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update vfs & project layotu

Julian Noble 2 months ago
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  101. Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More


@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace eval ::punkboot {
variable pkg_requirements [list]; variable pkg_missing [list];variable pkg_loaded [list]
variable non_help_flags [list -k]
variable help_flags [list -help --help /?]
variable known_commands [list project modules info check shell vendorupdate bootsupport vfscommonupdate]
variable known_commands [list project modules vfs info check shell vendorupdate bootsupport vfscommonupdate]
@ -302,6 +302,7 @@ set ::punkboot::bootsupport_requirements [dict create\
punk::ansi [list]\
overtype [list version "1.6.5-"]\
punkcheck [list]\
fauxlink [list version "0.1.1-"]\
textblock [list version 0.1.1-]\
fileutil::traverse [list]\
md5 [list version 2-]\
@ -1041,7 +1042,7 @@ proc ::punkboot::punkboot_gethelp {args} {
append h " $scriptname vendorupdate" \n
append h " - update the src/vendormodules based on src/vendormodules/include_modules.config" \n \n
append h " $scriptname vfscommonupdate" \n
append h " - update the src/vfs/_vfscommon from compiled src/modules and src/lib etc" \n
append h " - update the src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs from compiled src/modules and src/lib etc" \n
append h " - before calling this (followed by make project) - you can test using '<builtexe>(.exe) dev'" \n
append h " this will load modules from your <projectdir>/module <projectdir>/lib paths instead of from the kit/zipkit" \n \n
append h " $scriptname info" \n
@ -1332,22 +1333,22 @@ if {$::punkboot::command eq "shell"} {
if {$::punkboot::command eq "vfscommonupdate"} {
puts "projectroot: $projectroot"
puts "script: [info script]"
puts stdout "Updating vfs/_vfscommon"
puts stdout "Updating vfs/_vfscommon.vfs"
puts stdout "REPLACE src/vfs/_vfscommon/* with project's modules and libs?? y|n"
puts stdout "REPLACE src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/* with project's modules and libs?? y|n"
if {[gets stdin] eq "y"} {
puts proceeding...
proc vfscommonupdate {projectroot} {
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/modules
file copy $projectroot/modules $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/modules
file copy $projectroot/modules $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/
#temp? (avoid zipfs mkimg windows dotfile bug)
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/modules/.punkcheck
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/modules/.punkcheck
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib
file copy $projectroot/lib $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib
file copy $projectroot/lib $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/.punkcheck
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/.punkcheck
vfscommonupdate $projectroot
@ -1637,7 +1638,7 @@ if {$::punkboot::command eq "bootsupport"} {
if {$::punkboot::command ni {project modules}} {
if {$::punkboot::command ni {project modules vfs}} {
puts stderr "Command $::punkboot::command not implemented - aborting."
flush stderr
after 100
@ -1650,9 +1651,10 @@ if {$::punkboot::command ni {project modules}} {
#install src vendor contents (from version controlled src folder) to base of project (same target folders as our own src/modules etc ie to paths that go on the auto_path and in tcl::tm::list)
set vendorlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendorlib_tcl*]
lappend vendorlibfolders vendorlib
foreach lf $vendorlibfolders {
if {$::punkboot::command in {project modules}} {
set vendorlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendorlib_tcl*]
lappend vendorlibfolders vendorlib
foreach lf $vendorlibfolders {
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/$lf]} {
lassign [split $lf _] _vm tclx
if {$tclx ne ""} {
@ -1674,15 +1676,15 @@ foreach lf $vendorlibfolders {
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $sourcefolder/$lf $target_lib_folder -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
if {![llength $vendorlibfolders]} {
if {![llength $vendorlibfolders]} {
puts stderr "VENDORLIB: No src/vendorlib or src/vendorlib_tcl* folder found."
set vendormodulefolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendormodules_tcl*]
lappend vendormodulefolders vendormodules
set vendormodulefolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendormodules_tcl*]
lappend vendormodulefolders vendormodules
foreach vf $vendormodulefolders {
foreach vf $vendormodulefolders {
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/$vf]} {
lassign [split $vf _] _vm tclx
if {$tclx ne ""} {
@ -1698,25 +1700,25 @@ foreach vf $vendormodulefolders {
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $sourcefolder/$vf $target_module_folder -installer make.tcl -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths { include_modules.config}]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
if {![llength $vendormodulefolders]} {
if {![llength $vendormodulefolders]} {
puts stderr "VENDORMODULES: No src/vendormodules or src/vendormodules_tcl* folders found."
#e.g The default project layout is mainly folder structure and readme files - but has some scripts developed under the main src that we want to sync
#src to src/modules/punk/mix/templates/layouts/project/src
#e.g The default project layout is mainly folder structure and readme files - but has some scripts developed under the main src that we want to sync
#src to src/modules/punk/mix/templates/layouts/project/src
set old_layout_update_list [list\
set old_layout_update_list [list\
[list project $sourcefolder/modules/punk/mix/templates]\
[list basic $sourcefolder/mixtemplates]\
set layout_bases [list\
set layout_bases [list\
foreach layoutbase $layout_bases {
foreach layoutbase $layout_bases {
if {![file exists $layoutbase]} {
@ -1769,11 +1771,11 @@ foreach layoutbase $layout_bases {
$tpl_event destroy
$tpl_installer destroy
set projectlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails lib_tcl*]
lappend projectlibfolders lib
foreach lf $projectlibfolders {
set projectlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails lib_tcl*]
lappend projectlibfolders lib
foreach lf $projectlibfolders {
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/$lf]} {
lassign [split $lf _] _vm tclx
if {$tclx ne ""} {
@ -1795,19 +1797,19 @@ foreach lf $projectlibfolders {
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $sourcefolder/$lf $target_lib_folder -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
if {![llength $projectlibfolders]} {
if {![llength $projectlibfolders]} {
puts stderr "PROJECTLIB: No src/lib or src/lib_tcl* folder found."
#consolidated /modules /modules_tclX folder used for target where X is tcl major version
#the make process will process for any _tclX not just the major version of the current interpreter
#consolidated /modules /modules_tclX folder used for target where X is tcl major version
#the make process will process for any _tclX not just the major version of the current interpreter
#default source module folders are at projectroot/src/modules and projectroot/src/modules_tclX (where X is tcl major version)
#There may be multiple other src module folders at same level (e.g folder not being other special-purpose folder and not matching name vendor* that contains at least one .tm file in its root)
set source_module_folderlist [punk::mix::cli::lib::find_source_module_paths $projectroot]
puts stdout "SOURCEMODULES: scanning [llength $source_module_folderlist] folders"
foreach src_module_dir $source_module_folderlist {
#default source module folders are at projectroot/src/modules and projectroot/src/modules_tclX (where X is tcl major version)
#There may be multiple other src module folders at same level (e.g folder not being other special-purpose folder and not matching name vendor* that contains at least one .tm file in its root)
set source_module_folderlist [punk::mix::cli::lib::find_source_module_paths $projectroot]
puts stdout "SOURCEMODULES: scanning [llength $source_module_folderlist] folders"
foreach src_module_dir $source_module_folderlist {
set mtail [file tail $src_module_dir]
if {[string match "modules_tcl*" $mtail]} {
set target_modules_base $projectroot/$mtail
@ -1830,12 +1832,12 @@ foreach src_module_dir $source_module_folderlist {
puts stdout "MODULEFOLDER non_tm_files $src_module_dir - copying to $target_modules_base (if source file changed)"
set resultdict [punkcheck::install_non_tm_files $src_module_dir $target_modules_base -installer make.tcl -overwrite $overwrite -antiglob_paths {}]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
set installername "make.tcl"
set installername "make.tcl"
# ----------------------------------------
if {[punk::repo::is_fossil_root $projectroot]} {
# ----------------------------------------
if {[punk::repo::is_fossil_root $projectroot]} {
set config [dict create\
-make-step configure_fossil\
@ -1874,9 +1876,13 @@ if {[punk::repo::is_fossil_root $projectroot]} {
$event end
$event destroy
$installer destroy
if {$::punkboot::command ne "project"} {
set installername "make.tcl"
if {$::punkboot::command ni {project vfs}} {
#command = modules
puts stdout "vfs folders not checked"
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl vfscommonupdate' to copy built modules into base vfs folder"
@ -2099,7 +2105,8 @@ foreach runtimefile $runtimes {
} {
$event targetset_started
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
puts stdout "Copying runtime from $rtfolder/$runtimefile to $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile"
#This is the full runtime - *possibly* with some sort of vfs attached.
puts stdout "Copying runtime (as is) from $rtfolder/$runtimefile to $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile"
if {[catch {
file copy -force $rtfolder/$runtimefile $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile ;#becomes building_runtime
} errM]} {
@ -2126,21 +2133,27 @@ set skipped_kit_installs [list]
proc ::make_file_traversal_error {args} {
error "file_traverse error: $args"
proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir} {
#fauxlink aware recursive copy of files and folders
#will follow fauxlinks with 'merge_over' tag, will copy other fauxlinks
proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir {depth 0}} {
package require fileutil
package require fauxlink
set margin [string repeat " " [expr {$depth * 4}]]
set ver [package require fileutil::traverse]
puts stdout "using fileutil::traverse $ver\n[package ifneeded fileutil::traverse $ver]"
puts stdout "${margin}using fileutil::traverse $ver\n[package ifneeded fileutil::traverse $ver]"
package require control
if {![file exists $sourcedir]} {
puts stderr "merge_over sourcedir '$sourcedir' not found"
puts stderr "${margin}merge_over sourcedir '$sourcedir' not found"
if {![file exists $targetdir]} {
puts stderr "merge_over targetdir '$targetdir' not found - target folder must already exist"
puts stderr "${margin}merge_over targetdir '$targetdir' not found - target folder must already exist"
puts stdout "merge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir STARTING"
puts stdout "${margin}merge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir STARTING"
#The tails should be unique enough for clarity in progress emissions to stdout
set sourcename [file tail $sourcedir]
@ -2159,7 +2172,7 @@ proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir} {
if {![file exists $target]} {
#puts stdout "-- mkdir $target"
puts stdout "$sourcename -> $targetname mkdir $relpath"
puts stdout "${margin}$sourcename -> $targetname mkdir $relpath"
#puts stdout "calling: file mkdir $target"
#note - file mkdir can fail on vfs mounts with non-existant intermediate paths.
#e.g if mount is at: //cookfstemp:/subpath/file.exe
@ -2168,21 +2181,74 @@ proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir} {
file mkdir $target
file mtime $target [file mtime $file_or_dir]
} else {
puts stdout "$sourcename -> $targetname existing dir $relpath"
puts stdout "${margin}$sourcename -> $targetname existing dir $relpath"
file {
if {[file extension $file_or_dir] in {.fxlnk .fauxlink}} {
puts stdout "fauxlink: $file_or_dir"
flush stdout
if {[catch {
puts stdout ">";flush stdout
set linkinfo [fauxlink::resolve $file_or_dir]
} errM]} {
puts stdout ">>";flush stdout
puts stdout "${margin}--->fauxlink::resolve error\n $errM"
flush stdout
error $errM
puts stdout ">>>";flush stdout
puts stdout "--- '$linkinfo'"
flush stdout
set flinktags [dict get $linkinfo tags]
puts stdout "fauxlink tags: $flinktags"
flush stdout
if {"punk::boot,merge_over" in $flinktags} {
puts stdout "fauxlink got correct tag from $flinktags"
flush stdout
set linktarget [dict get $linkinfo targetpath]
if {[file pathtype $linktarget] eq "relative"} {
set actualsource [file join $sourcedir $linktarget]
} else {
set actualsource $linktarget
set name [dict get $linkinfo name] ;#name the linked file will become
set aliased_file_or_dir [file join [file dirname $file_or_dir] $name]
set relpath [fileutil::stripPath $sourcedir $aliased_file_or_dir]
set target [file join $targetdir $relpath]
if {[file type $actualsource] eq "file"} {
#fauxlink linktarget (source data) is a file
puts -nonewline stdout "\x1b\[32m<fxlnk.targetfor.${name}>\x1b\[m"
#puts "file copy -force $actualsource $target"
file copy -force $actualsource $target
} else {
#fauxlink linktarget (source data) is a folder
puts stdout "${margin}RECURSING merge_over for link-target $actualsource due to fauxlink:[file tail $file_or_dir]"
#merge_over initial target dir must exist - use file mkdir to ensure
file mkdir $target
puts stdout "merge_over $actualsource $target [expr {$depth + 1}]"
merge_over $actualsource $target [expr {$depth + 1}]
} else {
puts stdout "fauxlink tag not matched"
flush stdout
#tag not targetted at us - just copy the fauxlink as an ordinary file
puts -nonewline stdout "<fxlnk>"
file copy -force $file_or_dir $target
} else {
puts -nonewline stdout "."
file copy -force $file_or_dir $target
default {
puts stderr "merge vfs $sourcedir !!! unhandled file type $this_type !!!"
puts stderr "${margin}merge vfs $sourcedir !!! unhandled file type $this_type !!!"
set last_type $this_type
$t destroy
puts stdout "\nmerge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir done."
puts stdout "\n${margin}merge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir done."
set startdir [pwd]
puts stdout "Found [llength $vfs_tails] .vfs folders - checking each for executables that may need to be built"
@ -2193,7 +2259,7 @@ cd [file dirname $buildfolder]
#Using first mtime encountered that is later than target is another option - but likely to be highly variable in speed. Last file in the tree could happen to be the latest, and this mechanism doesn't handle build on reversion to older source.
set exe_names_seen [list]
set path_cksum_cache [dict create]
dict set path_cksum_cache {*}[punk::mix::base::lib::get_relativecksum_from_base $basedir $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon]
dict set path_cksum_cache {*}[punk::mix::base::lib::get_relativecksum_from_base $basedir $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs]
# loop over vfs_tails and for each one, loop over configured (or matching) runtimes - build with sdx or zipfs if source .vfs or source runtime exe has changed.
@ -2305,13 +2371,16 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
dict set path_cksum_cache {*}[punk::mix::base::lib::get_relativecksum_from_base $basedir $sourcefolder/vfs/$vfstail]
$vfs_event targetset_cksumcache_set $path_cksum_cache ;#cached cksum entries for .vfs folder
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/_config ;#some files linked via fauxlink - need to detect change
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/$vfstail
if {$rtname ne "-"} {
set building_runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname ;#working copy of runtime executable
set building_runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname ;#working copy of runtime executable - (possibly with kit/zipfs/cookfs etc attached!)
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $building_runtime
set raw_runtime "" ;#building runtime with vfs (zip,kit,cookfs etc stripped)
} else {
set building_runtime "-" ;#REVIEW
set raw_runtime "-"
# -- ----------
@ -2333,7 +2402,8 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
package require fileutil::traverse
package require control
set targetvfs $buildfolder/buildvfs_$targetkit.vfs
#keep this a simple name - bin/punk script calls into src/_build/exename.vfs/main.tcl
set targetvfs $buildfolder/$targetkit.vfs
file delete -force $targetvfs
#we switch on the target kit_type. we could switch on source kit_type..allowing extraction from one type but writing to another?
@ -2344,7 +2414,7 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#would need to detect UPX, cookfs,zipfs,tclkit
set rtmountpoint ""
switch -- $kit_type {
zip {
zip - zipcat {
#for a zipkit - we need to extract the existing vfs from the runtime
#zipfs mkimg replaces the entire zipped vfs in the runtime - so we need the original data to be part of our targetvfs.
puts stdout "building $ with zipfs vfsdir:$vfstail cwd: [pwd]"
@ -2364,11 +2434,44 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#strip any existing zipfs on the runtime..
#2024 - 'zipfs info //zipfs:/mountpoint' is supposed to give us the offset - but it doesn't if the exe has been 'adjusted' to use file offsets.
#which unfortunately Tcl does by default after the 2021 'fix' :(
set raw_runtime $buildfolder/raw_$runtime_fullname
if {[file exists $rtmountpoint]} {
merge_over $rtmountpoint $targetvfs
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon $targetvfs
#see if we can extract the exe part
set baseoffset [lindex [tcl::zipfs::info $rtmountpoint] 3]
if {$baseoffset != 0} {
#tcl was able to determine the compressed-data offset
#either because runtime is a basic catted exe+zip, or Tcl fixed 'zipfs info'
set fdrt [open $building_runtime r]
chan configure $fdrt -translation binary
set exedata [read $fdrt $baseoffset] ;#may include stored password and ending header // REVIEW - strip it?
close $fdrt
set fdraw [open $raw_runtime w]
chan configure $fdraw -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fdraw $exedata
close $fdraw
} else {
#presumably the supplied building_runtime has had its offsets adjusted so that it all appears within offsets off the zip. (file relative offsets)
#due to zipfs info bug - zipfs now can't tell us the offset of the compressed data.
#we need to use a similarly assumptive method as tclZipfs.c uses to determine the start of the compressed contents
package require punk::zip
#we don't technically need to extract the raw exe for 'zip' - as zipfs mkimg can work on the combined file (ignores zip)
# - but for consistency we want raw_runtime to be emitted in the filesystem.
punk::zip::extract_preamble $building_runtime $raw_runtime
} else {
#the input building_runtime wasn't mountable - so presumably a plain executable
#set building_runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname ;#working copy of runtime executable - (possibly with kit/zipfs/cookfs etc attached!)
#set raw_runtime $buildfolder/raw_$runtime_fullname
file copy -force $building_runtime $raw_runtime
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs $targetvfs
cookit - cookfs {
@ -2396,15 +2499,15 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#copy from mounted runtime's vfs to the filesystem vfs
merge_over $rtmountpoint $targetvfs
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon $targetvfs
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs $targetvfs
kit {
#for a kit, we don't need to extract the existing vfs from the runtime.
# - the sdx merge process can merge our .vfs folder with the existing contents.
puts stdout "building $ with sdx.. vfsdir:$vfstail cwd: [pwd]"
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon]} {
file copy $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon $targetvfs
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs]} {
file copy $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs $targetvfs
} else {
file mkdir $targetvfs
@ -2420,6 +2523,15 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
set wrapvfs $targetvfs
switch -- $kit_type {
zip {
#WARNING - 2024-10-08 - zipfs mkimg based exezips are not editable with 7z
# (central directory offset has been 'adjusted' to be file relative)
#This makes finding the split between prefixed exe and zip-data harder for Tcl scripts
#- although zipfs mkimg does it in a somewhat wonky way.
#tclZipfs.c as at 2024 assumes first file header in the CDR points to first local file header and assumes that is the top of the zipdata.
#This is only *mostly* true. order of entries or completeness is not guaranteed.
#e.g topmost file data in zip may not be pointed to if deleted by certain tools.
#for files created by zipfs mkimg and not externally edited - it shouldn't be an issue though.
if {$rtname eq "-"} {
#todo - just make a zip?
error "runtime name of - unsupported for zip - (todo)"
@ -2436,8 +2548,8 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#note - as at 2024-08 - there is some discussion about the interface to mkimg - it is considered unstable (may change to -option value syntax)
puts stderr "calling: tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs \"\" $building_runtime"
tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs "" $building_runtime
puts stderr "calling: tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs \"\" $raw_runtime"
tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs "" $raw_runtime
} result ]} {
set failmsg "zipfs mkimg failed with msg: $result"
puts stderr "tcl::zipfs::mkimg $targetkit failed"
@ -2453,6 +2565,67 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
puts stdout $result
puts stdout $separator
zipcat {
#simple catenated runtime + zip - we need an exe runtime with no zipfs attached..
if {$rtname eq "-"} {
#todo - just make a zip?
error "runtime name of - unsupported for zip - (todo)"
if {[catch {
if {[dict exists $runtime_caps $rtname]} {
if {[dict get $runtime_caps $rtname exitcode] == 0} {
if {![dict get $runtime_caps $rtname has_zipfs]} {
error "runtime $rtname doesn't have zipfs capability"
} else {
#could be runtime for another platform
puts stderr "RUNTIME capabilities unknown. Unsure if zip supported. trying anyway.."
#'archive' based zip offsets - editable in 7z,peazip
file copy $raw_runtime $buildfolder/$
file delete $buildfolder/$
if {[info commands ::tcl::zipfs] ne ""} {
puts stdout "tcl::zipfs::mkzip $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs"
::tcl::zipfs::mkzip $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs
} else {
puts stdout "punk::zip::mkzip -directory $wrapvfs -base $wrapvfs $buildfolder/$ *"
package require punk::zip
punk::zip::mkzip -directory $wrapvfs -base $wrapvfs $buildfolder/$ *
puts stderr "concatenating executable to zip.."
set fdout [open $buildfolder/$ a]
chan conf $fdout -translation binary
puts stderr "runtime bytes: [tell $fdout]"
set fdzip [open $buildfolder/$ r]
chan conf $fdzip -translation binary
set zipbytes [fcopy $fdzip $fdout]
close $fdzip
puts stderr "zip bytes: $zipbytes"
puts stderr "exezip bytes: [tell $fdout]"
close $fdout
} result ]} {
set failmsg "creating zipcat image failed with msg: $result"
puts stderr "creating image (zipcat) $targetkit failed"
lappend failed_kits [list kit $targetkit reason $failmsg]
$vfs_event targetset_end FAILED
$vfs_event destroy
$vfs_installer destroy
} else {
puts stdout "ok - finished zipcat image"
set separator [string repeat = 40]
puts stdout $separator
puts stdout $result
puts stdout $separator
cookit - cookfs {
if {$rtmountpoint eq ""} {
@ -2509,17 +2682,20 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
$vfs_installer destroy
} else {
set verbose ""
#set verbose "-verbose"
if {[catch {
if {$rtname ne "-"} {
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $building_runtime -verbose
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $building_runtime {*}$verbose
} else {
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -verbose
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs {*}$verbose
} result]} {
if {$rtname ne "-"} {
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname -verbose failed with msg: $result"
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname {*}$verbose failed with msg: $result"
} else {
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -verbose failed with msg: $result"
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs {*}$verbose failed with msg: $result"
puts stderr "sdx wrap $targetkit failed"
lappend failed_kits [list kit $targetkit reason $sdxmsg]
@ -2722,9 +2898,9 @@ set had_kits [expr {[llength $installed_kits] || [llength $failed_kits] || [llen
if {$had_kits} {
puts stdout " module builds and kit/zipkit builds processed (vfs config: src/runtime/mapvfs.config)"
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl modules' to build modules without scanning/building the vfs folders into executable kits/zipkits"
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl vfscommonupdate' to copy built modules into the base vfs folder"
puts stdout " Note that without the vfscommonupdate step, 'make.tcl project' will include any manual changes in the *custom* vfs folders but"
puts stdout " without the latest built modules."
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl vfscommonupdate' to copy built modules into the base vfs folder <projectdir>/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs"
puts stdout " - Note that without the vfscommonupdate step, 'make tcl vfs' (included in 'make tcl project') will build vfs based executables"
puts stdout " that include your current custom vfs folders in src/vfs, but with a _vfscommon.vfs that doesn't have the latest built modules"
puts stdout " calling 'builtexename(.exe) dev' will allow testing of built modules before they are put into the kits/zipkits via 'vfscommonupdate' then 'project'"
} else {
puts stdout " module builds processed"


@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
#[para] Others that require encoding are: * ? \ / | : ; " < >
#[para] The nul character in raw form, when detected, is always mapped away to the empty string - as very few filesystems support it.
#[para] Control characters and other punctuation is optional to encode.
#[para] Generally utf-8 should be used where possible and unicode characters left as is where possible on modern systems.
#[para] Where encoding of unicode is desired in the nominalname or encodedtarget portions it can be specified as %UXXXXXXXX
#[para] Generally utf-8 should be used where possible and unicode characters can often be left unencoded on modern systems.
#[para] Where encoding of unicode is desired in the nominalname,encodedtarget,tag or comment portions it can be specified as %UXXXXXXXX
#[para] There must be between 1 and 8 X digits following the %U. Interpretation of chars following %U stops at the first non-hex character.
#[para] This means %Utest would not get any translation as there were no hex digits so it would come out as %Utest
@ -267,43 +267,71 @@ namespace eval fauxlink {
#[subsection {Namespace fauxlink}]
#[para] Core API functions for fauxlink
#[list_begin definitions]
proc Segment_mustencode_check {str} {
variable decode_map
variable encode_map ;#must_encode
set idx 0
set err ""
foreach ch [split $str ""] {
if {[dict exists $encode_map $ch]} {
set enc [dict get $encode_map $ch]
if {[dict exists $decode_map $enc]} {
append err " char $idx should be encoded as $enc" \n
} else {
append err " no %xx encoding available. Use %UXX if really required" \n
incr idx
return $err ;#empty string if ok
proc resolve {link} {
variable decode_map
variable encode_map
variable must_encode
set ftail [file tail $link]
if {[file extension $ftail] ni [list .fxlnk .fauxlink]} {
error "fauxlink::resolve refusing to process link $link - file extension must be .fxlnk or .fauxlink"
set extension_name [string range [file extension $ftail] 1 end]
if {$extension_name ni [list fxlnk fauxlink]} {
set is_fauxlink 0
#we'll process anyway - but return the result wrapped
#This should allow deliberate erroring for the calling dict user if the extension difference is inadvertent
#(e.g blindly processing all files in a folder that is normally only .fxlnk files - but then something added that happens
# to have # characters in it)
#It also means if someone really wants to use the fauxlink semantics on a different file type
# - they can - but just have to access the results differently and take that (minor) risk.
#error "fauxlink::resolve refusing to process link $link - file extension must be .fxlnk or .fauxlink"
set err_extra "\nnonstandard extension '$extension_name' for fauxlink. Check that the call to fauxlink::resolve was deliberate"
} else {
set is_fauxlink 1
set err_extra ""
set linkspec [file rootname $ftail]
# - any # or + within the target path or name should have been uri encoded as %23 and %2b
if {[tcl::string::first # $linkspec] < 0} {
error "fauxlink::resolve error. Link must contain a # (usually at start if name matches target)"
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link'. Link must contain a # (usually at start if name matches target)"
append err $err_extra
error $err
#only the 1st 2 parts of split on # are significant.
#if there are more # chars present - the subsequent parts are effectively a comment
#check namepec already has required chars encoded
lassign [split $linkspec #] namespec targetspec
#The 1st 2 parts of split on # are name and target file/dir
#If there are only 3 parts the 3rd part is a comment and there are no 'tags'
#if there are 4 parts - the 3rd part is a tagset where each tag begins with @
#and each subsequent part is a comment. Empty comments are stripped from the comments list
#A tagset can be empty - but if it's not empty it must contain at least one @ and must start with @
#e.g name.txt#path#@tag1@tag2#test###.fxlnk
#has a name, a target, 2 tags and one comment
#check namespec already has required chars encoded
set segments [split $linkspec #]
lassign $segments namespec targetspec
#puts stderr "-->namespec $namespec"
set nametest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $namespec]
#puts stderr "-->nametest $nametest"
#nothing should be changed - if there are unencoded chars that must be encoded it is an error
if {[tcl::string::length $nametest] ne [tcl::string::length $namespec]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve invalid chars in name part (section prior to first #)"
set idx 0
foreach ch [split $namespec ""] {
if {$ch in $must_encode} {
set enc [dict get $encode_map $ch]
if {[dict exists $decode_map $enc]} {
append err " char $idx should be encoded as $enc" \n
} else {
append err " no %xx encoding available. Use %UXX if really required" \n
incr idx
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in name part (section prior to first #)"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $namespec]
append err $err_extra
error $err
#see comments below regarding 2 rounds and ordering.
@ -313,24 +341,14 @@ namespace eval fauxlink {
set targetsegment [split $targetspec +]
#check each + delimited part of targetspec already has required chars encoded
set s 0 ;#segment index
set result_segments [list]
foreach segment $targetsegment {
set targettest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $segment]
if {[tcl::string::length $targettest] ne [tcl::string::length $segment]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve invalid chars in targetpath (section following first #)"
set idx 0
foreach ch [split $segment ""] {
if {$ch in $must_encode} {
set enc [dict get $encode_map $ch]
if {[dict exists $decode_map $enc]} {
append err " segment $s char $idx should be encoded as $enc" \n
} else {
append err " no %xx encoding available. Use %UXX if really required" \n
incr idx
set pp 0 ;#pathpart index
set targetpath_parts [list]
foreach pathpart $targetsegment {
set targettest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $pathpart]
if {[tcl::string::length $targettest] ne [tcl::string::length $pathpart]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in targetpath (section following first #)"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $pathpart]
append err $err_extra
error $err
#2 rounds of substitution is possibly asking for trouble..
@ -343,18 +361,89 @@ namespace eval fauxlink {
#we do unicode first - as a 2nd round of %XX substitutions is unlikely to interfere.
#There is still the opportunity to use things like %U00000025 followed by hex-chars
# and get some minor surprises, but using %U on ascii is unlikely to be done accidentally - REVIEW
set segment [decode_unicode_escapes $segment]
set segment [tcl::string::map $decode_map $segment]
lappend result_segments $segment
set pathpart [decode_unicode_escapes $pathpart]
set pathpart [tcl::string::map $decode_map $pathpart]
lappend targetpath_parts $pathpart
incr s
incr pp
set targetpath [join $result_segments /]
set targetpath [join $targetpath_parts /]
if {$name eq ""} {
set name [lindex $result_segments end]
set name [lindex $targetpath_parts end]
#we do the same encoding checks on tags and comments to increase chances of portability
set tags [list]
set comments [list]
switch -- [llength $segments] {
2 {
#no tags or comments
3 {
#only 3 sections - last is comment - even if looks like tags
#to make the 3rd part a tagset, an extra # would be needed
set comments [list [lindex $segments 2]]
default {
set tagset [lindex $segments 2]
if {$tagset eq ""} {
#ok - no tags
} else {
if {[string first @ $tagset] != 0} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid tagset in 3rd #-delimited segment"
append err \n " - must begin with @"
append err $err_extra
error $err
} else {
set tagset [string range $tagset 1 end]
set rawtags [split $tagset @]
set tags [list]
foreach t $rawtags {
if {$t eq ""} {
lappend tags ""
} else {
set tagtest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $t]
if {[tcl::string::length $tagtest] ne [tcl::string::length $t]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in tag [llength $tags]"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $t]
append err $err_extra
error $err
lappend tags [tcl::string::map $decode_map [decode_unicode_escapes $t]]
set rawcomments [lrange $segments 3 end]
#set comments [lsearch -all -inline -not $comments ""]
set comments [list]
foreach c $rawcomments {
if {$c eq ""} {continue}
set commenttest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $c]
if {[tcl::string::length $commenttest] ne [tcl::string::length $c]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in comment [llength $comments]"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $c]
append err $err_extra
error $err
lappend comments [tcl::string::map $decode_map [decode_unicode_escapes $c]]
return [dict create name $name targetpath $targetpath]
set data [dict create name $name targetpath $targetpath tags $tags comments $comments fauxlinkextension $extension_name]
if {$is_fauxlink} {
#standard .fxlnk or .fauxlink
return $data
} else {
#custom extension - or called in error on wrong type of file but happened to parse.
#see comments at top regarding is_fauxlink
#make sure no keys in common at top level.
return [dict create\
linktype $extension_name\
note "nonstandard extension returning nonstandard dict with result in data key"\
data $data\
variable map


@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use 'pmix make' or src/make.tcl to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) 2024
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application fauxlink 0.1.1
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license MIT
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin fauxlink_module_fauxlink 0 0.1.1]
#[copyright "2024"]
#[titledesc {faux link application shortcuts}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {fauxlink .fxlnk}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require fauxlink]
#[keywords symlink faux fake shortcut toml]
#[para] A cross platform shortcut/symlink alternative.
#[para] Unapologetically ugly - but practical in certain circumstances.
#[para] A solution is required for application-driven filesystem links that survives cross platform moves as well as
#[para] archiving and packaging systems.
#[para] The target is specified in a minimally-encoded form in the filename itself - but still human readable.
#[para] format of name <nominalname>#<encodedtarget>.fxlnk
#[para] where <nominalname> can be empty - then the effective nominal name is the tail of the <encodedtarget>
#[para] The + symbol substitutes for forward-slashes.
#[para] Other chars can be encoded using url-like encoding - (but only up to %7E !)
#[para] We deliberately treat higher % sequences literally.
#[para] This means actual uri::urn encoded unicode sequences (e.g %E2%99%A5 [heart]) can remain literal for linking to urls.
#[para] e.g if an actual + or # is required in a filename or path segment they can be encoded as %2B & %23
#[para] e.g a link to a file file#A.txt in parent dir could be:
#[para] file%23A.txt#..+file%23A.txt.fxlnk
#[para] or equivalently (but obviously affecting sorting) #..+file%23A.txt.fxlnk
#[para] The <nominalname> can be unrelated to the actual target
#[para] e.g datafile.dat#..+file%23A.txt.fxlnk
#[para] This system has no filesystem support - and must be completely application driven.
#[para] This can be useful for example in application test packages which may be tarred or zipped and moved cross platform.
#[para] The target being fully specified in the name means the file doesn't have to be read for the target to be determined
#[para] Extensions to behaviour should be added in the file as text data in Toml format,
#[para] with custom data being under a single application-chosen table name
#[para] The toplevel Toml table [fauxlink] is reserved for core extensions to this system.
#[para] Aside from the 2 used for delimiting (+ #)
#[para] certain characters which might normally be allowed in filesystems are required to be encoded
#[para] e.g space and tab are required to be %20 %09
#[para] Others that require encoding are: * ? \ / | : ; " < >
#[para] The nul character in raw form, when detected, is always mapped away to the empty string - as very few filesystems support it.
#[para] Control characters and other punctuation is optional to encode.
#[para] Generally utf-8 should be used where possible and unicode characters can often be left unencoded on modern systems.
#[para] Where encoding of unicode is desired in the nominalname,encodedtarget,tag or comment portions it can be specified as %UXXXXXXXX
#[para] There must be between 1 and 8 X digits following the %U. Interpretation of chars following %U stops at the first non-hex character.
#[para] This means %Utest would not get any translation as there were no hex digits so it would come out as %Utest
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ie "//server/c/Program files" works but "//server/c/Program%20Files" is now treated by windows as a literal path with %20 in it.
#Using fauxlink - a link would be:
# "my-program-files#++server+c+Program%20Files.fxlnk"
#If we needed the old-style literal %20 it would become
# "my-program-files#++server+c+Program%2520Files.fxlnk"
# The file:// scheme on windows supposedly *does* decode %xx (for use in a browser)
# e.g
# pfiles#file%3a++++localhost+c+Program%2520files
# The browser will work with literal spaces too though - so it could just as well be:
# pfiles#file%3a++++localhost+c+Program%20files
#windows may default to using explorer.exe instead of a browser for file:// urls though
#and explorer doesn't want the literal %20. It probably depends what API the file:// url is to be passed to?
#in a .url shortcut either literal space or %20 will work ie %xx values are decoded
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of fauxlink
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by fauxlink
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6-
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6-}]
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# oo::class namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval fauxlink::class {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace fauxlink::class}]
#[para] class definitions
if {[info commands [namespace current]::interface_sample1] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Base namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval fauxlink {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
#todo - enforce utf-8
#literal unicode chars supported by modern filesystems - leave as is - REVIEW
variable encode_map
variable decode_map
#most filesystems don't allow NULL - map to empty string
#Make sure % is not in encode_map
set encode_map [dict create\
\x00 ""\
{ } %20\
\t %09\
+ %2B\
# %23\
* %2A\
? %3F\
\\ %5C\
/ %2F\
| %7C\
: %3A\
{;} %3B\
{"} %22\
< %3C\
> %3E\
#above have some overlap with ctrl codes below.
#no big deal as it's a dict
# + # * ? \ / | : ; " < > <sp> \t
# also NUL to empty string
# also ctrl chars 01 to 1F (1..31)
for {set i 1} {$i < 32} {incr i} {
set ch [format %c $i]
set enc "%[format %02X $i]"
set enc_lower [string tolower $enc]
dict set encode_map $ch $enc
dict set decode_map $enc $ch
dict set decode_map $enc_lower $ch
variable must_encode
set must_encode [dict keys $encode_map]
#if they are in
#decode map doesn't include
# %00 (nul)
# %2F "/"
# %2f "/"
# %7f (del)
#we exlude the forward slash because we already have + for that - and multiple ways to specify it obscure intention.
set decode_map [dict merge $decode_map [dict create\
%09 \t\
%20 { }\
%21 "!"\
%22 {"}\
%23 "#"\
%24 "$"\
%25 "%"\
%26 "&"\
%27 "'"\
%28 "("\
%29 ")"\
%2A "*"\
%2a "*"\
%2B "+"\
%2b "+"\
%2C ","\
%2c ","\
%2D "-"\
%2d "-"\
%2E "."\
%2e "."\
%3A ":"\
%3a ":"\
%3B {;}\
%3b {;}\
%3D "="\
%3C "<"\
%3c "<"\
%3d "="\
%3E ">"\
%3e ">"\
%3F "?"\
%3f "?"\
%40 "@"\
%5B "\["\
%5b "\["\
%5C "\\"\
%5c "\\"\
%5D "\]"\
%5d "\]"\
%5E "^"\
%5e "^"\
%60 "`"\
%7B "{"\
%7b "{"\
%7C "|"\
%7c "|"\
%7D "}"\
%7d "}"\
%7E "~"\
%7e "~"\
#Don't go above 7f
#if we want to specify p
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace fauxlink}]
#[para] Core API functions for fauxlink
#[list_begin definitions]
proc Segment_mustencode_check {str} {
variable decode_map
variable encode_map ;#must_encode
set idx 0
set err ""
foreach ch [split $str ""] {
if {[dict exists $encode_map $ch]} {
set enc [dict get $encode_map $ch]
if {[dict exists $decode_map $enc]} {
append err " char $idx should be encoded as $enc" \n
} else {
append err " no %xx encoding available. Use %UXX if really required" \n
incr idx
return $err ;#empty string if ok
proc resolve {link} {
variable decode_map
variable encode_map
variable must_encode
set ftail [file tail $link]
set extension_name [string range [file extension $ftail] 1 end]
if {$extension_name ni [list fxlnk fauxlink]} {
set is_fauxlink 0
#we'll process anyway - but return the result wrapped
#This should allow deliberate erroring for the calling dict user if the extension difference is inadvertent
#(e.g blindly processing all files in a folder that is normally only .fxlnk files - but then something added that happens
# to have # characters in it)
#It also means if someone really wants to use the fauxlink semantics on a different file type
# - they can - but just have to access the results differently and take that (minor) risk.
#error "fauxlink::resolve refusing to process link $link - file extension must be .fxlnk or .fauxlink"
set err_extra "\nnonstandard extension '$extension_name' for fauxlink. Check that the call to fauxlink::resolve was deliberate"
} else {
set is_fauxlink 1
set err_extra ""
set linkspec [file rootname $ftail]
# - any # or + within the target path or name should have been uri encoded as %23 and %2b
if {[tcl::string::first # $linkspec] < 0} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link'. Link must contain a # (usually at start if name matches target)"
append err $err_extra
error $err
#The 1st 2 parts of split on # are name and target file/dir
#If there are only 3 parts the 3rd part is a comment and there are no 'tags'
#if there are 4 parts - the 3rd part is a tagset where each tag begins with @
#and each subsequent part is a comment. Empty comments are stripped from the comments list
#A tagset can be empty - but if it's not empty it must contain at least one @ and must start with @
#e.g name.txt#path#@tag1@tag2#test###.fxlnk
#has a name, a target, 2 tags and one comment
#check namespec already has required chars encoded
set segments [split $linkspec #]
lassign $segments namespec targetspec
#puts stderr "-->namespec $namespec"
set nametest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $namespec]
#puts stderr "-->nametest $nametest"
#nothing should be changed - if there are unencoded chars that must be encoded it is an error
if {[tcl::string::length $nametest] ne [tcl::string::length $namespec]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in name part (section prior to first #)"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $namespec]
append err $err_extra
error $err
#see comments below regarding 2 rounds and ordering.
set name [decode_unicode_escapes $namespec]
set name [tcl::string::map $decode_map $name]
#puts stderr "-->name: $name"
set targetsegment [split $targetspec +]
#check each + delimited part of targetspec already has required chars encoded
set pp 0 ;#pathpart index
set targetpath_parts [list]
foreach pathpart $targetsegment {
set targettest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $pathpart]
if {[tcl::string::length $targettest] ne [tcl::string::length $pathpart]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in targetpath (section following first #)"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $pathpart]
append err $err_extra
error $err
#2 rounds of substitution is possibly asking for trouble..
#We allow anything in the resultant segments anyway (as %UXXXX... allows all)
#so it's not so much about what can be encoded,
# - but it makes it harder to reason about for users
# In particular - if we map %XX first it makes %25 -> % substitution tricky
# if the user requires a literal %UXXX - they can't do %25UXXX
# the double sub would make it %UXXX -> somechar anyway.
#we do unicode first - as a 2nd round of %XX substitutions is unlikely to interfere.
#There is still the opportunity to use things like %U00000025 followed by hex-chars
# and get some minor surprises, but using %U on ascii is unlikely to be done accidentally - REVIEW
set pathpart [decode_unicode_escapes $pathpart]
set pathpart [tcl::string::map $decode_map $pathpart]
lappend targetpath_parts $pathpart
incr pp
set targetpath [join $targetpath_parts /]
if {$name eq ""} {
set name [lindex $targetpath_parts end]
#we do the same encoding checks on tags and comments to increase chances of portability
set tags [list]
set comments [list]
switch -- [llength $segments] {
2 {
#no tags or comments
3 {
#only 3 sections - last is comment - even if looks like tags
#to make the 3rd part a tagset, an extra # would be needed
set comments [list [lindex $segments 2]]
default {
set tagset [lindex $segments 2]
if {$tagset eq ""} {
#ok - no tags
} else {
if {[string first @ $tagset] != 0} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid tagset in 3rd #-delimited segment"
append err \n " - must begin with @"
append err $err_extra
error $err
} else {
set tagset [string range $tagset 1 end]
set rawtags [split $tagset @]
set tags [list]
foreach t $rawtags {
if {$t eq ""} {
lappend tags ""
} else {
set tagtest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $t]
if {[tcl::string::length $tagtest] ne [tcl::string::length $t]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in tag [llength $tags]"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $t]
append err $err_extra
error $err
lappend tags [tcl::string::map $decode_map [decode_unicode_escapes $t]]
set rawcomments [lrange $segments 3 end]
#set comments [lsearch -all -inline -not $comments ""]
set comments [list]
foreach c $rawcomments {
if {$c eq ""} {continue}
set commenttest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $c]
if {[tcl::string::length $commenttest] ne [tcl::string::length $c]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in comment [llength $comments]"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $c]
append err $err_extra
error $err
lappend comments [tcl::string::map $decode_map [decode_unicode_escapes $c]]
set data [dict create name $name targetpath $targetpath tags $tags comments $comments fauxlinkextension $extension_name]
if {$is_fauxlink} {
#standard .fxlnk or .fauxlink
return $data
} else {
#custom extension - or called in error on wrong type of file but happened to parse.
#see comments at top regarding is_fauxlink
#make sure no keys in common at top level.
return [dict create\
linktype $extension_name\
note "nonstandard extension returning nonstandard dict with result in data key"\
data $data\
variable map
#default exclusion of / (%U2f and equivs)
#this would allow obfuscation of intention - when we have + for that anyway
proc decode_unicode_escapes {str {exclusions {/ \n \r \x00}}} {
variable map
set ucstart [string first %U $str 0]
if {$ucstart < 0} {
return $str
set max 8
set map [list]
set strend [expr {[string length $str]-1}]
while {$ucstart >= 0} {
set s $ucstart
set i [expr {$s +2}] ;#skip the %U
set hex ""
while {[tcl::string::length $hex] < 8 && $i <= $strend} {
set in [string index $str $i]
if {[tcl::string::is xdigit -strict $in]} {
append hex $in
} else {
incr i
if {$hex ne ""} {
incr i -1
lappend map $s $i $hex
set ucstart [tcl::string::first %U $str $i]
set out ""
set lastidx -1
set e 0
foreach {s e hex} $map {
append out [string range $str $lastidx+1 $s-1]
set sub [format %c 0x$hex]
if {$sub in $exclusions} {
append out %U$hex ;#put it back
} else {
append out $sub
set lastidx $e
if {$e < [tcl::string::length $str]-1} {
append out [string range $str $e+1 end]
return $out
proc link_as {name target} {
#proc sample1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call [fun sample1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of sample1
# return "ok"
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace fauxlink ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval fauxlink::lib {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
namespace path [namespace parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace fauxlink::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc utility1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call lib::[fun utility1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of utility1
# return 1
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace fauxlink::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval fauxlink::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace fauxlink::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide fauxlink [namespace eval fauxlink {
variable pkg fauxlink
variable version
set version 0.1.1
#*** !doctools


@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ set bootsupport_modules [list\
modules punk::packagepreference\
modules punk::repo\
modules punk::tdl\
modules punk::trie\
modules punk::unixywindows\
modules punk::zip\
modules punk::winpath\
@ -89,5 +90,6 @@ set bootsupport_modules [list\
modules textblock\
modules natsort\
modules oolib\
modules zipper\


@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use 'pmix make' or src/make.tcl to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) 2024
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application modpod 0.1.1
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license <unspecified>
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin modpod_module_modpod 0 0.1.1]
#[copyright "2024"]
#[titledesc {Module API}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {-}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require modpod]
#[keywords module]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of modpod
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by modpod
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6-
package require struct::set ;#review
package require punk::lib
package require punk::args
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6-}]
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# oo::class namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod::class {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::class}]
#[para] class definitions
if {[info commands [namespace current]::interface_sample1] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Base namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
variable connected
if {![info exists connected(to)]} {
set connected(to) list
variable modpodscript
set modpodscript [info script]
if {[string tolower [file extension $modpodscript]] eq ".tcl"} {
set connected(self) [file dirname $modpodscript]
} else {
#expecting a .tm
set connected(self) $modpodscript
variable loadables [info sharedlibextension]
variable sourceables {.tcl .tk} ;# .tm ?
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod}]
#[para] Core API functions for modpod
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc sample1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call [fun sample1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of sample1
# return "ok"
#old tar connect mechanism - review - not needed?
proc connect {args} {
puts stderr "modpod::connect--->>$args"
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-type -default ""
*values -min 1 -max 1
path -type string -minlen 1 -help "path to .tm file or toplevel .tcl script within #modpod-<pkg>-<ver> folder (unwrapped modpod)"
} $args]
catch {
punk::lib::showdict $argd ;#heavy dependencies
set opt_path [dict get $argd values path]
variable connected
set original_connectpath $opt_path
set modpodpath [modpod::system::normalize $opt_path] ;#
if {$modpodpath in $connected(to)} {
return [dict create ok ALREADY_CONNECTED]
lappend connected(to) $modpodpath
set connected(connectpath,$opt_path) $original_connectpath
set is_sourced [expr {[file normalize $modpodpath] eq [file normalize [info script]]}]
set connected(location,$modpodpath) [file dirname $modpodpath]
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) -1
set connected(type,$modpodpath) [dict get $argd opts -type]
set connected(fh,$modpodpath) ""
if {[string range [file tail $modpodpath] 0 7] eq "#modpod-"} {
set connected(type,$modpodpath) "unwrapped"
lassign [::split [file tail [file dirname $modpodpath]] -] connected(package,$modpodpath) connected(version,$modpodpath)
set this_pkg_tm_folder [file dirname [file dirname $modpodpath]]
} else {
#connect to .tm but may still be unwrapped version available
lassign [::split [file rootname [file tail $modpodath]] -] connected(package,$modpodpath) connected(version,$modpodpath)
set this_pkg_tm_folder [file dirname $modpodpath]
if {$connected(type,$modpodpath) ne "unwrapped"} {
#Not directly connected to unwrapped version - but may still be redirected there
set unwrappedFolder [file join $connected(location,$modpodpath) #modpod-$connected(package,$modpodpath)-$connected(version,$modpodpath)]
if {[file exists $unwrappedFolder]} {
#folder with exact version-match must exist for redirect to 'unwrapped'
set con(type,$modpodpath) "modpod-redirecting"
set unwrapped_tm_file [file join $this_pkg_tm_folder] "[set connected(package,$modpodpath)]-[set connected(version,$modpodpath)].tm"
set connected(tmfile,$modpodpath)
set tail_segments [list]
set lcase_tmfile_segments [string tolower [file split $this_pkg_tm_folder]]
set lcase_modulepaths [string tolower [tcl::tm::list]]
foreach lc_mpath $lcase_modulepaths {
set mpath_segments [file split $lc_mpath]
if {[llength [struct::set intersect $lcase_tmfile_segments $mpath_segments]] == [llength $mpath_segments]} {
set tail_segments [lrange [file split $this_pkg_tm_folder] [llength $mpath_segments] end]
if {[llength $tail_segments]} {
set connected(fullpackage,$modpodpath) [join [concat $tail_segments [set connected(package,$modpodpath)]] ::] ;#full name of package as used in package require
} else {
set connected(fullpackage,$modpodpath) [set connected(package,$modpodpath)]
switch -exact -- $connected(type,$modpodpath) {
"modpod-redirecting" {
#redirect to the unwrapped version
set loadscript_name [file join $unwrappedFolder #modpod-loadscript-$con(package,$modpod).tcl]
"unwrapped" {
if {[info commands ::thread::id] ne ""} {
set from [pid],[thread::id]
} else {
set from [pid]
#::modpod::Puts stderr "$from-> Package $connected(package,$modpodpath)-$connected(version,$modpodpath) is using unwrapped version: $modpodpath"
return [list ok ""]
default {
#autodetect .tm - zip/tar ?
#todo - use vfs ?
#connect to tarball - start at 1st header
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) 0
set fh [open $modpodpath r]
set connected(fh,$modpodpath) $fh
fconfigure $fh -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary -eofchar {}
if {$connected(startdata,$modpodpath) >= 0} {
#verify we have a valid tar header
if {![catch {::modpod::system::tar::readHeader [red $fh 512]}]} {
seek $fh $connected(startdata,$modpodpath) start
return [list ok $fh]
} else {
#error "cannot verify tar header"
lpop connected(to) end
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) -1
unset connected(fh,$modpodpath)
catch {close $fh}
return [dict create err {Does not appear to be a valid modpod}]
proc disconnect {{modpod ""}} {
variable connected
if {![llength $connected(to)]} {
return 0
if {$modpod eq ""} {
puts stderr "modpod::disconnect WARNING: modpod not explicitly specified. Disconnecting last connected: [lindex $connected(to) end]"
set modpod [lindex $connected(to) end]
if {[set posn [lsearch $connected(to) $modpod]] == -1} {
puts stderr "modpod::disconnect WARNING: disconnect called when not connected: $modpod"
return 0
if {[string length $connected(fh,$modpod)]} {
close $connected(fh,$modpod)
array unset connected *,$modpod
set connected(to) [lreplace $connected(to) $posn $posn]
return 1
proc get {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-from -default "" -help "path to pod"
*values -min 1 -max 1
} $args]
set frompod [dict get $argd opts -from]
set filename [dict get $argd values filename]
variable connected
set modpod [::modpod::system::connect_if_not $frompod]
set fh $connected(fh,$modpod)
if {$connected(type,$modpod) eq "unwrapped"} {
#for unwrapped connection - $connected(location) already points to the #modpod-pkg-ver folder
if {[string range $filename 0 0 eq "/"]} {
#absolute path (?)
set path [file join $connected(location,$modpod) .. [string trim $filename /]]
} else {
#relative path - use #modpod-xxx as base
set path [file join $connected(location,$modpod) $filename]
set fd [open $path r]
#fconfigure $fd -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
return [list ok [lindex [list [read $fd] [close $fd]] 0]]
} else {
#read from vfs
puts stderr "get $filename from wrapped pod '$frompod' not implemented"
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace modpod ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod::lib {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
namespace path [namespace parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc utility1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call lib::[fun utility1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of utility1
# return 1
proc is_valid_tm_version {versionpart} {
#Needs to be suitable for use with Tcl's 'package vcompare'
if {![catch [list package vcompare $versionparts $versionparts]]} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
#zipfile is a pure zip at this point - ie no script/exe header
proc make_zip_modpod {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-offsettype -default "file" -choices {archive file} -help "Whether zip offsets are relative to start of file or start of zip-data within the file.
'archive' relative offsets are easier to work with (for writing/updating) in tools such as 7zip,peazip,
but other tools may be easier with 'file' relative offsets. (e.g info-zip,pkzip)
info-zip's 'zip -A' can sometimes convert archive-relative to file-relative.
-offsettype archive is equivalent to plain 'cat prefixfile zipfile > modulefile'"
*values -min 2 -max 2
zipfile -type path -minlen 1 -help "path to plain zip file with subfolder #modpod-packagename-version containing .tm, data files and/or binaries"
outfile -type path -minlen 1 -help "path to output file. Name should be of the form"
} $args]
set zipfile [dict get $argd values zipfile]
set outfile [dict get $argd values outfile]
set opt_offsettype [dict get $argd opts -offsettype]
set mount_stub [string map [list %offsettype% $opt_offsettype] {
#zip file with Tcl loader prepended. Requires either builtin zipfs, or vfs::zip to mount while zipped.
#Alternatively unzip so that extracted #modpod-package-version folder is in same folder as .tm file.
#generated using: modpod::lib::make_zip_modpod -offsettype %offsettype% <zipfile> <tmfile>
if {[catch {file normalize [info script]} modfile]} {
error "modpod zip stub error. Unable to determine module path. (possible safe interp restrictions?)"
if {$modfile eq "" || ![file exists $modfile]} {
error "modpod zip stub error. Unable to determine module path"
set moddir [file dirname $modfile]
set mod_and_ver [file rootname [file tail $modfile]]
lassign [split $mod_and_ver -] moduletail version
if {[file exists $moddir/#modpod-$mod_and_ver]} {
source $moddir/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
} else {
#determine module namespace so we can mount appropriately
proc intersect {A B} {
if {[llength $A] == 0} {return {}}
if {[llength $B] == 0} {return {}}
if {[llength $B] > [llength $A]} {
set res $A
set A $B
set B $res
set res {}
foreach x $A {set ($x) {}}
foreach x $B {
if {[info exists ($x)]} {
lappend res $x
return $res
set lcase_tmfile_segments [string tolower [file split $moddir]]
set lcase_modulepaths [string tolower [tcl::tm::list]]
foreach lc_mpath $lcase_modulepaths {
set mpath_segments [file split $lc_mpath]
if {[llength [intersect $lcase_tmfile_segments $mpath_segments]] == [llength $mpath_segments]} {
set tail_segments [lrange [file split $moddir] [llength $mpath_segments] end] ;#use properly cased tail
if {[llength $tail_segments]} {
set fullpackage [join [concat $tail_segments $moduletail] ::] ;#full name of package as used in package require
set mount_at #modpod/[file join {*}$tail_segments]/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver
} else {
set fullpackage $moduletail
set mount_at #modpod/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver
if {[info commands tcl::zipfs::mount] ne ""} {
#argument order changed to be consistent with vfs::zip::Mount etc
#early versions: zipfs::Mount mountpoint zipname
#since 2023-09: zipfs::Mount zipname mountpoint
#don't use 'file exists' when testing mountpoints. (some versions at least give massive delays on windows platform for non-existance)
#This is presumably related to // being interpreted as a network path
set mountpoints [dict keys [tcl::zipfs::mount]]
if {"//zipfs:/$mount_at" ni $mountpoints} {
#despite API change tcl::zipfs package version was unfortunately not updated - so we don't know argument order without trying it
if {[catch {
#tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile //zipfs:/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver ;#extremely slow if this is a wrong guess (artifact of aforementioned file exists issue ?)
#puts "tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile $mount_at"
tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile $mount_at
} errM]} {
#try old api
if {![catch {tcl::zipfs::mount //zipfs:/$mount_at $modfile}]} {
puts stderr "modpod stub>>> tcl::zipfs::mount <file> <mountpoint> failed.\nbut old api: tcl::zipfs::mount <mountpoint> <file> succeeded\n tcl::zipfs::mount //zipfs://$mount_at $modfile"
puts stderr "Consider upgrading tcl runtime to one with fixed zipfs API"
if {![file exists //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$]} {
puts stderr "modpod stub>>> mount at //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$ failed\n zipfs mounts: [zipfs mount]"
#tcl::zipfs::unmount //zipfs:/$mount_at
error "Unable to find $ in $modfile for module $fullpackage"
# #modpod-$mod_and_ver subdirectory always present in the archive so it can be conveniently extracted and run in that form
source //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
} else {
#fallback to slower vfs::zip
#NB. We don't create the intermediate dirs - but the mount still works
if {![file exists $moddir/$mount_at]} {
if {[catch {package require vfs::zip} errM]} {
set msg "Unable to load vfs::zip package to mount module $mod_and_ver (and zipfs not available either)"
append msg \n "If neither zipfs or vfs::zip are available - the module can still be loaded by manually unzipping the file $modfile in place."
append msg \n "The unzipped data will all be contained in a folder named #modpod-$mod_and_ver in the same parent folder as $modfile"
error $msg
} else {
set fd [vfs::zip::Mount $modfile $moddir/$mount_at]
if {![file exists $moddir/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$]} {
vfs::zip::Unmount $fd $moddir/$mount_at
error "Unable to find $ in $modfile for module $fullpackage"
source $moddir/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
#zipped data follows
#todo - test if supplied zipfile has #modpod-loadcript.tcl or some other script/executable before even creating?
append mount_stub \x1A
modpod::system::make_mountable_zip $zipfile $outfile $mount_stub $opt_offsettype
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace modpod::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval modpod::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
#deflate,store only supported
#zipfile here is plain zip - no script/exe prefix part.
proc make_mountable_zip {zipfile outfile mount_stub {offsettype "file"}} {
set inzip [open $zipfile r]
fconfigure $inzip -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
set out [open $outfile w+]
fconfigure $out -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
puts -nonewline $out $mount_stub
set stuboffset [tell $out]
lappend report "sfx stub size: $stuboffset"
fcopy $inzip $out
close $inzip
set size [tell $out]
lappend report "tmfile : [file tail $outfile]"
lappend report "output size : $size"
lappend report "offsettype : $offsettype"
if {$offsettype eq "file"} {
#make zip offsets relative to start of whole file including prepended script.
#(same offset structure as Tcl's 'zipfs mkimg' as at 2024-10)
#we aren't adding any new files/folders so we can edit the offsets in place
#Now seek in $out to find the end of directory signature:
#The structure itself is 24 bytes Long, followed by a maximum of 64Kbytes text
if {$size < 65559} {
set tailsearch_start 0
} else {
set tailsearch_start [expr {$size - 65559}]
seek $out $tailsearch_start
set data [read $out]
#EOCD - End of Central Directory record
set start_of_end [string last "\x50\x4b\x05\x06" $data]
#set start_of_end [expr {$start_of_end + $seek}]
#incr start_of_end $seek
set filerelative_eocd_posn [expr {$start_of_end + $tailsearch_start}]
lappend report "kitfile-relative START-OF-EOCD: $filerelative_eocd_posn"
seek $out $filerelative_eocd_posn
set end_of_ctrl_dir [read $out]
binary scan $end_of_ctrl_dir issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
lappend report "End of central directory: [array get eocd]"
seek $out [expr {$filerelative_eocd_posn+16}]
#adjust offset of start of central directory by the length of our sfx stub
puts -nonewline $out [binary format i [expr {$eocd(diroffset) + $stuboffset}]]
flush $out
seek $out $filerelative_eocd_posn
set end_of_ctrl_dir [read $out]
binary scan $end_of_ctrl_dir issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
# 0x06054b50 - end of central dir signature
puts stderr "$end_of_ctrl_dir"
puts stderr "comment_len: $eocd(comment_len)"
puts stderr "eocd sig: $eocd(signature) [punk::lib::dec2hex $eocd(signature)]"
lappend report "New dir offset: $eocd(diroffset)"
lappend report "Adjusting $eocd(totalnum) zip file items."
catch {
punk::lib::showdict -roottype list -chan stderr $report ;#heavy dependencies
seek $out $eocd(diroffset)
for {set i 0} {$i <$eocd(totalnum)} {incr i} {
set current_file [tell $out]
set fileheader [read $out 46]
puts --------------
puts [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 $fileheader]
puts --------------
#binary scan $fileheader is2sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
# x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
binary scan $fileheader ic4sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
set ::last_header $fileheader
puts "sig: $x(sig) (hex: [punk::lib::dec2hex $x(sig)])"
puts "ver: $x(version)"
puts "method: $x(method)"
#33639248 dec = 0x02014b50 - central directory file header signature
if { $x(sig) != 33639248 } {
error "modpod::system::make_mountable_zip Bad file header signature at item $i: dec:$x(sig) hex:[punk::lib::dec2hex $x(sig)]"
foreach size $x(lengths) var {filename extrafield comment} {
if { $size > 0 } {
set x($var) [read $out $size]
} else {
set x($var) ""
set next_file [tell $out]
lappend report "file $i: $x(offset) $x(sizes) $x(filename)"
seek $out [expr {$current_file+42}]
puts -nonewline $out [binary format i [expr {$x(offset)+$stuboffset}]]
flush $out
seek $out $current_file
set fileheader [read $out 46]
lappend report "old $x(offset) + $stuboffset"
binary scan $fileheader is2sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
lappend report "new $x(offset)"
seek $out $next_file
close $out
#pdict/showdict reuire punk & textlib - ie lots of dependencies
#don't fall over just because of that
catch {
punk::lib::showdict -roottype list -chan stderr $report
#puts [join $report \n]
proc connect_if_not {{podpath ""}} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set podpath [::modpod::system::normalize $podpath]
set docon 0
if {![llength $connected(to)]} {
if {![string length $podpath]} {
error "modpod::system::connect_if_not - Not connected to a modpod file, and no podpath specified"
} else {
set docon 1
} else {
if {![string length $podpath]} {
set podpath [lindex $connected(to) end]
puts stderr "modpod::system::connect_if_not WARNING: using last connected modpod:$podpath for operation\n -podpath not explicitly specified during operation: [info level -1]"
} else {
if {$podpath ni $connected(to)} {
set docon 1
if {$docon} {
if {[lindex [modpod::connect $podpath]] 0] ne "ok"} {
error "modpod::system::connect_if_not error. file $podpath does not seem to be a valid modpod"
} else {
return $podpath
#we were already connected
return $podpath
proc myversion {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myversion should only be called from within a loading modpod"
set fname [file tail [file rootname [file normalize $script]]]
set scriptdir [file dirname $script]
if {![string match "#modpod-*" $fname]} {
lassign [lrange [split $fname -] end-1 end] _pkgname version
} else {
lassign [scan [file tail [file rootname $script]] {#modpod-loadscript-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
if {![string length $version]} {
#try again on the name of the containing folder
lassign [scan [file tail $scriptdir] {#modpod-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
#todo - proper walk up the directory tree
if {![string length $version]} {
#try again on the grandparent folder (this is a standard depth for sourced .tcl files in a modpod)
lassign [scan [file tail [file dirname $scriptdir]] {#modpod-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
#tarjar::Log debug "'myversion' determined version for [info script]: $version"
return $version
proc myname {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myname should only be called from within a loading modpod"
return $connected(fullpackage,$script)
proc myfullname {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
#set script [::tarjar::normalize $script]
set script [file normalize $script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myfullname should only be called from within a loading tarjar"
return $::tarjar::connected(fullpackage,$script)
proc normalize {path} {
#newer versions of Tcl don't do tilde sub
#Tcl's 'file normalize' seems to do some unfortunate tilde substitution on windows.. (at least for relative paths)
# we take the assumption here that if Tcl's tilde substitution is required - it should be done before the path is provided to this function.
set matilda "<_tarjar_tilde_placeholder_>" ;#token that is *unlikely* to occur in the wild, and is somewhat self describing in case it somehow ..escapes..
set path [string map [list ~ $matilda] $path] ;#give our tildes to matilda to look after
set path [file normalize $path]
#set path [string tolower $path] ;#must do this after file normalize
return [string map [list $matilda ~] $path] ;#get our tildes back.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide modpod [namespace eval modpod {
variable pkg modpod
variable version
set version 0.1.1
#*** !doctools


@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use 'pmix make' or src/make.tcl to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) 2024
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application modpod 0.1.2
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license <unspecified>
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin modpod_module_modpod 0 0.1.2]
#[copyright "2024"]
#[titledesc {Module API}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {-}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require modpod]
#[keywords module]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of modpod
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by modpod
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6-
package require struct::set ;#review
package require punk::lib
package require punk::args
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6-}]
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# oo::class namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod::class {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::class}]
#[para] class definitions
if {[info commands [namespace current]::interface_sample1] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Base namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
variable connected
if {![info exists connected(to)]} {
set connected(to) list
variable modpodscript
set modpodscript [info script]
if {[string tolower [file extension $modpodscript]] eq ".tcl"} {
set connected(self) [file dirname $modpodscript]
} else {
#expecting a .tm
set connected(self) $modpodscript
variable loadables [info sharedlibextension]
variable sourceables {.tcl .tk} ;# .tm ?
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod}]
#[para] Core API functions for modpod
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc sample1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call [fun sample1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of sample1
# return "ok"
#old tar connect mechanism - review - not needed?
proc connect {args} {
puts stderr "modpod::connect--->>$args"
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-type -default ""
*values -min 1 -max 1
path -type string -minlen 1 -help "path to .tm file or toplevel .tcl script within #modpod-<pkg>-<ver> folder (unwrapped modpod)"
} $args]
catch {
punk::lib::showdict $argd ;#heavy dependencies
set opt_path [dict get $argd values path]
variable connected
set original_connectpath $opt_path
set modpodpath [modpod::system::normalize $opt_path] ;#
if {$modpodpath in $connected(to)} {
return [dict create ok ALREADY_CONNECTED]
lappend connected(to) $modpodpath
set connected(connectpath,$opt_path) $original_connectpath
set is_sourced [expr {[file normalize $modpodpath] eq [file normalize [info script]]}]
set connected(location,$modpodpath) [file dirname $modpodpath]
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) -1
set connected(type,$modpodpath) [dict get $argd opts -type]
set connected(fh,$modpodpath) ""
if {[string range [file tail $modpodpath] 0 7] eq "#modpod-"} {
set connected(type,$modpodpath) "unwrapped"
lassign [::split [file tail [file dirname $modpodpath]] -] connected(package,$modpodpath) connected(version,$modpodpath)
set this_pkg_tm_folder [file dirname [file dirname $modpodpath]]
} else {
#connect to .tm but may still be unwrapped version available
lassign [::split [file rootname [file tail $modpodath]] -] connected(package,$modpodpath) connected(version,$modpodpath)
set this_pkg_tm_folder [file dirname $modpodpath]
if {$connected(type,$modpodpath) ne "unwrapped"} {
#Not directly connected to unwrapped version - but may still be redirected there
set unwrappedFolder [file join $connected(location,$modpodpath) #modpod-$connected(package,$modpodpath)-$connected(version,$modpodpath)]
if {[file exists $unwrappedFolder]} {
#folder with exact version-match must exist for redirect to 'unwrapped'
set con(type,$modpodpath) "modpod-redirecting"
set unwrapped_tm_file [file join $this_pkg_tm_folder] "[set connected(package,$modpodpath)]-[set connected(version,$modpodpath)].tm"
set connected(tmfile,$modpodpath)
set tail_segments [list]
set lcase_tmfile_segments [string tolower [file split $this_pkg_tm_folder]]
set lcase_modulepaths [string tolower [tcl::tm::list]]
foreach lc_mpath $lcase_modulepaths {
set mpath_segments [file split $lc_mpath]
if {[llength [struct::set intersect $lcase_tmfile_segments $mpath_segments]] == [llength $mpath_segments]} {
set tail_segments [lrange [file split $this_pkg_tm_folder] [llength $mpath_segments] end]
if {[llength $tail_segments]} {
set connected(fullpackage,$modpodpath) [join [concat $tail_segments [set connected(package,$modpodpath)]] ::] ;#full name of package as used in package require
} else {
set connected(fullpackage,$modpodpath) [set connected(package,$modpodpath)]
switch -exact -- $connected(type,$modpodpath) {
"modpod-redirecting" {
#redirect to the unwrapped version
set loadscript_name [file join $unwrappedFolder #modpod-loadscript-$con(package,$modpod).tcl]
"unwrapped" {
if {[info commands ::thread::id] ne ""} {
set from [pid],[thread::id]
} else {
set from [pid]
#::modpod::Puts stderr "$from-> Package $connected(package,$modpodpath)-$connected(version,$modpodpath) is using unwrapped version: $modpodpath"
return [list ok ""]
default {
#autodetect .tm - zip/tar ?
#todo - use vfs ?
#connect to tarball - start at 1st header
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) 0
set fh [open $modpodpath r]
set connected(fh,$modpodpath) $fh
fconfigure $fh -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary -eofchar {}
if {$connected(startdata,$modpodpath) >= 0} {
#verify we have a valid tar header
if {![catch {::modpod::system::tar::readHeader [red $fh 512]}]} {
seek $fh $connected(startdata,$modpodpath) start
return [list ok $fh]
} else {
#error "cannot verify tar header"
lpop connected(to) end
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) -1
unset connected(fh,$modpodpath)
catch {close $fh}
return [dict create err {Does not appear to be a valid modpod}]
proc disconnect {{modpod ""}} {
variable connected
if {![llength $connected(to)]} {
return 0
if {$modpod eq ""} {
puts stderr "modpod::disconnect WARNING: modpod not explicitly specified. Disconnecting last connected: [lindex $connected(to) end]"
set modpod [lindex $connected(to) end]
if {[set posn [lsearch $connected(to) $modpod]] == -1} {
puts stderr "modpod::disconnect WARNING: disconnect called when not connected: $modpod"
return 0
if {[string length $connected(fh,$modpod)]} {
close $connected(fh,$modpod)
array unset connected *,$modpod
set connected(to) [lreplace $connected(to) $posn $posn]
return 1
proc get {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-from -default "" -help "path to pod"
*values -min 1 -max 1
} $args]
set frompod [dict get $argd opts -from]
set filename [dict get $argd values filename]
variable connected
set modpod [::modpod::system::connect_if_not $frompod]
set fh $connected(fh,$modpod)
if {$connected(type,$modpod) eq "unwrapped"} {
#for unwrapped connection - $connected(location) already points to the #modpod-pkg-ver folder
if {[string range $filename 0 0 eq "/"]} {
#absolute path (?)
set path [file join $connected(location,$modpod) .. [string trim $filename /]]
} else {
#relative path - use #modpod-xxx as base
set path [file join $connected(location,$modpod) $filename]
set fd [open $path r]
#fconfigure $fd -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
return [list ok [lindex [list [read $fd] [close $fd]] 0]]
} else {
#read from vfs
puts stderr "get $filename from wrapped pod '$frompod' not implemented"
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace modpod ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod::lib {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
namespace path [namespace parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc utility1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call lib::[fun utility1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of utility1
# return 1
proc is_valid_tm_version {versionpart} {
#Needs to be suitable for use with Tcl's 'package vcompare'
if {![catch [list package vcompare $versionparts $versionparts]]} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
#zipfile is a pure zip at this point - ie no script/exe header
proc make_zip_modpod {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-offsettype -default "archive" -choices {archive file} -help "Whether zip offsets are relative to start of file or start of zip-data within the file.
'archive' relative offsets are easier to work with (for writing/updating) in tools such as 7zip,peazip,
but other tools may be easier with 'file' relative offsets. (e.g info-zip,pkzip)
info-zip's 'zip -A' can sometimes convert archive-relative to file-relative.
-offsettype archive is equivalent to plain 'cat prefixfile zipfile > modulefile'"
*values -min 2 -max 2
zipfile -type path -minlen 1 -help "path to plain zip file with subfolder #modpod-packagename-version containing .tm, data files and/or binaries"
outfile -type path -minlen 1 -help "path to output file. Name should be of the form"
} $args]
set zipfile [dict get $argd values zipfile]
set outfile [dict get $argd values outfile]
set opt_offsettype [dict get $argd opts -offsettype]
set mount_stub [string map [list %offsettype% $opt_offsettype] {
#zip file with Tcl loader prepended. Requires either builtin zipfs, or vfs::zip to mount while zipped.
#Alternatively unzip so that extracted #modpod-package-version folder is in same folder as .tm file.
#generated using: modpod::lib::make_zip_modpod -offsettype %offsettype% <zipfile> <tmfile>
if {[catch {file normalize [info script]} modfile]} {
error "modpod zip stub error. Unable to determine module path. (possible safe interp restrictions?)"
if {$modfile eq "" || ![file exists $modfile]} {
error "modpod zip stub error. Unable to determine module path"
set moddir [file dirname $modfile]
set mod_and_ver [file rootname [file tail $modfile]]
lassign [split $mod_and_ver -] moduletail version
if {[file exists $moddir/#modpod-$mod_and_ver]} {
source $moddir/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
} else {
#determine module namespace so we can mount appropriately
proc intersect {A B} {
if {[llength $A] == 0} {return {}}
if {[llength $B] == 0} {return {}}
if {[llength $B] > [llength $A]} {
set res $A
set A $B
set B $res
set res {}
foreach x $A {set ($x) {}}
foreach x $B {
if {[info exists ($x)]} {
lappend res $x
return $res
set lcase_tmfile_segments [string tolower [file split $moddir]]
set lcase_modulepaths [string tolower [tcl::tm::list]]
foreach lc_mpath $lcase_modulepaths {
set mpath_segments [file split $lc_mpath]
if {[llength [intersect $lcase_tmfile_segments $mpath_segments]] == [llength $mpath_segments]} {
set tail_segments [lrange [file split $moddir] [llength $mpath_segments] end] ;#use properly cased tail
if {[llength $tail_segments]} {
set fullpackage [join [concat $tail_segments $moduletail] ::] ;#full name of package as used in package require
set mount_at #modpod/[file join {*}$tail_segments]/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver
} else {
set fullpackage $moduletail
set mount_at #modpod/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver
if {[info commands tcl::zipfs::mount] ne ""} {
#argument order changed to be consistent with vfs::zip::Mount etc
#early versions: zipfs::Mount mountpoint zipname
#since 2023-09: zipfs::Mount zipname mountpoint
#don't use 'file exists' when testing mountpoints. (some versions at least give massive delays on windows platform for non-existance)
#This is presumably related to // being interpreted as a network path
set mountpoints [dict keys [tcl::zipfs::mount]]
if {"//zipfs:/$mount_at" ni $mountpoints} {
#despite API change tcl::zipfs package version was unfortunately not updated - so we don't know argument order without trying it
if {[catch {
#tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile //zipfs:/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver ;#extremely slow if this is a wrong guess (artifact of aforementioned file exists issue ?)
#puts "tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile $mount_at"
tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile $mount_at
} errM]} {
#try old api
if {![catch {tcl::zipfs::mount //zipfs:/$mount_at $modfile}]} {
puts stderr "modpod stub>>> tcl::zipfs::mount <file> <mountpoint> failed.\nbut old api: tcl::zipfs::mount <mountpoint> <file> succeeded\n tcl::zipfs::mount //zipfs://$mount_at $modfile"
puts stderr "Consider upgrading tcl runtime to one with fixed zipfs API"
if {![file exists //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$]} {
puts stderr "modpod stub>>> mount at //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$ failed\n zipfs mounts: [zipfs mount]"
#tcl::zipfs::unmount //zipfs:/$mount_at
error "Unable to find $ in $modfile for module $fullpackage"
# #modpod-$mod_and_ver subdirectory always present in the archive so it can be conveniently extracted and run in that form
source //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
} else {
#fallback to slower vfs::zip
#NB. We don't create the intermediate dirs - but the mount still works
if {![file exists $moddir/$mount_at]} {
if {[catch {package require vfs::zip} errM]} {
set msg "Unable to load vfs::zip package to mount module $mod_and_ver (and zipfs not available either)"
append msg \n "If neither zipfs or vfs::zip are available - the module can still be loaded by manually unzipping the file $modfile in place."
append msg \n "The unzipped data will all be contained in a folder named #modpod-$mod_and_ver in the same parent folder as $modfile"
error $msg
} else {
set fd [vfs::zip::Mount $modfile $moddir/$mount_at]
if {![file exists $moddir/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$]} {
vfs::zip::Unmount $fd $moddir/$mount_at
error "Unable to find $ in $modfile for module $fullpackage"
source $moddir/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
#zipped data follows
#todo - test if supplied zipfile has #modpod-loadcript.tcl or some other script/executable before even creating?
append mount_stub \x1A
modpod::system::make_mountable_zip $zipfile $outfile $mount_stub $opt_offsettype
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace modpod::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval modpod::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
#deflate,store only supported
#zipfile here is plain zip - no script/exe prefix part.
proc make_mountable_zip {zipfile outfile mount_stub {offsettype "archive"}} {
set inzip [open $zipfile r]
fconfigure $inzip -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
set out [open $outfile w+]
fconfigure $out -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
puts -nonewline $out $mount_stub
set stuboffset [tell $out]
lappend report "stub size: $stuboffset"
fcopy $inzip $out
close $inzip
set size [tell $out]
lappend report "tmfile : [file tail $outfile]"
lappend report "output size : $size"
lappend report "offsettype : $offsettype"
if {$offsettype eq "file"} {
#make zip offsets relative to start of whole file including prepended script.
#same offset structure as Tcl's 'zipfs mkimg' as at 2024-10
#not editable by 7z,nanazip,peazip
#we aren't adding any new files/folders so we can edit the offsets in place
#Now seek in $out to find the end of directory signature:
#The structure itself is 24 bytes Long, followed by a maximum of 64Kbytes text
if {$size < 65559} {
set tailsearch_start 0
} else {
set tailsearch_start [expr {$size - 65559}]
seek $out $tailsearch_start
set data [read $out]
#EOCD - End of Central Directory record
set start_of_end [string last "\x50\x4b\x05\x06" $data]
#set start_of_end [expr {$start_of_end + $seek}]
#incr start_of_end $seek
set filerelative_eocd_posn [expr {$start_of_end + $tailsearch_start}]
lappend report "kitfile-relative START-OF-EOCD: $filerelative_eocd_posn"
seek $out $filerelative_eocd_posn
set end_of_ctrl_dir [read $out]
binary scan $end_of_ctrl_dir issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
lappend report "End of central directory: [array get eocd]"
seek $out [expr {$filerelative_eocd_posn+16}]
#adjust offset of start of central directory by the length of our sfx stub
puts -nonewline $out [binary format i [expr {$eocd(diroffset) + $stuboffset}]]
flush $out
seek $out $filerelative_eocd_posn
set end_of_ctrl_dir [read $out]
binary scan $end_of_ctrl_dir issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
# 0x06054b50 - end of central dir signature
puts stderr "$end_of_ctrl_dir"
puts stderr "comment_len: $eocd(comment_len)"
puts stderr "eocd sig: $eocd(signature) [punk::lib::dec2hex $eocd(signature)]"
lappend report "New dir offset: $eocd(diroffset)"
lappend report "Adjusting $eocd(totalnum) zip file items."
catch {
punk::lib::showdict -roottype list -chan stderr $report ;#heavy dependencies
seek $out $eocd(diroffset)
for {set i 0} {$i <$eocd(totalnum)} {incr i} {
set current_file [tell $out]
set fileheader [read $out 46]
puts --------------
puts [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 $fileheader]
puts --------------
#binary scan $fileheader is2sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
# x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
binary scan $fileheader ic4sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
set ::last_header $fileheader
puts "sig: $x(sig) (hex: [punk::lib::dec2hex $x(sig)])"
puts "ver: $x(version)"
puts "method: $x(method)"
#33639248 dec = 0x02014b50 - central directory file header signature
if { $x(sig) != 33639248 } {
error "modpod::system::make_mountable_zip Bad file header signature at item $i: dec:$x(sig) hex:[punk::lib::dec2hex $x(sig)]"
foreach size $x(lengths) var {filename extrafield comment} {
if { $size > 0 } {
set x($var) [read $out $size]
} else {
set x($var) ""
set next_file [tell $out]
lappend report "file $i: $x(offset) $x(sizes) $x(filename)"
seek $out [expr {$current_file+42}]
puts -nonewline $out [binary format i [expr {$x(offset)+$stuboffset}]]
flush $out
seek $out $current_file
set fileheader [read $out 46]
lappend report "old $x(offset) + $stuboffset"
binary scan $fileheader is2sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
lappend report "new $x(offset)"
seek $out $next_file
close $out
#pdict/showdict reuire punk & textlib - ie lots of dependencies
#don't fall over just because of that
catch {
punk::lib::showdict -roottype list -chan stderr $report
#puts [join $report \n]
proc connect_if_not {{podpath ""}} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set podpath [::modpod::system::normalize $podpath]
set docon 0
if {![llength $connected(to)]} {
if {![string length $podpath]} {
error "modpod::system::connect_if_not - Not connected to a modpod file, and no podpath specified"
} else {
set docon 1
} else {
if {![string length $podpath]} {
set podpath [lindex $connected(to) end]
puts stderr "modpod::system::connect_if_not WARNING: using last connected modpod:$podpath for operation\n -podpath not explicitly specified during operation: [info level -1]"
} else {
if {$podpath ni $connected(to)} {
set docon 1
if {$docon} {
if {[lindex [modpod::connect $podpath]] 0] ne "ok"} {
error "modpod::system::connect_if_not error. file $podpath does not seem to be a valid modpod"
} else {
return $podpath
#we were already connected
return $podpath
proc myversion {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myversion should only be called from within a loading modpod"
set fname [file tail [file rootname [file normalize $script]]]
set scriptdir [file dirname $script]
if {![string match "#modpod-*" $fname]} {
lassign [lrange [split $fname -] end-1 end] _pkgname version
} else {
lassign [scan [file tail [file rootname $script]] {#modpod-loadscript-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
if {![string length $version]} {
#try again on the name of the containing folder
lassign [scan [file tail $scriptdir] {#modpod-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
#todo - proper walk up the directory tree
if {![string length $version]} {
#try again on the grandparent folder (this is a standard depth for sourced .tcl files in a modpod)
lassign [scan [file tail [file dirname $scriptdir]] {#modpod-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
#tarjar::Log debug "'myversion' determined version for [info script]: $version"
return $version
proc myname {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myname should only be called from within a loading modpod"
return $connected(fullpackage,$script)
proc myfullname {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
#set script [::tarjar::normalize $script]
set script [file normalize $script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myfullname should only be called from within a loading tarjar"
return $::tarjar::connected(fullpackage,$script)
proc normalize {path} {
#newer versions of Tcl don't do tilde sub
#Tcl's 'file normalize' seems to do some unfortunate tilde substitution on windows.. (at least for relative paths)
# we take the assumption here that if Tcl's tilde substitution is required - it should be done before the path is provided to this function.
set matilda "<_tarjar_tilde_placeholder_>" ;#token that is *unlikely* to occur in the wild, and is somewhat self describing in case it somehow ..escapes..
set path [string map [list ~ $matilda] $path] ;#give our tildes to matilda to look after
set path [file normalize $path]
#set path [string tolower $path] ;#must do this after file normalize
return [string map [list $matilda ~] $path] ;#get our tildes back.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide modpod [namespace eval modpod {
variable pkg modpod
variable version
set version 0.1.2
#*** !doctools


@ -268,6 +268,34 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
#[list_begin definitions]
if {[info commands ::tcl::dict::getdef] eq ""} {
#package require punk::lib
#interp alias "" ::punk::args::Dict_getdef "" ::punk::lib::dict_getdef
proc Dict_getdef {dictValue args} {
set keys [lrange $args 0 end-1]
if {[tcl::dict::exists $dictValue {*}$keys]} {
return [tcl::dict::get $dictValue {*}$keys]
} else {
return [lindex $args end]
} else {
#we pay a minor perf penalty for the wrap
interp alias "" ::punk::args::Dict_getdef "" ::tcl::dict::getdef
#name to reflect maintenance - home is punk::lib::ldiff
proc punklib_ldiff {fromlist removeitems} {
if {[llength $removeitems] == 0} {return $fromlist}
set result {}
foreach item $fromlist {
if {$item ni $removeitems} {
lappend result $item
return $result
#todo? -synonym ? (applies to opts only not values)
#e.g -background -synonym -bg -default White
@ -339,10 +367,26 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
#puts "indent1:[ansistring VIEW $lastindent]"
set in_record 0
if {[catch {package require punk::ansi} errM]} {
set has_punkansi 0
} else {
set has_punkansi 1
foreach rawline $linelist {
set recordsofar [tcl::string::cat $linebuild $rawline]
#ansi colours can stop info complete from working (contain square brackets)
if {![tcl::info::complete [punk::ansi::ansistrip $recordsofar]]} {
#review - when exactly are ansi codes allowed/expected in argspecs.
# - we might reasonably expect them in default values or choices or help strings
# - square brackets in ansi aren't and can't be escaped if they're to work as literals in the data.
# - eg set line "set x \"a[a+ red]red[a]\""
# - 'info complete' will report 0, and subst would require -nocommand option or it will complain of missing close-bracket
if {$has_punkansi} {
set test_complete [punk::ansi::ansistrip $recordsofar]
} else {
set test_complete [string map [list \x1b\[ ""] $recordsofar]
if {![tcl::info::complete $test_complete]} {
#append linebuild [string trimleft $rawline] \n
if {$in_record} {
if {[tcl::string::length $lastindent]} {
@ -602,7 +646,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
-default - -solo - -range - -choices - -choiceprefix - -choicelabels - -choiceprefix - -minlen - -maxlen - -nocase - -optional - -multiple - -validate_without_ansi - -allow_ansi - -strip_ansi - -help - -ARGTYPE {
-default - -solo - -range - -choices - -choiceprefix - -choicelabels - -minlen - -maxlen - -nocase - -optional - -multiple - -validate_without_ansi - -allow_ansi - -strip_ansi - -help - -ARGTYPE {
#review -solo 1 vs -type none ?
tcl::dict::set spec_merged $spec $specval
@ -711,8 +755,8 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
if {![catch {package require textblock}]} {
if {[catch {
append errmsg \n
set procname [punk::lib::dict_getdef $spec_dict proc_info -name ""]
set prochelp [punk::lib::dict_getdef $spec_dict proc_info -help ""]
set procname [::punk::args::Dict_getdef $spec_dict proc_info -name ""]
set prochelp [::punk::args::Dict_getdef $spec_dict proc_info -help ""]
#set t [textblock::class::table new [a+ web-yellow]Usage[a]]
set t [textblock::class::table new [a+ brightyellow]Usage[a]]
@ -787,7 +831,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
} else {
set default ""
set help [punk::lib::dict_getdef $arginfo -help ""]
set help [::punk::args::Dict_getdef $arginfo -help ""]
if {[dict exists $arginfo -choices]} {
if {$help ne ""} {append help \n}
if {[dict get $arginfo -nocase]} {
@ -801,7 +845,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
set prefixmsg ""
append help "Choices$prefixmsg$casemsg"
if {[catch {package require punk::trie}]} {
if {![dict get $arginfo -choiceprefix] || [catch {package require punk::trie}]} {
append help "\n " [join [dict get $arginfo -choices] "\n "]
} else {
if {[catch {
@ -825,7 +869,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
if {[punk::lib::dict_getdef $arginfo -multiple 0]} {
if {[::punk::args::Dict_getdef $arginfo -multiple 0]} {
set multiple $greencheck
} else {
set multiple ""
@ -842,7 +886,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
} else {
set default ""
set help [punk::lib::dict_getdef $arginfo -help ""]
set help [::punk::args::Dict_getdef $arginfo -help ""]
if {[dict exists $arginfo -choices]} {
if {$help ne ""} {append help \n}
if {[dict get $arginfo -nocase]} {
@ -856,7 +900,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
set prefixmsg ""
append help "Choices$prefixmsg$casemsg"
if {[catch {package require punk::trie}]} {
if {![dict get $arginfo -choiceprefix] || [catch {package require punk::trie}]} {
append help "\n " [join [dict get $arginfo -choices] "\n "]
} else {
if {[catch {
@ -880,7 +924,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
if {[punk::lib::dict_getdef $arginfo -multiple 0]} {
if {[punk::args::Dict_getdef $arginfo -multiple 0]} {
set multiple $greencheck
} else {
set multiple ""
@ -1261,10 +1305,10 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
# error "Required value missing for [Get_caller]. missing values $missing marked with -optional false - so must be present"
#for now (2024-06) punk::lib::ldiff is a better compromise across normal/safe interps e.g 0.7/0.8us
if {[llength [set missing [punk::lib::ldiff $opt_required $flagsreceived]]]} {
if {[llength [set missing [punklib_ldiff $opt_required $flagsreceived]]]} {
arg_error "Required option missing for [Get_caller]. missing flags: '$missing' are marked with -optional false - so must be present in full-length form" $argspecs
if {[llength [set missing [punk::lib::ldiff $val_required $valnames_received]]]} {
if {[llength [set missing [punklib_ldiff $val_required $valnames_received]]]} {
arg_error "Required value missing for [Get_caller]. missing values: '$missing' marked with -optional false - so must be present" $argspecs
@ -1396,14 +1440,25 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
package require ansi
int {
#-range can be expressed as two integers or an integer and an empty string e.g {0 ""} >= 0 or {"" 10} <=10 or {-1 10} -1 to 10 inclusive
if {[tcl::dict::exists $thisarg -range]} {
lassign [tcl::dict::get $thisarg -range] low high
foreach e $vlist e_check $vlist_check {
if {![tcl::string::is integer -strict $e_check]} {
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] requires type 'integer'. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
if {$low eq ""} {
if {$e_check < $low} {
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] must be integer greater than or equal to $low. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
} elseif {$high eq ""} {
if {$e_check > $high} {
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] must be integer less than or equal to $high. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
} else {
if {$e_check < $low || $e_check > $high} {
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] must be integer between $low and $high. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] must be integer between $low and $high inclusive. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
} else {
@ -1426,6 +1481,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
switch -- $checkopt {
-range {
#todo - small-value double comparisons with error-margin? review
#todo - empty string for low or high
lassign $checkval low high
if {$e_check < $low || $e_check > $high} {
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] must be between $low and $high. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
@ -1493,7 +1549,8 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
existingfile -
existingdirectory {
foreach e $vlist e_check $vlist_check {
if {!([tcl::string::length $e_check]>0 && ![regexp {[\"*?<>\;]} $e_check])} {
#//review - we may need '?' char on windows
if {!([tcl::string::length $e_check]>0 && ![regexp {[\"*<>\;]} $e_check])} {
#what about special file names e.g on windows NUL ?
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] requires type '$type'. Received: '$e' which doesn't look like it could be a file or directory" $argspecs $argname


@ -505,11 +505,13 @@ namespace eval punk::cap::handlers::templates {
set subpathlist [split $tailats +]
if {[dict exists $refinfo sourceinfo projectbase]} {
#some template pathtypes refer to the projectroot from the template - not the cwd
set projectroot [dict get $refinfo sourceinfo projectbase]
set ref_projectroot [dict get $refinfo sourceinfo projectbase]
} else {
set ref_projectroot $projectroot
if {$projectroot ne ""} {
set layoutroot [file join $projectroot src/project_layouts]
if {$ref_projectroot ne ""} {
set layoutroot [file join $ref_projectroot src/project_layouts]
set layoutfolder [file join $layoutroot {*}$subpathlist]
if {[file isdirectory $layoutfolder]} {
#todo - check if layoutname already in layoutdict append .ref path to list of refs that linked to this layout?


@ -468,16 +468,15 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
#adler32 via file-slurp
proc cksum_adler32_file {filename} {
package require zlib; #should be builtin anyway
#2024 - zlib should be builtin - otherwise fallback to trf + zlibtcl?
set data [punk::mix::util::fcat -translation binary -encoding iso8859-1 $filename]
#set data [fileutil::cat -translation binary $filename] ;#no significant performance diff on windows - and doesn't handle win-illegal names
zlib adler32 $data
#zlib crc via file-slurp
proc cksum_crc_file {filename} {
package require zlib
set data [punk::mix::util::fcat -translation binary -encoding iso8859-1 $filename]
zlib crc $data
zlib crc32 $data
proc cksum_md5_data {data} {


@ -687,28 +687,53 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
package require punk::zip
set zipfile $buildfolder/$basename-$ ;#ordinary zip file (deflate)
if 0 {
set zipmechanism "punk::zip" ;#todo - get choice of mechanism from config
switch -- $zipmechanism {
"punk::zip" {
#use -base $buildfolder so that -directory is included in the archive - the modpod stub relies on this - and extraction would be potentially messy otherwise
punk::zip::mkzip -base $buildfolder -directory $buildfolder/#modpod-$basename-$module_build_version -- $zipfile *
#punk::zip::mkzip stores permissions - (unix style) which confuses zipfs when reading - it misidentifies dirs as files
#zipfs mkzip does exactly what we need anyway in this case
#unfortunately it's not available in all Tclsh versions we might be running..
"zipfs" {
if {[llength [info commands zipfs]]} {
#'zipfs mkzip' does we need in this case
#unfortunately it's not available in all Tclsh versions we might be running..
# as at 2024-10 - zipfs mkimg seems to create an apparently working zip - but on windows not updatable with 'zip -A' or 7z etc
#This is because offsets are file relative vs archive relative
#(pkzip & info-zip seem to prefer file-relative ie offsets that have been adjusted after cat headerfile zipfile > somekit
#this isn't an issue for 'mkzip' here though as we don't yet have a headerfile so offset file vs archive are the same.
set wd [pwd]
cd $buildfolder
puts "zipfs mkzip $zipfile #modpod-$basename-$module_build_version"
zipfs mkzip $zipfile #modpod-$basename-$module_build_version
cd $wd
package require modpod
modpod::lib::make_zip_modpod $zipfile $modulefile
} else {
#TODO - review punk::zip::mkzip and/or external zip to provide a fallback?
set had_error 1
lappend notes "zipfs_unavailable"
puts stderr "WARNING: zipfs unavailable can't build $modulefile"
default {
set had_error 1
lappend notes "unrecognized_zipmechanism"
puts stderr "WARNING: no such zipmechanism '$zipmechanism' can't build $modulefile"
if {[catch {package require modpod} errM]} {
set had_error 1
lappend notes "modpod_unavailable"
puts stderr "WARNING: modpod package unavailable can't build $modulefile"
if {!$had_error} {
package require modpod
modpod::lib::make_zip_modpod $zipfile $modulefile
if {$had_error} {


@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ package require punk::args
#sort of a circular dependency when commandset loaded by punk::mix::cli - that's ok, but this could theoretically be loaded by another cli and with another base
package require punk::mix
package require punk::mix::base
package require punk::lib
package require textblock
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
@ -41,8 +42,10 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
return [join $allfiles \n]
proc templatefiles {layout} {
set templatefiles [lib::layout_scan_for_template_files $layout]
return [join $templatefiles \n]
set templatefiles_and_tags [lib::layout_scan_for_template_files $layout]
set flatlist [punk::lib::lmapflat v $templatefiles_and_tags {lrange $v 0 end}]
#return [join $templatefiles \n]
textblock::list_as_table -header {"File with tags found" "Tags"} -columns 2 $flatlist
proc templatefiles.relative {layout} {
@ -56,12 +59,14 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
set stripprefix [file normalize $layoutfolder]
set templatefiles [lib::layout_scan_for_template_files $layout]
set tails [list]
foreach templatefullpath $templatefiles {
lappend tails [punk::repo::path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth $templatefullpath $stripprefix]
set templatefiles_and_tags [lib::layout_scan_for_template_files $layout]
set flatlist [list]
foreach entry $templatefiles_and_tags {
lassign $entry templatefullpath tags
lappend flatlist [punk::repo::path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth $templatefullpath $stripprefix] $tags
return [join $tails \n]
#return [join $tails \n]
textblock::list_as_table -header {"File with tags found" "Tags"} -columns 2 $flatlist
#layout collection functions - to be imported with punk::overlay::import_commandset separately
@ -110,28 +115,16 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
set title(path) "Path"
set widest(path) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(path)] $paths] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(path) [string repeat " " $widest(path)]
set title(pathtype) "[a+ green]Path Type[a]"
set widest(pathtype) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(pathtype)] $pathtypes] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(pathtype) [string repeat " " $widest(pathtype)]
set title(name) "Layout Name"
set widest(name) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(name)] $names] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(name) [string repeat " " $widest(name)]
set vsep " | "
set vsep_w [string length $vsep] ;#unicode?
set tablewidth [expr {$widest(name) + $vsep_w + $widest(pathtype) + $vsep_w + $widest(path)}]
set table ""
append table [string repeat - $tablewidth] \n
append table "[textblock::join -- [overtype::left $col(name) $title(name)] $vsep [overtype::left $col(pathtype) $title(pathtype)] $vsep [overtype::left $col(path) $title(path)]]" \n
append table [string repeat - $tablewidth] \n
set data [list]
foreach n $names pt $pathtypes p $paths {
append table "[textblock::join -- [overtype::left $col(name) $n] $vsep [overtype::left $col(pathtype) $pt] $vsep [overtype::left $col(path) $p]]" \n
lappend data $n $pt $p
set table [textblock::list_as_table -columns 3 -header [list $title(name) $title(pathtype) $title(path)] $data]
return $table
@ -156,29 +149,16 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
lappend pathtypes [dict get $tinfo sourceinfo pathtype]
set title(path) "Path"
set widest(path) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(path)] $paths] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(path) [string repeat " " $widest(path)]
set title(pathtype) "[a+ green]Path Type[a]"
set widest(pathtype) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(pathtype)] $pathtypes] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(pathtype) [string repeat " " $widest(pathtype)]
set title(name) "Layout Name"
set widest(name) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(name)] $names] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(name) [string repeat " " $widest(name)]
set vsep " | "
set vsep_w [string length $vsep] ;#unicode?
set tablewidth [expr {$widest(name) + $vsep_w + $widest(pathtype) + $vsep_w + $widest(path)}]
set table ""
append table [string repeat - $tablewidth] \n
append table "[textblock::join -- [overtype::left $col(name) $title(name)] $vsep [overtype::left $col(pathtype) $title(pathtype)] $vsep [overtype::left $col(path) $title(path)]]" \n
append table [string repeat - $tablewidth] \n
set title(pathtype) "[a+ green]Path Type[a]"
set title(path) "Path"
set data [list]
foreach n $names pt $pathtypes p $paths {
append table "[textblock::join -- [overtype::left $col(name) $n] $vsep [overtype::left $col(pathtype) $pt] $vsep [overtype::left $col(path) $p]]" \n
#append table "[textblock::join -- [overtype::left $col(name) $n] $vsep [overtype::left $col(pathtype) $pt] $vsep [overtype::left $col(path) $p]]" \n
lappend data $n $pt $p
set table [textblock::list_as_table -columns 3 -header [list $title(name) $title(pathtype) $title(path)] $data]
return $table
@ -243,7 +223,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
#todo - get standard tags from somewhere
set tagnames [list project]
foreach tn $tagnames {
lappend tags [string cat % $tn %]
lappend tags [string cat % $tn %] ;#make sure actual tag literal doesn't appear in this source file
set file_list [list]
@ -252,10 +232,14 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set data [read $fd]
close $fd
foreach tag $tags {
set found_tags [list]
foreach tag $tags tn $tagnames {
if {[string match "*$tag*" $data]} {
lappend file_list $path
lappend found_tags $tn
if {[llength $found_tags]} {
lappend file_list [list $path $found_tags]


@ -395,19 +395,30 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
set templatefiles [punk::mix::commandset::layout::lib::layout_scan_for_template_files $opt_layout]
set stripprefix [file normalize $layout_path]
set tagmap [list [lib::template_tag project] $projectname]
#set tagmap [list [lib::template_tag project] $projectname]
#todo - get from somewhere
set alltag_substitutions [list project $projectname]
if {[llength $templatefiles]} {
puts stdout "Filling template file placeholders with the following tag map:"
foreach {placeholder value} $tagmap {
foreach {placeholder value} $alltag_substitutions {
puts stdout " $placeholder -> $value"
foreach templatefullpath $templatefiles {
foreach templatefullpath_and_tags $templatefiles {
lassign $templatefullpath_and_tags templatefullpath tags_present
set templatetail [punk::repo::path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth $templatefullpath $stripprefix]
set fpath [file join $projectdir $templatetail]
if {[file exists $fpath]} {
set fd [open $fpath r]; fconfigure $fd -translation binary; set data [read $fd]; close $fd
set tagmap [list]
dict for {t v} $alltag_substitutions {
if {$t in $tags_present} {
lappend tagmap [lib::template_tag $t] $v
set data2 [string map $tagmap $data]
if {$data2 ne $data} {
puts stdout "updated template file: $fpath"


@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#First line must be a semantic version number
#First line must be a tcl package version number
#all other lines are ignored.

src/vfs/_vfscommon/modules/punk/ → src/project_layouts/custom/_project/punk.project-0.1/src/bootsupport/modules/punk/


@ -244,14 +244,131 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
if {!$excluded} {lappend result $file}
foreach dir [glob -nocomplain -tails -types d -directory $base -- [file join $subpath *]] {
set subdir [walk -subpath $dir -excludes $excludes $base {*}$fileglobs]
if {[llength $subdir]>0} {
set result [concat $result $dir $subdir]
set subdir_entries [walk -subpath $dir -excludes $excludes $base {*}$fileglobs]
if {[llength $subdir_entries]>0} {
#NOTE: trailing slash required for entries to be recognised as 'file type' = "directory"
#This is true for 2024 Tcl9 mounted zipfs at least. zip utilities such as 7zip seem(icon correct) to recognize dirs with or without trailing slash
#Although there are attributes on some systems to specify if entry is a directory - it appears trailing slash should always be used for folder names.
set result [list {*}$result "$dir/" {*}$subdir_entries]
return $result
proc extract_zip_prefix {infile outfile} {
set inzip [open $infile r]
fconfigure $inzip -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
if {[file exists $outfile]} {
error "outfile $outfile already exists - please remove first"
chan seek $inzip 0 end
set insize [tell $inzip] ;#faster (including seeks) than calling out to filesystem using file size - but should be equivalent
chan seek $inzip 0 start
#only scan last 64k - cover max signature size?? review
if {$insize < 65559} {
set tailsearch_start 0
} else {
set tailsearch_start [expr {$insize - 65559}]
chan seek $inzip $tailsearch_start start
set scan [read $inzip]
#EOCD - End Of Central Directory record
set start_of_end [string last "\x50\x4b\x05\x06" $scan]
puts stdout "==>start_of_end: $start_of_end"
if {$start_of_end == -1} {
#no zip cdr - consider entire file to be the zip prefix
set baseoffset $insize
} else {
set filerelative_eocd_posn [expr {$start_of_end + $tailsearch_start}]
chan seek $inzip $filerelative_eocd_posn
set cdir_record_plus [read $inzip] ;#can have trailing data
binary scan $cdir_record_plus issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
#rule out a false positive from within a nonzip (e.g plain exe)
#There exists for example a PK\5\6 in a plain tclsh, but it doesn't appear to be zip related.
#It doesn't seem to occur near the end - so perhaps not an issue - but we'll do some basic checks anyway
#we only support single disk - so we'll validate a bit more by requiring disknbr and ctrldirdisk to be zeros
#todo - just search for Pk\5\6\0\0\0\0 in the first place? //review
if {$eocd(disknbr) + $eocd(ctrldirdisk) != 0} {
#review - should keep searching?
#for now we assume not a zip
set baseoffset $insize
} else {
#use the central dir size to jump back tko start of central dir
#determine if diroffset is file or archive relative
set filerelative_cdir_start [expr {$filerelative_eocd_posn - $eocd(dirsize)}]
puts stdout "---> [read $inzip 4]"
if {$filerelative_cdir_start > $eocd(diroffset)} {
#easy case - 'archive' offset - (and one of the reasons I prefer archive-offset - it makes finding the 'prefix' easier
#though we are assuming zip offsets are not corrupted
set baseoffset [expr {$filerelative_cdir_start - $eocd(diroffset)}]
} else {
#hard case - either no prefix - or offsets have been adjusted to be file relative.
#we could scan from top (ugly) - and with binary prefixes we could get false positives in the data that look like PK\3\4 headers
#we could either work out the format for all possible executables that could be appended (across all platforms) and understand where they end?
#or we just look for the topmost PK\3\4 header pointed to by a CDR record - and assume the CDR is complete
#step one - read all the CD records and find the highest pointed to local file record (which isn't necessarily the first - but should get us above most if not all of the zip data)
#we can't assume they're ordered in any particular way - so we in theory have to look at them all.
set baseoffset "unknown"
chan seek $inzip $filerelative_cdir_start start
#binary scan $cdir_record_plus issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
# eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
#load the whole central dir into cdir
#todo! loop through all cdr file headers - find highest offset?
#tclZipfs.c just looks at first file header in Central Directory
#looking at all entries would be more robust - but we won't work harder than tclZipfs.c for now //REVIEW
set cdirdata [read $inzip $eocd(dirsize)]
binary scan $cdirdata issssssiiisssssii cdir(signature) cdir(_vermadeby) cdir(_verneeded) cdir(gpbitflag) cdir(compmethod) cdir(lastmodifiedtime) cdir(lastmodifieddate)\
cdir(uncompressedcrc32) cdir(compressedsize) cdir(uncompressedsize) cdir(filenamelength) cdir(extrafieldlength) cdir(filecommentlength) cdir(disknbr)\
cdir(internalfileattributes) cdir(externalfileatributes) cdir(relativeoffset)
#since we're in this branch - we assume cdir(relativeoffset) is from the start of the file
chan seek $inzip $cdir(relativeoffset)
#let's at least check that we landed on a local file header..
set local_file_header_beginning [read $inzip 28]; #local_file_header without the file name and extra field
binary scan $local_file_header_beginning isssssiiiss lfh(signature) lfh(_verneeded) lfh(gpbitflag) lfh(compmethod) lfh(lastmodifiedtime) lfh(lastmodifieddate)\
lfh(uncompressedcrc32) lfh(compressedsize) lfh(uncompressedsize) lfh(filenamelength) lfh(extrafieldlength)
#dec2hex 67324752 = 4034B50 = PK\3\4
puts stdout "1st local file header sig: $lfh(signature)"
if {$lfh(signature) == 67324752} {
#looks like a local file header
#use our cdir(relativeoffset) as the start of the zip-data (//review - possible embedded password + end marker preceeding this)
set baseoffset $cdir(relativeoffset)
puts stdout "filerel_cdirstart: $filerelative_cdir_start recorded_offset: $eocd(diroffset)"
puts stdout "baseoffset: $baseoffset"
#expect CDFH PK\1\2
#above the CDFH - we expect a bunch of PK\3\4 records - (possibly not all of them pointed to by the CDR)
#above that we expect: *possibly* a stored password with trailing marker - then the prefixed exe/script
if {![string is integer -strict $baseoffset]} {
error "unable to determine zip baseoffset of file $infile"
if {$baseoffset < $insize} {
set out [open $outfile w]
fconfigure $out -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
chan seek $inzip 0 start
chan copy $inzip $out -size $baseoffset
close $out
close $inzip
} else {
close $inzip
file copy $infile $outfile
# Mkzipfile --
# FIX ME: should handle the current offset for non-seekable channels
@ -367,6 +484,12 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
append hdr $utfpath $extra $utfcomment
return $hdr
#### REVIEW!!!
#JMN - review - this looks to be offset relative to start of file - (same as 2024 Tcl 'mkzip mkimg')
# we probably want offsets to start of archive for exe/script-prefixed zips.on windows (editability with 7z,peazip)
# zip::mkzip --
# eg: zip -directory Subdir -runtime unzipsfx.exe *.txt
@ -526,6 +649,8 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
fcopy $rt $zf
close $rt
} elseif {$opts(-zipkit)} {
#TODO - update to zipfs ?
#see modpod
set zkd "#!/usr/bin/env tclkit\n\# This is a zip-based Tcl Module\n"
append zkd "package require vfs::zip\n"
append zkd "vfs::zip::Mount \[info script\] \[info script\]\n"
@ -535,6 +660,10 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
append zkd \x1A
puts -nonewline $zf $zkd
#todo - subtract this from the endrec offset.. and any ... ?
set dataStartOffset [tell $zf] ;#the overall file offset of the start of data section //JMN 2024
set count 0
set cd ""


@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use punkshell 'pmix make' or bin/punkmake to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# module template: shellspy/src/decktemplates/vendor/punk/modules/
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) 2024 JMN
# (C) 2009 Path Thoyts <>
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application punk::zip 0.1.1
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license <unspecified>
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin shellspy_module_punk::zip 0 0.1.1]
#[copyright "2024"]
#[titledesc {Module API}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {-}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require punk::zip]
#[keywords module]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of punk::zip
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by punk::zip
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6-
package require punk::args
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
#[item] [package {punk::args}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# oo::class namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip::class {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::zip::class}]
#[para] class definitions
#if {[tcl::info::commands [tcl::namespace::current]::interface_sample1] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Base namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
tcl::namespace::export {[a-z]*} ;# Convention: export all lowercase
#variable xyz
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::zip}]
#[para] Core API functions for punk::zip
#[list_begin definitions]
proc Path_a_atorbelow_b {path_a path_b} {
return [expr {[StripPath $path_b $path_a] ne $path_a}]
proc Path_a_at_b {path_a path_b} {
return [expr {[StripPath $path_a $path_b] eq "." }]
proc Path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth {path prefix} {
if {$prefix eq ""} {
return $path
set pathparts [file split $path]
set prefixparts [file split $prefix]
if {[llength $prefixparts] >= [llength $pathparts]} {
return ""
return [file join \
{*}[lrange \
$pathparts \
[llength $prefixparts] \
#StripPath - borrowed from tcllib fileutil
# ::fileutil::stripPath --
# If the specified path references/is a path in prefix (or prefix itself) it
# is made relative to prefix. Otherwise it is left unchanged.
# In the case of it being prefix itself the result is the string '.'.
# Arguments:
# prefix prefix to strip from the path.
# path path to modify
# Results:
# path The (possibly) modified path.
if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) windows]} {
# Windows. While paths are stored with letter-case preserved al
# comparisons have to be done case-insensitive. For reference see
# SF Tcllib Bug 2499641.
proc StripPath {prefix path} {
# [file split] is used to generate a canonical form for both
# paths, for easy comparison, and also one which is easy to modify
# using list commands.
set prefix [file split $prefix]
set npath [file split $path]
if {[string equal -nocase $prefix $npath]} {
return "."
if {[string match -nocase "${prefix} *" $npath]} {
set path [eval [linsert [lrange $npath [llength $prefix] end] 0 file join ]]
return $path
} else {
proc StripPath {prefix path} {
# [file split] is used to generate a canonical form for both
# paths, for easy comparison, and also one which is easy to modify
# using list commands.
set prefix [file split $prefix]
set npath [file split $path]
if {[string equal $prefix $npath]} {
return "."
if {[string match "${prefix} *" $npath]} {
set path [eval [linsert [lrange $npath [llength $prefix] end] 0 file join ]]
return $path
proc Timet_to_dos {time_t} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun Timet_to_dos] [arg time_t]]
#[para] convert a unix timestamp into a DOS timestamp for ZIP times.
#[example {
# DOS timestamps are 32 bits split into bit regions as follows:
# 24 16 8 0
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|m| |m|m|m|d|d|d|d|d| |h|h|h|h|h|m|m|m| |m|m|m|s|s|s|s|s|
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
set s [clock format $time_t -format {%Y %m %e %k %M %S}]
scan $s {%d %d %d %d %d %d} year month day hour min sec
expr {(($year-1980) << 25) | ($month << 21) | ($day << 16)
| ($hour << 11) | ($min << 5) | ($sec >> 1)}
proc walk {args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun walk] [arg ?options?] [arg base]]
#[para] Walk a directory tree rooted at base
#[para] the -excludes list can be a set of glob expressions to match against files and avoid
#[para] e.g
#[example {
# punk::zip::walk -exclude {CVS/* *~.#*} library
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
*proc -name punk::zip::walk
-excludes -default "" -help "list of glob expressions to match against files and exclude"
-subpath -default ""
*values -min 1 -max -1
fileglobs -default {*} -multiple 1
} $args]
set base [dict get $argd values base]
set fileglobs [dict get $argd values fileglobs]
set subpath [dict get $argd opts -subpath]
set excludes [dict get $argd opts -excludes]
set imatch [list]
foreach fg $fileglobs {
lappend imatch [file join $subpath $fg]
set result {}
#set imatch [file join $subpath $match]
set files [glob -nocomplain -tails -types f -directory $base -- {*}$imatch]
foreach file $files {
set excluded 0
foreach glob $excludes {
if {[string match $glob $file]} {
set excluded 1
if {!$excluded} {lappend result $file}
foreach dir [glob -nocomplain -tails -types d -directory $base -- [file join $subpath *]] {
set subdir_entries [walk -subpath $dir -excludes $excludes $base {*}$fileglobs]
if {[llength $subdir_entries]>0} {
#NOTE: trailing slash required for entries to be recognised as 'file type' = "directory"
#This is true for 2024 Tcl9 mounted zipfs at least. zip utilities such as 7zip seem(icon correct) to recognize dirs with or without trailing slash
#Although there are attributes on some systems to specify if entry is a directory - it appears trailing slash should always be used for folder names.
set result [list {*}$result "$dir/" {*}$subdir_entries]
return $result
#if there is an external preamble - extract that. (if there is also an internal preamble - ignore and consider part of the archive-data)
#Otherwise extract an internal preamble.
#if neither -
#review - reconsider auto-determination of internal vs external preamble
proc extract_preamble {infile outfile_preamble {outfile_zip ""}} {
set inzip [open $infile r]
fconfigure $inzip -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
if {[file exists $outfile_preamble]} {
error "outfile_preamble $outfile_preamble already exists - please remove first"
if {$outfile_zip ne ""} {
if {[file exists $outfile_zip] && [file size $outfile_zip]} {
error "outfile_zip $outfile_zip already exists - please remove first"
chan seek $inzip 0 end
set insize [tell $inzip] ;#faster (including seeks) than calling out to filesystem using file size - but should be equivalent
chan seek $inzip 0 start
#only scan last 64k - cover max signature size?? review
if {$insize < 65559} {
set tailsearch_start 0
} else {
set tailsearch_start [expr {$insize - 65559}]
chan seek $inzip $tailsearch_start start
set scan [read $inzip]
#EOCD - End Of Central Directory record
set start_of_end [string last "\x50\x4b\x05\x06" $scan]
puts stdout "==>start_of_end: $start_of_end"
if {$start_of_end == -1} {
#no zip eocdr - consider entire file to be the zip preamble
set baseoffset $insize
} else {
set filerelative_eocd_posn [expr {$start_of_end + $tailsearch_start}]
chan seek $inzip $filerelative_eocd_posn
set cdir_record_plus [read $inzip] ;#can have trailing data
binary scan $cdir_record_plus issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
#rule out a false positive from within a nonzip (e.g plain exe)
#There exists for example a PK\5\6 in a plain tclsh, but it doesn't appear to be zip related.
#It doesn't seem to occur near the end - so perhaps not an issue - but we'll do some basic checks anyway
#we only support single disk - so we'll validate a bit more by requiring disknbr and ctrldirdisk to be zeros
#todo - just search for Pk\5\6\0\0\0\0 in the first place? //review
if {$eocd(disknbr) + $eocd(ctrldirdisk) != 0} {
#review - should keep searching?
#for now we assume not a zip
set baseoffset $insize
} else {
#use the central dir size to jump back tko start of central dir
#determine if diroffset is file or archive relative
set filerelative_cdir_start [expr {$filerelative_eocd_posn - $eocd(dirsize)}]
puts stdout "---> [read $inzip 4]"
if {$filerelative_cdir_start > $eocd(diroffset)} {
#'external preamble' easy case
# - ie 'archive' offset - (and one of the reasons I prefer archive-offset - it makes finding the 'prefix' easier
#though we are assuming zip offsets are not corrupted
set baseoffset [expr {$filerelative_cdir_start - $eocd(diroffset)}]
} else {
#'internal preamble' hard case
# - either no preamble - or offsets have been adjusted to be file relative.
#we could scan from top (ugly) - and with binary prefixes we could get false positives in the data that look like PK\3\4 headers
#we could either work out the format for all possible executables that could be appended (across all platforms) and understand where they end?
#or we just look for the topmost PK\3\4 header pointed to by a CDR record - and assume the CDR is complete
#step one - read all the CD records and find the highest pointed to local file record (which isn't necessarily the first - but should get us above most if not all of the zip data)
#we can't assume they're ordered in any particular way - so we in theory have to look at them all.
set baseoffset "unknown"
chan seek $inzip $filerelative_cdir_start start
#binary scan $cdir_record_plus issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
# eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
#load the whole central dir into cdir
#todo! loop through all cdr file headers - find highest offset?
#tclZipfs.c just looks at first file header in Central Directory
#looking at all entries would be more robust - but we won't work harder than tclZipfs.c for now //REVIEW
set cdirdata [read $inzip $eocd(dirsize)]
binary scan $cdirdata issssssiiisssssii cdir(signature) cdir(_vermadeby) cdir(_verneeded) cdir(gpbitflag) cdir(compmethod) cdir(lastmodifiedtime) cdir(lastmodifieddate)\
cdir(uncompressedcrc32) cdir(compressedsize) cdir(uncompressedsize) cdir(filenamelength) cdir(extrafieldlength) cdir(filecommentlength) cdir(disknbr)\
cdir(internalfileattributes) cdir(externalfileatributes) cdir(relativeoffset)
#since we're in this branch - we assume cdir(relativeoffset) is from the start of the file
chan seek $inzip $cdir(relativeoffset)
#let's at least check that we landed on a local file header..
set local_file_header_beginning [read $inzip 28]; #local_file_header without the file name and extra field
binary scan $local_file_header_beginning isssssiiiss lfh(signature) lfh(_verneeded) lfh(gpbitflag) lfh(compmethod) lfh(lastmodifiedtime) lfh(lastmodifieddate)\
lfh(uncompressedcrc32) lfh(compressedsize) lfh(uncompressedsize) lfh(filenamelength) lfh(extrafieldlength)
#dec2hex 67324752 = 4034B50 = PK\3\4
puts stdout "1st local file header sig: $lfh(signature)"
if {$lfh(signature) == 67324752} {
#looks like a local file header
#use our cdir(relativeoffset) as the start of the zip-data (//review - possible embedded password + end marker preceeding this)
set baseoffset $cdir(relativeoffset)
puts stdout "filerel_cdirstart: $filerelative_cdir_start recorded_offset: $eocd(diroffset)"
puts stdout "baseoffset: $baseoffset"
#expect CDFH PK\1\2
#above the CD - we expect a bunch of PK\3\4 records - (possibly not all of them pointed to by the CDR)
#above that we expect: *possibly* a stored password with trailing marker - then the prefixed exe/script
if {![string is integer -strict $baseoffset]} {
error "unable to determine zip baseoffset of file $infile"
if {$baseoffset < $insize} {
set pout [open $outfile_preamble w]
fconfigure $pout -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
chan seek $inzip 0 start
chan copy $inzip $pout -size $baseoffset
close $pout
if {$outfile_zip ne ""} {
#todo - if it was internal preamble - need to adjust offsets to fix the split off zipfile
set zout [open $outfile_zip w]
fconfigure $zout -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
chan copy $inzip $zout
close $zout
close $inzip
} else {
#no valid (from our perspective) eocdr found - baseoffset has been set to insize
close $inzip
file copy $infile $outfile_preamble
if {$outfile_zip ne ""} {
#touch equiv?
set fd [open $outfile_zip w]
close $fd
# Addentry - was Mkzipfile --
# FIX ME: should handle the current offset for non-seekable channels
proc Addentry {args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun Addentry] [arg zipchan] [arg base] [arg path] [arg ?comment?]]
#[para] Add a single file to a zip archive
#[para] The zipchan channel should already be open and binary.
#[para] You can provide a -comment for the file.
#[para] The return value is the central directory record that will need to be used when finalizing the zip archive.
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
*proc -name punk::zip::Addentry -help "Add a single file at 'path' to open channel 'zipchan'
return a central directory file record"
-comment -default "" -help "An optional comment specific to the added file"
*values -min 3 -max 4
zipchan -help "open file descriptor with cursor at position appropriate for writing a local file header"
base -help "base path for entries"
path -type file -help "path of file to add"
zipdataoffset -default 0 -type integer -range {0 ""} -help "offset of start of zip-data - ie length of prefixing script/exe
Can be specified as zero even if a prefix exists - which would make offsets 'file relative' as opposed to 'archive relative'"
} $args]
set zipchan [dict get $argd values zipchan]
set base [dict get $argd values base]
set path [dict get $argd values path]
set zipdataoffset [dict get $argd values zipdataoffset]
set comment [dict get $argd opts -comment]
set fullpath [file join $base $path]
set mtime [Timet_to_dos [file mtime $fullpath]]
set utfpath [encoding convertto utf-8 $path]
set utfcomment [encoding convertto utf-8 $comment]
set flags [expr {(1<<11)}] ;# utf-8 comment and path
set method 0 ;# store 0, deflate 8
set attr 0 ;# text or binary (default binary)
set version 20 ;# minumum version req'd to extract
set extra ""
set crc 0
set size 0
set csize 0
set data ""
set seekable [expr {[tell $zipchan] != -1}]
if {[file isdirectory $fullpath]} {
set attrex 0x41ff0010 ;# 0o040777 (drwxrwxrwx)
#set attrex 0x40000010
} elseif {[file executable $fullpath]} {
set attrex 0x81ff0080 ;# 0o100777 (-rwxrwxrwx)
} else {
set attrex 0x81b60020 ;# 0o100666 (-rw-rw-rw-)
if {[file extension $fullpath] in {".tcl" ".txt" ".c"}} {
set attr 1 ;# text
if {[file isfile $fullpath]} {
set size [file size $fullpath]
if {!$seekable} {set flags [expr {$flags | (1 << 3)}]}
set channeloffset [tell $zipchan] ;#position in the channel - this may include prefixing exe/zip
set local [binary format a4sssiiiiss PK\03\04 \
$version $flags $method $mtime $crc $csize $size \
[string length $utfpath] [string length $extra]]
append local $utfpath $extra
puts -nonewline $zipchan $local
if {[file isfile $fullpath]} {
# If the file is under 2MB then zip in one chunk, otherwize we use
# streaming to avoid requiring excess memory. This helps to prevent
# storing re-compressed data that may be larger than the source when
# handling PNG or JPEG or nested ZIP files.
if {$size < 0x00200000} {
set fin [open $fullpath rb]
set data [read $fin]
set crc [zlib crc32 $data]
set cdata [zlib deflate $data]
if {[string length $cdata] < $size} {
set method 8
set data $cdata
close $fin
set csize [string length $data]
puts -nonewline $zipchan $data
} else {
set method 8
set fin [open $fullpath rb]
set zlib [zlib stream deflate]
while {![eof $fin]} {
set data [read $fin 4096]
set crc [zlib crc32 $data $crc]
$zlib put $data
if {[string length [set zdata [$zlib get]]]} {
incr csize [string length $zdata]
puts -nonewline $zipchan $zdata
close $fin
$zlib finalize
set zdata [$zlib get]
incr csize [string length $zdata]
puts -nonewline $zipchan $zdata
$zlib close
if {$seekable} {
# update the header if the output is seekable
set local [binary format a4sssiiii PK\03\04 \
$version $flags $method $mtime $crc $csize $size]
set current [tell $zipchan]
seek $zipchan $channeloffset
puts -nonewline $zipchan $local
seek $zipchan $current
} else {
# Write a data descriptor record
set ddesc [binary format a4iii PK\7\8 $crc $csize $size]
puts -nonewline $zipchan $ddesc
#PK\x01\x02 Cdentral directory file header
#set v1 0x0317 ;#upper byte 03 -> UNIX lower byte 23 -> 2.3
set v1 0x0017 ;#upper byte 00 -> MS_DOS and OS/2 (FAT/VFAT/FAT32 file systems)
set hdr [binary format a4ssssiiiisssssii PK\01\02 $v1 \
$version $flags $method $mtime $crc $csize $size \
[string length $utfpath] [string length $extra]\
[string length $utfcomment] 0 $attr $attrex [expr {$channeloffset - $zipdataoffset}]] ;#zipdataoffset may be zero - either because it's a pure zip, or file-based offsets desired.
append hdr $utfpath $extra $utfcomment
return $hdr
#### REVIEW!!!
#JMN - review - this looks to be offset relative to start of file - (same as 2024 Tcl 'mkzip mkimg')
# we want to enable (optionally) offsets relative to start of archive for exe/script-prefixed zips.on windows (editability with 7z,peazip)
# zip::mkzip --
# eg: zip -directory Subdir -runtime unzipsfx.exe *.txt
proc mkzip {args} {
#todo - doctools - [arg ?globs...?] syntax?
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun mkzip] [arg ?options?] [arg filename] ]
#[para] Create a zip archive in 'filename'
#[para] If a file already exists, an error will be raised.
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
*proc -name punk::zip::mkzip -help "Create a zip archive in 'filename'"
-offsettype -default "archive" -choices {archive file} -help "zip offsets stored relative to start of entire file or relative to start of zip-archive
Only relevant if the created file has a script/runtime prefix.
-return -default "pretty" -choices {pretty list none} -help "mkzip can return a list of the files and folders added to the archive
the option -return pretty is the default and uses the punk::lib pdict/plist system
to return a formatted list for the terminal
-zipkit -default 0 -type none -help "whether to add mounting script
mutually exclusive with -runtime option
currently vfs::zip based - todo - autodetect zipfs/vfs with pref for zipfs
-runtime -default "" -help "specify a prefix file
e.g punk::zip::mkzip -runtime unzipsfx.exe -directory subdir -base subdir
will create a self-extracting zip archive from the subdir/ folder.
Expects runtime with no existing vfs attached (review)
-comment -default "" -help "An optional comment for the archive"
-directory -default "" -help "The new zip archive will scan for contents within this folder or current directory if not provided"
-base -default "" -help "The new zip archive will be rooted in this directory if provided
it must be a parent of -directory or the same path as -directory"
-exclude -default {CVS/* */CVS/* *~ ".#*" "*/.#*"}
*values -min 1 -max -1
filename -type file -default "" -help "name of zipfile to create"
globs -default {*} -multiple 1 -help "list of glob patterns to match.
Only directories with matching files will be included in the archive"
} $args]
set filename [dict get $argd values filename]
if {$filename eq ""} {
error "mkzip filename cannot be empty string"
if {[regexp {[?*]} $filename]} {
#catch a likely error where filename is omitted and first glob pattern is misinterpreted as zipfile name
error "mkzip filename should not contain glob characters ? *"
if {[file exists $filename]} {
error "mkzip filename:$filename already exists"
dict for {k v} [dict get $argd opts] {
switch -- $k {
-comment {
dict set argd opts $k [encoding convertto utf-8 $v]
-directory - -base {
dict set argd opts $k [file normalize $v]
array set opts [dict get $argd opts]
if {$opts(-directory) ne ""} {
if {$opts(-base) ne ""} {
#-base and -directory have been normalized already
if {![Path_a_atorbelow_b $opts(-directory) $opts(-base)]} {
error "punk::zip::mkzip -base $opts(-base) must be above or the same as -directory $opts(-directory)"
set base $opts(-base)
set relpath [Path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth $opts(-directory) $opts(-base)]
} else {
set base $opts(-directory)
set relpath ""
set paths [walk -exclude $opts(-exclude) -subpath $relpath -- $base {*}[dict get $argd values globs]]
set norm_filename [file normalize $filename]
set norm_dir [file normalize $opts(-directory)] ;#we only care if filename below -directory (which is where we start scanning)
if {[Path_a_atorbelow_b $norm_filename $norm_dir]} {
#check that we aren't adding the zipfile to itself
#REVIEW - now that we open zipfile after scanning - this isn't really a concern!
#keep for now in case we can add an -update or a -force facility (or in case we modify to add to zip as we scan for members?)
#In the case of -force - we may want to delay replacement of original until scan is done?
#try to avoid looping on all paths and performing (somewhat) expensive file normalizations on each
#1st step is to check the patterns and see if our zipfile is already excluded - in which case we need not check the paths
set self_globs_match 0
foreach g [dict get $argd values globs] {
if {[string match $g [file tail $filename]]} {
set self_globs_match 1
if {$self_globs_match} {
#still dangerous
set self_excluded 0
foreach e $opts(-exclude) {
if {[string match $e [file tail $filename]]} {
set self_excluded 1
if {!$self_excluded} {
#still dangerous - likely to be in resultset - check each path
#puts stderr "zip file $filename is below directory $opts(-directory)"
set self_is_matched 0
set i 0
foreach p $paths {
set norm_p [file normalize [file join $opts(-directory) $p]]
if {[Path_a_at_b $norm_filename $norm_p]} {
set self_is_matched 1
incr i
if {$self_is_matched} {
puts stderr "WARNING - zipfile being created '$filename' was matched. Excluding this file. Relocate the zip, or use -exclude patterns to avoid this message"
set paths [lremove $paths $i]
} else {
set paths [list]
set dir [pwd]
if {$opts(-base) ne ""} {
if {![Path_a_atorbelow_b $dir $opts(-base)]} {
error "punk::zip::mkzip -base $opts(-base) must be above current directory"
set relpath [Path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth [file normalize $dir] [file normalize $opts(-base)]]
} else {
set relpath ""
set base $opts(-base)
set matches [glob -nocomplain -type f -- {*}[dict get $argd values globs]]
foreach m $matches {
if {$m eq $filename} {
#puts stderr "--> excluding $filename"
set isok 1
foreach e [concat $opts(-exclude) $filename] {
if {[string match $e $m]} {
set isok 0
if {$isok} {
lappend paths [file join $relpath $m]
if {![llength $paths]} {
return ""
set zf [open $filename wb]
if {$opts(-runtime) ne ""} {
#todo - strip any existing vfs - option to merge contents.. only if zip attached?
set rt [open $opts(-runtime) rb]
fcopy $rt $zf
close $rt
} elseif {$opts(-zipkit)} {
#TODO - update to zipfs ?
#see modpod
set zkd "#!/usr/bin/env tclkit\n\# This is a zip-based Tcl Module\n"
append zkd "package require vfs::zip\n"
append zkd "vfs::zip::Mount \[info script\] \[info script\]\n"
append zkd "if {\[file exists \[file join \[info script\] main.tcl\]\]} {\n"
append zkd " source \[file join \[info script\] main.tcl\]\n"
append zkd "}\n"
append zkd \x1A
puts -nonewline $zf $zkd
#todo - subtract this from the endrec offset
if {$opts(-offsettype) eq "archive"} {
set dataStartOffset [tell $zf] ;#the overall file offset of the start of archive-data //JMN 2024
} else {
set dataStartOffset 0 ;#offsets relative to file - the zipfs mkzip way :/
set count 0
set cd ""
set members [list]
foreach path $paths {
#puts $path
lappend members $path
append cd [Addentry $zf $base $path $dataStartOffset] ;#path already includes relpath
incr count
set cdoffset [tell $zf]
set endrec [binary format a4ssssiis PK\05\06 0 0 \
$count $count [string length $cd] $cdoffset\
[string length $opts(-comment)]]
append endrec $opts(-comment)
puts -nonewline $zf $cd
puts -nonewline $zf $endrec
close $zf
set result ""
switch -exact -- $opts(-return) {
list {
set result $members
pretty {
if {[info commands showlist] ne ""} {
set result [plist -channel none members]
} else {
set result $members
none {
set result ""
return $result
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::zip ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip::lib {
tcl::namespace::export {[a-z]*} ;# Convention: export all lowercase
tcl::namespace::path [tcl::namespace::parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::zip::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc utility1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call lib::[fun utility1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of utility1
# return 1
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::zip::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
#tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::zip::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide punk::zip [tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
variable pkg punk::zip
variable version
set version 0.1.1
#*** !doctools


@ -5080,6 +5080,19 @@ tcl::namespace::eval textblock {
# >} .= {lmap v $data w $data2 {val "[overtype::right $col1 $v][overtype::right $col2 $w]"}} {|
# >} punk::lib::list_as_lines <lhs/0,rhs/1|
proc welcome_test {} {
package require punk::ansi
set ansi [textblock::join -- " " [punk::ansi::ansicat src/testansi/publicdomain/roysac/roy-welc.ans 80x8]]
# Ansi art courtesy of Carsten Cumbrowski aka Roy/SAC -
set table [[textblock::spantest] print]
set punks [a+ web-lawngreen][>punk . lhs][a]\n\n[a+ rgb#FFFF00][>punk . rhs][a]
set ipunks [overtype::renderspace -width [textblock::width $punks] [punk::ansi::enable_inverse]$punks]
set testblock [textblock::testblock 15 rainbow]
set contents $ansi\n[textblock::join -- " " $table " " $punks " " $testblock " " $ipunks " " $punks]
set framed [textblock::frame -type arc -title [a+ cyan]Compositing[a] -subtitle [a+ red]ANSI[a] -ansiborder [a+ web-orange] $contents]
proc example {args} {
set opts [tcl::dict::create -forcecolour 0]
foreach {k v} $args {
@ -5248,6 +5261,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval textblock {
if {[tcl::dict::exists $framedef_cache $cache_key]} {
return [tcl::dict::get $framedef_cache $cache_key]
set argopts [lrange $args 0 end-1]
set f [lindex $args end]
@ -5279,10 +5293,10 @@ tcl::namespace::eval textblock {
-boxonly -default 0 -help "-boxonly true restricts results to the corner,vertical and horizontal box elements
It excludes the extra top and side join elements htlj,hlbj,vllj,vlrj"
*values -min 1 -max 1
frametype -help "name from the predefined frametypes:<ftlist>
or an adhoc "
frametype -choices "<ftlist>" -choiceprefix 0 -help "name from the predefined frametypes
or an adhoc dictionary."
append spec \n "frametype -help \"A predefined \""
#append spec \n "frametype -help \"A predefined \""
punk::args::get_dict $spec $args


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace eval ::punkboot {
variable pkg_requirements [list]; variable pkg_missing [list];variable pkg_loaded [list]
variable non_help_flags [list -k]
variable help_flags [list -help --help /?]
variable known_commands [list project modules info check shell vendorupdate bootsupport vfscommonupdate]
variable known_commands [list project modules vfs info check shell vendorupdate bootsupport vfscommonupdate]
@ -302,6 +302,7 @@ set ::punkboot::bootsupport_requirements [dict create\
punk::ansi [list]\
overtype [list version "1.6.5-"]\
punkcheck [list]\
fauxlink [list version "0.1.1-"]\
textblock [list version 0.1.1-]\
fileutil::traverse [list]\
md5 [list version 2-]\
@ -1041,7 +1042,7 @@ proc ::punkboot::punkboot_gethelp {args} {
append h " $scriptname vendorupdate" \n
append h " - update the src/vendormodules based on src/vendormodules/include_modules.config" \n \n
append h " $scriptname vfscommonupdate" \n
append h " - update the src/vfs/_vfscommon from compiled src/modules and src/lib etc" \n
append h " - update the src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs from compiled src/modules and src/lib etc" \n
append h " - before calling this (followed by make project) - you can test using '<builtexe>(.exe) dev'" \n
append h " this will load modules from your <projectdir>/module <projectdir>/lib paths instead of from the kit/zipkit" \n \n
append h " $scriptname info" \n
@ -1332,22 +1333,22 @@ if {$::punkboot::command eq "shell"} {
if {$::punkboot::command eq "vfscommonupdate"} {
puts "projectroot: $projectroot"
puts "script: [info script]"
puts stdout "Updating vfs/_vfscommon"
puts stdout "Updating vfs/_vfscommon.vfs"
puts stdout "REPLACE src/vfs/_vfscommon/* with project's modules and libs?? y|n"
puts stdout "REPLACE src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/* with project's modules and libs?? y|n"
if {[gets stdin] eq "y"} {
puts proceeding...
proc vfscommonupdate {projectroot} {
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/modules
file copy $projectroot/modules $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/modules
file copy $projectroot/modules $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/
#temp? (avoid zipfs mkimg windows dotfile bug)
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/modules/.punkcheck
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/modules/.punkcheck
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib
file copy $projectroot/lib $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib
file copy $projectroot/lib $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/.punkcheck
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/.punkcheck
vfscommonupdate $projectroot
@ -1637,7 +1638,7 @@ if {$::punkboot::command eq "bootsupport"} {
if {$::punkboot::command ni {project modules}} {
if {$::punkboot::command ni {project modules vfs}} {
puts stderr "Command $::punkboot::command not implemented - aborting."
flush stderr
after 100
@ -1650,9 +1651,10 @@ if {$::punkboot::command ni {project modules}} {
#install src vendor contents (from version controlled src folder) to base of project (same target folders as our own src/modules etc ie to paths that go on the auto_path and in tcl::tm::list)
set vendorlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendorlib_tcl*]
lappend vendorlibfolders vendorlib
foreach lf $vendorlibfolders {
if {$::punkboot::command in {project modules}} {
set vendorlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendorlib_tcl*]
lappend vendorlibfolders vendorlib
foreach lf $vendorlibfolders {
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/$lf]} {
lassign [split $lf _] _vm tclx
if {$tclx ne ""} {
@ -1674,15 +1676,15 @@ foreach lf $vendorlibfolders {
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $sourcefolder/$lf $target_lib_folder -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
if {![llength $vendorlibfolders]} {
if {![llength $vendorlibfolders]} {
puts stderr "VENDORLIB: No src/vendorlib or src/vendorlib_tcl* folder found."
set vendormodulefolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendormodules_tcl*]
lappend vendormodulefolders vendormodules
set vendormodulefolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendormodules_tcl*]
lappend vendormodulefolders vendormodules
foreach vf $vendormodulefolders {
foreach vf $vendormodulefolders {
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/$vf]} {
lassign [split $vf _] _vm tclx
if {$tclx ne ""} {
@ -1698,25 +1700,25 @@ foreach vf $vendormodulefolders {
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $sourcefolder/$vf $target_module_folder -installer make.tcl -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths { include_modules.config}]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
if {![llength $vendormodulefolders]} {
if {![llength $vendormodulefolders]} {
puts stderr "VENDORMODULES: No src/vendormodules or src/vendormodules_tcl* folders found."
#e.g The default project layout is mainly folder structure and readme files - but has some scripts developed under the main src that we want to sync
#src to src/modules/punk/mix/templates/layouts/project/src
#e.g The default project layout is mainly folder structure and readme files - but has some scripts developed under the main src that we want to sync
#src to src/modules/punk/mix/templates/layouts/project/src
set old_layout_update_list [list\
set old_layout_update_list [list\
[list project $sourcefolder/modules/punk/mix/templates]\
[list basic $sourcefolder/mixtemplates]\
set layout_bases [list\
set layout_bases [list\
foreach layoutbase $layout_bases {
foreach layoutbase $layout_bases {
if {![file exists $layoutbase]} {
@ -1769,11 +1771,11 @@ foreach layoutbase $layout_bases {
$tpl_event destroy
$tpl_installer destroy
set projectlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails lib_tcl*]
lappend projectlibfolders lib
foreach lf $projectlibfolders {
set projectlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails lib_tcl*]
lappend projectlibfolders lib
foreach lf $projectlibfolders {
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/$lf]} {
lassign [split $lf _] _vm tclx
if {$tclx ne ""} {
@ -1795,19 +1797,19 @@ foreach lf $projectlibfolders {
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $sourcefolder/$lf $target_lib_folder -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
if {![llength $projectlibfolders]} {
if {![llength $projectlibfolders]} {
puts stderr "PROJECTLIB: No src/lib or src/lib_tcl* folder found."
#consolidated /modules /modules_tclX folder used for target where X is tcl major version
#the make process will process for any _tclX not just the major version of the current interpreter
#consolidated /modules /modules_tclX folder used for target where X is tcl major version
#the make process will process for any _tclX not just the major version of the current interpreter
#default source module folders are at projectroot/src/modules and projectroot/src/modules_tclX (where X is tcl major version)
#There may be multiple other src module folders at same level (e.g folder not being other special-purpose folder and not matching name vendor* that contains at least one .tm file in its root)
set source_module_folderlist [punk::mix::cli::lib::find_source_module_paths $projectroot]
puts stdout "SOURCEMODULES: scanning [llength $source_module_folderlist] folders"
foreach src_module_dir $source_module_folderlist {
#default source module folders are at projectroot/src/modules and projectroot/src/modules_tclX (where X is tcl major version)
#There may be multiple other src module folders at same level (e.g folder not being other special-purpose folder and not matching name vendor* that contains at least one .tm file in its root)
set source_module_folderlist [punk::mix::cli::lib::find_source_module_paths $projectroot]
puts stdout "SOURCEMODULES: scanning [llength $source_module_folderlist] folders"
foreach src_module_dir $source_module_folderlist {
set mtail [file tail $src_module_dir]
if {[string match "modules_tcl*" $mtail]} {
set target_modules_base $projectroot/$mtail
@ -1830,12 +1832,12 @@ foreach src_module_dir $source_module_folderlist {
puts stdout "MODULEFOLDER non_tm_files $src_module_dir - copying to $target_modules_base (if source file changed)"
set resultdict [punkcheck::install_non_tm_files $src_module_dir $target_modules_base -installer make.tcl -overwrite $overwrite -antiglob_paths {}]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
set installername "make.tcl"
set installername "make.tcl"
# ----------------------------------------
if {[punk::repo::is_fossil_root $projectroot]} {
# ----------------------------------------
if {[punk::repo::is_fossil_root $projectroot]} {
set config [dict create\
-make-step configure_fossil\
@ -1874,9 +1876,13 @@ if {[punk::repo::is_fossil_root $projectroot]} {
$event end
$event destroy
$installer destroy
if {$::punkboot::command ne "project"} {
set installername "make.tcl"
if {$::punkboot::command ni {project vfs}} {
#command = modules
puts stdout "vfs folders not checked"
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl vfscommonupdate' to copy built modules into base vfs folder"
@ -2099,7 +2105,8 @@ foreach runtimefile $runtimes {
} {
$event targetset_started
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
puts stdout "Copying runtime from $rtfolder/$runtimefile to $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile"
#This is the full runtime - *possibly* with some sort of vfs attached.
puts stdout "Copying runtime (as is) from $rtfolder/$runtimefile to $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile"
if {[catch {
file copy -force $rtfolder/$runtimefile $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile ;#becomes building_runtime
} errM]} {
@ -2126,21 +2133,27 @@ set skipped_kit_installs [list]
proc ::make_file_traversal_error {args} {
error "file_traverse error: $args"
proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir} {
#fauxlink aware recursive copy of files and folders
#will follow fauxlinks with 'merge_over' tag, will copy other fauxlinks
proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir {depth 0}} {
package require fileutil
package require fauxlink
set margin [string repeat " " [expr {$depth * 4}]]
set ver [package require fileutil::traverse]
puts stdout "using fileutil::traverse $ver\n[package ifneeded fileutil::traverse $ver]"
puts stdout "${margin}using fileutil::traverse $ver\n[package ifneeded fileutil::traverse $ver]"
package require control
if {![file exists $sourcedir]} {
puts stderr "merge_over sourcedir '$sourcedir' not found"
puts stderr "${margin}merge_over sourcedir '$sourcedir' not found"
if {![file exists $targetdir]} {
puts stderr "merge_over targetdir '$targetdir' not found - target folder must already exist"
puts stderr "${margin}merge_over targetdir '$targetdir' not found - target folder must already exist"
puts stdout "merge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir STARTING"
puts stdout "${margin}merge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir STARTING"
#The tails should be unique enough for clarity in progress emissions to stdout
set sourcename [file tail $sourcedir]
@ -2159,7 +2172,7 @@ proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir} {
if {![file exists $target]} {
#puts stdout "-- mkdir $target"
puts stdout "$sourcename -> $targetname mkdir $relpath"
puts stdout "${margin}$sourcename -> $targetname mkdir $relpath"
#puts stdout "calling: file mkdir $target"
#note - file mkdir can fail on vfs mounts with non-existant intermediate paths.
#e.g if mount is at: //cookfstemp:/subpath/file.exe
@ -2168,21 +2181,74 @@ proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir} {
file mkdir $target
file mtime $target [file mtime $file_or_dir]
} else {
puts stdout "$sourcename -> $targetname existing dir $relpath"
puts stdout "${margin}$sourcename -> $targetname existing dir $relpath"
file {
if {[file extension $file_or_dir] in {.fxlnk .fauxlink}} {
puts stdout "fauxlink: $file_or_dir"
flush stdout
if {[catch {
puts stdout ">";flush stdout
set linkinfo [fauxlink::resolve $file_or_dir]
} errM]} {
puts stdout ">>";flush stdout
puts stdout "${margin}--->fauxlink::resolve error\n $errM"
flush stdout
error $errM
puts stdout ">>>";flush stdout
puts stdout "--- '$linkinfo'"
flush stdout
set flinktags [dict get $linkinfo tags]
puts stdout "fauxlink tags: $flinktags"
flush stdout
if {"punk::boot,merge_over" in $flinktags} {
puts stdout "fauxlink got correct tag from $flinktags"
flush stdout
set linktarget [dict get $linkinfo targetpath]
if {[file pathtype $linktarget] eq "relative"} {
set actualsource [file join $sourcedir $linktarget]
} else {
set actualsource $linktarget
set name [dict get $linkinfo name] ;#name the linked file will become
set aliased_file_or_dir [file join [file dirname $file_or_dir] $name]
set relpath [fileutil::stripPath $sourcedir $aliased_file_or_dir]
set target [file join $targetdir $relpath]
if {[file type $actualsource] eq "file"} {
#fauxlink linktarget (source data) is a file
puts -nonewline stdout "\x1b\[32m<fxlnk.targetfor.${name}>\x1b\[m"
#puts "file copy -force $actualsource $target"
file copy -force $actualsource $target
} else {
#fauxlink linktarget (source data) is a folder
puts stdout "${margin}RECURSING merge_over for link-target $actualsource due to fauxlink:[file tail $file_or_dir]"
#merge_over initial target dir must exist - use file mkdir to ensure
file mkdir $target
puts stdout "merge_over $actualsource $target [expr {$depth + 1}]"
merge_over $actualsource $target [expr {$depth + 1}]
} else {
puts stdout "fauxlink tag not matched"
flush stdout
#tag not targetted at us - just copy the fauxlink as an ordinary file
puts -nonewline stdout "<fxlnk>"
file copy -force $file_or_dir $target
} else {
puts -nonewline stdout "."
file copy -force $file_or_dir $target
default {
puts stderr "merge vfs $sourcedir !!! unhandled file type $this_type !!!"
puts stderr "${margin}merge vfs $sourcedir !!! unhandled file type $this_type !!!"
set last_type $this_type
$t destroy
puts stdout "\nmerge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir done."
puts stdout "\n${margin}merge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir done."
set startdir [pwd]
puts stdout "Found [llength $vfs_tails] .vfs folders - checking each for executables that may need to be built"
@ -2193,7 +2259,7 @@ cd [file dirname $buildfolder]
#Using first mtime encountered that is later than target is another option - but likely to be highly variable in speed. Last file in the tree could happen to be the latest, and this mechanism doesn't handle build on reversion to older source.
set exe_names_seen [list]
set path_cksum_cache [dict create]
dict set path_cksum_cache {*}[punk::mix::base::lib::get_relativecksum_from_base $basedir $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon]
dict set path_cksum_cache {*}[punk::mix::base::lib::get_relativecksum_from_base $basedir $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs]
# loop over vfs_tails and for each one, loop over configured (or matching) runtimes - build with sdx or zipfs if source .vfs or source runtime exe has changed.
@ -2305,13 +2371,16 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
dict set path_cksum_cache {*}[punk::mix::base::lib::get_relativecksum_from_base $basedir $sourcefolder/vfs/$vfstail]
$vfs_event targetset_cksumcache_set $path_cksum_cache ;#cached cksum entries for .vfs folder
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/_config ;#some files linked via fauxlink - need to detect change
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/$vfstail
if {$rtname ne "-"} {
set building_runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname ;#working copy of runtime executable
set building_runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname ;#working copy of runtime executable - (possibly with kit/zipfs/cookfs etc attached!)
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $building_runtime
set raw_runtime "" ;#building runtime with vfs (zip,kit,cookfs etc stripped)
} else {
set building_runtime "-" ;#REVIEW
set raw_runtime "-"
# -- ----------
@ -2333,7 +2402,8 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
package require fileutil::traverse
package require control
set targetvfs $buildfolder/buildvfs_$targetkit.vfs
#keep this a simple name - bin/punk script calls into src/_build/exename.vfs/main.tcl
set targetvfs $buildfolder/$targetkit.vfs
file delete -force $targetvfs
#we switch on the target kit_type. we could switch on source kit_type..allowing extraction from one type but writing to another?
@ -2344,7 +2414,7 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#would need to detect UPX, cookfs,zipfs,tclkit
set rtmountpoint ""
switch -- $kit_type {
zip {
zip - zipcat {
#for a zipkit - we need to extract the existing vfs from the runtime
#zipfs mkimg replaces the entire zipped vfs in the runtime - so we need the original data to be part of our targetvfs.
puts stdout "building $ with zipfs vfsdir:$vfstail cwd: [pwd]"
@ -2364,11 +2434,44 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#strip any existing zipfs on the runtime..
#2024 - 'zipfs info //zipfs:/mountpoint' is supposed to give us the offset - but it doesn't if the exe has been 'adjusted' to use file offsets.
#which unfortunately Tcl does by default after the 2021 'fix' :(
set raw_runtime $buildfolder/raw_$runtime_fullname
if {[file exists $rtmountpoint]} {
merge_over $rtmountpoint $targetvfs
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon $targetvfs
#see if we can extract the exe part
set baseoffset [lindex [tcl::zipfs::info $rtmountpoint] 3]
if {$baseoffset != 0} {
#tcl was able to determine the compressed-data offset
#either because runtime is a basic catted exe+zip, or Tcl fixed 'zipfs info'
set fdrt [open $building_runtime r]
chan configure $fdrt -translation binary
set exedata [read $fdrt $baseoffset] ;#may include stored password and ending header // REVIEW - strip it?
close $fdrt
set fdraw [open $raw_runtime w]
chan configure $fdraw -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fdraw $exedata
close $fdraw
} else {
#presumably the supplied building_runtime has had its offsets adjusted so that it all appears within offsets off the zip. (file relative offsets)
#due to zipfs info bug - zipfs now can't tell us the offset of the compressed data.
#we need to use a similarly assumptive method as tclZipfs.c uses to determine the start of the compressed contents
package require punk::zip
#we don't technically need to extract the raw exe for 'zip' - as zipfs mkimg can work on the combined file (ignores zip)
# - but for consistency we want raw_runtime to be emitted in the filesystem.
punk::zip::extract_preamble $building_runtime $raw_runtime
} else {
#the input building_runtime wasn't mountable - so presumably a plain executable
#set building_runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname ;#working copy of runtime executable - (possibly with kit/zipfs/cookfs etc attached!)
#set raw_runtime $buildfolder/raw_$runtime_fullname
file copy -force $building_runtime $raw_runtime
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs $targetvfs
cookit - cookfs {
@ -2396,15 +2499,15 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#copy from mounted runtime's vfs to the filesystem vfs
merge_over $rtmountpoint $targetvfs
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon $targetvfs
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs $targetvfs
kit {
#for a kit, we don't need to extract the existing vfs from the runtime.
# - the sdx merge process can merge our .vfs folder with the existing contents.
puts stdout "building $ with sdx.. vfsdir:$vfstail cwd: [pwd]"
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon]} {
file copy $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon $targetvfs
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs]} {
file copy $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs $targetvfs
} else {
file mkdir $targetvfs
@ -2420,6 +2523,15 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
set wrapvfs $targetvfs
switch -- $kit_type {
zip {
#WARNING - 2024-10-08 - zipfs mkimg based exezips are not editable with 7z
# (central directory offset has been 'adjusted' to be file relative)
#This makes finding the split between prefixed exe and zip-data harder for Tcl scripts
#- although zipfs mkimg does it in a somewhat wonky way.
#tclZipfs.c as at 2024 assumes first file header in the CDR points to first local file header and assumes that is the top of the zipdata.
#This is only *mostly* true. order of entries or completeness is not guaranteed.
#e.g topmost file data in zip may not be pointed to if deleted by certain tools.
#for files created by zipfs mkimg and not externally edited - it shouldn't be an issue though.
if {$rtname eq "-"} {
#todo - just make a zip?
error "runtime name of - unsupported for zip - (todo)"
@ -2436,8 +2548,8 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#note - as at 2024-08 - there is some discussion about the interface to mkimg - it is considered unstable (may change to -option value syntax)
puts stderr "calling: tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs \"\" $building_runtime"
tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs "" $building_runtime
puts stderr "calling: tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs \"\" $raw_runtime"
tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs "" $raw_runtime
} result ]} {
set failmsg "zipfs mkimg failed with msg: $result"
puts stderr "tcl::zipfs::mkimg $targetkit failed"
@ -2453,6 +2565,67 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
puts stdout $result
puts stdout $separator
zipcat {
#simple catenated runtime + zip - we need an exe runtime with no zipfs attached..
if {$rtname eq "-"} {
#todo - just make a zip?
error "runtime name of - unsupported for zip - (todo)"
if {[catch {
if {[dict exists $runtime_caps $rtname]} {
if {[dict get $runtime_caps $rtname exitcode] == 0} {
if {![dict get $runtime_caps $rtname has_zipfs]} {
error "runtime $rtname doesn't have zipfs capability"
} else {
#could be runtime for another platform
puts stderr "RUNTIME capabilities unknown. Unsure if zip supported. trying anyway.."
#'archive' based zip offsets - editable in 7z,peazip
file copy $raw_runtime $buildfolder/$
file delete $buildfolder/$
if {[info commands ::tcl::zipfs] ne ""} {
puts stdout "tcl::zipfs::mkzip $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs"
::tcl::zipfs::mkzip $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs
} else {
puts stdout "punk::zip::mkzip -directory $wrapvfs -base $wrapvfs $buildfolder/$ *"
package require punk::zip
punk::zip::mkzip -directory $wrapvfs -base $wrapvfs $buildfolder/$ *
puts stderr "concatenating executable to zip.."
set fdout [open $buildfolder/$ a]
chan conf $fdout -translation binary
puts stderr "runtime bytes: [tell $fdout]"
set fdzip [open $buildfolder/$ r]
chan conf $fdzip -translation binary
set zipbytes [fcopy $fdzip $fdout]
close $fdzip
puts stderr "zip bytes: $zipbytes"
puts stderr "exezip bytes: [tell $fdout]"
close $fdout
} result ]} {
set failmsg "creating zipcat image failed with msg: $result"
puts stderr "creating image (zipcat) $targetkit failed"
lappend failed_kits [list kit $targetkit reason $failmsg]
$vfs_event targetset_end FAILED
$vfs_event destroy
$vfs_installer destroy
} else {
puts stdout "ok - finished zipcat image"
set separator [string repeat = 40]
puts stdout $separator
puts stdout $result
puts stdout $separator
cookit - cookfs {
if {$rtmountpoint eq ""} {
@ -2509,17 +2682,20 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
$vfs_installer destroy
} else {
set verbose ""
#set verbose "-verbose"
if {[catch {
if {$rtname ne "-"} {
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $building_runtime -verbose
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $building_runtime {*}$verbose
} else {
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -verbose
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs {*}$verbose
} result]} {
if {$rtname ne "-"} {
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname -verbose failed with msg: $result"
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname {*}$verbose failed with msg: $result"
} else {
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -verbose failed with msg: $result"
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs {*}$verbose failed with msg: $result"
puts stderr "sdx wrap $targetkit failed"
lappend failed_kits [list kit $targetkit reason $sdxmsg]
@ -2722,9 +2898,9 @@ set had_kits [expr {[llength $installed_kits] || [llength $failed_kits] || [llen
if {$had_kits} {
puts stdout " module builds and kit/zipkit builds processed (vfs config: src/runtime/mapvfs.config)"
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl modules' to build modules without scanning/building the vfs folders into executable kits/zipkits"
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl vfscommonupdate' to copy built modules into the base vfs folder"
puts stdout " Note that without the vfscommonupdate step, 'make.tcl project' will include any manual changes in the *custom* vfs folders but"
puts stdout " without the latest built modules."
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl vfscommonupdate' to copy built modules into the base vfs folder <projectdir>/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs"
puts stdout " - Note that without the vfscommonupdate step, 'make tcl vfs' (included in 'make tcl project') will build vfs based executables"
puts stdout " that include your current custom vfs folders in src/vfs, but with a _vfscommon.vfs that doesn't have the latest built modules"
puts stdout " calling 'builtexename(.exe) dev' will allow testing of built modules before they are put into the kits/zipkits via 'vfscommonupdate' then 'project'"
} else {
puts stdout " module builds processed"


@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
#[para] Others that require encoding are: * ? \ / | : ; " < >
#[para] The nul character in raw form, when detected, is always mapped away to the empty string - as very few filesystems support it.
#[para] Control characters and other punctuation is optional to encode.
#[para] Generally utf-8 should be used where possible and unicode characters left as is where possible on modern systems.
#[para] Where encoding of unicode is desired in the nominalname or encodedtarget portions it can be specified as %UXXXXXXXX
#[para] Generally utf-8 should be used where possible and unicode characters can often be left unencoded on modern systems.
#[para] Where encoding of unicode is desired in the nominalname,encodedtarget,tag or comment portions it can be specified as %UXXXXXXXX
#[para] There must be between 1 and 8 X digits following the %U. Interpretation of chars following %U stops at the first non-hex character.
#[para] This means %Utest would not get any translation as there were no hex digits so it would come out as %Utest
@ -267,43 +267,71 @@ namespace eval fauxlink {
#[subsection {Namespace fauxlink}]
#[para] Core API functions for fauxlink
#[list_begin definitions]
proc Segment_mustencode_check {str} {
variable decode_map
variable encode_map ;#must_encode
set idx 0
set err ""
foreach ch [split $str ""] {
if {[dict exists $encode_map $ch]} {
set enc [dict get $encode_map $ch]
if {[dict exists $decode_map $enc]} {
append err " char $idx should be encoded as $enc" \n
} else {
append err " no %xx encoding available. Use %UXX if really required" \n
incr idx
return $err ;#empty string if ok
proc resolve {link} {
variable decode_map
variable encode_map
variable must_encode
set ftail [file tail $link]
if {[file extension $ftail] ni [list .fxlnk .fauxlink]} {
error "fauxlink::resolve refusing to process link $link - file extension must be .fxlnk or .fauxlink"
set extension_name [string range [file extension $ftail] 1 end]
if {$extension_name ni [list fxlnk fauxlink]} {
set is_fauxlink 0
#we'll process anyway - but return the result wrapped
#This should allow deliberate erroring for the calling dict user if the extension difference is inadvertent
#(e.g blindly processing all files in a folder that is normally only .fxlnk files - but then something added that happens
# to have # characters in it)
#It also means if someone really wants to use the fauxlink semantics on a different file type
# - they can - but just have to access the results differently and take that (minor) risk.
#error "fauxlink::resolve refusing to process link $link - file extension must be .fxlnk or .fauxlink"
set err_extra "\nnonstandard extension '$extension_name' for fauxlink. Check that the call to fauxlink::resolve was deliberate"
} else {
set is_fauxlink 1
set err_extra ""
set linkspec [file rootname $ftail]
# - any # or + within the target path or name should have been uri encoded as %23 and %2b
if {[tcl::string::first # $linkspec] < 0} {
error "fauxlink::resolve error. Link must contain a # (usually at start if name matches target)"
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link'. Link must contain a # (usually at start if name matches target)"
append err $err_extra
error $err
#only the 1st 2 parts of split on # are significant.
#if there are more # chars present - the subsequent parts are effectively a comment
#check namepec already has required chars encoded
lassign [split $linkspec #] namespec targetspec
#The 1st 2 parts of split on # are name and target file/dir
#If there are only 3 parts the 3rd part is a comment and there are no 'tags'
#if there are 4 parts - the 3rd part is a tagset where each tag begins with @
#and each subsequent part is a comment. Empty comments are stripped from the comments list
#A tagset can be empty - but if it's not empty it must contain at least one @ and must start with @
#e.g name.txt#path#@tag1@tag2#test###.fxlnk
#has a name, a target, 2 tags and one comment
#check namespec already has required chars encoded
set segments [split $linkspec #]
lassign $segments namespec targetspec
#puts stderr "-->namespec $namespec"
set nametest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $namespec]
#puts stderr "-->nametest $nametest"
#nothing should be changed - if there are unencoded chars that must be encoded it is an error
if {[tcl::string::length $nametest] ne [tcl::string::length $namespec]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve invalid chars in name part (section prior to first #)"
set idx 0
foreach ch [split $namespec ""] {
if {$ch in $must_encode} {
set enc [dict get $encode_map $ch]
if {[dict exists $decode_map $enc]} {
append err " char $idx should be encoded as $enc" \n
} else {
append err " no %xx encoding available. Use %UXX if really required" \n
incr idx
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in name part (section prior to first #)"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $namespec]
append err $err_extra
error $err
#see comments below regarding 2 rounds and ordering.
@ -313,24 +341,14 @@ namespace eval fauxlink {
set targetsegment [split $targetspec +]
#check each + delimited part of targetspec already has required chars encoded
set s 0 ;#segment index
set result_segments [list]
foreach segment $targetsegment {
set targettest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $segment]
if {[tcl::string::length $targettest] ne [tcl::string::length $segment]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve invalid chars in targetpath (section following first #)"
set idx 0
foreach ch [split $segment ""] {
if {$ch in $must_encode} {
set enc [dict get $encode_map $ch]
if {[dict exists $decode_map $enc]} {
append err " segment $s char $idx should be encoded as $enc" \n
} else {
append err " no %xx encoding available. Use %UXX if really required" \n
incr idx
set pp 0 ;#pathpart index
set targetpath_parts [list]
foreach pathpart $targetsegment {
set targettest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $pathpart]
if {[tcl::string::length $targettest] ne [tcl::string::length $pathpart]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in targetpath (section following first #)"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $pathpart]
append err $err_extra
error $err
#2 rounds of substitution is possibly asking for trouble..
@ -343,18 +361,89 @@ namespace eval fauxlink {
#we do unicode first - as a 2nd round of %XX substitutions is unlikely to interfere.
#There is still the opportunity to use things like %U00000025 followed by hex-chars
# and get some minor surprises, but using %U on ascii is unlikely to be done accidentally - REVIEW
set segment [decode_unicode_escapes $segment]
set segment [tcl::string::map $decode_map $segment]
lappend result_segments $segment
set pathpart [decode_unicode_escapes $pathpart]
set pathpart [tcl::string::map $decode_map $pathpart]
lappend targetpath_parts $pathpart
incr s
incr pp
set targetpath [join $result_segments /]
set targetpath [join $targetpath_parts /]
if {$name eq ""} {
set name [lindex $result_segments end]
set name [lindex $targetpath_parts end]
#we do the same encoding checks on tags and comments to increase chances of portability
set tags [list]
set comments [list]
switch -- [llength $segments] {
2 {
#no tags or comments
3 {
#only 3 sections - last is comment - even if looks like tags
#to make the 3rd part a tagset, an extra # would be needed
set comments [list [lindex $segments 2]]
default {
set tagset [lindex $segments 2]
if {$tagset eq ""} {
#ok - no tags
} else {
if {[string first @ $tagset] != 0} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid tagset in 3rd #-delimited segment"
append err \n " - must begin with @"
append err $err_extra
error $err
} else {
set tagset [string range $tagset 1 end]
set rawtags [split $tagset @]
set tags [list]
foreach t $rawtags {
if {$t eq ""} {
lappend tags ""
} else {
set tagtest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $t]
if {[tcl::string::length $tagtest] ne [tcl::string::length $t]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in tag [llength $tags]"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $t]
append err $err_extra
error $err
lappend tags [tcl::string::map $decode_map [decode_unicode_escapes $t]]
set rawcomments [lrange $segments 3 end]
#set comments [lsearch -all -inline -not $comments ""]
set comments [list]
foreach c $rawcomments {
if {$c eq ""} {continue}
set commenttest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $c]
if {[tcl::string::length $commenttest] ne [tcl::string::length $c]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in comment [llength $comments]"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $c]
append err $err_extra
error $err
lappend comments [tcl::string::map $decode_map [decode_unicode_escapes $c]]
return [dict create name $name targetpath $targetpath]
set data [dict create name $name targetpath $targetpath tags $tags comments $comments fauxlinkextension $extension_name]
if {$is_fauxlink} {
#standard .fxlnk or .fauxlink
return $data
} else {
#custom extension - or called in error on wrong type of file but happened to parse.
#see comments at top regarding is_fauxlink
#make sure no keys in common at top level.
return [dict create\
linktype $extension_name\
note "nonstandard extension returning nonstandard dict with result in data key"\
data $data\
variable map


@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use 'pmix make' or src/make.tcl to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) 2024
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application fauxlink 0.1.1
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license MIT
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin fauxlink_module_fauxlink 0 0.1.1]
#[copyright "2024"]
#[titledesc {faux link application shortcuts}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {fauxlink .fxlnk}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require fauxlink]
#[keywords symlink faux fake shortcut toml]
#[para] A cross platform shortcut/symlink alternative.
#[para] Unapologetically ugly - but practical in certain circumstances.
#[para] A solution is required for application-driven filesystem links that survives cross platform moves as well as
#[para] archiving and packaging systems.
#[para] The target is specified in a minimally-encoded form in the filename itself - but still human readable.
#[para] format of name <nominalname>#<encodedtarget>.fxlnk
#[para] where <nominalname> can be empty - then the effective nominal name is the tail of the <encodedtarget>
#[para] The + symbol substitutes for forward-slashes.
#[para] Other chars can be encoded using url-like encoding - (but only up to %7E !)
#[para] We deliberately treat higher % sequences literally.
#[para] This means actual uri::urn encoded unicode sequences (e.g %E2%99%A5 [heart]) can remain literal for linking to urls.
#[para] e.g if an actual + or # is required in a filename or path segment they can be encoded as %2B & %23
#[para] e.g a link to a file file#A.txt in parent dir could be:
#[para] file%23A.txt#..+file%23A.txt.fxlnk
#[para] or equivalently (but obviously affecting sorting) #..+file%23A.txt.fxlnk
#[para] The <nominalname> can be unrelated to the actual target
#[para] e.g datafile.dat#..+file%23A.txt.fxlnk
#[para] This system has no filesystem support - and must be completely application driven.
#[para] This can be useful for example in application test packages which may be tarred or zipped and moved cross platform.
#[para] The target being fully specified in the name means the file doesn't have to be read for the target to be determined
#[para] Extensions to behaviour should be added in the file as text data in Toml format,
#[para] with custom data being under a single application-chosen table name
#[para] The toplevel Toml table [fauxlink] is reserved for core extensions to this system.
#[para] Aside from the 2 used for delimiting (+ #)
#[para] certain characters which might normally be allowed in filesystems are required to be encoded
#[para] e.g space and tab are required to be %20 %09
#[para] Others that require encoding are: * ? \ / | : ; " < >
#[para] The nul character in raw form, when detected, is always mapped away to the empty string - as very few filesystems support it.
#[para] Control characters and other punctuation is optional to encode.
#[para] Generally utf-8 should be used where possible and unicode characters can often be left unencoded on modern systems.
#[para] Where encoding of unicode is desired in the nominalname,encodedtarget,tag or comment portions it can be specified as %UXXXXXXXX
#[para] There must be between 1 and 8 X digits following the %U. Interpretation of chars following %U stops at the first non-hex character.
#[para] This means %Utest would not get any translation as there were no hex digits so it would come out as %Utest
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ie "//server/c/Program files" works but "//server/c/Program%20Files" is now treated by windows as a literal path with %20 in it.
#Using fauxlink - a link would be:
# "my-program-files#++server+c+Program%20Files.fxlnk"
#If we needed the old-style literal %20 it would become
# "my-program-files#++server+c+Program%2520Files.fxlnk"
# The file:// scheme on windows supposedly *does* decode %xx (for use in a browser)
# e.g
# pfiles#file%3a++++localhost+c+Program%2520files
# The browser will work with literal spaces too though - so it could just as well be:
# pfiles#file%3a++++localhost+c+Program%20files
#windows may default to using explorer.exe instead of a browser for file:// urls though
#and explorer doesn't want the literal %20. It probably depends what API the file:// url is to be passed to?
#in a .url shortcut either literal space or %20 will work ie %xx values are decoded
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of fauxlink
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by fauxlink
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6-
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6-}]
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# oo::class namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval fauxlink::class {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace fauxlink::class}]
#[para] class definitions
if {[info commands [namespace current]::interface_sample1] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Base namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval fauxlink {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
#todo - enforce utf-8
#literal unicode chars supported by modern filesystems - leave as is - REVIEW
variable encode_map
variable decode_map
#most filesystems don't allow NULL - map to empty string
#Make sure % is not in encode_map
set encode_map [dict create\
\x00 ""\
{ } %20\
\t %09\
+ %2B\
# %23\
* %2A\
? %3F\
\\ %5C\
/ %2F\
| %7C\
: %3A\
{;} %3B\
{"} %22\
< %3C\
> %3E\
#above have some overlap with ctrl codes below.
#no big deal as it's a dict
# + # * ? \ / | : ; " < > <sp> \t
# also NUL to empty string
# also ctrl chars 01 to 1F (1..31)
for {set i 1} {$i < 32} {incr i} {
set ch [format %c $i]
set enc "%[format %02X $i]"
set enc_lower [string tolower $enc]
dict set encode_map $ch $enc
dict set decode_map $enc $ch
dict set decode_map $enc_lower $ch
variable must_encode
set must_encode [dict keys $encode_map]
#if they are in
#decode map doesn't include
# %00 (nul)
# %2F "/"
# %2f "/"
# %7f (del)
#we exlude the forward slash because we already have + for that - and multiple ways to specify it obscure intention.
set decode_map [dict merge $decode_map [dict create\
%09 \t\
%20 { }\
%21 "!"\
%22 {"}\
%23 "#"\
%24 "$"\
%25 "%"\
%26 "&"\
%27 "'"\
%28 "("\
%29 ")"\
%2A "*"\
%2a "*"\
%2B "+"\
%2b "+"\
%2C ","\
%2c ","\
%2D "-"\
%2d "-"\
%2E "."\
%2e "."\
%3A ":"\
%3a ":"\
%3B {;}\
%3b {;}\
%3D "="\
%3C "<"\
%3c "<"\
%3d "="\
%3E ">"\
%3e ">"\
%3F "?"\
%3f "?"\
%40 "@"\
%5B "\["\
%5b "\["\
%5C "\\"\
%5c "\\"\
%5D "\]"\
%5d "\]"\
%5E "^"\
%5e "^"\
%60 "`"\
%7B "{"\
%7b "{"\
%7C "|"\
%7c "|"\
%7D "}"\
%7d "}"\
%7E "~"\
%7e "~"\
#Don't go above 7f
#if we want to specify p
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace fauxlink}]
#[para] Core API functions for fauxlink
#[list_begin definitions]
proc Segment_mustencode_check {str} {
variable decode_map
variable encode_map ;#must_encode
set idx 0
set err ""
foreach ch [split $str ""] {
if {[dict exists $encode_map $ch]} {
set enc [dict get $encode_map $ch]
if {[dict exists $decode_map $enc]} {
append err " char $idx should be encoded as $enc" \n
} else {
append err " no %xx encoding available. Use %UXX if really required" \n
incr idx
return $err ;#empty string if ok
proc resolve {link} {
variable decode_map
variable encode_map
variable must_encode
set ftail [file tail $link]
set extension_name [string range [file extension $ftail] 1 end]
if {$extension_name ni [list fxlnk fauxlink]} {
set is_fauxlink 0
#we'll process anyway - but return the result wrapped
#This should allow deliberate erroring for the calling dict user if the extension difference is inadvertent
#(e.g blindly processing all files in a folder that is normally only .fxlnk files - but then something added that happens
# to have # characters in it)
#It also means if someone really wants to use the fauxlink semantics on a different file type
# - they can - but just have to access the results differently and take that (minor) risk.
#error "fauxlink::resolve refusing to process link $link - file extension must be .fxlnk or .fauxlink"
set err_extra "\nnonstandard extension '$extension_name' for fauxlink. Check that the call to fauxlink::resolve was deliberate"
} else {
set is_fauxlink 1
set err_extra ""
set linkspec [file rootname $ftail]
# - any # or + within the target path or name should have been uri encoded as %23 and %2b
if {[tcl::string::first # $linkspec] < 0} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link'. Link must contain a # (usually at start if name matches target)"
append err $err_extra
error $err
#The 1st 2 parts of split on # are name and target file/dir
#If there are only 3 parts the 3rd part is a comment and there are no 'tags'
#if there are 4 parts - the 3rd part is a tagset where each tag begins with @
#and each subsequent part is a comment. Empty comments are stripped from the comments list
#A tagset can be empty - but if it's not empty it must contain at least one @ and must start with @
#e.g name.txt#path#@tag1@tag2#test###.fxlnk
#has a name, a target, 2 tags and one comment
#check namespec already has required chars encoded
set segments [split $linkspec #]
lassign $segments namespec targetspec
#puts stderr "-->namespec $namespec"
set nametest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $namespec]
#puts stderr "-->nametest $nametest"
#nothing should be changed - if there are unencoded chars that must be encoded it is an error
if {[tcl::string::length $nametest] ne [tcl::string::length $namespec]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in name part (section prior to first #)"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $namespec]
append err $err_extra
error $err
#see comments below regarding 2 rounds and ordering.
set name [decode_unicode_escapes $namespec]
set name [tcl::string::map $decode_map $name]
#puts stderr "-->name: $name"
set targetsegment [split $targetspec +]
#check each + delimited part of targetspec already has required chars encoded
set pp 0 ;#pathpart index
set targetpath_parts [list]
foreach pathpart $targetsegment {
set targettest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $pathpart]
if {[tcl::string::length $targettest] ne [tcl::string::length $pathpart]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in targetpath (section following first #)"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $pathpart]
append err $err_extra
error $err
#2 rounds of substitution is possibly asking for trouble..
#We allow anything in the resultant segments anyway (as %UXXXX... allows all)
#so it's not so much about what can be encoded,
# - but it makes it harder to reason about for users
# In particular - if we map %XX first it makes %25 -> % substitution tricky
# if the user requires a literal %UXXX - they can't do %25UXXX
# the double sub would make it %UXXX -> somechar anyway.
#we do unicode first - as a 2nd round of %XX substitutions is unlikely to interfere.
#There is still the opportunity to use things like %U00000025 followed by hex-chars
# and get some minor surprises, but using %U on ascii is unlikely to be done accidentally - REVIEW
set pathpart [decode_unicode_escapes $pathpart]
set pathpart [tcl::string::map $decode_map $pathpart]
lappend targetpath_parts $pathpart
incr pp
set targetpath [join $targetpath_parts /]
if {$name eq ""} {
set name [lindex $targetpath_parts end]
#we do the same encoding checks on tags and comments to increase chances of portability
set tags [list]
set comments [list]
switch -- [llength $segments] {
2 {
#no tags or comments
3 {
#only 3 sections - last is comment - even if looks like tags
#to make the 3rd part a tagset, an extra # would be needed
set comments [list [lindex $segments 2]]
default {
set tagset [lindex $segments 2]
if {$tagset eq ""} {
#ok - no tags
} else {
if {[string first @ $tagset] != 0} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid tagset in 3rd #-delimited segment"
append err \n " - must begin with @"
append err $err_extra
error $err
} else {
set tagset [string range $tagset 1 end]
set rawtags [split $tagset @]
set tags [list]
foreach t $rawtags {
if {$t eq ""} {
lappend tags ""
} else {
set tagtest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $t]
if {[tcl::string::length $tagtest] ne [tcl::string::length $t]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in tag [llength $tags]"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $t]
append err $err_extra
error $err
lappend tags [tcl::string::map $decode_map [decode_unicode_escapes $t]]
set rawcomments [lrange $segments 3 end]
#set comments [lsearch -all -inline -not $comments ""]
set comments [list]
foreach c $rawcomments {
if {$c eq ""} {continue}
set commenttest [tcl::string::map $encode_map $c]
if {[tcl::string::length $commenttest] ne [tcl::string::length $c]} {
set err "fauxlink::resolve '$link' invalid chars in comment [llength $comments]"
append err [Segment_mustencode_check $c]
append err $err_extra
error $err
lappend comments [tcl::string::map $decode_map [decode_unicode_escapes $c]]
set data [dict create name $name targetpath $targetpath tags $tags comments $comments fauxlinkextension $extension_name]
if {$is_fauxlink} {
#standard .fxlnk or .fauxlink
return $data
} else {
#custom extension - or called in error on wrong type of file but happened to parse.
#see comments at top regarding is_fauxlink
#make sure no keys in common at top level.
return [dict create\
linktype $extension_name\
note "nonstandard extension returning nonstandard dict with result in data key"\
data $data\
variable map
#default exclusion of / (%U2f and equivs)
#this would allow obfuscation of intention - when we have + for that anyway
proc decode_unicode_escapes {str {exclusions {/ \n \r \x00}}} {
variable map
set ucstart [string first %U $str 0]
if {$ucstart < 0} {
return $str
set max 8
set map [list]
set strend [expr {[string length $str]-1}]
while {$ucstart >= 0} {
set s $ucstart
set i [expr {$s +2}] ;#skip the %U
set hex ""
while {[tcl::string::length $hex] < 8 && $i <= $strend} {
set in [string index $str $i]
if {[tcl::string::is xdigit -strict $in]} {
append hex $in
} else {
incr i
if {$hex ne ""} {
incr i -1
lappend map $s $i $hex
set ucstart [tcl::string::first %U $str $i]
set out ""
set lastidx -1
set e 0
foreach {s e hex} $map {
append out [string range $str $lastidx+1 $s-1]
set sub [format %c 0x$hex]
if {$sub in $exclusions} {
append out %U$hex ;#put it back
} else {
append out $sub
set lastidx $e
if {$e < [tcl::string::length $str]-1} {
append out [string range $str $e+1 end]
return $out
proc link_as {name target} {
#proc sample1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call [fun sample1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of sample1
# return "ok"
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace fauxlink ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval fauxlink::lib {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
namespace path [namespace parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace fauxlink::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc utility1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call lib::[fun utility1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of utility1
# return 1
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace fauxlink::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval fauxlink::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace fauxlink::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide fauxlink [namespace eval fauxlink {
variable pkg fauxlink
variable version
set version 0.1.1
#*** !doctools


@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ set bootsupport_modules [list\
modules punk::packagepreference\
modules punk::repo\
modules punk::tdl\
modules punk::trie\
modules punk::unixywindows\
modules punk::zip\
modules punk::winpath\
@ -89,5 +90,6 @@ set bootsupport_modules [list\
modules textblock\
modules natsort\
modules oolib\
modules zipper\


@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use 'pmix make' or src/make.tcl to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) 2024
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application modpod 0.1.1
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license <unspecified>
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin modpod_module_modpod 0 0.1.1]
#[copyright "2024"]
#[titledesc {Module API}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {-}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require modpod]
#[keywords module]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of modpod
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by modpod
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6-
package require struct::set ;#review
package require punk::lib
package require punk::args
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6-}]
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# oo::class namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod::class {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::class}]
#[para] class definitions
if {[info commands [namespace current]::interface_sample1] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Base namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
variable connected
if {![info exists connected(to)]} {
set connected(to) list
variable modpodscript
set modpodscript [info script]
if {[string tolower [file extension $modpodscript]] eq ".tcl"} {
set connected(self) [file dirname $modpodscript]
} else {
#expecting a .tm
set connected(self) $modpodscript
variable loadables [info sharedlibextension]
variable sourceables {.tcl .tk} ;# .tm ?
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod}]
#[para] Core API functions for modpod
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc sample1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call [fun sample1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of sample1
# return "ok"
#old tar connect mechanism - review - not needed?
proc connect {args} {
puts stderr "modpod::connect--->>$args"
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-type -default ""
*values -min 1 -max 1
path -type string -minlen 1 -help "path to .tm file or toplevel .tcl script within #modpod-<pkg>-<ver> folder (unwrapped modpod)"
} $args]
catch {
punk::lib::showdict $argd ;#heavy dependencies
set opt_path [dict get $argd values path]
variable connected
set original_connectpath $opt_path
set modpodpath [modpod::system::normalize $opt_path] ;#
if {$modpodpath in $connected(to)} {
return [dict create ok ALREADY_CONNECTED]
lappend connected(to) $modpodpath
set connected(connectpath,$opt_path) $original_connectpath
set is_sourced [expr {[file normalize $modpodpath] eq [file normalize [info script]]}]
set connected(location,$modpodpath) [file dirname $modpodpath]
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) -1
set connected(type,$modpodpath) [dict get $argd opts -type]
set connected(fh,$modpodpath) ""
if {[string range [file tail $modpodpath] 0 7] eq "#modpod-"} {
set connected(type,$modpodpath) "unwrapped"
lassign [::split [file tail [file dirname $modpodpath]] -] connected(package,$modpodpath) connected(version,$modpodpath)
set this_pkg_tm_folder [file dirname [file dirname $modpodpath]]
} else {
#connect to .tm but may still be unwrapped version available
lassign [::split [file rootname [file tail $modpodath]] -] connected(package,$modpodpath) connected(version,$modpodpath)
set this_pkg_tm_folder [file dirname $modpodpath]
if {$connected(type,$modpodpath) ne "unwrapped"} {
#Not directly connected to unwrapped version - but may still be redirected there
set unwrappedFolder [file join $connected(location,$modpodpath) #modpod-$connected(package,$modpodpath)-$connected(version,$modpodpath)]
if {[file exists $unwrappedFolder]} {
#folder with exact version-match must exist for redirect to 'unwrapped'
set con(type,$modpodpath) "modpod-redirecting"
set unwrapped_tm_file [file join $this_pkg_tm_folder] "[set connected(package,$modpodpath)]-[set connected(version,$modpodpath)].tm"
set connected(tmfile,$modpodpath)
set tail_segments [list]
set lcase_tmfile_segments [string tolower [file split $this_pkg_tm_folder]]
set lcase_modulepaths [string tolower [tcl::tm::list]]
foreach lc_mpath $lcase_modulepaths {
set mpath_segments [file split $lc_mpath]
if {[llength [struct::set intersect $lcase_tmfile_segments $mpath_segments]] == [llength $mpath_segments]} {
set tail_segments [lrange [file split $this_pkg_tm_folder] [llength $mpath_segments] end]
if {[llength $tail_segments]} {
set connected(fullpackage,$modpodpath) [join [concat $tail_segments [set connected(package,$modpodpath)]] ::] ;#full name of package as used in package require
} else {
set connected(fullpackage,$modpodpath) [set connected(package,$modpodpath)]
switch -exact -- $connected(type,$modpodpath) {
"modpod-redirecting" {
#redirect to the unwrapped version
set loadscript_name [file join $unwrappedFolder #modpod-loadscript-$con(package,$modpod).tcl]
"unwrapped" {
if {[info commands ::thread::id] ne ""} {
set from [pid],[thread::id]
} else {
set from [pid]
#::modpod::Puts stderr "$from-> Package $connected(package,$modpodpath)-$connected(version,$modpodpath) is using unwrapped version: $modpodpath"
return [list ok ""]
default {
#autodetect .tm - zip/tar ?
#todo - use vfs ?
#connect to tarball - start at 1st header
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) 0
set fh [open $modpodpath r]
set connected(fh,$modpodpath) $fh
fconfigure $fh -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary -eofchar {}
if {$connected(startdata,$modpodpath) >= 0} {
#verify we have a valid tar header
if {![catch {::modpod::system::tar::readHeader [red $fh 512]}]} {
seek $fh $connected(startdata,$modpodpath) start
return [list ok $fh]
} else {
#error "cannot verify tar header"
lpop connected(to) end
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) -1
unset connected(fh,$modpodpath)
catch {close $fh}
return [dict create err {Does not appear to be a valid modpod}]
proc disconnect {{modpod ""}} {
variable connected
if {![llength $connected(to)]} {
return 0
if {$modpod eq ""} {
puts stderr "modpod::disconnect WARNING: modpod not explicitly specified. Disconnecting last connected: [lindex $connected(to) end]"
set modpod [lindex $connected(to) end]
if {[set posn [lsearch $connected(to) $modpod]] == -1} {
puts stderr "modpod::disconnect WARNING: disconnect called when not connected: $modpod"
return 0
if {[string length $connected(fh,$modpod)]} {
close $connected(fh,$modpod)
array unset connected *,$modpod
set connected(to) [lreplace $connected(to) $posn $posn]
return 1
proc get {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-from -default "" -help "path to pod"
*values -min 1 -max 1
} $args]
set frompod [dict get $argd opts -from]
set filename [dict get $argd values filename]
variable connected
set modpod [::modpod::system::connect_if_not $frompod]
set fh $connected(fh,$modpod)
if {$connected(type,$modpod) eq "unwrapped"} {
#for unwrapped connection - $connected(location) already points to the #modpod-pkg-ver folder
if {[string range $filename 0 0 eq "/"]} {
#absolute path (?)
set path [file join $connected(location,$modpod) .. [string trim $filename /]]
} else {
#relative path - use #modpod-xxx as base
set path [file join $connected(location,$modpod) $filename]
set fd [open $path r]
#fconfigure $fd -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
return [list ok [lindex [list [read $fd] [close $fd]] 0]]
} else {
#read from vfs
puts stderr "get $filename from wrapped pod '$frompod' not implemented"
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace modpod ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod::lib {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
namespace path [namespace parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc utility1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call lib::[fun utility1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of utility1
# return 1
proc is_valid_tm_version {versionpart} {
#Needs to be suitable for use with Tcl's 'package vcompare'
if {![catch [list package vcompare $versionparts $versionparts]]} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
#zipfile is a pure zip at this point - ie no script/exe header
proc make_zip_modpod {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-offsettype -default "file" -choices {archive file} -help "Whether zip offsets are relative to start of file or start of zip-data within the file.
'archive' relative offsets are easier to work with (for writing/updating) in tools such as 7zip,peazip,
but other tools may be easier with 'file' relative offsets. (e.g info-zip,pkzip)
info-zip's 'zip -A' can sometimes convert archive-relative to file-relative.
-offsettype archive is equivalent to plain 'cat prefixfile zipfile > modulefile'"
*values -min 2 -max 2
zipfile -type path -minlen 1 -help "path to plain zip file with subfolder #modpod-packagename-version containing .tm, data files and/or binaries"
outfile -type path -minlen 1 -help "path to output file. Name should be of the form"
} $args]
set zipfile [dict get $argd values zipfile]
set outfile [dict get $argd values outfile]
set opt_offsettype [dict get $argd opts -offsettype]
set mount_stub [string map [list %offsettype% $opt_offsettype] {
#zip file with Tcl loader prepended. Requires either builtin zipfs, or vfs::zip to mount while zipped.
#Alternatively unzip so that extracted #modpod-package-version folder is in same folder as .tm file.
#generated using: modpod::lib::make_zip_modpod -offsettype %offsettype% <zipfile> <tmfile>
if {[catch {file normalize [info script]} modfile]} {
error "modpod zip stub error. Unable to determine module path. (possible safe interp restrictions?)"
if {$modfile eq "" || ![file exists $modfile]} {
error "modpod zip stub error. Unable to determine module path"
set moddir [file dirname $modfile]
set mod_and_ver [file rootname [file tail $modfile]]
lassign [split $mod_and_ver -] moduletail version
if {[file exists $moddir/#modpod-$mod_and_ver]} {
source $moddir/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
} else {
#determine module namespace so we can mount appropriately
proc intersect {A B} {
if {[llength $A] == 0} {return {}}
if {[llength $B] == 0} {return {}}
if {[llength $B] > [llength $A]} {
set res $A
set A $B
set B $res
set res {}
foreach x $A {set ($x) {}}
foreach x $B {
if {[info exists ($x)]} {
lappend res $x
return $res
set lcase_tmfile_segments [string tolower [file split $moddir]]
set lcase_modulepaths [string tolower [tcl::tm::list]]
foreach lc_mpath $lcase_modulepaths {
set mpath_segments [file split $lc_mpath]
if {[llength [intersect $lcase_tmfile_segments $mpath_segments]] == [llength $mpath_segments]} {
set tail_segments [lrange [file split $moddir] [llength $mpath_segments] end] ;#use properly cased tail
if {[llength $tail_segments]} {
set fullpackage [join [concat $tail_segments $moduletail] ::] ;#full name of package as used in package require
set mount_at #modpod/[file join {*}$tail_segments]/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver
} else {
set fullpackage $moduletail
set mount_at #modpod/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver
if {[info commands tcl::zipfs::mount] ne ""} {
#argument order changed to be consistent with vfs::zip::Mount etc
#early versions: zipfs::Mount mountpoint zipname
#since 2023-09: zipfs::Mount zipname mountpoint
#don't use 'file exists' when testing mountpoints. (some versions at least give massive delays on windows platform for non-existance)
#This is presumably related to // being interpreted as a network path
set mountpoints [dict keys [tcl::zipfs::mount]]
if {"//zipfs:/$mount_at" ni $mountpoints} {
#despite API change tcl::zipfs package version was unfortunately not updated - so we don't know argument order without trying it
if {[catch {
#tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile //zipfs:/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver ;#extremely slow if this is a wrong guess (artifact of aforementioned file exists issue ?)
#puts "tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile $mount_at"
tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile $mount_at
} errM]} {
#try old api
if {![catch {tcl::zipfs::mount //zipfs:/$mount_at $modfile}]} {
puts stderr "modpod stub>>> tcl::zipfs::mount <file> <mountpoint> failed.\nbut old api: tcl::zipfs::mount <mountpoint> <file> succeeded\n tcl::zipfs::mount //zipfs://$mount_at $modfile"
puts stderr "Consider upgrading tcl runtime to one with fixed zipfs API"
if {![file exists //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$]} {
puts stderr "modpod stub>>> mount at //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$ failed\n zipfs mounts: [zipfs mount]"
#tcl::zipfs::unmount //zipfs:/$mount_at
error "Unable to find $ in $modfile for module $fullpackage"
# #modpod-$mod_and_ver subdirectory always present in the archive so it can be conveniently extracted and run in that form
source //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
} else {
#fallback to slower vfs::zip
#NB. We don't create the intermediate dirs - but the mount still works
if {![file exists $moddir/$mount_at]} {
if {[catch {package require vfs::zip} errM]} {
set msg "Unable to load vfs::zip package to mount module $mod_and_ver (and zipfs not available either)"
append msg \n "If neither zipfs or vfs::zip are available - the module can still be loaded by manually unzipping the file $modfile in place."
append msg \n "The unzipped data will all be contained in a folder named #modpod-$mod_and_ver in the same parent folder as $modfile"
error $msg
} else {
set fd [vfs::zip::Mount $modfile $moddir/$mount_at]
if {![file exists $moddir/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$]} {
vfs::zip::Unmount $fd $moddir/$mount_at
error "Unable to find $ in $modfile for module $fullpackage"
source $moddir/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
#zipped data follows
#todo - test if supplied zipfile has #modpod-loadcript.tcl or some other script/executable before even creating?
append mount_stub \x1A
modpod::system::make_mountable_zip $zipfile $outfile $mount_stub $opt_offsettype
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace modpod::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval modpod::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
#deflate,store only supported
#zipfile here is plain zip - no script/exe prefix part.
proc make_mountable_zip {zipfile outfile mount_stub {offsettype "file"}} {
set inzip [open $zipfile r]
fconfigure $inzip -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
set out [open $outfile w+]
fconfigure $out -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
puts -nonewline $out $mount_stub
set stuboffset [tell $out]
lappend report "sfx stub size: $stuboffset"
fcopy $inzip $out
close $inzip
set size [tell $out]
lappend report "tmfile : [file tail $outfile]"
lappend report "output size : $size"
lappend report "offsettype : $offsettype"
if {$offsettype eq "file"} {
#make zip offsets relative to start of whole file including prepended script.
#(same offset structure as Tcl's 'zipfs mkimg' as at 2024-10)
#we aren't adding any new files/folders so we can edit the offsets in place
#Now seek in $out to find the end of directory signature:
#The structure itself is 24 bytes Long, followed by a maximum of 64Kbytes text
if {$size < 65559} {
set tailsearch_start 0
} else {
set tailsearch_start [expr {$size - 65559}]
seek $out $tailsearch_start
set data [read $out]
#EOCD - End of Central Directory record
set start_of_end [string last "\x50\x4b\x05\x06" $data]
#set start_of_end [expr {$start_of_end + $seek}]
#incr start_of_end $seek
set filerelative_eocd_posn [expr {$start_of_end + $tailsearch_start}]
lappend report "kitfile-relative START-OF-EOCD: $filerelative_eocd_posn"
seek $out $filerelative_eocd_posn
set end_of_ctrl_dir [read $out]
binary scan $end_of_ctrl_dir issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
lappend report "End of central directory: [array get eocd]"
seek $out [expr {$filerelative_eocd_posn+16}]
#adjust offset of start of central directory by the length of our sfx stub
puts -nonewline $out [binary format i [expr {$eocd(diroffset) + $stuboffset}]]
flush $out
seek $out $filerelative_eocd_posn
set end_of_ctrl_dir [read $out]
binary scan $end_of_ctrl_dir issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
# 0x06054b50 - end of central dir signature
puts stderr "$end_of_ctrl_dir"
puts stderr "comment_len: $eocd(comment_len)"
puts stderr "eocd sig: $eocd(signature) [punk::lib::dec2hex $eocd(signature)]"
lappend report "New dir offset: $eocd(diroffset)"
lappend report "Adjusting $eocd(totalnum) zip file items."
catch {
punk::lib::showdict -roottype list -chan stderr $report ;#heavy dependencies
seek $out $eocd(diroffset)
for {set i 0} {$i <$eocd(totalnum)} {incr i} {
set current_file [tell $out]
set fileheader [read $out 46]
puts --------------
puts [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 $fileheader]
puts --------------
#binary scan $fileheader is2sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
# x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
binary scan $fileheader ic4sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
set ::last_header $fileheader
puts "sig: $x(sig) (hex: [punk::lib::dec2hex $x(sig)])"
puts "ver: $x(version)"
puts "method: $x(method)"
#33639248 dec = 0x02014b50 - central directory file header signature
if { $x(sig) != 33639248 } {
error "modpod::system::make_mountable_zip Bad file header signature at item $i: dec:$x(sig) hex:[punk::lib::dec2hex $x(sig)]"
foreach size $x(lengths) var {filename extrafield comment} {
if { $size > 0 } {
set x($var) [read $out $size]
} else {
set x($var) ""
set next_file [tell $out]
lappend report "file $i: $x(offset) $x(sizes) $x(filename)"
seek $out [expr {$current_file+42}]
puts -nonewline $out [binary format i [expr {$x(offset)+$stuboffset}]]
flush $out
seek $out $current_file
set fileheader [read $out 46]
lappend report "old $x(offset) + $stuboffset"
binary scan $fileheader is2sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
lappend report "new $x(offset)"
seek $out $next_file
close $out
#pdict/showdict reuire punk & textlib - ie lots of dependencies
#don't fall over just because of that
catch {
punk::lib::showdict -roottype list -chan stderr $report
#puts [join $report \n]
proc connect_if_not {{podpath ""}} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set podpath [::modpod::system::normalize $podpath]
set docon 0
if {![llength $connected(to)]} {
if {![string length $podpath]} {
error "modpod::system::connect_if_not - Not connected to a modpod file, and no podpath specified"
} else {
set docon 1
} else {
if {![string length $podpath]} {
set podpath [lindex $connected(to) end]
puts stderr "modpod::system::connect_if_not WARNING: using last connected modpod:$podpath for operation\n -podpath not explicitly specified during operation: [info level -1]"
} else {
if {$podpath ni $connected(to)} {
set docon 1
if {$docon} {
if {[lindex [modpod::connect $podpath]] 0] ne "ok"} {
error "modpod::system::connect_if_not error. file $podpath does not seem to be a valid modpod"
} else {
return $podpath
#we were already connected
return $podpath
proc myversion {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myversion should only be called from within a loading modpod"
set fname [file tail [file rootname [file normalize $script]]]
set scriptdir [file dirname $script]
if {![string match "#modpod-*" $fname]} {
lassign [lrange [split $fname -] end-1 end] _pkgname version
} else {
lassign [scan [file tail [file rootname $script]] {#modpod-loadscript-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
if {![string length $version]} {
#try again on the name of the containing folder
lassign [scan [file tail $scriptdir] {#modpod-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
#todo - proper walk up the directory tree
if {![string length $version]} {
#try again on the grandparent folder (this is a standard depth for sourced .tcl files in a modpod)
lassign [scan [file tail [file dirname $scriptdir]] {#modpod-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
#tarjar::Log debug "'myversion' determined version for [info script]: $version"
return $version
proc myname {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myname should only be called from within a loading modpod"
return $connected(fullpackage,$script)
proc myfullname {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
#set script [::tarjar::normalize $script]
set script [file normalize $script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myfullname should only be called from within a loading tarjar"
return $::tarjar::connected(fullpackage,$script)
proc normalize {path} {
#newer versions of Tcl don't do tilde sub
#Tcl's 'file normalize' seems to do some unfortunate tilde substitution on windows.. (at least for relative paths)
# we take the assumption here that if Tcl's tilde substitution is required - it should be done before the path is provided to this function.
set matilda "<_tarjar_tilde_placeholder_>" ;#token that is *unlikely* to occur in the wild, and is somewhat self describing in case it somehow ..escapes..
set path [string map [list ~ $matilda] $path] ;#give our tildes to matilda to look after
set path [file normalize $path]
#set path [string tolower $path] ;#must do this after file normalize
return [string map [list $matilda ~] $path] ;#get our tildes back.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide modpod [namespace eval modpod {
variable pkg modpod
variable version
set version 0.1.1
#*** !doctools


@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use 'pmix make' or src/make.tcl to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) 2024
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application modpod 0.1.2
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license <unspecified>
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin modpod_module_modpod 0 0.1.2]
#[copyright "2024"]
#[titledesc {Module API}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {-}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require modpod]
#[keywords module]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of modpod
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by modpod
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6-
package require struct::set ;#review
package require punk::lib
package require punk::args
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6-}]
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# oo::class namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod::class {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::class}]
#[para] class definitions
if {[info commands [namespace current]::interface_sample1] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Base namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
variable connected
if {![info exists connected(to)]} {
set connected(to) list
variable modpodscript
set modpodscript [info script]
if {[string tolower [file extension $modpodscript]] eq ".tcl"} {
set connected(self) [file dirname $modpodscript]
} else {
#expecting a .tm
set connected(self) $modpodscript
variable loadables [info sharedlibextension]
variable sourceables {.tcl .tk} ;# .tm ?
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod}]
#[para] Core API functions for modpod
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc sample1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call [fun sample1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of sample1
# return "ok"
#old tar connect mechanism - review - not needed?
proc connect {args} {
puts stderr "modpod::connect--->>$args"
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-type -default ""
*values -min 1 -max 1
path -type string -minlen 1 -help "path to .tm file or toplevel .tcl script within #modpod-<pkg>-<ver> folder (unwrapped modpod)"
} $args]
catch {
punk::lib::showdict $argd ;#heavy dependencies
set opt_path [dict get $argd values path]
variable connected
set original_connectpath $opt_path
set modpodpath [modpod::system::normalize $opt_path] ;#
if {$modpodpath in $connected(to)} {
return [dict create ok ALREADY_CONNECTED]
lappend connected(to) $modpodpath
set connected(connectpath,$opt_path) $original_connectpath
set is_sourced [expr {[file normalize $modpodpath] eq [file normalize [info script]]}]
set connected(location,$modpodpath) [file dirname $modpodpath]
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) -1
set connected(type,$modpodpath) [dict get $argd opts -type]
set connected(fh,$modpodpath) ""
if {[string range [file tail $modpodpath] 0 7] eq "#modpod-"} {
set connected(type,$modpodpath) "unwrapped"
lassign [::split [file tail [file dirname $modpodpath]] -] connected(package,$modpodpath) connected(version,$modpodpath)
set this_pkg_tm_folder [file dirname [file dirname $modpodpath]]
} else {
#connect to .tm but may still be unwrapped version available
lassign [::split [file rootname [file tail $modpodath]] -] connected(package,$modpodpath) connected(version,$modpodpath)
set this_pkg_tm_folder [file dirname $modpodpath]
if {$connected(type,$modpodpath) ne "unwrapped"} {
#Not directly connected to unwrapped version - but may still be redirected there
set unwrappedFolder [file join $connected(location,$modpodpath) #modpod-$connected(package,$modpodpath)-$connected(version,$modpodpath)]
if {[file exists $unwrappedFolder]} {
#folder with exact version-match must exist for redirect to 'unwrapped'
set con(type,$modpodpath) "modpod-redirecting"
set unwrapped_tm_file [file join $this_pkg_tm_folder] "[set connected(package,$modpodpath)]-[set connected(version,$modpodpath)].tm"
set connected(tmfile,$modpodpath)
set tail_segments [list]
set lcase_tmfile_segments [string tolower [file split $this_pkg_tm_folder]]
set lcase_modulepaths [string tolower [tcl::tm::list]]
foreach lc_mpath $lcase_modulepaths {
set mpath_segments [file split $lc_mpath]
if {[llength [struct::set intersect $lcase_tmfile_segments $mpath_segments]] == [llength $mpath_segments]} {
set tail_segments [lrange [file split $this_pkg_tm_folder] [llength $mpath_segments] end]
if {[llength $tail_segments]} {
set connected(fullpackage,$modpodpath) [join [concat $tail_segments [set connected(package,$modpodpath)]] ::] ;#full name of package as used in package require
} else {
set connected(fullpackage,$modpodpath) [set connected(package,$modpodpath)]
switch -exact -- $connected(type,$modpodpath) {
"modpod-redirecting" {
#redirect to the unwrapped version
set loadscript_name [file join $unwrappedFolder #modpod-loadscript-$con(package,$modpod).tcl]
"unwrapped" {
if {[info commands ::thread::id] ne ""} {
set from [pid],[thread::id]
} else {
set from [pid]
#::modpod::Puts stderr "$from-> Package $connected(package,$modpodpath)-$connected(version,$modpodpath) is using unwrapped version: $modpodpath"
return [list ok ""]
default {
#autodetect .tm - zip/tar ?
#todo - use vfs ?
#connect to tarball - start at 1st header
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) 0
set fh [open $modpodpath r]
set connected(fh,$modpodpath) $fh
fconfigure $fh -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary -eofchar {}
if {$connected(startdata,$modpodpath) >= 0} {
#verify we have a valid tar header
if {![catch {::modpod::system::tar::readHeader [red $fh 512]}]} {
seek $fh $connected(startdata,$modpodpath) start
return [list ok $fh]
} else {
#error "cannot verify tar header"
lpop connected(to) end
set connected(startdata,$modpodpath) -1
unset connected(fh,$modpodpath)
catch {close $fh}
return [dict create err {Does not appear to be a valid modpod}]
proc disconnect {{modpod ""}} {
variable connected
if {![llength $connected(to)]} {
return 0
if {$modpod eq ""} {
puts stderr "modpod::disconnect WARNING: modpod not explicitly specified. Disconnecting last connected: [lindex $connected(to) end]"
set modpod [lindex $connected(to) end]
if {[set posn [lsearch $connected(to) $modpod]] == -1} {
puts stderr "modpod::disconnect WARNING: disconnect called when not connected: $modpod"
return 0
if {[string length $connected(fh,$modpod)]} {
close $connected(fh,$modpod)
array unset connected *,$modpod
set connected(to) [lreplace $connected(to) $posn $posn]
return 1
proc get {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-from -default "" -help "path to pod"
*values -min 1 -max 1
} $args]
set frompod [dict get $argd opts -from]
set filename [dict get $argd values filename]
variable connected
set modpod [::modpod::system::connect_if_not $frompod]
set fh $connected(fh,$modpod)
if {$connected(type,$modpod) eq "unwrapped"} {
#for unwrapped connection - $connected(location) already points to the #modpod-pkg-ver folder
if {[string range $filename 0 0 eq "/"]} {
#absolute path (?)
set path [file join $connected(location,$modpod) .. [string trim $filename /]]
} else {
#relative path - use #modpod-xxx as base
set path [file join $connected(location,$modpod) $filename]
set fd [open $path r]
#fconfigure $fd -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
return [list ok [lindex [list [read $fd] [close $fd]] 0]]
} else {
#read from vfs
puts stderr "get $filename from wrapped pod '$frompod' not implemented"
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace modpod ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval modpod::lib {
namespace export {[a-z]*}; # Convention: export all lowercase
namespace path [namespace parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc utility1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call lib::[fun utility1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of utility1
# return 1
proc is_valid_tm_version {versionpart} {
#Needs to be suitable for use with Tcl's 'package vcompare'
if {![catch [list package vcompare $versionparts $versionparts]]} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
#zipfile is a pure zip at this point - ie no script/exe header
proc make_zip_modpod {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-offsettype -default "archive" -choices {archive file} -help "Whether zip offsets are relative to start of file or start of zip-data within the file.
'archive' relative offsets are easier to work with (for writing/updating) in tools such as 7zip,peazip,
but other tools may be easier with 'file' relative offsets. (e.g info-zip,pkzip)
info-zip's 'zip -A' can sometimes convert archive-relative to file-relative.
-offsettype archive is equivalent to plain 'cat prefixfile zipfile > modulefile'"
*values -min 2 -max 2
zipfile -type path -minlen 1 -help "path to plain zip file with subfolder #modpod-packagename-version containing .tm, data files and/or binaries"
outfile -type path -minlen 1 -help "path to output file. Name should be of the form"
} $args]
set zipfile [dict get $argd values zipfile]
set outfile [dict get $argd values outfile]
set opt_offsettype [dict get $argd opts -offsettype]
set mount_stub [string map [list %offsettype% $opt_offsettype] {
#zip file with Tcl loader prepended. Requires either builtin zipfs, or vfs::zip to mount while zipped.
#Alternatively unzip so that extracted #modpod-package-version folder is in same folder as .tm file.
#generated using: modpod::lib::make_zip_modpod -offsettype %offsettype% <zipfile> <tmfile>
if {[catch {file normalize [info script]} modfile]} {
error "modpod zip stub error. Unable to determine module path. (possible safe interp restrictions?)"
if {$modfile eq "" || ![file exists $modfile]} {
error "modpod zip stub error. Unable to determine module path"
set moddir [file dirname $modfile]
set mod_and_ver [file rootname [file tail $modfile]]
lassign [split $mod_and_ver -] moduletail version
if {[file exists $moddir/#modpod-$mod_and_ver]} {
source $moddir/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
} else {
#determine module namespace so we can mount appropriately
proc intersect {A B} {
if {[llength $A] == 0} {return {}}
if {[llength $B] == 0} {return {}}
if {[llength $B] > [llength $A]} {
set res $A
set A $B
set B $res
set res {}
foreach x $A {set ($x) {}}
foreach x $B {
if {[info exists ($x)]} {
lappend res $x
return $res
set lcase_tmfile_segments [string tolower [file split $moddir]]
set lcase_modulepaths [string tolower [tcl::tm::list]]
foreach lc_mpath $lcase_modulepaths {
set mpath_segments [file split $lc_mpath]
if {[llength [intersect $lcase_tmfile_segments $mpath_segments]] == [llength $mpath_segments]} {
set tail_segments [lrange [file split $moddir] [llength $mpath_segments] end] ;#use properly cased tail
if {[llength $tail_segments]} {
set fullpackage [join [concat $tail_segments $moduletail] ::] ;#full name of package as used in package require
set mount_at #modpod/[file join {*}$tail_segments]/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver
} else {
set fullpackage $moduletail
set mount_at #modpod/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver
if {[info commands tcl::zipfs::mount] ne ""} {
#argument order changed to be consistent with vfs::zip::Mount etc
#early versions: zipfs::Mount mountpoint zipname
#since 2023-09: zipfs::Mount zipname mountpoint
#don't use 'file exists' when testing mountpoints. (some versions at least give massive delays on windows platform for non-existance)
#This is presumably related to // being interpreted as a network path
set mountpoints [dict keys [tcl::zipfs::mount]]
if {"//zipfs:/$mount_at" ni $mountpoints} {
#despite API change tcl::zipfs package version was unfortunately not updated - so we don't know argument order without trying it
if {[catch {
#tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile //zipfs:/#mounted-modpod-$mod_and_ver ;#extremely slow if this is a wrong guess (artifact of aforementioned file exists issue ?)
#puts "tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile $mount_at"
tcl::zipfs::mount $modfile $mount_at
} errM]} {
#try old api
if {![catch {tcl::zipfs::mount //zipfs:/$mount_at $modfile}]} {
puts stderr "modpod stub>>> tcl::zipfs::mount <file> <mountpoint> failed.\nbut old api: tcl::zipfs::mount <mountpoint> <file> succeeded\n tcl::zipfs::mount //zipfs://$mount_at $modfile"
puts stderr "Consider upgrading tcl runtime to one with fixed zipfs API"
if {![file exists //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$]} {
puts stderr "modpod stub>>> mount at //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$ failed\n zipfs mounts: [zipfs mount]"
#tcl::zipfs::unmount //zipfs:/$mount_at
error "Unable to find $ in $modfile for module $fullpackage"
# #modpod-$mod_and_ver subdirectory always present in the archive so it can be conveniently extracted and run in that form
source //zipfs:/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
} else {
#fallback to slower vfs::zip
#NB. We don't create the intermediate dirs - but the mount still works
if {![file exists $moddir/$mount_at]} {
if {[catch {package require vfs::zip} errM]} {
set msg "Unable to load vfs::zip package to mount module $mod_and_ver (and zipfs not available either)"
append msg \n "If neither zipfs or vfs::zip are available - the module can still be loaded by manually unzipping the file $modfile in place."
append msg \n "The unzipped data will all be contained in a folder named #modpod-$mod_and_ver in the same parent folder as $modfile"
error $msg
} else {
set fd [vfs::zip::Mount $modfile $moddir/$mount_at]
if {![file exists $moddir/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$]} {
vfs::zip::Unmount $fd $moddir/$mount_at
error "Unable to find $ in $modfile for module $fullpackage"
source $moddir/$mount_at/#modpod-$mod_and_ver/$
#zipped data follows
#todo - test if supplied zipfile has #modpod-loadcript.tcl or some other script/executable before even creating?
append mount_stub \x1A
modpod::system::make_mountable_zip $zipfile $outfile $mount_stub $opt_offsettype
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace modpod::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval modpod::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace modpod::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
#deflate,store only supported
#zipfile here is plain zip - no script/exe prefix part.
proc make_mountable_zip {zipfile outfile mount_stub {offsettype "archive"}} {
set inzip [open $zipfile r]
fconfigure $inzip -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
set out [open $outfile w+]
fconfigure $out -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
puts -nonewline $out $mount_stub
set stuboffset [tell $out]
lappend report "stub size: $stuboffset"
fcopy $inzip $out
close $inzip
set size [tell $out]
lappend report "tmfile : [file tail $outfile]"
lappend report "output size : $size"
lappend report "offsettype : $offsettype"
if {$offsettype eq "file"} {
#make zip offsets relative to start of whole file including prepended script.
#same offset structure as Tcl's 'zipfs mkimg' as at 2024-10
#not editable by 7z,nanazip,peazip
#we aren't adding any new files/folders so we can edit the offsets in place
#Now seek in $out to find the end of directory signature:
#The structure itself is 24 bytes Long, followed by a maximum of 64Kbytes text
if {$size < 65559} {
set tailsearch_start 0
} else {
set tailsearch_start [expr {$size - 65559}]
seek $out $tailsearch_start
set data [read $out]
#EOCD - End of Central Directory record
set start_of_end [string last "\x50\x4b\x05\x06" $data]
#set start_of_end [expr {$start_of_end + $seek}]
#incr start_of_end $seek
set filerelative_eocd_posn [expr {$start_of_end + $tailsearch_start}]
lappend report "kitfile-relative START-OF-EOCD: $filerelative_eocd_posn"
seek $out $filerelative_eocd_posn
set end_of_ctrl_dir [read $out]
binary scan $end_of_ctrl_dir issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
lappend report "End of central directory: [array get eocd]"
seek $out [expr {$filerelative_eocd_posn+16}]
#adjust offset of start of central directory by the length of our sfx stub
puts -nonewline $out [binary format i [expr {$eocd(diroffset) + $stuboffset}]]
flush $out
seek $out $filerelative_eocd_posn
set end_of_ctrl_dir [read $out]
binary scan $end_of_ctrl_dir issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
# 0x06054b50 - end of central dir signature
puts stderr "$end_of_ctrl_dir"
puts stderr "comment_len: $eocd(comment_len)"
puts stderr "eocd sig: $eocd(signature) [punk::lib::dec2hex $eocd(signature)]"
lappend report "New dir offset: $eocd(diroffset)"
lappend report "Adjusting $eocd(totalnum) zip file items."
catch {
punk::lib::showdict -roottype list -chan stderr $report ;#heavy dependencies
seek $out $eocd(diroffset)
for {set i 0} {$i <$eocd(totalnum)} {incr i} {
set current_file [tell $out]
set fileheader [read $out 46]
puts --------------
puts [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 $fileheader]
puts --------------
#binary scan $fileheader is2sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
# x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
binary scan $fileheader ic4sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
set ::last_header $fileheader
puts "sig: $x(sig) (hex: [punk::lib::dec2hex $x(sig)])"
puts "ver: $x(version)"
puts "method: $x(method)"
#33639248 dec = 0x02014b50 - central directory file header signature
if { $x(sig) != 33639248 } {
error "modpod::system::make_mountable_zip Bad file header signature at item $i: dec:$x(sig) hex:[punk::lib::dec2hex $x(sig)]"
foreach size $x(lengths) var {filename extrafield comment} {
if { $size > 0 } {
set x($var) [read $out $size]
} else {
set x($var) ""
set next_file [tell $out]
lappend report "file $i: $x(offset) $x(sizes) $x(filename)"
seek $out [expr {$current_file+42}]
puts -nonewline $out [binary format i [expr {$x(offset)+$stuboffset}]]
flush $out
seek $out $current_file
set fileheader [read $out 46]
lappend report "old $x(offset) + $stuboffset"
binary scan $fileheader is2sss2ii2s3ssii x(sig) x(version) x(flags) x(method) \
x(date) x(crc32) x(sizes) x(lengths) x(diskno) x(iattr) x(eattr) x(offset)
lappend report "new $x(offset)"
seek $out $next_file
close $out
#pdict/showdict reuire punk & textlib - ie lots of dependencies
#don't fall over just because of that
catch {
punk::lib::showdict -roottype list -chan stderr $report
#puts [join $report \n]
proc connect_if_not {{podpath ""}} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set podpath [::modpod::system::normalize $podpath]
set docon 0
if {![llength $connected(to)]} {
if {![string length $podpath]} {
error "modpod::system::connect_if_not - Not connected to a modpod file, and no podpath specified"
} else {
set docon 1
} else {
if {![string length $podpath]} {
set podpath [lindex $connected(to) end]
puts stderr "modpod::system::connect_if_not WARNING: using last connected modpod:$podpath for operation\n -podpath not explicitly specified during operation: [info level -1]"
} else {
if {$podpath ni $connected(to)} {
set docon 1
if {$docon} {
if {[lindex [modpod::connect $podpath]] 0] ne "ok"} {
error "modpod::system::connect_if_not error. file $podpath does not seem to be a valid modpod"
} else {
return $podpath
#we were already connected
return $podpath
proc myversion {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myversion should only be called from within a loading modpod"
set fname [file tail [file rootname [file normalize $script]]]
set scriptdir [file dirname $script]
if {![string match "#modpod-*" $fname]} {
lassign [lrange [split $fname -] end-1 end] _pkgname version
} else {
lassign [scan [file tail [file rootname $script]] {#modpod-loadscript-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
if {![string length $version]} {
#try again on the name of the containing folder
lassign [scan [file tail $scriptdir] {#modpod-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
#todo - proper walk up the directory tree
if {![string length $version]} {
#try again on the grandparent folder (this is a standard depth for sourced .tcl files in a modpod)
lassign [scan [file tail [file dirname $scriptdir]] {#modpod-%[a-z]-%s}] _pkgname version
#tarjar::Log debug "'myversion' determined version for [info script]: $version"
return $version
proc myname {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myname should only be called from within a loading modpod"
return $connected(fullpackage,$script)
proc myfullname {} {
upvar ::modpod::connected connected
set script [info script]
#set script [::tarjar::normalize $script]
set script [file normalize $script]
if {![string length $script]} {
error "No result from \[info script\] - modpod::system::myfullname should only be called from within a loading tarjar"
return $::tarjar::connected(fullpackage,$script)
proc normalize {path} {
#newer versions of Tcl don't do tilde sub
#Tcl's 'file normalize' seems to do some unfortunate tilde substitution on windows.. (at least for relative paths)
# we take the assumption here that if Tcl's tilde substitution is required - it should be done before the path is provided to this function.
set matilda "<_tarjar_tilde_placeholder_>" ;#token that is *unlikely* to occur in the wild, and is somewhat self describing in case it somehow ..escapes..
set path [string map [list ~ $matilda] $path] ;#give our tildes to matilda to look after
set path [file normalize $path]
#set path [string tolower $path] ;#must do this after file normalize
return [string map [list $matilda ~] $path] ;#get our tildes back.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide modpod [namespace eval modpod {
variable pkg modpod
variable version
set version 0.1.2
#*** !doctools


@ -268,6 +268,34 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
#[list_begin definitions]
if {[info commands ::tcl::dict::getdef] eq ""} {
#package require punk::lib
#interp alias "" ::punk::args::Dict_getdef "" ::punk::lib::dict_getdef
proc Dict_getdef {dictValue args} {
set keys [lrange $args 0 end-1]
if {[tcl::dict::exists $dictValue {*}$keys]} {
return [tcl::dict::get $dictValue {*}$keys]
} else {
return [lindex $args end]
} else {
#we pay a minor perf penalty for the wrap
interp alias "" ::punk::args::Dict_getdef "" ::tcl::dict::getdef
#name to reflect maintenance - home is punk::lib::ldiff
proc punklib_ldiff {fromlist removeitems} {
if {[llength $removeitems] == 0} {return $fromlist}
set result {}
foreach item $fromlist {
if {$item ni $removeitems} {
lappend result $item
return $result
#todo? -synonym ? (applies to opts only not values)
#e.g -background -synonym -bg -default White
@ -339,10 +367,26 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
#puts "indent1:[ansistring VIEW $lastindent]"
set in_record 0
if {[catch {package require punk::ansi} errM]} {
set has_punkansi 0
} else {
set has_punkansi 1
foreach rawline $linelist {
set recordsofar [tcl::string::cat $linebuild $rawline]
#ansi colours can stop info complete from working (contain square brackets)
if {![tcl::info::complete [punk::ansi::ansistrip $recordsofar]]} {
#review - when exactly are ansi codes allowed/expected in argspecs.
# - we might reasonably expect them in default values or choices or help strings
# - square brackets in ansi aren't and can't be escaped if they're to work as literals in the data.
# - eg set line "set x \"a[a+ red]red[a]\""
# - 'info complete' will report 0, and subst would require -nocommand option or it will complain of missing close-bracket
if {$has_punkansi} {
set test_complete [punk::ansi::ansistrip $recordsofar]
} else {
set test_complete [string map [list \x1b\[ ""] $recordsofar]
if {![tcl::info::complete $test_complete]} {
#append linebuild [string trimleft $rawline] \n
if {$in_record} {
if {[tcl::string::length $lastindent]} {
@ -602,7 +646,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
-default - -solo - -range - -choices - -choiceprefix - -choicelabels - -choiceprefix - -minlen - -maxlen - -nocase - -optional - -multiple - -validate_without_ansi - -allow_ansi - -strip_ansi - -help - -ARGTYPE {
-default - -solo - -range - -choices - -choiceprefix - -choicelabels - -minlen - -maxlen - -nocase - -optional - -multiple - -validate_without_ansi - -allow_ansi - -strip_ansi - -help - -ARGTYPE {
#review -solo 1 vs -type none ?
tcl::dict::set spec_merged $spec $specval
@ -711,8 +755,8 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
if {![catch {package require textblock}]} {
if {[catch {
append errmsg \n
set procname [punk::lib::dict_getdef $spec_dict proc_info -name ""]
set prochelp [punk::lib::dict_getdef $spec_dict proc_info -help ""]
set procname [::punk::args::Dict_getdef $spec_dict proc_info -name ""]
set prochelp [::punk::args::Dict_getdef $spec_dict proc_info -help ""]
#set t [textblock::class::table new [a+ web-yellow]Usage[a]]
set t [textblock::class::table new [a+ brightyellow]Usage[a]]
@ -787,7 +831,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
} else {
set default ""
set help [punk::lib::dict_getdef $arginfo -help ""]
set help [::punk::args::Dict_getdef $arginfo -help ""]
if {[dict exists $arginfo -choices]} {
if {$help ne ""} {append help \n}
if {[dict get $arginfo -nocase]} {
@ -801,7 +845,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
set prefixmsg ""
append help "Choices$prefixmsg$casemsg"
if {[catch {package require punk::trie}]} {
if {![dict get $arginfo -choiceprefix] || [catch {package require punk::trie}]} {
append help "\n " [join [dict get $arginfo -choices] "\n "]
} else {
if {[catch {
@ -825,7 +869,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
if {[punk::lib::dict_getdef $arginfo -multiple 0]} {
if {[::punk::args::Dict_getdef $arginfo -multiple 0]} {
set multiple $greencheck
} else {
set multiple ""
@ -842,7 +886,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
} else {
set default ""
set help [punk::lib::dict_getdef $arginfo -help ""]
set help [::punk::args::Dict_getdef $arginfo -help ""]
if {[dict exists $arginfo -choices]} {
if {$help ne ""} {append help \n}
if {[dict get $arginfo -nocase]} {
@ -856,7 +900,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
set prefixmsg ""
append help "Choices$prefixmsg$casemsg"
if {[catch {package require punk::trie}]} {
if {![dict get $arginfo -choiceprefix] || [catch {package require punk::trie}]} {
append help "\n " [join [dict get $arginfo -choices] "\n "]
} else {
if {[catch {
@ -880,7 +924,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
if {[punk::lib::dict_getdef $arginfo -multiple 0]} {
if {[punk::args::Dict_getdef $arginfo -multiple 0]} {
set multiple $greencheck
} else {
set multiple ""
@ -1261,10 +1305,10 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
# error "Required value missing for [Get_caller]. missing values $missing marked with -optional false - so must be present"
#for now (2024-06) punk::lib::ldiff is a better compromise across normal/safe interps e.g 0.7/0.8us
if {[llength [set missing [punk::lib::ldiff $opt_required $flagsreceived]]]} {
if {[llength [set missing [punklib_ldiff $opt_required $flagsreceived]]]} {
arg_error "Required option missing for [Get_caller]. missing flags: '$missing' are marked with -optional false - so must be present in full-length form" $argspecs
if {[llength [set missing [punk::lib::ldiff $val_required $valnames_received]]]} {
if {[llength [set missing [punklib_ldiff $val_required $valnames_received]]]} {
arg_error "Required value missing for [Get_caller]. missing values: '$missing' marked with -optional false - so must be present" $argspecs
@ -1396,14 +1440,25 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
package require ansi
int {
#-range can be expressed as two integers or an integer and an empty string e.g {0 ""} >= 0 or {"" 10} <=10 or {-1 10} -1 to 10 inclusive
if {[tcl::dict::exists $thisarg -range]} {
lassign [tcl::dict::get $thisarg -range] low high
foreach e $vlist e_check $vlist_check {
if {![tcl::string::is integer -strict $e_check]} {
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] requires type 'integer'. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
if {$low eq ""} {
if {$e_check < $low} {
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] must be integer greater than or equal to $low. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
} elseif {$high eq ""} {
if {$e_check > $high} {
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] must be integer less than or equal to $high. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
} else {
if {$e_check < $low || $e_check > $high} {
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] must be integer between $low and $high. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] must be integer between $low and $high inclusive. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
} else {
@ -1426,6 +1481,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
switch -- $checkopt {
-range {
#todo - small-value double comparisons with error-margin? review
#todo - empty string for low or high
lassign $checkval low high
if {$e_check < $low || $e_check > $high} {
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] must be between $low and $high. Received: '$e'" $argspecs $argname
@ -1493,7 +1549,8 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::args {
existingfile -
existingdirectory {
foreach e $vlist e_check $vlist_check {
if {!([tcl::string::length $e_check]>0 && ![regexp {[\"*?<>\;]} $e_check])} {
#//review - we may need '?' char on windows
if {!([tcl::string::length $e_check]>0 && ![regexp {[\"*<>\;]} $e_check])} {
#what about special file names e.g on windows NUL ?
arg_error "Option $argname for [Get_caller] requires type '$type'. Received: '$e' which doesn't look like it could be a file or directory" $argspecs $argname


@ -505,11 +505,13 @@ namespace eval punk::cap::handlers::templates {
set subpathlist [split $tailats +]
if {[dict exists $refinfo sourceinfo projectbase]} {
#some template pathtypes refer to the projectroot from the template - not the cwd
set projectroot [dict get $refinfo sourceinfo projectbase]
set ref_projectroot [dict get $refinfo sourceinfo projectbase]
} else {
set ref_projectroot $projectroot
if {$projectroot ne ""} {
set layoutroot [file join $projectroot src/project_layouts]
if {$ref_projectroot ne ""} {
set layoutroot [file join $ref_projectroot src/project_layouts]
set layoutfolder [file join $layoutroot {*}$subpathlist]
if {[file isdirectory $layoutfolder]} {
#todo - check if layoutname already in layoutdict append .ref path to list of refs that linked to this layout?


@ -468,16 +468,15 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
#adler32 via file-slurp
proc cksum_adler32_file {filename} {
package require zlib; #should be builtin anyway
#2024 - zlib should be builtin - otherwise fallback to trf + zlibtcl?
set data [punk::mix::util::fcat -translation binary -encoding iso8859-1 $filename]
#set data [fileutil::cat -translation binary $filename] ;#no significant performance diff on windows - and doesn't handle win-illegal names
zlib adler32 $data
#zlib crc via file-slurp
proc cksum_crc_file {filename} {
package require zlib
set data [punk::mix::util::fcat -translation binary -encoding iso8859-1 $filename]
zlib crc $data
zlib crc32 $data
proc cksum_md5_data {data} {


@ -687,28 +687,53 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
package require punk::zip
set zipfile $buildfolder/$basename-$ ;#ordinary zip file (deflate)
if 0 {
set zipmechanism "punk::zip" ;#todo - get choice of mechanism from config
switch -- $zipmechanism {
"punk::zip" {
#use -base $buildfolder so that -directory is included in the archive - the modpod stub relies on this - and extraction would be potentially messy otherwise
punk::zip::mkzip -base $buildfolder -directory $buildfolder/#modpod-$basename-$module_build_version -- $zipfile *
#punk::zip::mkzip stores permissions - (unix style) which confuses zipfs when reading - it misidentifies dirs as files
#zipfs mkzip does exactly what we need anyway in this case
#unfortunately it's not available in all Tclsh versions we might be running..
"zipfs" {
if {[llength [info commands zipfs]]} {
#'zipfs mkzip' does we need in this case
#unfortunately it's not available in all Tclsh versions we might be running..
# as at 2024-10 - zipfs mkimg seems to create an apparently working zip - but on windows not updatable with 'zip -A' or 7z etc
#This is because offsets are file relative vs archive relative
#(pkzip & info-zip seem to prefer file-relative ie offsets that have been adjusted after cat headerfile zipfile > somekit
#this isn't an issue for 'mkzip' here though as we don't yet have a headerfile so offset file vs archive are the same.
set wd [pwd]
cd $buildfolder
puts "zipfs mkzip $zipfile #modpod-$basename-$module_build_version"
zipfs mkzip $zipfile #modpod-$basename-$module_build_version
cd $wd
package require modpod
modpod::lib::make_zip_modpod $zipfile $modulefile
} else {
#TODO - review punk::zip::mkzip and/or external zip to provide a fallback?
set had_error 1
lappend notes "zipfs_unavailable"
puts stderr "WARNING: zipfs unavailable can't build $modulefile"
default {
set had_error 1
lappend notes "unrecognized_zipmechanism"
puts stderr "WARNING: no such zipmechanism '$zipmechanism' can't build $modulefile"
if {[catch {package require modpod} errM]} {
set had_error 1
lappend notes "modpod_unavailable"
puts stderr "WARNING: modpod package unavailable can't build $modulefile"
if {!$had_error} {
package require modpod
modpod::lib::make_zip_modpod $zipfile $modulefile
if {$had_error} {


@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ package require punk::args
#sort of a circular dependency when commandset loaded by punk::mix::cli - that's ok, but this could theoretically be loaded by another cli and with another base
package require punk::mix
package require punk::mix::base
package require punk::lib
package require textblock
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
@ -41,8 +42,10 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
return [join $allfiles \n]
proc templatefiles {layout} {
set templatefiles [lib::layout_scan_for_template_files $layout]
return [join $templatefiles \n]
set templatefiles_and_tags [lib::layout_scan_for_template_files $layout]
set flatlist [punk::lib::lmapflat v $templatefiles_and_tags {lrange $v 0 end}]
#return [join $templatefiles \n]
textblock::list_as_table -header {"File with tags found" "Tags"} -columns 2 $flatlist
proc templatefiles.relative {layout} {
@ -56,12 +59,14 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
set stripprefix [file normalize $layoutfolder]
set templatefiles [lib::layout_scan_for_template_files $layout]
set tails [list]
foreach templatefullpath $templatefiles {
lappend tails [punk::repo::path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth $templatefullpath $stripprefix]
set templatefiles_and_tags [lib::layout_scan_for_template_files $layout]
set flatlist [list]
foreach entry $templatefiles_and_tags {
lassign $entry templatefullpath tags
lappend flatlist [punk::repo::path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth $templatefullpath $stripprefix] $tags
return [join $tails \n]
#return [join $tails \n]
textblock::list_as_table -header {"File with tags found" "Tags"} -columns 2 $flatlist
#layout collection functions - to be imported with punk::overlay::import_commandset separately
@ -110,28 +115,16 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
set title(path) "Path"
set widest(path) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(path)] $paths] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(path) [string repeat " " $widest(path)]
set title(pathtype) "[a+ green]Path Type[a]"
set widest(pathtype) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(pathtype)] $pathtypes] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(pathtype) [string repeat " " $widest(pathtype)]
set title(name) "Layout Name"
set widest(name) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(name)] $names] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(name) [string repeat " " $widest(name)]
set vsep " | "
set vsep_w [string length $vsep] ;#unicode?
set tablewidth [expr {$widest(name) + $vsep_w + $widest(pathtype) + $vsep_w + $widest(path)}]
set table ""
append table [string repeat - $tablewidth] \n
append table "[textblock::join -- [overtype::left $col(name) $title(name)] $vsep [overtype::left $col(pathtype) $title(pathtype)] $vsep [overtype::left $col(path) $title(path)]]" \n
append table [string repeat - $tablewidth] \n
set data [list]
foreach n $names pt $pathtypes p $paths {
append table "[textblock::join -- [overtype::left $col(name) $n] $vsep [overtype::left $col(pathtype) $pt] $vsep [overtype::left $col(path) $p]]" \n
lappend data $n $pt $p
set table [textblock::list_as_table -columns 3 -header [list $title(name) $title(pathtype) $title(path)] $data]
return $table
@ -156,29 +149,16 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
lappend pathtypes [dict get $tinfo sourceinfo pathtype]
set title(path) "Path"
set widest(path) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(path)] $paths] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(path) [string repeat " " $widest(path)]
set title(pathtype) "[a+ green]Path Type[a]"
set widest(pathtype) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(pathtype)] $pathtypes] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(pathtype) [string repeat " " $widest(pathtype)]
set title(name) "Layout Name"
set widest(name) [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [concat [list $title(name)] $names] {punk::strlen $v}]]
set col(name) [string repeat " " $widest(name)]
set vsep " | "
set vsep_w [string length $vsep] ;#unicode?
set tablewidth [expr {$widest(name) + $vsep_w + $widest(pathtype) + $vsep_w + $widest(path)}]
set table ""
append table [string repeat - $tablewidth] \n
append table "[textblock::join -- [overtype::left $col(name) $title(name)] $vsep [overtype::left $col(pathtype) $title(pathtype)] $vsep [overtype::left $col(path) $title(path)]]" \n
append table [string repeat - $tablewidth] \n
set title(pathtype) "[a+ green]Path Type[a]"
set title(path) "Path"
set data [list]
foreach n $names pt $pathtypes p $paths {
append table "[textblock::join -- [overtype::left $col(name) $n] $vsep [overtype::left $col(pathtype) $pt] $vsep [overtype::left $col(path) $p]]" \n
#append table "[textblock::join -- [overtype::left $col(name) $n] $vsep [overtype::left $col(pathtype) $pt] $vsep [overtype::left $col(path) $p]]" \n
lappend data $n $pt $p
set table [textblock::list_as_table -columns 3 -header [list $title(name) $title(pathtype) $title(path)] $data]
return $table
@ -243,7 +223,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
#todo - get standard tags from somewhere
set tagnames [list project]
foreach tn $tagnames {
lappend tags [string cat % $tn %]
lappend tags [string cat % $tn %] ;#make sure actual tag literal doesn't appear in this source file
set file_list [list]
@ -252,10 +232,14 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set data [read $fd]
close $fd
foreach tag $tags {
set found_tags [list]
foreach tag $tags tn $tagnames {
if {[string match "*$tag*" $data]} {
lappend file_list $path
lappend found_tags $tn
if {[llength $found_tags]} {
lappend file_list [list $path $found_tags]


@ -395,19 +395,30 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
set templatefiles [punk::mix::commandset::layout::lib::layout_scan_for_template_files $opt_layout]
set stripprefix [file normalize $layout_path]
set tagmap [list [lib::template_tag project] $projectname]
#set tagmap [list [lib::template_tag project] $projectname]
#todo - get from somewhere
set alltag_substitutions [list project $projectname]
if {[llength $templatefiles]} {
puts stdout "Filling template file placeholders with the following tag map:"
foreach {placeholder value} $tagmap {
foreach {placeholder value} $alltag_substitutions {
puts stdout " $placeholder -> $value"
foreach templatefullpath $templatefiles {
foreach templatefullpath_and_tags $templatefiles {
lassign $templatefullpath_and_tags templatefullpath tags_present
set templatetail [punk::repo::path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth $templatefullpath $stripprefix]
set fpath [file join $projectdir $templatetail]
if {[file exists $fpath]} {
set fd [open $fpath r]; fconfigure $fd -translation binary; set data [read $fd]; close $fd
set tagmap [list]
dict for {t v} $alltag_substitutions {
if {$t in $tags_present} {
lappend tagmap [lib::template_tag $t] $v
set data2 [string map $tagmap $data]
if {$data2 ne $data} {
puts stdout "updated template file: $fpath"


@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#First line must be a semantic version number
#First line must be a tcl package version number
#all other lines are ignored.


@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use punkshell 'pmix make' or bin/punkmake to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# module template: shellspy/src/decktemplates/vendor/punk/modules/
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) CMcC 2010
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application punk::trie 0.1.0
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license <unspecified>
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin shellspy_module_punk::trie 0 0.1.0]
#[copyright "2010"]
#[titledesc {punk::trie API}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {punk::trie}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require punk::trie]
#[keywords module datastructure trie]
#[description] tcl trie implementation courtesy of CmcC (tcl wiki)
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of punk::trie
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by punk::trie
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6-
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# oo::class namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#tcl::namespace::eval punk::trie::class {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::trie::class}]
#[para] class definitions
#if {[tcl::info::commands [tcl::namespace::current]::interface_sample1] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Base namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
tcl::namespace::eval punk::trie {
tcl::namespace::export {[a-z]*} ;# Convention: export all lowercase
#variable xyz
proc Dolog {lvl txt} {
#return "$lvl -- $txt"
#logger calls this in such a way that a straight uplevel can get us the vars/commands in messages substituted
set msg "[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"] punk::trie '[uplevel [list subst $txt]]'"
puts stderr $msg
package require logger
logger::initNamespace ::punk::trie
foreach lvl [logger::levels] {
interp alias {} ::punk::trie::Log_$lvl {} ::punk::trie::Dolog $lvl
log::logproc $lvl ::punk::trie::Log_$lvl
#namespace path ::punk::trie::log
#[para] class definitions
if {[tcl::info::commands [tcl::namespace::current]::trieclass] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
oo::class create [tcl::namespace::current]::trieclass {
variable trie id
method matches {t what} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::trieclass [method matches] [arg t] [arg what]]
#[para] search for longest prefix, return matching prefix, element and suffix
set matches {}
set wlen [string length $what]
foreach k [lsort -decreasing -dictionary [dict keys $t]] {
set klen [string length $k]
set match ""
for {set i 0} {$i < $klen
&& $i < $wlen
&& [string index $k $i] eq [string index $what $i]
} {incr i} {
append match [string index $k $i]
if {$match ne ""} {
lappend matches $match $k
#Debug.trie {matches: $what -> $matches}
::punk::trie::log::debug {matches: $what -> $matches}
if {[dict size $matches]} {
# find the longest matching prefix
set match [lindex [lsort -dictionary [dict keys $matches]] end]
set mel [dict get $matches $match]
set suffix [string range $what [string length $match] end]
return [list $match $mel $suffix]
} else {
return {} ;# no matches
# return next unique id if there's no proffered value
method id {value} {
if {$value} {
return $value
} else {
return [incr id]
# insert an element with a given optional value into trie
# along path given by $args (no need to specify)
method insert {what {value 0} args} {
if {[llength $args]} {
set t [dict get $trie {*}$args]
} else {
set t $trie
if {[dict exists $t $what]} {
#Debug.trie {$what is an exact match on path ($args $what)}
::punk::trie::log::debug {$what is an exact match on path ($args $what)}
if {[catch {dict size [dict get $trie {*}$args $what]} size]} {
# the match is a leaf - we're done
} else {
# the match is a dict - we have to add a null
dict set trie {*}$args $what "" [my id $value]
return ;# exact match - no change
# search for longest prefix
set match [my matches $t $what]
if {![llength $match]} {
;# no matching prefix - new element
#Debug.trie {no matching prefix of '$what' in $t - add it on path ($args $what)}
::punk::trie::log::debug {no matching prefix of '$what' in $t add it on path ($args $what)}
dict set trie {*}$args $what [my id $value]
lassign $match match mel suffix ;# prefix, element of match, suffix
if {$match ne $mel} {
# the matching element shares a prefix, but has a variant suffix
# it must be split
#Debug.trie {splitting '$mel' along '$match'}
::punk::trie::log::debug {splitting '$mel' along '$match'}
set melC [dict get $t $mel]
dict unset trie {*}$args $mel
dict set trie {*}$args $match [string range $mel [string length $match] end] $melC
if {[catch {dict size [dict get $trie {*}$args $match]} size]} {
# the match is a leaf - must be split
if {$match eq $mel} {
# the matching element shares a prefix, but has a variant suffix
# it must be split
#Debug.trie {splitting '$mel' along '$match'}
::punk::trie::log::debug {splitting '$mel' along '$match'}
set melC [dict get $t $mel]
dict unset trie {*}$args $mel
dict set trie {*}$args $match "" $melC
#Debug.trie {'$mel' is the longest prefix '$match' but was a leaf - insert '$suffix'}
::punk::trie::log::debug {'$mel' is the longest prefix '$match' but was a leaf - insert '$suffix'}
set melid [dict get $t $mel]
dict set trie {*}$args $match $suffix [my id $value]
} else {
# it's a dict - keep searching
#Debug.trie {'$mel' is the longest prefix '$match' and is a dict - search for '$suffix' on path ($args $match)}
::punk::trie::log::debug {'$mel' is the longest prefix '$match' and is a dict - search for '$suffix' on path ($args $match)}
my insert $suffix $value {*}$args $match
# find a path matching an element $what
# if the element's not found, return the nearest path
method find_path {what args} {
if {[llength $args]} {
set t [dict get $trie {*}$args]
} else {
set t $trie
if {[dict exists $t $what]} {
#Debug.trie {$what is an exact match on path ($args $what)}
return [list {*}$args $what] ;# exact match - no change
# search for longest prefix
set match [my matches $t $what]
if {![llength $match]} {
return $args
lassign $match match mel suffix ;# prefix, element of match, suffix
if {$match ne $mel} {
# the matching element shares a prefix, but has a variant suffix
# no match
return $args
if {[catch {dict size [dict get $trie {*}$args $match]} size] || $size == 0} {
# got to a non-matching leaf - no match
return $args
} else {
# it's a dict - keep searching
#Debug.trie {'$mel' is the longest prefix '$match' and is a dict - search for '$suffix' on path ($args $match)}
return [my find_path $suffix {*}$args $match]
# given a trie, which may have been modified by deletion,
# optimize it by removing empty nodes and coalescing singleton nodes
method optimize {args} {
if {[llength $args]} {
set t [dict get $trie {*}$args]
} else {
set t $trie
if {[catch {dict size $t} size]} {
#Debug.trie {optimize leaf '$t' along '$args'}
::punk::trie::log::debug {optimize leaf '$t' along '$args'}
# leaf - leave it
} else {
switch -- $size {
0 {
#Debug.trie {optimize empty dict ($t) along '$args'}
::punk::trie::log::debug {optimize empty dict ($t) along '$args'}
if {[llength $args]} {
dict unset trie {*}$args
1 {
#Debug.trie {optimize singleton dict ($t) along '$args'}
::punk::trie::log::debug {optimize singleton dict ($t) along '$args'}
lassign $t k v
if {[llength $args]} {
dict unset trie {*}$args
append args $k
if {[llength $v]} {
dict set trie {*}$args $v
my optimize {*}$args
default {
#Debug.trie {optimize dict ($t) along '$args'}
::punk::trie::log::debug {optimize dict ($t) along '$args'}
dict for {k v} $t {
my optimize {*}$args $k
# delete element $what from trie
method delete {what} {
set path [my find_path $what]
if {[join $path ""] eq $what} {
#Debug.trie {del '$what' along ($path) was [dict get $trie {*}$path]}
if {[catch {dict size [dict get $trie {*}$path]} size]} {
# got to a matching leaf - delete it
dict unset trie {*}$path
set path [lrange $path 0 end-1]
} else {
dict unset trie {*}$path ""
my optimize ;# remove empty and singleton elements
} else {
# nothing to delete, guess we're done
# find the value of element $what in trie,
# error if not found
method find_or_error {what} {
set path [my find_path $what]
if {[join $path ""] eq $what} {
if {[catch {dict size [dict get $trie {*}$path]} size]} {
# got to a matching leaf - done
return [dict get $trie {*}$path]
} else {
#JMN - what could be an exact match for a path, but not be in the trie itself
if {[dict exists $trie {*}$path ""]} {
return [dict get $trie {*}$path ""]
} else {
::punk::trie::log::debug {'$what' matches a path but is not a leaf}
error "'$what' not found"
} else {
error "'$what' not found"
#JMN - renamed original find to find_or_error
#prefer not to catch on result - but test for -1
method find {what} {
set path [my find_path $what]
if {[join $path ""] eq $what} {
#presumably we use catch and dict size to avoid llength shimmering large inner dicts to list rep
if {[catch {dict size [dict get $trie {*}$path]} size]} {
# got to a matching leaf - done
return [dict get $trie {*}$path]
} else {
#JMN - what could be an exact match for a path, but not be in the trie itself
if {[dict exists $trie {*}$path ""]} {
return [dict get $trie {*}$path ""]
} else {
::punk::trie::log::debug {'$what' matches a path but is not a leaf}
return -1
} else {
return -1
# dump the trie as a string
method dump {} {
return $trie
# return a string rep of the trie sorted in dict order
method order {{t {}}} {
if {![llength $t]} {
set t $trie
} elseif {[llength $t] == 1} {
return $t
set acc {}
foreach key [lsort -dictionary [dict keys $t]] {
lappend acc $key [my order [dict get $t $key]]
return $acc
# return the trie as a dict of names with values
method flatten {{t {}} {prefix ""}} {
if {![llength $t]} {
set t $trie
} elseif {[llength $t] == 1} {
return [list $prefix $t]
set acc {}
foreach key [dict keys $t] {
lappend acc {*}[my flatten [dict get $t $key] $prefix$key]
return $acc
#shortest possible string to identify an element in the trie using the same principle as tcl::prefix::match
#ie if a stored word is a prefix of any other words - it must be fully specified to identify itself.
#JMN - REVIEW - better algorithms?
#caller having retained all members can avoid flatten call
#by selecting a single 'which' known not to be in the trie (or empty string) - all idents can be returned.
#when all 'which' members are in the tree - scanning stops when they're all found
# - and a dict containing result and scanned keys is returned
# - result contains a dict with keys for each which member
# - scanned contains a dict of all words longer than our shortest which - (and a subset of words the same length)
method shortest_idents {which {allmembers {}}} {
set t $trie
if {![llength $allmembers]} {
set members [dict keys [my flatten]]
} else {
set members $allmembers
set len_members [lmap m $members {list [string length $m] $m}]
set longestfirst [lsort -index 0 -integer -decreasing $len_members]
set longestfirst [lmap v $longestfirst {lindex $v 1}]
set taken [dict create]
set scanned [dict create]
set result [dict create] ;#words in our which list - if found
foreach w $longestfirst {
set path [my find_path $w]
if {[dict exists $taken $w]} {
#whole word - no unique prefix
dict set scanned $w $w
if {$w in $which} {
#puts stderr "$w -> $w"
dict set result $w $w
if {[dict size $result] == [llength $which]} {
return [dict create result $result scanned $scanned]
set acc ""
foreach p [lrange $path 0 end-1] {
dict set taken [append acc $p] 1 ;#no need to test first - just set even though may already be present
append acc [string index [lindex $path end] 0]
dict set scanned $w $acc ;#sorted by length - so no other can have this prefix - and no longer necessary
if {$w in $which} {
#puts stderr "$w -> $acc"
dict set result $w $acc
if {[dict size $result] == [llength $which]} {
return [dict create result $result scanned $scanned]
return [dict create result $result scanned $scanned]
# overwrite the trie
method set {t} {
set trie $t
constructor {args} {
set trie {}
set id 0
foreach a $args {
my insert $a
set testlist [list blah x black blacken]
proc test1 {} {
#test that find_or_error of a path that isn't stored as a value returns an appropriate error
#(used to report couldn't find dict key "")
set t [punk::trie::trieclass new blah x black blacken]
if {[catch {$t find_or_error bla} errM]} {
puts stderr "should be error indicating 'bla' not found"
puts stderr "err during $t find bla\n$errM"
return $t
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::trie}]
#[para] Core API functions for punk::trie
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc sample1 {p1 n args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call [fun sample1] [arg p1] [arg n] [opt {option value...}]]
# #[para]Description of sample1
# #[para] Arguments:
# # [list_begin arguments]
# # [arg_def tring p1] A description of string argument p1.
# # [arg_def integer n] A description of integer argument n.
# # [list_end]
# return "ok"
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::trie ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
tcl::namespace::eval punk::trie::lib {
tcl::namespace::export {[a-z]*} ;# Convention: export all lowercase
tcl::namespace::path [tcl::namespace::parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::trie::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc utility1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call lib::[fun utility1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of utility1
# return 1
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::trie::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
#tcl::namespace::eval punk::trie::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::trie::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide punk::trie [tcl::namespace::eval punk::trie {
variable pkg punk::trie
variable version
set version 0.1.0
#*** !doctools


@ -244,14 +244,131 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
if {!$excluded} {lappend result $file}
foreach dir [glob -nocomplain -tails -types d -directory $base -- [file join $subpath *]] {
set subdir [walk -subpath $dir -excludes $excludes $base {*}$fileglobs]
if {[llength $subdir]>0} {
set result [concat $result $dir $subdir]
set subdir_entries [walk -subpath $dir -excludes $excludes $base {*}$fileglobs]
if {[llength $subdir_entries]>0} {
#NOTE: trailing slash required for entries to be recognised as 'file type' = "directory"
#This is true for 2024 Tcl9 mounted zipfs at least. zip utilities such as 7zip seem(icon correct) to recognize dirs with or without trailing slash
#Although there are attributes on some systems to specify if entry is a directory - it appears trailing slash should always be used for folder names.
set result [list {*}$result "$dir/" {*}$subdir_entries]
return $result
proc extract_zip_prefix {infile outfile} {
set inzip [open $infile r]
fconfigure $inzip -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
if {[file exists $outfile]} {
error "outfile $outfile already exists - please remove first"
chan seek $inzip 0 end
set insize [tell $inzip] ;#faster (including seeks) than calling out to filesystem using file size - but should be equivalent
chan seek $inzip 0 start
#only scan last 64k - cover max signature size?? review
if {$insize < 65559} {
set tailsearch_start 0
} else {
set tailsearch_start [expr {$insize - 65559}]
chan seek $inzip $tailsearch_start start
set scan [read $inzip]
#EOCD - End Of Central Directory record
set start_of_end [string last "\x50\x4b\x05\x06" $scan]
puts stdout "==>start_of_end: $start_of_end"
if {$start_of_end == -1} {
#no zip cdr - consider entire file to be the zip prefix
set baseoffset $insize
} else {
set filerelative_eocd_posn [expr {$start_of_end + $tailsearch_start}]
chan seek $inzip $filerelative_eocd_posn
set cdir_record_plus [read $inzip] ;#can have trailing data
binary scan $cdir_record_plus issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
#rule out a false positive from within a nonzip (e.g plain exe)
#There exists for example a PK\5\6 in a plain tclsh, but it doesn't appear to be zip related.
#It doesn't seem to occur near the end - so perhaps not an issue - but we'll do some basic checks anyway
#we only support single disk - so we'll validate a bit more by requiring disknbr and ctrldirdisk to be zeros
#todo - just search for Pk\5\6\0\0\0\0 in the first place? //review
if {$eocd(disknbr) + $eocd(ctrldirdisk) != 0} {
#review - should keep searching?
#for now we assume not a zip
set baseoffset $insize
} else {
#use the central dir size to jump back tko start of central dir
#determine if diroffset is file or archive relative
set filerelative_cdir_start [expr {$filerelative_eocd_posn - $eocd(dirsize)}]
puts stdout "---> [read $inzip 4]"
if {$filerelative_cdir_start > $eocd(diroffset)} {
#easy case - 'archive' offset - (and one of the reasons I prefer archive-offset - it makes finding the 'prefix' easier
#though we are assuming zip offsets are not corrupted
set baseoffset [expr {$filerelative_cdir_start - $eocd(diroffset)}]
} else {
#hard case - either no prefix - or offsets have been adjusted to be file relative.
#we could scan from top (ugly) - and with binary prefixes we could get false positives in the data that look like PK\3\4 headers
#we could either work out the format for all possible executables that could be appended (across all platforms) and understand where they end?
#or we just look for the topmost PK\3\4 header pointed to by a CDR record - and assume the CDR is complete
#step one - read all the CD records and find the highest pointed to local file record (which isn't necessarily the first - but should get us above most if not all of the zip data)
#we can't assume they're ordered in any particular way - so we in theory have to look at them all.
set baseoffset "unknown"
chan seek $inzip $filerelative_cdir_start start
#binary scan $cdir_record_plus issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
# eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
#load the whole central dir into cdir
#todo! loop through all cdr file headers - find highest offset?
#tclZipfs.c just looks at first file header in Central Directory
#looking at all entries would be more robust - but we won't work harder than tclZipfs.c for now //REVIEW
set cdirdata [read $inzip $eocd(dirsize)]
binary scan $cdirdata issssssiiisssssii cdir(signature) cdir(_vermadeby) cdir(_verneeded) cdir(gpbitflag) cdir(compmethod) cdir(lastmodifiedtime) cdir(lastmodifieddate)\
cdir(uncompressedcrc32) cdir(compressedsize) cdir(uncompressedsize) cdir(filenamelength) cdir(extrafieldlength) cdir(filecommentlength) cdir(disknbr)\
cdir(internalfileattributes) cdir(externalfileatributes) cdir(relativeoffset)
#since we're in this branch - we assume cdir(relativeoffset) is from the start of the file
chan seek $inzip $cdir(relativeoffset)
#let's at least check that we landed on a local file header..
set local_file_header_beginning [read $inzip 28]; #local_file_header without the file name and extra field
binary scan $local_file_header_beginning isssssiiiss lfh(signature) lfh(_verneeded) lfh(gpbitflag) lfh(compmethod) lfh(lastmodifiedtime) lfh(lastmodifieddate)\
lfh(uncompressedcrc32) lfh(compressedsize) lfh(uncompressedsize) lfh(filenamelength) lfh(extrafieldlength)
#dec2hex 67324752 = 4034B50 = PK\3\4
puts stdout "1st local file header sig: $lfh(signature)"
if {$lfh(signature) == 67324752} {
#looks like a local file header
#use our cdir(relativeoffset) as the start of the zip-data (//review - possible embedded password + end marker preceeding this)
set baseoffset $cdir(relativeoffset)
puts stdout "filerel_cdirstart: $filerelative_cdir_start recorded_offset: $eocd(diroffset)"
puts stdout "baseoffset: $baseoffset"
#expect CDFH PK\1\2
#above the CDFH - we expect a bunch of PK\3\4 records - (possibly not all of them pointed to by the CDR)
#above that we expect: *possibly* a stored password with trailing marker - then the prefixed exe/script
if {![string is integer -strict $baseoffset]} {
error "unable to determine zip baseoffset of file $infile"
if {$baseoffset < $insize} {
set out [open $outfile w]
fconfigure $out -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
chan seek $inzip 0 start
chan copy $inzip $out -size $baseoffset
close $out
close $inzip
} else {
close $inzip
file copy $infile $outfile
# Mkzipfile --
# FIX ME: should handle the current offset for non-seekable channels
@ -367,6 +484,12 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
append hdr $utfpath $extra $utfcomment
return $hdr
#### REVIEW!!!
#JMN - review - this looks to be offset relative to start of file - (same as 2024 Tcl 'mkzip mkimg')
# we probably want offsets to start of archive for exe/script-prefixed zips.on windows (editability with 7z,peazip)
# zip::mkzip --
# eg: zip -directory Subdir -runtime unzipsfx.exe *.txt
@ -526,6 +649,8 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
fcopy $rt $zf
close $rt
} elseif {$opts(-zipkit)} {
#TODO - update to zipfs ?
#see modpod
set zkd "#!/usr/bin/env tclkit\n\# This is a zip-based Tcl Module\n"
append zkd "package require vfs::zip\n"
append zkd "vfs::zip::Mount \[info script\] \[info script\]\n"
@ -535,6 +660,10 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
append zkd \x1A
puts -nonewline $zf $zkd
#todo - subtract this from the endrec offset.. and any ... ?
set dataStartOffset [tell $zf] ;#the overall file offset of the start of data section //JMN 2024
set count 0
set cd ""


@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use punkshell 'pmix make' or bin/punkmake to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# module template: shellspy/src/decktemplates/vendor/punk/modules/
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) 2024 JMN
# (C) 2009 Path Thoyts <>
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application punk::zip 0.1.1
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license <unspecified>
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin shellspy_module_punk::zip 0 0.1.1]
#[copyright "2024"]
#[titledesc {Module API}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {-}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require punk::zip]
#[keywords module]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of punk::zip
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by punk::zip
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6-
package require punk::args
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
#[item] [package {punk::args}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# oo::class namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip::class {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::zip::class}]
#[para] class definitions
#if {[tcl::info::commands [tcl::namespace::current]::interface_sample1] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Base namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
tcl::namespace::export {[a-z]*} ;# Convention: export all lowercase
#variable xyz
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::zip}]
#[para] Core API functions for punk::zip
#[list_begin definitions]
proc Path_a_atorbelow_b {path_a path_b} {
return [expr {[StripPath $path_b $path_a] ne $path_a}]
proc Path_a_at_b {path_a path_b} {
return [expr {[StripPath $path_a $path_b] eq "." }]
proc Path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth {path prefix} {
if {$prefix eq ""} {
return $path
set pathparts [file split $path]
set prefixparts [file split $prefix]
if {[llength $prefixparts] >= [llength $pathparts]} {
return ""
return [file join \
{*}[lrange \
$pathparts \
[llength $prefixparts] \
#StripPath - borrowed from tcllib fileutil
# ::fileutil::stripPath --
# If the specified path references/is a path in prefix (or prefix itself) it
# is made relative to prefix. Otherwise it is left unchanged.
# In the case of it being prefix itself the result is the string '.'.
# Arguments:
# prefix prefix to strip from the path.
# path path to modify
# Results:
# path The (possibly) modified path.
if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) windows]} {
# Windows. While paths are stored with letter-case preserved al
# comparisons have to be done case-insensitive. For reference see
# SF Tcllib Bug 2499641.
proc StripPath {prefix path} {
# [file split] is used to generate a canonical form for both
# paths, for easy comparison, and also one which is easy to modify
# using list commands.
set prefix [file split $prefix]
set npath [file split $path]
if {[string equal -nocase $prefix $npath]} {
return "."
if {[string match -nocase "${prefix} *" $npath]} {
set path [eval [linsert [lrange $npath [llength $prefix] end] 0 file join ]]
return $path
} else {
proc StripPath {prefix path} {
# [file split] is used to generate a canonical form for both
# paths, for easy comparison, and also one which is easy to modify
# using list commands.
set prefix [file split $prefix]
set npath [file split $path]
if {[string equal $prefix $npath]} {
return "."
if {[string match "${prefix} *" $npath]} {
set path [eval [linsert [lrange $npath [llength $prefix] end] 0 file join ]]
return $path
proc Timet_to_dos {time_t} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun Timet_to_dos] [arg time_t]]
#[para] convert a unix timestamp into a DOS timestamp for ZIP times.
#[example {
# DOS timestamps are 32 bits split into bit regions as follows:
# 24 16 8 0
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|m| |m|m|m|d|d|d|d|d| |h|h|h|h|h|m|m|m| |m|m|m|s|s|s|s|s|
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
set s [clock format $time_t -format {%Y %m %e %k %M %S}]
scan $s {%d %d %d %d %d %d} year month day hour min sec
expr {(($year-1980) << 25) | ($month << 21) | ($day << 16)
| ($hour << 11) | ($min << 5) | ($sec >> 1)}
proc walk {args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun walk] [arg ?options?] [arg base]]
#[para] Walk a directory tree rooted at base
#[para] the -excludes list can be a set of glob expressions to match against files and avoid
#[para] e.g
#[example {
# punk::zip::walk -exclude {CVS/* *~.#*} library
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
*proc -name punk::zip::walk
-excludes -default "" -help "list of glob expressions to match against files and exclude"
-subpath -default ""
*values -min 1 -max -1
fileglobs -default {*} -multiple 1
} $args]
set base [dict get $argd values base]
set fileglobs [dict get $argd values fileglobs]
set subpath [dict get $argd opts -subpath]
set excludes [dict get $argd opts -excludes]
set imatch [list]
foreach fg $fileglobs {
lappend imatch [file join $subpath $fg]
set result {}
#set imatch [file join $subpath $match]
set files [glob -nocomplain -tails -types f -directory $base -- {*}$imatch]
foreach file $files {
set excluded 0
foreach glob $excludes {
if {[string match $glob $file]} {
set excluded 1
if {!$excluded} {lappend result $file}
foreach dir [glob -nocomplain -tails -types d -directory $base -- [file join $subpath *]] {
set subdir_entries [walk -subpath $dir -excludes $excludes $base {*}$fileglobs]
if {[llength $subdir_entries]>0} {
#NOTE: trailing slash required for entries to be recognised as 'file type' = "directory"
#This is true for 2024 Tcl9 mounted zipfs at least. zip utilities such as 7zip seem(icon correct) to recognize dirs with or without trailing slash
#Although there are attributes on some systems to specify if entry is a directory - it appears trailing slash should always be used for folder names.
set result [list {*}$result "$dir/" {*}$subdir_entries]
return $result
#if there is an external preamble - extract that. (if there is also an internal preamble - ignore and consider part of the archive-data)
#Otherwise extract an internal preamble.
#if neither -
#review - reconsider auto-determination of internal vs external preamble
proc extract_preamble {infile outfile_preamble {outfile_zip ""}} {
set inzip [open $infile r]
fconfigure $inzip -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
if {[file exists $outfile_preamble]} {
error "outfile_preamble $outfile_preamble already exists - please remove first"
if {$outfile_zip ne ""} {
if {[file exists $outfile_zip] && [file size $outfile_zip]} {
error "outfile_zip $outfile_zip already exists - please remove first"
chan seek $inzip 0 end
set insize [tell $inzip] ;#faster (including seeks) than calling out to filesystem using file size - but should be equivalent
chan seek $inzip 0 start
#only scan last 64k - cover max signature size?? review
if {$insize < 65559} {
set tailsearch_start 0
} else {
set tailsearch_start [expr {$insize - 65559}]
chan seek $inzip $tailsearch_start start
set scan [read $inzip]
#EOCD - End Of Central Directory record
set start_of_end [string last "\x50\x4b\x05\x06" $scan]
puts stdout "==>start_of_end: $start_of_end"
if {$start_of_end == -1} {
#no zip eocdr - consider entire file to be the zip preamble
set baseoffset $insize
} else {
set filerelative_eocd_posn [expr {$start_of_end + $tailsearch_start}]
chan seek $inzip $filerelative_eocd_posn
set cdir_record_plus [read $inzip] ;#can have trailing data
binary scan $cdir_record_plus issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
#rule out a false positive from within a nonzip (e.g plain exe)
#There exists for example a PK\5\6 in a plain tclsh, but it doesn't appear to be zip related.
#It doesn't seem to occur near the end - so perhaps not an issue - but we'll do some basic checks anyway
#we only support single disk - so we'll validate a bit more by requiring disknbr and ctrldirdisk to be zeros
#todo - just search for Pk\5\6\0\0\0\0 in the first place? //review
if {$eocd(disknbr) + $eocd(ctrldirdisk) != 0} {
#review - should keep searching?
#for now we assume not a zip
set baseoffset $insize
} else {
#use the central dir size to jump back tko start of central dir
#determine if diroffset is file or archive relative
set filerelative_cdir_start [expr {$filerelative_eocd_posn - $eocd(dirsize)}]
puts stdout "---> [read $inzip 4]"
if {$filerelative_cdir_start > $eocd(diroffset)} {
#'external preamble' easy case
# - ie 'archive' offset - (and one of the reasons I prefer archive-offset - it makes finding the 'prefix' easier
#though we are assuming zip offsets are not corrupted
set baseoffset [expr {$filerelative_cdir_start - $eocd(diroffset)}]
} else {
#'internal preamble' hard case
# - either no preamble - or offsets have been adjusted to be file relative.
#we could scan from top (ugly) - and with binary prefixes we could get false positives in the data that look like PK\3\4 headers
#we could either work out the format for all possible executables that could be appended (across all platforms) and understand where they end?
#or we just look for the topmost PK\3\4 header pointed to by a CDR record - and assume the CDR is complete
#step one - read all the CD records and find the highest pointed to local file record (which isn't necessarily the first - but should get us above most if not all of the zip data)
#we can't assume they're ordered in any particular way - so we in theory have to look at them all.
set baseoffset "unknown"
chan seek $inzip $filerelative_cdir_start start
#binary scan $cdir_record_plus issssiis eocd(signature) eocd(disknbr) eocd(ctrldirdisk) \
# eocd(numondisk) eocd(totalnum) eocd(dirsize) eocd(diroffset) eocd(comment_len)
#load the whole central dir into cdir
#todo! loop through all cdr file headers - find highest offset?
#tclZipfs.c just looks at first file header in Central Directory
#looking at all entries would be more robust - but we won't work harder than tclZipfs.c for now //REVIEW
set cdirdata [read $inzip $eocd(dirsize)]
binary scan $cdirdata issssssiiisssssii cdir(signature) cdir(_vermadeby) cdir(_verneeded) cdir(gpbitflag) cdir(compmethod) cdir(lastmodifiedtime) cdir(lastmodifieddate)\
cdir(uncompressedcrc32) cdir(compressedsize) cdir(uncompressedsize) cdir(filenamelength) cdir(extrafieldlength) cdir(filecommentlength) cdir(disknbr)\
cdir(internalfileattributes) cdir(externalfileatributes) cdir(relativeoffset)
#since we're in this branch - we assume cdir(relativeoffset) is from the start of the file
chan seek $inzip $cdir(relativeoffset)
#let's at least check that we landed on a local file header..
set local_file_header_beginning [read $inzip 28]; #local_file_header without the file name and extra field
binary scan $local_file_header_beginning isssssiiiss lfh(signature) lfh(_verneeded) lfh(gpbitflag) lfh(compmethod) lfh(lastmodifiedtime) lfh(lastmodifieddate)\
lfh(uncompressedcrc32) lfh(compressedsize) lfh(uncompressedsize) lfh(filenamelength) lfh(extrafieldlength)
#dec2hex 67324752 = 4034B50 = PK\3\4
puts stdout "1st local file header sig: $lfh(signature)"
if {$lfh(signature) == 67324752} {
#looks like a local file header
#use our cdir(relativeoffset) as the start of the zip-data (//review - possible embedded password + end marker preceeding this)
set baseoffset $cdir(relativeoffset)
puts stdout "filerel_cdirstart: $filerelative_cdir_start recorded_offset: $eocd(diroffset)"
puts stdout "baseoffset: $baseoffset"
#expect CDFH PK\1\2
#above the CD - we expect a bunch of PK\3\4 records - (possibly not all of them pointed to by the CDR)
#above that we expect: *possibly* a stored password with trailing marker - then the prefixed exe/script
if {![string is integer -strict $baseoffset]} {
error "unable to determine zip baseoffset of file $infile"
if {$baseoffset < $insize} {
set pout [open $outfile_preamble w]
fconfigure $pout -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
chan seek $inzip 0 start
chan copy $inzip $pout -size $baseoffset
close $pout
if {$outfile_zip ne ""} {
#todo - if it was internal preamble - need to adjust offsets to fix the split off zipfile
set zout [open $outfile_zip w]
fconfigure $zout -encoding iso8859-1 -translation binary
chan copy $inzip $zout
close $zout
close $inzip
} else {
#no valid (from our perspective) eocdr found - baseoffset has been set to insize
close $inzip
file copy $infile $outfile_preamble
if {$outfile_zip ne ""} {
#touch equiv?
set fd [open $outfile_zip w]
close $fd
# Addentry - was Mkzipfile --
# FIX ME: should handle the current offset for non-seekable channels
proc Addentry {args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun Addentry] [arg zipchan] [arg base] [arg path] [arg ?comment?]]
#[para] Add a single file to a zip archive
#[para] The zipchan channel should already be open and binary.
#[para] You can provide a -comment for the file.
#[para] The return value is the central directory record that will need to be used when finalizing the zip archive.
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
*proc -name punk::zip::Addentry -help "Add a single file at 'path' to open channel 'zipchan'
return a central directory file record"
-comment -default "" -help "An optional comment specific to the added file"
*values -min 3 -max 4
zipchan -help "open file descriptor with cursor at position appropriate for writing a local file header"
base -help "base path for entries"
path -type file -help "path of file to add"
zipdataoffset -default 0 -type integer -range {0 ""} -help "offset of start of zip-data - ie length of prefixing script/exe
Can be specified as zero even if a prefix exists - which would make offsets 'file relative' as opposed to 'archive relative'"
} $args]
set zipchan [dict get $argd values zipchan]
set base [dict get $argd values base]
set path [dict get $argd values path]
set zipdataoffset [dict get $argd values zipdataoffset]
set comment [dict get $argd opts -comment]
set fullpath [file join $base $path]
set mtime [Timet_to_dos [file mtime $fullpath]]
set utfpath [encoding convertto utf-8 $path]
set utfcomment [encoding convertto utf-8 $comment]
set flags [expr {(1<<11)}] ;# utf-8 comment and path
set method 0 ;# store 0, deflate 8
set attr 0 ;# text or binary (default binary)
set version 20 ;# minumum version req'd to extract
set extra ""
set crc 0
set size 0
set csize 0
set data ""
set seekable [expr {[tell $zipchan] != -1}]
if {[file isdirectory $fullpath]} {
set attrex 0x41ff0010 ;# 0o040777 (drwxrwxrwx)
#set attrex 0x40000010
} elseif {[file executable $fullpath]} {
set attrex 0x81ff0080 ;# 0o100777 (-rwxrwxrwx)
} else {
set attrex 0x81b60020 ;# 0o100666 (-rw-rw-rw-)
if {[file extension $fullpath] in {".tcl" ".txt" ".c"}} {
set attr 1 ;# text
if {[file isfile $fullpath]} {
set size [file size $fullpath]
if {!$seekable} {set flags [expr {$flags | (1 << 3)}]}
set channeloffset [tell $zipchan] ;#position in the channel - this may include prefixing exe/zip
set local [binary format a4sssiiiiss PK\03\04 \
$version $flags $method $mtime $crc $csize $size \
[string length $utfpath] [string length $extra]]
append local $utfpath $extra
puts -nonewline $zipchan $local
if {[file isfile $fullpath]} {
# If the file is under 2MB then zip in one chunk, otherwize we use
# streaming to avoid requiring excess memory. This helps to prevent
# storing re-compressed data that may be larger than the source when
# handling PNG or JPEG or nested ZIP files.
if {$size < 0x00200000} {
set fin [open $fullpath rb]
set data [read $fin]
set crc [zlib crc32 $data]
set cdata [zlib deflate $data]
if {[string length $cdata] < $size} {
set method 8
set data $cdata
close $fin
set csize [string length $data]
puts -nonewline $zipchan $data
} else {
set method 8
set fin [open $fullpath rb]
set zlib [zlib stream deflate]
while {![eof $fin]} {
set data [read $fin 4096]
set crc [zlib crc32 $data $crc]
$zlib put $data
if {[string length [set zdata [$zlib get]]]} {
incr csize [string length $zdata]
puts -nonewline $zipchan $zdata
close $fin
$zlib finalize
set zdata [$zlib get]
incr csize [string length $zdata]
puts -nonewline $zipchan $zdata
$zlib close
if {$seekable} {
# update the header if the output is seekable
set local [binary format a4sssiiii PK\03\04 \
$version $flags $method $mtime $crc $csize $size]
set current [tell $zipchan]
seek $zipchan $channeloffset
puts -nonewline $zipchan $local
seek $zipchan $current
} else {
# Write a data descriptor record
set ddesc [binary format a4iii PK\7\8 $crc $csize $size]
puts -nonewline $zipchan $ddesc
#PK\x01\x02 Cdentral directory file header
#set v1 0x0317 ;#upper byte 03 -> UNIX lower byte 23 -> 2.3
set v1 0x0017 ;#upper byte 00 -> MS_DOS and OS/2 (FAT/VFAT/FAT32 file systems)
set hdr [binary format a4ssssiiiisssssii PK\01\02 $v1 \
$version $flags $method $mtime $crc $csize $size \
[string length $utfpath] [string length $extra]\
[string length $utfcomment] 0 $attr $attrex [expr {$channeloffset - $zipdataoffset}]] ;#zipdataoffset may be zero - either because it's a pure zip, or file-based offsets desired.
append hdr $utfpath $extra $utfcomment
return $hdr
#### REVIEW!!!
#JMN - review - this looks to be offset relative to start of file - (same as 2024 Tcl 'mkzip mkimg')
# we want to enable (optionally) offsets relative to start of archive for exe/script-prefixed zips.on windows (editability with 7z,peazip)
# zip::mkzip --
# eg: zip -directory Subdir -runtime unzipsfx.exe *.txt
proc mkzip {args} {
#todo - doctools - [arg ?globs...?] syntax?
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun mkzip] [arg ?options?] [arg filename] ]
#[para] Create a zip archive in 'filename'
#[para] If a file already exists, an error will be raised.
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
*proc -name punk::zip::mkzip -help "Create a zip archive in 'filename'"
-offsettype -default "archive" -choices {archive file} -help "zip offsets stored relative to start of entire file or relative to start of zip-archive
Only relevant if the created file has a script/runtime prefix.
-return -default "pretty" -choices {pretty list none} -help "mkzip can return a list of the files and folders added to the archive
the option -return pretty is the default and uses the punk::lib pdict/plist system
to return a formatted list for the terminal
-zipkit -default 0 -type none -help "whether to add mounting script
mutually exclusive with -runtime option
currently vfs::zip based - todo - autodetect zipfs/vfs with pref for zipfs
-runtime -default "" -help "specify a prefix file
e.g punk::zip::mkzip -runtime unzipsfx.exe -directory subdir -base subdir
will create a self-extracting zip archive from the subdir/ folder.
Expects runtime with no existing vfs attached (review)
-comment -default "" -help "An optional comment for the archive"
-directory -default "" -help "The new zip archive will scan for contents within this folder or current directory if not provided"
-base -default "" -help "The new zip archive will be rooted in this directory if provided
it must be a parent of -directory or the same path as -directory"
-exclude -default {CVS/* */CVS/* *~ ".#*" "*/.#*"}
*values -min 1 -max -1
filename -type file -default "" -help "name of zipfile to create"
globs -default {*} -multiple 1 -help "list of glob patterns to match.
Only directories with matching files will be included in the archive"
} $args]
set filename [dict get $argd values filename]
if {$filename eq ""} {
error "mkzip filename cannot be empty string"
if {[regexp {[?*]} $filename]} {
#catch a likely error where filename is omitted and first glob pattern is misinterpreted as zipfile name
error "mkzip filename should not contain glob characters ? *"
if {[file exists $filename]} {
error "mkzip filename:$filename already exists"
dict for {k v} [dict get $argd opts] {
switch -- $k {
-comment {
dict set argd opts $k [encoding convertto utf-8 $v]
-directory - -base {
dict set argd opts $k [file normalize $v]
array set opts [dict get $argd opts]
if {$opts(-directory) ne ""} {
if {$opts(-base) ne ""} {
#-base and -directory have been normalized already
if {![Path_a_atorbelow_b $opts(-directory) $opts(-base)]} {
error "punk::zip::mkzip -base $opts(-base) must be above or the same as -directory $opts(-directory)"
set base $opts(-base)
set relpath [Path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth $opts(-directory) $opts(-base)]
} else {
set base $opts(-directory)
set relpath ""
set paths [walk -exclude $opts(-exclude) -subpath $relpath -- $base {*}[dict get $argd values globs]]
set norm_filename [file normalize $filename]
set norm_dir [file normalize $opts(-directory)] ;#we only care if filename below -directory (which is where we start scanning)
if {[Path_a_atorbelow_b $norm_filename $norm_dir]} {
#check that we aren't adding the zipfile to itself
#REVIEW - now that we open zipfile after scanning - this isn't really a concern!
#keep for now in case we can add an -update or a -force facility (or in case we modify to add to zip as we scan for members?)
#In the case of -force - we may want to delay replacement of original until scan is done?
#try to avoid looping on all paths and performing (somewhat) expensive file normalizations on each
#1st step is to check the patterns and see if our zipfile is already excluded - in which case we need not check the paths
set self_globs_match 0
foreach g [dict get $argd values globs] {
if {[string match $g [file tail $filename]]} {
set self_globs_match 1
if {$self_globs_match} {
#still dangerous
set self_excluded 0
foreach e $opts(-exclude) {
if {[string match $e [file tail $filename]]} {
set self_excluded 1
if {!$self_excluded} {
#still dangerous - likely to be in resultset - check each path
#puts stderr "zip file $filename is below directory $opts(-directory)"
set self_is_matched 0
set i 0
foreach p $paths {
set norm_p [file normalize [file join $opts(-directory) $p]]
if {[Path_a_at_b $norm_filename $norm_p]} {
set self_is_matched 1
incr i
if {$self_is_matched} {
puts stderr "WARNING - zipfile being created '$filename' was matched. Excluding this file. Relocate the zip, or use -exclude patterns to avoid this message"
set paths [lremove $paths $i]
} else {
set paths [list]
set dir [pwd]
if {$opts(-base) ne ""} {
if {![Path_a_atorbelow_b $dir $opts(-base)]} {
error "punk::zip::mkzip -base $opts(-base) must be above current directory"
set relpath [Path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth [file normalize $dir] [file normalize $opts(-base)]]
} else {
set relpath ""
set base $opts(-base)
set matches [glob -nocomplain -type f -- {*}[dict get $argd values globs]]
foreach m $matches {
if {$m eq $filename} {
#puts stderr "--> excluding $filename"
set isok 1
foreach e [concat $opts(-exclude) $filename] {
if {[string match $e $m]} {
set isok 0
if {$isok} {
lappend paths [file join $relpath $m]
if {![llength $paths]} {
return ""
set zf [open $filename wb]
if {$opts(-runtime) ne ""} {
#todo - strip any existing vfs - option to merge contents.. only if zip attached?
set rt [open $opts(-runtime) rb]
fcopy $rt $zf
close $rt
} elseif {$opts(-zipkit)} {
#TODO - update to zipfs ?
#see modpod
set zkd "#!/usr/bin/env tclkit\n\# This is a zip-based Tcl Module\n"
append zkd "package require vfs::zip\n"
append zkd "vfs::zip::Mount \[info script\] \[info script\]\n"
append zkd "if {\[file exists \[file join \[info script\] main.tcl\]\]} {\n"
append zkd " source \[file join \[info script\] main.tcl\]\n"
append zkd "}\n"
append zkd \x1A
puts -nonewline $zf $zkd
#todo - subtract this from the endrec offset
if {$opts(-offsettype) eq "archive"} {
set dataStartOffset [tell $zf] ;#the overall file offset of the start of archive-data //JMN 2024
} else {
set dataStartOffset 0 ;#offsets relative to file - the zipfs mkzip way :/
set count 0
set cd ""
set members [list]
foreach path $paths {
#puts $path
lappend members $path
append cd [Addentry $zf $base $path $dataStartOffset] ;#path already includes relpath
incr count
set cdoffset [tell $zf]
set endrec [binary format a4ssssiis PK\05\06 0 0 \
$count $count [string length $cd] $cdoffset\
[string length $opts(-comment)]]
append endrec $opts(-comment)
puts -nonewline $zf $cd
puts -nonewline $zf $endrec
close $zf
set result ""
switch -exact -- $opts(-return) {
list {
set result $members
pretty {
if {[info commands showlist] ne ""} {
set result [plist -channel none members]
} else {
set result $members
none {
set result ""
return $result
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::zip ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip::lib {
tcl::namespace::export {[a-z]*} ;# Convention: export all lowercase
tcl::namespace::path [tcl::namespace::parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::zip::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc utility1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call lib::[fun utility1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of utility1
# return 1
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::zip::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
#tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::zip::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide punk::zip [tcl::namespace::eval punk::zip {
variable pkg punk::zip
variable version
set version 0.1.1
#*** !doctools


@ -5080,6 +5080,19 @@ tcl::namespace::eval textblock {
# >} .= {lmap v $data w $data2 {val "[overtype::right $col1 $v][overtype::right $col2 $w]"}} {|
# >} punk::lib::list_as_lines <lhs/0,rhs/1|
proc welcome_test {} {
package require punk::ansi
set ansi [textblock::join -- " " [punk::ansi::ansicat src/testansi/publicdomain/roysac/roy-welc.ans 80x8]]
# Ansi art courtesy of Carsten Cumbrowski aka Roy/SAC -
set table [[textblock::spantest] print]
set punks [a+ web-lawngreen][>punk . lhs][a]\n\n[a+ rgb#FFFF00][>punk . rhs][a]
set ipunks [overtype::renderspace -width [textblock::width $punks] [punk::ansi::enable_inverse]$punks]
set testblock [textblock::testblock 15 rainbow]
set contents $ansi\n[textblock::join -- " " $table " " $punks " " $testblock " " $ipunks " " $punks]
set framed [textblock::frame -type arc -title [a+ cyan]Compositing[a] -subtitle [a+ red]ANSI[a] -ansiborder [a+ web-orange] $contents]
proc example {args} {
set opts [tcl::dict::create -forcecolour 0]
foreach {k v} $args {
@ -5248,6 +5261,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval textblock {
if {[tcl::dict::exists $framedef_cache $cache_key]} {
return [tcl::dict::get $framedef_cache $cache_key]
set argopts [lrange $args 0 end-1]
set f [lindex $args end]
@ -5279,10 +5293,10 @@ tcl::namespace::eval textblock {
-boxonly -default 0 -help "-boxonly true restricts results to the corner,vertical and horizontal box elements
It excludes the extra top and side join elements htlj,hlbj,vllj,vlrj"
*values -min 1 -max 1
frametype -help "name from the predefined frametypes:<ftlist>
or an adhoc "
frametype -choices "<ftlist>" -choiceprefix 0 -help "name from the predefined frametypes
or an adhoc dictionary."
append spec \n "frametype -help \"A predefined \""
#append spec \n "frametype -help \"A predefined \""
punk::args::get_dict $spec $args


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace eval ::punkboot {
variable pkg_requirements [list]; variable pkg_missing [list];variable pkg_loaded [list]
variable non_help_flags [list -k]
variable help_flags [list -help --help /?]
variable known_commands [list project modules info check shell vendorupdate bootsupport vfscommonupdate]
variable known_commands [list project modules vfs info check shell vendorupdate bootsupport vfscommonupdate]
@ -302,6 +302,7 @@ set ::punkboot::bootsupport_requirements [dict create\
punk::ansi [list]\
overtype [list version "1.6.5-"]\
punkcheck [list]\
fauxlink [list version "0.1.1-"]\
textblock [list version 0.1.1-]\
fileutil::traverse [list]\
md5 [list version 2-]\
@ -1041,7 +1042,7 @@ proc ::punkboot::punkboot_gethelp {args} {
append h " $scriptname vendorupdate" \n
append h " - update the src/vendormodules based on src/vendormodules/include_modules.config" \n \n
append h " $scriptname vfscommonupdate" \n
append h " - update the src/vfs/_vfscommon from compiled src/modules and src/lib etc" \n
append h " - update the src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs from compiled src/modules and src/lib etc" \n
append h " - before calling this (followed by make project) - you can test using '<builtexe>(.exe) dev'" \n
append h " this will load modules from your <projectdir>/module <projectdir>/lib paths instead of from the kit/zipkit" \n \n
append h " $scriptname info" \n
@ -1332,22 +1333,22 @@ if {$::punkboot::command eq "shell"} {
if {$::punkboot::command eq "vfscommonupdate"} {
puts "projectroot: $projectroot"
puts "script: [info script]"
puts stdout "Updating vfs/_vfscommon"
puts stdout "Updating vfs/_vfscommon.vfs"
puts stdout "REPLACE src/vfs/_vfscommon/* with project's modules and libs?? y|n"
puts stdout "REPLACE src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/* with project's modules and libs?? y|n"
if {[gets stdin] eq "y"} {
puts proceeding...
proc vfscommonupdate {projectroot} {
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/modules
file copy $projectroot/modules $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/modules
file copy $projectroot/modules $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/
#temp? (avoid zipfs mkimg windows dotfile bug)
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/modules/.punkcheck
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/modules/.punkcheck
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib
file copy $projectroot/lib $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/
file delete -force $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib
file copy $projectroot/lib $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/.punkcheck
file delete $projectroot/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/.punkcheck
vfscommonupdate $projectroot
@ -1637,7 +1638,7 @@ if {$::punkboot::command eq "bootsupport"} {
if {$::punkboot::command ni {project modules}} {
if {$::punkboot::command ni {project modules vfs}} {
puts stderr "Command $::punkboot::command not implemented - aborting."
flush stderr
after 100
@ -1650,9 +1651,10 @@ if {$::punkboot::command ni {project modules}} {
#install src vendor contents (from version controlled src folder) to base of project (same target folders as our own src/modules etc ie to paths that go on the auto_path and in tcl::tm::list)
set vendorlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendorlib_tcl*]
lappend vendorlibfolders vendorlib
foreach lf $vendorlibfolders {
if {$::punkboot::command in {project modules}} {
set vendorlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendorlib_tcl*]
lappend vendorlibfolders vendorlib
foreach lf $vendorlibfolders {
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/$lf]} {
lassign [split $lf _] _vm tclx
if {$tclx ne ""} {
@ -1674,15 +1676,15 @@ foreach lf $vendorlibfolders {
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $sourcefolder/$lf $target_lib_folder -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
if {![llength $vendorlibfolders]} {
if {![llength $vendorlibfolders]} {
puts stderr "VENDORLIB: No src/vendorlib or src/vendorlib_tcl* folder found."
set vendormodulefolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendormodules_tcl*]
lappend vendormodulefolders vendormodules
set vendormodulefolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails vendormodules_tcl*]
lappend vendormodulefolders vendormodules
foreach vf $vendormodulefolders {
foreach vf $vendormodulefolders {
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/$vf]} {
lassign [split $vf _] _vm tclx
if {$tclx ne ""} {
@ -1698,25 +1700,25 @@ foreach vf $vendormodulefolders {
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $sourcefolder/$vf $target_module_folder -installer make.tcl -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths { include_modules.config}]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
if {![llength $vendormodulefolders]} {
if {![llength $vendormodulefolders]} {
puts stderr "VENDORMODULES: No src/vendormodules or src/vendormodules_tcl* folders found."
#e.g The default project layout is mainly folder structure and readme files - but has some scripts developed under the main src that we want to sync
#src to src/modules/punk/mix/templates/layouts/project/src
#e.g The default project layout is mainly folder structure and readme files - but has some scripts developed under the main src that we want to sync
#src to src/modules/punk/mix/templates/layouts/project/src
set old_layout_update_list [list\
set old_layout_update_list [list\
[list project $sourcefolder/modules/punk/mix/templates]\
[list basic $sourcefolder/mixtemplates]\
set layout_bases [list\
set layout_bases [list\
foreach layoutbase $layout_bases {
foreach layoutbase $layout_bases {
if {![file exists $layoutbase]} {
@ -1769,11 +1771,11 @@ foreach layoutbase $layout_bases {
$tpl_event destroy
$tpl_installer destroy
set projectlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails lib_tcl*]
lappend projectlibfolders lib
foreach lf $projectlibfolders {
set projectlibfolders [glob -nocomplain -dir $sourcefolder -type d -tails lib_tcl*]
lappend projectlibfolders lib
foreach lf $projectlibfolders {
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/$lf]} {
lassign [split $lf _] _vm tclx
if {$tclx ne ""} {
@ -1795,19 +1797,19 @@ foreach lf $projectlibfolders {
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $sourcefolder/$lf $target_lib_folder -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
if {![llength $projectlibfolders]} {
if {![llength $projectlibfolders]} {
puts stderr "PROJECTLIB: No src/lib or src/lib_tcl* folder found."
#consolidated /modules /modules_tclX folder used for target where X is tcl major version
#the make process will process for any _tclX not just the major version of the current interpreter
#consolidated /modules /modules_tclX folder used for target where X is tcl major version
#the make process will process for any _tclX not just the major version of the current interpreter
#default source module folders are at projectroot/src/modules and projectroot/src/modules_tclX (where X is tcl major version)
#There may be multiple other src module folders at same level (e.g folder not being other special-purpose folder and not matching name vendor* that contains at least one .tm file in its root)
set source_module_folderlist [punk::mix::cli::lib::find_source_module_paths $projectroot]
puts stdout "SOURCEMODULES: scanning [llength $source_module_folderlist] folders"
foreach src_module_dir $source_module_folderlist {
#default source module folders are at projectroot/src/modules and projectroot/src/modules_tclX (where X is tcl major version)
#There may be multiple other src module folders at same level (e.g folder not being other special-purpose folder and not matching name vendor* that contains at least one .tm file in its root)
set source_module_folderlist [punk::mix::cli::lib::find_source_module_paths $projectroot]
puts stdout "SOURCEMODULES: scanning [llength $source_module_folderlist] folders"
foreach src_module_dir $source_module_folderlist {
set mtail [file tail $src_module_dir]
if {[string match "modules_tcl*" $mtail]} {
set target_modules_base $projectroot/$mtail
@ -1830,12 +1832,12 @@ foreach src_module_dir $source_module_folderlist {
puts stdout "MODULEFOLDER non_tm_files $src_module_dir - copying to $target_modules_base (if source file changed)"
set resultdict [punkcheck::install_non_tm_files $src_module_dir $target_modules_base -installer make.tcl -overwrite $overwrite -antiglob_paths {}]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
set installername "make.tcl"
set installername "make.tcl"
# ----------------------------------------
if {[punk::repo::is_fossil_root $projectroot]} {
# ----------------------------------------
if {[punk::repo::is_fossil_root $projectroot]} {
set config [dict create\
-make-step configure_fossil\
@ -1874,9 +1876,13 @@ if {[punk::repo::is_fossil_root $projectroot]} {
$event end
$event destroy
$installer destroy
if {$::punkboot::command ne "project"} {
set installername "make.tcl"
if {$::punkboot::command ni {project vfs}} {
#command = modules
puts stdout "vfs folders not checked"
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl vfscommonupdate' to copy built modules into base vfs folder"
@ -2099,7 +2105,8 @@ foreach runtimefile $runtimes {
} {
$event targetset_started
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
puts stdout "Copying runtime from $rtfolder/$runtimefile to $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile"
#This is the full runtime - *possibly* with some sort of vfs attached.
puts stdout "Copying runtime (as is) from $rtfolder/$runtimefile to $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile"
if {[catch {
file copy -force $rtfolder/$runtimefile $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile ;#becomes building_runtime
} errM]} {
@ -2126,21 +2133,27 @@ set skipped_kit_installs [list]
proc ::make_file_traversal_error {args} {
error "file_traverse error: $args"
proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir} {
#fauxlink aware recursive copy of files and folders
#will follow fauxlinks with 'merge_over' tag, will copy other fauxlinks
proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir {depth 0}} {
package require fileutil
package require fauxlink
set margin [string repeat " " [expr {$depth * 4}]]
set ver [package require fileutil::traverse]
puts stdout "using fileutil::traverse $ver\n[package ifneeded fileutil::traverse $ver]"
puts stdout "${margin}using fileutil::traverse $ver\n[package ifneeded fileutil::traverse $ver]"
package require control
if {![file exists $sourcedir]} {
puts stderr "merge_over sourcedir '$sourcedir' not found"
puts stderr "${margin}merge_over sourcedir '$sourcedir' not found"
if {![file exists $targetdir]} {
puts stderr "merge_over targetdir '$targetdir' not found - target folder must already exist"
puts stderr "${margin}merge_over targetdir '$targetdir' not found - target folder must already exist"
puts stdout "merge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir STARTING"
puts stdout "${margin}merge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir STARTING"
#The tails should be unique enough for clarity in progress emissions to stdout
set sourcename [file tail $sourcedir]
@ -2159,7 +2172,7 @@ proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir} {
if {![file exists $target]} {
#puts stdout "-- mkdir $target"
puts stdout "$sourcename -> $targetname mkdir $relpath"
puts stdout "${margin}$sourcename -> $targetname mkdir $relpath"
#puts stdout "calling: file mkdir $target"
#note - file mkdir can fail on vfs mounts with non-existant intermediate paths.
#e.g if mount is at: //cookfstemp:/subpath/file.exe
@ -2168,21 +2181,74 @@ proc merge_over {sourcedir targetdir} {
file mkdir $target
file mtime $target [file mtime $file_or_dir]
} else {
puts stdout "$sourcename -> $targetname existing dir $relpath"
puts stdout "${margin}$sourcename -> $targetname existing dir $relpath"
file {
if {[file extension $file_or_dir] in {.fxlnk .fauxlink}} {
puts stdout "fauxlink: $file_or_dir"
flush stdout
if {[catch {
puts stdout ">";flush stdout
set linkinfo [fauxlink::resolve $file_or_dir]
} errM]} {
puts stdout ">>";flush stdout
puts stdout "${margin}--->fauxlink::resolve error\n $errM"
flush stdout
error $errM
puts stdout ">>>";flush stdout
puts stdout "--- '$linkinfo'"
flush stdout
set flinktags [dict get $linkinfo tags]
puts stdout "fauxlink tags: $flinktags"
flush stdout
if {"punk::boot,merge_over" in $flinktags} {
puts stdout "fauxlink got correct tag from $flinktags"
flush stdout
set linktarget [dict get $linkinfo targetpath]
if {[file pathtype $linktarget] eq "relative"} {
set actualsource [file join $sourcedir $linktarget]
} else {
set actualsource $linktarget
set name [dict get $linkinfo name] ;#name the linked file will become
set aliased_file_or_dir [file join [file dirname $file_or_dir] $name]
set relpath [fileutil::stripPath $sourcedir $aliased_file_or_dir]
set target [file join $targetdir $relpath]
if {[file type $actualsource] eq "file"} {
#fauxlink linktarget (source data) is a file
puts -nonewline stdout "\x1b\[32m<fxlnk.targetfor.${name}>\x1b\[m"
#puts "file copy -force $actualsource $target"
file copy -force $actualsource $target
} else {
#fauxlink linktarget (source data) is a folder
puts stdout "${margin}RECURSING merge_over for link-target $actualsource due to fauxlink:[file tail $file_or_dir]"
#merge_over initial target dir must exist - use file mkdir to ensure
file mkdir $target
puts stdout "merge_over $actualsource $target [expr {$depth + 1}]"
merge_over $actualsource $target [expr {$depth + 1}]
} else {
puts stdout "fauxlink tag not matched"
flush stdout
#tag not targetted at us - just copy the fauxlink as an ordinary file
puts -nonewline stdout "<fxlnk>"
file copy -force $file_or_dir $target
} else {
puts -nonewline stdout "."
file copy -force $file_or_dir $target
default {
puts stderr "merge vfs $sourcedir !!! unhandled file type $this_type !!!"
puts stderr "${margin}merge vfs $sourcedir !!! unhandled file type $this_type !!!"
set last_type $this_type
$t destroy
puts stdout "\nmerge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir done."
puts stdout "\n${margin}merge vfs $sourcedir over $targetdir done."
set startdir [pwd]
puts stdout "Found [llength $vfs_tails] .vfs folders - checking each for executables that may need to be built"
@ -2193,7 +2259,7 @@ cd [file dirname $buildfolder]
#Using first mtime encountered that is later than target is another option - but likely to be highly variable in speed. Last file in the tree could happen to be the latest, and this mechanism doesn't handle build on reversion to older source.
set exe_names_seen [list]
set path_cksum_cache [dict create]
dict set path_cksum_cache {*}[punk::mix::base::lib::get_relativecksum_from_base $basedir $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon]
dict set path_cksum_cache {*}[punk::mix::base::lib::get_relativecksum_from_base $basedir $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs]
# loop over vfs_tails and for each one, loop over configured (or matching) runtimes - build with sdx or zipfs if source .vfs or source runtime exe has changed.
@ -2305,13 +2371,16 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
dict set path_cksum_cache {*}[punk::mix::base::lib::get_relativecksum_from_base $basedir $sourcefolder/vfs/$vfstail]
$vfs_event targetset_cksumcache_set $path_cksum_cache ;#cached cksum entries for .vfs folder
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/_config ;#some files linked via fauxlink - need to detect change
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $sourcefolder/vfs/$vfstail
if {$rtname ne "-"} {
set building_runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname ;#working copy of runtime executable
set building_runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname ;#working copy of runtime executable - (possibly with kit/zipfs/cookfs etc attached!)
$vfs_event targetset_addsource $building_runtime
set raw_runtime "" ;#building runtime with vfs (zip,kit,cookfs etc stripped)
} else {
set building_runtime "-" ;#REVIEW
set raw_runtime "-"
# -- ----------
@ -2333,7 +2402,8 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
package require fileutil::traverse
package require control
set targetvfs $buildfolder/buildvfs_$targetkit.vfs
#keep this a simple name - bin/punk script calls into src/_build/exename.vfs/main.tcl
set targetvfs $buildfolder/$targetkit.vfs
file delete -force $targetvfs
#we switch on the target kit_type. we could switch on source kit_type..allowing extraction from one type but writing to another?
@ -2344,7 +2414,7 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#would need to detect UPX, cookfs,zipfs,tclkit
set rtmountpoint ""
switch -- $kit_type {
zip {
zip - zipcat {
#for a zipkit - we need to extract the existing vfs from the runtime
#zipfs mkimg replaces the entire zipped vfs in the runtime - so we need the original data to be part of our targetvfs.
puts stdout "building $ with zipfs vfsdir:$vfstail cwd: [pwd]"
@ -2364,11 +2434,44 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#strip any existing zipfs on the runtime..
#2024 - 'zipfs info //zipfs:/mountpoint' is supposed to give us the offset - but it doesn't if the exe has been 'adjusted' to use file offsets.
#which unfortunately Tcl does by default after the 2021 'fix' :(
set raw_runtime $buildfolder/raw_$runtime_fullname
if {[file exists $rtmountpoint]} {
merge_over $rtmountpoint $targetvfs
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon $targetvfs
#see if we can extract the exe part
set baseoffset [lindex [tcl::zipfs::info $rtmountpoint] 3]
if {$baseoffset != 0} {
#tcl was able to determine the compressed-data offset
#either because runtime is a basic catted exe+zip, or Tcl fixed 'zipfs info'
set fdrt [open $building_runtime r]
chan configure $fdrt -translation binary
set exedata [read $fdrt $baseoffset] ;#may include stored password and ending header // REVIEW - strip it?
close $fdrt
set fdraw [open $raw_runtime w]
chan configure $fdraw -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fdraw $exedata
close $fdraw
} else {
#presumably the supplied building_runtime has had its offsets adjusted so that it all appears within offsets off the zip. (file relative offsets)
#due to zipfs info bug - zipfs now can't tell us the offset of the compressed data.
#we need to use a similarly assumptive method as tclZipfs.c uses to determine the start of the compressed contents
package require punk::zip
#we don't technically need to extract the raw exe for 'zip' - as zipfs mkimg can work on the combined file (ignores zip)
# - but for consistency we want raw_runtime to be emitted in the filesystem.
punk::zip::extract_preamble $building_runtime $raw_runtime
} else {
#the input building_runtime wasn't mountable - so presumably a plain executable
#set building_runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname ;#working copy of runtime executable - (possibly with kit/zipfs/cookfs etc attached!)
#set raw_runtime $buildfolder/raw_$runtime_fullname
file copy -force $building_runtime $raw_runtime
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs $targetvfs
cookit - cookfs {
@ -2396,15 +2499,15 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#copy from mounted runtime's vfs to the filesystem vfs
merge_over $rtmountpoint $targetvfs
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon $targetvfs
merge_over $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs $targetvfs
kit {
#for a kit, we don't need to extract the existing vfs from the runtime.
# - the sdx merge process can merge our .vfs folder with the existing contents.
puts stdout "building $ with sdx.. vfsdir:$vfstail cwd: [pwd]"
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon]} {
file copy $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon $targetvfs
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs]} {
file copy $sourcefolder/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs $targetvfs
} else {
file mkdir $targetvfs
@ -2420,6 +2523,15 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
set wrapvfs $targetvfs
switch -- $kit_type {
zip {
#WARNING - 2024-10-08 - zipfs mkimg based exezips are not editable with 7z
# (central directory offset has been 'adjusted' to be file relative)
#This makes finding the split between prefixed exe and zip-data harder for Tcl scripts
#- although zipfs mkimg does it in a somewhat wonky way.
#tclZipfs.c as at 2024 assumes first file header in the CDR points to first local file header and assumes that is the top of the zipdata.
#This is only *mostly* true. order of entries or completeness is not guaranteed.
#e.g topmost file data in zip may not be pointed to if deleted by certain tools.
#for files created by zipfs mkimg and not externally edited - it shouldn't be an issue though.
if {$rtname eq "-"} {
#todo - just make a zip?
error "runtime name of - unsupported for zip - (todo)"
@ -2436,8 +2548,8 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
#note - as at 2024-08 - there is some discussion about the interface to mkimg - it is considered unstable (may change to -option value syntax)
puts stderr "calling: tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs \"\" $building_runtime"
tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs "" $building_runtime
puts stderr "calling: tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs \"\" $raw_runtime"
tcl::zipfs::mkimg $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs "" $raw_runtime
} result ]} {
set failmsg "zipfs mkimg failed with msg: $result"
puts stderr "tcl::zipfs::mkimg $targetkit failed"
@ -2453,6 +2565,67 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
puts stdout $result
puts stdout $separator
zipcat {
#simple catenated runtime + zip - we need an exe runtime with no zipfs attached..
if {$rtname eq "-"} {
#todo - just make a zip?
error "runtime name of - unsupported for zip - (todo)"
if {[catch {
if {[dict exists $runtime_caps $rtname]} {
if {[dict get $runtime_caps $rtname exitcode] == 0} {
if {![dict get $runtime_caps $rtname has_zipfs]} {
error "runtime $rtname doesn't have zipfs capability"
} else {
#could be runtime for another platform
puts stderr "RUNTIME capabilities unknown. Unsure if zip supported. trying anyway.."
#'archive' based zip offsets - editable in 7z,peazip
file copy $raw_runtime $buildfolder/$
file delete $buildfolder/$
if {[info commands ::tcl::zipfs] ne ""} {
puts stdout "tcl::zipfs::mkzip $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs"
::tcl::zipfs::mkzip $buildfolder/$ $wrapvfs $wrapvfs
} else {
puts stdout "punk::zip::mkzip -directory $wrapvfs -base $wrapvfs $buildfolder/$ *"
package require punk::zip
punk::zip::mkzip -directory $wrapvfs -base $wrapvfs $buildfolder/$ *
puts stderr "concatenating executable to zip.."
set fdout [open $buildfolder/$ a]
chan conf $fdout -translation binary
puts stderr "runtime bytes: [tell $fdout]"
set fdzip [open $buildfolder/$ r]
chan conf $fdzip -translation binary
set zipbytes [fcopy $fdzip $fdout]
close $fdzip
puts stderr "zip bytes: $zipbytes"
puts stderr "exezip bytes: [tell $fdout]"
close $fdout
} result ]} {
set failmsg "creating zipcat image failed with msg: $result"
puts stderr "creating image (zipcat) $targetkit failed"
lappend failed_kits [list kit $targetkit reason $failmsg]
$vfs_event targetset_end FAILED
$vfs_event destroy
$vfs_installer destroy
} else {
puts stdout "ok - finished zipcat image"
set separator [string repeat = 40]
puts stdout $separator
puts stdout $result
puts stdout $separator
cookit - cookfs {
if {$rtmountpoint eq ""} {
@ -2509,17 +2682,20 @@ foreach vfstail $vfs_tails {
$vfs_installer destroy
} else {
set verbose ""
#set verbose "-verbose"
if {[catch {
if {$rtname ne "-"} {
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $building_runtime -verbose
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $building_runtime {*}$verbose
} else {
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -verbose
exec sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs {*}$verbose
} result]} {
if {$rtname ne "-"} {
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname -verbose failed with msg: $result"
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -runtime $buildfolder/build_$runtime_fullname {*}$verbose failed with msg: $result"
} else {
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs -verbose failed with msg: $result"
set sdxmsg "sdx wrap $buildfolder/$ -vfs $wrapvfs {*}$verbose failed with msg: $result"
puts stderr "sdx wrap $targetkit failed"
lappend failed_kits [list kit $targetkit reason $sdxmsg]
@ -2722,9 +2898,9 @@ set had_kits [expr {[llength $installed_kits] || [llength $failed_kits] || [llen
if {$had_kits} {
puts stdout " module builds and kit/zipkit builds processed (vfs config: src/runtime/mapvfs.config)"
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl modules' to build modules without scanning/building the vfs folders into executable kits/zipkits"
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl vfscommonupdate' to copy built modules into the base vfs folder"
puts stdout " Note that without the vfscommonupdate step, 'make.tcl project' will include any manual changes in the *custom* vfs folders but"
puts stdout " without the latest built modules."
puts stdout " - use 'make.tcl vfscommonupdate' to copy built modules into the base vfs folder <projectdir>/src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs"
puts stdout " - Note that without the vfscommonupdate step, 'make tcl vfs' (included in 'make tcl project') will build vfs based executables"
puts stdout " that include your current custom vfs folders in src/vfs, but with a _vfscommon.vfs that doesn't have the latest built modules"
puts stdout " calling 'builtexename(.exe) dev' will allow testing of built modules before they are put into the kits/zipkits via 'vfscommonupdate' then 'project'"
} else {
puts stdout " module builds processed"


@ -0,0 +1 @@
a boring test

src/vfs/punk86.vfs/main.tcl → src/vfs/_config/punk_main.tcl

@ -1,20 +1,36 @@
#main.tcl - we expect to be in the context of a zipkit or tclkit vfs attached to a tcl executable.
#review - what happens if both are somehow attached and both vfs and zipfs are available?
# or cookfs ?
#review - what happens if multiple are somehow attached and for example both vfs and zipfs are available?
# - if that's even possible - we have no control here over which main.tcl was selected as we're already here
# a metakit data portion seems to need to be add the end of the file (from looking at sdx.kit code)
# - todo - investigate if zipfs can be inserted between starkit head executable and metakit tail data
#The logic below will add appropriate package paths from starkit and zipfs vfs paths
# - and restrict package paths to those coming from a vfs (if not launched with 'dev' first arg which allows external paths to remain)
apply { args {
set tclmajorv [lindex [split [info tclversion] .] 0]
set has_zipfs [expr {[info commands tcl::zipfs::root] ne ""}]
if {$has_zipfs} {
set has_zipfs_attached [expr {[llength [tcl::zipfs::mount]]}]
} else {
set has_zipfs_attached 0
set tclmajorv [lindex [split [info tclversion] .] 0]
#REVIEW - cookit/cookfs can be compiled with a different name for it's mount-point
# - we could examine the -handle from 'file attr' for each //something:/ volume (excluding //zipfs:/)
# - but there are situations where handle is empty (? punk repl issue?)
# - for now we only support the known name - REVIEW
set has_cookfs [expr {"//cookit:/" in [file volumes]}]
set cookbase //cookit:/ ;#always define it so we can test on it later..
if {$has_cookfs} {
set has_cookfs_attached [file exists //cookit:/lib] ;# //cookit:/manifest.txt ? REVIEW
} else {
set has_cookfs_attached 0
#here we make an attempt to avoid premature (costly) auto_path/tcl::tm::list scanning caused by our initial 'package require starkit'.
@ -22,6 +38,7 @@ apply { args {
#standard way to avoid symlinking issues - review!
set normscript [file dirname [file normalize [file join [info script] __dummy__]]]
set normexe [file dirname [file normalize [file join [info nameofexecutable] __dummy__]]]
set topdir [file dirname $normscript]
@ -43,14 +60,14 @@ apply { args {
if {!$found_starkit_tcl} {
#our internal 'quick' search for starkit failed.
#either we are in a pure zipfs system - or the starkit package is somewhere more devious
#for pure zipfs - it's a little wasteful to perform exhaustive search for starkit
#either we are in a pure zipfs system, or cookfs - or the starkit package is somewhere more devious
#for pure zipfs or cookfs - it's a little wasteful to perform exhaustive search for starkit
#review - only keep searching if not 'dev' first arg?
#Initially we've done no scans of auto_path/tcl::tm::list - but there will already be a core set of packages known by the kit
#retain it so we can 'forget' the difference after our first 'package require' forces a full scan which includes some paths we may not wish to include or at least include with different preferences
puts "main.tcl 1)--> package name count: [llength [package names]]"
puts stderr [join [package names] \n]
#puts "main.tcl 1)--> package name count: [llength [package names]]"
#puts stderr [join [package names] \n]
set original_packages [package names]
if {![catch {package require starkit}]} {
@ -64,13 +81,13 @@ apply { args {
set starkit_startmode [starkit::startup]
puts stderr "STARKIT MODE: $starkit_startmode"
puts "main.tcl 2)--> package name count: [llength [package names]]"
#puts "main.tcl 2)--> package name count: [llength [package names]]"
foreach pkg [package names] {
if {$pkg ni $original_packages} {
package forget $pkg
puts "main.tcl 3)--> package name count: [llength [package names]]"
#puts "main.tcl 3)--> package name count: [llength [package names]]"
@ -121,6 +138,19 @@ apply { args {
if {$has_cookfs_attached} {
set existing_module_paths [string tolower [tcl::tm::list]]
foreach p [list modules modules_tcl$tclmajorv] {
if {[string tolower [file join $cookbase $p]] ni $existing_module_paths} {
tcl::tm::add [file join $cookbase $p]
foreach l [list lib lib_tcl$tclmajorv] {
if {[string tolower [file join $cookbase $l]] ni [string tolower $::auto_path]} {
lappend ::auto_path [file join $cookbase $l]
@ -132,6 +162,13 @@ apply { args {
if {[info exists ::tcl::kitpath] && $::tcl::kitpath ne ""} {
lappend internal_paths $::tcl::kitpath
if {$has_cookfs} {
lappend internal_paths $cookbase
if {[info exists ::punkboot::internal_paths] && [llength $::punkboot::internal_paths]} {
#somewhat ugly cooperation with external sourcing scripts
lappend internal_paths {*}$::punkboot::internal_paths
if {[lindex $args 0] in {dev devquiet}} {
set arglist [lassign $args devmode]
@ -253,7 +290,7 @@ apply { args {
if {![llength $exe_module_folders]} {
if {$devmode ne "devquiet" && ![llength $exe_module_folders]} {
puts stderr "Warning - no 'modules' or 'modules_tcl$tclmajorv' folders found relative to executable (or it's symlink if any)"
@ -326,7 +363,7 @@ apply { args {
#now add current dir (if no conflict with above)
#catch {tcl::tm::add [pwd]}
set external_tm_dirs [linsert $external_tm_dirs 0 $currentdir_modules]
if {[file exists [pwd]/modules] || [file exists [pwd]/modules_tcl$tclmajorv]} {
if {$devmode ne "devquiet" && ([file exists [pwd]/modules] || [file exists [pwd]/modules_tcl$tclmajorv])} {
puts stderr "WARNING: modules or modules_tcl$tclmajorv folders not added to tcl::tm::path due to modules found in current workding dir [pwd]"
} else {
@ -378,8 +415,10 @@ apply { args {
} else {
#not dev/devquiet
#Tcl_Init will most likely have set up some external paths
#As our app has been started without the 'dev' first arg - we will prune paths that are not zipfs or tclkit
#(or set via punkboot::internal_paths)
set new_auto_path [list]
#review - case insensitive ok for windows - but could cause issues on other platforms?
foreach ap $::auto_path {
@ -392,6 +431,7 @@ apply { args {
set ::auto_path $new_auto_path
#puts stderr "internal_paths: $internal_paths"
set new_tm_list [list]
foreach tm [tcl::tm::list] {
@ -407,16 +447,18 @@ apply { args {
tcl::tm::add {*}[lreverse $new_tm_list]
#If it looks like we are running the vfs/xxx.vfs/main.tcl from an external tclsh - try to use vfs folders to simulate kit state
#If it looks like we are running the vfs/_build/exename.vfs/main.tcl from an external tclsh - try to use vfs folders to simulate kit state
#set script_relative_lib [file normalize [file join [file dirname [info script]] lib]]
set scriptdir [file dirname [info script]]
if {![string match //zipfs:/* $scriptdir] && ![info exists ::tcl::kitpath]} {
#presumably running the vfs/xxx.vfs/main.tcl script using a non-kit tclsh that doesn't have starkit lib available.. lets see if we can move forward anyway
#set scriptdir [file dirname [info script]]
set scriptdir [file dirname $normscript]
if {![string match //zipfs:/* $scriptdir] && ![string match "${cookbase}*" $scriptdir] && ![info exists ::tcl::kitpath]} {
#presumably running the vfs/xxx.vfs/main.tcl script using a non-kit tclsh that doesn't have starkit lib or mounted zipfs/cookfs available.. lets see if we can move forward anyway
set vfscontainer [file normalize [file dirname $scriptdir]]
set vfscommon [file join $vfscontainer _vfscommon]
#set vfscommon [file join $vfscontainer _vfscommon]
#we shouldn't be targetting the src/vfs folders - use src/_build/exename.vfs instead
set vfsdir [file normalize $scriptdir]
set projectroot [file dirname [file dirname $vfscontainer]] ;#back below src/vfs/xxx.vfs/main.tcl
puts stdout "no starkit. projectroot?: $projectroot"
set projectroot [file dirname [file dirname $vfscontainer]] ;#back below src/_build/exename.vfs/main.tcl
puts stdout "no starkit. projectroot?: $projectroot executable:[info nameofexecutable]"
puts stdout "info lib: [info library]"
#add back the info lib reported by the executable.. as we can't access the one built into a kit
@ -431,12 +473,12 @@ apply { args {
lappend ::auto_path $lib
foreach l $lib_types {
set lib [file join $vfscommon $l]
if {[file exists $lib] && [string tolower $lib] ni [string tolower $::auto_path]} {
lappend ::auto_path $lib
#foreach l $lib_types {
# set lib [file join $vfscommon $l]
# if {[file exists $lib] && [string tolower $lib] ni [string tolower $::auto_path]} {
# lappend ::auto_path $lib
# }
set mod_types [list modules modules_tcl$tclmajorv]
foreach m $mod_types {
set modpath [file join $vfsdir $m]
@ -444,12 +486,12 @@ apply { args {
tcl::tm::add $modpath
foreach m $mod_types {
set modpath [file join $vfscommon $m]
if {[file exists $modpath] && [string tolower $modpath] ni [string tolower [tcl::tm::list]]} {
tcl::tm::add $modpath
#foreach m $mod_types {
# set modpath [file join $vfscommon $m]
# if {[file exists $modpath] && [string tolower $modpath] ni [string tolower [tcl::tm::list]]} {
# tcl::tm::add $modpath
# }
#force rescan
#catch {package require flobrudder666_nonexistant}
@ -459,9 +501,8 @@ apply { args {
#assert arglist has had 'dev' first arg removed if it was present.
if {[llength $arglist] == 1 && [lindex $arglist 0] eq "tclsh"} {
#called as <executable> dev tclsh or <executable> tclsh
#we would like to drop through to standard tclsh repl without launching another process? how?
#tclMain.c doesn't seem to allow it.
#we would like to drop through to standard tclsh repl without launching another process
#tclMain.c doesn't allow it unless patched.
if {![info exists ::env(TCLSH_PIPEREPL)]} {
set is_tclsh_piperepl_env_true 0
} else {
@ -491,7 +532,10 @@ apply { args {
package require app-shellspy
} else {
#punk shell
puts stdout "main.tcl launching app-punk. pkg names count:[llength [package names]]"
#todo logger ?
#puts stdout "main.tcl launching app-punk. pkg names count:[llength [package names]]"
#puts ">> $::auto_path"
#puts ">>> [tcl::tm::list]"
package require app-punk
#app-punk starts repl
#repl::start stdin -title "main.tcl"


@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# -*- tcl -*
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requisites
package require Tcl 8.5-
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
namespace eval ::bogus {
proc test {args} {
puts stderr "bogus-should-not-load-$args"
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready
package provide bogus 1.1.1


@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
if {![package vsatisfies [package require Tcl] 8.5-]} return
package ifneeded bogus 1.1.1 [list source [file join $dir bogus.tcl]]

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ArrowButton.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ArrowButton.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/BWidget.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/BWidget.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Button.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Button.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ButtonBox.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ButtonBox.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ComboBox.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ComboBox.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Dialog.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Dialog.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/DragSite.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/DragSite.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/DropSite.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/DropSite.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/DynamicHelp.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/DynamicHelp.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Entry.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Entry.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Label.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Label.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/LabelEntry.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/LabelEntry.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/LabelFrame.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/LabelFrame.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ListBox.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ListBox.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/MainFrame.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/MainFrame.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/MessageDlg.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/MessageDlg.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/NoteBook.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/NoteBook.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/PagesManager.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/PagesManager.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/PanedWindow.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/PanedWindow.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/PanelFrame.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/PanelFrame.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/PasswdDlg.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/PasswdDlg.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ProgressBar.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ProgressBar.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ProgressDlg.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ProgressDlg.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ScrollView.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ScrollView.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ScrollableFrame.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ScrollableFrame.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ScrolledWindow.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/ScrolledWindow.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/SelectColor.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/SelectColor.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/SelectFont.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/SelectFont.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Separator.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Separator.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/SpinBox.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/SpinBox.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/StatusBar.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/StatusBar.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/TitleFrame.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/TitleFrame.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Tree.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Tree.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Widget.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/Widget.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/contents.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/contents.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/index.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/index.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/navtree.html → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/navtree.html

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/options.htm → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/BWman/options.htm

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/CHANGES.txt → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/CHANGES.txt

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/ChangeLog → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/ChangeLog

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/LICENSE.txt → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/LICENSE.txt

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/README.txt → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/README.txt

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/arrow.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/arrow.tcl

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/bitmap.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/bitmap.tcl

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/button.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/button.tcl

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/buttonbox.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/buttonbox.tcl

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/color.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/color.tcl

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/combobox.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/combobox.tcl

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/basic.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/basic.tcl

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/bwidget.xbm → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/bwidget.xbm

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/demo.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/demo.tcl

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/dnd.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/dnd.tcl

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/manager.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/manager.tcl

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/select.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/select.tcl

src/vfs/_vfscommon/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/tmpldlg.tcl → src/vfs/_vfscommon.vfs/lib/BWidget1.9.16/demo/tmpldlg.tcl

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
