[comment {--- punk::docgen generated from inline doctools comments ---}] [comment {--- punk::docgen DO NOT EDIT DOCS HERE UNLESS YOU REMOVE THESE COMMENT LINES ---}] [comment {--- punk::docgen overwrites this file ---}] [manpage_begin punkshell_module_punk::char 0 0.1.0] [copyright "2024"] [titledesc {character-set and unicode utilities}] [comment {-- Name section and table of contents description --}] [moddesc {character-set nad unicode}] [comment {-- Description at end of page heading --}] [require punk::char] [keywords module encodings] [description] [section Overview] [para] overview of punk::char [subsection Concepts] [para] - [subsection dependencies] [para] packages used by punk::char [list_begin itemized] [item] [package {Tcl 8.6}] [item] [package {overtype}] [para] - [item] [package {textblock}] [para] - [item] [package console] [para] - [list_end] [section API] [manpage_end]