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Julian Noble 2 years ago
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src/deps/ vendored

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# dictutils.tcl --
# Various dictionary utilities.
# Copyright (c) 2007 Neil Madden (
# License: (Tcl-style).
package require Tcl 8.6
package provide dictutils 0.2
namespace eval dictutils {
namespace export equal apply capture witharray nlappend
namespace ensemble create
# dictutils witharray dictVar arrayVar script --
# Unpacks the elements of the dictionary in dictVar into the array
# variable arrayVar and then evaluates the script. If the script
# completes with an ok, return or continue status, then the result is copied
# back into the dictionary variable, otherwise it is discarded. A
# [break] can be used to explicitly abort the transaction.
proc witharray {dictVar arrayVar script} {
upvar 1 $dictVar dict $arrayVar array
array set array $dict
try { uplevel 1 $script
} on break {} { # Discard the result
} on continue result - on ok result {
set dict [array get array] ;# commit changes
return $result
} on return {result opts} {
set dict [array get array] ;# commit changes
dict incr opts -level ;# remove this proc from level
return -options $opts $result
# All other cases will discard the changes and propagage
# dictutils equal equalp d1 d2 --
# Compare two dictionaries for equality. Two dictionaries are equal
# if they (a) have the same keys, (b) the corresponding values for
# each key in the two dictionaries are equal when compared using the
# equality predicate, equalp (passed as an argument). The equality
# predicate is invoked with the key and the two values from each
# dictionary as arguments.
proc equal {equalp d1 d2} {
if {[dict size $d1] != [dict size $d2]} { return 0 }
dict for {k v} $d1 {
if {![dict exists $d2 $k]} { return 0 }
if {![invoke $equalp $k $v [dict get $d2 $k]]} { return 0 }
return 1
# apply dictVar lambdaExpr ?arg1 arg2 ...? --
# A combination of *dict with* and *apply*, this procedure creates a
# new procedure scope populated with the values in the dictionary
# variable. It then applies the lambdaTerm (anonymous procedure) in
# this new scope. If the procedure completes normally, then any
# changes made to variables in the dictionary are reflected back to
# the dictionary variable, otherwise they are ignored. This provides
# a transaction-style semantics whereby atomic updates to a
# dictionary can be performed. This procedure can also be useful for
# implementing a variety of control constructs, such as mutable
# closures.
proc apply {dictVar lambdaExpr args} {
upvar 1 $dictVar dict
set env $dict ;# copy
lassign $lambdaExpr params body ns
if {$ns eq ""} { set ns "::" }
set body [format {
upvar 1 env __env__
dict with __env__ %s
} [list $body]]
set lambdaExpr [list $params $body $ns]
set rc [catch { ::apply $lambdaExpr {*}$args } ret opts]
if {$rc == 0} {
# Copy back any updates
set dict $env
return -options $opts $ret
# capture ?level? ?exclude? ?include? --
# Captures a snapshot of the current (scalar) variable bindings at
# $level on the stack into a dictionary environment. This dictionary
# can later be used with *dictutils apply* to partially restore the
# scope, creating a first approximation of closures. The *level*
# argument should be of the forms accepted by *uplevel* and
# designates which level to capture. It defaults to 1 as in uplevel.
# The *exclude* argument specifies an optional list of literal
# variable names to avoid when performing the capture. No variables
# matching any item in this list will be captured. The *include*
# argument can be used to specify a list of glob patterns of
# variables to capture. Only variables matching one of these
# patterns are captured. The default is a single pattern "*", for
# capturing all visible variables (as determined by *info vars*).
proc capture {{level 1} {exclude {}} {include {*}}} {
if {[string is integer $level]} { incr level }
set env [dict create]
foreach pattern $include {
foreach name [uplevel $level [list info vars $pattern]] {
if {[lsearch -exact -index 0 $exclude $name] >= 0} { continue }
upvar $level $name value
catch { dict set env $name $value } ;# no arrays
return $env
# nlappend dictVar keyList ?value ...?
# Append zero or more elements to the list value stored in the given
# dictionary at the path of keys specified in $keyList. If $keyList
# specifies a non-existent path of keys, nlappend will behave as if
# the path mapped to an empty list.
proc nlappend {dictvar keylist args} {
upvar 1 $dictvar dict
if {[info exists dict] && [dict exists $dict {*}$keylist]} {
set list [dict get $dict {*}$keylist]
lappend list {*}$args
dict set dict {*}$keylist $list
# invoke cmd args... --
# Helper procedure to invoke a callback command with arguments at
# the global scope. The helper ensures that proper quotation is
# used. The command is expected to be a list, e.g. {string equal}.
proc invoke {cmd args} { uplevel #0 $cmd $args }

src/deps/ vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

src/deps/ vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

src/deps/ vendored

@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
package provide patterncmd [namespace eval patterncmd {
variable version
set version 1.2.4
namespace eval pattern {
variable idCounter 1 ;#used by pattern::uniqueKey
namespace eval cmd {
namespace eval util {
package require overtype
variable colwidths_lib [dict create]
variable colwidths_lib_default 15
dict set colwidths_lib "library" [list ch " " num 21 head "|" tail ""]
dict set colwidths_lib "version" [list ch " " num 7 head "|" tail ""]
dict set colwidths_lib "type" [list ch " " num 9 head "|" tail ""]
dict set colwidths_lib "note" [list ch " " num 31 head "|" tail "|"]
proc colhead {type args} {
upvar #0 ::pattern::cmd::util::colwidths_$type colwidths
set line ""
foreach colname [dict keys $colwidths] {
append line "[col $type $colname [string totitle $colname] {*}$args]"
return $line
proc colbreak {type} {
upvar #0 ::pattern::cmd::util::colwidths_$type colwidths
set line ""
foreach colname [dict keys $colwidths] {
append line "[col $type $colname {} -backchar - -headoverridechar + -tailoverridechar +]"
return $line
proc col {type col val args} {
# args -head bool -tail bool ?
set known_opts [list -backchar -headchar -tailchar -headoverridechar -tailoverridechar -justify]
dict set default -backchar ""
dict set default -headchar ""
dict set default -tailchar ""
dict set default -headoverridechar ""
dict set default -tailoverridechar ""
dict set default -justify "left"
if {([llength $args] % 2) != 0} {
error "(pattern::cmd::util::col) ERROR: uneven options supplied - must be of form '-option value' "
foreach {k v} $args {
if {$k ni $known_opts} {
error "((pattern::cmd::util::col) ERROR: option '$k' not in known options: '$known_opts'"
set opts [dict merge $default $args]
set backchar [dict get $opts -backchar]
set headchar [dict get $opts -headchar]
set tailchar [dict get $opts -tailchar]
set headoverridechar [dict get $opts -headoverridechar]
set tailoverridechar [dict get $opts -tailoverridechar]
set justify [dict get $opts -justify]
upvar #0 ::pattern::cmd::util::colwidths_$type colwidths
#calculate headwidths
set headwidth 0
set tailwidth 0
foreach {key def} $colwidths {
set thisheadlen [string length [dict get $def head]]
if {$thisheadlen > $headwidth} {
set headwidth $thisheadlen
set thistaillen [string length [dict get $def tail]]
if {$thistaillen > $tailwidth} {
set tailwidth $thistaillen
set spec [dict get $colwidths $col]
if {[string length $backchar]} {
set ch $backchar
} else {
set ch [dict get $spec ch]
set num [dict get $spec num]
set headchar [dict get $spec head]
set tailchar [dict get $spec tail]
if {[string length $headchar]} {
set headchar $headchar
if {[string length $tailchar]} {
set tailchar $tailchar
#overrides only apply if the head/tail has a length
if {[string length $headchar]} {
if {[string length $headoverridechar]} {
set headchar $headoverridechar
if {[string length $tailchar]} {
if {[string length $tailoverridechar]} {
set tailchar $tailoverridechar
set head [string repeat $headchar $headwidth]
set tail [string repeat $tailchar $tailwidth]
set base [string repeat $ch [expr {$headwidth + $num + $tailwidth}]]
if {$justify eq "left"} {
set left_done [overtype::left $base "$head$val"]
return [overtype::right $left_done "$tail"]
} elseif {$justify in {centre center}} {
set mid_done [overtype::centre $base $val]
set left_mid_done [overtype::left $mid_done $head]
return [overtype::right $left_mid_done $tail]
} else {
set right_done [overtype::right $base "$val$tail"]
return [overtype::left $right_done $head]
#package require pattern
proc ::pattern::libs {} {
set libs [list \
pattern {-type core -note "alternative:pattern2"}\
pattern2 {-type core -note "alternative:pattern"}\
patterncmd {-type core}\
metaface {-type core}\
patternpredator2 {-type core}\
patterndispatcher {-type core}\
patternlib {-type core}\
patterncipher {-type optional -note optional}\
package require overtype
set result ""
append result "[cmd::util::colbreak lib]\n"
append result "[cmd::util::colhead lib -justify centre]\n"
append result "[cmd::util::colbreak lib]\n"
foreach libname [dict keys $libs] {
set libinfo [dict get $libs $libname]
append result [cmd::util::col lib library $libname]
if {[catch [list package present $libname] ver]} {
append result [cmd::util::col lib version "N/A"]
} else {
append result [cmd::util::col lib version $ver]
append result [cmd::util::col lib type [dict get $libinfo -type]]
if {[dict exists $libinfo -note]} {
set note [dict get $libinfo -note]
} else {
set note ""
append result [cmd::util::col lib note $note]
append result "\n"
append result "[cmd::util::colbreak lib]\n"
return $result
proc ::pattern::record {recname fields} {
if {[uplevel 1 [list namespace which $recname]] ne ""} {
error "(pattern::record) Can't create command '$recname': A command of that name already exists"
set index -1
set accessor [list ::apply {
{index rec args}
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
return [lindex $rec $index]
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
return [lreplace $rec $index $index [lindex $args 0]]
error "Invalid number of arguments."
set map {}
foreach field $fields {
dict set map $field [linsert $accessor end [incr index]]
uplevel 1 [list namespace ensemble create -command $recname -map $map -parameters rec]
proc ::pattern::record2 {recname fields} {
if {[uplevel 1 [list namespace which $recname]] ne ""} {
error "(pattern::record) Can't create command '$recname': A command of that name already exists"
set index -1
set accessor [list ::apply]
set template {
{rec args}
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
return [lindex $rec %idx%]
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
return [lreplace $rec %idx% %idx% [lindex $args 0]]
error "Invalid number of arguments."
set map {}
foreach field $fields {
set body [string map [list %idx% [incr index]] $template]
dict set map $field [list ::apply $body]
uplevel 1 [list namespace ensemble create -command $recname -map $map -parameters rec]
proc ::argstest {args} {
package require cmdline
proc ::pattern::objects {} {
set result [::list]
foreach ns [namespace children ::pp] {
#lappend result [::list [namespace tail $ns] [set ${ns}::(self)]]
set ch [namespace tail $ns]
if {[string range $ch 0 2] eq "Obj"} {
set OID [string range $ch 3 end] ;#OID need not be digits (!?)
lappend result [::list $OID [list OID $OID object_command [set pp::${ch}::v_object_command] usedby [array names ${ns}::_iface::o_usedby]]]
return $result
proc ::pattern::name {num} {
#!todo - fix
#set ::p::${num}::(self)
lassign [interp alias {} ::p::$num] _predator info
if {![string length $_predator$info]} {
error "No object found for num:$num (no interp alias for ::p::$num)"
set invocants [dict get $info i]
set invocants_with_role_this [dict get $invocants this]
set invocant_this [lindex $invocants_with_role_this 0]
#lassign $invocant_this id info
#set map [dict get $info map]
#set fields [lindex $map 0]
lassign $invocant_this _id _ns _defaultmethod name _etc
return $name
proc ::pattern::with {cmd script} {
foreach c [info commands ::p::-1::*] {
interp alias {} [namespace tail $c] {} $c $cmd
interp alias {} . {} $cmd .
interp alias {} .. {} $cmd ..
return [uplevel 1 $script]
#system diagnostics etc
proc ::pattern::varspace_list {IID} {
namespace upvar ::p::${IID}::_iface o_varspace o_varspace o_variables o_variables
set varspaces [list]
dict for {vname vdef} $o_variables {
set vs [dict get $vdef varspace]
if {$vs ni $varspaces} {
lappend varspaces $vs
if {$o_varspace ni $varspaces} {
lappend varspaces $o_varspace
return $varspaces
proc ::pattern::check_interfaces {} {
foreach ns [namespace children ::p] {
set IID [namespace tail $ns]
if {[string is digit $IID]} {
foreach ref [array names ${ns}::_iface::o_usedby] {
set OID [string range $ref 1 end]
if {![namespace exists ::p::${OID}::_iface]} {
puts -nonewline stdout "\r\nPROBLEM!!!!!!!!! nonexistant/invalid object $OID referenced by Interface $IID\r\n"
} else {
puts -nonewline stdout .
#if {![info exists ::p::${OID}::(self)]} {
# puts "PROBLEM!!!!!!!!! nonexistant object $OID referenced by Interface $IID"
puts -nonewline stdout "\r\n"
#from: (Introspection on aliases)
#usedby: metaface-1.1.6+
#required because aliases can be renamed.
#A renamed alias will still return it's target with 'interp alias {} oldname'
# - so given newname - we require which_alias to return the same info.
proc ::pattern::which_alias {cmd} {
uplevel 1 [list ::trace add execution $cmd enterstep ::error]
catch {uplevel 1 $cmd} res
uplevel 1 [list ::trace remove execution $cmd enterstep ::error]
#puts stdout "which_alias $cmd returning '$res'"
return $res
# [info args] like proc following an alias recursivly until it reaches
# the proc it originates from or cannot determine it.
# accounts for default parameters set by interp alias
proc ::pattern::aliasargs {cmd} {
set orig $cmd
set defaultargs [list]
# loop until error or return occurs
while {1} {
# is it a proc already?
if {[string equal [info procs $cmd] $cmd]} {
set result [info args $cmd]
# strip off the interp set default args
return [lrange $result [llength $defaultargs] end]
# is it a built in or extension command we can get no args for?
if {![string equal [info commands $cmd] $cmd]} {
error "\"$orig\" isn't a procedure"
# catch bogus cmd names
if {[lsearch [interp aliases {}] $cmd]==-1} {
if {[catch {::pattern::which_alias $cmd} alias]} {
error "\"$orig\" isn't a procedure or alias or command"
#set cmd [lindex $alias 0]
if {[llength $alias]>1} {
set cmd [lindex $alias 0]
set defaultargs [concat [lrange $alias 1 end] $defaultargs]
} else {
set cmd $alias
} else {
if {[llength [set cmdargs [interp alias {} $cmd]]]>0} {
# check if it is aliased in from another interpreter
if {[catch {interp target {} $cmd} msg]} {
error "Cannot resolve \"$orig\", alias leads to another interpreter."
if {$msg != {} } {
error "Not recursing into slave interpreter \"$msg\".\
\"$orig\" could not be resolved."
# check if defaults are set for the alias
if {[llength $cmdargs]>1} {
set cmd [lindex $cmdargs 0]
set defaultargs [concat [lrange $cmdargs 1 end] $defaultargs]
} else {
set cmd $cmdargs
proc ::pattern::aliasbody {cmd} {
set orig $cmd
set defaultargs [list]
# loop until error or return occurs
while {1} {
# is it a proc already?
if {[string equal [info procs $cmd] $cmd]} {
set result [info body $cmd]
# strip off the interp set default args
return $result
#return [lrange $result [llength $defaultargs] end]
# is it a built in or extension command we can get no args for?
if {![string equal [info commands $cmd] $cmd]} {
error "\"$orig\" isn't a procedure"
# catch bogus cmd names
if {[lsearch [interp aliases {}] $cmd]==-1} {
if {[catch {::pattern::which_alias $cmd} alias]} {
error "\"$orig\" isn't a procedure or alias or command"
#set cmd [lindex $alias 0]
if {[llength $alias]>1} {
set cmd [lindex $alias 0]
set defaultargs [concat [lrange $alias 1 end] $defaultargs]
} else {
set cmd $alias
} else {
if {[llength [set cmdargs [interp alias {} $cmd]]]>0} {
# check if it is aliased in from another interpreter
if {[catch {interp target {} $cmd} msg]} {
error "Cannot resolve \"$orig\", alias leads to another interpreter."
if {$msg != {} } {
error "Not recursing into slave interpreter \"$msg\".\
\"$orig\" could not be resolved."
# check if defaults are set for the alias
if {[llength $cmdargs]>1} {
set cmd [lindex $cmdargs 0]
set defaultargs [concat [lrange $cmdargs 1 end] $defaultargs]
} else {
set cmd $cmdargs
proc ::pattern::uniqueKey2 {} {
#!todo - something else??
return [clock seconds]-[incr ::pattern::idCounter]
#used by patternlib package
proc ::pattern::uniqueKey {} {
return [incr ::pattern::idCounter]
#uuid with tcllibc is about 30us compared with 2us
# for large datasets, e.g about 100K inserts this would be pretty noticable!
#!todo - uuid pool with background thread to repopulate when idle?
#return [uuid::uuid generate]
proc ::pattern::test1 {} {
set msg "OK"
puts stderr "next line should say:'--- saystuff:$msg"
::>pattern .. Create ::>thing
::>thing .. PatternMethod saystuff args {
puts stderr "--- saystuff: $args"
::>thing .. Create ::>jjj
::>jjj . saystuff $msg
::>jjj .. Destroy
::>thing .. Destroy
proc ::pattern::test2 {} {
set msg "OK"
puts stderr "next line should say:'--- property 'stuff' value:$msg"
::>pattern .. Create ::>thing
::>thing .. PatternProperty stuff $msg
::>thing .. Create ::>jjj
puts stderr "--- property 'stuff' value:[::>jjj . stuff]"
::>jjj .. Destroy
::>thing .. Destroy
proc ::pattern::test3 {} {
set msg "OK"
puts stderr "next line should say:'--- property 'stuff' value:$msg"
::>pattern .. Create ::>thing
::>thing .. Property stuff $msg
puts stderr "--- property 'stuff' value:[::>thing . stuff]"
::>thing .. Destroy
#proc ::p::internals::showargs {args {ch stdout}} {puts $ch $args}
if {0} {
proc ::p::internals::new_interface {{usedbylist {}}} {
set OID [incr ::p::ID]
::p::internals::new_object ::p::ifaces::>$OID "" $OID
puts "obsolete >> new_interface created object $OID"
foreach usedby $usedbylist {
set ::p::${OID}::_iface::o_usedby(i$usedby) 1
set ::p::${OID}::_iface::o_varspace "" ;#default varspace is the object's namespace. (varspace is absolute if it has leading :: , otherwise it's a relative namespace below the object's namespace)
#NOTE - o_varspace is only the default varspace for when new methods/properties are added.
# it is possible to create some methods/props with one varspace value, then create more methods/props with a different varspace value.
set ::p::${OID}::_iface::o_constructor [list]
set ::p::${OID}::_iface::o_variables [list]
set ::p::${OID}::_iface::o_properties [dict create]
set ::p::${OID}::_iface::o_methods [dict create]
array set ::p::${OID}::_iface::o_definition [list]
set ::p::${OID}::_iface::o_open 1 ;#open for extending
return $OID
#temporary way to get OID - assumes single 'this' invocant
#!todo - make generic.
proc ::pattern::get_oid {_ID_} {
#puts stderr "#* get_oid: [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0 0]"
return [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0 0]
#set invocants [dict get $_ID_ i]
#set invocant_roles [dict keys $invocants]
#set role_members [dict get $invocants this]
##set this_invocant [lindex $role_members 0] ;#for the role 'this' we assume only one invocant in the list.
#set this_invocant [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0] ;
#lassign $this_invocant OID this_info
#return $OID
#compile the uncompiled level1 interface
#assert: no more than one uncompiled interface present at level1
proc ::p::meta::PatternCompile {self} {
upvar #0 $self SELFMAP
set ID [lindex $SELFMAP 0 0]
set patterns [lindex $SELFMAP 1 1] ;#list of level1 interfaces
set iid -1
foreach i $patterns {
if {[set ::p::${i}::_iface::o_open]} {
set iid $i ;#found it
if {$iid > -1} {
::p::compile_interface $iid
set ::p::${iid}::_iface::o_open 0
} else {
#no uncompiled interface present at level 1. Do nothing.
proc ::p::meta::Def {self} {
error ::p::meta::Def
upvar #0 $self SELFMAP
set self_ID [lindex $SELFMAP 0 0]
set IFID [lindex $SELFMAP 1 0 end]
set maxc1 0
set maxc2 0
set arrName ::p::${IFID}::
upvar #0 $arrName state
array set methods {}
foreach nm [array names state] {
if {[regexp {^m-1,name,(.+)} $nm _match mname]} {
set methods($mname) [set state($nm)]
if {[string length $mname] > $maxc1} {
set maxc1 [string length $mname]
if {[string length [set state($nm)]] > $maxc2} {
set maxc2 [string length [set state($nm)]]
set bg1 [string repeat " " [expr {$maxc1 + 2}]]
set bg2 [string repeat " " [expr {$maxc2 + 2}]]
set r {}
foreach nm [lsort -dictionary [array names methods]] {
set arglist $state(m-1,args,$nm)
append r "[overtype::left $bg1 $nm] : [overtype::left $bg2 $methods($nm)] [::list $arglist]\n"
return $r

src/deps/ vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
package provide patternpredator2 1.2.4
proc ::p::internals::jaws {OID _ID_ args} {
#puts stderr ">>>(patternpredator2 lib)jaws called with _ID_:$_ID_ args: $args"
#set OID [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0 0] ;#get_oid
set w 1
set stack [list]
set wordcount [llength $args]
set terminals [list . .. , # @ !] ;#tokens which require the current stack to be evaluated first
set unsupported 0
set operator ""
set operator_prev "" ;#used only by argprotect to revert to previous operator
if {$OID ne "null"} {
#!DO NOT use upvar here for MAP! (calling set on a MAP in another iteration/call will overwrite a map for another object!)
#upvar #0 ::p::${OID}::_meta::map MAP
set MAP [set ::p::${OID}::_meta::map]
} else {
# error "jaws - OID = 'null' ???"
set MAP [list invocantdata [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0] ] ;#MAP taken from _ID_ will be missing 'interfaces' key
set invocantdata [dict get $MAP invocantdata]
lassign $invocantdata OID alias default_method object_command wrapped
set finished_args 0 ;#whether we've completely processed all args in the while loop and therefor don't need to peform the final word processing code
#don't use 'foreach word $args' - we sometimes need to backtrack a little by manipulating $w
while {$w < $wordcount} {
set word [lindex $args [expr {$w -1}]]
#puts stdout "w:$w word:$word stack:$stack"
if {$operator eq "argprotect"} {
set operator $operator_prev
lappend stack $word
incr w
} else {
if {[llength $stack]} {
if {$word in $terminals} {
set reduction [list 0 $_ID_ {*}$stack ]
#puts stderr ">>>jaws yielding value: $reduction triggered by word $word in position:$w"
set _ID_ [yield $reduction]
set stack [list]
#set OID [::pattern::get_oid $_ID_]
set OID [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0 0] ;#get_oid
if {$OID ne "null"} {
set MAP [set ::p::${OID}::_meta::map] ;#Do not use upvar here!
} else {
set MAP [list invocantdata [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0] interfaces [list level0 {} level1 {}]]
#puts stderr "WARNING REVIEW: jaws-branch - leave empty??????"
#review - 2018. switched to _ID_ instead of MAP
lassign [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0] OID alias default_method object_command
#lassign [dict get $MAP invocantdata] OID alias default_method object_command
#puts stdout "---->>> yielded _ID_: $_ID_ OID:$OID alias:$alias default_method:$default_method object_command:$object_command"
set operator $word
#don't incr w
#incr w
} else {
if {$operator eq "argprotect"} {
set operator $operator_prev
set operator_prev ""
lappend stack $word
} else {
#only look for leading argprotect chacter (-) if we're not already in argprotect mode
if {$word eq "--"} {
set operator_prev $operator
set operator "argprotect"
#Don't add the plain argprotector to the stack
} elseif {[string match "-*" $word]} {
#argSafety operator (tokens that appear to be Tcl 'options' automatically 'protect' the subsequent argument)
set operator_prev $operator
set operator "argprotect"
lappend stack $word
} else {
lappend stack $word
incr w
} else {
#no stack
switch -- $word {.} {
if {$OID ne "null"} {
#we know next word is a property or method of a pattern object
incr w
set nextword [lindex $args [expr {$w - 1}]]
set command ::p::${OID}::$nextword
set stack [list $command] ;#2018 j
set operator .
if {$w eq $wordcount} {
set finished_args 1
} else {
# don't incr w
#set nextword [lindex $args [expr {$w - 1}]]
set command $object_command ;#taken from the MAP
set stack [list "_exec_" $command]
set operator .
} {..} {
incr w
set nextword [lindex $args [expr {$w -1}]]
set command ::p::-1::$nextword
#lappend stack $command ;#lappend a small number of items to an empty list is slower than just setting the list.
set stack [list $command] ;#faster, and intent is clearer than lappend.
set operator ..
if {$w eq $wordcount} {
set finished_args 1
} {,} {
#puts stdout "Stackless comma!"
if {$OID ne "null"} {
set command ::p::${OID}::$default_method
} else {
set command [list $default_method $object_command]
#object_command in this instance presumably be a list and $default_method a list operation
#e.g "lindex {A B C}"
#lappend stack $command
set stack [list $command]
set operator ,
} {--} {
set operator_prev $operator
set operator argprotect
#no stack -
} {!} {
set command $object_command
set stack [list "_exec_" $object_command]
#puts stdout "!!!! !!!! $stack"
set operator !
} default {
if {$operator eq ""} {
if {$OID ne "null"} {
set command ::p::${OID}::$default_method
} else {
set command [list $default_method $object_command]
set stack [list $command]
set operator ,
lappend stack $word
} else {
#no stack - so we don't expect to be in argprotect mode already.
if {[string match "-*" $word]} {
#argSafety operator (tokens that appear to be Tcl 'options' automatically 'protect' the subsequent argument)
set operator_prev $operator
set operator "argprotect"
lappend stack $word
} else {
lappend stack $word
incr w
} ;#end while
#process final word outside of loop
#assert $w == $wordcount
#trailing operators or last argument
if {!$finished_args} {
set word [lindex $args [expr {$w -1}]]
if {$operator eq "argprotect"} {
set operator $operator_prev
set operator_prev ""
lappend stack $word
incr w
} else {
switch -- $word {.} {
if {![llength $stack]} {
#set stack [list "_result_" [::p::internals::ref_to_object $_ID_]]
yieldto return [::p::internals::ref_to_object $_ID_]
error "assert: never gets here"
} else {
#puts stdout "==== $stack"
#assert - whenever _ID_ changed in this proc - we have updated the $OID variable
yieldto return [::p::internals::ref_to_stack $OID $_ID_ $stack]
error "assert: never gets here"
set operator .
} {..} {
#trailing .. after chained call e.g >x . item 0 ..
#puts stdout "$$$$$$$$$$$$ [list 0 $_ID_ {*}$stack] $$$$"
#set reduction [list 0 $_ID_ {*}$stack]
yieldto return [yield [list 0 $_ID_ {*}$stack]]
} {#} {
set unsupported 1
} {,} {
set unsupported 1
} {&} {
set unsupported 1
} {@} {
set unsupported 1
} {--} {
#set reduction [list 0 $_ID_ {*}$stack[set stack [list]]]
#puts stdout " -> -> -> about to call yield $reduction <- <- <-"
set _ID_ [yield [list 0 $_ID_ {*}$stack[set stack [list]]] ]
#set OID [::pattern::get_oid $_ID_]
set OID [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0 0] ;#get_oid
if {$OID ne "null"} {
set MAP [set ::p::${OID}::_meta::map] ;#DO not use upvar here!
} else {
set MAP [list invocantdata [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0] interfaces {level0 {} level1 {}} ]
yieldto return $MAP
} {!} {
#error "untested branch"
set _ID_ [yield [list 0 $_ID_ {*}$stack[set stack [list]]]]
#set OID [::pattern::get_oid $_ID_]
set OID [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0 0] ;#get_oid
if {$OID ne "null"} {
set MAP [set ::p::${OID}::_meta::map] ;#DO not use upvar here!
} else {
set MAP [list invocantdata [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0] ]
lassign [dict get $MAP invocantdata] OID alias default_command object_command
set command $object_command
set stack [list "_exec_" $command]
set operator !
} default {
if {$operator eq ""} {
#error "untested branch"
lassign [dict get $MAP invocantdata] OID alias default_command object_command
#set command ::p::${OID}::item
set command ::p::${OID}::$default_command
lappend stack $command
set operator ,
#do not look for argprotect items here (e.g -option) as the final word can't be an argprotector anyway.
lappend stack $word
if {$unsupported} {
set unsupported 0
error "trailing '$word' not supported"
#if {$operator eq ","} {
# incr wordcount 2
# set stack [linsert $stack end-1 . item]
incr w
#final = 1
#puts stderr ">>>jaws final return value: [list 1 $_ID_ {*}$stack]"
return [list 1 $_ID_ {*}$stack]
#trailing. directly after object
proc ::p::internals::ref_to_object {_ID_} {
set OID [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0 0]
upvar #0 ::p::${OID}::_meta::map MAP
lassign [dict get $MAP invocantdata] OID alias default_method object_command
set refname ::p::${OID}::_ref::__OBJECT
array set $refname [list] ;#important to initialise the variable as an array here - or initial read attempts on elements will not fire traces
set traceCmd [list ::p::predator::object_read_trace $OID $_ID_]
if {[list {read} $traceCmd] ni [trace info variable $refname]} {
#puts stdout "adding read trace on variable '$refname' - traceCmd:'$traceCmd'"
trace add variable $refname {read} $traceCmd
set traceCmd [list ::p::predator::object_array_trace $OID $_ID_]
if {[list {array} $traceCmd] ni [trace info variable $refname]} {
trace add variable $refname {array} $traceCmd
set traceCmd [list ::p::predator::object_write_trace $OID $_ID_]
if {[list {write} $traceCmd] ni [trace info variable $refname]} {
trace add variable $refname {write} $traceCmd
set traceCmd [list ::p::predator::object_unset_trace $OID $_ID_]
if {[list {unset} $traceCmd] ni [trace info variable $refname]} {
trace add variable $refname {unset} $traceCmd
return $refname
proc ::p::internals::create_or_update_reference {OID _ID_ refname command} {
#if {[lindex $fullstack 0] eq "_exec_"} {
# #strip it. This instruction isn't relevant for a reference.
# set commandstack [lrange $fullstack 1 end]
#} else {
# set commandstack $fullstack
#set argstack [lassign $commandstack command]
#set field [string map {> __OBJECT_} [namespace tail $command]]
set reftail [namespace tail $refname]
set argstack [lassign [split $reftail +] field]
set field [string map {> __OBJECT_} [namespace tail $command]]
#puts stderr "refname:'$refname' command: $command field:$field"
if {$OID ne "null"} {
upvar #0 ::p::${OID}::_meta::map MAP
} else {
#set map [dict get [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0 1] map]
set MAP [list invocantdata [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0] interfaces {level0 {} level1 {}}]
lassign [dict get $MAP invocantdata] OID alias default_method object_command
if {$OID ne "null"} {
interp alias {} $refname {} $command $_ID_ {*}$argstack
} else {
interp alias {} $refname {} $command {*}$argstack
#set iflist [lindex $map 1 0]
set iflist [dict get $MAP interfaces level0]
#set iflist [dict get $MAP interfaces level0]
set field_is_property_like 0
foreach IFID [lreverse $iflist] {
#tcl (braced) expr has lazy evaluation for &&, || & ?: operators - so this should be reasonably efficient.
if {[llength [info commands ::p::${IFID}::_iface::(GET)$field]] || [llength [info commands ::p::${IFID}::_iface::(SET)$field]]} {
set field_is_property_like 1
#There is a setter or getter (but not necessarily an entry in the o_properties dict)
#whether field is a property or a method - remove any commandrefMisuse_TraceHandler
foreach tinfo [trace info variable $refname] {
#puts "-->removing traces on $refname: $tinfo"
if {[lindex $tinfo 1 0] eq "::p::internals::commandrefMisuse_TraceHandler"} {
trace remove variable $refname {*}$tinfo
if {$field_is_property_like} {
#property reference
set this_invocantdata [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0]
lassign $this_invocantdata OID _alias _defaultmethod object_command
#get fully qualified varspace
set propdict [$object_command .. GetPropertyInfo $field]
if {[dict exist $propdict $field]} {
set field_is_a_property 1
set propinfo [dict get $propdict $field]
set varspace [dict get $propinfo varspace]
if {$varspace eq ""} {
set full_varspace ::p::${OID}
} else {
if {[::string match "::*" $varspace]} {
set full_varspace $varspace
} else {
set full_varspace ::p::${OID}::$varspace
} else {
set field_is_a_property 0
#no propertyinfo - this field was probably established as a PropertyRead and/or PropertyWrite without a Property
#this is ok - and we still set the trace infrastructure below (app may convert it to a normal Property later)
set full_varspace ::p::${OID}
#We only trace on entire property.. not array elements (if references existed to both the array and an element both traces would be fired -(entire array trace first))
set Hndlr [::list ::p::predator::propvar_write_TraceHandler $OID $field]
if { [::list {write} $Hndlr] ni [trace info variable ${full_varspace}::o_${field}]} {
trace add variable ${full_varspace}::o_${field} {write} $Hndlr
set Hndlr [::list ::p::predator::propvar_unset_TraceHandler $OID $field]
if { [::list {unset} $Hndlr] ni [trace info variable ${full_varspace}::o_${field}]} {
trace add variable ${full_varspace}::o_${field} {unset} $Hndlr
#supply all data in easy-access form so that propref_trace_read is not doing any extra work.
set get_cmd ::p::${OID}::(GET)$field
set traceCmd [list ::p::predator::propref_trace_read $get_cmd $_ID_ $refname $field $argstack]
if {[list {read} $traceCmd] ni [trace info variable $refname]} {
set fieldvarname ${full_varspace}::o_${field}
#synch the refvar with the real var if it exists
#catch {set $refname [$refname]}
if {[array exists $fieldvarname]} {
if {![llength $argstack]} {
#unindexed reference
array set $refname [array get $fieldvarname]
#upvar $fieldvarname $refname
} else {
set s0 [lindex $argstack 0]
#refs to nonexistant array members common? (catch vs 'info exists')
if {[info exists ${fieldvarname}($s0)]} {
set $refname [set ${fieldvarname}($s0)]
} else {
#refs to uninitialised props actually should be *very* common.
#If we use 'catch', it means retrieving refs to non-initialised props is slower. Fired catches can be relatively expensive.
#Because it's common to get a ref to uninitialised props (e.g for initial setting of their value) - we will use 'info exists' instead of catch.
#set errorInfo_prev $::errorInfo ;#preserve errorInfo across catches!
#puts stdout " ---->>!!! ref to uninitialised prop $field $argstack !!!<------"
if {![llength $argstack]} {
#catch {set $refname [set ::p::${OID}::o_$field]}
if {[info exists $fieldvarname]} {
set $refname [set $fieldvarname]
#upvar $fieldvarname $refname
} else {
if {[llength $argstack] == 1} {
#catch {set $refname [lindex [set ::p::${OID}::o_$field] [lindex $argstack 0]]}
if {[info exists $fieldvarname]} {
set $refname [lindex [set $fieldvarname] [lindex $argstack 0]]
} else {
#catch {set $refname [lindex [set ::p::${OID}::o_$field] $argstack]}
if {[info exists $fieldvarname]} {
set $refname [lindex [set $fieldvarname] $argstack]
#! what if someone has put a trace on ::errorInfo??
#set ::errorInfo $errorInfo_prev
trace add variable $refname {read} $traceCmd
set traceCmd [list ::p::predator::propref_trace_write $_ID_ $OID $full_varspace $refname]
trace add variable $refname {write} $traceCmd
set traceCmd [list ::p::predator::propref_trace_unset $_ID_ $OID $refname]
trace add variable $refname {unset} $traceCmd
set traceCmd [list ::p::predator::propref_trace_array $_ID_ $OID $refname]
# puts "**************** installing array variable trace on ref:$refname - cmd:$traceCmd"
trace add variable $refname {array} $traceCmd
} else {
#puts "$refname ====> adding refMisuse_traceHandler $alias $field"
#matching variable in order to detect attempted use as property and throw error
#Note that we are adding a trace on a variable (the refname) which does not exist.
#this is fine - except that the trace won't fire for attempt to write it as an array using syntax such as set $ref(someindex)
#we could set the ref to an empty array - but then we have to also undo this if a property with matching name is added
##array set $refname {} ;#empty array
# - the empty array would mean a slightly better error message when misusing a command ref as an array
#but this seems like a code complication for little benefit
trace add variable $refname {read write unset array} [list ::p::internals::commandrefMisuse_TraceHandler $OID $field]
#trailing. after command/property
proc ::p::internals::ref_to_stack {OID _ID_ fullstack} {
if {[lindex $fullstack 0] eq "_exec_"} {
#strip it. This instruction isn't relevant for a reference.
set commandstack [lrange $fullstack 1 end]
} else {
set commandstack $fullstack
set argstack [lassign $commandstack command]
set field [string map {> __OBJECT_} [namespace tail $command]]
# - make every object's OID unpredictable and sparse (UUID) and modify 'namespace child' etc to prevent iteration/inspection of ::p namespace.
# - this would only make sense for an environment where any meta methods taking a code body (e.g .. Method .. PatternMethod etc) are restricted.
#references created under ::p::${OID}::_ref are effectively inside a 'varspace' within the object itself.
# - this would in theory allow a set of interface functions on the object which have direct access to the reference variables.
set refname ::p::${OID}::_ref::[join [concat $field $argstack] +]
if {[llength [info commands $refname]]} {
#todo - review - what if the field changed to/from a property/method?
#probably should fix that where such a change is made and leave this short circuit here to give reasonable performance for existing refs
return $refname
::p::internals::create_or_update_reference $OID $_ID_ $refname $command
return $refname
namespace eval pp {
variable operators [list .. . -- - & @ # , !]
variable operators_notin_args ""
foreach op $operators {
append operators_notin_args "({$op} ni \$args) && "
set operators_notin_args [string trimright $operators_notin_args " &"] ;#trim trailing spaces and ampersands
#set operators_notin_args {({.} ni $args) && ({,} ni $args) && ({..} ni $args)}
interp alias {} strmap {} string map ;#stop code editor from mono-colouring our big string mapped code blocks!
# 2017 ::p::predator2 is the development version - intended for eventual use as the main dispatch mechanism.
#each map is a 2 element list of lists.
# form: {$commandinfo $interfaceinfo}
# commandinfo is of the form: {ID Namespace defaultmethod commandname _?}
#each map is a dict.
#form: {invocantdata {ID Namespace defaultmethod commandname _?} interfaces {level0 {} level1 {}}}
#OID = Object ID (integer for now - could in future be a uuid)
proc ::p::predator2 {_ID_ args} {
#puts stderr "predator2: _ID_:'$_ID_' args:'$args'"
#set invocants [dict get $_ID_ i]
#set invocant_roles [dict keys $invocants]
#For now - we are 'this'-centric (single dispatch). todo - adapt for multiple roles, multimethods etc.
#set this_role_members [dict get $invocants this]
#set this_invocant [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0] ;#for the role 'this' we assume only one invocant in the list.
#lassign $this_invocant this_OID this_info_dict
set this_OID [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0 0] ;#get_oid
set cheat 1 ;#
#Optimise the next most common use case. A single . followed by args which contain no other operators (non-chained call)
#(it should be functionally equivalent to remove this shortcut block)
if {$cheat} {
if { ([lindex $args 0] eq {.}) && ([llength $args] > 1) && ([llength [lsearch -all -inline $args .]] == 1) && ({,} ni $args) && ({..} ni $args) && ({--} ni $args) && ({!} ni $args)} {
set remaining_args [lassign $args dot method_or_prop]
#how will we do multiple apis? (separate interface stacks) apply? apply [list [list _ID_ {*}$arglist] ::p::${stackid?}::$method_or_prop ::p::${this_OID}] ???
set command ::p::${this_OID}::$method_or_prop
#e.g what if the method is named "say hello" ?? (hint - it will break because we will look for 'say')
#if {[llength $command] > 1} {
# error "methods with spaces not included in test suites - todo fix!"
#Dont use {*}$command - (so we can support methods with spaces)
#if {![llength [info commands $command]]} {}
if {[namespace which $command] eq ""} {
if {[namespace which ::p::${this_OID}::(UNKNOWN)] ne ""} {
#lset command 0 ::p::${this_OID}::(UNKNOWN) ;#seems wrong - command could have spaces
set command ::p::${this_OID}::(UNKNOWN)
#tailcall {*}$command $_ID_ $cmdname {*}[lrange $args 2 end] ;#delegate to UNKNOWN, along with original commandname as 1st arg.
tailcall $command $_ID_ $method_or_prop {*}[lrange $args 2 end] ;#delegate to UNKNOWN, along with original commandname as 1st arg.
} else {
return -code error -errorinfo "(::p::predator2) error running command:'$command' argstack:'[lrange $args 2 end]'\n - command not found and no 'unknown' handler" "method '$method_or_prop' not found"
} else {
#tailcall {*}$command $_ID_ {*}$remaining_args
tailcall $command $_ID_ {*}$remaining_args
if {([llength $args] == 1) && ([lindex $args 0] eq "..")} {
return $_ID_
#puts stderr "pattern::predator (test version) called with: _ID_:$_ID_ args:$args"
#puts stderr "this_info_dict: $this_info_dict"
if {![llength $args]} {
#should return some sort of public info.. i.e probably not the ID which is an implementation detail
#return cmd
return [lindex [dict get [set ::p::${this_OID}::_meta::map] invocantdata] 0] ;#Object ID
#return a dict keyed on object command name - (suitable as use for a .. Create 'target')
#lassign [dict get [set ::p::${this_OID}::_meta::map] invocantdata] this_OID alias default_method object_command wrapped
#return [list $object_command [list -id $this_OID ]]
} elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
#short-circuit the single index case for speed.
if {[lindex $args 0] ni {.. . -- - & @ # , !}} {
#lassign [dict get [set ::p::${this_OID}::_meta::map] invocantdata] this_OID alias default_method
lassign [lindex [dict get $_ID_ i this] 0] this_OID alias default_method
tailcall ::p::${this_OID}::$default_method $_ID_ [lindex $args 0]
} elseif {[lindex $args 0] eq {--}} {
#!todo - we could hide the invocant by only allowing this call from certain uplevel procs..
# - combined with using UUIDs for $OID, and a secured/removed metaface on the object
# - (and also hiding of [interp aliases] command so they can't iterate and examine all aliases)
# - this could effectively hide the object's namespaces,vars etc from the caller (?)
return [set ::p::${this_OID}::_meta::map]
#upvar ::p::coroutine_instance c ;#coroutine names must be unique per call to predator (not just per object - or we could get a clash during some cyclic calls)
#incr c
#set reduce ::p::reducer${this_OID}_$c
set reduce ::p::reducer${this_OID}_[incr ::p::coroutine_instance]
#puts stderr "..................creating reducer $reduce with args $this_OID _ID_ $args"
coroutine $reduce ::p::internals::jaws $this_OID $_ID_ {*}$args
set current_ID_ $_ID_
set final 0
set result ""
while {$final == 0} {
#the argument given here to $reduce will be returned by 'yield' within the coroutine context (jaws)
set reduction_args [lassign [$reduce $current_ID_[set current_ID_ [list]] ] final current_ID_ command]
#puts stderr "..> final:$final current_ID_:'$current_ID_' command:'$command' reduction_args:'$reduction_args'"
#if {[string match *Destroy $command]} {
# puts stdout " calling Destroy reduction_args:'$reduction_args'"
if {$final == 1} {
if {[llength $command] == 1} {
if {$command eq "_exec_"} {
tailcall {*}$reduction_args
if {[llength [info commands $command]]} {
tailcall {*}$command $current_ID_ {*}$reduction_args
set cmdname [namespace tail $command]
set this_OID [lindex [dict get $current_ID_ i this] 0 0]
if {[llength [info commands ::p::${this_OID}::(UNKNOWN)]]} {
lset command 0 ::p::${this_OID}::(UNKNOWN)
tailcall {*}$command $current_ID_ $cmdname {*}$reduction_args ;#delegate to UNKNOWN, along with original commandname as 1st arg.
} else {
return -code error -errorinfo "1)error running command:'$command' argstack:'$reduction_args'\n - command not found and no 'unknown' handler" "method '$cmdname' not found"
} else {
#e.g lindex {a b c}
tailcall {*}$command {*}$reduction_args
} else {
if {[lindex $command 0] eq "_exec_"} {
set result [uplevel 1 [list {*}[lrange $command 1 end] {*}$reduction_args]]
set current_ID_ [list i [list this [list [list "null" {} {lindex} $result {} ] ] ] context {} ]
} else {
if {[llength $command] == 1} {
if {![llength [info commands $command]]} {
set cmdname [namespace tail $command]
set this_OID [lindex [dict get $current_ID_ i this] 0 0]
if {[llength [info commands ::p::${this_OID}::(UNKNOWN)]]} {
lset command 0 ::p::${this_OID}::(UNKNOWN)
set result [uplevel 1 [list {*}$command $current_ID_ $cmdname {*}$reduction_args]] ;#delegate to UNKNOWN, along with original commandname as 1st arg.
} else {
return -code error -errorinfo "2)error running command:'$command' argstack:'$reduction_args'\n - command not found and no 'unknown' handler" "method '$cmdname' not found"
} else {
#set result [uplevel 1 [list {*}$command $current_ID_ {*}$reduction_args ]]
set result [uplevel 1 [list {*}$command $current_ID_ {*}$reduction_args ]]
} else {
set result [uplevel 1 [list {*}$command {*}$reduction_args]]
if {[llength [info commands $result]]} {
if {([llength $result] == 1) && ([string first ">" [namespace tail $result]] == 0)} {
#looks like a pattern command
set current_ID_ [$result .. INVOCANTDATA]
#todo - determine if plain .. INVOCANTDATA is sufficient instead of .. UPDATEDINVOCANTDATA
#if {![catch {$result .. INVOCANTDATA} result_invocantdata]} {
# set current_ID_ $result_invocantdata
#} else {
# return -code error -errorinfo "3)error running command:'$command' argstack:'$reduction_args'\n - Failed to access result:'$result' as a pattern object." "Failed to access result:'$result' as a pattern object"
} else {
#non-pattern command
set current_ID_ [list i [list this [list [list "null" {} {lindex} $result {} ] ] ] context {}]
} else {
set current_ID_ [list i [list this [list [list "null" {} {lindex} $result {} ] ] ] context {}]
#!todo - allow further operations on non-command values. e.g dicts, lists & strings (treat strings as lists)
error "Assert: Shouldn't get here (end of ::p::predator2)"
#return $result