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dir listing ./ (d/) multiple search support, x/ script running vs ./

Julian Noble 10 months ago
  1. 9
  2. 814
  3. 39
  4. 528
  5. 1
  6. 19
  7. 8


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
INSTALLER -tsiso 2023-10-05T01:17:29 -ts 1696429049063279 -name manual -keep_events 5 {
EVENT -tsiso 2023-10-05T01:17:29 -ts 1696429049063338 -type install -id 600bfdac-284e-488f-b8bb-62984640f12b -source ../../modules -target . -config {-glob -antiglob_file_core {*.swp *999999.0a1.0* *-buildversion.txt .punkcheck} -antiglob_file {} -antiglob_dir_core {{#*} _aside .git .fossil*} -antiglob_dir {}}
EVENT -tsiso 2023-10-05T01:19:05 -ts 1696429145153107 -type install -id cb25e965-965f-4ebb-bd3d-cac901273bf0 -source ../../../modules -target . -config {-glob -antiglob_file_core {*.swp *999999.0a1.0* *-buildversion.txt .punkcheck} -antiglob_file {} -antiglob_dir_core {{#*} _aside .git .fossil*} -antiglob_dir {}}
FILEINFO -target punk/ -keep_installrecords 2 -keep_skipped 1 -keep_installing 2 {
INSTALLRECORD -tsiso 2023-10-05T01:19:05 -ts 1696429145155747 -installer manual -eventid cb25e965-965f-4ebb-bd3d-cac901273bf0 -elapsed_us 16897 {
SOURCE -type file -path ../../../modules/punk/ -cksum eaf21ef8df7355cfe077b1da8aeca3b4a7a9d7f7 -cksum_all_opts {-cksum_content 1 -cksum_meta 0 -cksum_acls 0 -cksum_usetar 0 -cksum_algorithm sha1} -changed 1 -metadata_us 10894


@ -1,814 +0,0 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# Maintenance Instruction: leave the as is and use 'pmix make' or src/make.tcl to update from <pkg>-buildversion.txt
# Please consider using a BSD or MIT style license for greatest compatibility with the Tcl ecosystem.
# Code using preferred Tcl licenses can be eligible for inclusion in Tcllib, Tklib and the punk package repository.
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
#Copyright (c) 2023 Julian Noble
#Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Andreas Kupries
# - code from A.K's 'kettle' project used in this module
# @@ Meta Begin
# Application punk::repo 0.1.0
# Meta platform tcl
# Meta license BSD
# @@ Meta End
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Requirements
##e.g package require frobz
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
# path/repo functions
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
package require punk::winpath
} else {
catch {package require punk::winpath}
package require cksum ;#tcllib
package require fileutil; #tcllib
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
# For performance/efficiency reasons - use file functions on paths in preference to string operations
# e.g use file join
# branch to avoid unnecessary calls to 'pwd' or 'file normalize' - which can be surprisingly expensive operations (as at tcl 8.7 2023)
# pwd is only expensive if we treat it as a string instead of a list/path
# e.g
# > time {set x [pwd]}
# 5 microsoeconds.. no problem
# > time {set x [pwd]}
# 4 microsoeconds.. still no problem
# > string length $x
# 45
# > time {set x [pwd]}
# 1372 microseconds per iteration ;#!! values above 0.5ms common.. and that's a potential problem in loops that trawl filesystem
# The same sorts of timings occur with file normalize
# also.. even if we build up a path with file join from a base value that has already been normalized - the subsequent normalize will be expensive
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
namespace eval punk::repo {
variable tmpfile_counter 0 ;#additional tmpfile collision avoidance
proc is_fossil {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
return [expr {[find_fossil $path] ne {}}]
proc is_git {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
return [expr {[find_git $path] ne {}}]
#tracked repo - but may not be a project
proc is_repo {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
return [expr {[isfossil] || [is_git]}]
proc is_candidate {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
return [expr {[find_candidate $path] ne {}}]
proc is_project {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
return [expr {[find_project $path] ne {}}]
proc find_fossil {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
scanup $path is_fossil_root
proc find_git {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
scanup $path is_git_root
proc find_candidate {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
scanup $path is_candidate_root
proc find_repo {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
#find the closest (lowest in dirtree) repository
set f_root [find_fossil $path]
set g_root [find_git $path]
if {[string length $f_root]} {
if {[string length $g_root]} {
if {[path_a_below_b $f_root $g_root]} {
return $f_root
} else {
return $g_root
} else {
return $f_root
} else {
if {[string length $g_root]} {
return $g_root
} else {
return ""
proc find_project {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
scanup $path is_project_root
proc is_fossil_root {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
#from kettle::path::is.fossil
foreach control {
} {
set control $path/$control
if {[file exists $control] && [file isfile $control]} {return 1}
return 0
proc is_git_root {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
set control [file join $path .git]
expr {[file exists $control] && [file isdirectory $control]}
proc is_repo_root {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
expr {[is_fossil_root $path] || [is_git_root $path]}
#require a minimum of /src and /modules|lib|scriptapps|*.vfs - and that it's otherwise sensible
proc is_candidate_root {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
if {[file pathtype $path] eq "relative"} {
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
set normpath [punk::repo::norm [punk::winpath::winpath $path]]
} else {
set normpath [punk::repo::norm $path]
} else {
set normpath $path
set unwise_paths [list "/" "/usr/local" "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/local/lib" "c:/windows"]
if {[string tolower $normpath] in $unwise_paths} {
return 0
if {[file pathtype [string trimright $normpath /]] eq "volumerelative"} {
#tcl 8.6/8.7 cd command doesn't preserve the windows "ProviderPath" (per drive current working directory)
return 0
#review - adjust to allow symlinks to folders?
foreach required {
} {
set req $path/$required
if {(![file exists $req]) || ([file type $req] ne "directory") } {return 0}
set src_subs [glob -nocomplain -dir $path/src -types d -tail *]
if {"modules" in $src_subs || "lib" in $src_subs || "scriptapps" in $src_subs} {
return 1
foreach sub $src_subs {
if {[string match *.vfs $sub]} {
return 1
#todo - breadth first search with depth limit (say depth 3?) for *.tm or *.tcl as another positive qualifier for this dir to be a project-root
#we probably don't want to deep search a src folder in case the user is accidentally in some other type of project's tree
#such a src tree could be very large, so if we don't find tcl indicators near the root it's a good bet this isn't a candidate
return 0
#keep this message in sync with the programmed requirements of is_candidate_root
#message is not titled - it is intended to be output along with more contextual information from the calling site.
proc is_candidate_root_requirements_msg {} {
set msg ""
append msg "./src directory must exist." \n
append msg "At least one of ./src/lib ./src/modules ./src/scriptapps or a ./src/<something>.vfs folder should exist." \n
#append msg "Alternatively - the presence of any .tm or .tcl files within the top few levels of ./src will suffice." \n
return $msg
proc is_project_root {path} {
#review - find a reliable simple mechanism. Noting we have projects based on different templates.
#Should there be a specific required 'project' file of some sort?
#test for file/folder items indicating fossil or git workdir base
if {(![punk::repo::is_fossil_root $path]) && (![punk::repo::is_git_root $path])} {
return 0
#exclude some known places we wouldn't want to put a project
if {![is_candidate_root $path]} {
return 0
return 1
proc find_roots_and_warnings_dict {path} {
set start_dir $path
#root is a 'project' if it it meets the candidate requrements and is under repo control
#therefore if project is in the closest_types list - candidate will always be there too - and at least one of git or fossil
set root_dict [list closest {} closest_types {} fossil {} git {} candidate {} project {} warnings {}]
set msg ""
#we're only searching in a straight path up the tree looking for a few specific marker files/folder
set fosroot [punk::repo::find_fossil $start_dir]
dict set root_dict fossil $fosroot
set gitroot [punk::repo::find_git $start_dir]
dict set root_dict git $gitroot
set candroot [punk::repo::find_candidate $start_dir]
dict set root_dict candidate $candroot
if {[string length $fosroot]} {
if {([string length $candroot]) && ([string tolower $fosroot] ne [string tolower $candroot])} {
#todo - only warn if this candidate is *within* the found repo root?
append msg "**" \n
append msg "** found folder with /src at or above starting folder - that isn't the fossil root" \n
append msg "** starting folder : $start_dir" \n
append msg "** unexpected : $candroot" \n
append msg "** fossil root : $fosroot ([punk::repo::path_relative $start_dir $fosroot])" \n
append msg "** reporting based on the fossil root found."
append msg "**" \n
} else {
if {[string length $gitroot]} {
if {([string length $candroot]) && ([string tolower $gitroot] ne [string tolower $candroot])} {
append msg "**" \n
append msg "** found folder with /src at or above current folder - that isn't the git root" \n
append msg "** starting folder : $start_dir" \n
append msg "** unexpected : $candroot ([punk::repo::path_relative $start_dir $candroot])" \n
append msg "** git root : $gitroot ([punk::repo::path_relative $start_dir $gitroot])" \n
append msg "** reporting based on the git root found."
append msg "**" \n
} else {
if {(![string length [dict get $root_dict fossil]])} {
append msg "Not a punk fossil project" \n
#don't warn if not git - unless also not fossil
if {(![string length [dict get $root_dict fossil]]) && (![string length [dict get $root_dict git]])} {
append msg "No repository located at or above starting folder $start_dir" \n
if {![string length [dict get $root_dict candidate]]} {
append msg "No candidate project root found. " \n
append msg "Searched upwards from '$start_dir' expecting a folder with the following requirements: " \n
append msg [punk::repo::is_candidate_root_requirements_msg] \n
} else {
append msg "Candidate project root found at : $candidate" \n
append msg " - consider putting this folder under fossil control (and/or git)" \n
set pathinfo [list];#exclude not found
foreach repotype [list fossil git candidate] {
set path [dict get $root_dict $repotype]
if {[string length $path]} {
set plen [llength [file split $path]]
lappend pathinfo [list $repotype $path $plen]
#these root are all inline towards root of drive - so anything of same length should be same path - shorter path must be above another
#we will check equal depth paths are equal strings and raise an error just in case there are problems with the coding for the various path functions used here
#longest path is 'closest' to start_dir
set longest_first [lsort -index 2 $pathinfo]
if {![llength $longest_first]} {
#no repos or candidate - we have already created msg above
} else {
dict set root_dict closest [lindex $longest_first 0 1] ;#the *path* of the closest to start_dir - now we need to find all the types of this len
#see if others same len
set longestlen [lindex $longest_first 0 2]
set equal_longest [lsearch -all -inline -index 2 $longest_first $longestlen]
set ctypes [list]
foreach pinfo $equal_longest {
lappend ctypes [lindex $pinfo 0]
dict set root_dict closest_types $ctypes
if {[string length [set fosroot [dict get $root_dict fossil]]] && [string length [set gitroot [dict get $root_dict git]]]} {
if {$fosroot ne $gitroot} {
if {[path_a_above_b $fosroot $gitroot]} {
append msg "Found git repo nested within fossil repo - be careful" \n
append msg "** fos root : $fosroot ([punk::repo::path_relative $start_dir $fosroot])" \n
append msg " * git root : $gitroot ([punk::repo::path_relative $start_dir $gitroot])" \n
} else {
append msg "Found fossil repo nested within git repo - be careful" \n
append msg "** git root : $gitroot ([punk::repo::path_relative $start_dir $gitroot])" \n
append msg " * fos root : $fosroot ([punk::repo::path_relative $start_dir $fosroot])" \n
dict set root_dict warnings $msg
#some quick sanity checks..
set ctypes [dict get $root_dict closest_types]
if {"project" in $ctypes} {
if {"candidate" ni $ctypes} {
set errmsg "find_roots_and_warnings_dict logic error: have project but not also classified as candidate (coding error in punk::repo) - inform developer\n"
append errmsg " warnings gathered before error:\n $msg"
error $errmsg
if {("git" ni $ctypes) && ("fossil" ni $ctypes)} {
set errmsg "find_roots_and_warnings_dict logic error: have project but not also at least one of 'git', 'fossil' (coding error in punk::repo) - inform developer\n"
append errmsg " warnings gathered before error:\n $msg"
error $errmsg
set ctype_paths [list]
foreach ctype [dict get $root_dict closest_types] {
lappend ctype_paths [lindex [dict get $root_dict $ctype] 1] ;# type, path, len
set unique [lsort -unique $ctype_paths]
if {[llength $unique] > 1} {
# this may be a filesystem path representation issue? case? normalisation?
set errmsg "find_roots_and_warnings_dict logic error: different paths for closest folders found (error in punk::repo) - inform developer\n"
append errmsg " warnings gathered before error:\n $msg"
error $errmsg
return $root_dict
#limit to exec so full punk shell not required in scripts
proc git_revision {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
# ::kettle::path::revision.git
do_in_path $path {
try {
#git describe will error with 'No names found' if repo has no tags
#set v [::exec {*}[auto_execok git] describe]
set v [::exec {*}[auto_execok git] rev-parse HEAD] ;# consider 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'
} on error {e o} {
set v [lindex [split [dict get $o -errorinfo] \n] 0]
return [string trim $v]
proc git_remote {{path {{}}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
do_in_path $path {
try {
#git describe will error with 'No names found' if repo has no tags
#set v [::exec {*}[auto_execok git] describe]
set v [::exec {*}[auto_execok git] -remote -v] ;# consider 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'
} on error {e o} {
set v [lindex [split [dict get $o -errorinfo] \n] 0]
return [string trim $v]
proc fossil_revision {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
# ::kettle::path::revision.fossil
set fossilcmd [auto_execok fossil]
if {[llength $fossilcmd]} {
do_in_path $path {
set info [::exec {*}$fossilcmd info]
return [lindex [grep {checkout:*} $info] 0 1]
} else {
return Unknown
proc fossil_remote {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
# ::kettle::path::revision.fossil
set fossilcmd [auto_execok fossil]
if {[llength $fossilcmd]} {
do_in_path $path {
set info [::exec {*}$fossilcmd remote ls]
return [string trim $v]
} else {
return Unknown
proc cksum_path_content {path args} {
dict set args -cksum_content 1
dict set args -cksum_meta 0
tailcall cksum_path $path {*}args
#for full cksum - using tar could reduce number of hashes to be made..
#but as it stores metadata such as permission - we don't know if/how the archive will vary based on platform/filesystem
#-noperms only available on extraction - so that doesn't help
#Needs to operate on non-existant paths and return empty string in cksum field
proc cksum_path {path args} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
if {[file pathtype $path] eq "relative"} {
set path [file normalize $path]
set base [file dirname $path]
set startdir [pwd]
set defaults [list -cksum_content 1 -cksum_meta 1 -cksum_acls 0 -use_tar 1]
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
if {![file exists $path]} {
return [list cksum "" opts $opts]
set opt_cksum_acls [dict get $opts -cksum_acls]
if {$opt_cksum_acls} {
puts stderr "cksum_path is not yet able to cksum ACLs"
set opt_cksum_meta [dict get $opts -cksum_meta]
if {$opt_cksum_meta} {
} else {
if {[file type $path] ne "file"} {
puts stderr "cksum_path doesn't yet support a content-only cksum of a folder structure. Currently only files supported without metadata. For folders use cksum_path -cksum_meta 1"
return [list error unsupported opts $opts]
set opt_use_tar [dict get $opts -use_tar]
if {$opt_use_tar} {
package require tar ;#from tcllib
} else {
if {[file type $path] eq "directory"} {
puts stderr "cksum_path doesn't yet support -use_tar 0 for folders"
return [list error unsupported opts $opts]
if {$path eq $base} {
#attempting to cksum at root/volume level of a filesystem.. extra work
#This needs fixing for general use.. not necessarily just for project repos
puts stderr "cksum_path doesn't yet support cksum of entire volume. (todo)"
return [list error unsupported opts $opts]
set cksum ""
if {$opt_use_tar} {
set target [file tail $path]
set tmplocation [tmpdir]
set archivename $tmplocation/[tmpfile].tar
cd $base ;#cd is process-wide.. keep cd in effect for as small a scope as possible. (review for thread issues)
#temp emission to stdout.. todo - repl telemetry channel
puts stdout "cksum_path: creating temporary tar archive at: $archivename .."
tar::create $archivename $target
puts stdout "cksum_path: calculating cksum for $target (size [file size $target])..."
set cksum [crc::cksum -format 0x%X -file $archivename]
puts stdout "cksum_path: cleaning up.. "
file delete -force $archivename
cd $startdir
} else {
if {[file type $path] eq "file"} {
if {$opt_cksum_meta} {
return [list error unsupported opts $opts]
} else {
set cksum [crc::cksum -format 0x%X -file $path]
} else {
error "cksum_path unsupported $opts for path type [file type $path]"
set result [dict create]
dict set result cksum $cksum
dict set result opts $opts
return $result
#temporarily cd to workpath to run script - return to correct path even on failure
proc do_in_path {path script} {
#from ::kettle::path::in
set here [pwd]
try {
cd $path
uplevel 1 $script
} finally {
cd $here
proc scanup {path cmd} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
#based on kettle::path::scanup
if {[file pathtype $path] eq "relative"} {
set path [file normalize $path]
while {1} {
# Found the proper directory, per the predicate.
if {[{*}$cmd $path]} { return $path }
# Not found, walk to parent
set new [file dirname $path]
# Stop when reaching the root.
if {$new eq $path} { return {} }
if {$new eq {}} { return {} }
# Ok, truly walk up.
set path $new
return {}
#get content part of content/zip delimited by special \x1a (ctrl-z) char as used in tarjr and kettle::path::c/z
proc c/z {content} {
return [lindex [split $content \x1A] 0]
proc grep {pattern data} {
set data [string map [list \r\n \n] $data]
return [lsearch -all -inline -glob [split $data \n] $pattern]
proc rgrep {pattern data} {
set data [string map [list \r\n \n] $data]
return [lsearch -all -inline -regexp [split $data \n] $pattern]
proc tmpfile {{prefix tmp_}} {
#note risk of collision if pregenerating a list of tmpfile names
#we will maintain an icrementing id so the caller doesn't have to bear that in mind
variable tmpfile_counter
global tcl_platform
return .punkrepo_$prefix[pid]_[clock microseconds]_[incr tmpfile_counter]_[info hostname]_$tcl_platform(user)
proc tmpdir {} {
# Taken from tcllib fileutil.
global tcl_platform env
set attempdirs [list]
set problems {}
foreach tmp {TMPDIR TEMP TMP} {
if { [info exists env($tmp)] } {
lappend attempdirs $env($tmp)
} else {
lappend problems "No environment variable $tmp"
switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
windows {
lappend attempdirs "C:\\TEMP" "C:\\TMP" "\\TEMP" "\\TMP"
macintosh {
lappend attempdirs $env(TRASH_FOLDER) ;# a better place?
default {
lappend attempdirs \
[file join / tmp] \
[file join / var tmp] \
[file join / usr tmp]
lappend attempdirs [pwd]
foreach tmp $attempdirs {
if { [file isdirectory $tmp] &&
[file writable $tmp] } {
return [file normalize $tmp]
} elseif { ![file isdirectory $tmp] } {
lappend problems "Not a directory: $tmp"
} else {
lappend problems "Not writable: $tmp"
# Fail if nothing worked.
return -code error "Unable to determine a proper directory for temporary files\n[join $problems \n]"
#todo - review
proc ensure-cleanup {path} {
#::atexit [lambda {path} {
#file delete -force $path
#} [norm $path]]
file delete -force $path
proc path_relative {base dst} {
#see also kettle
# Modified copy of ::fileutil::relative (tcllib)
# Adapted to 8.5 ({*}).
# Taking two _directory_ paths, a base and a destination, computes the path
# of the destination relative to the base.
# Arguments:
# base The path to make the destination relative to.
# dst The destination path
# Results:
# The path of the destination, relative to the base.
# Ensure that the link to directory 'dst' is properly done relative to
# the directory 'base'.
if {[file pathtype $base] ne [file pathtype $dst]} {
return -code error "Unable to compute relation for paths of different pathtypes: [file pathtype $base] vs. [file pathtype $dst], ($base vs. $dst)"
set base [norm $base]
set dst [norm $dst]
set save $dst
set base [file split $base]
set dst [file split $dst]
while {[lindex $dst 0] eq [lindex $base 0]} {
set dst [lrange $dst 1 end]
set base [lrange $base 1 end]
if {![llength $dst]} {break}
set dstlen [llength $dst]
set baselen [llength $base]
if {($dstlen == 0) && ($baselen == 0)} {
# Cases:
# (a) base == dst
set dst .
} else {
# Cases:
# (b) base is: base/sub = sub
# dst is: base = {}
# (c) base is: base = {}
# dst is: base/sub = sub
while {$baselen > 0} {
set dst [linsert $dst 0 ..]
incr baselen -1
set dst [file join {*}$dst]
return $dst
#literate-programming style naming for some path tests
#Note the naming of the operator portion of a_op_b is consistent in that it is the higher side of the filesystem tree first.
#hence aboveorat vs atorbelow
#These names also sort in the logical order of higher to lower in the filesystem (when considering the root as 'higher' in the filesystem)
proc path_a_above_b {path_a path_b} {
#stripPath prefix path
return [expr {[fileutil::stripPath $path_a $path_b] ni [list . $path_b]}]
proc path_a_aboveorat_b {path_a path_b} {
return [expr {[fileutil::stripPath $path_a $path_b] ne $path_b}]
proc path_a_at_b {path_a path_b} {
return [expr {[fileutil::stripPath $path_a $path_b] eq "." }]
proc path_a_atorbelow_b {path_a path_b} {
return [expr {[fileutil::stripPath $path_b $path_a] ne $path_a}]
proc path_a_below_b {path_a path_b} {
return [expr {[fileutil::stripPath $path_b $path_a] ni [list . $path_a]}]
proc path_a_inlinewith_b {path_a path_b} {
return [expr {[path_a_aboveorat_b $path_a $path_b] || [path_a_below_b $path_a $path_b]}]
#whether path is at and/or below one of the vfs mount points
#The design should facilitate nested vfs mountpoints
proc path_vfs_info {filepath} {
#file normalize is expensive so this is too
proc norm {path {platform env}} {
#see also wiki
#full path normalization
set platform [string tolower $platform]
if {$platform eq "env"} {
set platform $::tcl_platform(platform)
if {$platform eq "windows"} {
return [file dirname [file normalize [punk::winpath::winpath $path]/__]]
} else {
return [file dirname [file normalize $path/__]]
#This taken from kettle::path::strip
#It doesn't compare the prefix contents presumably for speed when used in kettle::path::scan
#renamed to better indicate its behaviour
proc path_strip_prefixdepth {path prefix} {
return [file join \
{*}[lrange \
[file split [norm $path]] \
[llength [file split [norm $prefix]]] \
#MUCH faster version for absolute path prefix (pre-normalized)
proc path_strip_alreadynormalized_prefixdepth {path prefix} {
return [file join \
{*}[lrange \
[file split $path] \
[llength [file split $prefix]] \
proc fcat {args} {
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} {
return [fileutil::cat {*}$args]
set knownopts [list -eofchar -translation -encoding --]
set last_opt 0
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args]} {incr i} {
set ival [lindex $args $i]
#puts stdout "i:$i a: $ival known: [expr {$ival in $knownopts}]"
if {$ival eq "--"} {
set last_opt $i
} else {
if {$ival in $knownopts} {
#puts ">known at $i : [lindex $args $i]"
if {($i % 2) != 0} {
error "unexpected option at index $i. known options: $knownopts must come in -opt val pairs."
incr i
set last_opt $i
} else {
set last_opt [expr {$i - 1}]
set first_non_opt [expr {$last_opt + 1}]
#puts stderr "first_non_opt: $first_non_opt"
set opts [lrange $args -1 $first_non_opt-1]
set paths [lrange $args $first_non_opt end]
if {![llength $paths]} {
error "Unable to find file in the supplied arguments: $args. Ensure options are all -opt val pairs and that file name(s) follow"
#puts stderr "opts: $opts paths: $paths"
set finalpaths [list]
foreach p $paths {
if {[punk::winpath::illegalname_test $p]} {
lappend finalpaths [punk::winpath::illegalname_fix $p]
} else {
lappend finalpaths $p
fileutil::cat {*}$opts {*}$finalpaths
interp alias {} is_fossil {} ::punk::repo::is_fossil
interp alias {} is_fossil_root {} ::punk::repo::is_fossil_root
interp alias {} find_fossil {} ::punk::repo::find_fossil
interp alias {} fossil_revision {} ::punk::repo::fossil_revision
interp alias {} is_git {} ::punk::repo::is_git
interp alias {} is_git_root {} ::punk::repo::is_git_root
interp alias {} find_git {} ::punk::repo::find_git
interp alias {} git_revision {} ::punk::repo::git_revision
interp alias {} gs {} git status -sb
interp alias {} gr {} ::punk::repo::git_revision
interp alias {} gl {} git log --oneline --decorate ;#decorate so stdout consistent with what we see on console
interp alias {} glast {} git log -1 HEAD --stat
interp alias {} gconf {} git config --global -l
# ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
## Ready
package provide punk::repo [namespace eval punk::repo {
variable version
set version 0.1.0


@ -388,6 +388,8 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
#set checkrevision [fossil_revision $abspath]
dict set resultdict ahead ""
dict set resultdict behind ""
foreach ln [split $fossilstate \n] {
if {[string trim $ln] eq ""} {continue}
@ -439,6 +441,18 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
puts stderr "workingdir_state: git revision is (initial) - no file state to gather"
dict set resultdict ahead ""
dict set resultdict behind ""
set aheadbehind [lindex [grep {# branch.ab *} $gitstate] 0]
if {[llength $aheadbehind] > 0} {
lassign [lrange $aheadbehind 2 3] a b
if {$a > 0} {
dict set resultdict ahead [expr {abs($a)}]
if {$b < 0} {
dict set resultdict behind [expr {abs($b)}]
#set checkrevision [git_revision $abspath]
if {[catch {punk::mix::util::do_in_path $repodir [list exec {*}$git_cmd ls-tree -r $revision $abspath]} gitfiles]} {
error "workingdir_state error: Unable to retrieve files for revision '$revision' using git. Errormsg: $gitfiles"
@ -519,7 +533,7 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
package require overtype
set defaults [dict create\
-fields {unchanged changed new missing extra}\
-fields {ahead behind unchanged changed new missing extra}\
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -532,6 +546,8 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
repodir repodir\
subpath subpath\
revision revision\
ahead ahead\
behind behind\
repotype repotype\
unchanged unchanged\
changed changed\
@ -573,7 +589,7 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
set filestates [dict values [dict get $repostate paths]]
set path_count_fields [list unchanged changed new missing extra]
set state_fields [list repodir subpath repotype revision]
set state_fields [list ahead behind repodir subpath repotype revision]
set dresult [dict create]
foreach f $state_fields {
dict set dresult $f [dict get $repostate $f]
@ -1143,6 +1159,25 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
[llength [file split $prefix]] \
#fs agnostic - so file normalize must be done by caller
proc strip_if_prefix {prefix path args} {
set known_opts [list -nocase]
set opts [list]
foreach a $args {
lappend opts [tcl::prefix match -message "option" $known_opts $a]
if {"-nocase" in $opts} {
set lp [tcl::prefix longest [string tolower $path] [string tolower $prefix]]
} else {
set lp [tcl::prefix longest $path $prefix]
#return in original casing whether or not -nocase specified. -nocase only applies to the comparison
if {![llength $lp]} {
return $path
} else {
return [string range $path [string length $prefix] end]
interp alias {} is_fossil {} ::punk::repo::is_fossil


@ -5090,49 +5090,215 @@ namespace eval punk {
interp alias {} ~ {} punk::~
#generally we expect values to contain leading dashes only if -- specified. Otherwise no reliable way determine difference between bad flags and values
#If no eopts (--) specified we stop looking for opts at the first nondash encountered in a position we'd expect a dash - so without eopt, values could contain dashes - but not in first position after flags.
#only supports -flag val pairs, not solo options
proc get_leading_opts_and_values {defaults rawargs} {
if {[set eopts [lsearch $rawargs "--"]] >= 0} {
set values [lrange $rawargs $eopts+1 end]
set arglist [lrange $rawargs 0 $eopts-1]
} else {
if {[lsearch $rawargs -*] >= 0} {
#to support option values with leading dash e.g -offset -1 , we can't just take the last flagindex
set i 0
foreach {k v} $rawargs {
if {![string match -* $k]} {
incr i 2
set arglist [lrange $rawargs 0 $i-1]
set values [lrange $rawargs $i end]
} else {
set values $rawargs ;#no -flags detected
set arglist [list]
set checked_args [dict create]
set caller [lindex [dict get [info frame -2] cmd] 0] ;#hopefully first word is a plain proc name if this function was called in the normal manner - directly from a proc
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $arglist]} {incr i} {
#allow this to error out with message indicating expected flags
dict set checked_args [tcl::prefix match -message "$caller option" [dict keys $defaults] [lindex $arglist $i]] [lindex $arglist $i+1]
incr i ;#skip val
set opts [dict merge $defaults $checked_args]
#maintain order of opts $opts values $values as caller may use lassign.
return [dict create opts $opts values $values]
proc dirlist {{location ""}} {
set contents [dirfiles_dict $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines $contents -stripbase 1]
#dirfiles dirfiles_dict always deliberately return absolute *unnormalized* path
#e.g when cwd is c:/repo/jn/shellspy dirfiles ../../ will return something like:
# c:/repo/jn/shellspy/../../blah
#dirfiles assumes we don't have glob chars in the filenames or paths - dirfiles_dict can be called directly with explicit -tailglob in the rare case that assumption doesn't hold
# dirfiles will test last segment (tail) of supplied searchspecs for fileness vs folderness (when no globchars present in tail) so that it can pass the appropriate flags downstream
proc dirfiles {args} {
set defaults [list\
-stripbase 1\
lassign [dict values [get_leading_opts_and_values $defaults $args]] opts searchspecs ;#implicit merge of opts over defaults
set opt_stripbase [dict get $opts -stripbase]
#todo - support multiple - dirfiles_dict should merge results when same folder
set searchspec [lindex $searchspecs 0]
set relativepath [expr {[file pathtype $searchspec] eq "relative"}]
set has_tailglobs [regexp {[?*]} [file tail $searchspec]]
#dirfiles_dict would handle simple cases of globs within paths anyway - but we need to explicitly set tailglob here in all branches so that next level doesn't need to do file vs dir checks to determine user intent.
#(dir-listing vs file-info when no glob-chars present is inherently ambiguous so we test file vs dir to make an assumption - more explicit control via -tailglob can be done manually with dirfiles_dict)
if {$relativepath} {
set searchbase [pwd]
if {!$has_tailglobs} {
if {[file isdirectory [file join $searchbase $searchspec]]} {
set location [file join $searchbase $searchspec]
set tailglob *
} else {
set location [file dirname [file join $searchbase $searchspec]]
set tailglob [file tail $searchspec] ;#use exact match as a glob - will retrieve size,attributes etc.
} else {
#tailglobs exist - and we operate under assumption globchars aren't present in file/folder names - so no folderness/fileness check needed.
set location [file dirname [file join $searchbase $searchspec]]
set tailglob [file tail $searchspec]
} else {
#for absolute paths - searchbase AND location will change depending on globiness of tail and fileness vs folderness
if {!$has_tailglobs} {
if {[file isdirectory $searchspec]} {
set searchbase $searchspec
set location $searchspec
set tailglob *
} else {
set searchbase [file dirname $searchspec]
set location [file dirname $searchspec]
set tailglob [file tail $searchspec] ;#literal glob for single file - retrieves properties
} else {
set searchbase [file dirname $searchspec]
set location [file dirname $searchspec]
set tailglob [file tail $searchspec]
puts "-->location:$location"
set contents [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $tailglob $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines $contents {*}$opts]
#todo - package as punk::navdir
#todo - in thread
#todo - streaming version
proc dirfiles_dict {{searchspec ""}} {
package require vfs
#we don't want to normalize..
#for example if the user supplies ../ we want to see ../result
if {[file pathtype $searchspec] eq "relative"} {
set searchbase [pwd]
set listingfor [file join $searchbase $searchspec]
} else {
set searchbase ""
set listingfor $searchspec
#glob patterns in path prior to final segment should already be resolved before using dirfiles_dict - as the underlying filesystem mechanisms can't do nested globbing themselves.
#dirfiles_dict will assume the path up to the final segment is literal even if globchars are included therein.
#final segment globs will be recognised only if -tailglob is passed as empty string
#if -tailglob not supplied and last segment has globchars - presume searchspec parendir is the container and last segment is globbing within that.
#if -tailglob not supplied and last segment has no globchars - presume searchspec is a container(directory) and use glob *
#caller should use parentdir as location and set tailglob to search-pattern or exact match if location is intended to match a file rather than a directory
# somewhere/files = search is effectively somewhere/files/* (location somewhere/files glob is *)
# somewhere/files/* = (as above)
# -tailglob * somewhere/files = (as above)
# -tailglob "" somewhere/files = search somewhere folder for exactly 'files' (location somewhere glob is files)
# -tailglob files somewhere = (as above)
# somewhere/f* = search somewhere folder for f* (location somewhere glob is f*)
# -tailglob f* somewhere = (as above)
# This somewhat clumsy API is so that simple searches can be made in a default sensible manner without requiring extra -tailglob argument for the common cases - with lack of trailing glob segment indicating a directory listing
# - but we need to distinguish somewhere/files as a search of that folder vs somewhere/files as a search for exactly 'files' within somewhere, hence the -tailglob option to fine-tune.
# - this also in theory allows file/directory names to contain glob chars - although this is probably unlikely and/or unwise and not likely to be usable on all platforms.
#if caller supplies a tailglob as empty string - presume the caller hasn't set location to parentdir - and that last element is the search pattern.
# -searchbase is always passed through - and is only used to construct a location path if a relative searchspec was supplied
proc dirfiles_dict {args} {
set defaults [dict create\
-searchbase ""\
-tailglob "\uFFFF"\
lassign [dict values [get_leading_opts_and_values $defaults $args]] opts searchspecs
puts stderr "searchspecs: $searchspecs [llength $searchspecs]"
puts stdout "arglist: $opts"
if {[llength $searchspecs] > 1} {
#review - spaced paths ?
error "dirfiles_dict: multiple listing not *yet* supported"
set searchspec [lindex $searchspecs 0]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_searchbase [dict get $opts -searchbase]
set opt_glob [dict get $opts -tailglob]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set ftail [file tail $listingfor]
#we don't want to normalize..
#for example if the user supplies ../ we want to see ../result
if {[string first ? $ftail] >= 0 || [string first * $ftail] >=0} {
#has globchar (we only recognise as glob in tail)
set location [file dirname $listingfor]
set glob $ftail
set relativepath [expr {[file pathtype $searchspec] eq "relative"}]
set searchbase $opt_searchbase
if {$opt_glob eq ""} {
if {$relativepath} {
set location [file dirname [file join $searchbase $searchspec]]
} else {
set location [file dirname $searchspec]
#here tail is treated as a search-pattern within location whether or not it contains glob chars "?" or "*"
set glob [file tail $searchspec]
} else {
set location $listingfor
set glob *
set tail [file tail $searchspec]
set tail_has_globs [regexp {[*?]} $tail]
if {$opt_glob eq "\uFFFF"} {
if {$tail_has_globs} {
if {$relativepath} {
set location [file dirname [file join $searchbase $searchspec]]
} else {
set location [file dirname $searchspec]
set glob [file tail $searchspec]
} else {
#user didn't supply a glob within tail segment, nor did they specify a separate -tailglob - presume they want a directory listing
if {$relativepath} {
set location [file join $searchbase $searchspec]
} else {
set location $searchspec
set glob *
} else {
#-tailglob supplied separately - ignore any globiness in tail segment of searchspec and treat literally
if {$relativepath} {
set location [file join $searchbase $searchspec]
} else {
set location $searchspec
set glob $opt_glob
set in_vfs 0
foreach mount [vfs::filesystem info] {
if {[punk::mix::base::lib::path_a_atorbelow_b $location $mount]} {
set in_vfs 1
if {![catch {package require vfs} errM]} {
foreach mount [vfs::filesystem info] {
if {[punk::mix::base::lib::path_a_atorbelow_b $location $mount]} {
set in_vfs 1
if {$in_vfs} {
set listing [punk::du::lib::du_dirlisting_tclvfs $location -glob $glob -with_sizes f -with_times 1]
} else {
set listing [punk::du::dirlisting $location -glob $glob -with_sizes f -with_times 1]
#set dirs [glob -nocomplain -directory $location -type d -tail $glob]
set dirs [dict get $listing dirs]
set files [dict get $listing files]
set filesizes [dict get $listing filesizes]
@ -5210,12 +5376,11 @@ namespace eval punk {
lappend nonportable $nm
set front_of_dict [dict create location $location searchbase $searchbase]
set listing [dict merge $front_of_dict $listing]
set updated [dict create dirs $dirs files $files filesizes $filesizes nonportable $nonportable flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden underlayfiles $underlayfiles underlayfilesizes $underlayfilesizes location $location searchbase $searchbase]
set updated [dict create dirs $dirs files $files filesizes $filesizes nonportable $nonportable flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden underlayfiles $underlayfiles underlayfilesizes $underlayfilesizes]
return [dict merge $listing $updated]
#return [list dirs $dirs vfsmounts $vfsmounts files $files filesizes $filesizes underlayfiles $underlayfiles underlayfilesizes $underlayfilesizes nonportable $nonportable flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden flaggedsystem $flaggedsystem location $location searchbase $searchbase]
#todo - color key via repl-telemetry? help command? documentation? or add tag columns as done in namespace listing?
@ -5224,12 +5389,14 @@ namespace eval punk {
-stripbase 0\
set known_opts [dict keys $defaults]
foreach k [dict keys $args] {
if {$k ni $known_opts} {
error "dirfiles_dict_as_lines unknown argument $k. Known options: $known_opts"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
set testedargs [dict create]
foreach {k v} $args {
dict set testedargs [tcl::prefix match -message "dirfiles_dict_as_lines option" $known_opts $k] $v
#if {$k ni $known_opts} {
# error "dirfiles_dict_as_lines unknown argument $k. Known options: $known_opts"
set opts [dict merge $defaults $testedargs]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_stripbase [dict get $opts -stripbase]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -5327,25 +5494,6 @@ namespace eval punk {
return [list_as_lines $displaylist]
proc dirlist {{location ""}} {
set contents [dirfiles_dict $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines $contents -stripbase 1]
#dirfiles dirfiles_dict always deliberately return absolute *unnormalized* path
#e.g when cwd is c:/repo/jn/shellspy dirfiles ../../ will return something like:
# c:/repo/jn/shellspy/../../blah
proc dirfiles {{location ""} args} {
set defaults [list\
-stripbase 0\
if {$location in [dict keys $defaults]} {
set args [list $location {*}$args]
set location ""
set contents [dirfiles_dict $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines $contents {*}$args]
@ -5525,7 +5673,102 @@ namespace eval punk {
#run a file
proc x/ {args} {
if {![llength $args]} {
set result [d/]
append result \n "x/ <cmd> ?args?"
return $result
set curdir [pwd]
#todo - allow wish for those who want it.. but in punk we try to use tclsh or a kit and load Tk as a library
set scriptconfig [dict create\
tcl [list exe tclsh extensions [list ".tcl" ".tm" ".tk" ".kit"]]\
python [list exe python extensions [list ".py"]]\
lua [list exe lua extensions [list ".lua"]]\
perl [list exe perl extensions [list ".pl"]]\
php [list exe php extensions [list ".php"]]\
set tcl_extensions [list ".tcl" ".tm" ".kit" ".tk"] ;#todo - load from config
set py_extensions [list ".py"]
set lua_extensions [list ".lua"]
set perl_extensions [list ".pl"]
set script_extensions [list]
set extension_lookup [dict create]
dict for {lang langinfo} $scriptconfig {
set extensions [dict get $langinfo extensions]
lappend script_extensions {*}$extensions
foreach e $extensions {
dict set extension_lookup $e $lang ;#provide reverse lookup
#some executables (e.g tcl) can use arguments prior to the script
#use first entry on commandline for which a file exists *and has a script extension - or is executable* as the script to run
#we can't always just assume that first existant file on commandline is the one being run, as it might be config file
#e.g php -c php.ini -f script.php
set scriptlang ""
set scriptfile ""
foreach a $args {
set ext [file extension $a]
if {$ext in $script_extensions && [file exists $a]} {
set scriptlang [dict get $extension_lookup $ext]
set scriptfile $a
puts "scriptlang: $scriptlang scriptfile:$scriptfile"
#todo - allow sh scripts with no extension ... look at shebang etc?
if {$scriptfile ne "" && $scriptlang ne ""} {
set path [path_to_absolute $scriptfile $curdir $::tcl_platform(platform)]
if {[file type $path] eq "file"} {
set ext [file extension $path]
set extlower [string tolower $ext]
if {$extlower in $tcl_extensions} {
set newargs [lrange $args 1 end] ;#todo - fix to allow script in position other than first
set ::argv0 $path
set ::argc [llength $newargs]
set ::argv $newargs
tailcall source $path
} elseif {$extlower in $py_extensions} {
set pycmd [auto_execok python]
tailcall {*}$pycmd {*}$args
} elseif {$extlower in $script_extensions} {
set exename [dict get $scriptconfig $scriptlang exe]
set cmd [auto_execok $exename]
tailcall {*}$cmd $args
} else {
set fd [open $path r]
set chunk [read $fd 4000]; close $fd
#consider any commented line near top of file containing 'tcl' as likely to be a tcl script of some sort and attempt to source it.
set toplines [split $chunk \n]
set tcl_indicator 0
foreach ln $toplines {
set ln [string trim $ln]
if {[string match "#*tcl*" $ln]} {
set tcl_indicator 1
if {$tcl_indicator} {
set newargs [lrange $args 1 end] ;#todo - fix to allow script in position other than first.
set ::argv0 $path
set ::argc [llength $newargs]
set ::argv $newargs
tailcall source $path
puts stderr "Cannot run [file extension $path] file directly ([file tail $path]) as tcl script. Ensure file has a known tcl extension ($tcl_extensions) or add a commented hint in the file such as #!/usr/bin/env tclsh"
return [pwd]
} else {
puts stderr "No script executable known for this"
interp alias "" x/ "" punk::x/
#NOTE - as we expect to run other apps (e.g Tk) in the same process, but possibly different threads - we should be careful about use of cd which is per-process not per-thread.
@ -5543,6 +5786,7 @@ namespace eval punk {
#While in most/normal cases the library will cd back to the remembered working directory after only a brief time - there seem to be many opportunities for issues
#if the repl is used to launch/run a number of things in the one process
proc d/ {args} {
set is_win [expr {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)}]
set ::punk::last_run_display [list]
@ -5555,16 +5799,13 @@ namespace eval punk {
if {![llength $args]} {
#ls is too slow even over a fairly low-latency network
#set out [runout -n ls -aFC]
set matchinfo [punk::dirfiles_dict]
set matchinfo [punk::dirfiles_dict -searchbase [pwd]]
set dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
set filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
#set location [file normalize [dict get $matchinfo location]]
set location [dict get $matchinfo location]
#result for glob is count of matches - use dirfiles etc for script access to results
set result [list location $location dircount $dircount filecount $filecount]
set filesizes [dict get $matchinfo filesizes]
@ -5574,105 +5815,133 @@ namespace eval punk {
lappend result filebytes [format_number $filebytes]
if {$::repl::running} {
set out [punk::dirfiles_dict_as_lines $matchinfo -stripbase 1]
if {[llength [info commands ::repl::term::set_console_title]]} {
repl::term::set_console_title [lrange $result 1 end] ;#strip location key
set out [punk::dirfiles_dict_as_lines $matchinfo -stripbase 1]
#puts stdout $out
#puts stderr [a+ white]$out[a]
set chunklist [list]
lappend chunklist [list stdout "[a+ white light]$out[a]\n"]
lappend chunklist [list result $result]
set ::punk::last_run_display $chunklist
if {[llength [info commands ::repl::term::set_console_title]]} {
repl::term::set_console_title $location
return $result
} else {
#set a1 [lindex $args 0]
set atail [lassign $args a1]
if {$a1 in [list . .. "./" "../"]} {
if {$a1 in [list ".." "../"]} {
cd $a1
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
set a1 [lindex $args 0]
if {$a1 in [list . .. "./" "../"]} {
if {$a1 in [list ".." "../"]} {
cd $a1
tailcall punk::d/
if {![regexp {[*?]} $a1]} {
if {[file type $a1] eq "directory"} {
cd $a1
tailcall punk::d/
tailcall punk::d/ {*}$atail
set curdir [pwd]
set path [path_to_absolute $a1 $curdir $::tcl_platform(platform)]
if {![llength $atail] && [regexp {[*?]} $path] } {
#no more segments and we have a globchar somewhere in the path
set matchinfo [punk::dirfiles_dict [file tail $path]]
set dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
set filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
#globchar somewhere in path - treated as literals except in final segment (for now. todo - make more like ns/ which accepts full path globbing with double ** etc.)
set searchspec [lindex $args 0]
set result ""
if {$::repl::running} {
set chunklist [list]
#only merge results if location matches previous (caller can deliberately intersperse bogus globs to force split if desired)
set last_location ""
set this_result [dict create]
foreach searchspec $args {
set path [path_to_absolute $searchspec $curdir $::tcl_platform(platform)]
set has_tailglob [expr {[regexp {[?*]} [file tail $path]]}]
#we have already done a 'cd' if only one unglobbed path was supplied - therefore any remaining non-glob tails must be tested for folderness vs fileness to see what they mean
#this may be slightly surprising if user tries to exactly match both a directory name and a file in that the dir will be listed - but is consistent enough.
#lower level dirfiles or dirfiles_dict can be used to more precisely craft searches. ( d/ will treat dir the same as dir/*)
if {$has_tailglob} {
set location [file dirname $path]
set glob [file tail $path]
} else {
if {[file isdirectory $path]} {
set location $path
set glob *
} else {
set location [file dirname $path]
set glob [file tail $path] ;#search for exact match file
if {[file pathtype $searchspec] eq "absolute"} {
set matchinfo [punk::dirfiles_dict -searchbase "" -tailglob $glob $location]
} else {
set matchinfo [punk::dirfiles_dict -searchbase [pwd] -tailglob $glob $location]
set location [file normalize [dict get $matchinfo location]]
if {$location ne $last_location} {
#emit previous result
if {[dict size $this_result]} {
dict set this_result filebytes [format_number [dict get $this_result filebytes]]
lappend chunklist [list result $this_result]
if {$result ne ""} {
append result \n
append result $this_result
set this_result [dict create]
set dircount 0
set filecount 0
incr dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
incr filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
#result for glob is count of matches - use dirfiles etc for script access to results
set result [list location $location dircount $dircount filecount $filecount]
dict set this_result location $location
dict set this_result dircount $dircount
dict set this_result filecount $filecount
set filesizes [dict get $matchinfo filesizes]
if {[llength $filesizes]} {
set filesizes [lsearch -all -inline -not $filesizes na]
set filebytes [tcl::mathop::+ {*}$filesizes]
lappend result filebytes [format_number $filebytes]
dict incr this_result filebytes $filebytes
} else {
dict incr this_result filebytes 0 ;#ensure key exists!
dict lappend this_result pattern [dict get $matchinfo opts -glob]
if {$::repl::running} {
set out [punk::dirfiles_dict_as_lines $matchinfo -stripbase 1]
set chunklist [list]
lappend chunklist [list stdout "[a+ white light]$out[a]\n"]
lappend chunklist [list result $result]
set ::punk::last_run_display $chunklist
repl::term::set_console_title $location
return $result
if {[file type $path] eq "file"} {
set tcl_extensions [list ".tcl" ".tm" ".kit" ".tk"] ;#todo - load from config
set py_extensions [list ".py"]
set ext [file extension $path]
set extlower [string tolower $ext]
if {$extlower in $tcl_extensions} {
set newargs $atail
set ::argv0 $path
set ::argc [llength $newargs]
set ::argv $newargs
tailcall source $path
} elseif {$extlower in $py_extensions} {
set newargs $atail
set pycmd [auto_execok python]
tailcall {*}$pycmd $path {*}$newargs
} else {
set fd [open $path r]
set chunk [read $fd 4000]; close $fd
#consider any commented line near top of file containing 'tcl' as likely to be a tcl script of some sort and attempt to source it.
set toplines [split $chunk \n]
set tcl_indicator 0
foreach ln $toplines {
set ln [string trim $ln]
if {[string match "#*tcl*" $ln]} {
set tcl_indicator 1
if {$tcl_indicator} {
set newargs $atail
set ::argv0 $path
set ::argc [llength $newargs]
set ::argv $newargs
tailcall source $path
puts stderr "Cannot run [file extension $path] file directly ([file tail $path]) as tcl script. Ensure file has a known tcl extension ($tcl_extensions) or add a commented hint in the file such as #!/usr/bin/env tclsh"
return [pwd]
set last_location $location
#process final result
if {[dict size $this_result]} {
dict set this_result filebytes [format_number [dict get $this_result filebytes]]
lappend chunklist [list result $this_result]
if {$result ne ""} {
append result \n
append result $this_result
if {[file type $path] eq "directory"} {
#don't cd to intermediate paths.. could be restricted - yet may have permissions on final path
cd $path
tailcall punk::d/ {*}$atail
if {$::repl::running} {
set ::punk::last_run_display $chunklist
error "Cannot access path $path"
return $result
proc dd/ {args} {
@ -5682,8 +5951,9 @@ namespace eval punk {
} else {
set path ../[file join {*}$args]
cd $path
set matchinfo [punk::dirfiles_dict]
set normpath [file normalize $path]
cd $normpath
set matchinfo [punk::dirfiles_dict -searchbase $normpath $normpath]
set dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
set filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
set location [file normalize [dict get $matchinfo location]]
@ -5703,7 +5973,9 @@ namespace eval punk {
lappend chunklist [list stdout "[a+ white light]$out[a]\n"]
lappend chunklist [list result $result]
set ::punk::last_run_display $chunklist
repl::term::set_console_title $result
if {[llength [info commands ::repl::term::set_console_title]]} {
repl::term::set_console_title [lrange $result 1 end] ;#strip location key
return $result


@ -1478,6 +1478,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ns {
set runopts [lmap o $runopts {dict get $alias_dict $o}]
#todo - get these out of here. Should be supplied by caller.
if {"-allowvars" in $runopts && "-disallowvars" in $runopts} {
puts stderr "Warning - conflicting options -allowvars & -disallowvars specified: $arglist"


@ -1159,6 +1159,25 @@ namespace eval punk::repo {
[llength [file split $prefix]] \
#fs agnostic - so file normalize must be done by caller
proc strip_if_prefix {prefix path args} {
set known_opts [list -nocase]
set opts [list]
foreach a $args {
lappend opts [tcl::prefix match -message "option" $known_opts $a]
if {"-nocase" in $opts} {
set lp [tcl::prefix longest [string tolower $path] [string tolower $prefix]]
} else {
set lp [tcl::prefix longest $path $prefix]
#return in original casing whether or not -nocase specified. -nocase only applies to the comparison
if {![llength $lp]} {
return $path
} else {
return [string range $path [string length $prefix] end]
interp alias {} is_fossil {} ::punk::repo::is_fossil


@ -390,14 +390,14 @@ namespace eval punk::winrun {
return $cmdline
#This does what Sebres has implemented for Tcl's exec already - pass through that works for non builtins that are run via cmd.exe and require standard argv parsing
#This does essentially what Sebres has implemented for Tcl's exec already - pass through that works for non builtins that are run via cmd.exe and require standard argv parsing
#tracked blocking of vars - after winquoting when in quotes,prefix % with (unslashed) quote - when outside quotes - prefix with ^
#(always using unslashed quotes considered - seems more likely to cause prolems with the argv parsing)
#tracked blocking of vars. After winquoting, when in quotes;prefix % with (unslashed) quote. When outside quotes - prefix with ^
#(always using unslashed quotes considered - seems more likely to cause problems with the argv parsing)
# ! can't be blocked with carets ... always use quotes
#other cmd specials - block only outside of quotes
#existing carets?
#note that /v changes the way carets go through - we need twice as many ^ when /v in place e.g x^^^^y to get x^y vs x^^y to get x^y when /v not present - review - can we sensibly detect /v?
#note that cmd.exe's /v flag changes the way carets go through - we need twice as many ^ when /v in place e.g x^^^^y to get x^y vs x^^y to get x^y when /v not present - review - can we sensibly detect /v?
#don't caret quotes.
proc quote_cmdpassthru {args} {
lassign [internal::get_run_opts $args] _r runopts _c cmdargs
