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DEC alternate graphics set full mapping to unicode equivalents, IND/RI ANSI initial handling

Julian Noble 11 months ago
  1. 71
  2. 7
  3. 51


@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
#(This is a potential conflict because we use nul as a filler to mean empty column in overtype rendering) REVIEW
dict set cp437_map \u0000 " " ;#space
dict set cp437_map \u0001 \u263A ;#smiley
dict set cp437_map \u0003 \u263B ;#smiley-filled
dict set cp437_map \u0002 \u263B ;#smiley-filled
dict set cp437_map \u0003 \u2665 ;#heart
dict set cp437_map \u0004 \u2666 ;#diamond
dict set cp437_map \u0005 \u2663 ;#club
@ -252,6 +252,41 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
dict set cp437_map \u001E \u25B2 ;#up arrow triangle
dict set cp437_map \u001F \u25BC ;#down arrow triangle
variable map_special_graphics
#DEC Special Graphics set
#AKA IBM Code page 1090
dict set map_special_graphics _ \u00a0 ;#no-break space
dict set map_special_graphics "`" \u25c6 ;#black diamond
dict set map_special_graphics a \u2592 ;#shaded block (checkerboard stipple), medium shade - Block Elements
dict set map_special_graphics b \u2409 ;#symbol for HT
dict set map_special_graphics c \u240c ;#symbol for FF
dict set map_special_graphics d \u240d ;#symbol for CR
dict set map_special_graphics e \u240a ;#symbol for LF
dict set map_special_graphics f \u00b0 ;#degree sign
dict set map_special_graphics g \u00b1 ;#plus-minus sign
dict set map_special_graphics h \u2424 ;#symbol for NL
dict set map_special_graphics i \u240b ;#symbol for VT
dict set map_special_graphics j \u2518 ;#brc, light up and left - box drawing
dict set map_special_graphics k \u2510 ;#trc, light down and left - box drawing
dict set map_special_graphics l \u250c ;#tlc, light down and right - box drawing
dict set map_special_graphics m \u2514 ;#blc, light up and right - box drawing
dict set map_special_graphics n \u253c ;#light vertical and horizontal - box drawing
dict set map_special_graphics o \u23ba ;#horizontal scan line-1
dict set map_special_graphics p \u23bb ;#horizontal scan line-3
dict set map_special_graphics q \u2500 ;#light horizontal - box drawing
dict set map_special_graphics r \u23bc ;#horizontal scan line-7
dict set map_special_graphics s \u23bd ;#horizontal scan line-9
dict set map_special_graphics t \u251c ;#light vertical and right - box drawing
dict set map_special_graphics u \u2524 ;#light vertical and left - box drawing
dict set map_special_graphics v \u2534 ;#light up and horizontal - box drawing
dict set map_special_graphics w \u252c ;#light down and horizontal - box drawing
dict set map_special_graphics x \u2502 ;#light vertical - box drawing
dict set map_special_graphics y \u2264 ;#less than or equal
dict set map_special_graphics z \u2265 ;#greater than or equal
dict set map_special_graphics "\{" \u03c0 ;#greek small letter pi
dict set map_special_graphics "|" \u2260 ;#not equal to
dict set map_special_graphics "\}" \u00a3 ;#pound sign
dict set map_special_graphics ~ \u00b7 ;#middle dot
#see also ansicolor page on wiki
@ -577,17 +612,17 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
#review - what happens when no terminator?
#todo - map other chars to unicode equivs
#todo - map other character sets to unicode equivs? There seems to be little support for other than the DEC special graphics set.. ISO2022 character switching not widely supported - may be best considered deprecated(?)
# convert esc(0 -> esc(B graphics sequences to single char unicode equivalents e.g box drawing set
# esc) ??
proc convert_g0 {text} {
variable map_special_graphics
#using not \033 inside to stop greediness - review how does it compare to ".*?"
#variable re_altg0_group {(?:\x1b\(0)(?:(?!\x1b\(B).)*\x1b\(B}
#set re {\033\(0[^\033]*\033\(B}
#set re {(?:\x1b\(0)(?:(?!\x1b\(B).)*\x1b\(B}
set re2 {\033\(0(.*)\033\(B} ;#capturing
#set re2 {\033\(0(.*)\033\(B} ;#capturing
#puts --$g--
#box sample
@ -595,29 +630,29 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
#x x
#m = boxd_lur
#set map [list l \u250f k \u2513] ;#heavy
set map [list l \u250c q \u2500 k \u2510 x \u2502 m \u2514 j \u2518] ;#light box drawing lines
#todo - map the rest
set re_g0_open_or_close {\x1b\(0|\x1b\(B}
set parts [::punk::ansi::ta::_perlish_split $re_g0_open_or_close $text]
set out ""
set g0_on 0
foreach {pt g} $parts {
foreach {other g} $parts {
if {$g0_on} {
#split for non graphics-set codes
set othersplits [punk::ansi::ta::split_codes $pt] ;#we don't need single codes here
foreach {innerpt innercodes} $othersplits {
append out [string map $map $innerpt]
append out $innercodes ;#Simplifying assumption - ST codes, titlesets etc don't require/use g0 content
set othersplits [punk::ansi::ta::split_codes $other] ;#we don't need single codes here
foreach {inner_plaintext inner_codes} $othersplits {
append out [string map $map_special_graphics $inner_plaintext] $inner_codes
#Simplifying assumption: no mapping required on any inner_codes - ST codes, titlesets etc don't require/use g0 content
} else {
append out $pt ;#may include other codes - put it all through.
append out $other ;#may be a mix of plaintext and other ansi codes - put it all through.
if {$g ne ""} {
if {[punk::ansi::codetype::is_gx_open $g]} {
#trust our splitting regex has done the work to leave us with only \x1b\(0 or \x1b(B - test last char rather than use punk::ansi::codetype::is_gx_open/is_gx_close
switch -- [string index $g end] {
0 {
set g0_on 1
} elseif {[punk::ansi::codetype::is_gx_close $g]} {
B {
set g0_on 0
@ -653,6 +688,8 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi {
return $out
#Wrap text in ansi codes to switch to DEC alternate graphics character set.
proc g0 {text} {
return \x1b(0$text\x1b(B


@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
set cix 0
foreach c [split $charline {}] {
if {$c} {
append output [punk::ansi::move_emit [expr {$row + $line}] [expr {$col + $charno * 8 + $cix}] "[a reverse] [a noreverse]"]
append output [punk::ansi::move_emit [expr {$row + $line}] [expr {$col + $charno * 8 + $cix}] "[a+ reverse] [a+ noreverse]"]
#curses attr on reverse
#curses move [expr $row + $line] [expr $col + $charno * 8 + $cix]
#curses puts " "
@ -1592,6 +1592,11 @@ namespace eval punk::console {
return $output
proc get_time {} {
overtype::left -width 70 "" [bigstr [clock format [clock seconds] -format %H:%M:%S] 1 1]
proc display1 {} {
punk::console::move_call_return 20 20 {punk::console::clear_above}


@ -1279,6 +1279,8 @@ proc overtype::grapheme_width_cached {ch} {
# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
# renderline written from a left-right line orientation perspective as a first-shot at getting something useful.
# ultimately right-to-left, top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top are probably needed.
# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
@ -1802,7 +1804,7 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
#\x85 NEL in the c1 control set is treated by some terminal emulators (e.g Hyper) as a newline,
#on some it's invisble but doesn't change the line, on some it's a visible glyph of width 1.
#This is hard to process in any standard manner - but I think the Hyper behaviour of doing what it was intended is perhaps most reasonable
#We will map it to the same behaviour as lf here.
#We will map it to the same behaviour as lf here for now... but we need also to consider the equivalent ANSI sequence: \x1bE
set chtest [string map [list \n <lf> \x85 <lf> \b <bs> \r <cr> \v <vt> \x7f <del>] $ch]
#puts --->chtest:$chtest
@ -1811,10 +1813,9 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
"<lf>" {
set replay_codes_overlay [punk::ansi::codetype::sgr_merge_list {*}[lindex $overlay_grapheme_control_stacks $gci]]
if {$idx == 0} {
puts "---b <lf> at column 1"
#leave the overflow_idx
set instruction lf_start ;#specific instruction for newline at column 1
#idx_over already incremented
set instruction lf_start ;#specific instruction for newline at column 1
priv::render_unapplied $overlay_grapheme_control_list $gci
} elseif {$overflow_idx != -1 && $idx == $overflow_idx} {
@ -2134,6 +2135,7 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
set re_cursor_restore {\x1b\[u$}
set re_cursor_save_dec {\x1b7$}
set re_cursor_restore_dec {\x1b8$}
set re_other_single {\x1b(D|M|E)$}
set re_decstbm {\x1b\[([0-9]*)(?:;){0,1}([0-9]*)r$} ;#DECSTBM set top and bottom margins
set matchinfo [list]
@ -2301,7 +2303,6 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
B {
set replay_codes_overlay [punk::ansi::codetype::sgr_merge_list {*}[lindex $overlay_grapheme_control_stacks $gci]]
set row_before_move $cursor_row
#move down
if {$num eq ""} {set num 1}
incr cursor_row $num
@ -2376,7 +2377,7 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
#rather than set the cursor - we return the insert mode state so the caller can decide
} elseif {$key eq "3"} {
#Delete - presumably this shifts other chars in the line, with empty cells coming in from the end
switch -- $mod {
"" {
priv::render_delchar $idx
@ -2533,6 +2534,44 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
set instruction restore_cursor
$re_other_single {
lassign $matchinfo _match type
switch -- $type {
D {
#index (IND)
#vt102-docs: "Moves cursor down one line in same column. If cursor is at bottom margin, screen performs a scroll-up"
puts stderr "ESC D not fully implemented"
incr cursor_row
priv::render_unapplied $overlay_grapheme_control_list $gci
set instruction down
#retain cursor_column
M {
#Reverse Index (RI)
#vt102-docs: "Moves cursor up one line in same column. If cursor is at top margin, screen performs a scroll-down"
puts stderr "ESC M not fully implemented"
set replay_codes_overlay [punk::ansi::codetype::sgr_merge_list {*}[lindex $overlay_grapheme_control_stacks $gci]]
#move up
incr cursor_row -1
if {$cursor_row < 1} {
set cursor_row 1
#ensure rest of *overlay* is emitted to remainder
priv::render_unapplied $overlay_grapheme_control_list $gci
set instruction up ;#need instruction for scroll-down?
#retain cursor_column
E {
#review - is behaviour different to 8bit c1 NEL \x85? lf?
#Next Line (NEL)
puts stderr "ESC E"
$re_mode {
lassign $matchinfo _match num type
switch -- $num {
@ -2584,7 +2623,7 @@ proc overtype::renderline {args} {
default {
#puts stderr "overtype::renderline code [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 -nul 1 $code] not implemented"
puts stderr "overtype::renderline code [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 -nul 1 $code] not implemented"
