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more textblock::table layout fixes

Julian Noble 9 months ago
  1. 179


@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ namespace eval textblock {
-show_vseps ""\
-show_header ""\
-show_footer ""\
-minwidth ""\
-maxwidth ""\
#for 'L' shaped table building pattern (tables bigger than 4x4 will be mostly 'L' patterns)
#ie only vll,blc,hlb used for cells except top row and right column
@ -519,20 +521,32 @@ namespace eval textblock {
error "textblock::table::configure -ansireset is read-only. It is present only to prevent unwanted colourised output in configure commands"
-show_edge - -show_hseps {
-show_hseps {
if {![string is boolean $v]} {
error "textblock::table::configure invalid $k '$v'. Must be a boolean or empty string"
lappend checked_opts $k $v
#these don't affect column width calculations
-show_edge {
if {![string is boolean $v]} {
error "textblock::table::configure invalid $k '$v'. Must be a boolean or empty string"
lappend checked_opts $k $v
#these don't affect column width calculations - except if table -minwidth/-maxwidth come into play
set o_calculated_column_widths [list] ;#invalidate cached column widths - a recalc will be forced when needed
-show_vseps {
#we allow empty string - so don't use -strict boolean check
if {![string is boolean $v]} {
error "textblock::table::configure invalid $k '$v'. Must be a boolean or empty string"
#affects width calculations
set o_calculated_column_widths [list] ;#invalidate cached column widths - a recalc will be forced when needed
set o_calculated_column_widths [list]
lappend checked_opts $k $v
-minwidth - -maxwidth {
set o_calculated_column_widths [list]
lappend checked_opts $k $v
default {
@ -1097,6 +1111,10 @@ namespace eval textblock {
if {[llength $v] > [dict size $o_columndefs]} {
error "textblock::table::configure_header -colspans length ([llength $v]) is longer than number of columns ([dict size $o_columndefs])"
if {[llength $v] < [dict size $o_columndefs]} {
puts stderr "textblock::table::configure_header warning - only [llength $v] spans specified for [dict size $o_columndefs] columns."
puts stderr "It is recommended to set all spans explicitly. (auto-calc not implemented)"
if {[llength $v]} {
set firstspan [lindex $v 0]
set first_is_ok 0
@ -1204,9 +1222,8 @@ namespace eval textblock {
if {$hidx > [llength $colspans]-1} {
set colspans_by_header [my header_colspans]
#puts ">>>>>?$colspans_by_header"
#sanity check - we are allowed to lset only one beyond the current length to append
#we are allowed to lset only one beyond the current length to append
#but there may be even less or no entries present in a column
#error "configure_header $hidx Unable to update -colspans for column $c with value $span from the set '$v' - review"
# - the ability to underspecify and calculate the missing values makes setting the values complicated.
#use the header_colspans calculation to update only those entries necessary
set spanlist [list]
@ -1757,9 +1774,21 @@ namespace eval textblock {
#This ellipsis 0 makes a difference (unwanted ellipsis at rhs of header column that starts span)
# -width is always +2 - as the boxlimits take into account show_vseps and show_edge
set header_cell_startspan [textblock::frame -ellipsis 0 -usecache 1 -width [expr {$hcolwidth+2}] -type [dict get $ftypes header]\
#set header_cell_startspan [textblock::frame -ellipsis 0 -usecache 1 -width [expr {$hcolwidth+2}] -type [dict get $ftypes header]\
# -ansibase $ansibase_header -ansiborder $ansiborder_final\
# -boxlimits $hlims -boxmap $startmap -joins $header_joins $hval\
# ]
if {$this_span eq "1"} {
#write the actual value now
set cellcontents $hval
} else {
#just write an empty vertical placeholder. The spanned value will be overtyped below
set cellcontents [join [lrepeat [llength [split $hval \n]] ""] \n]
set header_cell_startspan [textblock::frame -blockalign $col_blockalign -ellipsis 0 -usecache 1 -width [expr {$hcolwidth+2}] -type [dict get $ftypes header]\
-ansibase $ansibase_header -ansiborder $ansiborder_final\
-boxlimits $hlims -boxmap $startmap -joins $header_joins $hval\
-boxlimits $hlims -boxmap $startmap -joins $header_joins $cellcontents\
if {$this_span ne "1"} {
@ -1869,7 +1898,9 @@ namespace eval textblock {
#puts "==>hval:'$hval'[a]"
#puts "==>hval:'[ansistring VIEW $hval]'"
#set spanned_frame [overtype::renderspace -experimental test_mode -transparent 1 $spanned_frame $hblock]
set spanned_frame [overtype::block -blockalign left -overflow 1 -transparent 1 $spanned_frame $hblock]
#spanned values default left - todo make configurable
set spanned_frame [overtype::block -blockalign $col_blockalign -overflow 1 -transparent 1 $spanned_frame $hblock]
} else {
#this_span == 1
@ -2187,45 +2218,25 @@ namespace eval textblock {
set output [dict create]
dict set output headers [list]
set showing_vseps [my Showing_vseps]
for {set hrow 0} {$hrow < $num_header_rows} {incr hrow} {
set hdr [lindex $headerlist $hrow]
set header_maxdataheight [my header_height $hrow] ;#from cached headerstates
set headerrow_colspans [dict get $all_colspans $hrow]
set this_span [lindex $headerrow_colspans $cidx]
set this_hdrwidth [lindex $configured_widths $cidx]
set spanned_hdrwidth 0
if {$this_span eq "0"} {
set this_hdrwidth 0
set spanned_hdrwidth 0
} elseif {$this_span eq "all"} {
#all means up to next non-zero
set s "0"
set idx [expr {$cidx +1}]
while {$s eq "0" && $idx < [llength $headerrow_colspans]} {
incr spanned_hdrwidth [lindex $configured_widths $idx]
incr idx
set s [lindex $headerrow_colspans $idx]
} else {
set spanned_cols [list]
for {set sc [expr {$cidx+1}]} {$sc < ($cidx + $this_span)} {incr sc} {
lappend spanned_cols $sc
foreach c $spanned_cols {
incr spanned_hdrwidth [lindex $configured_widths $c]
set hdrwidth [expr {max($this_hdrwidth,$spanned_hdrwidth)}]
set hdr_line_blank [string repeat " " $hdrwidth]
set headercell_underlay [lrepeat $header_maxdataheight $hdr_line_blank]
set headercell_underlay $ansibase_header[join $headercell_underlay \n]
if {$hdr ne ""} {
dict lappend output headers [overtype::renderspace -experimental test_mode $headercell_underlay $ansibase_header$hdr]
} else {
dict lappend output headers $headercell_underlay
#set this_hdrwidth [lindex $configured_widths $cidx]
set this_hdrwidth [my column_datawidth $cidx -headers 1 -colspan $this_span] ;#widest of headers in this col with same span - allows textalign to work with blockalign
set hcell_line_blank [string repeat " " $this_hdrwidth]
set hcell_lines [lrepeat $header_maxdataheight $hcell_line_blank]
set hval_lines [split $hdr \n]
set hval_lines [concat $hval_lines $hcell_lines]
set hval_lines [lrange $hval_lines 0 $header_maxdataheight-1] ;#vertical align top
set hval_block [::join $hval_lines \n]
set hcell [textblock::pad $hval_block -width $this_hdrwidth -padchar " " -within_ansi 1 -which $pad]
dict lappend output headers $hcell
@ -2274,13 +2285,13 @@ namespace eval textblock {
set cell_lines [lrepeat $rowh $cell_line_blank]
set cell_blank [join $cell_lines \n]
#set cell_blank [join $cell_lines \n]
set cval_lines [split $cval \n]
set cval_lines [concat $cval_lines $cell_lines]
set cval_lines [lrange $cval_lines 0 $rowh-1]
set cval_block [join $cval_lines \n]
set cval_block [::join $cval_lines \n]
set cell [textblock::pad $cval_block -width $datawidth -padchar " " -within_ansi 1 -which $pad]
@ -2445,6 +2456,8 @@ namespace eval textblock {
} else {
#set widest [my column_datawidth $cidx -headers 1 -data 1 -footers 1]
set hwidest [dict get $o_columnstates $cidx maxwidthheaderseen]
#set hwidest [my column_datawidth $cidx -headers 1 -colspan 1 -data 0 -footers 1]
#set hwidest_singlespan ??
set bwidest [dict get $o_columnstates $cidx maxwidthbodyseen]
set widest [expr {max($hwidest,$bwidest)}]
#todo - predetermine if any items in column contain newlines and are truncated vertically due to o_rowdefs configuration.
@ -2486,8 +2499,22 @@ namespace eval textblock {
return $o_calculated_column_widths
#width of a table includes borders and seps
#whereas width of a column refers to the borderless width (inner width)
method width {} {
#calculate width based on assumption frame verticals are 1-wide - review - what about custom unicode double-wide frame?
set colwidths [my column_widths]
set contentwidth [tcl::mathop::+ {*}$colwidths]
set twidth $contentwidth
if {[my Showing_vseps]} {
incr twidth [llength $colwidths]
incr twidth -1
if {[dict get $o_opts_table -show_edge]} {
incr twidth 2
return $twidth
#column *body* content width
@ -2627,18 +2654,22 @@ namespace eval textblock {
set defaults [dict create\
-headers 0\
-footers 0\
-colspan *\
-data 1\
-cached 1\
#-colspan is relevant to header/footer data only
dict for {k v} $args {
switch -- $k {
-headers - -footers - -data - -cached {}
-headers - -footers - -colspan - -data - -cached {}
default {
error "column_datawidth unrecognised flag '$k'. Known flags: [dict keys $defaults]"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
set opt_colspan [dict get $opts -colspan]
set cidx [lindex [dict keys $o_columndefs] $index_expression]
if {$cidx eq ""} {
@ -2650,7 +2681,27 @@ namespace eval textblock {
set bwidest 0
set fwidest 0
if {[dict get $opts -headers]} {
set hwidest [dict get $o_columnstates $cidx maxwidthheaderseen]
if {$opt_colspan eq "*"} {
set hwidest [dict get $o_columnstates $cidx maxwidthheaderseen]
} else {
set colheaders [dict get $o_columndefs $cidx -headers]
set all_colspans_by_header [my header_colspans]
set hlist [list]
dict for {hrow cspans} $all_colspans_by_header {
set s [lindex $cspans $cidx]
#todo - map 'all' entries to a number?
#we should build a version of header_colspans that does this
if {$s eq $opt_colspan} {
lappend hlist [lindex $colheaders $hrow]
#set widest1 [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v $cmds {string length $v}]]
if {[llength $hlist]} {
set hwidest [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v $hlist {textblock::width $v}]]
} else {
set hwidest 0
if {[dict get $opts -data]} {
set bwidest [dict get $o_columnstates $cidx maxwidthbodyseen]
@ -2834,8 +2885,42 @@ namespace eval textblock {
set column_widths [dict values $colwidths]
#todo - -maxwidth etc
set table_minwidth [dict get $o_opts_table -minwidth] ;#min width including frame elements
if {[string is integer -strict $table_minwidth]} {
set contentwidth [tcl::mathop::+ {*}$column_widths]
set twidth $contentwidth
if {[my Showing_vseps]} {
incr twidth [llength $column_widths]
incr twidth -1
if {[dict get $o_opts_table -show_edge]} {
incr twidth 2
set shortfall [expr {$table_minwidth - $twidth}]
if {$shortfall > 0} {
set space_to_alloc $shortfall
while {$space_to_alloc > 0} {
set ordered_colspace_added [lsort -stride 2 -index 1 -integer $colspace_added]
set ordered_colids [dict keys $ordered_colspace_added]
foreach col $ordered_colids {
dict incr colwidths $col
dict incr colspace_added $col
incr space_to_alloc -1
if {$space_to_alloc == 0} {
set column_widths [dict values $colwidths]
return [list ordered_spans $ordered_spans colwidths [dict values $colwidths]]
return [list ordered_spans $ordered_spans colwidths $column_widths adjustments $colspace_added]
#spangroups keyed by column
@ -3249,7 +3334,9 @@ namespace eval textblock {
foreach e $elements {
if {[dict exists $ecat $e]} {
set ansi [dict get $ecat $e ansi]
lappend elements1 [textblock::pad $ansi$e -width 2 -which right]
#lappend elements1 [textblock::pad $ansi$e -width 2 -which right]
#no need to pad here - table column_configure -textalign default of left will do the work of padding right anyway
lappend elements1 $ansi$e
} else {
lappend elements1 $e
