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ansi colour,textblock::table,textblock::frame, and repl fixes

Julian Noble 7 months ago
  1. 67
  2. 412
  3. 4
  4. 50
  5. 1083

src/modules/ → src/modules/

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
package provide oolib [namespace eval oolib {
variable version
set version 0.1.1
set version 0.1.2
namespace eval oolib {
oo::class create collection {
variable o_data ;#dict
variable o_alias
#variable o_alias
constructor {} {
set o_data [dict create]
@ -103,37 +103,38 @@ namespace eval oolib {
#review - see patternlib. Is the intention for aliases to be configurable independent of whether the target exists?
method alias {newAlias existingKeyOrAlias} {
if {[string is integer -strict $newAlias]} {
error "[self object] collection key alias cannot be integer"
if {[string length $existingKeyOrAlias]} {
set o_alias($newAlias) $existingKeyOrAlias
} else {
unset o_alias($newAlias)
method aliases {{key ""}} {
if {[string length $key]} {
set result [list]
foreach {n v} [array get o_alias] {
if {$v eq $key} {
lappend result $n $v
return $result
} else {
return [array get o_alias]
#if the supplied index is an alias, return the underlying key; else return the index supplied.
method realKey {idx} {
if {[catch {set o_alias($idx)} key]} {
return $idx
} else {
return $key
#review - what is the point of alias anyway? - why slow down other operations when a variable can hold a keyname perfectly well?
#method alias {newAlias existingKeyOrAlias} {
# if {[string is integer -strict $newAlias]} {
# error "[self object] collection key alias cannot be integer"
# }
# if {[string length $existingKeyOrAlias]} {
# set o_alias($newAlias) $existingKeyOrAlias
# } else {
# unset o_alias($newAlias)
# }
#method aliases {{key ""}} {
# if {[string length $key]} {
# set result [list]
# foreach {n v} [array get o_alias] {
# if {$v eq $key} {
# lappend result $n $v
# }
# }
# return $result
# } else {
# return [array get o_alias]
# }
##if the supplied index is an alias, return the underlying key; else return the index supplied.
#method realKey {idx} {
# if {[catch {set o_alias($idx)} key]} {
# return $idx
# } else {
# return $key
# }
method add {value key} {
if {[string is integer -strict $key]} {
error "[self object] collection key must not be an integer. Use another structure if integer keys required"


@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::class {
#overflow is a different concept - perhaps not particularly congruent with the idea of the textblock as a mini terminal emulator.
#overflow effectively auto-expands the block(terminal?) width
#overflow and wrap both being true won't make sense unless we implement a max_overflow concept
set o_rendered [overtype::left -overflow 0 -wrap 1 -width $w -height $h -appendlines 1 "" [$o_ansistringobj get]]
set o_rendered [overtype::renderspace -overflow 0 -wrap 1 -width $w -height $h -appendlines 1 "" [$o_ansistringobj get]]
if {$cksum eq "not-done"} {
#if dimensions changed - the checksum won't have been done
set o_rendered_what [$o_ansistringobj checksum]
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::class {
set o_dimensions $dimensions
set rendered [overtype::left -experimental {test_mode} -overflow 0 -wrap 1 -width $w -height $h -appendlines 1 "" [$o_ansistringobj get]]
set rendered [overtype::renderspace -experimental {test_mode} -overflow 0 -wrap 1 -width $w -height $h -appendlines 1 "" [$o_ansistringobj get]]
return $rendered
method render_to_input_line {args} {
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::class {
if {$opt_minus ne "0"} {
set chunk [string range $chunk 0 end-$opt_minus]
set rendered [overtype::left -experimental {test_mode} -overflow 0 -wrap 1 -width $w -height $h -appendlines 1 "" $chunk]
set rendered [overtype::renderspace -experimental {test_mode} -overflow 0 -wrap 1 -width $w -height $h -appendlines 1 "" $chunk]
set marker ""
for {set i 1} {$i <= $w} {incr i} {
if {$i % 10 == 0} {
@ -190,13 +190,13 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::class {
set xline [lindex $rlines $x]\n
set xlinev [ansistring VIEWSTYLE $xline]
set xlinev [string map $maplf $xlinev]
set xlinedisplay [overtype::left -wrap 1 -width $w -height 1 "" $xlinev]
set xlinedisplay [overtype::renderspace -wrap 1 -width $w -height 1 "" $xlinev]
::append rendered \n $xlinedisplay
set chunk [ansistring VIEWSTYLE $chunk]
set chunk [string map $maplf $chunk]
#keep chunkdisplay narrower - leave at 80 or it will get unwieldy for larger image widths
set chunkdisplay [overtype::left -wrap 1 -width 80 -height 1 "" $chunk]
set chunkdisplay [overtype::renderspace -wrap 1 -width 80 -height 1 "" $chunk]
set renderheight [llength [split $rendered \n]]
set chunkdisplay_lines [split $chunkdisplay \n]
set chunkdisplay_tail [lrange $chunkdisplay_lines end-$renderheight end]
@ -215,14 +215,87 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::class {
method viewlines {} {
return [ansistring VIEW [$o_ansistringobj get]]
method viewcodes {} {
return [ansistring VIEWCODES [$o_ansistringobj get]]
method viewcodes {args} {
set defaults [list\
-lf 0\
-vt 0\
-width "auto"\
foreach {k v} $args {
switch -- $k {
-lf - -vt - -width {}
default {
error "viewcodes unrecognised option '$k'. Known options [dict keys $defaults]"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
set opts_lf [dict get $opts -lf]
set opts_vt [dict get $opts -vt]
set opts_width [dict get $opts -width]
if {$opts_width eq ""} {
return [ansistring VIEWCODES -lf $opts_lf -vt $opts_vt [$o_ansistringobj get]]
} elseif {$opts_width eq "auto"} {
lassign [punk::console::get_size] _cols columns _rows rows
set displaycols [expr {$columns -4}] ;#review
return [overtype::renderspace -width $displaycols -wrap 1 "" [ansistring VIEWCODES -lf $opts_lf -vt $opts_vt [$o_ansistringobj get]]]
} elseif {[string is integer -strict $opts_width] && $opts_width > 0} {
return [overtype::renderspace -width $opts_width -wrap 1 "" [ansistring VIEWCODES -lf $opts_lf -vt $opts_vt [$o_ansistringobj get]]]
} else {
error "viewcodes unrecognised value for -width. Try auto or a positive integer"
method viewchars {} {
return [punk::ansi::stripansiraw [$o_ansistringobj get]]
method viewchars {args} {
set defaults [list\
-width "auto"\
foreach {k v} $args {
switch -- $k {
-width {}
default {
error "viewchars unrecognised option '$k'. Known options [dict keys $defaults]"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
set opts_width [dict get $opts -width]
if {$opts_width eq ""} {
return [punk::ansi::stripansiraw [$o_ansistringobj get]]
} elseif {$opts_width eq "auto"} {
lassign [punk::console::get_size] _cols columns _rows rows
set displaycols [expr {$columns -4}] ;#review
return [overtype::renderspace -width $displaycols -wrap 1 "" [punk::ansi::stripansiraw [$o_ansistringobj get]]]
} elseif {[string is integer -strict $opts_width] && $opts_width > 0} {
return [overtype::renderspace -width $opts_width -wrap 1 "" [punk::ansi::stripansiraw [$o_ansistringobj get]]]
} else {
error "viewchars unrecognised value for -width. Try auto or a positive integer"
method viewstyle {} {
return [ansistring VIEWSTYLE [$o_ansistringobj get]]
method viewstyle {args} {
set defaults [list\
-width "auto"\
foreach {k v} $args {
switch -- $k {
-width {}
default {
error "viewstyle unrecognised option '$k'. Known options [dict keys $defaults]"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
set opts_width [dict get $opts -width]
if {$opts_width eq ""} {
return [ansistring VIEWSTYLE [$o_ansistringobj get]]
} elseif {$opts_width eq "auto"} {
lassign [punk::console::get_size] _cols columns _rows rows
set displaycols [expr {$columns -4}] ;#review
return [overtype::renderspace -width $displaycols -wrap 1 "" [ansistring VIEWSTYLE [$o_ansistringobj get]]]
} elseif {[string is integer -strict $opts_width] && $opts_width > 0} {
return [overtype::renderspace -width $opts_width -wrap 1 "" [ansistring VIEWSTYLE [$o_ansistringobj get]]]
} else {
error "viewstyle unrecognised value for -width. Try auto or a positive integer"
method append_noreturn {ansistring} {
$o_ansistringobj append $ansistring
@ -456,7 +529,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
set ansidata [fcat -encoding $encoding $fname]
set obj [punk::ansi::class::class_ansi new $ansidata]
if {$test_mode} {
if {$encoding eq "cp437"} {
set result [$obj rendertest $dimensions]
} else {
set result [$obj render $dimensions]
@ -600,7 +673,6 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
#[para]Alternate graphics modes will be stripped - exposing the raw characters as they appear without graphics mode.
#[para]ie instead of a horizontal line you may see: qqqqqq
join [::punk::ansi::ta::split_at_codes $text] ""
proc stripansi1 {text} {
@ -1061,7 +1133,7 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
@ -1459,7 +1531,9 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
append out [a]
return [string trimleft $out \n]
proc colourtable_216_names {} {
#x6 is reasonable from a width (124 screen cols) and colour viewing perspective
proc colourtable_216_names {{cols 6}} {
set out ""
#use the reverse lookup dict - the original xterm_names list has duplicates - we want the disambiguated (potentially suffixed) names
variable TERM_colour_map_reverse
@ -1470,7 +1544,7 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
$t configure -show_seps 0 -show_edge 0
for {set i 16} {$i <=231} {incr i} {
set cname [dict get $TERM_colour_map_reverse $i] ;#use term-cname etc instead of term$i - may as well let a+ cache the call by name as the preferred? option
if {[llength $row]== 8} {
if {[llength $row]== $cols} {
lappend rows $row
set row [list]
@ -1492,6 +1566,112 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
append out [a]
return [string trimleft $out \n]
proc colourtable_term_pastel {} {
set out ""
set rows [list]
lappend rows {59 95 131 167 174 181 188}
lappend rows {59 95 131 173 180 187 188}
lappend rows {59 95 137 179 186 187 188}
lappend rows {59 101 143 185 186 187 188}
lappend rows {59 65 107 149 186 187 188}
lappend rows {59 65 71 113 150 187 188}
lappend rows {59 65 71 77 114 151 188}
lappend rows {59 65 71 78 115 152 188}
lappend rows {59 65 72 79 116 152 188}
lappend rows {59 66 73 80 116 152 188}
lappend rows {59 60 67 74 116 152 188}
lappend rows {59 60 61 68 110 152 188}
lappend rows {59 60 61 62 104 146 188}
lappend rows {59 60 61 98 140 182 188}
lappend rows {59 60 97 134 176 182 188}
lappend rows {59 96 133 170 176 182 188}
lappend rows {59 95 132 169 176 182 188}
lappend rows {59 95 131 168 175 182 188}
set t [textblock::class::table new]
$t configure -show_seps 0 -show_edge 0
set fg "web-black"
foreach r $rows {
set rowcells [list]
foreach cnum $r {
lappend rowcells "[a+ $fg Term-$cnum][format %3s $cnum] "
$t add_row $rowcells
append out [$t print]
$t destroy
set pastel8 [list 102 138 144 108 109 103 139 145]
set p8 ""
foreach cnum $pastel8 {
append p8 "[a+ $fg Term-$cnum][format %3s $cnum] "
append p8 [a]\n
append out \n $p8
return $out
proc colourtable_term_rainbow {} {
set out ""
set rows [list]
set fgwhite [list 16 52 88 124 160 22 17 18 19 20 21 57 56 93 55 92 54 91 53 90 89 126 88 125 124 160]
lappend rows {16 52 88 124 160 196 203 210 217 224 231}
lappend rows {16 52 88 124 160 202 209 216 223 230 231}
lappend rows {16 52 88 124 166 208 215 222 229 230 231}
lappend rows {16 52 88 130 172 214 221 228 229 230 231}
lappend rows {16 52 94 136 178 220 227 227 228 230 231}
lappend rows {16 58 100 142 184 226 227 228 228 230 231}
lappend rows {16 22 64 106 148 190 227 228 229 230 231}
lappend rows {16 22 28 70 112 154 191 228 229 230 231}
lappend rows {16 22 28 34 76 118 155 192 229 230 231}
lappend rows {16 22 28 34 40 82 119 156 193 230 231}
lappend rows {16 22 28 34 40 46 83 120 157 194 231}
lappend rows {16 22 28 34 40 47 84 121 158 195 231}
lappend rows {16 22 28 34 41 48 85 122 158 195 231}
lappend rows {16 22 28 35 42 49 86 123 159 195 231}
lappend rows {16 22 29 36 43 50 87 123 159 195 231}
lappend rows {16 23 30 37 44 51 87 123 159 195 231}
lappend rows {16 17 24 31 38 45 87 123 159 195 231}
lappend rows {16 17 18 25 32 39 81 123 159 195 231}
lappend rows {16 17 18 19 26 33 75 117 159 195 231}
lappend rows {16 17 18 19 20 27 69 111 153 195 231}
lappend rows {16 17 18 19 20 21 63 105 147 189 231}
lappend rows {16 17 18 19 20 57 99 141 183 225 231}
lappend rows {16 17 18 19 56 93 135 177 219 225 231}
lappend rows {16 17 18 55 92 129 171 213 219 225 231}
lappend rows {16 17 54 91 128 165 207 213 219 225 231}
lappend rows {16 53 90 127 164 201 207 213 219 225 231}
lappend rows {16 52 89 126 163 200 207 213 219 225 231}
lappend rows {16 52 88 125 162 199 206 213 219 225 231}
lappend rows {16 52 88 124 161 198 205 212 219 225 231}
lappend rows {16 52 88 124 160 197 204 211 218 225 231}
set t [textblock::class::table new]
$t configure -show_seps 0 -show_edge 0
foreach r $rows {
set rowcells [list]
foreach cnum $r {
if {$cnum in $fgwhite} {
set fg "web-white"
} else {
set fg "web-black"
lappend rowcells "[a+ $fg Term-$cnum][format %3s $cnum] "
$t add_row $rowcells
append out [$t print]
$t destroy
return $out
#24 greys of 256
proc colourblock_24 {} {
set out ""
@ -1548,7 +1728,8 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
# $WEB_colour_map_gray\
proc colourtable_web {{groups *}} {
set all_groupnames [list basic pink red orange yellow brown purple blue cyan green white gray]
#set all_groupnames [list basic pink red orange yellow brown purple blue cyan green white gray]
set all_groupnames [list basic brown yellow red pink orange purple blue cyan green white gray]
switch -- $groups {
"" - * {
set show_groups $all_groupnames
@ -1696,7 +1877,7 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
set map2 [colourmap2 $bgname]
set map2 [overtype::centre -transparent 1 $map2 "[a black $bgname]High-intensity colours[a]"]
append out [textblock::join $indent [textblock::join $map1 $map2]] \n
append out "[a+ web-white]216 colours of 256 terminal colours (To see names, use: a? term)[a]" \n
append out "[a+ web-white]216 colours of 256 terminal colours (To see names, use: a? term ?pastel? ?rainbow?)[a]" \n
append out [textblock::join $indent [colourblock_216]] \n
append out "[a+ web-white]24 Greyscale colours[a]" \n
append out [textblock::join $indent [colourblock_24]] \n
@ -1709,6 +1890,7 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
#dict set WEB_colour_map mediumvioletred 199-21-133 ;# #C71585
append out [textblock::join $indent "Example: \[a+ rgb-199-21-133\]text\[a] -> [a+ rgb-199-21-133]text[a]"] \n
append out [textblock::join $indent "Example: \[a+ Rgb#C71585\]text\[a] -> [a+ Rgb#C71585]text[a]"] \n
append out [textblock::join $indent "Examine a sequence: a? bold rgb-46-139-87 Rgb#C71585 "] \n
append out \n
append out "[a+ web-white]Web colours[a]" \n
append out [textblock::join $indent "To see all names use: a? web"] \n
@ -1730,12 +1912,34 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
} else {
switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
term {
set termargs [lrange $args 1 end]
foreach ta $termargs {
switch -- $ta {
pastel - rainbow {}
default {error "unrecognised term option '$ta'. Known values: pastel rainbow"}
set out "16 basic colours\n"
append out [colourtable_16_names] \n
append out "216 colours\n"
append out [colourtable_216_names] \n
append out "24 greyscale colours\n"
append out [colourtable_24_names]
foreach ta $termargs {
switch -- $ta {
pastel {
append out \n
append out "Pastel Colour Space (punk::ansi::colourtable_term_pastel)\n"
append out [colourtable_term_pastel]
rainbow {
append out \n
append out "Rainbow Colours (punk::ansi::colourtable_term_rainbow)\n"
append out [colourtable_term_rainbow]
append out "\nNote: The 256 term colours especially 0-15 may be altered by terminal pallette settings or ansi OSC 4 codes, so specific RGB values are unavailable"
return $out
web {
@ -1748,20 +1952,130 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
return $out
set result [list]
set map [dict merge $SGR_setting_map $SGR_colour_map]
set rmap [lreverse $map]
variable WEB_colour_map
variable X11_colour_map
variable TERM_colour_map
variable TERM_colour_map_reverse
variable SGR_map
set t [textblock::class::table new]
$t configure -show_edge 0 -show_seps 1 -show_header 0
set resultlist [list]
foreach i $args {
if {[string is integer -strict $i]} {
if {[dict exists $rmap $i]} {
lappend result $i [dict get $rmap $i]
set f4 [string range $i 0 3]
set s [a+ $i]sample
switch -- $f4 {
web- - Web- - WEB- {
set tail [string tolower [string trim [string range $i 4 end] -]]
if {[dict exists $WEB_colour_map $tail]} {
set dec [dict get $WEB_colour_map $tail]
set hex [colour_dec2hex $dec]
set descr "$hex $dec"
} else {
set descr "UNKNOWN colour for web"
$t add_row [list $i $descr $s [ansistring VIEW $s]]
} else {
if {[dict exists $map $i]} {
lappend result $i [dict get $map $i]
term - Term {
set tail [string trim [string range $i 4 end] -]
if {[string is integer -strict $tail]} {
if {$tail < 256} {
set descr "[dict get $TERM_colour_map_reverse $tail]"
} else {
set descr "Invalid (> 255)"
} else {
set tail [string tolower $tail]
if {[dict exists $TERM_colour_map $tail]} {
set descr [dict get $TERM_colour_map $tail]
} else {
set descr "UNKNOWN colour for term"
$t add_row [list $i $descr $s [ansistring VIEW $s]]
x11- - X11- {
set tail [string tolower [string trim [string range $i 4 end] -]]
if {[dict exists $X11_colour_map $tail]} {
set dec [dict get $X11_colour_map $tail]
set hex [colour_dec2hex $dec]
set descr "$hex $dec"
} else {
set descr "UNKNOWN colour for x11"
$t add_row [list $i $descr $s [ansistring VIEW $s]]
rgb- - Rgb- - RGB- -
rgb0 - rgb1 - rgb2 - rgb3 - rgb4 - rgb5 - rgb6 - rgb7 - rgb8 - rgb9 -
Rgb0 - Rgb1 - Rgb2 - Rgb3 - Rgb4 - Rgb5 - Rgb6 - Rgb7 - Rgb8 - Rgb9 -
RGB0 - RGB1 - RGB2 - RGB3 - RGB4 - RGB5 - RGB6 - RGB7 - RGB8 - RGB9 -
rgb# - Rgb# - RGB# {
if {[string index $i 3] eq "#"} {
set tail [string range $i 4 end]
set hex $tail
set dec [colour_hex2dec $hex]
set info $dec ;#show opposite type as first line of info col
} else {
set tail [string trim [string range $i 3 end] -]
set dec $tail
set hex [colour_dec2hex $dec]
set info $hex
set webcolours_i [lsearch -all $WEB_colour_map $dec]
set webcolours [list]
foreach ci $webcolours_i {
lappend webcolours [lindex $WEB_colour_map $ci-1]
set x11colours [list]
set x11colours_i [lsearch -all $X11_colour_map $dec]
foreach ci $x11colours_i {
set c [lindex $X11_colour_map $ci-1]
if {$c ni $webcolours} {
lappend x11colours $c
foreach c $webcolours {
append info \n web-$c
foreach c $x11colours {
append info \n x11-$c
$t add_row [list $i "$info" $s [ansistring VIEW $s]]
default {
if {[string is integer -strict $i]} {
set rmap [lreverse $SGR_map]
$t add_row [list $i "SGR [dict get $rmap $i]" $s [ansistring VIEW $s]]
} else {
if {[dict exists $SGR_map $i]} {
$t add_row [list $i "SGR [dict get $SGR_map $i]" $s [ansistring VIEW $s]]
} else {
$t add_row [list $i UNKNOWN $s [ansistring VIEW $s]]
set ansi [a+ {*}$args]
set s ${ansi}sample
set merged [punk::ansi::codetype::sgr_merge_singles [list $ansi]]
set s2 ${merged}sample
#lappend resultlist "RESULT: [a+ {*}$args]sample[a]"
$t add_row [list RESULT "" $s [ansistring VIEW $s]]
if {$ansi ne $merged} {
if {[string length $merged] < [string length $ansi]} {
#only refer to redundancies if shorter - merge may reorder - REVIEW
set warning "[a+ web-red Web-yellow]REDUNDANCIES FOUND"
} else {
set warning ""
$t add_row [list MERGED $warning $s2 [ansistring VIEW $s2]]
set result [$t print]
$t destroy
return $result
@ -1788,13 +2102,33 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
set sgr_cache [dict create]
return "sgr_cache cleared"
if {[catch {
set termwidth [dict get [punk::console::get_size] columns]
} errM]} {
set termwidth 80
set termwidth [expr [$termwidth -3]]
set out ""
set linelen 0
set RST [a]
set lines [list]
set line ""
#todo - terminal width? table?
dict for {key ansi} $sgr_cache {
append out "$ansi$key$RST "
set thislen [expr {[string length $key]+1}]
if {$linelen + $thislen >= $termwidth-1} {
lappend lines $line
set line "$ansi$key$RST "
set linelen $thislen
} else {
append line "$ansi$key$RST "
incr linelen $thislen
return $out\n
if {[string length $line]} {
lappend lines $line
return [join $lines \n]
proc a+ {args} {
@ -1922,7 +2256,7 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
switch -- $i {
Brightblack {lappend t 100}
Brightred {lappend t 101}
Brightgreen {lappend t 101}
Brightgreen {lappend t 102}
Brightyellow {lappend t 103}
Brightblue {lappend t 104}
Brightpurple {lappend t 105}
@ -2154,7 +2488,7 @@ Brightblack 100 Brightred 101 Brightgreen 102 Brightyellow 103 Brightblu
switch -- $i {
Brightblack {lappend t 100}
Brightred {lappend t 101}
Brightgreen {lappend t 101}
Brightgreen {lappend t 102}
Brightyellow {lappend t 103}
Brightblue {lappend t 104}
Brightpurple {lappend t 105}
@ -2953,10 +3287,11 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
set defaults [dict create\
-filter_fg 0\
-filter_bg 0\
-filter_reset 0\
dict for {k v} $args {
switch -- $k {
-filter_fg - -filter_bg {}
-filter_fg - -filter_bg - -filter_reset {}
default {
error "sgr_merge unknown option '$k'. Known options [dict keys $defaults]"
@ -3015,8 +3350,10 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
set codeint [string trimleft [lindex $paramsplit 0] 0]
switch -- $codeint {
"" - 0 {
set codestate $codestate_initial
set did_reset 1
if {![dict get $opts -filter_reset]} {
set codestate $codestate_initial
set did_reset 1
1 {
@ -3086,7 +3423,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
21 {
#ECMA-48 double underline - some terminals use as not-bold. For now we won't support that.
dict set doubleunderline 21
dict set codestate doubleunderline 21
22 {
#normal intensity
@ -4866,9 +5203,12 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
if {$opt_cr} {
dict set visuals_opt CR [list \x0d \u240d]
if {$opt_lf} {
if {$opt_lf == 1} {
dict set visuals_opt LF [list \x0a \u240a]
if {$opt_lf == 2} {
dict set visuals_opt LF [list \x0a \u240a\n]
if {$opt_vt} {
dict set visuals_opt VT [list \x0b \u240b]


@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
# -- --- --- ---
set tailinfo ""
if {[string length $nextwaiting]} {
set waitingdisplay [overtype::left -wrap 1 -width 77 -height 1 "" [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $nextwaiting]]
set waitingdisplay [overtype::renderspace -wrap 1 -width 77 -height 1 "" [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $nextwaiting]]
set tailinfo "[a+ red]from waiting:\n $waitingdisplay[a]"
::punk::basictelnet::add_debug "[a+ Yellow black]from stdin sending: [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $chunk][a]\n$tailinfo\n" stdin $sock
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ namespace eval punk::basictelnet {
#set rawview [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 [encoding convertfrom $encoding_guess $data]]
set rawview [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $data]
#set viewblock [overtype::left -wrap 1 -width 78 -height 4 "" $rawview]
set viewblock [overtype::left -experimental test_mode -wrap 1 -width 78 -height 4 "" $rawview]
set viewblock [overtype::renderspace -experimental test_mode -wrap 1 -width 78 -height 4 "" $rawview]
set lines [split $viewblock \n]
if {[llength $lines] > 4} {
append debug_info [join [list {*}[lrange $lines 0 1] "...<[expr {[llength $lines] -4}] lines undisplayed>..." {*}[lrange $lines end-1 end]] \n]


@ -658,6 +658,7 @@ proc repl::start {inchan args} {
variable editbuf
variable editbuf_list ;#command history
variable editbuf_linenum_submitted
variable editbuf_active_index
# ---
variable running
@ -681,6 +682,7 @@ proc repl::start {inchan args} {
set editbuf [punk::repl::class::class_editbuf new {}]
lappend editbuf_list $editbuf ;#current editbuf is always in the history
set editbuf_linenum_submitted 0
set editbuf_active_index 0
# ---
if {$::punk::console::ansi_wanted == 2} {
@ -1050,6 +1052,11 @@ namespace eval repl {
namespace eval punk::repl::class {
oo::class create class_bufman {
#multiline editing buffer
oo::class create class_editbuf {
variable o_context
@ -1157,7 +1164,7 @@ namespace eval punk::repl::class {
append debug \n $mergedinfo
append debug \n "input:[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $new0] before row:$o_cursor_row after row: $result_row before col:$o_cursor_col after col:$result_col"
package require textblock
set debug [textblock::frame $debug]
set debug [textblock::frame -buildcache 0 $debug]
catch {punk::console::move_emitblock_return $debug_first_row 1 $debug}
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -1222,7 +1229,7 @@ namespace eval punk::repl::class {
append debug \n $mergedinfo
append debug \n "input:[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $p]"
package require textblock
set debug [textblock::frame $debug]
set debug [textblock::frame -buildcache 0 $debug]
#catch {punk::console::move_emitblock_return [expr {$debug_first_row + ($i * 6)}] 1 $debug}
set result [dict get $mergedinfo result]
@ -1682,9 +1689,14 @@ proc repl::repl_handler {inputchan prompt_config} {
set in_repl_handler [list]
proc repl::editbuf {args} {
variable editbuf
$editbuf {*}$args
proc repl::editbuf {index args} {
variable editbuf_list
set editbuf [lindex $editbuf_list $index]
if {$editbuf ne ""} {
$editbuf {*}$args
} else {
return "No such index in editbuf list"
interp alias {} editbuf {} ::repl::editbuf
proc repl::repl_process_data {inputchan type chunk stdinlines prompt_config} {
@ -1873,11 +1885,11 @@ proc repl::repl_process_data {inputchan type chunk stdinlines prompt_config} {
set info [list_as_lines $lines]
} errM]} {
set info [textblock::frame -title "[a red]error[a]" $errM]
set info [textblock::frame -buildcache 0 -title "[a red]error[a]" $errM]
} else {
set info [textblock::frame -ansiborder [a+ green bold] -title "[a cyan]debugview_raw[a]" $info]
set info [textblock::frame -buildcache 0 -ansiborder [a+ green bold] -title "[a cyan]debugview_raw[a]" $info]
set debug_width [textblock::width $info]
set debug_width [textblock::widthtopline $info]
set spacepatch [textblock::block $debug_width 2 " "]
puts -nonewline [punk::ansi::cursor_off]
#use non cursorsave versions - cursor save/restore will interfere with any concurrent ansi rendering that uses save/restore - because save/restore is a single item, not a stack.
@ -1895,16 +1907,16 @@ proc repl::repl_process_data {inputchan type chunk stdinlines prompt_config} {
set info [list_as_lines $lines]
} editbuf_error]} {
set info [textblock::frame -title "[a red]error[a]" "$editbuf_error\n$::errorInfo"]
set info [textblock::frame -buildcache 0 -title "[a red]error[a]" "$editbuf_error\n$::errorInfo"]
} else {
set title "[a cyan]editbuf lines [$editbuf linecount][a]"
set title "[a cyan]editbuf [expr {[llength $editbuf_list]-1}] lines [$editbuf linecount][a]"
append title "[a+ yellow bold] col:[format %3s [$editbuf cursor_column]] row:[$editbuf cursor_row][a]"
set row1 " lastchar:[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 [$editbuf last_char]] lastgrapheme:[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 [$editbuf last_grapheme]]"
set row2 " lastansi:[ansistring VIEW -lf 1 [$editbuf last_ansi]]"
set info [a+ green bold]$row1\n$row2[a]\n$info
set info [textblock::frame -ansiborder [a+ green bold] -title $title $info]
set info [textblock::frame -buildcache 0 -ansiborder [a+ green bold] -title $title $info]
set editbuf_width [textblock::width $info]
set editbuf_width [textblock::widthtopline $info]
set spacepatch [textblock::block $editbuf_width 2 " "]
set editbuf_offset [expr {$consolewidth - $debug_width - $editbuf_width - 2}]
@ -2475,7 +2487,19 @@ proc repl::repl_process_data {inputchan type chunk stdinlines prompt_config} {
set commandstr ""
#catch {puts stderr "zz2---->[rep $::arglej]"}
set lines [$editbuf lines]
set buf_has_data 0
foreach ln $lines {
if {[string trim $ln] ne ""} {
set buf_has_data 1
if {$buf_has_data} {
set editbufnext [punk::repl::class::class_editbuf new {}]
lappend editbuf_list $editbufnext
set editbuf_linenum_submitted 0
set editbuf $editbufnext
} else {


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