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add Tcllib's tcl::chan virtchannel packages to vendorlib

Julian Noble 11 months ago
  1. 124
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@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
2019-03-12 Aldo Buratti
* cat.tcl - BUGFIX in event-handling . Version bumped to 1.0.3
2013-12-17 Andreas Kupries <>
* Fixed package name.
2013-11-22 Andreas Kupries <>
* memchan.tcl (Events): Ticket [864a0c83e3]. Do not suppress
* string.tcl: readable events at end of the channel. Needed
* variable.tcl: to signal the eof condition. Like for regular
files, always readable. Versions bumped to 1.0.3, 1.0.2, and
1.0.3 respectively
2013-04-03 Andreas Kupries <>
* Renamed more manpages, clashing with the
* Memchan package. List are the new names,
* with prefix "tcllib_".
2013-03-04 Andreas Kupries <>
* Renamed, clashes with Tcl core manpage.
* New name.
* Renamed, clashes with Tcl core manpage.
* New name.
2013-02-01 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.15 ========================
2012-10-05 Andreas Kupries <>
* cat.tcl (read): Fixed bugs in the reader. Bad check of buffer
* pkgIndex.tcl: length, and buffer length was not taken into
account for the next read after an incomplete one. Version
bumped to 1.0.2.
2011-12-13 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.14 ========================
2011-08-09 Andreas Kupries <>
* memchan.tcl: Fixed missing initialization of 'content' instance
variable. Bumped to version 1.0.2.
* variable.tcl: Fixed missing invokation of superclass
constructor. Fixed missing initialization of linked 'content'
variable, if not existing. Fixed missing import of linked
variable into the event handling. Bumped to version 1.0.2.
* cat.tcl: Removed bogus invokation of superclass constructor,
there is no such. Bumped to version 1.0.1.
* facade.tcl: Added missing logger requirements, dropped bogus
call to superclass constructor. Bumped to version 1.0.1.
* std.tcl: Fixed command scoping issues, and dropped bogus call to
superclass constructor. Bumped to version 1.0.1.
2011-05-31 Andreas Kupries <>
* New base channels. Concatenation of channels,
* cat.tcl: standard channel combining stdin and stdout,
* and a facade for wrapping around other
* facade.tcl: channels.
* std.tcl:
* pkgIndex.tcl:
2011-02-21 Andreas Kupries <>
* pkgIndex.tcl: Removed the superfluous [list] command in the
ifneeded script.
2011-02-16 Andreas Kupries <>
* memchan.tcl: Fixed constructor chaining, added the missing
* pkgIndex.tcl: 'next'. The bug prevented proper initialization
* string.tcl: of the event core. All versions bumped to 1.0.1
* variable.tcl:
2011-01-24 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.13 ========================
2010-07-29 Andreas Kupries <>
* New files, documentation for the packages in
* this module.
2009-12-07 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.12 ========================
2009-12-01 Andreas Kupries <>
* New module 'virtchannel_base', providing classes implementing
various virtual channels aka reflected channels. TclOO based.


@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
null, zero, fifo, memchan, fifo2
Re-implementations of Memchan's channel types.
Semi re-implementation of a Memchan channel type.
"Random" byte generator, simple feedback register.
Memchan uses ISAAC (
string, variable
Variants of 'memchan', with fixed content, and the content
factored out to a namespaced variable, respectively.
Support to generate and combine seed lists for the
random channel, using semi-random sources in Tcl.
Half channel, simpler callback API. fifo2 is build on top this
basic block.
Channel attaches to text widget to write data into.
Concatenation channel, delivering the data from 1 or more
channels, one after the other.
A wrapper around any other channel. Mainly for debugging,
allowing a developer to observe the activity on the wrapped
Unification of stdin and stdout into a single read/write


@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[vset Version 1.0.4]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::cat n [vset Version]]
[keywords {concatenation channel}]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2011 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Concatenation channel}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::cat [opt [vset Version]]]
The [package tcl::chan::cat] package provides a command creating
concatenation channels. These are non-seekable channels owning a list
of subordinate channels whose contents they return in order, until all
are exhausted. In this manner the channel is the concatentation of the
contents of all the sub-ordinate channels.
[para] Note that the created channels take ownership of the channels
they were constructed with. Whenever they have exhausted one of their
channel it will be closed. Similarly, closing the cat channel will
close all the sub-ordinates it still has.
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::core] framework.
[para] Event handling is delegated to the currently active sub-channel.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::cat] [arg chan]...]
This command creates the concatenation channel using all the provided
channels, and returns its handle.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2011,2019 Andreas Kupries
# Facade concatenating the contents of the channels it was constructed
# with. Owns the sub-ordinate channels and closes them on exhaustion and/or
# when closed itself.
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::cat 1.0.4
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2011
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Facade concatenating the contents of the channels it
# Meta description was constructed with. Owns the sub-ordinate channels
# Meta description and closes them on exhaustion and/or when closed itself.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::cat {args} {
return [::chan create {read} [cat::implementation new {*}$args]]
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::cat::implementation {
superclass ::tcl::chan::core ; # -> initialize, finalize.
# We are not using the standard event handling class, because here
# it will not be timer-driven. We propagate anything related to
# events to catin and catout instead and let them handle things.
constructor {args} {
set channels $args
# Disable translation (and hence encoding) in the wrapped channels.
# This will happen in our generic layer instead.
foreach c $channels {
fconfigure $c -translation binary
set delay 10
set watching 0
destructor {
foreach c $channels {
::close $c
variable channels timer delay watching
method watch {c requestmask} {
if {"read" in $requestmask} {
# Activate event handling. Either drive an eof home via
# timers, or activate things in the foremost sub-ordinate.
set watching 1
if {![llength $channels]} {
set timer [after $delay [namespace code [list my Post $c]]]
} else {
chan event [lindex $channels 0] readable [list chan postevent $c read]
} else {
# Stop events. Either kill timer, or disable in the
# foremost sub-ordinate.
set watching 0
if {![llength $channels]} {
catch { after cancel $timer }
} else {
chan event [lindex $channels 0] readable {}
method read {c n} {
if {![llength $channels]} {
# This signals EOF higher up.
return {}
set buf {}
while {([string length $buf] < $n) &&
[llength $channels]} {
set in [lindex $channels 0]
set toread [expr {$n - [string length $buf]}]
append buf [::read $in $toread]
if {[eof $in]} {
close $in
set channels [lrange $channels 1 end]
# The close of the exhausted subordinate killed any
# fileevent handling we may have had attached to this
# channel. Update the settings (i.e. move to the next
# subordinate, or to timer-based, to drive the eof
# home).
if {$watching} {
my watch $c read
# When `buf` is empty, all channels have been exhausted and
# closed, therefore returning this empty string will cause an
# EOF higher up.
return $buf
method Post {c} {
set timer [after $delay [namespace code [list my Post $c]]]
chan postevent $c read
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::cat 1.0.4


@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------
# cat.test -*- tcl -*-
# (C) 2019 Andreas Kupries. BSD licensed.
#- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------
source [file join \
[file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \
devtools testutilities.tcl]
testsNeedTcl 8.5
testsNeedTcltest 2.0
testsNeed TclOO 1
support {
use virtchannel_core/core.tcl tcl::chan::core
use virtchannel_core/events.tcl tcl::chan::events
useLocal string.tcl tcl::chan::string
testing {
useLocal cat.tcl tcl::chan::cat
#- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------
## No wrong#args, allowed to zero and up
#- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------
test tcl-chan-cat-2.0 {tell, nothing} -setup {
set c [tcl::chan::cat]
} -body {
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c
} -result -1
test tcl-chan-cat-2.1 {ticket 1975182bdd - file events} -setup {
# setup a cat'enated channel
set fa [tcl::chan::string "ABCDE..XYZ"]
set fb [tcl::chan::string "0123456789"]
set ch [tcl::chan::cat $fa $fb]
} -body {
set r {}
chan event $ch readable {
if { [eof $ch] } {
set done .
} else {
lappend r [read $ch 4]
vwait done
set r
} -cleanup {
close $ch
unset ch fa fb r
} -result {ABCD E..X YZ01 2345 6789 {}}
#- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------
# Explicit cleanup of loaded support classes.
rename tcl::chan::events {}
rename tcl::chan::core {}
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:


@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::facade n 1.1]
[keywords {concatenation channel}]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2011 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Facade channel}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require logger]
[require tcl::chan::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::facade [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::chan::facade] package provides a command creating
facades to other channels. These are channels which own a single
subordinate channel and delegate all operations to.
[para] The main use for facades is the debugging of actions on a
channel. While most of the information could be tracked by a virtual
channel transformation it does not have access to the event-related
operation, and furthermore they are only available in Tcl 8.6.
[para] Therefore this channel, usable with Tcl 8.5, and having access
to everything going on for a channel.
[para] The intercepted actions on channel are logged through package
[package logger].
[para] Beyond that facades provide the following additional channel
configuration options:
[list_begin options]
[opt_def -self]
The TclOO object handling the facade.
[opt_def -fd]
The handle of the subordinate, i.e. wrapped channel.
[opt_def -used]
The last time the wrapped channel was read from or written to by
the facade, as per [cmd {clock milliseconds}]. A value of [const 0]
indicates that the subordinate channel was not accessed at all, yet.
[opt_def -created]
The time the facade was created, as per [cmd {clock milliseconds}].
[opt_def -user]
A free-form value identifying the user of the facade and its
wrapped channel.
Of these only option [option -user] is writable.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::facade] [arg chan]]
This command creates the facade channel around the provided
channel [arg chan], and returns its handle.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2011 Andreas Kupries
# Facade wrapping around some other channel. All operations on the
# facade are delegated to the wrapped channel. This makes it useful
# for debugging of Tcl's activity on a channel. While a transform can
# be used for that as well it does not have access to some things of
# the base-channel, i.e. all the event managment is not visible to it,
# whereas the facade has access to even this.
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::facade 1.0.2
# Meta as::author {Colin McCormack}
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2011
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Facade wrapping around some other channel. All
# Meta description operations on the facade are delegated to the
# Meta description wrapped channel. This makes it useful for debugging
# Meta description of Tcl's activity on a channel. While a transform
# Meta description can be used for that as well it does not have
# Meta description access to some things of the base-channel, i.e. all
# Meta description the event managment is not visible to it, whereas
# Meta description the facade has access to even this.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## TODO document the special options of the facade
## TODO log integration.
## TODO document that facada takes ownership of the channel.
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require logger
package require tcl::chan::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
logger::initNamespace ::tcl::chan::facade
proc ::tcl::chan::facade {args} {
return [::chan create {read} [facade::implementation new {*}$args]]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::facade::implementation {
superclass ::tcl::chan::core ; # -> initialize, finalize.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# We are not using the standard event handling class, because here
# it will not be timer-driven. We propagate anything related to
# events to the wrapped channel instead and let it handle things.
constructor {thechan} {
# Access to the log(ger) commands.
namespace path [list {*}[namespace path] ::tcl::chan::facade]
set chan $thechan
# set some configuration data
set created [clock milliseconds]
set used 0
set user "" ;# user data - freeform
# validate args
if {$chan eq [self]} {
return -code error "recursive chan! No good."
} elseif {$chan eq ""} {
return -code error "Needs a chan argument"
set blocking [::chan configure $chan -blocking]
destructor {
log::debug {[self] destroyed}
if {[catch { ::chan close $chan } e o]} {
log::debug {failed to close $chan [self] because "$e" ($o)}
variable chan used user created blocking
method initialize {myself mode} {
log::debug {$myself initialize $chan $mode}
log::debug {$chan configured: ([::chan configure $chan])}
return [next $chan $mode]
method finalize {myself} {
log::debug {$myself finalize $chan}
catch {::chan close $chan}
catch {next $myself}
catch {my destroy}
method blocking {myself mode} {
if {[catch {
::chan configure $chan -blocking $mode
set blocking $mode
} e o]} {
log::debug {$myself blocking $chan $mode -> error $e ($o)}
} else {
log::debug {$myself blocking $chan $mode -> $e}
method watch {myself requestmask} {
log::debug {$myself watch $chan $requestmask}
if {"read" in $requestmask} {
fileevent readable $chan [my Callback Readable $myself]
} else {
fileevent readable $chan {}
if {"write" in $requestmask} {
fileevent writable $chan [my Callback Writable $myself]
} else {
fileevent writable $chan {}
method read {myself n} {
log::debug {$myself read $chan begin eof: [::chan eof $chan], blocked: [::chan blocked $chan]}
set used [clock milliseconds]
if {[catch {
set data [::chan read $chan $n]
} e o]} {
log::error {$myself read $chan $n -> error $e ($o)}
} else {
log::debug {$myself read $chan $n -> [string length $data] bytes: [string map {\n \\n} "'[string range $data 0 20]...[string range $data end-20 end]"]'}
log::debug {$myself read $chan eof = [::chan eof $chan]}
log::debug {$myself read $chan blocked = [::chan blocked $chan]}
log::debug {$chan configured: ([::chan configure $chan])}
set gone [catch {chan eof $chan} eof]
if {
($data eq {}) &&
!$gone && !$eof && !$blocking
} {
log::error {$myself EAGAIN}
return -code error EAGAIN
log::debug {$myself read $chan result: [string length $data] bytes}
return $data
method write {myself data} {
log::debug {$myself write $chan [string length $data] / [::chan pending output $chan] / [::chan pending output $myself]}
set used [clock milliseconds]
::chan puts -nonewline $chan $data
return [string length $data]
method configure {myself option value} {
log::debug {[self] configure $myself $option -> $value}
if {$option eq "-user"} {
set user $value
::chan configure $fd $option $value
method cget {myself option} {
switch -- $option {
-self { return [self] }
-fd { return $chan }
-used { return $used }
-created { return $created }
-user { return $user }
default {
return [::chan configure $chan $option]
method cgetall {myself} {
set result [::chan configure $chan]
lappend result \
-self [self] \
-fd $chan \
-used $used \
-created $created \
-user $user
log::debug {[self] cgetall $myself -> $result}
return $result
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# Internals. Methods. Event generation.
method Readable {myself} {
log::debug {$myself readable $chan - [::chan pending input $chan]}
::chan postevent $myself read
method Writable {myself} {
log::debug {$myself writable $chan - [::chan pending output $chan]}
::chan postevent $myself write
method Callback {method args} {
list [uplevel 1 {namespace which my}] $method {*}$args
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::facade 1.0.2


@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::fifo 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Re-implementation of Memchan's fifo
# Meta description channel. Based on Tcl 8.5's channel
# Meta description reflection support. Exports a single
# Meta description command for the creation of new
# Meta description channels. No arguments. Result is the
# Meta description handle of the new channel.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::events
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::events
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::fifo {} {
return [::chan create {read write} [fifo::implementation new]]
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::fifo::implementation {
superclass ::tcl::chan::events ; # -> initialize, finalize, watch
method initialize {args} {
my allow write
next {*}$args
method read {c n} {
set max [string length $read]
set last [expr {$at + $n - 1}]
set result {}
# last+1 <= max
# <=> at+n <= max
# <=> n <= max-at
if {$n <= ($max - $at)} {
# The request is less than what we have left in the read
# buffer, we take it, and move the read pointer forward.
append result [string range $read $at $last]
incr at $n
incr $size -$n
} else {
# We need the whole remaining read buffer, and more. For
# the latter we shift the write buffer contents over into
# the read buffer, and then read from the latter again.
append result [string range $read $at end]
incr n -[string length $result]
set at 0
set read $write
set write {}
set size [string length $read]
set max $size
# at == 0
if {$n <= $max} {
# The request is less than what we have in the updated
# read buffer, we take it, and move the read pointer
# forward.
append result [string range $read 0 $last]
set at $n
incr $size -$n
} else {
# We need the whole remaining read buffer, and
# more. As we took the data from write already we have
# nothing left, and update accordingly.
append result $read
set at 0
set read {}
set size 0
my Readable
if {$result eq {}} {
return -code error EAGAIN
return $result
method write {c bytes} {
append write $bytes
set n [string length $bytes]
incr size $n
my Readable
return $n
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable at read write size
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {} {
set at 0
set read {}
set write {}
set size 0
method Readable {} {
if {$size} {
my allow read
} else {
my disallow read
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::fifo 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::fifo2 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta as::notes This fifo2 command does not have to
# Meta as::notes deal with the pesky details of
# Meta as::notes threading for cross-thread
# Meta as::notes communication. That is hidden in the
# Meta as::notes implementation of reflected
# Meta as::notes channels. It is less optimal as the
# Meta as::notes command provided by Memchan as this
# Meta as::notes fifo2 may involve three threads when
# Meta as::notes sending data around: The threads the
# Meta as::notes two endpoints are in, and the thread
# Meta as::notes holding this code. Memchan's C
# Meta as::notes implementation does not need this last
# Meta as::notes intermediary thread.
# Meta description Re-implementation of Memchan's fifo2
# Meta description channel. Based on Tcl 8.5's channel
# Meta description reflection support. Exports a single
# Meta description command for the creation of new
# Meta description channels. No arguments. Result are the
# Meta description handles of the two new channels.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::halfpipe
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::halfpipe
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::fifo2 {} {
set coordinator [fifo2::implementation new]
lassign [halfpipe \
-write-command [list $coordinator froma] \
-close-command [list $coordinator closeda]] \
a ha
lassign [halfpipe \
-write-command [list $coordinator fromb] \
-close-command [list $coordinator closedb]] \
b hb
$coordinator connect $a $ha $b $hb
return [list $a $b]
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::fifo2::implementation {
method connect {thea theha theb thehb} {
set a $thea
set b $theb
set ha $theha
set hb $thehb
method closeda {c} {
set a {}
if {$b ne {}} {
close $b
set b {}
} else {
my destroy
method closedb {c} {
set b {}
if {$a ne {}} {
close $a
set a {}
} else {
my destroy
method froma {c bytes} {
$hb put $bytes
method fromb {c bytes} {
$ha put $bytes
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable a b ha hb
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::fifo2 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# fifo2.test -*- tcl -*-
# (C) 2019 Andreas Kupries. BSD licensed.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
source [file join \
[file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \
devtools testutilities.tcl]
testsNeedTcl 8.5
testsNeedTcltest 2.0
testsNeed TclOO 1
support {
use virtchannel_core/core.tcl tcl::chan::core
use virtchannel_core/events.tcl tcl::chan::events
testing {
useLocal halfpipe.tcl tcl::chan::halfpipe
useLocal fifo2.tcl tcl::chan::fifo2
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test tcl-chan-fifo2-1.1 {constructor wrong\#args} -body {
tcl::chan::fifo2 X
} -returnCodes error \
-result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::chan::fifo2"}
test tcl-chan-fifo2-1.2 {destructor kills both sides and coordinator} -setup {
lassign [tcl::chan::fifo2] a b
} -match glob -body {
lappend r [lsort -dict [file channels]]
lappend r [info class instances ::tcl::chan::fifo2::implementation]
close $a
lappend r [lsort -dict [file channels]]
lappend r [info class instances ::tcl::chan::fifo2::implementation]
} -cleanup {
unset a b r
} -result {{rc4 rc5 stderr stdin stdout} ::oo::Obj* {stderr stdin stdout} {}}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test tcl-chan-fifo2-2.0 {tell, initial, empty} -setup {
lassign [tcl::chan::fifo2] a b
} -body {
list [tell $a] [tell $b]
} -cleanup {
close $a
unset a b
} -result {-1 -1}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test tcl-chan-fifo2-tkt-3f48fd6ea2 {fixed misindexing} -setup {
lassign [tcl::chan::fifo2] a b
chan configure $a -buffersize 1
chan configure $b -buffering none
chan puts -nonewline $b foobar ;# push 6 chars
chan read $a 2 ;# read 2
chan read $a 4 ;# read 4, fifo has nothing left
chan puts -nonewline $b baz ;# push 3 more
} -body {
chan read $a 1 ;# read 1, the `b`
} -cleanup {
close $a
unset a b
} -result b
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Explicit cleanup of loaded (support) classes.
rename tcl::chan::events {}
rename tcl::chan::core {}
rename tcl::chan::halfpipe {}
rename tcl::chan::fifo2 {}
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:


@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
[vset VERSION 1.0.2]
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::halfpipe n [vset VERSION]]
[keywords callbacks]
[keywords fifo]
[keywords {in-memory channel}]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009, 2019 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {In-memory channel, half of a fifo2}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::halfpipe [opt [vset VERSION]]]
The [package tcl::chan::halfpipe] package provides a command creating
one half of a [package tcl::chan::fifo2] pair. Writing into such a
channel invokes a set of callbacks which then handle the data. This is
similar to a channel handler, except having a much simpler API.
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::events] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::halfpipe] [opt "[option -option] [arg value]..."]]
This command creates a halfpipe channel and configures it with the
callbacks to run when the channel is closed, data was written to it,
or ran empty. See the section [sectref Options] for the list of
options and associated semantics.
The result of the command is a list containing two elements, the
handle of the new channel, and the object command of the channel
handler, in this order.
The latter is supplied to the caller to provide her with access to the
[method put] method for adding data to the channel.
[para] Two halfpipes with a bit of glue logic in the callbacks make
for one [package tcl::chan::fifo2].
[call [arg objectCmd] [method put] [arg bytes]]
This method of the channel handler object puts the data [arg bytes]
into the channel so that it can be read from it.
[section Options]
[list_begin options]
[opt_def -close-command cmdprefix]
This callback is invoked when the channel is closed.
A single argument is supplied, the handle of the channel being closed.
The result of the callback is ignored.
[opt_def -write-command cmdprefix]
This callback is invoked when data is written to the channel.
Two arguments are supplied, the handle of the channel written to, and the data written.
The result of the callback is ignored.
[opt_def -empty-command cmdprefix]
This callback is invoked when the channel has run out of data to read.
A single argument is supplied, the handle of the channel.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009, 2019 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::halfpipe 1.0.3
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009,2019
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Implementation of one half of a pipe
# Meta description channel. Based on Tcl 8.5's channel
# Meta description reflection support. Exports a single
# Meta description command for the creation of new
# Meta description channels. Option arguments. Result is the
# Meta description handle of the new channel, and the object
# Meta description command of the handler object.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::events
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::events
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::halfpipe {args} {
set handler [halfpipe::implementation new {*}$args]
return [list [::chan create {read write} $handler] $handler]
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::halfpipe::implementation {
superclass ::tcl::chan::events ; # -> initialize, finalize, watch
method initialize {args} {
my allow write
set eof 0
next {*}$args
method finalize {c} {
my Call -close-command $c
next $c
method read {c n} {
set max [string length $read]
set last [expr {$at + $n - 1}]
set result {}
# last+1 <= max
# <=> at+n <= max
# <=> n <= max-at
if {$n <= ($max - $at)} {
# There is enough data in the buffer to fill the request, so take
# it from there and move the read pointer forward.
append result [string range $read $at $last]
incr at $n
incr $size -$n
} else {
# We need the whole remaining read buffer, and more. For
# the latter we make the write buffer the new read buffer,
# and then read from it again.
append result [string range $read $at end]
incr n -[string length $result]
set at 0
set last [expr {$n - 1}]
set read $write
set write {}
set size [string length $read]
set max $size
# at == 0 simplifies expressions
if {$n <= $max} {
# The request is less than what we have in the new
# read buffer, we take it, and move the read pointer
# forward.
append result [string range $read 0 $last]
set at $n
incr $size -$n
} else {
# We need the whole remaining read buffer, and
# more. As we took the data from write already we have
# nothing left, and update accordingly.
append result $read
set at 0
set read {}
set size 0
my Readable
if {$result eq {} && !$eof} {
return -code error EAGAIN
return $result
method write {c bytes} {
my Call -write-command $c $bytes
return [string length $bytes]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method put bytes {
append write $bytes
set n [string length $bytes]
if {$n == 0} {
my variable eof
set eof 1
} else {
incr size $n
my Readable
return $n
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable at eof read write size options
# at : first location in read buffer not yet read
# eof : indicates whether the end of the data has been reached
# read : read buffer
# write : buffer for received data, i.e.
# written into the halfpipe from
# the other side.
# size : combined length of receive and read buffers
# == amount of stored data
# options : configuration array
# The halpipe uses a pointer (`at`) into the data buffer to
# extract the characters read by the user, while not shifting the
# data down in memory. Doing such a shift would cause a large
# performance hit (O(n**2) operation vs O(n)). This however comes
# with the danger of the buffer growing out of bounds as ever more
# data is appended by the receiver while the reader is not
# catching up, preventing a release. The solution to this in turn
# is to split the buffer into two. An append-only receive buffer
# (`write`) for incoming data, and a `read` buffer with the
# pointer. When the current read buffer is entirely consumed the
# current receive buffer becomes the new read buffer and a new
# empty receive buffer is started.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {args} {
array set options {
-write-command {}
-empty-command {}
-close-command {}
# todo: validity checking of options (legal names, legal
# values, etc.)
array set options $args
set at 0
set read {}
set write {}
set size 0
method Readable {} {
if {$size || $eof} {
my allow read
} else {
my variable channel
my disallow read
my Call -empty-command $channel
method Call {o args} {
if {![llength $options($o)]} return
uplevel \#0 [list {*}$options($o) {*}$args]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::halfpipe 1.0.3


@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# Variable string channel (in-memory r/w file, internal variable).
# Seekable beyond the end of the data, implies appending of 0x00
# bytes.
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::memchan 1.0.5
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Re-implementation of Memchan's memchan
# Meta description channel. Based on Tcl 8.5's channel
# Meta description reflection support. Exports a single
# Meta description command for the creation of new
# Meta description channels. No arguments. Result is the
# Meta description handle of the new channel. Essentially
# Meta description an in-memory read/write random-access
# Meta description file. Similar to -> tcl::chan::variable,
# Meta description except the content variable is internal,
# Meta description part of the channel. Further similar to
# Meta description -> tcl::chan::string, except that the
# Meta description content is here writable, and
# Meta description extendable.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::events
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::events
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::memchan {} {
return [::chan create {read write} [memchan::implementation new]]
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::memchan::implementation {
superclass ::tcl::chan::events ; # -> initialize, finalize, watch
constructor {} {
set content {}
set at 0
method initialize {args} {
my allow write
my Events
next {*}$args
variable content at
method read {c n} {
# First determine the location of the last byte to read,
# relative to the current location, and limited by the maximum
# location we are allowed to access per the size of the
# content.
set last [expr {min($at + $n,[string length $content])-1}]
# Then extract the relevant range from the content, move the
# seek location behind it, and return the extracted range. Not
# to forget, switch readable events based on the seek
# location.
set res [string range $content $at $last]
set at $last
incr at
my Events
return $res
method write {c newbytes} {
# Return immediately if there is nothing is to write.
set n [string length $newbytes]
if {$n == 0} {
return $n
# Determine where and how to write. There are three possible cases.
# (1) Append at/after the end.
# (2) Starting in the middle, but extending beyond the end.
# (3) Replace in the middle.
set max [string length $content]
if {$at >= $max} {
# Ad 1.
append content $newbytes
set at [string length $content]
} else {
set last [expr {$at + $n - 1}]
if {$last >= $max} {
# Ad 2.
set content [string replace $content $at end $newbytes]
set at [string length $content]
} else {
# Ad 3.
set content [string replace $content $at $last $newbytes]
set at $last
incr at
my Events
return $n
method seek {c offset base} {
# offset == 0 && base == current
# <=> Seek nothing relative to current
# <=> Report current location.
if {!$offset && ($base eq "current")} {
return $at
# Compute the new location per the arguments.
set max [string length $content]
switch -exact -- $base {
start { set newloc $offset}
current { set newloc [expr {$at + $offset }] }
end { set newloc [expr {$max + $offset }] }
# Check if the new location is beyond the range given by the
# content.
if {$newloc < 0} {
return -code error "Cannot seek before the start of the channel"
} elseif {$newloc > $max} {
# We can seek beyond the end of the current contents, add
# a block of zeros.
#puts XXX.PAD.[expr {$newloc - $max}]
append content [binary format @[expr {$newloc - $max}]]
# Commit to new location, switch readable events, and report.
set at $newloc
my Events
return $at
method Events {} {
# Always readable -- Even if the seek location is at the end
# (or beyond). In that case the readable events are fired
# endlessly until the eof indicated by the seek location is
# properly processed by the event handler. Like for regular
# files -- Ticket [864a0c83e3].
my allow read
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::memchan 1.0.5


@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# memchan.test -*- tcl -*-
# (C) 2017 Andreas Kupries. BSD licensed.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
source [file join \
[file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \
devtools testutilities.tcl]
testsNeedTcl 8.5
testsNeedTcltest 2.0
testsNeed TclOO 1
support {
use virtchannel_core/core.tcl tcl::chan::core
use virtchannel_core/events.tcl tcl::chan::events
testing {
useLocal memchan.tcl tcl::chan::memchan
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test tcl-chan-memchan-1.0 {constructor wrong\#args} -body {
tcl::chan::memchan X
} -returnCodes error \
-result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::chan::memchan"}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test tcl-chan-memchan-2.0 {tell, initial, empty} -setup {
set c [tcl::chan::memchan]
} -body {
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c
} -result 0
test tcl-chan-memchan-2.1 {seek from start, expand, tell} -setup {
set c [tcl::chan::memchan]
} -body {
seek $c 10
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c
} -result 10
test tcl-chan-memchan-2.2 {seek from end, eof, empty, tell} -setup {
set c [tcl::chan::memchan]
} -body {
seek $c 0 end
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c
} -result 0
test tcl-chan-memchan-2.3 {seek from end, eof, non-empty, tell} -setup {
set c [tcl::chan::memchan]
puts $c Hello
} -body {
seek $c 0 end
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c
} -result 6
test tcl-chan-memchan-2.4 {seek from end, non-eof, non-empty, tell} -setup {
set c [tcl::chan::memchan]
puts $c Hello
} -body {
seek $c -6 end
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c
} -result 0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Explicit cleanup of loaded support classes.
rename tcl::chan::events {}
rename tcl::chan::core {}
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:


@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::null 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Re-implementation of Memchan's null
# Meta description channel. Based on Tcl 8.5's channel
# Meta description reflection support. Exports a single
# Meta description command for the creation of new
# Meta description channels. No arguments. Result is the
# Meta description handle of the new channel.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::events
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::events
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::null {} {
return [::chan create {write} [null::implementation new]]
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::null::implementation {
superclass ::tcl::chan::events ; # -> initialize, finalize, watch
method initialize {args} {
my allow write
next {*}$args
# Ignore the data in most particulars. We do count it so that we
# can tell the caller that everything was written. Null device.
method write {c data} {
return [string length $data]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::null 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::nullzero n 1.1]
[keywords /dev/null]
[keywords /dev/zero]
[keywords null]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[keywords zero]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Null/Zero channel combination}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::nullzero [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::chan::nullzero] package provides a command creating channels,
which are a combination of null and zero devices. They immediately forget
whatever is written to them, and on reading return an infinite stream of null
[para] Packages related to this are [package tcl::chan::null] and
[package tcl::chan::zero].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel handler
is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::events] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::nullzero]]
This command creates a new nullzero channel and returns its handle.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::nullzero 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Implementation of a channel combining
# Meta description Memchan's null and zero channels in a
# Meta description single device. Based on Tcl 8.5's channel
# Meta description reflection support. Exports a single
# Meta description command for the creation of new
# Meta description channels. No arguments. Result is the
# Meta description handle of the new channel.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::events
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::events
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::nullzero {} {
return [::chan create {read write} [nullzero::implementation new]]
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::nullzero::implementation {
superclass ::tcl::chan::events ; # -> initialize, finalize, watch
method initialize {args} {
my allow read write
next {*}$args
# Ignore the data in most particulars. We do count it so that we
# can tell the caller that everything was written. Null device.
method write {c data} {
return [string length $data]
# Generate and return a block of N null bytes, as requested. Zero
# device.
method read {c n} {
return [binary format @$n]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::nullzero 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5 9]} {return}
package ifneeded tcl::chan::cat 1.0.4 [list source [file join $dir cat.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::facade 1.0.2 [list source [file join $dir facade.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::fifo 1.1 [list source [file join $dir fifo.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::fifo2 1.1 [list source [file join $dir fifo2.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::halfpipe 1.0.3 [list source [file join $dir halfpipe.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::memchan 1.0.5 [list source [file join $dir memchan.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::null 1.1 [list source [file join $dir null.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::nullzero 1.1 [list source [file join $dir nullzero.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::random 1.1 [list source [file join $dir random.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::std 1.0.2 [list source [file join $dir std.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::string 1.0.4 [list source [file join $dir string.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::textwindow 1.1 [list source [file join $dir textwindow.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::variable 1.0.5 [list source [file join $dir variable.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::zero 1.1 [list source [file join $dir zero.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::randomseed 1.1 [list source [file join $dir randseed.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::random 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Implementation of a channel similar to
# Meta description Memchan's random channel. Based on Tcl
# Meta description 8.5's channel reflection support. Exports
# Meta description a single command for the creation of new
# Meta description channels. One argument, a list of
# Meta description numbers to initialize the feedback
# Meta description register of the internal random number
# Meta description generator. Result is the handle of the
# Meta description new channel.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::events
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require tcl::chan::events
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::random {seed} {
return [::chan create {read} [random::implementation new $seed]]
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::random::implementation {
superclass tcl::chan::events ; # -> initialize, finalize, watch
constructor {theseed} {
my variable seed next
set seed $theseed
set next [expr "([join $seed +]) & 0xff"]
method initialize {args} {
my allow read
next {*}$args
# Generate and return a block of N randomly selected bytes, as
# requested. Random device.
method read {c n} {
set buffer {}
while {$n} {
append buffer [binary format c [my Next]]
incr n -1
return $buffer
variable seed
variable next
method Next {} {
my variable seed next
set result $next
set next [expr {(2*$next - [lindex $seed 0]) & 0xff}]
set seed [linsert [lrange $seed 1 end] end $result]
return $result
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::random 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::randomseed n 1.1]
[keywords /dev/random]
[keywords merge]
[keywords random]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords seed]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Utilities for random channels}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::randomseed [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::randomseed] package provides a a few utility commands
to help with the seeding of [package tcl::chan::random] channels.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::randomseed]]
This command creates returns a list of seed integers suitable as seed
argument for random channels. The numbers are derived from the process
id, current time, and Tcl random number generator.
[call [cmd ::tcl::combine] [arg seed1] [arg seed2]]
This command takes to seed lists and combines them into a single list
by XORing them elementwise, modulo 256. If the lists are not of equial
length the shorter of the two is padded with 0s before merging.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::randomseed 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Generate and combine seed lists for the
# Meta description random number generator inside of the
# Meta description tcl::chan::random channel. Sources of
# Meta description randomness are process id, time in two
# Meta description granularities, and Tcl's random number
# Meta description generator.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl {}
proc ::tcl::randomseed {} {
set result {}
foreach v [list \
[pid] \
[clock seconds] \
[expr {int(256*rand())}] \
[clock clicks -milliseconds]] \
lappend result [expr {$v % 256}]
return $result
proc ::tcl::combine {a b} {
while {[llength $a] < [llength $b]} {
lappend a 0
while {[llength $b] < [llength $a]} {
lappend b 0
set result {}
foreach x $a y $b {
lappend result [expr {($x ^ $y) % 256}]
return $result
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::randomseed 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::std n 1.1]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {standard io}]
[keywords stdin]
[keywords stdout]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2011 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Standard I/O, unification of stdin and stdout}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::std [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::chan::std] package provides a command creating
a standard channel which unifies stdin and stdout into a single
read- and writable channel. The result is not seek-able, like
the original standard channels.
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::core] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::std]]
This command creates the std channel and returns its handle.
[para] The channel is created only once, on the first call, and all
future calls simply return this handle.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2011 Andreas Kupries
# Facade wrapping the separate channels for stdin and stdout into a
# single read/write channel for all regular standard i/o. Not
# seekable. Fileevent handling is propagated to the regular channels
# the facade wrapped about. Only one instance of the class is
# ever created.
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::std 1.0.2
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2011
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Facade wrapping the separate channels for stdin
# Meta description and stdout into a single read/write channel for
# Meta description all regular standard i/o. Not seekable. Only one
# Meta description instance of the class is ever created.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::std {} {
::variable std
if {$std eq {}} {
set std [::chan create {read write} [std::implementation new]]
return $std
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::std::implementation {
superclass ::tcl::chan::core ; # -> initialize, finalize.
# We are not using the standard event handling class, because here
# it will not be timer-driven. We propagate anything related to
# events to stdin and stdout instead and let them handle things.
constructor {} {
# Disable encoding and translation processing in the wrapped channels.
# This will happen in our generic layer instead.
fconfigure stdin -translation binary
fconfigure stdout -translation binary
method watch {c requestmask} {
if {"read" in $requestmask} {
fileevent readable stdin [list chan postevent $c read]
} else {
fileevent readable stdin {}
if {"write" in $requestmask} {
fileevent readable stdin [list chan postevent $c write]
} else {
fileevent readable stdout {}
method read {c n} {
# Read is redirected to stdin.
return [::read stdin $n]
method write {c newbytes} {
# Write is redirected to stdout.
puts -nonewline stdout $newbytes
flush stdout
return [string length $newbytes]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {
::variable std {}
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::std 1.0.2


@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::string 1.0.4
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Implementation of a channel representing
# Meta description an in-memory read-only random-access
# Meta description file. Based on using Tcl 8.5's channel
# Meta description reflection support. Exports a single
# Meta description command for the creation of new channels.
# Meta description One argument, the contents of the file.
# Meta description Result is the handle of the new channel.
# Meta description Similar to -> tcl::chan::memchan, except
# Meta description that the content is read-only. Seekable
# Meta description only within the bounds of the content.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::events
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::events
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::string {content} {
return [::chan create {read} [string::implementation new $content]]
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::string::implementation {
superclass ::tcl::chan::events ; # -> initialize, finalize, watch
constructor {thecontent} {
set content $thecontent
set at 0
method initialize {args} {
my Events
next {*}$args
variable content at
method read {c n} {
# First determine the location of the last byte to read,
# relative to the current location, and limited by the maximum
# location we are allowed to access per the size of the
# content.
set last [expr {min($at + $n,[string length $content])-1}]
# Then extract the relevant range from the content, move the
# seek location behind it, and return the extracted range. Not
# to forget, switch readable events based on the seek
# location.
set res [string range $content $at $last]
set at $last
incr at
my Events
return $res
method seek {c offset base} {
# offset == 0 && base == current
# <=> Seek nothing relative to current
# <=> Report current location.
if {!$offset && ($base eq "current")} {
return $at
# Compute the new location per the arguments.
set max [string length $content]
switch -exact -- $base {
start { set newloc $offset}
current { set newloc [expr {$at + $offset }] }
end { set newloc [expr {$max + $offset }] }
# Check if the new location is beyond the range given by the
# content.
if {$newloc < 0} {
return -code error "Cannot seek before the start of the channel"
} elseif {$newloc > $max} {
return -code error "Cannot seek after the end of the channel"
# Commit to new location, switch readable events, and report.
set at $newloc
my Events
return $at
method Events {} {
# Always readable -- Even if the seek location is at the end
# (or beyond). In that case the readable events are fired
# endlessly until the eof indicated by the seek location is
# properly processed by the event handler. Like for regular
# files -- Ticket [864a0c83e3].
my allow read
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::string 1.0.4


@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# string.test -*- tcl -*-
# (C) 2017 Andreas Kupries. BSD licensed.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
source [file join \
[file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \
devtools testutilities.tcl]
testsNeedTcl 8.5
testsNeedTcltest 2.0
testsNeed TclOO 1
support {
use virtchannel_core/core.tcl tcl::chan::core
use virtchannel_core/events.tcl tcl::chan::events
testing {
useLocal string.tcl tcl::chan::string
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test tcl-chan-string-1.0 {constructor wrong\#args} -body {
} -returnCodes error \
-result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::chan::string content"}
test tcl-chan-string-1.1 {constructor wrong\#args} -body {
tcl::chan::string C X
} -returnCodes error \
-result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::chan::string content"}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test tcl-chan-string-2.0 {tell, initial, empty} -setup {
set c [tcl::chan::string ""]
} -body {
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c
} -result 0
test tcl-chan-string-2.1 {seek from start beyond eof is error} -setup {
set c [tcl::chan::string ""]
} -body {
seek $c 10
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c
} -returnCodes error -result {Cannot seek after the end of the channel}
test tcl-chan-string-2.2 {seek from end, eof, empty, tell} -setup {
set c [tcl::chan::string ""]
} -body {
seek $c 0 end
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c
} -result 0
test tcl-chan-string-2.3 {seek from end, eof, non-empty, tell} -setup {
set c [tcl::chan::string Hello\n]
} -body {
seek $c 0 end
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c
} -result 6
test tcl-chan-string-2.4 {seek from end, non-eof, non-empty, tell} -setup {
set c [tcl::chan::string Hello\n]
} -body {
seek $c -6 end
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c
} -result 0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Explicit cleanup of loaded support classes.
rename tcl::chan::events {}
rename tcl::chan::core {}
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:


@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::fifo n 1.1]
[keywords fifo]
[keywords {in-memory channel}]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {In-memory fifo channel}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::fifo [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::chan::fifo] package provides a command creating
channels which live purely in memory. Access is fifo-like, i.e. things
are read out of the channel in the order they were written to it.
This is equivalent to the fifo channels provided by the package
[package Memchan], except that this is written in pure Tcl, not C. On
the other hand, [package Memchan] is usable with Tcl 8.4 and before,
whereas this package requires Tcl 8.5 or higher, and [package TclOO].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::events] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::fifo]]
This command creates a new fifo channel and returns its handle.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::fifo2 n 1.1]
[keywords {connected fifos}]
[keywords fifo]
[keywords {in-memory channel}]
[keywords {inter-thread communication}]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {In-memory interconnected fifo channels}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::halfpipe [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::fifo2 [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::chan::fifo2] package provides a command creating
pairs of channels which live purely in memory and are connected to
each other in a fifo manner. What is written to one half of the pair
can be read from the other half, in the same order. One particular
application for this is communication between threads, with one half
of the pair moved to the thread to talk to.
This is equivalent to the fifo2 channels provided by the package
[package Memchan], except that this is written in pure Tcl, not C. On
the other hand, [package Memchan] is usable with Tcl 8.4 and before,
whereas this package requires Tcl 8.5 or higher, and [package TclOO].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::events] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::fifo2]]
This command creates a new connected pair of fifo channels and returns
their handles, as a list containing two elements.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
[vset VERSION 1.0.5]
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::memchan n [vset VERSION]]
[keywords {in-memory channel}]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009-2017 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {In-memory channel}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::memchan [opt [vset VERSION]]]
The [package tcl::chan::memchan] package provides a command creating
channels which live purely in memory. They provide random-access,
i.e. are seekable. This is equivalent to the memchan channels provided by
the package [package Memchan], except that this is written in pure Tcl,
not C. On the other hand, [package Memchan] is usable with Tcl 8.4 and
before, whereas this package requires Tcl 8.5 or higher, and
[package TclOO].
[para] Packages related to this are [package tcl::chan::string] and
[package tcl::chan::variable].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::events] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::memchan]]
This command creates a new memchan channel and returns its handle.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::null n 1.1]
[keywords /dev/null]
[keywords null]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Null channel}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::null [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::chan::null] package provides a command creating null
channels, i.e. write-only channels which immediately forget whatever
is written to them. This is equivalent to the null channels provided by
the package [package Memchan], except that this is written in pure Tcl,
not C. On the other hand, [package Memchan] is usable with Tcl 8.4 and
before, whereas this package requires Tcl 8.5 or higher, and
[package TclOO].
[para] Packages related to this are [package tcl::chan::zero] and
[package tcl::chan::nullzero].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::events] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::null]]
This command creates a new null channel and returns its handle.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::random n 1.1]
[keywords /dev/random]
[keywords random]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Random channel}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::random [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::chan::random] package provides a command creating
random channels, i.e. read-only channels which return an infinite
stream of pseudo-random characters upon reading. This is similar to
the random channels provided by the package [package Memchan], except
that this is written in pure Tcl, not C, and uses a much simpler
generator as well. On the other hand, [package Memchan] is usable with
Tcl 8.4 and before, whereas this package requires Tcl 8.5 or higher,
and TclOO.
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::events] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::random] [arg seed]]
This command creates a new random channel and returns its handle.
The seed is a list of integer numbers used to initialize the
internal feedback shift register of the generator.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
[vset VERSION 1.0.4]
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::string n [vset VERSION]]
[keywords {in-memory channel}]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Read-only in-memory channel}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::string [opt [vset VERSION]]]
The [package tcl::chan::string] package provides a command creating
channels which live purely in memory. They provide random-access,
i.e. are seekable.
In contrast to the channels created by [package tcl::chan::memchan]
they are read-only however, their content is provided at the time of
construction and immutable afterward.
[para] Packages related to this are [package tcl::chan::memchan] and
[package tcl::chan::variable].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::events] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::string] [arg content]]
This command creates a new string channel and returns its handle. The
channel provides random read-only access to the [arg content] string.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
[vset VERSION 1.0.5]
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::variable n [vset VERSION]]
[keywords {in-memory channel}]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {In-memory channel using variable for storage}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::variable [opt [vset VERSION]]]
The [package tcl::chan::variable] package provides a command creating
channels which live purely in memory. They provide random-access,
i.e. are seekable.
In contrast to the channels created by [package tcl::chan::memchan]
the data is not hidden in the channel however, but stored in an
associated variable, specified at the time of construction.
[para] Packages related to this are [package tcl::chan::memchan] and
[package tcl::chan::string].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::events] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::variable] [arg varname]]
This command creates a new variable channel and returns its handle.
The content of the channel is stored in the associated namespace
variable [arg varname].
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::zero n 1.1]
[keywords /dev/zero]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[keywords zero]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Zero channel}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::zero [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::chan::zero] package provides a command creating zero
channels, i.e. read-only channels which return an infinite stream of null
characters upon reading. This is equivalent to the zero channels
provided by the package [package Memchan], except that this is written
in pure Tcl, not C. On the other hand, [package Memchan] is usable with
Tcl 8.4 and before, whereas this package requires Tcl 8.5 or higher,
and TclOO.
[para] Packages related to this are [package tcl::chan::null] and
[package tcl::chan::nullzero].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::events] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::zero]]
This command creates a new zero channel and returns its handle.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::textwindow n 1.1]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {text widget}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords Tk]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Textwindow channel}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::textwindow [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::chan::textwindow] package provides a command creating
write-only channels connected to text widgets. Anything written to the
channel is printed into the associated widget.
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the channel
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::chan::events] framework.
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::textwindow] [arg widget]]
This command creates a new textwindow channel and returns its handle.
Data written to this channel will appear in the associated [arg widget].
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::textwindow 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta as::credit To Bryan Oakley for rotext, see
# Meta as::credit His code was
# Meta as::credit used here as template for the text
# Meta as::credit widget portions of the channel.
# Meta description Implementation of a text window
# Meta description channel, using Tcl 8.5's channel
# Meta description reflection support. Exports a single
# Meta description command for the creation of new
# Meta description channels. No arguments. Result is the
# Meta description handle of the new channel.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::events
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::events
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::textwindow {w} {
set chan [::chan create {write} [textwindow::implementation new $w]]
fconfigure $chan -encoding utf-8 -buffering none
return $chan
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::textwindow::implementation {
superclass ::tcl::chan::events ; # -> initialize, finalize, watch
constructor {w} {
set widget $w
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable widget
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method initialize {args} {
my allow write
next {*}$args
method write {c data} {
# NOTE: How is encoding convertfrom dealing with a partial
# utf-8 character at the end of the buffer ? Should be saved
# up for the next buffer. No idea if we can.
$widget insert end [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $data]
$widget see end
return [string length $data]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::textwindow 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::variable 1.0.5
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Implementation of a channel representing
# Meta description an in-memory read-write random-access
# Meta description file. Based on Tcl 8.5's channel reflection
# Meta description support. Exports a single command for the
# Meta description creation of new channels. No arguments.
# Meta description Result is the handle of the new channel.
# Meta description Similar to -> tcl::chan::memchan, except
# Meta description that the variable holding the content
# Meta description exists outside of the channel itself, in
# Meta description some namespace, and as such is not a part
# Meta description of the channel. Seekable beyond the end
# Meta description of the data, implies appending of 0x00
# Meta description bytes.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::events
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::events
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::variable {varname} {
return [::chan create {read write} [variable::implementation new $varname]]
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::variable::implementation {
superclass ::tcl::chan::events ; # -> initialize, finalize, watch
constructor {thevarname} {
set varname $thevarname
set at 0
upvar #0 $varname content
if {![info exists content]} {
set content {}
method initialize {args} {
my allow write
my Events
next {*}$args
variable varname at
method read {c n} {
# Bring connected variable for content into scope.
upvar #0 $varname content
# First determine the location of the last byte to read,
# relative to the current location, and limited by the maximum
# location we are allowed to access per the size of the
# content.
set last [expr {min($at + $n,[string length $content])-1}]
# Then extract the relevant range from the content, move the
# seek location behind it, and return the extracted range. Not
# to forget, switch readable events based on the seek
# location.
set res [string range $content $at $last]
set at $last
incr at
my Events
return $res
method write {c newbytes} {
# Bring connected variable for content into scope.
upvar #0 $varname content
# Return immediately if there is nothing is to write.
set n [string length $newbytes]
if {$n == 0} {
return $n
# Determine where and how to write. There are three possible cases.
# (1) Append at/after the end.
# (2) Starting in the middle, but extending beyond the end.
# (3) Replace in the middle.
set max [string length $content]
if {$at >= $max} {
# Ad 1.
append content $newbytes
set at [string length $content]
} else {
set last [expr {$at + $n - 1}]
if {$last >= $max} {
# Ad 2.
set content [string replace $content $at end $newbytes]
set at [string length $content]
} else {
# Ad 3.
set content [string replace $content $at $last $newbytes]
set at $last
incr at
my Events
return $n
method seek {c offset base} {
# offset == 0 && base == current
# <=> Seek nothing relative to current
# <=> Report current location.
if {!$offset && ($base eq "current")} {
return $at
# Bring connected variable for content into scope.
upvar #0 $varname content
# Compute the new location per the arguments.
set max [string length $content]
switch -exact -- $base {
start { set newloc $offset}
current { set newloc [expr {$at + $offset }] }
end { set newloc [expr {$max + $offset }] }
# Check if the new location is beyond the range given by the
# content.
if {$newloc < 0} {
return -code error "Cannot seek before the start of the channel"
} elseif {$newloc > $max} {
# We can seek beyond the end of the current contents, add
# a block of zeros.
append content [binary format @[expr {$newloc - $max}]]
# Commit to new location, switch readable events, and report.
set at $newloc
my Events
return $at
method Events {} {
# Always readable -- Even if the seek location is at the end
# (or beyond). In that case the readable events are fired
# endlessly until the eof indicated by the seek location is
# properly processed by the event handler. Like for regular
# files -- Ticket [864a0c83e3].
my allow read
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::variable 1.0.5


@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# variable.test -*- tcl -*-
# (C) 2017 Andreas Kupries. BSD licensed.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
source [file join \
[file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \
devtools testutilities.tcl]
testsNeedTcl 8.5
testsNeedTcltest 2.0
testsNeed TclOO 1
support {
use virtchannel_core/core.tcl tcl::chan::core
use virtchannel_core/events.tcl tcl::chan::events
testing {
useLocal variable.tcl tcl::chan::variable
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test tcl-chan-variable-1.0 {constructor wrong\#args} -body {
} -returnCodes error \
-result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::chan::variable varname"}
test tcl-chan-variable-1.1 {constructor wrong\#args} -body {
tcl::chan::variable V X
} -returnCodes error \
-result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::chan::variable varname"}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
test tcl-chan-variable-2.0 {tell, initial, empty} -setup {
set content ""
set c [tcl::chan::variable content]
} -body {
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c content
} -result 0
test tcl-chan-variable-2.1 {seek from start, expand, tell} -setup {
set content ""
set c [tcl::chan::variable content]
} -body {
seek $c 10
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c content
} -result 10
test tcl-chan-variable-2.2 {seek from end, eof, empty, tell} -setup {
set content ""
set c [tcl::chan::variable content]
} -body {
seek $c 0 end
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c content
} -result 0
test tcl-chan-variable-2.3 {seek from end, eof, non-empty, tell} -setup {
set content ""
set c [tcl::chan::variable content]
puts $c Hello
} -body {
seek $c 0 end
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c content
} -result 6
test tcl-chan-variable-2.4 {seek from end, non-eof, non-empty, tell} -setup {
set content ""
set c [tcl::chan::variable content]
puts $c Hello
} -body {
seek $c -6 end
tell $c
} -cleanup {
close $c
unset c content
} -result 0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Explicit cleanup of loaded support classes.
rename tcl::chan::events {}
rename tcl::chan::core {}
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:


@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::zero 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Re-implementation of Memchan's zero
# Meta description channel. Based on Tcl 8.5's channel
# Meta description reflection support. Exports a single
# Meta description command for the creation of new
# Meta description channels. No arguments. Result is the
# Meta description handle of the new channel.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require tcl::chan::events
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::events
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::chan {}
proc ::tcl::chan::zero {} {
return [::chan create {read} [zero::implementation new]]
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::zero::implementation {
superclass tcl::chan::events ; # -> initialize, finalize, watch
method initialize {args} {
my allow read
next {*}$args
# Generate and return a block of N null bytes, as requested.
# Zero device.
method read {c n} {
return [binary format @$n]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::chan::zero 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
2013-02-01 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.15 ========================
2011-12-13 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.14 ========================
2011-02-21 Andreas Kupries <>
* pkgIndex.tcl: Removed the superfluous [list] command in the
ifneeded script.
2011-01-24 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.13 ========================
2010-07-28 Andreas Kupries <>
* New files, documentation for the packages in
* this module.
2009-12-07 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.12 ========================
2009-12-01 Andreas Kupries <>
* New module 'virtchannel_core', with core classes for virtual
channels aka reflected channels. TclOO based.


@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
core, events
Support packages for initialization, finalization, and
timer-driven event support.


@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::core n 1.1]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Basic reflected/virtual channel support}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::core [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::chan::core] package provides a [package TclOO]
class implementing common behaviour needed by virtually every
reflected or virtual channel (initialization, finalization).
[para] This class expects to be used as either superclass of a concrete
channel class, or to be mixed into such a class.
[section {Class API}]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::core] [arg objectName]]
This command creates a new channel core object with an associated
global Tcl command whose name is [emph objectName]. This command may
be used to invoke various operations on the object, as described in
the section for the [sectref {Instance API}].
[section {Instance API}]
The API of channel core instances provides only two methods, both
corresponding to channel handler commands (For reference see
[uri http:/ {TIP 219}]). They expect to be called
from whichever object instance the channel core was made a part of.
[list_begin definitions]
[call [arg objectName] [method initialize] [arg thechannel] [arg mode]]
This method implements standard behaviour for the [method initialize]
method of channel handlers. Using introspection it finds the handler
methods supported by the instance and returns a list containing their
names, as expected by the support for reflected channels in the Tcl
[para] It further remembers the channel handle in an instance variable
for access by sub-classes.
[call [arg objectName] [method finalize] [arg thechannel]]
This method implements standard behaviour for the [method finalize]
method of channel handlers. It simply destroys itself.
[call [arg objectName] [method destroy]]
Destroying the channel core instance closes the channel it was
initialized for, see the method [method initialize]. When destroyed
from within a call of [method finalize] this does not happen, under
the assumption that the channel is being destroyed by Tcl.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::core 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Support package handling a core
# Meta description aspect of reflected base channels
# Meta description (initialization, finalization).
# Meta description It is expected that this class
# Meta description is used as either one superclass of the
# Meta description class C for a specific channel, or is
# Meta description mixed into C.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::core {
destructor {
if {$channel eq {}} return
close $channel
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method initialize {thechannel mode} {
set methods [info object methods [self] -all]
# Note: Checking of the mode against the supported methods is
# done by the caller.
set channel $thechannel
set supported {}
foreach m {
initialize finalize watch read write seek configure cget
cgetall blocking
} {
if {$m in $methods} {
lappend supported $m
return $supported
method finalize {c} {
set channel {} ; # Prevent destroctor from calling close.
my destroy
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable channel
# channel The channel the handler belongs to.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# # ## ### #####
package provide tcl::chan::core 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::chan::events n 1.1]
[keywords {event management}]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Event support for reflected/virtual channels}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::chan::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::chan::events [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::chan::events] package provides a [package TclOO]
class implementing common behaviour needed by virtually every
reflected or virtual channel supporting event driven IO. It is a
sub-class of [package tcl::chan::core], inheriting all of its behaviour.
[para] This class expects to be used as either superclass of a concrete
channel class, or to be mixed into such a class.
[section {Class API}]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::chan::events] [arg objectName]]
This command creates a new channel event core object with an associated
global Tcl command whose name is [emph objectName]. This command may
be used to invoke various operations on the object, as described in
the section for the [sectref {Instance API}].
[section {Instance API}]
The API of channel event core instances provides only four methods, two
corresponding to channel handler commands (For reference see
[uri http:/ {TIP 219}]), and the other two for use by
sub-classes to control event generation. They former expect to be called
from whichever object instance the channel event core was made a part of.
[list_begin definitions]
[call [arg objectName] [method finalize] [arg thechannel]]
This method implements standard behaviour for the [method finalize]
method of channel handlers. It overrides the behaviour inherited from
[package tcl::chan::core] and additionally disables any and all event
generation before destroying itself.
[call [arg objectName] [method watch] [arg thechannel] [arg eventmask]]
This method implements standard behaviour for the [method watch]
method of channel handlers. Called by the IO system whenever the
interest in event changes it updates the instance state to activate
and/or suppress the generation of the events of (non-)interest.
[call [arg objectName] [method allow] [arg eventname]...]
[call [arg objectName] [method disallow] [arg eventname]...]
These two methods are exported to sub-classes, so that their instances
can notify their event core of the events the channel they implement
can (allow) or cannot (disallow) generate.
Together with the information about the events requested by Tcl's IO
system coming in through the [method watch] method the event core is
able to determine which events it should (not) generate and act
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::chan::events 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Support package handling a core
# Meta description aspect of reflected base channels
# Meta description (timer
# Meta description driven file event support). Controls a
# Meta description timer generating the expected read/write
# Meta description events. It is expected that this class
# Meta description is used as either one superclass of the
# Meta description class C for a specific channel, or is
# Meta description mixed into C.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::chan::core
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require {Tcl 8.5}
# @@ Meta End
# TODO :: set/get accessor methods for the timer delay
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.5 9
package require TclOO
package require tcl::chan::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
oo::class create ::tcl::chan::events {
superclass ::tcl::chan::core ; # -> initialize, finalize, destructor
constructor {} {
array set allowed {
read 0
write 0
set requested {}
set delay 10
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method finalize {c} {
my disallow read write
next $c
# Allow/disallow the posting of events based on the
# events requested by Tcl's IO system, and the mask of
# events the instance's channel can handle, per all
# preceding calls of allow and disallow.
method watch {c requestmask} {
if {$requestmask eq $requested} return
set requested $requestmask
my Update
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# Declare that the named events are handled by the
# channel. This may start a timer to periodically post
# these events to the instance's channel.
method allow {args} {
my Allowance $args yes
# Declare that the named events are not handled by the
# channel. This may stop the periodic posting of events
# to the instance's channel.
method disallow {args} {
my Allowance $args no
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# Event System State - Timer driven
variable timer allowed requested posting delay
# channel = The channel to post events to - provided by superclass
# timer = Timer controlling the posting.
# allowed = Set of events allowed to post.
# requested = Set of events requested by core.
# posting = Set of events we are posting.
# delay = Millisec interval between posts.
# 'allowed' is an Array (event name -> boolean). The
# value is true if the named event is allowed to be
# posted.
# Common code used by both allow and disallow to enter
# the state change.
method Allowance {events enable} {
set changed no
foreach event $events {
if {$allowed($event) == $enable} continue
set allowed($event) $enable
set changed yes
if {!$changed} return
my Update
# Merge the current event allowance and the set of
# requested events into one datum, the set of events to
# post. From that then derive whether we need a timer or
# not and act accordingly.
method Update {} {
catch { after cancel $timer }
set posting {}
foreach event $requested {
if {!$allowed($event)} continue
lappend posting $event
if {[llength $posting]} {
set timer [after $delay \
[namespace code [list my Post]]]
} else {
catch { unset timer }
# Post the current set of events, then reschedule to
# make this periodic.
method Post {} {
my variable channel
set timer [after $delay \
[namespace code [list my Post]]]
chan postevent $channel $posting
# # ## ### #####
package provide tcl::chan::events 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5 9]} {return}
package ifneeded tcl::chan::core 1.1 [list source [file join $dir core.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::chan::events 1.1 [list source [file join $dir events.tcl]]
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6 9]} {return}
package ifneeded tcl::transform::core 1.1 [list source [file join $dir transformcore.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::core n 1.1]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 219}]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Basic reflected/virtual channel transform support}]
[require Tcl "8.5 9"]
[require TclOO]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::core] package provides a [package TclOO]
class implementing common behaviour needed by virtually every
reflected or virtual channel transformation (initialization, finalization).
[para] This class expects to be used as either superclass of a concrete
channel class, or to be mixed into such a class.
[section {Class API}]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::core] [arg objectName]]
This command creates a new transform core object with an associated
global Tcl command whose name is [emph objectName]. This command may
be used to invoke various operations on the object, as described in
the section for the [sectref {Instance API}].
[section {Instance API}]
The API of transform core instances provides only two methods, both
corresponding to transform handler commands (For reference see
[uri http:/ {TIP 230}]). They expect to be called
from whichever object instance the transform core was made a part of.
[list_begin definitions]
[call [arg objectName] [method initialize] [arg thechannel] [arg mode]]
This method implements standard behaviour for the [method initialize]
method of transform handlers. Using introspection it finds the handler
methods supported by the instance and returns a list containing their
names, as expected by the support for reflected transformation in the
Tcl core.
[para] It further remembers the channel handle in an instance variable
for access by sub-classes.
[call [arg objectName] [method finalize] [arg thechannel]]
This method implements standard behaviour for the [method finalize]
method of channel handlers. It simply destroys itself.
[call [arg objectName] [method destroy]]
Destroying the transform core instance closes the channel and transform
it was initialized for, see the method [method initialize]. When destroyed
from within a call of [method finalize] this does not happen, under
the assumption that the channel and transform are being destroyed by Tcl.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::core 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Support package handling a core
# Meta description aspect of reflected transform channels
# Meta description (initialization, finalization).
# Meta description It is expected that this class
# Meta description is used as either one superclass of the
# Meta description class C for a specific channel, or is
# Meta description mixed into C.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require TclOO
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::core {
destructor {
if {$channel eq {}} return
close $channel
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method initialize {thechannel mode} {
set methods [info object methods [self] -all]
# Note: Checking of the mode against the supported methods is
# done by the caller.
set channel $thechannel
set supported {}
foreach m {
initialize finalize read write drain flush limit?
} {
if {$m in $methods} {
lappend supported $m
return $supported
method finalize {c} {
set channel {} ; # Prevent destroctor from calling close.
my destroy
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable channel
# channel The channel the handler belongs to.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# # ## ### #####
package provide tcl::transform::core 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
2013-03-04 Andreas Kupries <>
* Renamed, clashes with Tcl core manpage.
* New name.
2013-02-01 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.15 ========================
2011-12-13 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.14 ========================
2011-02-21 Andreas Kupries <>
* pkgIndex.tcl: Removed the superfluous [list] command in the
ifneeded script.
2011-01-24 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.13 ========================
2010-08-04 Andreas Kupries <>
* New files, documentation for the packages in
* this module.
2009-12-07 Andreas Kupries <>
* Released and tagged Tcllib 1.12 ========================
2009-12-01 Andreas Kupries <>
* New module 'virtchannel_transform, providing classes implementing
various channel transformation. TclOO based.


@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
base64, hex
Base64 and hex de- and encoding of data flowing
through a channel.
Encodes on write, decodes on read.
No transformation
Identity, counting bytes.
adler32, adler32pure, crc32
Compute checksums and write to external variables.
Divert copy of the data to additional channels.
Force EOF after reading N bytes, N configurable.
Inserts separator string every n bytes.
One-Time-Pad encryption.
zlib (de)compression (deflate, inflate).


@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::adler32 n 1.1]
[keywords adler32]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords checksum]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Adler32 transformation}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::adler32 [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::adler32] package provides a command
creating a channel transformation which passes the read and written
bytes through unchanged (like [package tcl::transform::identity]), but
additionally continuously computes the adler32 checksums of the data
it has seen for each direction and stores them in Tcl variables
specified at construction time.
[para] Related transformations in this module are
[package tcl::transform::counter],
[package tcl::transform::crc32],
[package tcl::transform::identity], and
[package tcl::transform::observe].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::adler32] [arg chan] [option -option] [arg value]...]
This command creates an adler32 checksumming transformation on top of
the channel [arg chan] and returns its handle. The accepted options are
[list_begin options]
[opt_def -read-variable varname]
The value of the option is the name of a global or namespaced
variable, the location where the transformation has to store the
adler32 checksum of the data read from the channel.
[para] If not specified, or the empty string, the checksum of the read
direction is not saved.
[opt_def -write-variable varname]
The value of the option is the name of a global or namespaced
variable, the location where the transformation has to store the
adler32 checksum of the data written to the channel.
[para] If not specified, or the empty string, the checksum of the
write direction is not saved.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::adler32 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta as::notes For other observers see crc32, counter,
# Meta as::notes identity, and observer (stream copy).
# Meta description Implementation of an adler32 checksum
# Meta description transformation. Based on Tcl 8.6's
# Meta description transformation reflection support (TIP
# Meta description 230), and its zlib support (TIP 234) for
# Meta description the adler32 functionality. An observer
# Meta description instead of a transformation. For details
# Meta description on the adler checksum see
# Meta description .
# Meta description The observer saves the checksums into two
# Meta description namespaced external variables specified
# Meta description at construction time. Exports a single
# Meta description command adding a new transformation of
# Meta description this type to a channel. One argument,
# Meta description the channel to extend, plus options to
# Meta description specify the variables for the checksums.
# Meta description No result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::adler32 {chan args} {
::chan push $chan [adler32::implementation new {*}$args]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::adler32::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
# This transformation continuously computes a checksum from the
# data it sees. This data may be arbitrary parts of the input or
# output if the channel is seeked while the transform is
# active. This may not be what is wanted and the desired behaviour
# may require the destruction of the transform before seeking.
method write {c data} {
my Adler32 -write-variable $data
return $data
method read {c data} {
my Adler32 -read-variable $data
return $data
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {args} {
array set options {
-read-variable {}
-write-variable {}
# todo: validity checking of options (legal names, legal
# values, etc.)
array set options $args
my Init -read-variable
my Init -write-variable
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable options
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method Init {o} {
if {$options($o) eq ""} return
upvar #0 $options($o) adler
set adler 1
method Adler32 {o data} {
if {$options($o) eq ""} return
upvar #0 $options($o) adler
set adler [zlib adler32 $data $adler]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::adler32 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::base64 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta as::notes Possibilities for extension: Currently
# Meta as::notes the mapping between read/write and
# Meta as::notes decode/encode is fixed. Allow it to be
# Meta as::notes configured at construction time.
# Meta description Implementation of a base64
# Meta description transformation (RFC 4648). Based on Tcl
# Meta description 8.6's transformation reflection support
# Meta description (TIP 230) and binary en/decode (TIP 317).
# Meta description Exports a single command adding a new
# Meta description transformation of this type to a channel.
# Meta description One argument, the channel to extend. No
# Meta description result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::base64 {chan} {
::chan push $chan [base64::implementation new]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::base64::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
method write {c data} {
my Code encodebuf encode $data 3
method read {c data} {
my Code decodebuf decode $data 4
method flush {c} {
set data [binary encode base64 $encodebuf]
set encodebuf {}
return $data
method drain {c} {
set data [binary decode base64 $decodebuf]
set decodebuf {}
return $data
method clear {c} {
set decodebuf {}
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {} {
set encodebuf {}
set decodebuf {}
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable encodebuf decodebuf
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method Code {bufvar op data n} {
upvar 1 $bufvar buffer
append buffer $data
set n [my Complete $buffer $n]
if {$n < 0} {
return {}
set result \
[binary $op base64 \
[string range $buffer 0 $n]]
incr n
set buffer \
[string range $buffer $n end]
return $result
method Complete {buffer n} {
set len [string length $buffer]
return [expr {(($len / $n) * $n)-1}]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::base64 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::counter 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta as::notes For other observers see adler32, crc32,
# Meta as::notes identity, and observer (stream copy).
# Meta as::notes Possibilities for extension: Separate
# Meta as::notes counters per byte value. Count over
# Meta as::notes fixed time-intervals = channel speed.
# Meta as::notes Use callbacks or traces to save changes
# Meta as::notes in the counters, etc. as time-series.
# Meta as::notes Compute statistics over the time-series.
# Meta description Implementation of a counter
# Meta description transformation. Based on Tcl 8.6's
# Meta description transformation reflection support (TIP
# Meta description 230). An observer instead of a
# Meta description transformation, it counts the number of
# Meta description bytes read and written. The observer
# Meta description saves the counts into two external
# Meta description namespaced variables specified at
# Meta description construction time. Exports a single
# Meta description command adding a new transformation of
# Meta description this type to a channel. One argument,
# Meta description the channel to extend, plus options to
# Meta description specify the variables for the counters.
# Meta description No result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::counter {chan args} {
::chan push $chan [counter::implementation new {*}$args]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::counter::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
method write {c data} {
my Count -write-variable $data
return $data
method read {c data} {
my Count -read-variable $data
return $data
# No partial data, nor state => no flush, drain, nor clear needed.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {args} {
array set options {
-read-variable {}
-write-variable {}
# todo: validity checking of options (legal names, legal
# values, etc.)
array set options $args
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable options
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method Count {o data} {
if {$options($o) eq ""} return
upvar #0 $options($o) counter
incr counter [string length $data]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::counter 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::crc32 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta as::notes For other observers see adler32, counter,
# Meta as::notes identity, and observer (stream copy).
# Meta description Implementation of a crc32 checksum
# Meta description transformation. Based on Tcl 8.6's
# Meta description transformation reflection support (TIP
# Meta description 230), and its zlib support (TIP 234) for
# Meta description the crc32 functionality. An observer
# Meta description instead of a transformation. For details
# Meta description on the crc checksum see
# Meta description .
# Meta description The observer saves the checksums into two
# Meta description namespaced external variables specified
# Meta description at construction time. Exports a single
# Meta description command adding a new transformation of
# Meta description this type to a channel. One argument,
# Meta description the channel to extend, plus options to
# Meta description specify the variables for the checksums.
# Meta description No result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::crc32 {chan args} {
::chan push $chan [crc32::implementation new {*}$args]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::crc32::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
# This transformation continuously computes a checksum from the
# data it sees. This data may be arbitrary parts of the input or
# output if the channel is seeked while the transform is
# active. This may not be what is wanted and the desired behaviour
# may require the destruction of the transform before seeking.
method write {c data} {
my Crc32 -write-variable $data
return $data
method read {c data} {
my Crc32 -read-variable $data
return $data
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {args} {
array set options {
-read-variable {}
-write-variable {}
# todo: validity checking of options (legal names, legal
# values, etc.)
array set options $args
my Init -read-variable
my Init -write-variable
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable options
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method Init {o} {
if {$options($o) eq ""} return
upvar #0 $options($o) crc
set crc 0
method Crc32 {o data} {
if {$options($o) eq ""} return
upvar #0 $options($o) crc
set crc [zlib crc32 $data $crc]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::crc32 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::hex n 1.1]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords hexadecimal]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Hexadecimal encoding transformation}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::hex [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::hex] package provides a command creating
a channel transformation which hex encodes data written to it, and
decodes the data read from it.
[para] A related transformations in this module is
[package tcl::transform::base64].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::hex] [arg chan]]
This command creates a hex transformation on top of the channel
[arg chan] and returns its handle.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::hex 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Implementation of a hex transformation,
# Meta description using Tcl 8.6's transformation
# Meta description reflection support. Uses the binary
# Meta description command to implement the transformation.
# Meta description Exports a single command adding a new
# Meta description transform of this type to a channel. One
# Meta description argument, the channel to extend. No
# Meta description result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::hex {chan} {
::chan push $chan [hex::implementation new]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::hex::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
method write {c data} {
# bytes -> hex
binary scan $data H* hex
return $hex
method read {c data} {
# hex -> bytes
return [binary format H* $data]
# No partial data, nor state => no flush, drain, nor clear needed.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::hex 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::identity n 1.1]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords identity]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Identity transformation}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::identity [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::identity] package provides a command
creating an identity channel transformation, which does nothing but
pass the read and written bytes through it unchanged. Not really
useful in an application, however as the prototypical observer
transformation its code is a useful starting point for any other
observers people may wish to write.
[para] The transformations in this module which derived from
identity's code are
[package tcl::transform::adler32],
[package tcl::transform::counter],
[package tcl::transform::crc32], and
[package tcl::transform::observe].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::identity] [arg chan]]
This command creates an identity transformation on top of the channel
[arg chan] and returns its handle.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::identity 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta as::notes The prototypical observer transformation.
# Meta as::notes To observers what null is to reflected
# Meta as::notes base channels. For other observers see
# Meta as::notes adler32, crc32, counter, and observer
# Meta as::notes (stream copy).
# Meta description Implementation of an identity
# Meta description transformation, i.e one which does not
# Meta description change the data in any way, shape, or
# Meta description form. Based on Tcl 8.6's transformation
# Meta description reflection support. Exports a single
# Meta description command adding a new transform of this
# Meta description type to a channel. One argument, the
# Meta description channel to extend. No result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::identity {chan} {
::chan push $chan [identity::implementation new]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::identity::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
method write {c data} {
return $data
method read {c data} {
return $data
# No partial data, nor state => no flush, drain, nor clear needed.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::identity 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::limitsize n 1.1]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords limitsize]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {size limit}]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {limiting input}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::limitsize [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::limitsize] package provides a command
creating a channel transformation which limits the number of
characters which can be read from the channel. A generator for an
artificial EOF.
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::limitsize] [arg chan] [arg max]]
This command creates a size limiting transformation on top of the
channel [arg chan] and returns its handle.
[para] [arg max] is the number of bytes which can be read from the
channel before EOF is signaled by the transformation. Note that
popping the transformation clears the EOF it generated as well.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::limitsize 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta as::notes Possibilities for extension: Trigger the
# Meta as::notes EOF when finding specific patterns in
# Meta as::notes the input. Trigger the EOF based on some
# Meta as::notes external signal routed into the limiter.
# Meta as::notes Make the limit reconfigurable.
# Meta description Implementation of a transformation
# Meta description limiting the number of bytes read
# Meta description from its channel. An observer instead of
# Meta description a transformation, forcing an artificial
# Meta description EOF marker. Based on Tcl 8.6's
# Meta description transformation reflection support.
# Meta description Exports a single command adding a new
# Meta description transform of this type to a channel. One
# Meta description argument, the channel to extend, and the
# Meta description number of bytes to allowed to be read.
# Meta description No result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# This may help with things like zlib compression of messages. Have
# the message format a length at the front, followed by a payload of
# that size. Now we may compress messages. On the read side we can use
# the limiter to EOF on a message, then reset the limit for the
# next. This is a half-baked idea.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::limitsize {chan max} {
::chan push $chan [limitsize::implementation new $max]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::limitsize::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
method write {c data} {
return $data
method read {c data} {
# Reduce the limit of bytes allowed in the future according to
# the number of bytes we have seen already.
if {$max > 0} {
incr max -[string length $data]
if {$max < 0} {
set max 0
return $data
method limit? {c} {
return $max
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {themax} {
set max $themax
variable max
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::limitsize 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::observe n 1.1]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords observer]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {stream copy}]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Observer transformation, stream copy}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::observe [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::observer] package provides a command
creating a channel transformation which passes the read and written
bytes through unchanged (like [package tcl::transform::identity]), but
additionally copies the data it has seen for each direction into
channels specified at construction time.
[para] Related transformations in this module are
[package tcl::transform::adler32],
[package tcl::transform::counter],
[package tcl::transform::crc32], and
[package tcl::transform::identity].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::observe] [arg chan] [arg logw] [arg logr]]
This command creates an observer transformation on top of the channel
[arg chan] and returns its handle. The channel handles [arg logr] and
[arg logw] are there the data is copied to.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::observe 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta as::notes For other observers see adler32, crc32,
# Meta as::notes identity, and counter.
# Meta as::notes Possibilities for extension: Save the
# Meta as::notes observed bytes to variables instead of
# Meta as::notes channels. Use callbacks to save the
# Meta as::notes observed bytes.
# Meta description Implementation of an observer
# Meta description transformation copying the bytes going
# Meta description through it into two channels configured
# Meta description at construction time. Based on Tcl 8.6's
# Meta description transformation reflection support.
# Meta description Exports a single command adding a new
# Meta description transformation of this type to a channel.
# Meta description Three arguments, the channel to extend,
# Meta description plus the channels to write the bytes to.
# Meta description No result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::observe {chan logw logr} {
::chan push $chan [observe::implementation new $logw $logr]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::observe::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
method write {c data} {
if {$logw ne {}} {
puts -nonewline $logw $data
return $data
method read {c data} {
if {$logr ne {}} {
puts -nonewline $logr $data
return $data
# No partial data, nor state => no flush, drain, nor clear needed.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {lw lr} {
set logr $lr
set logw $lw
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable logr logw
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::observe 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::otp 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Implementation of an onetimepad
# Meta description encryption transformation. Based on Tcl
# Meta description 8.6's transformation reflection support.
# Meta description The key bytes are read from two channels
# Meta description configured at construction time. Exports
# Meta description a single command adding a new
# Meta description transformation of this type to a channel.
# Meta description Three arguments, the channel to extend,
# Meta description plus the channels to read the keys from.
# Meta description No result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::otp {chan keychanw keychanr} {
::chan push $chan [otp::implementation new $keychanw $keychanr]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::otp::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
# This transformation is intended for streaming operation. Seeking
# the channel while it is active may cause undesirable
# output. Proper behaviour may require the destruction of the
# transform before seeking.
method write {c data} {
return [my Xor $data $keychanw]
method read {c data} {
return [my Xor $data $keychanr]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {keyw keyr} {
set keychanr $keyr
set keychanw $keyw
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable keychanr keychanw
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# A very convoluted way to perform the XOR would be to use TIP
# #317's hex encoding to convert the bytes into strings, then zip
# key and data into an interleaved string (nibble wise), then
# perform the xor as a 'string map' of the whole thing, and at
# last 'binary decode hex' the string back into bytes. Even so
# most ops would run on the whole message at C level. Except for
# the interleave. :(
method Xor {data keychan} {
# xor is done byte-wise. to keep IO down we read the key bytes
# once, before the loop handling the bytes. Note that we are
# having binary data at this point, making it necessary to
# convert into numbers (scan), and back (binary format).
set keys [read $keychan [string length $data]]
set result {}
foreach d [split $data {}] k [split $keys {}] {
append result \
[binary format c \
[expr {
[scan $d %c] ^
[scan $k %c]
return $result
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::otp 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6 9]} {return}
package ifneeded tcl::transform::adler32 1.1 [list source [file join $dir adler32.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::transform::base64 1.1 [list source [file join $dir base64.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::transform::counter 1.1 [list source [file join $dir counter.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::transform::crc32 1.1 [list source [file join $dir crc32.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::transform::hex 1.1 [list source [file join $dir hex.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::transform::identity 1.1 [list source [file join $dir identity.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::transform::limitsize 1.1 [list source [file join $dir limitsize.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::transform::observe 1.1 [list source [file join $dir observe.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::transform::otp 1.1 [list source [file join $dir otp.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::transform::rot 1.1 [list source [file join $dir rot.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::transform::spacer 1.1 [list source [file join $dir spacer.tcl]]
package ifneeded tcl::transform::zlib 1.0.2 [list source [file join $dir zlib.tcl]]


@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::rot n 1.1]
[keywords {caesar cipher}]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords cipher]
[keywords decryption]
[keywords encryption]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords rot]
[keywords rot13]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {rot-encryption}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::rot [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::rot] package provides a command creating
a channel transformation which performs primitive encryption (on
writing) and decryption (on reading) on the alphabetic characters. The
algorithm is the Caesar-cipher, a specific variant of which is rot13.
[para] A related transformations in this module is
[package tcl::transform::otp].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::rot] [arg chan] [arg key]]
This command creates a rot encryption transformation on top of the
channel [arg chan] and returns its handle.
[para] The "[arg key]" specifies how far characters are rotated in the
alphabet, and is wrapped to the range "0...25".
[para] Note that this transformation affects only bytes in the ranges
ASCII 65...90, and 97...122, i.e. the upper- and lower-case alphabetic
characters, i.e. "A...Z" and "a...z". All other bytes are passed
through unchanged.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::rot 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Implementation of a rot
# Meta description encryption transformation. Based on Tcl
# Meta description 8.6's transformation reflection support.
# Meta description The key byte is
# Meta description configured at construction time. Exports
# Meta description a single command adding a new
# Meta description transformation of this type to a channel.
# Meta description Two arguments, the channel to extend,
# Meta description plus the key byte.
# Meta description No result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::rot {chan key} {
::chan push $chan [rot::implementation new $key]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::rot::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
# This transformation is intended for streaming operation. Seeking
# the channel while it is active may cause undesirable
# output. Proper behaviour may require the destruction of the
# transform before seeking.
method write {c data} {
return [my Rot $data $key]
method read {c data} {
return [my Rot $data $ikey]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {thekey} {
set key [expr {$thekey % 26}]
set ikey [expr {26 - $key}]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable key ikey
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
method Rot {data key} {
# rot'ation is done byte-wise. Note that we are having binary
# data at this point, making it necessary to convert into
# numbers (scan), and back (binary format).
set result {}
foreach d [split $data {}] {
set dx [scan $d %c]
if {(65 <= $dx) && ($dx <= 90)} {
set n [binary format c \
[expr { (($dx - 65 + $key) % 26) + 65 }]]
} elseif {(97 <= $dx) && ($dx <= 122)} {
set n [binary format c \
[expr { (($dx - 97 + $key) % 26) + 97 }]]
} else {
set n $d
append result $n
return $result
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::rot 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::spacer n 1.1]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords spacing]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Space insertation and removal}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::spacer [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::spacer] package provides a command
creating a channel transformation which adds spacing to the data
written to it, and removes such spacing from the data read from it.
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::spacer] [arg chan] [arg n] [opt [arg space]]]
This command creates a spacer transformation on top of the channel
[arg chan] and returns its handle.
[para] The [arg space] character sequence will be added every [arg n]
bytes of data written, and on the read side the same is done in
reverse, removing the spacing. If [arg space] is not specified it
defaults to a single space character (ASCII 32).
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::spacer 1.1
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta description Implementation of a spacer
# Meta description transformation, using Tcl 8.6's
# Meta description transformation reflection support. Uses
# Meta description counters to implement the transformation,
# Meta description i.e. decide where to insert the spacing.
# Meta description Exports a single command adding a new
# Meta description transform of this type to a channel. One
# Meta description argument, the channel to extend. No
# Meta description result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::spacer {chan n {space { }}} {
::chan push $chan [spacer::implementation new $n $space]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::spacer::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
# This transformation is intended for streaming operation. Seeking
# the channel while it is active may cause undesirable
# output. Proper behaviour may require the destruction of the
# transform before seeking.
method write {c data} {
# add spacing, data is split into groups of delta chars.
set result {}
set len [string length $data]
if {$woffset} {
# The beginning of the buffer is the remainder of the
# partial group found at the end of the buffer in the last
# call. It may still be partial, if the current buffer is
# short enough.
if {($woffset + $len) < $delta} {
# Yes, the group is still not fully covered.
# Move the offset forward, and return the whole
# buffer. spacing is not needed yet.
incr woffset $len
return $data
# The buffer completes the group. Add it and the following
# spacing, then fix the offset to start the processing of
# the groups coming after at the proper location.
set stop [expr {$delta - $woffset - 1}]
append result [string range $data 0 $stop]
append result $spacing
set woffset $stop
incr woffset
# Process full groups in the middle of the incoming buffer.
set at $woffset
set stop [expr {$at + $delta - 1}]
while {$stop < $len} {
append result [string range $data $at $stop]
append result $spacing
incr at $delta
incr stop $delta
# Process partial group at the end of the buffer and remember
# the offset, for the processing of the group remainder in the
# next call.
if {($at < $len) && ($stop >= $len)} {
append result [string range $data $at end]
set woffset [expr {$len - $at}]
return $result
method read {c data} {
# remove spacing from groups of delta+sdelta chars, keeping
# the first delta in each group.
set result {}
set iter [expr {$delta + $sdelta}]
set at 0
if {$roffset} {
if {$roffset < $delta} {
append result [string range $data 0 ${roffset}-1]
incr at [expr {$iter - $roffset}]
set len [string length $data]
set end [expr {$at + $delta - 1}]
set stop [expr {$at + $iter - 1}]
while {$stop < $len} {
append result [string range $data $at $end]
incr at $iter
incr end $iter
incr stop $iter
if {$end < $len} {
append result [string range $data $at $end]
set roffset [expr {$len - $end + 1}]
} elseif {$at < $len} {
append result [string range $data $at end]
set roffset [expr {$len - $at}]
return [list $result $roffset]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {n space} {
set roffset 0
set woffset 0
set delta $n
set spacing $space
set sdelta [string length $spacing]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable roffset woffset delta spacing sdelta
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::spacer 1.1


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::zlib n 1.1]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords compression]
[keywords decompression]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords {tip 234}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[keywords zlib]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {zlib (de)compression}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::zlib [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::zlib] package provides a command creating
a channel transformation which zlib compresses the written data, and
decompresses on reading.
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::zlib] [arg chan] [opt [arg level]]]
This command creates a zlib compressor transformation on top of the
channel [arg chan] and returns its handle.
[para] The [arg level] specifies how much effort is put into the
compression, from [const 0] to [const 9], and defaults to [const 4].
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::base64 n 1.1]
[keywords base64]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords {tip 317}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Base64 encoding transformation}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::base64 [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::base64] package provides a command
creating a channel transformation which base64 encodes data written to
it, and decodes the data read from it.
[para] A related transformations in this module is
[package tcl::transform::hex].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::base64] [arg chan]]
This command creates a base64 transformation on top of the channel
[arg chan] and returns its handle.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::counter n 1.1]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords counter]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Counter transformation}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::counter [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::counterr] package provides a command
creating a channel transformation which passes the read and written
bytes through unchanged (like [package tcl::transform::identity]), but
additionally counts the bytes it has seen for each direction and
stores these counts in Tcl variables specified at construction time.
[para] Related transformations in this module are
[package tcl::transform::adler32],
[package tcl::transform::crc32],
[package tcl::transform::identity], and
[package tcl::transform::observe].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::counter] [arg chan] [option -option] [arg value]...]
This command creates a counter transformation on top of the channel
[arg chan] and returns its handle. The accepted options are
[list_begin options]
[opt_def -read-variable varname]
The value of the option is the name of a global or namespaced
variable, the location where the transformation has to store the
byte count of the data read from the channel.
[para] If not specified, or the empty string, the counter of the read
direction is not saved.
[opt_def -write-variable varname]
The value of the option is the name of a global or namespaced
variable, the location where the transformation has to store the
byte count of the data written to the channel.
[para] If not specified, or the empty string, the counter of the
write direction is not saved.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::crc32 n 1.1]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords checksum]
[keywords crc32]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Crc32 transformation}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::crc32 [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::crc32] package provides a command
creating a channel transformation which passes the read and written
bytes through unchanged (like [package tcl::transform::identity]), but
additionally continuously computes the crc32 checksums of the data it
has seen for each direction and stores them in Tcl variables specified
at construction time. The checksum in question is zlib's crc32.
[para] Related transformations in this module are
[package tcl::transform::adler32],
[package tcl::transform::counter],
[package tcl::transform::identity], and
[package tcl::transform::observe].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::crc32] [arg chan] [option -option] [arg value]...]
This command creates a crc32 checksumming transformation on top of
the channel [arg chan] and returns its handle. The accepted options are
[list_begin options]
[opt_def -read-variable varname]
The value of the option is the name of a global or namespaced
variable, the location where the transformation has to store the
crc32 checksum of the data read from the channel.
[para] If not specified, or the empty string, the checksum of the read
direction is not saved.
[opt_def -write-variable varname]
The value of the option is the name of a global or namespaced
variable, the location where the transformation has to store the
crc32 checksum of the data written to the channel.
[para] If not specified, or the empty string, the checksum of the
write direction is not saved.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[manpage_begin tcl::transform::otp n 1.1]
[keywords {channel transformation}]
[keywords cipher]
[keywords decryption]
[keywords encryption]
[keywords {one time pad}]
[keywords otp]
[keywords {reflected channel}]
[keywords {tip 230}]
[keywords transformation]
[keywords {virtual channel}]
[keywords xor]
[copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries <>}]
[moddesc {Reflected/virtual channel support}]
[category Channels]
[titledesc {Encryption via one-time pad}]
[require Tcl "8.6 9"]
[require tcl::transform::core [opt 1.1]]
[require tcl::transform::otp [opt 1.1]]
The [package tcl::transform::otp] package provides a command creating
a channel transformation which uses externally provided one-time pads
to perform encryption (on writing) and decryption (on reading).
[para] A related transformations in this module is
[package tcl::transform::rot].
[para] The internal [package TclOO] class implementing the transform
handler is a sub-class of the [package tcl::transform::core]
[section API]
[list_begin definitions]
[call [cmd ::tcl::transform::otp] [arg chan] [arg keychanw] [arg keychanr]]
This command creates a one-time pad based encryption transformation on
top of the channel [arg chan] and returns its handle.
[para] The two channels [arg keychanw] and [arg keychanr] contain the
one-time pads for the write and read directions, respectively. Their
contents are reads and xored with the bytes written to and read from
the channel.
[vset CATEGORY virtchannel]
[include ../common-text/]


@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# (C) 2009 Andreas Kupries
# @@ Meta Begin
# Package tcl::transform::zlib 1.0.2
# Meta as::author {Andreas Kupries}
# Meta as::copyright 2009
# Meta as::license BSD
# Meta as::notes Possibilities for extension: Currently
# Meta as::notes the mapping between read/write and
# Meta as::notes de/compression is fixed. Allow it to be
# Meta as::notes configured at construction time.
# Meta description Implementation of a zlib (de)compressor.
# Meta description Based on Tcl 8.6's transformation
# Meta description reflection support (TIP 230) and zlib
# Meta description support (TIP 234). Compresses on write.
# Meta description Exports a single command adding a new
# Meta description transformation of this type to a channel.
# Meta description Two arguments, the channel to extend,
# Meta description and the compression level. No result.
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta require tcl::transform::core
# Meta require {Tcl 8.6}
# @@ Meta End
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require tcl::transform::core
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::tcl::transform {}
proc ::tcl::transform::zlib {chan {level 4}} {
::chan push $chan [zlib::implementation new $level]
oo::class create ::tcl::transform::zlib::implementation {
superclass tcl::transform::core ;# -> initialize, finalize, destructor
# This transformation is intended for streaming operation. Seeking
# the channel while it is active may cause undesirable
# output. Proper behaviour may require the destruction of the
# transform before seeking.
method initialize {c mode} {
set compressor [zlib stream deflate -level $level]
set decompressor [zlib stream inflate]
next $c $mode
method finalize {c} {
$compressor close
$decompressor close
next $c
method write {c data} {
$compressor put $data
return [$compressor get]
method read {c data} {
$decompressor put $data
return [$decompressor get]
method flush {c} {
$compressor flush
return [$compressor get]
method drain {c} {
$decompressor flush
return [$decompressor get]
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
constructor {thelevel} {
# Should validate input (level in (0 ...9))
set level $thelevel
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
variable level compressor decompressor
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
package provide tcl::transform::zlib 1.0.2