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fixes for 'pmix' doctools system, punk::path refactor, more documentation

Julian Noble 9 months ago
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@ -17,11 +17,27 @@
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin punk::cap 0 0.1.0]
#[copyright "2023 JMNoble - BSD licensed"]
#[titledesc {Module API}]
#[titledesc {capability provider and handler plugin system}]
#[moddesc {punk capabilities plugin system}]
#[require punk::cap]
#[list_begin definitions]
#[section Overview]
#[para]punk::cap provides management of named capabilities and the provider packages and handler packages that implement a pluggable capability.
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para]A [term capability] may be something like providing a folder of files, or just a data dictionary, and/or an API
#[para][term {capability handler}] - a package/namespace which may provide validation and standardised ways of looking up provider data
# registered (or not) using register_capabilityname <capname> <capnamespace>
#[para][term {capability provider}] - a package which registers as providing one or more capablities.
#[para]registered using register_package <pkg> <capabilitylist>
#the capabilitylist is a list of 2-element lists where the first element is the capabilityname and the second element is a (possibly empty) dict of data relevant to that capability
#A capabilityname may appear multiple times. ie a package may register that it provides the capability with multiple datasets.
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
@ -29,63 +45,115 @@
package require oolib
# mkdoc markdown
#' ---
#' author: JMNoble
#' ---
#' ## Concepts:
#' > A **capability** may be something like providing a folder of files, or just a data dictionary, and/or an API
#' > **capability handler** - a package/namespace which may provide validation and standardised ways of looking up provider data
#' registered (or not) using register_capabilityname <capname> <capnamespace>
#' > **capability provider** - a package which registers as providing one or more capablities.
#' registered using register_package <pkg> <capabilitylist>
#' the capabilitylist is a list of 2-element lists where the first element is the capabilityname and the second element is a (possibly empty) dict of data relevant to that capability
#' A capabilityname may appear multiple times. ie a package may register that it provides the capability with multiple datasets.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::cap {
variable pkgcapsdeclared [dict create]
variable pkgcapsaccepted [dict create]
variable caps [dict create]
namespace eval class {
if {[info commands [namespace current]::interface_caphandler.registry] eq ""} {
#Handler classes
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap::class}]
#[para] class definitions
#[list_begin itemized] [comment {- punk::cap::class groupings -}]
# [item]
# [para] [emph {handler_classes}]
# [list_begin enumerated]
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_caphandler.registry {
#*** !doctools
#[enum] CLASS [class interface_caphandler.registry]
#[list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
method pkg_register {pkg capname capdict fullcapabilitylist} {
#[call [class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_register] [arg pkg] [arg capname] [arg capdict] [arg fullcapabilitylist]]
#*** !doctools
#[call class::interface_caphandler.registry [method pkg_register] [arg pkg] [arg capname] [arg capdict] [arg fullcapabilitylist]]
#handler may override and return 0 (indicating don't register)e.g if pkg capdict data wasn't valid
#overridden handler must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg - but it may return 1 or 0 as it wishes.
return 1 ;#default to permit
method pkg_unregister {pkg} {
#[call [class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
#*** !doctools
#[call class::interface_caphandler.registry [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
return ;#unregistration return is ignored - review
#*** !doctools
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_caphandler.sysapi {
#*** !doctools
#[enum] CLASS [class interface_caphandler.sysapi]
#[list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
#*** !doctools
#*** !doctools
# [list_end] [comment {- end enumeration handler classes -}]
#*** !doctools
# [item]
# [para] [emph {provider_classes}]
# [list_begin enumerated]
#Provider classes
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_capprovider.registration {
#*** !doctools
# [enum] CLASS [class interface_cappprovider.registration]
# [para]Your provider package will need to instantiate this object under a sub-namespace called [namespace capsystem] within your package namespace.
# [para]If your package namespace is mypackages::providerpkg then the object command would be at mypackages::providerpkg::capsystem::capprovider.registration
# [para]Example code for your provider package to evaluate within its namespace:
# [example {
#namespace eval capsystem {
# if {[info commands capprovider.registration] eq ""} {
# punk::cap::class::interface_capprovider.registration create capprovider.registration
# oo::objdefine capprovider.registration {
# method get_declarations {} {
# set decls [list]
# lappend decls [list punk.templates {relpath ../templates}]
# lappend decls [list another_capability_name {somekey blah key2 etc}]
# return $decls
# }
# }
# }
#[para] The above example declares that your package can be registered as a provider for the capabilities named 'punk.templates' and 'another_capability_name'
# [list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
method get_declarations {} {
#[call [class interface_capprovider.registration] [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.registration [method get_declarations]]
#[para] This method must be overridden by your provider using oo::objdefine cappprovider.registration as in the example above.
# There must be at least one 2-element list in the result for the provider to be registerable.
#[para]The first element of the list is the capabilityname - which can be custom to your provider/handler packages - or a well-known name that other authors may use/implement.
#[para]The second element is a dictionary of keys specific to the capability being implemented. It may be empty if the any potential capability handlers for the named capability don't require registration data.
error "interface_capprovider.registration not implemented by provider"
#*** !doctools
# [list_end]
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_capprovider.provider {
#*** !doctools
# [enum] CLASS [class interface_capprovider.provider]
# [para] Your provider package will need to instantiate this directly under it's own namespace with the command name of [emph {provider}]
# [example {
# namespace eval mypackages::providerpkg {
# punk::cap::class::interface_capprovider.provider create provider mypackages::providerpkg
# }
# }]
# [list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
variable provider_pkg
variable registrationobj
constructor {providerpkg} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method constructor] [arg providerpkg]]
variable provider_pkg
if {$providerpkg in [list "" "::"]} {
error "interface_capprovider.provider constructor error. Invalid provider '$providerpkg'"
@ -103,16 +171,33 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
method register {{capabilityname_glob *}} {
#[call [class interface_capprovider.provider] [method register] [opt capabilityname_glob]]
#*** !doctools
#[comment {- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---}]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method register] [opt capabilityname_glob]]
#[para]This is the mechanism by which a user of your provider package will register your package as a provider of the capability named.
#[para]A user of your provider may elect to register all your declared capabilities:
#[example {
# package require mypackages::providerpkg
# mypackages::providerpkg::provider register *
#[para] Or a specific capability may be registered:
#[example {
# package require mypackages::providerpkg
# mypackages::providerpkg::provider register another_capability_name
variable provider_pkg
set all_decls [$registrationobj get_declarations]
set register_decls [lsearch -all -inline -index 0 $all_decls $capabilityname_glob]
punk::cap::register_package $provider_pkg $register_decls
method capabilities {} {
#[call [class interface_capprovider.provider] [method capabilities]]
#*** !doctools
#[comment {- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---}]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method capabilities]]
#[para] return a list of capabilities supported by this provider package
variable provider_pkg
variable registrationobj
@ -124,28 +209,24 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
lappend capabilities $capname
return $capname
return $capabilities
#*** !doctools
# [list_end] [comment {- end class definitions -}]
#*** !doctools
# [list_end] [comment {- end enumeration provider_classes }]
#[list_end] [comment {- end itemized list punk::cap::class groupings -}]
} ;# end namespace class
namespace eval capsystem {
proc get_caphandler_registry {capname} {
set ns [::punk::cap::get_handler $capname]::capsystem
if {[namespace exists ${ns}]} {
if {[info command ${ns}::caphandler.registry] ne ""} {
if {[info object isa object ${ns}::caphandler.registry]} {
return ${ns}::caphandler.registry
return ""
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap}]
#[para] Main punk::cap API for client programs interested in using capability handler packages and associated (registered) provider packages
#[list_begin definitions]
#Not all capabilities have to be registered.
#A package registering as a provider using register_package can include capabilitynames in it's capabilitylist which have no associated capnamespace (handler).
#Not all capability names have to be registered.
#A package registering as a provider using register_package can include capabilitynames in it's capabilitylist which have no associated handler.
#such unregistered capabilitynames may be used just to flag something, or have datamembers significant to callers cooperatively interested in that capname.
#we allow registering a capability with an empty handler (capnamespace) - but this means another handler could be registered later.
proc register_capabilityname {capname capnamespace} {
@ -161,7 +242,7 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#allow register of existing capname iff there is no current handler
#as handlers can be used to validate during provider registration - ideally handlers should be registered before any pkgs call register_package
#we allow loading a handler later though - but will need to validate existing data from pkgs that have already registered as providers
if {[set hdlr [get_handler $capname]] ne ""} {
if {[set hdlr [capability_get_handler $capname]] ne ""} {
error "register_capabilityname cannot register capability:$capname with handler:$capnamespace. There is already a registered handler:$hdlr"
#assert: capnamespace may or may not be empty string, capname may or may not already exist in caps dict, caps $capname providers may have existing entries.
@ -213,52 +294,33 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
proc exists {capname} {
proc capability_exists {capname} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun exists] [arg capname]]
# [call [fun capability_exists] [arg capname]]
# Return a boolean indicating if the named capability exists (0|1)
# mkdoc markdown
#' ## **exists(capname)**
#' > return a boolean indicating the existence of a capability
#' > Arguments:
#' > - *capname* - string indicating the name of the capability
#' > Returns: 0|1
variable caps
return [dict exists $caps $capname]
proc has_handler {capname} {
proc capability_has_handler {capname} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun has_handler] [arg capname]]
# Return a boolean indicating if the named capability has a handler package installed (0|1)
# [call [fun capability_has_handler] [arg capname]]
#Return a boolean indicating if the named capability has a handler package installed (0|1)
variable caps
return [expr {[dict exists $caps $capname handler] && [dict get $caps $capname handler] ne ""}]
proc get_handler {capname} {
proc capability_get_handler {capname} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun capability_get_handler] [arg capname]]
#Return the base namespace of the active handler package for the named capability.
#[para] The base namespace for a handler will always be the package name, but prefixed with ::
variable caps
if {[dict exists $caps $capname]} {
return [dict get $caps $capname handler]
return ""
#proc call_handler {capname args} {
# if {[set handler [get_handler $capname]] eq ""} {
# error "punk::cap::call_handler $capname $args - no handler registered for capability $capname"
# }
# ${handler}::[lindex $args 0] {*}[lrange $args 1 end]
proc call_handler {capname args} {
if {[set handler [get_handler $capname]] eq ""} {
if {[set handler [capability_get_handler $capname]] eq ""} {
error "punk::cap::call_handler $capname $args - no handler registered for capability $capname"
set obj ${handler}::api_$capname
@ -274,10 +336,21 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#register package with arbitrary capnames from capabilitylist
#The registered pkg is a module that provides some service to that capname. Possibly just data members, that the capability will use.
proc register_package {pkg capabilitylist} {
proc register_package {pkg capabilitylist args} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable pkgcapsaccepted
variable caps
set defaults [dict create\
-nowarnings false
dict for {k v} $args {
if {$k ni $defaults} {
error "Unrecognized option $k. Known options [dict keys $defaults]"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
set warnings [expr {! [dict get $opts -nowarnings]}]
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
@ -286,11 +359,23 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
} else {
set pkg_already_accepted [list]
package require $pkg
set providerapi ::${pkg}::provider
if {[info commands $providerapi] eq ""} {
error "register_package error. pkg '$pkg' doesn't seem to be a punk::cap capability provider (no object found at $providerapi)"
set defined_caps [$providerapi capabilities]
#for each capability
# - ensure 1st element is a single word
# - ensure that if 2nd element (capdict) is present - it is dict shaped
foreach capspec $capabilitylist {
lassign $capspec capname capdict
if {$warnings} {
if {$capname ni $defined_caps} {
puts stderr "WARNING: pkg '$pkg' doesn't declare support for capability '$capname'."
if {[llength $capname] !=1} {
error "register_package error. pkg: '$pkg' An entry in the capability list doesn't appear to have a single-word name. Problematic entry:'$capspec'"
@ -299,7 +384,9 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
if {$capspec in $pkg_already_accepted} {
#review - multiple handlers? if so - will need to record which handler(s) accepted the capspec
puts stderr "register_package pkg $pkg already has capspec marked as accepted: $capspec"
if {$warnings} {
puts stderr "WARNING: register_package pkg $pkg already has capspec marked as accepted: $capspec"
if {[dict exists $caps $capname]} {
@ -371,73 +458,6 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#review promote/demote doesn't always make a lot of sense .. should possibly be per cap for multicap pkgs
#The idea is to provide a crude way to preference/depreference packages independently of order the packages were loaded
#e.g a caller or cap-handler can ascribe some meaning to the order of the 'providers' key returned from punk::cap::capabilities <capname>
#The order of providers will be the order the packages were loaded & registered
#the naming: "promote vs demote" operates on a latest-package-in-list has higher preference assumption (matching last pkg loaded)
#Each capability handler could implement specific preferencing methods if finer control needed.
#In some cases the preference/loading order may be inapplicable/irrelevant to a particular capability anyway.
#As this is just a basic mechanism, which can't support independent per-cap preferencing for multi-cap packages -
# it only allows putting the pkgs to the head or tail of the lists.
#Whether particular caps or users of caps do anything with this ordering is dependent on the cap-handler and/or calling code.
proc promote_package {pkg} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at end of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at tail of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
lappend cap_pkgs $pkg
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
proc demote_package {pkg} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at start of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
set pkgcapsdeclared [dict merge [dict create $pkg $pkginfo] $pkgcapsdeclared]
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at head of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
set cap_pkgs [list $pkg {*}$cap_pkgs]
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
proc pkgcap {pkg} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable pkgcapsaccepted
@ -502,7 +522,121 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
return $cap_list
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {- end definitions for namespace punk::cap -}]
namespace eval advanced {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap::advanced}]
#[para] punk::cap::advanced API. Functions here are generally not the preferred way to interact with punk::cap.
#[para] In some cases they may allow interaction in less safe ways or may allow use of features that are unavailable in the base namespace.
#[para] Some functions are here because they are only marginally or rarely useful, and they are here to keep the base API simple.
#[list_begin definitions]
proc promote_provider {pkg} {
#*** !doctools
# [call advanced::[fun promote_provider] [arg pkg]]
#[para]Move the named provider package to the preferred end of the list (tail).
#[para]The active handler may or may not utilise this for preferencing. See documentation for the specific handler package to confirm.
#[para] promote/demote doesn't always make a lot of sense .. should preferably be configurable per capapbility for multicap provider pkgs
#[para]The idea is to provide a crude way to preference/depreference packages independently of order the packages were loaded
#e.g a caller or cap-handler can ascribe some meaning to the order of the 'providers' key returned from punk::cap::capabilities <capname>
#[para]The order of providers will be the order the packages were loaded & registered
#[para]the naming: "promote vs demote" operates on a latest-package-in-list has higher preference assumption (matching last pkg loaded)
#[para]Each capability handler could and should implement specific preferencing methods within its own API if finer control needed.
#In some cases the preference/loading order may be inapplicable/irrelevant to a particular capability anyway.
#[para]As this is just a basic mechanism, which can't support independent per-cap preferencing for multi-cap packages -
# it only allows putting the pkgs to the head or tail of the lists.
#[para]Whether particular caps or users of caps do anything with this ordering is dependent on the cap-handler and/or calling code.
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at end of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at tail of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
lappend cap_pkgs $pkg
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
proc demote_provider {pkg} {
#*** !doctools
# [call advanced::[fun demote_provider] [arg pkg]]
#[para]Move the named provider package to the preferred end of the list (tail).
#[para]The active handler may or may not utilise this for preferencing. See documentation for the specific handler package to confirm.
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at start of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
set pkgcapsdeclared [dict merge [dict create $pkg $pkginfo] $pkgcapsdeclared]
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at head of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
set cap_pkgs [list $pkg {*}$cap_pkgs]
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
#*** !doctools
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval capsystem {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap::capsystem}]
#[para] Internal functions used to communicate between punk::cap and capability handlers
#[list_begin definitions]
proc get_caphandler_registry {capname} {
set ns [::punk::cap::capability_get_handler $capname]::capsystem
if {[namespace exists ${ns}]} {
if {[info command ${ns}::caphandler.registry] ne ""} {
if {[info object isa object ${ns}::caphandler.registry]} {
return ${ns}::caphandler.registry
return ""
#*** !doctools
@ -524,5 +658,4 @@ package provide punk::cap [namespace eval punk::cap {
#*** !doctools


@ -24,15 +24,14 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
variable has_twapi 0
if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
#jmn disable twapi
#package require zzzload
#zzzload::pkg_require twapi
#if {[catch {package require twapi}]} {
# puts stderr "Warning: punk::du - unable to load twapi. Disk operations may be much slower on windows without the twapi package"
#} else {
# set punk::du::has_twapi 1
package require zzzload
zzzload::pkg_require twapi
if {[catch {package require twapi}]} {
puts stderr "Warning: punk::du - unable to load twapi. Disk operations may be much slower on windows without the twapi package"
} else {
set punk::du::has_twapi 1
#package require punk::winpath
@ -1248,10 +1247,11 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
proc du_dirlisting_undecided {folderpath args} {
if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
#jmn disable twapi
tailcall du_dirlisting_generic $folderpath {*}$args
#tailcall du_dirlisting_generic $folderpath {*}$args
set loadstate [zzzload::pkg_require twapi]
if {$loadstate ni [list loading failed]} {
#either already loaded by zzload or ordinary package require
package require twapi ;#should be fast once twapi dll loaded in zzzload thread
set ::punk::du::has_twapi 1
punk::du::active::set_active_function du_dirlisting du_dirlisting_twapi


@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package provide punk::mix::base [namespace eval punk::mix::base {
set version 0.1
package require punk::path
#base internal plumbing functions
namespace eval punk::mix::base {
@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
set folderdict [dict create]
package require punk::cap
if {[punk::cap::has_handler punk.templates]} {
if {[punk::cap::capability_has_handler punk.templates]} {
set template_folder_dict [punk::cap::call_handler punk.templates folders]
dict for {dir folderinfo} $template_folder_dict {
dict set folderdict $dir $folderinfo
@ -632,7 +633,8 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
cd $base ;#cd is process-wide.. keep cd in effect for as small a scope as possible. (review for thread issues)
#temp emission to stdout.. todo - repl telemetry channel
puts stdout "cksum_path: creating temporary tar archive at: $archivename .."
puts stdout "cksum_path: creating temporary tar archive for $path"
puts stdout " at: $archivename .."
tar::create $archivename $target
if {$ftype eq "file"} {
set sizeinfo "(size [file size $target])"
@ -757,7 +759,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
set normbase [file normalize $base]
set normtarg [file normalize [file join $normbase $specifiedpath]]
set targetpath $normtarg
set storedpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $normbase $normtarg]
set storedpath [punk::path::relative $normbase $normtarg]
} else {
set targetpath [file join $base $specifiedpath]
set storedpath $specifiedpath
@ -776,7 +778,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
error "get_relativecksum_from_base error: base '$base' and specifiedpath '$specifiedpath' don't share a common root. Use empty-string for base if independent absolute path is required"
set targetpath $specifiedpath
set storedpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $base $specifiedpath]
set storedpath [punk::path::relative $base $specifiedpath]
} else {


@ -477,7 +477,13 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
set did_skip 0 ;#flag for stdout/stderr formatting only
foreach m $src_modules {
#puts "build_modules_from_source_to_base >>> module $m"
set is_interesting 0
if {[string match "foobar" $current_source_dir]} {
set is_interesting 1
if {$is_interesting} {
puts "build_modules_from_source_to_base >>> module $current_source_dir/$m"
set fileparts [split [file rootname $m] -]
set tmfile_versionsegment [lindex $fileparts end]
if {$tmfile_versionsegment eq $magicversion} {
@ -582,7 +588,9 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_finished_install $basedir $file_record]
$event targetset_end OK
} else {
#puts stdout "skipping module $current_source_dir/$m - no change in sources detected"
if {$is_interesting} {
puts stdout "skipping module $current_source_dir/$m - no change in sources detected"
puts -nonewline stderr "."
set did_skip 1
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_skipped_install $basedir $file_record]
@ -627,15 +635,18 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
$event targetset_started
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
if {$did_skip} {set did_skip 0; puts -nonewline stdout \n}
puts stderr "Copied already versioned module $current_source_dir/$m to $target_module_dir"
lappend module_list $current_source_dir/$m
file copy -force $current_source_dir/$m $target_module_dir
puts stderr "Copied already versioned module $current_source_dir/$m to $target_module_dir"
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_finished_install $basedir $file_record]
$event targetset_end OK -note "already versioned module"
} else {
puts -nonewline stderr "."
set did_skip 1
if {$is_interesting} {
puts stderr "$current_source_dir/$m [$event targetset_source_changes]"
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_skipped_install $basedir $file_record]
$event targetset_end SKIPPED


@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
## Requirements
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk ;# for treefilenames
package require punk::path ;# for treefilenames, relative
package require punk::repo
package require punk::docgen ;#inline doctools - generate doctools .man files at src/docgen prior to using kettle to producing .html .md etc
package require punk::mix::cli ;#punk::mix::cli::lib used for kettle_call
package require punk::mix::util ;#for path_relative
#package require punk::mix::util ;#for path_relative
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
#user may delete the comment containing "--- punk::docgen::overwrites" and then manually edit, and we won't overwrite
#we still generate output in src/docgen so user can diff and manually update if thats what they prefer
set oldfiles [glob -nocomplain -dir $projectdir/src/doc -type f _module_*]
set oldfiles [punk::path::treefilenames $projectdir/src/doc _module_*.man]
foreach maybedoomed $oldfiles {
set fd [open $maybedoomed r]
set data [read $fd]
@ -57,9 +57,18 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
if {[dict get $generated count] > 0} {
set doclist [dict get $generated docs]
set source_base [dict get $generated base]
set target_base $projectdir/src/doc
foreach dinfo $doclist {
lassign $dinfo module fpath
set target $projectdir/src/doc/_module_[file tail $fpath]
set relpath [punk::path::relative $source_base $fpath]
set relfolder [file dirname $relpath]
if {$relfolder eq "."} {
set relfolder ""
file mkdir [file join $target_base $relfolder]
set target [file join $target_base $relfolder _module_[file tail $fpath]]
puts stderr "target --> $target"
if {![file exists $target]} {
file copy $fpath $target
@ -184,23 +193,24 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
variable pkg
set pkg punk::mix::commandset::doc
proc do_docgen {{project_subpath modules}} {
#Extract doctools comments from source code
set projectdir [punk::repo::find_project]
set outdir [file join $projectdir src docgen]
set subpath [file join $projectdir $project_subpath]
if {![file isdirectory $subpath]} {
puts stderr "WARNING punk::mix::commandset::doc unable to find subpath $subpath during do_docgen - skipping inline doctools generation"
set output_base [file join $projectdir src docgen]
set codesource_path [file join $projectdir $project_subpath]
if {![file isdirectory $codesource_path]} {
puts stderr "WARNING punk::mix::commandset::doc unable to find codesource_path $codesource_path during do_docgen - skipping inline doctools generation"
if {[file isdirectory $outdir]} {
if {[file isdirectory $output_base]} {
if {[catch {
file delete -force $outdir
file delete -force $output_base
}]} {
error "do_docgen failed to delete existing $outdir"
error "do_docgen failed to delete existing output base folder: $output_base"
file mkdir $outdir
file mkdir $output_base
set matched_paths [punk::treefilenames $subpath *.tm]
set matched_paths [punk::path::treefilenames $codesource_path *.tm -antiglob_paths {**/mix/templates/** **/mixtemplates/**}]
set count 0
set newdocs [list]
set docgen_header_comments ""
@ -208,14 +218,34 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
append docgen_header_comments {[comment {--- punk::docgen DO NOT EDIT DOCS HERE UNLESS YOU REMOVE THESE COMMENT LINES ---}]} \n
append docgen_header_comments {[comment {--- punk::docgen overwrites this file ---}]} \n
foreach fullpath $matched_paths {
set relpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $subpath $fullpath]
set tailsegs [file split $relpath]
set module_fullname [join $tailsegs ::]
set docname [string map [list :: _] $module_fullname].man ;#todo - something better - need to ensure unique
set doctools [punk::docgen::get_doctools_comments $fullpath]
if {$doctools ne ""} {
puts stdout "generating doctools output from file $relpath"
set outfile [file join $outdir $docname]
set fname [file tail $fullpath]
set mod_tail [file rootname $fname]
set relpath [punk::path::relative $codesource_path [file dirname $fullpath]]
if {$relpath eq "."} {
set relpath ""
set tailsegs [file split $relpath]
set module_fullname [join $tailsegs ::]::$mod_tail
set target_docname $
set this_outdir [file join $output_base $relpath]
if {[string length $fname] > 99} {
#output needs to be tarballed to do checksum change tests in a reasonably straightforward and not-too-terribly slow way.
#hack - review. Determine exact limit - test if tcllib tar fixed or if it's a limit of the particular tar format
#work around tcllib tar filename length limit ( somewhere around 100?) This seems to be a limit on the length of a particular segment in the path.. not whole path length?
#this case only came up because docgen used to path munge to long filenames - but left because we know there is a limit and renaming fixes it - even if it's ugly - but still allows doc generation.
#review - if we're checking fname - should also test length of whole path and determine limits for tar
package require md5
set target_docname [md5::md5 -hex $fullpath]
puts stderr "WARNING - overlong file name - renaming $fullpath"
puts stderr " to [file dirname $fullpath]/$target_docname"
file mkdir $this_outdir
puts stdout "saving [string length $doctools] bytes of doctools output from file $relpath/$fname"
set outfile [file join $this_outdir $target_docname]
set fd [open $outfile w]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fd $docgen_header_comments$doctools
@ -224,7 +254,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
lappend newdocs [list $module_fullname $outfile]
return [list count $count docs $newdocs]
return [list count $count docs $newdocs base $output_base]


@ -141,7 +141,10 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
#use last matching layout found. review silent if multiple?
if {![llength $tags]} {
#todo - get standard tags from somewhere
set tags [list %project%]
set tagnames [list project]
foreach tn $tagnames {
lappend tags [string cat % $tn %]
set file_list [list]
util::foreach-file $layoutfolder path {


@ -13,10 +13,72 @@
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin punk::mix::commandset::project 0 0.1.0]
#[copyright "2023"]
#[titledesc {pmix commandset - project}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {pmix CLI commandset - project}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require punk::mix::commandset::project]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of punk::mix::commandset::project
#[para]Import into an ensemble namespace similarly to the way it is done with punk::mix::cli e.g
#[example {
# namespace eval myproject::cli {
# namespace export *
# namespace ensemble create
# package require punk::overlay
# package require punk::mix::commandset::project
# punk::overlay::import_commandset project . ::punk::mix::commandset::project
# punk::overlay::import_commandset projects . ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection
# }
#[para] Where the . in the above example is the prefix/command separator
#[para]The prefix ('project' in the above example) can be any string desired to disambiguate commands imported from other commandsets.
#[para]The above results in the availability of the ensemble command: ::myproject::cli, which is implemented in ::punk::mix::commandset::project::new
#[para]Similarly, procs under ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection will be available as subcommands of the ensemble as projects.<procname>
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] see punk::overlay
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
##e.g package require frobz
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by punk::mix::commandset::project
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
#[item] [package punk::ns]
#[item] [package sqlite3] (binary)
#[item] [package overtype]
#[item] [package textutil] (tcllib)
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
@ -24,10 +86,36 @@
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
namespace export *
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::mix::commandset::project}]
#[para] core commandset functions for punk::mix::commandset::project
#[list_begin definitions]
proc _default {} {
package require punk::ns
set dispatched_to [lindex [info level 2] 0] ;#e.g ::punk::mix::cli::project
set dispatch_tail [punk::ns::nstail $dispatched_to]
set dispatch_ensemble [punk::ns::nsprefix $dispatched_to] ;#e.g ::punk::mix::cli
set sibling_commands [namespace eval $dispatch_ensemble {namespace export}]
#todo - get separator?
set sep "."
set result [list]
foreach sib $sibling_commands {
if {[string match ${dispatch_tail}${sep}* $sib]} {
lappend result $sib
return [lsort $result]
#new project structure - may be dedicated to one module, or contain many.
#create minimal folder structure only by specifying -modules {}
proc new {newprojectpath_or_name args} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun new] [arg newprojectpath_or_name] [opt args]]
#new project structure - may be dedicated to one module, or contain many.
#create minimal folder structure only by specifying in args: -modules {}
if {[file pathtype $newprojectpath_or_name] eq "absolute"} {
set projectfullpath [file normalize $newprojectpath_or_name]
set projectname [file tail $projectfullpath]
@ -242,7 +330,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
set layout_dir $templatebase/layouts/$opt_layout
puts stdout ">>> about to call punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir"
set resultdict [dict create]
set unpublish [list\
set antipaths [list\
@ -250,11 +338,11 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
#default antiglob_dir_core will stop .fossil* from being updated - which is generally desirable as these are likely to be customized
if {$opt_force} {
puts stdout "copying layout files - with force applied - overwrite all-targets"
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite ALL-TARGETS -unpublish_paths $unpublish]
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite ALL-TARGETS -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
#file copy -force $layout_dir $projectdir
} else {
puts stdout "copying layout files - (if source file changed)"
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -unpublish_paths $unpublish]
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
@ -293,7 +381,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
set fpath [file join $projectdir $templatetail]
if {[file exists $fpath]} {
set fd [open $fpath r]; fconfigure $fd -translation binary; set data [read $fd]; close $fd
set data2 [string map [list %project% $projectname] $data]
set data2 [string map [list [lib::template_tag project] $projectname] $data]
if {$data2 ne $data} {
puts stdout "updated template file: $fpath"
set fdout [open $fpath w]; fconfigure $fdout -translation binary; puts -nonewline $fdout $data2; close $fdout
@ -406,8 +494,10 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
puts stdout "-done- project:$projectname projectdir: $projectdir"
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::mix::commandset::project ---}]
namespace eval collection {
namespace eval collection {
namespace export *
namespace path [namespace parent]
@ -764,6 +854,12 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
namespace eval lib {
proc template_tag {tagname} {
#todo - support different tagwrappers - it shouldn't be so likely to collide with common code idioms etc.
#we need to detect presence of tags intended for punk::mix system
#consider using punk::cap to enable multiple template-substitution providers with their own set of tagnames and/or tag wrappers, where substitution providers are all run
return [string cat % $tagname %]
#get project info only by opening the central confg-db
#(will not have proper project-name etc)
proc get_projects {{globlist {}} args} {
@ -828,9 +924,8 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
#*** !doctools


@ -131,83 +131,6 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::util {
#maint warning - also in punkcheck
proc path_relative {base dst} {
#see also kettle
# Modified copy of ::fileutil::relative (tcllib)
# Adapted to 8.5 ({*}).
# Taking two _directory_ paths, a base and a destination, computes the path
# of the destination relative to the base.
# Arguments:
# base The path to make the destination relative to.
# dst The destination path
# Results:
# The path of the destination, relative to the base.
# Ensure that the link to directory 'dst' is properly done relative to
# the directory 'base'.
#review - check volume info on windows.. UNC paths?
if {[file pathtype $base] ne [file pathtype $dst]} {
return -code error "Unable to compute relation for paths of different pathtypes: [file pathtype $base] vs. [file pathtype $dst], ($base vs. $dst)"
#avoid normalizing if possible (file normalize *very* expensive on windows)
set do_normalize 0
if {[file pathtype $base] eq "relative"} {
#if base is relative so is dst
if {[regexp {[.]{2}} [list $base $dst]]} {
set do_normalize 1
if {[regexp {[.]/} [list $base $dst]]} {
set do_normalize 1
} else {
set do_normalize 1
if {$do_normalize} {
set base [file normalize $base]
set dst [file normalize $dst]
set save $dst
set base [file split $base]
set dst [file split $dst]
while {[lindex $dst 0] eq [lindex $base 0]} {
set dst [lrange $dst 1 end]
set base [lrange $base 1 end]
if {![llength $dst]} {break}
set dstlen [llength $dst]
set baselen [llength $base]
if {($dstlen == 0) && ($baselen == 0)} {
# Cases:
# (a) base == dst
set dst .
} else {
# Cases:
# (b) base is: base/sub = sub
# dst is: base = {}
# (c) base is: base = {}
# dst is: base/sub = sub
while {$baselen > 0} {
set dst [linsert $dst 0 ..]
incr baselen -1
set dst [file join {*}$dst]
return $dst
#namespace import ::punk::ns::nsimport_noclobber
proc namespace_import_pattern_to_namespace_noclobber {pattern ns} {


@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ namespace eval ::punk::overlay {
set imported_commands [list]
set nscaller [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]]
if {[catch {
#review - noclobber?
namespace eval ${nscaller}::temp_import [list namespace import ${cmdnamespace}::*]
foreach cmd [info commands ${nscaller}::temp_import::*] {
set cmdtail [namespace tail $cmd]


@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
catch {package require punk::winpath}
package require fileutil; #tcllib
package require punk::path
package require punk::mix::base ;#uses core functions from punk::mix::base::lib namespace e.g cksum_path
package require punk::mix::util
package require punk::mix::util ;#do_in_path
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
if {$repodir eq ""} {
error "workingdir_state error: No repository found at or above path '$abspath'"
set subpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $repodir $abspath]
set subpath [punk::path::relative $repodir $abspath]
if {$subpath eq "."} {
set subpath ""
@ -708,10 +709,10 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
append msg "** starting folder : $start_dir" \n
append msg "** untracked : $candroot" \n
if {$closest_fossil_len} {
append msg "** fossil root : $closest_fossil ([punk::mix::util::path_relative $start_dir $closest_fossil])" \n
append msg "** fossil root : $closest_fossil ([punk::path::relative $start_dir $closest_fossil])" \n
if {$closest_git_len} {
append msg "** git root : $closest_git ([punk::mix::util::path_relative $start_dir $closest_git])" \n
append msg "** git root : $closest_git ([punk::path::relative $start_dir $closest_git])" \n
append msg "**" \n


@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk::tdl
package require punk::path
package require punk::repo
package require punk::mix::util
@ -1106,29 +1107,6 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
return [lindex $args end]
proc pathglob_as_re {glob} {
#any segment that is not just * must match exactly one segment in the path
set pats [list]
foreach seg [file split $glob] {
if {$seg eq "*"} {
lappend pats {[^/]*}
} elseif {$seg eq "**"} {
lappend pats {.*}
} else {
set seg [string map [list . {[.]}] $seg]
if {[regexp {[*?]} $seg]} {
set pat [string map [list * {[^/]*} ? {[^/]}] $seg]
lappend pats "$pat"
} else {
lappend pats "$seg"
return "^[join $pats /]\$"
proc globmatchpath {glob path} {
return [regexp [pathglob_as_re $glob] $path]
## unidirectional file transfer to possibly non empty folder
#default of -overwrite no-targets will only copy files that are missing at the target
# -overwrite newer-targets will copy files with older source timestamp over newer target timestamp and those missing at the target (a form of 'restore' operation)
@ -1349,7 +1327,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
foreach unpub $opt_antiglob_paths {
#puts "testing folder - globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir"
if {[globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir]} {
if {[punk::path::globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir]} {
lappend antiglob_paths_matched $current_source_dir
return [list files_copied {} files_skipped {} sources_unchanged {} punkcheck_records $punkcheck_records antiglob_paths_matched $antiglob_paths_matched srcdir $srcdir tgtdir $tgtdir punkcheck_folder $punkcheck_folder]
@ -1421,7 +1399,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set is_antipath 0
foreach antipath $opt_antiglob_paths {
#puts "testing file - globmatchpath $antipath vs $relative_source_path"
if {[globmatchpath $antipath $relative_source_path]} {
if {[punk::path::globmatchpath $antipath $relative_source_path]} {
lappend antiglob_paths_matched $current_source_dir
set is_antipath 1


@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
[comment {--- punk::docgen generated from inline doctools comments ---}]
[comment {--- punk::docgen overwrites this file ---}]
[manpage_begin punk::cap 0 0.1.0]
[copyright "2023 JMNoble - BSD licensed"]
[titledesc {Module API}]
[moddesc {punk capabilities plugin system}]
[require punk::cap]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_register] [arg pkg] [arg capname] [arg capdict] [arg fullcapabilitylist]]
handler may override and return 0 (indicating don't register)e.g if pkg capdict data wasn't valid
overridden handler must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg - but it may return 1 or 0 as it wishes.
[call [class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
[call [class interface_capprovider.registration] [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
[call [class interface_capprovider.provider] [method register] [opt capabilityname_glob]]
[call [class interface_capprovider.provider] [method capabilities]]
[call [fun exists] [arg capname]]
Return a boolean indicating if the named capability exists (0|1)
[call [fun has_handler] [arg capname]]
Return a boolean indicating if the named capability has a handler package installed (0|1)


@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
[comment {--- punk::docgen generated from inline doctools comments ---}]
[manpage_begin %pkg% 0 999999.0a1.0]
[copyright "%year%"]
[titledesc {Module API}]
[moddesc {-}]
[require %pkg%]
[list_begin definitions]

src/doc/ → src/doc/punk/

@ -26,22 +26,24 @@ A capabilityname may appear multiple times. ie a package may register that it pr
[para] [emph {handler_classes}]
[list_begin enumerated]
[enum] [emph {CLASS interface_caphandler.registry}]
[enum] CLASS [class interface_caphandler.registry]
[list_begin definitions]
[call class::[class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_register] [arg pkg] [arg capname] [arg capdict] [arg fullcapabilitylist]]
[para] [emph METHODS]
[call class::interface_caphandler.registry [method pkg_register] [arg pkg] [arg capname] [arg capdict] [arg fullcapabilitylist]]
handler may override and return 0 (indicating don't register)e.g if pkg capdict data wasn't valid
overridden handler must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg - but it may return 1 or 0 as it wishes.
[call class::[class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
[call class::interface_caphandler.registry [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
[enum] [emph {CLASS interface_caphandler.sysapi}]
[enum] CLASS [class interface_caphandler.sysapi]
[list_begin definitions]
[para] [emph METHODS]
[list_end] [comment {- end enumeration handler classes -}]
[para] [emph {provider_classes}]
[list_begin enumerated]
[enum] [emph {CLASS interface_cappprovider.registration}]
Your provider package will need to instantiate this object under a sub-namespace called [namespace capsystem] within your package namespace.
[enum] CLASS [class interface_cappprovider.registration]
[para]Your provider package will need to instantiate this object under a sub-namespace called [namespace capsystem] within your package namespace.
[para]If your package namespace is mypackages::providerpkg then the object command would be at mypackages::providerpkg::capsystem::capprovider.registration
[para]Example code for your provider package to evaluate within its namespace:
[example {
@ -61,13 +63,14 @@ namespace eval capsystem {
[para] The above example declares that your package can be registered as a provider for the capabilities named 'punk.templates' and 'another_capability_name'
[list_begin definitions]
[call class::[class interface_capprovider.registration] [method get_declarations]]
[para] [emph METHODS]
[call class::interface_capprovider.registration [method get_declarations]]
[para] This method must be overridden by your provider using oo::objdefine cappprovider.registration as in the example above.
There must be at least one 2-element list in the result for the provider to be registerable.
[para]The first element of the list is the capabilityname - which can be custom to your provider/handler packages - or a well-known name that other authors may use/implement.
[para]The second element is a dictionary of keys specific to the capability being implemented. It may be empty if the any potential capability handlers for the named capability don't require registration data.
[enum] [emph {CLASS interface_capprovider.provider}]
[enum] CLASS [class interface_capprovider.provider]
[para] Your provider package will need to instantiate this directly under it's own namespace with the command name of [emph {provider}]
[example {
namespace eval mypackages::providerpkg {
@ -75,9 +78,10 @@ namespace eval capsystem {
[list_begin definitions]
[call class::[class interface_capprovider.provider] [method constructor] [arg providerpkg]]
[para] [emph METHODS]
[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method constructor] [arg providerpkg]]
[comment {- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---}]
[call class::[class interface_capprovider.provider] [method register] [opt capabilityname_glob]]
[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method register] [opt capabilityname_glob]]
[para]This is the mechanism by which a user of your provider package will register your package as a provider of the capability named.
@ -93,7 +97,7 @@ namespace eval capsystem {
[comment {- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---}]
[call class::[class interface_capprovider.provider] [method capabilities]]
[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method capabilities]]
[para] return a list of capabilities supported by this provider package
[list_end] [comment {- end class definitions -}]
[list_end] [comment {- end enumeration provider_classes }]


@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
[comment {--- punk::docgen generated from inline doctools comments ---}]
[comment {--- punk::docgen overwrites this file ---}]
[manpage_begin punk::path 0 0.1.0]
[copyright "2023"]
[titledesc {Filesystem path utilities}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
[moddesc {punk path filesystem utils}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
[require punk::path]
[section Overview]
[para] overview of punk::path
[para] Filesystem path utility functions
[subsection Concepts]
[para] -
[subsection dependencies]
[para] packages used by punk::path
[list_begin itemized]
[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
[section API]
[subsection {Namespace punk::path::class}]
[para] class definitions
[list_begin enumerated]
[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
[subsection {Namespace punk::path}]
[para] Core API functions for punk::path
[list_begin definitions]
[call [fun pathglob_as_re] [arg pathglob]]
[para] Returns a regular expression for matching a path to a glob pattern which can contain glob chars *|? in any segment of the path structure
[para] ** matches any number of subdirectories.
[para] e.g /etc/**/*.txt will match any .txt files at any depth below /etc (except directly within /etc itself)
[para] e.g /etc/**.txt will match any .txt files at any depth below /etc
[para] any segment that does not contain ** must match exactly one segment in the path
[para] e.g the glob /etc/*/*.doc - will match any .doc files that are exactly one tree level below /etc
[para] The pathglob doesn't have to contain glob characters, in which case the returned regex will match the pathglob exactly as specified.
[para] Regular expression syntax is deliberateley not supported within the pathglob string so that supplied regex characters will be treated as literals
[call [fun globmatchpath] [arg pathglob] [arg path] [opt {option value...}]]
[para] Return true if the pathglob matches the path
[para] see [fun pathglob_as_re] for pathglob description
[para] Caller must ensure that file separator is forward slash. (e.g use file normalize on windows)
[para] Known options:
[para] -nocase 0|1 (default 0 - case sensitive)
[para] If -nocase is not supplied - default to case sensitive *except for driveletter*
[para] ie - the driveletter alone in paths such as c:/etc will still be case insensitive. (ie c:/ETC/* will match C:/ETC/blah but not C:/etc/blah)
[para] Explicitly specifying -nocase 0 will require the entire case to match including the driveletter.
[call [fun treefilenames] [arg basepath] [arg tailglob] [opt {option value...}]]
basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive
no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem
[call [fun relative] [arg reference] [arg location]]
[para] Taking two directory paths, a reference and a location, computes the path
of the location relative to the reference.
[list_begin itemized]
[para] Arguments:
[list_begin arguments]
[arg_def string reference] The path from which the relative path to location is determined.
[arg_def string location] The location path which may be above or below the reference path
[para] Results:
[para] The relative path of the location to the reference path.
[para] Will return a single dot "." if the paths are the same
[para] Notes:
[para] Both paths must be the same type - ie both absolute or both relative
[para] Case sensitive. ie relative /etc /etC
will return ../etC
[para] On windows, the drive-letter component (only) is not case sensitive
[para] ie relative c:/etc C:/etc returns .
[para] but relative c:/etc C:/Etc returns ../Etc
[para] On windows, if the paths are absolute and specifiy different volumes, only the location will be returned.
ie relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
returns d:/etc/blah
[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::path ---}]
[subsection {Namespace punk::path::lib}]
[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
[list_begin definitions]
[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::path::lib ---}]
[section Internal]
[subsection {Namespace punk::path::system}]
[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API


@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
[comment {--- punk::docgen generated from inline doctools comments ---}]
[comment {--- punk::docgen overwrites this file ---}]
[manpage_begin punk::mix::commandset::project 0 0.1.0]
[copyright "2023"]
[titledesc {pmix commandset - project}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
[moddesc {pmix CLI commandset - project}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
[require punk::mix::commandset::project]
[section Overview]
[para] overview of punk::mix::commandset::project
[para]Import into an ensemble namespace similarly to the way it is done with punk::mix::cli e.g
[example {
namespace eval myproject::cli {
namespace export *
namespace ensemble create
package require punk::overlay
package require punk::mix::commandset::project
punk::overlay::import_commandset project . ::punk::mix::commandset::project
punk::overlay::import_commandset projects . ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection
[para] Where the . in the above example is the prefix/command separator
[para]The prefix ('project' in the above example) can be any string desired to disambiguate commands imported from other commandsets.
[para]The above results in the availability of the ensemble command: ::myproject::cli, which is implemented in ::punk::mix::commandset::project::new
[para]Similarly, procs under ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection will be available as subcommands of the ensemble as projects.<procname>
[subsection Concepts]
[para] see punk::overlay
[subsection dependencies]
[para] packages used by punk::mix::commandset::project
[list_begin itemized]
[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
[item] [package punk::ns]
[item] [package sqlite3] (binary)
[item] [package overtype]
[item] [package textutil] (tcllib)
[section API]
[subsection {Namespace punk::mix::commandset::project}]
[para] core commandset functions for punk::mix::commandset::project
[list_begin definitions]
[call [fun new] [arg newprojectpath_or_name] [opt args]]
new project structure - may be dedicated to one module, or contain many.
create minimal folder structure only by specifying in args: -modules {}
[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::mix::commandset::project ---}]

src/embedded/man/files/ → src/embedded/man/files/punk/

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
'\" Generated from file '_module_punk_cap-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'nroff'
'\" Generated from file '_module_cap-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'nroff'
'\" Copyright (c) 2023 JMNoble - BSD licensed
.TH "punk::cap" 0 0\&.1\&.0 doc "punk capabilities plugin system"
@ -276,17 +276,17 @@ punk::cap \- capability provider and handler plugin system
package require \fBpunk::cap \fR
class::\fBinterface_caphandler\&.registry\fR \fBpkg_register\fR \fIpkg\fR \fIcapname\fR \fIcapdict\fR \fIfullcapabilitylist\fR
class::interface_caphandler\&.registry \fBpkg_register\fR \fIpkg\fR \fIcapname\fR \fIcapdict\fR \fIfullcapabilitylist\fR
class::\fBinterface_caphandler\&.registry\fR \fBpkg_unregister\fR \fIpkg\fR
class::interface_caphandler\&.registry \fBpkg_unregister\fR \fIpkg\fR
class::\fBinterface_capprovider\&.registration\fR \fBget_declarations\fR
class::interface_capprovider\&.registration \fBget_declarations\fR
class::\fBinterface_capprovider\&.provider\fR \fBconstructor\fR \fIproviderpkg\fR
class::interface_capprovider\&.provider \fBconstructor\fR \fIproviderpkg\fR
class::\fBinterface_capprovider\&.provider\fR \fBregister\fR ?capabilityname_glob?
class::interface_capprovider\&.provider \fBregister\fR ?capabilityname_glob?
class::\fBinterface_capprovider\&.provider\fR \fBcapabilities\fR
class::interface_capprovider\&.provider \fBcapabilities\fR
\fBcapability_exists\fR \fIcapname\fR
@ -324,18 +324,22 @@ class definitions
.IP [1]
\fICLASS interface_caphandler\&.registry\fR
CLASS \fBinterface_caphandler\&.registry\fR
class::\fBinterface_caphandler\&.registry\fR \fBpkg_register\fR \fIpkg\fR \fIcapname\fR \fIcapdict\fR \fIfullcapabilitylist\fR
class::interface_caphandler\&.registry \fBpkg_register\fR \fIpkg\fR \fIcapname\fR \fIcapdict\fR \fIfullcapabilitylist\fR
handler may override and return 0 (indicating don't register)e\&.g if pkg capdict data wasn't valid
overridden handler must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg - but it may return 1 or 0 as it wishes\&.
class::\fBinterface_caphandler\&.registry\fR \fBpkg_unregister\fR \fIpkg\fR
class::interface_caphandler\&.registry \fBpkg_unregister\fR \fIpkg\fR
.IP [2]
\fICLASS interface_caphandler\&.sysapi\fR
CLASS \fBinterface_caphandler\&.sysapi\fR
.IP \(bu
@ -343,7 +347,8 @@ class::\fBinterface_caphandler\&.registry\fR \fBpkg_unregister\fR \fIpkg\fR
.IP [1]
\fICLASS interface_cappprovider\&.registration\fR
CLASS \fBinterface_cappprovider\&.registration\fR
Your provider package will need to instantiate this object under a sub-namespace called \fBcapsystem\fR within your package namespace\&.
If your package namespace is mypackages::providerpkg then the object command would be at mypackages::providerpkg::capsystem::capprovider\&.registration
@ -370,8 +375,10 @@ namespace eval capsystem {
The above example declares that your package can be registered as a provider for the capabilities named 'punk\&.templates' and 'another_capability_name'
class::\fBinterface_capprovider\&.registration\fR \fBget_declarations\fR
class::interface_capprovider\&.registration \fBget_declarations\fR
This method must be overridden by your provider using oo::objdefine cappprovider\&.registration as in the example above\&.
There must be at least one 2-element list in the result for the provider to be registerable\&.
@ -381,7 +388,7 @@ The first element of the list is the capabilityname - which can be custom to you
The second element is a dictionary of keys specific to the capability being implemented\&. It may be empty if the any potential capability handlers for the named capability don't require registration data\&.
.IP [2]
\fICLASS interface_capprovider\&.provider\fR
CLASS \fBinterface_capprovider\&.provider\fR
Your provider package will need to instantiate this directly under it's own namespace with the command name of \fIprovider\fR
@ -393,10 +400,12 @@ Your provider package will need to instantiate this directly under it's own name
class::\fBinterface_capprovider\&.provider\fR \fBconstructor\fR \fIproviderpkg\fR
class::interface_capprovider\&.provider \fBconstructor\fR \fIproviderpkg\fR
class::\fBinterface_capprovider\&.provider\fR \fBregister\fR ?capabilityname_glob?
class::interface_capprovider\&.provider \fBregister\fR ?capabilityname_glob?
This is the mechanism by which a user of your provider package will register your package as a provider of the capability named\&.
@ -418,7 +427,7 @@ Or a specific capability may be registered:
class::\fBinterface_capprovider\&.provider\fR \fBcapabilities\fR
class::interface_capprovider\&.provider \fBcapabilities\fR
return a list of capabilities supported by this provider package

src/embedded/man/files/ → src/embedded/man/files/punk/

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
'\" Generated from file '_module_punk_mix_templates_modules_template_module-0\&.0\&.1\&.tm\&.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'nroff'
'\" Copyright (c) %year%
'\" Generated from file '_module_path-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'nroff'
'\" Copyright (c) 2023
.TH "%pkg%" 0 999999\&.0a1\&.0 doc "-"
.TH "punk::path" 0 0\&.1\&.0 doc "punk path filesystem utils"
.\" The -*- nroff -*- definitions below are for supplemental macros used
.\" in Tcl/Tk manual entries.
@ -272,15 +272,137 @@ Database Class: \\fB\\$3\\fR
%pkg% \- Module API
punk::path \- Filesystem path utilities
package require \fB%pkg% \fR
package require \fBpunk::path \fR
\fBpathglob_as_re\fR \fIpathglob\fR
\fBglobmatchpath\fR \fIpathglob\fR \fIpath\fR ?option value\&.\&.\&.?
\fBtreefilenames\fR \fIbasepath\fR \fItailglob\fR ?option value\&.\&.\&.?
\fBrelative\fR \fIreference\fR \fIlocation\fR
overview of punk::path
Filesystem path utility functions
packages used by punk::path
.IP \(bu
\fBTcl 8\&.6\fR
class definitions
Core API functions for punk::path
\fBpathglob_as_re\fR \fIpathglob\fR
Returns a regular expression for matching a path to a glob pattern which can contain glob chars *|? in any segment of the path structure
** matches any number of subdirectories\&.
e\&.g /etc/**/*\&.txt will match any \&.txt files at any depth below /etc (except directly within /etc itself)
e\&.g /etc/**\&.txt will match any \&.txt files at any depth below /etc
any segment that does not contain ** must match exactly one segment in the path
e\&.g the glob /etc/*/*\&.doc - will match any \&.doc files that are exactly one tree level below /etc
The pathglob doesn't have to contain glob characters, in which case the returned regex will match the pathglob exactly as specified\&.
Regular expression syntax is deliberateley not supported within the pathglob string so that supplied regex characters will be treated as literals
\fBglobmatchpath\fR \fIpathglob\fR \fIpath\fR ?option value\&.\&.\&.?
Return true if the pathglob matches the path
see \fBpathglob_as_re\fR for pathglob description
Caller must ensure that file separator is forward slash\&. (e\&.g use file normalize on windows)
Known options:
-nocase 0|1 (default 0 - case sensitive)
If -nocase is not supplied - default to case sensitive *except for driveletter*
ie - the driveletter alone in paths such as c:/etc will still be case insensitive\&. (ie c:/ETC/* will match C:/ETC/blah but not C:/etc/blah)
Explicitly specifying -nocase 0 will require the entire case to match including the driveletter\&.
\fBtreefilenames\fR \fIbasepath\fR \fItailglob\fR ?option value\&.\&.\&.?
basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive
no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem
\fBrelative\fR \fIreference\fR \fIlocation\fR
Taking two directory paths, a reference and a location, computes the path
of the location relative to the reference\&.
.IP \(bu
string \fIreference\fR
The path from which the relative path to location is determined\&.
string \fIlocation\fR
The location path which may be above or below the reference path
.IP \(bu
The relative path of the location to the reference path\&.
Will return a single dot "\&." if the paths are the same
.IP \(bu
Both paths must be the same type - ie both absolute or both relative
Case sensitive\&. ie relative /etc /etC
will return \&.\&./etC
On windows, the drive-letter component (only) is not case sensitive
ie relative c:/etc C:/etc returns \&.
but relative c:/etc C:/Etc returns \&.\&./Etc
On windows, if the paths are absolute and specifiy different volumes, only the location will be returned\&.
ie relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
returns d:/etc/blah
Secondary functions that are part of the API
Internal functions that are not part of the API
Copyright (c) %year%
Copyright (c) 2023

src/embedded/man/files/ → src/embedded/man/files/punk/mix/commandset/

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
'\" Generated from file '_module_punk_mix_templates_layouts_project_src_bootsupport_modules_punk_cap-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'nroff'
'\" Copyright (c) 2023 JMNoble - BSD licensed
'\" Generated from file '_module_project-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'nroff'
'\" Copyright (c) 2023
.TH "punk::cap" 0 0\&.1\&.0 doc "punk capabilities plugin system"
.TH "punk::mix::commandset::project" 0 0\&.1\&.0 doc "pmix CLI commandset - project"
.\" The -*- nroff -*- definitions below are for supplemental macros used
.\" in Tcl/Tk manual entries.
@ -272,47 +272,70 @@ Database Class: \\fB\\$3\\fR
punk::cap \- Module API
punk::mix::commandset::project \- pmix commandset - project
package require \fBpunk::cap \fR
package require \fBpunk::mix::commandset::project \fR
\fBinterface_caphandler\&.registry\fR \fBpkg_register\fR \fIpkg\fR \fIcapname\fR \fIcapdict\fR \fIfullcapabilitylist\fR
\fBinterface_caphandler\&.registry\fR \fBpkg_unregister\fR \fIpkg\fR
\fBinterface_capprovider\&.registration\fR \fBpkg_unregister\fR \fIpkg\fR
\fBinterface_capprovider\&.provider\fR \fBregister\fR ?capabilityname_glob?
\fBinterface_capprovider\&.provider\fR \fBcapabilities\fR
\fBexists\fR \fIcapname\fR
\fBhas_handler\fR \fIcapname\fR
\fBnew\fR \fInewprojectpath_or_name\fR ?args?
overview of punk::mix::commandset::project
Import into an ensemble namespace similarly to the way it is done with punk::mix::cli e\&.g
namespace eval myproject::cli {
namespace export *
namespace ensemble create
package require punk::overlay
package require punk::mix::commandset::project
punk::overlay::import_commandset project \&. ::punk::mix::commandset::project
punk::overlay::import_commandset projects \&. ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection
Where the \&. in the above example is the prefix/command separator
The prefix ('project' in the above example) can be any string desired to disambiguate commands imported from other commandsets\&.
The above results in the availability of the ensemble command: ::myproject::cli project\&.new, which is implemented in ::punk::mix::commandset::project::new
Similarly, procs under ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection will be available as subcommands of the ensemble as projects\&.<procname>
see punk::overlay
packages used by punk::mix::commandset::project
.IP \(bu
\fBTcl 8\&.6\fR
.IP \(bu
.IP \(bu
\fBsqlite3\fR (binary)
.IP \(bu
.IP \(bu
\fBtextutil\fR (tcllib)
core commandset functions for punk::mix::commandset::project
\fBinterface_caphandler\&.registry\fR \fBpkg_register\fR \fIpkg\fR \fIcapname\fR \fIcapdict\fR \fIfullcapabilitylist\fR
handler may override and return 0 (indicating don't register)e\&.g if pkg capdict data wasn't valid
overridden handler must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg - but it may return 1 or 0 as it wishes\&.
\fBinterface_caphandler\&.registry\fR \fBpkg_unregister\fR \fIpkg\fR
\fBinterface_capprovider\&.registration\fR \fBpkg_unregister\fR \fIpkg\fR
\fBinterface_capprovider\&.provider\fR \fBregister\fR ?capabilityname_glob?
\fBinterface_capprovider\&.provider\fR \fBcapabilities\fR
\fBexists\fR \fIcapname\fR
Return a boolean indicating if the named capability exists (0|1)
\fBhas_handler\fR \fIcapname\fR
Return a boolean indicating if the named capability has a handler package installed (0|1)
\fBnew\fR \fInewprojectpath_or_name\fR ?args?
new project structure - may be dedicated to one module, or contain many\&.
create minimal folder structure only by specifying in args: -modules {}
Copyright (c) 2023 JMNoble - BSD licensed
Copyright (c) 2023


@ -273,14 +273,14 @@ Database Class: \\fB\\$3\\fR
\fIfiles/_module_punk_mix_templates_modules_template_module-0\&.0\&.1\&.tm\&.n\fR: Module API
\fIfiles/_module_punk_cap-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.n\fR: capability provider and handler plugin system
\fIfiles/punk/_module_cap-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.n\fR: capability provider and handler plugin system
\fIfiles/_module_punk_mix_templates_layouts_project_src_bootsupport_modules_punk_cap-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.n\fR: Module API
\fIfiles/punk/mix/commandset/_module_project-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.n\fR: pmix commandset - project
\fIfiles/punk/_module_path-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.n\fR: Filesystem path utilities
\fIfiles/main\&.n\fR: punkshell - Core


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[toc_begin {Table Of Contents} doc]
[item doc/files/ %pkg% {Module API}]
[item doc/files/ punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}]
[item doc/files/ punk::cap {Module API}]
[item doc/files/ punkshell {punkshell - Core}]
[item doc/files/punk/ punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}]
[item doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punk::mix::commandset::project {pmix commandset - project}]
[item doc/files/punk/ punk::path {Filesystem path utilities}]
[item doc/files/ punkshell {punkshell - Core}]


@ -1 +1 @@
doc {doc/toc {{doc/files/ %pkg% {Module API}} {doc/files/ punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}} {doc/files/ punk::cap {Module API}} {doc/files/ punkshell {punkshell - Core}}}}
doc {doc/toc {{doc/files/punk/ punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}} {doc/files/punk/ punk::path {Filesystem path utilities}} {doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punk::mix::commandset::project {pmix commandset - project}} {doc/files/ punkshell {punkshell - Core}}}}


@ -1 +1 @@
{capability provider and handler plugin system} doc/files/ repl { repl} %pkg% doc/files/ kw,punk { punk} %pkg%(0) doc/files/ punkshell(n) doc/files/ sa,punk::cap doc/files/ punkshell doc/files/ sa,punk::cap(0) doc/files/ {Module API} doc/files/ shell { shell} kw,repl { repl} sa,%pkg% doc/files/ {punkshell - Core} doc/files/ sa,%pkg%(0) doc/files/ sa,punkshell(n) doc/files/ punk::cap doc/files/ sa,punkshell doc/files/ kw,shell { shell} punk { punk} punk::cap(0) doc/files/
sa,punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ {capability provider and handler plugin system} doc/files/punk/ punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ repl { repl} kw,punk { punk} punkshell(n) doc/files/ sa,punk::cap doc/files/punk/ {Filesystem path utilities} doc/files/punk/ punkshell doc/files/ sa,punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ sa,punk::path doc/files/punk/ punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ shell { shell} kw,repl { repl} sa,punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ sa,punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {punkshell - Core} doc/files/ {pmix commandset - project} doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ sa,punkshell(n) doc/files/ punk::cap doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell doc/files/ kw,shell { shell} punk { punk} punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ punk::path doc/files/punk/


@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
[//000000001]: # (punk::cap \- punk capabilities plugin system)
[//000000002]: # (Generated from file '\_module\_punk\_mix\_templates\_layouts\_project\_src\_bootsupport\_modules\_punk\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown')
[//000000003]: # (Copyright &copy; 2023 JMNoble \- BSD licensed)
[//000000004]: # (punk::cap\(0\) 0\.1\.0 doc "punk capabilities plugin system")
<hr> [ <a href="../../">Main Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../">Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../../">Keyword Index</a> ] <hr>
punk::cap \- Module API
# <a name='toc'></a>Table Of Contents
- [Table Of Contents](#toc)
- [Synopsis](#synopsis)
- [Description](#section1)
- [Copyright](#copyright)
# <a name='synopsis'></a>SYNOPSIS
package require punk::cap
[__interface\_caphandler\.registry__ __pkg\_register__ *pkg* *capname* *capdict* *fullcapabilitylist*](#1)
[__interface\_caphandler\.registry__ __pkg\_unregister__ *pkg*](#2)
[__interface\_capprovider\.registration__ __pkg\_unregister__ *pkg*](#3)
[__interface\_capprovider\.provider__ __register__ ?capabilityname\_glob?](#4)
[__interface\_capprovider\.provider__ __capabilities__](#5)
[__exists__ *capname*](#6)
[__has\_handler__ *capname*](#7)
# <a name='description'></a>DESCRIPTION
- <a name='1'></a>__interface\_caphandler\.registry__ __pkg\_register__ *pkg* *capname* *capdict* *fullcapabilitylist*
handler may override and return 0 \(indicating don't register\)e\.g if pkg
capdict data wasn't valid overridden handler must be able to handle multiple
calls for same pkg \- but it may return 1 or 0 as it wishes\.
- <a name='2'></a>__interface\_caphandler\.registry__ __pkg\_unregister__ *pkg*
- <a name='3'></a>__interface\_capprovider\.registration__ __pkg\_unregister__ *pkg*
- <a name='4'></a>__interface\_capprovider\.provider__ __register__ ?capabilityname\_glob?
- <a name='5'></a>__interface\_capprovider\.provider__ __capabilities__
- <a name='6'></a>__exists__ *capname*
Return a boolean indicating if the named capability exists \(0&#124;1\)
- <a name='7'></a>__has\_handler__ *capname*
Return a boolean indicating if the named capability has a handler package
installed \(0&#124;1\)
# <a name='copyright'></a>COPYRIGHT
Copyright &copy; 2023 JMNoble \- BSD licensed


@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
[//000000001]: # (%pkg% \- \-)
[//000000002]: # (Generated from file '\_module\_punk\_mix\_templates\_modules\_template\_module\-0\.0\.1\.tm\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown')
[//000000003]: # (Copyright &copy; %year%)
[//000000004]: # (%pkg%\(0\) 999999\.0a1\.0 doc "\-")
<hr> [ <a href="../../">Main Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../">Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../../">Keyword Index</a> ] <hr>
%pkg% \- Module API
# <a name='toc'></a>Table Of Contents
- [Table Of Contents](#toc)
- [Synopsis](#synopsis)
- [Description](#section1)
- [Copyright](#copyright)
# <a name='synopsis'></a>SYNOPSIS
package require %pkg%
# <a name='description'></a>DESCRIPTION
# <a name='copyright'></a>COPYRIGHT
Copyright &copy; %year%

src/embedded/md/doc/files/ → src/embedded/md/doc/files/punk/

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
[//000000001]: # (punk::cap \- punk capabilities plugin system)
[//000000002]: # (Generated from file '\_module\_punk\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown')
[//000000002]: # (Generated from file '\_module\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown')
[//000000003]: # (Copyright &copy; 2023 JMNoble \- BSD licensed)
[//000000004]: # (punk::cap\(0\) 0\.1\.0 doc "punk capabilities plugin system")
<hr> [ <a href="../../">Main Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../">Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../../">Keyword Index</a> ] <hr>
<hr> [ <a href="../../../">Main Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../../">Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../../../">Keyword Index</a> ] <hr>
@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ punk::cap \- capability provider and handler plugin system
package require punk::cap
[class::__interface\_caphandler\.registry__ __pkg\_register__ *pkg* *capname* *capdict* *fullcapabilitylist*](#1)
[class::__interface\_caphandler\.registry__ __pkg\_unregister__ *pkg*](#2)
[class::__interface\_capprovider\.registration__ __get\_declarations__](#3)
[class::__interface\_capprovider\.provider__ __constructor__ *providerpkg*](#4)
[class::__interface\_capprovider\.provider__ __register__ ?capabilityname\_glob?](#5)
[class::__interface\_capprovider\.provider__ __capabilities__](#6)
[class::interface\_caphandler\.registry __pkg\_register__ *pkg* *capname* *capdict* *fullcapabilitylist*](#1)
[class::interface\_caphandler\.registry __pkg\_unregister__ *pkg*](#2)
[class::interface\_capprovider\.registration __get\_declarations__](#3)
[class::interface\_capprovider\.provider __constructor__ *providerpkg*](#4)
[class::interface\_capprovider\.provider __register__ ?capabilityname\_glob?](#5)
[class::interface\_capprovider\.provider __capabilities__](#6)
[__capability\_exists__ *capname*](#7)
[__capability\_has\_handler__ *capname*](#8)
[__capability\_get\_handler__ *capname*](#9)
@ -87,24 +87,27 @@ class definitions
- *handler\_classes*
1. *CLASS interface\_caphandler\.registry*
1. CLASS __interface\_caphandler\.registry__
* <a name='1'></a>class::__interface\_caphandler\.registry__ __pkg\_register__ *pkg* *capname* *capdict* *fullcapabilitylist*
* <a name='1'></a>class::interface\_caphandler\.registry __pkg\_register__ *pkg* *capname* *capdict* *fullcapabilitylist*
handler may override and return 0 \(indicating don't register\)e\.g if
pkg capdict data wasn't valid overridden handler must be able to
handle multiple calls for same pkg \- but it may return 1 or 0 as it
*METHODS* handler may override and return 0 \(indicating don't
register\)e\.g if pkg capdict data wasn't valid overridden handler
must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg \- but it may
return 1 or 0 as it wishes\.
* <a name='2'></a>class::__interface\_caphandler\.registry__ __pkg\_unregister__ *pkg*
* <a name='2'></a>class::interface\_caphandler\.registry __pkg\_unregister__ *pkg*
1. *CLASS interface\_caphandler\.sysapi*
1. CLASS __interface\_caphandler\.sysapi__
- *provider\_classes*
1. *CLASS interface\_cappprovider\.registration* Your provider package
will need to instantiate this object under a sub\-namespace called
__capsystem__ within your package namespace\.
1. CLASS __interface\_cappprovider\.registration__
Your provider package will need to instantiate this object under a
sub\-namespace called __capsystem__ within your package namespace\.
If your package namespace is mypackages::providerpkg then the object
command would be at
@ -131,7 +134,9 @@ class definitions
provider for the capabilities named 'punk\.templates' and
* <a name='3'></a>class::__interface\_capprovider\.registration__ __get\_declarations__
* <a name='3'></a>class::interface\_capprovider\.registration __get\_declarations__
This method must be overridden by your provider using oo::objdefine
cappprovider\.registration as in the example above\. There must be at
@ -147,7 +152,7 @@ class definitions
capability handlers for the named capability don't require
registration data\.
1. *CLASS interface\_capprovider\.provider*
1. CLASS __interface\_capprovider\.provider__
Your provider package will need to instantiate this directly under it's
own namespace with the command name of *provider*
@ -156,9 +161,11 @@ class definitions
punk::cap::class::interface_capprovider.provider create provider mypackages::providerpkg
* <a name='4'></a>class::__interface\_capprovider\.provider__ __constructor__ *providerpkg*
* <a name='4'></a>class::interface\_capprovider\.provider __constructor__ *providerpkg*
* <a name='5'></a>class::__interface\_capprovider\.provider__ __register__ ?capabilityname\_glob?
* <a name='5'></a>class::interface\_capprovider\.provider __register__ ?capabilityname\_glob?
This is the mechanism by which a user of your provider package will
register your package as a provider of the capability named\.
@ -174,7 +181,7 @@ class definitions
package require mypackages::providerpkg
mypackages::providerpkg::provider register another_capability_name
* <a name='6'></a>class::__interface\_capprovider\.provider__ __capabilities__
* <a name='6'></a>class::interface\_capprovider\.provider __capabilities__
return a list of capabilities supported by this provider package


@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
[//000000001]: # (punk::path \- punk path filesystem utils)
[//000000002]: # (Generated from file '\_module\_path\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown')
[//000000003]: # (Copyright &copy; 2023)
[//000000004]: # (punk::path\(0\) 0\.1\.0 doc "punk path filesystem utils")
<hr> [ <a href="../../../">Main Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../../">Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../../../">Keyword Index</a> ] <hr>
punk::path \- Filesystem path utilities
# <a name='toc'></a>Table Of Contents
- [Table Of Contents](#toc)
- [Synopsis](#synopsis)
- [Description](#section1)
- [Overview](#section2)
- [Concepts](#subsection1)
- [dependencies](#subsection2)
- [API](#section3)
- [Namespace punk::path::class](#subsection3)
- [Namespace punk::path](#subsection4)
- [Namespace punk::path::lib](#subsection5)
- [Internal](#section4)
- [Namespace punk::path::system](#subsection6)
- [Copyright](#copyright)
# <a name='synopsis'></a>SYNOPSIS
package require punk::path
[__pathglob\_as\_re__ *pathglob*](#1)
[__globmatchpath__ *pathglob* *path* ?option value\.\.\.?](#2)
[__treefilenames__ *basepath* *tailglob* ?option value\.\.\.?](#3)
[__relative__ *reference* *location*](#4)
# <a name='description'></a>DESCRIPTION
# <a name='section2'></a>Overview
overview of punk::path
Filesystem path utility functions
## <a name='subsection1'></a>Concepts
## <a name='subsection2'></a>dependencies
packages used by punk::path
- __Tcl 8\.6__
# <a name='section3'></a>API
## <a name='subsection3'></a>Namespace punk::path::class
class definitions
## <a name='subsection4'></a>Namespace punk::path
- <a name='1'></a>__pathglob\_as\_re__ *pathglob*
Returns a regular expression for matching a path to a glob pattern which can
contain glob chars \*&#124;? in any segment of the path structure
\*\* matches any number of subdirectories\.
e\.g /etc/\*\*/\*\.txt will match any \.txt files at any depth below /etc \(except
directly within /etc itself\)
e\.g /etc/\*\*\.txt will match any \.txt files at any depth below /etc
any segment that does not contain \*\* must match exactly one segment in the
e\.g the glob /etc/\*/\*\.doc \- will match any \.doc files that are exactly one
tree level below /etc
The pathglob doesn't have to contain glob characters, in which case the
returned regex will match the pathglob exactly as specified\.
Regular expression syntax is deliberateley not supported within the pathglob
string so that supplied regex characters will be treated as literals
- <a name='2'></a>__globmatchpath__ *pathglob* *path* ?option value\.\.\.?
Return true if the pathglob matches the path
see __pathglob\_as\_re__ for pathglob description
Caller must ensure that file separator is forward slash\. \(e\.g use file
normalize on windows\)
Known options:
\-nocase 0&#124;1 \(default 0 \- case sensitive\)
If \-nocase is not supplied \- default to case sensitive \*except for
ie \- the driveletter alone in paths such as c:/etc will still be case
insensitive\. \(ie c:/ETC/\* will match C:/ETC/blah but not C:/etc/blah\)
Explicitly specifying \-nocase 0 will require the entire case to match
including the driveletter\.
- <a name='3'></a>__treefilenames__ *basepath* *tailglob* ?option value\.\.\.?
basic \(glob based\) list of filenames matching tailglob \- recursive no
natsorting \- so order is dependent on filesystem
- <a name='4'></a>__relative__ *reference* *location*
Taking two directory paths, a reference and a location, computes the path of
the location relative to the reference\.
* Arguments:
+ string *reference*
The path from which the relative path to location is determined\.
+ string *location*
The location path which may be above or below the reference path
* Results:
The relative path of the location to the reference path\.
Will return a single dot "\." if the paths are the same
* Notes:
Both paths must be the same type \- ie both absolute or both relative
Case sensitive\. ie relative /etc /etC will return \.\./etC
On windows, the drive\-letter component \(only\) is not case sensitive
ie relative c:/etc C:/etc returns \.
but relative c:/etc C:/Etc returns \.\./Etc
On windows, if the paths are absolute and specifiy different volumes,
only the location will be returned\. ie relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
returns d:/etc/blah
## <a name='subsection5'></a>Namespace punk::path::lib
Secondary functions that are part of the API
# <a name='section4'></a>Internal
## <a name='subsection6'></a>Namespace punk::path::system
# <a name='copyright'></a>COPYRIGHT
Copyright &copy; 2023


@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
[//000000001]: # (punk::mix::commandset::project \- pmix CLI commandset \- project)
[//000000002]: # (Generated from file '\_module\_project\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown')
[//000000003]: # (Copyright &copy; 2023)
[//000000004]: # (punk::mix::commandset::project\(0\) 0\.1\.0 doc "pmix CLI commandset \- project")
<hr> [ <a href="../../../../../">Main Table Of Contents</a> &#124;
<a href="../../../../">Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../../../../../">Keyword Index</a> ] <hr>
punk::mix::commandset::project \- pmix commandset \- project
# <a name='toc'></a>Table Of Contents
- [Table Of Contents](#toc)
- [Synopsis](#synopsis)
- [Description](#section1)
- [Overview](#section2)
- [Concepts](#subsection1)
- [dependencies](#subsection2)
- [API](#section3)
- [Namespace punk::mix::commandset::project](#subsection3)
- [Copyright](#copyright)
# <a name='synopsis'></a>SYNOPSIS
package require punk::mix::commandset::project
[__new__ *newprojectpath\_or\_name* ?args?](#1)
# <a name='description'></a>DESCRIPTION
# <a name='section2'></a>Overview
overview of punk::mix::commandset::project
Import into an ensemble namespace similarly to the way it is done with
punk::mix::cli e\.g
namespace eval myproject::cli {
namespace export *
namespace ensemble create
package require punk::overlay
package require punk::mix::commandset::project
punk::overlay::import_commandset project . ::punk::mix::commandset::project
punk::overlay::import_commandset projects . ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection
Where the \. in the above example is the prefix/command separator
The prefix \('project' in the above example\) can be any string desired to
disambiguate commands imported from other commandsets\.
The above results in the availability of the ensemble command: ::myproject::cli
project\.new, which is implemented in ::punk::mix::commandset::project::new
Similarly, procs under ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection will be
available as subcommands of the ensemble as projects\.<procname>
## <a name='subsection1'></a>Concepts
see punk::overlay
## <a name='subsection2'></a>dependencies
packages used by punk::mix::commandset::project
- __Tcl 8\.6__
- __punk::ns__
- __sqlite3__ \(binary\)
- __overtype__
- __textutil__ \(tcllib\)
# <a name='section3'></a>API
## <a name='subsection3'></a>Namespace punk::mix::commandset::project
core commandset functions for punk::mix::commandset::project
- <a name='1'></a>__new__ *newprojectpath\_or\_name* ?args?
new project structure \- may be dedicated to one module, or contain many\.
create minimal folder structure only by specifying in args: \-modules \{\}
# <a name='copyright'></a>COPYRIGHT
Copyright &copy; 2023


@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
# Table Of Contents \-\- doc
- [%pkg%](doc/files/\_module\_punk\_mix\_templates\_modules\_template\_module\-0\.0\.1\.tm\.md) Module API
- [punk::cap](doc/files/punk/\_module\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) capability provider and handler plugin system
- [punk::cap](doc/files/\_module\_punk\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) capability provider and handler plugin system
- [punk::mix::commandset::project](doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/\_module\_project\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) pmix commandset \- project
- [punk::cap](doc/files/\_module\_punk\_mix\_templates\_layouts\_project\_src\_bootsupport\_modules\_punk\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) Module API
- [punk::path](doc/files/punk/\_module\_path\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) Filesystem path utilities
- [punkshell](doc/files/main\.md) punkshell \- Core


@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
# Table Of Contents \-\- doc
- [%pkg%](doc/files/\_module\_punk\_mix\_templates\_modules\_template\_module\-0\.0\.1\.tm\.md) Module API
- [punk::cap](doc/files/punk/\_module\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) capability provider and handler plugin system
- [punk::cap](doc/files/\_module\_punk\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) capability provider and handler plugin system
- [punk::mix::commandset::project](doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/\_module\_project\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) pmix commandset \- project
- [punk::cap](doc/files/\_module\_punk\_mix\_templates\_layouts\_project\_src\_bootsupport\_modules\_punk\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) Module API
- [punk::path](doc/files/punk/\_module\_path\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) Filesystem path utilities
- [punkshell](doc/files/main\.md) punkshell \- Core


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[toc_begin {Table Of Contents} doc]
[item doc/files/ %pkg% {Module API}]
[item doc/files/ punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}]
[item doc/files/ punk::cap {Module API}]
[item doc/files/main.html punkshell {punkshell - Core}]
[item doc/files/punk/ punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}]
[item doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punk::mix::commandset::project {pmix commandset - project}]
[item doc/files/punk/ punk::path {Filesystem path utilities}]
[item doc/files/main.html punkshell {punkshell - Core}]


@ -1 +1 @@
doc {doc/toc {{doc/files/ %pkg% {Module API}} {doc/files/ punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}} {doc/files/ punk::cap {Module API}} {doc/files/main.html punkshell {punkshell - Core}}}}
doc {doc/toc {{doc/files/punk/ punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}} {doc/files/punk/ punk::path {Filesystem path utilities}} {doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punk::mix::commandset::project {pmix commandset - project}} {doc/files/main.html punkshell {punkshell - Core}}}}


@ -1 +1 @@
{capability provider and handler plugin system} doc/files/ repl {index.html repl} %pkg% doc/files/ kw,punk {index.html punk} %pkg%(0) doc/files/ punkshell(n) doc/files/main.html sa,punk::cap doc/files/ punkshell doc/files/main.html sa,punk::cap(0) doc/files/ {Module API} doc/files/ shell {index.html shell} kw,repl {index.html repl} sa,%pkg% doc/files/ {punkshell - Core} doc/files/main.html sa,%pkg%(0) doc/files/ sa,punkshell(n) doc/files/main.html punk::cap doc/files/ sa,punkshell doc/files/main.html kw,shell {index.html shell} punk {index.html punk} punk::cap(0) doc/files/
sa,punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ {capability provider and handler plugin system} doc/files/punk/ punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ repl {index.html repl} kw,punk {index.html punk} punkshell(n) doc/files/main.html sa,punk::cap doc/files/punk/ {Filesystem path utilities} doc/files/punk/ punkshell doc/files/main.html sa,punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ sa,punk::path doc/files/punk/ punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ shell {index.html shell} kw,repl {index.html repl} sa,punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ sa,punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {punkshell - Core} doc/files/main.html {pmix commandset - project} doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ sa,punkshell(n) doc/files/main.html punk::cap doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell doc/files/main.html kw,shell {index.html shell} punk {index.html punk} punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ punk::path doc/files/punk/


@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
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<title>punk::cap - punk capabilities plugin system</title>
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<div class="doctools">
<h1 class="doctools_title">punk::cap(0) 0.1.0 doc &quot;punk capabilities plugin system&quot;</h1>
<div id="name" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="name">Name</a></h2>
<p>punk::cap - Module API</p>
<div id="toc" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="toc">Table Of Contents</a></h2>
<ul class="doctools_toc">
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#toc">Table Of Contents</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#synopsis">Synopsis</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section1">Description</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#copyright">Copyright</a></li>
<div id="synopsis" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="synopsis">Synopsis</a></h2>
<div class="doctools_synopsis">
<ul class="doctools_requirements">
<li>package require <b class="pkgname">punk::cap</b></li>
<ul class="doctools_syntax">
<li><a href="#1"><b class="class">interface_caphandler.registry</b> <b class="method">pkg_register</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i> <i class="arg">capname</i> <i class="arg">capdict</i> <i class="arg">fullcapabilitylist</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#2"><b class="class">interface_caphandler.registry</b> <b class="method">pkg_unregister</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#3"><b class="class">interface_capprovider.registration</b> <b class="method">pkg_unregister</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#4"><b class="class">interface_capprovider.provider</b> <b class="method">register</b> <span class="opt">?capabilityname_glob?</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#5"><b class="class">interface_capprovider.provider</b> <b class="method">capabilities</b></a></li>
<li><a href="#6"><b class="function">exists</b> <i class="arg">capname</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#7"><b class="function">has_handler</b> <i class="arg">capname</i></a></li>
<div id="section1" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section1">Description</a></h2>
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
<dt><a name="1"><b class="class">interface_caphandler.registry</b> <b class="method">pkg_register</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i> <i class="arg">capname</i> <i class="arg">capdict</i> <i class="arg">fullcapabilitylist</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>handler may override and return 0 (indicating don't register)e.g if pkg capdict data wasn't valid
overridden handler must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg - but it may return 1 or 0 as it wishes.</p></dd>
<dt><a name="2"><b class="class">interface_caphandler.registry</b> <b class="method">pkg_unregister</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="3"><b class="class">interface_capprovider.registration</b> <b class="method">pkg_unregister</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="4"><b class="class">interface_capprovider.provider</b> <b class="method">register</b> <span class="opt">?capabilityname_glob?</span></a></dt>
<dt><a name="5"><b class="class">interface_capprovider.provider</b> <b class="method">capabilities</b></a></dt>
<dt><a name="6"><b class="function">exists</b> <i class="arg">capname</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>Return a boolean indicating if the named capability exists (0|1)</p></dd>
<dt><a name="7"><b class="function">has_handler</b> <i class="arg">capname</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>Return a boolean indicating if the named capability has a handler package installed (0|1)</p></dd>
<div id="copyright" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="copyright">Copyright</a></h2>
<p>Copyright &copy; 2023 JMNoble - BSD licensed</p>


@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
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<title>%pkg% - -</title>
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<div class="doctools">
<h1 class="doctools_title">%pkg%(0) 999999.0a1.0 doc &quot;-&quot;</h1>
<div id="name" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="name">Name</a></h2>
<p>%pkg% - Module API</p>
<div id="toc" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="toc">Table Of Contents</a></h2>
<ul class="doctools_toc">
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#toc">Table Of Contents</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#synopsis">Synopsis</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section1">Description</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#copyright">Copyright</a></li>
<div id="synopsis" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="synopsis">Synopsis</a></h2>
<div class="doctools_synopsis">
<ul class="doctools_requirements">
<li>package require <b class="pkgname">%pkg%</b></li>
<div id="section1" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section1">Description</a></h2>
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
<div id="copyright" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="copyright">Copyright</a></h2>
<p>Copyright &copy; %year%</p>

src/embedded/www/doc/files/ → src/embedded/www/doc/files/punk/

@ -91,16 +91,16 @@
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<div class="doctools">
<h1 class="doctools_title">punk::cap(0) 0.1.0 doc &quot;punk capabilities plugin system&quot;</h1>
@ -138,12 +138,12 @@
<li>package require <b class="pkgname">punk::cap</b></li>
<ul class="doctools_syntax">
<li><a href="#1">class::<b class="class">interface_caphandler.registry</b> <b class="method">pkg_register</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i> <i class="arg">capname</i> <i class="arg">capdict</i> <i class="arg">fullcapabilitylist</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#2">class::<b class="class">interface_caphandler.registry</b> <b class="method">pkg_unregister</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#3">class::<b class="class">interface_capprovider.registration</b> <b class="method">get_declarations</b></a></li>
<li><a href="#4">class::<b class="class">interface_capprovider.provider</b> <b class="method">constructor</b> <i class="arg">providerpkg</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#5">class::<b class="class">interface_capprovider.provider</b> <b class="method">register</b> <span class="opt">?capabilityname_glob?</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#6">class::<b class="class">interface_capprovider.provider</b> <b class="method">capabilities</b></a></li>
<li><a href="#1">class::interface_caphandler.registry <b class="method">pkg_register</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i> <i class="arg">capname</i> <i class="arg">capdict</i> <i class="arg">fullcapabilitylist</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#2">class::interface_caphandler.registry <b class="method">pkg_unregister</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#3">class::interface_capprovider.registration <b class="method">get_declarations</b></a></li>
<li><a href="#4">class::interface_capprovider.provider <b class="method">constructor</b> <i class="arg">providerpkg</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#5">class::interface_capprovider.provider <b class="method">register</b> <span class="opt">?capabilityname_glob?</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#6">class::interface_capprovider.provider <b class="method">capabilities</b></a></li>
<li><a href="#7"><b class="function">capability_exists</b> <i class="arg">capname</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#8"><b class="function">capability_has_handler</b> <i class="arg">capname</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#9"><b class="function">capability_get_handler</b> <i class="arg">capname</i></a></li>
@ -173,17 +173,19 @@ A capabilityname may appear multiple times. ie a package may register that it pr
<ol class="doctools_enumerated">
<li><p><em>CLASS interface_caphandler.registry</em></p>
<li><p>CLASS <b class="class">interface_caphandler.registry</b></p>
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
<dt><a name="1">class::<b class="class">interface_caphandler.registry</b> <b class="method">pkg_register</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i> <i class="arg">capname</i> <i class="arg">capdict</i> <i class="arg">fullcapabilitylist</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="1">class::interface_caphandler.registry <b class="method">pkg_register</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i> <i class="arg">capname</i> <i class="arg">capdict</i> <i class="arg">fullcapabilitylist</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>handler may override and return 0 (indicating don't register)e.g if pkg capdict data wasn't valid
overridden handler must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg - but it may return 1 or 0 as it wishes.</p></dd>
<dt><a name="2">class::<b class="class">interface_caphandler.registry</b> <b class="method">pkg_unregister</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="2">class::interface_caphandler.registry <b class="method">pkg_unregister</b> <i class="arg">pkg</i></a></dt>
<li><p><em>CLASS interface_caphandler.sysapi</em></p>
<li><p>CLASS <b class="class">interface_caphandler.sysapi</b></p>
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
@ -191,8 +193,8 @@ overridden handler must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg - but it m
<ol class="doctools_enumerated">
<li><p><em>CLASS interface_cappprovider.registration</em>
Your provider package will need to instantiate this object under a sub-namespace called <b class="namespace">capsystem</b> within your package namespace.</p>
<li><p>CLASS <b class="class">interface_cappprovider.registration</b></p>
<p>Your provider package will need to instantiate this object under a sub-namespace called <b class="namespace">capsystem</b> within your package namespace.</p>
<p>If your package namespace is mypackages::providerpkg then the object command would be at mypackages::providerpkg::capsystem::capprovider.registration</p>
<p>Example code for your provider package to evaluate within its namespace:</p>
<pre class="doctools_example">
@ -212,14 +214,15 @@ namespace eval capsystem {
<p>The above example declares that your package can be registered as a provider for the capabilities named 'punk.templates' and 'another_capability_name'</p>
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
<dt><a name="3">class::<b class="class">interface_capprovider.registration</b> <b class="method">get_declarations</b></a></dt>
<dt><a name="3">class::interface_capprovider.registration <b class="method">get_declarations</b></a></dt>
<dd><p>This method must be overridden by your provider using oo::objdefine cappprovider.registration as in the example above.
There must be at least one 2-element list in the result for the provider to be registerable.</p>
<p>The first element of the list is the capabilityname - which can be custom to your provider/handler packages - or a well-known name that other authors may use/implement.</p>
<p>The second element is a dictionary of keys specific to the capability being implemented. It may be empty if the any potential capability handlers for the named capability don't require registration data.</p></dd>
<li><p><em>CLASS interface_capprovider.provider</em></p>
<li><p>CLASS <b class="class">interface_capprovider.provider</b></p>
<p>Your provider package will need to instantiate this directly under it's own namespace with the command name of <em>provider</em></p>
<pre class="doctools_example">
namespace eval mypackages::providerpkg {
@ -227,9 +230,10 @@ namespace eval capsystem {
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
<dt><a name="4">class::<b class="class">interface_capprovider.provider</b> <b class="method">constructor</b> <i class="arg">providerpkg</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="4">class::interface_capprovider.provider <b class="method">constructor</b> <i class="arg">providerpkg</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="5">class::<b class="class">interface_capprovider.provider</b> <b class="method">register</b> <span class="opt">?capabilityname_glob?</span></a></dt>
<dt><a name="5">class::interface_capprovider.provider <b class="method">register</b> <span class="opt">?capabilityname_glob?</span></a></dt>
<dd><p>This is the mechanism by which a user of your provider package will register your package as a provider of the capability named.</p>
<p>A user of your provider may elect to register all your declared capabilities:</p>
<pre class="doctools_example">
@ -242,7 +246,7 @@ namespace eval capsystem {
mypackages::providerpkg::provider register another_capability_name
<dt><a name="6">class::<b class="class">interface_capprovider.provider</b> <b class="method">capabilities</b></a></dt>
<dt><a name="6">class::interface_capprovider.provider <b class="method">capabilities</b></a></dt>
<dd><p>return a list of capabilities supported by this provider package</p></dd>


@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
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<title>punk::path - punk path filesystem utils</title>
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<div class="doctools">
<h1 class="doctools_title">punk::path(0) 0.1.0 doc &quot;punk path filesystem utils&quot;</h1>
<div id="name" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="name">Name</a></h2>
<p>punk::path - Filesystem path utilities</p>
<div id="toc" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="toc">Table Of Contents</a></h2>
<ul class="doctools_toc">
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#toc">Table Of Contents</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#synopsis">Synopsis</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section1">Description</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section2">Overview</a>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection1">Concepts</a></li>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection2">dependencies</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section3">API</a>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection3">Namespace punk::path::class</a></li>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection4">Namespace punk::path</a></li>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection5">Namespace punk::path::lib</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section4">Internal</a>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection6">Namespace punk::path::system</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#copyright">Copyright</a></li>
<div id="synopsis" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="synopsis">Synopsis</a></h2>
<div class="doctools_synopsis">
<ul class="doctools_requirements">
<li>package require <b class="pkgname">punk::path</b></li>
<ul class="doctools_syntax">
<li><a href="#1"><b class="function">pathglob_as_re</b> <i class="arg">pathglob</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#2"><b class="function">globmatchpath</b> <i class="arg">pathglob</i> <i class="arg">path</i> <span class="opt">?option value...?</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#3"><b class="function">treefilenames</b> <i class="arg">basepath</i> <i class="arg">tailglob</i> <span class="opt">?option value...?</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#4"><b class="function">relative</b> <i class="arg">reference</i> <i class="arg">location</i></a></li>
<div id="section1" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section1">Description</a></h2>
<div id="section2" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section2">Overview</a></h2>
<p>overview of punk::path</p>
<p>Filesystem path utility functions</p>
<div id="subsection1" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection1">Concepts</a></h3>
<div id="subsection2" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection2">dependencies</a></h3>
<p>packages used by punk::path</p>
<ul class="doctools_itemized">
<li><p><b class="package">Tcl 8.6</b></p></li>
<div id="section3" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section3">API</a></h2>
<div id="subsection3" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection3">Namespace punk::path::class</a></h3>
<p>class definitions</p>
<ol class="doctools_enumerated">
<div id="subsection4" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection4">Namespace punk::path</a></h3>
<p>Core API functions for punk::path</p>
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
<dt><a name="1"><b class="function">pathglob_as_re</b> <i class="arg">pathglob</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>Returns a regular expression for matching a path to a glob pattern which can contain glob chars *|? in any segment of the path structure</p>
<p>** matches any number of subdirectories.</p>
<p>e.g /etc/**/*.txt will match any .txt files at any depth below /etc (except directly within /etc itself)</p>
<p>e.g /etc/**.txt will match any .txt files at any depth below /etc</p>
<p>any segment that does not contain ** must match exactly one segment in the path</p>
<p>e.g the glob /etc/*/*.doc - will match any .doc files that are exactly one tree level below /etc</p>
<p>The pathglob doesn't have to contain glob characters, in which case the returned regex will match the pathglob exactly as specified.</p>
<p>Regular expression syntax is deliberateley not supported within the pathglob string so that supplied regex characters will be treated as literals</p></dd>
<dt><a name="2"><b class="function">globmatchpath</b> <i class="arg">pathglob</i> <i class="arg">path</i> <span class="opt">?option value...?</span></a></dt>
<dd><p>Return true if the pathglob matches the path</p>
<p>see <b class="function">pathglob_as_re</b> for pathglob description</p>
<p>Caller must ensure that file separator is forward slash. (e.g use file normalize on windows)</p>
<p>Known options:</p>
<p>-nocase 0|1 (default 0 - case sensitive)</p>
<p>If -nocase is not supplied - default to case sensitive *except for driveletter*</p>
<p>ie - the driveletter alone in paths such as c:/etc will still be case insensitive. (ie c:/ETC/* will match C:/ETC/blah but not C:/etc/blah)</p>
<p>Explicitly specifying -nocase 0 will require the entire case to match including the driveletter.</p></dd>
<dt><a name="3"><b class="function">treefilenames</b> <i class="arg">basepath</i> <i class="arg">tailglob</i> <span class="opt">?option value...?</span></a></dt>
<dd><p>basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive
no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem</p></dd>
<dt><a name="4"><b class="function">relative</b> <i class="arg">reference</i> <i class="arg">location</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>Taking two directory paths, a reference and a location, computes the path
of the location relative to the reference.</p>
<ul class="doctools_itemized">
<dl class="doctools_arguments">
<dt>string <i class="arg">reference</i></dt>
<dd><p>The path from which the relative path to location is determined.</p></dd>
<dt>string <i class="arg">location</i></dt>
<dd><p>The location path which may be above or below the reference path</p></dd>
<p>The relative path of the location to the reference path.</p>
<p>Will return a single dot &quot;.&quot; if the paths are the same</p></li>
<p>Both paths must be the same type - ie both absolute or both relative</p>
<p>Case sensitive. ie relative /etc /etC
will return ../etC</p>
<p>On windows, the drive-letter component (only) is not case sensitive</p>
<p>ie relative c:/etc C:/etc returns .</p>
<p>but relative c:/etc C:/Etc returns ../Etc</p>
<p>On windows, if the paths are absolute and specifiy different volumes, only the location will be returned.
ie relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
returns d:/etc/blah</p></li>
<div id="subsection5" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection5">Namespace punk::path::lib</a></h3>
<p>Secondary functions that are part of the API</p>
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
<div id="section4" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section4">Internal</a></h2>
<div id="subsection6" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection6">Namespace punk::path::system</a></h3>
<p>Internal functions that are not part of the API</p>
<div id="copyright" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="copyright">Copyright</a></h2>
<p>Copyright &copy; 2023</p>


@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
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<title>punk::mix::commandset::project - pmix CLI commandset - project</title>
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<div class="doctools">
<h1 class="doctools_title">punk::mix::commandset::project(0) 0.1.0 doc &quot;pmix CLI commandset - project&quot;</h1>
<div id="name" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="name">Name</a></h2>
<p>punk::mix::commandset::project - pmix commandset - project</p>
<div id="toc" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="toc">Table Of Contents</a></h2>
<ul class="doctools_toc">
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#toc">Table Of Contents</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#synopsis">Synopsis</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section1">Description</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section2">Overview</a>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection1">Concepts</a></li>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection2">dependencies</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section3">API</a>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection3">Namespace punk::mix::commandset::project</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#copyright">Copyright</a></li>
<div id="synopsis" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="synopsis">Synopsis</a></h2>
<div class="doctools_synopsis">
<ul class="doctools_requirements">
<li>package require <b class="pkgname">punk::mix::commandset::project</b></li>
<ul class="doctools_syntax">
<li><a href="#1"><b class="function">new</b> <i class="arg">newprojectpath_or_name</i> <span class="opt">?args?</span></a></li>
<div id="section1" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section1">Description</a></h2>
<div id="section2" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section2">Overview</a></h2>
<p>overview of punk::mix::commandset::project</p>
<p>Import into an ensemble namespace similarly to the way it is done with punk::mix::cli e.g</p>
<pre class="doctools_example">
namespace eval myproject::cli {
namespace export *
namespace ensemble create
package require punk::overlay
package require punk::mix::commandset::project
punk::overlay::import_commandset project . ::punk::mix::commandset::project
punk::overlay::import_commandset projects . ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection
<p>Where the . in the above example is the prefix/command separator</p>
<p>The prefix ('project' in the above example) can be any string desired to disambiguate commands imported from other commandsets.</p>
<p>The above results in the availability of the ensemble command: ::myproject::cli, which is implemented in ::punk::mix::commandset::project::new</p>
<p>Similarly, procs under ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection will be available as subcommands of the ensemble as projects.&lt;procname&gt;</p>
<div id="subsection1" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection1">Concepts</a></h3>
<p>see punk::overlay</p>
<div id="subsection2" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection2">dependencies</a></h3>
<p>packages used by punk::mix::commandset::project</p>
<ul class="doctools_itemized">
<li><p><b class="package">Tcl 8.6</b></p></li>
<li><p><b class="package">punk::ns</b></p></li>
<li><p><b class="package">sqlite3</b> (binary)</p></li>
<li><p><b class="package">overtype</b></p></li>
<li><p><b class="package">textutil</b> (tcllib)</p></li>
<div id="section3" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section3">API</a></h2>
<div id="subsection3" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection3">Namespace punk::mix::commandset::project</a></h3>
<p>core commandset functions for punk::mix::commandset::project</p>
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
<dt><a name="1"><b class="function">new</b> <i class="arg">newprojectpath_or_name</i> <span class="opt">?args?</span></a></dt>
<dd><p>new project structure - may be dedicated to one module, or contain many.
create minimal folder structure only by specifying in args: -modules {}</p></dd>
<div id="copyright" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="copyright">Copyright</a></h2>
<p>Copyright &copy; 2023</p>


@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
<table class="#doctools_toc">
<tr class="#doctools_toceven" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='_pkg_'><a href="files/">%pkg%</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">Module API</td>
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punk_cap'><a href="files/punk/">punk::cap</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">capability provider and handler plugin system</td>
<tr class="#doctools_tocodd" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punk_cap'><a href="files/">punk::cap</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">capability provider and handler plugin system</td>
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punk_mix_commandset_project'><a href="files/punk/mix/commandset/">punk::mix::commandset::project</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">pmix commandset - project</td>
<tr class="#doctools_toceven" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punk_cap'><a href="files/">punk::cap</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">Module API</td>
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punk_path'><a href="files/punk/">punk::path</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">Filesystem path utilities</td>
<tr class="#doctools_tocodd" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punkshell'><a href="files/main.html">punkshell</a></td>


@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
<table class="#doctools_toc">
<tr class="#doctools_toceven" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='_pkg_'><a href="doc/files/">%pkg%</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">Module API</td>
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punk_cap'><a href="doc/files/punk/">punk::cap</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">capability provider and handler plugin system</td>
<tr class="#doctools_tocodd" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punk_cap'><a href="doc/files/">punk::cap</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">capability provider and handler plugin system</td>
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punk_mix_commandset_project'><a href="doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/">punk::mix::commandset::project</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">pmix commandset - project</td>
<tr class="#doctools_toceven" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punk_cap'><a href="doc/files/">punk::cap</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">Module API</td>
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punk_path'><a href="doc/files/punk/">punk::path</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">Filesystem path utilities</td>
<tr class="#doctools_tocodd" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punkshell'><a href="doc/files/main.html">punkshell</a></td>


@ -17,11 +17,27 @@
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin punk::cap 0 0.1.0]
#[copyright "2023 JMNoble - BSD licensed"]
#[titledesc {Module API}]
#[titledesc {capability provider and handler plugin system}]
#[moddesc {punk capabilities plugin system}]
#[require punk::cap]
#[list_begin definitions]
#[section Overview]
#[para]punk::cap provides management of named capabilities and the provider packages and handler packages that implement a pluggable capability.
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para]A [term capability] may be something like providing a folder of files, or just a data dictionary, and/or an API
#[para][term {capability handler}] - a package/namespace which may provide validation and standardised ways of looking up provider data
# registered (or not) using register_capabilityname <capname> <capnamespace>
#[para][term {capability provider}] - a package which registers as providing one or more capablities.
#[para]registered using register_package <pkg> <capabilitylist>
#the capabilitylist is a list of 2-element lists where the first element is the capabilityname and the second element is a (possibly empty) dict of data relevant to that capability
#A capabilityname may appear multiple times. ie a package may register that it provides the capability with multiple datasets.
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
@ -29,63 +45,115 @@
package require oolib
# mkdoc markdown
#' ---
#' author: JMNoble
#' ---
#' ## Concepts:
#' > A **capability** may be something like providing a folder of files, or just a data dictionary, and/or an API
#' > **capability handler** - a package/namespace which may provide validation and standardised ways of looking up provider data
#' registered (or not) using register_capabilityname <capname> <capnamespace>
#' > **capability provider** - a package which registers as providing one or more capablities.
#' registered using register_package <pkg> <capabilitylist>
#' the capabilitylist is a list of 2-element lists where the first element is the capabilityname and the second element is a (possibly empty) dict of data relevant to that capability
#' A capabilityname may appear multiple times. ie a package may register that it provides the capability with multiple datasets.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::cap {
variable pkgcapsdeclared [dict create]
variable pkgcapsaccepted [dict create]
variable caps [dict create]
namespace eval class {
if {[info commands [namespace current]::interface_caphandler.registry] eq ""} {
#Handler classes
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap::class}]
#[para] class definitions
#[list_begin itemized] [comment {- punk::cap::class groupings -}]
# [item]
# [para] [emph {handler_classes}]
# [list_begin enumerated]
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_caphandler.registry {
#*** !doctools
#[enum] CLASS [class interface_caphandler.registry]
#[list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
method pkg_register {pkg capname capdict fullcapabilitylist} {
#[call [class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_register] [arg pkg] [arg capname] [arg capdict] [arg fullcapabilitylist]]
#*** !doctools
#[call class::interface_caphandler.registry [method pkg_register] [arg pkg] [arg capname] [arg capdict] [arg fullcapabilitylist]]
#handler may override and return 0 (indicating don't register)e.g if pkg capdict data wasn't valid
#overridden handler must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg - but it may return 1 or 0 as it wishes.
return 1 ;#default to permit
method pkg_unregister {pkg} {
#[call [class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
#*** !doctools
#[call class::interface_caphandler.registry [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
return ;#unregistration return is ignored - review
#*** !doctools
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_caphandler.sysapi {
#*** !doctools
#[enum] CLASS [class interface_caphandler.sysapi]
#[list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
#*** !doctools
#*** !doctools
# [list_end] [comment {- end enumeration handler classes -}]
#*** !doctools
# [item]
# [para] [emph {provider_classes}]
# [list_begin enumerated]
#Provider classes
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_capprovider.registration {
#*** !doctools
# [enum] CLASS [class interface_cappprovider.registration]
# [para]Your provider package will need to instantiate this object under a sub-namespace called [namespace capsystem] within your package namespace.
# [para]If your package namespace is mypackages::providerpkg then the object command would be at mypackages::providerpkg::capsystem::capprovider.registration
# [para]Example code for your provider package to evaluate within its namespace:
# [example {
#namespace eval capsystem {
# if {[info commands capprovider.registration] eq ""} {
# punk::cap::class::interface_capprovider.registration create capprovider.registration
# oo::objdefine capprovider.registration {
# method get_declarations {} {
# set decls [list]
# lappend decls [list punk.templates {relpath ../templates}]
# lappend decls [list another_capability_name {somekey blah key2 etc}]
# return $decls
# }
# }
# }
#[para] The above example declares that your package can be registered as a provider for the capabilities named 'punk.templates' and 'another_capability_name'
# [list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
method get_declarations {} {
#[call [class interface_capprovider.registration] [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.registration [method get_declarations]]
#[para] This method must be overridden by your provider using oo::objdefine cappprovider.registration as in the example above.
# There must be at least one 2-element list in the result for the provider to be registerable.
#[para]The first element of the list is the capabilityname - which can be custom to your provider/handler packages - or a well-known name that other authors may use/implement.
#[para]The second element is a dictionary of keys specific to the capability being implemented. It may be empty if the any potential capability handlers for the named capability don't require registration data.
error "interface_capprovider.registration not implemented by provider"
#*** !doctools
# [list_end]
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_capprovider.provider {
#*** !doctools
# [enum] CLASS [class interface_capprovider.provider]
# [para] Your provider package will need to instantiate this directly under it's own namespace with the command name of [emph {provider}]
# [example {
# namespace eval mypackages::providerpkg {
# punk::cap::class::interface_capprovider.provider create provider mypackages::providerpkg
# }
# }]
# [list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
variable provider_pkg
variable registrationobj
constructor {providerpkg} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method constructor] [arg providerpkg]]
variable provider_pkg
if {$providerpkg in [list "" "::"]} {
error "interface_capprovider.provider constructor error. Invalid provider '$providerpkg'"
@ -103,16 +171,33 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
method register {{capabilityname_glob *}} {
#[call [class interface_capprovider.provider] [method register] [opt capabilityname_glob]]
#*** !doctools
#[comment {- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---}]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method register] [opt capabilityname_glob]]
#[para]This is the mechanism by which a user of your provider package will register your package as a provider of the capability named.
#[para]A user of your provider may elect to register all your declared capabilities:
#[example {
# package require mypackages::providerpkg
# mypackages::providerpkg::provider register *
#[para] Or a specific capability may be registered:
#[example {
# package require mypackages::providerpkg
# mypackages::providerpkg::provider register another_capability_name
variable provider_pkg
set all_decls [$registrationobj get_declarations]
set register_decls [lsearch -all -inline -index 0 $all_decls $capabilityname_glob]
punk::cap::register_package $provider_pkg $register_decls
method capabilities {} {
#[call [class interface_capprovider.provider] [method capabilities]]
#*** !doctools
#[comment {- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---}]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method capabilities]]
#[para] return a list of capabilities supported by this provider package
variable provider_pkg
variable registrationobj
@ -124,28 +209,24 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
lappend capabilities $capname
return $capname
return $capabilities
#*** !doctools
# [list_end] [comment {- end class definitions -}]
#*** !doctools
# [list_end] [comment {- end enumeration provider_classes }]
#[list_end] [comment {- end itemized list punk::cap::class groupings -}]
} ;# end namespace class
namespace eval capsystem {
proc get_caphandler_registry {capname} {
set ns [::punk::cap::get_handler $capname]::capsystem
if {[namespace exists ${ns}]} {
if {[info command ${ns}::caphandler.registry] ne ""} {
if {[info object isa object ${ns}::caphandler.registry]} {
return ${ns}::caphandler.registry
return ""
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap}]
#[para] Main punk::cap API for client programs interested in using capability handler packages and associated (registered) provider packages
#[list_begin definitions]
#Not all capabilities have to be registered.
#A package registering as a provider using register_package can include capabilitynames in it's capabilitylist which have no associated capnamespace (handler).
#Not all capability names have to be registered.
#A package registering as a provider using register_package can include capabilitynames in it's capabilitylist which have no associated handler.
#such unregistered capabilitynames may be used just to flag something, or have datamembers significant to callers cooperatively interested in that capname.
#we allow registering a capability with an empty handler (capnamespace) - but this means another handler could be registered later.
proc register_capabilityname {capname capnamespace} {
@ -161,7 +242,7 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#allow register of existing capname iff there is no current handler
#as handlers can be used to validate during provider registration - ideally handlers should be registered before any pkgs call register_package
#we allow loading a handler later though - but will need to validate existing data from pkgs that have already registered as providers
if {[set hdlr [get_handler $capname]] ne ""} {
if {[set hdlr [capability_get_handler $capname]] ne ""} {
error "register_capabilityname cannot register capability:$capname with handler:$capnamespace. There is already a registered handler:$hdlr"
#assert: capnamespace may or may not be empty string, capname may or may not already exist in caps dict, caps $capname providers may have existing entries.
@ -213,52 +294,33 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
proc exists {capname} {
proc capability_exists {capname} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun exists] [arg capname]]
# [call [fun capability_exists] [arg capname]]
# Return a boolean indicating if the named capability exists (0|1)
# mkdoc markdown
#' ## **exists(capname)**
#' > return a boolean indicating the existence of a capability
#' > Arguments:
#' > - *capname* - string indicating the name of the capability
#' > Returns: 0|1
variable caps
return [dict exists $caps $capname]
proc has_handler {capname} {
proc capability_has_handler {capname} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun has_handler] [arg capname]]
# Return a boolean indicating if the named capability has a handler package installed (0|1)
# [call [fun capability_has_handler] [arg capname]]
#Return a boolean indicating if the named capability has a handler package installed (0|1)
variable caps
return [expr {[dict exists $caps $capname handler] && [dict get $caps $capname handler] ne ""}]
proc get_handler {capname} {
proc capability_get_handler {capname} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun capability_get_handler] [arg capname]]
#Return the base namespace of the active handler package for the named capability.
#[para] The base namespace for a handler will always be the package name, but prefixed with ::
variable caps
if {[dict exists $caps $capname]} {
return [dict get $caps $capname handler]
return ""
#proc call_handler {capname args} {
# if {[set handler [get_handler $capname]] eq ""} {
# error "punk::cap::call_handler $capname $args - no handler registered for capability $capname"
# }
# ${handler}::[lindex $args 0] {*}[lrange $args 1 end]
proc call_handler {capname args} {
if {[set handler [get_handler $capname]] eq ""} {
if {[set handler [capability_get_handler $capname]] eq ""} {
error "punk::cap::call_handler $capname $args - no handler registered for capability $capname"
set obj ${handler}::api_$capname
@ -274,10 +336,21 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#register package with arbitrary capnames from capabilitylist
#The registered pkg is a module that provides some service to that capname. Possibly just data members, that the capability will use.
proc register_package {pkg capabilitylist} {
proc register_package {pkg capabilitylist args} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable pkgcapsaccepted
variable caps
set defaults [dict create\
-nowarnings false
dict for {k v} $args {
if {$k ni $defaults} {
error "Unrecognized option $k. Known options [dict keys $defaults]"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
set warnings [expr {! [dict get $opts -nowarnings]}]
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
@ -286,11 +359,23 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
} else {
set pkg_already_accepted [list]
package require $pkg
set providerapi ::${pkg}::provider
if {[info commands $providerapi] eq ""} {
error "register_package error. pkg '$pkg' doesn't seem to be a punk::cap capability provider (no object found at $providerapi)"
set defined_caps [$providerapi capabilities]
#for each capability
# - ensure 1st element is a single word
# - ensure that if 2nd element (capdict) is present - it is dict shaped
foreach capspec $capabilitylist {
lassign $capspec capname capdict
if {$warnings} {
if {$capname ni $defined_caps} {
puts stderr "WARNING: pkg '$pkg' doesn't declare support for capability '$capname'."
if {[llength $capname] !=1} {
error "register_package error. pkg: '$pkg' An entry in the capability list doesn't appear to have a single-word name. Problematic entry:'$capspec'"
@ -299,7 +384,9 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
if {$capspec in $pkg_already_accepted} {
#review - multiple handlers? if so - will need to record which handler(s) accepted the capspec
puts stderr "register_package pkg $pkg already has capspec marked as accepted: $capspec"
if {$warnings} {
puts stderr "WARNING: register_package pkg $pkg already has capspec marked as accepted: $capspec"
if {[dict exists $caps $capname]} {
@ -371,73 +458,6 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#review promote/demote doesn't always make a lot of sense .. should possibly be per cap for multicap pkgs
#The idea is to provide a crude way to preference/depreference packages independently of order the packages were loaded
#e.g a caller or cap-handler can ascribe some meaning to the order of the 'providers' key returned from punk::cap::capabilities <capname>
#The order of providers will be the order the packages were loaded & registered
#the naming: "promote vs demote" operates on a latest-package-in-list has higher preference assumption (matching last pkg loaded)
#Each capability handler could implement specific preferencing methods if finer control needed.
#In some cases the preference/loading order may be inapplicable/irrelevant to a particular capability anyway.
#As this is just a basic mechanism, which can't support independent per-cap preferencing for multi-cap packages -
# it only allows putting the pkgs to the head or tail of the lists.
#Whether particular caps or users of caps do anything with this ordering is dependent on the cap-handler and/or calling code.
proc promote_package {pkg} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at end of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at tail of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
lappend cap_pkgs $pkg
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
proc demote_package {pkg} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at start of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
set pkgcapsdeclared [dict merge [dict create $pkg $pkginfo] $pkgcapsdeclared]
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at head of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
set cap_pkgs [list $pkg {*}$cap_pkgs]
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
proc pkgcap {pkg} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable pkgcapsaccepted
@ -502,7 +522,121 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
return $cap_list
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {- end definitions for namespace punk::cap -}]
namespace eval advanced {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap::advanced}]
#[para] punk::cap::advanced API. Functions here are generally not the preferred way to interact with punk::cap.
#[para] In some cases they may allow interaction in less safe ways or may allow use of features that are unavailable in the base namespace.
#[para] Some functions are here because they are only marginally or rarely useful, and they are here to keep the base API simple.
#[list_begin definitions]
proc promote_provider {pkg} {
#*** !doctools
# [call advanced::[fun promote_provider] [arg pkg]]
#[para]Move the named provider package to the preferred end of the list (tail).
#[para]The active handler may or may not utilise this for preferencing. See documentation for the specific handler package to confirm.
#[para] promote/demote doesn't always make a lot of sense .. should preferably be configurable per capapbility for multicap provider pkgs
#[para]The idea is to provide a crude way to preference/depreference packages independently of order the packages were loaded
#e.g a caller or cap-handler can ascribe some meaning to the order of the 'providers' key returned from punk::cap::capabilities <capname>
#[para]The order of providers will be the order the packages were loaded & registered
#[para]the naming: "promote vs demote" operates on a latest-package-in-list has higher preference assumption (matching last pkg loaded)
#[para]Each capability handler could and should implement specific preferencing methods within its own API if finer control needed.
#In some cases the preference/loading order may be inapplicable/irrelevant to a particular capability anyway.
#[para]As this is just a basic mechanism, which can't support independent per-cap preferencing for multi-cap packages -
# it only allows putting the pkgs to the head or tail of the lists.
#[para]Whether particular caps or users of caps do anything with this ordering is dependent on the cap-handler and/or calling code.
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at end of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at tail of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
lappend cap_pkgs $pkg
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
proc demote_provider {pkg} {
#*** !doctools
# [call advanced::[fun demote_provider] [arg pkg]]
#[para]Move the named provider package to the preferred end of the list (tail).
#[para]The active handler may or may not utilise this for preferencing. See documentation for the specific handler package to confirm.
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at start of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
set pkgcapsdeclared [dict merge [dict create $pkg $pkginfo] $pkgcapsdeclared]
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at head of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
set cap_pkgs [list $pkg {*}$cap_pkgs]
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
#*** !doctools
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval capsystem {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap::capsystem}]
#[para] Internal functions used to communicate between punk::cap and capability handlers
#[list_begin definitions]
proc get_caphandler_registry {capname} {
set ns [::punk::cap::capability_get_handler $capname]::capsystem
if {[namespace exists ${ns}]} {
if {[info command ${ns}::caphandler.registry] ne ""} {
if {[info object isa object ${ns}::caphandler.registry]} {
return ${ns}::caphandler.registry
return ""
#*** !doctools
@ -524,5 +658,4 @@ package provide punk::cap [namespace eval punk::cap {
#*** !doctools


@ -24,15 +24,14 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
variable has_twapi 0
if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
#jmn disable twapi
#package require zzzload
#zzzload::pkg_require twapi
#if {[catch {package require twapi}]} {
# puts stderr "Warning: punk::du - unable to load twapi. Disk operations may be much slower on windows without the twapi package"
#} else {
# set punk::du::has_twapi 1
package require zzzload
zzzload::pkg_require twapi
if {[catch {package require twapi}]} {
puts stderr "Warning: punk::du - unable to load twapi. Disk operations may be much slower on windows without the twapi package"
} else {
set punk::du::has_twapi 1
#package require punk::winpath
@ -1248,10 +1247,11 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
proc du_dirlisting_undecided {folderpath args} {
if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
#jmn disable twapi
tailcall du_dirlisting_generic $folderpath {*}$args
#tailcall du_dirlisting_generic $folderpath {*}$args
set loadstate [zzzload::pkg_require twapi]
if {$loadstate ni [list loading failed]} {
#either already loaded by zzload or ordinary package require
package require twapi ;#should be fast once twapi dll loaded in zzzload thread
set ::punk::du::has_twapi 1
punk::du::active::set_active_function du_dirlisting du_dirlisting_twapi


@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package provide punk::mix::base [namespace eval punk::mix::base {
set version 0.1
package require punk::path
#base internal plumbing functions
namespace eval punk::mix::base {
@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
set folderdict [dict create]
package require punk::cap
if {[punk::cap::has_handler punk.templates]} {
if {[punk::cap::capability_has_handler punk.templates]} {
set template_folder_dict [punk::cap::call_handler punk.templates folders]
dict for {dir folderinfo} $template_folder_dict {
dict set folderdict $dir $folderinfo
@ -632,7 +633,8 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
cd $base ;#cd is process-wide.. keep cd in effect for as small a scope as possible. (review for thread issues)
#temp emission to stdout.. todo - repl telemetry channel
puts stdout "cksum_path: creating temporary tar archive at: $archivename .."
puts stdout "cksum_path: creating temporary tar archive for $path"
puts stdout " at: $archivename .."
tar::create $archivename $target
if {$ftype eq "file"} {
set sizeinfo "(size [file size $target])"
@ -757,7 +759,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
set normbase [file normalize $base]
set normtarg [file normalize [file join $normbase $specifiedpath]]
set targetpath $normtarg
set storedpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $normbase $normtarg]
set storedpath [punk::path::relative $normbase $normtarg]
} else {
set targetpath [file join $base $specifiedpath]
set storedpath $specifiedpath
@ -776,7 +778,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
error "get_relativecksum_from_base error: base '$base' and specifiedpath '$specifiedpath' don't share a common root. Use empty-string for base if independent absolute path is required"
set targetpath $specifiedpath
set storedpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $base $specifiedpath]
set storedpath [punk::path::relative $base $specifiedpath]
} else {


@ -477,7 +477,13 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
set did_skip 0 ;#flag for stdout/stderr formatting only
foreach m $src_modules {
#puts "build_modules_from_source_to_base >>> module $m"
set is_interesting 0
if {[string match "foobar" $current_source_dir]} {
set is_interesting 1
if {$is_interesting} {
puts "build_modules_from_source_to_base >>> module $current_source_dir/$m"
set fileparts [split [file rootname $m] -]
set tmfile_versionsegment [lindex $fileparts end]
if {$tmfile_versionsegment eq $magicversion} {
@ -582,7 +588,9 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_finished_install $basedir $file_record]
$event targetset_end OK
} else {
#puts stdout "skipping module $current_source_dir/$m - no change in sources detected"
if {$is_interesting} {
puts stdout "skipping module $current_source_dir/$m - no change in sources detected"
puts -nonewline stderr "."
set did_skip 1
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_skipped_install $basedir $file_record]
@ -627,15 +635,18 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
$event targetset_started
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
if {$did_skip} {set did_skip 0; puts -nonewline stdout \n}
puts stderr "Copied already versioned module $current_source_dir/$m to $target_module_dir"
lappend module_list $current_source_dir/$m
file copy -force $current_source_dir/$m $target_module_dir
puts stderr "Copied already versioned module $current_source_dir/$m to $target_module_dir"
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_finished_install $basedir $file_record]
$event targetset_end OK -note "already versioned module"
} else {
puts -nonewline stderr "."
set did_skip 1
if {$is_interesting} {
puts stderr "$current_source_dir/$m [$event targetset_source_changes]"
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_skipped_install $basedir $file_record]
$event targetset_end SKIPPED


@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
## Requirements
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk ;# for treefilenames
package require punk::path ;# for treefilenames, relative
package require punk::repo
package require punk::docgen ;#inline doctools - generate doctools .man files at src/docgen prior to using kettle to producing .html .md etc
package require punk::mix::cli ;#punk::mix::cli::lib used for kettle_call
package require punk::mix::util ;#for path_relative
#package require punk::mix::util ;#for path_relative
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
#user may delete the comment containing "--- punk::docgen::overwrites" and then manually edit, and we won't overwrite
#we still generate output in src/docgen so user can diff and manually update if thats what they prefer
set oldfiles [glob -nocomplain -dir $projectdir/src/doc -type f _module_*]
set oldfiles [punk::path::treefilenames $projectdir/src/doc _module_*.man]
foreach maybedoomed $oldfiles {
set fd [open $maybedoomed r]
set data [read $fd]
@ -57,9 +57,18 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
if {[dict get $generated count] > 0} {
set doclist [dict get $generated docs]
set source_base [dict get $generated base]
set target_base $projectdir/src/doc
foreach dinfo $doclist {
lassign $dinfo module fpath
set target $projectdir/src/doc/_module_[file tail $fpath]
set relpath [punk::path::relative $source_base $fpath]
set relfolder [file dirname $relpath]
if {$relfolder eq "."} {
set relfolder ""
file mkdir [file join $target_base $relfolder]
set target [file join $target_base $relfolder _module_[file tail $fpath]]
puts stderr "target --> $target"
if {![file exists $target]} {
file copy $fpath $target
@ -184,23 +193,24 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
variable pkg
set pkg punk::mix::commandset::doc
proc do_docgen {{project_subpath modules}} {
#Extract doctools comments from source code
set projectdir [punk::repo::find_project]
set outdir [file join $projectdir src docgen]
set subpath [file join $projectdir $project_subpath]
if {![file isdirectory $subpath]} {
puts stderr "WARNING punk::mix::commandset::doc unable to find subpath $subpath during do_docgen - skipping inline doctools generation"
set output_base [file join $projectdir src docgen]
set codesource_path [file join $projectdir $project_subpath]
if {![file isdirectory $codesource_path]} {
puts stderr "WARNING punk::mix::commandset::doc unable to find codesource_path $codesource_path during do_docgen - skipping inline doctools generation"
if {[file isdirectory $outdir]} {
if {[file isdirectory $output_base]} {
if {[catch {
file delete -force $outdir
file delete -force $output_base
}]} {
error "do_docgen failed to delete existing $outdir"
error "do_docgen failed to delete existing output base folder: $output_base"
file mkdir $outdir
file mkdir $output_base
set matched_paths [punk::treefilenames $subpath *.tm]
set matched_paths [punk::path::treefilenames $codesource_path *.tm -antiglob_paths {**/mix/templates/** **/mixtemplates/**}]
set count 0
set newdocs [list]
set docgen_header_comments ""
@ -208,14 +218,34 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
append docgen_header_comments {[comment {--- punk::docgen DO NOT EDIT DOCS HERE UNLESS YOU REMOVE THESE COMMENT LINES ---}]} \n
append docgen_header_comments {[comment {--- punk::docgen overwrites this file ---}]} \n
foreach fullpath $matched_paths {
set relpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $subpath $fullpath]
set tailsegs [file split $relpath]
set module_fullname [join $tailsegs ::]
set docname [string map [list :: _] $module_fullname].man ;#todo - something better - need to ensure unique
set doctools [punk::docgen::get_doctools_comments $fullpath]
if {$doctools ne ""} {
puts stdout "generating doctools output from file $relpath"
set outfile [file join $outdir $docname]
set fname [file tail $fullpath]
set mod_tail [file rootname $fname]
set relpath [punk::path::relative $codesource_path [file dirname $fullpath]]
if {$relpath eq "."} {
set relpath ""
set tailsegs [file split $relpath]
set module_fullname [join $tailsegs ::]::$mod_tail
set target_docname $
set this_outdir [file join $output_base $relpath]
if {[string length $fname] > 99} {
#output needs to be tarballed to do checksum change tests in a reasonably straightforward and not-too-terribly slow way.
#hack - review. Determine exact limit - test if tcllib tar fixed or if it's a limit of the particular tar format
#work around tcllib tar filename length limit ( somewhere around 100?) This seems to be a limit on the length of a particular segment in the path.. not whole path length?
#this case only came up because docgen used to path munge to long filenames - but left because we know there is a limit and renaming fixes it - even if it's ugly - but still allows doc generation.
#review - if we're checking fname - should also test length of whole path and determine limits for tar
package require md5
set target_docname [md5::md5 -hex $fullpath]
puts stderr "WARNING - overlong file name - renaming $fullpath"
puts stderr " to [file dirname $fullpath]/$target_docname"
file mkdir $this_outdir
puts stdout "saving [string length $doctools] bytes of doctools output from file $relpath/$fname"
set outfile [file join $this_outdir $target_docname]
set fd [open $outfile w]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fd $docgen_header_comments$doctools
@ -224,7 +254,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
lappend newdocs [list $module_fullname $outfile]
return [list count $count docs $newdocs]
return [list count $count docs $newdocs base $output_base]


@ -141,7 +141,10 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
#use last matching layout found. review silent if multiple?
if {![llength $tags]} {
#todo - get standard tags from somewhere
set tags [list %project%]
set tagnames [list project]
foreach tn $tagnames {
lappend tags [string cat % $tn %]
set file_list [list]
util::foreach-file $layoutfolder path {


@ -13,10 +13,72 @@
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin punk::mix::commandset::project 0 0.1.0]
#[copyright "2023"]
#[titledesc {pmix commandset - project}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {pmix CLI commandset - project}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require punk::mix::commandset::project]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of punk::mix::commandset::project
#[para]Import into an ensemble namespace similarly to the way it is done with punk::mix::cli e.g
#[example {
# namespace eval myproject::cli {
# namespace export *
# namespace ensemble create
# package require punk::overlay
# package require punk::mix::commandset::project
# punk::overlay::import_commandset project . ::punk::mix::commandset::project
# punk::overlay::import_commandset projects . ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection
# }
#[para] Where the . in the above example is the prefix/command separator
#[para]The prefix ('project' in the above example) can be any string desired to disambiguate commands imported from other commandsets.
#[para]The above results in the availability of the ensemble command: ::myproject::cli, which is implemented in ::punk::mix::commandset::project::new
#[para]Similarly, procs under ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection will be available as subcommands of the ensemble as projects.<procname>
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] see punk::overlay
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
##e.g package require frobz
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by punk::mix::commandset::project
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
#[item] [package punk::ns]
#[item] [package sqlite3] (binary)
#[item] [package overtype]
#[item] [package textutil] (tcllib)
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
@ -24,10 +86,36 @@
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
namespace export *
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::mix::commandset::project}]
#[para] core commandset functions for punk::mix::commandset::project
#[list_begin definitions]
proc _default {} {
package require punk::ns
set dispatched_to [lindex [info level 2] 0] ;#e.g ::punk::mix::cli::project
set dispatch_tail [punk::ns::nstail $dispatched_to]
set dispatch_ensemble [punk::ns::nsprefix $dispatched_to] ;#e.g ::punk::mix::cli
set sibling_commands [namespace eval $dispatch_ensemble {namespace export}]
#todo - get separator?
set sep "."
set result [list]
foreach sib $sibling_commands {
if {[string match ${dispatch_tail}${sep}* $sib]} {
lappend result $sib
return [lsort $result]
#new project structure - may be dedicated to one module, or contain many.
#create minimal folder structure only by specifying -modules {}
proc new {newprojectpath_or_name args} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun new] [arg newprojectpath_or_name] [opt args]]
#new project structure - may be dedicated to one module, or contain many.
#create minimal folder structure only by specifying in args: -modules {}
if {[file pathtype $newprojectpath_or_name] eq "absolute"} {
set projectfullpath [file normalize $newprojectpath_or_name]
set projectname [file tail $projectfullpath]
@ -242,7 +330,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
set layout_dir $templatebase/layouts/$opt_layout
puts stdout ">>> about to call punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir"
set resultdict [dict create]
set unpublish [list\
set antipaths [list\
@ -250,11 +338,11 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
#default antiglob_dir_core will stop .fossil* from being updated - which is generally desirable as these are likely to be customized
if {$opt_force} {
puts stdout "copying layout files - with force applied - overwrite all-targets"
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite ALL-TARGETS -unpublish_paths $unpublish]
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite ALL-TARGETS -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
#file copy -force $layout_dir $projectdir
} else {
puts stdout "copying layout files - (if source file changed)"
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -unpublish_paths $unpublish]
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
@ -293,7 +381,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
set fpath [file join $projectdir $templatetail]
if {[file exists $fpath]} {
set fd [open $fpath r]; fconfigure $fd -translation binary; set data [read $fd]; close $fd
set data2 [string map [list %project% $projectname] $data]
set data2 [string map [list [lib::template_tag project] $projectname] $data]
if {$data2 ne $data} {
puts stdout "updated template file: $fpath"
set fdout [open $fpath w]; fconfigure $fdout -translation binary; puts -nonewline $fdout $data2; close $fdout
@ -406,8 +494,10 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
puts stdout "-done- project:$projectname projectdir: $projectdir"
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::mix::commandset::project ---}]
namespace eval collection {
namespace eval collection {
namespace export *
namespace path [namespace parent]
@ -764,6 +854,12 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
namespace eval lib {
proc template_tag {tagname} {
#todo - support different tagwrappers - it shouldn't be so likely to collide with common code idioms etc.
#we need to detect presence of tags intended for punk::mix system
#consider using punk::cap to enable multiple template-substitution providers with their own set of tagnames and/or tag wrappers, where substitution providers are all run
return [string cat % $tagname %]
#get project info only by opening the central confg-db
#(will not have proper project-name etc)
proc get_projects {{globlist {}} args} {
@ -828,9 +924,8 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
#*** !doctools


@ -131,83 +131,6 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::util {
#maint warning - also in punkcheck
proc path_relative {base dst} {
#see also kettle
# Modified copy of ::fileutil::relative (tcllib)
# Adapted to 8.5 ({*}).
# Taking two _directory_ paths, a base and a destination, computes the path
# of the destination relative to the base.
# Arguments:
# base The path to make the destination relative to.
# dst The destination path
# Results:
# The path of the destination, relative to the base.
# Ensure that the link to directory 'dst' is properly done relative to
# the directory 'base'.
#review - check volume info on windows.. UNC paths?
if {[file pathtype $base] ne [file pathtype $dst]} {
return -code error "Unable to compute relation for paths of different pathtypes: [file pathtype $base] vs. [file pathtype $dst], ($base vs. $dst)"
#avoid normalizing if possible (file normalize *very* expensive on windows)
set do_normalize 0
if {[file pathtype $base] eq "relative"} {
#if base is relative so is dst
if {[regexp {[.]{2}} [list $base $dst]]} {
set do_normalize 1
if {[regexp {[.]/} [list $base $dst]]} {
set do_normalize 1
} else {
set do_normalize 1
if {$do_normalize} {
set base [file normalize $base]
set dst [file normalize $dst]
set save $dst
set base [file split $base]
set dst [file split $dst]
while {[lindex $dst 0] eq [lindex $base 0]} {
set dst [lrange $dst 1 end]
set base [lrange $base 1 end]
if {![llength $dst]} {break}
set dstlen [llength $dst]
set baselen [llength $base]
if {($dstlen == 0) && ($baselen == 0)} {
# Cases:
# (a) base == dst
set dst .
} else {
# Cases:
# (b) base is: base/sub = sub
# dst is: base = {}
# (c) base is: base = {}
# dst is: base/sub = sub
while {$baselen > 0} {
set dst [linsert $dst 0 ..]
incr baselen -1
set dst [file join {*}$dst]
return $dst
#namespace import ::punk::ns::nsimport_noclobber
proc namespace_import_pattern_to_namespace_noclobber {pattern ns} {


@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ namespace eval ::punk::overlay {
set imported_commands [list]
set nscaller [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]]
if {[catch {
#review - noclobber?
namespace eval ${nscaller}::temp_import [list namespace import ${cmdnamespace}::*]
foreach cmd [info commands ${nscaller}::temp_import::*] {
set cmdtail [namespace tail $cmd]


@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
catch {package require punk::winpath}
package require fileutil; #tcllib
package require punk::path
package require punk::mix::base ;#uses core functions from punk::mix::base::lib namespace e.g cksum_path
package require punk::mix::util
package require punk::mix::util ;#do_in_path
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
if {$repodir eq ""} {
error "workingdir_state error: No repository found at or above path '$abspath'"
set subpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $repodir $abspath]
set subpath [punk::path::relative $repodir $abspath]
if {$subpath eq "."} {
set subpath ""
@ -708,10 +709,10 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
append msg "** starting folder : $start_dir" \n
append msg "** untracked : $candroot" \n
if {$closest_fossil_len} {
append msg "** fossil root : $closest_fossil ([punk::mix::util::path_relative $start_dir $closest_fossil])" \n
append msg "** fossil root : $closest_fossil ([punk::path::relative $start_dir $closest_fossil])" \n
if {$closest_git_len} {
append msg "** git root : $closest_git ([punk::mix::util::path_relative $start_dir $closest_git])" \n
append msg "** git root : $closest_git ([punk::path::relative $start_dir $closest_git])" \n
append msg "**" \n


@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk::tdl
package require punk::path
package require punk::repo
package require punk::mix::util
@ -1106,29 +1107,6 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
return [lindex $args end]
proc pathglob_as_re {glob} {
#any segment that is not just * must match exactly one segment in the path
set pats [list]
foreach seg [file split $glob] {
if {$seg eq "*"} {
lappend pats {[^/]*}
} elseif {$seg eq "**"} {
lappend pats {.*}
} else {
set seg [string map [list . {[.]}] $seg]
if {[regexp {[*?]} $seg]} {
set pat [string map [list * {[^/]*} ? {[^/]}] $seg]
lappend pats "$pat"
} else {
lappend pats "$seg"
return "^[join $pats /]\$"
proc globmatchpath {glob path} {
return [regexp [pathglob_as_re $glob] $path]
## unidirectional file transfer to possibly non empty folder
#default of -overwrite no-targets will only copy files that are missing at the target
# -overwrite newer-targets will copy files with older source timestamp over newer target timestamp and those missing at the target (a form of 'restore' operation)
@ -1349,7 +1327,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
foreach unpub $opt_antiglob_paths {
#puts "testing folder - globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir"
if {[globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir]} {
if {[punk::path::globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir]} {
lappend antiglob_paths_matched $current_source_dir
return [list files_copied {} files_skipped {} sources_unchanged {} punkcheck_records $punkcheck_records antiglob_paths_matched $antiglob_paths_matched srcdir $srcdir tgtdir $tgtdir punkcheck_folder $punkcheck_folder]
@ -1421,7 +1399,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set is_antipath 0
foreach antipath $opt_antiglob_paths {
#puts "testing file - globmatchpath $antipath vs $relative_source_path"
if {[globmatchpath $antipath $relative_source_path]} {
if {[punk::path::globmatchpath $antipath $relative_source_path]} {
lappend antiglob_paths_matched $current_source_dir
set is_antipath 1


@ -5172,23 +5172,6 @@ namespace eval punk {
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines -stripbase 1 $contents]
#basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive - no natsorting
#todo - implement treefiles which acts like dirfiles but allows path globbing in the same way as punk::ns::ns/
#then review if treefiles can replace dirfiles or if both should exist (dirfiles can have literal glob chars in path segments - but that is a rare usecase)
proc treefilenames {basepath {tailglob *}} {
set files [list]
if {![file isdirectory $basepath]} {
return $files
#todo - account for vfs where matched path could appear to be a directory but is mounted so could be a desired match?
set dirfiles [glob -nocomplain -dir $basepath -type f $tailglob]
lappend files {*}$dirfiles
set dirdirs [glob -nocomplain -dir $basepath -type d *]
foreach dir $dirdirs {
lappend files {*}[treefilenames $dir $tailglob]
return $files
#dirfiles dirfiles_dict always deliberately return absolute *unnormalized* path
#e.g when cwd is c:/repo/jn/shellspy dirfiles ../../ will return something like:


@ -62,18 +62,19 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_caphandler.registry {
#*** !doctools
#[enum] [emph {CLASS interface_caphandler.registry}]
#[enum] CLASS [class interface_caphandler.registry]
#[list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
method pkg_register {pkg capname capdict fullcapabilitylist} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::[class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_register] [arg pkg] [arg capname] [arg capdict] [arg fullcapabilitylist]]
#[call class::interface_caphandler.registry [method pkg_register] [arg pkg] [arg capname] [arg capdict] [arg fullcapabilitylist]]
#handler may override and return 0 (indicating don't register)e.g if pkg capdict data wasn't valid
#overridden handler must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg - but it may return 1 or 0 as it wishes.
return 1 ;#default to permit
method pkg_unregister {pkg} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::[class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
#[call class::interface_caphandler.registry [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
return ;#unregistration return is ignored - review
#*** !doctools
@ -82,8 +83,9 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_caphandler.sysapi {
#*** !doctools
#[enum] [emph {CLASS interface_caphandler.sysapi}]
#[enum] CLASS [class interface_caphandler.sysapi]
#[list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
#*** !doctools
@ -101,8 +103,8 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#Provider classes
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_capprovider.registration {
#*** !doctools
# [enum] [emph {CLASS interface_cappprovider.registration}]
# Your provider package will need to instantiate this object under a sub-namespace called [namespace capsystem] within your package namespace.
# [enum] CLASS [class interface_cappprovider.registration]
# [para]Your provider package will need to instantiate this object under a sub-namespace called [namespace capsystem] within your package namespace.
# [para]If your package namespace is mypackages::providerpkg then the object command would be at mypackages::providerpkg::capsystem::capprovider.registration
# [para]Example code for your provider package to evaluate within its namespace:
# [example {
@ -122,9 +124,10 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#[para] The above example declares that your package can be registered as a provider for the capabilities named 'punk.templates' and 'another_capability_name'
# [list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
method get_declarations {} {
#[call class::[class interface_capprovider.registration] [method get_declarations]]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.registration [method get_declarations]]
#[para] This method must be overridden by your provider using oo::objdefine cappprovider.registration as in the example above.
# There must be at least one 2-element list in the result for the provider to be registerable.
#[para]The first element of the list is the capabilityname - which can be custom to your provider/handler packages - or a well-known name that other authors may use/implement.
@ -137,7 +140,7 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_capprovider.provider {
#*** !doctools
# [enum] [emph {CLASS interface_capprovider.provider}]
# [enum] CLASS [class interface_capprovider.provider]
# [para] Your provider package will need to instantiate this directly under it's own namespace with the command name of [emph {provider}]
# [example {
# namespace eval mypackages::providerpkg {
@ -145,11 +148,12 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
# }
# }]
# [list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
variable provider_pkg
variable registrationobj
constructor {providerpkg} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::[class interface_capprovider.provider] [method constructor] [arg providerpkg]]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method constructor] [arg providerpkg]]
variable provider_pkg
if {$providerpkg in [list "" "::"]} {
error "interface_capprovider.provider constructor error. Invalid provider '$providerpkg'"
@ -169,7 +173,7 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
method register {{capabilityname_glob *}} {
#*** !doctools
#[comment {- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---}]
#[call class::[class interface_capprovider.provider] [method register] [opt capabilityname_glob]]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method register] [opt capabilityname_glob]]
#[para]This is the mechanism by which a user of your provider package will register your package as a provider of the capability named.
@ -192,7 +196,7 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
method capabilities {} {
#*** !doctools
#[comment {- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---}]
#[call class::[class interface_capprovider.provider] [method capabilities]]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method capabilities]]
#[para] return a list of capabilities supported by this provider package
variable provider_pkg
variable registrationobj


@ -24,15 +24,14 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
variable has_twapi 0
if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
#jmn disable twapi
#package require zzzload
#zzzload::pkg_require twapi
#if {[catch {package require twapi}]} {
# puts stderr "Warning: punk::du - unable to load twapi. Disk operations may be much slower on windows without the twapi package"
#} else {
# set punk::du::has_twapi 1
package require zzzload
zzzload::pkg_require twapi
if {[catch {package require twapi}]} {
puts stderr "Warning: punk::du - unable to load twapi. Disk operations may be much slower on windows without the twapi package"
} else {
set punk::du::has_twapi 1
#package require punk::winpath
@ -1248,10 +1247,11 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
proc du_dirlisting_undecided {folderpath args} {
if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
#jmn disable twapi
tailcall du_dirlisting_generic $folderpath {*}$args
#tailcall du_dirlisting_generic $folderpath {*}$args
set loadstate [zzzload::pkg_require twapi]
if {$loadstate ni [list loading failed]} {
#either already loaded by zzload or ordinary package require
package require twapi ;#should be fast once twapi dll loaded in zzzload thread
set ::punk::du::has_twapi 1
punk::du::active::set_active_function du_dirlisting du_dirlisting_twapi


@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package provide punk::mix::base [namespace eval punk::mix::base {
set version 0.1
package require punk::path
#base internal plumbing functions
namespace eval punk::mix::base {
@ -632,7 +633,8 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
cd $base ;#cd is process-wide.. keep cd in effect for as small a scope as possible. (review for thread issues)
#temp emission to stdout.. todo - repl telemetry channel
puts stdout "cksum_path: creating temporary tar archive at: $archivename .."
puts stdout "cksum_path: creating temporary tar archive for $path"
puts stdout " at: $archivename .."
tar::create $archivename $target
if {$ftype eq "file"} {
set sizeinfo "(size [file size $target])"
@ -757,7 +759,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
set normbase [file normalize $base]
set normtarg [file normalize [file join $normbase $specifiedpath]]
set targetpath $normtarg
set storedpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $normbase $normtarg]
set storedpath [punk::path::relative $normbase $normtarg]
} else {
set targetpath [file join $base $specifiedpath]
set storedpath $specifiedpath
@ -776,7 +778,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
error "get_relativecksum_from_base error: base '$base' and specifiedpath '$specifiedpath' don't share a common root. Use empty-string for base if independent absolute path is required"
set targetpath $specifiedpath
set storedpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $base $specifiedpath]
set storedpath [punk::path::relative $base $specifiedpath]
} else {


@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
## Requirements
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk ;# for treefilenames
package require punk::path ;# for treefilenames, relative
package require punk::repo
package require punk::docgen ;#inline doctools - generate doctools .man files at src/docgen prior to using kettle to producing .html .md etc
package require punk::mix::cli ;#punk::mix::cli::lib used for kettle_call
package require punk::mix::util ;#for path_relative
#package require punk::mix::util ;#for path_relative
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
#user may delete the comment containing "--- punk::docgen::overwrites" and then manually edit, and we won't overwrite
#we still generate output in src/docgen so user can diff and manually update if thats what they prefer
set oldfiles [glob -nocomplain -dir $projectdir/src/doc -type f _module_*]
set oldfiles [punk::path::treefilenames $projectdir/src/doc _module_*.man]
foreach maybedoomed $oldfiles {
set fd [open $maybedoomed r]
set data [read $fd]
@ -57,9 +57,18 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
if {[dict get $generated count] > 0} {
set doclist [dict get $generated docs]
set source_base [dict get $generated base]
set target_base $projectdir/src/doc
foreach dinfo $doclist {
lassign $dinfo module fpath
set target $projectdir/src/doc/_module_[file tail $fpath]
set relpath [punk::path::relative $source_base $fpath]
set relfolder [file dirname $relpath]
if {$relfolder eq "."} {
set relfolder ""
file mkdir [file join $target_base $relfolder]
set target [file join $target_base $relfolder _module_[file tail $fpath]]
puts stderr "target --> $target"
if {![file exists $target]} {
file copy $fpath $target
@ -184,23 +193,24 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
variable pkg
set pkg punk::mix::commandset::doc
proc do_docgen {{project_subpath modules}} {
#Extract doctools comments from source code
set projectdir [punk::repo::find_project]
set outdir [file join $projectdir src docgen]
set subpath [file join $projectdir $project_subpath]
if {![file isdirectory $subpath]} {
puts stderr "WARNING punk::mix::commandset::doc unable to find subpath $subpath during do_docgen - skipping inline doctools generation"
set output_base [file join $projectdir src docgen]
set codesource_path [file join $projectdir $project_subpath]
if {![file isdirectory $codesource_path]} {
puts stderr "WARNING punk::mix::commandset::doc unable to find codesource_path $codesource_path during do_docgen - skipping inline doctools generation"
if {[file isdirectory $outdir]} {
if {[file isdirectory $output_base]} {
if {[catch {
file delete -force $outdir
file delete -force $output_base
}]} {
error "do_docgen failed to delete existing $outdir"
error "do_docgen failed to delete existing output base folder: $output_base"
file mkdir $outdir
file mkdir $output_base
set matched_paths [punk::treefilenames $subpath *.tm]
set matched_paths [punk::path::treefilenames $codesource_path *.tm -antiglob_paths {**/mix/templates/** **/mixtemplates/**}]
set count 0
set newdocs [list]
set docgen_header_comments ""
@ -208,14 +218,34 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
append docgen_header_comments {[comment {--- punk::docgen DO NOT EDIT DOCS HERE UNLESS YOU REMOVE THESE COMMENT LINES ---}]} \n
append docgen_header_comments {[comment {--- punk::docgen overwrites this file ---}]} \n
foreach fullpath $matched_paths {
set relpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $subpath $fullpath]
set tailsegs [file split $relpath]
set module_fullname [join $tailsegs ::]
set docname [string map [list :: _] $module_fullname].man ;#todo - something better - need to ensure unique
set doctools [punk::docgen::get_doctools_comments $fullpath]
if {$doctools ne ""} {
puts stdout "generating doctools output from file $relpath"
set outfile [file join $outdir $docname]
set fname [file tail $fullpath]
set mod_tail [file rootname $fname]
set relpath [punk::path::relative $codesource_path [file dirname $fullpath]]
if {$relpath eq "."} {
set relpath ""
set tailsegs [file split $relpath]
set module_fullname [join $tailsegs ::]::$mod_tail
set target_docname $
set this_outdir [file join $output_base $relpath]
if {[string length $fname] > 99} {
#output needs to be tarballed to do checksum change tests in a reasonably straightforward and not-too-terribly slow way.
#hack - review. Determine exact limit - test if tcllib tar fixed or if it's a limit of the particular tar format
#work around tcllib tar filename length limit ( somewhere around 100?) This seems to be a limit on the length of a particular segment in the path.. not whole path length?
#this case only came up because docgen used to path munge to long filenames - but left because we know there is a limit and renaming fixes it - even if it's ugly - but still allows doc generation.
#review - if we're checking fname - should also test length of whole path and determine limits for tar
package require md5
set target_docname [md5::md5 -hex $fullpath]
puts stderr "WARNING - overlong file name - renaming $fullpath"
puts stderr " to [file dirname $fullpath]/$target_docname"
file mkdir $this_outdir
puts stdout "saving [string length $doctools] bytes of doctools output from file $relpath/$fname"
set outfile [file join $this_outdir $target_docname]
set fd [open $outfile w]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fd $docgen_header_comments$doctools
@ -224,7 +254,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
lappend newdocs [list $module_fullname $outfile]
return [list count $count docs $newdocs]
return [list count $count docs $newdocs base $output_base]


@ -141,7 +141,10 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
#use last matching layout found. review silent if multiple?
if {![llength $tags]} {
#todo - get standard tags from somewhere
set tags [list %project%]
set tagnames [list project]
foreach tn $tagnames {
lappend tags [string cat % $tn %]
set file_list [list]
util::foreach-file $layoutfolder path {


@ -13,10 +13,72 @@
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin punk::mix::commandset::project 0 999999.0a1.0]
#[copyright "2023"]
#[titledesc {pmix commandset - project}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {pmix CLI commandset - project}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require punk::mix::commandset::project]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of punk::mix::commandset::project
#[para]Import into an ensemble namespace similarly to the way it is done with punk::mix::cli e.g
#[example {
# namespace eval myproject::cli {
# namespace export *
# namespace ensemble create
# package require punk::overlay
# package require punk::mix::commandset::project
# punk::overlay::import_commandset project . ::punk::mix::commandset::project
# punk::overlay::import_commandset projects . ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection
# }
#[para] Where the . in the above example is the prefix/command separator
#[para]The prefix ('project' in the above example) can be any string desired to disambiguate commands imported from other commandsets.
#[para]The above results in the availability of the ensemble command: ::myproject::cli, which is implemented in ::punk::mix::commandset::project::new
#[para]Similarly, procs under ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection will be available as subcommands of the ensemble as projects.<procname>
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] see punk::overlay
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
##e.g package require frobz
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by punk::mix::commandset::project
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
#[item] [package punk::ns]
#[item] [package sqlite3] (binary)
#[item] [package overtype]
#[item] [package textutil] (tcllib)
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
@ -24,10 +86,36 @@
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
namespace export *
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::mix::commandset::project}]
#[para] core commandset functions for punk::mix::commandset::project
#[list_begin definitions]
proc _default {} {
package require punk::ns
set dispatched_to [lindex [info level 2] 0] ;#e.g ::punk::mix::cli::project
set dispatch_tail [punk::ns::nstail $dispatched_to]
set dispatch_ensemble [punk::ns::nsprefix $dispatched_to] ;#e.g ::punk::mix::cli
set sibling_commands [namespace eval $dispatch_ensemble {namespace export}]
#todo - get separator?
set sep "."
set result [list]
foreach sib $sibling_commands {
if {[string match ${dispatch_tail}${sep}* $sib]} {
lappend result $sib
return [lsort $result]
#new project structure - may be dedicated to one module, or contain many.
#create minimal folder structure only by specifying -modules {}
proc new {newprojectpath_or_name args} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun new] [arg newprojectpath_or_name] [opt args]]
#new project structure - may be dedicated to one module, or contain many.
#create minimal folder structure only by specifying in args: -modules {}
if {[file pathtype $newprojectpath_or_name] eq "absolute"} {
set projectfullpath [file normalize $newprojectpath_or_name]
set projectname [file tail $projectfullpath]
@ -293,7 +381,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
set fpath [file join $projectdir $templatetail]
if {[file exists $fpath]} {
set fd [open $fpath r]; fconfigure $fd -translation binary; set data [read $fd]; close $fd
set data2 [string map [list %project% $projectname] $data]
set data2 [string map [list [lib::template_tag project] $projectname] $data]
if {$data2 ne $data} {
puts stdout "updated template file: $fpath"
set fdout [open $fpath w]; fconfigure $fdout -translation binary; puts -nonewline $fdout $data2; close $fdout
@ -406,8 +494,10 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
puts stdout "-done- project:$projectname projectdir: $projectdir"
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::mix::commandset::project ---}]
namespace eval collection {
namespace eval collection {
namespace export *
namespace path [namespace parent]
@ -764,6 +854,12 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
namespace eval lib {
proc template_tag {tagname} {
#todo - support different tagwrappers - it shouldn't be so likely to collide with common code idioms etc.
#we need to detect presence of tags intended for punk::mix system
#consider using punk::cap to enable multiple template-substitution providers with their own set of tagnames and/or tag wrappers, where substitution providers are all run
return [string cat % $tagname %]
#get project info only by opening the central confg-db
#(will not have proper project-name etc)
proc get_projects {{globlist {}} args} {
@ -828,9 +924,8 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
#*** !doctools


@ -17,11 +17,27 @@
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin punk::cap 0 0.1.0]
#[copyright "2023 JMNoble - BSD licensed"]
#[titledesc {Module API}]
#[titledesc {capability provider and handler plugin system}]
#[moddesc {punk capabilities plugin system}]
#[require punk::cap]
#[list_begin definitions]
#[section Overview]
#[para]punk::cap provides management of named capabilities and the provider packages and handler packages that implement a pluggable capability.
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para]A [term capability] may be something like providing a folder of files, or just a data dictionary, and/or an API
#[para][term {capability handler}] - a package/namespace which may provide validation and standardised ways of looking up provider data
# registered (or not) using register_capabilityname <capname> <capnamespace>
#[para][term {capability provider}] - a package which registers as providing one or more capablities.
#[para]registered using register_package <pkg> <capabilitylist>
#the capabilitylist is a list of 2-element lists where the first element is the capabilityname and the second element is a (possibly empty) dict of data relevant to that capability
#A capabilityname may appear multiple times. ie a package may register that it provides the capability with multiple datasets.
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
@ -29,63 +45,115 @@
package require oolib
# mkdoc markdown
#' ---
#' author: JMNoble
#' ---
#' ## Concepts:
#' > A **capability** may be something like providing a folder of files, or just a data dictionary, and/or an API
#' > **capability handler** - a package/namespace which may provide validation and standardised ways of looking up provider data
#' registered (or not) using register_capabilityname <capname> <capnamespace>
#' > **capability provider** - a package which registers as providing one or more capablities.
#' registered using register_package <pkg> <capabilitylist>
#' the capabilitylist is a list of 2-element lists where the first element is the capabilityname and the second element is a (possibly empty) dict of data relevant to that capability
#' A capabilityname may appear multiple times. ie a package may register that it provides the capability with multiple datasets.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::cap {
variable pkgcapsdeclared [dict create]
variable pkgcapsaccepted [dict create]
variable caps [dict create]
namespace eval class {
if {[info commands [namespace current]::interface_caphandler.registry] eq ""} {
#Handler classes
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap::class}]
#[para] class definitions
#[list_begin itemized] [comment {- punk::cap::class groupings -}]
# [item]
# [para] [emph {handler_classes}]
# [list_begin enumerated]
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_caphandler.registry {
#*** !doctools
#[enum] CLASS [class interface_caphandler.registry]
#[list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
method pkg_register {pkg capname capdict fullcapabilitylist} {
#[call [class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_register] [arg pkg] [arg capname] [arg capdict] [arg fullcapabilitylist]]
#*** !doctools
#[call class::interface_caphandler.registry [method pkg_register] [arg pkg] [arg capname] [arg capdict] [arg fullcapabilitylist]]
#handler may override and return 0 (indicating don't register)e.g if pkg capdict data wasn't valid
#overridden handler must be able to handle multiple calls for same pkg - but it may return 1 or 0 as it wishes.
return 1 ;#default to permit
method pkg_unregister {pkg} {
#[call [class interface_caphandler.registry] [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
#*** !doctools
#[call class::interface_caphandler.registry [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
return ;#unregistration return is ignored - review
#*** !doctools
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_caphandler.sysapi {
#*** !doctools
#[enum] CLASS [class interface_caphandler.sysapi]
#[list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
#*** !doctools
#*** !doctools
# [list_end] [comment {- end enumeration handler classes -}]
#*** !doctools
# [item]
# [para] [emph {provider_classes}]
# [list_begin enumerated]
#Provider classes
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_capprovider.registration {
#*** !doctools
# [enum] CLASS [class interface_cappprovider.registration]
# [para]Your provider package will need to instantiate this object under a sub-namespace called [namespace capsystem] within your package namespace.
# [para]If your package namespace is mypackages::providerpkg then the object command would be at mypackages::providerpkg::capsystem::capprovider.registration
# [para]Example code for your provider package to evaluate within its namespace:
# [example {
#namespace eval capsystem {
# if {[info commands capprovider.registration] eq ""} {
# punk::cap::class::interface_capprovider.registration create capprovider.registration
# oo::objdefine capprovider.registration {
# method get_declarations {} {
# set decls [list]
# lappend decls [list punk.templates {relpath ../templates}]
# lappend decls [list another_capability_name {somekey blah key2 etc}]
# return $decls
# }
# }
# }
#[para] The above example declares that your package can be registered as a provider for the capabilities named 'punk.templates' and 'another_capability_name'
# [list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
method get_declarations {} {
#[call [class interface_capprovider.registration] [method pkg_unregister] [arg pkg]]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.registration [method get_declarations]]
#[para] This method must be overridden by your provider using oo::objdefine cappprovider.registration as in the example above.
# There must be at least one 2-element list in the result for the provider to be registerable.
#[para]The first element of the list is the capabilityname - which can be custom to your provider/handler packages - or a well-known name that other authors may use/implement.
#[para]The second element is a dictionary of keys specific to the capability being implemented. It may be empty if the any potential capability handlers for the named capability don't require registration data.
error "interface_capprovider.registration not implemented by provider"
#*** !doctools
# [list_end]
oo::class create [namespace current]::interface_capprovider.provider {
#*** !doctools
# [enum] CLASS [class interface_capprovider.provider]
# [para] Your provider package will need to instantiate this directly under it's own namespace with the command name of [emph {provider}]
# [example {
# namespace eval mypackages::providerpkg {
# punk::cap::class::interface_capprovider.provider create provider mypackages::providerpkg
# }
# }]
# [list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
variable provider_pkg
variable registrationobj
constructor {providerpkg} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method constructor] [arg providerpkg]]
variable provider_pkg
if {$providerpkg in [list "" "::"]} {
error "interface_capprovider.provider constructor error. Invalid provider '$providerpkg'"
@ -103,16 +171,33 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
method register {{capabilityname_glob *}} {
#[call [class interface_capprovider.provider] [method register] [opt capabilityname_glob]]
#*** !doctools
#[comment {- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---}]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method register] [opt capabilityname_glob]]
#[para]This is the mechanism by which a user of your provider package will register your package as a provider of the capability named.
#[para]A user of your provider may elect to register all your declared capabilities:
#[example {
# package require mypackages::providerpkg
# mypackages::providerpkg::provider register *
#[para] Or a specific capability may be registered:
#[example {
# package require mypackages::providerpkg
# mypackages::providerpkg::provider register another_capability_name
variable provider_pkg
set all_decls [$registrationobj get_declarations]
set register_decls [lsearch -all -inline -index 0 $all_decls $capabilityname_glob]
punk::cap::register_package $provider_pkg $register_decls
method capabilities {} {
#[call [class interface_capprovider.provider] [method capabilities]]
#*** !doctools
#[comment {- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---}]
#[call class::interface_capprovider.provider [method capabilities]]
#[para] return a list of capabilities supported by this provider package
variable provider_pkg
variable registrationobj
@ -124,28 +209,24 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
lappend capabilities $capname
return $capname
return $capabilities
#*** !doctools
# [list_end] [comment {- end class definitions -}]
#*** !doctools
# [list_end] [comment {- end enumeration provider_classes }]
#[list_end] [comment {- end itemized list punk::cap::class groupings -}]
} ;# end namespace class
namespace eval capsystem {
proc get_caphandler_registry {capname} {
set ns [::punk::cap::get_handler $capname]::capsystem
if {[namespace exists ${ns}]} {
if {[info command ${ns}::caphandler.registry] ne ""} {
if {[info object isa object ${ns}::caphandler.registry]} {
return ${ns}::caphandler.registry
return ""
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap}]
#[para] Main punk::cap API for client programs interested in using capability handler packages and associated (registered) provider packages
#[list_begin definitions]
#Not all capabilities have to be registered.
#A package registering as a provider using register_package can include capabilitynames in it's capabilitylist which have no associated capnamespace (handler).
#Not all capability names have to be registered.
#A package registering as a provider using register_package can include capabilitynames in it's capabilitylist which have no associated handler.
#such unregistered capabilitynames may be used just to flag something, or have datamembers significant to callers cooperatively interested in that capname.
#we allow registering a capability with an empty handler (capnamespace) - but this means another handler could be registered later.
proc register_capabilityname {capname capnamespace} {
@ -161,7 +242,7 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#allow register of existing capname iff there is no current handler
#as handlers can be used to validate during provider registration - ideally handlers should be registered before any pkgs call register_package
#we allow loading a handler later though - but will need to validate existing data from pkgs that have already registered as providers
if {[set hdlr [get_handler $capname]] ne ""} {
if {[set hdlr [capability_get_handler $capname]] ne ""} {
error "register_capabilityname cannot register capability:$capname with handler:$capnamespace. There is already a registered handler:$hdlr"
#assert: capnamespace may or may not be empty string, capname may or may not already exist in caps dict, caps $capname providers may have existing entries.
@ -213,52 +294,33 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
proc exists {capname} {
proc capability_exists {capname} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun exists] [arg capname]]
# [call [fun capability_exists] [arg capname]]
# Return a boolean indicating if the named capability exists (0|1)
# mkdoc markdown
#' ## **exists(capname)**
#' > return a boolean indicating the existence of a capability
#' > Arguments:
#' > - *capname* - string indicating the name of the capability
#' > Returns: 0|1
variable caps
return [dict exists $caps $capname]
proc has_handler {capname} {
proc capability_has_handler {capname} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun has_handler] [arg capname]]
# Return a boolean indicating if the named capability has a handler package installed (0|1)
# [call [fun capability_has_handler] [arg capname]]
#Return a boolean indicating if the named capability has a handler package installed (0|1)
variable caps
return [expr {[dict exists $caps $capname handler] && [dict get $caps $capname handler] ne ""}]
proc get_handler {capname} {
proc capability_get_handler {capname} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun capability_get_handler] [arg capname]]
#Return the base namespace of the active handler package for the named capability.
#[para] The base namespace for a handler will always be the package name, but prefixed with ::
variable caps
if {[dict exists $caps $capname]} {
return [dict get $caps $capname handler]
return ""
#proc call_handler {capname args} {
# if {[set handler [get_handler $capname]] eq ""} {
# error "punk::cap::call_handler $capname $args - no handler registered for capability $capname"
# }
# ${handler}::[lindex $args 0] {*}[lrange $args 1 end]
proc call_handler {capname args} {
if {[set handler [get_handler $capname]] eq ""} {
if {[set handler [capability_get_handler $capname]] eq ""} {
error "punk::cap::call_handler $capname $args - no handler registered for capability $capname"
set obj ${handler}::api_$capname
@ -274,10 +336,21 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#register package with arbitrary capnames from capabilitylist
#The registered pkg is a module that provides some service to that capname. Possibly just data members, that the capability will use.
proc register_package {pkg capabilitylist} {
proc register_package {pkg capabilitylist args} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable pkgcapsaccepted
variable caps
set defaults [dict create\
-nowarnings false
dict for {k v} $args {
if {$k ni $defaults} {
error "Unrecognized option $k. Known options [dict keys $defaults]"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
set warnings [expr {! [dict get $opts -nowarnings]}]
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
@ -286,11 +359,23 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
} else {
set pkg_already_accepted [list]
package require $pkg
set providerapi ::${pkg}::provider
if {[info commands $providerapi] eq ""} {
error "register_package error. pkg '$pkg' doesn't seem to be a punk::cap capability provider (no object found at $providerapi)"
set defined_caps [$providerapi capabilities]
#for each capability
# - ensure 1st element is a single word
# - ensure that if 2nd element (capdict) is present - it is dict shaped
foreach capspec $capabilitylist {
lassign $capspec capname capdict
if {$warnings} {
if {$capname ni $defined_caps} {
puts stderr "WARNING: pkg '$pkg' doesn't declare support for capability '$capname'."
if {[llength $capname] !=1} {
error "register_package error. pkg: '$pkg' An entry in the capability list doesn't appear to have a single-word name. Problematic entry:'$capspec'"
@ -299,7 +384,9 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
if {$capspec in $pkg_already_accepted} {
#review - multiple handlers? if so - will need to record which handler(s) accepted the capspec
puts stderr "register_package pkg $pkg already has capspec marked as accepted: $capspec"
if {$warnings} {
puts stderr "WARNING: register_package pkg $pkg already has capspec marked as accepted: $capspec"
if {[dict exists $caps $capname]} {
@ -371,73 +458,6 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#review promote/demote doesn't always make a lot of sense .. should possibly be per cap for multicap pkgs
#The idea is to provide a crude way to preference/depreference packages independently of order the packages were loaded
#e.g a caller or cap-handler can ascribe some meaning to the order of the 'providers' key returned from punk::cap::capabilities <capname>
#The order of providers will be the order the packages were loaded & registered
#the naming: "promote vs demote" operates on a latest-package-in-list has higher preference assumption (matching last pkg loaded)
#Each capability handler could implement specific preferencing methods if finer control needed.
#In some cases the preference/loading order may be inapplicable/irrelevant to a particular capability anyway.
#As this is just a basic mechanism, which can't support independent per-cap preferencing for multi-cap packages -
# it only allows putting the pkgs to the head or tail of the lists.
#Whether particular caps or users of caps do anything with this ordering is dependent on the cap-handler and/or calling code.
proc promote_package {pkg} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at end of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at tail of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
lappend cap_pkgs $pkg
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
proc demote_package {pkg} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at start of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
set pkgcapsdeclared [dict merge [dict create $pkg $pkginfo] $pkgcapsdeclared]
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at head of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
set cap_pkgs [list $pkg {*}$cap_pkgs]
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
proc pkgcap {pkg} {
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable pkgcapsaccepted
@ -502,7 +522,121 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
return $cap_list
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {- end definitions for namespace punk::cap -}]
namespace eval advanced {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap::advanced}]
#[para] punk::cap::advanced API. Functions here are generally not the preferred way to interact with punk::cap.
#[para] In some cases they may allow interaction in less safe ways or may allow use of features that are unavailable in the base namespace.
#[para] Some functions are here because they are only marginally or rarely useful, and they are here to keep the base API simple.
#[list_begin definitions]
proc promote_provider {pkg} {
#*** !doctools
# [call advanced::[fun promote_provider] [arg pkg]]
#[para]Move the named provider package to the preferred end of the list (tail).
#[para]The active handler may or may not utilise this for preferencing. See documentation for the specific handler package to confirm.
#[para] promote/demote doesn't always make a lot of sense .. should preferably be configurable per capapbility for multicap provider pkgs
#[para]The idea is to provide a crude way to preference/depreference packages independently of order the packages were loaded
#e.g a caller or cap-handler can ascribe some meaning to the order of the 'providers' key returned from punk::cap::capabilities <capname>
#[para]The order of providers will be the order the packages were loaded & registered
#[para]the naming: "promote vs demote" operates on a latest-package-in-list has higher preference assumption (matching last pkg loaded)
#[para]Each capability handler could and should implement specific preferencing methods within its own API if finer control needed.
#In some cases the preference/loading order may be inapplicable/irrelevant to a particular capability anyway.
#[para]As this is just a basic mechanism, which can't support independent per-cap preferencing for multi-cap packages -
# it only allows putting the pkgs to the head or tail of the lists.
#[para]Whether particular caps or users of caps do anything with this ordering is dependent on the cap-handler and/or calling code.
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at end of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at tail of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
lappend cap_pkgs $pkg
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
proc demote_provider {pkg} {
#*** !doctools
# [call advanced::[fun demote_provider] [arg pkg]]
#[para]Move the named provider package to the preferred end of the list (tail).
#[para]The active handler may or may not utilise this for preferencing. See documentation for the specific handler package to confirm.
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable caps
if {[string match ::* $pkg]} {
set pkg [string range $pkg 2 end]
if {![dict exists $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]} {
error "punk::cap::promote_package error pkg'$pkg' not registered. Use register_package \$pkg first"
if {[dict size $pkgcapsdeclared] > 1} {
set pkginfo [dict get $pkgcapsdeclared $pkg]
#remove and re-add at start of dict
dict unset pkgcapsdeclared $pkg
dict set pkgcapsdeclared $pkg $pkginfo
set pkgcapsdeclared [dict merge [dict create $pkg $pkginfo] $pkgcapsdeclared]
dict for {cap cap_info} $caps {
set cap_pkgs [dict get $cap_info providers]
if {$pkg in $cap_pkgs} {
set posn [lsearch $cap_pkgs $pkg]
if {$posn >=0} {
#rewrite package list with pkg at head of list for this capability
set cap_pkgs [lreplace $cap_pkgs $posn $posn]
set cap_pkgs [list $pkg {*}$cap_pkgs]
dict set caps $cap providers $cap_pkgs
#*** !doctools
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval capsystem {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::cap::capsystem}]
#[para] Internal functions used to communicate between punk::cap and capability handlers
#[list_begin definitions]
proc get_caphandler_registry {capname} {
set ns [::punk::cap::capability_get_handler $capname]::capsystem
if {[namespace exists ${ns}]} {
if {[info command ${ns}::caphandler.registry] ne ""} {
if {[info object isa object ${ns}::caphandler.registry]} {
return ${ns}::caphandler.registry
return ""
#*** !doctools
@ -524,5 +658,4 @@ package provide punk::cap [namespace eval punk::cap {
#*** !doctools


@ -24,15 +24,14 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
variable has_twapi 0
if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
#jmn disable twapi
#package require zzzload
#zzzload::pkg_require twapi
#if {[catch {package require twapi}]} {
# puts stderr "Warning: punk::du - unable to load twapi. Disk operations may be much slower on windows without the twapi package"
#} else {
# set punk::du::has_twapi 1
package require zzzload
zzzload::pkg_require twapi
if {[catch {package require twapi}]} {
puts stderr "Warning: punk::du - unable to load twapi. Disk operations may be much slower on windows without the twapi package"
} else {
set punk::du::has_twapi 1
#package require punk::winpath
@ -1248,10 +1247,11 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
proc du_dirlisting_undecided {folderpath args} {
if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
#jmn disable twapi
tailcall du_dirlisting_generic $folderpath {*}$args
#tailcall du_dirlisting_generic $folderpath {*}$args
set loadstate [zzzload::pkg_require twapi]
if {$loadstate ni [list loading failed]} {
#either already loaded by zzload or ordinary package require
package require twapi ;#should be fast once twapi dll loaded in zzzload thread
set ::punk::du::has_twapi 1
punk::du::active::set_active_function du_dirlisting du_dirlisting_twapi


@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package provide punk::mix::base [namespace eval punk::mix::base {
set version 0.1
package require punk::path
#base internal plumbing functions
namespace eval punk::mix::base {
@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
set folderdict [dict create]
package require punk::cap
if {[punk::cap::has_handler punk.templates]} {
if {[punk::cap::capability_has_handler punk.templates]} {
set template_folder_dict [punk::cap::call_handler punk.templates folders]
dict for {dir folderinfo} $template_folder_dict {
dict set folderdict $dir $folderinfo
@ -632,7 +633,8 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
cd $base ;#cd is process-wide.. keep cd in effect for as small a scope as possible. (review for thread issues)
#temp emission to stdout.. todo - repl telemetry channel
puts stdout "cksum_path: creating temporary tar archive at: $archivename .."
puts stdout "cksum_path: creating temporary tar archive for $path"
puts stdout " at: $archivename .."
tar::create $archivename $target
if {$ftype eq "file"} {
set sizeinfo "(size [file size $target])"
@ -757,7 +759,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
set normbase [file normalize $base]
set normtarg [file normalize [file join $normbase $specifiedpath]]
set targetpath $normtarg
set storedpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $normbase $normtarg]
set storedpath [punk::path::relative $normbase $normtarg]
} else {
set targetpath [file join $base $specifiedpath]
set storedpath $specifiedpath
@ -776,7 +778,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
error "get_relativecksum_from_base error: base '$base' and specifiedpath '$specifiedpath' don't share a common root. Use empty-string for base if independent absolute path is required"
set targetpath $specifiedpath
set storedpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $base $specifiedpath]
set storedpath [punk::path::relative $base $specifiedpath]
} else {


@ -477,7 +477,13 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
set did_skip 0 ;#flag for stdout/stderr formatting only
foreach m $src_modules {
#puts "build_modules_from_source_to_base >>> module $m"
set is_interesting 0
if {[string match "foobar" $current_source_dir]} {
set is_interesting 1
if {$is_interesting} {
puts "build_modules_from_source_to_base >>> module $current_source_dir/$m"
set fileparts [split [file rootname $m] -]
set tmfile_versionsegment [lindex $fileparts end]
if {$tmfile_versionsegment eq $magicversion} {
@ -582,7 +588,9 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_finished_install $basedir $file_record]
$event targetset_end OK
} else {
#puts stdout "skipping module $current_source_dir/$m - no change in sources detected"
if {$is_interesting} {
puts stdout "skipping module $current_source_dir/$m - no change in sources detected"
puts -nonewline stderr "."
set did_skip 1
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_skipped_install $basedir $file_record]
@ -627,15 +635,18 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
$event targetset_started
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
if {$did_skip} {set did_skip 0; puts -nonewline stdout \n}
puts stderr "Copied already versioned module $current_source_dir/$m to $target_module_dir"
lappend module_list $current_source_dir/$m
file copy -force $current_source_dir/$m $target_module_dir
puts stderr "Copied already versioned module $current_source_dir/$m to $target_module_dir"
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_finished_install $basedir $file_record]
$event targetset_end OK -note "already versioned module"
} else {
puts -nonewline stderr "."
set did_skip 1
if {$is_interesting} {
puts stderr "$current_source_dir/$m [$event targetset_source_changes]"
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_skipped_install $basedir $file_record]
$event targetset_end SKIPPED


@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
## Requirements
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk ;# for treefilenames
package require punk::path ;# for treefilenames, relative
package require punk::repo
package require punk::docgen ;#inline doctools - generate doctools .man files at src/docgen prior to using kettle to producing .html .md etc
package require punk::mix::cli ;#punk::mix::cli::lib used for kettle_call
package require punk::mix::util ;#for path_relative
#package require punk::mix::util ;#for path_relative
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
#user may delete the comment containing "--- punk::docgen::overwrites" and then manually edit, and we won't overwrite
#we still generate output in src/docgen so user can diff and manually update if thats what they prefer
set oldfiles [glob -nocomplain -dir $projectdir/src/doc -type f _module_*]
set oldfiles [punk::path::treefilenames $projectdir/src/doc _module_*.man]
foreach maybedoomed $oldfiles {
set fd [open $maybedoomed r]
set data [read $fd]
@ -57,9 +57,18 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
if {[dict get $generated count] > 0} {
set doclist [dict get $generated docs]
set source_base [dict get $generated base]
set target_base $projectdir/src/doc
foreach dinfo $doclist {
lassign $dinfo module fpath
set target $projectdir/src/doc/_module_[file tail $fpath]
set relpath [punk::path::relative $source_base $fpath]
set relfolder [file dirname $relpath]
if {$relfolder eq "."} {
set relfolder ""
file mkdir [file join $target_base $relfolder]
set target [file join $target_base $relfolder _module_[file tail $fpath]]
puts stderr "target --> $target"
if {![file exists $target]} {
file copy $fpath $target
@ -184,23 +193,24 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
variable pkg
set pkg punk::mix::commandset::doc
proc do_docgen {{project_subpath modules}} {
#Extract doctools comments from source code
set projectdir [punk::repo::find_project]
set outdir [file join $projectdir src docgen]
set subpath [file join $projectdir $project_subpath]
if {![file isdirectory $subpath]} {
puts stderr "WARNING punk::mix::commandset::doc unable to find subpath $subpath during do_docgen - skipping inline doctools generation"
set output_base [file join $projectdir src docgen]
set codesource_path [file join $projectdir $project_subpath]
if {![file isdirectory $codesource_path]} {
puts stderr "WARNING punk::mix::commandset::doc unable to find codesource_path $codesource_path during do_docgen - skipping inline doctools generation"
if {[file isdirectory $outdir]} {
if {[file isdirectory $output_base]} {
if {[catch {
file delete -force $outdir
file delete -force $output_base
}]} {
error "do_docgen failed to delete existing $outdir"
error "do_docgen failed to delete existing output base folder: $output_base"
file mkdir $outdir
file mkdir $output_base
set matched_paths [punk::treefilenames $subpath *.tm]
set matched_paths [punk::path::treefilenames $codesource_path *.tm -antiglob_paths {**/mix/templates/** **/mixtemplates/**}]
set count 0
set newdocs [list]
set docgen_header_comments ""
@ -208,14 +218,34 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
append docgen_header_comments {[comment {--- punk::docgen DO NOT EDIT DOCS HERE UNLESS YOU REMOVE THESE COMMENT LINES ---}]} \n
append docgen_header_comments {[comment {--- punk::docgen overwrites this file ---}]} \n
foreach fullpath $matched_paths {
set relpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $subpath $fullpath]
set tailsegs [file split $relpath]
set module_fullname [join $tailsegs ::]
set docname [string map [list :: _] $module_fullname].man ;#todo - something better - need to ensure unique
set doctools [punk::docgen::get_doctools_comments $fullpath]
if {$doctools ne ""} {
puts stdout "generating doctools output from file $relpath"
set outfile [file join $outdir $docname]
set fname [file tail $fullpath]
set mod_tail [file rootname $fname]
set relpath [punk::path::relative $codesource_path [file dirname $fullpath]]
if {$relpath eq "."} {
set relpath ""
set tailsegs [file split $relpath]
set module_fullname [join $tailsegs ::]::$mod_tail
set target_docname $
set this_outdir [file join $output_base $relpath]
if {[string length $fname] > 99} {
#output needs to be tarballed to do checksum change tests in a reasonably straightforward and not-too-terribly slow way.
#hack - review. Determine exact limit - test if tcllib tar fixed or if it's a limit of the particular tar format
#work around tcllib tar filename length limit ( somewhere around 100?) This seems to be a limit on the length of a particular segment in the path.. not whole path length?
#this case only came up because docgen used to path munge to long filenames - but left because we know there is a limit and renaming fixes it - even if it's ugly - but still allows doc generation.
#review - if we're checking fname - should also test length of whole path and determine limits for tar
package require md5
set target_docname [md5::md5 -hex $fullpath]
puts stderr "WARNING - overlong file name - renaming $fullpath"
puts stderr " to [file dirname $fullpath]/$target_docname"
file mkdir $this_outdir
puts stdout "saving [string length $doctools] bytes of doctools output from file $relpath/$fname"
set outfile [file join $this_outdir $target_docname]
set fd [open $outfile w]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fd $docgen_header_comments$doctools
@ -224,7 +254,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
lappend newdocs [list $module_fullname $outfile]
return [list count $count docs $newdocs]
return [list count $count docs $newdocs base $output_base]


@ -141,7 +141,10 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::layout {
#use last matching layout found. review silent if multiple?
if {![llength $tags]} {
#todo - get standard tags from somewhere
set tags [list %project%]
set tagnames [list project]
foreach tn $tagnames {
lappend tags [string cat % $tn %]
set file_list [list]
util::foreach-file $layoutfolder path {


@ -13,10 +13,72 @@
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin punk::mix::commandset::project 0 0.1.0]
#[copyright "2023"]
#[titledesc {pmix commandset - project}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {pmix CLI commandset - project}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require punk::mix::commandset::project]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of punk::mix::commandset::project
#[para]Import into an ensemble namespace similarly to the way it is done with punk::mix::cli e.g
#[example {
# namespace eval myproject::cli {
# namespace export *
# namespace ensemble create
# package require punk::overlay
# package require punk::mix::commandset::project
# punk::overlay::import_commandset project . ::punk::mix::commandset::project
# punk::overlay::import_commandset projects . ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection
# }
#[para] Where the . in the above example is the prefix/command separator
#[para]The prefix ('project' in the above example) can be any string desired to disambiguate commands imported from other commandsets.
#[para]The above results in the availability of the ensemble command: ::myproject::cli, which is implemented in ::punk::mix::commandset::project::new
#[para]Similarly, procs under ::punk::mix::commandset::project::collection will be available as subcommands of the ensemble as projects.<procname>
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] see punk::overlay
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
##e.g package require frobz
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by punk::mix::commandset::project
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
#[item] [package punk::ns]
#[item] [package sqlite3] (binary)
#[item] [package overtype]
#[item] [package textutil] (tcllib)
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
@ -24,10 +86,36 @@
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
namespace export *
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::mix::commandset::project}]
#[para] core commandset functions for punk::mix::commandset::project
#[list_begin definitions]
proc _default {} {
package require punk::ns
set dispatched_to [lindex [info level 2] 0] ;#e.g ::punk::mix::cli::project
set dispatch_tail [punk::ns::nstail $dispatched_to]
set dispatch_ensemble [punk::ns::nsprefix $dispatched_to] ;#e.g ::punk::mix::cli
set sibling_commands [namespace eval $dispatch_ensemble {namespace export}]
#todo - get separator?
set sep "."
set result [list]
foreach sib $sibling_commands {
if {[string match ${dispatch_tail}${sep}* $sib]} {
lappend result $sib
return [lsort $result]
#new project structure - may be dedicated to one module, or contain many.
#create minimal folder structure only by specifying -modules {}
proc new {newprojectpath_or_name args} {
#*** !doctools
# [call [fun new] [arg newprojectpath_or_name] [opt args]]
#new project structure - may be dedicated to one module, or contain many.
#create minimal folder structure only by specifying in args: -modules {}
if {[file pathtype $newprojectpath_or_name] eq "absolute"} {
set projectfullpath [file normalize $newprojectpath_or_name]
set projectname [file tail $projectfullpath]
@ -242,7 +330,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
set layout_dir $templatebase/layouts/$opt_layout
puts stdout ">>> about to call punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir"
set resultdict [dict create]
set unpublish [list\
set antipaths [list\
@ -250,11 +338,11 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
#default antiglob_dir_core will stop .fossil* from being updated - which is generally desirable as these are likely to be customized
if {$opt_force} {
puts stdout "copying layout files - with force applied - overwrite all-targets"
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite ALL-TARGETS -unpublish_paths $unpublish]
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite ALL-TARGETS -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
#file copy -force $layout_dir $projectdir
} else {
puts stdout "copying layout files - (if source file changed)"
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -unpublish_paths $unpublish]
set resultdict [punkcheck::install $layout_dir $projectdir -installer -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets -antiglob_paths $antipaths]
puts stdout [punkcheck::summarize_install_resultdict $resultdict]
@ -293,7 +381,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
set fpath [file join $projectdir $templatetail]
if {[file exists $fpath]} {
set fd [open $fpath r]; fconfigure $fd -translation binary; set data [read $fd]; close $fd
set data2 [string map [list %project% $projectname] $data]
set data2 [string map [list [lib::template_tag project] $projectname] $data]
if {$data2 ne $data} {
puts stdout "updated template file: $fpath"
set fdout [open $fpath w]; fconfigure $fdout -translation binary; puts -nonewline $fdout $data2; close $fdout
@ -406,8 +494,10 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
puts stdout "-done- project:$projectname projectdir: $projectdir"
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::mix::commandset::project ---}]
namespace eval collection {
namespace eval collection {
namespace export *
namespace path [namespace parent]
@ -764,6 +854,12 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
namespace eval lib {
proc template_tag {tagname} {
#todo - support different tagwrappers - it shouldn't be so likely to collide with common code idioms etc.
#we need to detect presence of tags intended for punk::mix system
#consider using punk::cap to enable multiple template-substitution providers with their own set of tagnames and/or tag wrappers, where substitution providers are all run
return [string cat % $tagname %]
#get project info only by opening the central confg-db
#(will not have proper project-name etc)
proc get_projects {{globlist {}} args} {
@ -828,9 +924,8 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::project {
#*** !doctools


@ -131,83 +131,6 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::util {
#maint warning - also in punkcheck
proc path_relative {base dst} {
#see also kettle
# Modified copy of ::fileutil::relative (tcllib)
# Adapted to 8.5 ({*}).
# Taking two _directory_ paths, a base and a destination, computes the path
# of the destination relative to the base.
# Arguments:
# base The path to make the destination relative to.
# dst The destination path
# Results:
# The path of the destination, relative to the base.
# Ensure that the link to directory 'dst' is properly done relative to
# the directory 'base'.
#review - check volume info on windows.. UNC paths?
if {[file pathtype $base] ne [file pathtype $dst]} {
return -code error "Unable to compute relation for paths of different pathtypes: [file pathtype $base] vs. [file pathtype $dst], ($base vs. $dst)"
#avoid normalizing if possible (file normalize *very* expensive on windows)
set do_normalize 0
if {[file pathtype $base] eq "relative"} {
#if base is relative so is dst
if {[regexp {[.]{2}} [list $base $dst]]} {
set do_normalize 1
if {[regexp {[.]/} [list $base $dst]]} {
set do_normalize 1
} else {
set do_normalize 1
if {$do_normalize} {
set base [file normalize $base]
set dst [file normalize $dst]
set save $dst
set base [file split $base]
set dst [file split $dst]
while {[lindex $dst 0] eq [lindex $base 0]} {
set dst [lrange $dst 1 end]
set base [lrange $base 1 end]
if {![llength $dst]} {break}
set dstlen [llength $dst]
set baselen [llength $base]
if {($dstlen == 0) && ($baselen == 0)} {
# Cases:
# (a) base == dst
set dst .
} else {
# Cases:
# (b) base is: base/sub = sub
# dst is: base = {}
# (c) base is: base = {}
# dst is: base/sub = sub
while {$baselen > 0} {
set dst [linsert $dst 0 ..]
incr baselen -1
set dst [file join {*}$dst]
return $dst
#namespace import ::punk::ns::nsimport_noclobber
proc namespace_import_pattern_to_namespace_noclobber {pattern ns} {


@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ namespace eval ::punk::overlay {
set imported_commands [list]
set nscaller [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]]
if {[catch {
#review - noclobber?
namespace eval ${nscaller}::temp_import [list namespace import ${cmdnamespace}::*]
foreach cmd [info commands ${nscaller}::temp_import::*] {
set cmdtail [namespace tail $cmd]


@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
catch {package require punk::winpath}
package require fileutil; #tcllib
package require punk::path
package require punk::mix::base ;#uses core functions from punk::mix::base::lib namespace e.g cksum_path
package require punk::mix::util
package require punk::mix::util ;#do_in_path
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
if {$repodir eq ""} {
error "workingdir_state error: No repository found at or above path '$abspath'"
set subpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $repodir $abspath]
set subpath [punk::path::relative $repodir $abspath]
if {$subpath eq "."} {
set subpath ""
@ -708,10 +709,10 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
append msg "** starting folder : $start_dir" \n
append msg "** untracked : $candroot" \n
if {$closest_fossil_len} {
append msg "** fossil root : $closest_fossil ([punk::mix::util::path_relative $start_dir $closest_fossil])" \n
append msg "** fossil root : $closest_fossil ([punk::path::relative $start_dir $closest_fossil])" \n
if {$closest_git_len} {
append msg "** git root : $closest_git ([punk::mix::util::path_relative $start_dir $closest_git])" \n
append msg "** git root : $closest_git ([punk::path::relative $start_dir $closest_git])" \n
append msg "**" \n


@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk::tdl
package require punk::path
package require punk::repo
package require punk::mix::util
@ -1106,29 +1107,6 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
return [lindex $args end]
proc pathglob_as_re {glob} {
#any segment that is not just * must match exactly one segment in the path
set pats [list]
foreach seg [file split $glob] {
if {$seg eq "*"} {
lappend pats {[^/]*}
} elseif {$seg eq "**"} {
lappend pats {.*}
} else {
set seg [string map [list . {[.]}] $seg]
if {[regexp {[*?]} $seg]} {
set pat [string map [list * {[^/]*} ? {[^/]}] $seg]
lappend pats "$pat"
} else {
lappend pats "$seg"
return "^[join $pats /]\$"
proc globmatchpath {glob path} {
return [regexp [pathglob_as_re $glob] $path]
## unidirectional file transfer to possibly non empty folder
#default of -overwrite no-targets will only copy files that are missing at the target
# -overwrite newer-targets will copy files with older source timestamp over newer target timestamp and those missing at the target (a form of 'restore' operation)
@ -1349,7 +1327,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
foreach unpub $opt_antiglob_paths {
#puts "testing folder - globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir"
if {[globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir]} {
if {[punk::path::globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir]} {
lappend antiglob_paths_matched $current_source_dir
return [list files_copied {} files_skipped {} sources_unchanged {} punkcheck_records $punkcheck_records antiglob_paths_matched $antiglob_paths_matched srcdir $srcdir tgtdir $tgtdir punkcheck_folder $punkcheck_folder]
@ -1421,7 +1399,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set is_antipath 0
foreach antipath $opt_antiglob_paths {
#puts "testing file - globmatchpath $antipath vs $relative_source_path"
if {[globmatchpath $antipath $relative_source_path]} {
if {[punk::path::globmatchpath $antipath $relative_source_path]} {
lappend antiglob_paths_matched $current_source_dir
set is_antipath 1


@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin %pkg% 0 999999.0a1.0]
#[copyright "%year%"]
#[titledesc {Module API}]
#[moddesc {-}]
#[titledesc {Module API}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {-}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require %pkg%]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
@ -44,11 +44,11 @@
package require Tcl 8.6
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package Tcl 8.6]
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
##package require frobz
##*** !doctools
##[item] [package frobz]
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
@ -69,21 +69,21 @@ namespace eval %pkg%::class {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
oo::class create interface_sample1 {
#*** !doctools
#[enum] [emph {CLASS interface_sample1}]
#[list_begin definitions]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
method test {arg1} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::[class interface_sample1] [method test] [arg arg1]]
#[para] test method
puts "test: $arg1"
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ namespace eval %pkg% {
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace %pkg% ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++


@ -131,83 +131,6 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::util {
#maint warning - also in punkcheck
proc path_relative {base dst} {
#see also kettle
# Modified copy of ::fileutil::relative (tcllib)
# Adapted to 8.5 ({*}).
# Taking two _directory_ paths, a base and a destination, computes the path
# of the destination relative to the base.
# Arguments:
# base The path to make the destination relative to.
# dst The destination path
# Results:
# The path of the destination, relative to the base.
# Ensure that the link to directory 'dst' is properly done relative to
# the directory 'base'.
#review - check volume info on windows.. UNC paths?
if {[file pathtype $base] ne [file pathtype $dst]} {
return -code error "Unable to compute relation for paths of different pathtypes: [file pathtype $base] vs. [file pathtype $dst], ($base vs. $dst)"
#avoid normalizing if possible (file normalize *very* expensive on windows)
set do_normalize 0
if {[file pathtype $base] eq "relative"} {
#if base is relative so is dst
if {[regexp {[.]{2}} [list $base $dst]]} {
set do_normalize 1
if {[regexp {[.]/} [list $base $dst]]} {
set do_normalize 1
} else {
set do_normalize 1
if {$do_normalize} {
set base [file normalize $base]
set dst [file normalize $dst]
set save $dst
set base [file split $base]
set dst [file split $dst]
while {[lindex $dst 0] eq [lindex $base 0]} {
set dst [lrange $dst 1 end]
set base [lrange $base 1 end]
if {![llength $dst]} {break}
set dstlen [llength $dst]
set baselen [llength $base]
if {($dstlen == 0) && ($baselen == 0)} {
# Cases:
# (a) base == dst
set dst .
} else {
# Cases:
# (b) base is: base/sub = sub
# dst is: base = {}
# (c) base is: base = {}
# dst is: base/sub = sub
while {$baselen > 0} {
set dst [linsert $dst 0 ..]
incr baselen -1
set dst [file join {*}$dst]
return $dst
#namespace import ::punk::ns::nsimport_noclobber
proc namespace_import_pattern_to_namespace_noclobber {pattern ns} {


@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ namespace eval ::punk::overlay {
set imported_commands [list]
set nscaller [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]]
if {[catch {
#review - noclobber?
namespace eval ${nscaller}::temp_import [list namespace import ${cmdnamespace}::*]
foreach cmd [info commands ${nscaller}::temp_import::*] {
set cmdtail [namespace tail $cmd]


@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use 'pmix make' or src/make.tcl to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) 2023
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application punk::path 999999.0a1.0
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license <unspecified>
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin punk::path 0 999999.0a1.0]
#[copyright "2023"]
#[titledesc {Filesystem path utilities}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {punk path filesystem utils}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require punk::path]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para] overview of punk::path
#[para] Filesystem path utility functions
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by punk::path
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# oo::class namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::path::class {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::path::class}]
#[para] class definitions
if {[info commands [namespace current]::interface_sample1] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Base namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::path {
namespace export *
#variable xyz
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::path}]
#[para] Core API functions for punk::path
#[list_begin definitions]
proc pathglob_as_re {pathglob} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun pathglob_as_re] [arg pathglob]]
#[para] Returns a regular expression for matching a path to a glob pattern which can contain glob chars *|? in any segment of the path structure
#[para] ** matches any number of subdirectories.
#[para] e.g /etc/**/*.txt will match any .txt files at any depth below /etc (except directly within /etc itself)
#[para] e.g /etc/**.txt will match any .txt files at any depth below /etc
#[para] any segment that does not contain ** must match exactly one segment in the path
#[para] e.g the glob /etc/*/*.doc - will match any .doc files that are exactly one tree level below /etc
#[para] The pathglob doesn't have to contain glob characters, in which case the returned regex will match the pathglob exactly as specified.
#[para] Regular expression syntax is deliberateley not supported within the pathglob string so that supplied regex characters will be treated as literals
#todo - consider whether a way to escape the glob chars ? * is practical - to allow literals ? *
# - would require counting immediately-preceding backslashes
set pats [list]
foreach seg [file split $pathglob] {
if {[string range $seg end end] eq "/"} {
set seg [string range $seg 0 end-1] ;# e.g c:/ -> c: / -> "" so that join at end doesn't double up
if {$seg eq "*"} {
lappend pats {[^/]*}
} elseif {$seg eq "**"} {
lappend pats {.*}
} else {
set seg [string map [list {^ {\^} $ {\$} [} {\[} ( {\(} \{ \\\{ \\ {\\}] $seg] ;#treat regex characters in the input as literals
set seg [string map [list . {[.]}] $seg]
if {[regexp {[*?]} $seg]} {
set pat [string map [list ** {.*} * {[^/]*} ? {[^/]}] $seg]
lappend pats "$pat"
} else {
lappend pats "$seg"
return "^[join $pats /]\$"
proc globmatchpath {pathglob path args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun globmatchpath] [arg pathglob] [arg path] [opt {option value...}]]
#[para] Return true if the pathglob matches the path
#[para] see [fun pathglob_as_re] for pathglob description
#[para] Caller must ensure that file separator is forward slash. (e.g use file normalize on windows)
#[para] Known options:
#[para] -nocase 0|1 (default 0 - case sensitive)
#[para] If -nocase is not supplied - default to case sensitive *except for driveletter*
#[para] ie - the driveletter alone in paths such as c:/etc will still be case insensitive. (ie c:/ETC/* will match C:/ETC/blah but not C:/etc/blah)
#[para] Explicitly specifying -nocase 0 will require the entire case to match including the driveletter.
set defaults [dict create\
-nocase \uFFFF\
set known_opts [dict keys $defaults]
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
dict for {k v} $args {
if {$k ni $known_opts} {
error "Unrecognised options $k - known options: $known_opts"
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_nocase [dict get $opts -nocase]
set explicit_nocase 1 ;#default to disprove
if {$opt_nocase eq "\uFFFF"} {
set opt_nocase 0
set explicit_nocase 0
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
if {$opt_nocase} {
return [regexp -nocase [pathglob_as_re $pathglob] $path]
} else {
set re [pathglob_as_re $pathglob]
if {$explicit_nocase} {
set ismatch [regexp $re $path] ;#explicit -nocase 0 - require exact match of path literals including driveletter
} else {
#caller is using default for -nocase - which indicates case sensitivity - but we have an exception for the driveletter.
set re_segments [file split $re] ;#Note that file split c:/etc gives {c:/ etc} but file split ^c:/etc gives {^c: etc}
set first_seg [lindex $re_segments 0]
if {[regexp {^\^(.{1}):$} $first_seg _match driveletter]} {
#first part of re is like "^c:" i.e a drive letter
set chars [string tolower $driveletter][string toupper $driveletter]
set re [join [concat "^\[$chars\]:" [lrange $re_segments 1 end]] /] ;#rebuild re with case insensitive driveletter only - use join - not file join. file join will misinterpret leading re segment.
#puts stderr "-->re: $re"
set ismatch [regexp $re $path]
return $ismatch
#todo - implement treefiles which acts like dirfiles but allows path globbing in the same way as punk::ns::ns/
#then review if treefiles can replace dirfiles or if both should exist (dirfiles can have literal glob chars in path segments - but that is a rare usecase)
proc treefilenames {basepath tailglob args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun treefilenames] [arg basepath] [arg tailglob] [opt {option value...}]]
#basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive
#no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem
set defaults [dict create\
-call-depth-internal 0\
-antiglob_paths {}\
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
set opt_antiglob_paths [dict get $opts -antiglob_paths]
set CALLDEPTH [dict get $opts -call-depth-internal]
set files [list]
if {$CALLDEPTH == 0} {
if {![file isdirectory $basepath]} {
return [list]
set skip 0
foreach anti $opt_antiglob_paths {
if {[globmatchpath $anti $basepath]} {
set skip 1
if {$skip} {
return [list]
#todo - account for vfs where matched path could appear to be a directory but is mounted so could be a desired match?
set dirfiles [glob -nocomplain -dir $basepath -type f $tailglob]
lappend files {*}$dirfiles
set dirdirs [glob -nocomplain -dir $basepath -type d *]
foreach dir $dirdirs {
set skip 0
foreach anti $opt_antiglob_paths {
if {[globmatchpath $anti $dir]} {
set skip 1
if {$skip} {
set nextargs [dict merge $args [list -call-depth-internal [incr CALLDEPTH]]]
lappend files {*}[treefilenames $dir $tailglob {*}$nextargs]
return $files
#maint warning - also in punkcheck
proc relative {reference location} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun relative] [arg reference] [arg location]]
#[para] Taking two directory paths, a reference and a location, computes the path
# of the location relative to the reference.
#[list_begin itemized]
#[para] Arguments:
# [list_begin arguments]
# [arg_def string reference] The path from which the relative path to location is determined.
# [arg_def string location] The location path which may be above or below the reference path
# [list_end]
#[para] Results:
#[para] The relative path of the location to the reference path.
#[para] Will return a single dot "." if the paths are the same
#[para] Notes:
#[para] Both paths must be the same type - ie both absolute or both relative
#[para] Case sensitive. ie relative /etc /etC
# will return ../etC
#[para] On windows, the drive-letter component (only) is not case sensitive
#[para] ie relative c:/etc C:/etc returns .
#[para] but relative c:/etc C:/Etc returns ../Etc
#[para] On windows, if the paths are absolute and specifiy different volumes, only the location will be returned.
# ie relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
# returns d:/etc/blah
#see also kettle
# Modified copy of ::fileutil::relative (tcllib)
# Adapted to 8.5 ({*}).
#review - check volume info on windows.. UNC paths?
if {[file pathtype $reference] ne [file pathtype $location]} {
return -code error "Unable to compute relation for paths of different pathtypes: [file pathtype $reference] vs. [file pathtype $location], ($reference vs. $location)"
#avoid normalizing if possible (file normalize *very* expensive on windows)
set do_normalize 0
if {[file pathtype $reference] eq "relative"} {
#if reference is relative so is location
if {[regexp {[.]{2}} [list $reference $location]]} {
set do_normalize 1
if {[regexp {[.]/} [list $reference $location]]} {
set do_normalize 1
} else {
set do_normalize 1
if {$do_normalize} {
set reference [file normalize $reference]
set location [file normalize $location]
set save $location
set reference [file split $reference]
set location [file split $location]
while {[lindex $location 0] eq [lindex $reference 0]} {
set location [lrange $location 1 end]
set reference [lrange $reference 1 end]
if {![llength $location]} {break}
set location_len [llength $location]
set reference_len [llength $reference]
if {($location_len == 0) && ($reference_len == 0)} {
# Cases:
# (a) reference == location
set location .
} else {
# Cases:
# (b) ref is: ref/sub = sub
# loc is: ref = {}
# (c) ref is: ref = {}
# loc is: ref/sub = sub
while {$reference_len > 0} {
set location [linsert $location 0 ..]
incr reference_len -1
set location [file join {*}$location]
return $location
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::path ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::path::lib {
namespace export *
namespace path [namespace parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::path::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::path::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval punk::path::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::path::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide punk::path [namespace eval punk::path {
variable pkg punk::path
variable version
set version 999999.0a1.0
#*** !doctools


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#First line must be a semantic version number
#all other lines are ignored.


@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
#puts stdout "===============repl loading twapi==========="
#zzzload::pkg_wait twapi
if {![catch {package require twapix}]} {
if {![catch {package require twapi}]} {
proc ::repl::term::handler_console_control {args} {
puts -nonewline stdout .


@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
catch {package require punk::winpath}
package require fileutil; #tcllib
package require punk::path
package require punk::mix::base ;#uses core functions from punk::mix::base::lib namespace e.g cksum_path
package require punk::mix::util
package require punk::mix::util ;#do_in_path
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
if {$repodir eq ""} {
error "workingdir_state error: No repository found at or above path '$abspath'"
set subpath [punk::mix::util::path_relative $repodir $abspath]
set subpath [punk::path::relative $repodir $abspath]
if {$subpath eq "."} {
set subpath ""
@ -708,10 +709,10 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
append msg "** starting folder : $start_dir" \n
append msg "** untracked : $candroot" \n
if {$closest_fossil_len} {
append msg "** fossil root : $closest_fossil ([punk::mix::util::path_relative $start_dir $closest_fossil])" \n
append msg "** fossil root : $closest_fossil ([punk::path::relative $start_dir $closest_fossil])" \n
if {$closest_git_len} {
append msg "** git root : $closest_git ([punk::mix::util::path_relative $start_dir $closest_git])" \n
append msg "** git root : $closest_git ([punk::path::relative $start_dir $closest_git])" \n
append msg "**" \n


@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk::tdl
package require punk::path
package require punk::repo
package require punk::mix::util
@ -1106,29 +1107,6 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
return [lindex $args end]
proc pathglob_as_re {glob} {
#any segment that is not just * must match exactly one segment in the path
set pats [list]
foreach seg [file split $glob] {
if {$seg eq "*"} {
lappend pats {[^/]*}
} elseif {$seg eq "**"} {
lappend pats {.*}
} else {
set seg [string map [list . {[.]}] $seg]
if {[regexp {[*?]} $seg]} {
set pat [string map [list * {[^/]*} ? {[^/]}] $seg]
lappend pats "$pat"
} else {
lappend pats "$seg"
return "^[join $pats /]\$"
proc globmatchpath {glob path} {
return [regexp [pathglob_as_re $glob] $path]
## unidirectional file transfer to possibly non empty folder
#default of -overwrite no-targets will only copy files that are missing at the target
# -overwrite newer-targets will copy files with older source timestamp over newer target timestamp and those missing at the target (a form of 'restore' operation)
@ -1349,7 +1327,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
foreach unpub $opt_antiglob_paths {
#puts "testing folder - globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir"
if {[globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir]} {
if {[punk::path::globmatchpath $unpub $relative_source_dir]} {
lappend antiglob_paths_matched $current_source_dir
return [list files_copied {} files_skipped {} sources_unchanged {} punkcheck_records $punkcheck_records antiglob_paths_matched $antiglob_paths_matched srcdir $srcdir tgtdir $tgtdir punkcheck_folder $punkcheck_folder]
@ -1421,7 +1399,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set is_antipath 0
foreach antipath $opt_antiglob_paths {
#puts "testing file - globmatchpath $antipath vs $relative_source_path"
if {[globmatchpath $antipath $relative_source_path]} {
if {[punk::path::globmatchpath $antipath $relative_source_path]} {
lappend antiglob_paths_matched $current_source_dir
set is_antipath 1


@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ namespace eval zzzload {
proc pkg_require {pkgname args} {
variable loader_tid
if {[set ver [package provide twapi]] ne ""} {
#skip the whole shebazzle if it's already loaded
return $ver
if {$loader_tid eq ""} {
set loader_tid [thread::create -joinable -preserved]
@ -75,6 +79,10 @@ namespace eval zzzload {
proc pkg_wait {pkgname} {
if {[set ver [package provide twapi]] ne ""} {
return $ver
set pkgstate [tsv::get zzzload_pkg $pkgname]
if {$pkgstate eq "loading"} {
set mutex [tsv::get zzzload_pkg_mutex $pkgname]


@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
2013-11-22 Andreas Kupries <>
* Reviewed the work on the pyk-tar branch. Brought
* tar.tcl: new testsuite up to spec. Reviewed the skip fix,
* tar.test: modified it to reinstate the skip limit per round
* test-support.tcl: without getting the bug back. Bumped version
to 0.9. Thanks to PoorYorick for the initial work on the bug,
fix, and testsuite. This also fixes ticket [6b7aa0aecc].
2013-08-12 Andreas Kupries <>
* (tar::untar, contents, stat, get): Extended the
* tar.tcl: procedures to detect and properly handle @LongName
* pkgIndex.tcl: header entries as generated by GNU tar. These
entries contain the file name for the next header entry as file
data, for files whose name is longer than the 100-char field of
the regular header. Version bumped to 0.8. This is a new
2013-02-01 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.15 ========================
2012-09-11 Andreas Kupries <>
* tar.tcl (seekorskip): Fixed seekorskip which prevented its use
* pkgIndex.tcl: from a non-seekable channel, like stdin. The issue
was that the original attempt to seek before skipping not just
failed, but apparently still moved the read pointer in some way
which skipped over irreplacable input, breaking the next call of
readHeader. Using [tell] to check seekability does not break in
this manner. Bumped version to 0.7.1.
2011-12-13 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.14 ========================
2011-01-24 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.13 ========================
2011-01-20 Andreas Kupries <>
* tar.tcl: [Bug 3162548]: Applied patch by Alexandre Ferrieux,
* extending various tar commands to be able to use
* pkgIndex.tcl: the -chan option, and channels instead of files.
Version bumped to 0.7
2009-12-07 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.12 ========================
2009-12-03 Andreas Kupries <>
* [Patch 2840147]. Applied. New options -prefix and
* tar.tcl: -quick for tar::add. -prefix allows specifying a
* tar.pcx: prefix for filenames in the archive, and -quick 1
* pkgIndex.tcl: changes back to the seek-from-end algorithm for
finding the place where to add the new files. The new default
scans from start (robust). Bumped version to 0.6.
2009-05-12 Aaron Faupell <>
* tar.tcl: add support for reading pre-posix archives.
if a file isnt writable when extracting, try deleting
before giving up.
2008-12-12 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.11.1 ========================
2008-11-26 Aaron Faupell <>
* add and clarify documentation
2008-10-16 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.11 ========================
2008-06-14 Andreas Kupries <>
* tar.pcx: New file. Syntax definitions for the public commands of
the tar package.
2007-09-12 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.10 ========================
2007-03-21 Andreas Kupries <>
* Fixed all warnings due to use of now deprecated
commands. Added a section about how to give feedback.
2007-02-08 Aaron Faupell <>
* tar.tcl: bug fix in recursion algorithm that missed
some files in deep subdirs. incremented version
2007-01-08 Andreas Kupries <>
* tar.tcl: Bumped version to 0.3, for the bugfix described
* by the last entry.
* pkgIndex.tcl:
2006-12-20 Aaron Faupell <>
* tar.tcl: fix in parseOpts which affected -file and -glob
arguments to tar::untar
* clarifications to add, create, and untar
2006-10-03 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.9 ========================
2006-29-06 Aaron Faupell <>
* tar.tcl: fixed bug in parseOpts
2005-11-08 Andreas Kupries <>
* pkgIndex.tcl: Corrected buggy commit, synchronized version
* numbers across all relevant files.
2005-11-08 Aaron Faupell <>
* tar.tcl: bumped version to 0.2 because of new feature
* tar::remove
2005-11-07 Andreas Kupries <>
* Fixed error, incorrect placement of [call] markup
outside of list.
2005-11-04 Aaron Faupell <>
* added tar::remove command and documentation for it
* tar.tcl:
2005-10-06 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.8 ========================
2005-09-30 Andreas Kupries <>
* tar.tcl: qualified all [open] calls with :: to ensure usag of
the builtin. Apparently mitigates conflict between this package
and the vfs::tar module.
2004-10-05 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.7 ========================
2004-10-02 Andreas Kupries <>
* Added keywords and title/module description to the
2004-09-10 Aaron Faupell <>
* tar.tcl: Fixed typo bug in ::tar::add
* Added info for ::tar::stat
2004-08-23 Andreas Kupries <>
* Fixed problems in the documentation.


@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5 9]} {
# PRAGMA: returnok
package ifneeded tar 0.12 [list source [file join $dir tar.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
[comment {-*- mode: tcl ; fill-column: 80 -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tar n [vset PACKAGE_VERSION]]
[keywords archive]
[keywords {tape archive}]
[keywords tar]
[moddesc {Tar file handling}]
[titledesc {Tar file creation, extraction & manipulation}]
[category {File formats}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require tar [opt [vset PACKAGE_VERSION]]]
[para] [strong Note]: Starting with version 0.8 the tar reader commands
(contents, stats, get, untar) support the GNU LongName extension (header type
'L') for large paths.
[section BEWARE]
For all commands, when using [option -chan] ...
[list_begin enumerated]
[enum] It is assumed that the channel was opened for reading, and configured for
binary input.
[enum] It is assumed that the channel position is at the beginning of a legal
tar file.
[enum] The commands will [emph modify] the channel position as they perform their
[enum] The commands will [emph not] close the channel.
[enum] In other words, the commands leave the channel in a state very likely
unsuitable for use by further [cmd tar] commands. Still doing so will
very likely results in errors, bad data, etc. pp.
[enum] It is the responsibility of the user to seek the channel back to a
suitable position.
[enum] When using a channel transformation which is not generally seekable, for
example [cmd gunzip], then it is the responsibility of the user to (a)
unstack the transformation before seeking the channel back to a suitable
position, and (b) for restacking it after.
[section COMMANDS]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tar::contents] [arg tarball] [opt [option -chan]]]
Returns a list of the files contained in [arg tarball]. The order is not sorted and depends on the order
files were stored in the archive.
If the option [option -chan] is present [arg tarball] is interpreted as an open channel.
It is assumed that the channel was opened for reading, and configured for binary input.
The command will [emph not] close the channel.
[call [cmd ::tar::stat] [arg tarball] [opt file] [opt [option -chan]]]
Returns a nested dict containing information on the named [opt file] in [arg tarball],
or all files if none is specified. The top level are pairs of filename and info. The info is a dict with the keys
"[const mode] [const uid] [const gid] [const size] [const mtime] [const type] [const linkname] [const uname] [const gname]
[const devmajor] [const devminor]"
[example {
% ::tar::stat tarball.tar
foo.jpg {mode 0644 uid 1000 gid 0 size 7580 mtime 811903867 type file linkname {} uname user gname wheel devmajor 0 devminor 0}
If the option [option -chan] is present [arg tarball] is interpreted as an open channel.
It is assumed that the channel was opened for reading, and configured for binary input.
The command will [emph not] close the channel.
[call [cmd ::tar::untar] [arg tarball] [arg args]]
Extracts [arg tarball]. [arg -file] and [arg -glob] limit the extraction
to files which exactly match or pattern match the given argument. No error is
thrown if no files match. Returns a list of filenames extracted and the file
size. The size will be null for non regular files. Leading path seperators are
stripped so paths will always be relative.
[list_begin options]
[opt_def -dir dirName]
Directory to extract to. Uses [cmd pwd] if none is specified
[opt_def -file fileName]
Only extract the file with this name. The name is matched against the complete path
stored in the archive including directories.
[opt_def -glob pattern]
Only extract files patching this glob style pattern. The pattern is matched against the complete path
stored in the archive.
[opt_def -nooverwrite]
Dont overwrite files that already exist
[opt_def -nomtime]
Leave the file modification time as the current time instead of setting it to the value in the archive.
[opt_def -noperms]
In Unix, leave the file permissions as the current umask instead of setting them to the values in the archive.
[opt_def -chan]
If this option is present [arg tarball] is interpreted as an open channel.
It is assumed that the channel was opened for reading, and configured for binary input.
The command will [emph not] close the channel.
[example {
% foreach {file size} [::tar::untar tarball.tar -glob *.jpg] {
puts "Extracted $file ($size bytes)"
[call [cmd ::tar::get] [arg tarball] [arg fileName] [opt [option -chan]]]
Returns the contents of [arg fileName] from the [arg tarball].
[para][example {
% set readme [::tar::get tarball.tar doc/README] {
% puts $readme
[para] If the option [option -chan] is present [arg tarball] is
interpreted as an open channel. It is assumed that the channel was
opened for reading, and configured for binary input. The command will
[emph not] close the channel.
[para] An error is thrown when [arg fileName] is not found in the tar
[call [cmd ::tar::create] [arg tarball] [arg files] [arg args]]
Creates a new tar file containing the [arg files]. [arg files] must be specified
as a single argument which is a proper list of filenames.
[list_begin options]
[opt_def -dereference]
Normally [cmd create] will store links as an actual link pointing at a file that may
or may not exist in the archive. Specifying this option will cause the actual file point to
by the link to be stored instead.
[opt_def -chan]
If this option is present [arg tarball] is interpreted as an open channel.
It is assumed that the channel was opened for writing, and configured for binary output.
The command will [emph not] close the channel.
[example {
% ::tar::create new.tar [glob -nocomplain file*]
% ::tar::contents new.tar
file1 file2 file3
[call [cmd ::tar::add] [arg tarball] [arg files] [arg args]]
Appends [arg files] to the end of the existing [arg tarball]. [arg files] must be specified
as a single argument which is a proper list of filenames.
[list_begin options]
[opt_def -dereference]
Normally [cmd add] will store links as an actual link pointing at a file that may
or may not exist in the archive. Specifying this option will cause the actual file point to
by the link to be stored instead.
[opt_def -prefix string]
Normally [cmd add] will store files under exactly the name specified as
argument. Specifying a [opt -prefix] causes the [arg string] to be
prepended to every name.
[opt_def -quick]
The only sure way to find the position in the [arg tarball] where new
files can be added is to read it from start, but if [arg tarball] was
written with a "blocksize" of 1 (as this package does) then one can
alternatively find this position by seeking from the end. The
[opt -quick] option tells [cmd add] to do the latter.
[call [cmd ::tar::remove] [arg tarball] [arg files]]
Removes [arg files] from the [arg tarball]. No error will result if the file does not exist in the
tarball. Directory write permission and free disk space equivalent to at least the size of the tarball
will be needed.
[example {
% ::tar::remove new.tar {file2 file3}
% ::tar::contents new.tar
[vset CATEGORY tar]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
# -*- tcl -*- tar.pcx
# Syntax of the commands provided by package tar.
# For use by TclDevKit's static syntax checker (v4.1+).
# See
# See
# for the specification of the format of the code in this file.
package require pcx
pcx::register tar
pcx::tcldep 0.4 needs tcl 8.2
pcx::tcldep 0.5 needs tcl 8.2
pcx::tcldep 0.6 needs tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::tar {}
#pcx::message FOO {... text ...} type
#pcx::scan <VERSION> <NAME> <RULE>
pcx::check 0.4 std ::tar::add \
{checkSimpleArgs 2 -1 {
{checkListValues 1 -1 checkFileName}
{checkSwitches 1 {
{-dereference checkBoolean}
} {}}
pcx::check 0.6 std ::tar::add \
{checkSimpleArgs 2 -1 {
{checkListValues 1 -1 checkFileName}
{checkSwitches 1 {
{-dereference checkBoolean}
{-quick checkBoolean}
{-prefix checkWord}
} {}}
pcx::check 0.4 std ::tar::contents \
{checkSimpleArgs 1 1 {
pcx::check 0.4 std ::tar::create \
{checkSimpleArgs 2 -1 {
{checkListValues 1 -1 checkFileName}
{checkSwitches 1 {
{-chan checkChannelID}
{-dereference checkBoolean}
} {}}
pcx::check 0.4 std ::tar::get \
{checkSimpleArgs 2 2 {
pcx::check 0.4 std ::tar::remove \
{checkSimpleArgs 2 2 {
{checkListValues 1 -1 checkFileName}
pcx::check 0.4 std ::tar::stat \
{checkSimpleArgs 1 2 {
pcx::check 0.4 std ::tar::untar \
{checkSimpleArgs 1 -1 {
{checkSwitches 1 {
{-chan checkChannelID}
{-dir checkFileName}
{-file checkFileName}
{-glob checkPattern}
{-nomtime checkBoolean}
{-nooverwrite checkBoolean}
{-noperms checkBoolean}
} {}}
# Initialization via pcx::init.
# Use a ::tar::init procedure for non-standard initialization.


@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
# tar.tcl --
# Creating, extracting, and listing posix tar archives
# Copyright (c) 2004 Aaron Faupell <>
# Copyright (c) 2013 Andreas Kupries <>
# (GNU tar @LongLink support).
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: tar.tcl,v 1.17 2012/09/11 17:22:24 andreas_kupries Exp $
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package provide tar 0.12
namespace eval ::tar {}
proc ::tar::parseOpts {acc opts} {
array set flags $acc
foreach {x y} $acc {upvar $x $x}
set len [llength $opts]
set i 0
while {$i < $len} {
set name [string trimleft [lindex $opts $i] -]
if {![info exists flags($name)]} {
return -errorcode {TAR INVALID OPTION} \
-code error "unknown option \"$name\""
if {$flags($name) == 1} {
set $name [lindex $opts [expr {$i + 1}]]
incr i $flags($name)
} elseif {$flags($name) > 1} {
set $name [lrange $opts [expr {$i + 1}] [expr {$i + $flags($name)}]]
incr i $flags($name)
} else {
set $name 1
incr i
proc ::tar::pad {size} {
set pad [expr {512 - ($size % 512)}]
if {$pad == 512} {return 0}
return $pad
proc ::tar::seekorskip {ch off wh} {
if {[tell $ch] < 0} {
if {$wh!="current"} {
return -code error -errorcode [list TAR INVALID WHENCE $wh] \
"WHENCE=$wh not supported on non-seekable channel $ch"
skip $ch $off
seek $ch $off $wh
proc ::tar::skip {ch skipover} {
while {$skipover > 0} {
set requested $skipover
# Limit individual skips to 64K, as a compromise between speed
# of skipping (Number of read requests), and memory usage
# (Note how skipped block is read into memory!). While the
# read data is immediately discarded it still generates memory
# allocation traffic, gets copied, etc. Trying to skip the
# block in one go without the limit may cause us to run out of
# (virtual) memory, or just induce swapping, for nothing.
if {$requested > 65536} {
set requested 65536
set skipped [string length [read $ch $requested]]
# Stop in short read into the end of the file.
if {!$skipped && [eof $ch]} break
# Keep track of how much is (not) skipped yet.
incr skipover -$skipped
proc ::tar::readHeader {data} {
binary scan $data a100a8a8a8a12a12a8a1a100a6a2a32a32a8a8a155 \
name mode uid gid size mtime cksum type \
linkname magic version uname gname devmajor devminor prefix
foreach x {name type linkname} {
set $x [string trim [set $x] "\x00"]
foreach x {uid gid size mtime cksum} {
set $x [format %d 0[string trim [set $x] " \x00"]]
set mode [string trim $mode " \x00"]
if {$magic == "ustar "} {
# gnu tar
# not fully supported
foreach x {uname gname prefix} {
set $x [string trim [set $x] "\x00"]
foreach x {devmajor devminor} {
set $x [format %d 0[string trim [set $x] " \x00"]]
} elseif {$magic == "ustar\x00"} {
# posix tar
foreach x {uname gname prefix} {
set $x [string trim [set $x] "\x00"]
foreach x {devmajor devminor} {
set $x [format %d 0[string trim [set $x] " \x00"]]
} else {
# old style tar
foreach x {uname gname devmajor devminor prefix} { set $x {} }
if {$type == ""} {
if {[string match */ $name]} {
set type 5
} else {
set type 0
return [list name $name mode $mode uid $uid gid $gid size $size mtime $mtime \
cksum $cksum type $type linkname $linkname magic $magic \
version $version uname $uname gname $gname devmajor $devmajor \
devminor $devminor prefix $prefix]
proc ::tar::contents {file args} {
set chan 0
parseOpts {chan 0} $args
if {$chan} {
set fh $file
} else {
set fh [::open $file]
fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation lf -eofchar {}
set ret {}
while {![eof $fh]} {
array set header [readHeader [read $fh 512]]
HandleLongLink $fh header
if {$header(name) == ""} break
if {$header(prefix) != ""} {append header(prefix) /}
lappend ret $header(prefix)$header(name)
seekorskip $fh [expr {$header(size) + [pad $header(size)]}] current
if {!$chan} {
close $fh
return $ret
proc ::tar::stat {tar {file {}} args} {
set chan 0
parseOpts {chan 0} $args
if {$chan} {
set fh $tar
} else {
set fh [::open $tar]
fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation lf -eofchar {}
set ret {}
while {![eof $fh]} {
array set header [readHeader [read $fh 512]]
HandleLongLink $fh header
if {$header(name) == ""} break
if {$header(prefix) != ""} {append header(prefix) /}
seekorskip $fh [expr {$header(size) + [pad $header(size)]}] current
if {$file != "" && "$header(prefix)$header(name)" != $file} {continue}
set header(type) [string map {0 file 5 directory 3 characterSpecial 4 blockSpecial 6 fifo 2 link} $header(type)]
set header(mode) [string range $header(mode) 2 end]
lappend ret $header(prefix)$header(name) [list mode $header(mode) uid $header(uid) gid $header(gid) \
size $header(size) mtime $header(mtime) type $header(type) linkname $header(linkname) \
uname $header(uname) gname $header(gname) devmajor $header(devmajor) devminor $header(devminor)]
if {!$chan} {
close $fh
return $ret
proc ::tar::get {tar file args} {
set chan 0
parseOpts {chan 0} $args
if {$chan} {
set fh $tar
} else {
set fh [::open $tar]
fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation lf -eofchar {}
while {![eof $fh]} {
set data [read $fh 512]
array set header [readHeader $data]
HandleLongLink $fh header
if {$header(name) eq ""} break
if {$header(prefix) ne ""} {append header(prefix) /}
set name [string trimleft $header(prefix)$header(name) /]
if {$name eq $file} {
set file [read $fh $header(size)]
if {!$chan} {
close $fh
return $file
seekorskip $fh [expr {$header(size) + [pad $header(size)]}] current
if {!$chan} {
close $fh
return -code error -errorcode {TAR MISSING FILE} \
"Tar \"$tar\": File \"$file\" not found"
proc ::tar::untar {tar args} {
set nooverwrite 0
set data 0
set nomtime 0
set noperms 0
set chan 0
parseOpts {dir 1 file 1 glob 1 nooverwrite 0 nomtime 0 noperms 0 chan 0} $args
if {![info exists dir]} {set dir [pwd]}
set pattern *
if {[info exists file]} {
set pattern [string map {* \\* ? \\? \\ \\\\ \[ \\\[ \] \\\]} $file]
} elseif {[info exists glob]} {
set pattern $glob
set ret {}
if {$chan} {
set fh $tar
} else {
set fh [::open $tar]
fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation lf -eofchar {}
while {![eof $fh]} {
array set header [readHeader [read $fh 512]]
HandleLongLink $fh header
if {$header(name) == ""} break
if {$header(prefix) != ""} {append header(prefix) /}
set name [string trimleft $header(prefix)$header(name) /]
if {![string match $pattern $name] || ($nooverwrite && [file exists $name])} {
seekorskip $fh [expr {$header(size) + [pad $header(size)]}] current
set name [file join $dir $name]
if {![file isdirectory [file dirname $name]]} {
file mkdir [file dirname $name]
lappend ret [file dirname $name] {}
if {[string match {[0346]} $header(type)]} {
if {[catch {::open $name w+} new]} {
# sometimes if we dont have write permission we can still delete
catch {file delete -force $name}
set new [::open $name w+]
fconfigure $new -encoding binary -translation lf -eofchar {}
fcopy $fh $new -size $header(size)
close $new
lappend ret $name $header(size)
} elseif {$header(type) == 5} {
file mkdir $name
lappend ret $name {}
} elseif {[string match {[12]} $header(type)] && $::tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
catch {file delete $name}
if {![catch {file link [string map {1 -hard 2 -symbolic} $header(type)] $name $header(linkname)}]} {
lappend ret $name {}
seekorskip $fh [pad $header(size)] current
if {![file exists $name]} continue
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
if {!$noperms} {
catch {file attributes $name -permissions 0o[string range $header(mode) 2 end]}
catch {file attributes $name -owner $header(uid) -group $header(gid)}
catch {file attributes $name -owner $header(uname) -group $header(gname)}
if {!$nomtime} {
file mtime $name $header(mtime)
if {!$chan} {
close $fh
return $ret
# ::tar::statFile
# Returns stat info about a filesystem object, in the form of an info
# dictionary like that returned by ::tar::readHeader.
# The mode, uid, gid, mtime, and type entries are always present.
# The size and linkname entries are present if relevant for this type
# of object. The uname and gname entries are present if the OS supports
# them. No devmajor or devminor entry is present.
proc ::tar::statFile {name followlinks} {
if {$followlinks} {
file stat $name stat
} else {
file lstat $name stat
set ret {}
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
# Tcl 9 returns the permission as 0o octal number. Since this
# is written to the tar file and the file format expects "00"
# we have to rewrite.
lappend ret mode 1[string map {o 0} [file attributes $name -permissions]]
lappend ret uname [file attributes $name -owner]
lappend ret gname [file attributes $name -group]
if {$stat(type) == "link"} {
lappend ret linkname [file link $name]
} else {
lappend ret mode [lindex {100644 100755} [expr {$stat(type) == "directory"}]]
lappend ret uid $stat(uid) gid $stat(gid) mtime $stat(mtime) \
type $stat(type)
if {$stat(type) == "file"} {lappend ret size $stat(size)}
return $ret
# ::tar::formatHeader
# Opposite operation to ::tar::readHeader; takes a file name and info
# dictionary as arguments, returns a corresponding (POSIX-tar) header.
# The following dictionary entries must be present:
# mode
# type
# The following dictionary entries are used if present, otherwise
# the indicated default is used:
# uid 0
# gid 0
# size 0
# mtime [clock seconds]
# linkname {}
# uname {}
# gname {}
# All other dictionary entries, including devmajor and devminor, are
# presently ignored.
proc ::tar::formatHeader {name info} {
array set A {
linkname ""
uname ""
gname ""
size 0
gid 0
uid 0
set A(mtime) [clock seconds]
array set A $info
array set A {devmajor "" devminor ""}
set type [string map {file 0 directory 5 characterSpecial 3 \
blockSpecial 4 fifo 6 link 2 socket A} $A(type)]
set osize [format %o $A(size)]
set ogid [format %o $A(gid)]
set ouid [format %o $A(uid)]
set omtime [format %o $A(mtime)]
set name [string trimleft $name /]
if {[string length $name] > 255} {
return -code error -errorcode {TAR BAD PATH LENGTH} \
"path name over 255 chars"
} elseif {[string length $name] > 100} {
set common [string range $name end-99 154]
if {[set splitpoint [string first / $common]] == -1} {
return -code error -errorcode {TAR BAD PATH UNSPLITTABLE} \
"path name cannot be split into prefix and name"
set prefix [string range $name 0 end-100][string range $common 0 $splitpoint-1]
set name [string range $common $splitpoint+1 end][string range $name 155 end]
} else {
set prefix ""
set header [binary format a100A8A8A8A12A12A8a1a100A6a2a32a32a8a8a155a12 \
$name $A(mode)\x00 $ouid\x00 $ogid\x00\
$osize\x00 $omtime\x00 {} $type \
$A(linkname) ustar\x00 00 $A(uname) $A(gname)\
$A(devmajor) $A(devminor) $prefix {}]
binary scan $header c* tmp
set cksum 0
foreach x $tmp {incr cksum $x}
return [string replace $header 148 155 [binary format A8 [format %o $cksum]\x00]]
proc ::tar::recurseDirs {files followlinks} {
foreach x $files {
if {[file isdirectory $x] && ([file type $x] != "link" || $followlinks)} {
if {[set more [glob -dir $x -nocomplain *]] != ""} {
eval lappend files [recurseDirs $more $followlinks]
} else {
lappend files $x
return $files
proc ::tar::writefile {in out followlinks name} {
puts -nonewline $out [formatHeader $name [statFile $in $followlinks]]
set size 0
if {[file type $in] == "file" || ($followlinks && [file type $in] == "link")} {
set in [::open $in]
fconfigure $in -encoding binary -translation lf -eofchar {}
set size [fcopy $in $out]
close $in
puts -nonewline $out [string repeat \x00 [pad $size]]
proc ::tar::create {tar files args} {
set dereference 0
set chan 0
parseOpts {dereference 0 chan 0} $args
if {$chan} {
set fh $tar
} else {
set fh [::open $tar w+]
fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation lf -eofchar {}
foreach x [recurseDirs $files $dereference] {
writefile $x $fh $dereference $x
puts -nonewline $fh [string repeat \x00 1024]
if {!$chan} {
close $fh
return $tar
proc ::tar::add {tar files args} {
set dereference 0
set prefix ""
set quick 0
parseOpts {dereference 0 prefix 1 quick 0} $args
set fh [::open $tar r+]
fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation lf -eofchar {}
if {$quick} then {
seek $fh -1024 end
} else {
set data [read $fh 512]
while {[regexp {[^\0]} $data]} {
array set header [readHeader $data]
seek $fh [expr {$header(size) + [pad $header(size)]}] current
set data [read $fh 512]
seek $fh -512 current
foreach x [recurseDirs $files $dereference] {
writefile $x $fh $dereference $prefix$x
puts -nonewline $fh [string repeat \x00 1024]
close $fh
return $tar
proc ::tar::remove {tar files} {
set n 0
while {[file exists $tar$n.tmp]} {incr n}
set tfh [::open $tar$n.tmp w]
set fh [::open $tar r]
fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation lf -eofchar {}
fconfigure $tfh -encoding binary -translation lf -eofchar {}
while {![eof $fh]} {
array set header [readHeader [read $fh 512]]
if {$header(name) == ""} {
puts -nonewline $tfh [string repeat \x00 1024]
if {$header(prefix) != ""} {append header(prefix) /}
set name $header(prefix)$header(name)
set len [expr {$header(size) + [pad $header(size)]}]
if {[lsearch $files $name] > -1} {
seek $fh $len current
} else {
seek $fh -512 current
fcopy $fh $tfh -size [expr {$len + 512}]
close $fh
close $tfh
file rename -force $tar$n.tmp $tar
proc ::tar::HandleLongLink {fh hv} {
upvar 1 $hv header thelongname thelongname
# @LongName Part I.
if {$header(type) == "L"} {
# Size == Length of name. Read it, and pad to full 512
# size. After that is a regular header for the actual
# file, where we have to insert the name. This is handled
# by the next iteration and the part II below.
set thelongname [string trimright [read $fh $header(size)] \000]
seekorskip $fh [pad $header(size)] current
return -code continue
# Not supported yet: type 'K' for LongLink (long symbolic links).
# @LongName, part II, get data from previous entry, if defined.
if {[info exists thelongname]} {
set header(name) $thelongname
# Prevent leakage to further entries.
unset thelongname


@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# These tests are in the public domain
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
source [file join \
[file dirname [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]] \
devtools testutilities.tcl]
testsNeedTcl 8.5 ; # Virt channel support!
testsNeedTcltest 1.0
# Check if we have TclOO available.
tcltest::testConstraint tcloo [expr {![catch {package require TclOO}]}]
support {
if {[tcltest::testConstraint tcloo]} {
use virtchannel_base/memchan.tcl tcl::chan::memchan
useLocalFile tests/support.tcl
testing {
useLocal tar.tcl tar
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test tar-stream {stream} -constraints tcloo -setup {
} -body {
string length [read $chan1]
} -cleanup {
} -result 128000
test tar-pad {pad} -body {
tar::pad 230
} -result {282}
test tar-skip {skip} -constraints tcloo -setup {
} -body {
tar::skip $chan1 10
lappend res [read $chan1 10]
tar::skip $chan1 72313
lappend res [read $chan1 10]
} -cleanup {
} -result {{6 7 8 9 10} {07 13908 1}}
test tar-seekorskip-backwards {seekorskip} -constraints tcl8.6plus -setup setup1 -body {
# The zlib push stuff is Tcl 8.6+. Properly restrict the test.
zlib push gzip $chan1
catch {tar::seekorskip $chan1 -10 start} cres
lappend res $cres
catch {tar::seekorskip $chan1 10 start} cres
lappend res $cres
catch {tar::seekorskip $chan1 -10 end} cres
lappend res $cres
catch {tar::seekorskip $chan1 10 end} cres
lappend res $cres
lappend res [read $chan1 10]
} -cleanup cleanup1 -match glob \
-result [list \
{WHENCE=start not supported*} \
{WHENCE=start not supported*} \
{WHENCE=end not supported*} \
{WHENCE=end not supported*} \
{1 2 3 4 5 } \
test tar-header {header} -body {
set file1 [dict get $filesys Dir1 File1]
dict set file1 path /Dir1/File1
set header [header_posix $file1]
set parsed [string trim [tar::readHeader $header]]
set golden "name /Dir1/File1 mode 755 uid 13103 gid 18103 size 100 mtime 5706756101 cksum 3676 type 0 linkname {} magic ustar\0 version 00 uname {} gname {} devmajor 0 devminor 0 prefix {}"
set len [string length $parsed]
foreach {key value} $golden {
if {[set value1 [dict get $parsed $key]] ne $value } {
lappend res [list $key $value $value1]
} -result {}
test tar-add {add} -constraints tcloo -setup {
} -body {
tar::create $chan1 [list $tmpdir/one/a $tmpdir/one/two/a $tmpdir/one/three/a] -chan
seek $chan1 0
lappend res {*}[tar::contents $chan1 -chan]
seek $chan1 0
lappend res [string trim [tar::get $chan1 $tmpdir/one/two/a -chan]]
} -cleanup {
} -result {tartest/one/a tartest/one/two/a tartest/one/three/a hello2}
test tar-bug-2840180 {Ticket 2840180} -setup {
} -body {
tar::create $chan1 [list $tmpdir/[large-path]/a] -chan
seek $chan1 0
# What the package sees.
lappend res {*}[tar::contents $chan1 -chan]
close $chan1
# What a regular tar package sees.
lappend res [exec 2> $tmpfile.err tar tvf $tmpfile]
join $res \n
} -cleanup {
} -match glob -result [join [list \
tartest/[large-path]/a \
"* tartest/[large-path]/a" \
] \n]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test tar-tkt-9f4c0e3e95-1.0 {Ticket 9f4c0e3e95, A} -setup {
set tarfile [setup-tkt-9f4c0e3e95]
} -body {
string trim [tar::get $tarfile 02]
} -cleanup {
unset tarfile
} -result {zero-two}
test tar-tkt-9f4c0e3e95-1.1 {Ticket 9f4c0e3e95, B, } -setup {
set tarfile [setup-tkt-9f4c0e3e95]
} -body {
tar::get $tarfile 0b10
} -cleanup {
unset tarfile
} -returnCodes error -result {Tar "tartest/t.tar": File "0b10" not found}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------


@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
proc stream {{size 128000}} {
set chan [tcl::chan::memchan]
set line {}
while 1 {
incr i
set istring $i
set ilen [string length $istring]
if {$line ne {}} {
append line { }
incr size -1
append line $istring
incr size -$ilen
if {$size < 1} {
set line [string range $line 0 end-[expr {abs(1-$size)}]]
puts $chan $line
if {$i % 10 == 0} {
puts $chan $line
incr size -1 ;# for the [puts] newline
set line {}
seek $chan 0
return $chan
proc header_posix {tarball} {
dict with tarball {}
tar::formatHeader $path \
[dict create \
mode $mode \
type $type \
uid $uid \
gid $gid \
size $size \
mtime $mtime]
proc setup1 {} {
variable chan1
variable res {}
variable tmpdir tartest
tcltest::makeDirectory $tmpdir
foreach directory {
} {
tcltest::makeDirectory $tmpdir/$directory
set chan [open $tmpdir/$directory/a w]
puts $chan hello[incr i]
close $chan
set chan1 [stream]
proc large-path {} {
return aaaaa/bbbbaaaaa/bbbbaaaaa/bbbbaaaaa/bbbbaaaaa/bbbbaaaaa/bbbbaaaaa/bbbbaaaaa/bbbbaaaaa/bbbbaaaaa/bbbbtcllib/modules/tar
proc setup2 {} {
variable chan1
variable res {}
variable tmpdir tartest
variable tmpfile tarX
tcltest::makeDirectory $tmpdir
tcltest::makeFile {} $tmpfile
foreach directory [list [large-path]] {
tcltest::makeDirectory $tmpdir/$directory
set chan [open $tmpdir/$directory/a w]
puts $chan hello[incr i]
close $chan
set chan1 [open $tmpfile w+]
proc cleanup1 {} {
variable chan1
close $chan1
tcltest::removeDirectory tartest
proc cleanup2 {} {
variable chan1
variable tmpdir
variable tmpfile
catch { close $chan1 }
tcltest::removeDirectory $tmpdir
tcltest::removeFile $tmpfile
tcltest::removeFile $tmpfile.err
variable filesys {
Dir1 {
File1 {
type 0
mode 755
uid 13103
gid 18103
size 100
mtime 5706756101
Dir2 {
File1 {
type 0
mode 644
uid 15103
gid 19103
size 100
mtime 5706776103
proc setup-tkt-9f4c0e3e95 {} {
variable tmpdir tartest
tcltest::makeDirectory $tmpdir
tcltest::makeFile {zero-two} $tmpdir/02
tcltest::makeFile {number two} $tmpdir/2
set here [pwd]
cd $tmpdir
tar::create t.tar {2 02}
cd $here
return $tmpdir/t.tar
proc cleanup-tkt-9f4c0e3e95 {} {
variable tmpdir
tcltest::removeFile $tmpdir/2
tcltest::removeFile $tmpdir/02
tcltest::removeDirectory $tmpdir