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punk::basictelnet fixes

Julian Noble 11 months ago
  1. 38
  2. 59
  3. 340
  4. 59


@ -1564,7 +1564,8 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
#we still want most controls and other zero-length codepoints such as \u200d (zero width joiner) to stay zero-length
#we substitute lone ESC that weren't captured within ANSI context as a debugging aid to see malformed ANSI
#todo - default to off and add a flag (?) to enable this substitution
if {[$width == 0]} {
set sub_stray_escapes 0
if {$sub_stray_escapes && $width == 0} {
if {$grapheme eq "\x1b"} {
set gvis [ansistring VIEW $grapheme]
set grapheme $gvis
@ -2484,6 +2485,13 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
X {
puts stderr "X - $param"
#ECH - erase character
if {$param eq "" || $param eq "0"} {set param 1}; #param=count of chars to erase
priv::render_erasechar $idx $param
#cursor position doesn't change.
r {
@ -3161,6 +3169,34 @@ namespace eval overtype::priv {
proc render_erasechar {i count} {
upvar outcols o
upvar understacks ustacks
upvar understacks_gx gxstacks
#ECH clears character attributes from erased character positions
#ECH accepts 0 or empty parameter, which is equivalent to 1. Caller should do that mapping and only supply 1 or greater.
if {![string is integer -strict $count] || $count < 1} {
error "render_erasechar count must be integer >= 1"
set start $i
set end [expr {$i + $count -1}]
#we restrict ECH to current line - as some terminals do - review - is that the only way it's implemented?
if {$i > [llength $o]-1} {
if {$end > [llength $o]-1} {
set end [expr {[llength $o]-1}]
set num [expr {$end - $start + 1}]
set o [lreplace $o $start $end {*}[lrepeat $num \u0000]] ;#or space?
set ustacks [lreplace $ustacks $start $end {*}[lrepeat $num [list]]]
set gxstacks [lreplace $gxstacks $start $end {*}[lrepeat $num [list]]]
proc render_setchar {i c } {
upvar outcols o
lset o $i $c
#is actually addgrapheme?
proc render_addchar {i c sgrstack gx0stack {insert_mode 0}} {
upvar outcols o


@ -526,7 +526,8 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_wait waitvar
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_queue queue
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_queuedata queuedata
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_clock clock
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_timeoutid timeoutid
set accumulator($callid) ""
set waitvar($callid) ""
lappend queue $callid
@ -540,16 +541,11 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
if {[lindex $existing_handler 0] eq $this_handler} {
puts stderr "[punk::ansi::a+ red]Warning for callid $callid get_ansi_response_payload called while existing ansi response handler in place[a]: $this_handler"
puts stderr "queue state: $queue"
flush stderr
if {[lindex $queue 0] ne $callid} {
while { $waitvar($callid) ne "go_ahead"} {
after 10
set waitvar([lindex $queue 0]) trigger
puts -nonewline stderr "\n[info level 1]\n"
puts -nonewline stderr "<callid:$callid waitvar [array get waitvar]>"
vwait ::punk::console::ansi_response_wait ;#wait on array - not specific element
#dict set queuedata $callid [list $query $capturingendregex $inputchannels]
error "get_ansi_response_payload - re-entrancy unrecoverable"
fileevent $input readable {}
@ -567,6 +563,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
fconfigure $input -blocking 0
#in handler - its used for a boolean match (capturing aspect not used)
set clock($callid) [clock millis] ;#time of launch - may be delay before first event depending on what's going on
fileevent $input readable [list $this_handler $input $callid $capturingendregex]
# - stderr vs stdout
@ -585,18 +582,26 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
#todo - make timeout configurable?
set waitvarname "::punk::console::ansi_response_wait($callid)"
#500ms is generally plenty for a terminal to respond.. but not in some cases. e.g event loop busy with stdin keypress?? review
set cancel_timeout_id [after 1000 [list set $waitvarname timedout]]
set timeoutid($callid) [after 2000 [list set $waitvarname timedout]]
if {[set waitvar($callid)] eq ""} {
vwait ::punk::console::ansi_response_wait($callid)
#puts stderr ">>>> end vwait1 $waitvar($callid)<<<<"
while {[string match extend-* $waitvar($callid)]} {
set extension [lindex [split $waitvar($callid) -] 1]
#puts stderr "get_ansi_response_payload Extending timeout by $extension"
#after cancel $timeoutid($callid)
set timeoutid($callid) [after $extension [list set $waitvarname timedout]]
vwait ::punk::console::ansi_response_wait($callid)
#response handler automatically removes it's own fileevent
fileevent $input readable {} ;#explicit remove anyway - review
if {$waitvar($callid) ne "timedout"} {
after cancel $cancel_timeout_id
after cancel $timeoutid($callid)
} else {
puts stderr "timeout in get_ansi_response_payload. Ansi request was:[ansistring VIEW $query]"
puts stderr "timeout in get_ansi_response_payload. callid $callid Ansi request was:[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $query]"
if {$was_raw == 0} {
@ -621,7 +626,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
} else {
#timedout - or eof?
puts stderr "get_ansi_response_payload regex match '$capturingendregex' to data '[ansistring VIEW $response]' not found"
puts stderr "get_ansi_response_payload callid:$callid regex match '$capturingendregex' to data '[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $response]' not found"
lappend input_chunks_waiting($input) $response
set payload ""
@ -645,15 +650,16 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
if {[lindex $handler_args end] eq "waiting"} {
#Looks like the existing handler is setup for punk repl cooperation.
puts stderr "[punk::ansi::a+ yellow bold]-->punk::console::get_ansi_response_payload triggering existing handler $existing_handler while over-read data is in punk::console::input_chunks_waiting($input) instead of channel[punk::ansi::a]"
puts stderr "[punk::ansi::a+ yellow bold]-->waiting: [ansistring VIEW $input_chunks_waiting($input)][punk::ansi::a]"
flush stderr
puts stdout "\n\n[punk::ansi::a+ yellow bold]-->punk::console::get_ansi_response_payload callid $callid triggering existing handler\n $existing_handler while over-read data is in punk::console::input_chunks_waiting($input) instead of channel[punk::ansi::a]"
puts stdout "[punk::ansi::a+ yellow bold]-->waiting: [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $input_chunks_waiting($input)][punk::ansi::a]"
flush stdout
#FIX - this doesn't work. Fast typing gets out of order!!!!
#concat and supply to existing handler in single text block - review
#Note will only
set waitingdata [join $input_chunks_waiting($input) ""]
set input_chunks_waiting($input) [list]
after idle [list after 0 [list {*}$existing_handler $waitingdata]]
#after idle [list after 0 [list {*}$existing_handler $waitingdata]]
after idle [list {*}$existing_handler $waitingdata] ;#after 0 may be put ahead of events it shouldn't be - review
unset waitingdata
} else {
#! todo? for now, emit a clue as to what's happening.
@ -698,6 +704,8 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
proc ansi_response_handler_regex {chan callid endregex} {
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_chunk chunks
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_wait waits
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_clock clock ;#initial time in millis was set when fileevent was created
#endregex should explicitly have a trailing $
set status [catch {read $chan 1} bytes]
if { $status != 0 } {
@ -714,14 +722,19 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
fileevent $chan readable {}
#puts stderr "matched - setting ansi_response_wait($callid) ok"
set waits($callid) ok
} else {
if {[string length $chunks($callid)] % 10 == 0 || $clock($callid) - [clock millis] > 50} {
after cancel $::punk::console::ansi_response_timeoutid($callid)
set waits($callid) extend-1000
} elseif {[eof $chan]} {
fileevent $chan readable {}
} elseif {[catch {eof $chan}] || [eof $chan]} {
catch {fileevent $chan readable {}}
# End of file on the channel
puts stderr "ansi_response_handler_regex end of file on channel $chan"
set waits($callid) eof
} elseif {[fblocked $chan]} {
} elseif {![catch {fblocked $chan}] && [fblocked $chan]} {
# Read blocked. Just return
# Caller should be using timeout on the wait variable
} else {
@ -1204,8 +1217,10 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
#todo - compare speed with get_cursor_pos - work out why the big difference
proc test_cursor_pos {} {
if {!$::punk::terminal::is_raw} {
if {!$::punk::console::is_raw} {
set was_raw 0
} else {


@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet::class {
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
namespace export *
variable closed
#todo - use these as defaults - provide a way to configure/listen to local events and notify server
set window_cols 80
@ -307,41 +308,57 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
variable writing_debug_frame 0 ;#re-entrancy protection
proc debug_frame {info} {
proc debug_frame {info inputchannel outputchannel} {
variable writing_debug_frame
if {$writing_debug_frame > 1} {
if {$writing_debug_frame >= 3} {
puts stderr "Warning - writing_debug_frame=$writing_debug_frame"
} elseif {$writing_debug_frame == 1} {
incr writing_debug_frame
after 1 {punk::basictelnet::add_debug ""}
if {$writing_debug_frame == 1} {
after 1 {punk::basictelnet::add_debug "" $readchannel $writechannel}
incr writing_debug_frame
variable debug
variable can_debug ;#we'll only support debug if we can use the punk ansi frame mechanism
#The frame mechanism isn't as good as a proper split-screen as it redraws on rhs and looks bad in scrollback - but it's better than putting debug output on lhs in with data
if {!$can_debug || !$debug} {return}
incr writing_debug_frame
#set existing_handler [fileevent stdin readable]
set infoframe [textblock::frame -width 80 -ansiborder [a+ green bold] -title "[a cyan]Telnet Debug[a]" $info]
set w [textblock::width $infoframe]
set spacepatch [textblock::block $w 4 " "]
puts -nonewline [punk::ansi::cursor_off]
#use non cursorsave version - slower - but less likely to interfere with cursor operations in data
set existing_input_handler [fileevent $inputchannel readable] ;#stdin
fileevent $inputchannel readable {}
if {[string length $outputchannel]} {
set existing_output_handler [fileevent $outputchannel readable] ;#sock
fileevent $outputchannel readable {}
if {[catch {
#punk::console::move_emitblock_return 6 90 $spacepatch\n$infoframe
punk::console::move_emitblock_return 6 90 $spacepatch
punk::console::move_emitblock_return 10 90 $infoframe
puts -nonewline [punk::ansi::cursor_on]
puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::cursor_on]
flush stdout
} errM]} {
puts stderr "debug_frame error: $errM"
#todo - try? finally?
set writing_debug_frame 0
fileevent $inputchannel readable $existing_input_handler
if {[string length $outputchannel]} {
fileevent $outputchannel readable $existing_output_handler
proc add_debug {newlines} {
#inputchannel stdin, outputchannel sock
proc add_debug {newlines inputchannel outputchannel} {
variable debug
variable can_debug
variable debug_buffer
@ -351,7 +368,7 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
set lines [lrange $lines end-40 end]
set debug_buffer [join $lines \n]
if {[string length $debug_buffer] && $debug} {
debug_frame $debug_buffer
debug_frame $debug_buffer $inputchannel $outputchannel
@ -364,8 +381,8 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
fileevent $sock readable [list [namespace current]::fromServer $sock]
chan configure stdin -blocking 0
fileevent stdin readable [list [namespace current]::toServer $sock]
global closed
vwait closed($sock)
variable closed
vwait ::punk::basictelnet::closed($sock)
unset closed($sock)
chan conf stdin -blocking 1
@ -378,27 +395,74 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
#specifically named 'waiting' argument as last argument for cooperative input reading with other punk channel handlers (repl in particular)
#waiting data will be supplied to this handler if the other handler over-read (e.g repl handling ANSI ESC \[6n response on stdin finding other data before the ANSI response.)
proc toServer {sock {waiting ""}} {
set line $waiting
if {[string length [append line [read stdin]]] >= 0} {
proc toServer {sock} {
upvar ::punk::console::input_chunks_waiting input_chunks_waiting
set nextwaiting ""
if {[info exists input_chunks_waiting(stdin)] && [llength $input_chunks_waiting(stdin)]} {
set nextwaiting [lindex $input_chunks_waiting(stdin) 0]
set input_chunks_waiting(stdin) [lrange $input_chunks_waiting(stdin) 1 end]
fileevent stdin readable {}
if {$nextwaiting eq ""} {
set chunk [read stdin]
} else {
set chunk $nextwaiting
if {[string length $chunk] >= 0} {
# - this mechanism is a heuristic rather than a proper determination of the situation. review
if {[string first \r $line] >=0} {
if {[string first \r $chunk] >=0} {
#assuming terminal newline is <CR> (usual case in raw mode)
if {[string first \r\n $line] < 0} {
if {[string first \r\n $chunk] < 0} {
#only map it if we don't already see \r\n present
set line [string map [list \r \r\n ] $line]
set chunk [string map [list \r \r\n ] $chunk]
} else {
#presuming cooked mode
set line [string map [list \n \r\n] $line]
set chunk [string map [list \n \r\n] $chunk]
# - review
after 1 [::punk::basictelnet::add_debug "[a+ Yellow black]from stdin sending: [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $line][a]\n"]
puts -nonewline $sock $line
flush $sock
update idletasks
if {$::punk::console::is_raw} {
puts -nonewline stdout $chunk
# -- --- --- ---
set tailinfo ""
if {[string length $nextwaiting]} {
set waitingdisplay [overtype::left -wrap 1 -width 77 -height 1 "" [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $nextwaiting]]
set tailinfo "[a+ red]from waiting:\n $waitingdisplay[a]"
::punk::basictelnet::add_debug "[a+ Yellow black]from stdin sending: [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $chunk][a]\n$tailinfo\n" stdin $sock
# -- --- --- ---
if {[catch {
puts -nonewline $sock $chunk
flush $sock
set wrote_sock 1
} errM]} {
puts stderr "Failed to write to socket $socket: data: [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 $chunk]"
set wrote_sock 0
#update idletasks
if {$wrote_sock && ![eof $sock]} {
#Re-enable channel read handler only if no waiting chunks - must process in order
if {![llength $input_chunks_waiting(stdin)]} {
fileevent stdin readable [list [namespace current]::toServer $sock]
} else {
#after idle [list [namespace current]::toServer $sock]
tailcall [namespace current]::toServer $sock
#fileevent stdin readable [list [namespace current]::toServer $sock]
} else {
disconnect sock
} else {
disconnect $sock
@ -412,123 +476,140 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
proc fromServer {sock} {
fileevent $sock readable {}
variable in_sb
set data x
while {[string length $data]} {
if {[catch {
set data [read $sock 4096]
} errM]} {
catch {disconnect $sock}
add_debug "[a+ red]socket read fail: $errM[a]\n"
set data [read $sock 4096]
if {[eof $sock]} {
add_debug "[a+ red]socket eof[a]\n" stdin $sock
disconnect $sock
if {![string length $data]} {
puts stderr "telnet: 0 length read on sock $sock"
set data [read $sock]
if {[eof $sock]} {
add_debug "[a+ red]socket eof after final read attempt[a]\n" stdin $sock
disconnect $sock
} elseif {[string length $data] == 0} {
add_debug "[a+ red]socket 2nd empty read[a]\n" stdin $sock
disconnect $sock
#mini debug buffer for each fromServer call - render using add_debug each loop
set debug_info ""
append debug_info "------raw data [string length $data]------" \n
append debug_info [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $data]] \n
append debug_info "------------------------------------------" \n
while {[string length $data]} {
#puts "1----------------------------------"
#puts [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $data]
#mini debug buffer for each fromServer call - render using add_debug each loop
set debug_info ""
append debug_info "------raw data----------------------------" \n
append debug_info [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $data]] \n
append debug_info "------------------------------------------" \n
if {[string length $data]} {
while 1 {
if {!$in_sb} {
#\xff 255 is the IAC Data Byte (Interpret As Command)
set idx [string first \xff $data]
if {$idx < 0} {
append debug_info "[a+ green]<response has no telnet commands string length data:[string length $data]>[a]" \n
if {[string length $data] == 1} {
append debug_info "SINGLE CHAR: [scan $data %c]" \n
after 1 [punk::basictelnet::add_debug $debug_info]
set debug_info ""
#write [string range $data 0 $idx-1]
puts -nonewline stdout [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [string range $data 0 $idx-1]]
set byte [string index $data [expr {$idx+1}]]
incr idx 2
if {$byte < "\xef"} {
write \xf0$byte
set data [string range $data $idx end]
} elseif {$byte == "\xff"} {
write \xf0
set data [string range $data $idx end]
} else {
set ophex ""
#telnet commands are at least 2 bytes
binary scan $byte H2 cmdhex
switch -- $cmdhex {
fb - fc - fd - fe {
#3bytes - last is option
set opbyte [string index $data [expr {$idx}]]
#don't incr idx - protocol will do so
#incr idx
binary scan $opbyte H2 ophex
fa {
#3 bytes +
#better handled in protocol - set flag to indicate next data expected is optiondata + IAC SE ?
#SB - ended by IAC SE (\xff \xf0)
set sb_posn [string first \xff\xf0 $data]
#no guarantee our read-chunk didn't split before corresponding SE!
#but then.. no guarantee our loop doesn't split after IAC either - need fromserver loop redesign to allow requeuing data?
if {$sb_posn < 0} {
puts stderr "SB missing terminating SE - loop programming incomplete - TODO"
} else {
set opbyte [string index $data [expr {$idx}]]
binary scan $opbyte H2 ophex
default {
protocol $sock $cmdhex $ophex
set data [string range $data $idx end]
while 1 {
if {!$in_sb} {
#\xff 255 is the IAC Data Byte (Interpret As Command)
set idx [string first \xff $data]
if {$idx < 0} {
append debug_info "[a+ green]<response has no telnet commands string length data:[string length $data]>[a]" \n
if {[string length $data] == 1} {
append debug_info "SINGLE CHAR: [scan $data %c]" \n
#write [string range $data 0 $idx-1]
puts -nonewline stdout [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [string range $data 0 $idx-1]]
set byte [string index $data [expr {$idx+1}]]
incr idx 2
if {$byte < "\xef"} {
write \xf0$byte
set data [string range $data $idx end]
} elseif {$byte == "\xff"} {
write \xf0
set data [string range $data $idx end]
} else {
#can we get carriage-returns mixed in? seems possible..
set byte [string index $data 0]
binary scan $byte H2 bytehex
#byte may be IAC or cmd such as DO,WILL etc (e.g for status cmd it will list bytes as something like DO opt1 WILL opt2 before trailing IAC SE)
switch -- $bytehex {
ff {
#expecting SE next - but will pass to protocol as if it's the 'cmd' for handling/verification
set expectedSE [string index $data 1]
binary scan $expectedSE H2 expectedSEhex
protocol $sock $expectedSEhex ""
set ophex ""
#telnet commands are at least 2 bytes
binary scan $byte H2 cmdhex
switch -- $cmdhex {
fb - fc - fd - fe {
#3bytes - last is option
set opbyte [string index $data [expr {$idx}]]
#don't incr idx - protocol will do so
#incr idx
binary scan $opbyte H2 ophex
default {
set opbyte [string index $data 1]
fa {
#3 bytes +
#better handled in protocol - set flag to indicate next data expected is optiondata + IAC SE ?
#SB - ended by IAC SE (\xff \xf0)
set sb_posn [string first \xff\xf0 $data]
#no guarantee our read-chunk didn't split before corresponding SE!
#but then.. no guarantee our loop doesn't split after IAC either - need fromserver loop redesign to allow requeuing data?
if {$sb_posn < 0} {
puts stderr "SB missing terminating SE - loop programming incomplete - TODO"
} else {
set opbyte [string index $data [expr {$idx}]]
binary scan $opbyte H2 ophex
protocol $sock $bytehex $ophex
default {
protocol $sock $cmdhex $ophex
set data [string range $data $idx end]
} else {
#can we get carriage-returns mixed in? seems possible..
set byte [string index $data 0]
binary scan $byte H2 bytehex
#byte may be IAC or cmd such as DO,WILL etc (e.g for status cmd it will list bytes as something like DO opt1 WILL opt2 before trailing IAC SE)
switch -- $bytehex {
ff {
#expecting SE next - but will pass to protocol as if it's the 'cmd' for handling/verification
set expectedSE [string index $data 1]
binary scan $expectedSE H2 expectedSEhex
protocol $sock $expectedSEhex ""
default {
set opbyte [string index $data 1]
binary scan $opbyte H2 ophex
protocol $sock $bytehex $ophex
set data [string range $data $idx end]
} ;#end inner while
#puts -nonewline stdout $data
puts -nonewline stdout "[encoding convertfrom utf-8 $data]"
#puts -nonewline stdout $data
puts -nonewline stdout "[encoding convertfrom utf-8 $data]"
flush stdout
set data ""
} ;#end outer while
punk::basictelnet::add_debug $debug_info stdin $sock
set debug_info ""
#after idle [list fileevent $sock readable [list [namespace current]::fromServer $sock]]
fileevent $sock readable [list [namespace current]::fromServer $sock]
proc disconnect {sock} {
global closed
close $sock
variable closed
puts stdout "local disconnect"
catch {fileevent $sock readable {}}
catch {close $sock}
set closed($sock) 1
@ -559,7 +640,8 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
if {[dict exists $cmdmap $cmd]} {
return [dict get $cmdmap $cmd]
} else {
return "unknown cmd :$cmd"
#return "unknown cmd :$cmd"
return [dict create name "UNKNOWN" code [scan $cmd %x] meaning "UNKNOWN-$cmd"]
proc protocol {sock cmdhex ophex} {
@ -579,11 +661,12 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
flush stderr
if {!$in_sb} {
append debug_info "cmdhex:$cmdhex [cmd_info $cmdhex]" \n
#append debug_info "cmdhex:$cmdhex [cmd_info $cmdhex]" \n
append debug_info "[dict get [cmd_info $cmdhex] name]"
if {[dict exists $optioncodes $opdec]} {
append debug_info "option:$opdec [dict get $optioncodes $opdec]" \n
append debug_info " option:$opdec [dict get $optioncodes $opdec]" \n
} else {
append debug_info "unrecognised option: $opdec" \n
append debug_info " unrecognised option: $opdec" \n
flush stderr
switch $cmdhex {
@ -605,6 +688,7 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
f6 {# AYT - Are you there 246
#return something screen visible
append debug_info { replying to AYT: [YES] } \n
puts $sock {[YES]}
flush $sock
@ -670,7 +754,7 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
append report \xff\xf0 ;#IAC SE
append debug_info "Sent status report" \n
append debug_info "[a+ yellow bold]Sent status report[a]" \n
#puts -nonewline $sock $report\r\n ;#newline or not?
puts -nonewline $sock $report
flush $sock
@ -720,7 +804,7 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
append report $terminal_type
append report \xff\xf0 ;#IAC SE
append debug_info "Sent terminal-type [ansistring VIEW $report\r\n]" \n
append debug_info "[a+ green bold]Sent terminal-type [ansistring VIEW $report\r\n][a]" \n
#puts -nonewline $sock $report\r\n ;#newline or not?
puts -nonewline $sock $report
flush $sock


@ -526,7 +526,8 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_wait waitvar
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_queue queue
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_queuedata queuedata
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_clock clock
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_timeoutid timeoutid
set accumulator($callid) ""
set waitvar($callid) ""
lappend queue $callid
@ -540,16 +541,11 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
if {[lindex $existing_handler 0] eq $this_handler} {
puts stderr "[punk::ansi::a+ red]Warning for callid $callid get_ansi_response_payload called while existing ansi response handler in place[a]: $this_handler"
puts stderr "queue state: $queue"
flush stderr
if {[lindex $queue 0] ne $callid} {
while { $waitvar($callid) ne "go_ahead"} {
after 10
set waitvar([lindex $queue 0]) trigger
puts -nonewline stderr "\n[info level 1]\n"
puts -nonewline stderr "<callid:$callid waitvar [array get waitvar]>"
vwait ::punk::console::ansi_response_wait ;#wait on array - not specific element
#dict set queuedata $callid [list $query $capturingendregex $inputchannels]
error "get_ansi_response_payload - re-entrancy unrecoverable"
fileevent $input readable {}
@ -567,6 +563,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
fconfigure $input -blocking 0
#in handler - its used for a boolean match (capturing aspect not used)
set clock($callid) [clock millis] ;#time of launch - may be delay before first event depending on what's going on
fileevent $input readable [list $this_handler $input $callid $capturingendregex]
# - stderr vs stdout
@ -585,18 +582,26 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
#todo - make timeout configurable?
set waitvarname "::punk::console::ansi_response_wait($callid)"
#500ms is generally plenty for a terminal to respond.. but not in some cases. e.g event loop busy with stdin keypress?? review
set cancel_timeout_id [after 1000 [list set $waitvarname timedout]]
set timeoutid($callid) [after 2000 [list set $waitvarname timedout]]
if {[set waitvar($callid)] eq ""} {
vwait ::punk::console::ansi_response_wait($callid)
#puts stderr ">>>> end vwait1 $waitvar($callid)<<<<"
while {[string match extend-* $waitvar($callid)]} {
set extension [lindex [split $waitvar($callid) -] 1]
#puts stderr "get_ansi_response_payload Extending timeout by $extension"
#after cancel $timeoutid($callid)
set timeoutid($callid) [after $extension [list set $waitvarname timedout]]
vwait ::punk::console::ansi_response_wait($callid)
#response handler automatically removes it's own fileevent
fileevent $input readable {} ;#explicit remove anyway - review
if {$waitvar($callid) ne "timedout"} {
after cancel $cancel_timeout_id
after cancel $timeoutid($callid)
} else {
puts stderr "timeout in get_ansi_response_payload. Ansi request was:[ansistring VIEW $query]"
puts stderr "timeout in get_ansi_response_payload. callid $callid Ansi request was:[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $query]"
if {$was_raw == 0} {
@ -621,7 +626,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
} else {
#timedout - or eof?
puts stderr "get_ansi_response_payload regex match '$capturingendregex' to data '[ansistring VIEW $response]' not found"
puts stderr "get_ansi_response_payload callid:$callid regex match '$capturingendregex' to data '[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $response]' not found"
lappend input_chunks_waiting($input) $response
set payload ""
@ -645,15 +650,16 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
if {[lindex $handler_args end] eq "waiting"} {
#Looks like the existing handler is setup for punk repl cooperation.
puts stderr "[punk::ansi::a+ yellow bold]-->punk::console::get_ansi_response_payload triggering existing handler $existing_handler while over-read data is in punk::console::input_chunks_waiting($input) instead of channel[punk::ansi::a]"
puts stderr "[punk::ansi::a+ yellow bold]-->waiting: [ansistring VIEW $input_chunks_waiting($input)][punk::ansi::a]"
flush stderr
puts stdout "\n\n[punk::ansi::a+ yellow bold]-->punk::console::get_ansi_response_payload callid $callid triggering existing handler\n $existing_handler while over-read data is in punk::console::input_chunks_waiting($input) instead of channel[punk::ansi::a]"
puts stdout "[punk::ansi::a+ yellow bold]-->waiting: [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $input_chunks_waiting($input)][punk::ansi::a]"
flush stdout
#FIX - this doesn't work. Fast typing gets out of order!!!!
#concat and supply to existing handler in single text block - review
#Note will only
set waitingdata [join $input_chunks_waiting($input) ""]
set input_chunks_waiting($input) [list]
after idle [list after 0 [list {*}$existing_handler $waitingdata]]
#after idle [list after 0 [list {*}$existing_handler $waitingdata]]
after idle [list {*}$existing_handler $waitingdata] ;#after 0 may be put ahead of events it shouldn't be - review
unset waitingdata
} else {
#! todo? for now, emit a clue as to what's happening.
@ -698,6 +704,8 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
proc ansi_response_handler_regex {chan callid endregex} {
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_chunk chunks
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_wait waits
upvar ::punk::console::ansi_response_clock clock ;#initial time in millis was set when fileevent was created
#endregex should explicitly have a trailing $
set status [catch {read $chan 1} bytes]
if { $status != 0 } {
@ -714,14 +722,19 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
fileevent $chan readable {}
#puts stderr "matched - setting ansi_response_wait($callid) ok"
set waits($callid) ok
} else {
if {[string length $chunks($callid)] % 10 == 0 || $clock($callid) - [clock millis] > 50} {
after cancel $::punk::console::ansi_response_timeoutid($callid)
set waits($callid) extend-1000
} elseif {[eof $chan]} {
fileevent $chan readable {}
} elseif {[catch {eof $chan}] || [eof $chan]} {
catch {fileevent $chan readable {}}
# End of file on the channel
puts stderr "ansi_response_handler_regex end of file on channel $chan"
set waits($callid) eof
} elseif {[fblocked $chan]} {
} elseif {![catch {fblocked $chan}] && [fblocked $chan]} {
# Read blocked. Just return
# Caller should be using timeout on the wait variable
} else {
@ -1204,8 +1217,10 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
#todo - compare speed with get_cursor_pos - work out why the big difference
proc test_cursor_pos {} {
if {!$::punk::terminal::is_raw} {
if {!$::punk::console::is_raw} {
set was_raw 0
} else {
