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updated punk::path & punk::nav::fs in _vfscommon

Julian Noble 6 months ago
  1. 153
  2. 190


@ -114,6 +114,9 @@ if {"windows" eq $::tcl_platform(platform)} {
tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
tcl::namespace::export {[a-z]*} ;# Convention: export all lowercase
#Both tcl's notion of pwd and VIRTUAL_CWD can be out of sync with the process CWD. This happens when in a VFS.
#We can also have VIRTUAL_CWD navigate to spaces that Tcl's cd can't - review
variable VIRTUAL_CWD ;#cwd that tracks pwd except when in zipfs locations that are not at or below a mountpoint
if {![interp issafe]} {
set VIRTUAL_CWD [pwd]
@ -128,8 +131,15 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
return $::punk::nav::fs::VIRTUAL_CWD
#Both tcl's notion of pwd and VIRTUAL_CWD can be out of sync with the process CWD. This happens when in a VFS.
#TODO - maintain per 'volume/server' CWD
#e.g cd and ./ to:
# d:
# //zipfs:
# //server
# should return to the last CWD for that volume/server
#VIRTUAL_CWD follows pwd when changed via cd
set stackrecord [commandstack::rename_command -renamer punk::nav::fs cd {args} {
if {![catch {
@ -238,34 +248,44 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set atail [lassign $args a1]
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
set a1 [lindex $args 0]
if {$a1 in [list . .. "./" "../"]} {
if {$a1 in [list ".." "../"]} {
switch -exact -- $a1 {
. - ./ {
tailcall punk::nav::fs::d/
.. - ../ {
if {$VIRTUAL_CWD eq "//zipfs:/" && ![string match //zipfs:/* [pwd]]} {
#exit back to last nonzipfs path that was in use
set VIRTUAL_CWD [pwd]
} else {
#set up1 [file normalize [file join $VIRTUAL_CWD ..]] ;#doesn't work! file normalize bug? review - submit ticket?
set up1 [file dirname $VIRTUAL_CWD]
if {[string match //zipfs:/* $up1]} {
if {[Zipfs_path_within_zipfs_mounts $up1]} {
cd $up1
set VIRTUAL_CWD $up1
} else {
set VIRTUAL_CWD $up1
tailcall punk::nav::fs::d/
#we need to use normjoin to allow navigation to //server instead of just to //server/share (//server browsing unimplemented - review)
# [file join //server ..] would become /server/.. - use normjoin to get //server
# file dirname //server/share would stay as //server/share
#set up1 [file dirname $VIRTUAL_CWD]
set up1 [punk::path::normjoin $VIRTUAL_CWD ..]
if {[string match //zipfs:/* $up1]} {
if {[Zipfs_path_within_zipfs_mounts $up1]} {
cd $up1
set VIRTUAL_CWD $up1
} else {
cd $a1
#set VIRTUAL_CWD [file normalize $a1]
set VIRTUAL_CWD $up1
} else {
cd $up1
#set VIRTUAL_CWD [file normalize $a1]
tailcall punk::nav::fs::d/
tailcall punk::nav::fs::d/
if {[file pathtype $a1] ne "relative" && ![string match //zipfs:/* $a1]} {
if {[file type $a1] eq "directory"} {
cd $a1
#set VIRTUAL_CWD $a1
tailcall punk::nav::fs::d/
if {[file pathtype $a1] ne "relative"} {
if { ![string match //zipfs:/* $a1]} {
if {[file type $a1] eq "directory"} {
cd $a1
#set VIRTUAL_CWD $a1
tailcall punk::nav::fs::d/
@ -279,6 +299,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
if {![regexp {[*?]} $a1]} {
#NON-Glob target
if {[string match //zipfs:/* $a1]} {
if {[Zipfs_path_within_zipfs_mounts $a1]} {
@ -287,12 +308,15 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set curdir $a1
} else {
set target [punk::path::normjoin $VIRTUAL_CWD $a1]
if {[string match //zipfs:/* $VIRTUAL_CWD]} {
if {[Zipfs_path_within_zipfs_mounts $VIRTUAL_CWD/$a1]} {
commandstack::basecall cd $VIRTUAL_CWD/$a1
if {[Zipfs_path_within_zipfs_mounts $target]} {
commandstack::basecall cd $target
if {[file type $target] eq "directory"} {
set VIRTUAL_CWD $target
tailcall punk::nav::fs::d/
@ -721,7 +745,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set searchspec [lindex $searchspecs 0]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_searchbase [dict get $opts -searchbase]
set opt_glob [dict get $opts -tailglob]
set opt_tailglob [dict get $opts -tailglob]
set opt_with_sizes [dict get $opts -with_sizes]
set opt_with_times [dict get $opts -with_times]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -729,47 +753,72 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
#we don't want to normalize..
#for example if the user supplies ../ we want to see ../result
set relativepath [expr {[file pathtype $searchspec] eq "relative"}]
set searchbase $opt_searchbase
switch -- $opt_glob {
set is_relativesearchspec [expr {[file pathtype $searchspec] eq "relative"}]
if {$opt_searchbase eq ""} {
set searchbase .
} else {
set searchbase $opt_searchbase
switch -- $opt_tailglob {
"" {
if {$relativepath} {
set location [file dirname [file join $searchbase $searchspec]]
if {$searchspec eq ""} {
set location
} else {
set location [file dirname $searchspec]
if {$is_relativesarchspec} {
#set location [file dirname [file join $opt_searchbase $searchspec]]
set location [punk::path::normjoin $searchbase $searchspec ..]
} else {
set location [punk::path::normjoin $searchspec ..]
#here tail is treated as a search-pattern within location whether or not it contains glob chars "?" or "*"
set match_contents [file tail $searchspec]
#here tail is treated as a search-pattern within location whether or not it contains glob chars "?" or "*"
set glob [file tail $searchspec]
"\uFFFF" {
set tail_has_globs [regexp {[*?]} [file tail $searchspec]]
if {$tail_has_globs} {
if {$relativepath} {
set location [file dirname [file join $searchbase $searchspec]]
set searchtail_has_globs [regexp {[*?]} [file tail $searchspec]]
if {$searchtail_has_globs} {
if {$is_relativesearchspec} {
#set location [file dirname [file join $searchbase $searchspec]]
#e.g subdir/* or sub/etc/x*
set location [punk::path::normjoin $searchbase $searchspec ..]
} else {
set location [file dirname $searchspec]
set location [punk::path::normjoin $searchspec ..]
set glob [file tail $searchspec]
set match_contents [file tail $searchspec]
} else {
#user didn't supply a glob within tail segment, nor did they specify a separate -tailglob - presume they want a directory listing
if {$relativepath} {
set location [file join $searchbase $searchspec]
if {$searchspec eq ""} {
set location $searchbase
} else {
set location $searchspec
if {$is_relativesearchspec} {
#set location [file join $searchbase $searchspec]
set location [punk::path::normjoin $searchbase $searchspec]
} else {
#absolute path for search
set location $searchspec
set glob *
set match_contents *
default {
#-tailglob supplied separately - ignore any globiness in tail segment of searchspec and treat literally
if {$relativepath} {
set location [file join $searchbase $searchspec]
if {$searchspec eq ""} {
set location $searchbase
} else {
set location $searchspec
if {$is_relativesearchspec} {
#set location [file join $searchbase $searchspec]
set location [punk::path::normjoin $searchbase $searchspec]
} else {
set location $searchspec
set glob $opt_glob
set match_contents $opt_tailglob
puts stdout "searchbase: $searchbase searchspec:$searchspec"
set in_vfs 0
if {[llength [package provide vfs]]} {
@ -794,7 +843,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set next_opt_with_times [list -with_times $opt_with_times]
if {$in_vfs} {
set listing [punk::du::lib::du_dirlisting_tclvfs $location -glob $glob {*}$next_opt_with_sizes {*}$next_opt_with_times]
set listing [punk::du::lib::du_dirlisting_tclvfs $location -glob $match_contents {*}$next_opt_with_sizes {*}$next_opt_with_times]
} else {
set in_zipfs 0
if {[info commands ::tcl::zipfs::mount] ne ""} {
@ -810,9 +859,9 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
if {$in_zipfs} {
#relative vs absolute? review - cwd valid for //zipfs:/ ??
set listing [punk::du::lib::du_dirlisting_zipfs $location -glob $glob {*}$next_opt_with_sizes {*}$next_opt_with_times]
set listing [punk::du::lib::du_dirlisting_zipfs $location -glob $match_contents {*}$next_opt_with_sizes {*}$next_opt_with_times]
} else {
set listing [punk::du::dirlisting $location -glob $glob {*}$next_opt_with_sizes {*}$next_opt_with_times]
set listing [punk::du::dirlisting $location -glob $match_contents {*}$next_opt_with_sizes {*}$next_opt_with_times]
@ -904,7 +953,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
lappend nonportable $nm
set front_of_dict [dict create location $location searchbase $searchbase]
set front_of_dict [dict create location $location searchbase $opt_searchbase]
set listing [dict merge $front_of_dict $listing]
set updated [dict create dirs $dirs files $files filesizes $filesizes nonportable $nonportable flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden underlayfiles $underlayfiles underlayfilesizes $underlayfilesizes]
@ -1128,6 +1177,8 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
#REVIEW - at least one version of Tcl during development couldn't navigate using cd to intermediate paths between the zipfs root and the mountpoint.
#TODO - test if this can still occur.
proc Zipfs_path_within_zipfs_mounts {zipfspath} {
if {![string match //zipfs:/* $zipfspath]} {error "Zipfs_path_within_zipfs_mounts error. Supplied zipfspath $zipfspath must be a //zipfs:/* path"}
set is_within_mount 0


@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ namespace eval punk::path {
#[list_begin definitions]
# -- ---
# - simplify . and .. segments as far as possible whilst respecting specific types of root.
# -- ---
#a form of file normalize that supports //xxx to be treated as server path names
@ -141,34 +141,45 @@ namespace eval punk::path {
# file split //./UNC/server/share/subpath -> //./UNC server share subpath
# file split //server/share/subpath -> //server/share subpath
#TODO - disallow all change of root or change from relative path to absolute result.
#e.g stringnorm relpath/../d:/secret should not return d:/secret - but ./d:/secret
#e.g normjoin relpath/../d:/secret should not return d:/secret - but ./d:/secret
# ================
#known issues:
# stringnorm d://a//b//c -> d://a/b/c
# normjoin d://a//b//c -> d://a/b/c
# This is because we don't detect specific schemes. ie it's treated the same as https://a/b/c -> https://a/b/c
# Not considered a problem - just potentially surprising.
# To avoid it we would have to enumerate possible schemes.
# As it stands a unix system could define a 'scheme' that happens to match windows style driveletters. Consider a 'feature' ? review.
# won't fix?
# stringnorm https:/// -> https:///
# normjoin https:/// -> https:///
# The extra slash means effectively our servername is empty - this is potentially confusing but probably the right thing to do here.
# It's a concern only if upstream treats the tripple slash in this case as valid and maps it to https:// - which would probably be bad anyway.
# won't fix (review)
# stringnorm //./UNC//server/share/subpath -> ///server/share/subpath (when 2 or more slashes directly after UNC)
# stringnorm ///server/share -> ///server/share
# normjoin //./UNC//server/share/subpath -> ///server/share/subpath (when 2 or more slashes directly after UNC)
# normjoin ///server/share -> ///server/share
#This is effectively an empty servername in the input with 'server' being pushed one level down - and the output is consistent
# possibly won't fix - review
#4) inconsistency
# we return normalized //server/share for //./UNC/server share
# but other dos device paths are maintained
# e.g //./c:/etc
# This is because such paths could contain alternate segment names (windows shortnames) which we aren't in a position to resolve.
# caller should
# #as with 'case' below - caller will need to run a post 'file normalize'
#5) we don't normalize case like file normalize does on windows platform.
# This is intentional. It could only be done with reference to underlying filesystem which we don't want here.
# ================
#relpaths all end up with leading . - while not always the simplest form, this is ok. (helps stop inadvertent conversions to absolutes)
# Tests - TDOO
# stringnorm /d:/..//vfs:/test -> /vfs:/test (good - not converted to //vfs:/test)
proc stringnorm {path} {
set path [string map "\\\\ /" $path]
# Tests - TODO
# normjoin /d:/..//vfs:/test -> /vfs:/test (good - not converted to //vfs:/test)
proc normjoin {args} {
set args [lmap a $args {string map "\\\\ /" $a}]
set path [plainjoin {*}$args]
switch -exact $path {
"" {
return ""
@ -219,10 +230,16 @@ namespace eval punk::path {
#convert to 'standard' //server/... path for processing
set path "/[string range $path 7 end]" ;# //server/...
} else {
#error "stringnorm non-UNC dos device path '$path' not supported"
#error "normjoin non-UNC dos device path '$path' not supported"
#first segment after //./ or //?/ represents the volume or drive.
#not applicable to unix - but unlikely to conflict with a genuine usecase there (review)
#we should pass through and stop navigation below //./vol
#not anomaly in tcl (continues in tcl9)
#file exists //./c:/test -> 0
#file exists //?/c:/test -> 1
#file exists //./BootPartition/Windows -> 1
#file exists //?/BootPartition/Windows -> 0
set is_nonunc_dosdevice 1
@ -376,10 +393,161 @@ namespace eval punk::path {
return $result
proc trim_final_slash {str} {
if {[string index $str end] eq "/"} {
return [string range $str 0 end-1]
return $str
#x-platform - punk::path::pathtype - can be used in safe interps - different concept of pathtypes to 'file pathtype'
# - no volumerelative
# - no lookup of file volumes (volume is a windows concept - but with //zipfs:/ somewhat applicable to other platforms)
# - /* as absolute (covers also //zipfs:/ (volume), //server , //./etc , //./UNC)
# - xxx:// as absolute (scheme)
# - xxx:/ or x:/ as absolute
# - x: xxx: -> as absolute (volume-basic or volume-extended)
#note also on windows - legacy name for COM devices
# COM1 = COM1:
# //./COM1 ?? review
proc pathtype {str} {
set str [string map "\\\\ /" $str]
if {[string index $str 0] eq "/"} {
#todo - look for //xxx:/ prefix (generalisation of //zipfs:/) as a 'volume' specifically {volume mount} ?? - review
# look for //server prefix as {absolute server}
# look for //./UNC/server or //?/UNC/server as {absolute server UNC} ?
# look for //./<dosdevice> as {absolute dosdevice}
return absolute
#only firstsegment with single colon at last position (after some non empty string) counts as volume or scheme - review
#e.g a:b:/.. or a::/.. or :/.. is not treated as volume/scheme whereas ab:/ is.
set firstslash [string first / $str]
if {$firstslash == -1} {
set firstsegment $str
} else {
set firstsegment [string range $str 0 $firstslash-1]
if {[set firstc [string first : $firstsegment]] > 0} {
set lhs_firstsegment [string range $firstsegment 0 $firstc-1]
set rhs_firstsegment [string range $firstsegment $firstc+1 end] ;#exclude a:b/ etc
if {$rhs_firstsegment eq ""} {
set rhs_entire_path [string range $str $firstc+1 end]
#assert lhs_firstsegment not empty since firstc > 0
#count following / sequence
set i 0
set slashes_after_firstsegment "" ;#run of slashes *directly* following first segment
while {$i < [string length $rhs_entire_path]} {
if {[string index $rhs_entire_path $i] eq "/"} {
append slashes_after_firstsegment /
} else {
incr i
switch -exact -- $slashes_after_firstsegment {
"" - / {
if {[string length $lhs_firstsegment] == 1} {
return {absolute volume basic}
} else {
return {absolute volume extended}
default {
#2 or more /
#this will return 'scheme' even for c:// - even though that may look like a windows volume - review
return {absolute scheme}
#assert first element of any return has been absolute or relative
return relative
proc plain {str} {
set str [string map "\\\\ /" $str]
set pathinfo [punk::path::pathtype $str]
if {[lindex $pathinfo 0] eq "relative" && ![string match ./* $str]} {
set str ./$str
if {[string index $str end] eq "/"} {
if {[string map {/ ""} $str] eq ""} {
#all slash segment
return $str
} else {
if {[lindex $pathinfo 1] ni {volume scheme}} {
return [string range $str 0 end-1]
return $str
#purely string based - no reference to filesystem knowledge
#unix-style forward slash only
proc plainjoin {args} {
set args [lmap a $args {string map "\\\\ /" $a}]
#if {[llength $args] == 1} {
# return [lindex $args 0]
set out ""
foreach a $args {
if {![string length $out]} {
append out [plain $a]
} else {
set a [plain $a]
if {[string map {/ ""} $out] eq ""} {
set out [string range $out 0 end-1]
if {[string map {/ ""} $a] eq ""} {
#all / segment
append out [string range $a 0 end-1]
} else {
if {[string length $a] > 2 && [string match "./*" $a]} {
set a [string range $a 2 end]
if {[string index $out end] eq "/"} {
append out $a
} else {
append out / $a
return $out
proc plainjoin1 {args} {
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
return [lindex $args 0]
set out [trim_final_slash [lindex $args 0]]
foreach a [lrange $args 1 end] {
set a [trim_final_slash $a]
append out / $a
return $out
#proc filepath_dotted_dirname {path} {
proc strip_prefixdepth {path prefix} {
if {$prefix eq ""} {
return [norm $path]
return [file join \
{*}[lrange \
[file split [norm $path]] \
[llength [file split [norm $prefix]]] \
proc pathglob_as_re {pathglob} {
#*** !doctools
#[call [fun pathglob_as_re] [arg pathglob]]
