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split winpath funcs to own tm, win-dos-device path fixes for illegal windows pathnames, dirfiles colourised display of these paths

Julian Noble 2 years ago
  1. 241
  2. 5
  3. 273
  4. 3


@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ namespace eval ::repl {
variable running 0
package require punk::config
package require punk::winpath ;# for windows paths - but has functions that can be called on unix systems
namespace eval punk {
interp alias {} purelist {} lreplace x 0 0 ;#required by pipe system
@ -4604,76 +4605,6 @@ namespace eval punk {
#review - is this intended to be useful/callable on non-windows platforms?
#it should in theory be useable from another platform that wants to create a path for use on windows.
proc winpath {path} {
#NOTE: tcl file exists gives different answers on windows for paths like /c depending on cwd (presumably based on file pathtype of volumerelative)
#This is add odds with attempting to navigate on a windows system which has cygwin, wsl etc... It also makes it difficult for functions intended to operate independent of CWD.
#e.g there is potential confusion when there is a c folder on c: drive (c:/c)
#I will attempt to provide a coherent operation for winpath ./ ../ etc , but it may disallow for example; change to /something or /x where these don't match a driveletter or /mnt
#whereas tcl may allow cd to /something if a something folder happens to exist on the current volume based on cwd.
#I think it's preferable to require an explicit driveletter /x or /mnt when using unix-like paths on windows - but practical considerations may prove me wrong..
#It's possible that this function should also ignore the current set of driveletters - and operate completely independent of whether a path actually exists
#This makes it hard to use things like 'file normalize' - which also looks at things like current volume.
#Note for example the results of 'which' grep on windows can produce a path like /c/Users/somewhere/bin/grep
#which tcl's file normalize may change to C:/c/Users or X:/c/Users - based on current volumen. Given that C:/c might exist - this can be problematic in a couple of ways.
#The mixing of unix-like and windows commands on the same machine is a large part of the problem.. but this mix is now common
#convert /c/etc to C:/etc
set re_slash_x_slash {^/([[:alpha:]]){1}/.*}
set re_slash_else {^/([[:alpha:]]*)(.*)}
set volumes [file volumes]
#exclude things like //zipfs:/
set driveletters [list]
foreach v $volumes {
if {[regexp {^([[:alpha:]]){1}:/$} $v _ letter]} {
lappend driveletters $letter
#puts stderr "->$driveletters"
if {[regexp $re_slash_x_slash $path _ letter]} {
#upper case appears to be windows canonical form
set path [string toupper $letter]:/[string range $path 3 end]
} elseif {[regexp {^/mnt|MNT/([[:alpha:]]){1}/.*} $path _ letter]} {
set path [string toupper $letter]:/[string range $path 7 end]
} elseif {[regexp $re_slash_else $path _ firstpart remainder]} {
#could be for example /c or /something/users
if {[string length $firstpart] == 1} {
set letter $firstpart
set path [string toupper $letter]:/
} else {
#attempt to use cygpath helper
if {![catch {
set cygpath [runout -n cygpath -w $path] ;#!
set ::punk::last_run_display [list] ;#hack - review shouldn't really be necessary.. but because we call winpath from ./ - the repl looks for last_run_display
} errM]} {
set path [string map [list "\\" "/"] $cygpath]
} else {
error "Path '$path' does not appear to be in a standard form. For unix-like paths on windows such as /x, x must correspond to a drive letter. Consider installing cygwin's cygpath tool to see if that helps."
#puts stderr "=> $path"
#things like 'which' seem to return a path minus the .exe - so we'll just test the containing folder
#By now file normalize shouldn't do too many shannanigans related to cwd..
#We want it to look at cwd for relative paths.. but we don't consider things like /c/Users to be relative even on windows
if {![file exists [file dirname $path]]} {
set path [file normalize $path]
#may still not exist.. that's ok.
#file normalize may change backslashes to forward slashes.. including things like the special \\?\ prefix which is intended to stop windows api from parsing a name
#2023 - this is ok as //?/ also seems to work.. but it is unclear if that is because Tcl is re-converting to backslashes
if {[punk::winpath_illegalname_test $path]} {
set path [punk::winpath_illegalname_fix $path]
return $path
proc windir {path} {
return [file dirname [punk::winpath $path]]
#environment path as list
@ -4707,9 +4638,12 @@ namespace eval punk {
set a1 [lindex $args 0]
if {$a1 in [list -b -c -d -e -f -h -L -s -S -x -w]} {
set a2 [lindex $args 1]
set attrinfo [file attributes $a2]
if {[dict exists $attrinfo -vfs] && [dict get $attrinfo -vfs] == 1} {
puts stderr "WARNING: external 'test' being called on vfs path. External command will probably not have access to the vfs. Use 'TEST' for Tcl view of vfs mounted filesystems."
if {![catch {
set attrinfo [file attributes $a2]
} errM]} {
if {[dict exists $attrinfo -vfs] && [dict get $attrinfo -vfs] == 1} {
puts stderr "WARNING: external 'test' being called on vfs path. External command will probably not have access to the vfs. Use 'TEST' for Tcl view of vfs mounted filesystems."
tailcall run test {*}$args
@ -4752,11 +4686,11 @@ namespace eval punk {
if {$a1 in $fileops} {
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
#e.g trailing dot or trailing space
if {[punk::winpath_illegalname_test $a2]} {
if {[punk::winpath::illegalname_test $a2]} {
#protect with \\?\ to stop windows api from parsing
#will do nothing if already prefixed with \\?\
set a2 [punk::winpath_illegalname_fix $a2]
set a2 [punk::winpath::illegalname_fix $a2]
@ -4999,7 +4933,7 @@ namespace eval punk {
namespace export help aliases alias nsjoin nsprefix cdwin cdwindir dirfiles dirfiles_dict exitcode winpath windir % pipedata pipecase pipeline pipematch pipeswitch pipeswitchc pipecase linelist linesort inspect list_as_lines is_list_all_in_list is_list_all_ni_list val treemore
namespace export help aliases alias nsjoin nsprefix cdwin cdwindir dirfiles dirfiles_dict exitcode windir % pipedata pipecase pipeline pipematch pipeswitch pipeswitchc pipecase linelist linesort inspect list_as_lines is_list_all_in_list is_list_all_ni_list val treemore
namespace ensemble create
proc hasglobs {str} {
@ -5724,7 +5658,7 @@ namespace eval punk {
return [list_as_lines $displaylist]
#todo - package as navdir
#todo - package as punk::navdir
#todo - in thread
#todo - streaming version
proc dirfiles_dict {{glob ""}} {
@ -5736,7 +5670,7 @@ namespace eval punk {
set ftail [file tail $glob]
if {[string first ? $ftail] >= 0 || [string first * $ftail] >=0} {
#has globchar (we only recognise in tail)
#has globchar (we only recognise as glob in tail)
set location $dirname
set glob $ftail
} else {
@ -5777,15 +5711,30 @@ namespace eval punk {
set files [lsort $files] ;#todo natsort
return [list dirs $dirs hiddendirs $hiddendirs vfs $vfs files $files hiddenfiles $hiddenfiles location $location]
set illegalwinfiles [list]
foreach fname $files {
if {[punk::winpath::illegalname_test $fname]} {
lappend illegalwinfiles $fname
set illegalwindirs [list]
foreach dname $dirs {
if {[punk::winpath::illegalname_test $dname]} {
lappend illegalwindirs $dname
return [list dirs $dirs hiddendirs $hiddendirs vfs $vfs files $files hiddenfiles $hiddenfiles illegalwinfiles $illegalwinfiles illegalwindirs $illegalwindirs location $location]
#todo - color key via repl-telemetry? help command? documentation? or add tag columns as done in namespace listing?
proc dirfiles_dict_as_lines {contents} {
package require overtype
set dirs [dict get $contents dirs]
set hiddendirs [dict get $contents hiddendirs]
set files [dict get $contents files]
set hiddenfiles [dict get $contents hiddenfiles]
set illegalwindirs [dict get $contents illegalwindirs]
set illegalwinfiles [dict get $contents illegalwinfiles]
set vfs [dict get $contents vfs]
set widest [pipedata [list {*}$dirs ""] {lmap v $data {string length $v}} {tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$data}]
@ -5800,25 +5749,37 @@ namespace eval punk {
if {[string length $d]} {
if {$d in $hiddendirs} {
set d1 [a+ cyan]
set d2 [a+]
if {[dict exists $vfs $d]} {
if {$d in $hiddendirs} {
#we could have a hidden dir which is also a vfs.. color will be overridden giving no indicatio of 'hidden' status - REVIEW
#(This situation encountered on windows - even though file attr showed -hidden 0 - the glob with -types hidden returned it.. possibly a tcl glob bug on windows)
#mark it differently for now.. (todo bug report?)
set d1 [a+ red White bold]
set d2 [a+]
if {$d in $illegalwindirs} {
set d1 [a+ red Yellow bold]
} else {
set d1 [a+ green Purple bold]
} else {
set d1 [a+ red bold]
set d2 [a+]
if {$d in $illegalwindirs} {
set d1 [a+ red White bold]
} else {
set d1 [a+ green bold]
} else {
if {$d in $illegalwindirs} {
set d1 [a+ red bold]
if {[string length $f]} {
if {$f in $hiddenfiles} {
set f1 [a+ grey]
set f2 [a+]
set f1 [a+ Purple]
} else {
if {$f in $illegalwinfiles} {
set f1 [a+ red bold]
lappend displaylist $d1[overtype::left $col1 $d]$d2$f1$f$f2
@ -5947,7 +5908,7 @@ namespace eval punk {
if {$platform eq "windows"} {
#unix looking paths like /c/users or /usr/local/etc are reported by tcl as volumerelative.. (as opposed to absolute on unix platforms)
if {[string index $path 0] eq "/"} {
set path_absolute [punk::winpath $path]
set path_absolute [punk::winpath::winpath $path]
#puts stderr "winpath: $path"
} else {
set path_absolute $base/$path
@ -5959,6 +5920,11 @@ namespace eval punk {
} else {
set path_absolute $base/$path
if {$platform eq "windows"} {
if {[punk::winpath::illegalname_test $path_absolute]} {
set path_absolute [punk::winpath::illegalname_fix $path_absolute] ;#add dos-device-prefix protection if not already present
return $path_absolute
#NOTE - as we expect to run other apps (e.g Tk) in the same process, but possibly different threads - we should be careful about use of cd which is per-process not per-thread.
@ -6387,20 +6353,6 @@ namespace eval punk {
return $result
proc cdwin {path} {
set path [punk::winpath $path]
if {$::repl::running} {
repl::term::set_console_title $path
cd $path
proc cdwindir {path} {
set path [punk::winpath $path]
if {$::repl::running} {
repl::term::set_console_title $path
cd [file dirname $path]
#like linelist - but keeps leading and trailing empty lines
#single \n produces {} {}
#the result can be joined to reform the arg if a single arg supplied
@ -6850,47 +6802,6 @@ namespace eval punk {
interp alias {} tmhere {} .= pwd |path> {::tcl::tm::add {*}$data; set path} |> inspect -label added_to_module_path <0/#|
#we don't validate that path is actually illegal because we don't know the full range of such names.
#The caller can apply this to any path.
#don't test for platform here - needs to be callable from any platform for potential passing to windows
proc winpath_illegalname_fix {path} {
if {[file pathtype $path] eq "absolute"} {
set fullpath $path
} else {
set fullpath [pwd]/$path
#For file I/O, the "\\?\" prefix to a path string tells the Windows APIs to disable all string parsing
# and to send the string that follows it straight to the file system.
set protect {\\?}
append protect "\\"
set protect2 "//?/" ;#file normalize may do this - it still works
#don't add extra protect-prefix if already done
if {[string range $path 0 3] in [list $protect $protect2]} {
return $path
return ${protect}$fullpath
#don't test for platform here - needs to be callable from any platform for potential passing to windows
proc winpath_illegalname_test {path} {
set protect "\\\\?\\" ;# value is: \\?\
#todo - test folder segments within path?
#first test if already protected - we return false even if the file would be illegal without the protection!
if {[string range $path 0 3] eq $protect} {
return 0
if {[string index $path end] in [list " " "."]} {
#windows API doesn't handle trailing dots or spaces (silently strips?) - even though such files can be created on NTFS systems (or seen via samba etc)
return 1
#glob chars '* ?' are probably illegal.. but although x*y.txt and x?y.txt don't display properly (* ? replaced with some other glyph)
#- they seem to be readable from cmd and tclsh as is.
# pipe symbol also has glyph substitution and behaves the same e.g a|b.txt
#(at least with encoding system utf-8)
#todo - determine what else constitutes an illegal name according to windows APIs and requires protection
return 0
proc fcat {args} {
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} {
@ -6921,17 +6832,17 @@ namespace eval punk {
set first_non_opt [expr {$last_opt + 1}]
puts stderr "first_non_opt: $first_non_opt"
#puts stderr "first_non_opt: $first_non_opt"
set opts [lrange $args -1 $first_non_opt-1]
set paths [lrange $args $first_non_opt end]
if {![llength $paths]} {
error "Unable to find file in the supplied arguments: $args. Ensure options are all -opt val pairs and that file name(s) follow"
puts stderr "opts: $opts paths: $paths"
#puts stderr "opts: $opts paths: $paths"
set finalpaths [list]
foreach p $paths {
if {[punk::winpath_illegalname_test $p]} {
lappend finalpaths [punk::winpath_illegalname_fix $p]
if {[punk::winpath::illegalname_test $p]} {
lappend finalpaths [punk::winpath::illegalname_fix $p]
} else {
lappend finalpaths $p
@ -6939,6 +6850,37 @@ namespace eval punk {
fileutil::cat {*}$opts {*}$finalpaths
#simplify path with respect to /./ & /../ elements - independent of platform
#NOTE: anomalies in standard tcl processing on windows:
#e.g file normalize {//host} -> c:/host
#file normalize {//host/share} -> //host/share
#To get back to some consistent cross platform behaviour - we will define //something as a root/volume i.e we can't backtrack above it with ..
proc filepath_dotted_minimal {path} {
set path [string map [list \\ /] $path]
set doubleslash1_posn [string first // $path]
if {[punk::winpath::is_dos_device_path $path]} {
} else {
if {$doubleslash1_posn == 0} {
#this is handled differently on different platforms as far as 'file split' is concerned.
#e.g for file split //sharehost/share/path/etc
#e.g on windows: -> //sharehost/share path
#e.g on freebsd: -> / sharehost share path etc
#however..also on windows: file split //sharehost -> / sharehost
#normalize by dropping leading slash before split - and then treating first 2 segments as a root
set normtail [string map [list //]]
set parts [file split [string range $path 1 end]]
set parts [file split $path]
proc filepath_dotted_dirname {path} {
#fileutil::cat except with checking for windows illegal path names (when on windows platform)
interp alias {} fcat {} punk::fcat
@ -7144,13 +7086,6 @@ namespace eval punk {
#leave the winpath related aliases available on all platforms
interp alias {} cdwin {} punk cdwin
interp alias {} cdwindir {} punk cdwindir
interp alias {} winpath {} punk winpath
interp alias {} windir {} punk windir
interp alias {} gs {} git status -sb
interp alias {} gl {} git log --oneline --decorate ;#decorate so stdout consistent with what we see on console


@ -236,12 +236,13 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::cli {
set tpldir [lib::mix_templates_dir]
set fd [open $tpldir/module/ r]; set filedata [read $fd]; close $fd
set filedata [string map [list %pkg% $modulename %year% $year %license% $opt_license] $filedata]
set fd [open $modulefolder/${moduletail}-$ w]
set modulefile $modulefolder/${moduletail}-$
set fd [open $modulefile w]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fd $filedata
close $fd
return [list file $modulefile version $opt_version]
proc make {args} {


@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use 'pmix make' or src/make.tcl to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# (C) 2023
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application punk::winpath 999999.0a1.0
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license BSD
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
##e.g package require frobz
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
namespace eval punk::winpath {
namespace export winpath windir cdwin cdwindir illegalname_fix illegalname_test
#review - is this intended to be useful/callable on non-windows platforms?
#it should in theory be useable from another platform that wants to create a path for use on windows.
#In this case - we shouldn't examine what volumes exist (assume A: .. Z: are valid)
#review zipfs:// other uri schemes?
proc winpath {path} {
#NOTE: tcl file exists gives different answers on windows for paths like /c depending on cwd (presumably based on file pathtype of volumerelative)
#This is add odds with attempting to navigate on a windows system which has cygwin, wsl etc... It also makes it difficult for functions intended to operate independent of CWD.
#e.g there is potential confusion when there is a c folder on c: drive (c:/c)
#I will attempt to provide a coherent operation for winpath ./ ../ etc , but it may disallow for example; change to /something or /x where these don't match a driveletter or /mnt
#whereas tcl may allow cd to /something if a something folder happens to exist on the current volume based on cwd.
#I think it's preferable to require an explicit driveletter /x or /mnt when using unix-like paths on windows - but practical considerations may prove me wrong..
#It's possible that this function should also ignore the current set of driveletters - and operate completely independent of whether a path actually exists
#This makes it hard to use things like 'file normalize' - which also looks at things like current volume.
#Note for example the results of 'which' grep on windows can produce a path like /c/Users/somewhere/bin/grep
#which tcl's file normalize may change to C:/c/Users or X:/c/Users - based on current volumen. Given that C:/c might exist - this can be problematic in a couple of ways.
#The mixing of unix-like and windows commands on the same machine is a large part of the problem.. but this mix is now common
#convert /c/etc to C:/etc
set re_slash_x_slash {^/([[:alpha:]]){1}/.*}
set re_slash_else {^/([[:alpha:]]*)(.*)}
set volumes [file volumes]
#exclude things like //zipfs:/
set driveletters [list]
foreach v $volumes {
if {[regexp {^([[:alpha:]]){1}:/$} $v _ letter]} {
lappend driveletters $letter
#puts stderr "->$driveletters"
if {[regexp $re_slash_x_slash $path _ letter]} {
#upper case appears to be windows canonical form
set path [string toupper $letter]:/[string range $path 3 end]
} elseif {[regexp {^/mnt|MNT/([[:alpha:]]){1}/.*} $path _ letter]} {
set path [string toupper $letter]:/[string range $path 7 end]
} elseif {[regexp $re_slash_else $path _ firstpart remainder]} {
#could be for example /c or /something/users
if {[string length $firstpart] == 1} {
set letter $firstpart
set path [string toupper $letter]:/
} else {
#attempt to use cygpath helper
if {![catch {
set cygpath [runout -n cygpath -w $path] ;#!
set ::punk::last_run_display [list] ;#hack - review shouldn't really be necessary.. but because we call winpath from ./ - the repl looks for last_run_display
} errM]} {
set path [string map [list "\\" "/"] $cygpath]
} else {
error "Path '$path' does not appear to be in a standard form. For unix-like paths on windows such as /x, x must correspond to a drive letter. Consider installing cygwin's cygpath tool to see if that helps."
#puts stderr "=> $path"
#things like 'which' seem to return a path minus the .exe - so we'll just test the containing folder
#By now file normalize shouldn't do too many shannanigans related to cwd..
#We want it to look at cwd for relative paths.. but we don't consider things like /c/Users to be relative even on windows
if {![file exists [file dirname $path]]} {
set path [file normalize $path]
#may still not exist.. that's ok.
#file normalize may change backslashes to forward slashes.. including things like the special \\?\ prefix which is intended to stop windows api from parsing a name
#2023 - this is ok as //?/ also seems to work.. but it is unclear if that is because Tcl is re-converting to backslashes
if {[illegalname_test $path]} {
set path [illegalname_fix $path]
return $path
proc windir {path} {
if {$path eq "~"} {
#as the tilde hasn't been normalized.. we can't assume we're running on the actual platform
return ~/..
return [file dirname [winpath $path]]
#REVIEW high-coupling
proc cdwin {path} {
set path [winpath $path]
if {$::repl::running} {
repl::term::set_console_title $path
cd $path
proc cdwindir {path} {
set path [winpath $path]
if {$::repl::running} {
repl::term::set_console_title $path
cd [file dirname $path]
#\\servername\share etc or \\?\UNC\servername\share etc.
proc is_unc_path {path} {
set path [string map [list \\ /] $path] ;#normalize to forward slashes for testing purposes (and forward slashes seem to be auto-translated by windows anyway)
if {[string first "//" $path] == 0} {
#check for "Dos device path" syntax
if {[string range $path 0 3] in [list "//?/" "//./"]} {
#Note that //./ doesn't appear to be supported in Tcl as at 2023-08 - but //?/ works (except for //?/UNC/Server/share)
if {[string range $path 4 6] eq "UNC"} {
return 1
} else {
#some other Dos device path. Could be a drive which is mapped to a UNC path - but the path itself isn't a unc path
return 0
} else {
#leading double slash and not dos device path syntax
return 1
return 0
#ordinary \\Servername or \\servername\share or \\servername\share\path (or forward-slash equivalent) with no dos device syntax //?/ //./ etc.
proc is_unc_path_plain {path} {
if {[is_unc_path $path]} {
if {![is_dos_device_path]} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
} else {
return 0
#dos device path syntax allows windows api to acces extended-length paths and filenames with illegal path characters such as trailing dots or whitespace
#(can exist on server shares and on NTFS - but standard apps can't access without dos device syntax)
proc is_dos_device_path {path} {
set path [string map [list \\ /] $path] ;#normalize to forward slashes for testing purposes (and forward slashes seem to be auto-translated by windows anyway)
if {[string range $path 0 3] in [list "//?/" "//./"]} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
#we don't validate that path is actually illegal because we don't know the full range of such names.
#The caller can apply this to any path.
#don't test for platform here - needs to be callable from any platform for potential passing to windows
proc illegalname_fix {path} {
#don't add extra dos device path syntax protection-prefix if already done
if {[is_dos_device_path $path]} {
return $path
#\\servername\share theoretically maps to: \\?\UNC\servername\share in protected form.
#NOTE: 2023-08 on windows 10 at least \\?\UNC\Server\share doesn't work - ie we can't use illegalname_fix on UNC paths such as \\Server\share
#(but mapped drive to same path will work)
#Note that test-path cmdlet in powershell is also flaky with regards to \\?\UNC\Server paths.
#It seems prudent for now to disallow \\?\ protection for UNC paths such as \\server\etc
if {[is_unc_path $path]} {
set err ""
append err "illegalname_fix doesn't currently support UNC paths (non dos device leading double slash or //?/UNC/...)"
append err \n " - because //?/UNC/Servername/share is not supported in Tcl (and only minimally even in powershell) as at 2023. (on windows use mapped drive instead)"
error $err
#Note: path could still have leading double slash if it is a Dos device path: e.g. //?/c:/etc
if {[file pathtype $path] eq "absolute"} {
if {$path eq "~"} {
# non-normalized ~ is classified as absolute
return $path
} else {
set fullpath $path
} else {
set fullpath [pwd]/$path
#For file I/O, the "\\?\" prefix to a path string tells the Windows APIs to disable all string parsing
# and to send the string that follows it straight to the file system.
set protect "\\\\?\\" ;# value is: \\?\ prefix
set protect2 "//?/" ;#file normalize may do this - it still works
#don't use "//./" - not currently supported in Tcl - seems to work in powershell though.
#choose //?/ as normalized version - since likely 'file normalize' will do it anyway, and experimentall, the windows API accepts both REVIEW
return ${protect2}$fullpath
#don't test for platform here - needs to be callable from any platform for potential passing to windows
#we can create files with windows illegal names by using //?/ dos device path syntax - but we need to detect when that is required.
proc illegalname_test {path} {
#first test if already protected - we return false even if the file would be illegal without the protection!
if {[is_dos_device_path $path]} {
return 0
#we need to exclude things like path/.. path/.
foreach seg [file split $path] {
if {$seg in [list . ..]} {
#review - what if there is a folder or file that actually has a name such as . or .. ?
#unlikely in normal use - but could done deliberately for bad reasons?
#We are unable to check for it here anyway - as this command is intended for checking the path string - not the actual path on a filesystem.
#/./ /../ segments don't require protection - keep checking.
#only check for actual space as other whitespace seems to work without being stripped
#trailing tab and trailing \n or \r seem to be creatable in windows with Tcl - map to some glyph
if {[string index $seg end] in [list " " "."]} {
#windows API doesn't handle trailing dots or spaces (silently strips) - even though such files can be created on NTFS systems (or seen via samba etc)
return 1
#glob chars '* ?' are probably illegal.. but although x*y.txt and x?y.txt don't display properly (* ? replaced with some other glyph)
#- they seem to be readable from cmd and tclsh as is.
# pipe symbol also has glyph substitution and behaves the same e.g a|b.txt
#(at least with encoding system utf-8)
#todo - determine what else constitutes an illegal name according to windows APIs and requires protection with dos device syntax
return 0
#leave the winpath related aliases available on all platforms
interp alias {} cdwin {} punk::winpath::cdwin
interp alias {} cdwindir {} punk::winpath::cdwindir
interp alias {} winpath {} punk::winpath::winpath
interp alias {} windir {} punk::winpath::windir
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide punk::winpath [namespace eval punk::winpath {
variable version
set version 999999.0a1.0


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#First line must be a semantic version number
#all other lines are ignored.