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fix repl get terminal dimensions using stty as fallback

Julian Noble 5 months ago
  1. 40


@ -1364,14 +1364,42 @@ proc repl::repl_handler {inputchan prompt_config} {
lassign [dict get $outconf -winsize] cols rows
} else {
#fallback - try external executable. Which is a bit ugly
#tput can work on windows too if it's installed e.g from msys2
#tput can't seem to get dimensions (on FreeBSD at least) when not run interactively - ie via exec. (always returns 80x24 no matter if run with <@stdin)
#bizarrely - tput can work with exec on windows if it's installed e.g from msys2
#but can be *slow* compared to unix e.g 400ms+ vs <2ms on FreeBSD !
#stty -a is 400ms+ vs 500us+ on FreeBSD
if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
set tputcmd [auto_execok tput]
if {$tputcmd ne ""} {
if {![catch {exec {*}$tputcmd cols lines} values]} {
lassign $values cols rows
set tputcmd [auto_execok tput]
if {$tputcmd ne ""} {
if {![catch {exec {*}$tputcmd cols lines} values]} {
lassign $values cols rows
if {![string is integer -strict $cols] || ![string is integer -strict $rows]} {
#same for all platforms? tested on windows, wsl, FreeBSD
#exec stty -a gives a result on the first line like:
#speed xxxx baud; rows rr; columns cc;
#review - more robust parsing - do we know it's first line?
set sttycmd [auto_execok stty]
if {$sttycmd ne ""} {
#the more parseable: stty -g doesn't give rows/columns
if {![catch {exec {*}$sttycmd -a} result} {
lassign [split $result \n] firstline
set lineparts [split $firstline {;}] ;#we seem to get segments that look well behaved enough to be treated as tcl lists - review - regex?
set rowinfo [lsearch $lineparts -index end -inline $lineparts rows]
if {[llength $rowinfo] == 2} {
set rows [lindex $rowinfo 0]
set colinfo [lsearch $lineparts -index end -inline $lineparts columns]
if {[llength $colinfo] == 2} {
set cols [lindex $colinfo 0]
if {[string is integer -strict $cols] && [string is integer -strict $rows]} {
