Basic python script to scan a range of IP addresses and add them to netbox
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
5.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import yaml
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
import networkscan
import requests
import pynetbox
import ipaddress
import itertools
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="pyscaniptonetbox",description="Network scan an IPV4 subnet to add to netbox IPAM",
parser.add_argument("tenant", help="tenant/company short name")
parser.add_argument("subnet",help="IPV4 subnet to scan")
args = parser.parse_args()
config = vars(args)
def get_settings():
full_file_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('local_settings.yaml')
with open(full_file_path) as settings:
settings_data = yaml.safe_load(settings)
return settings_data
settings = get_settings()
nb_url = settings['netbox']['url']
nb_token = settings['netbox']['auth_token']
print("Netbox server: " + nb_url)
#print("Netbox token: " + nb_token)
nb = pynetbox.api(nb_url,token=nb_token)
print("version: -" + nb.version + "-")
tenant_records = nb.tenancy.tenants.filter(name=tenant_name)
if len(tenant_records) == 1:
t = tenant_records.__next__()
print("Failed to retrieve exactly one record for tenant:" + tenant_name)
print("Valid tenant names are:")
all_tenants = nb.tenancy.tenants.all()
for t in all_tenants:
print(" " +
tenant_id =
print("tenant id: " + str(tenant_id))
sites = nb.dcim.sites.filter(tenant_id=tenant_id)
if len(sites) == 0:
print("warning - no site configured for this tenant.") ;#may not matter
elif len(sites) == 1:
s = sites.__next__()
print("Note - more than one site for this tenant. Script may need adjusting to accept '-site' argument")
#do we even need the site(s)?
s = sites.__next__()
print("Tenant:" + + " has " + str(t.ipaddress_count) + " ip addresses in netbox")
print("- number of IP prefixes: " + str(t.prefix_count))
prefixes = nb.ipam.prefixes.filter(tenant_id=tenant_id)
def get_prefix_attribute(pfx):
return pfx.prefix
prefixes, prefixes_b, prefixes_c = itertools.tee(prefixes,3)
#strprefix_list =list(tmp_prefixes_1)
for p in prefixes_b:
prefix_list = [get_prefix_attribute(i) for i in prefixes_c]
scan_net = ipaddress.IPv4Network(config['subnet'])
supernet = None
if config['subnet'] in prefix_list:
print("Ok - entered prefix directly allocated to " + tenant_name)
print(" - prefix '" + config['subnet'] + " is not directly allocated to this tenant.. ")
print(" checking if entered subnet is active and a member/subnet of allocated prefixes...")
is_subnet = False
for p in prefixes:
pfx = str(p.prefix)
status = str(p.status)
#print(str(p.status) + " " + str(p.display))
if status == "Active":
print("active - " + pfx)
pfxnetwork = ipaddress.IPv4Network(pfx)
except Exception:
#presumably ipv6
#print("comparing to:" + pfxnetwork.exploded)
if scan_net.subnet_of(pfxnetwork):
is_subnet = True
supernet = pfxnetwork
#for now we are assuming last found *active* supernet is the smallest.. todo - check review!
if is_subnet:
print("OK - found (active) prefix " + supernet.exploded + " that contains this range")
strprefixlen = str(supernet.prefixlen)
prefix_is_writable = True
print("No suitable (active) prefix found for " + tenant_name + " which contains subnet " + scan_net.exploded)
strprefixlen = str(scan_net.prefixlen)
prefix_is_writable = False ;#we'll do the scan - but won't write to netbox
#note that netbox will not stop us writing to a non-Active prefix unless the token is locked down with complex rules
if prefix_is_writable:
answer = input("network " + supernet.exploded + " Type 'n' to cancel, 'y' to scan only, 'update' to scan and enter IPs into netbox (n/y/update)")
answer = input("network " + scan_net.exploded + " Type 'n' to cancel, 'y' to scan only (n/y)")
do_update = False
if any(answer.lower() == f for f in ['yes','y']):
do_scan = True
elif any(answer.lower() == f for f in ['no', 'n']):
do_scan = False
elif any(answer.lower() == f for f in ['update']):
do_scan = True
if prefix_is_writable:
do_update = True
do_scan = False
if do_scan:
scanner = networkscan.Networkscan(scan_net.exploded)
for i in scanner.list_of_hosts_found:
if prefix_is_writable & do_update:
result = nb.ipam.ip_addresses.create(
address = str(i) + "/" + strprefixlen,
vrf = 1,
tenant =,
description = "loaded by pyscaniptonetbox"
print(" added: " + str(i) + "/" + strprefixlen)
#todo - add mac-address to custom field if
# a) there is no interface to assign it to
# b) we are on the same subnet and can even get a mac-address
except pynetbox.RequestError as e:
print("Number of hosts found: " + str(scanner.nbr_host_found))