namespace eval shellspy::parameters { proc cmdshellb {paramdict} { return [commonset params_cmdshellb $paramdict] } proc cmdshell {paramdict} { return [commonset params_cmdshell $paramdict] } proc powershell {paramdict} { return [commonset params_powershell $paramdict] } proc raw {paramdict} { return [commonset params_raw $paramdict] } proc wsl {paramdict} { return [commonset params_wsl $paramdict] } proc bash {paramdict} { return [commonset params_bash $paramdict] } proc sh {paramdict} { return [commonset params_sh $paramdict] } proc commonset {logtag paramdict} { #timeout for launched process dict set paramdict -timeout 60000 #prefix for each stdout line - for debugging if this output being mixed with some other dict set paramdict -outprefix "" #prefix for each stderr line - also usually best left blank dict set paramdict -errprefix "" #put extra info to the log outputs (by default goes to syslog 514) dict set paramdict -debug 0 dict set paramdict -outbuffering none dict set paramdict -inbuffering none #if at tail end of commandline there is a > or >> redirection to a file that contains 'temp' # make a '_copy' version e.g for something/temp/blah.tmp # create something/temp/blah_copy.tmp # this is for pipelines where some other process deletes the original temp file but you want a copy # to review/debug. dict set paramdict -copytempfile 1 shellfilter::log::write $logtag "base parameters: $paramdict" return $paramdict } }