#A package registering as a provider using register_package can include capabilitynames in it's capabilitylist which have no associated capnamespace (handler).
@ -74,7 +88,7 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
if {[llength [set providers [dict get $caps $capname providers]]]} {
#some provider(s) were in place before the handler was registered
if {[set cb [get_handler_callback $capname]] ne ""} {
if {[set capreg [get_caphandler_registry $capname]] ne ""} {
foreach pkg $providers {
set fullcapabilitylist [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
foreach capspec $fullcapabilitylist {
@ -82,7 +96,7 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
if {$cn ne $capname} {
set do_register [$cb pkg_register $pkg $capdict $fullcapabilitylist]
set do_register [$capreg pkg_register $pkg $capdict $fullcapabilitylist]
set list_accepted [dict get $pkgcapsaccepted $pkg]
if {$do_register} {
if {$capspec ni $list_accepted} {
@ -120,6 +134,10 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
variable caps
return [dict exists $caps $capname]
proc has_handler {capname} {
variable caps
return [expr {[dict exists $caps $capname handler] && [dict get $caps $capname handler] ne ""}]
proc get_handler {capname} {
variable caps
if {[dict exists $caps $capname]} {
@ -127,12 +145,27 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
return ""
proc get_handler_callback {capname} {
set ns [get_handler $capname]
if {[namespace exists $ns]} {
if {[info exists ${ns}::callback]} {
if {[info object isa object ${ns}::callback]} {
return ${ns}::callback
#proc call_handler {capname args} {
# if {[set handler [get_handler $capname]] eq ""} {
# error "punk::cap::call_handler $capname $args - no handler registered for capability $capname"
#caplist may not be complete set - which somewhat reduces its utility here regarding any decisions based on the context of this capname/capdict (review - remove this arg?)
if {![dict exists $capdict relpath]} {
puts stderr "punk::cap::handlers::templates::capsystem::pkg_register WARNING - package '$pkg' is attempting to register with punk::cap as a provider of 'templates' capability, but is missing 'relpath' key"
return 0
set provide_statement [package ifneeded $pkg [package require $pkg]]
set tmfile [lindex $provide_statement end]
if {![file exists $tmfile]} {
puts stderr "punk::cap::handlers::templates::capsystem::pkg_register WARNING - unable to determine base folder for package '$pkg' which is attempting to register with punk::cap as a provider of 'templates' capability"
return 0
set tpath [file normalize [file join $tmfile [dict get $capdict relpath]]] ;#relpath is relative to the tm *file* - not it's containing folder
if {![file isdirectory $tpath]} {
puts stderr "punk::cap::handlers::templates::capsystem pkg_register WARNING - unable to determine relpath location [dict get $capdict relpath] for package '$pkg' which is attempting to register with punk::cap as a provider of 'templates' capability"
if {$capname ni $::punk::cap::handlers::templates::handled_caps} {
set pkgs [dict get [lindex $templates_record 1] providers]
set folderdict [dict create]
foreach pkg $pkgs {
set provide_statement [package ifneeded $pkg [package require $pkg]]
set tmfile [lindex $provide_statement end]
if {![file exists $tmfile]} {
puts stderr "punk::cap::templates::folders WARNING - unable to determine base folder for package '$pkg' which is registered with punk::cap as a provider of 'templates' capability"
set caplist [dict get [punk::cap::pkgcap $pkg] accepted]
set templates_entries [lsearch -all -inline -index 0 $caplist templates] ;#we generally expect only one - but if multiple exist - use them
set tpath [file normalize [file join $tmfile [dict get $templates_dict relpath]]] ;#relpath is relative to the tm *file* - not it's containing folder
#relpath relative to file is important for tm files that are zip/tar based containers
if {[file isdirectory $tpath]} {
dict set folderdict $tpath [list source $pkg sourcetype package]
} else {
puts stderr "punk::cap::templates::folders WARNING - unable to determine relpath location [dict get $templates_dict relpath] for package '$pkg' which is registered with punk::cap as a provider of 'templates' capability"
} else {
puts stderr "punk::cap::templates::folders WARNING - registered pkg '$pkg' has capability 'templates' but has an entry with no 'relpath' key - unable to use as source of templates"
return $folderdict
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide punk::cap::templates [namespace eval punk::cap::templates {
puts stderr "repl eventloop seems to be running - punkapp::wait not required"
} else {
if {$waiting eq "no"} {
set waiting $msg
set waiting "waiting"
vwait ::punkapp::waiting
return $::punkapp::waiting
@ -165,10 +193,23 @@ namespace eval punkapp {
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
#hide won't work for certain consoles cush as conemu,wezterm - and doesn't really make sense for tabbed windows anyway.
#It would be nice if we could tell the console window to hide just the relevant tab - or the whole window if only one tab present - but this is unlikely to be possible in any standard way.
#an ordinary cmd.exe or pwsh.exe or powershell.exe window can be hidden ok though.
#(but with wezterm - process is cmd.exe - but it has style popup and can't be hidden with a twapi::hide_window call)
package require twapi
set h [twapi::get_console_window]
twapi::hide_window $h
return 1
set pid [twapi::get_window_process $h]
set pinfo [twapi::get_process_info $pid -name]
set pname [dict get $pinfo -name]
set wstyle [twapi::get_window_style $h]
if {$pname in [list cmd.exe pwsh.exe powershell.exe] && "popup" ni $wstyle} {
twapi::hide_window $h
return 1
} else {
puts stderr "punkapp::hide_console unable to hide this type of console window"
return 0
} else {
puts stderr "punkapp::hide_console unimplemented on this platform (todo)"