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punk::nav::fs filesizes and symlink indications

Julian Noble 5 months ago
  1. 238
  2. 109
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  5. 2
  6. 238
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  9. 109


@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk::mix::base
package require struct::set
package require punk::args
namespace eval punk::du {
@ -486,29 +487,156 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
return [lindex [lappend winfile_attributes $bitmask [twapi::decode_file_attributes $bitmask]] end]
proc attributes_twapi {path {detail basic}} {
variable win_reparse_tags
#implied prefix for all names IO_REPARSE_TAG_
#list of reparse tags:
set win_reparse_tags [dict create\
RESERVED_ZERO [list hex 0x00000000 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
RESERVED_ONE [list hex 0x00000001 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
RESERVED_TWO [list hex 0x00000002 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
MOUNT_POINT [list hex 0xA0000003 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used for mount point support"]\
HSM [list hex 0xC0000004 obsolete 1 serverside 0 meaning "Obsolete. Used by legacy Hierarchical Storage Manager Product"]\
DRIVE_EXTENDER [list hex 0x80000005 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Home server drive extender"]\
HSM2 [list hex 0xC0000006 obsolete 1 serverside 0 meaning "Obsolete. Used by legacy Hierarchical Storage Manager Product"]\
SIS [list hex 0x80000007 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by single-instance storage (SIS) filter driver."]\
WIM [list hex 0x80000008 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the WIM Mount filter."]\
CSV [list hex 0x80000008 obsolete 1 serverside 1 meaning "Obsolete. Used by Clustered Shared Volumes (CSV) version 1 in Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system. "]\
DFS [list hex 0x8000000A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the DFS filter. The DFS is described in the Distributed File System (DFS): Referral Protocol Specification \[MS-DFSC\]."]\
FILTER_MANAGER [list hex 0x8000000B obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used by filter manager test harness"]\
SYMLINK [list hex 0xA000000C obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used for symbolic link support."]\
IIS_CACHE [list hex 0xA0000010 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) caching. "]\
DFSR [list hex 0x80000012 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the DFS filter. The DFS is described in \[MS-DFSC\]. "]\
DEDUP [list hex 0x80000013 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Data Deduplication (Dedup) filter. "]\
APPXSTRM [list hex 0xC0000014 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Not used."]\
NFS [list hex 0x80000014 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Network File System (NFS) component. "]\
FILE_PLACEHOLDER [list hex 0x80000015 obsolete 1 serverside 1 meaning "Obsolete. Used by Windows Shell for legacy placeholder files in Windows 8.1. "]\
DFM [list hex 0x80000016 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Dynamic File filter. "]\
WOF [list hex 0x80000017 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Overlay filter, for either WIMBoot or single-file compression."]\
WCI [list hex 0x80000018 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter. "]\
WCI_2 [list hex 0x90001018 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter. "]\
GLOBAL_REPARSE [list hex 0xA0000019 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by NPFS to indicate a named pipe symbolic link from a server silo into the host silo."]\
CLOUD [list hex 0x9000001A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_1 [list hex 0x9000101A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_2 [list hex 0x9000201A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_3 [list hex 0x9000301A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_4 [list hex 0x9000401A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_5 [list hex 0x9000501A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_6 [list hex 0x9000601A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_7 [list hex 0x9000701A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_8 [list hex 0x9000801A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_9 [list hex 0x9000901A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_A [list hex 0x9000A01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_B [list hex 0x9000B01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_C [list hex 0x9000C01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_D [list hex 0x9000D01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_E [list hex 0x9000E01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_F [list hex 0x9000F01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
APPEXECLINK [list hex 0x8000001B obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by Universal Windows Platform (UWP) packages to encode information that allows the application to be launched by CreateProcess."]\
PROJFS [list hex 0x9000001C obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Projected File System filter, for files managed by a user mode provider such as VFS for Git."]\
LX_SYMLINK [list hex 0xA000001D obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX symbolic link."]\
STORAGE_SYNC [list hex 0x8000001E obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Azure File Sync (AFS) filter."]\
WCI_TOMBSTONE [list hex 0xA000001F obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
UNHANDLED [list hex 0x80000020 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
ONEDRIVE [list hex 0x80000021 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Not used"]\
PROJFS_TOMBSTONE [list hex 0xA0000022 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Projected File System filter, for files managed by a user mode provider such as VFS for Git."]\
AF_UNIX [list hex 0x80000023 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX domain socket."]\
LX_FIFO [list hex 0x80000024 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX FIFO (named pipe)."]\
LX_CHR [list hex 0x80000025 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX character special file."]\
LX_BLK [list hex 0x80000026 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX block special file."]\
WCI_LINK [list hex 0xA0000027 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
WCI_LINK_1 [list hex 0xA0001027 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
variable win_reparse_tags_by_int
dict for {k v} $win_reparse_tags {
set intkey [expr {[dict get $v hex]}]
set info [dict merge [dict create tag $k] $v] ;#put tag at front
dict set win_reparse_tags_by_int $intkey $info
#need to call twapi::create_file with FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT 0x00200000
#then twapi::device_ioctl (win32 DeviceIoControl)
#then parse buffer somehow (binary scan..)
proc Get_attributes_from_iteminfo {args} {
variable win_reparse_tags_by_int
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-debug -default 0 -help "set 1 for raw data on -debugchannel (default stderr)"
-debugchannel -default stderr -help "channel to write debug output, or none to append to output"
*values -min 1 -max 1
iteminfo -help "iteminfo dict as set by 'twapi::find_file_next <iterator> iteminfo'"
} $args]
set opts [dict get $argd opts]
set iteminfo [dict get $argd values iteminfo]
set opt_debug [dict get $opts -debug]
set opt_debugchannel [dict get $opts -debugchannel]
#-longname is placeholder - caller needs to set
set result [dict create -archive 0 -hidden 0 -longname [dict get $iteminfo name] -readonly 0 -shortname {} -system 0]
if {$opt_debug} {
set dbg "iteminfo returned by find_file_open\n"
append dbg [pdict -channel none iteminfo]
if {$opt_debugchannel eq "none"} {
dict set result -debug $dbg
} else {
puts -nonewline $opt_debugchannel $dbg
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -hidden 1
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -system 1
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -readonly 1
dict set result -shortname [dict get $iteminfo altname]
dict set result -fileattributes $attrinfo
if {"reparse_point" in $attrinfo} {
#the twapi API splits this 32bit value for us
set low_word [dict get $iteminfo reserve0]
set high_word [dict get $iteminfo reserve1]
# 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
#|M|R|N|R| Reserved bits | Reparse tag value |
#todo - is_microsoft from first bit of high_word
set low_int [expr {$low_word}] ;#review - int vs string rep for dict key lookup? does it matter?
if {[dict exists $win_reparse_tags_by_int $low_int]} {
dict set result -reparseinfo [dict get $win_reparse_tags_by_int $low_int]
} else {
dict set result -reparseinfo [dict create tag "<UNKNOWN>" hex 0x[format %X $low_int] meaning "unknown reparse tag int:$low_int"]
dict set result -raw $iteminfo
return $result
proc attributes_twapi {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-debug -default 0 -help "set 1 for raw data on -debugchannel (default stderr)"
-debugchannel -default stderr -help "channel to write debug output, or none to append to output"
-detail -default basic -choices {basic full} -help "full returns also the altname/shortname field"
*values -min 1 -max 1
path -help "path to file or folder for which to retrieve attributes"
} $args]
set opts [dict get $argd opts]
set path [dict get $argd values path]
set opt_detail [dict get $opts -detail]
set opt_debug [dict get $opts -debug]
set opt_debugchannel [dict get $opts -debugchannel]
try {
set iterator [twapi::find_file_open $path -detail $detail] ;# -detail full only adds data to the altname field
set iterator [twapi::find_file_open $path -detail $opt_detail] ;# -detail full only adds data to the altname field
if {[twapi::find_file_next $iterator iteminfo]} {
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
set result [dict create -archive 0 -hidden 0 -longname $path -readonly 0 -shortname {} -system 0]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -hidden 1
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -system 1
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -readonly 1
dict set result -shortname [dict get $iteminfo altname]
dict set result -rawflags $attrinfo
set extras [list]
#foreach prop {ctime atime mtime size} {
# lappend extras $prop [dict get $iteminfo $prop]
#dict set result -extras $extras
dict set result -raw $iteminfo
set result [Get_attributes_from_iteminfo -debug $opt_debug -debugchannel $opt_debugchannel $iteminfo]
return $result
} else {
error "could not read attributes for $path"
@ -519,13 +647,14 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#todo - review 'errors' key. We have errors relating to containing folder and args vs per child-item errors - additional key needed?
namespace export du_dirlisting_twapi du_dirlisting_generic du_dirlisting_unix du_dirlisting_undecided
namespace export attributes_twapi du_dirlisting_twapi du_dirlisting_generic du_dirlisting_unix du_dirlisting_undecided du_dirlisting_tclvfs
# get listing without using unix-tools (may not be installed on the windows system)
# this dirlisting is customised for du - so only retrieves dirs,files,filesizes (minimum work needed to perform du function)
# This also preserves path rep for elements in the dirs/folders keys etc - which can make a big difference in performance
proc du_dirlisting_twapi {folderpath args} {
set defaults [dict create\
-glob *\
-filedebug 0\
-with_sizes 1\
-with_times 1\
@ -534,6 +663,9 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set opt_glob [dict get $opts -glob]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_with_sizes [dict get $opts -with_sizes]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_filedebug [dict get $opts -filedebug] ;#per file
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set ftypes [list f d l]
if {"$opt_with_sizes" in {0 1}} {
#don't use string is boolean - (f false vs f file!)
@ -705,6 +837,8 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set alltimes [dict create]
set links [list]
set linkinfo [dict create]
set debuginfo [dict create]
set flaggedhidden [list]
set flaggedsystem [list]
set flaggedreadonly [list]
@ -717,25 +851,18 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set tail_altname [dict get $iteminfo altname] ;#altname of tail - not whole path
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
#puts stderr "$iteminfo"
#puts stderr "$nm -> [dict get $iteminfo attrs] -> $attrinfo"
#set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
set ftype ""
#attributes applicable to any classification
set fullname [file_join_one $folderpath $nm]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedhidden $fullname
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedsystem $fullname
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedreadonly $fullname
set attrdict [Get_attributes_from_iteminfo -debug $opt_filedebug -debugchannel none $iteminfo] ;#-debugchannel none puts -debug key in the resulting dict
set file_attributes [dict get $attrdict -fileattributes]
set linkdata [dict create]
# -----------------------------------------------------------
#main classification
if {"reparse_point" in $attrinfo} {
if {"reparse_point" in $file_attributes} {
#this concept doesn't correspond 1-to-1 with unix links
#review - and see which if any actually belong in the links key of our return
@ -758,17 +885,27 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#Note also - a shortcut created in explorer with drag and drop to an existant folder is a different animal to a symlink (file with .lnk extension) even though it looks the same in explorer window.
#links are techically files too, whether they point to a file/dir or nothing.
lappend links $fullname
set ftype "l"
} elseif {"directory" in $attrinfo} {
dict set linkdata linktype reparse_point
dict set linkdata reparseinfo [dict get $attrdict -reparseinfo]
if {"directory" ni $file_attributes} {
dict set linkdata target_type file
if {"directory" in $file_attributes} {
if {$nm in {. ..}} {
lappend dirs $fullname
set ftype "d"
} else {
if {"reparse_point" ni $file_attributes} {
lappend dirs $fullname
set ftype "d"
} else {
#other mechanisms can't immediately classify a link as file vs directory - so we don't return this info in the main dirs/files collections
dict set linkdata target_type directory
if {"reparse_point" ni $file_attributes && "directory" ni $file_attributes} {
#review - is anything that isn't a reparse_point or a directory, some sort of 'file' in this context? What about the 'device' attribute? Can that occur in a directory listing of some sort?
lappend files $fullname
if {"f" in $sized_types} {
@ -776,6 +913,17 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set ftype "f"
# -----------------------------------------------------------
if {[dict get $attrdict -hidden]} {
lappend flaggedhidden $fullname
if {[dict get $attrdict -system]} {
lappend flaggedsystem $fullname
if {[dict get $attrdict -readonly]} {
lappend flaggedreadonly $fullname
if {$ftype in $sized_types} {
dict set allsizes $fullname [dict create bytes [dict get $iteminfo size]]
@ -789,6 +937,12 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
m [twapi::large_system_time_to_secs_since_1970 [dict get $iteminfo mtime]]\
if {[dict size $linkdata]} {
dict set linkinfo $fullname $linkdata
if {[dict exists $attrdict -debug]} {
dict set debuginfo $fullname [dict get $attrdict -debug]
twapi::find_file_close $iterator
set vfsmounts [get_vfsmounts_in_folder $folderpath]
@ -799,7 +953,7 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#also determine whether vfs. file system x is *much* faster than file attributes
#whether or not there is a corresponding file/dir add any applicable mountpoints for the containing folder
return [list dirs $dirs vfsmounts $vfsmounts links $links files $files filesizes $filesizes sizes $allsizes times $alltimes flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden flaggedsystem $flaggedsystem flaggedreadonly $flaggedreadonly altname $altname opts $effective_opts errors $errors]
return [list dirs $dirs vfsmounts $vfsmounts links $links linkinfo $linkinfo files $files filesizes $filesizes sizes $allsizes times $alltimes flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden flaggedsystem $flaggedsystem flaggedreadonly $flaggedreadonly altname $altname opts $effective_opts debuginfo $debuginfo errors $errors]
proc get_vfsmounts_in_folder {folderpath} {
set vfsmounts [list]


@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
commandstack::basecall cd $VIRTUAL_CWD
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $VIRTUAL_CWD]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $VIRTUAL_CWD -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l}]
} else {
if {[pwd] ne $VIRTUAL_CWD} {
commandstack::basecall cd $VIRTUAL_CWD
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase [pwd]]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase [pwd] -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l}]
set dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
set filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $glob $location]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $glob $location -with_sizes {f d l} -with_times {f d l}]
#puts stderr "=--->$matchinfo"
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set normpath [file normalize $path]
cd $normpath
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $normpath $normpath]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $normpath -with_sizes {f d l} -with_times {f d l} $normpath]
set dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
set filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
set location [file normalize [dict get $matchinfo location]]
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
proc dirlist {{location ""}} {
set contents [dirfiles_dict $location]
set contents [dirfiles_dict -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l} $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines -stripbase 1 $contents]
@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
puts "--> -searchbase:$searchbase searchspec:$searchspec -tailglob:$tailglob location:$location"
set contents [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $tailglob $location]
set contents [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $tailglob -with_times {f d l} $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines -stripbase $opt_stripbase -formatsizes $opt_formatsizes $contents]
@ -1038,17 +1038,20 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
lappend vfsmounts {*}[dict get $contents vfsmounts]
set fkeys [dict create] ;#avoid some file normalize calls..
if {$opt_stripbase && $common_base ne ""} {
set filetails [list]
set dirtails [list]
foreach fileset [list dirs files links underlayfiles flaggedhidden flaggedreadonly flaggedsystem nonportable vfsmounts] {
set stripped [list]
foreach f [set $fileset] {
lappend stripped [strip_prefix_depth $f $common_base]
foreach fullname [set $fileset] {
set shortname [strip_prefix_depth $fullname $common_base]
dict set fkeys $shortname $fullname ;#cache so we can retrieve already normalised name without re-hitting filesystem
lappend stripped $shortname
set $fileset $stripped
#Note: we need to remember to use common_base to rebuild the key when we need to query the dict-based elements: sizes & times - because we didn't strip those keys.
#Note: without fkeys we would need to remember to use common_base to rebuild (and file normalize!) the key when we need to query the dict-based elements: sizes & times - because we didn't strip those keys.
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -1060,15 +1063,33 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set dir_symlinks [list]
set dir_shortcuts [list] ;#windows shell links (.lnk) that have a target that is a directory
foreach s $links {
if {[file isfile $s]} {
lappend file_symlinks $s
#will be appended in finfo_plus later
} elseif {[file isdirectory $s]} {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $s target_type]} {
#some mechanisms such as twapi can provide the target_type info so we don't have to re-hit the filesystem.
set target_type [dict get $contents linkinfo $s target_type]
switch -- $target_type {
file {
lappend file_symlinks $s
directory {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
default {
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s (target_type value is:$target_type)"
} else {
#dunno - warn for now
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s"
#fallback if no target_type
if {[file isfile $s]} {
lappend file_symlinks $s
#will be appended in finfo_plus later
} elseif {[file isdirectory $s]} {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
} else {
#dunno - warn for now
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s"
#we now have the issue that our symlinks aren't sorted within the dir/file categorisation - they currently will have to appear at beginning or end - TODO
@ -1083,28 +1104,66 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
if {$opt_formatsizes} {
set filesizes [punk::lib::format_number $filesizes] ;#accepts a list and will process each
#col2 with subcolumns
#col2 (file info) with subcolumns
#remove punk::pipedata dependency - allow use of punk::nav::fs without punk package
#set widest2a [punk::pipedata [list {*}$files ""] {lmap v $data {string length $v}} {tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$data}]
#widest2a.= concat $files [list ""] |> .=>2 lmap v {string length $v} |> .=>* tcl::mathfunc::max
set widest2a [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [list {*}$files {*}$file_symlinks ""] {string length $v}]]
set c2a [string repeat " " [expr {$widest2a + 1}]]
#set widest2b [punk::pipedata [list {*}$filesizes ""] {lmap v $data {string length $v}} {tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$data}]
set widest2b [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [list {*}$filesizes ""] {string length $v}]]
set c2b [string repeat " " [expr {$widest2b + 1}]]
#c2c timestamp and short note - fixed width 19 for ts + <sp> + filetype note e.g "symlink" "shortcut" "binary" ?? combinations? allow 2 words 10 each for 21 + 1 for luck
# total 42
set c2c [string repeat " " 42]
set finfo [list]
foreach f $files s $filesizes {
if {[dict size $fkeys]} {
set key [dict get $fkeys $f]
} else {
#not stripped - they should match
set key $f
#note - the display entry isn't necessarily a valid tcl list e.g filename with unbalanced curly braces
#hence we need to keep the filename as well, properly protected as a list element
lappend finfo [list file $f display "[overtype::left $c2a $f] [overtype::right $c2b $s]"]
if {[dict exists $contents times $key m]} {
set mtime [dict get $contents times $key m]
set ts [tcl::clock::format $mtime -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]
} else {
#set ts [string repeat { } 19]
set ts "$key vs [dict keys [dict get $contents times]]"
set note ""
lappend finfo [list file $f display "[overtype::left $c2a $f] [overtype::right $c2b $s] [overtype::left $c2c "$ts $note"]"]
set flink_style [punk::ansi::a+ undercurly underline undt-green] ;#curly green underline with fallback to normal underline
set dlink_style [punk::ansi::a+ undercurly underline undt-green]
#We use an underline so the visual styling of a link can coexist with fg/bg colors applied for other attributes such as hidden
foreach flink $file_symlinks {
lappend finfo [list file $flink display "$flink_style[overtype::left $c2a $flink] [overtype::right $c2b 0]"]
if {[dict size $fkeys]} {
set key [dict get $fkeys $flink]
} else {
set key $flink
if {[dict exists $contents times $key m]} {
set mtime [dict get $contents times $key m]
set ts [tcl::clock::format $mtime -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]
} else {
set ts "[string repeat { } 19]"
set note "link" ;#default only
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $key linktype]} {
if {[dict get $contents linkinfo $key linktype] eq "reparse_point"} {
set note "reparse_point"
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $key reparseinfo tag]} {
append note " " [dict get $contents linkinfo $key reparseinfo tag]
} else {
append note "$key vs [dict keys [dict get $contents linkinfo]]"
lappend finfo [list file $flink display "$flink_style[overtype::left $c2a $flink] [overtype::right $c2b 0] [overtype::left $c2c "$ts $note"]"]
set fshortcut_style [punk::ansi::a+ underdotted underline undt-hotpink]
@ -1122,7 +1181,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
if {[dict exists $shortcutinfo link_target]} {
set tgt [dict get $shortcutinfo link_target]
if {[file exists $tgt]} {
#file type could return 'link' - we will use ifile/isdirectory
#file type could return 'link' - we will use isfile/isdirectory
if {[file isfile $tgt]} {
set target_type file
} elseif {[file isdirectory $tgt]} {
@ -1138,7 +1197,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
switch -- $target_type {
file {
set display [dict get $fdict display]
set display $fshortcut_style$display ;#
set display "$fshortcut_style$display (shortcut to $tgt)" ;#
dict set fdict display $display
lappend finfo_plus $fdict


@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk::mix::base
package require struct::set
package require punk::args
namespace eval punk::du {
@ -486,29 +487,156 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
return [lindex [lappend winfile_attributes $bitmask [twapi::decode_file_attributes $bitmask]] end]
proc attributes_twapi {path {detail basic}} {
variable win_reparse_tags
#implied prefix for all names IO_REPARSE_TAG_
#list of reparse tags:
set win_reparse_tags [dict create\
RESERVED_ZERO [list hex 0x00000000 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
RESERVED_ONE [list hex 0x00000001 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
RESERVED_TWO [list hex 0x00000002 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
MOUNT_POINT [list hex 0xA0000003 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used for mount point support"]\
HSM [list hex 0xC0000004 obsolete 1 serverside 0 meaning "Obsolete. Used by legacy Hierarchical Storage Manager Product"]\
DRIVE_EXTENDER [list hex 0x80000005 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Home server drive extender"]\
HSM2 [list hex 0xC0000006 obsolete 1 serverside 0 meaning "Obsolete. Used by legacy Hierarchical Storage Manager Product"]\
SIS [list hex 0x80000007 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by single-instance storage (SIS) filter driver."]\
WIM [list hex 0x80000008 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the WIM Mount filter."]\
CSV [list hex 0x80000008 obsolete 1 serverside 1 meaning "Obsolete. Used by Clustered Shared Volumes (CSV) version 1 in Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system. "]\
DFS [list hex 0x8000000A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the DFS filter. The DFS is described in the Distributed File System (DFS): Referral Protocol Specification \[MS-DFSC\]."]\
FILTER_MANAGER [list hex 0x8000000B obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used by filter manager test harness"]\
SYMLINK [list hex 0xA000000C obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used for symbolic link support."]\
IIS_CACHE [list hex 0xA0000010 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) caching. "]\
DFSR [list hex 0x80000012 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the DFS filter. The DFS is described in \[MS-DFSC\]. "]\
DEDUP [list hex 0x80000013 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Data Deduplication (Dedup) filter. "]\
APPXSTRM [list hex 0xC0000014 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Not used."]\
NFS [list hex 0x80000014 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Network File System (NFS) component. "]\
FILE_PLACEHOLDER [list hex 0x80000015 obsolete 1 serverside 1 meaning "Obsolete. Used by Windows Shell for legacy placeholder files in Windows 8.1. "]\
DFM [list hex 0x80000016 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Dynamic File filter. "]\
WOF [list hex 0x80000017 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Overlay filter, for either WIMBoot or single-file compression."]\
WCI [list hex 0x80000018 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter. "]\
WCI_2 [list hex 0x90001018 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter. "]\
GLOBAL_REPARSE [list hex 0xA0000019 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by NPFS to indicate a named pipe symbolic link from a server silo into the host silo."]\
CLOUD [list hex 0x9000001A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_1 [list hex 0x9000101A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_2 [list hex 0x9000201A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_3 [list hex 0x9000301A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_4 [list hex 0x9000401A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_5 [list hex 0x9000501A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_6 [list hex 0x9000601A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_7 [list hex 0x9000701A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_8 [list hex 0x9000801A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_9 [list hex 0x9000901A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_A [list hex 0x9000A01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_B [list hex 0x9000B01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_C [list hex 0x9000C01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_D [list hex 0x9000D01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_E [list hex 0x9000E01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_F [list hex 0x9000F01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
APPEXECLINK [list hex 0x8000001B obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by Universal Windows Platform (UWP) packages to encode information that allows the application to be launched by CreateProcess."]\
PROJFS [list hex 0x9000001C obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Projected File System filter, for files managed by a user mode provider such as VFS for Git."]\
LX_SYMLINK [list hex 0xA000001D obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX symbolic link."]\
STORAGE_SYNC [list hex 0x8000001E obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Azure File Sync (AFS) filter."]\
WCI_TOMBSTONE [list hex 0xA000001F obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
UNHANDLED [list hex 0x80000020 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
ONEDRIVE [list hex 0x80000021 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Not used"]\
PROJFS_TOMBSTONE [list hex 0xA0000022 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Projected File System filter, for files managed by a user mode provider such as VFS for Git."]\
AF_UNIX [list hex 0x80000023 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX domain socket."]\
LX_FIFO [list hex 0x80000024 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX FIFO (named pipe)."]\
LX_CHR [list hex 0x80000025 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX character special file."]\
LX_BLK [list hex 0x80000026 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX block special file."]\
WCI_LINK [list hex 0xA0000027 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
WCI_LINK_1 [list hex 0xA0001027 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
variable win_reparse_tags_by_int
dict for {k v} $win_reparse_tags {
set intkey [expr {[dict get $v hex]}]
set info [dict merge [dict create tag $k] $v] ;#put tag at front
dict set win_reparse_tags_by_int $intkey $info
#need to call twapi::create_file with FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT 0x00200000
#then twapi::device_ioctl (win32 DeviceIoControl)
#then parse buffer somehow (binary scan..)
proc Get_attributes_from_iteminfo {args} {
variable win_reparse_tags_by_int
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-debug -default 0 -help "set 1 for raw data on -debugchannel (default stderr)"
-debugchannel -default stderr -help "channel to write debug output, or none to append to output"
*values -min 1 -max 1
iteminfo -help "iteminfo dict as set by 'twapi::find_file_next <iterator> iteminfo'"
} $args]
set opts [dict get $argd opts]
set iteminfo [dict get $argd values iteminfo]
set opt_debug [dict get $opts -debug]
set opt_debugchannel [dict get $opts -debugchannel]
#-longname is placeholder - caller needs to set
set result [dict create -archive 0 -hidden 0 -longname [dict get $iteminfo name] -readonly 0 -shortname {} -system 0]
if {$opt_debug} {
set dbg "iteminfo returned by find_file_open\n"
append dbg [pdict -channel none iteminfo]
if {$opt_debugchannel eq "none"} {
dict set result -debug $dbg
} else {
puts -nonewline $opt_debugchannel $dbg
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -hidden 1
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -system 1
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -readonly 1
dict set result -shortname [dict get $iteminfo altname]
dict set result -fileattributes $attrinfo
if {"reparse_point" in $attrinfo} {
#the twapi API splits this 32bit value for us
set low_word [dict get $iteminfo reserve0]
set high_word [dict get $iteminfo reserve1]
# 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
#|M|R|N|R| Reserved bits | Reparse tag value |
#todo - is_microsoft from first bit of high_word
set low_int [expr {$low_word}] ;#review - int vs string rep for dict key lookup? does it matter?
if {[dict exists $win_reparse_tags_by_int $low_int]} {
dict set result -reparseinfo [dict get $win_reparse_tags_by_int $low_int]
} else {
dict set result -reparseinfo [dict create tag "<UNKNOWN>" hex 0x[format %X $low_int] meaning "unknown reparse tag int:$low_int"]
dict set result -raw $iteminfo
return $result
proc attributes_twapi {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-debug -default 0 -help "set 1 for raw data on -debugchannel (default stderr)"
-debugchannel -default stderr -help "channel to write debug output, or none to append to output"
-detail -default basic -choices {basic full} -help "full returns also the altname/shortname field"
*values -min 1 -max 1
path -help "path to file or folder for which to retrieve attributes"
} $args]
set opts [dict get $argd opts]
set path [dict get $argd values path]
set opt_detail [dict get $opts -detail]
set opt_debug [dict get $opts -debug]
set opt_debugchannel [dict get $opts -debugchannel]
try {
set iterator [twapi::find_file_open $path -detail $detail] ;# -detail full only adds data to the altname field
set iterator [twapi::find_file_open $path -detail $opt_detail] ;# -detail full only adds data to the altname field
if {[twapi::find_file_next $iterator iteminfo]} {
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
set result [dict create -archive 0 -hidden 0 -longname $path -readonly 0 -shortname {} -system 0]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -hidden 1
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -system 1
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -readonly 1
dict set result -shortname [dict get $iteminfo altname]
dict set result -rawflags $attrinfo
set extras [list]
#foreach prop {ctime atime mtime size} {
# lappend extras $prop [dict get $iteminfo $prop]
#dict set result -extras $extras
dict set result -raw $iteminfo
set result [Get_attributes_from_iteminfo -debug $opt_debug -debugchannel $opt_debugchannel $iteminfo]
return $result
} else {
error "could not read attributes for $path"
@ -519,13 +647,14 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#todo - review 'errors' key. We have errors relating to containing folder and args vs per child-item errors - additional key needed?
namespace export du_dirlisting_twapi du_dirlisting_generic du_dirlisting_unix du_dirlisting_undecided
namespace export attributes_twapi du_dirlisting_twapi du_dirlisting_generic du_dirlisting_unix du_dirlisting_undecided du_dirlisting_tclvfs
# get listing without using unix-tools (may not be installed on the windows system)
# this dirlisting is customised for du - so only retrieves dirs,files,filesizes (minimum work needed to perform du function)
# This also preserves path rep for elements in the dirs/folders keys etc - which can make a big difference in performance
proc du_dirlisting_twapi {folderpath args} {
set defaults [dict create\
-glob *\
-filedebug 0\
-with_sizes 1\
-with_times 1\
@ -534,6 +663,9 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set opt_glob [dict get $opts -glob]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_with_sizes [dict get $opts -with_sizes]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_filedebug [dict get $opts -filedebug] ;#per file
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set ftypes [list f d l]
if {"$opt_with_sizes" in {0 1}} {
#don't use string is boolean - (f false vs f file!)
@ -705,6 +837,8 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set alltimes [dict create]
set links [list]
set linkinfo [dict create]
set debuginfo [dict create]
set flaggedhidden [list]
set flaggedsystem [list]
set flaggedreadonly [list]
@ -717,25 +851,18 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set tail_altname [dict get $iteminfo altname] ;#altname of tail - not whole path
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
#puts stderr "$iteminfo"
#puts stderr "$nm -> [dict get $iteminfo attrs] -> $attrinfo"
#set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
set ftype ""
#attributes applicable to any classification
set fullname [file_join_one $folderpath $nm]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedhidden $fullname
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedsystem $fullname
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedreadonly $fullname
set attrdict [Get_attributes_from_iteminfo -debug $opt_filedebug -debugchannel none $iteminfo] ;#-debugchannel none puts -debug key in the resulting dict
set file_attributes [dict get $attrdict -fileattributes]
set linkdata [dict create]
# -----------------------------------------------------------
#main classification
if {"reparse_point" in $attrinfo} {
if {"reparse_point" in $file_attributes} {
#this concept doesn't correspond 1-to-1 with unix links
#review - and see which if any actually belong in the links key of our return
@ -758,17 +885,27 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#Note also - a shortcut created in explorer with drag and drop to an existant folder is a different animal to a symlink (file with .lnk extension) even though it looks the same in explorer window.
#links are techically files too, whether they point to a file/dir or nothing.
lappend links $fullname
set ftype "l"
} elseif {"directory" in $attrinfo} {
dict set linkdata linktype reparse_point
dict set linkdata reparseinfo [dict get $attrdict -reparseinfo]
if {"directory" ni $file_attributes} {
dict set linkdata target_type file
if {"directory" in $file_attributes} {
if {$nm in {. ..}} {
lappend dirs $fullname
set ftype "d"
} else {
if {"reparse_point" ni $file_attributes} {
lappend dirs $fullname
set ftype "d"
} else {
#other mechanisms can't immediately classify a link as file vs directory - so we don't return this info in the main dirs/files collections
dict set linkdata target_type directory
if {"reparse_point" ni $file_attributes && "directory" ni $file_attributes} {
#review - is anything that isn't a reparse_point or a directory, some sort of 'file' in this context? What about the 'device' attribute? Can that occur in a directory listing of some sort?
lappend files $fullname
if {"f" in $sized_types} {
@ -776,6 +913,17 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set ftype "f"
# -----------------------------------------------------------
if {[dict get $attrdict -hidden]} {
lappend flaggedhidden $fullname
if {[dict get $attrdict -system]} {
lappend flaggedsystem $fullname
if {[dict get $attrdict -readonly]} {
lappend flaggedreadonly $fullname
if {$ftype in $sized_types} {
dict set allsizes $fullname [dict create bytes [dict get $iteminfo size]]
@ -789,6 +937,12 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
m [twapi::large_system_time_to_secs_since_1970 [dict get $iteminfo mtime]]\
if {[dict size $linkdata]} {
dict set linkinfo $fullname $linkdata
if {[dict exists $attrdict -debug]} {
dict set debuginfo $fullname [dict get $attrdict -debug]
twapi::find_file_close $iterator
set vfsmounts [get_vfsmounts_in_folder $folderpath]
@ -799,7 +953,7 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#also determine whether vfs. file system x is *much* faster than file attributes
#whether or not there is a corresponding file/dir add any applicable mountpoints for the containing folder
return [list dirs $dirs vfsmounts $vfsmounts links $links files $files filesizes $filesizes sizes $allsizes times $alltimes flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden flaggedsystem $flaggedsystem flaggedreadonly $flaggedreadonly altname $altname opts $effective_opts errors $errors]
return [list dirs $dirs vfsmounts $vfsmounts links $links linkinfo $linkinfo files $files filesizes $filesizes sizes $allsizes times $alltimes flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden flaggedsystem $flaggedsystem flaggedreadonly $flaggedreadonly altname $altname opts $effective_opts debuginfo $debuginfo errors $errors]
proc get_vfsmounts_in_folder {folderpath} {
set vfsmounts [list]


@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
commandstack::basecall cd $VIRTUAL_CWD
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $VIRTUAL_CWD]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $VIRTUAL_CWD -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l}]
} else {
if {[pwd] ne $VIRTUAL_CWD} {
commandstack::basecall cd $VIRTUAL_CWD
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase [pwd]]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase [pwd] -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l}]
set dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
set filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $glob $location]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $glob $location -with_sizes {f d l} -with_times {f d l}]
#puts stderr "=--->$matchinfo"
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set normpath [file normalize $path]
cd $normpath
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $normpath $normpath]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $normpath -with_sizes {f d l} -with_times {f d l} $normpath]
set dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
set filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
set location [file normalize [dict get $matchinfo location]]
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
proc dirlist {{location ""}} {
set contents [dirfiles_dict $location]
set contents [dirfiles_dict -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l} $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines -stripbase 1 $contents]
@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
puts "--> -searchbase:$searchbase searchspec:$searchspec -tailglob:$tailglob location:$location"
set contents [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $tailglob $location]
set contents [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $tailglob -with_times {f d l} $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines -stripbase $opt_stripbase -formatsizes $opt_formatsizes $contents]
@ -1038,17 +1038,20 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
lappend vfsmounts {*}[dict get $contents vfsmounts]
set fkeys [dict create] ;#avoid some file normalize calls..
if {$opt_stripbase && $common_base ne ""} {
set filetails [list]
set dirtails [list]
foreach fileset [list dirs files links underlayfiles flaggedhidden flaggedreadonly flaggedsystem nonportable vfsmounts] {
set stripped [list]
foreach f [set $fileset] {
lappend stripped [strip_prefix_depth $f $common_base]
foreach fullname [set $fileset] {
set shortname [strip_prefix_depth $fullname $common_base]
dict set fkeys $shortname $fullname ;#cache so we can retrieve already normalised name without re-hitting filesystem
lappend stripped $shortname
set $fileset $stripped
#Note: we need to remember to use common_base to rebuild the key when we need to query the dict-based elements: sizes & times - because we didn't strip those keys.
#Note: without fkeys we would need to remember to use common_base to rebuild (and file normalize!) the key when we need to query the dict-based elements: sizes & times - because we didn't strip those keys.
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -1060,15 +1063,33 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set dir_symlinks [list]
set dir_shortcuts [list] ;#windows shell links (.lnk) that have a target that is a directory
foreach s $links {
if {[file isfile $s]} {
lappend file_symlinks $s
#will be appended in finfo_plus later
} elseif {[file isdirectory $s]} {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $s target_type]} {
#some mechanisms such as twapi can provide the target_type info so we don't have to re-hit the filesystem.
set target_type [dict get $contents linkinfo $s target_type]
switch -- $target_type {
file {
lappend file_symlinks $s
directory {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
default {
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s (target_type value is:$target_type)"
} else {
#dunno - warn for now
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s"
#fallback if no target_type
if {[file isfile $s]} {
lappend file_symlinks $s
#will be appended in finfo_plus later
} elseif {[file isdirectory $s]} {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
} else {
#dunno - warn for now
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s"
#we now have the issue that our symlinks aren't sorted within the dir/file categorisation - they currently will have to appear at beginning or end - TODO
@ -1083,28 +1104,66 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
if {$opt_formatsizes} {
set filesizes [punk::lib::format_number $filesizes] ;#accepts a list and will process each
#col2 with subcolumns
#col2 (file info) with subcolumns
#remove punk::pipedata dependency - allow use of punk::nav::fs without punk package
#set widest2a [punk::pipedata [list {*}$files ""] {lmap v $data {string length $v}} {tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$data}]
#widest2a.= concat $files [list ""] |> .=>2 lmap v {string length $v} |> .=>* tcl::mathfunc::max
set widest2a [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [list {*}$files {*}$file_symlinks ""] {string length $v}]]
set c2a [string repeat " " [expr {$widest2a + 1}]]
#set widest2b [punk::pipedata [list {*}$filesizes ""] {lmap v $data {string length $v}} {tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$data}]
set widest2b [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [list {*}$filesizes ""] {string length $v}]]
set c2b [string repeat " " [expr {$widest2b + 1}]]
#c2c timestamp and short note - fixed width 19 for ts + <sp> + filetype note e.g "symlink" "shortcut" "binary" ?? combinations? allow 2 words 10 each for 21 + 1 for luck
# total 42
set c2c [string repeat " " 42]
set finfo [list]
foreach f $files s $filesizes {
if {[dict size $fkeys]} {
set key [dict get $fkeys $f]
} else {
#not stripped - they should match
set key $f
#note - the display entry isn't necessarily a valid tcl list e.g filename with unbalanced curly braces
#hence we need to keep the filename as well, properly protected as a list element
lappend finfo [list file $f display "[overtype::left $c2a $f] [overtype::right $c2b $s]"]
if {[dict exists $contents times $key m]} {
set mtime [dict get $contents times $key m]
set ts [tcl::clock::format $mtime -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]
} else {
#set ts [string repeat { } 19]
set ts "$key vs [dict keys [dict get $contents times]]"
set note ""
lappend finfo [list file $f display "[overtype::left $c2a $f] [overtype::right $c2b $s] [overtype::left $c2c "$ts $note"]"]
set flink_style [punk::ansi::a+ undercurly underline undt-green] ;#curly green underline with fallback to normal underline
set dlink_style [punk::ansi::a+ undercurly underline undt-green]
#We use an underline so the visual styling of a link can coexist with fg/bg colors applied for other attributes such as hidden
foreach flink $file_symlinks {
lappend finfo [list file $flink display "$flink_style[overtype::left $c2a $flink] [overtype::right $c2b 0]"]
if {[dict size $fkeys]} {
set key [dict get $fkeys $flink]
} else {
set key $flink
if {[dict exists $contents times $key m]} {
set mtime [dict get $contents times $key m]
set ts [tcl::clock::format $mtime -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]
} else {
set ts "[string repeat { } 19]"
set note "link" ;#default only
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $key linktype]} {
if {[dict get $contents linkinfo $key linktype] eq "reparse_point"} {
set note "reparse_point"
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $key reparseinfo tag]} {
append note " " [dict get $contents linkinfo $key reparseinfo tag]
} else {
append note "$key vs [dict keys [dict get $contents linkinfo]]"
lappend finfo [list file $flink display "$flink_style[overtype::left $c2a $flink] [overtype::right $c2b 0] [overtype::left $c2c "$ts $note"]"]
set fshortcut_style [punk::ansi::a+ underdotted underline undt-hotpink]
@ -1122,7 +1181,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
if {[dict exists $shortcutinfo link_target]} {
set tgt [dict get $shortcutinfo link_target]
if {[file exists $tgt]} {
#file type could return 'link' - we will use ifile/isdirectory
#file type could return 'link' - we will use isfile/isdirectory
if {[file isfile $tgt]} {
set target_type file
} elseif {[file isdirectory $tgt]} {
@ -1138,7 +1197,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
switch -- $target_type {
file {
set display [dict get $fdict display]
set display $fshortcut_style$display ;#
set display "$fshortcut_style$display (shortcut to $tgt)" ;#
dict set fdict display $display
lappend finfo_plus $fdict


@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::winlnk {
#offset 24 4 bytes
#File attribute flags


@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk::mix::base
package require struct::set
package require punk::args
namespace eval punk::du {
@ -486,29 +487,156 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
return [lindex [lappend winfile_attributes $bitmask [twapi::decode_file_attributes $bitmask]] end]
proc attributes_twapi {path {detail basic}} {
variable win_reparse_tags
#implied prefix for all names IO_REPARSE_TAG_
#list of reparse tags:
set win_reparse_tags [dict create\
RESERVED_ZERO [list hex 0x00000000 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
RESERVED_ONE [list hex 0x00000001 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
RESERVED_TWO [list hex 0x00000002 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
MOUNT_POINT [list hex 0xA0000003 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used for mount point support"]\
HSM [list hex 0xC0000004 obsolete 1 serverside 0 meaning "Obsolete. Used by legacy Hierarchical Storage Manager Product"]\
DRIVE_EXTENDER [list hex 0x80000005 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Home server drive extender"]\
HSM2 [list hex 0xC0000006 obsolete 1 serverside 0 meaning "Obsolete. Used by legacy Hierarchical Storage Manager Product"]\
SIS [list hex 0x80000007 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by single-instance storage (SIS) filter driver."]\
WIM [list hex 0x80000008 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the WIM Mount filter."]\
CSV [list hex 0x80000008 obsolete 1 serverside 1 meaning "Obsolete. Used by Clustered Shared Volumes (CSV) version 1 in Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system. "]\
DFS [list hex 0x8000000A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the DFS filter. The DFS is described in the Distributed File System (DFS): Referral Protocol Specification \[MS-DFSC\]."]\
FILTER_MANAGER [list hex 0x8000000B obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used by filter manager test harness"]\
SYMLINK [list hex 0xA000000C obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used for symbolic link support."]\
IIS_CACHE [list hex 0xA0000010 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) caching. "]\
DFSR [list hex 0x80000012 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the DFS filter. The DFS is described in \[MS-DFSC\]. "]\
DEDUP [list hex 0x80000013 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Data Deduplication (Dedup) filter. "]\
APPXSTRM [list hex 0xC0000014 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Not used."]\
NFS [list hex 0x80000014 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Network File System (NFS) component. "]\
FILE_PLACEHOLDER [list hex 0x80000015 obsolete 1 serverside 1 meaning "Obsolete. Used by Windows Shell for legacy placeholder files in Windows 8.1. "]\
DFM [list hex 0x80000016 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Dynamic File filter. "]\
WOF [list hex 0x80000017 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Overlay filter, for either WIMBoot or single-file compression."]\
WCI [list hex 0x80000018 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter. "]\
WCI_2 [list hex 0x90001018 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter. "]\
GLOBAL_REPARSE [list hex 0xA0000019 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by NPFS to indicate a named pipe symbolic link from a server silo into the host silo."]\
CLOUD [list hex 0x9000001A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_1 [list hex 0x9000101A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_2 [list hex 0x9000201A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_3 [list hex 0x9000301A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_4 [list hex 0x9000401A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_5 [list hex 0x9000501A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_6 [list hex 0x9000601A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_7 [list hex 0x9000701A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_8 [list hex 0x9000801A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_9 [list hex 0x9000901A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_A [list hex 0x9000A01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_B [list hex 0x9000B01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_C [list hex 0x9000C01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_D [list hex 0x9000D01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_E [list hex 0x9000E01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_F [list hex 0x9000F01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
APPEXECLINK [list hex 0x8000001B obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by Universal Windows Platform (UWP) packages to encode information that allows the application to be launched by CreateProcess."]\
PROJFS [list hex 0x9000001C obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Projected File System filter, for files managed by a user mode provider such as VFS for Git."]\
LX_SYMLINK [list hex 0xA000001D obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX symbolic link."]\
STORAGE_SYNC [list hex 0x8000001E obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Azure File Sync (AFS) filter."]\
WCI_TOMBSTONE [list hex 0xA000001F obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
UNHANDLED [list hex 0x80000020 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
ONEDRIVE [list hex 0x80000021 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Not used"]\
PROJFS_TOMBSTONE [list hex 0xA0000022 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Projected File System filter, for files managed by a user mode provider such as VFS for Git."]\
AF_UNIX [list hex 0x80000023 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX domain socket."]\
LX_FIFO [list hex 0x80000024 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX FIFO (named pipe)."]\
LX_CHR [list hex 0x80000025 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX character special file."]\
LX_BLK [list hex 0x80000026 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX block special file."]\
WCI_LINK [list hex 0xA0000027 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
WCI_LINK_1 [list hex 0xA0001027 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
variable win_reparse_tags_by_int
dict for {k v} $win_reparse_tags {
set intkey [expr {[dict get $v hex]}]
set info [dict merge [dict create tag $k] $v] ;#put tag at front
dict set win_reparse_tags_by_int $intkey $info
#need to call twapi::create_file with FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT 0x00200000
#then twapi::device_ioctl (win32 DeviceIoControl)
#then parse buffer somehow (binary scan..)
proc Get_attributes_from_iteminfo {args} {
variable win_reparse_tags_by_int
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-debug -default 0 -help "set 1 for raw data on -debugchannel (default stderr)"
-debugchannel -default stderr -help "channel to write debug output, or none to append to output"
*values -min 1 -max 1
iteminfo -help "iteminfo dict as set by 'twapi::find_file_next <iterator> iteminfo'"
} $args]
set opts [dict get $argd opts]
set iteminfo [dict get $argd values iteminfo]
set opt_debug [dict get $opts -debug]
set opt_debugchannel [dict get $opts -debugchannel]
#-longname is placeholder - caller needs to set
set result [dict create -archive 0 -hidden 0 -longname [dict get $iteminfo name] -readonly 0 -shortname {} -system 0]
if {$opt_debug} {
set dbg "iteminfo returned by find_file_open\n"
append dbg [pdict -channel none iteminfo]
if {$opt_debugchannel eq "none"} {
dict set result -debug $dbg
} else {
puts -nonewline $opt_debugchannel $dbg
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -hidden 1
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -system 1
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -readonly 1
dict set result -shortname [dict get $iteminfo altname]
dict set result -fileattributes $attrinfo
if {"reparse_point" in $attrinfo} {
#the twapi API splits this 32bit value for us
set low_word [dict get $iteminfo reserve0]
set high_word [dict get $iteminfo reserve1]
# 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
#|M|R|N|R| Reserved bits | Reparse tag value |
#todo - is_microsoft from first bit of high_word
set low_int [expr {$low_word}] ;#review - int vs string rep for dict key lookup? does it matter?
if {[dict exists $win_reparse_tags_by_int $low_int]} {
dict set result -reparseinfo [dict get $win_reparse_tags_by_int $low_int]
} else {
dict set result -reparseinfo [dict create tag "<UNKNOWN>" hex 0x[format %X $low_int] meaning "unknown reparse tag int:$low_int"]
dict set result -raw $iteminfo
return $result
proc attributes_twapi {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-debug -default 0 -help "set 1 for raw data on -debugchannel (default stderr)"
-debugchannel -default stderr -help "channel to write debug output, or none to append to output"
-detail -default basic -choices {basic full} -help "full returns also the altname/shortname field"
*values -min 1 -max 1
path -help "path to file or folder for which to retrieve attributes"
} $args]
set opts [dict get $argd opts]
set path [dict get $argd values path]
set opt_detail [dict get $opts -detail]
set opt_debug [dict get $opts -debug]
set opt_debugchannel [dict get $opts -debugchannel]
try {
set iterator [twapi::find_file_open $path -detail $detail] ;# -detail full only adds data to the altname field
set iterator [twapi::find_file_open $path -detail $opt_detail] ;# -detail full only adds data to the altname field
if {[twapi::find_file_next $iterator iteminfo]} {
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
set result [dict create -archive 0 -hidden 0 -longname $path -readonly 0 -shortname {} -system 0]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -hidden 1
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -system 1
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -readonly 1
dict set result -shortname [dict get $iteminfo altname]
dict set result -rawflags $attrinfo
set extras [list]
#foreach prop {ctime atime mtime size} {
# lappend extras $prop [dict get $iteminfo $prop]
#dict set result -extras $extras
dict set result -raw $iteminfo
set result [Get_attributes_from_iteminfo -debug $opt_debug -debugchannel $opt_debugchannel $iteminfo]
return $result
} else {
error "could not read attributes for $path"
@ -519,13 +647,14 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#todo - review 'errors' key. We have errors relating to containing folder and args vs per child-item errors - additional key needed?
namespace export du_dirlisting_twapi du_dirlisting_generic du_dirlisting_unix du_dirlisting_undecided
namespace export attributes_twapi du_dirlisting_twapi du_dirlisting_generic du_dirlisting_unix du_dirlisting_undecided du_dirlisting_tclvfs
# get listing without using unix-tools (may not be installed on the windows system)
# this dirlisting is customised for du - so only retrieves dirs,files,filesizes (minimum work needed to perform du function)
# This also preserves path rep for elements in the dirs/folders keys etc - which can make a big difference in performance
proc du_dirlisting_twapi {folderpath args} {
set defaults [dict create\
-glob *\
-filedebug 0\
-with_sizes 1\
-with_times 1\
@ -534,6 +663,9 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set opt_glob [dict get $opts -glob]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_with_sizes [dict get $opts -with_sizes]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_filedebug [dict get $opts -filedebug] ;#per file
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set ftypes [list f d l]
if {"$opt_with_sizes" in {0 1}} {
#don't use string is boolean - (f false vs f file!)
@ -705,6 +837,8 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set alltimes [dict create]
set links [list]
set linkinfo [dict create]
set debuginfo [dict create]
set flaggedhidden [list]
set flaggedsystem [list]
set flaggedreadonly [list]
@ -717,25 +851,18 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set tail_altname [dict get $iteminfo altname] ;#altname of tail - not whole path
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
#puts stderr "$iteminfo"
#puts stderr "$nm -> [dict get $iteminfo attrs] -> $attrinfo"
#set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
set ftype ""
#attributes applicable to any classification
set fullname [file_join_one $folderpath $nm]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedhidden $fullname
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedsystem $fullname
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedreadonly $fullname
set attrdict [Get_attributes_from_iteminfo -debug $opt_filedebug -debugchannel none $iteminfo] ;#-debugchannel none puts -debug key in the resulting dict
set file_attributes [dict get $attrdict -fileattributes]
set linkdata [dict create]
# -----------------------------------------------------------
#main classification
if {"reparse_point" in $attrinfo} {
if {"reparse_point" in $file_attributes} {
#this concept doesn't correspond 1-to-1 with unix links
#review - and see which if any actually belong in the links key of our return
@ -758,17 +885,27 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#Note also - a shortcut created in explorer with drag and drop to an existant folder is a different animal to a symlink (file with .lnk extension) even though it looks the same in explorer window.
#links are techically files too, whether they point to a file/dir or nothing.
lappend links $fullname
set ftype "l"
} elseif {"directory" in $attrinfo} {
dict set linkdata linktype reparse_point
dict set linkdata reparseinfo [dict get $attrdict -reparseinfo]
if {"directory" ni $file_attributes} {
dict set linkdata target_type file
if {"directory" in $file_attributes} {
if {$nm in {. ..}} {
lappend dirs $fullname
set ftype "d"
} else {
if {"reparse_point" ni $file_attributes} {
lappend dirs $fullname
set ftype "d"
} else {
#other mechanisms can't immediately classify a link as file vs directory - so we don't return this info in the main dirs/files collections
dict set linkdata target_type directory
if {"reparse_point" ni $file_attributes && "directory" ni $file_attributes} {
#review - is anything that isn't a reparse_point or a directory, some sort of 'file' in this context? What about the 'device' attribute? Can that occur in a directory listing of some sort?
lappend files $fullname
if {"f" in $sized_types} {
@ -776,6 +913,17 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set ftype "f"
# -----------------------------------------------------------
if {[dict get $attrdict -hidden]} {
lappend flaggedhidden $fullname
if {[dict get $attrdict -system]} {
lappend flaggedsystem $fullname
if {[dict get $attrdict -readonly]} {
lappend flaggedreadonly $fullname
if {$ftype in $sized_types} {
dict set allsizes $fullname [dict create bytes [dict get $iteminfo size]]
@ -789,6 +937,12 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
m [twapi::large_system_time_to_secs_since_1970 [dict get $iteminfo mtime]]\
if {[dict size $linkdata]} {
dict set linkinfo $fullname $linkdata
if {[dict exists $attrdict -debug]} {
dict set debuginfo $fullname [dict get $attrdict -debug]
twapi::find_file_close $iterator
set vfsmounts [get_vfsmounts_in_folder $folderpath]
@ -799,7 +953,7 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#also determine whether vfs. file system x is *much* faster than file attributes
#whether or not there is a corresponding file/dir add any applicable mountpoints for the containing folder
return [list dirs $dirs vfsmounts $vfsmounts links $links files $files filesizes $filesizes sizes $allsizes times $alltimes flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden flaggedsystem $flaggedsystem flaggedreadonly $flaggedreadonly altname $altname opts $effective_opts errors $errors]
return [list dirs $dirs vfsmounts $vfsmounts links $links linkinfo $linkinfo files $files filesizes $filesizes sizes $allsizes times $alltimes flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden flaggedsystem $flaggedsystem flaggedreadonly $flaggedreadonly altname $altname opts $effective_opts debuginfo $debuginfo errors $errors]
proc get_vfsmounts_in_folder {folderpath} {
set vfsmounts [list]


@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
commandstack::basecall cd $VIRTUAL_CWD
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $VIRTUAL_CWD]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $VIRTUAL_CWD -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l}]
} else {
if {[pwd] ne $VIRTUAL_CWD} {
commandstack::basecall cd $VIRTUAL_CWD
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase [pwd]]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase [pwd] -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l}]
set dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
set filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $glob $location]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $glob $location -with_sizes {f d l} -with_times {f d l}]
#puts stderr "=--->$matchinfo"
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set normpath [file normalize $path]
cd $normpath
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $normpath $normpath]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $normpath -with_sizes {f d l} -with_times {f d l} $normpath]
set dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
set filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
set location [file normalize [dict get $matchinfo location]]
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
proc dirlist {{location ""}} {
set contents [dirfiles_dict $location]
set contents [dirfiles_dict -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l} $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines -stripbase 1 $contents]
@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
puts "--> -searchbase:$searchbase searchspec:$searchspec -tailglob:$tailglob location:$location"
set contents [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $tailglob $location]
set contents [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $tailglob -with_times {f d l} $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines -stripbase $opt_stripbase -formatsizes $opt_formatsizes $contents]
@ -1038,17 +1038,20 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
lappend vfsmounts {*}[dict get $contents vfsmounts]
set fkeys [dict create] ;#avoid some file normalize calls..
if {$opt_stripbase && $common_base ne ""} {
set filetails [list]
set dirtails [list]
foreach fileset [list dirs files links underlayfiles flaggedhidden flaggedreadonly flaggedsystem nonportable vfsmounts] {
set stripped [list]
foreach f [set $fileset] {
lappend stripped [strip_prefix_depth $f $common_base]
foreach fullname [set $fileset] {
set shortname [strip_prefix_depth $fullname $common_base]
dict set fkeys $shortname $fullname ;#cache so we can retrieve already normalised name without re-hitting filesystem
lappend stripped $shortname
set $fileset $stripped
#Note: we need to remember to use common_base to rebuild the key when we need to query the dict-based elements: sizes & times - because we didn't strip those keys.
#Note: without fkeys we would need to remember to use common_base to rebuild (and file normalize!) the key when we need to query the dict-based elements: sizes & times - because we didn't strip those keys.
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -1060,15 +1063,33 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set dir_symlinks [list]
set dir_shortcuts [list] ;#windows shell links (.lnk) that have a target that is a directory
foreach s $links {
if {[file isfile $s]} {
lappend file_symlinks $s
#will be appended in finfo_plus later
} elseif {[file isdirectory $s]} {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $s target_type]} {
#some mechanisms such as twapi can provide the target_type info so we don't have to re-hit the filesystem.
set target_type [dict get $contents linkinfo $s target_type]
switch -- $target_type {
file {
lappend file_symlinks $s
directory {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
default {
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s (target_type value is:$target_type)"
} else {
#dunno - warn for now
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s"
#fallback if no target_type
if {[file isfile $s]} {
lappend file_symlinks $s
#will be appended in finfo_plus later
} elseif {[file isdirectory $s]} {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
} else {
#dunno - warn for now
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s"
#we now have the issue that our symlinks aren't sorted within the dir/file categorisation - they currently will have to appear at beginning or end - TODO
@ -1083,28 +1104,66 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
if {$opt_formatsizes} {
set filesizes [punk::lib::format_number $filesizes] ;#accepts a list and will process each
#col2 with subcolumns
#col2 (file info) with subcolumns
#remove punk::pipedata dependency - allow use of punk::nav::fs without punk package
#set widest2a [punk::pipedata [list {*}$files ""] {lmap v $data {string length $v}} {tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$data}]
#widest2a.= concat $files [list ""] |> .=>2 lmap v {string length $v} |> .=>* tcl::mathfunc::max
set widest2a [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [list {*}$files {*}$file_symlinks ""] {string length $v}]]
set c2a [string repeat " " [expr {$widest2a + 1}]]
#set widest2b [punk::pipedata [list {*}$filesizes ""] {lmap v $data {string length $v}} {tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$data}]
set widest2b [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [list {*}$filesizes ""] {string length $v}]]
set c2b [string repeat " " [expr {$widest2b + 1}]]
#c2c timestamp and short note - fixed width 19 for ts + <sp> + filetype note e.g "symlink" "shortcut" "binary" ?? combinations? allow 2 words 10 each for 21 + 1 for luck
# total 42
set c2c [string repeat " " 42]
set finfo [list]
foreach f $files s $filesizes {
if {[dict size $fkeys]} {
set key [dict get $fkeys $f]
} else {
#not stripped - they should match
set key $f
#note - the display entry isn't necessarily a valid tcl list e.g filename with unbalanced curly braces
#hence we need to keep the filename as well, properly protected as a list element
lappend finfo [list file $f display "[overtype::left $c2a $f] [overtype::right $c2b $s]"]
if {[dict exists $contents times $key m]} {
set mtime [dict get $contents times $key m]
set ts [tcl::clock::format $mtime -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]
} else {
#set ts [string repeat { } 19]
set ts "$key vs [dict keys [dict get $contents times]]"
set note ""
lappend finfo [list file $f display "[overtype::left $c2a $f] [overtype::right $c2b $s] [overtype::left $c2c "$ts $note"]"]
set flink_style [punk::ansi::a+ undercurly underline undt-green] ;#curly green underline with fallback to normal underline
set dlink_style [punk::ansi::a+ undercurly underline undt-green]
#We use an underline so the visual styling of a link can coexist with fg/bg colors applied for other attributes such as hidden
foreach flink $file_symlinks {
lappend finfo [list file $flink display "$flink_style[overtype::left $c2a $flink] [overtype::right $c2b 0]"]
if {[dict size $fkeys]} {
set key [dict get $fkeys $flink]
} else {
set key $flink
if {[dict exists $contents times $key m]} {
set mtime [dict get $contents times $key m]
set ts [tcl::clock::format $mtime -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]
} else {
set ts "[string repeat { } 19]"
set note "link" ;#default only
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $key linktype]} {
if {[dict get $contents linkinfo $key linktype] eq "reparse_point"} {
set note "reparse_point"
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $key reparseinfo tag]} {
append note " " [dict get $contents linkinfo $key reparseinfo tag]
} else {
append note "$key vs [dict keys [dict get $contents linkinfo]]"
lappend finfo [list file $flink display "$flink_style[overtype::left $c2a $flink] [overtype::right $c2b 0] [overtype::left $c2c "$ts $note"]"]
set fshortcut_style [punk::ansi::a+ underdotted underline undt-hotpink]
@ -1122,7 +1181,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
if {[dict exists $shortcutinfo link_target]} {
set tgt [dict get $shortcutinfo link_target]
if {[file exists $tgt]} {
#file type could return 'link' - we will use ifile/isdirectory
#file type could return 'link' - we will use isfile/isdirectory
if {[file isfile $tgt]} {
set target_type file
} elseif {[file isdirectory $tgt]} {
@ -1138,7 +1197,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
switch -- $target_type {
file {
set display [dict get $fdict display]
set display $fshortcut_style$display ;#
set display "$fshortcut_style$display (shortcut to $tgt)" ;#
dict set fdict display $display
lappend finfo_plus $fdict


@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
##e.g package require frobz
package require punk::mix::base
package require struct::set
package require punk::args
namespace eval punk::du {
@ -486,29 +487,156 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
return [lindex [lappend winfile_attributes $bitmask [twapi::decode_file_attributes $bitmask]] end]
proc attributes_twapi {path {detail basic}} {
variable win_reparse_tags
#implied prefix for all names IO_REPARSE_TAG_
#list of reparse tags:
set win_reparse_tags [dict create\
RESERVED_ZERO [list hex 0x00000000 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
RESERVED_ONE [list hex 0x00000001 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
RESERVED_TWO [list hex 0x00000002 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Reserved reparse tag value"]\
MOUNT_POINT [list hex 0xA0000003 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used for mount point support"]\
HSM [list hex 0xC0000004 obsolete 1 serverside 0 meaning "Obsolete. Used by legacy Hierarchical Storage Manager Product"]\
DRIVE_EXTENDER [list hex 0x80000005 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Home server drive extender"]\
HSM2 [list hex 0xC0000006 obsolete 1 serverside 0 meaning "Obsolete. Used by legacy Hierarchical Storage Manager Product"]\
SIS [list hex 0x80000007 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by single-instance storage (SIS) filter driver."]\
WIM [list hex 0x80000008 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the WIM Mount filter."]\
CSV [list hex 0x80000008 obsolete 1 serverside 1 meaning "Obsolete. Used by Clustered Shared Volumes (CSV) version 1 in Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system. "]\
DFS [list hex 0x8000000A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the DFS filter. The DFS is described in the Distributed File System (DFS): Referral Protocol Specification \[MS-DFSC\]."]\
FILTER_MANAGER [list hex 0x8000000B obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used by filter manager test harness"]\
SYMLINK [list hex 0xA000000C obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Used for symbolic link support."]\
IIS_CACHE [list hex 0xA0000010 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) caching. "]\
DFSR [list hex 0x80000012 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the DFS filter. The DFS is described in \[MS-DFSC\]. "]\
DEDUP [list hex 0x80000013 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Data Deduplication (Dedup) filter. "]\
APPXSTRM [list hex 0xC0000014 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Not used."]\
NFS [list hex 0x80000014 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Network File System (NFS) component. "]\
FILE_PLACEHOLDER [list hex 0x80000015 obsolete 1 serverside 1 meaning "Obsolete. Used by Windows Shell for legacy placeholder files in Windows 8.1. "]\
DFM [list hex 0x80000016 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Dynamic File filter. "]\
WOF [list hex 0x80000017 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Overlay filter, for either WIMBoot or single-file compression."]\
WCI [list hex 0x80000018 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter. "]\
WCI_2 [list hex 0x90001018 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter. "]\
GLOBAL_REPARSE [list hex 0xA0000019 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by NPFS to indicate a named pipe symbolic link from a server silo into the host silo."]\
CLOUD [list hex 0x9000001A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_1 [list hex 0x9000101A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_2 [list hex 0x9000201A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_3 [list hex 0x9000301A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_4 [list hex 0x9000401A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_5 [list hex 0x9000501A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_6 [list hex 0x9000601A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_7 [list hex 0x9000701A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_8 [list hex 0x9000801A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_9 [list hex 0x9000901A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_A [list hex 0x9000A01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_B [list hex 0x9000B01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_C [list hex 0x9000C01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_D [list hex 0x9000D01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_E [list hex 0x9000E01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
CLOUD_F [list hex 0x9000F01A obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Cloud Files filter, for files managed by a sync engine such as Microsoft OneDrive."]\
APPEXECLINK [list hex 0x8000001B obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by Universal Windows Platform (UWP) packages to encode information that allows the application to be launched by CreateProcess."]\
PROJFS [list hex 0x9000001C obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Projected File System filter, for files managed by a user mode provider such as VFS for Git."]\
LX_SYMLINK [list hex 0xA000001D obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX symbolic link."]\
STORAGE_SYNC [list hex 0x8000001E obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Azure File Sync (AFS) filter."]\
WCI_TOMBSTONE [list hex 0xA000001F obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
UNHANDLED [list hex 0x80000020 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
ONEDRIVE [list hex 0x80000021 obsolete 0 serverside 0 meaning "Not used"]\
PROJFS_TOMBSTONE [list hex 0xA0000022 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Projected File System filter, for files managed by a user mode provider such as VFS for Git."]\
AF_UNIX [list hex 0x80000023 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX domain socket."]\
LX_FIFO [list hex 0x80000024 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX FIFO (named pipe)."]\
LX_CHR [list hex 0x80000025 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX character special file."]\
LX_BLK [list hex 0x80000026 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to represent a UNIX block special file."]\
WCI_LINK [list hex 0xA0000027 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
WCI_LINK_1 [list hex 0xA0001027 obsolete 0 serverside 1 meaning "Used by the Windows Container Isolation filter."]\
variable win_reparse_tags_by_int
dict for {k v} $win_reparse_tags {
set intkey [expr {[dict get $v hex]}]
set info [dict merge [dict create tag $k] $v] ;#put tag at front
dict set win_reparse_tags_by_int $intkey $info
#need to call twapi::create_file with FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT 0x00200000
#then twapi::device_ioctl (win32 DeviceIoControl)
#then parse buffer somehow (binary scan..)
proc Get_attributes_from_iteminfo {args} {
variable win_reparse_tags_by_int
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-debug -default 0 -help "set 1 for raw data on -debugchannel (default stderr)"
-debugchannel -default stderr -help "channel to write debug output, or none to append to output"
*values -min 1 -max 1
iteminfo -help "iteminfo dict as set by 'twapi::find_file_next <iterator> iteminfo'"
} $args]
set opts [dict get $argd opts]
set iteminfo [dict get $argd values iteminfo]
set opt_debug [dict get $opts -debug]
set opt_debugchannel [dict get $opts -debugchannel]
#-longname is placeholder - caller needs to set
set result [dict create -archive 0 -hidden 0 -longname [dict get $iteminfo name] -readonly 0 -shortname {} -system 0]
if {$opt_debug} {
set dbg "iteminfo returned by find_file_open\n"
append dbg [pdict -channel none iteminfo]
if {$opt_debugchannel eq "none"} {
dict set result -debug $dbg
} else {
puts -nonewline $opt_debugchannel $dbg
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -hidden 1
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -system 1
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -readonly 1
dict set result -shortname [dict get $iteminfo altname]
dict set result -fileattributes $attrinfo
if {"reparse_point" in $attrinfo} {
#the twapi API splits this 32bit value for us
set low_word [dict get $iteminfo reserve0]
set high_word [dict get $iteminfo reserve1]
# 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
#|M|R|N|R| Reserved bits | Reparse tag value |
#todo - is_microsoft from first bit of high_word
set low_int [expr {$low_word}] ;#review - int vs string rep for dict key lookup? does it matter?
if {[dict exists $win_reparse_tags_by_int $low_int]} {
dict set result -reparseinfo [dict get $win_reparse_tags_by_int $low_int]
} else {
dict set result -reparseinfo [dict create tag "<UNKNOWN>" hex 0x[format %X $low_int] meaning "unknown reparse tag int:$low_int"]
dict set result -raw $iteminfo
return $result
proc attributes_twapi {args} {
set argd [punk::args::get_dict {
-debug -default 0 -help "set 1 for raw data on -debugchannel (default stderr)"
-debugchannel -default stderr -help "channel to write debug output, or none to append to output"
-detail -default basic -choices {basic full} -help "full returns also the altname/shortname field"
*values -min 1 -max 1
path -help "path to file or folder for which to retrieve attributes"
} $args]
set opts [dict get $argd opts]
set path [dict get $argd values path]
set opt_detail [dict get $opts -detail]
set opt_debug [dict get $opts -debug]
set opt_debugchannel [dict get $opts -debugchannel]
try {
set iterator [twapi::find_file_open $path -detail $detail] ;# -detail full only adds data to the altname field
set iterator [twapi::find_file_open $path -detail $opt_detail] ;# -detail full only adds data to the altname field
if {[twapi::find_file_next $iterator iteminfo]} {
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
set result [dict create -archive 0 -hidden 0 -longname $path -readonly 0 -shortname {} -system 0]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -hidden 1
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -system 1
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
dict set result -readonly 1
dict set result -shortname [dict get $iteminfo altname]
dict set result -rawflags $attrinfo
set extras [list]
#foreach prop {ctime atime mtime size} {
# lappend extras $prop [dict get $iteminfo $prop]
#dict set result -extras $extras
dict set result -raw $iteminfo
set result [Get_attributes_from_iteminfo -debug $opt_debug -debugchannel $opt_debugchannel $iteminfo]
return $result
} else {
error "could not read attributes for $path"
@ -519,13 +647,14 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#todo - review 'errors' key. We have errors relating to containing folder and args vs per child-item errors - additional key needed?
namespace export du_dirlisting_twapi du_dirlisting_generic du_dirlisting_unix du_dirlisting_undecided
namespace export attributes_twapi du_dirlisting_twapi du_dirlisting_generic du_dirlisting_unix du_dirlisting_undecided du_dirlisting_tclvfs
# get listing without using unix-tools (may not be installed on the windows system)
# this dirlisting is customised for du - so only retrieves dirs,files,filesizes (minimum work needed to perform du function)
# This also preserves path rep for elements in the dirs/folders keys etc - which can make a big difference in performance
proc du_dirlisting_twapi {folderpath args} {
set defaults [dict create\
-glob *\
-filedebug 0\
-with_sizes 1\
-with_times 1\
@ -534,6 +663,9 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set opt_glob [dict get $opts -glob]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_with_sizes [dict get $opts -with_sizes]
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set opt_filedebug [dict get $opts -filedebug] ;#per file
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
set ftypes [list f d l]
if {"$opt_with_sizes" in {0 1}} {
#don't use string is boolean - (f false vs f file!)
@ -705,6 +837,8 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set alltimes [dict create]
set links [list]
set linkinfo [dict create]
set debuginfo [dict create]
set flaggedhidden [list]
set flaggedsystem [list]
set flaggedreadonly [list]
@ -717,25 +851,18 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set tail_altname [dict get $iteminfo altname] ;#altname of tail - not whole path
set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
#puts stderr "$iteminfo"
#puts stderr "$nm -> [dict get $iteminfo attrs] -> $attrinfo"
#set attrinfo [decode_win_attributes [dict get $iteminfo attrs]]
set ftype ""
#attributes applicable to any classification
set fullname [file_join_one $folderpath $nm]
if {"hidden" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedhidden $fullname
if {"system" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedsystem $fullname
if {"readonly" in $attrinfo} {
lappend flaggedreadonly $fullname
set attrdict [Get_attributes_from_iteminfo -debug $opt_filedebug -debugchannel none $iteminfo] ;#-debugchannel none puts -debug key in the resulting dict
set file_attributes [dict get $attrdict -fileattributes]
set linkdata [dict create]
# -----------------------------------------------------------
#main classification
if {"reparse_point" in $attrinfo} {
if {"reparse_point" in $file_attributes} {
#this concept doesn't correspond 1-to-1 with unix links
#review - and see which if any actually belong in the links key of our return
@ -758,17 +885,27 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#Note also - a shortcut created in explorer with drag and drop to an existant folder is a different animal to a symlink (file with .lnk extension) even though it looks the same in explorer window.
#links are techically files too, whether they point to a file/dir or nothing.
lappend links $fullname
set ftype "l"
} elseif {"directory" in $attrinfo} {
dict set linkdata linktype reparse_point
dict set linkdata reparseinfo [dict get $attrdict -reparseinfo]
if {"directory" ni $file_attributes} {
dict set linkdata target_type file
if {"directory" in $file_attributes} {
if {$nm in {. ..}} {
lappend dirs $fullname
set ftype "d"
} else {
if {"reparse_point" ni $file_attributes} {
lappend dirs $fullname
set ftype "d"
} else {
#other mechanisms can't immediately classify a link as file vs directory - so we don't return this info in the main dirs/files collections
dict set linkdata target_type directory
if {"reparse_point" ni $file_attributes && "directory" ni $file_attributes} {
#review - is anything that isn't a reparse_point or a directory, some sort of 'file' in this context? What about the 'device' attribute? Can that occur in a directory listing of some sort?
lappend files $fullname
if {"f" in $sized_types} {
@ -776,6 +913,17 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
set ftype "f"
# -----------------------------------------------------------
if {[dict get $attrdict -hidden]} {
lappend flaggedhidden $fullname
if {[dict get $attrdict -system]} {
lappend flaggedsystem $fullname
if {[dict get $attrdict -readonly]} {
lappend flaggedreadonly $fullname
if {$ftype in $sized_types} {
dict set allsizes $fullname [dict create bytes [dict get $iteminfo size]]
@ -789,6 +937,12 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
m [twapi::large_system_time_to_secs_since_1970 [dict get $iteminfo mtime]]\
if {[dict size $linkdata]} {
dict set linkinfo $fullname $linkdata
if {[dict exists $attrdict -debug]} {
dict set debuginfo $fullname [dict get $attrdict -debug]
twapi::find_file_close $iterator
set vfsmounts [get_vfsmounts_in_folder $folderpath]
@ -799,7 +953,7 @@ namespace eval punk::du {
#also determine whether vfs. file system x is *much* faster than file attributes
#whether or not there is a corresponding file/dir add any applicable mountpoints for the containing folder
return [list dirs $dirs vfsmounts $vfsmounts links $links files $files filesizes $filesizes sizes $allsizes times $alltimes flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden flaggedsystem $flaggedsystem flaggedreadonly $flaggedreadonly altname $altname opts $effective_opts errors $errors]
return [list dirs $dirs vfsmounts $vfsmounts links $links linkinfo $linkinfo files $files filesizes $filesizes sizes $allsizes times $alltimes flaggedhidden $flaggedhidden flaggedsystem $flaggedsystem flaggedreadonly $flaggedreadonly altname $altname opts $effective_opts debuginfo $debuginfo errors $errors]
proc get_vfsmounts_in_folder {folderpath} {
set vfsmounts [list]


@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
commandstack::basecall cd $VIRTUAL_CWD
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $VIRTUAL_CWD]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $VIRTUAL_CWD -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l}]
} else {
if {[pwd] ne $VIRTUAL_CWD} {
commandstack::basecall cd $VIRTUAL_CWD
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase [pwd]]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase [pwd] -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l}]
set dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
set filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $glob $location]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $glob $location -with_sizes {f d l} -with_times {f d l}]
#puts stderr "=--->$matchinfo"
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set normpath [file normalize $path]
cd $normpath
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $normpath $normpath]
set matchinfo [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $normpath -with_sizes {f d l} -with_times {f d l} $normpath]
set dircount [llength [dict get $matchinfo dirs]]
set filecount [llength [dict get $matchinfo files]]
set location [file normalize [dict get $matchinfo location]]
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
proc dirlist {{location ""}} {
set contents [dirfiles_dict $location]
set contents [dirfiles_dict -with_times {f d l} -with_sizes {f d l} $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines -stripbase 1 $contents]
@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
puts "--> -searchbase:$searchbase searchspec:$searchspec -tailglob:$tailglob location:$location"
set contents [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $tailglob $location]
set contents [dirfiles_dict -searchbase $searchbase -tailglob $tailglob -with_times {f d l} $location]
return [dirfiles_dict_as_lines -stripbase $opt_stripbase -formatsizes $opt_formatsizes $contents]
@ -1038,17 +1038,20 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
lappend vfsmounts {*}[dict get $contents vfsmounts]
set fkeys [dict create] ;#avoid some file normalize calls..
if {$opt_stripbase && $common_base ne ""} {
set filetails [list]
set dirtails [list]
foreach fileset [list dirs files links underlayfiles flaggedhidden flaggedreadonly flaggedsystem nonportable vfsmounts] {
set stripped [list]
foreach f [set $fileset] {
lappend stripped [strip_prefix_depth $f $common_base]
foreach fullname [set $fileset] {
set shortname [strip_prefix_depth $fullname $common_base]
dict set fkeys $shortname $fullname ;#cache so we can retrieve already normalised name without re-hitting filesystem
lappend stripped $shortname
set $fileset $stripped
#Note: we need to remember to use common_base to rebuild the key when we need to query the dict-based elements: sizes & times - because we didn't strip those keys.
#Note: without fkeys we would need to remember to use common_base to rebuild (and file normalize!) the key when we need to query the dict-based elements: sizes & times - because we didn't strip those keys.
# -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -1060,15 +1063,33 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
set dir_symlinks [list]
set dir_shortcuts [list] ;#windows shell links (.lnk) that have a target that is a directory
foreach s $links {
if {[file isfile $s]} {
lappend file_symlinks $s
#will be appended in finfo_plus later
} elseif {[file isdirectory $s]} {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $s target_type]} {
#some mechanisms such as twapi can provide the target_type info so we don't have to re-hit the filesystem.
set target_type [dict get $contents linkinfo $s target_type]
switch -- $target_type {
file {
lappend file_symlinks $s
directory {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
default {
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s (target_type value is:$target_type)"
} else {
#dunno - warn for now
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s"
#fallback if no target_type
if {[file isfile $s]} {
lappend file_symlinks $s
#will be appended in finfo_plus later
} elseif {[file isdirectory $s]} {
lappend dir_symlinks $s
lappend dirs $s
} else {
#dunno - warn for now
puts stderr "Warning - cannot determine link type for link $s"
#we now have the issue that our symlinks aren't sorted within the dir/file categorisation - they currently will have to appear at beginning or end - TODO
@ -1083,28 +1104,66 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
if {$opt_formatsizes} {
set filesizes [punk::lib::format_number $filesizes] ;#accepts a list and will process each
#col2 with subcolumns
#col2 (file info) with subcolumns
#remove punk::pipedata dependency - allow use of punk::nav::fs without punk package
#set widest2a [punk::pipedata [list {*}$files ""] {lmap v $data {string length $v}} {tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$data}]
#widest2a.= concat $files [list ""] |> .=>2 lmap v {string length $v} |> .=>* tcl::mathfunc::max
set widest2a [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [list {*}$files {*}$file_symlinks ""] {string length $v}]]
set c2a [string repeat " " [expr {$widest2a + 1}]]
#set widest2b [punk::pipedata [list {*}$filesizes ""] {lmap v $data {string length $v}} {tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$data}]
set widest2b [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}[lmap v [list {*}$filesizes ""] {string length $v}]]
set c2b [string repeat " " [expr {$widest2b + 1}]]
#c2c timestamp and short note - fixed width 19 for ts + <sp> + filetype note e.g "symlink" "shortcut" "binary" ?? combinations? allow 2 words 10 each for 21 + 1 for luck
# total 42
set c2c [string repeat " " 42]
set finfo [list]
foreach f $files s $filesizes {
if {[dict size $fkeys]} {
set key [dict get $fkeys $f]
} else {
#not stripped - they should match
set key $f
#note - the display entry isn't necessarily a valid tcl list e.g filename with unbalanced curly braces
#hence we need to keep the filename as well, properly protected as a list element
lappend finfo [list file $f display "[overtype::left $c2a $f] [overtype::right $c2b $s]"]
if {[dict exists $contents times $key m]} {
set mtime [dict get $contents times $key m]
set ts [tcl::clock::format $mtime -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]
} else {
#set ts [string repeat { } 19]
set ts "$key vs [dict keys [dict get $contents times]]"
set note ""
lappend finfo [list file $f display "[overtype::left $c2a $f] [overtype::right $c2b $s] [overtype::left $c2c "$ts $note"]"]
set flink_style [punk::ansi::a+ undercurly underline undt-green] ;#curly green underline with fallback to normal underline
set dlink_style [punk::ansi::a+ undercurly underline undt-green]
#We use an underline so the visual styling of a link can coexist with fg/bg colors applied for other attributes such as hidden
foreach flink $file_symlinks {
lappend finfo [list file $flink display "$flink_style[overtype::left $c2a $flink] [overtype::right $c2b 0]"]
if {[dict size $fkeys]} {
set key [dict get $fkeys $flink]
} else {
set key $flink
if {[dict exists $contents times $key m]} {
set mtime [dict get $contents times $key m]
set ts [tcl::clock::format $mtime -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]
} else {
set ts "[string repeat { } 19]"
set note "link" ;#default only
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $key linktype]} {
if {[dict get $contents linkinfo $key linktype] eq "reparse_point"} {
set note "reparse_point"
if {[dict exists $contents linkinfo $key reparseinfo tag]} {
append note " " [dict get $contents linkinfo $key reparseinfo tag]
} else {
append note "$key vs [dict keys [dict get $contents linkinfo]]"
lappend finfo [list file $flink display "$flink_style[overtype::left $c2a $flink] [overtype::right $c2b 0] [overtype::left $c2c "$ts $note"]"]
set fshortcut_style [punk::ansi::a+ underdotted underline undt-hotpink]
@ -1122,7 +1181,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
if {[dict exists $shortcutinfo link_target]} {
set tgt [dict get $shortcutinfo link_target]
if {[file exists $tgt]} {
#file type could return 'link' - we will use ifile/isdirectory
#file type could return 'link' - we will use isfile/isdirectory
if {[file isfile $tgt]} {
set target_type file
} elseif {[file isdirectory $tgt]} {
@ -1138,7 +1197,7 @@ tcl::namespace::eval punk::nav::fs {
switch -- $target_type {
file {
set display [dict get $fdict display]
set display $fshortcut_style$display ;#
set display "$fshortcut_style$display (shortcut to $tgt)" ;#
dict set fdict display $display
lappend finfo_plus $fdict
