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scriptwrap fixes, fileline module and documentation updates

Julian Noble 1 year ago
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@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
[comment {--- punk::docgen generated from inline doctools comments ---}]
[comment {--- punk::docgen overwrites this file ---}]
[manpage_begin punkshell_module_punk::fileline 0 0.1.0]
[copyright "2024"]
[titledesc {file line-handling utilities}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
[moddesc {punk fileline}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
[require punk::fileline]
[keywords module text parse file]
[para] -
[section Overview]
[para]Utilities for in-memory analysis of text file data as both line data and byte/char-counted data whilst preserving the line-endings (even if mixed)
[para]This is important for certain text files where examining the number of chars/bytes is important
[para]For example - windows .cmd/.bat files need some byte counting to determine if labels lie on chunk boundaries and need to be moved.
[para]Despite including the word 'file', the library doesn't deal with reading/writing to the filesystem. It is for operating on text-file like data.
[subsection Concepts]
[para]A chunk of textfile data (possibly representing a whole file - but usually at least a complete set of lines) is loaded into a punk::fileline::class::textinfo instance at object creation.
package require punk::fileline
package require fileutil
set rawdata [lb]fileutil::cat data.txt -translation binary[rb]
punk::fileline::class::textinfo create obj_data $rawdata
puts stdout [lb]obj_data linecount[rb]
[subsection Notes]
[para]Line records are referred to by a zero-based index instead of a one-based index as is commonly used when displaying files.
[para]This is for programming consistency and convenience, and the module user should do their own conversion to one-based indexing for line display or messaging if desired.
[para]No support for lone carriage-returns being interpreted as line-endings.
[para]CR line-endings that are intended to be interpreted as such should be mapped to something else before the data is supplied to this module.
[subsection dependencies]
[para] packages used by punk::fileline
[list_begin itemized]
[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
[section API]
[subsection {Namespace punk::fileline::class}]
[para] class definitions
[list_begin enumerated]
[enum] CLASS [class textinfo]
[list_begin definitions]
[para] [emph METHODS]
[call class::textinfo [method constructor] [arg datachunk] [opt {option value...}]]
[para] Constructor for textinfo object which represents a chunk or all of a file
[para] datachunk should be passed with the file data including line-endings as-is for full functionality. ie use something like:
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set chunkdata [lb]read $fd[rb]]
set chunkdata [lb]fileutil::cat <filename> -translation binary[rb]
[para] when loading the data
[call class::textinfo [method chunk] [arg chunkstart] [arg chunkend]]
[para]Return a range of bytes from the underlying raw chunk data.
[para] e.g The following retrieves the entire chunk
[para] objName chunk 0 end
[call class::textinfo [method chunklen]]
[para] Number of bytes/characters in the raw data of the file
[call class::textinfo [method linecount]]
[para] Number of lines in the raw data of the file, counted as per the policy in effect
[call class::textinfo [method regenerate_lines]]
[para]generate a list of lines from the stored raw data chunk and keep a map of line-endings indexed by lineindex
[call class::textinfo [method line] [arg lineindex]]
[para]Reconstructs and returns the raw line using the payload and per-line stored line-ending metadata
[para]A 'line' may be returned without a line-ending if the unerlying chunk had trailing data without a line-ending (or the chunk was loaded under a non-standard -policy setting)
[para]Whilst such data may not conform to definitions (e.g POSIX) of the terms 'textfile' and 'line' - it is useful here to represent it as a line with metadata le set to "none"
[para]To return just the data which might more commonly be needed for dealing with lines, use the [method linepayload] method - which returns the line data minus line-ending
[call class::textinfo [method linepayload] [arg lineindex]]
[para]Return the text of the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex
[para]The line-ending is not returned in the data - but is still stored against this lineindex
[para]Line Metadata such as the line-ending for a particular line and the byte/character range it occupies within the chunk can be retrieved with the [method linemeta] method
[para]To retrieve both the line text and metadata in a single call the [method lineinfo] method can be used
[para]To retrieve an entire line including line-ending use the [method line] method.
[call class::textinfo [method linemeta] [arg lineindex]]
[para]Return a dict of the metadata for the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex
[para]Keys returned include
[list_begin itemized]
[item] le
[para] A string representing the type of line-ending: crlf|lf|none
[item] linelen
[para] The number of characters/bytes in the whole line including line-ending if any
[item] payloadlen
[para] The number of character/bytes in the line excluding line-ending
[item] start
[para] The zero-based index into the associated raw file data indicating at which byte/character index this line begins
[item] end
[para] The zero-based index into the associated raw file data indicating at which byte/character index this line ends
[para] This end-point corresponds to the last character of the line-ending if any - not necessarily the last character of the line's payload
[call class::textinfo [method lineinfo] [arg lineindex]]
[para]Return a dict of the metadata and text for the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex
[para]This returns the same info as the [method linemeta] with an added key of 'payload' which is the text of the line without line-ending.
[para]The 'payload' value is the same as is returned from the [method linepayload] method.
[call class::textinfo [method linerange_to_chunkrange] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
[call class::textinfo [method linerange_to_chunk] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
[call class::textinfo [method lines] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
[call class::textinfo [method linepayloads] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
[call class::textinfo [method chunkrange_to_linerange] [arg chunkstart] [arg chunkend]]
[call class::textinfo [method chunkrange_to_lineinfolist] [arg chunkstart] [arg chunkend] [opt {option value...}]]
[para]Return a list of dicts each with structure like the result of the [method lineinfo] method - but possibly with extra keys for truncation information if -show_truncated 1 is supplied
[para]The truncation key in a lineinfo dict may be returned for first and/or last line in the resulting list.
[para]truncation shows the shortened (missing bytes on left and/or right side) part of the entire line (potentially including line-ending or even partial line-ending)
[para]Note that this truncation info is only in the return value of this method - and will not be reflected in [method lineinfo] queries to the main chunk.
[call class::textinfo [method numeric_linerange] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
[para]A helper to return any Tcl-style end end-x values given to startidx or endidx; converted to their specific values based on the current state of the underlying line data
[para]This is used internally by API functions such as [method line] to enable it to accept more expressive indices
[call class::textinfo [method numeric_chunkrange] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
[para]A helper to return any Tcl-style end end-x entries supplied to startidx or endidx; converted to their specific values based on the current state of the underlying chunk data
[call class::textinfo [method normalize_indices] [arg startidx] [arg endidx] [arg max]]
[para]A utility to convert some of the of Tcl-style list-index expressions such as end, end-1 etc to valid indices in the range 0 to the supplied max
[para]Basic addition and subtraction expressions such as 4-1 5+2 are accepted
[para]startidx higher than endidx is allowed
[para]Unlike Tcl's index expressions - we raise an error if the calculated index is out of bounds 0 to max
[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
[subsection {Namespace punk::fileline}]
[para] Core API functions for punk::fileline
[list_begin definitions]
[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::fileline ---}]
[subsection {Namespace punk::fileline::lib}]
[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
[list_begin definitions]
[call [fun lib::range_spans_chunk_boundaries] [arg start] [arg end] [arg chunksize]]
[para]Takes start and end offset, generally representing bytes or character indices, and computes a list of boundaries at multiples of the chunksize that are spanned by the start and end range.
[list_begin arguments]
[arg_def integer start]
[para] zero-based start index of range
[arg_def integer end]
[para] zero-based end index of range
[arg_def integer chunksize]
[para] Number of bytes/characters in chunk
[para]returns a dict with the keys is_span and boundaries
[para]is_span 0|1 indicates if the range specified spans a boundary of chunksize
[para]boundaries contains a list of the spanned boundaries - which are always multiples of the chunksize
range_spans_chunk_boundaries 10 1750 512
is_span 1 boundaries {512 1024 1536}
[para] This function automatically uses lseq (if Tcl >= 8.7) when number of boundaries spanned is approximately greater than 75
[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::fileline::lib ---}]
[section Internal]
[subsection {Namespace punk::fileline::system}]
[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API


@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
[para] ie - the driveletter alone in paths such as c:/etc will still be case insensitive. (ie c:/ETC/* will match C:/ETC/blah but not C:/etc/blah)
[para] Explicitly specifying -nocase 0 will require the entire case to match including the driveletter.
[call [fun treefilenames] [arg basepath] [arg tailglob] [opt {option value...}]]
basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive
no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem
[para]basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive
[para]no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem
[call [fun relative] [arg reference] [arg location]]
[para] Taking two directory paths, a reference and a location, computes the path
of the location relative to the reference.
@ -65,14 +65,30 @@ no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem
[para] Notes:
[para] Both paths must be the same type - ie both absolute or both relative
[para] Case sensitive. ie relative /etc /etC
[para] Case sensitive. ie punk::path::relative /etc /etC
will return ../etC
[para] On windows, the drive-letter component (only) is not case sensitive
[para] ie relative c:/etc C:/etc returns .
[para] but relative c:/etc C:/Etc returns ../Etc
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc C:/etc
- .
[para] The part following the driveletter is case sensitive so in the following cases it recognises the driveletter matches but not the tail
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc C:/Etc
- ../Etc
[para] On windows, if the paths are absolute and specifiy different volumes, only the location will be returned.
ie relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
returns d:/etc/blah
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
- d:/etc/blah
[para] Unix-like examples:
P% punk::path::relative /usr/local/etc/ /usr/local/etc/somewhere/below
- somewhere/below
P% punk::path::relative /usr/local/etc/somewhere /usr/local/lib/here
- ../../lib/here
[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::path ---}]
[subsection {Namespace punk::path::lib}]


@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
'\" Generated from file '_module_fileline-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'nroff'
'\" Copyright (c) 2024
.TH "punkshell_module_punk::fileline" 0 0\&.1\&.0 doc "punk fileline"
.\" The -*- nroff -*- definitions below are for supplemental macros used
.\" in Tcl/Tk manual entries.
.\" .AP type name in/out ?indent?
.\" Start paragraph describing an argument to a library procedure.
.\" type is type of argument (int, etc.), in/out is either "in", "out",
.\" or "in/out" to describe whether procedure reads or modifies arg,
.\" and indent is equivalent to second arg of .IP (shouldn't ever be
.\" needed; use .AS below instead)
.\" .AS ?type? ?name?
.\" Give maximum sizes of arguments for setting tab stops. Type and
.\" name are examples of largest possible arguments that will be passed
.\" to .AP later. If args are omitted, default tab stops are used.
.\" .BS
.\" Start box enclosure. From here until next .BE, everything will be
.\" enclosed in one large box.
.\" .BE
.\" End of box enclosure.
.\" .CS
.\" Begin code excerpt.
.\" .CE
.\" End code excerpt.
.\" .VS ?version? ?br?
.\" Begin vertical sidebar, for use in marking newly-changed parts
.\" of man pages. The first argument is ignored and used for recording
.\" the version when the .VS was added, so that the sidebars can be
.\" found and removed when they reach a certain age. If another argument
.\" is present, then a line break is forced before starting the sidebar.
.\" .VE
.\" End of vertical sidebar.
.\" .DS
.\" Begin an indented unfilled display.
.\" .DE
.\" End of indented unfilled display.
.\" .SO ?manpage?
.\" Start of list of standard options for a Tk widget. The manpage
.\" argument defines where to look up the standard options; if
.\" omitted, defaults to "options". The options follow on successive
.\" lines, in three columns separated by tabs.
.\" .SE
.\" End of list of standard options for a Tk widget.
.\" .OP cmdName dbName dbClass
.\" Start of description of a specific option. cmdName gives the
.\" option's name as specified in the class command, dbName gives
.\" the option's name in the option database, and dbClass gives
.\" the option's class in the option database.
.\" .UL arg1 arg2
.\" Print arg1 underlined, then print arg2 normally.
.\" .QW arg1 ?arg2?
.\" Print arg1 in quotes, then arg2 normally (for trailing punctuation).
.\" .PQ arg1 ?arg2?
.\" Print an open parenthesis, arg1 in quotes, then arg2 normally
.\" (for trailing punctuation) and then a closing parenthesis.
.\" # Set up traps and other miscellaneous stuff for Tcl/Tk man pages.
.if t .wh -1.3i ^B
.nr ^l \n(.l
.ad b
.\" # Start an argument description
.de AP
.ie !"\\$4"" .TP \\$4
.el \{\
. ie !"\\$2"" .TP \\n()Cu
. el .TP 15
.ta \\n()Au \\n()Bu
.ie !"\\$3"" \{\
\&\\$1 \\fI\\$2\\fP (\\$3)
.el \{\
.ie !"\\$2"" \{\
\&\\$1 \\fI\\$2\\fP
.el \{\
.\" # define tabbing values for .AP
.de AS
.nr )A 10n
.if !"\\$1"" .nr )A \\w'\\$1'u+3n
.nr )B \\n()Au+15n
.if !"\\$2"" .nr )B \\w'\\$2'u+\\n()Au+3n
.nr )C \\n()Bu+\\w'(in/out)'u+2n
.AS Tcl_Interp Tcl_CreateInterp in/out
.\" # BS - start boxed text
.\" # ^y = starting y location
.\" # ^b = 1
.de BS
.mk ^y
.nr ^b 1u
.if n .nf
.if n .ti 0
.if n \l'\\n(.lu\(ul'
.if n .fi
.\" # BE - end boxed text (draw box now)
.de BE
.ti 0
.mk ^t
.ie n \l'\\n(^lu\(ul'
.el \{\
.\" Draw four-sided box normally, but don't draw top of
.\" box if the box started on an earlier page.
.ie !\\n(^b-1 \{\
.el \}\
.nr ^b 0
.\" # VS - start vertical sidebar
.\" # ^Y = starting y location
.\" # ^v = 1 (for troff; for nroff this doesn't matter)
.de VS
.if !"\\$2"" .br
.mk ^Y
.ie n 'mc \s12\(br\s0
.el .nr ^v 1u
.\" # VE - end of vertical sidebar
.de VE
.ie n 'mc
.el \{\
.ev 2
.ti 0
.mk ^t
.sp -1
.nr ^v 0
.\" # Special macro to handle page bottom: finish off current
.\" # box/sidebar if in box/sidebar mode, then invoked standard
.\" # page bottom macro.
.de ^B
.ev 2
'ti 0
.mk ^t
.if \\n(^b \{\
.\" Draw three-sided box if this is the box's first page,
.\" draw two sides but no top otherwise.
.ie !\\n(^b-1 \h'-1.5n'\L'|\\n(^yu-1v'\l'\\n(^lu+3n\(ul'\L'\\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^yu'\h'|0u'\c
.el \h'-1.5n'\L'|\\n(^yu-1v'\h'\\n(^lu+3n'\L'\\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^yu'\h'|0u'\c
.if \\n(^v \{\
.nr ^x \\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^Yu
.if \\n(^b \{\
.mk ^y
.nr ^b 2
.if \\n(^v \{\
.mk ^Y
.\" # DS - begin display
.de DS
.\" # DE - end display
.de DE
.\" # SO - start of list of standard options
.de SO
'ie '\\$1'' .ds So \\fBoptions\\fR
'el .ds So \\fB\\$1\\fR
.ta 5.5c 11c
.ft B
.\" # SE - end of list of standard options
.de SE
.ft R
See the \\*(So manual entry for details on the standard options.
.\" # OP - start of full description for a single option
.de OP
.ta 4c
Command-Line Name: \\fB\\$1\\fR
Database Name: \\fB\\$2\\fR
Database Class: \\fB\\$3\\fR
.\" # CS - begin code excerpt
.de CS
.ta .25i .5i .75i 1i
.\" # CE - end code excerpt
.de CE
.\" # UL - underline word
.de UL
.\" # QW - apply quotation marks to word
.de QW
.ie '\\*(lq'"' ``\\$1''\\$2
.\"" fix emacs highlighting
.el \\*(lq\\$1\\*(rq\\$2
.\" # PQ - apply parens and quotation marks to word
.de PQ
.ie '\\*(lq'"' (``\\$1''\\$2)\\$3
.\"" fix emacs highlighting
.el (\\*(lq\\$1\\*(rq\\$2)\\$3
.\" # QR - quoted range
.de QR
.ie '\\*(lq'"' ``\\$1''\\-``\\$2''\\$3
.\"" fix emacs highlighting
.el \\*(lq\\$1\\*(rq\\-\\*(lq\\$2\\*(rq\\$3
.\" # MT - "empty" string
.de MT
.QW ""
punkshell_module_punk::fileline \- file line-handling utilities
package require \fBpunk::fileline \fR
class::textinfo \fBconstructor\fR \fIdatachunk\fR ?option value\&.\&.\&.?
class::textinfo \fBchunk\fR \fIchunkstart\fR \fIchunkend\fR
class::textinfo \fBchunklen\fR
class::textinfo \fBlinecount\fR
class::textinfo \fBregenerate_lines\fR
class::textinfo \fBline\fR \fIlineindex\fR
class::textinfo \fBlinepayload\fR \fIlineindex\fR
class::textinfo \fBlinemeta\fR \fIlineindex\fR
class::textinfo \fBlineinfo\fR \fIlineindex\fR
class::textinfo \fBlinerange_to_chunkrange\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
class::textinfo \fBlinerange_to_chunk\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
class::textinfo \fBlines\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
class::textinfo \fBlinepayloads\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
class::textinfo \fBchunkrange_to_linerange\fR \fIchunkstart\fR \fIchunkend\fR
class::textinfo \fBchunkrange_to_lineinfolist\fR \fIchunkstart\fR \fIchunkend\fR ?option value\&.\&.\&.?
class::textinfo \fBnumeric_linerange\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
class::textinfo \fBnumeric_chunkrange\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
class::textinfo \fBnormalize_indices\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR \fImax\fR
\fBlib::range_spans_chunk_boundaries\fR \fIstart\fR \fIend\fR \fIchunksize\fR
Utilities for in-memory analysis of text file data as both line data and byte/char-counted data whilst preserving the line-endings (even if mixed)
This is important for certain text files where examining the number of chars/bytes is important
For example - windows \&.cmd/\&.bat files need some byte counting to determine if labels lie on chunk boundaries and need to be moved\&.
Despite including the word 'file', the library doesn't deal with reading/writing to the filesystem\&. It is for operating on text-file like data\&.
A chunk of textfile data (possibly representing a whole file - but usually at least a complete set of lines) is loaded into a punk::fileline::class::textinfo instance at object creation\&.
package require punk::fileline
package require fileutil
set rawdata [fileutil::cat data\&.txt -translation binary]
punk::fileline::class::textinfo create obj_data $rawdata
puts stdout [obj_data linecount]
Line records are referred to by a zero-based index instead of a one-based index as is commonly used when displaying files\&.
This is for programming consistency and convenience, and the module user should do their own conversion to one-based indexing for line display or messaging if desired\&.
No support for lone carriage-returns being interpreted as line-endings\&.
CR line-endings that are intended to be interpreted as such should be mapped to something else before the data is supplied to this module\&.
packages used by punk::fileline
.IP \(bu
\fBTcl 8\&.6\fR
class definitions
.IP [1]
CLASS \fBtextinfo\fR
class::textinfo \fBconstructor\fR \fIdatachunk\fR ?option value\&.\&.\&.?
Constructor for textinfo object which represents a chunk or all of a file
datachunk should be passed with the file data including line-endings as-is for full functionality\&. ie use something like:
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set chunkdata [read $fd]]
set chunkdata [fileutil::cat <filename> -translation binary]
when loading the data
class::textinfo \fBchunk\fR \fIchunkstart\fR \fIchunkend\fR
Return a range of bytes from the underlying raw chunk data\&.
e\&.g The following retrieves the entire chunk
objName chunk 0 end
class::textinfo \fBchunklen\fR
Number of bytes/characters in the raw data of the file
class::textinfo \fBlinecount\fR
Number of lines in the raw data of the file, counted as per the policy in effect
class::textinfo \fBregenerate_lines\fR
generate a list of lines from the stored raw data chunk and keep a map of line-endings indexed by lineindex
class::textinfo \fBline\fR \fIlineindex\fR
Reconstructs and returns the raw line using the payload and per-line stored line-ending metadata
A 'line' may be returned without a line-ending if the unerlying chunk had trailing data without a line-ending (or the chunk was loaded under a non-standard -policy setting)
Whilst such data may not conform to definitions (e\&.g POSIX) of the terms 'textfile' and 'line' - it is useful here to represent it as a line with metadata le set to "none"
To return just the data which might more commonly be needed for dealing with lines, use the \fBlinepayload\fR method - which returns the line data minus line-ending
class::textinfo \fBlinepayload\fR \fIlineindex\fR
Return the text of the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex
The line-ending is not returned in the data - but is still stored against this lineindex
Line Metadata such as the line-ending for a particular line and the byte/character range it occupies within the chunk can be retrieved with the \fBlinemeta\fR method
To retrieve both the line text and metadata in a single call the \fBlineinfo\fR method can be used
To retrieve an entire line including line-ending use the \fBline\fR method\&.
class::textinfo \fBlinemeta\fR \fIlineindex\fR
Return a dict of the metadata for the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex
Keys returned include
.IP \(bu
A string representing the type of line-ending: crlf|lf|none
.IP \(bu
The number of characters/bytes in the whole line including line-ending if any
.IP \(bu
The number of character/bytes in the line excluding line-ending
.IP \(bu
The zero-based index into the associated raw file data indicating at which byte/character index this line begins
.IP \(bu
The zero-based index into the associated raw file data indicating at which byte/character index this line ends
This end-point corresponds to the last character of the line-ending if any - not necessarily the last character of the line's payload
class::textinfo \fBlineinfo\fR \fIlineindex\fR
Return a dict of the metadata and text for the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex
This returns the same info as the \fBlinemeta\fR with an added key of 'payload' which is the text of the line without line-ending\&.
The 'payload' value is the same as is returned from the \fBlinepayload\fR method\&.
class::textinfo \fBlinerange_to_chunkrange\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
class::textinfo \fBlinerange_to_chunk\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
class::textinfo \fBlines\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
class::textinfo \fBlinepayloads\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
class::textinfo \fBchunkrange_to_linerange\fR \fIchunkstart\fR \fIchunkend\fR
class::textinfo \fBchunkrange_to_lineinfolist\fR \fIchunkstart\fR \fIchunkend\fR ?option value\&.\&.\&.?
Return a list of dicts each with structure like the result of the \fBlineinfo\fR method - but possibly with extra keys for truncation information if -show_truncated 1 is supplied
The truncation key in a lineinfo dict may be returned for first and/or last line in the resulting list\&.
truncation shows the shortened (missing bytes on left and/or right side) part of the entire line (potentially including line-ending or even partial line-ending)
Note that this truncation info is only in the return value of this method - and will not be reflected in \fBlineinfo\fR queries to the main chunk\&.
class::textinfo \fBnumeric_linerange\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
A helper to return any Tcl-style end end-x values given to startidx or endidx; converted to their specific values based on the current state of the underlying line data
This is used internally by API functions such as \fBline\fR to enable it to accept more expressive indices
class::textinfo \fBnumeric_chunkrange\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR
A helper to return any Tcl-style end end-x entries supplied to startidx or endidx; converted to their specific values based on the current state of the underlying chunk data
class::textinfo \fBnormalize_indices\fR \fIstartidx\fR \fIendidx\fR \fImax\fR
A utility to convert some of the of Tcl-style list-index expressions such as end, end-1 etc to valid indices in the range 0 to the supplied max
Basic addition and subtraction expressions such as 4-1 5+2 are accepted
startidx higher than endidx is allowed
Unlike Tcl's index expressions - we raise an error if the calculated index is out of bounds 0 to max
Core API functions for punk::fileline
Secondary functions that are part of the API
\fBlib::range_spans_chunk_boundaries\fR \fIstart\fR \fIend\fR \fIchunksize\fR
Takes start and end offset, generally representing bytes or character indices, and computes a list of boundaries at multiples of the chunksize that are spanned by the start and end range\&.
integer \fIstart\fR
zero-based start index of range
integer \fIend\fR
zero-based end index of range
integer \fIchunksize\fR
Number of bytes/characters in chunk
returns a dict with the keys is_span and boundaries
is_span 0|1 indicates if the range specified spans a boundary of chunksize
boundaries contains a list of the spanned boundaries - which are always multiples of the chunksize
range_spans_chunk_boundaries 10 1750 512
is_span 1 boundaries {512 1024 1536}
This function automatically uses lseq (if Tcl >= 8\&.7) when number of boundaries spanned is approximately greater than 75
Internal functions that are not part of the API
file, module, parse, text
Copyright (c) 2024


@ -347,7 +347,9 @@ ie - the driveletter alone in paths such as c:/etc will still be case insensitiv
Explicitly specifying -nocase 0 will require the entire case to match including the driveletter\&.
\fBtreefilenames\fR \fIbasepath\fR \fItailglob\fR ?option value\&.\&.\&.?
basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive
no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem
\fBrelative\fR \fIreference\fR \fIlocation\fR
@ -379,18 +381,46 @@ Notes:
Both paths must be the same type - ie both absolute or both relative
Case sensitive\&. ie relative /etc /etC
Case sensitive\&. ie punk::path::relative /etc /etC
will return \&.\&./etC
On windows, the drive-letter component (only) is not case sensitive
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc C:/etc
- \&.
ie relative c:/etc C:/etc returns \&.
but relative c:/etc C:/Etc returns \&.\&./Etc
The part following the driveletter is case sensitive so in the following cases it recognises the driveletter matches but not the tail
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc C:/Etc
- \&.\&./Etc
On windows, if the paths are absolute and specifiy different volumes, only the location will be returned\&.
ie relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
returns d:/etc/blah
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
- d:/etc/blah
Unix-like examples:
P% punk::path::relative /usr/local/etc/ /usr/local/etc/somewhere/below
- somewhere/below
P% punk::path::relative /usr/local/etc/somewhere /usr/local/lib/here
- \&.\&./\&.\&./lib/here


@ -284,6 +284,12 @@ changelog
@ -296,9 +302,18 @@ module
@ -347,4 +362,10 @@ punkshell__project_changes


@ -285,6 +285,9 @@ doc
\fIfiles/punk/_module_cap-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.n\fR: capability provider and handler plugin system
\fIfiles/punk/_module_fileline-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.n\fR: file line-handling utilities
\fIfiles/punk/mix/commandset/_module_project-0\&.1\&.0\&.tm\&.n\fR: pmix commandset - project


@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
[item doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes {punkshell Changes}]
[item doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro {Introduction to punkshell}]
[item doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}]
[item doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline {file line-handling utilities}]
[item doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project {pmix commandset - project}]
[item doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path {Filesystem path utilities}]


@ -1 +1 @@
{shell {{doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/ punkshell}} changelog {{doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes}} filesystem {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} path {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} capability {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap}} module {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} punk {{doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/ punkshell}} plugin {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap}} repl {{doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/ punkshell}}} {{changelog doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} . {shell doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} . {shell doc/files/ punkshell} . {repl doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} . {module doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} . {plugin doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} . {filesystem doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {path doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {module doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {shell doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} . {punk doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} . {punk doc/files/ punkshell} . {repl doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} . {punk doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} . {repl doc/files/ punkshell} . {capability doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} .} 9 {shell shell changelog changelog filesystem filesystem path path capability capability module module punk punk plugin plugin repl repl}
{file {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline}} repl {{doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/ punkshell}} text {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline}} shell {{doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/ punkshell}} changelog {{doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes}} capability {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap}} parse {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline}} filesystem {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} path {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} module {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} punk {{doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/ punkshell}} plugin {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap}}} {{shell doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} . {changelog doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} . {shell doc/files/ punkshell} . {text doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline} . {repl doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} . {module doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} . {plugin doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} . {filesystem doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {path doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {module doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {punk doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} . {shell doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} . {parse doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline} . {punk doc/files/ punkshell} . {module doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline} . {repl doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes} . {punk doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro} . {file doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline} . {repl doc/files/ punkshell} . {capability doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} .} 12 {file file repl repl text text shell shell changelog changelog capability capability parse parse filesystem filesystem path path module module punk punk plugin plugin}


@ -1 +1 @@
doc {doc/toc {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}} {doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro {Introduction to punkshell}} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path {Filesystem path utilities}} {doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes {punkshell Changes}} {doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project {pmix commandset - project}} {doc/files/ punkshell {punkshell - Core}}}}
doc {doc/toc {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline {file line-handling utilities}} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}} {doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro {Introduction to punkshell}} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path {Filesystem path utilities}} {doc/files/ punkshell__project_changes {punkshell Changes}} {doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project {pmix commandset - project}} {doc/files/ punkshell {punkshell - Core}}}}


@ -1 +1 @@
kw,capability { capability} punkshell_module_punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {punkshell Changes} doc/files/ {Introduction to punkshell} doc/files/ punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ sa,punkshell(n) doc/files/ filesystem { filesystem} sa,punkshell doc/files/ kw,shell { shell} sa,punkshell_module_punk::cap doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell__project_changes(n) doc/files/ kw,path { path} kw,module { module} punkshell(n) doc/files/ kw,plugin { plugin} punkshell doc/files/ punkshell_module_punk::cap doc/files/punk/ changelog { changelog} punkshell_module_punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_changes(n) doc/files/ sa,punkshell__project_changes doc/files/ path { path} sa,punkshell_module_punk::path doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_changes doc/files/ kw,filesystem { filesystem} sa,punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ shell { shell} punkshell_module_punk::path doc/files/punk/ kw,repl { repl} capability { capability} punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {punkshell - Core} doc/files/ {pmix commandset - project} doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {capability provider and handler plugin system} doc/files/punk/ repl { repl} kw,punk { punk} sa,punkshell__project_intro(n) doc/files/ sa,punkshell__project_intro doc/files/ {Filesystem path utilities} doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_intro(n) doc/files/ punkshell__project_intro doc/files/ kw,changelog { changelog} punk { punk} module { module} plugin { plugin}
kw,capability { capability} punkshell_module_punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {punkshell Changes} doc/files/ {Introduction to punkshell} doc/files/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::fileline(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ sa,punkshell(n) doc/files/ filesystem { filesystem} sa,punkshell doc/files/ kw,shell { shell} sa,punkshell_module_punk::cap doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ kw,parse { parse} sa,punkshell__project_changes(n) doc/files/ kw,path { path} kw,module { module} punkshell_module_punk::fileline(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell(n) doc/files/ kw,plugin { plugin} punkshell doc/files/ kw,file { file} punkshell_module_punk::cap doc/files/punk/ changelog { changelog} punkshell_module_punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_changes(n) doc/files/ sa,punkshell__project_changes doc/files/ path { path} file { file} sa,punkshell_module_punk::path doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_changes doc/files/ kw,filesystem { filesystem} sa,punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ shell { shell} punkshell_module_punk::path doc/files/punk/ kw,repl { repl} capability { capability} kw,text { text} parse { parse} sa,punkshell_module_punk::fileline doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {punkshell - Core} doc/files/ {pmix commandset - project} doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {capability provider and handler plugin system} doc/files/punk/ repl { repl} punkshell_module_punk::fileline doc/files/punk/ kw,punk { punk} sa,punkshell__project_intro(n) doc/files/ text { text} sa,punkshell__project_intro doc/files/ {Filesystem path utilities} doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_intro(n) doc/files/ {file line-handling utilities} doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_intro doc/files/ kw,changelog { changelog} module { module} punk { punk} plugin { plugin}


@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
[//000000001]: # (punkshell\_module\_punk::fileline \- punk fileline)
[//000000002]: # (Generated from file '\_module\_fileline\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown')
[//000000003]: # (Copyright &copy; 2024)
[//000000004]: # (punkshell\_module\_punk::fileline\(0\) 0\.1\.0 doc "punk fileline")
<hr> [ <a href="../../../">Main Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../../">Table Of Contents</a> &#124; <a
href="../../../">Keyword Index</a> ] <hr>
punkshell\_module\_punk::fileline \- file line\-handling utilities
# <a name='toc'></a>Table Of Contents
- [Table Of Contents](#toc)
- [Synopsis](#synopsis)
- [Description](#section1)
- [Overview](#section2)
- [Concepts](#subsection1)
- [Notes](#subsection2)
- [dependencies](#subsection3)
- [API](#section3)
- [Namespace punk::fileline::class](#subsection4)
- [Namespace punk::fileline](#subsection5)
- [Namespace punk::fileline::lib](#subsection6)
- [Internal](#section4)
- [Namespace punk::fileline::system](#subsection7)
- [Keywords](#keywords)
- [Copyright](#copyright)
# <a name='synopsis'></a>SYNOPSIS
package require punk::fileline
[class::textinfo __constructor__ *datachunk* ?option value\.\.\.?](#1)
[class::textinfo __chunk__ *chunkstart* *chunkend*](#2)
[class::textinfo __chunklen__](#3)
[class::textinfo __linecount__](#4)
[class::textinfo __regenerate\_lines__](#5)
[class::textinfo __line__ *lineindex*](#6)
[class::textinfo __linepayload__ *lineindex*](#7)
[class::textinfo __linemeta__ *lineindex*](#8)
[class::textinfo __lineinfo__ *lineindex*](#9)
[class::textinfo __linerange\_to\_chunkrange__ *startidx* *endidx*](#10)
[class::textinfo __linerange\_to\_chunk__ *startidx* *endidx*](#11)
[class::textinfo __lines__ *startidx* *endidx*](#12)
[class::textinfo __linepayloads__ *startidx* *endidx*](#13)
[class::textinfo __chunkrange\_to\_linerange__ *chunkstart* *chunkend*](#14)
[class::textinfo __chunkrange\_to\_lineinfolist__ *chunkstart* *chunkend* ?option value\.\.\.?](#15)
[class::textinfo __numeric\_linerange__ *startidx* *endidx*](#16)
[class::textinfo __numeric\_chunkrange__ *startidx* *endidx*](#17)
[class::textinfo __normalize\_indices__ *startidx* *endidx* *max*](#18)
[__lib::range\_spans\_chunk\_boundaries__ *start* *end* *chunksize*](#19)
# <a name='description'></a>DESCRIPTION
# <a name='section2'></a>Overview
Utilities for in\-memory analysis of text file data as both line data and
byte/char\-counted data whilst preserving the line\-endings \(even if mixed\)
This is important for certain text files where examining the number of
chars/bytes is important
For example \- windows \.cmd/\.bat files need some byte counting to determine if
labels lie on chunk boundaries and need to be moved\.
Despite including the word 'file', the library doesn't deal with reading/writing
to the filesystem\. It is for operating on text\-file like data\.
## <a name='subsection1'></a>Concepts
A chunk of textfile data \(possibly representing a whole file \- but usually at
least a complete set of lines\) is loaded into a punk::fileline::class::textinfo
instance at object creation\.
package require punk::fileline
package require fileutil
set rawdata [fileutil::cat data.txt -translation binary]
punk::fileline::class::textinfo create obj_data $rawdata
puts stdout [obj_data linecount]
## <a name='subsection2'></a>Notes
Line records are referred to by a zero\-based index instead of a one\-based index
as is commonly used when displaying files\.
This is for programming consistency and convenience, and the module user should
do their own conversion to one\-based indexing for line display or messaging if
No support for lone carriage\-returns being interpreted as line\-endings\.
CR line\-endings that are intended to be interpreted as such should be mapped to
something else before the data is supplied to this module\.
## <a name='subsection3'></a>dependencies
packages used by punk::fileline
- __Tcl 8\.6__
# <a name='section3'></a>API
## <a name='subsection4'></a>Namespace punk::fileline::class
class definitions
1. CLASS __textinfo__
- <a name='1'></a>class::textinfo __constructor__ *datachunk* ?option value\.\.\.?
Constructor for textinfo object which represents a chunk or all of a
datachunk should be passed with the file data including line\-endings
as\-is for full functionality\. ie use something like:
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set chunkdata [read $fd]]
set chunkdata [fileutil::cat <filename> -translation binary]
when loading the data
- <a name='2'></a>class::textinfo __chunk__ *chunkstart* *chunkend*
Return a range of bytes from the underlying raw chunk data\.
e\.g The following retrieves the entire chunk
objName chunk 0 end
- <a name='3'></a>class::textinfo __chunklen__
Number of bytes/characters in the raw data of the file
- <a name='4'></a>class::textinfo __linecount__
Number of lines in the raw data of the file, counted as per the policy
in effect
- <a name='5'></a>class::textinfo __regenerate\_lines__
generate a list of lines from the stored raw data chunk and keep a map
of line\-endings indexed by lineindex
- <a name='6'></a>class::textinfo __line__ *lineindex*
Reconstructs and returns the raw line using the payload and per\-line
stored line\-ending metadata
A 'line' may be returned without a line\-ending if the unerlying chunk
had trailing data without a line\-ending \(or the chunk was loaded under
a non\-standard \-policy setting\)
Whilst such data may not conform to definitions \(e\.g POSIX\) of the
terms 'textfile' and 'line' \- it is useful here to represent it as a
line with metadata le set to "none"
To return just the data which might more commonly be needed for dealing
with lines, use the __linepayload__ method \- which returns the line
data minus line\-ending
- <a name='7'></a>class::textinfo __linepayload__ *lineindex*
Return the text of the line indicated by the zero\-based lineindex
The line\-ending is not returned in the data \- but is still stored
against this lineindex
Line Metadata such as the line\-ending for a particular line and the
byte/character range it occupies within the chunk can be retrieved with
the __linemeta__ method
To retrieve both the line text and metadata in a single call the
__lineinfo__ method can be used
To retrieve an entire line including line\-ending use the __line__
- <a name='8'></a>class::textinfo __linemeta__ *lineindex*
Return a dict of the metadata for the line indicated by the zero\-based
Keys returned include
* le
A string representing the type of line\-ending: crlf&#124;lf&#124;none
* linelen
The number of characters/bytes in the whole line including
line\-ending if any
* payloadlen
The number of character/bytes in the line excluding line\-ending
* start
The zero\-based index into the associated raw file data indicating
at which byte/character index this line begins
* end
The zero\-based index into the associated raw file data indicating
at which byte/character index this line ends
This end\-point corresponds to the last character of the line\-ending
if any \- not necessarily the last character of the line's payload
- <a name='9'></a>class::textinfo __lineinfo__ *lineindex*
Return a dict of the metadata and text for the line indicated by the
zero\-based lineindex
This returns the same info as the __linemeta__ with an added key of
'payload' which is the text of the line without line\-ending\.
The 'payload' value is the same as is returned from the
__linepayload__ method\.
- <a name='10'></a>class::textinfo __linerange\_to\_chunkrange__ *startidx* *endidx*
- <a name='11'></a>class::textinfo __linerange\_to\_chunk__ *startidx* *endidx*
- <a name='12'></a>class::textinfo __lines__ *startidx* *endidx*
- <a name='13'></a>class::textinfo __linepayloads__ *startidx* *endidx*
- <a name='14'></a>class::textinfo __chunkrange\_to\_linerange__ *chunkstart* *chunkend*
- <a name='15'></a>class::textinfo __chunkrange\_to\_lineinfolist__ *chunkstart* *chunkend* ?option value\.\.\.?
Return a list of dicts each with structure like the result of the
__lineinfo__ method \- but possibly with extra keys for truncation
information if \-show\_truncated 1 is supplied
The truncation key in a lineinfo dict may be returned for first and/or
last line in the resulting list\.
truncation shows the shortened \(missing bytes on left and/or right
side\) part of the entire line \(potentially including line\-ending or
even partial line\-ending\)
Note that this truncation info is only in the return value of this
method \- and will not be reflected in __lineinfo__ queries to the
main chunk\.
- <a name='16'></a>class::textinfo __numeric\_linerange__ *startidx* *endidx*
A helper to return any Tcl\-style end end\-x values given to startidx or
endidx; converted to their specific values based on the current state
of the underlying line data
This is used internally by API functions such as __line__ to enable
it to accept more expressive indices
- <a name='17'></a>class::textinfo __numeric\_chunkrange__ *startidx* *endidx*
A helper to return any Tcl\-style end end\-x entries supplied to startidx
or endidx; converted to their specific values based on the current
state of the underlying chunk data
- <a name='18'></a>class::textinfo __normalize\_indices__ *startidx* *endidx* *max*
A utility to convert some of the of Tcl\-style list\-index expressions
such as end, end\-1 etc to valid indices in the range 0 to the supplied
Basic addition and subtraction expressions such as 4\-1 5\+2 are accepted
startidx higher than endidx is allowed
Unlike Tcl's index expressions \- we raise an error if the calculated
index is out of bounds 0 to max
## <a name='subsection5'></a>Namespace punk::fileline
Core API functions for punk::fileline
## <a name='subsection6'></a>Namespace punk::fileline::lib
- <a name='19'></a>__lib::range\_spans\_chunk\_boundaries__ *start* *end* *chunksize*
Takes start and end offset, generally representing bytes or character
indices, and computes a list of boundaries at multiples of the chunksize
that are spanned by the start and end range\.
* integer *start*
zero\-based start index of range
* integer *end*
zero\-based end index of range
* integer *chunksize*
Number of bytes/characters in chunk
returns a dict with the keys is\_span and boundaries
is\_span 0&#124;1 indicates if the range specified spans a boundary of chunksize
boundaries contains a list of the spanned boundaries \- which are always
multiples of the chunksize
range_spans_chunk_boundaries 10 1750 512
is_span 1 boundaries {512 1024 1536}
This function automatically uses lseq \(if Tcl >= 8\.7\) when number of
boundaries spanned is approximately greater than 75
# <a name='section4'></a>Internal
## <a name='subsection7'></a>Namespace punk::fileline::system
Internal functions that are not part of the API
# <a name='keywords'></a>KEYWORDS
[file](\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#file), [module](\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#module),
[parse](\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#parse), [text](\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#text)
# <a name='copyright'></a>COPYRIGHT
Copyright &copy; 2024


@ -125,8 +125,9 @@ class definitions
- <a name='3'></a>__treefilenames__ *basepath* *tailglob* ?option value\.\.\.?
basic \(glob based\) list of filenames matching tailglob \- recursive no
natsorting \- so order is dependent on filesystem
basic \(glob based\) list of filenames matching tailglob \- recursive
no natsorting \- so order is dependent on filesystem
- <a name='4'></a>__relative__ *reference* *location*
@ -153,17 +154,31 @@ class definitions
Both paths must be the same type \- ie both absolute or both relative
Case sensitive\. ie relative /etc /etC will return \.\./etC
Case sensitive\. ie punk::path::relative /etc /etC will return \.\./etC
On windows, the drive\-letter component \(only\) is not case sensitive
ie relative c:/etc C:/etc returns \.
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc C:/etc
- .
The part following the driveletter is case sensitive so in the following
cases it recognises the driveletter matches but not the tail
but relative c:/etc C:/Etc returns \.\./Etc
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc C:/Etc
- ../Etc
On windows, if the paths are absolute and specifiy different volumes,
only the location will be returned\. ie relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
returns d:/etc/blah
only the location will be returned\.
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
- d:/etc/blah
Unix\-like examples:
P% punk::path::relative /usr/local/etc/ /usr/local/etc/somewhere/below
- somewhere/below
P% punk::path::relative /usr/local/etc/somewhere /usr/local/lib/here
- ../../lib/here
## <a name='subsection5'></a>Namespace punk::path::lib


@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
- [punkshell\_module\_punk::cap](doc/files/punk/\_module\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) capability provider and handler plugin system
- [punkshell\_module\_punk::fileline](doc/files/punk/\_module\_fileline\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) file line\-handling utilities
- [punkshell\_module\_punk::mix::commandset::project](doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/\_module\_project\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) pmix commandset \- project
- [punkshell\_module\_punk::path](doc/files/punk/\_module\_path\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) Filesystem path utilities


@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
[C](#cC) &#183; [F](#cF) &#183; [M](#cM) &#183; [P](#cP) &#183; [R](#cR) &#183; [S](#cS)
[C](#cC) &#183; [F](#cF) &#183; [M](#cM) &#183; [P](#cP) &#183; [R](#cR) &#183; [S](#cS) &#183; [T](#cT)
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
|<a name='file'></a>file|[punkshell\_module\_punk::fileline](doc/files/punk/\_module\_fileline\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md)|
|<a name='filesystem'></a>filesystem|[punkshell\_module\_punk::path](doc/files/punk/\_module\_path\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md)|
@ -28,13 +29,14 @@
|<a name='module'></a>module|[punkshell\_module\_punk::cap](doc/files/punk/\_module\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) &#183; [punkshell\_module\_punk::path](doc/files/punk/\_module\_path\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md)|
|<a name='module'></a>module|[punkshell\_module\_punk::cap](doc/files/punk/\_module\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) &#183; [punkshell\_module\_punk::fileline](doc/files/punk/\_module\_fileline\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) &#183; [punkshell\_module\_punk::path](doc/files/punk/\_module\_path\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md)|
#### <a name='cP'></a>Keywords: P
|<a name='parse'></a>parse|[punkshell\_module\_punk::fileline](doc/files/punk/\_module\_fileline\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md)|
|<a name='path'></a>path|[punkshell\_module\_punk::path](doc/files/punk/\_module\_path\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md)|
|<a name='plugin'></a>plugin|[punkshell\_module\_punk::cap](doc/files/punk/\_module\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md)|
|<a name='punk'></a>punk|[punkshell](doc/files/main\.md) &#183; [punkshell\_\_project\_changes](doc/files/project\_changes\.md) &#183; [punkshell\_\_project\_intro](doc/files/project\_intro\.md)|
@ -52,3 +54,10 @@
|<a name='shell'></a>shell|[punkshell](doc/files/main\.md) &#183; [punkshell\_\_project\_changes](doc/files/project\_changes\.md) &#183; [punkshell\_\_project\_intro](doc/files/project\_intro\.md)|
#### <a name='cT'></a>Keywords: T
|<a name='text'></a>text|[punkshell\_module\_punk::fileline](doc/files/punk/\_module\_fileline\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md)|


@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
- [punkshell\_module\_punk::cap](doc/files/punk/\_module\_cap\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) capability provider and handler plugin system
- [punkshell\_module\_punk::fileline](doc/files/punk/\_module\_fileline\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) file line\-handling utilities
- [punkshell\_module\_punk::mix::commandset::project](doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/\_module\_project\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) pmix commandset \- project
- [punkshell\_module\_punk::path](doc/files/punk/\_module\_path\-0\.1\.0\.tm\.md) Filesystem path utilities


@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
[item doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes {punkshell Changes}]
[item doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro {Introduction to punkshell}]
[item doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}]
[item doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline {file line-handling utilities}]
[item doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project {pmix commandset - project}]
[item doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path {Filesystem path utilities}]


@ -1 +1 @@
{shell {{doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/main.html punkshell}} changelog {{doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes}} filesystem {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} path {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} capability {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap}} module {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} punk {{doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/main.html punkshell}} plugin {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap}} repl {{doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/main.html punkshell}}} {{repl doc/files/main.html punkshell} . {punk doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} . {capability doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} . {changelog doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} . {shell doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} . {shell doc/files/main.html punkshell} . {repl doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} . {module doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} . {plugin doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} . {filesystem doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {path doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {module doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {punk doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} . {shell doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} . {punk doc/files/main.html punkshell} . {repl doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} .} 9 {shell shell changelog changelog filesystem filesystem path path capability capability module module punk punk plugin plugin repl repl}
{file {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline}} repl {{doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/main.html punkshell}} text {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline}} shell {{doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/main.html punkshell}} changelog {{doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes}} capability {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap}} parse {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline}} filesystem {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} path {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} module {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path}} punk {{doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} {doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} {doc/files/main.html punkshell}} plugin {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap}}} {{repl doc/files/main.html punkshell} . {file doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline} . {punk doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} . {capability doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} . {shell doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} . {changelog doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} . {shell doc/files/main.html punkshell} . {text doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline} . {repl doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} . {module doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} . {path doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {plugin doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap} . {filesystem doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {module doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path} . {shell doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro} . {punk doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} . {parse doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline} . {punk doc/files/main.html punkshell} . {module doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline} . {repl doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes} .} 12 {file file repl repl text text shell shell changelog changelog capability capability parse parse filesystem filesystem path path module module punk punk plugin plugin}


@ -1 +1 @@
doc {doc/toc {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}} {doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro {Introduction to punkshell}} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path {Filesystem path utilities}} {doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes {punkshell Changes}} {doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project {pmix commandset - project}} {doc/files/main.html punkshell {punkshell - Core}}}}
doc {doc/toc {{doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::fileline {file line-handling utilities}} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::cap {capability provider and handler plugin system}} {doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro {Introduction to punkshell}} {doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::path {Filesystem path utilities}} {doc/files/project_changes.html punkshell__project_changes {punkshell Changes}} {doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project {pmix commandset - project}} {doc/files/main.html punkshell {punkshell - Core}}}}


@ -1 +1 @@
kw,capability {index.html capability} punkshell_module_punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {punkshell Changes} doc/files/project_changes.html {Introduction to punkshell} doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ sa,punkshell(n) doc/files/main.html filesystem {index.html filesystem} sa,punkshell doc/files/main.html kw,shell {index.html shell} sa,punkshell_module_punk::cap doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell__project_changes(n) doc/files/project_changes.html kw,path {index.html path} kw,module {index.html module} punkshell(n) doc/files/main.html kw,plugin {index.html plugin} punkshell doc/files/main.html punkshell_module_punk::cap doc/files/punk/ changelog {index.html changelog} punkshell_module_punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_changes(n) doc/files/project_changes.html sa,punkshell__project_changes doc/files/project_changes.html path {index.html path} sa,punkshell_module_punk::path doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_changes doc/files/project_changes.html kw,filesystem {index.html filesystem} sa,punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ shell {index.html shell} punkshell_module_punk::path doc/files/punk/ kw,repl {index.html repl} capability {index.html capability} punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {punkshell - Core} doc/files/main.html {pmix commandset - project} doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {capability provider and handler plugin system} doc/files/punk/ repl {index.html repl} kw,punk {index.html punk} sa,punkshell__project_intro(n) doc/files/project_intro.html sa,punkshell__project_intro doc/files/project_intro.html {Filesystem path utilities} doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_intro(n) doc/files/project_intro.html punkshell__project_intro doc/files/project_intro.html kw,changelog {index.html changelog} punk {index.html punk} module {index.html module} plugin {index.html plugin}
kw,capability {index.html capability} punkshell_module_punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {punkshell Changes} doc/files/project_changes.html {Introduction to punkshell} doc/files/project_intro.html sa,punkshell_module_punk::fileline(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project(0) doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ sa,punkshell(n) doc/files/main.html filesystem {index.html filesystem} sa,punkshell doc/files/main.html kw,shell {index.html shell} sa,punkshell_module_punk::cap doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ kw,parse {index.html parse} sa,punkshell__project_changes(n) doc/files/project_changes.html kw,path {index.html path} kw,module {index.html module} punkshell_module_punk::fileline(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell(n) doc/files/main.html kw,plugin {index.html plugin} punkshell doc/files/main.html kw,file {index.html file} punkshell_module_punk::cap doc/files/punk/ changelog {index.html changelog} punkshell_module_punk::cap(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_changes(n) doc/files/project_changes.html sa,punkshell__project_changes doc/files/project_changes.html path {index.html path} file {index.html file} sa,punkshell_module_punk::path doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_changes doc/files/project_changes.html kw,filesystem {index.html filesystem} sa,punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ shell {index.html shell} punkshell_module_punk::path doc/files/punk/ kw,repl {index.html repl} capability {index.html capability} kw,text {index.html text} parse {index.html parse} sa,punkshell_module_punk::fileline doc/files/punk/ punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {punkshell - Core} doc/files/main.html {pmix commandset - project} doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/ {capability provider and handler plugin system} doc/files/punk/ repl {index.html repl} punkshell_module_punk::fileline doc/files/punk/ kw,punk {index.html punk} sa,punkshell__project_intro(n) doc/files/project_intro.html text {index.html text} sa,punkshell__project_intro doc/files/project_intro.html {Filesystem path utilities} doc/files/punk/ sa,punkshell_module_punk::path(0) doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_intro(n) doc/files/project_intro.html {file line-handling utilities} doc/files/punk/ punkshell__project_intro doc/files/project_intro.html kw,changelog {index.html changelog} module {index.html module} punk {index.html punk} plugin {index.html plugin}


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<div class="doctools">
<h1 class="doctools_title">punkshell_module_punk::fileline(0) 0.1.0 doc &quot;punk fileline&quot;</h1>
<div id="name" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="name">Name</a></h2>
<p>punkshell_module_punk::fileline - file line-handling utilities</p>
<div id="toc" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="toc">Table Of Contents</a></h2>
<ul class="doctools_toc">
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#toc">Table Of Contents</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#synopsis">Synopsis</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section1">Description</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section2">Overview</a>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection1">Concepts</a></li>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection2">Notes</a></li>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection3">dependencies</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section3">API</a>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection4">Namespace punk::fileline::class</a></li>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection5">Namespace punk::fileline</a></li>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection6">Namespace punk::fileline::lib</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#section4">Internal</a>
<li class="doctools_subsection"><a href="#subsection7">Namespace punk::fileline::system</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#keywords">Keywords</a></li>
<li class="doctools_section"><a href="#copyright">Copyright</a></li>
<div id="synopsis" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="synopsis">Synopsis</a></h2>
<div class="doctools_synopsis">
<ul class="doctools_requirements">
<li>package require <b class="pkgname">punk::fileline</b></li>
<ul class="doctools_syntax">
<li><a href="#1">class::textinfo <b class="method">constructor</b> <i class="arg">datachunk</i> <span class="opt">?option value...?</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#2">class::textinfo <b class="method">chunk</b> <i class="arg">chunkstart</i> <i class="arg">chunkend</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#3">class::textinfo <b class="method">chunklen</b></a></li>
<li><a href="#4">class::textinfo <b class="method">linecount</b></a></li>
<li><a href="#5">class::textinfo <b class="method">regenerate_lines</b></a></li>
<li><a href="#6">class::textinfo <b class="method">line</b> <i class="arg">lineindex</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#7">class::textinfo <b class="method">linepayload</b> <i class="arg">lineindex</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#8">class::textinfo <b class="method">linemeta</b> <i class="arg">lineindex</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#9">class::textinfo <b class="method">lineinfo</b> <i class="arg">lineindex</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#10">class::textinfo <b class="method">linerange_to_chunkrange</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#11">class::textinfo <b class="method">linerange_to_chunk</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#12">class::textinfo <b class="method">lines</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#13">class::textinfo <b class="method">linepayloads</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#14">class::textinfo <b class="method">chunkrange_to_linerange</b> <i class="arg">chunkstart</i> <i class="arg">chunkend</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#15">class::textinfo <b class="method">chunkrange_to_lineinfolist</b> <i class="arg">chunkstart</i> <i class="arg">chunkend</i> <span class="opt">?option value...?</span></a></li>
<li><a href="#16">class::textinfo <b class="method">numeric_linerange</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#17">class::textinfo <b class="method">numeric_chunkrange</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#18">class::textinfo <b class="method">normalize_indices</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i> <i class="arg">max</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#19"><b class="function">lib::range_spans_chunk_boundaries</b> <i class="arg">start</i> <i class="arg">end</i> <i class="arg">chunksize</i></a></li>
<div id="section1" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section1">Description</a></h2>
<div id="section2" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section2">Overview</a></h2>
<p>Utilities for in-memory analysis of text file data as both line data and byte/char-counted data whilst preserving the line-endings (even if mixed)</p>
<p>This is important for certain text files where examining the number of chars/bytes is important</p>
<p>For example - windows .cmd/.bat files need some byte counting to determine if labels lie on chunk boundaries and need to be moved.</p>
<p>Despite including the word 'file', the library doesn't deal with reading/writing to the filesystem. It is for operating on text-file like data.</p>
<div id="subsection1" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection1">Concepts</a></h3>
<p>A chunk of textfile data (possibly representing a whole file - but usually at least a complete set of lines) is loaded into a punk::fileline::class::textinfo instance at object creation.</p>
<pre class="doctools_example">
package require punk::fileline
package require fileutil
set rawdata [fileutil::cat data.txt -translation binary]
punk::fileline::class::textinfo create obj_data $rawdata
puts stdout [obj_data linecount]
<div id="subsection2" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection2">Notes</a></h3>
<p>Line records are referred to by a zero-based index instead of a one-based index as is commonly used when displaying files.</p>
<p>This is for programming consistency and convenience, and the module user should do their own conversion to one-based indexing for line display or messaging if desired.</p>
<p>No support for lone carriage-returns being interpreted as line-endings.</p>
<p>CR line-endings that are intended to be interpreted as such should be mapped to something else before the data is supplied to this module.</p>
<div id="subsection3" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection3">dependencies</a></h3>
<p>packages used by punk::fileline</p>
<ul class="doctools_itemized">
<li><p><b class="package">Tcl 8.6</b></p></li>
<div id="section3" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section3">API</a></h2>
<div id="subsection4" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection4">Namespace punk::fileline::class</a></h3>
<p>class definitions</p>
<ol class="doctools_enumerated">
<li><p>CLASS <b class="class">textinfo</b></p>
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
<dt><a name="1">class::textinfo <b class="method">constructor</b> <i class="arg">datachunk</i> <span class="opt">?option value...?</span></a></dt>
<dd><p>Constructor for textinfo object which represents a chunk or all of a file</p>
<p>datachunk should be passed with the file data including line-endings as-is for full functionality. ie use something like:</p>
<pre class="doctools_example">
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set chunkdata [read $fd]]
set chunkdata [fileutil::cat &lt;filename&gt; -translation binary]
<p>when loading the data</p></dd>
<dt><a name="2">class::textinfo <b class="method">chunk</b> <i class="arg">chunkstart</i> <i class="arg">chunkend</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>Return a range of bytes from the underlying raw chunk data.</p>
<p>e.g The following retrieves the entire chunk</p>
<p>objName chunk 0 end</p></dd>
<dt><a name="3">class::textinfo <b class="method">chunklen</b></a></dt>
<dd><p>Number of bytes/characters in the raw data of the file</p></dd>
<dt><a name="4">class::textinfo <b class="method">linecount</b></a></dt>
<dd><p>Number of lines in the raw data of the file, counted as per the policy in effect</p></dd>
<dt><a name="5">class::textinfo <b class="method">regenerate_lines</b></a></dt>
<dd><p>generate a list of lines from the stored raw data chunk and keep a map of line-endings indexed by lineindex</p></dd>
<dt><a name="6">class::textinfo <b class="method">line</b> <i class="arg">lineindex</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>Reconstructs and returns the raw line using the payload and per-line stored line-ending metadata</p>
<p>A 'line' may be returned without a line-ending if the unerlying chunk had trailing data without a line-ending (or the chunk was loaded under a non-standard -policy setting)</p>
<p>Whilst such data may not conform to definitions (e.g POSIX) of the terms 'textfile' and 'line' - it is useful here to represent it as a line with metadata le set to &quot;none&quot;</p>
<p>To return just the data which might more commonly be needed for dealing with lines, use the <b class="method">linepayload</b> method - which returns the line data minus line-ending</p></dd>
<dt><a name="7">class::textinfo <b class="method">linepayload</b> <i class="arg">lineindex</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>Return the text of the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex</p>
<p>The line-ending is not returned in the data - but is still stored against this lineindex</p>
<p>Line Metadata such as the line-ending for a particular line and the byte/character range it occupies within the chunk can be retrieved with the <b class="method">linemeta</b> method</p>
<p>To retrieve both the line text and metadata in a single call the <b class="method">lineinfo</b> method can be used</p>
<p>To retrieve an entire line including line-ending use the <b class="method">line</b> method.</p></dd>
<dt><a name="8">class::textinfo <b class="method">linemeta</b> <i class="arg">lineindex</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>Return a dict of the metadata for the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex</p>
<p>Keys returned include</p>
<ul class="doctools_itemized">
<p>A string representing the type of line-ending: crlf|lf|none</p></li>
<p>The number of characters/bytes in the whole line including line-ending if any</p></li>
<p>The number of character/bytes in the line excluding line-ending</p></li>
<p>The zero-based index into the associated raw file data indicating at which byte/character index this line begins</p></li>
<p>The zero-based index into the associated raw file data indicating at which byte/character index this line ends</p>
<p>This end-point corresponds to the last character of the line-ending if any - not necessarily the last character of the line's payload</p></li>
<dt><a name="9">class::textinfo <b class="method">lineinfo</b> <i class="arg">lineindex</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>Return a dict of the metadata and text for the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex</p>
<p>This returns the same info as the <b class="method">linemeta</b> with an added key of 'payload' which is the text of the line without line-ending.</p>
<p>The 'payload' value is the same as is returned from the <b class="method">linepayload</b> method.</p></dd>
<dt><a name="10">class::textinfo <b class="method">linerange_to_chunkrange</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="11">class::textinfo <b class="method">linerange_to_chunk</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="12">class::textinfo <b class="method">lines</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="13">class::textinfo <b class="method">linepayloads</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="14">class::textinfo <b class="method">chunkrange_to_linerange</b> <i class="arg">chunkstart</i> <i class="arg">chunkend</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="15">class::textinfo <b class="method">chunkrange_to_lineinfolist</b> <i class="arg">chunkstart</i> <i class="arg">chunkend</i> <span class="opt">?option value...?</span></a></dt>
<dd><p>Return a list of dicts each with structure like the result of the <b class="method">lineinfo</b> method - but possibly with extra keys for truncation information if -show_truncated 1 is supplied</p>
<p>The truncation key in a lineinfo dict may be returned for first and/or last line in the resulting list.</p>
<p>truncation shows the shortened (missing bytes on left and/or right side) part of the entire line (potentially including line-ending or even partial line-ending)</p>
<p>Note that this truncation info is only in the return value of this method - and will not be reflected in <b class="method">lineinfo</b> queries to the main chunk.</p></dd>
<dt><a name="16">class::textinfo <b class="method">numeric_linerange</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>A helper to return any Tcl-style end end-x values given to startidx or endidx; converted to their specific values based on the current state of the underlying line data</p>
<p>This is used internally by API functions such as <b class="method">line</b> to enable it to accept more expressive indices</p></dd>
<dt><a name="17">class::textinfo <b class="method">numeric_chunkrange</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>A helper to return any Tcl-style end end-x entries supplied to startidx or endidx; converted to their specific values based on the current state of the underlying chunk data</p></dd>
<dt><a name="18">class::textinfo <b class="method">normalize_indices</b> <i class="arg">startidx</i> <i class="arg">endidx</i> <i class="arg">max</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>A utility to convert some of the of Tcl-style list-index expressions such as end, end-1 etc to valid indices in the range 0 to the supplied max</p>
<p>Basic addition and subtraction expressions such as 4-1 5+2 are accepted</p>
<p>startidx higher than endidx is allowed</p>
<p>Unlike Tcl's index expressions - we raise an error if the calculated index is out of bounds 0 to max</p></dd>
<div id="subsection5" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection5">Namespace punk::fileline</a></h3>
<p>Core API functions for punk::fileline</p>
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
<div id="subsection6" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection6">Namespace punk::fileline::lib</a></h3>
<p>Secondary functions that are part of the API</p>
<dl class="doctools_definitions">
<dt><a name="19"><b class="function">lib::range_spans_chunk_boundaries</b> <i class="arg">start</i> <i class="arg">end</i> <i class="arg">chunksize</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>Takes start and end offset, generally representing bytes or character indices, and computes a list of boundaries at multiples of the chunksize that are spanned by the start and end range.</p>
<dl class="doctools_arguments">
<dt>integer <i class="arg">start</i></dt>
<dd><p>zero-based start index of range</p></dd>
<dt>integer <i class="arg">end</i></dt>
<dd><p>zero-based end index of range</p></dd>
<dt>integer <i class="arg">chunksize</i></dt>
<dd><p>Number of bytes/characters in chunk</p></dd>
<p>returns a dict with the keys is_span and boundaries</p>
<p>is_span 0|1 indicates if the range specified spans a boundary of chunksize</p>
<p>boundaries contains a list of the spanned boundaries - which are always multiples of the chunksize</p>
<pre class="doctools_example">
range_spans_chunk_boundaries 10 1750 512
is_span 1 boundaries {512 1024 1536}
<p>This function automatically uses lseq (if Tcl &gt;= 8.7) when number of boundaries spanned is approximately greater than 75</p></dd>
<div id="section4" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="section4">Internal</a></h2>
<div id="subsection7" class="doctools_subsection"><h3><a name="subsection7">Namespace punk::fileline::system</a></h3>
<p>Internal functions that are not part of the API</p>
<div id="keywords" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="keywords">Keywords</a></h2>
<p><a href="../../../index.html#file">file</a>, <a href="../../../index.html#module">module</a>, <a href="../../../index.html#parse">parse</a>, <a href="../../../index.html#text">text</a></p>
<div id="copyright" class="doctools_section"><h2><a name="copyright">Copyright</a></h2>
<p>Copyright &copy; 2024</p>


@ -190,8 +190,8 @@
<p>ie - the driveletter alone in paths such as c:/etc will still be case insensitive. (ie c:/ETC/* will match C:/ETC/blah but not C:/etc/blah)</p>
<p>Explicitly specifying -nocase 0 will require the entire case to match including the driveletter.</p></dd>
<dt><a name="3"><b class="function">treefilenames</b> <i class="arg">basepath</i> <i class="arg">tailglob</i> <span class="opt">?option value...?</span></a></dt>
<dd><p>basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive
no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem</p></dd>
<dd><p>basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive</p>
<p>no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem</p></dd>
<dt><a name="4"><b class="function">relative</b> <i class="arg">reference</i> <i class="arg">location</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>Taking two directory paths, a reference and a location, computes the path
of the location relative to the reference.</p>
@ -210,14 +210,31 @@ no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem</p></dd>
<p>Will return a single dot &quot;.&quot; if the paths are the same</p></li>
<p>Both paths must be the same type - ie both absolute or both relative</p>
<p>Case sensitive. ie relative /etc /etC
<p>Case sensitive. ie punk::path::relative /etc /etC
will return ../etC</p>
<p>On windows, the drive-letter component (only) is not case sensitive</p>
<p>ie relative c:/etc C:/etc returns .</p>
<p>but relative c:/etc C:/Etc returns ../Etc</p>
<p>On windows, if the paths are absolute and specifiy different volumes, only the location will be returned.
ie relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
returns d:/etc/blah</p></li>
<pre class="doctools_example">
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc C:/etc
- .
<p>The part following the driveletter is case sensitive so in the following cases it recognises the driveletter matches but not the tail</p>
<pre class="doctools_example">
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc C:/Etc
- ../Etc
<p>On windows, if the paths are absolute and specifiy different volumes, only the location will be returned.</p>
<pre class="doctools_example">
P% punk::path::relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
- d:/etc/blah
<p>Unix-like examples:</p>
<pre class="doctools_example">
P% punk::path::relative /usr/local/etc/ /usr/local/etc/somewhere/below
- somewhere/below
P% punk::path::relative /usr/local/etc/somewhere /usr/local/lib/here
- ../../lib/here


@ -29,10 +29,14 @@
<td class="#doctools_tocright">capability provider and handler plugin system</td>
<tr class="#doctools_toceven" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punkshell_module_punk_fileline'><a href="files/punk/">punkshell_module_punk::fileline</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">file line-handling utilities</td>
<tr class="#doctools_tocodd" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punkshell_module_punk_mix_commandset_project'><a href="files/punk/mix/commandset/">punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">pmix commandset - project</td>
<tr class="#doctools_tocodd" >
<tr class="#doctools_toceven" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punkshell_module_punk_path'><a href="files/punk/">punkshell_module_punk::path</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">Filesystem path utilities</td>


@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
] <hr>
<h3> Keyword Index </h3>
<hr><div class="#doctools_idxnav">
<a href="#cC"> C </a> &#183; <a href="#cF"> F </a> &#183; <a href="#cM"> M </a> &#183; <a href="#cP"> P </a> &#183; <a href="#cR"> R </a> &#183; <a href="#cS"> S </a>
<a href="#cC"> C </a> &#183; <a href="#cF"> F </a> &#183; <a href="#cM"> M </a> &#183; <a href="#cP"> P </a> &#183; <a href="#cR"> R </a> &#183; <a href="#cS"> S </a> &#183; <a href="#cT"> T </a>
<hr><table class="#doctools_idx" width="100%">
<tr class="#doctools_idxheader"><th colspan="2">
@ -33,6 +33,11 @@
<a name="cF">Keywords: F</a>
<tr class="#doctools_idxeven" valign=top>
<td class="#doctools_idxleft" width="35%"><a name="file"> file </a></td>
<td class="#doctools_idxright" width="65%">
<a href="doc/files/punk/"> punkshell_module_punk::fileline </a>
<tr class="#doctools_idxodd" valign=top>
<td class="#doctools_idxleft" width="35%"><a name="filesystem"> filesystem </a></td>
<td class="#doctools_idxright" width="65%">
<a href="doc/files/punk/"> punkshell_module_punk::path </a>
@ -40,14 +45,19 @@
<tr class="#doctools_idxheader"><th colspan="2">
<a name="cM">Keywords: M</a>
<tr class="#doctools_idxodd" valign=top>
<tr class="#doctools_idxeven" valign=top>
<td class="#doctools_idxleft" width="35%"><a name="module"> module </a></td>
<td class="#doctools_idxright" width="65%">
<a href="doc/files/punk/"> punkshell_module_punk::cap </a> &#183; <a href="doc/files/punk/"> punkshell_module_punk::path </a>
<a href="doc/files/punk/"> punkshell_module_punk::cap </a> &#183; <a href="doc/files/punk/"> punkshell_module_punk::fileline </a> &#183; <a href="doc/files/punk/"> punkshell_module_punk::path </a>
<tr class="#doctools_idxheader"><th colspan="2">
<a name="cP">Keywords: P</a>
<tr class="#doctools_idxodd" valign=top>
<td class="#doctools_idxleft" width="35%"><a name="parse"> parse </a></td>
<td class="#doctools_idxright" width="65%">
<a href="doc/files/punk/"> punkshell_module_punk::fileline </a>
<tr class="#doctools_idxeven" valign=top>
<td class="#doctools_idxleft" width="35%"><a name="path"> path </a></td>
<td class="#doctools_idxright" width="65%">
@ -79,5 +89,13 @@
<td class="#doctools_idxright" width="65%">
<a href="doc/files/main.html"> punkshell </a> &#183; <a href="doc/files/project_changes.html"> punkshell__project_changes </a> &#183; <a href="doc/files/project_intro.html"> punkshell__project_intro </a>
<tr class="#doctools_idxheader"><th colspan="2">
<a name="cT">Keywords: T</a>
<tr class="#doctools_idxodd" valign=top>
<td class="#doctools_idxleft" width="35%"><a name="text"> text </a></td>
<td class="#doctools_idxright" width="65%">
<a href="doc/files/punk/"> punkshell_module_punk::fileline </a>


@ -29,10 +29,14 @@
<td class="#doctools_tocright">capability provider and handler plugin system</td>
<tr class="#doctools_toceven" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punkshell_module_punk_fileline'><a href="doc/files/punk/">punkshell_module_punk::fileline</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">file line-handling utilities</td>
<tr class="#doctools_tocodd" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punkshell_module_punk_mix_commandset_project'><a href="doc/files/punk/mix/commandset/">punkshell_module_punk::mix::commandset::project</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">pmix commandset - project</td>
<tr class="#doctools_tocodd" >
<tr class="#doctools_toceven" >
<td class="#doctools_tocleft" ><a name='punkshell_module_punk_path'><a href="doc/files/punk/">punkshell_module_punk::path</a></td>
<td class="#doctools_tocright">Filesystem path utilities</td>


@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#such unregistered capabilitynames may be used just to flag something, or have datamembers significant to callers cooperatively interested in that capname.
#we allow registering a capability with an empty handler (capnamespace) - but this means another handler could be registered later.
proc register_capabilityname {capname capnamespace} {
puts stderr "REGISTER_CAPABILITYNAME $capname $capnamespace"
variable caps
variable pkgcapsdeclared
variable pkgcapsaccepted
@ -245,7 +246,8 @@ namespace eval punk::cap {
#as handlers can be used to validate during provider registration - ideally handlers should be registered before any pkgs call register_package
#we allow loading a handler later though - but will need to validate existing data from pkgs that have already registered as providers
if {[set hdlr [capability_get_handler $capname]] ne ""} {
error "register_capabilityname cannot register capability:$capname with handler:$capnamespace. There is already a registered handler:$hdlr"
puts stderr "register_capabilityname cannot register capability:$capname with handler:$capnamespace. There is already a registered handler:$hdlr"
#assert: capnamespace may or may not be empty string, capname may or may not already exist in caps dict, caps $capname providers may have existing entries.
dict set caps $capname handler $capnamespace


@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use 'pmix make' or src/make.tcl to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) 2024
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application punk::fileline 999999.0a1.0
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license BSD
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# doctools header
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[manpage_begin punkshell_module_punk::fileline 0 999999.0a1.0]
#[copyright "2024"]
#[titledesc {file line-handling utilities}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {punk fileline}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require punk::fileline]
#[keywords module text parse file]
#[para] -
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Overview]
#[para]Utilities for in-memory analysis of text file data as both line data and byte/char-counted data whilst preserving the line-endings (even if mixed)
#[para]This is important for certain text files where examining the number of chars/bytes is important
#[para]For example - windows .cmd/.bat files need some byte counting to determine if labels lie on chunk boundaries and need to be moved.
#[para]Despite including the word 'file', the library doesn't deal with reading/writing to the filesystem. It is for operating on text-file like data.
#[subsection Concepts]
#[para]A chunk of textfile data (possibly representing a whole file - but usually at least a complete set of lines) is loaded into a punk::fileline::class::textinfo instance at object creation.
# package require punk::fileline
# package require fileutil
# set rawdata [lb]fileutil::cat data.txt -translation binary[rb]
# punk::fileline::class::textinfo create obj_data $rawdata
# puts stdout [lb]obj_data linecount[rb]
#[subsection Notes]
#[para]Line records are referred to by a zero-based index instead of a one-based index as is commonly used when displaying files.
#[para]This is for programming consistency and convenience, and the module user should do their own conversion to one-based indexing for line display or messaging if desired.
#[para]No support for lone carriage-returns being interpreted as line-endings.
#[para]CR line-endings that are intended to be interpreted as such should be mapped to something else before the data is supplied to this module.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[subsection dependencies]
#[para] packages used by punk::fileline
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]
# #package require frobz
# #*** !doctools
# #[item] [package {frobz}]
#*** !doctools
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section API]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# oo::class namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::fileline::class {
namespace export *
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::fileline::class}]
#[para] class definitions
if {[info commands [namespace current]::textinfo] eq ""} {
#*** !doctools
#[list_begin enumerated]
# oo::class create interface_sample1 {
# #*** !doctools
# #[enum] CLASS [class interface_sample1]
# #[list_begin definitions]
# method test {arg1} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call class::interface_sample1 [method test] [arg arg1]]
# #[para] test method
# puts "test: $arg1"
# }
# #*** !doctools
# #[list_end] [comment {-- end definitions interface_sample1}]
# }
#uses zero based indexing. Caller can add 1 for line numbers
oo::class create [namespace current]::textinfo {
#*** !doctools
#[enum] CLASS [class textinfo]
#[list_begin definitions]
# [para] [emph METHODS]
variable o_chunk
variable o_chunk_epoch
variable o_payloadlist
variable o_linemap
variable o_line_epoch
variable o_LF_C
variable o_CRLF_C
constructor {datachunk args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method constructor] [arg datachunk] [opt {option value...}]]
#[para] Constructor for textinfo object which represents a chunk or all of a file
#[para] datachunk should be passed with the file data including line-endings as-is for full functionality. ie use something like:
# fconfigure $fd -translation binary
# set chunkdata [lb]read $fd[rb]]
# set chunkdata [lb]fileutil::cat <filename> -translation binary[rb]
#[para] when loading the data
set o_chunk $datachunk
set crlf_lf_placeholders [list \uFFFF \uFFFE] ;#defaults - if already exist in file - error out with message
set defaults [dict create\
-substitutionmap {}\
-crlf_lf_placeholders $crlf_lf_placeholders\
set known_opts [dict keys $defaults]
foreach {k v} $args {
if {$k ni $known_opts} {
error "textinfo::constructor error: unknown option '$k'. Known options: $known_opts"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_substitutionmap [dict get $opts -substitutionmap] ;#review - can be done by caller - or a loadable -policy
set opt_crlf_lf_placeholders [dict get $opts -crlf_lf_placeholders]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- ---
if {[llength $opt_crlf_lf_placeholders] != 2 || [string length [lindex $opt_crlf_lf_placeholders 0]] !=1 || [string length [lindex $opt_crlf_lf_placeholders 1]] !=1} {
error "textinfo::constructor error: -crlf_lf_placeholders requires a list of exactly 2 chars"
lassign $opt_crlf_lf_placeholders o_LF_C o_CRLF_C
if {[string first $o_LF_C $o_chunk] >=0} {
set decval [scan $o_LF_C %c]
if {$decval < 32 || $decval > 127} {
set char_desc "(decimal value $decval)"
} else {
set char_desc "'$o_LF_C' (decimal value $decval)"
error "textinfo::constructor error: rawfiledata already contains linefeed substitution character $char_desc specified as first element of -crlf_lf_placeholders"
if {[string first $o_CRLF_C $o_chunk] >=0} {
set decval [scan $o_CRLF_C %c]
if {$decval < 32 || $decval > 127} {
set char_desc "(decimal value $decval)"
} else {
set char_desc "'$o_CRLF_C' (decimal value $decval)"
error "textinfo::constructor error: rawfiledata already contains carriagereturn-linefeed substitution character $char_desc specified as second element of -crlf_lf_placeholders"
if {$o_LF_C eq $o_CRLF_C} {
puts stderr "WARNING: same substitution character used for both elements of -crlf_lf_placeholders - byte counting may be off if file contains mixed line-endings"
set o_chunk_epoch "initial"
set o_line_epoch ""
my regenerate_lines
method chunk {chunkstart chunkend} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method chunk] [arg chunkstart] [arg chunkend]]
#[para]Return a range of bytes from the underlying raw chunk data.
#[para] e.g The following retrieves the entire chunk
#[para] objName chunk 0 end
return [string range $o_chunk $chunkstart $chunkend]
method chunklen {} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method chunklen]]
#[para] Number of bytes/characters in the raw data of the file
return [string length $o_chunk]
method linecount {} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method linecount]]
#[para] Number of lines in the raw data of the file, counted as per the policy in effect
return [llength $o_payloadlist]
method line {lineindex} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method line] [arg lineindex]]
#[para]Reconstructs and returns the raw line using the payload and per-line stored line-ending metadata
#[para]A 'line' may be returned without a line-ending if the unerlying chunk had trailing data without a line-ending (or the chunk was loaded under a non-standard -policy setting)
#[para]Whilst such data may not conform to definitions (e.g POSIX) of the terms 'textfile' and 'line' - it is useful here to represent it as a line with metadata le set to "none"
#[para]To return just the data which might more commonly be needed for dealing with lines, use the [method linepayload] method - which returns the line data minus line-ending
lassign [my numeric_linerange $lineindex 0] lineindex
set le [dict get $o_linemap $lineindex le]
set le_chars [dict get [dict create lf \n crlf \r\n none ""] $le]
return [lindex $o_payloadlist $lineindex]$le_chars
method linepayload {lineindex} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method linepayload] [arg lineindex]]
#[para]Return the text of the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex
#[para]The line-ending is not returned in the data - but is still stored against this lineindex
#[para]Line Metadata such as the line-ending for a particular line and the byte/character range it occupies within the chunk can be retrieved with the [method linemeta] method
#[para]To retrieve both the line text and metadata in a single call the [method lineinfo] method can be used
#[para]To retrieve an entire line including line-ending use the [method line] method.
lassign [my numeric_linerange $lineindex 0] lineindex
return [lindex $o_payloadlist $lineindex]
method linemeta {lineindex} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method linemeta] [arg lineindex]]
#[para]Return a dict of the metadata for the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex
#[para]Keys returned include
#[list_begin itemized]
#[item] le
#[para] A string representing the type of line-ending: crlf|lf|none
#[item] linelen
#[para] The number of characters/bytes in the whole line including line-ending if any
#[item] payloadlen
#[para] The number of character/bytes in the line excluding line-ending
#[item] start
#[para] The zero-based index into the associated raw file data indicating at which byte/character index this line begins
#[item] end
#[para] The zero-based index into the associated raw file data indicating at which byte/character index this line ends
#[para] This end-point corresponds to the last character of the line-ending if any - not necessarily the last character of the line's payload
lassign [my numeric_linerange $lineindex 0] lineindex
dict get $o_linemap $lineindex
method lineinfo {lineindex} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method lineinfo] [arg lineindex]]
#[para]Return a dict of the metadata and text for the line indicated by the zero-based lineindex
#[para]This returns the same info as the [method linemeta] with an added key of 'payload' which is the text of the line without line-ending.
#[para]The 'payload' value is the same as is returned from the [method linepayload] method.
lassign [my numeric_linerange $lineindex 0] lineindex ;#convert lineindex to canonical number e.g 1_000 -> 1000 end -> highest index
return [dict create lineindex $lineindex {*}[dict get $o_linemap $lineindex] payload [lindex $o_payloadlist $lineindex]]
method lineinfolist {startidx endidx} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method lineinfolist] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
#[para]Returns list of lineinfo dicts for each line in line index range startidx to endidx
lassign [my numeric_linerange $startidx $endidx] startidx endidx
set chunkstart [dict get $o_linemap $startidx start]
set chunkend [dict get $o_linemap $endidx end]
set line_list [my chunkrange_to_lineinfolist $chunkstart $chunkend] ;# assert - no need to view truncations as we've picked start and end of complete lines
#verify sanity
set l_start [lindex $line_list 0]
if {[set idx_start [dict get $l_start lineindex]] ne $startidx} {
error "lineinfolist first lineindex $idx_start doesn't match startidx $startidx"
set l_end [lindex $line_list end]
if {[set idx_end [dict get $l_end lineindex]] ne $endidx} {
error "lineinfolist last lineindex $idx_end doesn't match endidx $endidx"
return $line_list
method linerange_to_chunkrange {startidx endidx} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method linerange_to_chunkrange] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
lassign [my numeric_linerange $startidx $endidx] startidx endidx
#inclusive range
return [list [dict get $o_linemap $startidx start] [dict get $o_linemap $endidx end]]
method linerange_to_chunk {startidx endidx} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method linerange_to_chunk] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
set chunkrange [my linerange_to_chunkrange $startidx $endidx]
return [string range $o_chunk [lindex $chunkrange 0] [lindex $chunkrange 1]]
method lines {startidx endidx} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method lines] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
lassign [my numeric_linerange $startidx $endidx] startidx endidx
set linelist [list]
set le_map [dict create lf \n crlf \r\n none ""]
for {set i $startidx} {$i <= $endidx} {incr i} {
lappend linelist "[lindex $o_payloadlist $i][dict get $le_map [dict get $o_linemap $i le]]"
return $linelist
method linepayloads {startidx endidx} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method linepayloads] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
return [lrange $o_payloadlist $startidx $endidx]
method chunkrange_to_linerange {chunkstart chunkend} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method chunkrange_to_linerange] [arg chunkstart] [arg chunkend]]
lassign [my numeric_chunkrange $chunkstart $chunkend] chunkstart chunkend
set linestart -1
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $o_payloadlist]} {incr i} {
if {($chunkstart >= [dict get $o_linemap $i start]) && ($chunkstart <= [dict get $o_linemap $i end])} {
set linestart $i
if {$linestart == -1} {
error "Line with range in chunk spanning start index $chunkstart not found"
set lineend -1
for {set i [expr {[llength $o_payloadlist] -1}]} {$i >=0} {incr i -1} {
if {($chunkend >= [dict get $o_linemap $i start]) && ($chunkend <= [dict get $o_linemap $i end])} {
set lineend $i
if {$lineend == -1} {
error "Line with range spanning end index $chunkend not found"
return [list $linestart $lineend]
method chunkrange_to_lineinfolist {chunkstart chunkend args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method chunkrange_to_lineinfolist] [arg chunkstart] [arg chunkend] [opt {option value...}]]
#[para]Return a list of dicts each with structure like the result of the [method lineinfo] method - but possibly with extra keys for truncation information if -show_truncated 1 is supplied
#[para]The truncation key in a lineinfo dict may be returned for first and/or last line in the resulting list.
#[para]truncation shows the shortened (missing bytes on left and/or right side) part of the entire line (potentially including line-ending or even partial line-ending)
#[para]Note that this truncation info is only in the return value of this method - and will not be reflected in [method lineinfo] queries to the main chunk.
lassign [my numeric_chunkrange $chunkstart $chunkend] chunkstart chunkend
set defaults [dict create\
-show_truncated 0\
set known_opts [dict keys $defaults]
foreach {k v} $args {
if {$k ni $known_opts} {
error "chunkrange_to_lines error: unknown option '$k'. Known options: $known_opts"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_show_truncated [dict get $opts -show_truncated]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set infolist [list]
set linerange [my chunkrange_to_linerange $chunkstart $chunkend]
lassign $linerange start_lineindex end_lineindex
#if -show_truncated
#return extra keys for first and last items (which may be the same item if chunkrange is entirely within a line)
#add is_truncated 0|1 to all lines
#Even if the start/end line is not fully within the chunkrange ie truncated - the 'payload' key will contain the original untruncated data
# first line may have payload tail truncated - or just linefeed, or even a split linefeed
set first [dict create lineindex $start_lineindex {*}[dict get $o_linemap $start_lineindex] payload [lindex $o_payloadlist $start_lineindex]]
set start_info [dict get $o_linemap $start_lineindex]
if {$opt_show_truncated} {
if {$chunkstart > [dict get $start_info start]} {
#there is lhs truncation
set payload [lindex $o_payloadlist $start_lineindex]
set line_start [dict get $start_info start]
set le_chars [dict get [dict create lf \n crlf \r\n none ""] [dict get $start_info le]]
set payload_and_le "${payload}${le_chars}"
set split [expr {$chunkstart - $line_start}]
set truncated [string range $payload_and_le $split end]
set lhs [string range $payload_and_le 0 $split-1]
dict set first truncated $truncated
dict set first truncatedside [list left] ;#truncatedside is a list which may have 'right' added if last line is same as first line
dict set first truncatedleft $lhs
dict set first is_truncated 1
} else {
dict set first is_truncated 0
# middle lines if any - no truncation
#difference in indexes of 1 would only mean 2 items to return
set middle_list [list]
if {($end_lineindex - $start_lineindex) > 1} {
for {set i [expr {$start_lineindex +1}]} {$i <= [expr {$end_lineindex -1}] } {incr i} {
#lineindex is key into main list
lappend middle_list [dict create lineindex $i {*}[dict get $o_linemap $i] payload [lindex $o_payloadlist $i] is_truncated 0]
# tail line may have beginning or all of payload truncated - linefeed may be split if crlf
# may be same line as first line - in which case truncation at beginning as well
if {$end_lineindex == $start_lineindex} {
#same record
set end_info $start_info
if {$opt_show_truncated} {
if {$chunkend < [dict get $end_info end]} {
#lhere is rhs truncation
if {[dict get $first is_truncated]} {
dict set first truncatedside [list left right]
} else {
dict set first is_truncated 1
dict set first truncatedside [list right]
#do rhs truncation - possibly in addition to existing lhs truncation
# ...
if {"left" ni [dict get $first truncatedside]} {
#rhs truncation only
set payload [lindex $o_payloadlist $end_lineindex]
set line_start [dict get $end_info start]
set le_chars [dict get [dict create lf \n crlf \r\n none ""] [dict get $end_info le]]
set payload_and_le "${payload}${le_chars}"
puts "payload_and_le: $payload_and_le"
puts "LENGHT: [string length $payload_and_le]"
set split [expr {$chunkend - $line_start}]
set truncated [string range $payload_and_le 0 $split]
set rhs [string range $payload_and_le $split+1 end]
dict set first truncated $truncated
dict set first truncatedside [list right]
dict set first truncatedright $rhs
} else {
#truncated on both sides
#no middle or last to append
lappend infolist $first
} else {
set last [dict create lineindex $end_lineindex {*}[dict get $o_linemap $end_lineindex] payload [lindex $o_payloadlist $end_lineindex]]
set end_info [dict get $o_linemap $end_lineindex]
if {$opt_show_truncated} {
if {$chunkend < [dict get $end_info end]} {
#there is rhs truncation - and last line in range is a different line to first one
dict set last is_truncated 1
set payload [lindex $o_payloadlist $end_lineindex]
set line_start [dict get $end_info start]
set line_end [dict get $end_info end]
set le [dict get $end_info le]
set le_size [dict get {lf 1 crlf 2 none 0} $le]
set le_chars [dict get [dict create lf \n crlf \r\n none ""] $le]
set payload_and_le "${payload}${le_chars}"
set split [expr {$chunkend - $line_start}]
set truncated [string range $payload_and_le 0 $split]
set rhs [string range $payload_and_le $split+1 end]
dict set last truncated $truncated
dict set last truncatedside [list right]
dict set last truncatedright $rhs
#this has the effect that truncating the rhs by 1 can result in truncated being larger than original payload for crlf lines - as payload now sees the cr
#this is a bit unintuitive - but probably best reflects the reality. The truncated value is the truncated 'line' rather than the truncated 'payload'
lappend infolist $first
if {[llength $middle_list]} {
lappend infolist {*}$middle_list
lappend infolist $last
return $infolist
method chunk_le_counts {chunkstart chunkend} {
set infolines [my chunkrange_to_lineinfolist $chunkstart $chunkend]
set lf_count 0
set crlf_count 0
set none_count 0
foreach d $infolines {
set le [dict get $d le]
if {$le eq "lf"} {
incr lf_count
} elseif {$le eq "crlf"} {
incr crlf_count
} else {
incr none_count
return [dict create lf $lf_count crlf $crlf_count unterminated $none_count]
#todo - test last line and merge as necessary with first line from new chunk - generate line data only for appended chunk
method append_chunk {rawchunk} {
error "sorry - unimplemented"
method numeric_linerange {startidx endidx} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method numeric_linerange] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
#[para]A helper to return any Tcl-style end end-x values given to startidx or endidx; converted to their specific values based on the current state of the underlying line data
#[para]This is used internally by API functions such as [method line] to enable it to accept more expressive indices
return [my normalize_indices $startidx $endidx [expr {[dict size $o_linemap]-1}]]
method numeric_chunkrange {startidx endidx} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method numeric_chunkrange] [arg startidx] [arg endidx]]
#[para]A helper to return any Tcl-style end end-x entries supplied to startidx or endidx; converted to their specific values based on the current state of the underlying chunk data
return [my normalize_indices $startidx $endidx [expr {[string length $o_chunk]-1}]]
method normalize_indices {startidx endidx max} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method normalize_indices] [arg startidx] [arg endidx] [arg max]]
#[para]A utility to convert some of the of Tcl-style list-index expressions such as end, end-1 etc to valid indices in the range 0 to the supplied max
#[para]Basic addition and subtraction expressions such as 4-1 5+2 are accepted
#[para]startidx higher than endidx is allowed
#[para]Unlike Tcl's index expressions - we raise an error if the calculated index is out of bounds 0 to max
set original_startidx $startidx
set original_endidx $endidx
set startidx [string map [list _ ""] $startidx] ;#don't barf on Tcl 8.7+ underscores in numbers - we can't just use expr because it will not handle end-x
set endidx [string map [list _ ""] $endidx]
if {![string is digit -strict "$startidx$endidx"]} {
foreach whichvar [list start end] {
upvar 0 ${whichvar}idx index
if {![string is digit -strict $index]} {
if {"end" eq $index} {
set index $max
} elseif {[string match "*-*" $index]} {
#end-int or int-int - like lrange etc we don't accept arbitrarily complex expressions
lassign [split $index -] A B
if {$A eq "end"} {
set index [expr {$max - $B}]
} else {
set index [expr {$A - $B}]
} elseif {[string match "*+*" $index]} {
lassign [split $index +] A B
if {$A eq "end"} {
#review - this will just result in out of bounds error in final test - as desired
#By calculating here - we will see the result in the error message - but it's probably not particularly useful - as we don't really need end+ support at all.
set index [expr {$max + $B}]
} else {
set index [expr {$A + $B}]
} else {
#May be something like +2 or -0 which braced expr can hanle
#we would like to avoid unbraced expr here - as we're potentially dealing with ranges that may come from external sources.
if {[catch {expr {$index}} index]} {
#could be end+x - but we don't want out of bounds to be valid
#set it to something that the final bounds expr test can deal with
set index Inf
#Unlike Tcl lrange,lindex etc - we don't want to support out of bound indices.
#show the supplied index and what it was mapped to in the error message.
if {$startidx < 0 || $startidx > $max} {
error "Bad start index '$original_startidx'. $startidx out of bounds 0 - $max"
if {$endidx < 0 || $endidx > $max} {
error "Bad end index '$original_endidx'. $endidx out of bounds 0 - $max"
return [list $startidx $endidx]
method regenerate_lines {} {
#*** !doctools
#[call class::textinfo [method regenerate_lines]]
#[para]generate a list of lines from the current state of the stored raw data chunk and keep a map of line-endings indexed by lineindex
#[para]This is called automatically by the Constructor during object creation
#[para]It is exposed in the API experimentally - as chunk and line manipulation functions are considered.
#[para]TODO - review whether such manual control will be necessary/desirable
#we don't store the actual line-endings as characters (for better layout of debug/display of data) - instead we store names lf|crlf|none
# first split on lf - then crlf. As we've replaced with single substution chars - the order doesn't matter.
set o_payloadlist [list]
set o_linemap [dict create]
set crlf_replace [list \r\n $o_CRLF_C \n $o_LF_C]
set normalised_data [string map $crlf_replace $o_chunk]
set lf_lines [split $normalised_data $o_LF_C]
set idx 0
set lf_count 0
set crlf_count 0
set filedata_offset 0
set i 0
set imax [expr {[llength $lf_lines]-1}]
foreach lfln $lf_lines {
set crlf_parts [split $lfln $o_CRLF_C]
if {[llength $crlf_parts] <= 1} {
#no crlf
set payloadlen [string length $lfln]
set le_size 1
set le lf
if {$i == $imax} {
#no more lf segments - and no crlfs
if {$payloadlen > 0} {
#last line in split has chars - therefore there was no trailing line-ending
set le_size 0
set le none
} else {
#empty space after last line-ending
#not really a line - we get here from splitting on our lf-replacement char
#An editor might display this pseudo-line with a line number - but we won't treat it as one here
lappend o_payloadlist $lfln
set linelen [expr {$payloadlen + $le_size}]
#we include line-ending in byte count for a line.
dict set o_linemap $idx [list le $le linelen $linelen payloadlen $payloadlen start $filedata_offset end [expr {$filedata_offset + $linelen -1}]]
incr filedata_offset $linelen
incr lf_count
incr idx
} else {
foreach crlfpart [lrange $crlf_parts 0 end-1] {
lappend o_payloadlist $crlfpart
set payloadlen [string length $crlfpart]
set linelen [expr {$payloadlen + 2}]
dict set o_linemap $idx [list le crlf linelen $linelen payloadlen $payloadlen start $filedata_offset end [expr {$filedata_offset + $linelen -1}]]
incr filedata_offset $linelen
incr crlf_count
incr idx
set lfpart [lindex $crlf_parts end]
set payloadlen [string length $lfpart]
if {$i == $imax} {
#no more lf segments - but we did find crlf in last (or perhaps only) lf line
#last element must be an empty crlf line or has no le
if {$payloadlen > 0} {
set le_size 0
set le none
} else {
#set le_size 2
#set le crlf
} else {
#more lf segments to come
#last element must be an empty lf line or has no le
if {$payloadlen > 0} {
set le_size 0
set le none
} else {
set le_size 1
set le lf
lappend o_payloadlist $lfpart
set linelen [expr {$payloadlen + $le_size}]
dict set o_linemap $idx [list le $le linelen $linelen payloadlen $payloadlen start $filedata_offset end [expr {$filedata_offset + $linelen -1}]]
incr filedata_offset $linelen
incr lf_count
incr idx
incr i
#incr filedata_offset ;#move up 1 so start entry for next line is greater than end entry for previous line
set le_count [expr {$lf_count + $crlf_count}]
if {$le_count != [llength $o_payloadlist]} {
puts stderr "fileline::class::textinfo warning. regenerate_lines lf_count: $lf_count + crlf_count: $crlf_count does not equal length of lines stored: [llength $o_payloadlist]"
method regenerate_chunk {} {
#*** !doctools
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end class enumeration ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Base namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::fileline {
namespace export *
#variable xyz
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::fileline}]
#[para] Core API functions for punk::fileline
#[list_begin definitions]
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::fileline ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::fileline::lib {
namespace export *
namespace path [namespace parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::fileline::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
proc range_spans_chunk_boundaries {start end chunksize} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun lib::range_spans_chunk_boundaries] [arg start] [arg end] [arg chunksize]]
#[para]Takes start and end offset, generally representing bytes or character indices, and computes a list of boundaries at multiples of the chunksize that are spanned by the start and end range.
#[list_begin arguments]
# [arg_def integer start]
# [para] zero-based start index of range
# [arg_def integer end]
# [para] zero-based end index of range
# [arg_def integer chunksize]
# [para] Number of bytes/characters in chunk
#[para]returns a dict with the keys is_span and boundaries
#[para]is_span 0|1 indicates if the range specified spans a boundary of chunksize
#[para]boundaries contains a list of the spanned boundaries - which are always multiples of the chunksize
# range_spans_chunk_boundaries 10 1750 512
# is_span 1 boundaries {512 1024 1536}
#[para] This function automatically uses lseq (if Tcl >= 8.7) when number of boundaries spanned is approximately greater than 75
if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.7}]} {
#only one implementation available for older Tcl
tailcall punk::fileline::system::_range_spans_chunk_boundaries_tcl $start $end $chunksize
if {(($end - $start) / $chunksize) < 75} {
tailcall punk::fileline::system::_range_spans_chunk_boundaries_tcl $start $end $chunksize
} else {
tailcall punk::fileline::system::_range_spans_chunk_boundaries_lseq $start $end $chunksize
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::fileline::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval punk::fileline::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::fileline::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
#for 8.7+ using lseq
#much faster when resultant boundary size is large
proc _range_spans_chunk_boundaries_lseq {start end chunksize} {
set smod [expr {$start % $chunksize}]
if {$smod != 0} {
set start [expr {$start + ($chunksize - $smod)}]
if {$start > $end} {
return [list is_span 0 boundaries {}]
set boundaries [lseq $start to $end $chunksize]
return [list is_span [expr {[llength $boundaries]>0}] boundaries $boundaries]
#faster than lseq for small number of resultant boundaries (~< 75) (which is a common use case)
#gets very slow (comparitively) with large resultsets
proc _range_spans_chunk_boundaries_tcl {start end chunksize} {
set is_span 0
set smod [expr {$start % $chunksize}]
if {$smod != 0} {
set start [expr {$start + ($chunksize - $smod)}]
set boundaries [list]
for {set b $start} {$b <= $end} {incr b $chunksize} {
lappend boundaries $b
return [list is_span [expr {[llength $boundaries]>0}] boundaries $boundaries]
proc _range_spans_chunk_boundaries_TIMEIT {start end chunksize {repeat 1}} {
puts "main : [time {punk::fileline::lib::range_spans_chunk_boundaries $start $end $chunksize} $repeat]"
puts "tcl : [time {punk::fileline::system::_range_spans_chunk_boundaries_tcl $start $end $chunksize} $repeat]"
if {![catch {package require Tcl 8.7}]} {
puts "lseq : [time {punk::fileline::system::_range_spans_chunk_boundaries_lseq $start $end $chunksize} $repeat]"
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide punk::fileline [namespace eval punk::fileline {
variable pkg punk::fileline
variable version
set version 999999.0a1.0
#*** !doctools


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#First line must be a semantic version number
#all other lines are ignored.


@ -93,7 +93,10 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::doc {
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
puts stdout "BUILDING DOCS at $projectdir/src/embedded from src/doc"
if {[catch {
if {"::meta" eq [info commands ::meta]} {
puts stderr "There appears to be a leftover ::meta command which is presumed to be from doctools. Destroying object"
::meta destroy
punk::mix::cli::lib::kettle_call lib doc
#Kettle doc


@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application punk::mix::commandset::module 999999.0a1.0
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license <unspecified>
# Meta license BSD
# @@ Meta End


@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
package require punk::mix
package require punk::mix::base
package require punk::fileline
@ -27,6 +28,10 @@ package require punk::mix::base
namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::scriptwrap {
namespace export *
namespace eval fileline {
namespace import ::punk::fileline::lib::*
namespace import ::punk::fileline::class::*
#scriptpath allows templates command to use same custom template set as when multishell pointed to a filepath
#it may or may not be within a project
@ -97,45 +102,8 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::scriptwrap {
return $table
proc range_spans_512_boundaries {start end} {
#todo - something more elegant
set is_span 0
set lowmult [expr {$start / 512}]
set highmult [expr {$end / 512}]
set test_boundaries [list]
for {set bindex $lowmult} {$bindex <= ($highmult + 1)} {incr bindex} {
lappend test_boundaries [expr {$bindex * 512}]
set lowboundary unset
set highboundary unset
foreach t $test_boundaries {
if {$lowboundary eq "unset"} {
if {$start <= $t } {
set lowboundary $t
if {$end >= $t} {
set highboundary $t
set boundaries [list]
foreach b $test_boundaries {
if {$lowboundary <= $b && $highboundary >= $b} {
lappend boundaries $b
if {[llength $boundaries]} {
set is_span 1
if {$is_span} {
return [list is_span 1 boundaries $boundaries]
} else {
return [list is_span 0]
#A batch file with unix line-endings is sensitive to label positioning.
#batch file with windows crlf line endings can exhibit this problem - but probably only if specifically crafted with long lines deliberately designed to trigger it.
#see: (Call and goto may fail when the batch file has Unix line endings)
@ -146,49 +114,102 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::scriptwrap {
#The script should then be adjusted with comments and/or whitespace and checkoutput should be re-run to confirm there are no new boundary-spanning labels.
#checkoutput needs to be run even on previously tested scriptwrapper templates because the final :exit label is beyond the payloads and so could span a 512 Byte block
#It is more likely to catch issues if adjustments are made to the initial batch-script code in a template.
#cmd allows labels at call sites to span lines with line continuation character ^
#target labels can't span lines with ^ - cmd doesn't recognise them.
proc checkoutput {filepath args} {
if {![file exists $filepath]} {
error "punk::mix::commandset:scriptwrap error cannot find file '$filepath'"
set crlf_lf_replacements [list \uFFFF \uFFFE] ;#defaults - if already exist in file - error out with message
# -ignore_rems 1 allows testing of alignment state if rems were stripped - todo - lf/crlf-preserving rem strip function
set defaults [dict create\
-ignore_rems 0\
-substitutionmap {}\
-crlf_lf_replacements $crlf_lf_replacements\
set known_opts [dict keys $defaults]
foreach {k v} $args {
if {$k ni $known_opts} {
error "checkoutput error - unknown option '$k'. Known options: $known_opts"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
set opt_ignore_rems [dict get $opts -ignore_rems]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_ignore_rems [dict get $opts -ignore_rems]
set opt_substitutionmap [dict get $opts -substitutionmap]
set opt_crlf_lf_replacements [dict get $opts -crlf_lf_replacements]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- ---
# #### load file ####
##set raw_filedata [fcat $filepath -translation binary]
#don't use fcat/fileutil::cat - as we may need to look at data beyond a ctrl-z (\x1A) section
set fd [open $filepath r]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set raw_filedata [read $fd]
close $fd
# ###################
set objFile [fileline::textinfo new $raw_filedata]
set filedata [fcat $filepath]
if {$opt_ignore_rems} {
set data ""
set skipped_rems 0
foreach ln [split $filedata \n] {
set ln [string trim $ln]
if {[string match @REM* $ln] || [string match REM* $ln] || [string match @rem* $ln] || [string match rem* $ln]} {
incr skipped_rems
} else {
append data $ln \n
#! todo
error "-ignore_rems unimplemented"
if 0 {
#todo - rebuild a raw_filedata value from the resultant lines
#review. @REM can appear after other commands and an ampersand for example.
# - we are interested in stripping lines with leading REMs
# - need to work out if a REM line with dos line-continuation should
set data ""
set skipped_rems 0
foreach ln [split $filedata \n] {
set ln [string trim $ln]
if {[string match @REM* $ln] || [string match REM* $ln] || [string match @rem* $ln] || [string match rem* $ln]} {
incr skipped_rems
} else {
append data $ln \n ;#!!
puts stderr "Skipped $skipped_rems rem lines"
set dsize [string length $data]
puts stderr "Skipped $skipped_rems rem lines"
} else {
set data $filedata
set dsize [string length $raw_filedata]
set lines_before_after 3
set dsize [string length $data]
puts stdout "examining $dsize bytes of file $filepath"
puts "checking 512 byte boundaries from call sites - displaying $lines_before_after lines before and after"
puts stdout "Examining [$objFile chunklen] bytes of file $filepath for cmd script issues."
set le_info [$objFile chunk_le_counts 0 end]
set lf_count [dict get $le_info lf]
set crlf_count [dict get $le_info crlf]
set unterminated_count [dict get $le_info unterminated]
set total_count [expr {$lf_count + $crlf_count + $unterminated_count}]
puts stdout "lines ending in lf : $lf_count"
puts stdout "lines ending in crlf : $crlf_count"
puts stdout "unterminated lines : $unterminated_count" ;#commonly 1 for trailing data at end of file. More than one is likely to be an error - or perhaps a policy plugin with different concept of lines?
puts stdout "crlf + lf + unterminated: $total_count"
puts stdout "line count : [$objFile linecount]"
if {$total_count != [$objFile linecount]} {
puts stdout "[a+ yellow bold]WARNING: Linecount mismatch with line-endings - seems fishy[a]"
if {$unterminated_count > 1} {
puts stdout "[a+ yellow bold]WARNING: More than one unterminated line reported - seems fishy[a]"
puts "Checking line based labels and 512 byte boundaries from call sites for possible labels and code execution points."
set result ""
set line_count [$objFile linecount]
set callid 0 ;#id for callsite and objects created
set file_offset 0
set linenum 0
set error_labels [list]
set warning_labels [list]
set file_lines [split $data \n]
foreach ln $file_lines {
for {set lineindex 0} {$lineindex < $line_count} {incr lineindex} {
set lineinfo [$objFile lineinfo $lineindex]
set ln [dict get $lineinfo payload]
set linenum [expr {$lineindex + 1}]
set callposn -1
incr linenum
set trimln [string trim $ln]
if {[string match "rem *" $trimln] || [string match "@rem *" $trimln] || [string match "REM *" $trimln] || [string match "@REM *" $trimln]} {
#ignore things that look like a call that are beind a REM
@ -196,26 +217,62 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::scriptwrap {
foreach search_regex [list {(.*\s+|^)(@*call\s*:)(\S.*)} {(.*\s+|^)(@*CALL\s*:)(\S.*)} {(.*\s+|^)(@*goto\s*:)(\S.*)} {(.*\s+|^)(@*GOTO\s*:)(\S.*)}] {
if {[regexp $search_regex $ln _m precall call labelplus]} {
set callposn [expr {$file_offset + [string length $ln]}] ;#take callposn as end of line .. review - multiline statements?
#callposn affected by newlines?
#todo - multiple calls on one line. - also - determine what cmd considers the starting point for forward scanning when call is in a structure such as an if statement.
if {$callposn != -1} {
puts stdout "[a+ bold cyan]Found callsite '${call}${labelplus}' at byte $callposn line_num:$linenum line: $ln[a]"
puts stdout "[a+ bold cyan]CALLSITE on line $linenum ending at byte $callposn[a]"
set callsummary [string range "${call}${labelplus}" 0 100]
if {[string length $callsummary] < [string length ${call}${labelplus}]} {
puts stdout " CALLSITE: $callsummary (truncated to 100 bytes)"
} else {
puts stdout " CALLSITE: '${call}${labelplus}'"
puts stdout " [a+ cyan]FULLINE: $ln[a]"
set labelpluswords [regexp -inline -all {\S+} $labelplus] ;#don't assume labelplus can be treated as Tcl list - use regexp to split
set label [lindex $labelpluswords 0]
#NOTE it is invalid to assume label always terminated by space - pair of % characters (variable substitution) can contain a space without terminating label
set word1 [lindex $labelpluswords 0]
set word1len [string length $word1]
set labeltail [string range $labelplus $word1len end]
if {[string index $word1 end] eq "^"} {
if {![string length $labeltail]} {
} else {
#todo batchlib::get_callsite_label $labelplus
set label $word1
set labelsize [string length $label]
#scan forward for labels at boundaries
set forward_data [string range $data $callposn end]
set dsize [string length $forward_data]
set forward_chunk [$objFile chunk $callposn end]
incr callid
set callvar "call-${callid}_fromline-${linenum}"
upvar 0 $callvar objForwardScan
set objForwardScan [fileline::textinfo new $forward_chunk]
#Forward scan 1 - check at normal line boundaries - and see if collides with a chunk boundary - and if the label is obscured or ok
set dsize [$objForwardScan chunklen]
set num_boundaries [expr {$dsize / 512} ]
puts "scanning $dsize forward bytes in file for labels - num_boundaries: $num_boundaries"
set scan_offset 0
set total_offset $file_offset
set found_forward_label 0
foreach scanline [split $forward_data \n] {
set line_bytes [expr {[string length $scanline] +1}] ;#+1 for unix lf
set line_start $total_offset
set line_end [expr {$total_offset + $line_bytes}]
foreach scanlineinfo [$objForwardScan lineinfolist 0 end] {
set line_bytes [dict get $scanlineinfo linelen]
set scanline [dict get $scanlineinfo payload]
set scanline_relstart [dict get $scanlineinfo start]
set line_global_start $total_offset
set line_global_end [expr {$total_offset + $line_bytes}]
set trimscanline [string trim $scanline]
if {[string match ":$label*" $trimscanline]} {
incr found_forward_label
@ -231,36 +288,53 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::scriptwrap {
if {($labelposn >= $lbound) && ($labelposn <= $ubound)} {
lappend error_labels [list label $label call_offset_bytes $labelposn callsite [list call ${call}${labelplus} call_linenum $linenum]]
puts stdout "[a+ bold red]ERROR: label $trimscanline at offset from callsite: $labelposn total offset: $total_offset[a]"
puts stdout "[a+ bold red] This label appears to span the 512byte boundary at byte $ubound[a] [a+ yellow bold]from callsite[a]"
puts stdout "[a+ bold red] This label appears to span the 512byte boundary at byte $ubound[a] [a+ yellow bold]from callsite.[a]"
} else {
puts stdout "[a+ bold green]OK: label $trimscanline at offset from callsite: $labelposn total offset: $total_offset[a]"
set forward_spaninfo [range_spans_512_boundaries $line_start $line_end]
if {[dict get $forward_spaninfo is_span]} {
set boundaries [dict get $forward_spaninfo boundaries]
puts stdout "line $linenum scan from call label $label at $callposn boundaries crossed: $boundaries"
incr total_offset $line_bytes
incr scan_offset $line_bytes
#forward scan 2 - check any boundaries missed above because the label isn't at the begining of a line
#these are potentially hidden labels that could activate without requiring the label be at the beginning of a line
#check boundary spans relative to start of this objForwardScan chunk
set forward_spaninfo [fileline::range_spans_chunk_boundaries {*}[$objForwardScan numeric_chunkrange 0 end] 512]
if {[dict get $forward_spaninfo is_span]} {
set boundaries [dict get $forward_spaninfo boundaries]
if {[llength $boundaries] > 1} {
puts stdout "line $linenum scan from call label $label at $callposn. Callsite-relative boundaries crossed: [lrange $boundaries 1 end]"
#scan behind for labels at boundaries - using offset from start of file
#we do a backward scan even if a forward label has been found, so that we can warn of duplicate labels.
set prior_lines [lrange $file_lines 0 $linenum] ;#only scan from file start to call-site
set prior_start 0
set prior_end $lineindex ;#only scan from file start to call-site
set prior_total_offset 0
set found_backward_label 0
set p_linenum 0
foreach pline $prior_lines {
for {set pidx $prior_start} {$pidx <= $prior_end} {incr pidx} {
set plineinfo [$objFile lineinfo $pidx]
set pline [dict get $plineinfo payload]
incr p_linenum
set pline_bytes [expr {[string length $pline] +1}] ;#+1 for unix lf
set pline_bytes [dict get $plineinfo linelen] ;#includes lf or crlf ending bytes
set pline_start $prior_total_offset
set pline_end [expr {$prior_total_offset + $pline_bytes}]
set spaninfo [range_spans_512_boundaries $pline_start $pline_end]
puts stdout "line $p_linenum byte range $pline_start -> $pline_end [a+ bold purple]$spaninfo[a]"
if {$pline_start != [dict get $plineinfo start]} {
error "checkoutput error: line $p_linenum - calculated start $pline_start not equal to stored start [dict get $plineinfo start]"
set pline_end [expr {$prior_total_offset + $pline_bytes -1}]
if {$pline_end != [dict get $plineinfo end]} {
error "checkoutput error: line $p_linenum - calculated end $pline_end not equal to stored end [dict get $plineinfo end]"
set trimpline [string trim $pline]
#callsite labels appear to be literal - not subject to % expansion and escaping for example.
if {[string match ":$label*" $trimpline]} {
incr found_backward_label
set prior_label_posn_in_line [string first : $pline]
@ -280,7 +354,9 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::scriptwrap {
set spaninfo [fileline::range_spans_chunk_boundaries $pline_start $pline_end 512]
if {[dict get $spaninfo is_span]} {
#puts stdout "boundary spanning line $p_linenum byte range $pline_start -> $pline_end [a+ bold purple]$spaninfo[a]"
#check boundaries within the line
set boundaries [dict get $spaninfo boundaries]
foreach b $boundaries {
@ -308,7 +384,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::scriptwrap {
puts stdout "[a+ bold yellow] label starting at $b : $pline_tail[a]"
set tail_start $b
set tail_end [expr {$b + [string length $pline_tail]}]
set tail_spaninfo [range_spans_512_boundaries $tail_start $tail_end]
set tail_spaninfo [fileline::range_spans_chunk_boundaries $tail_start $tail_end 512]
if {[dict get $tail_spaninfo is_span]} {
set tail_boundaries [dict get $tail_spaninfo boundaries]
set extra_tail_boundaries [lsearch -all -inline -not $tail_boundaries $b]
@ -320,9 +396,14 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::scriptwrap {
puts "[a+ yellow bold]NOTE: cmd may attempt to treat this data as code[a]"
} else {
set nextline [lindex $file_lines $pline_tail+1]
puts "Line $p_linenum + 1 has data: [a+ yellow bold]$nextline[a]"
puts "[a+ yellow bold]NOTE: cmd may attempt to treat this data as code[a]"
if {$pidx+1 < [$objFile linecount]} {
set nextlineinfo [$objFile lineinfo $pidx+1]
set nextpayload [dict get $nextlineinfo payload]
puts "Line $p_linenum + 1 has data: [a+ yellow bold]$nextpayload[a]"
puts "[a+ yellow bold]NOTE: cmd may attempt to treat this data as code[a]"
} else {
#EOF reached
@ -945,6 +1026,60 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::scriptwrap {
namespace eval batchlib {
proc get_callsite_label {labelplus} {
#a quick'n'dirty fix for some ways various escapes are handled within labels at callsite.
#There seem to be very different rules for labels at target site - presumably because they are not part of a command
# Mostly it seems target labels are more literal
#some rules..
#callsite labels can't have space between : and label - but target labels can
#label terminated by =,: even if prefixed by ^ and even if in squotes or dquotes
#squotes and dquotes otherwise pass through as part of label
#may resolve variables within the label - but characters from variable value can terminate.
#as we don't have access to the variable values - we should normalize %varname% to empty string at callsite - but perhaps emit warning somewhere
# The target labels don't seem to
#a single % resolves to empty
#sequences of % don't begin a var - number of % in labelname = number of %s divided by 2 and rounded down. ie 1->0 2->1 3-> 1 4->2 5->2 6->3 etc
#spaces in % wrapped var names don't terminate label
#spaces aren't escaped by ^ or quoting
#sequences of ^ seem to follow same counting rule as %
#e.g @goto :la%path%bel where path begins with C:\Program Files.. becomes label :laC
#The due to whitespace and most chars except : and % being alowed inside vars - it seems the best first step
# -------------- start % handling %
set chars [split $labelplus ""]
set percentrun 0
set invar 0
set output ""
foreach c $chars {
if {!$invar} {
if {$c ne "%"} {
append output [string repeat % [expr {$percentrun / 2}]] $c
set percentrun 0
} else {
} else {
#in var
if {$c eq "%" && $percentrun == 0} {
set invar 1
} elseif {$c eq "%"}
} else {
append varname $c
# -------------- end % handling %
#caret -- etc
return [list label $label tail $tail]


@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#[titledesc {Module API}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}]
#[moddesc {-}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}]
#[require %pkg%]
#[keywords module]
#[para] -
@ -106,6 +107,12 @@ namespace eval %pkg% {
#proc sample1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call [fun sample1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of sample1
# return "ok"
@ -120,19 +127,24 @@ namespace eval %pkg% {
# Secondary API namespace
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval %pkg%::lib {
namespace export *
namespace path [namespace parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace %pkg%::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
namespace export *
namespace path [namespace parent]
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace %pkg%::lib}]
#[para] Secondary functions that are part of the API
#[list_begin definitions]
#proc utility1 {p1 args} {
# #*** !doctools
# #[call lib::[fun utility1] [arg p1] [opt {?option value...?}]]
# #[para]Description of utility1
# return 1
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace %pkg%::lib ---}]
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace %pkg%::lib ---}]
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
@ -142,9 +154,9 @@ namespace eval %pkg%::lib {
#*** !doctools
#[section Internal]
namespace eval %pkg%::system {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace %pkg%::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace %pkg%::system}]
#[para] Internal functions that are not part of the API


@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ namespace eval punk::path {
proc treefilenames {basepath tailglob args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun treefilenames] [arg basepath] [arg tailglob] [opt {option value...}]]
#basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive
#no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem
#[para]basic (glob based) list of filenames matching tailglob - recursive
#[para]no natsorting - so order is dependent on filesystem
set defaults [dict create\
-call-depth-internal 0\
-antiglob_paths {}\
@ -270,14 +270,30 @@ namespace eval punk::path {
#[para] Notes:
#[para] Both paths must be the same type - ie both absolute or both relative
#[para] Case sensitive. ie relative /etc /etC
#[para] Case sensitive. ie punk::path::relative /etc /etC
# will return ../etC
#[para] On windows, the drive-letter component (only) is not case sensitive
#[para] ie relative c:/etc C:/etc returns .
#[para] but relative c:/etc C:/Etc returns ../Etc
# P% punk::path::relative c:/etc C:/etc
# - .
#[para] The part following the driveletter is case sensitive so in the following cases it recognises the driveletter matches but not the tail
# P% punk::path::relative c:/etc C:/Etc
# - ../Etc
#[para] On windows, if the paths are absolute and specifiy different volumes, only the location will be returned.
# ie relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
# returns d:/etc/blah
# P% punk::path::relative c:/etc d:/etc/blah
# - d:/etc/blah
#[para] Unix-like examples:
# P% punk::path::relative /usr/local/etc/ /usr/local/etc/somewhere/below
# - somewhere/below
# P% punk::path::relative /usr/local/etc/somewhere /usr/local/lib/here
# - ../../lib/here
#see also kettle
