Browse Source

punkcheck oo interface and fixes

Julian Noble 1 year ago
  1. 77
  2. 5
  3. 577
  4. 104


@ -442,28 +442,32 @@ foreach runtimefile $runtimes {
set config [dict create\
-make-step copy_runtime\
lassign [punkcheck::start_installer_event $basedir/.punkcheck $installername $rtfolder $buildfolder $config] _eventid punkcheck_eventid _recordset record_list
set target_relpath [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $basedir $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile]
set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_begin $basedir $target_relpath $installername -eventid $punkcheck_eventid]
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
set source_relpath [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $basedir $rtfolder/$runtimefile]
set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata $basedir $source_relpath $file_record]
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
set changed_unchanged [punkcheck::recordlist::file_install_record_source_changes [lindex [dict get $file_record body] end]]
if {[llength [dict get $changed_unchanged changed]] || ![file exists $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile]} {
set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_started_install $basedir $file_record]
set installer [punkcheck::installtrack new $installername $basedir/.punkcheck]
$installer set_source_target $rtfolder $buildfolder
set event [$installer start_event $config]
$event targetset_init INSTALL $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile
$event targetset_addsource $rtfolder/$runtimefile
#set changed_unchanged [punkcheck::recordlist::file_install_record_source_changes [lindex [dict get $file_record body] end]]
if {\
[llength [dict get [$event targetset_source_changes] changed]]\
|| [llength [$event get_targets_exist]] < [llength [$event get_targets]]\
} {
$event targetset_started
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
puts stdout "Copying runtime from $rtfolder/$runtimefile to $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile"
file copy -force $rtfolder/$runtimefile $buildfolder/build_$runtimefile
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_finished_install $basedir $file_record]
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_finished_install $basedir $file_record]
$event targetset_finished
} else {
puts stderr "."
set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_skipped_install $basedir $file_record]
#set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_skipped_install $basedir $file_record]
$event targetset_skipped
$event end
@ -539,8 +543,6 @@ foreach vfs $vfs_folders {
lappend exe_names_seen $targetexe
lassign [punkcheck::start_installer_event $basedir/.punkcheck $installername $sourcefolder $buildfolder $config] _eventid punkcheck_eventid _recordset record_list
set target_relpath [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $basedir $buildfolder/$targetexe]
set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_begin $basedir $target_relpath $installername -eventid $punkcheck_eventid]
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -551,7 +553,7 @@ foreach vfs $vfs_folders {
set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata $basedir $source_relpath $file_record]
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
set changed_unchanged [punkcheck::recordlist::file_install_record_source_changes [lindex [dict get $file_record body] end]]
if {[llength [dict get $changed_unchanged changed]] || ![file exists $buildfolder/$targetexe]} {
if {[llength [dict get $changed_unchanged changed]] || ![file exists $buildfolder/$targetexe]} {
#source .vfs folder has changes
set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_started_install $basedir $file_record]
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
@ -644,31 +646,52 @@ foreach vfs $vfs_folders {
exit 4
#WINDOWS filesystem 'tunneling' (file replacement within 15secs) could cause targetexe to copy ctime & shortname metadata from previous file!
#This is probably harmless - but worth being aware of.
file rename $buildfolder/$ $buildfolder/$targetexe
# -- --- --- --- --- ---
set file_record [punkcheck::installfile_finished_install $basedir $file_record]
after 200
set deployment_folder [file dirname $sourcefolder]/bin
file mkdir $deployment_folder
# -- ----------
set installer [punkcheck::installtrack new "make.tcl" $deployment_folder/.punkcheck]
$installer set_source_target $buildfolder $deployment_folder
set event [$installer start_event {-make-step final_exe_install}]
$event targetset_init INSTALL $deployment_folder/$targetexe
$event targetset_addsource $buildfolder/$targetexe
$event targetset_started
# -- ----------
set delete_failed 0
if {[file exists $deployment_folder/$targetexe]} {
puts stderr "deleting existing deployed at $deployment_folder/$targetexe"
if {[catch {
file delete $deployment_folder/$targetexe
} errMsg]} {
puts stderr "deletion of deployed version at $deployment_folder/$targetexe failed: $errMsg"
exit 5
#exit 5
set delete_failed 1
puts stdout "copying.."
puts stdout "$buildfolder/$targetexe"
puts stdout "to:"
puts stdout "$deployment_folder/$targetexe"
after 500
file copy $buildfolder/$targetexe $deployment_folder/$targetexe
if {!$delete_failed} {
puts stdout "copying.."
puts stdout "$buildfolder/$targetexe"
puts stdout "to:"
puts stdout "$deployment_folder/$targetexe"
after 300
file copy $buildfolder/$targetexe $deployment_folder/$targetexe
# -- ----------
$event targetset_finished
# -- ----------
} else {
#todo - targetset_failed
$event targetset_skipped
} else {
set skipped_vfs_build 1


@ -168,7 +168,10 @@ namespace eval oolib {
set o_data [dict create]
method reverse {} {
method reverse_the_collection {} {
#named slightly obtusely because reversing the data when there may be references held is a potential source of bugs
#the name reverse_the_collection should make it clear that the object is being modified in place as opposed to simply 'reverse' which may imply a view/copy.
#todo - consider implementing a get_reverse which provides an interface to the same collection without affecting original references, yet both allowing delete/edit operations.
set dictnew [dict create]
foreach k [lreverse [dict keys $o_data]] {
dict set dictnew $k [dict get $o_data $k]


@ -94,8 +94,330 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set objname [namespace current]::installtrack
if {$objname ni [info commands $objname]} {
package require oolib
#each FILEINFO body being a list of SOURCE records
oo::class create targetset {
variable o_targets
variable o_keep_installrecords
variable o_keep_skipped
variable o_keep_inprogress
variable o_records
constructor {args} {
#set o_records [oolib::collection create [namespace current]::recordcollection]
set o_records [list]
method as_record {} {
set fields [list\
-targets $o_targets\
-keep_installrecords $o_keep_installrecords\
-keep_skipped $o_keep_skipped\
-keep_inprogress $o_keep_inprogress\
body $o_records\
set record [dict create tag FILEINFO {*}$fields]
#retrieve last completed record for the fileset ie exclude SKIPPED,INSTALL-INPROGRESS,DELETE-INPROGRESS,MODIFY-INPROGRESS
method get_last_record {fileset_record} {
set body [dict_getwithdefault $fileset_record body [list]]
set previous_records [lrange $body 0 end-1]
set revlist [lreverse $previous_records]
foreach rec $revlist {
if {[dict get $rec tag] in [list "INSTALLRECORD" "MODIFYRECORD" "DELETERECORD"]} {
return $rec
return [list]
oo::class create installevent {
variable o_id
variable o_rel_sourceroot
variable o_rel_targetroot
variable o_ts_begin
variable o_ts_end
variable o_types
variable o_configdict
variable o_targets
variable o_operation
variable o_operation_start_ts
variable o_fileset_record
variable o_installer ;#parent object
constructor {installer rel_sourceroot rel_targetroot args} {
set o_installer $installer
set o_operation_start_ts ""
set o_operation ""
set defaults [dict create\
-id ""\
-tsbegin ""\
-config [list]\
-tsend ""\
-types [list]\
set opts [dict merge $defaults $args]
if {[dict get $opts -id] eq ""} {
set o_id [punkcheck::uuid]
} else {
set o_id [dict get $opts -id]
if {[dict get $opts -tsbegin] eq ""} {
set o_ts_begin [clock microseconds]
} else {
set o_ts_begin [dict get $opts -tsbegin]
set o_ts_end [dict get $opts -tsend]
set o_types [dict get $opts -types]
set o_configdict [dict get $opts -config]
set o_rel_sourceroot $rel_sourceroot
set o_rel_targetroot $rel_targetroot
destructor {
puts "[self] destructor called"
method as_record {} {
set begin_seconds [expr {$o_ts_begin / 1000000}]
set tsiso_begin [clock format $begin_seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"]
if {$o_ts_end ne ""} {
set end_seconds [expr {$o_ts_end / 1000000}]
set tsiso_end [clock format $end_seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"]
} else {
set tsiso_end ""
set fields [list\
-tsiso_begin $tsiso_begin\
-ts_begin $o_ts_begin\
-tsiso_end $tsiso_end\
-ts_end $o_ts_end\
-id $o_id\
-source $o_rel_sourceroot\
-targets $o_rel_targetroot\
-types $o_types\
-config $o_configdict\
set record [dict create tag EVENT {*}$fields]
method get_id {} {
return $o_id
method get_operation {} {
return $o_operation
method get_targets {} {
return $o_targets
method get_targets_exist {} {
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname [$o_installer get_checkfile]]
set existing [list]
foreach t $o_targets {
if {[file exists [file join $puncheck_folder $t]]} {
lappend existing $t
return $existing
method end {} {
set o_ts_end [clock microseconds]
method targetset_dict {} {
punk::records_as_target_dict [$o_installer get_recordlist]
#related - installfile_begin
#call init before we know if we are going to run the operation vs skip
method targetset_init {operation targetset} {
if {[string toupper $operation] ni $known_ops} {
error "[self] add_target unknown operation '$operation'. Known operations $known_ops"
if {$o_operation_start_ts ne ""} {
error "[self] targetset_tart $o_operation operation already in progress. Use targetset_finished or targetset_complete to finish."
set o_operation_start_ts [clock microseconds]
set seconds [expr {$o_operation_start_ts / 1000000}]
set tsiso [clock format $seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"]
set punkcheck_file [$o_installer get_checkfile]
set relativepath_targetset [list]
foreach p $targetset {
if {[file pathtype $p] eq "absolute"} {
lappend relativepath_targetset [punkcheck::lib::path_relative [file dirname $punkcheck_file] $p]
} else {
lappend relativepath_targetset $p
set o_operation $operation
set fields [list\
-tsiso $tsiso\
-ts $o_operation_start_ts\
-installer [$o_installer get_name]\
-eventid $o_id\
set o_targets [lsort -dictionary -increasing $relativepath_targetset] ;#exact sort order not critical - but must be consistent
#set targetdict [my targetset_dict]
set record_list [punkcheck::load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file]
set extractioninfo [punkcheck::recordlist::extract_or_create_fileset_record $o_targets $record_list]
set o_fileset_record [dict get $extractioninfo record]
set record_list [dict get $extractioninfo recordset]
set isnew [dict get $extractioninfo isnew]
set oldposition [dict get $extractioninfo oldposition]
unset extractioninfo
#-installer and -eventid keys are added here
set new_inprogress_record [dict create tag [string toupper $operation]-INPROGRESS {*}$fields -tempcontext [my as_record] body {}]
#set existing_body [dict_getwithdefault $o_fileset_record body [list]]
#todo - look for existing "-INPROGRESS" records - mark as failed?
dict lappend o_fileset_record body $new_inprogress_record
if {$isnew} {
lappend record_list $o_fileset_record
} else {
set record_list [linsert $record_list[unset record_list] $oldposition $o_fileset_record]
punkcheck::save_records_to_file $record_list $punkcheck_file
return $o_fileset_record
#operation has been started
method targetset_started {} {
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname [$o_installer get_checkfile]]
set o_fileset_record [punkcheck::installfile_started_install $punkcheck_folder $o_fileset_record]
method targetset_finished {} {
if {$o_operation_start_ts eq ""} {
error "[self] targetset_finished - no current operation - call targetset_start first"
set operation_end_ts [clock microseconds]
set elapsed [expr {$o_operation_start_ts - $operation_end_ts}]
set punkcheck_file [$o_installer get_checkfile]
set record_list [punkcheck::load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file]
if {![punkcheck::lib::is_file_record_inprogress $o_fileset_record]} {
error "targetset_finished_install error: bad fileset_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element *-INPROGRESS"
set file_record_body [dict get $o_fileset_record body]
set targetlist [dict get $o_fileset_record -targets]
if {$targetlist ne $o_targets} {
error "targetset_finished error. targetlist mismatch between file : $targetlist vs $o_targets"
set installing_record [lindex $file_record_body end]
set ts_start [dict get $installing_record -ts]
set ts_start_transfer [dict get $installing_record -ts_start_transfer]
set ts_now [clock microseconds]
set elapsed_us [expr {$ts_now - $ts_start}]
set transfer_us [expr {$ts_now - $ts_start_transfer}]
dict set installing_record -transfer_us $transfer_us
dict set installing_record -elapsed_us $elapsed_us
dict unset installing_record -tempcontext
dict set installing_record tag "${o_operation}RECORD"
lset file_record_body end $installing_record
dict set o_fileset_record body $file_record_body
set o_fileset_record [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_prune $o_fileset_record]
set oldrecordinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $targetlist $record_list]
set old_posn [dict get $oldrecordinfo position]
if {$old_posn == -1} {
lappend record_list $o_fileset_record
} else {
lset record_list $old_posn $o_fileset_record
punkcheck::save_records_to_file $record_list $punkcheck_file
set o_operation_start_ts ""
set o_operation ""
return $o_fileset_record
method targetset_skipped {} {
if {$o_operation_start_ts eq ""} {
error "[self] targetset_skipped - no current operation - call targetset_start first"
set operation_end_ts [clock microseconds]
set elapsed [expr {$o_operation_start_ts - $operation_end_ts}]
set o_operation_start_ts ""
set o_operation ""
if {![punkcheck::lib::is_file_record_inprogress $o_fileset_record]} {
set msg "targetset_skipped_install error: bad fileset_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element *-INPROGRESS"
append msg \n "received:"
append msg \n $o_fileset_record
error $msg
set punkcheck_file [$o_installer get_checkfile]
set record_list [punkcheck::load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file]
set file_record_body [dict get $o_fileset_record body]
set targetlist [dict get $o_fileset_record -targets]
set inprogress_record [lindex $file_record_body end]
set ts_start [dict get $inprogress_record -ts]
set tsnow [clock microseconds]
set elapsed_us [expr {$tsnow - $ts_start}]
dict set inprogress_record -elapsed_us $elapsed_us
dict set inprogress_record tag "SKIPPED"
lset file_record_body end $inprogress_record
dict set o_fileset_record body $file_record_body
set o_fileset_record [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_prune $o_fileset_record]
set getresult [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $targetlist $record_list]
set old_posn [dict get $getresult position]
if {$old_posn == -1} {
lappend record_list $o_fileset_record
} else {
lset record_list $old_posn $o_fileset_record
punkcheck::save_records_to_file $record_list $punkcheck_file
return $o_fileset_record
method targetset_addsource {source_path} {
set punkcheck_file [$o_installer get_checkfile]
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname $punkcheck_file]
if {[file pathtype $source_path] eq "absolute"} {
set rel_source_path [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $source_path]
} else {
set rel_source_path $source_path
set o_fileset_record [punkcheck::installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata $punkcheck_folder $rel_source_path $o_fileset_record]
method targetset_source_changes {} {
punkcheck::recordlist::file_install_record_source_changes [lindex [dict get $o_fileset_record body] end]
oo::class create installtrack {
variable o_name
variable o_tsiso
variable o_ts
variable o_keep_events
variable o_checkfile
variable o_sourceroot
variable o_rel_sourceroot
@ -104,51 +426,111 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
variable o_record_list
variable o_active_event
variable o_events
constructor {installername punkcheck_file sourceroot targetroot} {
constructor {installername punkcheck_file} {
set o_active_event ""
puts "constructor [self]"
set o_name $installername
set o_checkfile [file normalize $punkcheck_file]
set o_sourceroot ""
set o_targetroot ""
set o_rel_sourceroot ""
set o_rel_targetroot ""
#todo - validate punkcheck file location further??
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname $o_checkfile]
if {![file isdirectory $punkcheck_folder]} {
error "[self] constructor error. Folder for punkcheck_file not found - $o_checkfile"
if {[file pathtype $sourceroot] ne "absolute"} {
error "[self] constructor error: sourceroot must be absolute path. Received '$sourceroot'"
if {[file pathtype $targetroot] ne "absolute"} {
error "[self] constructor error: targetroot must be absolute path. Received '$targetroot'"
set o_sourceroot $sourceroot
set o_targetroot $targetroot
set o_rel_sourceroot [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $sourceroot]
set o_rel_targetroot [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $targetroot]
my load_all_records
set resultinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_installer_record $o_name $o_record_list]
set existing_header_posn [dict get $resultinfo position]
if {$existing_header_posn == -1} {
set this_installer_record [punkcheck::recordlist::new_installer_record $o_name]
set o_record_list [linsert $o_record_list 0 $this_installer_record]
} else {
set this_installer_record [dict get $resultinfo record]
set o_events [oolib::collection new]
set o_tsiso [dict get $this_installer_record -tsiso]
set o_ts [dict get $this_installer_record -ts]
set o_keep_events [dict get $this_installer_record -keep_events]
set o_events [oolib::collection create [namespace current]::eventcollection]
set eventlist [punkcheck::dict_getwithdefault $this_installer_record body [list]]
foreach e $eventlist {
$o_events add $e [dict get $e -id]
set eobj [punkcheck::installevent create [namespace current]::event_[my events count] [self] [dict get $e -source] [dict get $e -targets] {*}$e]
#$o_events add $e [dict get $e -id]
$o_events add $eobj [dict get $e -id]
destructor {
puts "[self] destructor called"
method test {} {
return [self]
method get_name {} {
return $o_name
method get_checkfile {} {
return $o_checkfile
#call set_source_target before calling start_event/end_event
#each event can have different source->target pairs - but may often have same, so set on installtrack as defaults. Only persisted in event records.
method set_source_target {sourceroot targetroot} {
if {[file pathtype $sourceroot] ne "absolute"} {
error "[self] set_source_target error: sourceroot must be absolute path. Received '$sourceroot'"
if {[file pathtype $targetroot] ne "absolute"} {
error "[self] set_source_target error: targetroot must be absolute path. Received '$targetroot'"
set punkcheck_folder [file dirname $o_checkfile]
set o_sourceroot $sourceroot
set o_targetroot $targetroot
set o_rel_sourceroot [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $sourceroot]
set o_rel_targetroot [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $punkcheck_folder $targetroot]
return [list $o_rel_sourceroot $o_rel_targetroot]
#review/fix to allow multiple installtrack objects on same punkcheck file.
method load_all_records {} {
set o_record_list [punkcheck::load_records_from_file $o_checkfile]
#todo - open file and save only own records
#does not include associated FILEINFO records - as a targetset (FILEINFO record) can be associated with events from multiple installers over time.
#e.g a logfile common to installers, or a separate installer that updates a previous output.
method as_record {} {
set eventrecords [list]
foreach eobj [my events items] {
lappend eventrecords [$eobj as_record]
set fields [list\
-tsiso $o_tsiso\
-ts $o_ts\
-name $o_name\
-keep_events $o_keep_events\
body $eventrecords\
set record [dict create tag INSTALLER {*}$fields]
#open file and save only own records
method save_all_records {} {
punkcheck::save_records_to_file $o_record_list $o_checkfile
my save_installer_record
#todo - save FILEINFO targetset records
method save_installer_record {} {
set file_records [punkcheck::load_records_from_file $o_checkfile]
set this_installer_record [my as_record]
set persistedinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_installer_record $o_name $file_records]
set existing_header_posn [dict get $persistedinfo position]
if {$existing_header_posn == -1} {
set file_records [linsert $file_records 0 $this_installer_record]
} else {
lset file_records $existing_header_posn $this_installer_record
punkcheck::save_records_to_file $file_records $o_checkfile
method events {args} {
tailcall $o_events {*}$args
@ -157,46 +539,50 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
if {$o_active_event ne ""} {
error "[self] start_event error - event already started: $o_active_event"
if {$o_rel_sourceroot eq "" || $o_rel_targetroot eq ""} {
error "[self] No configured sourceroot or targetroot. Call [self] set_source_target <abspath_sourceroot> <abspath_targetroot> first"
if {[llength $configdict] %2 != 0} {
error "[self] new_event configdict must have an even number of elements"
set eventid [punkcheck::uuid]
set resultinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_installer_record $o_name $o_record_list]
set existing_header_posn [dict get $resultinfo position]
if {$existing_header_posn == -1} {
set this_installer_record [punkcheck::recordlist::new_installer_record $o_name]
error "[self] start_event - installer record missing. installer: $o_name"
} else {
set this_installer_record [dict get $resultinfo record]
set event_record [punkcheck::recordlist::new_installer_event_record install\
-id $eventid\
-source $o_rel_sourceroot\
-target $o_rel_targetroot\
-config $configdict\
set eventobj [punkcheck::installevent create [namespace current]::event_[my events count] [self] $o_rel_sourceroot $o_rel_targetroot -config $configdict]
set eventid [$eventobj get_id]
set event_record [$eventobj as_record]
set this_installer_record [punkcheck::recordlist::installer_record_add_event $this_installer_record $event_record]
set this_installer_record [punkcheck::recordlist::installer_record_pruneevents $this_installer_record $o_record_list]
if {$existing_header_posn == -1} {
#not found - prepend
set o_record_list [linsert $o_record_list 0 $this_installer_record]
} else {
lset o_record_list $existing_header_posn $this_installer_record
lset o_record_list $existing_header_posn $this_installer_record
punkcheck::save_records_to_file $o_record_list $o_checkfile
set o_active_event $eventid
my events add $event_record $eventid
set o_active_event $eventobj
my events add $eventobj $eventid
return $eventobj
method get_event {} {
return [my events item $o_active_event]
method installer_record_from_file {} {
set resultinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_installer_record $o_name $o_record_list]
method add_target {targetpath} {
method get_recordlist {} {
return $o_recordlist
method end_event {} {
if {$o_active_event eq ""} {
error "[self] end_event error - no active event"
$o_active_event end
method get_event {} {
return $o_active_event
if 0 {
method unknown {args} {
@ -235,7 +621,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set event_record [punkcheck::recordlist::new_installer_event_record install\
-id $eventid\
-source $rel_source\
-target $rel_target\
-targets $rel_target\
-config $config\
@ -273,6 +659,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
if {[llength $args] %2 !=0} {
error "punkcheck installfile_begin args must be name-value pairs"
set target_relpath [lsort -dictionary -increasing $target_relpath] ;#exact sort order not critical - but must be consistent
set ts [clock microseconds]
set seconds [expr {$ts / 1000000}]
set tsiso [clock format $seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"]
@ -307,18 +694,18 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set extractioninfo [recordlist::extract_or_create_file_record $target_relpath $record_list]
set extractioninfo [punkcheck::recordlist::extract_or_create_fileset_record $target_relpath $record_list]
set file_record [dict get $extractioninfo record]
set record_list [dict get $extractioninfo recordset]
set isnew [dict get $extractioninfo isnew]
set oldposition [dict get $extractioninfo oldposition]
unset extractioninfo
#-installer and -eventid keys are added here
set new_installing_record [dict create tag INSTALLING {*}$opts -tempcontext $active_event body {}]
set new_installing_record [dict create tag INSTALL-INPROGRESS {*}$opts -tempcontext $active_event body {}]
#set existing_body [dict_getwithdefault $file_record body [list]]
#todo - look for existing "INSTALLING" records - mark as failed?
#todo - look for existing "INSTALL-INPROGRESS" records - mark as failed?
dict lappend file_record body $new_installing_record
if {$isnew} {
@ -335,8 +722,8 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
#e.g previous installrecord had 2 source records - but we now only depend on one.
#The files we depended on for the previous record haven't changed themselves - but the list of files has (reduced by one)
proc installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metadata {punkcheck_folder source_relpath file_record} {
if {![lib::is_file_record_installing $file_record]} {
error "installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metdata error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element INSTALLING"
if {![lib::is_file_record_inprogress $file_record]} {
error "installfile_add_source_and_fetch_metdata error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element *-INPROGRESS ($file_record)"
set ts_start [clock microseconds]
set last_installrecord [lib::file_record_get_last_installrecord $file_record]
@ -353,7 +740,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
#check that this relpath not already added as child of INSTALLING
#check that this relpath not already added as child of *-INPROGRESS
set file_record_body [dict_getwithdefault $file_record body [list]] ;#new file_record may have no body
set installing_record [lindex $file_record_body end]
set already_present_record [lib::install_record_get_matching_source_record $installing_record $source_relpath]
@ -403,14 +790,14 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
#write back to punkcheck - don't accept recordset - invalid to update anything other than the installing_record at this time
proc installfile_started_install {punkcheck_folder file_record} {
if {![lib::is_file_record_installing $file_record]} {
error "installfile_started_install error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element INSTALLING"
if {![lib::is_file_record_inprogress $file_record]} {
error "installfile_started_install error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element *-INPROGRESS"
set punkcheck_file [file join $punkcheck_folder/.punkcheck]
set record_list [load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file]
set file_record_body [dict get $file_record body]
set target [dict get $file_record -target]
set targetlist [dict get $file_record -targets]
set installing_record [lindex $file_record_body end]
set ts_start [dict get $installing_record -ts]
@ -425,7 +812,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
dict set file_record body $file_record_body
set getresult [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $target $record_list]
set getresult [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $targetlist $record_list]
set old_posn [dict get $getresult position]
if {$old_posn == -1} {
lappend record_list $file_record
@ -437,14 +824,14 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
return $file_record
proc installfile_finished_install {punkcheck_folder file_record} {
if {![lib::is_file_record_installing $file_record]} {
error "installfile_finished_install error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element INSTALLING"
if {![lib::is_file_record_inprogress $file_record]} {
error "installfile_finished_install error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element *-INPROGRESS"
set punkcheck_file [file join $punkcheck_folder/.punkcheck]
set record_list [load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file]
set file_record_body [dict get $file_record body]
set target [dict get $file_record -target]
set targetlist [dict get $file_record -targets]
set installing_record [lindex $file_record_body end]
set ts_start [dict get $installing_record -ts]
@ -462,7 +849,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set file_record [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_prune $file_record]
set oldrecordinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $target $record_list]
set oldrecordinfo [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $targetlist $record_list]
set old_posn [dict get $oldrecordinfo position]
if {$old_posn == -1} {
lappend record_list $file_record
@ -474,8 +861,8 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
return $file_record
proc installfile_skipped_install {punkcheck_folder file_record} {
if {![lib::is_file_record_installing $file_record]} {
set msg "installfile_skipped_install error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element INSTALLING"
if {![lib::is_file_record_inprogress $file_record]} {
set msg "installfile_skipped_install error: bad file_record - expected FILEINFO with last body element *-INPROGRESS"
append msg \n "received:"
append msg \n $file_record
error $msg
@ -484,7 +871,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set record_list [load_records_from_file $punkcheck_file]
set file_record_body [dict get $file_record body]
set target [dict get $file_record -target]
set targetlist [dict get $file_record -targets]
set installing_record [lindex $file_record_body end]
set ts_start [dict get $installing_record -ts]
@ -498,7 +885,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set file_record [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_prune $file_record]
set getresult [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $target $record_list]
set getresult [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $targetlist $record_list]
set old_posn [dict get $getresult position]
if {$old_posn == -1} {
lappend record_list $file_record
@ -514,6 +901,16 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
namespace eval lib {
namespace path ::punkcheck
proc is_file_record_inprogress {file_record} {
if {[dict get $file_record tag] ne "FILEINFO"} {
return 0
set installing_record [lindex [dict_getwithdefault $file_record body [list]] end]
if {[dict_getwithdefault $installing_record tag [list]] ni [list INSTALL-INPROGRESS MODIFY-INPROGRESS DELETE-INPROGRESS VIRTUAL-INPROGRESS]} {
return 0
return 1
proc is_file_record_installing {file_record} {
if {[dict get $file_record tag] ne "FILEINFO"} {
return 0
@ -527,17 +924,18 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
proc file_record_get_last_installrecord {file_record} {
set body [dict_getwithdefault $file_record body [list]]
set previous_install_records [lrange $body 0 end-1]
#get last previous that is tagged INSTALLRECORD
set revlist [lreverse $previous_install_records]
foreach rec $revlist {
if {[dict get $rec tag] eq "INSTALLRECORD"} {
if {[dict get $rec tag] in [list "INSTALLRECORD" "MODIFYRECORD" "VIRTUALRECORD"]} {
return $rec
return [list]
#should work on INSTALLING or INSTALL record - don't restrict tag to INSTALL
#should work on *-INPROGRESS or INSTALL(etc) record - don't restrict tag to INSTALL
proc install_record_get_matching_source_record {install_record source_relpath} {
set body [dict_getwithdefault $install_record body [list]]
foreach src $body {
@ -694,7 +1092,8 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
# -overwrite older-targets will copy files with newer source timestamp over older target timestamp and those missing at the target
# -overwrite all-targets will copy regardless of timestamp at target
# -overwrite installedsourcechanged-targets
# review - what about slightly mismatched system clocks and mounted filesystems? caller responsibility to verify first?
# review - timestamps unreliable
# - what about slightly mismatched system clocks and mounted filesystems? caller responsibility to verify first?
# if timestamp exactly equal - should we check content-hash? This is presumably only likely to occur deliberately(maliciously?)
# e.g some process that digitally signs or otherwise modifies a file and preserves update timestmp?
# if such a content-mismatch - what default behaviour and what options would make sense?
@ -928,10 +1327,10 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
#sample .punkcheck file record (raw form) to make the code clearer
#punk::tdl converts to dict form e.g: tag FILEINFO -target filename body sublist
#Valid installrecord types are INSTALLRECORD SKIPPED INSTALLING
#punk::tdl converts to dict form e.g: tag FILEINFO -targets filename body sublist
#FILEINFO -target -keep_installrecords 2 -keep_skipped 1 -keep_installing 2 {
#FILEINFO -targets -keep_installrecords 2 -keep_skipped 1 -keep_inprogress 2 {
# INSTALLRECORD -tsiso 2023-09-20T07:30:30 -ts 1695159030266610 -installer punk::mix::cli::build_modules_from_source_to_base -metadata_us 18426 -ts_start_transfer 1695159030285036 -transfer_us 10194 -elapsed_us 28620 {
# SOURCE -type file -path ../src/modules/jjjetc-buildversion.txt -cksum c7c71839c36b3d21c8370fed106192fcd659eca9 -cksum_all_opts {-cksum_content 1 -cksum_meta 0 -cksum_acls 0 -cksum_usetar 0 -cksum_algorithm sha1} -changed 1 -metadata_us 3423
# SOURCE -type file -path ../src/modules/ -cksum b646fc2ee88cbd068d2e946fe929b7aea96bd39d -cksum_all_opts {-cksum_content 1 -cksum_meta 0 -cksum_acls 0 -cksum_usetar 0 -cksum_algorithm sha1} -changed 1 -metadata_us 3413
@ -968,12 +1367,12 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
#puts stdout " rel_target: $relative_target_path"
set fetch_filerec_result [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $relative_target_path $punkcheck_records]
#change to use extract_or_create_file_record ?
#change to use extract_or_create_fileset_record ?
set existing_filerec_posn [dict get $fetch_filerec_result position]
if {$existing_filerec_posn == -1} {
puts stdout "NO existing record for $relative_target_path"
set has_filerec 0
set new_filerec [dict create tag FILEINFO -target $relative_target_path]
set new_filerec [dict create tag FILEINFO -targets $relative_target_path]
set filerec $new_filerec
} else {
set has_filerec 1
@ -983,9 +1382,9 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set filerec [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_set_defaults $filerec]
#new INSTALLREC must be tagged as INSTALLING to use recordlist::installfile_ method
set new_install_record [dict create tag INSTALLING -tsiso $ts_start_iso -ts $ts_start -installer $opt_installer -eventid $punkcheck_eventid]
dict lappend filerec body $new_install_record ;#can't use recordlist::file_record_add_installrecord as 'INSTALLING' isn't a final tag - so pruning would be mucked up. No need to prune now anyway.
#new INSTALLREC must be tagged as INSTALL-INPROGRESS to use recordlist::installfile_ method
set new_install_record [dict create tag INSTALL-INPROGRESS -tsiso $ts_start_iso -ts $ts_start -installer $opt_installer -eventid $punkcheck_eventid]
dict lappend filerec body $new_install_record ;#can't use recordlist::file_record_add_installrecord as '*-INPROGRESS' isn't a final tag - so pruning would be mucked up. No need to prune now anyway.
unset new_install_record
@ -1045,7 +1444,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set install_records [dict get $filerec body]
set current_install_record [lindex $install_records end]
if {$is_skip} {
set tag SKIPPED
} else {
@ -1151,8 +1550,8 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set result [dict create]
foreach rec $record_list {
if {[dict get $rec tag] eq "FILEINFO"} {
set tgt [dict get $rec -target]
dict set result $tgt $rec
set tgtlist [dict get $rec -targets]
dict set result $tgtlist $rec
return $result
@ -1161,14 +1560,14 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
#will only match if same base was used..
proc get_file_record {targetpath record_list} {
#will only match if same base was used.. and same targetlist
proc get_file_record {targetlist record_list} {
set posn 0
set found_posn -1
set record ""
foreach rec $record_list {
if {[dict get $rec tag] eq "FILEINFO"} {
if {[dict get $rec -target] eq $targetpath} {
if {[dict get $rec -targets] eq $targetlist} {
set found_posn $posn
set record $rec
@ -1180,8 +1579,8 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
proc file_install_record_source_changes {install_record} {
#reject INSTALLFAILED items ?
if {[dict get $install_record tag] ni [list "INSTALLRECORD" "SKIPPED" "INSTALLING"]} {
error "file_install_record_source_changes bad file->install record: tag not INSTALLRECORD|SKIPPED|INSTALLING"
set source_list [dict_getwithdefault $install_record body [list]]
set changed [list]
@ -1191,7 +1590,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
if {[dict get $src -changed] !=0} {
lappend changed [dict get $src -path]
} else {
lappend unchnaged [dict get $src -path]
lappend unchanged [dict get $src -path]
} else {
lappend changed [dict get $src -path]
@ -1350,7 +1749,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
if {[dict get $file_record tag] ne "FILEINFO"} {
error "file_record_add_installrecord bad file_record: tag not FILEINFO"
#disallow 'INSTALLING' as it's not a final tag
#disallow '-INPROGRESS' as it's not a final tag
if {[dict get $install_record tag] ni [list "INSTALLRECORD" "SKIPPED"]} {
error "file_record_add_installrecord bad install_record: tag not INSTALLRECORD"
@ -1390,7 +1789,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
if {[dict get $file_record tag] ne "FILEINFO"} {
error "file_record_set_defaults bad file_record: tag not FILEINFO"
set defaults [list -keep_installrecords 2 -keep_skipped 1 -keep_installing 2]
set defaults [list -keep_installrecords 3 -keep_skipped 1 -keep_inprogress 2]
dict for {k v} $defaults {
if {![dict exists $file_record $k]} {
dict set file_record $k $v
@ -1405,7 +1804,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
error "file_record_prune bad file_record: tag not FILEINFO"
set file_record [file_record_set_defaults $file_record]
set kmap [list -keep_installrecords INSTALLRECORD -keep_skipped SKIPPED -keep_installing INSTALLING]
set kmap [list -keep_installrecords *RECORD -keep_skipped SKIPPED -keep_inprogress *-INPROGRESS]
foreach {key rtype} $kmap {
set keep [dict get $file_record $key]
if {[dict exists $file_record body]} {
@ -1416,7 +1815,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
set kept_body_items [list]
set kcount 0
foreach item [lreverse $body_items] {
if {[dict get $item tag] eq $rtype} {
if {[string match $rtype [dict get $item tag]]} {
incr kcount
if {$keep < 0 || $kcount <= $keep} {
lappend kept_body_items $item
@ -1433,19 +1832,19 @@ namespace eval punkcheck {
#extract new or existing filerecord for path given
#review - locking/concurrency
proc extract_or_create_file_record {relative_target_path recordset} {
set fetch_record_result [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $relative_target_path $recordset]
proc extract_or_create_fileset_record {relative_target_paths recordset} {
set fetch_record_result [punkcheck::recordlist::get_file_record $relative_target_paths $recordset]
set existing_posn [dict get $fetch_record_result position]
if {$existing_posn == -1} {
#puts stdout "NO existing record for $relative_target_path"
#puts stdout "NO existing record for $relative_target_paths"
set isnew 1
set file_record [dict create tag FILEINFO -target $relative_target_path body {}]
set fileset_record [dict create tag FILEINFO -targets $relative_target_paths body {}]
} else {
set recordset [lreplace $recordset[unset recordset] $existing_posn $existing_posn]
set isnew 0
set file_record [dict get $fetch_record_result record]
set fileset_record [dict get $fetch_record_result record]
return [list record $file_record recordset $recordset isnew $isnew oldposition $existing_posn]
return [list record $fileset_record recordset $recordset isnew $isnew oldposition $existing_posn]


@ -35,9 +35,112 @@ namespace eval punkcheck::cli {
return $bottom_to_top
#todo! - group by fileset
proc status {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
set fullpath [file normalize $path]
set ftype [file type $fullpath]
set files [list]
if {$ftype eq "file"} {
set container [file dirname $fullpath]
lappend files $fullpath
} else {
set container $fullpath
#vfs can mask mounted files - so we can't just use 'file type' or glob with -type f
##set files [glob -nocomplain -dir $fullpath -type f *]
set folderinfo [punk::dirfiles_dict $fullpath]
set files [concat [dict get $folderinfo files] [dict get $folderinfo underlayfiles]]
set punkcheck_files [paths $container]
set repodict [punk::repo::find_repo $container]
if {![llength $punkcheck_files]} {
puts stderr "No .punkcheck files found at or above this folder"
set table ""
set files_with_records [list]
foreach p $punkcheck_files {
set basedir [file dirname $p]
set recordlist [punkcheck::load_records_from_file $p]
set tgt_dict [punkcheck::recordlist::records_as_target_dict $recordlist]
foreach f $files {
set relpath [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $basedir $f]
if {[dict exists $tgt_dict $relpath]} {
set filerec [dict get $tgt_dict $relpath]
set records [punkcheck::dict_getwithdefault $filerec body [list]]
if {$ftype eq "file"} {
if {![llength $records]} {
set pcheck "(has file record but no installation entries)"
} else {
set pcheck \n
foreach irec $records {
append pcheck [punk::tdl::prettyprint [list $irec] 1] \n
#append pcheck " $irec" \n
} else {
if {![llength $records]} {
set pcheck "(has file record but no installation entries)"
} else {
set display_records [list]
set pcheck \n
set latest_install_record [punkcheck::recordlist::file_record_latest_installrecord $filerec]
lappend display_records $latest_install_record
if {$latest_install_record ne [lindex $records end]} {
lappend display_records [lindex $records end]
foreach irec $display_records {
append pcheck "[format %-14s [dict get $irec tag]] [punkcheck::dict_getwithdefault $irec -tsiso "no-timestamp"]"
set bodyrecords [punkcheck::dict_getwithdefault $irec body [list]]
set source_files [list]
set source_files_changed [list]
set source_folders [list]
set source_folders_changed [list]
foreach r $bodyrecords {
if {[dict get $r tag] eq "SOURCE"} {
set path [dict get $r -path]
set changed [dict get $r -changed]
if {[dict get $r -type] eq "file"} {
lappend source_files $path
if {$changed} {
lappend source_files_changed $path
} elseif {[dict get $r -type] eq "directory"} {
lappend source_folders $path
if {$changed} {
lappend source_folders_changed $path
if {[llength $source_files]} {
append pcheck " source files : [llength $source_files] (changed [llength $source_files_changed])"
if {[llength $source_folders]} {
append pcheck " source folders: [llength $source_folders] (changed [llength $source_folders_changed])"
append pcheck \n
#append pcheck [punk::tdl::prettyprint [list $irec] 1] \n
#append pcheck " $irec" \n
append table "$f $pcheck" \n
return $table
proc status_by_file {{path {}}} {
if {$path eq {}} { set path [pwd] }
set fullpath [file normalize $path]
set ftype [file type $fullpath]
set files [list]
if {$ftype eq "file"} {
@ -62,6 +165,7 @@ namespace eval punkcheck::cli {
set tgt_dict [punkcheck::recordlist::records_as_target_dict $recordlist]
foreach f $files {
set relpath [punkcheck::lib::path_relative $basedir $f]
if {[dict exists $tgt_dict $relpath]} {
set filerec [dict get $tgt_dict $relpath]
set records [punkcheck::dict_getwithdefault $filerec body [list]]
