[\xF0-\xF4] [\x80-\xBF]{3} # Four-byte chars (U+10000-U+10FFFF, not supported by Tcl 8.5)
} $1234bytes
proc get_utf8_leading {rawbytes} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun get_utf8_leading] [arg rawbytes]]
#[para] return the leading portion of rawbytes that is a valid utf8 sequence.
#[para] This will stop at the point at which the bytes can't be interpreted as a complete utf-8 codepoint
#[para] e.g It will not return the first byte or 2 of a 3-byte utf-8 character if the last byte is missing, and will return only the valid utf-8 string from before the first byte of the incomplete character.
#[para] It will also only return the prefix before any bytes that cannot be part of a utf-8 sequence at all.
#[para] Note that while this will return valid utf8 - it has no knowledge of grapheme clusters or diacritics
#[para] This means if it is being used to process bytes split at some arbitrary point - the trailing data that isn't returned could be part of a grapheme cluster that belongs with the last character of the leading string already returned
#[para] The utf-8 BOM \xEF\xBB\xBF is a valid UTF8 3-byte sequence and so can also be returned as part of the leading utf8 bytes
if {[regexp {(?x) # Expanded regexp syntax, so I can put in comments :-)
#todo - install support binaries on a per-project basis in a way that doesn't impact machine (e.g not added to path) - cache in user config dir if possible, supply mechanism to clear cache
set fossil_prog [auto_execok fossil]
set fossil_prog [auto_execok fossil]
if {![string length $fossil_prog]} {
if {![string length $fossil_prog]} {
puts stderr "The fossil program was not found. A fossil executable is required to use most deck features."
puts stderr "The fossil program was not found. A fossil executable is required to use most deck features."
#define our positive responses here for those that we will do
#define our positive responses here for those that we will do
variable respond_will_do
variable respond_will_do
set respond_will_do [list]
set respond_will_do [list]
lappend respond_will_do 0 ;#binary
#lappend respond_will_do 0 ;#binary
lappend respond_will_do 1 ;#echo
lappend respond_will_do 1 ;#echo
lappend respond_will_do 3 ;#suppress go-ahead
lappend respond_will_do 3 ;#suppress go-ahead
lappend respond_will_do 5 ;#status - by agreeing to this we should be able to read unsolicited "IAC SB STATUS IS ... IAC SE" reports and compare to our perception of state. (and do something if mismatches?)
lappend respond_will_do 5 ;#status - by agreeing to this we should be able to read unsolicited "IAC SB STATUS IS ... IAC SE" reports and compare to our perception of state. (and do something if mismatches?)
#passively enabled client features - requests for our own behaviours we will respond positively
#passively enabled client features - requests for our own behaviours we will respond positively
variable respond_do_will
variable respond_do_will
set respond_do_will [list]
set respond_do_will [list]
lappend respond_do_will 0 ;#binary
#lappend respond_do_will 0 ;#binary
lappend respond_do_will 3 ;#Suppress go-ahead
lappend respond_do_will 3 ;#Suppress go-ahead
lappend respond_do_will 5 ;#status - by agreeing to this - we need to handle the subnegotiation "IAC SB STATUS SEND IAC SE" and respond with "IAC SB STATUS IS ... IAC SE"
lappend respond_do_will 5 ;#status - by agreeing to this - we need to handle the subnegotiation "IAC SB STATUS SEND IAC SE" and respond with "IAC SB STATUS IS ... IAC SE"
#puts -nonewline stdout [punk::ansi::cursor_on] ;#Enabling cursor should take account of whether it was enabled before - we don't have that info currently! review
#as a byte oriented supposedly ascii-by-default protocol - we shouldn't expect to get utf-8 without having negotiated it - but it looks suspiciously like this is the sort of thing that happens (2024) review? Examples? mapscii.me 1984.ws? Test.
#as a byte oriented supposedly ascii-by-default protocol - we shouldn't expect to get utf-8 without having negotiated it - but it looks suspiciously like this is the sort of thing that happens (2024) review? Examples? mapscii.me 1984.ws? Test.
#randomly chosen chunk boundaries - whether due to size or a combination of network speed and event scheduling can mean we get some utf8 characters split too.
#randomly chosen chunk boundaries - whether due to size or a combination of network speed and event scheduling can mean we get some utf8 characters split too.
set ansisplits [punk::ansi::ta::split_codes_single $prefix]
set last_pt [lindex $ansisplits end] ;#last part is supposed to be plaintext - if it looks like it contains a partial ansi - throw it to fromserver_unprocessed for next fromServer call
if {[string first "\x1b" $last_pt] >= 0} {
set complete [join [lrange $ansisplits 0 end-1] ""]