set sep [string repeat - 50] puts stdout "test long pipeline can be curried with pipeset c= x.= d e |> f etc assignment " #puts stdout "pipeset c x.= expr 5 * |p1> y.= expr 3 * |p2> {set debug \"val is \$data\";inspect $data} |debug> z.= expr 2 + |> {puts stderr \"debug:\$debug\n p1:\$p1\n p2:\$p2\"; inspect $data} <|" pipeset c x.=* expr 5 * |p1> y.= expr 3 * |p2> {set debug "val is $data";inspect -label inspect1 $data ; list $debug $data} |debug/0,data/1> z.= expr 2 + |> {puts stderr "debug:$debug\n p1:$p1\n p2:$p2"; inspect -label inspect2 $data} <| puts stderr $sep puts stderr "$c" puts stderr $sep puts stderr $sep puts stdout "method1: set answer \[{*}\$c\ 3]" set answer [{*}$c 3] puts stdout " $answer" puts stderr $sep puts stderr $sep puts stdout "method2: set answer2 \[eval \$c\ 3]" set answer2 [eval $c 3] puts stdout " $answer2" puts stdout "-done-"