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tcl9 fixes

Julian Noble 10 months ago
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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#[para] packages used by overtype
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6
package require Tcl 8.6-
package require textutil
package require punk::lib ;#required for lines_as_list
package require punk::ansi ;#required to detect, split, strip and calculate lengths


@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::class {
} errM]} {
error "sha1 package unavailable"
return [{*}$o_cksum_command $o_string]
return [{*}$o_cksum_command [encoding convertto utf-8 $o_string]]
#todo - allow setting checksum algorithm and/or command


@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
#[para] packages used by punk::assertion
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6
package require Tcl 8.6-
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]


@ -596,6 +596,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
switch -- $opt_cksum_algorithm {
sha1 {
package require sha1
#review - any utf8 issues in tcl9?
set cksum_command [list sha1::sha1 -hex -file]
sha2 - sha256 {


@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ set -- "$@" "a=[Hide <#;Hide set;s 1 list]"; set -- : "$@";$1 = @'
@SET "vbsGetPrivileges=%temp%\punk_bat_elevate_%fname%.vbs"
@SET arglist=%*
@SET qstrippedargs=%arglist:"=%
@IF /i "%qstrippedargs:~0,13%"=="PUNK-ELEVATED" (
GOTO :gotPrivileges
@IF !asadmin!==1 (
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ set -- "$@" "a=[Hide <#;Hide set;s 1 list]"; set -- : "$@";$1 = @'
@GOTO skip_privileges
@IF '%1'=='PUNK-ELEVATED' (echo PUNK-ELEVATED & shift /1 & goto :gotPrivileges )
@IF /i "%qstrippedargs:~0,13%"=="PUNK-ELEVATED" (echo PUNK-ELEVATED & shift /1 & goto :gotPrivileges )
@ECHO Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
@ECHO args = "PUNK-ELEVATED " >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
@ECHO For Each strArg in WScript.Arguments >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ set -- "$@" "a=[Hide <#;Hide set;s 1 list]"; set -- : "$@";$1 = @'
@REM setlocal & pushd .
@cd /d %~dp0
@IF /i "%qstrippedargs:~0,13%"=="PUNK-ELEVATED" (
@DEL "%vbsGetPrivileges%" 1>nul 2>nul
@SET arglist=%arglist:~14%
@ -634,7 +635,7 @@ $1 = @'
: \
@REM @ECHO exitcode: !task_exitcode!
: \
@IF "%1"=="PUNK-ELEVATED" (echo. & @cmd /k echo elevated prompt: type exit to quit)
@IF /i "%qstrippedargs:~0,13%"=="PUNK-ELEVATED" (echo. & @cmd /k echo elevated prompt: type exit to quit)
: \
@EXIT /B !task_exitcode!
# cmd has exited


@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @mdgen EXCLUDE: sha1c.tcl
package require Tcl 8.2; # tcl minimum version
package require Tcl 8.2-; # tcl minimum version
namespace eval ::sha1 {
variable accel


@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
package require textutil::repeat
package require textutil::string


@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
namespace eval ::textutil::repeat {}


@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
namespace eval ::textutil::split {}


@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
namespace eval ::textutil::string {}


@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
package require textutil::repeat
namespace eval ::textutil::tabify {}


@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
namespace eval ::textutil::trim {}


@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ send \fIhost\fR
send_exit \fIhost\fR
send_exit \fIhost\fR
pop_line \fIhost\fR \fIline_varname\fR
pop_all \fIhost\fR \fIoutput_varname\fR
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ The net effect if this is that the remote host's tclsh will exit, so that the fi
to read the entire output at once (see the pop proc below)
send_exit \fIhost\fR
pop_line \fIhost\fR \fIline_varname\fR
After executing a "send", this can be used to read one line of output\&. The proc does the equivalent of


@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ package require punk::sshrun
[push *host* *script*](#3)
[send *host*](#4)
[send\_exit *host*](#5)
[send\_exit *host*](#6)
[pop\_line *host* *line\_varname*](#6)
[pop\_all *host* *output\_varname*](#7)
[pop\_read *host* *numbytes* *output\_varname*](#8)
[hfileevent *host* *readable\_writable* *script*](#9)
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class definitions
to read the entire output at once \(see the pop proc below\)
- <a name='6'></a>send\_exit *host*
- <a name='6'></a>pop\_line *host* *line\_varname*
After executing a "send", this can be used to read one line of output\. The
proc does the equivalent of


@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
<li><a href="#3">push <i class="arg">host</i> <i class="arg">script</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#4">send <i class="arg">host</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#5">send_exit <i class="arg">host</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#6">send_exit <i class="arg">host</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#6">pop_line <i class="arg">host</i> <i class="arg">line_varname</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#7">pop_all <i class="arg">host</i> <i class="arg">output_varname</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#8">pop_read <i class="arg">host</i> <i class="arg">numbytes</i> <i class="arg">output_varname</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#9">hfileevent <i class="arg">host</i> <i class="arg">readable_writable</i> <i class="arg">script</i></a></li>
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
[read &lt;filehandle&gt;]
<p>to read the entire output at once (see the pop proc below)</p></dd>
<dt><a name="6">send_exit <i class="arg">host</i></a></dt>
<dt><a name="6">pop_line <i class="arg">host</i> <i class="arg">line_varname</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>After executing a &quot;send&quot;, this can be used to read one line of output. The proc does the equivalent of</p>
<pre class="doctools_example">
[gets &lt;filehandle&gt; line]


@ -225,11 +225,11 @@ proc argp::CheckValues { caller cmangled checklist } {
if { ![string is integer $low] \
&& [string compare "-" $low] != 0} {
return -code error "$caller, $key of type $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) has a lower value range that is not integer and not ´-´: $range"
return -code error "$caller, $key of type $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) has a lower value range that is not integer and not \u00b4-\u00b4: $range"
if { ![string is integer $high] \
&& [string compare "+" $high] != 0} {
return -code error "$caller, $key of type $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) has a upper value range that is not integer and not ´+´: $range"
return -code error "$caller, $key of type $Optstore(type,$key,$cmangled) has a upper value range that is not integer and not \u00b4+\u00b4: $range"
if {[string compare "-" $low] == 0} {
if { [string compare "+" $high] == 0 \


@ -2160,6 +2160,11 @@ namespace eval flagfilter {
set dispatchstatus "ok"
#each dispatch entry is a commandname and dict
#set dispatchrecord [lrange $dispatch 0 1]
set re_argnum {%arg([0-9^%]+)%}
set re_argtake {%argtake([0-9^%]+)%}
set re_dquotedparts {(?:(?:\"[^\"]*\")|(?:\"[^\"]*"))|(?:\S*[^ \"])} ;#for use with regexp -all -inline
#e.g {"a b" 'b x' "x cd "e f" g a} -> {"a b"} 'b x' {"x cd "} e f {" g a}
#dumb-editor rebalancing quote for above comment "
foreach {parentname dispatchrecord} $dispatch {
set commandinfo [get_command_info $parentname $command_specs]
@ -2172,6 +2177,45 @@ namespace eval flagfilter {
#support for %x% placeholders in dispatchrecord command
set command [string map [list %match% %matched%] $command] ;#alias
set command [string map [list %matched% [dict get $dispatchrecord matched]] $command]
set argnum_indices [regexp -indices -all -inline $re_argnum $command]
if {[llength $argnum_indices]} {
foreach {argx_indices x_indices} $argnum_indices {
#argx eg %arg12%
set argx [string range $command {*}$argx_indices]
set x [string range $command {*}$x_indices]
set command [string map [list $argx [lindex [dict get $dispatchrecord arguments] $x]] $command]
set argsreduced [dict get $dispatchrecord arguments]
#set rawparts [regexp -all -inline $re_dquotedparts [dict get $dispatchrecord raw]]
#how will this behave differently on unix
package require punk::winrun
set rawparts [punk::winrun::unquote_wintcl [dict get $dispatchrecord raw]]
#set argtake_indices [regexp -indices -all -inline $re_argtake $command]
set start 0
while {[regexp -start $start -indices $re_argtake $command argx_indices x_indices]} {
#argx eg %argtake12%
set argx [string range $command {*}$argx_indices]
set x [string range $command {*}$x_indices]
set argval [lindex [dict get $dispatchrecord arguments] $x]
set replacementlen [string length $argval]
set command [string map [list $argx $argval] $command]
set start [expr {[lindex $argx_indices 0] + $replacementlen}]
set argsreduced [lremove $argsreduced $x]
set rawparts [lremove $rawparts $x]
dict set dispatchrecord arguments $argsreduced
if {$start > 0} {
set rawreduced [join $rawparts]
dict set dispatchrecord raw $rawreduced
set argvals [dict get $dispatchrecord arguments]
set matched_operands [list]
set matched_opts [list]
@ -2273,7 +2317,7 @@ namespace eval flagfilter {
lappend dispatchstatuslist [list status err cmd $parentname outputlength 0 error $cmdresult]
if {!$was_dispatched_by_another} {
#this is the first (or a direct) call to check_flags - so make sure error gets raised in this proc rather than just storing the error in the data and returning
set raise_dispatch_error_instead_of_return "dispatchstatuslist:\n[join $dispatchstatuslist \n]"
set raise_dispatch_error_instead_of_return "dispatchstatuslist:\n[join $dispatchstatuslist \n] \nerrinfo:\n $::errorInfo"
dict set dispatchrecord result $dispatchresult
dict set dispatchrecord error $dispatcherror
dict set dispatch $parentname $dispatchrecord


@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ set ::punk::bannerTemplate [string trim {
set word2 [overtype::right [string repeat " " 7] [dict get $opts -right]]
set title [overtype::centre [string repeat " " 15] [dict get $opts -title]]
return [string map [list 111111111 $word1 2222222 $word2 000000000000000 $title] $punk::bannerTemplate]
return [string map [list 111111111 $word1 2222222 $word2 000000000000000 $title] $::punk::bannerTemplate]


@ -100,7 +100,10 @@ namespace eval punk {
#We will use punk::assertion instead
package require punk::assertion
namespace import ::punk::assertion::assert
if {[catch {namespace import ::punk::assertion::assert} errM]} {
puts stderr "punk error importing punk::assertion::assert\n$errM"
puts stderr "punk::a* commands:[info commands ::punk::a*]"
punk::assertion::active on
# -- --- ---


@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@ namespace eval punk::ansi::class {
} errM]} {
error "sha1 package unavailable"
return [{*}$o_cksum_command $o_string]
return [{*}$o_cksum_command [encoding convertto utf-8 $o_string]]
#todo - allow setting checksum algorithm and/or command


@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
#[para] packages used by punk::assertion
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6
package require Tcl 8.6-
#*** !doctools
#[item] [package {Tcl 8.6}]


@ -596,6 +596,7 @@ namespace eval punk::mix::base {
switch -- $opt_cksum_algorithm {
sha1 {
package require sha1
#review - any utf8 issues in tcl9?
set cksum_command [list sha1::sha1 -hex -file]
sha2 - sha256 {


@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ set -- "$@" "a=[Hide <#;Hide set;s 1 list]"; set -- : "$@";$1 = @'
@SET "vbsGetPrivileges=%temp%\punk_bat_elevate_%fname%.vbs"
@SET arglist=%*
@SET qstrippedargs=%arglist:"=%
@IF /i "%qstrippedargs:~0,13%"=="PUNK-ELEVATED" (
GOTO :gotPrivileges
@IF !asadmin!==1 (
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ set -- "$@" "a=[Hide <#;Hide set;s 1 list]"; set -- : "$@";$1 = @'
@GOTO skip_privileges
@IF '%1'=='PUNK-ELEVATED' (echo PUNK-ELEVATED & shift /1 & goto :gotPrivileges )
@IF /i "%qstrippedargs:~0,13%"=="PUNK-ELEVATED" (echo PUNK-ELEVATED & shift /1 & goto :gotPrivileges )
@ECHO Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
@ECHO args = "PUNK-ELEVATED " >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
@ECHO For Each strArg in WScript.Arguments >> "%vbsGetPrivileges%"
@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ set -- "$@" "a=[Hide <#;Hide set;s 1 list]"; set -- : "$@";$1 = @'
@REM setlocal & pushd .
@cd /d %~dp0
@IF /i "%qstrippedargs:~0,13%"=="PUNK-ELEVATED" (
@DEL "%vbsGetPrivileges%" 1>nul 2>nul
@SET arglist=%arglist:~14%
@ -634,7 +635,7 @@ $1 = @'
: \
@REM @ECHO exitcode: !task_exitcode!
: \
@IF "%1"=="PUNK-ELEVATED" (echo. & @cmd /k echo elevated prompt: type exit to quit)
@IF /i "%qstrippedargs:~0,13%"=="PUNK-ELEVATED" (echo. & @cmd /k echo elevated prompt: type exit to quit)
: \
@EXIT /B !task_exitcode!
# cmd has exited


@ -685,9 +685,9 @@ proc repl::start {inchan args} {
if {$::punk::console::ansi_wanted == 2} {
if {[::punk::console::test_can_ansi]} {
set punk::console::ansi_wanted 1
set ::punk::console::ansi_wanted 1
} else {
set punk::console::ansi_wanted -1
set ::punk::console::ansi_wanted -1
set prompt_config [get_prompt_config]
@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ proc repl::repl_process_data {inputchan type chunk stdinlines prompt_config} {
append info "commandstr: [punk::ansi::ansistring::VIEW $commandstr]\n"
append info "last_run_info\n"
append info "length: [llength $::punk::last_run_display]\n"
append info "namespace: $punk::ns::ns_current"
append info "namespace: $::punk::ns::ns_current"
debug_repl_emit $info
} else {
proc debug_repl_emit {msg} {return}
@ -2183,9 +2183,9 @@ proc repl::repl_process_data {inputchan type chunk stdinlines prompt_config} {
#puts stderr "repl uplevel 0 '$run_command_string'"
set status [catch {
#uplevel 1 $run_command_string
#uplevel 1 {namespace eval $punk::ns::ns_current $run_command_string}
#uplevel 1 {namespace eval $::punk::ns::ns_current $run_command_string}
set weirdns 0
set parts [punk::ns::nsparts $punk::ns::ns_current]
set parts [punk::ns::nsparts $::punk::ns::ns_current]
foreach p $parts {
if {[string match :* $p] || [string match *: $p]} {
set weirdns 1
@ -2194,10 +2194,10 @@ proc repl::repl_process_data {inputchan type chunk stdinlines prompt_config} {
if {$weirdns} {
uplevel 1 {punk::ns::nseval $punk::ns::ns_current $run_command_string}
uplevel 1 {punk::ns::nseval $::punk::ns::ns_current $run_command_string}
} else {
#puts stderr "--> [ansistring VIEW -lf 1 -vt 1 $run_command_string] <--"
uplevel 1 {namespace inscope $punk::ns::ns_current $run_command_string}
uplevel 1 {namespace inscope $::punk::ns::ns_current $run_command_string}
} raw_result]


@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ namespace eval punk::winrun {
#unquote_wintcl and tclsh ::argv give 2 args, "a b c" , etc
#CommandLineToArgvW gives 4 args "a , b , c" , etc
#NOTE: used by flagfilter for splitting dispatchrecord raw element
proc unquote_wintcl {standard_quoted_cmdline} {
#with reference to post2008 ms C/C++ commandline parameter parsing algorithm (section 5.10)
set paramlist [list]


@ -1963,7 +1963,10 @@ namespace eval shellfilter {
set runtag "shellfilter-run"
#set tid [::shellfilter::log::open $runtag [list -syslog]]
set tid [::shellfilter::log::open $runtag [list -syslog ""]]
::shellfilter::log::write $runtag " commandlist:'$commandlist' len:[llength $commandlist]"
if {[catch {llength $commandlist} listlen]} {
set listlen "<not-a-tcl-list>"
::shellfilter::log::write $runtag " commandlist:'$commandlist' listlen:$listlen strlen:[string length $commandlist]"
#flush stdout
#flush stderr


@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ namespace eval shellspy {
set scriptpath [file rootname $scriptpath][string tolower [file extension $scriptpath]]
if {![file exists $scriptpath]} {
puts stderr "Failed to find script: '$scriptpath'"
error "bad scriptpath '$scriptpath'"
error "bad scriptpath '$scriptpath' arguments: $scriptbin $scriptname $args"
@ -864,6 +864,16 @@ source [file normalize $scriptname]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list tclscript [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
#%argN% and %argtakeN% can be used as well as %matched% - %argtakeN% will remove from raw and arguments elements of dispatchrecord
lappend commands [list withinterp [list match {^withinterp$} dispatch [list shellspy::do_script_process %argtake0%] dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any} longopts {any} pairopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list withinterp [list sub word$i singleopts {any} longopts {any} pairopts {any}]]
lappend commands [list runcmdfile [list match [list {.*\.cmd$} {.*\.bat$} ] dispatch [list shellspy::do_in_cmdshell %matched%] dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any} longopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list runcmdfile [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
lappend commands [list libscript [list match [list {lib::.*$} ] dispatch [list shellspy::do_script %matched% "no_repl"] dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
@ -921,7 +931,7 @@ source [file normalize $scriptname]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list runcmduc [list sub word$i singleopts {any}]]
#cmd with bracked args () e.g with vim shellxquote set to "("
#cmd with bracketed args () e.g with vim shellxquote set to "("
lappend commands [list runcmdb [list match {^cmdb$} dispatch [list shellspy::do_in_cmdshellb] dispatchtype raw dispatchglobal 1 singleopts {any} longopts {any} pairopts {any}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 25} {incr i} {
lappend commands [list runcmdb [list sub word$i singleopts {any} longopts {any} pairopts {any}]]


@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#A basic utility script to cat a file to another with optional string prefix and suffix
#does not interpret escapes e.g \n in arguments - review
#Used for example by or other systems to avoid problems with redirecting echo/cat etc
#2024 - doesn't seem to support pipelines
set usage "usage: interpreter scriptname -startnl 0|1 -prefix <string> -prefixnl 0|1 -suffix <string> -suffixnl 0|1 -input <filename> -inputnl 0|1 -output <filename>"
set defaults [dict create\
-startnl 0\
-crlf 0\
-prefix ""\
-prefixnl 0\
-suffix ""\
-suffixnl 0\
-input ""\
-inputnl 0\
-output \uFFEF\
if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
package require punk::winrun
package require twapi
set rawcmdline [twapi::get_process_commandline [pid]]
set allargs [punk::winrun::unquote_wintcl $rawcmdline]
#first 2 args are the interpreter and the script
set scriptargs [lrange $allargs 2 end]
} else {
set scriptargs $::argv
#puts stdout "scriptargs:$scriptargs"
if {[llength $scriptargs] % 2 != 0} {
puts stderr $usage
exit 1
set opts [dict merge $defaults $scriptargs]
#puts stdout "opts:$opts"
if {[dict get $opts -output] eq "\uFFEF"} {
puts stderr $usage
exit 2
set infile [dict get $opts -input]
set filedata ""
if {$infile ne ""} {
if {![file exists $infile]} {
puts stderr "Unable to read input file '$infile'"
exit 3
set fd [open $infile r]
set filedata [read $fd]
close $fd
set startnl ""
set prefixnl ""
set suffixnl ""
set inputnl ""
if {[dict get $opts -startnl]} {
set startnl \n
if {[dict get $opts -prefixnl]} {
set prefixnl \n
if {[dict get $opts -suffixnl]} {
set suffixnl \n
if {[dict get $opts -inputnl]} {
set inputnl \n
set data "$startnl[dict get $opts -prefix]$prefixnl$filedata$inputnl[dict get $opts -suffix]$suffixnl"
set fdout [open [dict get $opts -output] w]
if {[dict get $opts -crlf] == 0} {
chan configure $fdout -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fdout $data
close $fdout
catch {puts stdout ok}
exit 0


@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
# base64.tcl --
# Encode/Decode base64 for a string
# Stephen Uhler / Brent Welch (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems
# The decoder was done for exmh by Chris Garrigues
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# Version 1.0 implemented Base64_Encode, Base64_Decode
# Version 2.0 uses the base64 namespace
# Version 2.1 fixes various decode bugs and adds options to encode
# Version 2.2 is much faster, Tcl8.0 compatible
# Version 2.2.1 bugfixes
# Version 2.2.2 bugfixes
# Version 2.3 bugfixes and extended to support Trf
# Version 2.4.x bugfixes
# @mdgen EXCLUDE: base64c.tcl
package require Tcl 8.2-
namespace eval ::base64 {
namespace export encode decode
package provide base64 2.5
if {[package vsatisfies [package require Tcl] 8.6]} {
proc ::base64::encode {args} {
binary encode base64 -maxlen 76 {*}$args
proc ::base64::decode {string} {
# Tcllib is strict with respect to end of input, yet lax for
# invalid characters outside of that.
regsub -all -- {[^ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/]} $string {} string
binary decode base64 -strict $string
if {![catch {package require Trf 2.0}]} {
# Trf is available, so implement the functionality provided here
# in terms of calls to Trf for speed.
# ::base64::encode --
# Base64 encode a given string.
# Arguments:
# args ?-maxlen maxlen? ?-wrapchar wrapchar? string
# If maxlen is 0, the output is not wrapped.
# Results:
# A Base64 encoded version of $string, wrapped at $maxlen characters
# by $wrapchar.
proc ::base64::encode {args} {
# Set the default wrapchar and maximum line length to match
# the settings for MIME encoding (RFC 3548, RFC 2045). These
# are the settings used by Trf as well. Various RFCs allow for
# different wrapping characters and wraplengths, so these may
# be overridden by command line options.
set wrapchar "\n"
set maxlen 76
if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
error "wrong # args: should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0]\
?-maxlen maxlen? ?-wrapchar wrapchar? string\""
set optionStrings [list "-maxlen" "-wrapchar"]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args] - 1} {incr i} {
set arg [lindex $args $i]
set index [lsearch -glob $optionStrings "${arg}*"]
if { $index == -1 } {
error "unknown option \"$arg\": must be -maxlen or -wrapchar"
incr i
if { $i >= [llength $args] - 1 } {
error "value for \"$arg\" missing"
set val [lindex $args $i]
# The name of the variable to assign the value to is extracted
# from the list of known options, all of which have an
# associated variable of the same name as the option without
# a leading "-". The [string range] command is used to strip
# of the leading "-" from the name of the option.
# FRINK: nocheck
set [string range [lindex $optionStrings $index] 1 end] $val
# [string is] requires Tcl8.2; this works with 8.0 too
if {[catch {expr {$maxlen % 2}}]} {
return -code error "expected integer but got \"$maxlen\""
} elseif {$maxlen < 0} {
return -code error "expected positive integer but got \"$maxlen\""
set string [lindex $args end]
set result [::base64 -mode encode -- $string]
# Trf's encoder implicitly uses the settings -maxlen 76,
# -wrapchar \n for its output. We may have to reflow this for
# the settings chosen by the user. A second difference is that
# Trf closes the output with the wrap char sequence,
# always. The code here doesn't. Therefore 'trimright' is
# needed in the fast cases.
if {($maxlen == 76) && [string equal $wrapchar \n]} {
# Both maxlen and wrapchar are identical to Trf's
# settings. This is the super-fast case, because nearly
# nothing has to be done. Only thing to do is strip a
# terminating wrapchar.
set result [string trimright $result]
} elseif {$maxlen == 76} {
# wrapchar has to be different here, length is the
# same. We can use 'string map' to transform the wrap
# information.
set result [string map [list \n $wrapchar] \
[string trimright $result]]
} elseif {$maxlen == 0} {
# Have to reflow the output to no wrapping. Another fast
# case using only 'string map'. 'trimright' is not needed
# here.
set result [string map [list \n ""] $result]
} else {
# Have to reflow the output from 76 to the chosen maxlen,
# and possibly change the wrap sequence as well.
# Note: After getting rid of the old wrap sequence we
# extract the relevant segments from the string without
# modifying the string. Modification, i.e. removal of the
# processed part, means 'shifting down characters in
# memory', making the algorithm O(n^2). By avoiding the
# modification we stay in O(n).
set result [string map [list \n ""] $result]
set l [expr {[string length $result]-$maxlen}]
for {set off 0} {$off < $l} {incr off $maxlen} {
append res [string range $result $off [expr {$off+$maxlen-1}]] $wrapchar
append res [string range $result $off end]
set result $res
return $result
# ::base64::decode --
# Base64 decode a given string.
# Arguments:
# string The string to decode. Characters not in the base64
# alphabet are ignored (e.g., newlines)
# Results:
# The decoded value.
proc ::base64::decode {string} {
regsub -all {\s} $string {} string
::base64 -mode decode -- $string
} else {
# Without Trf use a pure tcl implementation
namespace eval base64 {
variable base64 {}
variable base64_en {}
# We create the auxiliary array base64_tmp, it will be unset later.
variable base64_tmp
variable i
set i 0
foreach char {A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z \
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z \
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + /} {
set base64_tmp($char) $i
lappend base64_en $char
incr i
# Create base64 as list: to code for instance C<->3, specify
# that [lindex $base64 67] be 3 (C is 67 in ascii); non-coded
# ascii chars get a {}. we later use the fact that lindex on a
# non-existing index returns {}, and that [expr {} < 0] is true
# the last ascii char is 'z'
variable char
variable len
variable val
scan z %c len
for {set i 0} {$i <= $len} {incr i} {
set char [format %c $i]
set val {}
if {[info exists base64_tmp($char)]} {
set val $base64_tmp($char)
} else {
set val {}
lappend base64 $val
# code the character "=" as -1; used to signal end of message
scan = %c i
set base64 [lreplace $base64 $i $i -1]
# remove unneeded variables
unset base64_tmp i char len val
namespace export encode decode
# ::base64::encode --
# Base64 encode a given string.
# Arguments:
# args ?-maxlen maxlen? ?-wrapchar wrapchar? string
# If maxlen is 0, the output is not wrapped.
# Results:
# A Base64 encoded version of $string, wrapped at $maxlen characters
# by $wrapchar.
proc ::base64::encode {args} {
set base64_en $::base64::base64_en
# Set the default wrapchar and maximum line length to match
# the settings for MIME encoding (RFC 3548, RFC 2045). These
# are the settings used by Trf as well. Various RFCs allow for
# different wrapping characters and wraplengths, so these may
# be overridden by command line options.
set wrapchar "\n"
set maxlen 76
if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
error "wrong # args: should be \"[lindex [info level 0] 0]\
?-maxlen maxlen? ?-wrapchar wrapchar? string\""
set optionStrings [list "-maxlen" "-wrapchar"]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args] - 1} {incr i} {
set arg [lindex $args $i]
set index [lsearch -glob $optionStrings "${arg}*"]
if { $index == -1 } {
error "unknown option \"$arg\": must be -maxlen or -wrapchar"
incr i
if { $i >= [llength $args] - 1 } {
error "value for \"$arg\" missing"
set val [lindex $args $i]
# The name of the variable to assign the value to is extracted
# from the list of known options, all of which have an
# associated variable of the same name as the option without
# a leading "-". The [string range] command is used to strip
# of the leading "-" from the name of the option.
# FRINK: nocheck
set [string range [lindex $optionStrings $index] 1 end] $val
# [string is] requires Tcl8.2; this works with 8.0 too
if {[catch {expr {$maxlen % 2}}]} {
return -code error "expected integer but got \"$maxlen\""
} elseif {$maxlen < 0} {
return -code error "expected positive integer but got \"$maxlen\""
set string [lindex $args end]
set result {}
set state 0
set length 0
# Process the input bytes 3-by-3
binary scan $string c* X
foreach {x y z} $X {
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {($x >>2) & 0x3F}]]
if {$y != {}} {
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {(($x << 4) & 0x30) | (($y >> 4) & 0xF)}]]
if {$z != {}} {
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {(($y << 2) & 0x3C) | (($z >> 6) & 0x3)}]]
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {($z & 0x3F)}]]
} else {
set state 2
} else {
set state 1
if {$state == 1} {
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {(($x << 4) & 0x30)}]]
} elseif {$state == 2} {
ADD [lindex $base64_en [expr {(($y << 2) & 0x3C)}]]
return $result
proc ::base64::ADD {x} {
# The line length check is always done before appending so
# that we don't get an extra newline if the output is a
# multiple of $maxlen chars long.
upvar 1 maxlen maxlen length length result result wrapchar wrapchar
if {$maxlen && $length >= $maxlen} {
append result $wrapchar
set length 0
append result $x
incr length
# ::base64::decode --
# Base64 decode a given string.
# Arguments:
# string The string to decode. Characters not in the base64
# alphabet are ignored (e.g., newlines)
# Results:
# The decoded value.
proc ::base64::decode {string} {
if {[string length $string] == 0} {return ""}
set base64 $::base64::base64
set output "" ; # Fix for [Bug 821126]
set nums {}
binary scan $string c* X
lappend X 61 ;# force a terminator
foreach x $X {
set bits [lindex $base64 $x]
if {$bits >= 0} {
if {[llength [lappend nums $bits]] == 4} {
foreach {v w z y} $nums break
set a [expr {($v << 2) | ($w >> 4)}]
set b [expr {(($w & 0xF) << 4) | ($z >> 2)}]
set c [expr {(($z & 0x3) << 6) | $y}]
append output [binary format ccc $a $b $c]
set nums {}
} elseif {$bits == -1} {
# = indicates end of data. Output whatever chars are
# left, if any.
if {![llength $nums]} break
# The encoding algorithm dictates that we can only
# have 1 or 2 padding characters. If x=={}, we must
# (*) have 12 bits of input (enough for 1 8-bit
# output). If x!={}, we have 18 bits of input (enough
# for 2 8-bit outputs).
# (*) If we don't then the input is broken (bug 2976290).
foreach {v w z} $nums break
# Bug 2976290
if {$w == {}} {
return -code error "Not enough data to process padding"
set a [expr {($v << 2) | (($w & 0x30) >> 4)}]
if {$z == {}} {
append output [binary format c $a ]
} else {
set b [expr {(($w & 0xF) << 4) | (($z & 0x3C) >> 2)}]
append output [binary format cc $a $b]
} else {
# RFC 2045 says that line breaks and other characters not part
# of the Base64 alphabet must be ignored, and that the decoder
# can optionally emit a warning or reject the message. We opt
# not to do so, but to just ignore the character.
return $output
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################


@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
# Debug - a debug narrative logger.
# -- Colin McCormack / originally Wub server utilities
# Debugging areas of interest are represented by 'tokens' which have
# independantly settable levels of interest (an integer, higher is more detailed)
# Debug narrative is provided as a tcl script whose value is [subst]ed in the
# caller's scope if and only if the current level of interest matches or exceeds
# the Debug call's level of detail. This is useful, as one can place arbitrarily
# complex narrative in code without unnecessarily evaluating it.
# TODO: potentially different streams for different areas of interest.
# (currently only stderr is used. there is some complexity in efficient
# cross-threaded streams.)
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requisites
package require Tcl 8.5-
namespace eval ::debug {
namespace export -clear \
define on off prefix suffix header trailer \
names 2array level setting parray pdict \
nl tab hexl
namespace ensemble create -subcommands {}
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## API & Implementation
proc ::debug::noop {args} {}
proc ::debug::debug {tag message {level 1}} {
variable detail
if {$detail($tag) < $level} {
#puts stderr "$tag @@@ $detail($tag) >= $level"
variable prefix
variable suffix
variable header
variable trailer
variable fds
if {[info exists fds($tag)]} {
set fd $fds($tag)
} else {
set fd stderr
# Assemble the shown text from the user message and the various
# prefixes and suffices (global + per-tag).
set themessage ""
if {[info exists prefix(::)]} { append themessage $prefix(::) }
if {[info exists prefix($tag)]} { append themessage $prefix($tag) }
append themessage $message
if {[info exists suffix($tag)]} { append themessage $suffix($tag) }
if {[info exists suffix(::)]} { append themessage $suffix(::) }
# Resolve variables references and command invokations embedded
# into the message with plain text.
set code [catch {
set smessage [uplevel 1 [list ::subst -nobackslashes $themessage]]
set sheader [uplevel 1 [list ::subst -nobackslashes $header]]
set strailer [uplevel 1 [list ::subst -nobackslashes $trailer]]
} __ eo]
# And dump an internal error if that resolution failed.
if {$code} {
if {[catch {
set caller [info level -1]
}]} { set caller GLOBAL }
if {[string length $caller] >= 1000} {
set caller "[string range $caller 0 200]...[string range $caller end-200 end]"
foreach line [split $caller \n] {
puts -nonewline $fd "@@(DebugError from $tag ($eo): $line)"
# From here we have a good message to show. We only shorten it a
# bit if its a bit excessive in size.
if {[string length $smessage] > 4096} {
set head [string range $smessage 0 2048]
set tail [string range $smessage end-2048 end]
set smessage "${head}...(truncated)...$tail"
foreach line [split $smessage \n] {
puts $fd "$sheader$tag | $line$strailer"
# names - return names of debug tags
proc ::debug::names {} {
variable detail
return [lsort [array names detail]]
proc ::debug::2array {} {
variable detail
set result {}
foreach n [lsort [array names detail]] {
if {[interp alias {} debug.$n] ne "::debug::noop"} {
lappend result $n $detail($n)
} else {
lappend result $n -$detail($n)
return $result
# level - set level and fd for tag
proc ::debug::level {tag {level ""} {fd {}}} {
variable detail
# TODO: Force level >=0.
if {$level ne ""} {
set detail($tag) $level
if {![info exists detail($tag)]} {
set detail($tag) 1
variable fds
if {$fd ne {}} {
set fds($tag) $fd
return $detail($tag)
proc ::debug::header {text} { variable header $text }
proc ::debug::trailer {text} { variable trailer $text }
proc ::debug::define {tag} {
if {[interp alias {} debug.$tag] ne {}} return
off $tag
# Set a prefix/suffix to use for tag.
# The global (tag-independent) prefix/suffix is adressed through tag '::'.
# This works because colon (:) is an illegal character for user-specified tags.
proc ::debug::prefix {tag {theprefix {}}} {
variable prefix
set prefix($tag) $theprefix
if {[interp alias {} debug.$tag] ne {}} return
off $tag
proc ::debug::suffix {tag {theprefix {}}} {
variable suffix
set suffix($tag) $theprefix
if {[interp alias {} debug.$tag] ne {}} return
off $tag
# turn on debugging for tag
proc ::debug::on {tag {level ""} {fd {}}} {
variable active
set active($tag) 1
level $tag $level $fd
interp alias {} debug.$tag {} ::debug::debug $tag
# turn off debugging for tag
proc ::debug::off {tag {level ""} {fd {}}} {
variable active
set active($tag) 1
level $tag $level $fd
interp alias {} debug.$tag {} ::debug::noop
proc ::debug::setting {args} {
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
set args [lindex $args 0]
set fd stderr
if {[llength $args] % 2} {
set fd [lindex $args end]
set args [lrange $args 0 end-1]
foreach {tag level} $args {
if {$level > 0} {
level $tag $level $fd
interp alias {} debug.$tag {} ::debug::debug $tag
} else {
level $tag [expr {-$level}] $fd
interp alias {} debug.$tag {} ::debug::noop
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Convenience commands.
# Format arrays and dicts as multi-line message.
# Insert newlines and tabs.
proc ::debug::nl {} { return \n }
proc ::debug::tab {} { return \t }
proc ::debug::parray {a {pattern *}} {
upvar 1 $a array
if {![array exists array]} {
error "\"$a\" isn't an array"
pdict [array get array] $pattern
proc ::debug::pdict {dict {pattern *}} {
set maxl 0
set names [lsort -dict [dict keys $dict $pattern]]
foreach name $names {
if {[string length $name] > $maxl} {
set maxl [string length $name]
set maxl [expr {$maxl + 2}]
set lines {}
foreach name $names {
set nameString [format (%s) $name]
lappend lines [format "%-*s = %s" \
$maxl $nameString \
[dict get $dict $name]]
return [join $lines \n]
proc ::debug::hexl {data {prefix {}}} {
set r {}
# Convert the data to hex and to characters.
binary scan $data H*@0a* hexa asciia
# Replace non-printing characters in the data with dots.
regsub -all -- {[^[:graph:] ]} $asciia {.} asciia
# Pad with spaces to a full multiple of 32/16.
set n [expr {[string length $hexa] % 32}]
if {$n < 32} { append hexa [string repeat { } [expr {32-$n}]] }
#puts "pad H [expr {32-$n}]"
set n [expr {[string length $asciia] % 32}]
if {$n < 16} { append asciia [string repeat { } [expr {16-$n}]] }
#puts "pad A [expr {32-$n}]"
# Reassemble formatted, in groups of 16 bytes/characters.
# The hex part is handled in groups of 32 nibbles.
set addr 0
while {[string length $hexa]} {
# Get front group of 16 bytes each.
set hex [string range $hexa 0 31]
set ascii [string range $asciia 0 15]
# Prep for next iteration
set hexa [string range $hexa 32 end]
set asciia [string range $asciia 16 end]
# Convert the hex to pairs of hex digits
regsub -all -- {..} $hex {& } hex
# Add the hex and latin-1 data to the result buffer
append r $prefix [format %04x $addr] { | } $hex { |} $ascii |\n
incr addr 16
# And done
return $r
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
namespace eval debug {
variable detail ; # map: TAG -> level of interest
variable prefix ; # map: TAG -> message prefix to use
variable suffix ; # map: TAG -> message suffix to use
variable fds ; # map: TAG -> handle of open channel to log to.
variable header {} ; # per-line heading, subst'ed
variable trailer {} ; # per-line ending, subst'ed
# Notes:
# - The tag '::' is reserved. "prefix" and "suffix" use it to store
# the global message prefix / suffix.
# - prefix and suffix are applied per message.
# - header and trailer are per line. And should not generate multiple lines!
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready
package provide debug 1.0.6


@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#[para] packages used by overtype
#[list_begin itemized]
package require Tcl 8.6
package require Tcl 8.6-
package require textutil
package require punk::lib ;#required for lines_as_list
package require punk::ansi ;#required to detect, split, strip and calculate lengths


@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @mdgen EXCLUDE: sha1c.tcl
package require Tcl 8.2; # tcl minimum version
package require Tcl 8.2-; # tcl minimum version
namespace eval ::sha1 {
variable accel


@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
package require Tcl 8.4
package require Tcl 8.4-
package require cmdline
namespace eval ::struct { namespace eval list {} }


@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
package require Tcl 8.5
package require Tcl 8.5-
package require textutil::wcswidth ;# TermWidth, for _columnwidth and related places
namespace eval ::struct {}


@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - ANSI
## Generic commands to define commands for code sequences.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Escape clauses, plain and bracket
## Used by 'define'd commands.
proc ::term::ansi::code::esc {str} {return \033$str}
proc ::term::ansi::code::escb {str} {esc \[$str}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Define command for named control code, or constant.
## (Simple definitions without arguments)
proc ::term::ansi::code::define {name escape code} {
proc [Qualified $name] {} [list ::term::ansi::code::$escape $code]
proc ::term::ansi::code::const {name code} {
proc [Qualified $name] {} [list return $code]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal helper to construct fully-qualified names.
proc ::term::ansi::code::Qualified {name} {
if {![string match ::* $name]} {
# Get the caller's namespace; append :: if it is not the
# global namespace, for separation from the actual name.
set ns [uplevel 2 [list namespace current]]
if {$ns ne "::"} {append ns ::}
set name $ns$name
return $name
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code {
namespace export esc escb define const
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::ansi::code 0.2
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - ANSI - Attribute codes
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require term::ansi::code ; # Constants
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::attr {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Symbolic names.
proc ::term::ansi::code::attr::names {} {
variable attr
return $attr
proc ::term::ansi::code::attr::import {{ns attr} args} {
if {![llength $args]} {set args *}
set args ::term::ansi::code::attr::[join $args " ::term::ansi::code::attr::"]
uplevel 1 [list namespace eval ${ns} [linsert $args 0 namespace import]]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal - Setup
proc ::term::ansi::code::attr::DEF {name value} {
variable attr
const $name $value
lappend attr $name
namespace export $name
proc ::term::ansi::code::attr::INIT {} {
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# Colors. Foreground <=> Text
DEF fgblack 30 ; # Black
DEF fgred 31 ; # Red
DEF fggreen 32 ; # Green
DEF fgyellow 33 ; # Yellow
DEF fgblue 34 ; # Blue
DEF fgmagenta 35 ; # Magenta
DEF fgcyan 36 ; # Cyan
DEF fgwhite 37 ; # White
DEF fgdefault 39 ; # Default (Black)
# Colors. Background.
DEF bgblack 40 ; # Black
DEF bgred 41 ; # Red
DEF bggreen 42 ; # Green
DEF bgyellow 43 ; # Yellow
DEF bgblue 44 ; # Blue
DEF bgmagenta 45 ; # Magenta
DEF bgcyan 46 ; # Cyan
DEF bgwhite 47 ; # White
DEF bgdefault 49 ; # Default (Transparent)
# Non-color attributes. Activation.
DEF bold 1 ; # Bold
DEF dim 2 ; # Dim
DEF italic 3 ; # Italics
DEF underline 4 ; # Underscore
DEF blink 5 ; # Blink
DEF revers 7 ; # Reverse
DEF hidden 8 ; # Hidden
DEF strike 9 ; # StrikeThrough
# Non-color attributes. Deactivation.
DEF nobold 22 ; # Bold
DEF nodim __ ; # Dim
DEF noitalic 23 ; # Italics
DEF nounderline 24 ; # Underscore
DEF noblink 25 ; # Blink
DEF norevers 27 ; # Reverse
DEF nohidden 28 ; # Hidden
DEF nostrike 29 ; # StrikeThrough
# Remainder
DEF reset 0 ; # Reset
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures.
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::attr {
namespace import ::term::ansi::code::const
variable attr {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::ansi::code::attr 0.1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - ANSI - Control codes
## References
# [0] Google: ansi terminal control
# [1]
# [2]
# [3]
# [4]
# [5]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require term::ansi::code
package require term::ansi::code::attr
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::ctrl {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Symbolic names.
proc ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::names {} {
variable ctrl
return $ctrl
proc ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::import {{ns ctrl} args} {
if {![llength $args]} {set args *}
set args ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::[join $args " ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::"]
uplevel 1 [list namespace eval $ns [linsert $args 0 namespace import]]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## TODO = symbolic key codes for skd.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal - Setup
proc ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::DEF {name esc value} {
variable ctrl
define $name $esc $value
lappend ctrl $name
namespace export $name
proc ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::DEFC {name arguments script} {
variable ctrl
proc $name $arguments $script
lappend ctrl $name
namespace export $name
proc ::term::ansi::code::ctrl::INIT {} {
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# Erasing
DEF eeol escb K ; # Erase (to) End Of Line
DEF esol escb 1K ; # Erase (to) Start Of Line
DEF el escb 2K ; # Erase (current) Line
DEF ed escb J ; # Erase Down (to bottom)
DEF eu escb 1J ; # Erase Up (to top)
DEF es escb 2J ; # Erase Screen
# Scrolling
DEF sd esc D ; # Scroll Down
DEF su esc M ; # Scroll Up
# Cursor Handling
DEF ch escb H ; # Cursor Home
DEF sc escb s ; # Save Cursor
DEF rc escb u ; # Restore Cursor (Unsave)
DEF sca esc 7 ; # Save Cursor + Attributes
DEF rca esc 8 ; # Restore Cursor + Attributes
# Tabbing
DEF st esc H ; # Set Tab (@ current position)
DEF ct escb g ; # Clear Tab (@ current position)
DEF cat escb 3g ; # Clear All Tabs
# Device Introspection
DEF qdc escb c ; # Query Device Code
DEF qds escb 5n ; # Query Device Status
DEF qcp escb 6n ; # Query Cursor Position
DEF rd esc c ; # Reset Device
# Linewrap on/off
DEF elw escb 7h ; # Enable Line Wrap
DEF dlw escb 7l ; # Disable Line Wrap
# Graphics Mode (aka use alternate font on/off)
DEF eg esc F ; # Enter Graphics Mode
DEF lg esc G ; # Exit Graphics Mode
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Complex, parameterized codes
# Select Character Set
# Choose which char set is used for default and
# alternate font. This does not change whether
# default or alternate font are used
DEFC scs0 {tag} {esc ($tag} ; # Set default character set
DEFC scs1 {tag} {esc )$tag} ; # Set alternate character set
# tags in A : United Kingdom Set
# B : ASCII Set
# 0 : Special Graphics
# 1 : Alternate Character ROM Standard Character Set
# 2 : Alternate Character ROM Special Graphics
# Set Display Attributes
DEFC sda {args} {escb [join $args \;]m}
# Force Cursor Position (aka Go To)
DEFC fcp {r c} {escb ${r}\;${c}f}
# Cursor Up, Down, Forward, Backward
DEFC cu {{n 1}} {escb [expr {$n == 1 ? "A" : "${n}A"}]}
DEFC cd {{n 1}} {escb [expr {$n == 1 ? "B" : "${n}B"}]}
DEFC cf {{n 1}} {escb [expr {$n == 1 ? "C" : "${n}C"}]}
DEFC cb {{n 1}} {escb [expr {$n == 1 ? "D" : "${n}D"}]}
# Scroll Screen (entire display, or between rows start end, inclusive).
DEFC ss {args} {
if {[llength $args] == 0} {return [escb r]}
if {[llength $args] == 2} {foreach {s e} $args break ; return [escb ${s};${e}r]}
return -code error "wrong\#args"
# Set Key Definition
DEFC skd {code str} {escb $code\;\"$str\"p}
# Terminal title
DEFC title {str} {esc \]0\;$str\007}
# Switch to and from character/box graphics.
DEFC gron {} {esc (0}
DEFC groff {} {esc (B}
# Character graphics, box symbols
# - 4 corners, 4 t-junctions,
# one 4-way junction, 2 lines
DEFC tlc {} {return [gron]l[groff]} ; # Top Left Corner
DEFC trc {} {return [gron]k[groff]} ; # Top Right Corner
DEFC brc {} {return [gron]j[groff]} ; # Bottom Right Corner
DEFC blc {} {return [gron]m[groff]} ; # Bottom Left Corner
DEFC ltj {} {return [gron]t[groff]} ; # Left T Junction
DEFC ttj {} {return [gron]w[groff]} ; # Top T Junction
DEFC rtj {} {return [gron]u[groff]} ; # Right T Junction
DEFC btj {} {return [gron]v[groff]} ; # Bottom T Junction
DEFC fwj {} {return [gron]n[groff]} ; # Four-Way Junction
DEFC hl {} {return [gron]q[groff]} ; # Horizontal Line
DEFC vl {} {return [gron]x[groff]} ; # Vertical Line
# Optimize character graphics. The generator commands above create
# way to many superfluous commands shifting into and out of the
# graphics mode. The command below removes all shifts which are
# not needed. To this end it also knows which characters will look
# the same in both modes, to handle strings created outside this
# package.
DEFC groptim {string} {
variable grforw
variable grback
set offon [groff][gron]
set onoff [gron][groff]
while {![string equal $string [set new [string map \
[list $offon {} $onoff {}] [string map \
$grback [string map \
$grforw $string]]]]]} {
set string $new
return $string
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Higher level operations
# Clear screen <=> CursorHome + EraseDown
# Init (Fonts): Default ASCII, Alternate Graphics
# Show a block of text at a specific location.
DEFC clear {} {return [ch][ed]}
DEFC init {} {return [scs0 B][scs1 0]}
DEFC showat {r c text} {
if {![string length $text]} {return {}}
return [fcp $r $c][sca][join \
[split $text \n] \
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Attribute control (single attributes)
foreach a [::term::ansi::code::attr::names] {
DEF sda_$a escb [::term::ansi::code::attr::$a]m
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures.
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::ctrl {
namespace import ::term::ansi::code::define
namespace import ::term::ansi::code::esc
namespace import ::term::ansi::code::escb
variable grforw
variable grback
variable _
foreach _ {
! \" # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = >
? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M
N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ^
\\ ]
} {
lappend grforw \016$_ $_\016
lappend grback $_\017 \017$_
unset _
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::ansi::code::ctrl 0.3
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# -*- tcl -*-
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Terminal packages - ANSI - Higher level macros
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require textutil::repeat
package require textutil::tabify
package require term::ansi::code::ctrl
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::macros {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API. Symbolic names.
proc ::term::ansi::code::macros::import {{ns macros} args} {
if {![llength $args]} {set args *}
set args ::term::ansi::code::macros::[join $args " ::term::ansi::code::macros::"]
uplevel 1 [list namespace eval ${ns} [linsert $args 0 namespace import]]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Higher level operations
# Format a menu / framed block of text
proc ::term::ansi::code::macros::menu {menu} {
# Menu = dict (label => char)
array set _ {}
set shift 0
foreach {label c} $menu {
if {[string first $c $label] < 0} {
set shift 1
set max 0
foreach {label c} $menu {
set pos [string first $c $label]
if {$shift || ($pos < 0)} {
set xlabel "$c $label"
set pos 0
} else {
set xlabel $label
set len [string length $xlabel]
if {$len > $max} {set max $len}
set _($label) " [string replace $xlabel $pos $pos \
[cd::sda_fgred][cd::sda_bold][string index $xlabel $pos][cd::sda_reset]]"
append ms [cd::tlc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::trc]\n
foreach {l c} $menu {append ms $_($l)\n}
append ms [cd::blc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::brc]
return [cd::groptim $ms]
proc ::term::ansi::code::macros::frame {string} {
set lines [split [textutil::tabify::untabify2 $string] \n]
set max 0
foreach l $lines {
if {[set len [string length $l]] > $max} {set max $len}
append fs [cd::tlc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::trc]\n
foreach l $lines {
append fs [cd::vl]${l}[textutil::repeat::strRepeat " " [expr {$max-[string length $l]}]][cd::vl]\n
append fs [cd::blc][textutil::repeat::strRepeat [cd::hl] $max][cd::brc]
return [cd::groptim $fs]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures.
namespace eval ::term::ansi::code::macros {
term::ansi::code::ctrl::import cd
namespace export menu frame
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide term::ansi::code::macros 0.1
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########


@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
namespace eval ::textutil {}


@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
package require textutil::repeat
package require textutil::string


@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# - Factored patch parsing into a helper
# - Replaced `puts` with report callback.
package require Tcl 8.5
package require Tcl 8.5-
package provide textutil::patch 0.1
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################


@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
namespace eval ::textutil::repeat {}


@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
namespace eval ::textutil::split {}


@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
namespace eval ::textutil::string {}


@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
package require textutil::repeat
namespace eval ::textutil::tabify {}


@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require Tcl 8.2-
namespace eval ::textutil::trim {}
