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add shellbat - script wrapper for tcl allowing call from sh/bash/tclsh or cmd.exe (.bat file) on windows and unix

Julian Noble 2 years ago
  1. 106


@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
if (true=="shellbat") #;#\
::lindex tcl;# leading colons hide from .bat, trailing slash hides next line from tcl \
@call tclsh "%~dp0%~n0.bat" %*
::lindex tcl;#\
@set taskexitcode=%errorlevel% & goto :exit
# -*- tcl -*-
# #################################################################################################
# This is a tcl shellbat file
# It is tuned to run when called as a batch file, a tcl script, an sh script or a bash script,
# so the specific layout and characters used are quite sensitive to change.
# It can be called on unix or windows platforms with or without the interpreter being specified on the commandline.
# e.g ./ in sh or bash or powershell
# e.g or at windows command prompt
# e.g tclsh | sh | bash
# In all cases an arbitrary number of arguments are accepted
# To avoid the initial commandline on stdout when calling as a batch file on windows, use:
# cmd /Q /c
# (because we cannot use @if to silence it, as this isn't understood by tcl,sh or bash)
# #################################################################################################
#fconfigure stdout -translation crlf
# --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---begin Tcl Payload
#puts "script : [info script]"
#puts "argcount : $::argc"
#puts "argvalues: $::argv"
# --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
# only exit if needed. see exitcode notes at bottom of file and exit there for consistency across invocation methods
# --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---end Tcl Payload
#-- bash/sh code follows.
#-- protect from tcl using line continuation char on the previous comment for each line, like so: \
printf "etc"
#-- or alternatively place sh/bash script within the false==false block
#-- whilst being careful to balance braces {}
#-- For more complex needs you should call out to external scripts
#-- END marker for hide_from_bash_and_sh\
if false==false # else {
#-- leave as is if all that's required is launching the Tcl payload"
#-- Note that sh/bash script isn't called when running a .bat from cmd.exe on windows by default
#-- adjust line 4: @call tclsh ... to something like @call sh ... @call bash .. or @call env sh ... etc as appropriate
#-- if sh/bash scripting needs to run on windows too.
#printf "start of bash or sh code"
#-- sh/bash launches Tcl here instead of shebang line at top
#-- use exec to use exitcode (if any) directly from the tcl script
exec /usr/bin/env tclsh "$0" "$@"
#-- alternative - if sh/bash script required to run after the tcl call.
#/usr/bin/env tclsh "$0" "$@"
#echo "tcl_exitcode: ${tcl_exitcode}"
#-- override exitcode example
#exit 66
#printf "No need for trailing slashes for sh/bash code here\n"
# }
#-- comment for line sample 1 with trailing continuation slash \
#printf "tcl-invisible sh/bash line sample 1 \n"
#-- comment for line sample 2 with trailing continuation slash \
#printf "tcl-invisible sh/bash line sample 2 \n"
#-- Consistent exitcode from sh,bash,tclsh or cmd
#-- Call exit in tcl (or sh/bash) code only if explicitly required, otherwise leave this commented out.
#-- (script might be more widely useable without explicit exit. e.g in tcl: set ::argc 1; set ::argv "val"; source )
#-- exit line unprotected by trailing slash will work for tcl and/or sh/bash
#exit 0
#exit 42
#-- end if true==shellbat on very first line\
#-- make sure sh/bash/tcl all skip over .bat style exit \
: <<'shell_end'
#-- .bat exit with exitcode from tcl process \
::lindex tcl;#\
@exit /B %taskexitcode%