for Enquiry
# 2406 06 ACK AK Symbol for Acknowledge
# 2407 07 BEL BL Symbol for Bell
# 2409 09 BS BS Symbol for Backspace
# 2409 09 HT HT Symbol for Horizontal Tab (1)
# 240A 0A LF LF Symbol for Line Feed (1)
# 240B 0B VT VT Symbol for Vertical Tab (1)
# 240C 0C FF FF Symbol for Form Feed (2)
# 240D 0D CR CR Symbol for Carriage Return (1)
# 240E 0E SO SO Symbol for Shift Out
# 240F 0F SI SI Symbol for Shift In
# 2410 10 DLE DL Symbol for Data Link Escape
# 2411 11 DC1 D1 Symbol for Device Control 1 (2)
# 2412 12 DC2 D2 Symbol for Device Control 2 (2)
# 2413 13 DC3 D3 Symbol for Device Control 3 (2)
# 2414 14 DC4 D4 Symbol for Device Control 4 (2)
# 2415 15 NAK NK Symbol for Negative Acknowledge
# 2416 16 SYN SY Symbol for Synchronous Idle
# 2417 17 ETB EB Symbol for End of Transmission Block
# 2418 18 CAN CN Symbol for Cancel
# 2419 19 EM EM Symbol for End of Medium
# 241A 1A SUB SU Symbol for Substitute
# 241B 1B ESC EC Symbol for Escape
# 241C 1C FS FS Symbol for Field Separator (3)
# 241D 1D GS GS Symbol for Group Separator (3)
# 241E 1E RS RS Symbol for Record Separator (3)
# 241F 1F US US Symbol for Unit Separator (3)
# 2420 20 SP SP Symbol for Space (4)
# 2421 7F DEL DT Symbol for Delete (4)
#C1 control code visual representations
#Code Val Name 2X Description
# 80 80 80 (1)
# 81 81 81 (1)
# E022 82 BPH 82 Symbol for Break Permitted Here (2)
# E023 83 NBH 83 Symbol for No Break Here (2)
# E024 84 IND IN Symbol for Index (3)
# E025 85 NEL NL Symbol for Next Line (4)
# E026 86 SSA SS Symbol for Start Selected Area
# E027 87 ESA ES Symbol for End Selected Area
# E028 88 HTS HS Symbol for Character Tabulation Set
# E029 89 HTJ HJ Symbol for Character Tabulation with Justification
# E02A 8A VTS VS Symbol for Line Tabulation Set
# E02B 8B PLD PD Symbol for Partial Line Forward
# E02C 8C PLU PU Symbol for Partial Line Backward
# E02D 8D RI RI Symbol for Reverse Line Feed
# E02E 8E SS2 S2 Symbol for Single Shift 2
# E02F 8F SS3 S3 Symbol for Single Shift 3
# E030 90 DCS DC Symbol for Device Control String
# E031 91 PU1 P1 Symbol for Private Use 1
# E032 92 PU2 P2 Symbol for Private Use 2
# E033 93 STS SE Symbol for Set Transmit State
# E034 94 CCH CC Symbol for Cancel Character
# E035 95 MW MW Symbol for Message Waiting
# E036 96 SPA SP Symbol for Start Protected (Guarded) Area
# E037 97 EPA EP Symbol for End Protected (Guarded) Area
# E038 98 SOS 98 Symbol for Start of String (2)
# 99 99 (1)
# E03A 9A SCI 9A Symbol for Single Character Introducer (2)
# E03B 9B CSI CS Symbol for Control Sequence Introducer (5)
# E03C 9C ST ST Symbol for String Terminator
# E03D 9D OSC OS Symbol for Operating System Command
# E03E 9E PM PM Symbol for Privacy Message
# E03F 9F APC AP Symbol for Application Program Command
proc VIEW {args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun VIEW] [arg string]]
#[para]Return a string with specific ANSI control characters substituted with visual equivalents frome the appropriate unicode C0 and C1 visualisation sets
#[para]For debugging purposes, certain other standard control characters are converted to visual representation, for example backspace (mapped to \\U2408 '\U2408')
#[para]Horizontal tab is mapped to \\U2409 '\U2409'. For many of the punk terminal text operations, tabs have already been mapped to the appropriate number of spaces using textutil::tabify functions
#[para]As punkshell uses linefeed where possible in preference to crlf even on windows, cr is mapped to \\U240D '\U240D' - but lf is left as is.
if {![llength $args]} {
return ""
set string [lindex $args end]
set defaults [dict create\
-esc 1\
-cr 1\
-lf 0\
-vt 0\
-ht 1\
-bs 1\
-sp 1\
set argopts [lrange $args 0 end-1]
if {[llength $argopts] % 2 != 0} {
error "ansistring VIEW options must be option-value pairs, received '$argopts'. Known opts [dict keys $defaults]"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $argopts]
# -- --- --- --- ---
set opt_esc [dict get $opts -esc]
set opt_cr [dict get $opts -cr]
set opt_lf [dict get $opts -lf]
set opt_vt [dict get $opts -vt]
set opt_ht [dict get $opts -ht]
set opt_bs [dict get $opts -bs]
set opt_sp [dict get $opts -sp]
# -- --- --- --- ---
#modern (c0 seem to have more terminal/font support - C1 can show 8bit c1 codes - but also seems to be limited support)
#Goal is not to map every control character?
#Map of which elements we want to convert - done this way so we can see names of control's that are included: - ease of maintenance compared to just creating the string map directly
#ETX -ctrl-c
#EOT ctrl-d (EOF?)
#SYN ctrl-v
#SUB ctrl-z
#CAN ctrl-x
#FS ctrl-\ (SIGQUIT)
set visuals_interesting [dict create\
NUL [list \x00 \u2400]\
ETX [list \x03 \u2403]\
EOT [list \x04 \u2404]\
BEL [list \x07 \u2407]\
SYN [list \x16 \u2416]\
CAN [list \x18 \u2418]\
SUB [list \x1a \u241a]\
FS [list \x1c \u241c]\
SOS [list \x98 \ue038]\
CSI [list \x9b \ue03b]\
ST [list \x9c \ue03c]\
PM [list \x9e \ue03e]\
APC [list \x9f \ue03f]\
#it turns out we need pretty much everything for debugging
set visuals [dict create\
NUL [list \x00 \u2400]\
SOH [list \x01 \u2401]\
STX [list \x02 \u2402]\
ETX [list \x03 \u2403]\
EOT [list \x04 \u2404]\
ENQ [list \x05 \u2405]\
ACK [list \x06 \u2406]\
BEL [list \x07 \u2407]\
FF [list \x0c \u240c]\
SO [list \x0e \u240e]\
SF [list \x0f \u240f]\
DLE [list \x10 \u2410]\
DC1 [list \x11 \u2411]\
DC2 [list \x12 \u2412]\
DC3 [list \x13 \u2413]\
DC4 [list \x14 \u2414]\
NAK [list \x15 \u2415]\
SYN [list \x16 \u2416]\
ETB [list \x17 \u2417]\
CAN [list \x18 \u2418]\
EM [list \x19 \u2419]\
SUB [list \x1a \u241a]\
FS [list \x1c \u241c]\
GS [list \x1d \u241d]\
RS [list \x1e \u241e]\
US [list \x1f \u241f]\
DEL [list \x7f \u2421]\
SOS [list \x98 \ue038]\
CSI [list \x9b \ue03b]\
ST [list \x9c \ue03c]\
PM [list \x9e \ue03e]\
APC [list \x9f \ue03f]\
if {$opt_esc} {
dict set visuals VT [list \x1b \u241b]
if {$opt_cr} {
dict set visuals CR [list \x0d \u240d]
if {$opt_lf} {
dict set visuals LF [list \x0a \u240a]
if {$opt_vt} {
dict set visuals VT [list \x0b \u240b]
if {$opt_ht} {
dict set visuals HT [list \x09 \u2409]
if {$opt_bs} {
dict set visuals BS [list \x08 \u2408]
if {$opt_sp} {
dict set visuals SP [list \x20 \u2420]
set charmap [list]
dict for {nm chars} $visuals {
lappend charmap {*}$chars
return [string map $charmap $string]
#ISO2047 - 7bit - limited set, limited support
#return [string map [list \033 \U2296 \007 \U237E] $string]
proc length {string} {
@ -1353,7 +1620,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::internal {
## Ready
package provide punk::ansi [namespace eval punk::ansi {
variable version
set version 0.1.0
set version 0.1.1

src/bootsupport/modules/punk/ → src/bootsupport/modules/punk/

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# (C) 2023
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application punk::console 0.1.0
# Application punk::console 0.1.1
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license <unspecified>
# @@ Meta End
@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::console {
variable has_twapi 0
variable previous_stty_state_stdin ""
variable previous_stty_state_stdout ""
variable previous_stty_state_stderr ""
variable is_raw 0
#punk::console namespace - contains *directly* acting functions - some based on ansi escapes from the 'ansi' sub namespace, some on local system calls or executable calls wrapped in the 'local' sub namespace
#directly acting means they write to stdout to cause the console to peform the action, or they perform the action immediately via other means.
@ -56,6 +61,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
tailcall enableAnsi
#review what raw mode means with regard to a specific channel vs terminal as a whole
proc enableRaw {{channel stdin}} {
#loopavoidancetoken (don't remove)
@ -68,17 +74,42 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
tailcall disableRaw $channel
proc enableVirtualTerminal {} {
#loopavoidancetoken (don't remove)
tailcall enableVirtualTerminal
} else {
proc enableAnsi {} {
#todo - something better - the 'channel' concept may not really apply on unix, as raw mode is for input and output modes
proc enableRaw {{channel stdin}} {
variable is_raw
variable previous_stty_state_$channel
set sttycmd [auto_execok stty]
if {[set previous_stty_state_$channel] eq ""} {
set previous_stty_state_$channel [exec {*}$sttycmd -g <@$channel]
exec {*}$sttycmd raw -echo <@$channel
set is_raw 1
return [dict create previous [set previous_stty_state_$channel]]
proc disableRaw {{channel stdin}} {
variable is_raw
variable previous_stty_state_$channel
set sttycmd [auto_execok stty]
exec {*}$sttycmd raw echo <@$channel
if {[set previous_stty_state_$channel] ne ""} {
exec {*}$sttycmd [set previous_stty_state_$channel]
set previous_stty_state_$channel ""
return restored
exec {*}$sttycmd -raw echo <@$channel
set is_raw 0
return done
@ -167,6 +198,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
set h_in [twapi::get_console_handle stdin]
set oldmode_in [twapi::GetConsoleMode $h_in]
set newmode_in [expr {$oldmode_in | 8}]
#set newmode_in [expr {$oldmode_in | 0x208}]
twapi::SetConsoleMode $h_in $newmode_in
@ -188,6 +220,19 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
return [list stdout [list from $oldmode_out to $newmode_out] stdin [list from $oldmode_in to $newmode_in]]
proc [namespace parent]::enableVirtualTerminal {} {
set h_out [twapi::get_console_handle stdout]
set oldmode_out [twapi::GetConsoleMode $h_out]
set newmode_out [expr {$oldmode_out | 4}]
twapi::SetConsoleMode $h_out $newmode_out
set h_in [twapi::get_console_handle stdin]
set oldmode_in [twapi::GetConsoleMode $h_in]
set newmode_in [expr {$oldmode_in | 0x200}]
twapi::SetConsoleMode $h_in $newmode_in
return [list stdout [list from $oldmode_out to $newmode_out] stdin [list from $oldmode_in to $newmode_in]]
proc [namespace parent]::enableProcessedInput {} {
set h_in [twapi::get_console_handle stdin]
set oldmode_in [twapi::GetConsoleMode $h_in]
@ -205,18 +250,24 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
proc [namespace parent]::enableRaw {{channel stdin}} {
variable is_raw
#review - change to modify_console_input_mode
set console_handle [twapi::GetStdHandle -10]
set oldmode [twapi::GetConsoleMode $console_handle]
set newmode [expr {$oldmode & ~6}] ;# Turn off the echo and line-editing bits
twapi::SetConsoleMode $console_handle $newmode
set is_raw 1
#don't disable handler - it will detect is_raw
### twapi::set_console_control_handler {}
return [list stdin [list from $oldmode to $newmode]]
proc [namespace parent]::disableRaw {{channel stdin}} {
variable is_raw
set console_handle [twapi::GetStdHandle -10]
set oldmode [twapi::GetConsoleMode $console_handle]
set newmode [expr {$oldmode | 6}] ;# Turn on the echo and line-editing bits
twapi::SetConsoleMode $console_handle $newmode
set is_raw 0
return [list stdin [list from $oldmode to $newmode]]
@ -238,6 +289,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
#review - 1 byte at a time seems inefficient..
proc ansi_response_handler {chan accumulatorvar waitvar} {
set status [catch {read $chan 1} bytes]
if { $status != 0 } {
@ -408,10 +460,24 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
set existing_handler [fileevent stdin readable]
set $waitvar ""
#todo - test and save rawstate so we don't disableRaw if terminal was already raw
if {!$::punk::console::is_raw} {
set was_raw 0
} else {
set was_raw 1
fconfigure stdin -blocking 0
#fconfigure stdin -blocking 0 -inputmode raw
fileevent stdin readable [list ::punk::console::internal::ansi_response_handler stdin $accumulator $waitvar]
puts -nonewline stdout \033\[6n ;flush stdout
# - stderr vs stdout
#It has to be same channel as used by functions such as test_char_width or erroneous results returned for those functions
#(presumably race conditions as to when data hits console?)
#review - experiment changing this and calling functions to stderr and see if it works
#review - Are there disadvantages to using stdout vs stderr?
puts -nonewline stdout \033\[6n ;flush stdout
after 0 {update idletasks}
#e.g \033\[46;1R
#todo - reset
@ -419,12 +485,25 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
if {[set $waitvar] eq ""} {
vwait $waitvar
if {$was_raw == 0} {
#fconfigure stdin -inputmode normal
if {[string length $existing_handler]} {
fileevent stdin readable $existing_handler
#response handler automatically removes it's own fileevent
set info [set $accumulator]
set start [string first \x1b $info]
if {$start > 0} {
set other [string range $info 0 $start-1]
#!!!!! TODO
# Log this somehwere? Work out how to stop it happening?
#puts stderr "Warning - get_cursor_pos read extra data at start - '$other'"
set info [string range $info $start end]
#set punk::console::chunk ""
set data [string range $info 2 end-1]
return $data
@ -521,7 +600,12 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
proc test_cursor_pos {} {
if {!$::punk::terminal::is_raw} {
set was_raw 0
} else {
set was_raw 1
puts -nonewline stdout \033\[6n ;flush stdout
fconfigure stdin -blocking 0
set info [read stdin 20] ;#
@ -529,7 +613,9 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
if {[string first "R" $info] <=0} {
append info [read stdin 20]
if {!$was_raw} {
set data [string range [string trim $info] 2 end-1]
return [split $data ";"]
@ -538,17 +624,23 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
proc move {row col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move $row $col]
proc move_forward {row col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_forward $row $col]
proc move_forward {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_forward $n]
proc move_back {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_back $n]
proc move_back {row col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_back $row $col]
proc move_up {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_up $n]
proc move_up {row col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_up $row $col]
proc move_down {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_down $n]
proc move_down {row col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_down $row $col]
proc move_column {col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_column $col]
proc move_row {row} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_row $col]
proc move_emit {row col data args} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_emit $row $col $data {*}$args]
@ -562,6 +654,34 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
move $orig_row $orig_col
proc save_cursor {} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::save_cursor]
proc restore_cursor {} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::restore_cursor]
proc scroll_up {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::scroll_up]
proc scroll_down {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::scroll_down]
#review - worth the extra microseconds to inline? might be
proc insert_spaces {count} {
puts -nonewline stdout \x1b\[${count}@
proc delete_characters {count} {
puts -nonewline \x1b\[${count}P
proc erase_characters {count} {
puts -nonewline \x1b\[${count}X
proc insert_lines {count} {
puts -nonewline \x1b\[${count}L
proc delete_lines {count} {
puts -nonewline \x1b\[${count}M
namespace import ansi::move
namespace import ansi::move_emit
@ -569,7 +689,32 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
namespace import ansi::move_back
namespace import ansi::move_up
namespace import ansi::move_down
namespace import ansi::move_column
namespace import ansi::move_row
namespace import ansi::save_cursor
namespace import ansi::restore_cursor
namespace import ansi::scroll_down
namespace import ansi::scroll_up
namespace import ansi::insert_spaces
namespace import ansi::delete_characters
namespace import ansi::erase_characters
namespace import ansi::insert_lines
namespace import ansi::delete_lines
proc rhs_prompt {col text} {
package require textblock
lassign [textblock::size $text] _w tw _h th
if {$th > 1} {
#move up first.. need to know current line?
#set blanks [string repeat " " [expr {$col + $tw}]]
#puts -nonewline [punk::ansi::erase_eol]$blanks;move_emit_return this $col $text
#puts -nonewline [move_emit_return this $col [punk::ansi::insert_spaces 150]$text]
move_emit_return this $col [punk::ansi::move_forward 50][punk::ansi::insert_spaces 150][punk::ansi::move_back 50][punk::ansi::move_forward $col]$text
proc move_emit_return {row col data args} {
#todo detect if in raw mode or not?
set is_in_raw 0
@ -917,6 +1062,6 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
## Ready
package provide punk::console [namespace eval punk::console {
variable version
set version 0.1.0
set version 0.1.1


@ -561,7 +561,13 @@ namespace eval punk::lib {
proc lines_as_list {args} {
#The underlying function linelist has the validation code which gives nice usage errors.
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun lines_as_list] [opt {option value ...}] [arg text]]
#[para]Returns a list of possibly trimmed lines depeding on options
#[para]The concept of lines is raw lines from splitting on newline after crlf is mapped to lf
#[para]- not console lines which may be entirely different due to control characters such as vertical tabs or ANSI movements
#The underlying function linelist has the validation code which gives nicer usage errors.
#we can't use a dict merge here without either duplicating the underlying validation somewhat, or risking a default message from dict merge error
#..because we don't know what to say if there are odd numbers of args
#we can guess that it's ok to insert our default if no -block found in $args - but as a general principle this mightn't always work
@ -602,6 +608,8 @@ namespace eval punk::lib {
error "linelist missing textchunk argument usage:$usage"
set text [lindex $args end]
set text [string map [list \r\n \n] $text] ;#review - option?
set arglist [lrange $args 0 end-1]
set defaults [dict create\
-block {trimhead1 trimtail1}\
@ -1210,6 +1218,8 @@ namespace eval punk::lib {
return [dict create opts $opts values $values]
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::lib ---}]
@ -1297,7 +1307,139 @@ namespace eval punk::lib::system {
return [concat $smallfactors [lreverse $largefactors] $x]
#important - used by punk::repl
proc incomplete {partial} {
#we can apparently get away without concatenating current innerpartial to previous in list - REVIEW.
if {[info complete $partial]} {
return [list]
set clist [split $partial ""]
#puts stderr "-->$clist<--"
set waiting [list ""]
set innerpartials [list ""]
set escaped 0
foreach c $clist {
if {$c eq "\\"} {
set escaped [expr {!$escaped}]
} ;# set escaped 0 at end
set p [lindex $innerpartials end]
if {$escaped == 0} {
if {$c eq {"}} {
if {![info complete ${p}]} {
lappend waiting {"}
lappend innerpartials ""
} else {
if {[lindex $waiting end] eq {"}} {
#this quote is endquote
set waiting [lrange $waiting 0 end-1]
set innerpartials [lrange $innerpartials 0 end-1]
} else {
if {![info complete ${p}$c]} {
lappend waiting {"}
lappend innerpartials ""
} else {
set p ${p}${c}
lset innerpartials end $p
} elseif {$c eq "\["} {
if {![info complete ${p}$c]} {
lappend waiting "\]"
lappend innerpartials ""
} else {
set p ${p}${c}
lset innerpartials end $p
} elseif {$c eq "\{"} {
if {![info complete ${p}$c]} {
lappend waiting "\}"
lappend innerpartials ""
} else {
set p ${p}${c}
lset innerpartials end $p
} else {
set waitingfor [lindex $waiting end]
if {$c eq "$waitingfor"} {
set waiting [lrange $waiting 0 end-1]
set innerpartials [lrange $innerpartials 0 end-1]
} else {
set p ${p}${c}
lset innerpartials end $p
} else {
set p ${p}${c}
lset innerpartials end $p
set escaped 0
set incomplete [list]
foreach w $waiting {
if {$w eq {"}} {
lappend incomplete $w
} elseif {$w eq "\]"} {
lappend incomplete "\["
} elseif {$w eq "\}"} {
lappend incomplete "\{"
set debug 0
if {$debug} {
foreach w $waiting p $innerpartials {
puts stderr "->'$w' partial: $p"
return $incomplete
#This only works for very simple cases will get confused with for example:
# {set x "a["""}
proc incomplete_naive {partial} {
if {[info complete $partial]} {
return [list]
set clist [split $partial ""]
set waiting [list]
set escaped 0
foreach c $clist {
if {$c eq "\\"} {
set escaped [expr {!$escaped}]
if {!$escaped} {
if {$c eq {"}} {
if {[lindex $waiting end] eq {"}} {
set waiting [lrange $waiting 0 end-1]
} else {
lappend waiting {"}
} elseif {$c eq "\["} {
lappend waiting "\]"
} elseif {$c eq "\{"} {
lappend waiting "\}"
} else {
set waitingfor [lindex $waiting end]
if {$c eq "$waitingfor"} {
set waiting [lrange $waiting 0 end-1]
set incomplete [list]
foreach w $waiting {
if {$w eq {"}} {
lappend incomplete $w
} elseif {$w eq "\]"} {
lappend incomplete "\["
} elseif {$w eq "\}"} {
lappend incomplete "\{"
return $incomplete
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::lib::system ---}]


@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
try {
#git describe will error with 'No names found' if repo has no tags
#set v [::exec {*}[auto_execok git] describe]
set v [::exec {*}[auto_execok git] -remote -v] ;# consider 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'
set v [::exec {*}[auto_execok git] remote -v] ;# consider 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'
} on error {e o} {
set v [lindex [split [dict get $o -errorinfo] \n] 0]


@ -88,7 +88,11 @@ package require punk::mix::base
namespace eval punk {
interp alias {} purelist {} lreplace x 0 0 ;#required by pipe system
package require pattern
if {[catch {
package require pattern
} errpkg]} {
puts stderr "Failed to load package pattern error: $errpkg"
package require shellfilter
package require punkapp
package require funcl
@ -6822,32 +6826,36 @@ namespace eval punk {
append mascotblock [>punk . banner -title "Punk Shell" -left Tcl -right [package provide Tcl]]
set topic [lindex $args end]
set argopts [lrange $args 0 end-1]
set text ""
set known $::punk::config::known_punk_env_vars
append text $linesep\n
append text "punk environment vars:\n"
append text $linesep\n
set col1 [string repeat " " 25]
set col2 [string repeat " " 50]
foreach v $known {
set c1 [overtype::left $col1 $v]
if {[info exists ::env($v)]} {
set c2 [overtype::left $col2 [set ::env($v)]
} else {
set c2 [overtype::right $col2 "(NOT SET)"]
if {$topic in [list env environment]} {
set known $::punk::config::known_punk_env_vars
append text $linesep\n
append text "punk environment vars:\n"
append text $linesep\n
set col1 [string repeat " " 25]
set col2 [string repeat " " 50]
foreach v $known {
set c1 [overtype::left $col1 $v]
if {[info exists ::env($v)]} {
set c2 [overtype::left $col2 [set ::env($v)]
} else {
set c2 [overtype::right $col2 "(NOT SET)"]
append text "$c1 $c2\n"
append text "$c1 $c2\n"
append text $linesep\n
lappend chunks [list stdout $text]
append text $linesep\n
lappend chunks [list stdout $text]
set text ""
append text "Punk core navigation commands:\n"
append text " help\n"
#todo - load from source code annotation?
set cmdinfo [list]
lappend cmdinfo [list help "This help. To see available subitems type: help topics"]
lappend cmdinfo [list deck "(ensemble command to make new projects/modules and to generate docs)"]
lappend cmdinfo [list ./ "view/change directory"]
lappend cmdinfo [list ../ "go up one directory"]
@ -6877,59 +6885,80 @@ namespace eval punk {
} else {
set introblock [textblock::join " " $mascotblock " " $text]
#set introblock $text
if {[punk::repl::has_script_var_bug]} {
append warningblock \n "minor warning: punk::repl::has_script_var_bug returned true! (string rep for list variable in script generated when script changed)"
if {$topic in [list tcl]} {
if {[punk::repl::has_script_var_bug]} {
append warningblock \n "minor warning: punk::repl::has_script_var_bug returned true! (string rep for list variable in script generated when script changed)"
lappend cstring_tests [dict create\
type "PM "\
f7 punk::ansi::controlstring_PM\
f7desc "7bit ESC ^"\
f8 punk::ansi::controlstring_PM8\
f8desc "8bit \\x9e"\
lappend cstring_tests [dict create\
type SOS\
msg "STRING"\
f7 punk::ansi::controlstring_SOS\
f7desc "7bit ESC X"\
f8 punk::ansi::controlstring_SOS8\
f8desc "8bit \\x98"\
lappend cstring_tests [dict create\
type APC\
f7 punk::ansi::controlstring_APC\
f7desc "7bit ESC _"\
f8 punk::ansi::controlstring_APC8\
f8desc "8bit \\x9f"\
if {$topic in [list console terminal]} {
lappend cstring_tests [dict create\
type "PM "\
f7 punk::ansi::controlstring_PM\
f7desc "7bit ESC ^"\
f8 punk::ansi::controlstring_PM8\
f8desc "8bit \\x9e"\
lappend cstring_tests [dict create\
type SOS\
msg "STRING"\
f7 punk::ansi::controlstring_SOS\
f7desc "7bit ESC X"\
f8 punk::ansi::controlstring_SOS8\
f8desc "8bit \\x98"\
lappend cstring_tests [dict create\
type APC\
f7 punk::ansi::controlstring_APC\
f7desc "7bit ESC _"\
f8 punk::ansi::controlstring_APC8\
f8desc "8bit \\x9f"\
foreach test $cstring_tests {
set m [[dict get $test f7] [dict get $test msg]]
set hidden_width_m [punk::console::test_char_width $m]
set m8 [[dict get $test f8] [dict get $test msg]]
set hidden_width_m8 [punk::console::test_char_width $m8]
if {$hidden_width_m != 0 || $hidden_width_m8 != 0} {
if {$hidden_width_m == 0} {
set d "[a+ green bold][dict get $test f7desc] [a red]${m}[a]"
} else {
set d "[a+ yellow bold][dict get $test f7desc] [a red]$m[a]"
if {$hidden_width_m8 == 0} {
set d8 "[a+ green ][dict get $test f8desc] [a red]$m8[a]"
} else {
set d8 "[a+ yellow bold][dict get $test f8desc] [a red]$m8[a]"
foreach test $cstring_tests {
set m [[dict get $test f7] [dict get $test msg]]
set hidden_width_m [punk::console::test_char_width $m]
set m8 [[dict get $test f8] [dict get $test msg]]
set hidden_width_m8 [punk::console::test_char_width $m8]
if {$hidden_width_m != 0 || $hidden_width_m8 != 0} {
if {$hidden_width_m == 0} {
set d "[a+ green bold][dict get $test f7desc] [a red]${m}[a]"
} else {
set d "[a+ yellow bold][dict get $test f7desc] [a red]$m[a]"
if {$hidden_width_m8 == 0} {
set d8 "[a+ green ][dict get $test f8desc] [a red]$m8[a]"
} else {
set d8 "[a+ yellow bold][dict get $test f8desc] [a red]$m8[a]"
append warningblock \n "WARNING: terminal doesn't hide all [dict get $test type] control strings: $d $d8"
append warningblock \n "WARNING: terminal doesn't hide all [dict get $test type] control strings: $d $d8"
lappend chunks [list stdout $introblock]
lappend chunks [list stderr $warningblock]
if {$topic in [list topics help]} {
set text ""
set topics [dict create\
"topic|help" "List help topics"\
"tcl" "Tcl version warnings"\
"env|environment" "punkshell environment vars"\
"console|terminal" "Some console behaviour tests and warnings"\
set col1 [string repeat " " 20]
append text \n [string repeat - 20]
append text \n "Topic"
append text \n [string repeat - 20]
foreach {k v} $topics {
append text \n "[overtype::left $col1 $k] $v"
append text \n
lappend chunks [list stdout $text]
return $chunks
@ -6940,6 +6969,21 @@ namespace eval punk {
puts -nonewline $chan $text
proc mode {raw_or_line} {
set raw_or_line [string tolower $raw_or_line]
if {$raw_or_line eq "raw"} {
} elseif {$raw_or_line eq "line"} {
#vt disable?
} else {
error "punk::mode expected 'raw' or 'line'
#this hides cmds mode command - probably no big deal - anyone who needs it will know how to exec it.
interp alias {} mode {} punk::mode
#NOTE: an alias may match in a namespace - but not have a corresponding command that matches that name (alias renamed)
@ -7121,7 +7165,7 @@ namespace eval punk {
interp alias {} linelistraw {} punk::linelistraw
interp alias {} linelist {} punk::linelist ;#critical for = assignment features
interp alias {} linelist {} punk::lib::linelist ;#critical for = assignment features
interp alias {} linesort {} punk::lib::linesort
# 'path' collides with kettle path in kettle::doc function - todo - patch kettle?
@ -7131,6 +7175,7 @@ namespace eval punk {
#interp alias {} list_as_lines {} punk::list_as_lines
interp alias {} list_as_lines {} punk::lib::list_as_lines
interp alias {} lines_as_list {} punk::lib::lines_as_list
interp alias {} ansistrip {} punk::ansi::stripansi ;#review
interp alias {} list_filter_cond {} punk::list_filter_cond
interp alias {} is_list_all_in_list {} punk::is_list_all_in_list
interp alias {} is_list_all_ni_list {} punk::is_list_all_ni_list


@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
variable SGR_setting_map {
bold 1 dim 2 blink 5 fastblink 6 noblink 25 hide 8 normal 22
underline 4 doubleunderline 21 nounderline 24 strike 9 nostrike 29 italic 3 noitalic 23
reverse 7 noreverse 27 defaultfg 39 defaultbg 49
reverse 7 noreverse 27 defaultfg 39 defaultbg 49 nohide 28
overline 53 nooverline 55 frame 51 framecircle 52 noframe 54
variable SGR_colour_map {
@ -561,10 +561,18 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
#[para]A string created by any move_emit_return for punk::ansi would not behave in an intuitive manner compared to other punk::ansi move functions - so is deliberately omitted.
set out ""
append out \033\[${row}\;${col}H$data
foreach {row col data} $args {
if {$row eq "this"} {
append out \033\[\;${col}G$data
} else {
append out \033\[${row}\;${col}H$data
foreach {row col data} $args {
if {$row eq "this"} {
append out \033\[\;${col}G$data
} else {
append out \033\[${row}\;${col}H$data
return $out
proc move_forward {{n 1}} {
@ -587,8 +595,28 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
#[call [fun move_down] [arg n]]
return \033\[${n}B
proc move_column {col} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun move_column] [arg col]]
return \x1b\[${col}g
proc move_row {row} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun move_row] [arg row]]
return \x1b\[${row}G
# -- --- --- --- ---
proc save_cursor {} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun save_cursor]]
return \x1b\[s
proc restore_cursor {} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun restore_cursor]]
return \x1b\[u
# -- --- --- --- ---
proc erase_line {} {
@ -610,6 +638,43 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
#see also clear_above clear_below
# -- --- --- --- ---
proc scroll_up {n} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun scroll_up] [arg n]]
return \x1b\[${n}S
proc scroll_down {n} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun scroll_down] [arg n]]
return \x1b\[${n}T
proc insert_spaces {count} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun insert_spaces] [arg count]]
return \x1b\[${count}@
proc delete_characters {count} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun delete_characters] [arg count]]
return \x1b\[${count}P
proc erase_characters {count} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun erase_characters] [arg count]]
return \x1b\[${count}X
proc insert_lines {count} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun insert_lines] [arg count]]
return \x1b\[${count}L
proc delete_lines {count} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun delete_lines] [arg count]]
return \x1b\[${count}M
proc cursor_pos {} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun cursor_pos]]
@ -650,6 +715,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
if {[string first \n $line] >= 0} {
error "line_print_length must not contain newline characters"
#what if line has \v (vertical tab) ie more than one logical screen line?
#review -
set line [punk::ansi::stripansi $line]
@ -657,6 +723,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
set line [punk::char::strip_nonprinting_ascii $line] ;#only strip nonprinting after stripansi - some like BEL are part of ansi
#backspace 0x08 only erases* printing characters anyway - so presumably order of processing doesn't matter
#(* more correctly - moves cursor back)
#Note some terminals process backspace before \v - which seems quite wrong
#backspace will not move beyond a preceding newline - but we have disallowed newlines for this function already
#leading backspaces will eat into any string (even prompt in non-standard tclsh shell) that is prepended to the line
# - but for the purposes of overtype we wouldn't want that - so we strip it here in the length calculation and should strip leading backspaces in the actual data concatenation operations too.
@ -671,6 +738,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
set bs [format %c 0x08]
#set line [string map [list "\r${bs}" "\r"] $line] ;#backsp following a \r will have no effect
set line [string trim $line $bs]
#counterintuitively "x\b" still shows the x ie length is still one. The backspace just moves the position. There must be a char following \b for it to affect the length.
set n 0
set chars [split $line ""]
@ -1014,7 +1082,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
#\UFFFD - replacement char or \U2426
#using ISO 2047 graphical representations of control characters
#using ISO 2047 graphical representations of control characters - probably obsolete?
#00 NUL Null ⎕ U+2395 NU
#01 TC1, SOH Start of Heading ⌈ U+2308 SH
#02 TC2, STX Start of Text ⊥ U+22A5 SX
@ -1049,8 +1117,207 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
#1F IS1 US Unit Separator ◳ U+25F3 US
#20 SP Space △ U+25B3 SP
#7F DEL Delete ▨ —[d] DT
proc VIEW {string} {
return [string map [list \033 \U2296 \007 \U237E] $string]
#C0 control code visual representations
# Code Val Name 2X Description
# 2400 00 NUL NU Symbol for Null
# 2401 01 SOH SH Symbol for Start of Heading
# 2402 02 STX SX Symbol for Start of Text
# 2403 03 ETX EX Symbol for End of Text
# 2404 04 EOT ET Symbol for End of Transmission
# 2405 05 ENQ EQ Symbol for Enquiry
# 2406 06 ACK AK Symbol for Acknowledge
# 2407 07 BEL BL Symbol for Bell
# 2409 09 BS BS Symbol for Backspace
# 2409 09 HT HT Symbol for Horizontal Tab (1)
# 240A 0A LF LF Symbol for Line Feed (1)
# 240B 0B VT VT Symbol for Vertical Tab (1)
# 240C 0C FF FF Symbol for Form Feed (2)
# 240D 0D CR CR Symbol for Carriage Return (1)
# 240E 0E SO SO Symbol for Shift Out
# 240F 0F SI SI Symbol for Shift In
# 2410 10 DLE DL Symbol for Data Link Escape
# 2411 11 DC1 D1 Symbol for Device Control 1 (2)
# 2412 12 DC2 D2 Symbol for Device Control 2 (2)
# 2413 13 DC3 D3 Symbol for Device Control 3 (2)
# 2414 14 DC4 D4 Symbol for Device Control 4 (2)
# 2415 15 NAK NK Symbol for Negative Acknowledge
# 2416 16 SYN SY Symbol for Synchronous Idle
# 2417 17 ETB EB Symbol for End of Transmission Block
# 2418 18 CAN CN Symbol for Cancel
# 2419 19 EM EM Symbol for End of Medium
# 241A 1A SUB SU Symbol for Substitute
# 241B 1B ESC EC Symbol for Escape
# 241C 1C FS FS Symbol for Field Separator (3)
# 241D 1D GS GS Symbol for Group Separator (3)
# 241E 1E RS RS Symbol for Record Separator (3)
# 241F 1F US US Symbol for Unit Separator (3)
# 2420 20 SP SP Symbol for Space (4)
# 2421 7F DEL DT Symbol for Delete (4)
#C1 control code visual representations
#Code Val Name 2X Description
# 80 80 80 (1)
# 81 81 81 (1)
# E022 82 BPH 82 Symbol for Break Permitted Here (2)
# E023 83 NBH 83 Symbol for No Break Here (2)
# E024 84 IND IN Symbol for Index (3)
# E025 85 NEL NL Symbol for Next Line (4)
# E026 86 SSA SS Symbol for Start Selected Area
# E027 87 ESA ES Symbol for End Selected Area
# E028 88 HTS HS Symbol for Character Tabulation Set
# E029 89 HTJ HJ Symbol for Character Tabulation with Justification
# E02A 8A VTS VS Symbol for Line Tabulation Set
# E02B 8B PLD PD Symbol for Partial Line Forward
# E02C 8C PLU PU Symbol for Partial Line Backward
# E02D 8D RI RI Symbol for Reverse Line Feed
# E02E 8E SS2 S2 Symbol for Single Shift 2
# E02F 8F SS3 S3 Symbol for Single Shift 3
# E030 90 DCS DC Symbol for Device Control String
# E031 91 PU1 P1 Symbol for Private Use 1
# E032 92 PU2 P2 Symbol for Private Use 2
# E033 93 STS SE Symbol for Set Transmit State
# E034 94 CCH CC Symbol for Cancel Character
# E035 95 MW MW Symbol for Message Waiting
# E036 96 SPA SP Symbol for Start Protected (Guarded) Area
# E037 97 EPA EP Symbol for End Protected (Guarded) Area
# E038 98 SOS 98 Symbol for Start of String (2)
# 99 99 (1)
# E03A 9A SCI 9A Symbol for Single Character Introducer (2)
# E03B 9B CSI CS Symbol for Control Sequence Introducer (5)
# E03C 9C ST ST Symbol for String Terminator
# E03D 9D OSC OS Symbol for Operating System Command
# E03E 9E PM PM Symbol for Privacy Message
# E03F 9F APC AP Symbol for Application Program Command
proc VIEW {args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun VIEW] [arg string]]
#[para]Return a string with specific ANSI control characters substituted with visual equivalents frome the appropriate unicode C0 and C1 visualisation sets
#[para]For debugging purposes, certain other standard control characters are converted to visual representation, for example backspace (mapped to \\U2408 '\U2408')
#[para]Horizontal tab is mapped to \\U2409 '\U2409'. For many of the punk terminal text operations, tabs have already been mapped to the appropriate number of spaces using textutil::tabify functions
#[para]As punkshell uses linefeed where possible in preference to crlf even on windows, cr is mapped to \\U240D '\U240D' - but lf is left as is.
if {![llength $args]} {
return ""
set string [lindex $args end]
set defaults [dict create\
-esc 1\
-cr 1\
-lf 0\
-vt 0\
-ht 1\
-bs 1\
-sp 1\
set argopts [lrange $args 0 end-1]
if {[llength $argopts] % 2 != 0} {
error "ansistring VIEW options must be option-value pairs, received '$argopts'. Known opts [dict keys $defaults]"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $argopts]
# -- --- --- --- ---
set opt_esc [dict get $opts -esc]
set opt_cr [dict get $opts -cr]
set opt_lf [dict get $opts -lf]
set opt_vt [dict get $opts -vt]
set opt_ht [dict get $opts -ht]
set opt_bs [dict get $opts -bs]
set opt_sp [dict get $opts -sp]
# -- --- --- --- ---
#modern (c0 seem to have more terminal/font support - C1 can show 8bit c1 codes - but also seems to be limited support)
#Goal is not to map every control character?
#Map of which elements we want to convert - done this way so we can see names of control's that are included: - ease of maintenance compared to just creating the string map directly
#ETX -ctrl-c
#EOT ctrl-d (EOF?)
#SYN ctrl-v
#SUB ctrl-z
#CAN ctrl-x
#FS ctrl-\ (SIGQUIT)
set visuals_interesting [dict create\
NUL [list \x00 \u2400]\
ETX [list \x03 \u2403]\
EOT [list \x04 \u2404]\
BEL [list \x07 \u2407]\
SYN [list \x16 \u2416]\
CAN [list \x18 \u2418]\
SUB [list \x1a \u241a]\
FS [list \x1c \u241c]\
SOS [list \x98 \ue038]\
CSI [list \x9b \ue03b]\
ST [list \x9c \ue03c]\
PM [list \x9e \ue03e]\
APC [list \x9f \ue03f]\
#it turns out we need pretty much everything for debugging
set visuals [dict create\
NUL [list \x00 \u2400]\
SOH [list \x01 \u2401]\
STX [list \x02 \u2402]\
ETX [list \x03 \u2403]\
EOT [list \x04 \u2404]\
ENQ [list \x05 \u2405]\
ACK [list \x06 \u2406]\
BEL [list \x07 \u2407]\
FF [list \x0c \u240c]\
SO [list \x0e \u240e]\
SF [list \x0f \u240f]\
DLE [list \x10 \u2410]\
DC1 [list \x11 \u2411]\
DC2 [list \x12 \u2412]\
DC3 [list \x13 \u2413]\
DC4 [list \x14 \u2414]\
NAK [list \x15 \u2415]\
SYN [list \x16 \u2416]\
ETB [list \x17 \u2417]\
CAN [list \x18 \u2418]\
EM [list \x19 \u2419]\
SUB [list \x1a \u241a]\
FS [list \x1c \u241c]\
GS [list \x1d \u241d]\
RS [list \x1e \u241e]\
US [list \x1f \u241f]\
DEL [list \x7f \u2421]\
SOS [list \x98 \ue038]\
CSI [list \x9b \ue03b]\
ST [list \x9c \ue03c]\
PM [list \x9e \ue03e]\
APC [list \x9f \ue03f]\
if {$opt_esc} {
dict set visuals VT [list \x1b \u241b]
if {$opt_cr} {
dict set visuals CR [list \x0d \u240d]
if {$opt_lf} {
dict set visuals LF [list \x0a \u240a]
if {$opt_vt} {
dict set visuals VT [list \x0b \u240b]
if {$opt_ht} {
dict set visuals HT [list \x09 \u2409]
if {$opt_bs} {
dict set visuals BS [list \x08 \u2408]
if {$opt_sp} {
dict set visuals SP [list \x20 \u2420]
set charmap [list]
dict for {nm chars} $visuals {
lappend charmap {*}$chars
return [string map $charmap $string]
#ISO2047 - 7bit - limited set, limited support
#return [string map [list \033 \U2296 \007 \U237E] $string]
proc length {string} {


@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#First line must be a semantic version number
#all other lines are ignored.


@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
variable previous_stty_state_stdout ""
variable previous_stty_state_stderr ""
variable is_raw 0
#punk::console namespace - contains *directly* acting functions - some based on ansi escapes from the 'ansi' sub namespace, some on local system calls or executable calls wrapped in the 'local' sub namespace
#directly acting means they write to stdout to cause the console to peform the action, or they perform the action immediately via other means.
#punk::console::ansi contains a subset of punk::ansi, but with emission to stdout as opposed to simply returning the ansi sequence.
@ -72,6 +74,12 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
tailcall disableRaw $channel
proc enableVirtualTerminal {} {
#loopavoidancetoken (don't remove)
tailcall enableVirtualTerminal
} else {
proc enableAnsi {} {
@ -79,6 +87,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
#todo - something better - the 'channel' concept may not really apply on unix, as raw mode is for input and output modes
proc enableRaw {{channel stdin}} {
variable is_raw
variable previous_stty_state_$channel
set sttycmd [auto_execok stty]
if {[set previous_stty_state_$channel] eq ""} {
@ -86,9 +95,11 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
exec {*}$sttycmd raw -echo <@$channel
set is_raw 1
return [dict create previous [set previous_stty_state_$channel]]
proc disableRaw {{channel stdin}} {
variable is_raw
variable previous_stty_state_$channel
set sttycmd [auto_execok stty]
if {[set previous_stty_state_$channel] ne ""} {
@ -97,6 +108,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
return restored
exec {*}$sttycmd -raw echo <@$channel
set is_raw 0
return done
@ -186,6 +198,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
set h_in [twapi::get_console_handle stdin]
set oldmode_in [twapi::GetConsoleMode $h_in]
set newmode_in [expr {$oldmode_in | 8}]
#set newmode_in [expr {$oldmode_in | 0x208}]
twapi::SetConsoleMode $h_in $newmode_in
@ -207,6 +220,19 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
return [list stdout [list from $oldmode_out to $newmode_out] stdin [list from $oldmode_in to $newmode_in]]
proc [namespace parent]::enableVirtualTerminal {} {
set h_out [twapi::get_console_handle stdout]
set oldmode_out [twapi::GetConsoleMode $h_out]
set newmode_out [expr {$oldmode_out | 4}]
twapi::SetConsoleMode $h_out $newmode_out
set h_in [twapi::get_console_handle stdin]
set oldmode_in [twapi::GetConsoleMode $h_in]
set newmode_in [expr {$oldmode_in | 0x200}]
twapi::SetConsoleMode $h_in $newmode_in
return [list stdout [list from $oldmode_out to $newmode_out] stdin [list from $oldmode_in to $newmode_in]]
proc [namespace parent]::enableProcessedInput {} {
set h_in [twapi::get_console_handle stdin]
set oldmode_in [twapi::GetConsoleMode $h_in]
@ -224,18 +250,24 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
proc [namespace parent]::enableRaw {{channel stdin}} {
variable is_raw
#review - change to modify_console_input_mode
set console_handle [twapi::GetStdHandle -10]
set oldmode [twapi::GetConsoleMode $console_handle]
set newmode [expr {$oldmode & ~6}] ;# Turn off the echo and line-editing bits
twapi::SetConsoleMode $console_handle $newmode
set is_raw 1
#don't disable handler - it will detect is_raw
### twapi::set_console_control_handler {}
return [list stdin [list from $oldmode to $newmode]]
proc [namespace parent]::disableRaw {{channel stdin}} {
variable is_raw
set console_handle [twapi::GetStdHandle -10]
set oldmode [twapi::GetConsoleMode $console_handle]
set newmode [expr {$oldmode | 6}] ;# Turn on the echo and line-editing bits
twapi::SetConsoleMode $console_handle $newmode
set is_raw 0
return [list stdin [list from $oldmode to $newmode]]
@ -257,6 +289,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
#review - 1 byte at a time seems inefficient..
proc ansi_response_handler {chan accumulatorvar waitvar} {
set status [catch {read $chan 1} bytes]
if { $status != 0 } {
@ -427,10 +460,24 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
set existing_handler [fileevent stdin readable]
set $waitvar ""
#todo - test and save rawstate so we don't disableRaw if terminal was already raw
if {!$::punk::console::is_raw} {
set was_raw 0
} else {
set was_raw 1
fconfigure stdin -blocking 0
#fconfigure stdin -blocking 0 -inputmode raw
fileevent stdin readable [list ::punk::console::internal::ansi_response_handler stdin $accumulator $waitvar]
puts -nonewline stdout \033\[6n ;flush stdout
# - stderr vs stdout
#It has to be same channel as used by functions such as test_char_width or erroneous results returned for those functions
#(presumably race conditions as to when data hits console?)
#review - experiment changing this and calling functions to stderr and see if it works
#review - Are there disadvantages to using stdout vs stderr?
puts -nonewline stdout \033\[6n ;flush stdout
after 0 {update idletasks}
#e.g \033\[46;1R
#todo - reset
@ -438,12 +485,25 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
if {[set $waitvar] eq ""} {
vwait $waitvar
if {$was_raw == 0} {
#fconfigure stdin -inputmode normal
if {[string length $existing_handler]} {
fileevent stdin readable $existing_handler
#response handler automatically removes it's own fileevent
set info [set $accumulator]
set start [string first \x1b $info]
if {$start > 0} {
set other [string range $info 0 $start-1]
#!!!!! TODO
# Log this somehwere? Work out how to stop it happening?
#puts stderr "Warning - get_cursor_pos read extra data at start - '$other'"
set info [string range $info $start end]
#set punk::console::chunk ""
set data [string range $info 2 end-1]
return $data
@ -540,7 +600,12 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
proc test_cursor_pos {} {
if {!$::punk::terminal::is_raw} {
set was_raw 0
} else {
set was_raw 1
puts -nonewline stdout \033\[6n ;flush stdout
fconfigure stdin -blocking 0
set info [read stdin 20] ;#
@ -548,7 +613,9 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
if {[string first "R" $info] <=0} {
append info [read stdin 20]
if {!$was_raw} {
set data [string range [string trim $info] 2 end-1]
return [split $data ";"]
@ -557,17 +624,23 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
proc move {row col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move $row $col]
proc move_forward {row col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_forward $row $col]
proc move_forward {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_forward $n]
proc move_back {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_back $n]
proc move_up {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_up $n]
proc move_back {row col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_back $row $col]
proc move_down {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_down $n]
proc move_up {row col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_up $row $col]
proc move_column {col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_column $col]
proc move_down {row col} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_down $row $col]
proc move_row {row} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_row $col]
proc move_emit {row col data args} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::move_emit $row $col $data {*}$args]
@ -581,6 +654,34 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
move $orig_row $orig_col
proc save_cursor {} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::save_cursor]
proc restore_cursor {} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::restore_cursor]
proc scroll_up {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::scroll_up]
proc scroll_down {n} {
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::scroll_down]
#review - worth the extra microseconds to inline? might be
proc insert_spaces {count} {
puts -nonewline stdout \x1b\[${count}@
proc delete_characters {count} {
puts -nonewline \x1b\[${count}P
proc erase_characters {count} {
puts -nonewline \x1b\[${count}X
proc insert_lines {count} {
puts -nonewline \x1b\[${count}L
proc delete_lines {count} {
puts -nonewline \x1b\[${count}M
namespace import ansi::move
namespace import ansi::move_emit
@ -588,7 +689,32 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
namespace import ansi::move_back
namespace import ansi::move_up
namespace import ansi::move_down
namespace import ansi::move_column
namespace import ansi::move_row
namespace import ansi::save_cursor
namespace import ansi::restore_cursor
namespace import ansi::scroll_down
namespace import ansi::scroll_up
namespace import ansi::insert_spaces
namespace import ansi::delete_characters
namespace import ansi::erase_characters
namespace import ansi::insert_lines
namespace import ansi::delete_lines
proc rhs_prompt {col text} {
package require textblock
lassign [textblock::size $text] _w tw _h th
if {$th > 1} {
#move up first.. need to know current line?
#set blanks [string repeat " " [expr {$col + $tw}]]
#puts -nonewline [punk::ansi::erase_eol]$blanks;move_emit_return this $col $text
#puts -nonewline [move_emit_return this $col [punk::ansi::insert_spaces 150]$text]
move_emit_return this $col [punk::ansi::move_forward 50][punk::ansi::insert_spaces 150][punk::ansi::move_back 50][punk::ansi::move_forward $col]$text
proc move_emit_return {row col data args} {
#todo detect if in raw mode or not?
set is_in_raw 0


@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#First line must be a semantic version number
#all other lines are ignored.


@ -561,7 +561,13 @@ namespace eval punk::lib {
proc lines_as_list {args} {
#The underlying function linelist has the validation code which gives nice usage errors.
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun lines_as_list] [opt {option value ...}] [arg text]]
#[para]Returns a list of possibly trimmed lines depeding on options
#[para]The concept of lines is raw lines from splitting on newline after crlf is mapped to lf
#[para]- not console lines which may be entirely different due to control characters such as vertical tabs or ANSI movements
#The underlying function linelist has the validation code which gives nicer usage errors.
#we can't use a dict merge here without either duplicating the underlying validation somewhat, or risking a default message from dict merge error
#..because we don't know what to say if there are odd numbers of args
#we can guess that it's ok to insert our default if no -block found in $args - but as a general principle this mightn't always work
@ -602,6 +608,8 @@ namespace eval punk::lib {
error "linelist missing textchunk argument usage:$usage"
set text [lindex $args end]
set text [string map [list \r\n \n] $text] ;#review - option?
set arglist [lrange $args 0 end-1]
set defaults [dict create\
-block {trimhead1 trimtail1}\
@ -1210,6 +1218,8 @@ namespace eval punk::lib {
return [dict create opts $opts values $values]
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::lib ---}]
@ -1297,7 +1307,139 @@ namespace eval punk::lib::system {
return [concat $smallfactors [lreverse $largefactors] $x]
#important - used by punk::repl
proc incomplete {partial} {
#we can apparently get away without concatenating current innerpartial to previous in list - REVIEW.
if {[info complete $partial]} {
return [list]
set clist [split $partial ""]
#puts stderr "-->$clist<--"
set waiting [list ""]
set innerpartials [list ""]
set escaped 0
foreach c $clist {
if {$c eq "\\"} {
set escaped [expr {!$escaped}]
} ;# set escaped 0 at end
set p [lindex $innerpartials end]
if {$escaped == 0} {
if {$c eq {"}} {
if {![info complete ${p}]} {
lappend waiting {"}
lappend innerpartials ""
} else {
if {[lindex $waiting end] eq {"}} {
#this quote is endquote
set waiting [lrange $waiting 0 end-1]
set innerpartials [lrange $innerpartials 0 end-1]
} else {
if {![info complete ${p}$c]} {
lappend waiting {"}
lappend innerpartials ""
} else {
set p ${p}${c}
lset innerpartials end $p
} elseif {$c eq "\["} {
if {![info complete ${p}$c]} {
lappend waiting "\]"
lappend innerpartials ""
} else {
set p ${p}${c}
lset innerpartials end $p
} elseif {$c eq "\{"} {
if {![info complete ${p}$c]} {
lappend waiting "\}"
lappend innerpartials ""
} else {
set p ${p}${c}
lset innerpartials end $p
} else {
set waitingfor [lindex $waiting end]
if {$c eq "$waitingfor"} {
set waiting [lrange $waiting 0 end-1]
set innerpartials [lrange $innerpartials 0 end-1]
} else {
set p ${p}${c}
lset innerpartials end $p
} else {
set p ${p}${c}
lset innerpartials end $p
set escaped 0
set incomplete [list]
foreach w $waiting {
if {$w eq {"}} {
lappend incomplete $w
} elseif {$w eq "\]"} {
lappend incomplete "\["
} elseif {$w eq "\}"} {
lappend incomplete "\{"
set debug 0
if {$debug} {
foreach w $waiting p $innerpartials {
puts stderr "->'$w' partial: $p"
return $incomplete
#This only works for very simple cases will get confused with for example:
# {set x "a["""}
proc incomplete_naive {partial} {
if {[info complete $partial]} {
return [list]
set clist [split $partial ""]
set waiting [list]
set escaped 0
foreach c $clist {
if {$c eq "\\"} {
set escaped [expr {!$escaped}]
if {!$escaped} {
if {$c eq {"}} {
if {[lindex $waiting end] eq {"}} {
set waiting [lrange $waiting 0 end-1]
} else {
lappend waiting {"}
} elseif {$c eq "\["} {
lappend waiting "\]"
} elseif {$c eq "\{"} {
lappend waiting "\}"
} else {
set waitingfor [lindex $waiting end]
if {$c eq "$waitingfor"} {
set waiting [lrange $waiting 0 end-1]
set incomplete [list]
foreach w $waiting {
if {$w eq {"}} {
lappend incomplete $w
} elseif {$w eq "\]"} {
lappend incomplete "\["
} elseif {$w eq "\}"} {
lappend incomplete "\{"
return $incomplete
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::lib::system ---}]


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
try {
#git describe will error with 'No names found' if repo has no tags
#set v [::exec {*}[auto_execok git] describe]
set v [::exec {*}[auto_execok git] -remote -v] ;# consider 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'
set v [::exec {*}[auto_execok git] remote -v] ;# consider 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'
} on error {e o} {
set v [lindex [split [dict get $o -errorinfo] \n] 0]


@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
package require punk::args
package require punk::char
package require punk::lib
package require patternpunk
catch {package require patternpunk}
package require overtype
package require term::ansi::code::macros ;#required for frame if old ansi g0 used - review - make package optional?
package require textutil
@ -70,19 +70,44 @@ namespace eval textblock {
#todo - consider 'elastic tabstops' for textblocks where tab acts as a column separator and adjacent lines with the same number of tabs form a sort of table
proc width {textblock} {
#backspaces, vertical tabs,carriage returns
if {$textblock eq ""} {
return 0
set textblock [textutil::tabify::untabify2 $textblock]
#textutil::tabify is a reasonable hack when there are no ansi SGR codes - but probably not always what we want even then - review
set textblock [textutil::tabify::untabify2 $textblock]
if {[string first \n $textblock] >= 0} {
return [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [punk::lib::lines_as_list -- $textblock] {::punk::char::string_width [stripansi $v]}]]
return [punk::char::string_width [stripansi $textblock]]
proc width_naive {textblock} {
# doesn't deal with backspaces, vertical tabs,carriage returns, ansi movements
if {$textblock eq ""} {
return 0
set textblock [textutil::tabify::untabify2 $textblock] ;#a reasonable hack - but probably not always what we want - review
if {[string first \n $textblock] >= 0} {
return [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [punk::lib::lines_as_list -- $textblock] {::punk::char::string_width [stripansi $v]}]]
return [punk::char::string_width [stripansi $textblock]]
proc height {textblock} {
#This is the height as it will/would-be rendered - not the number of input lines purely in terms of le
#empty string still has height 1 (at least for left-right/right-left languages)
set num_le [expr {[string length $textblock]-[string length [string map [list \n {}] $textblock]]}] ;#faster than splitting into single-char list
#vertical tab on a proper terminal should move directly down.
#Whether or not the terminal in use actually does this - we need to calculate as if it does. (there might not even be a terminal)
set num_le [expr {[string length $textblock]-[string length [string map [list \n {} \v {}] $textblock]]}] ;#faster than splitting into single-char list
return [expr {$num_le + 1}] ;# one line if no le - 2 if there is one trailing le even if no data follows le
#MAINTENANCE - same as overtype::blocksize?
@ -98,7 +123,7 @@ namespace eval textblock {
} else {
set width [punk::char::string_width $textblock]
set num_le [expr {[string length $textblock]-[string length [string map [list \n {}] $textblock]]}] ;#faster than splitting into single-char list
set num_le [expr {[string length $textblock]-[string length [string map [list \n {} \v {}] $textblock]]}] ;#faster than splitting into single-char list
#our concept of block-height is likely to be different to other line-counting mechanisms
set height [expr {$num_le + 1}] ;# one line if no le - 2 if there is one trailing le even if no data follows le
