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34 lines
740 B

#elastic tab stops test
#double-wide causes misalignments in reference implementation
#1 tab per line
Q cdefasdfyza
QQQQQ asdfyz
#2 tabs per line
1234P7 Qabcdef 1234
1234P7Q abcdef 1234
#3 tabs per line - totally misaligned
P7Qabcdef1234P7Qabcdefg y zzzzzz etc
P7Qabcdef1234P7 y z etc
P7Qaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yyy z etc
1234P7Q abcdef
tab test etc
1234p67Qq9abQQQQcdefQ 1234
1234p67Q 9abcdef xxx
space aligned not-perfect
1234567 Qq9abcdefQ 1234
1234567 Q 9abcdef xxx