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repl system: support env vars for syslog/log config, disable script for fake tty on 'unknown' process running and use exec instead, ansi colouring stderr and tcl errors

Julian Noble 1 year ago
  1. 363


@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
package provide app-punk 1.0
namespace eval punk {
set stdin_info [chan configure stdin]
if {[dict exists $stdin_info -inputmode]} {
#this is the only way I currently know to detect console on windows.. doesn't work on Alma linux.
@ -23,11 +27,181 @@ proc todo {} {
tcl::tm::add [pwd]/modules
if {![info exists ::env(SHELL)]} {
set ::env(SHELL) punk86
if {![info exists ::env(TERM)]} {
#fake it
#set ::env(TERM) vt100
set ::env(TERM) xterm-256color
namespace eval punk {
set syslog_stdout ""
set syslog_stderr ""
#default file logs to logs folder at same location as exe if writable, or empty string
set logfile_stdout ""
set logfile_stderr ""
set exefolder [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]
set logfolder $exefolder/logs
if {[file exists $logfolder]} {
if {[file isdirectory $logfolder] && [file writable $logfolder]} {
set logfile_stdout $logfolder/repl-exec-stdout.txt
set logfile_stderr $logfolder/repl-exec-stderr.txt
#override with env vars if set
if {[info exists ::env(PUNK_LOGFILE_STDOUT)]} {
if {$f ne "default"} {
set logfile_stdout $f
if {[info exists ::env(PUNK_LOGFILE_STDERR)]} {
if {$f ne "default"} {
set logfile_stderr $f
if {[info exists ::env(PUNK_SYSLOG_STDOUT)]} {
set u $::env(PUNK_SYSLOG_STDOUT)
if {$u ne "default"} {
set syslog_stdout $u
if {[info exists ::env(PUNK_SYSLOG_STDERR)]} {
set u $::env(PUNK_SYSLOG_STDERR)
if {$u ne "default"} {
set syslog_stderr $u
catch {
unset u
unset f
#useful for aliases e.g treemore -> xmore tree
proc xmore {args} {
{*}$args | more
proc winpath {path} {
#convert /c/etc to C:/etc
set re {^/([[:alpha:]]){1}/.*}
set volumes [file volumes]
#exclude things like //zipfs:/
set driveletters [list]
foreach v $volumes {
if {[regexp {^([[:alpha:]]){1}:/$} $v _ letter]} {
lappend driveletters $letter
#puts stderr "->$driveletters"
if {[regexp $re $path _ letter]} {
#upper case appears to be windows canonical form
if {[string toupper $letter] in $driveletters} {
set path [string toupper $letter]:/[string range $path 3 end]
} elseif {[regexp {^/mnt|MNT/([[:alpha:]]){1}/.*} $path _ letter]} {
if {[string toupper $letter] in $driveletters} {
set path [string toupper $letter]:/[string range $path 7 end]
#puts stderr "=> $path"
#things like 'which' seem to return a path minus the .exe - so we'll just test the containing folder
if {![file exists [file dirname $path]]} {
set path [file normalize $path]
return $path
proc windir {path} {
return [file dirname [punk::winpath $path]]
namespace export help aliases alias cdwin cdwindir winpath windir
namespace ensemble create
proc cdwin {path} {
set path [punk::winpath $path]
cd $path
proc cdwindir {path} {
set path [punk::winpath $path]
cd [file dirname $path]
proc help {} {
catch {
package require patternpunk
puts -nonewline stderr [>punk . rhs]
puts stdout "Punk commands:"
puts stdout "punk help"
#current interp aliases except those created by pattern package '::p::*'
proc aliases {{glob *}} {
set interesting [lmap a [interp aliases ""] {expr {![string match ::p::* $a] ? $a : [continue]}}]
proc alias {a args} {
if {[llength $args]} {
if {$a in [interp aliases ""]} {
set existing [interp alias "" $a]
puts stderr "Overwriting existing alias $a -> $existing with $a -> $args (in current session only)"
interp alias "" $a "" {*}$args
} else {
return [interp alias "" $a]
#global aliases - keep to a minimum
interp alias {} help {} punk help
interp alias {} aliases {} punk aliases
interp alias {} alias {} punk alias
interp alias {} treemore {} punk::xmore tree
#leave the winpath related aliases available on all platforms
interp alias {} cdwin {} punk cdwin
interp alias {} cdwindir {} punk cdwindir
interp alias {} winpath {} punk winpath
interp alias {} windir {} punk windir
interp alias {} ll {} ls -laFo --color=always
interp alias {} lw {} ls -aFv --color=always
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
set has_powershell 1
interp alias {} dl {} dir /q
interp alias {} dw {} dir /W/D
} else {
#todo - natsorted equivalent
#interp alias {} dl {}
#todo - powershell detection on other platforms
set has_powershell 0
if {$has_powershell} {
interp alias {} psls {} pwsh -nop -nolo -c ls
interp alias {} psps {} pwsh -nop -nolo -c ps
set ::punk::PUNKRUN 0 ;#whether to use shellfilter::run instead of exec.
package require shellfilter
package require Thread
set outdevice [shellfilter::stack::new punkout -settings {-tag "punkout" -buffering none -raw 1 -syslog -file "c:/repo/jn/shellspy/logs/repl-exec-stdout.txt"}]
set outdevice [shellfilter::stack::new punkout -settings [list -tag "punkout" -buffering none -raw 1 -syslog $::punk::syslog_stdout -file $::punk::logfile_stdout]]
set out [dict get $outdevice localchan]
set errdevice [shellfilter::stack::new punkerr -settings {-tag "punkerr" -buffering none -raw 1 -syslog -file "c:/repo/jn/shellspy/logs/repl-exec-stderr.txt"}]
set errdevice [shellfilter::stack::new punkerr -settings [list -tag "punkerr" -buffering none -raw 1 -syslog $::punk::syslog_stderr -file $::punk::logfile_stderr]]
set err [dict get $errdevice localchan]
#set indevice [shellfilter::stack::new commandin -settings {-tag "commandin" -readbuffering line -writebuffering none -raw 1 -direction in}]
@ -185,19 +359,19 @@ proc unknown args {
#These can be stacked with shellfilter and operate as OS handles - which we can't do with fifo2 etc
if {[string first " " $new] > 0} {
set c1 $name
} else {
set c1 $new
# 'script' command to fake a tty
# note that we lose the exit code from the underlying command by using 'script' if we call shellfilter::run without -e option to script
set scr [auto_execok script]
set scr "" ;#set src to empty to disable - script is just a problematic experiment
if {$scr ne ""} {
if {[string first " " $new] > 0} {
set c1 $name
} else {
set c1 $new
#set scriptrun "( $c1 [lrange $args 1 end] )"
set scriptrun_commandlist [shellfilter::get_scriptrun_from_cmdlist_dquote_if_not $args]
if 0 {
set scriptrun "( $c1 "
@ -239,31 +413,72 @@ proc unknown args {
#puts stderr ">>>scriptrun_commandlist: $scriptrun_commandlist"
#uplevel 1 [list ::catch \
[list ::shellfilter::run [list $scr -q -e -c $scriptrun /dev/null] -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ] \
::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
uplevel 1 [list ::catch \
[list ::shellfilter::run $scriptrun_commandlist -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ] \
::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
#puts stderr "script result $::tcl::UnknownOptions $::tcl::UnknownResult"
} else {
uplevel 1 [list ::catch \
[list ::shellfilter::run [concat $new [lrange $args 1 end]] -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ] \
::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
if {[string trim $::tcl::UnknownResult] ne "exitcode 0"} {
dict set ::tcl::UnknownOptions -code error
set ::tcl::UnknownResult "Non-zero exit code from command '$c1 [lrange $args 1 end]' $::tcl::UnknownResult"
if {[string tolower [file rootname [file tail $new]]] ne "script"} {
if {$::env(SHELL) eq "punk86"} {
set shellcmdflag "punk86 cmdb"
} elseif {$::env(SHELL) eq "cmd"} {
set shellcmdflag "cmd /c"
} elseif {$::env(SHELL) eq "pwsh"} {
set shellcmdflag "pwsh -c"
} else {
# sh etc
#set shellcmdflag "$::env(SHELL) -c"
set shellcmdflag "-c"
#set commandlist [shellfilter::get_scriptrun_from_cmdlist_dquote_if_not [concat [list $new ] [lrange $args 1 end]]]
set commandlist [shellfilter::get_scriptrun_from_cmdlist_dquote_if_not $args $shellcmdflag]
puts stderr ">>> [lindex $commandlist 4]"
} else {
set commandlist [list $new {*}[lrange $args 1 end]]
puts stderr ">>>scriptrun_commandlist: $commandlist"
#set id_stderr [shellfilter::stack::add stderr ansiwrap -settings {-colour {red bold}}]
uplevel #0 [list ::catch [list ::shellfilter::run $commandlist -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ] ::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
#shellfilter::stack::remove stderr $id_stderr
puts stdout "script result $::tcl::UnknownOptions $::tcl::UnknownResult"
if {[string trim $::tcl::UnknownResult] ne "exitcode 0"} {
dict set ::tcl::UnknownOptions -code error
set ::tcl::UnknownResult "Non-zero exit code from command '$args' $::tcl::UnknownResult"
} else {
#no point returning "exitcode 0" if that's the only non-error return.
#It is misleading. Better to return empty string.
set ::tcl::UnknownResult ""
} else {
#no point returning "exitcode 0" if that's the only non-error return.
#It is misleading. Better to return empty string.
set ::tcl::UnknownResult ""
set id_stderr [shellfilter::stack::add stderr ansiwrap -settings {-colour {red bold}}]
if {$::punk::PUNKRUN} {
uplevel 1 [list ::catch \
[list ::shellfilter::run [concat [list $new] [lrange $args 1 end]] -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ] \
::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
if {[string trim $::tcl::UnknownResult] ne "exitcode 0"} {
dict set ::tcl::UnknownOptions -code error
set ::tcl::UnknownResult "Non-zero exit code from command '$args' $::tcl::UnknownResult"
} else {
#no point returning "exitcode 0" if that's the only non-error return.
#It is misleading. Better to return empty string.
set ::tcl::UnknownResult ""
} else {
set redir ">&@stdout <@stdin"
uplevel 1 [list ::catch [concat exec $redir $new [lrange $args 1 end]] ::tcl::UnknownResult ::tcl::UnknownOptions]
shellfilter::stack::remove stderr $id_stderr
@ -410,7 +625,7 @@ proc do_runraw {commandline} {
set tcmd [shellfilter::get_scriptrun_from_cmdlist_dquote_if_not $cmdwords]
puts stdout ">>tcmd: $tcmd"
#set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $tcmd -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ]
set exitinfo "not-implemented"
set exitinfo "exitcode not-implemented"
} else {
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $cmdwords -teehandle punk -inbuffering line -outbuffering none ]
@ -419,6 +634,13 @@ proc do_runraw {commandline} {
#todo - check errorInfo makes sense.. return -code? tailcall?
error [dict get $exitinfo error]
set code [dict get $exitinfo exitcode]
if {$code == 0} {
set c [shellfilter::ansi::+ green]
} else {
set c [shellfilter::ansi::+ white bold]
puts stderr $c
return $exitinfo
@ -444,8 +666,18 @@ know {[lindex $args 0] eq "run"} {
set runopts [lmap o $runopts {dict get $aliases $o}]
set id_err [shellfilter::stack::add stderr ansiwrap -settings {-colour {red bold}}]
set exitinfo [shellfilter::run $cmdargs -teehandle punk -inbuffering none -outbuffering none ]
shellfilter::stack::remove stderr $id_err
set c [shellfilter::ansi::+ green]
set n [shellfilter::ansi::+]
if {[dict exists $exitinfo error]} {
error [dict get $exitinfo error]
return $exitinfo
know {[lindex $args 0] eq "runout"} {
@ -485,7 +717,16 @@ know {[lindex $args 0] eq "runout"} {
#todo - check errorInfo makes sense.. return -code? tailcall?
error [dict get $exitinfo error]
puts stderr $exitinfo
#exitcode not part of return value - colourcode appropriately
set n [shellfilter::ansi::+]
set code [dict get $exitinfo exitcode]
if {$code == 0} {
set c [shellfilter::ansi::+ green]
} else {
set c [shellfilter::ansi::+ white bold]
puts stderr $c$exitinfo$n
return $::runout
know {[lindex $args 0] eq "runerr"} {
@ -522,8 +763,15 @@ know {[lindex $args 0] eq "runerr"} {
error [dict get $exitinfo error]
puts stderr \n$exitinfo
#exitcode not part of return value - colourcode appropriately
set n [shellfilter::ansi::+]
set code [dict get $exitinfo exitcode]
if {$code == 0} {
set c [shellfilter::ansi::+ green]
} else {
set c [shellfilter::ansi::+ white bold]
puts stderr \n$c$exitinfo$n
return $::runerr
know {[lindex $args 0] eq "runx"} {
@ -575,7 +823,17 @@ know {[lindex $args 0] eq "runx"} {
if {[string length $::runerr]} {
append pretty "$::runerr\n"
append pretty "$exitinfo"
set n [shellfilter::ansi::+]
set c ""
if [dict exists $exitinfo exitcode] {
set code [dict get $exitinfo exitcode]
if {$code == 0} {
set c [shellfilter::ansi::+ green]
} else {
set c [shellfilter::ansi::+ white bold]
append pretty "$c$exitinfo$n"
#set ::repl::result_print 0
#return [lindex [list [list stdout $::runout stderr $::runerr {*}$exitinfo] [shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $x][puts -nonewline stdout $pretty][set ::repl::output ""]] 0]
@ -605,12 +863,14 @@ namespace eval repl {
proc repl::doprompt {prompt} {
proc repl::doprompt {prompt {col {green bold}}} {
#prompt to stderr.
#We can pipe commands into repl's stdin without the prompt interfering with the output.
#Although all command output for each line goes to stdout - not just what is emmited with puts
if {$::tcl_interactive} {
puts -nonewline stderr $prompt
set o [shellfilter::ansi::+ {*}$col]
set r [shellfilter::ansi::+]
puts -nonewline stderr $o$prompt$r
flush stderr
@ -753,8 +1013,12 @@ proc repl::repl_handler {chan} {
append command $line
if {[info complete $command]} {
set ::repl::output ""
set id_outstack [shellfilter::stack::add stdout tee_to_var -settings {-varname ::repl::output}]
set ::repl::output_stdout ""
set ::repl::output_stderr ""
set errstack [list]
set id_outstack [shellfilter::stack::add stdout tee_to_var -settings {-varname ::repl::output_stdout}]
lappend errstack [shellfilter::stack::add stderr ansiwrap -settings {-colour {red bold}}]
lappend errstack [shellfilter::stack::add stderr tee_to_var -settings {-varname ::repl::output_stderr}]
#chan configure stdout -buffering none
fileevent $chan readable {}
set reading 0
@ -765,14 +1029,23 @@ proc repl::repl_handler {chan} {
if {[string equal -length [string length "runraw "] "runraw " $command]} {
set status [catch {uplevel #0 [list do_runraw $command]} result]
} else {
#puts stderr "repl uplevel 0 '$command'"
set status [catch {uplevel #0 $command} result]
set lastoutchar [string range $::repl::output end-1 end]
#puts stderr "<output>'$::repl::output' lastoutchar:'$lastoutchar' result:'$result'"
#puts stderr "<output>'$::repl::output_stdout' lastoutchar:'$lastoutchar' result:'$result'"
flush stdout
shellfilter::stack::remove stdout $id_outstack
flush stderr
foreach s [lreverse $errstack] {
shellfilter::stack::remove stderr $s
set lastoutchar [string range $::repl::output_stdout end-1 end]
set lasterrchar [string range $::repl::output_stderr end-1 end]
if {!$result_print} {
set result ""
set lastoutchar ""
set lasterrchar ""
#$command is an unevaluated script at this point
# so may not be a well formed list e.g 'set x [list a "b"]'
@ -789,18 +1062,22 @@ proc repl::repl_handler {chan} {
set reading 1
if {$result ne ""} {
if {$status == 0} {
if {[string length $lastoutchar]} {
if {[string length $lastoutchar$lasterrchar]} {
puts \n$result
} else {
puts $result
doprompt "P% "
} else {
puts stderr $result
#tcl err
set c [shellfilter::ansi::+ yellow bold]
set n [shellfilter::ansi::+]
puts stderr $c$result$n
#tcl err hint prompt - lowercase
doprompt "p% "
} else {
if {[string length $lastoutchar]} {
if {[string length $lastoutchar$lasterrchar]} {
doprompt "\nP% "
} else {
doprompt "P% "
