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more ANSI fixes

Julian Noble 12 months ago
  1. 310
  2. 1
  3. 216


@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ package require punk::char
namespace eval punk::ansi::class {
if {![llength [info commands class_ansi]]} {
oo::class create class_ansi {
variable o_raw
variable o_ansistringobj
variable o_render_dimensions ;#last dimensions at which we rendered
variable o_rendered
@ -79,12 +79,16 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::class {
if {![regexp {^([0-9]+)[xX]([0-9]+)$} $dimensions _m w h]} {
error "class_ansi::render dimensions must be of the form <width>x<height>"
set o_rendered_what ""
#a straight string compare may be faster.. but a checksum is much smaller in memory, so we'll use that by default.
set o_rendered_what ""
#There may also be advantages to renering to a class_ansistring class object
set o_render_dimensions $dimensions
set o_raw $ansitext
set o_ansistringobj [ansistring NEW $ansitext]
method rawdata {} {
return $o_raw
return [$o_ansistringobj get]
method render {{dimensions ""}} {
if {$dimensions eq ""} {
@ -93,33 +97,51 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::class {
if {![regexp {^([0-9]+)[xX]([0-9]+)$} $dimensions _m w h]} {
error "class_ansi::render dimensions must be of the form <width>x<height>"
if {$o_rendered_what ne $o_raw || $dimensions ne $o_render_dimensions} {
set cksum "not-done"
if {$dimensions ne $o_render_dimensions || $o_rendered_what ne [set cksum [$o_ansistringobj checksum]]} {
set b [textblock::block $w $h " "]
#some ansi layout/art relies on wrapping at the width-dimension to display properly
#this includes cursor movements ie right arrow can move cursor to columns in lines below
#overflow is a different concept - perhaps not particularly congruent with the idea of the textblock as a mini terminal emulator.
#overflow effectively auto-expands the block(terminal?) width
#overflow and wrap both being true won't make sense unless we implement a max_overflow concept
#set o_rendered [overtype::left -overflow 0 -wrap 1 -appendlines 1 $b $o_raw]
set o_rendered [overtype::left -overflow 0 -wrap 1 -width 80 -appendlines 1 "" $o_raw]
#set o_rendered_what $o_raw
#set o_rendered [overtype::left -overflow 0 -wrap 1 -appendlines 1 $b [$o_ansistringobj get]]
set o_rendered [overtype::left -overflow 0 -wrap 1 -width 80 -appendlines 1 "" [$o_ansistringobj get]]
if {$cksum eq "not-done"} {
#if dimensions changed - the checksum won't have been done
set o_rendered_what [$o_ansistringobj checksum]
} else {
set o_rendered_what $cksum
set o_render_dimensions $dimensions
#todo - store rendered and allow partial rendering of new data lines?
return $o_rendered
method checksum {} {
return [$o_ansistringobj checksum]
method checksum_last_rendered_input {} {
return $o_rendered_what
#todo - fix class_ansistring so the ansistring methods can be called directly
method viewlines {} {
return [ansistring VIEW $o_raw]
return [ansistring VIEW [$o_ansistringobj get]]
method viewcodes {} {
return [ansistring VIEWCODES $o_raw]
return [ansistring VIEWCODES [$o_ansistringobj get]]
method viewchars {} {
return [punk::ansi::stripansiraw $o_raw]
return [punk::ansi::stripansiraw [$o_ansistringobj get]]
method viewstyle {} {
return [ansistring VIEWSTYLE $o_raw]
return [ansistring VIEWSTYLE [$o_ansistringobj get]]
method append {ansistring} {
$o_ansistringobj append $ansistring
#don't return the raw data - it may be big and probably won't play nicely with default terminal dimensions etc.
@ -1249,6 +1271,33 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
return [punk::char::ansifreestring_width [join $outchars ""]]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
#with thanks to Helmut Giese and other Authors of tcllib textutil
#this version is adjusted to handle ANSI SGR strings
proc untabifyLine { line num } {
variable Spaces
set currPos 0
while { 1 } {
set currPos [string first \t $line $currPos]
if { $currPos == -1 } {
# no more tabs
# how far is the next tab position ?
set dist [expr {$num - ($currPos % $num)}]
# replace '\t' at $currPos with $dist spaces
set line [string replace $line $currPos $currPos $Spaces($dist)]
# set up for next round (not absolutely necessary but maybe a trifle
# more efficient)
incr currPos $dist
return $line
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
#*** !doctools
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::ansi ---}]
@ -1997,7 +2046,206 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ta {
#[list_end] [comment {--- end definitions namespace punk::ansi::ta ---}]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
namespace eval punk::ansi::class {
#As this is intended for column-based terminals - it has a different notion of string length, string index etc than for a plain string.
oo::class create class_ansistring {
variable o_cksum_command
variable o_string
variable o_count
#this is the main state we keep of the split apart string
#we use the punk::ansi::ta::split_codes_single function which produces a list with zero, or an odd number elements always beginning and ending with plaintext
variable o_ptlist ;#plaintext as list of elements from ansisplits - will include empty elements from between adjacent ansi-codes
variable o_ansisplits ;#store our plaintext/ansi-code splits so we don't keep re-running the regexp to split
constructor {string} {
set o_string $string
#we choose not to generate an internal split-state for the initial string - which may potentially be large.
#there are a few methods such as get, has_ansi, show_state,checksum that can run efficiently on the initial string without generating it.
#The length method can use ansi::ta::detect to work quickly without updating it if it can, and other methods also update it as necessary
set o_count "" ;#o_count first updated when string appended or a method causes MakeSplit to run (or by count method if constructor argument was empty string)
set o_ansisplits [list] ;#we get empty pt(plaintext) between each ansi code. Codes include cursor movements, resets,alt graphics modes, terminal mode settings etc.
set o_ptlist [list]
#o_ansisplits and o_ptlist should only remain empty if an empty string was passed to the contructor, or no methods have yet triggered the initial string to have it's internal state built.
set o_cksum_command [list sha1::sha1 -hex]
method checksum {} {
if {[catch {
package require sha1
} errM]} {
error "sha1 package unavailable"
return [{*}$o_cksum_command $o_string]
#todo - allow setting checksum algorithm and/or command
method show_state {{verbose 0}} {
#show some state info - without updating anything
#only use 'my' methods that don't update the state e.g has_ansi
set result ""
if {![llength $o_ansisplits]} {
append result "No internal splits. "
append result \n "has ansi : [my has_ansi]"
append result \n "Tcl string length raw string: [string length $o_string]"
} else {
append result \n "has ansi : [my has_ansi]"
append result \n "ansisplit list len: [llength $o_ansisplits]"
append result \n "plaintext list len: [llength $o_ptlist]"
append result \n "cached count : $o_count"
append result \n "Tcl string length raw string : [string length $o_string]"
append result \n "Tcl string length plaintext parts: [string length [join $o_ptlist ""]]"
if {[llength $o_ansisplits] %2 == 0} {
append result \n --------------------------------------------------
append result \n Warning - ansisplits appears to be invalid length
append result \n Use show_state 1 to view
append result \n --------------------------------------------------
if {$verbose} {
append result \n "ansisplits listing"
#we will use a foreach with a single var rather than foreach {pt code} - so that if something goes wrong it's clearer.
#(using foreach {pt code} on an odd element list will give a spurious empty code at the end)
set i 0
foreach item $o_ansisplits {
if {$i % 2 == 0} {
set type "pt "
} else {
set type code
append result \n "$type: [ansistring VIEW $item]"
incr i
append result \n "Last element of ansisplits should be of type pt"
return $result
method MakeSplit {} {
#The split with each code as it's own element is more generally useful.
set o_ansisplits [punk::ansi::ta::split_codes_single $o_string];
set o_ptlist [list]
foreach {pt _code} $o_ansisplits {
lappend o_ptlist $pt
method convert_altg {} {
#do we need a method to retrieve without converting in the object?
puts "unimplemented"
method strippedlength {} {
if {![llength $o_ansisplits]} {my MakeSplit}
#returns the ansiless string - doesn't affect the stored state other than initialising it's internal state if it wasn't already
method stripped {} {
if {![llength $o_ansisplits]} {my MakeSplit}
return [join $o_ptlist ""]
#does not affect object state
method DoCount {plaintext} {
#- combiners/diacritics just map them away here - but for consistency we need to combine unicode grapheme clusters too.
#todo - joiners 200d? zwnbsp
set re_diacritics {[\u0300-\u036f]+|[\u1ab0-\u1aff]+|[\u1dc0-\u1dff]+|[\u20d0-\u20ff]+|[\ufe20-\ufe2f]+}
#we want length to return number of glyphs + normal controls such as newline.. not screen width. Has to be consistent with index function
return [string length [regsub -all $re_diacritics $plaintext ""]]
#This is the count of visible graphems + non-ansi control chars. Not equal to column width or to the Tcl string length of the ansistripped string!!!
method count {} {
if {$o_count eq ""} {
#only initial string present
if {$o_string eq ""} {
set o_count 0
return 0
my MakeSplit
set o_count [my DoCount [join $o_ptlist ""]]
return $o_count
#this is the equivalent of Tcl string length on the ansistripped string
method length {} {
if {![llength $o_ansisplits]} {
if {[punk::ansi::ta::detect $o_string]} {
my MakeSplit
} else {
return [string length $o_string]
} elseif {[llength $o_ansisplits] == 1} {
#single split always means no ansi
return string length $o_string
return [string length [join $o_ptlist ""]]
method get {} {
return $o_string
method has_ansi {} {
if {![llength $o_ansisplits]} {
#initial string - for large strings,it's faster to run detect than update the internal split-state.
return [punk::ansi::ta::detect $o_string]
} else {
#string will continue to have a single o_ansisplits element if only non-ansi appended
return [expr {[llength $o_ansisplits] != 1}]
method append {args} {
set catstr [join $args ""]
if {$catstr eq ""} {
return $o_string
if {![punk::ansi::ta::detect $catstr]} {
#ansi-free additions
#if no initial internal-split - generate it without first appending our additions - as we can more efficiently append them to the internal state
if {![llength $o_ansisplits]} {
#initialise o_count because we need to add to it.
#The count method will do this by calling Makesplit only if it needs to. (which will create ansisplits for anything except empty string)
my count
append o_string $catstr;# only append after updating using my count above
if {![llength $o_ptlist]} {
#If the object was initialised with empty string - we can still have empty lists for o_ptlist and o_ansisplits
#even though we can use lset to add to a list - we can't for empty
lappend o_ptlist $catstr
#assert - if o_ptlist is empty so is o_ansisplits
lappend o_ansisplits $catstr
} else {
lset o_ptlist end [string cat [lindex $o_ptlist end] $catstr]
lset o_ansisplits end [string cat [lindex $o_ansisplits end] $catstr]
incr o_count [my DoCount $catstr]
} else {
if {![llength $o_ansisplits]} {
#if we have an initial string - but no internal split-state because this is our first append and no methods have caused its generation - we can run more efficiently by combining it with the first append
append o_string $catstr ;#append before split and count on whole lot
my MakeSplit
set combined_plaintext [join $o_ptlist ""]
set o_count [my DoCount $combined_plaintext]
return $o_string
} else {
#update each element of internal state incrementally without reprocessing what is already there.
append o_string $catstr
set newsplits [punk::ansi::ta::split_codes_single $catstr]
set ptnew ""
foreach {pt code} $newsplits {
lappend o_ptlist $pt
append ptnew $pt
lset o_ansisplits end [string cat [lindex $o_ansisplits end] [lindex $newsplits 0]]
lappend o_ansisplits {*}[lrange $newsplits 1 end]
incr o_count [my DoCount $ptnew]
return $o_string
namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
#*** !doctools
#[subsection {Namespace punk::ansi::ansistring}]
@ -2008,7 +2256,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
namespace path [list ::punk::ansi ::punk::ansi::ta]
namespace ensemble create
namespace export length length1 trim trimleft trimright index VIEW VIEWCODES VIEWSTYLE INDEXABSOLUTE INDEXCOLUMNS COLUMNINDEX
#todo - expose _splits_ methods so caller can work efficiently with the splits themselves
#we need to consider whether these can be agnostic towards splits from split_codes vs split_codes_single
@ -2296,6 +2544,10 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
set debug_visuals [dict merge $visuals_c0 $visuals_c1 $hack]
#for repeated interaction with the same ANSI string - a mechanism to store state is more efficient
proc NEW {string} {
punk::ansi::class::class_ansistring new $string
proc VIEW {args} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun VIEW] [arg string]]
@ -2371,7 +2623,10 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
#test of ISO2047 - 7bit - limited set, limited support, somewhat obscure glyphs
#return [string map [list \033 \U2296 \007 \U237E] $string]
proc VIEWCODES {string} {
proc VIEWCODES {args} {
set string [lindex $args end]
set arglist [lrange $args 0 end-1]
if {$string eq ""} {
return ""
@ -2407,7 +2662,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
set output ""
set splits [punk::ansi::ta::split_codes_single $string]
foreach {pt code} $splits {
append output "$pt"
append output [ansistring VIEW {*}$arglist $pt]
if {[punk::ansi::codetype::is_sgr_reset $code]} {
set displaycode [ansistring VIEW $code]
append output ${whiteb}$displaycode$RST
@ -2506,15 +2761,23 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
return $output
proc length {string} {
#todo - change to COUNT to emphasize the difference between this and doing a Tcl string length on the ansistriped string!
#review. Tabs/elastic tabstops. Do we want to count a tab as one element? Probably so if we are doing so for \n etc and not counting 2W unicode.
#Consider leaving tab manipualation for a width function which determines columns occupied for all such things.
proc COUNT {string} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun length] [arg string]]
#[para]Returns the length of the string without ansi codes
#[call [fun COUNT] [arg string]]
#[para]Returns the count of visible graphemes and non-ansi control characters
#[para]Incomplete! grapheme clustering support not yet implemented - only diacritics are currently clustered to count as one grapheme.
#[para]This will not count strings hidden inside a 'privacy message' or other ansi codes which may have content between their opening escape and their termination sequence.
#[para]This is equivalent to calling string length on the result of stripansi $string
#[para]Note that this returns the number of characters in the payload (after applying combiners), and is not always the same as the width of the string as rendered on a terminal.
#[para]This is not quite equivalent to calling string length on the result of stripansi $string due to diacritics and/or grapheme combinations
#[para]Note that this returns the number of characters in the payload (after applying combiners)
#It is not always the same as the width of the string as rendered on a terminal due to 2wide Unicode characters and the usual invisible control characters such as \r and \n
#[para]To get the width, use punk::ansi::printing_length instead, which is also ansi aware.
#stripping diacritics only makes sense if we are counting them as combiners and also treating unicode grapheme combinations as single entities.
#as Our ansistring index function returns the character with diacritics, and will ultimately return grapheme clusters as a single element - we strip theme here as not counted.
#todo - combiners/diacritics? just map them away here?
set re_diacritics {[\u0300-\u036f]+|[\u1ab0-\u1aff]+|[\u1dc0-\u1dff]+|[\u20d0-\u20ff]+|[\ufe20-\ufe2f]+}
set string [regsub -all $re_diacritics $string ""]
@ -2522,9 +2785,14 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
#we want length to return number of glyphs.. not screen width. Has to be consistent with index function
string length [stripansi $string]
proc length {string} {
string length [stripansi $string]
#included as a test/verification - slightly slower.
#grapheme split version may end up being used once it supports unicode grapheme clusters
proc length2 {string} {
proc count2 {string} {
#we want length to return number of glyphs.. not screen width. Has to be consistent with index function
return [llength [punk::char::grapheme_split [stripansi $string]]]


@ -599,7 +599,6 @@ namespace eval punk::lib {
return $prefix
#test example of the technique - not necessarily particularly useful as a function, except maybe for brevity/clarity. todo - test if inlined version gives any perf advantage compared to a temp var
proc swapnumvars {namea nameb} {
upvar $namea a $nameb b


@ -200,7 +200,31 @@ proc overtype::string_columns {text} {
#These have similar algorithms/requirements - and should be refactored to be argument-wrappers over a function called something like overtype::renderblock
#overtype::renderblock could render the input to a defined (possibly overflowing in x or y) rectangle overlapping the underlay.
#(i.e not even necessariy having it's top left within the underlay)
namespace eval overtype::priv {
#could return larger than colwidth
proc _get_row_append_column {row} {
upvar outputlines outputlines
set idx [expr {$row -1}]
if {$row <= 1 || $row > [llength $outputlines]} {
return 1
} else {
upvar opt_overflow opt_overflow
upvar colwidth colwidth
set existinglen [punk::ansi::printing_length [lindex $outputlines $idx]]
set endpos [expr {$existinglen +1}]
if {$opt_overflow} {
return $endpos
} else {
if {$endpos > $colwidth} {
return $colwidth + 1
} else {
return $endpos
#string range should generally be avoided for both undertext and overtext which contain ansi escapes and other cursor affecting chars such as \b and \r
#render onto an already-rendered (ansi already processed) 'underlay' string, a possibly ansi-laden 'overlay' string.
#The underlay and overlay can be multiline blocks of text of varying line lengths.
@ -233,12 +257,13 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
-transparent 0\
-exposed1 \uFFFD\
-exposed2 \uFFFD\
-experimental 0\
#-ellipsis args not used if -wrap is true
set argsflags [lrange $args 0 end-2]
dict for {k v} $argsflags {
switch -- $k {
-width - -bias - -wrap - -ellipsis - -ellipsistext - -ellipsiswhitespace - -overflow - -appendlines - -transparent - -exposed1 - -exposed2 {}
-width - -bias - -wrap - -ellipsis - -ellipsistext - -ellipsiswhitespace - -overflow - -appendlines - -transparent - -exposed1 - -exposed2 - -experimental {}
default {
set known_opts [dict keys $defaults]
error "overtype::left unknown option '$k'. Known options: $known_opts"
@ -262,6 +287,24 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
set opt_exposed2 [dict get $opts -exposed2] ;#widechar_exposed_right - todo
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
# ----------------------------
# -experimental dev flag to set flags etc
# ----------------------------
set data_mode 0
set test_mode 0
set opt_experimental [dict get $opts -experimental]
foreach o $opt_experimental {
switch -- $o {
test_mode {
set test_mode 1
data_mode {
set data_mode 1
# ----------------------------
set insert_mode 0 ;#can be toggled by insert key or ansi IRM sequence ESC [ 4 h|l
set autowrap_mode $opt_wrap
@ -288,6 +331,15 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
set overlines [split $overblock \n]
if {$test_mode} {
set lflines [list]
foreach ln $overlines {
append ln \n
lappend lflines $ln
lset lflines end [string range [lindex $lflines end] 0 end-1]
set overlines $lflines[unset lflines]
#overblock height/width isn't useful in the presence of an ansi input overlay with movements. The number of lines may bear little relationship to the output height
#lassign [blocksize $overblock] _w overblock_width _h overblock_height
@ -298,15 +350,20 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
set cursor_saved_position [dict create]
set cursor_saved_attributes ""
#underlines are not necessarily processed in order - depending on cursor-moves applied from overtext
set row 1
set prevrow 1
set col 1
set outputlines $underlines
set underlay_resets [list]
set overidx 0
#underlines are not necessarily processed in order - depending on cursor-moves applied from overtext
set prevrow 1
set row 1
if {$data_mode} {
set col [_get_row_append_column $row]
} else {
set col 1
while {$overidx < [llength $overlines]} {
flush stdout
@ -324,7 +381,7 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
#review insert_mode. As an 'overtype' function whose main function is not interactive keystrokes - insert is secondary -
#but even if we didn't want it as an option to the function call - to process ansi adequately we need to support IRM (insertion-replacement mode) ESC [ 4 h|l
set LASTCALL [list -info 1 -insert_mode $insert_mode -autowrap_mode $autowrap_mode -transparent $opt_transparent -width $colwidth -exposed1 $opt_exposed1 -exposed2 $opt_exposed2 -overflow $opt_overflow -cursor_column $col -cursor_row $row $undertext $overtext]
#set LASTCALL [list -info 1 -insert_mode $insert_mode -autowrap_mode $autowrap_mode -transparent $opt_transparent -width $colwidth -exposed1 $opt_exposed1 -exposed2 $opt_exposed2 -overflow $opt_overflow -cursor_column $col -cursor_row $row $undertext $overtext]
set rinfo [renderline -info 1 -insert_mode $insert_mode -autowrap_mode $autowrap_mode -transparent $opt_transparent -width $colwidth -exposed1 $opt_exposed1 -exposed2 $opt_exposed2 -overflow $opt_overflow -cursor_column $col -cursor_row $row $undertext $overtext]
set instruction [dict get $rinfo instruction]
set insert_mode [dict get $rinfo insert_mode]
@ -405,19 +462,34 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
set nextprefix ""
#todo - handle potential insertion mode as above for cursor restore?
#keeping separate branches for debugging - review and merge as appropriate when stable
switch -- $instruction {
{} {
flush stdout
if {$unapplied eq "" && [ansistring length $rendered]} {
#consumed all overlay - no instruction
set col 1
if {$test_mode == 0} {
incr row
if {$data_mode} {
set col [_get_row_append_column $row]
if {$col > $colwidth} {
} else {
set col 1
} else {
set col 1
incr row
#lf included in data
set row $post_render_row
if {$post_render_row != $renderedrow} {
if {$data_mode} {
set col [_get_row_append_column $row]
} else {
set col 1
} else {
set col $post_render_col
up {
@ -434,7 +506,22 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
#puts stdout "1 row:$row col $col"
set row $post_render_row
set col $post_render_col
#data_mode (naming?) determines if we move to end of existing data or not.
#data_mode 0 means ignore existing line length and go to exact column
#set by -experimental flag
if {$data_mode == 0} {
set col $post_render_col
} else {
#This doesn't really work if columns are pre-filled with spaces..we can't distinguish them from data
#we need renderline to return the number of the maximum column filled (or min if we ever do r-to-l)
set existingdata [lindex $outputlines [expr {$post_render_row -1}]]
set lastdatacol [punk::ansi::printing_length $existingdata]
if {$lastdatacol < $colwidth} {
set col [expr {$lastdatacol+1}]
} else {
set col $colwidth
#puts stdout "2 row:$row col $col"
#puts stdout "-----------------------"
@ -442,18 +529,38 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
#flush stdout
down {
#renderline doesn't know how far down we can go..
if {$post_render_row > [llength $outputlines]} {
if {$opt_appendlines} {
set diff [expr {$post_render_row - [llength $outputlines]}]
if {$diff > 0} {
lappend outputlines {*}[lrepeat $diff ""]
if {$data_mode == 0} {
#renderline doesn't know how far down we can go..
if {$post_render_row > [llength $outputlines]} {
if {$opt_appendlines} {
set diff [expr {$post_render_row - [llength $outputlines]}]
if {$diff > 0} {
lappend outputlines {*}[lrepeat $diff ""]
lappend outputlines ""
set row $post_render_row
set col $post_render_col
} else {
if {$post_render_row > [llength $outputlines]} {
if {$opt_appendlines} {
set diff [expr {$post_render_row - [llength $outputlines]}]
if {$diff > 0} {
lappend outputlines {*}[lrepeat $diff ""]
lappend outputlines ""
lappend outputlines ""
set existingdata [lindex $outputlines [expr {$post_render_row -1}]]
set lastdatacol [punk::ansi::printing_length $existingdata]
if {$lastdatacol < $colwidth} {
set col [expr {$lastdatacol+1}]
} else {
set col $colwidth
set row $post_render_row
set col $post_render_col
restore_cursor {
#testfile belinda.ans uses this
@ -513,16 +620,27 @@ proc overtype::left {args} {
#overflow + unapplied?
newlines_above {
#renderline doesn't advance the row for us - the caller has the choice to implement or not
set row $post_render_row
set col $post_render_col
if {$new_lines_above > 0} {
set outputlines [linsert $outputlines $row [lrepeat $new_lines_above ""]]
incr row $new_lines_above ;#we should end up on the same line of text (at a different index), with new empties inserted above
if {$insert_lines_above > 0} {
set row $renderedrow
set outputlines [linsert $outputlines $renderedrow-1 {*}[lrepeat $insert_lines_above ""]]
incr row $insert_lines_above ;#we should end up on the same line of text (at a different index), with new empties inserted above
#? set row $post_render_row #can renderline tell us?
newlines_below {
puts newlines_below
puts --->nl_below
set row $post_render_row
set col $post_render_col
if {$insert_lines_below == 1} {
set row $renderedrow
set outputlines [linsert $outputlines [expr {$renderedrow}] {*}[lrepeat $insert_lines_below ""]] ;#note - linsert can add to end too
incr row $insert_lines_below
set col 1
wrapmoveforward {
#doesn't seem to be used by fruit.ans testfile
@ -1365,6 +1483,10 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
g {
set ch $item
incr idx_over; #idx_over (until unapplied reached anyway) is per *grapheme* in the overlay - not per col.
if {($idx < ($opt_colstart -1))} {
incr idx [grapheme_width_cached $ch]
set within_undercols [expr {$idx <= [llength $undercols]-1}] ;#within our active data width
@ -1414,9 +1536,8 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
if {($idx < ($opt_colstart -1))} {
incr idx
} elseif {($do_transparency && [regexp $opt_transparent $ch])} {
if {($do_transparency && [regexp $opt_transparent $ch])} {
#todo - move this branch of the if
#pre opt_colstart is effectively transparent (we have applied padding of required number of columns to left of overlay)
if {$idx > [llength $outcols]-1} {
lappend outcols " "
@ -1479,6 +1600,7 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
} else {
set chtest [string map [list \n <lf> \b <bs> \r <cr> \v <vt> \x7f <del>] $ch]
#specials - each shoud have it's own test of what to do if it happens after overflow_idx reached
switch -- $chtest {
"<lf>" {
if 1 {
@ -1488,6 +1610,13 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
#leave the overflow_idx
set insert_lines_above 1 ;#keep for consistency with ansi sequence that requests insertion of line(s)?
set instruction newlines_above
#idx_over already incremented
priv::render_unapplied $overlay_grapheme_control_list $gci
} elseif {$idx > $overflow_idx} {
incr cursor_row
} else {
#linefeed occurred in middle or at end of text
incr cursor_row
@ -1495,13 +1624,11 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
set overflow_idx $idx
set insert_lines_below 1
set instruction newlines_below
#idx_over already incremented
priv::render_unapplied $overlay_grapheme_control_list $gci
#idx_over already incremented
priv::render_unapplied $overlay_grapheme_control_list $gci
} else {
@ -1670,6 +1797,8 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
} ;# end switch
other {
set code $item
@ -1814,12 +1943,6 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
if {$num eq ""} {set num 1}
incr cursor_row -$num
#if {$overflow_idx != -1} {
# if {$idx == $overflow_idx} {
# #compensate for linefeed
# incr cursor_row
# }
if {$cursor_row < 1} {
set cursor_row 1
@ -1837,17 +1960,6 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
if {$num eq ""} {set num 1}
incr cursor_row $num
#if {$overflow_idx != -1} {
# if {$idx == $overflow_idx} {
# #incr cursor_row -1
# if {$cursor_row == $row_before_move} {
# if {!$opt_overflow} {
# #allow other controls to be processed or next grapheme to overflow
# continue
# }
# }
# }
incr idx_over ;#idx_over hasn't encountered a grapheme and hasn't advanced yet
priv::render_unapplied $overlay_grapheme_control_list $gci
