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make.tcl ensure lib folder exists, add uuid lib, ansistring fixes

Julian Noble 11 months ago
  1. 3
  2. 11
  3. 4
  4. 245


@ -412,12 +412,13 @@ if {$::punkmake::command ne "project"} {
exit 1
file mkdir $projectroot/lib ;#needs to exist
#only a single consolidated /modules folder used for target
set target_modules_base $projectroot/modules
file mkdir $target_modules_base
#external libs and modules first - and any supporting files - no 'building' required
if {[file exists $sourcefolder/vendorlib]} {
#exclude from source folder - but only the root one


@ -3730,6 +3730,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
proc _splits_trimright {sclist} {
set intext 0
set outlist [list]
#we need to account for empty ansiblock var caused by dual-var iteration over odd length list
foreach {pt ansiblock} [lreverse $sclist] {
if {$ansiblock ne ""} {
if {!$intext} {
@ -3761,11 +3762,13 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
proc _splits_trim {sclist} {
return [_splits_trimright [_splits_trimleft $sclist]]
#Note that trim/trimleft/trimright will trim spaces at the extremities that are styled with background colour, underline etc
#that may be unexpected, but it's probably the only thing that makes sense. Plain string trim can chop off whitespace that is extraneous to the ansi entirely.
proc trimleft {string args} {
set intext 0
set out ""
#for split_codes only first or last pt can be empty string
#for split_codes only first or last pt can be empty string - but we can also get an empty ansiblock by using foreach with 2 vars on an odd-length list
foreach {pt ansiblock} [split_codes $string] {
if {!$intext} {
if {$pt eq "" || [regexp {^\s+$} $pt]} {
@ -3781,10 +3784,8 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::ansistring {
return $out
proc trimright {string} {
if {$string eq ""} {return ""} ;#excludes the case where split_codes would return nothing
set rtrimmed_list [lreverse [_splits_trimright [lreverse [split_codes $string]]]]
set rtrimmed_list [_splits_trimright [split_codes $string]]
return [join $rtrimmed_list ""]
proc trim {string} {


@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::loadedlib {
puts stdout "---"
set question "Proceed to create ${pkgtail}-${ver}.tm module? Y|N"
set answer [punk::lib::askuser $question] ;#takes account of previous stdin state and terminal raw vs line state
if {$answer ne "y"} {
if {[string tolower $answer] ne "y"} {
puts stderr "mix libcopy.asmodule aborting due to user response '$answer' (required Y|y to proceed) use -askme 0 to avoid prompts."
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::commandset::loadedlib {
if {$opt_askme} {
set question "Copy anyway? Y|N"
set answer [punk::lib::askuser $question]
if {$answer ne "y"} {
if {[string tolower $answer] ne "y"} {
puts stderr "mix libcopy.asmodule aborting due to user response '$answer' (required Y|y to proceed) use -askme 0 to avoid prompts."


@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
# uuid.tcl - Copyright (C) 2004 Pat Thoyts <>
# UUIDs are 128 bit values that attempt to be unique in time and space.
# Reference:
# uuid: scheme:
# Usage: uuid::uuid generate
# uuid::uuid equal $idA $idB
package require Tcl 8.5
namespace eval uuid {
variable accel
array set accel {critcl 0}
namespace export uuid
variable uid
if {![info exists uid]} {
set uid 1
proc K {a b} {set a}
# Optimization
# Caches machine info after the first pass
proc ::uuid::generate_tcl_machinfo {} {
variable machinfo
if {[info exists machinfo]} {
return $machinfo
lappend machinfo [clock seconds]; # timestamp
lappend machinfo [clock clicks]; # system incrementing counter
lappend machinfo [info hostname]; # spatial unique id (poor)
lappend machinfo [pid]; # additional entropy
lappend machinfo [array get ::tcl_platform]
# If we have /dev/urandom just stream 128 bits from that
if {[file exists /dev/urandom]} {
set fin [open /dev/urandom r]
binary scan [read $fin 128] H* machinfo
close $fin
} elseif {[catch {package require nettool}]} {
# More spatial information -- better than hostname.
# bug 1150714: opening a server socket may raise a warning messagebox
# with WinXP firewall, using ipconfig will return all IP addresses
# including ipv6 ones if available. ipconfig is OK on win98+
if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) "windows"]} {
catch {exec ipconfig} config
lappend machinfo $config
} else {
catch {
set s [socket -server void -myaddr [info hostname] 0]
K [fconfigure $s -sockname] [close $s]
} r
lappend machinfo $r
if {[package provide Tk] != {}} {
lappend machinfo [winfo pointerxy .]
lappend machinfo [winfo id .]
} else {
# If the nettool package works on this platform
# use the stream of hardware ids from it
lappend machinfo {*}[::nettool::hwid_list]
return $machinfo
# Generates a binary UUID as per the draft spec. We generate a pseudo-random
# type uuid (type 4). See section 3.4
proc ::uuid::generate_tcl {} {
package require md5 2
variable uid
set tok [md5::MD5Init]
md5::MD5Update $tok [incr uid]; # package incrementing counter
foreach string [generate_tcl_machinfo] {
md5::MD5Update $tok $string
set r [md5::MD5Final $tok]
binary scan $r c* r
# 3.4: set uuid versioning fields
lset r 8 [expr {([lindex $r 8] & 0x3F) | 0x80}]
lset r 6 [expr {([lindex $r 6] & 0x0F) | 0x40}]
return [binary format c* $r]
if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"]
&& [package provide critcl] != {}} {
namespace eval uuid {
critcl::ccode {
#define STRICT
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
typedef long (__stdcall *LPFNUUIDCREATE)(UUID *);
typedef const unsigned char cu_char;
critcl::cproc generate_c {Tcl_Interp* interp} ok {
int r = TCL_OK;
UUID uuid = {0};
hLib = LoadLibraryA(("rpcrt4.dll"));
if (hLib)
lpfnUuidCreate = (LPFNUUIDCREATE)
GetProcAddress(hLib, "UuidCreate");
if (lpfnUuidCreate) {
Tcl_Obj *obj;
obj = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj((cu_char *)&uuid, sizeof(uuid));
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, obj);
} else {
Tcl_SetResult(interp, "error: failed to create a guid",
return r;
# Convert a binary uuid into its string representation.
proc ::uuid::tostring {uuid} {
binary scan $uuid H* s
foreach {a b} {0 7 8 11 12 15 16 19 20 end} {
append r [string range $s $a $b] -
return [string tolower [string trimright $r -]]
# Convert a string representation of a uuid into its binary format.
proc ::uuid::fromstring {uuid} {
return [binary format H* [string map {- {}} $uuid]]
# Compare two uuids for equality.
proc ::uuid::equal {left right} {
set l [fromstring $left]
set r [fromstring $right]
return [string equal $l $r]
# Call our generate uuid implementation
proc ::uuid::generate {} {
variable accel
if {$accel(critcl)} {
return [generate_c]
} else {
return [generate_tcl]
# uuid generate -> string rep of a new uuid
# uuid equal uuid1 uuid2
proc uuid::uuid {cmd args} {
switch -exact -- $cmd {
generate {
if {[llength $args] != 0} {
return -code error "wrong # args:\
should be \"uuid generate\""
return [tostring [generate]]
equal {
if {[llength $args] != 2} {
return -code error "wrong \# args:\
should be \"uuid equal uuid1 uuid2\""
return [eval [linsert $args 0 equal]]
default {
return -code error "bad option \"$cmd\":\
must be generate or equal"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# LoadAccelerator --
# This package can make use of a number of compiled extensions to
# accelerate the digest computation. This procedure manages the
# use of these extensions within the package. During normal usage
# this should not be called, but the test package manipulates the
# list of enabled accelerators.
proc ::uuid::LoadAccelerator {name} {
variable accel
set r 0
switch -exact -- $name {
critcl {
if {![catch {package require tcllibc}]} {
set r [expr {[info commands ::uuid::generate_c] != {}}]
default {
return -code error "invalid accelerator package:\
must be one of [join [array names accel] {, }]"
set accel($name) $r
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Try and load a compiled extension to help.
namespace eval ::uuid {
variable e {}
foreach e {critcl} {
if {[LoadAccelerator $e]} break
unset e
package provide uuid 1.0.7
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Local variables:
# mode: tcl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: